Jt-iT -'j-v'r-.' U v-V'i' ' V" 'S1 ' ,; "fsr" " .11 . ..... . i if LANCASTER DAiLS INTELLIGEftOER FRIDAY. APRIL 16s 1880. BW-W ,. . . 3i.,Vt. J- . i & 3Lancastet Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING. APBIL 16, 1880. Cadet Whitaker. TJie case of Cadet "Whitaker does net furnish much material for a great sen sation. The damage done te him was small, though the indignity was great if he suffered at the hands of ethers than himself. If he was the author of his own injury there would be no need te feel much surprise or indignation at his duplicity; it is no mere than could have leen looked for in one of his race and condition. If he was really assaulted by ethers, as se little injury was done him, lie need net be the object of unusual sympathy unless he was the victim of his fellow cadets. It is probably in view of this latter possibility that the public mind is excited ever the event. It would indicate a condition of feeling among the cadets very discred itable te them, and a cowardice and ma lignity which ought net te be natural te men educated for army service and un der the honorable traditions of army life. That the white cadets decline social af filiation with colored cadets is notorious, and that they de se very properly is just as unquestionable. The government has no right te interfere with any cadet in his social predilections. 1 1 can demand that he shall abstain from interference with a fellow cadet and can secure for each one an equal oppor tunity of enjoying the benefits of the in stitution. The sentiment among the white cadets prohibits them as strongly as the laws from interfering with the colored cadet. Their desire is te ignore him as much as possible ; and therefore it. seems impossible that this assault upon Whitaker was made by cadets. They had no possible inducement te any such performance. The sentiment of their own corps would have unanimously declared it te be cowardly and degrading. The theory that "Whitaker was bound by himself or his confederates is the only plausible one wich could be adopted, and we believe that the investigation will demonstrate its correctness. We are glad that it has been undertaken, for if this theory is sustained the general opinion will be that the fewer colored cadets that are sent te West Point the better it will be for the corps; and that is the fact. There is no propriety in send ing colored boys there. There is no ad vantage in putting colored officers into the army. White men are plenty enough and geed enough, and a pepper and salt mixture is net advantageous. Unless we are ready te advocate the amalgama tion of the races, we will be wise te re frain from any effort te put them en a social equality. We are net making any remarkable progress, outside of West Point, in mixing the social circles of whites and blacks, and why anybody should desire te have while and black boys eat, sleep and live together in that institution we de net understand. It certainly is net agreeable te either race. If we want negre officers let them he educated at a West Point of their own, which they can have all te themselves with nobody te snub them or make them afraid. There are some lunatics who are always wanting te force things against nature. We have some of them around here who have lately made a very useless disturb ance in the Children":; Heme by insisting en the intimate mingling of the two races in that excellent institution. A Precedent. Patterson's performance Judge m summarily proceeding editors for newspaper case which was ended against lawyer comments en a and with which they hud no professional connection is net altogether unprecedented as had been supposed. The precedent, albeit, neither in its inception nor conclusion affords any satisfaction te these who are disposed te concede te judges a power that has been denied them by every court of last resort that has ever adju dicated the question in this country or in England. In Schuylkill county, seme years age, an Irishman was convicted of stealing live hundred dollars from a drunken compan ion and sentenced te somewhere about two months in jail. The same Judge Walker who sentenced him, at the same sessions, sentenced a half-grown negre boy te a term of several months longer imprisonment, for tlie larceny of an old pair of shoes. The Eccning Chronicle, in noticing the matter, said something like this, mere than which it might have said very justly : Theory and rractice. Theory : All men are equal in the eyes of the law. Practice : In Schuylkill county, a life-sized Irishman con victed of stealing five hundred dollars, is sentenced te two mouths imprisonment. A half-grown negre convicted of stealing an old pair of shoes, is sentenced te four months imprisonment. Judge Walker found out that the Chronicle, in the absence of its editor, had been left in charge of a member of "his bar" Fergus E. Farquahr, esq., and forced the local editor by threats te disclose Mr. Farquahr as the author of the above paragraph. In a few days he directed a rule en Mr. Farquahr te show cause why he should net be punished for a breach of his oath of fidelity te the court and for misbehavior in his office as attorney, in making and publishing this reflection en the impartiality with which justice was dispensed in Walker's court. Almest the entire bar of Pottsville re sented the preceding, and the judge was forced te file an affidavit upon which te base his rule, like ether claimants in his court. Depositions were taken which proved the truth of the article. Argu