m ' .' W". ' -i -'."; .j ; j i-,,',v.lv:,J,r.1-.". i'.-i.". j.jMiviy.7.v;r.-;:;-.,'W''.s:'v:.iT'f.-av . V1 .v-'J.'v. r-,g"Jc -"vat,-w'?wn . ": 1 " : ," 1 1 rfy'f: 1 iipuiiiiiii.nii i i", i .1, , hi fn ...I .iiii'ijLiriiiiii'iiiin ., a i ,i ,,j. ,lt ,'.;.,. , ..,, .r , j. ,, . .j,..i -jCT....'..! .,. ...; .-J..? i. ;,. ,' i,., , , r ,, . I i t-inn . , ., , .;.,'-,,, V. ' I 'A, Bm!?. ' Lancaster fntelltfiencet. THURSDAY KVENING. AFBHj 15,1880. The Cenntj Convention. As we remarked yesterday, the anima tion visible in the Democratic ranks and which stirred the Northern district con vention te such unwonted excitement only betokens that the minority party in Lancaster county is at least a very lively one and has an amount of fighting bleed in it that forecasts well for its place in the ensuing presidential contest. That it will reserve its strength for that issue and unite it against the common fee was made plain by the hearty geed feeling which prevailed by the close of the county convention and the geed grace with which the victors accepted their triumph and these who were disappointed conceal ed their resentment if they felt any. In the city and lower representative and senatorial districts there was scarce ly any perceptible difference of opinion, and the delegates chosen were nominated with singular unanimity. In the upper district the feeling ran high, but it must be very apparent te any reasonable ob server that the procedure finally deter mined upon and submitted te was the only one by which a perfectly fair and satisfactory result could have been obtained. The chairman of the county committee is charged with the duty of providing for the organization of the conventions,and in the pursuance of that duty he must honestly exercise his dis cretion te secure a " fair ballet and an honest count." Xe one will deny that by the course insisted upon yesterday and finally acquiesced in by all parties that result was obtained. Xe spectator of the early proceedings will pretend te claim that a seemly and satisfactory or ganization could have been effected in any ether way than by remanding every delegate te his proper seat and calling the roll of the districts. The only " ursurpatien " that could have been realized en the occasion would have been te permit any one member of the con vention, with no mere authority than any ether, te shape its organization and control its action against the wishes of its majority. As it happened, the voice of that ma jority has secured free, fair and formal expression, and in such a verdict all ac quiesce. It ought te be satisfactory te all that the delegates selected in both districts are capable, independent men ; loyal and intelligent Democrats ; who will square their public conduct with approved standards of Democratic faith and practice, and who are under stood te favor the selection of national delegates unpledged and uncommitted te any man or any man's' man, resolved te act with an eye single te the welfare of their party and the wishes of their con stituents. The candidate for Congress, Mr. Stein nietz, is well known te the public as a gentleman of legislative experience, po litical energy and professional promin ence, and if anybody can chase the op posing candidate he will gain en him as rapidly as possible. Mr. Montgomery's withdrawal as the nominee for district attorney, leaves a vacancy which will prebabiy net be filled until the result of the Republican " scrub race" is known." Mr. Douglass, candidate for senator, is a faithful Democratic worker and a young man of intelligence, widely known in his district. The ether candidates en the ticket, if they could be elected, would endeavor te make our public institutions something better than the spoils of con tending hog and bull rings. Grant, Maine, Tilden. General Grant is advancing up the Mississippi valley, but is no longer an object of public interest, and his second coming produces no sensation. There will certainly be no wave of enthusiasm te carry him through the Chicago con vention. Main force and hard-fighting only will save him there, as it only has saved him in the state conventions where he has been apparently endorsed. Ken tucky wheels into line for him, but in the face of a discontented minority. Blaine en the ether hand seems te be doing smooth work. The states he gets ap pear te be for him heartily. He will be the leading candidate and will encounter the combined opposition which enures te that perilously exalted position. The nominee is likely te be Blaine or some body who is new nobody. There is hard ly a chance for Grant. In weakness as a candidate before the country Blaine will only be second te Grant. Against the latter the powerful anti-third-term feeling will be omnipotent. Against Blaine the uncleanness of his hands ought te be ab solutely destructive. With a Democratic candidate in the field whose reputation is without reproach, Blaine with his smirched reputation surely cannot tri umph. We are in a time when party prejudice is net very lively and when party ties will fail te control a great many voters against their judgment of the candidates. In the even balancing of parties which exists the character of the candidates will exercise a controlling influence. Mr. Blaine has no character te speak of and will get no electoral votes te speak of against a reputable candidate. We have many such te make our selection from. Our delegates only need te exercise an average amount of dis cretion and they will net go wrong. Mr. Tilden, who is the choice of se many lecause of their belief