y jj.-y":-TJ.' ,.!. :' .'"'.';'. v'-l - T"! ?nr7 1? vv f,-ry--.?l V V tVPttr "v.--: '!''-;.':" t''W "Una i .hiiiO-iW 'rm ' 77522222 Y. .., iipf ' -y . f--.--!-. -t. " ' i-t k. "X. t "T Volume XYI--N0. 192. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1880. Price Twe Cents. 'j;,.Kj"r Ih TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLTGENOER, rCBLISUED EVERT EVEXINQ, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. I'hk Daily Intklliekncek Is lumished te subscribers in tlie City of Lancaster and sur- reuiKiin towns, accessime uy Kanreau and Daily Stage Lines ut Ten Cents Peh Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a year in advance : otherwise, $;. Kntcred at the pest efliceat Lancaster, Pa., as -rcend class mail matter. WTlic STEAM JOH PRINTING DEPART MENT et this establishment possesses unsur-paM-ed facilities for the execution of all kinds of Plain unci Fancv Printing. COAL. B. II. MAKTIX, Wholesale and Retail Dculci in all kinds of IAJM15ER AXD COAL. 5-Vard: Xe. 420 Xerth Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nti-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the IJcst Ouality put up expressly for family use, anil at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. B- TAKI 1.10 SOUTH WATEK ST. iifiMyd PHILIP SCIIU.M,SOX & CO. c IOAL.1 COAL!! KKMOVAL!!! RUSSEL & SHULMYER liave removed their Ceal Ollicc from Xe. 15 te Xt,!KASTKIXU STREET, where they will be pleased te wait en their lricuds and guar antee full satisfaction. -Don't let-get Xe. 2i apr-T-lnidtaw r u.vr ki:ci:ivki a pink let of i;ali:d ' HAY AND STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, I1EALKH3 IN ' FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, 214 NORTH WATER STREET. tS-Western Fleur Specialty. f s27-lyd COHO & WILEY, X.IO NOIiTtl WATER ST., Ixmcanter, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and lluildcrs. KMlmatcs maile and contracts undertaken en all Kinds of buildings. ISranch Office : Xe. Z XORTH DUKE ST. JebiS-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GORRECHT & CO., l-or doed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harriburj Pike. Office S Ea-l Cliestnut htiect. P. W. (JORRKCHT, .1. It. R1I.EY. W. A. KELLER. Agt. eMyil "VTOriCKTOTIIKl'L'IILIC. G. SENER & SONS. Will continue te sen only GENUINE LTKENS VALLEY and WILKESBAIUIE COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH OX AXY senile in geed order. Alse Rough and Dre--cd Lumber, Sash Deers, lllinds, Ac., at Lewest Market Prices. Ollicc and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut street-, Lancaster, Pa. ianl-tfd HOOKS ASJ STATIOXERY. "VT i:V STATIOS KHY ! Xew, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Lastlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. L. M. FLYNN'S ItOOK ANI STATIONERY STORK, Ne. 42 WEST KING STIIEET. JOffl BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, 1'A., Invite attention te a Fine Line et LEATHER GOODS, lust received from the manufacturer, embrac ing Xew anil Elegant Styles et POCKET WALLETS, LKTTKR ROOKS, BILL BOOKS CARD CASKS PORTEMONNAIES, PURSES, Ac, Ac. Al-e, Xew Styles of SILK VELVET FRAMES FOR CABINET PICTURES. liEXTS' goods. ATEST STYLE ' Cellars nfl Flat Ms. ;BEST FITTING SHIRTS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, ft NOUTH UUEKN STREET. EOVSDERSAXD MACHINISTS. T ANCASTEK 2 BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTKtHK Locomotive Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purpose:) ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheetriren Werk, and Black8initliing generally. 47 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglMyai JOHN BEST. MARBLE WORKS. WE P. FRAILEys MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND .FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f Xerth Queea street. mSOl CLOTHLS'G. PRIG (iraiimi H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having just returned from the New Yerk Woolen .Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Jiest Selected Stocks et WOOLENS reu run er I'.rer brought te this city, best of Xene but the very ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Prices as low as the lowest, and all goods warranted a represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the Immense Stock of coming seasons an Reafly-Iaie (kin, of our evn manuiactiire, which cempiUcs the Latest anil JIet STYLISH LESIGIS. Come and see our NEW GOODS which is larger and composed oft be best stvles te be ieund in the city.