ment was had, the district attorney pre senting Walker's side of the case pre forma ; and the result was that the judge's colleagues, Judges Pershing and Green, refused te take any cognizance of Mr. Farquahr's alleged offense. Walker retreated, and from that day te this nothing further has been said or done in in the matter officially by the court! Even the Intellicexcer's quest for the papers failed, as they have mys teriously disappeared through influences which it at least may be inferred were net friendly te Mr. Farquahr. The only Bull Ring daily having tried its hand at running the Democratic party in this county, has new elected Mr. Til den and is distributing the Democratic patronage. It get through with its con tract se gloriously en Wednesday, and se nobly satisfied the private malice of its back-deer editors and its allies in a cor rupt political bargain, that it undertakes anew one. It drags in without the slightest warrant the names of gentle men whose shoe latchets its special and general editors are net worthy te un loose. But it may content its little soul in peace. Its zealous labors te distract the Lancaster county Democracy are having a most happy effect in exposing its painful efforts te divert public atten tion from its damaged reputation as the organ and consort of ballet-stuffers and return tinkers, forgers of naturalization papers and fabricators of bogus tax re ceipts, prison ringslers and peer house jobbers. Wi: hardly expected the editor of the Harrisburg Patriot te understand why anybody should disclaim the charges made by the Patriot's friends against one's political independence and declare himself te be "uncommitted te any man or any man s man." nie rairiei s editor net being in a position te realize such independence for himself can net be expected te appreciate it, but he may as well understand that if Mr. Ilensel gees te Cincinnati he will net " be com mitted te some man or some man's man before the meeting of the Cincinnati con vention." The Philadelphia liererd only dis credits itself by republishing from the Harrisburg Patriot a dispatch, purport ing te come from this city and in itself a perfect tissue of falsehoods, concerning the Democratic county convention. The people who make these despatches and send them abroad,tebe recopied into the Examiner, being about the same peo ple who make fraudulent naturalization papers and bogus tax receipts when they want them, their appearance in the Patriot and Examiner is very natural, but the liicerd should net let itself be abused. PERSONA. Campanini likes te talk French. Wiiit tiku loves country reads. Edwin Beeth is forty-seven years old. Wendell Piiil Lirs reads the works of Bacen. We are indebted te Prof. E. O. Lyte, of the Millcrsvillc normal school faculty, for a copy of his new book en Practical Boek Keeping. Mr. Lyte is becoming a popular and prolific author. The report of Senater Gkevek's danger ous illness turns out te be unfounded. Senater Slater, of Oregan, says letters have been received within a day or two past from Senater G rover, and instead of being in a dying condition he is improved in health. Jes. L. Amek, a hi ether of Dr. Win. X. Amer, of this city, who was for many years connected with the "Wilsen cracker bakery, has bought out the old Wattson bakery, Frent and Watershed. Philadel phia, the eldest establishment of the kind in the country. Mr. Theodere Dcla ney is associated with Mr. Amer a a spe cial partner. Mr. Steinmetz is first in the congics cengics congics sienal field in Pennsylvania with a party nomination, and he has the consolation that he will fulfil the scriptural sugges tion that the first shall be last, about next November. He will have the biggest ma jority in the state against him, but he knows it from the start and will take it philosophically. Philadelphia Times. Only a few friends have invitations te Hen. Hiesteii Clymeu's wedding, which is te take place en the 2Sth of April. Thus it will be sceu that the Berks county con gressman is going te be married the same day that the Democratic state convention meets iu Harrisburg. Taking one consid eration with another it leeks as if he had quit politics. During a short debate in the Senate ever a bill for the relief of Geerge Law, of New Yerk, whose claim for 10,000 dated from the secession of Louisiana, Senater Conk ling sided with the claimant, appealing te Senater Cockrell net te oppose a just claim which had dragged along for years and which, if it should go ever new, would be likely te remain unsatisfied "until eternity grows gray and hobbles en the crutches of time." After that the bill was passed, of course. Recently a girl applied te the principal of the state normal school, at Salem, Mass achusetts, for a situation as cook, and ex hibited with pride the following testimo nial from Gail Hamilton "Margaret F. has lived with ms fourteen weeks. I have found her invariably goed-tempcred immunda dirty, cheerful, obliging, exitiesa destructive, respectful and in corrigible. She is a better cook than any Irish girl I have ever employed, and one of the best bread-makers I ever saw. With neatness and carefulness and economy, she would make an excellent servant. I heart ily recommend her te all Christian philan thropists, and her employers te Divine mercy." STATE ITEMS. A patriotic Philadelphia widower has erected a monument of red, white and blue stone te his deceased wife. In Montrese, Susquehanna county, Frederick Warren, shot and instantl killed Masen Wilsen. Beth were young