that his nomina tion will best typify our loathing of the great fraud which kept him out of the seat te which he was elected, has never theless stirred up against himself se much feeling, whether it is rightfully or wrongfully entertained,thatit is obvious that the geed of the party requires the withdrawal of his name. We de net suppose that he will permit it te be pre sented te the convention, or that he would desire a nomination that has net tendered him with some approach te unanimity. He would net be honored by a second nomination in any way forced from the party. He has been once the candidate and if he ought te be chosen again, the party desire would be emphatically se ex pressed. That desire is the ether way. Even these who would vote for Mr. Til den if he should insist upon being a candidate would experience a feeling of great relief if Mr. Tilden would decline te be a candidate. This we confidently expect him te de. Te suppose anything else would be a reflection alike upon his patriotism and his intelligence. It was neither just nor judicious in Senater Wallace te "arrange with certain huckstering Republican politicians that all the Democratic census enumerators te be appointed in Lancaster county should be " placed " in the upper sena terial district, and that Supervisor Snowden should " take his orders '" from a single Democrat retained by Senators Cameren and Wallace te dispense the enumeraterships in consideration of the support of delegates te the state conven tion " in support of Mr. Wallace's inter ests." The whole bargain was highly discreditable te all concerned, and since the consideration cannot be delivered the contract may as well be annulled. Let there be a fair deal all around and the favors be passed regardless of selfish factional interests. Verbum ba. PERSONA. This is the fifteenth auuiveisary of the death of Abkaiiam Lincoln. Net a word from William A. Wiieelkk. Nobody knows whether he has had a bite or net. Hendricks, when a schoolboy, used te argue imaginary law cases te himself as he walked te and from school. Rebert Feb-tune, the English author and botanist, who in 18."7 was employed by the United States patent office te collect in China the seeds of the tea shrub and plants, is dead at the age of 07. Miss Emma Abbett is about ending one of her most profitable seasons. It is said that her share of the leccipts is little less than $30,000. Emma will have the op portunity of adding te this snug little sum en her appearance in this city shortly. Hayes, it is reported, said a few days age : " I believe that the last half of my administration has been as pleasant and as free from perplexities and troubles as ever falls te the let of an incumbent of the presidential chair." Victeii Huge always sits three hours at table. One day he invites poets te dine with him ; the next day learned men ; the third day novelists ; the feuith day drama tists; the fifth day admirers; the sixth day artists ; Sunday his relatives net living with him. There are always three ladies and three gentlemen. He is a firm be liever in the superstition that thirteen people at a table will lese some one by death within a year. MINOR TOPICS. A Hancock boom is en the Kentucky. tapis in Vignaux belongs te the Fiench army. Just new he is playing soldier. Such an exhibition of billiards as he is giving was never before seen. It is hardly according te the discipline of the French military, but the mere he runs when he meets his adversary the better his friends like it. Tun charge industriously circulated by gentlemen who knew it was a lie that Mr. McGrann or Mr. Hcnsel was a candidate for delegate te Cincinnati "in Mr. Tildcn's interest " was such a clumsy device that it only derived feice from the persistency with which it was repeated by people who "Vst forged it and then kept hammering at it. The circumlocution of telegraphing it from here te Washington, thence te the New Yerk II erM,aud cepyiug it from there back into the Examiner, was such a won derful feat that these who did it couldn't conceal their self-satisfaction ever their own ingenuity. Toe thin ! If the Examiner and Xew Era would have stepped their accounts of the Deme, cratie convention with a statement of what was actually done there or even the most exaggerated report of the indescribable tumult that was finally quieted, they would net have made themselves utterly ridiculous. But when the Examiner re peats editorially, as of its own knowledge the irresponsible blather about a delegate being paid $130 te stay at home, or about "barl's" of money being rolled into a con test whose only charactci istic was noise, it discredits itself te an extent that wil make its readers doubt ever what truth it tells about its opponents. And new, if the Burmese ambassador at Thyetme is te be believed, or if he is accu rately informed, there is net a particle of truth in the reported burnings and bury ings alive at Mandalay of hundreds of King Thecbaw's subjects for the propitia tion of the evil influences which have been reported as alllicting King Thcebaw. We shall probably next hear that King Thce baw has either reformed and developed into the most proper sort of a despot, or else that he never killed any of his rela tives and never was iu need of reform, and that all the frightful stories that have been told about him are British concoctions which have in view tne furtherance of British plans for a raid en Burmese terri tory for annexing purposes. And if such things as these should be said or hinted at they would net have the stamp of the