Iv-lV J I "J )W ! ,- H- """5 '' r . ""I ' V ""- XANCASTEKAILYriNTEIlieENGERTHUBSBAT. APRIL 15. 1880. V MIDDLE STREET IN JLS UPROAR. A Fight In Which a Razor and a l'istel - Were Used "SI me" Roberts en the Warpath. Yesterday afternoon " Simc" Itebcrts ' who has the reputation, in Middle street, of being a "bad coon" get drunk, with several of his friends. In the evening about C o'clock they paid a visit te the Lien Brewery saloon, en Middle street, which is kept by C. Keehlcr, and asked for a drink. The bartender, Charles Vogt, re fused te give the darkeys any beer. They became very angry and Roberts ripped and swore and pulled a razor from his pocket. He walked up te the bar and attempted te cut the threat of Vogt. The latter was tee quick for him, however, and he jumped back and escaped unhurt. Vogt then attempted te get the men out of the saloon, but they refused te go and Cenrad Keehler, a nephew of the pro prietor of the saloon came te his assiht, ance. The darkeys finally started te go and, while they were walking down the stairs, Roberts drew a pistol, and turning around, he fired at young Keehler, who was standing above him en the stairs. The ball struck him en the jawbone, under the chin, and, glancing 01T, grazed the cheek. His injuries, which are net serious, were attended by Dr. M. L. Heir. Had this ball struck a few inches lower it would have hit Keehler in the neck and he would undoubtedly have been fatally injured. After the darkeys left the saloon, Roberts threw several stones against the building, but no damage of any consequence was done by them. After the row Roberts was arrested by Chief of Po lice Deichlcr. He was taken before Alder man Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, who committed him, in default of bail, te an swer, at a hearing, two charges of assault and battery with intent te kill, which have been preferred against him by Vogt and Keehler. William II. Rollins, another colored man, who claims te have been as saulted by Vogt while in the saloon, has brought a suit of assault and battery against him before Alderman Barr. A LANCASTER MAYOR OUT WEST. .1. Hamilton Reigart Elected -Mayer of Heleil. The Bcleit, Wisconsin, Graphic comes te us centaing the announcement that lien. J. Hamilton Reigart, a son of the late Hen. E. C. Reigart, of this city, was elected mayor of Beloit, at the late muni cipal election in that city, by a majority of 219 ever J. II. French, the Republican " machine " candidate. Mr. Reigart is set down as a Union Republican and was sup ported by the Democracy and anti-machine Republicans. The Graphic celebrates its triumph in half a column of heavy head lines, of which the following are a sam ple : ' De you hear".'" " Come let us rea son together."' " De the people or their servants run the machine .'" "The crack of the whip makes the steed balky." "The voters declared in favor of a government of the people by the people and for the peo ple." Corener' Inquest. Yesterday, Alderman Wiley, in the alienee of Corener Mishlcr, held an in quest en the body of Jehn Smith, tie train) who died in the poei house en Mon day. When the man was arrested he had a number of bruises but it is net known hew he received them, IIe was supposed te have fallen while drunk, and was committed te jail by Alderman Spurrier. He was removed thence te the hospital where he died en Monday. Dr. M. L. Heir, one of the county physicians, deemed an inquest necessary, and one was held, as above stateil, by Alderman Wiley. An autopsy was made by Dr. Herr and the brain was found te be very much congest ed. There were also several bruises en the man's body. The jury returned a verdict of death from congestion of the brain. caused by a fall or a blew upon the head. Matrimonial. This morning Dr. II. 13. WcsthaciTer, son of J. M. AVestliaclTer, was married te Miss Anuie Habcrbush, second daughter of Michael Ilaberbush. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Hickcy, at 7 o'clock, in St. Mary's church. The bride and groom were attended by Jeseph 33. Carpenter and Miss Louise Ilaberbush, a sister of the bride. After the marriage the bridal party were driven te the resi dence of the bride's parents, in Centre Square, where they partook of the wed ding breakfast, after which they went te the house in East King street, where they will reside. The New City Digest. The committee appointed at the last meeting of councils, te provide for the re vision of "the digest of the ordinances of the city of Lancaster met for organization last evening. The committee consists of Mayer MacGenigle, Mr. Geerge W. Zcchcr, and R. W. Shenk, esq., of select council, and 1). McMullcn and Walter M. Franklin, csqs., of common council. The mayor is chairman of the committee and Thes. F. McElligett was selected as clerk. Wil liam Leaman and Geerge Nauman, csqs., were selected tocempiIe the ordinances. The Men who were Suffocated. Ycstcday Corener Mishlcr held an in quest en the bodies of Charles Frazer and Daniel Miller, who were suffocated in a well near Bird-in-IIand. The jury rendered a vedict of accidental death, caused by enter ing a well tee seen after the explosion of a blast. The bodies of the two men were taken te Gordonville and both