married men and well known, and the deed has created great excitement. An inquest is proceeding but the causs of the shoetiug is as yet unknown. Isaac Messburg who was plowing near Newbcrg, Greene county, W. Va., struck something singular, but net stepping, he plowed around again te the same place, and te his horror the feet and arms of a fully-developed infant, wrapped iu an old bed-quilt were turned out. Levi K. Houpt, who inflicted a terrible gash in his neck in Chester with suicidal intent, died at his residence at Rockdale. Family troubles evidently caused tlie com mission of the deed, as he had made sever al attempts te destroy himself. Charles B. Salter, ex member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, who was lately indicted for bribery, in company with William II. Kemblc, is at present so journing in Jersey City. In conversation with a reporter Mr. Salter stated that he had no idea of returning te Pennsylvania just at present, and that he proposed spending a week or se with a brother of I his, who resides in Jersey City. MINOR TOPICS. The Seuth seems te be going "solid " for Grant. What are the Republicans who have been se dreadfully afraid of a "solid Seuth" "going te de about it?" Judges are learning sense by ether judges' experience. "Judge Briggs re plied that he was glad te hear that it did net take place iu court. What took place out of court he had nothing te de with." Feil state chairman, the Pittsburgh Pest thinks a live, go-ahead, keen-witted, un tiring worker is wanted. It is no place for the heavy statesmen style of men, however meritorious and useful they may be in ether fields of labor." The reticence of Senater Conkling has given rise te a rumor in Washington that if the nominee at Chicago is net General Grant, Mr. Conkling will lend his influ ence toward throwing away the vote of New Yerk state, in order te defeat the candidate. Reueut E. Lincoln celebrated the fif teenth anniversaiy of the death of his father by presiding at Chicago yesterday ever a Grant meeting. Resolutions were adopted insisting that Grant should be elected te a third term. Had Lincoln lived it would net have been se. MASSAcnusETEs Republicans "agree te support the candidates of the party. While we de net instruct our delegates, we commend te their consideration a Re publican statesman who possesses in an eminent degree such qualities and requi sites for the nomination the Hen. Geerge F. Edmunds, of Vermont." The hair of the presidents from Wash ingten te Pierce is preserved in the patent office at Washington. Washington's is pure white and fine iu texture. Jcffer Jcffer sen'sis a mixture of white and auburn, and rather coarse, as is also the hair of " Old Hickory." The custom of preserv ing the presidential locks was abandoned iu Buchanan's time. LOST. spring-tide my in youth's spirit's leaping prow Ploughed fruitful sca-Helds by Leve's polar star. Where spice-winged winds from i-sles divine afar Breathed odorous passion en tlie ecstatic lirew, Ner was there need at all of prayer or vow. When lire by night was Ged, and cloud by day, And deep inviolate instincts knew sure way In llxed obedience at Truth's shrine te bow. But new the horizon clones darkness drenched ; And touched by murderous linger ei Des pair, All stars veil shuddering faces, and are quenched, Save only lone star Wormwood's baleful glare Lamp of le-,t soul- by Leve cast forth un- shriven O'er deep dead seas, palled by else lanipless heaven. Alfred 11. Leuis, in Harper's Magazine for Ma. THK UNIT HULK. A Device te Suppress the l'epular Will. Philadelphia Inquirer. Speaker Randall is net in favor of the unit rule in political conventions, and has written a letter te say se. Speaker Ran dull is quite right in publicly declaring his opposition te a political rule, the ope ration of which is te stifle the expression of Deuular opinion and te make the "ma chine " stronger than the people. Every district should net only have the right te cheese its delegates, but te say hew they should vote, for delegates are the direct representatives of the common sentiment, and if they arc compelled te submit te the dictation of a majority of a convention, controlled bv political " bosses," as the late conventions at Harrisburir and Utiea were controlled, the people' arc- debarred from declaring their will or preference The unit rule is the invention of the "ma chine," and if it is te be recognized as a thing of geed policy, it will be the sheerest fellv cither te cheese delegates or held conventions. In fact, if it is te become the political law the people may as well understand new as later that they are te have no part or share in the election of their public servants, that all that work will be done for them by the " bosses." The unit rule is the device of tlie men who are new demanding a strong man," "a strong government," and it implies the recognition by the poe- ple of the aoselute personal domination et these who control the machinery of peli tics. It is net the people, nor these who pay the taxes, support the government, fight its battles and cast the votes who are te sav under this unit rule who is te be the presidential choice of the great state of Pennsylvania, but Senater Cameren. IiATKST NEWS BY MAIL. Michael Mullen was killed by an cxple sien of nitre-glycerine, at Decrficld, Mass Four negrees were put en a jury at Pc tersburg, Va., ler the lirst time in mauy years. Large additional area has been granted for exhibits from the United States at the Melbourne exhibition. At