ab solute improbability about them, nor would they bcabselutaly unprecedented in connection with the administration of Bri tish se-called interests in India. The Lancaster weekly Examiner is fifty years old te-day, the first number having been issued by Samuel Wagner, April 15, 1830. It was subsequently published by G. W. Hamersly and Luther Richards, and later successively by Rebert W. Mid Mid dleten and Edward C. Darlington. In 1838 Jehn A Hiestaud, Jehn F. Huber and Francis Heckert became the owners, and when this partnership was dissolved Mr. Hiestaud became sole proprietor, and con tinues se. In 1872 a daily edition of the Examiner was started, and in 1870 Mr. Hiestaud bought the old Express and united the two papers under the title of the Examiner and Express. He announces that the title of the paper will be hereafter simply the Examiner. We congratulate our contemporary en the prosperous con dition in which it finds itself en the at tainment of its semi-centennial and hope it may continue te live and prosper for many years te come. Barring its politics, the Examiner is a geed paper. Important if true : "A Democrat of prominence, one who has held a high posi tion in the councils of his party, informed your correspondent te-day that Mr. Tilden LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGK(JER THUBSDAY. APRIL 15, 1880. -I - n i r . has written a letter te be read at the New Yerk Democratic convention at Syracuse, declining te be a candidate before the Cin cinnati convention and withdrawing his name. The reason assigned for his course is the condition of his health. This same gentleman says that Mr. Tilden prepared a letter two months age withdrawing his name, but the intercession of personal friends prevented it from being made pub lic." The above dispatch was handed te a gentleman, an inmate of Mr. Tildeu's house, last evening, with a request that he would show it te Mr. Tilden. He took it up stairs te Mr. Tilden. On his return te the parlor he handed it back and said that Mr. Tilden would net see the visitor. He added in reply te a question that Mr. Tilden had net read the dispatch. A let of yellow-fever feathers from Memphis appears te be circulating about the country iu a very miscellaneous and decidedly hazardous fashion. Seme biief while age they were sent te Chattanooga, and en being turned back from there were forwarded te Cincinnati, consigned te a dealer who declared that he had net ordered them and who refused te receive them. The health officer at Cincinnati has surveyed the infected goods and ordered the beat which carried them te take them back te Louisville, from whence they had been taken te Cincinnati. We picsume that they will go te St. Leuis or some ether well-populated settlement nsxt that is, it some enterprising health ofheer or ether public-spirited citizen docs net take them in charge speedily and drop a lighted match in their midst. There certainly appears te be a necessity for summary deal ing with these particular feathers, and be it public official or private citizen who suc ceeds in having them deprived of power te de harm, neither the censure of public opinion nor the heavy hand of the law will be likely te de him any severe injury. m LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. A jury was obtained in the Bucholz murder trial yesterday, at Bridgeport, Conn. In the California Senate yesterday the bill for the suppression of stock gambling was defeated. 1 he ban J; raucisce Uhremclc ellicc yeijr tcrday reduced the price of composition frenVfifty te forty-five cents per thousand. Frederick W. Rice, a popular insurance agent, fell down a coal mine at Providence yesterday morning, 130 feet, and was in stantly killed. At Cincinnati, yesterday, a trame of baseball resulted : Cincinnatis, 0 ; Na tions, of Washington, 5. There were ten innings. The compositors en the New Yei k Wit- ness struck yesterday en account of the em ployment of two colored compositors in the office. All but two el the old hands left their cas-cs. uwmg te uissatisiactien among some employees of the Vulcan steel works of St. Leuis legaiding wages, the company has closed part of the works for the pres ent. 1,000 employees arc out of work. The suh-committee of the Heuse com mittee en Pacific railroads voted yesterday 2 te 1 against granting any extension of time te the Northern Pacific railroad. The matter will come before the full commit tee te-morrow. The " regular" Democracy of New Yerk city and Brooklyn elected Tilden delegates te the Syracuse convention yes- tciday. Mixed results aic reported from the interior counties wherever the issue was made Tilden or auti-Tilden. A fire at St. Leuis yesterday in the building at Main and Olive streets burned out the Riverside printing office, the shoe factory el II. 1'. lettcrman and somewhat damaged the lower floors, occupied by Jescph Garneau & Ce. and L. W. Hemp. Less, piebably $20,000. .i. ii. ACKien nas eccn ueieatett ter re- nomination in the Third Louisiana con gicssienal district by Mr. Balleu. Acklen's career has been particularly unfortunate at least, anil the Democrats generally ex press gratification at his defeat en account e. Ins unsavory record. A fire broke out iu the Amcy feundery. at Lancaster, O., yesterday, and destroyed it and several ether building. Among the buildings burned were : Jacob Ham mend's feundery. Less, $5,000 ; no insur ance. Oeorge Carter's grocery. Less, $2,500 ; insured for $2,000. The residences of Phil. Basley, Samuel Rhedebauch, Themas Meekin, 31. Glenn and Messrs. Kline ; no