will be in terred at the expense of Belden Miller, the father of Daniel Miller. Frazer was :i2 year of age and Miller was 31. The for mer was a peer man, without relatives. A Weman Heater and a Drunken Weman. Geerge Boek, colored, formerly a beet black but new a hed carrier, who has re cently indulged in several fights while drunk, gave Hannah Jacksen, a dusky maiden, a "whaling." He was held for a hearing by Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward. Rebecca Wagner was arrested for being drunk and disorderly and her case will be disposed of by the same alderman. m Discharged. The boys who were arrested yesterday by Officer Brady for almost throwing a passenger train from the track, near the Ihurisburgl crossing, by letting a baseball get under the wheel, were discharged by Alderman McCe nemy this morning, there being no evidence that the affair was ether than accidental. It was in evidence, how ever, that the boys were all truants from school, and it is for their parents and teachers te mete out te them the necessary punishment. Sale et Lean. Jacob B. Leng, real estate agent, sold te-day at private sale, 2,000 Larcaster city lean due 1880 at 105. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERY. It Session In WrighUrxlle. A session of the presbytery of West minster was opened in Wrightsville, Yerk county, en Monday evening last. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. W. C. Alexander, pastor of Pequea church. The following members of presbytery were present : Revs. C. W. Stewart, D. D., J. D. Smith, W. B. Browne, J. Y. Mitchell, Jehn McCoy, W. C. Alexander, T. L. Springer, A. Michael, W. G. Cairncs, W. L. Ledwith, A. G. Lane, J. L. Landis, Jehn McElmeyle, II. B. Scott, G. S. Bell and It. L. Clark. Elders : J. L. McCemma, of Union ; Isaac Scarborough, of Slate Ridge ; J. G. Wright, of Mount Jey ; II. B. Essick, of Columbia ; D. W . Patterson, et .Lancaster; Ress McCemma, of Little Britain ; Jehn Smith of Chestnut Level ; Jehn Hysen, of Hopewell; Rebert Fergusen, of Middle Octoraro ; Solemon Martin, of Pequea ; J. X. Legan, of Dillsburg ; Geerge Russel, of Cedar Greve ; A. P. Jlcllvaine, ofLeaceck ; James Fulton, f Stewartstown ; J. A. C. Gailey, of Centre ; J. W. Weltzheffer, of Wrightsville. Rev. T. L. Springer was chosen moder ator and Revs. J. L. Landis and J. Mc Mc Eleoyle clerks. On Tuesday morning the following ad ditienal members were in attendance : Revs. T. M. Crawford, II. E. Niles, D. D., Jeseph Gambia, J. M. Galbreath, J. M. Davenport, W. J. Hear, and Elders Gee. A. Davis, of Slatcville ; Themas A. Clark, of Chestnut Level ; A. W. Cassel. of Marietta ; Jeseph Clark, of Mount Nebo; David E. Small, of Yerk. Rev. J. B. Barbour, of the presbytery of Butler, and Rev. Shannen, of the Phil adelphia conference, being present, were invited te sit as corresponding members. A number of standing committees were appointed by the moderator, and a letter from the presbytery of Butler dismissing Rev. Barbour was read, and Mr. Barbour was received, after examination, as a reg ular member of Westminster presbytery. Mr. Barbour has been called te church at Dillsburg, Yerk county, and it is expected that arrangements will be made for his settlement ever that church. The following ministers were chosen as delegates te attend the general assembly : Revs. J. M. Galbreath and 11. 13. Niles, D.D.. and T. L. Springer and W. J. Hear. Elders A. P. Gault, Jehn M. Brown, James Fulton and J. X. Legan, as alter nates. The name of the Christian church was stricken f-i.-- 1V nil of the Westminster prcsbjU.. -..j..e it might be placed upon the roll et tlte presbytery of Chester, and transferred te its care. Rev. II. B. Scott, having received and accepted a call from the church at Stewartstown, a committee was appointed te arrange for his installation. The chairman of the educational com mittee was authorized te assign parts of trial pieces for Mr. Stewart, a candidate for the ministry under the care of presby tery. The treasurer's report was presented and accepted. Slateville was chosen as the place for the next stated meeting, and was changed from the regular time, se that the meeting will be held en Monday, September 13, meeting at 7:30 p. m. On Tuesday afternoon after various com mittees had reported, Dr. Stewart, chair man of the home mission committee, re ported the following resolution, which after debate was adopted by a vote of 34 yeas te 5 nays, Judge Patterson voting with the minority : Jleseleed, That this presbytery overture the general assembly te order a committee, consisting of one member from each synod en the home field, the member from each synod te be elected by the synods respec tively, whose duty it shall be te report te the next general assembly a plan for the modification of the modes of operation of the heard of home missions, such as shall tend te prevent friction and conflict be tween it and the presbyteries. Rev, G. W. Seller, of the presbytery of Kalapoer, India, being present, was in vited te sit as corresponding member. Requests from several vacant churches for permission te supply their own pulpits were made and referred te committee en supplies. Reports from the several churches were read, accompanied