Odessa seventeen Russian students have been sentenced te exile and hard labor for political offenses. The British steamer Alnwick Castle, leaded with war material for the Chilians, took fire in the river Elbe en Saturday, and was scuttled te prevent an explosion. A farmer's second story caved in at Nelseuville, Manitoba, the ether night, owing te the pressure of 150 hushes of grain stored above. Mrs. Ferest and one child were suffocated. Twe hundred excursionists from Cincin cinnati arrived in Atlanta, Ga., yesterday, and were received by the mayor at the Kimball house. They leave te-day for Augusta, Charleston and Savannah. The directors of the Baltimore and Ohie railroad, en Wednesday, declared a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent, en the main line, and 5 per cent, en the Washington branch. The total value of our experts of refined petroleum during March last was $1,977, t)G8. against $1,014,481 during March, 1879. In the nine months ending with March last the value of such experts was $20,889,914, against $2G, 930,900 during the correspond ing period of the preceding year. Mrs. Zell en Trial. At Carlisle the second trial of Mrs. Cath erine Zell has begun. The prisoner was convicted last November and sentenced te be hanged for the murder by poison of Mrs. Mary Kcihl, aged ever eighty years. The court was engaged all day in empanel ing a jury. The panel of 48 jurors was ex hausted at the morning session, which last ed five hours and a half, aud about ten jurors were obtained. Tlie sheriff sum moned twelve persons as talesman, but none were accepted. After a recess of half an hour he made a demand en 21, out of which number the two aditienal jurors rc niiired were secured. Nearly all the iurers were rejected because of their decided epin- ions ei me guui, or innocence ei uiu pros- ener. COURT AND PRESS. RIGHTS OF LAWYERS AND EDITORS. THE NEWSPAPERS SPEAKING ODT. The Xlhth Installment of their Opinions. Loek at It. Philadelphia Commonwealth, Dem. Loek at the proceedings of the Lancaster Intelligencer, and is net this oppression mere than likely in the future. Apparently Net. Philadelphia Times, Ind. Apparently they de net intend te allow Patterson's most outrageous action te go unrcviewed by the supreme court any longer than possible. Te He Made Incompatible. Montrese Democrat, Dem. We de net believe that the supreme court will sustain Judge Patterson in this matter. If it should the practice of the legal profession and the business of edit ing a newspaper will become utterly in- patible. Twe Mews Struck. Pittsburgh Uecerd, Dem. Judge Patterson, of Lancaster county, has stricken a blew at the freedom of the press It is also a blew at the rever ence in which heretofore the judiciary has been held by the great mass of people. Desperate Action. Chester County Democrat, Dem. This is an unprecedented action in calling lawyers te account before the bar for what has been said in another capacity and Judge Patterson and his party will sutler the most for such desperate action in the al ready greatly shaken up county of Lan caster. The Popular Peeling. Williamsport Banner, Dem. The opinion of the press respecting the action of Judge Patterson in the disbar ment of Messrs. Steinman and Hcnsel, shows a wide-spread feeling of condem nation aud censure. In our opinion he is net lit te occupy the office of judge. and steps toward his impeachment should be made at once. Crippling the American Eagle. Menree Democrat, Dem. . If the action of Judge Patterson be law. then where is the boasted freedom of the press, and what protection has a journalist who happens te be a member of the bar, against the malice of seme small-minded judge, who thinks himself the constitution and law. The action of the court is con trary te all law and justice, and is meeting with the universal condemnation which it deserves. Tlie Unmuzzled Press. Venango Spectator, Dem. Somebody has said, very aptly, that the tyranny of the judiciary is mere te be feared than any ether ether sort of tyranny in a republic. With men of Judge Patter son's stamp en the bench, net only te in terpret law but te make law by perversion, the remark is tee true. Happily, the su preme court has the last say in this high handed attempt te muzzle the press. It will undoubtedly sit down en Judge Pat terson in a way that will flatten him out as a horrid example. " Business." Columbia Spy, Kep. Judge Patterson and Messrs. Steinman and Ilensel are getting the best and widest-circulated advertising they have ever had. The action of the supreme court will decide who are te be the mar tyrs. A case in point is that of a noted St. Leuis lawyer, who was disbarred, and who was thereby made a martyr of. Since then his legal practice has increased four fold. He has several clerks and also a number of lawyers employed te conduct his business before court, while he sits in his office. Referred te Messrs. Steinman and Ilensel. Te Be Sure Tlicy Will. Mcadville Daily Beperter, Dem. Of course these gentlemen Messrs. Steinman and Ilensel will meekly accept the punishment aud laud the judgment which their heinous offense merited ; and they will henceforth remember that it is unbecoming attorneys te publish the fact that the fountain of justice is becoming polluted. It they knew et any criminals who escape conviction because of political influences, they will keep it te themselves. They will also admire the promptness and efliciency of the court in net waiting and running the risk of their acquittal by a jury