- 1 B. Metier 24 CENTRE SQUARE. a;-iyd I.AXCASTEU. PA MORE STUBBORN FACTS ! Astounding result of our effort in catering for a Fastidious and Fashionable Trade. The advance in pricesefallnewdesigiisin Woolens seems te stimulate the demand. The run en our novelties is far beyond our expectation. OUIi SPECIALTIES IX REED & TAYLOR'S English Treuserings are Perfect fiems of lleaiity and Taste, a lull line of which are Cord Stripes and Plaids, Lon Len Lon eon Knickerbocker and Cheviot Suitings, in all the Fancy Crimson, Pearl and Antique Shades. The only house in Ibis citv that has a Full Line of LOXOO.V SMOKE, EM KHALI) and LOUD UKEY COLOltlXUS, llit Xew Shades. A Large Line of Scotch & English Novelties In Ihinneckburn, Celtic and Garryewcn Chev iots and Suitings, in all the Xew and Fancy Mottled and Plaid Mixtures. French Hair Lines and Pin Stripes, Ulue Cheeks in great variety and handsome cH'ccts. Elegant Xew Designs in SPRING OVERCOATINGS, Original Styles. A full line ei Choice Styles Ameiican Productiensof Standard llramlsand exquisitely beautitul. The character et our stock is such that it will recommend itself te all levers of genteel and elegant dress, and our prices are as low as can be expected, consist ent w ith first-class work. U'c advise all per sons' in want et Spring Suits te place their or der at once, forseineof ourExclusiNcandcon eurExclusiNcandcon ourExclusiNcandcen lincd Styles when sold cannot be duplicated. We are in constant communication with the leading Tailors in Xew Yerk, and have the Cor rect Styles ler Spring fully delined, adapted for Gentlemen's wear, and can guarantee full satisfaction in every department. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. rUHNlTUltli. 1 Netice of Merest te 111 ! NEW STOCK. NEW STORE. NEW AND INCREASED FACILITIES. By recent Improvement te my AVare Reems they have been much enlarged and improved, and have just been tilled witli a Xew and Com plete Assortment of Hand Made and ether FURNITURE, OPTHB LATEST AXD BEST DESIGNS. 1 guarantee all my work ami will make it te your interest te call. Repairing and Ite-uphelstcring at short no ica. Picture Frames made te Older, at YX EAST KING 8TEEET. WALTER A. HEINITSH. mm you. Lancaster Intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, APRIL 14, 1880. THE WAY OF THE MR GOTHAM'S LATEST BIT OF SCANDAL. SliadewH en the Secial Canvas The Career of a Fast Yeung .Man, with a Itrief Ac count of Seme of his Meet Brilliant Escapaees Shet Three Times The "Women lu the Case. PREPARING FOR TilE INVASION. Cincinnati's Hetel Accommodations Dele Rations te the Democratic National Convention Already Secur ing Quarters. The Eventful Career of Mr. Lloyd Tha-nix-Correspondence of the Philadelphia Times. Three characters te whom public atten tion has been much diawn during the past winter no longer form a part of tlie social system of Xew Yerk city The central figure of the trio, Mrs. Gould Thorp, is by all odds the prettiest, most dashing bright est, wittiest woman that has been the sub ject of club talk for many a day. The ether two are men one, Frederick 31 ay, who obtained cheap notoriety in a duel some three years age ; the ether, Lloyd Pluunix, whose caieer as a "masher" has been marked by a series of scrapes and shoetinjr matches which, while making him notorious have also reduced his physical proportions by taking away a bit of his ear, an end of a linger and a slice out of his side. The notoriety thus gained is emphasized by the fact that in all the sheeting he has been the target, and the shooters have been three of the most beautiful and conspicu ous women in the world. A few nights age he became the target for Fred 3Iay ami 3lrs. Thorp. The affair took place in .Mrs. Thorp's rooms, and the next day May and the woman were en their way te Liverpool and Lloyd l'hejiux was oil en his yacht nursing the place where a linger hail re cently been, and doubtless wondering whose hand would held the next pistol in his direction. It is only necessary new te name the two women whose sanguinary attempt upon 31r. Phoenix's life have been ripples in the cm rent of his existence, and the charac ters in this history will be fairly bef 10 you. The first is Fanny Lear, otherwise 3Irs. Blackford, whose escapades in Eu rope from palace te hovel give her an un savory reputation, and the ether is 3Irs. Heeeher, new the Countess of Peurtales, but