by remarks by the pas tors. These reports will be made the basis of the report en the state of religion te be prepared and read at a future session of presbytery. During the day the following members appeared and were enrolled : Revs. 13. S. Heany, W. B. Reed, Prof. James McDou McDeu gall, jr. Elders, Dr. Jesiah Martin, of Strasburg, and Patterson, of Mt. Jey. June 3, at 10 o'clock a. m., was fixed as the time for the installation of Rev. Scott, Dr. II. 13. Niles te preside, propose the questions and preach the sermon ; Rev. 31. Smith te deliver the charge te the congre gation, and Rev. C. W. Stewart, D.D., the charge te the pastor. On Tuesday cveniug Rev. T. M. Craw ford read the report of the committee ap pointed at the last stated meeting of pres bytery, te visit the Little Britain church. The report stated that the committee had visited that church, been very kindly re ceived, and at a meeting of the congrega tion, held while they were there, they had examined into the financial condition of the church, and were assured that by ear nest effort the congregation could meet all financial obligations resting en them. The committee has also been assured since their visit that the condition of the church is in a much mere hopeful state, and that the visit had done much geed. The report was accepted and the fidelity of the committee commended. The committee en the case of W. J. Bridells, new pending, moved that the matter be heard in private session. Adopted. The subject "Hew te make the Sabbath school a help te the church in securing the children for the church," was discussed by Revs. A. Michael, G. W. Seilcr; of Kalapoer, India, Jeseph Gamble, Jehn Mc Mc Eleoyle, Jehn McCoy and Dr. Stewart. On Wednesday morning the Bridells case was taken up. Rev. Ledwith was ap pointed te take charge of the case in be half of Mr. Bridells, and Rev. W. C. Alex ander and-iilder Jehn Alexander a com mittee te visit Philadelphia te take testi mony in the case. It wa s ordered that an adjourned meet ing be held in Lancaster, April 20, at 10 a. m., te dispose of the case. Rev. Mr. McCoy, chairman of the com mittee en narrative, was net ready te read his paper, but during these devotional services made a statement of the condition of the churches iu presbytery. It has been a year of quiet and steady growth among the churches. Three hundred and three new members have been added te the church. Rev T. 31. Crawford made a report en sew ajdtebtisemea'ts. CHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES. We have just secured a large let of the lower priced American "Watches of Waltham and Elgin Manufacture. Alse, a large let of Silver and Geld Cases, which will be sold at the old prices not withstanding the scarcity and difficulty of getting them. Seme grades of these goods are in such demand that orders for them given new will net be filled in less than two years. Alse, 400 Cleck of different styles just received this morning, Jeb lets of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which will be sold for less than the cost of manufacture. We invite an examination of our new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ministerial relief, showing that there had been during the last year a falling off from the contributions of the previous year of about $104. It was voted te extend aid te the follow ing churches : Little Britain $200 ; Lan caster mission 8200 ; Dillsburg $100 ; Cedar Greve $200; Strasburg $200 ; Neunt ISebe $200; James Celeman memorial chapel $300. The following churches were authorized te supply their own pulpits : Leacock, Mount Jey, Denegal, New Harmony and Pine Greve. Dr. Crawford reported " that of the twenty-four pastoral charges within our prcsbyterial bounds, fifteen arc provided with comfortable manses." Rev. W. B. Browne offered his resigna tion as stated clerk of presbytery, because he did net expect te remain within the bounds of the presbytery. The resigna tion was accepted and 3Ir. B.'s fidelity while in oflice was recognized by the members in the vote en his resignation. Rev. W. G. Cairncs was chosen in his place. On Wednesday afternoon the narrative of the state of religion and the report en foreign missions were presented and ac cepted, and an address en missions was made by Rev. Seilcr. After voting thanks te the pastor and congregation of Wrightsville for the cor dial reception and entertainment, presby tery adjourned te meet in Lancaster, en Tuesday next. . OBITUARY. Death of Darn hard Mann. Barnhard 3Iann, farmer, of 3Iauer town ship, one of the most widely known and highly respected citizens of Lancaster county, died this morning at 4 o'clock, aged about 77 years. Seme weeks age, while attending a funeral he contracted a cold, which settled en his lungs, developed into pneumonia, and resulted in his death. The community in which he lived all his life has suffered a severe less in his death. He was net merely esteemed as a perfectly honest and upright man, in conducting his own affairs, but he was se implicitly trusted, and such confidence was placed in his judgment and probity that he was constantly being called upon te take charge of the affairs of ethers. As executer, administrator, guardian, or trustee, he