upon a charge of libel, but unjustly constituting himself judge, jury and attor ney for the commonwealth and summarily convicting and sentencing them for an of fense against himself. An Irreparable Blunder. Bedford Gazette, Dein. The judge has committed a blunder which his life's best conduct cannot wipe out. The press must be free te criticise the official acts of a judge as well as any ether officials, and when Judge Patterson attempts te use the power of his office te punish an editor who happens te be a member of his court because the editor sees in his judicial conduct such acts as merit public condemnation, he defies the law and the right of the citizens and holds himself up te the public odium and con tempt. Ne court can sustain his conduct, and we think he will find befere begets through with his case that he had a big ger contract en hand when he began, than he ever contemplated. Fer thu Sake of Common J ustice. West Chester.Jeirorsenian, Dem. This decision has raised a breeze all ever the state and country as well, and the worth- judge has received general con demnation for the manifest injustice of his position. Messrs. Steinman aud Ilensel, whether lawyers or net, are entitled te the privileges that any editor receives when acting in auditerial capacity alone, and if Judge Patterson's opinion be sound law, every lawyer will be debarred from ever adequately filling an editorial position. A judge that errs through ignorance or vi vi cieusness cannot escape criticism and con demnation, and an editor is recreant te his trust who leaves a serious judicial misdeed pass unnoticed. The Lancaster editors will carry the case te the supreme court, where it is te be hoped, for the cause of common justice alone, the opinion of Judge Patter son will be reversed. In a Common Sense Light. Bellcfentc Watchman, Dem. Surely Judge Patterson is net se vulner able that he cannot stand a fair criticism from a fair newspaper. The editors of the Intelligencer have the same rights as eauers mat euier editors nave wne are net lawyers, and it is unfair and unjust te make the lawyer answer for the offence of the editor. In the practice of the two professions they are entirely differ ent men. As journalists, Messrs. Stein man and Ilensel are net the same men as Steinman and Hensel, attorneys, and in their comments as editors they did net violate any portion of their oath as attor neys. Against editors who were net law yers practicing before his court, the judge would have had no remedy but a suit for libel, and if he felt himself aggrieved this is the remedy that he ought te have .taken te redress his grievances agaiust the edi tors of the Intelligencer. At least that is hew it leeks te us, and we think we see it in a common sense light. There can hardly be a doubt but that the supreme court will reverse Judge Patterson in this case and restore the Intelligence men te their rights as lawyers. Judge Patterson's act is arbitrary in the extreme, and if recognized by the courts weuiu cueciuauy prevent any lawyer from ever becoming a just and impartial editor. AMUSEMENT NOTES. What the .flayers are Doing. Effie Ellsler has engaged te play in Les ter Wallack's company next season. Emma Abbett and her large opera com pany, will produce " Paul and Virgin ius" here en April 27th. Mile. Elisc, the ballet dancer, is a colum bine dancer in Abbey tfcllickey's pantomime troupe. Abbey and Hickey's pantomime ti eupe, which is the largest in the world, of the kind, will visit nearly all the towns en Misklcr's circuit, but will skip Lancaster. Adelaide Neilson is taking a fortnight's rest at White Sulphur Springs, Va., her company having gene te New Yerk from Cincinnati, Baird's minstrels, who were in a bad way, financially, when they were here a few weeks age are still en the read, but arc liable at any time te take the turnpikes. The New Orleans minstrels and Gorten's geld band, which were here recently, clese their season iu Middlctewn, N. Y. They will reorganize for a summer tour. Emma Abbett has a pet deg. He went en the stage in Louisville one evening and took in the dying scene in "Remee and Juliet." He made a hit, but the scene did net. James Mafiitt and W. II. Bartholemew, the pantemimists, have been together for ever 20 years. They were both members of the old Drury theatre company in Pitts burgh, in 18e9. Miss Marie Restellc, who was here with Alice Oates's opera company, and subse quently with Willie Gill's "Goblins," is suing Mrs. Orites and her manager, Sam T. Jack, for $200 unpaid salary. Haverly's Church Choir "Pinafore" company have dropped the word "Pina fore" from their name. They will here after sing "Giroflc-Girefla," " Chimes of Normandy," aud "The Bohemian Girl." The funny man of the Danbury Neirs has written a play for Sel Smith Russcl, who was here with the Berger Family. An exchange says he only wrote the play te be in the fashion. Te be fashion able new a play must be very bad. An Elmira newspaper thinks that Alice Oates's fighting should be done by a larger man than Watkins, in which an Albany (N. Y.) paper cruelly responds as fellows : "We think that if her husbands would club together they might be mere effect ive." "The Tragedians of Kalamazoo" is the name of a company, including Gus Brune, Charles Ellis, Alenzo Schwartz and ethers, new playing in Philadelphia. The press de net speak very highly of the perform ance and they pronounce the play a -bad one. E. M. Gottheld who was here ahead of the " Octoroon " company is manager of the show. Here is a