insurance. The Iowa Republican state convention yesterday was controlled by the Blaine men, and the utmost harmony prevailed. Resolutions were reported indorsing Blaine as the choice of Iowa and the best man for the party te nominate, and instructing the delegates te Chicago te use all honorable means te secure his nomination and te cast the vote of the state as a unit. Five-sixths of the delegates voted in the affirmative en their adoption. STATU! items. Mr. Franklin B. Gewen is in the "Vaux" delegation te the Harrisburg convention. On Monday, Watsen Henry, a mulatto, was killed in the slate quarries at Banger, Northampton county, by the caving in of an embankment. A widow named Kline, aged about G4 years, committed suicide at her residence in Blain, Perry county, en Saturday morn ing last at half-past 4 o'clock, by cutting her threat with a butcher knife. The Western Mail association held a meeting at Pittsburgh yesterday and agreed unanimously te a further suspen sien ei two wceics. Alter discussing the advisability of reducing prices it was de cided te maintain the present rates. The extensive tannery of Kistler Broth Breth ers, at Leck Haven, was burned yesterday afternoon. Less about $100,000. Insur ance $73,000. The origin of the fire is un known. There were fifty-five men and boys employed in the building. The Democratic convention of Clarien county en Tues lay chose W. F. Cellner and Barney Vensel representative delegates te the state convention, with instructions for Tilden. Resolutions denouncing the recent course of Senater Wallace were passed. Little Ma'm'selle Deven, performing in the circus at Philadelphia, failed te make her flying leap from the trapeze yesterday, and fell te the ground, before the horrified gaze ei tne mg auaiencc. ane was ren dered insensible, but net seriously hurt, no bones being broken. m w Vignaux Wins the Match. The billiard match in Paris between Slossen and Vignaux was concluded last night. Vignaux took up his run where he left it Tuesday night and added eighty points, making a total of 1,531 points without a miss. Slossen made a great effort te restore his fortune, and succeeded in achieving a run of 1,103 points, during which he was repeatedly cheered. Vignaux, however,sceredthe 800 required for the last night and wen the match. In last night's play Slossen scored 1,989 points, which added te his previous count, makes a total of 3,118. At the conclusion of the match Slossen asked Vignaux for his revenge. Vignaux has net agreed te de se yet, but it is probable that the encounter will be resumed in a fertinight. COURT AND PRESS. RIGHTS OF LAWYERS AND EDITORS. THE NEWSPAPERS SPEAKING OUT. The Eighth Installment of their Opinions. Shadowed by Political Reasons. Bradford Era, Kep. It is te be hoped the supreme court will reverse Judge rattersens decision, as n seems shadowed by political reasons to tally foreign te the equity that should Le held sacred m such emgccrncics. The Logical Criticism. Alteena Sun, Dem. Te admit that for his act a judge may disbar them would be te concede his right te usurp the functions of both grand and petit juries, and te impose dangerous check net only upon the freedom of the press, but also upon freedom of speech. Come Inte Court Huntingdon Monitor, Deui. If Messrs. Steinman and Hensel pub lished in their paper any falu duirgc re flecting en the character and integrity of the court, they should be tried for libel. Then the accuser and the accused would meet, face te face, and have their case tried before an impartial court, and decid ed by an unprejudiced jury, liut when Judge Patterson undertakes te sit in judg ment upon Ms eicn case, and act the part of prosecutor, judge and jury, he casts a reprearh upon the administration of justice, and does himself an injury which time can never repair. Such judicial tyranny should net be tolerated in Pennsylvania, and we believe it will net. Maj be Learned, Hut netDiscrcet. Cecil County. Democrat, Deui. Serving iu the double capacity of editors and lawyers, the victims owed a double duty. In the performance of that of mould ers of public opinion and in exercise of the high right te point out errors lest ethers fall therein, they daied te express them selves te their leaders in opposition te the honorable bench. As lawyers they did nothing, and yet they were held account able as lawycis. But the blew at them, the effects of which they can well atfeid te bear patiently, is a threat te the liberty of the press. Judge Patterson may be a learned indue : he certainly is net discreet. Had he taken the proper view of the matter he haidlv would have placed himself in such an unenviable and unten able position. Let's Have a Censer et Journalism. Cambria Freeman. Dem. This act of Judge Patterson is a most arbitrary and high-handed proceeding and will net, we feel confident, be sustained by the supreme ceuit when it cemec before the tribunal, as it will at an early day. If an editor who also happens te be a law yer can thus be summarily dealt with, the next step te be taken is the establishment of a government censorship of the press, as it exists in Russia and ether despotisms of the old world. Alexander Wilsen left his home en Tues day night te go a fire at Covington Ivy., telling his wife that there were many chil dren in the adjoining house and he would help te get them out. Yesterday his dead body was found among the debris of the fallen walls. He had gene into en6 of the houses te assist in saving the children and was there caught by one of the falling walls. He was an cstcmable