has perhaps settled up mere estates than any ether man in the county, and in all his many transactions the uni versal verdict has been " well done, geed and faithful servant." He was a man of fair education and liberal views, but held tenaciously te his opinions when formed. He was a Democrat of the old school and clung firmly te the principles of Jeffersen, Jack Jack eon and their successors throughout his life, and though net accustomed te obtrude his views upon ethers, he was ever ready te answer for the faith that was in him. Fer mere than half a century he was a subscriber te the Intelligencer and made it a point te call annually at the office and pay for his subscription, always taking the money from the same old "Con tinental" pocket-book, out of which he paid his first year's subscription, and which had been in his family for mere than a hundred years. IIe leaves a large family of children and grandchildren te mourn the less of their best friend, while the community in which he lived will largely share their grief. His funeral will take place en Saturday morn ing next, the interment being in the pri vate cemctry at Central 3Ianer. WOODS FIRES. The Martic 1IHW and Welsh Mountain Iturncd. Ycsterdcy morning the hills along the Pequea creek, between 3Iartic Ferge and the Susquehanna river, caught fire from a spark of a locomotive en the Columbia and Pert Deposit railroad. Between 40 and 50 acres were burned ever and about 100 cords of weed, belonging te Rebert Potts, of 3Iartic Ferge, was consumed. Men worked hard all day yesterday endeavor ing te extinguish the flames but it was of no avail and the fire was still burning this morning. A large weeds fire has been raging for several days past en the Welsh mountains, in the vicinity of the Serrel Herse hotel, west of Beartown. The wind blew very strongly during the fire and it swept ever at least one hundred acres. A large quan tity of timber was burned and some of the people residing in the vicinity are said te have made narrow escapes from being burned te death. In Town. 3Ir. S. Gershel, of the firm of L. Ger shcl & Bre., tobacco packeres New Yerk, is visiting his friends in this city, prier te a somewhat extended visit te Europe, whither he gees with his family te re establish his somewhat impaired health. He will locate for a time at Karlsbad, a noted watering alacc in Austria. Broke an Arm, In Mount Jey, yesterday, a young son of Ephraim Baker, while riding a horse was thrown by the animal, which shied at something, and had his left arm broken. Dr. Zieglcr reduced the fracture. Postponed. The musical entertainment which was te have been given by the boys and girls of the high school in the lower school room this evening has been postponed until Tuesday evening next. Having secured ever half a million of Tine and Cypress Shingles before the advance in lumber, I itm prepared te sell cheap for cash. Cypress Shingles are considered superior te shaved Fine Shingles. JOHN BEIDLER, Lumber Dealer, Wrightsville, Pa. uprl5-3wd Amusements. "Kerry G'etv." This evening the excellent comedy of " Kerry Gew '" will be presented in the opera house by Jeseph Murphy and his line company. This is one of the best Irish plays en the American stage, and Mr. Murphy has ina.de an enviable reputation as the black smith. During the play a horse is brought en the stage and after a shoe has been made it is nailed te the animal's feet. Trained doves arc also Introduced in this play. Rheumatism for Eight Years. I was cured by the use of a single bottle et St. Jacob's Oil, after having used all known remedies, without even obtaining relief. 15. Sciiaefeu, Allegheny City, Pa. Isaac Watts was a Little Man. He s-aid jocosely te six of his tall quizzing friends who asked hew he felt among se many uuiii, "that he was a sixpence among six pennies, worth them all." SOZODONT is just se ; there may be many preparations ler the teeth, but it is worth them all. nl2-lwdeedw SPECIAL NOTICES. Statistics prove that twenty-live percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's lienewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers for their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try I.echur's Kcnewned Cough Syrup. What is the use in going te the sea side for health when "Dr. Llndscy's illoed Searcher" is what you need ? .Better Times. The business revival and new era of pros perity which is new fairly inaugurated, is in keeping with the increased health and happi ness seen all ever the land, and is one of the rtsults obtained from the introduction of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. " The changes wrought by this remedy," says Rev. Dr. Harvey, "seem but little less than mini culeus." al3-2wd&w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cities every time, and prevents disease by keeping the bleed pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever con ferred upon man. Hep Hitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thou sands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another column. al5-'2wl.tw Thcr is a general compliant Unit while prices of commodities have increased in t-enif eases fifty per cent., wages have net advance 1 anywhere near in the .same proportion. We knew of no complaint in the shape of a cough, eeld, sere threat, rheumatism or ueuraglia that Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil will net immedi ately relieve. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, drug gist," 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster- Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. As a Cure for Piles Kidney-Wert acts first by overcoming in the mildest manner all tendency te constipation then, by its great tonic and invigorating prop erties, it restores te health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundreds of certi Hed cures, where all else have laiied. Use it and snller no longer. al3-lwd&w We have net yet heard of a case of colds, coughs, threat, or chest complaint, that has net yielded te " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup." Try Lechct's Renowned Cough Syrup. A Coceu, CeLn, C'atakiui or Sere Threat should net be neglected. "JJreicn'a Bronchial Troches'" arc a simple remedy, and will gener ally give immediate reliuf. Imitations are of fered for sale, many of which are injurious. The genuine "Brown's Bronchial Treches'1'' are sold only in boxes. nl.'J-TTh&S&w Consumption cured. Hundreds of people throughout the New England States who were consumptive will testify te their being alive te-day lrent the use et Speer's Pert Grape Wine, produced in Pas saic, .'cw Jersey. It is prescribed by physi cians generally and used in hospitals for this purpose. Weakly and debilitated females, consumptives, and all nged persons, find a great benefit by its use. Nothing is better for overworked or exhausted ladies. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and Davis and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr. Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Keep your bowels and kidneys in a healthy state by the use of Kidney-Wert. Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether Uiken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Rack or Rowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. Atcaspoon Atcaspeon Atcaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler of het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. S3 cents a bottle. Fer sale aUII. B. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Wenn Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no peslble injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be id) id) selutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents & box. f Janl5-lvd&wTuTh&S S. Chad wick, of Arcadia. Wayne county, N. T., writes: "I have hud severe attacks of Asthma for several years. I commenced tak ing Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil ; the first dose re lieved me in one hour. I continued taking it in tcaspoeuful doses for a few days, and have net had an attack of it since, new nearly one year." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. liEATUS. Haktman. In this city en April 14, 18S0, Ames C, son et Daniel and Kate E. Hartman, aged 10 months and 25 days. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of his parents' Ne. 132 East Lemen strect.en Friday aftornoen at 3 o'clock. 2td Masn. In Maner township, this county, en the 13th inst., Barnhard Mann (farmer), in the 77th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence, Maner township, en Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Central Maner cemetery. 2td. Frazer. On the 14th inst., from suffocation by gas in a well near Bird-in-IIand, this coun ty, Charles Fruzer, aged 32 years. Funeral from the residence of Belden Miller Gordonville, Friday, April 16, at 10 a. m. Preaching at Gordonville. Interment at Stras, burg. ltd Millkr. On the 14th inst, from suffocation by gas in a well near Bird-In-Hand, this coun ty, Daniel Miller, aged 31 years. Funeral from the residence of his father, Belden Miller, Gordonville, Friday. April 16, at 10 a. m. Preaching at Gordonville. In. terment at Strasburg. ltd 3fW AJVXXTI8EMSI8. -THE- NEW STORE. Lancaster Bazaar, 13 EAST KING ST. EXTENSIVE SALE OF LAM OiEBuAEMENTS. ASTRICH BRO'S WILL OFFER ON Saturday, April 17, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN THE LINE OF inn' nvi1 niiimimnli SUCH AS J1ABY ROUES, SLIPS, (UBKIELS, EMBROIDERED SHAWLS, LAWS AMI SWISS CAPS, A.c. Ladies' Underwear, Astonishing Lew Prices. CHEMISE. Plain Muslin r.c Huslin Rullleii .JIc Ruflled ami Embroidered t'ie Fine Muslin, Corded Rami, only lie 'JI Tucksand Embroidered XJc It) Tucks ..'(Rows Embroidered Inserting and Ruflled; 53c Elegantly Euibieidered lUc Children's Chemise 2)c SKIETS. Tucked and Rutlled 37c 5 Tucks, Fine Muslin Ii7c 4 Tucks, Bread It utile 7Se 5 Tucks, wit it Wide Needle-work Edge !Wc '. Tucks, Cambric Flounce '.fc'c 5 Tucks, with Rich Embroidery sl.41 6 Tucks, with Deep Flounced 'Embroidery and Wide Necdle-werk Inserting $1.9; A Tucked Skirt with Bread Torchon Lace and Inserting $1.47 PANTALETS. Tucked 'J0c Tucked with Lace Edging :i!e Tucked and Rulllcd 4Sc Tucked and Embroidered (ile Tucked with Bread Needle-work Edge 01c Tucked with Deep Embroidered Edge and Inserting 8.1c Children's Pantalets iic NIGHT GOWNS. Plain Muslin.. Ruflled Embroidered.. 07c S'Jc . . .