huge joke. The Allentown Chrenicie calls "Ryter" Fitzgerald, of the All-Day City Item, Philadelphia, "the greatest of American critics." And caps the climax by saying his "criticisms are reliable," and he "never cuts or puffs a play for a bribe." Showmen will appreci ate this. Hew it will make them laugh in their sleeves. Easten Express. J. 11. Haverly will give 12-hour walking matches in the different cities throughout the country. The second one will begin at Industrial hall, Philadelphia, en Monday, April 2Gth. Liberal prizes are offered te pedestrians. Philadelphia is about the worst city in the country for such sports, but this will likely be a success as it is under the management of Fred. J. Engle- hardt, the well kifewn sportsman. Soen will the festive baseballist in red stockings and a bran new cap sally forth te meet the fee en the green turfed field of fame, and crc long will the voice of mourn ing lie heard in the land, and the apethc cary will loudly laugh and rub together his hands in glee, t or then will the trade in arnica, and plasters, and iodine, and poultices, and splints, and bandages boom and brighten, and there will be such a de mand for glass eyes and wooden legs as has net been known since the golden sum mer melted into the purple glory of the autumn and the waning fall was rocked te sleep in the cold embrace of the winter. Owen Fawcctt, new with ene of Bart- ley Campbells " Galley Slave ' companies, has been interviewed by a Pittsburgh re porter. One story he tells about Charley Fester, a son of the former manager of Fester's National theatre. " Charley was the best actor in his father's company. He was a queer fellow and full of jokes. One day he was hard up and asked his father for seme money. ' Serry, Chawlcy,' said the old man ; I hawven't get any money my boy.' ' Well, you'd better get some,' responded Charley, 'or you won't have any William Tell te-night.' Charley then went off te Cimiotti's and pawnd his geld mounted false teeth for $10. He came back te the theatre with the front of his face all caved in and mumbled out te his father, ' Better get these teeth out of pawn or I won't play te-night.' The old man was horrified, but he scraped up money enough te get the grinders out of Cimiotti's hands. A Friehtful Warning. Mrs. Angic Bach, a woman in Whitehall township, Lehigh county, was "jawing" her children, the neighbors, a hired girl and everybody in general, her husband entered and interposed a mild word. She opened her mouth for an angry reply, but a spasm contracted her cheek, her lower jaw fell, and she could neither speak nor shut her mouth ;her tongue hung out. and her eyes nearly started out their socket. She had dislocated her jawbone in her vio lent effort te-mako a stinging reply te her husband. A surgeon was called, who reduced the dislocation, bound up he head and prescribed a quiet diet. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. YESTERUAY'S ACCIDENT AT STEELTOJ. One et the Victims a Marietta Bey. Geerge Yest, ene of' the young men who was burned se badly in the accident at the Pennsylvania steel works, near Harrisburg yesterday, that he died seen afterwards, was formerly a resident of Marietta, where his parents are living at present. He was only 18 years of age and was unmarried. He died in the hospital at Harrisburg and an . inquest was held en the remains by Corener Shindler, of Dauphin county, last evening. The verdict rendered was in accordance with the facts, and the body was interred at Steelton this afternoon. Disorderly Conduct. Late last night Christian Ilagelgans, innkeeper, appeared befere Alderman McConemy and made complaint against Ed. Sanders, charging him with malicious mischief, and assault and battery. It ap pears that Sanders, who was drunk, at tacked a man named Otte Huber, and when he was put out of the bar-room by Mr. Ilagelgans, took his revenge by hurl ing stones through the window. He was held for a hearing. Appeal Day. The water committee is sitting in sclec council room te-day, hearing appeals from the assessment of water rents charged against users of the city water. The num ber of appellants is quite large. Anether Man. It was Frederick Gerth, net Frederick Fenstermacher, who was chosen Democratic county committeeman from Millcrsvillc. BOOKS FOR THE JLlVNvEAN". Volumes of French, English and Japanese. In -September, 1878, our police arrested a man near the Pennsylvania railroad, this city, who was seen te conceal two large valises filled with books, in rear of Wen ditz's saloon opposite the Pennsylvania railroad depot. As he could net account for his possession of the property he was committed te prison aud held some time in hopes the owner of the books could be found. Ne owner ever claimed the prep erty, which is supposed te have beeu stolen from a French student named Chimeiser. Mayer MacGeuigle finally handed them ever te Dr. S. S. Rathven, curator of the Liumcan society, for its use. Following is a list of the books : French. Dictionary et Arts. Manufacture. Agriculture and Mines 3 volumes. Treatise en Chemical Technology and Industry 2 de New Dictionary of the French Lan guage 1 de. New method te understand, learn, write and speak the Kngli-di lan guage in six months 1 de. ElementaryTreatKeen Chemistry 1 de. Treatise en Klementarv Physics.. 1 de. Abridged Course en Modern Ue- 1 de. egraphy. I de. Treat i-e en the Theory ami Prace- tice of Arithmatie 1 Treatise en the Theory and Prac- 1 de de. de. tice et Geometry.. Theoretical, and Practical Klc- nieiit.s et Algebra A New French Grammar. 