ii leader of the demi-mende of Paris te-day. Fine let of people these, but the fame by which they are known is se well deserved that even the incidents which go te make it sound like a romance, and if they could be told in detail would out eut Xaua Zela, and put a blush en semethin-rs told by Petronius Arbiter. Streng state ments, but very, very tjue. Strange te s;iy, tee, all three of the women were once modest little Quaker girls, whose youth ful days were spent within the censerva tive limits of Philadelphia. Fanny Lear, who has borne the distinctive tiilu of the Great Aspasia of Paris, was a daughter of a Baptist preacher. She ran away fiem home in her lifteenth year and became a public woman in this city. Shediiltcd te Paris, where her adventures became the subject of comment in all circles and fi em whence her fame extended the world around. About four years age a scion of the house of Ifoniaiiell', the Grand Duke Constantine, was lifted into prominence through the abstraction of his imperial mother's jewels. Fanny Lear was the woman they were stolen for, and it was about the same time that 31iss Fanny or, as she was also known, 3Irs. Blackford, was smuggled into the Winter Palace by her youthful but highly indiscreet lever. The story gees that she was found by a no less important chap than the Czar himself. Certain it was she was found, and by order of the Czar she was soundly spanked by the palace guard. The punishment, dis graceful as it was, was regarded as ample, and she escaped Siberia, but was banished from Russia. She came te Paris and there renewed an acquaintance with Llevd Pluu nix and the two weie married, lie gave her slOO.OOO te be forever rid of her. But before he came 3Iiss Fanny, in" a fit of jealousy, sliced a piece of his side away with a knife. Chip number one had fallen from 3Ir. Phoenix's body. His vivisection had begun. On his return te Xew Yerk he met Philadelphia girl number two. lie found her as Mrs. Becchcr, the newly-made wife of a well-to-de liquor merchant. The story of their association comes te an end at the point of a pistol. 3Ir. Phoenix was walking en Fifth avenue, near his house, when 3lrs. Becchcr emerged from a coupe that had just dashed up, and advancing toward Phoenix, said : ' Lloyd, I hear you are going te Europe. Is it te yet nd of nie'."' "lam going te Europe," here plied petulantly. "Then take that," screamed the frantic woman, as she drew a pistol and lircd at him. The woman sprang into her carriage and was oil". The bullet carried away the rim of Mr. Phoe nix's right ear. Chip number two had fallen from Mr. Phemix's body. The vivi section was continuing. Of 3Irs. Becch er's origin little is known, but her success in her late years in making herself noto rious amply compensated ler the absence of her early history. The years slip by and Lloyd Phoenix continues his conquests among women, especially these in matri monial armor, without important results until he meets the third Philadelphia girl. She appears as the wife of Gould Thorp, who is net without a history that properly falls in here. He hails from Xew Haven, whence he came some twenty years age with $100,000 te spend in the metropeK He spent it. He had his lling with a young I'luladelphia lady, by whose agency he became acquainted with 3Iiss Weed, a dashing young Quakeress. The young Philadelphia girl whose name is first men tioned in this connection passed into in famy and oblivion, and 3Iiss Weed became Mrs. Thorp. Pretty and bad was 3Irs. Thorp, and her heart went out te a con genial person when it was lent te Lloyd Phccnix a few mouths afterward. She is psctty yet, because she is only twenty-six years old, and time nor dissipation has net yet worked its complete influence. She is petite, has light-brown hair, hazel eyes, large mobile mouth and teeth like (te use the simile whose age commends it) pearl. Her costumes are a marvel of taste ; she knows hew te wear her dresses, tee, which, by the way, come from Werth. At the Arien, Liederkranz ard French balls, she was an important figure, and en the read, behind her own team, she was seen every day last winter. About a year age Thorp began te hear of 3Irs. Thorp's meetings with Lloyd Phoenix and had a watch put upon her movements, resulting in detecting the pair in each ether's embraces. A divorce suit followed. The affidavits that were get to gether te carry it te a successful issue were ruled out of court as improper. That's