$1.29 TOILET SACQUES. Trimmed with Untiling 6Sc l rimmed with Needle-work Edge 7;c CORSETS. Hip Gere, White and Colored 23c l'ink and Blue Fine Corset 37c 32-Hene Hand-made Sic 50-Bene Side Steel in White and Colored 4:lc An Elegant Corset with Side Steels, Laced at the Hips anil Silk Embroidered Rust.. .71c A Fine ull-Silk Embroidered Corset, Blue and Cardinal, of Elegant Design SGe The URACIE Corset, Side Steels, Deuble Busk, Frent Embroidered OUc The PARISIAN, a 100-Bene, Side Steeled undll'erlect Fitting Corbet $1.0!) Our RONNIE Corset, Side Steels, Deuble Busk, Silk Stitched 03c The Most Elegant CYPRUS Corset, 1WJ 1WJ Jtene Speen Busk, Side Steels, Rich Em broidered $1.23 CHILD'S SHORT SLIPS. Kilt-plaited with Edging 41c Kilt-plait Elegantly Trimmed witlt Torchon Lace 73c Fine Tucked and Embroidered WHj Kilt-plait with 2 Rows of Embroidery down the Frent and Edging all around 90c Tucked and Elegantly Embroidered.! $1.' The RABIES' FAVORITE, an Elegant Dress.with 3 Rows of Fine Inserting down the Frent and Back, Deep and Rich Em broidery all around the bottom $2,511 BABIES' LONG ROBES. Fine Muslin Sue Embroidered Bosem and Tucked at the bottom 03c Embroidered Bosem,' Tucks and Fine Needle-work all around $1.20 Elegantly Trimmed and Tucked all the way tlewn $2.3! BABIES' ARTICLES. Babies' Embroidered Shawls from 00c tip. Lace Cans for Beys and Girls from 47c up. Babies' Hand-made Split Jackets at 4ic Babies' Hand-made Bootees at II, 10 and 23c Hand-made Walking Cloaks in Various 5tyles. Babies' Merine Cloaks at $1.07 APRONS. Ladies' Whi e Lawn Aprons lie Ladies' Plain Muslin Ruflled 23c Fine Dress Apron 40c Large Muslin Apron 2."e Child's Certled Dress Aprons 39c Child's Corded Slips I3e Child's Kilt Aprons r7c Ladies' Large Gingham Kitchen Aprons 23c CALICO GOODS. Ladies' Calice Wrappers 75c Flounced at feOnndOOc Ladies' Calice Basques 39c Misses' Suits in all sizes -Sc Chilli's Gabriels 25c Child's Kilt Gabriels SSc Summer Skirts 30c Skirts Certled and Rullleii fMc 3- Rulllcd 79c SALE TO COMMENCE Saturday Morning, Aprill7 49-Call eirly te avoid the rush. ASTRICH BRO'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIMM. THIRD EDITIOI. THUBSDAY EVEN'G, APBH, 15, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, April 15. Fer the Middle Atlantic states increasing cleudness with rain, warm southerly veering te colder northwest winds, followed by rising baro meter. THE WRIT OF ERROR. Messrs. Steininan and Hensel File Tlivir Papers iu the Supreme Court IIakrisbcke, Pa., April 13. In the matter of the writ of error in the case of Steinman and Ilensel, of the Lancaster In telligencer, the proper papers were filed this morning with the prothenotary of the supreme court for the district. Action is in tended te restore them te the roll of attor neys. The case will be heard in May. FRIGHTFUL. ACCIDENT. Eight Men llurnetl. Twe Fatally, at the Penn sylvania Steel Works. Harrisburg, April 15. The Pennsylva nia steel works, at Stcelten, three miles below this city, was the scene of a fright ful accident at live o'clock this morning. While the men were at work in the mill that the steel is made in the ratchet that controls the movement of the largest ves sel that contains the molten metal broke and turned the retort upside down. The contents were poured into the pet beneath, in and around which about eight men were working. Geerge Yest and A. Wcstbroek were se badly burned that their lives are despaired of. Menree Miller, Simen Mar. tin, Geerge Herning and one or two ethers were also badly but net fatally burned. CENSUS ENUMERATORS. Letter Frem Superintendent Snowdeu. The following Ictter received at this of fice, this afternoon, explains itself : Media, April 14, 1880. Messrs. Steinman & IIensel : Gentlemen Fer the information of your subscribers, I would thank you te insert in your local columns, or ether convenient place, the following regulations affecting applicants for enumcratership. First The application must be written by the party desiring the position, and for the township, borough or ward in which lie resides. Second The applicant must furnish the written endorsement of several reputable citizens, as te his clerical ability and in tegrity. Third Appointments will be made with out regard te party politics. I iim, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry C. Sxewden, Supr Census, 2d District. TO-DAY'S NEWS. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. Anna Shade, aged le, daughter of Rev. Benjamin Shade, is missing from home. Four colored men were impaneled as jur ors in the regular term of hustings court at Petersburg, Va., te-day. The strikers at the Birdsboro iron mills refuse overtures from the president of the Amalgamated iron association. Frank Hain, a meulder, who was en .strike at the Heading hardware company, and who went te work last Tuesday, has been miss ing since the evening of that day, and a report prevails that he was waylaid and possibly murdered. The Senate committee en patents te-day decided te report adversely en the propos ed extension of the McKay and Mathics machine patent, which is very extensively used by shoe manufacturers throughout the United States. Lorillard's colt Walleusteiu will have te carry