1 de, de. de. de. de. ... I A Course en the Theory and Prac tice of the French Language 1 National Diamond Dictionary 1 English. Quackenbes'a English Grammar. .. 1 Japanese. Dictionary of the Japanese Lan guage 1 History of Japan (with maps 1 Thcoryet War ( 1 vel. missing) U Japanese Scheel Literature 1 Literary E .ays (7 vels, in 4) 4 History of Twe Chinese Provinces (( missing) 7 de. de. de. de. de. de. 31 The society has information en these books from Mr. II. Masataka Tamauaka of Franklin & Marshall college. His theory is that these books were stolen from some Japanese student who had been studying in France ; said theft probably being per petrated after he had takeii passage from Philadelphia or New Yerk for San Fran Fran ciseo, en his return through our country te Japan. Iu one of the volumes there was found a French exercise signed K. Yokate, April ;, 1872, and he was probably the student from whom they were stolen. The books are thankfully received by the " Liunxau society," and will be de posited in its historical department. Should they ever be claimed by the owner, en proper identification they will be cheer fully restored. "The Kerry 5ew." That talented Irish comedian,Mr. Jeseph Murphy, supported by the same strong cast that accompanied him en his previous visit te Lancaster this .season, appeared at Fulton opera house last night, in Fred Marsden's charming Irish comedy of "The Kerry Gew," the audience being of fair numbers, but net at all com mensurate with the merits of the performance. The favorable impres sion, Mr. Murphy created en the former occasion by his finished acting and rollicking humor was strengthened by his work last evening, and the remainder of the cast kept things at such an even bal ance that discrimination is rendered un necessary and distinction invidious. Suf- lice it te say that the audience was thoroughly satisfied, the stage set tings were of the same realistic character that marked the former production of the piece here, while the pretty conceit was enhanced by the presence of the trained doves, and the shoeing of a "real live horse" by the young "gew" in the kcrry forge, which latter was a most admirably constructed scene. Te such as enjoy the music of a rich Irish brogue, and the wit and humor se characteristic of the Green Isle, the play of "The Kerry Gew" must prove a rich treat. It is in truth a pure Irish play "without whisky, priest or shillaleh." Neighborhood Xeir.s. And new Yerk county has a legal paper like the Lancaster Par. Rev. Daniel Buyer a superannuated preacher,aged 83 years, was fatally stricken with paralysis en Saturday last while con ducting a funeral service at Pottsville. The Harrisburg papers declare that the "Columbia fish pirates," arc seining the river for shad at the very mouth of the fishway, making it impossible for the fish te pass up. Wm. Jehnsen, of Peach Bettem, a son-in-law of Geerge Gciger, Yerk county, com mitted sucide en Wednesday by sheeting himself through the head with a revolver, Ne cause is assigned for the act. He was a boatman in geed circumstances and leaves a wife and three children. Esquire J. T. Crawford held an inquest en the body and his jury returned a verdict of death by his own hand. A new Lutheran church, Spring Greve, Yerk county, cated recently. There was $10,311 remaining against it erected at was dedi- a debt of On the day of dedication the congregalien raised $1,000, leaving $9,311 unprevided for. Mr. P. II. Glatfclter, the well-known paper maker, then subscribed $1,000 for each of his four children, $2,000 for his wife and $3,311 for himself, making his total subscription $9,311, besides the ground he had donated. That was an excellent wav te clear the church of debt. Rev. J. E. Smith's Cae. In the Wyoming M. E conference in Scranton the case of Rev. J. E. Smith, of Wilkcsbarrc, formerly of Lancaster, whose sermon en pest-mortem repentance pro voked a bitter newspaper discussion some six months age, has been referred te a committee for investigation and will be reported upon te-day. Should the re port be adverse te the reverend gentleman an exciting time may be looked for, as he. is an able and trenchant debater and will defend his orthodoxy en the fleer of the house. Anether Rell Broken at Works. the l'eiui Iren Yesterday, about neon, while the men were at work at the Penn iron works, the new roll which was put in a few days age broke. The puddling mill will be stepped until the repairs have been made. The bar mill will net shut down for a few days at least, as there is enough material en baud te kcep it running for a short time. Declines. Mr. Ames Diller, of Earl, declines te lie a Democratic candidate for Assembly. He is tee geed a man te be spared. MATRIMONIAL. A Very Larue Wedding Party. Mr. Constantine Beettncraud Miss Kate Wagner were united in marriage last even ing at Mr. Becttner's residence, Ne. 128 Pine street the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. D. A. L. Laverty, as sisted by Rev. F. P. Mayser, iu presence of a very large number of invited guests. Geerge M. Bergcr and Jehn Idemillcr of ficiated as groomsmen, aud Miss Springer, of Lancaster, and Miss Gish, of Elizabeth town, as bridesmaids. After the marriage ceremony and the congratulations te the bride and groom had ended, the guests sat down te a bountiful collation, and the fes tivities were kept up from 9 o'clock unti1 near midnight. During the evening 3Ir. Becttner was called en by several parties who serenaded him, and