what the examiner or referee called it in issuing the order, but really they were shocking in their bold indecency, and Chief Justice Daly, who saw them afterward before affirming the referee's report, says they made his hair te stand en end. One link in the story was furnished by the coachman, wne, reasoning lrem the fact that Lloyd Phoenix often joined madame in her carriage in the park, concluding that something was going en. In this view the court coincided, but pending the decision 3Irs. Thorp brought a cress-suit and delayed the final action against her by manipulating the machin ery of the law. In this divorce suit Mr. Phoenix, of course, appeared as correspon dent and his social existence was imper iled. As owner of the yacht Intrepid, of the Xew Yerk yacht club, member of all the swell clubs, and with tremendous wealth at his control, he had net entrance te the violet boudoirs nor the companion ship of the fair-skinned and aristocratic dames of Murray Hill. He sought te break off the association with Mrs. Thorp. She wouldn't have it. On one hand, she would lest her husband ; en the ether, &he would lese Phoenix if she hesitated. Thus, between Scylla and Charbydis, she objected te being let down without pretest. One day he came for his letters, which she had said he could have by calling for. A stormy interview followed, and as the .affair was made public in police court pro ceedings, it would appear that it was Phoe nix who drew the pistol this time and at tempted te sheet her. She had him ar rested and he gave bends te keep the peace for six months, without explaining that it was, in fact, she who drew tlie weapon, and while attempting, with undisciplined hand, te snuff his life light, he wrested it from her. Such, however, was indeed the case, for she has told and written it se since. The next day after the hearing befete the police magistrate, 3Ir. Phoenix sought the seclusion that the cabin of his yacht granted and sailed te a Southern sea.lt was about this time that Mrs. Thorp concluded te write a book. Hitherto she had appeared in paint as the authoress of some delight ful little poems, some of which I have seen copied into the columns of many news papers in the land. They gave her tiie reputation of being a writer and a poet of taste and feeling. She was net. A news paper writer, whose brains were in the market at a much lower price than they should have been, was the lady's poet and he sold her net only his poems, but his claim te them until there came a day when he pushed his poems into his pocket and plumped himself at her feet and voiced the passion in his heart in tones of love. The lady laughed at bun at first, but he, wrought te desperation, threatened her poetry with exposure, and she temporized with him. He became her faithful slave, but lives te knew and con gratulate himself that his threats and hi love were alike fruitless. The poet wrote the book, but it has never been published. I have read the manuscript. It would make a sensation, such as has net throbbed the heart of Jlurray Hill for many a day if it wcie. The writer of it tells me that Mrs. Thorp's eccentricities were illustrated in the writing of the book. One day she wanted something told in it that would make Mrs. B. unhappy ; the next day it was in a different vein she wanted her lit erature drawn in, until finally came a time she would have naught of it all, and aban doned all idea of its publication. Last winter's round of balls affeided 3Ir.--. Thorp the opportunity te indulge her wild bent of dissipation and extravagance at its height. Lloyd Pluunix was her frequent companion, Fred May was never fiem her side when she was seen in publ'c, while the jennnasne dure fluttering around her brought thejr offerings of diamonds, checks and suppers, and like moths get scorched in the brilliant flame of the flick ering fickle woman's changing fancies. She led the fast world,and petite seiryei in her luxuriant suite of rooms in' West Twenty-eighth street furnished rare scenes of dissipation and extravagance. Daylight frequently marked the middle hour of a carousal there ; but there was a meeting of three only a few nights age, which leads me back te the part of the story touched upon at the eutstart. The three were Fred May, who, like Jehn A. Stevens, in ''Unknown," was "her faith ful deg ;" se, indeed, he had come te be known, although during the last year Mrs. Thorp had a chosen escort in Dan