extra weight in the races for the Newmarket handicap and the Chester cup. A resolution was introduced into the Massachusetts Republican convention to day favoring Edmumds for president. Henry Otis, suseected of murder was captured at Concord, N. II., te-day and taken te Rochester N. Y. DEATH KY LAUDANUM. The Fatal Dese Tiikmi in :i Fit of Melan choly. "Wilmington, Del., April 15. "Win. Wagner died this morning from the effects of laudanum which he took during a fit of melancholy, en Tuesday evening last. He was twenty-eight years old, and a son of Adelph AVagncr a wholesale tobacconist of Philadelphia. STARVATION. Nothing te Eat nor Means te Earn It. Londen April 15. The St. Petersburg Goles says in Orenburg, Russia, thousands of families can neither obtain feed nor means te earn it. There is scarcity of work as well as of feed. XJiir AltVEJtTl SEllliSTS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT GAGE at BAUSMAN A P.UR.VS'S Insurance and Real Estate Oilier, aprO-tfdR Ne. 10 West Orange Street. rpe INVENTORS. HERR .t STAUFFER, Solicitors et Piitents, siicee.-ers te Jacob Slantlcr. deceased. Having been in the above business ler some time un der the instructions et Jacob Stunner, dee'd, and having access te his Reports and Docu ments relating te the Patent Olliee. we are prepared te pre-ecute all claims relative te Letters Patent with promptness and accuracy. OFFICE : 3 NORTH DUK E STREET. nprl3-lwIR PUKLIi; SALE. On MONDAY.AI'RIL 10. 1SS0, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, a let of Ground situated en the north side et Kast Walnut street, ad joining ground en the west by Zahm and en the east by David liartmaii. Let lrents en Walnut street 22 feet and depth 120 t'uet te a KJ-feet wide allev. en which is er-clt:d a one and a-half story Frame Dwelling, containing rooms and kitchen anil wull of water with pump. Sale at 754 o'clock p. in. BARBARA WARNER. Hexkv Shubbut, Auct. adrl.Vttd IVAXTEIK WA.NT1). EVERYBODY TO AOVER- TT tise, free ei charge, lit tin: Ikthllkjes ckr, who wants something te de. -XrANTED. TWO STOUT BOYS TO y learn te make Herse Cellars. Applv at the Lewell Cellar Factory, W and a East Orange street. aprll-3td WANTED A SITUATION TO DO UK. end housework bya young woman. Can give the best recommendation. Inquire at fill Seuth Queen utreet. ltd RAGS! RAGS! RAGSI-RAGS WANTED. Housekeepers take notice that we are paying 3 cents a pound for MIXED RAUS. Cash paid as fcoen a delivered te V7M. HENNECKE, nprO-Smil Ne. 235 West Kin;; Street. 5J)O0,UUU Five per cent, interest will be paid by the borough et Mt. Jey for a lean et tlK.OOO, te refund borough debt of like amount created in building Water Works. This lean is free from all taxes. Issued in amounts et $100 and i-'tCA). Interest paid semi-annually. Applv te B. M. GREIOER, aprtf-lwfl Burgess. A COMPETENT PERSON IS WANTED te fill the position of Superintendent of the public schools of Lancaster city. The Beard et Directors will meet en THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, te nil tha position und fix the salary. By order of th Beard. Attest : C. F. KBERMAX, aprlO-4tdS,"W,S&M Secretary. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. PniLADKLrmjcApr. 13. Fleur dull and weak superfine $3 354 00: extra t SOfiS 00; Ohie and Indiana family $6 O0fi6 SO ; Fenn'a family 5 7566 33 ; St, Leuis family tC SSfiS 75 : Minnesota family ft MQ6 25 : patent and hitch grades $6 873300. Rye flour 1624 73. Cornmeel Brandywlne unchanged. Wheat weak and unsettled ; Ne. 2 Western Red$130l3l; Penn'a Red $131 133; Amber Cern strong ? stMninr .Vlfll Vllrt vallnnr ina 54?ic; mixed 53g54c eaisweac; e. i. jc:Ne. 2,c; Ne. f, Kc; Ne. 2 mixed 6Kc Kye firm ; Western and Pa. 87c. 1mi-f.9fsia nnfnf . mc ua mi.W ,a 12 25 : beet hams 17 00 17 50 : India mess beet $19 50: bacon smoked shoulders 55?c; salt 4?b'K; smoked de hams 9Ji10jc ; pickled hams 79c. Lard 'quiet ; city kettle TJc ; loose butchers 7c; prime steam 7c. Butter steady; creamery extra at 2S30c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 2."327c ; Western reserve extra at 2325c ; de geed te choice lS22c: Rolls quiet; Penn'a extra 2022e: Western reserve extra 2223c. Eggs active; Penn'a 1212Jc; Western 11Q 12c. Cheese scarce: New Yerk factory 1415c; Western lull cream 14c ; de for geed 12s&):3) ; de halt-skims lOQHc. Petroleum dull; Ketlned 7Mc. Whisky at $109. Seeds flrai; geed te prime cleverseed $650& 700; de timothy $2 7ig3 0U; de flaxseed $1 SJ New Xerte Market. Nkw Tehk. April 15.-Fleur-Stateand Western strongly in buyers' favor with Untiled expert and home demand ; superfine state $3'J04G5; extra de $t (H4 90 ; choice de $4 955 40 ; fancy $5 4.-t;; 25 ; round hoop Ohie $5 305 75: choice tle $5 seJ7 00; superfine western $3 9045: common te geed extra de $4 055 00 ; clteicu Wheat Spring dull and nominally lower; Winter I2c lower and very heavy : Ne. 1 White, $ 30.: ; tle May. $1 2ty : ; Ne. 2 Red, April, $1 t8l :i5; de 3Iay, l 30Jj;132; de June, $1 2701 2S. Cern a shade lower and dull : Mixed West ern spot 51J4352KC ; de future 47ft'514c Oats heavv anif a shade lower; Ne. 2 for May, 38S:W;c; State 42520; Western 4l50.Jc. Reef dull and prices unchanged. Perk lirmer ; new mews $1750. Lard quiet anil linn; tjteam rendered $7W. Whisky dull ; Western $1 081 09. Spiriu of turpentine dull at 4145c. Stock Markets. Piut.ADKi.riii a, April 15 12:30 r. . Stocks nctivc. I'cnnuti's (third issue) 107 Philadelphia & Erie 17 Reading 34 Pennsylvania 54 Lehigh Valley. 