man, and pro prietor of the only public library in Cov ington. Unjust as Well as Unwise Pittsburgh Times, Rep. Allowing his angry passionsjte get the bet ter of his calm judgment, Judge Patterson had the editors, Messrs. Steinman and Hcnsel, arraigned for contempt of court, but as this charge could nej; be made held, he afterwards changed his plan of retaliat ing attack and.had the names of these gen tlemen (both members of the bar) stricken from the roll of attorneys. By virtue of what right Messrs. Steinman and Hensel, as editors, should be made te suf fer in their ether capacity as attorneys, is a difficult matter te understand. On his bench and in his court Judge Patterson might be excused for striking out in de fense of his dignity, but away from that, his own peculiar icalm, he stands upon the level, and only upon the level, of any ether citizen. He is as fair a subject of criticism outside of that realm, as any ether citizen. The judge's action in disbarring these gen tlemen was as unjust as it was unwise. The case will go by appeal te the supreme court. The result of it there may be easily anticipated. What the Public are te Knew. Cai lisle Herald, Itcp. Has the public a right te knew whether judges are actuated by such a motive as was here charged? This is the crucial question. If they have, each citizen who discovers it has a right te inform his neighbor. Communication from the mau who knows te the mau who doesn't is the only method by which public judgment, as te the merits of public measures or public men, can be formed. But Judges Livingston aud Patterson say that the public has no right te knew whether the partisan feeling attributed te them really controlled them. Iu the opin ion tiled, Judge Patterson is pleased te re mark that impeachment is the only re dress which one "seeking or claiming te be a public benefactor would for a moment think of employing." The impeaching Heuse and the trying Senate are the only bodies of citizens te whom a lawyer when he discovers a judicial malversatien has a right te communicate it. Pray, what officers arc net impeachable ? The national constitution says, "The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States ;" the state constitution says, " The governor and all ether civil officers under this common wealth," shall be subject te impeachment. Se, whenever an officer is impeachable, he is exempt from newspaper remarks upon his conduct! If a state treasurer steals its public moneys, silence ! If a pardoning Lbeaid corruptly recommends the pardon of a notorious criminal, silence ! ! If a governor becomes habitually drunken, te the degree of being unfit te perform his duties, silence!!! If a 'judge cannot be blamed for a completed official act, why should a Heuse of Assembly, a governor, an attorney-general, a treasurer? Should these net be independent as well as the judge ? If acting honestly, de they net as much deserve protection from hostile comment ? Are they net by nature as sen sitive te ill-fame ? Is (tay)the recommend ing or the granting of a pardon te a crimi nal really less important than winking at such conduct of a district attorney as secures an improper acquittal? The sooner Judge Patterson learns that a court is an organ for the despatch of business, and is net a wit mere holy than a governor or a legislator, tne sooner he will gain an indispensable qualification ler Ins office, which he still lacks. Judge Patterson knows tee well that, if the press were silenced in regard te official misconduct, impeachment of any officer would be impossible. Representa tives and senators act when the great public makes it hard te avoid acting. A Dreadful Comparison. Alteena Sun, Dem. This man Patterson evidently believes that the days of Jeffries has returned, or at least that he is privileged te make himself as notorious in petty meanness as the ether was in crime. In the one case the crime disguised a butcher in the ether an ass. Geed Weight. Reading Times and Dispatch, Rep. Gen. Hancock's weight is 270 pounds. A geed weight for president. YANKEE ttTEXEMBN IN IRELAND. Streng American Team te Ge te Dollymeant This Tear. The beard of directors of the National rifle association have resolved te renew during the present season and en Irish soil the Irish-American competition, which in 1874, 1873 and 1876 was the occasion of three exciting and well-fought matches. The beard met in special session for the consideration of this subject. The committee, consisting of Messrs. Fulton, Bedine and Grant, ap pointed te consider the matter, recom mended the sending of a team across the Atlantic, and Majer Henry Fulton moved the adoption of the report and the accept ance of the Irishmen's invitation. He said that the riflemen of Bosten informed him that Messrs. W. Gerrish, J. F. Brown and W. H. Jacksen, members of the team of 1877 intended te visit any circumstances and first-rate shots, Wimbledon under and would doubt less be available for the contest. The ri flemen of Washinsrteu also guaranteed a man, as also these of New Jersey. He believed that he was only expressing the general desire of the riflemen of the coun try in making his motion te send a team te Ireland. After some discussion en mat ters of detail, the resolution was put te the meeting and adopted. Following this was the appointment of a committee te take charge of the selection of a team, the raising of necessary funds, and all ether matters pertaining te the match. They have power te make all arrangements subject only te revision by the beard of directors, and are instructed te