these also were entertained. At 12:30 the bride and groom left the city for Philadelphia, New Yerk and ether points en a wedding tour. The geed wishes of many friends accompany them. Marriage or Miss Levis in Philadelphia. The beautiful church of the Hely Trinity. Philadelphia, was filled with a fashienahu: assemblage yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock te witness the marriage of Mr. Jehn Thompson, a prominent barrister of that city, te Miss Louise Levis, only daughter of Dr. R. J. Levis, the well- known physician and who was married in great oculist. Lancaster some T E. 1 Hester, in a handsome years age te 3liss Mary The bride was attired cream-colored silk and brocade dress trimmed with Duehcsse lace. A long veil of line lace enveloped her, and upon her brew rested the traditional wreath of orange blossoms Her jewelry consisted of a magnificent pair of diamond ear rings and at the threat a diamond bar. the gift of the bridegroom. The brides maids, of which there were six, were attired in white Swiss lawn and Valenci ennes lace, and all wero veils. They were Miss Agnes Minferd, of New Yerk, Miss L. Eshleman, of Lancaster, Miss Mary Hciskell, Miss Rebecea Heed, Miss Mary Stokes and Miss Baird. The ushers were Messrs. Lewis Thompson, Duncan Busby, William Maule. Dr. Jehn B. Huberts, Mr. Massey and Mr. Stille. Mr. Albert Thompson, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride was given away by her father. After the wedding there was a reception at the residence of the bride's father at Sixteenth and Walnut streets. Early in the evening the happy ceuple left for New Yerk, where they will remain until te-morrow evening, when they will leave by the steamship City of Richmond for Europe. They will return in the early fall aud then take up residence in the suburban villa of the groom. The presents received by the couple were numerous and handsome. The value of the articles received is net less than $10, 000. Frem the groom there was a hand some rosewood piano, and from brothers of the groom three real ebony cabinets. Frem the bride's uncle, Themas Minfeid, esq., was received a complete set of table silverware. The ether presents consisted of every conceivable description of iiM-fiii and ornamental ai tides, silverware of unique design predominating. A WEALTHY TIUKI. The Crime for Which a Chrster County Far mer Must A n km r. Lewis Robinson, son of James Hohinsen, of Honeybrook, Chester county, was ar rested yesterday charged with stealing the property of his neighbors. lie is a mar ried man, one of the wealthiest farmer- in the vicinity, of geed family and the highest reputation heretofore iu the com munity where he lives. The causes that led te his arrest arc briefly these. Fer several months past robberies have been frequent, and all efforts te obtain a clue proved futile. At last the victims organ ized themselves into a- detective associa tion, which was called the Harmony detec tive association because they met in a school house bearing that name. Their investigations have been in progress for several weeks, and a few days age the members met and each stated what infor mation he had secured. One man said he had missed a Whipple trcu which he found Robinson using in a fleer. Anether said he had lest a saddle aud identified it in Robinson's stable. A score of meni hers reported that their poultry was stolen and Robinson, who had noire at all and was never known te buy any, was making frequent consign ments te Philadelphia. Still another s.iid his daughter's wedding trousseau had been stolen and the dress was identified upon Mrs. Robinson's person. Informa tion was made, 'Squire Morten issued a warrant of an est, and Constable, Griffith served it, accompanied by the detective association. Upen confronting Robinson with the charges or his guilt, he confessed, the house was searched and several wagon wagon leads of stolen property were discovered hidden away in nooks and corners, closets, cupboards, drawers, in the garret and be tween thu bedding. Hobinsen was ar raigned before 'Squire Morten and admit ted te $1,000 bail, his father, James Rob inson, becoming his surety. Justice's Commission. A commission as justice of the peace for five years awaits Samuel A. Hughes, of Bart township. Commissions have new been issued te all the justices elected at the spring election except Samuel F. Gill, of West Lampeter, who was elected in place of J. II. Zuercher resigned. It aj -pears that Mr. Zuercher neglected te send his resignation te Harrisburg, and conse quently the governor has no official knowl edge of a vacancy in Mr. Gill's district. Burglary. On Tuesday night burglars broke into tl-.e house of Mrs. Elizabeth Lauber, who lives at the 10 mile pest en the old Lancaster and Reading read, and stele a quantity of dry goods, &c. They effectedan entrance bv cutting out a p.me of glass in the w In dew. The thieves threw a lighted match into a let of paper which was hanging in a neckct en the wall. This was binned. but no further damage was done by the fire. Meney Missing. Last night a man was arrested and placed in the station house. Twe dollars and eighty-one cents, which was found en his person, was placed in a drawer of the desk by the chief of police. This morning the money was gene and the amount was refunded te the man by Chief Deichlcr. who is endeavoring te learn who took it from the desk. m t I' -j i mi ss U fi' 41 -: ! 3?i i r m ' 'S lv? I'" ,i Wi li :i.i ';-i 4.1 rti j kiv. 9 til 'A m I 5 in i ill 5 1 I i rv K--