52J-J United Ces. et N. J 1594 Northern Pacific '!& " Preferred 52J Northern Cent nil 33 Lehigh Navigation 37l Norristown 101J4 Central Transportation Ce. 49 Pitts , TItusville & BuOale. 20l Little Schuylkill &i Nkw li'KK, Apill 15. Stocks linn. ivaUIl V 9 N. Y. Central 131 Adams Express '-A Michigan Central J1 Michigan Southern 107 Illinois Central 105. Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. .Allte Chicago A Reck Island. I92M Pittsburgh & Ifcirt Wayiie..lI84 Western Union Tel. Ce 101 Teledo & Wabash 394$ New Jcrsev Central 7S-J United States Bends and Sterling Kxcliane (Quetu latiens by B. IC. Jamisen & Ce., S. W". cer. ""l and cucsinni streets). Philadelphia, April 15. States fi's, 1881, ( registered )..U)5-VQllKJj; States 5's, 1881, (registered). .lOiltfjWgi States 4J3's, 1H91, (registcred)li States 4's, 1891, (coupons).. .lO8!-,0IO8Ji States 4's, 1907. (registered)-. 107107'4 States Currency ('s 125tf$12!i Z Exchange 4852ioe United United United United United United Stcrlin: AM USEMENTS F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JIATINEE, APRIL. 19, 20 and 21, 1880. Return of the Famous McGIBENY FAMILY! This family needs no special introduction te tins people of this city. We simply desire te call attention te the fact thutewing te engage ments nheait they can only remain their ad vertised time. 70 NIGHTS IN PHILADELPHIA ALONE. BRILLIANT NEW MUSIC AND EXTRAORDINARY GEMS Watch for Parade of the Famous Little Rand. ADMISSION, - - - 2.1 Jt 35 CK. MATINEE PRICES, - - lB&KSUM. Ne extra charge for reserved seuts. On sale Thursday at Yeeker's Opera Heuse Ofllce. B. S. DEIGGS, Business Manager. ' JOHN D. MISHLER, Circuit Manager, aprll-lwdj rvl'EKA HOUSE. THURSDAY, APRIL. 15, 1880. Return et the Favorite, the Greatest of all Irish Comedians, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, Supported by a company of specially selected Artists of Recognized Ability, including the beautiful California Favorite. MISS M. LODUSKI YOUNG. THE BEST OF ALL IRISH DRAMAS! Played with Unparalleled Success ever l.OOO limes in all the Principal cities of America, Mr. Fred. Marsden'a bewt work, THE KERRY GOW. A pure Irish Drama, without shillclali, w liisky or priest. iY. Y. Dramatic yews. See the Wonderful Escaptfrem Prison ! See the Gnat Race Scene! A nil the Flight of the Carrier Deves ! MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the honor te announce that the great success of this favor ite company and play has induced ill tit te re-engage them at greatly increased terms. ADMISSION, - - 3S,SOA75CU. Secure your scats early. nprie-ltd LKC.AL notices. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF AIECK & Brether, of West Lampeter township, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of II. II. Deitrich. Assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the saute, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY, the 29th day of APRIL, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.; in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse. In tlte city et Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribution may attend. CIIAS. R. KLINE, apr5-2til&2tw Auditor. J7STATE OF MARTIN SNAVEI.Y, LATE Zi of Drttmere township, deceased. The un dersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Abraham Suavely, Administrator of said deceased, te and among these legallycntitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en MONDAY, MAY 3. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, in the city of Luneastcr, where all persons interested in nald distribu tion may attend. ALEXANDER HARRIS, apr5-ltdA3tw Auditor. ESTATE OF KILL1AN BECK, LATE OF the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in. debted te said decedent are requested te make inimcdiatesettlement.uiid these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing iu the City of Lancas ter. ANDREW SHREINER, marlS-tUtlecd Executer. E STATE OF ISAAC WARREN, LATE OF T .. .. ....ci,.. .It,- T unmiatu. w..t. .!.. ceased. The undersigned Auditor, unneinted te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of James Warren, Administrator of said deceased, te and among these legall. entitled te the same, and te puss upon exceptions filed te said administrator's account, will attend for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 30th flay of APRIL, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock p. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution und exceptions may attend. D. P. ROSENMILLER, Jr., apr5-4teeaw Auditor. ISTATK Or .TAMES W. RI1EY, LATE It of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate-having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same wUl present them without de lay for settlement te thu undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Stelnmetz. JULIA RHEY. Administratrix. J. L. STKismnt, Att'y. ; m27-tfieaw 91 II hi i I !V! a&i r t i t? tun rivi i&A m w 5l ! l2 -?l V HJ iy - v'C - : .j. A