pursue their work with promptitude. The mem bers arc Majer Henry Fulton, Colonel Bedine, Lieutenant Colonel Litchfield, General Shaler, General Mellncux, Mr. G. Grant and Colonel E. II. Sanferd. The team te be selected will consist of six men, but it will be necessary te send one or mere " substitutes" in case of accident te one of their number. The estimated expense is about $5,000. Seme difference of opinion exists as te the manner of determining the per sonnel of the team. Sorae think they should sheet their way into it in open com petitions, as in previous years, while ethers think this unnecessary and held that the committee may select six of the best known riflemen available. The committee will early determine this matter. Randall Opposed te the Unit Ilule. Speaker Randall has written the follow ing letter te a prominent Democratic poli tician in Pennsylvania, in reply te an in quiry as te the former's views with regard te the unit rule in the forthcoming state convention : Deak Sin : Your inquiry received. I am opposed te the unit rule because it fetters and practically disfranchises the minority. In Pennsylvania the delegates te the na tional convention are chosen by districts, and the state convention, having nothing te de with their appointment, has no power te direct the manner in which their votes shall be cast. With the four dclc-gates-at-large who are elected by the state convention, the course is of course differ ent. The unit rule has been a convenient device by which te shackle the Republican party in Pennsylvania and te subject it te absolute personal domination, and it is net at all desirable te engraft the practice upon the policy of the Democratic party,. With us the people govern in their own way. The Lancaster resolution of 187C, te which you refer as a precedent, gees for nothing, as it had net the judgment of a full con cen con vhntien in its favor. Yours truly, (Signed) S. J. Randall. I'ercst Fires. The forest fires in Pike county. Pa., fanned by high winds, arc assuming alarm ing proportions, and it is feared that in the remote townships all the valuable timber will be destroyed. At night the horizon, as seen from Milfeid, is "a sheet of flames." Great forest fires are raging in Ocean, Monmouth and Cumberland counties, New Jersey. Despatches show that thousands of acics of valuable timber have been burned ever, and that in some districts buildings, cattle and live stock have been destroyed. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THROUGH gUAKEK CITT SPECTACLES. Viewing Lancaster Democracy at Leng Range. Philadelphia Times te-day. The Lancaster Democrats never get any thing but delegates te the party conven tions, and therefore they seem te think it worth while te indulge in a regular row when they are called upon te select a few delegates. Three conventions were held yesterday for the election of eight dele gates te the state convention and the nom ination of candidates te be voted for in November. There was no struggle ever the nominations, candidates for Congress, district attorney and the Legislature hav ing been selected without a struggle, but when it came te the question of delegates the two Democratic parties had a hand-te-hand fight in one of the districts. The result of the day's work is that two dele gates will be chosen te represent the Lan caster district in the Cincinnati convention who will be no man's men, who are net new concerned for any particular presiden tial candidate, and Lancaster will be against the unit rule in the Harrisburg convention. Our Cantlidate for Congress. The Democrats of Lancaster haven't one chance in several hundred thousand of electing a candidate for Congress, but they usually make such arrangements that if the accident ever did happen the district would have nothing te be ashamed of in its represctative. Mr. Jacob L. Stcinmetz, who was yesterday nominated for Congress, has represented the Lancaster city district in the Legislature and is a man whom the Democrats of the county will he weli sat isfied te vote for. He is the first candi date in the field in this state and the second nominated for the Forty-seventh Congress, De La Matyr having been the first. 1URTHDAY PARTY. Pleasant Time at Jeseph Eckstein's Heuse. Yesterday Jeseph Eckstein, who is the eldest member of the Hebrew congre gation of this city, was 84 years of age, and the ladies' society, composed of mem bers of the church, determined te give him and his wife a surprise. In the evening a large number of the members of the con gregation, together, with their families, met in the synagogue and proceeded from that te Mr. Eckstein's residence. The auair was a complete surprise te that gentleman, who, during the evening- was presented with a purse of money by the party present. Mr. Jacob Leeb made the presentation speech and Mr. Eckstein responded, ten dering the assembled party his sincere thanks. Other speeches were made by different parties, and refreshments, which were furnished by the ladies, were served. The party adjourned at a seasonable hour, wishing Mr. Eckstein many mere birth days. Committee en Printing. Last evening the committee en printing and stationery of councils organized at the mayor's office by the election of Mr. Henry Sineach, of the Seventh ward, chairman. The committee is composed of Messrs. Smeach, White, Yudith and Gee. M. Franklin. It will meet en the second Wednesday of each month. THE COUNTY CONTENTION. A Revised List of the Delegates and Com mitteemen. Owing te the prevailing excitement of yesterday it was nearly impossible te get a complete list of the delegates te the conventions and of the county committee elect for the ensuing year. We have re vised our lists aud republish them as fol fel lows. Persons knowing of errors in the same will oblige up by promptly pointing them out : City. First Ward Theo.Treut, Jehn Slough, Thes. F. McElligett, Win. McCemsey, Wm. Scheurenbrand. Second Ward S. W. Raub, J. B. Lichty, Jes. Barnett, Charles E. Stewart, J. L. Steinmetz. Third Ward Adam Oblendcr. G. Ed ward Hegener, Jehn A. Ceyle, Jehn F. Deichler, Benj. F. Davis. Fourth Ward J as. A. JlcElhenc. Henry Wilhelm, Rebert E. Bruce, Harry E. Car Car eon, Jehn Steigerwalt, jr. Fifth Ward William B. Striae, Geerge Musser, Peter McConemy, Peter Allabach, Merris Gershel. Sixth Waid R. II. Brubaker. Gee. W. Brintnall, W. U. Hensel, Jehn M. McCul lcy, Byren J. Brown, Seventh Ward A. F. Dennelly, Henry Derley, B. Kuhlmau, Davis Kitch, jr., Jehn Franciscus, sr. Eighth Ward Leenard Schmidt. Jehn St. Clair, Christian Oblendcr, Jehn Fritsch, A. J. Snyder. Ninth Ward Jehn J. Barclay, Jehn J. Hutchinson, Fred Yeagcr, Elim G. Sny der, Philip Zechcr. Lewer Representative District. Bart Jehn J. Keyler, II. Baughman, J. J. Coulter, Jesiah Beyer, Lewis Pickle. Colerain Geerge Beene, Newton Grefi", James Walker, S. U. Swisher, Jehn J. Gal braith. Conestoga W. II. Shober, M. G. Mc Hcnry, Fred. C. Geerge. Drumore L. T. Hensel, II. E. Raub, E. M. Staull'er, E. P. Ambler, J. G. MeSpar ran. Eden Rebert Montgomery, James Mont gomery, Rebert Evans, G. J. P. Raub, James K. Alexander. Fulton R. P Jamisen, A. C. Jenkins, J. O. Kennedy, Sanders McSparran, Wash ington Whitaker. Lancaster township S. II. Diml.ip, S. W. Potts, David Martin. Lampeter West Samuel Leng, Abram Sides, Geerge Harnish, Jacob Peter.'., David Meek. Lampeter East J. F. Ecliternacht, Geerge Clerk, D. L. Erb, II. F. Hartman, J. B. Martin. m Leacock W. W. Busier, J. R. Rutter, II. S. Rutter, S. M. Knox, Jesse F. Troop. Little Britain M. H. AVilsen, W. W. Hensel. Jehn J. Penncl, Dr. Zell, C. John John seon. Martic B. F. Miller, David Creamer, S. C. Stevenson, Ames McFalls, David Smith. Maner New Jehn S. Mann, William Erwin, Fred Lcenaid. Indiautewn C. J. Rhoads, B. McEl McEl rey, Christian Kline, M. M. Seurbeer, A. Hess. Millcrsvillc Ames Charles, Julius Figey, Fred. Fcnstermacher, Otte F.Reese, Her man Geith. Paradise Geerge Diller, N. J. Lefever, Agncw Irwin. Jeseph Echternacnt, Adam Stambaugh. Pequea Jehn M. Miller, M. K. Sener, M. Huber, Gee. W. Sawville, A. A. Sulli van. Providence Uriah Huber, Nelsen Dy son, G. J. Hildebrand, T. J. Shirk. S. P. Shirk. Salisbury Jehn Masen, Henry Wise, Wm. Hamilton, James P. Mar.sh, Ames Hess. Sadsbury Jehn D. Harrar, Jehn Gra ham, sr., Jacob Rice, jr , N. Gillespie, sr., H. L. Townsend. Strasburg Township W. J. Wentz, Philip Miller, B. B. Myers, Frank Clark, Samuel Wikcr. Strasburg Borough Jeseph Gender, Chas. Beam, M. D. Aliment, Dr. Black, Samuel Ecliternacht. Washington BorengJi. Upper Ward Henry Aument, Jacob Walk, Geerge R. Will, Geerge W. Roberts, Henry Fishel. Lewer Ward Martin Bitner, Henry Kise, Geerge Pray, Harvey Bush, J. B. Douglass. Upper Senatorial and Repre-entatie Dis trict. Adamstown Levi Schnadcr. Brecknock Henry StaufTer, J. F. Kern. Caimarven Jehn II. DcIIaven, Gee. W. Simpsen, Edward Barclay, Dr. Wm. B. Irwin, R. M. Arters. Clay Cel. D. Hauck. Ceney Jehn L. Fasnacht, Jacob R. Keb, David Metzler, Simen Ackcrman, Jacob 13 rentier. Cocalico West Wm. Bcchtel, Samuel R. Gelsinger, Samuel Swcigeit, David Ceglcy. Cocalico East Pierce Leshcr, Dr. J. W. Trabert, M. C. Killian, C. W. Carpenter, Jehn S. Heiser. Columbia (First ward) Wm. B. Given, C. F. Yeung, R. O. Clark, II. C. Lichty, G. C. Haldeman. Columbia (Second ward) W. Hayes Grier, Wm. Patten, S. S. Detwilcr, J. C. Clark, Jehn S. Given. Columbia (Third ward) Jehn Harsh, Gee. L. Lyle, Jes. Rhoads, Jehn Cailin, Themas Siugler. Denegal West Gee. W. Wermlcy, Peter N. Rutt, Wm. B. Wermlcy, Jes. 11. Brandt, Cyi us Oldweiler. Denegal East Spi ingville Henry Eich ler, William Battan, Gee. T. Gresh, Eli Carsen, Jehn Lawrence. Elizabeth Gee. F. Shultz, Benj. Work man, Gee. Yeutz. Elizabethtown Emanuel Heffman, J. E. Killian, W. B. Sneidman, 11. T. Shultz, J. B. Shultz. Ephrata Jerc Mehler, J. A. Steiner, C. G. Amnion, Dr. J. S. Armstrong, C. S. Reamsnyder. Earl Dr. W. S. Yundt, Levi Beseie, Wm. Stycr, Levi Bear, Isaac Hull. Earl East Gee. Duchmau, JehnC. Mar tin, R. Davis Yundt, Jonas Z. Stault'er, Wm. ilartz. Earl West Henry zcr. Leacock Upper M, Kafreth, Levi Rae . B. Weidler, Elias Bard, Isaiah Dunwoody, Franklin Hilten iHicliael uress. Leaman's Scheel Heue Wm. Diffcn baugh, Aaren B. Demmy, F. G. Farmer, I. W. Nan man, Sel. K. Becker. Newtown Jacob Habecker, Jno. Shenk, Benjamin McDcvitt, Henry Sprout, Jehn Kemmerly. Marietta F. K. Curran, J. M. Hanlen. Wm. McNeal, Jes. W. Kelly, Walter Freilinccr. Manheim twp Michael M. Hambright. Sam'l Ilassen, Jno. S. Hestettcr, B. J. McGrann, A. C. Kepler. Mount Jey twp Brcneman's Scheel Heuse Jehn Menauch, Geerge Flowers, Isaac Watsen, Harry Wambach, Myers R. Stencr. Maytown M. L. Moere, Luther Hayes, C. M. Peck, J. C. Jacobs, II. A. Haines. Mount Jey ber Henry Shaffner, Martin Hildebrand, Jeseph Detwiler, Jacob Loraw, Jehn B. Shelly. Manheim ber F. R. White, F. B. Bro Bre sey. C. H. Yeung, Jehn B. Bemberger, Daniel Apple. Mountville J. Halls Fridy, I. II. Kauff man, Jehn S. Hoever, Henry Binkley, Adam Fishel. Norwood Daniel D. Ferry, J. II. Oster Oster deg,. Wm. Heidler, Penrose Nissley. Hiram Leckart. Penn Em'l Keener, Jacob Busser, David D. Cenrad. Petersburg M. S. Greff, Jehn Watsen, A. Breitigan, H. E. Minnich, H. W. Lutz. X Rohrerstown W. IT. TiVtr..i. t t Hambriirht. H. D. Mus.vr .inim ....- Levi Heffman. ' Strickler's Scheel Heuse Jes. Detwiler W. B. Detwiler. ' Sand Hole Scheel Heuse Wm. Walker, Solemon Zeamer, Henry Zeamer. Silver Springs Henry M. Weller, Bern hardt Menchey, Henry S. Weller, Jonathan Ganiber, Samuel Shirich. Sporting Hill H. R. Diehni. Wm. Bu gle, Jacob Geig. Warwick I. G. Pfautz, Peter Amnion, H. C. Hull, I. F. Bemberger, Dr. J. H. Shenk. County Committee for 188081. Adamstown L. K. Schnader. Bart Jno. J. Keyler. Brecknock Reuben Shober. Columbia. First Ward C. F. Yeung. Second Ward W. Hayes Grier. Third Ward Jehn Harsh. Caernarvon Gee. W. Simpsen. Clay D. Hauck. Colerain Rebert Patterson. Conestoga W. II. Shober. Ceney David Metzler. Cocalico West Wm. Bcchtl. Cocalico East Pierce Leshcr.. Denegal L Maytown J. Luther Ilajts. " Springville Gee. L. Uicmh. Drumore Gee. W. Westcott. Earl Dr. W. S. Yundt. Earl West Levi Raezer. Earl East Jonas Z. StaufTer. Elizabeth Geerge F. Shultz. Elizabethtown Emanuel Heffman. Ephrata J. W. Leber. Fulteu H. P. Jamisen. Indiantown C. J. Rhoades. Lampeter West Samuel Leng. Lampeter East J. B. Martin. f First Ward Win. McCemsey. Second Ward llavid McMulIcn. Third Ward Jehn F. Deichler. Fourth Ward Geenrc Pentz. Fifth Ward Geerge Musser. Sixth Ward W. U. Hensel. Seventh Ward Philip Kuhlmau. Eighth Ward Christopher Sheid. Ninth Ward Jacob Pentz. Lancaster township S. W. Potts. Leaman's Scheel Heuse Wm. Diffen bach. Leacock W. W. Busser. Leacock Upper M. B. Weidler. Maner New Jehn S. Mann. Martic S. C. Stevenson. Millcrsvillc Fred. Fcnstermacher. Marietta F. K. Curran. Manheim twp. A. C. Kepler Mount Jey Breueman's Scheel Heuse Jehn Mcnaugh. Manheim ber. F. R. White. Mount Jey ber. Martin Hildebrand. Mountville Jehn S. Hoever. Newtown Jacob Habecker. Norwood Daniel I). Ferry. Paradise D. W. Edwaids. Providence T. Jeff Shii k. Petersburg II. E. Minuich. Penn Em'l Keener. Pequea A. A. Sulliman. Rohrerstown W. H. Dietrich. Salisbury I. Diller Worst. Sadsbury II. L. Townsend. Sand Hele Scheel Heuse Wm. Walker. Silver Springs Henry M. Weller. Strasburg ber. D, L. Ecliternacht. Strasburg twp. W. C. Wentz. Washington ler. Upper Ward G. W. Roberts. Lewer Ward Geerge Pray. Warwick I. G. Pfautz. DKI.EGATIM TO STATU CONVENTION. Thirteenth Senatorial District. SEMATOUIAI.. CHAS. J. KIIOADS. KKPRKSENTATIVK. R. If. BICUIIAKKK, Ul:. II. E. kaui:, II. S. KEISNS. Fourteenth Senatorial Dlttrlct. SENATORIAL johxs.iieotei:. HEriSKSBNTATI B. M. V. 15. WEIDLKIf, K()U(iE YOUTZ, WM. II. GIVEN. Democratic County Tinker. VOIt CO.NURK3.S. J. I.. STEINMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTOllS fcV. If. F. MONTGOMERY. 8ESATOR (l.$tll DISTRICT.) .1. II. DOUGLASS. FOR WHSOU ISSrKCTOIt?. UAKTON M. WINTMK.S, 1IEN.J. MILLEi:. FOR rOOR DIRECTORS. A..I.SNYDEU, JOHN FUANCISCUS. Withdrawn, Neighborhood News. Mrs. Samuel A. March, of West Ches ter, was fatally burned en Tuesday morn ing by her clothes taking fire from the cook stove while she was preparing dinner. She died en Wednesday morning. Mrs Jehn B. Fchlcisen, of Harrisburg, came near being burned te death yester tcrday afternoon, her clothes having taken lire fiem the flames of a pile of brush she was burning in her garden. She is terribly burned, but her physician has seme hopes of her recovery. On Monday morning Jehn Whittaker, blacksmith, of Avendale, Chester county, arose apparently healthy. He ate a hearty bieakfast and proceeded te his shop and went te work. A short time afterward he complained of a dizziness in the head, aud requested his son te assist him te the house, which was about 25 yards distant, which was done, and he lay down en a couch, when he shortly afterward ex pired. The coroner's jury returned a ver dict of death from apoplexy. J. Meri is Leng, conductor of a freight train en the W. & N. K. R., met with a very serious accident en Monday after neon, while making a coupling. AtCoatcs AtCeatcs villc is a culvert about two feet wide, and ever this culvert Mr. Leng made the coup ling, and in doing se he steed en the rail. A wheel of the moving portion of the train ran upon his feet, and he threw his body back te save his life, which would have been lest had he net done se. The wheel passed up his feet and up the left leg te about four or five inches below the knee, terribly lacerated the fleshy part, breaking the bone of the fere part clear off, the end of which protruded through the lacerated flesh. The bones of the heel were also in jured, and the general impression was that the leg would require amputation below the knee. Nearly Darned Up in His lieuae. A small tenant house en the farm of J. Patterson McCommen, in Colerain town ship, Lancaster county, was-destroyed by fire en Thursday night last. It was occu pied by an old man named .las. Haney who lived alone. He occupied a room en the first fleer, aud about midnight was awakened by the falling of the stove in the adjoining room. On opening the deer he found the room ablaze and all chaucu of escape cut oft. He then hurriedly gathered some clothes around him and made his escape through the window of his room. The fire was discovered by the neighbors who hurried te the place, but it had gained such headway that it could net be checked and the building and contents were entirely destroyed. The building was partially insured. m i ftyj .':f1 Sjf 1 sia trit IHi 1 m i 5- a t 34 ItTJ 2 'H I itl in n r ! 1 i : t? i X M mi Yi 11 .i". BS m jsJ y5--;i-0--