Merau, better known as "Dressy" Dan, of the Union club, a very rich broker, and after ward in Beb Silverman. With him she was fairly icckless,and together they were put out of the 3Ianhattan Beach hotel. where they weie living as 3Ir. and Mrs. Wright. The ether man of the party en West Twenty-eight street, was Lloyd Pluanix, as usual in the role of target, and the fair 3Irs. Thorp was the hostess. The servant has told the story of what happened At first there was some constraint, but there was also seme wine, and both wine and constraint disappeared to gether. Finally Mrs. Threp said : "Lloyd, 1 want you te show Fred 3Iay the names of the women you have tattooed en your legs." Pluunix protested there were none ; but the woman insisted there were some that theie were, indeed, three. "The first is that of Fanny Lear, the sec ond is Mrs. Beecher's and the last " " Well, whose is the last?" said Phoenix, tantalizingly. "My Ged, it's mine,'" screamed the frantic woman, seizing a pistol and leveling it at him. Fred May drew, his weapon at the same time, and the servant escaped. Her testimony is taken up by the evidence of ethers who heard three pistol shots almost together, and the crowd that rushed into the rooms found Mrs. Thorp fainting upon the fleer, Fred may bending ever her, and Lloyd Pheniix dancing up and down, holding the part of a linger which one of the bullets had left. Chip number three had fallen from Mr. Phcuiiix's body. Democratic National Convention. Headquarters of the state. Delegations at Cincinnati ami the l'rice of 'Beard. Although ever two months intervene be fore the Democratic national convention, yet many of the delegations have secured their headquarters, and the hotel people are already considering their ways and means for providing for the thousands of visitors the great event will attract. The Gazette has the following notes about tlie convention : The national committee will be entertained at the expense of the citi zens. Their transportation bills will also be paid. It is estimated that the expenses efthe convention will be from $12,000 te $15,000, The money has beenalready sub scribed: Of course the delegates will have te pay their own expenses, or their consti tuents pay them for them. As a rule pro prietors of hotels are opposed at this early date, te giving out the ar rangements they have made with the several delegations. Negotiations are going en every day, but se far net a quar ter of the delegations are proved for. The Grand hotel has contracted with delega tions from Ohie (fourty-feur in number), Pennsylvania, New Yerk, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska and Connecticut. There are 325 rooms in the Grand. Should the national commit tee consent te have their parlor used at night for sleeping purposes, it is expected that the Grand will accommodate 900 per- sons. It is net yet fixed whether the national committee will beard at the Grand, but they will have their head quarters there. Owing te the small number of rooms at the St. Nicholas, and the fact that it is always crowded. that hostelry cannot provide for any of the delegates, except in the res taurant line. The Xew Yerk banker, August Belmont, and Speaker Randall and W. II. Travcrs have arranged for accommodations at the St. Xichelas. Several prepositions were made te rent the whole of the St. Xichelas's rooms, but they were net cntertainad. A Xew Yerk party has secured the second fleer of Xe. 232 West r eurth street, opposite the Grand hotel. They will come with Mr. Belmont, and are understood te be in the interest of Bayard as against Tilden. This party will arrive en the 15 of Juue, and they have en gaged the rooms for twelve days. The Gibsen house folks were exceedingly leth te state what delegations thev had made arrangements with. Their house will accommodate part of the Ohie delegation, part of that of Xew Yerk, Tennessee, West Virginia, Xew Jer sey and Indiana. There arc new 360 rooms in the Gibsen, and sixty mere are being fitted up. When Hayes was nominated this house sheltered 1,310 people. It can de mere this time. It is likely that the Gibsen will be known as the principal i headquarters of the Southern delegations. Lptethc 20th inst. no prepositions will be entertained from private parties dele gations having the preference up te that date. The St. James hotel has net, as yet come te an understanding with any delegation, although overtures- have been made by Delaware, Michigan and Xew Yerk. The general rate per day at all the leading hotels will be 84, irrespective of the location of rooms. MEDICAL. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE OKIGINAI. AND OXLY UKXUINE. Their high decree of perfection lias been se cured after years of experiment. Composed of ihc CHOICEST Gums and Extracts. We iiaranlecthcui the I'EST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. I'UKKLY VEGETA1ILK. One or two every night, In ten days cure Cestivcness and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty t-teiuach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggist. apil2-2indeed&w CUTICURA REMEDIES llnv acliinTed the most noted auecesa et any Medicines of .Modern Times. Messrs. Weeks t Petter have never doubted Hie specific properties of Cuticdra, Cuticuua Keselvumt and Cuticuka Soai ler the speedy, permanent and economical cure of Humors et the liloed. Skin and Scalp. They are, however. a-tenNlied at their universal success; for it was te be expected that in the hands of seint hey w eulil lail s-elely fiem spasmodic or ine- ant uic et them. They are unable te say without fear of con radictien that no remedies ever achieved in the .-liert space of one year the number et won derful cures performed br tilt ClTIHBliA IlV KDIK4 SALT RHEUM. Cevering tli ISedy for Ten Years, Perma nently Cured. Law Okficb or Ciias. nouairrerr. 17 Congress Street, IJosten, Feb. 23, 1S7S. Mkssks. Wekks & I'ettbr: Gentlemen. I feci it a duty te inform you, and through veu all who are intcietcd te knew the lact that a meet disagreeable and eb-tinate cae of Salt IMieum or Kczenin, which has been under my personal observation from its first appearance te the pieient time, about ten (hi) years, covering the greater portion of the patient's body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and itching scab, and te which all the known meth ods of treating such disease has been applied without benelit, has completely disappeared, leaving a clean and healthy skin, under a few days of profuse application of cuticura. 1 can and de heartily advKe all similarly af flicted te try the remedy which has been se ef fectual in this case. Tery truly yours, CilAS. HOL'GHTON, L1VER COMPLAINT Ami I)jspcpIa Treated by the Reselvent Gains 5 1-2 pound en One I'ottle. Gentlemen: I have had Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no geed 1 have been spending for eight years and it did no geed. Kverything I ate distress ed nie. I get reduced from 171) te 132 pounds. At last I t.iied the Reselvent and it helped nut right off, and en the bottle I gained live and ouc-halfpeunds. It is deinthv business, and 1 am going for it strong. Yours truly, JOHX ItOT, 414 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., Nev. 13, 1878. Nete. Cuticura is admirably assisted In eases et extreme physical weakness, or when tlie virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in tlie system, by the internal use efthe Ccticuka Ueselvekt. without doubt the most powerful bleed purifier and liver stimulant in the world. Ccticuka Seap is an elegant toilet and medic inal assistant te Cuticuua in tlie treatment of all external ailments. Fer chapped hands, leugh skin and tan, sunburn, ami the lesser skin troubles, it is indispensable; as a soap ler the toilet, the nursery and bath it is tlie most elegant, refreshing and healing before the public. These gieat remedies succeed where all ethers heretofore in use fail because they pos sess new and original properties never ucleie successfully combined in medicine. The Cuticuua. Remedies are prepared by Weeks & retter. Chemists mid Druggists, Seu Washington street, Uosten, and are ler sale by all druggists, l'rice of Cuticura, small boxes, .'(U cents ; large boxes, containing two and one- uau nines uic quantity ei small, $i. iteselvent, tl per bottle. Cuticurit Seap, 25 cents per cake ; by mail. 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents. )LLIVS lu the Annihilation et Pain ami Inflammation' V Kit VOLTAIC FtCCTRia1" the vitalization et I.U.VIUIM lV.:ilr. I!iralv?i-1 nnil Pi actCKS Painful Nervous Parts Wlalfc and Organs, in the Cur ing of Chronic Weakness of the Lungs. Heart, and iiidneys, in tlie Absorption et Poisons from tlie IJloed through the Peres, and the Pre vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints, Malarial and Contagious Diseases, they are wonderful. Get tlie genuine. CUTICURA FOn SALE AT LOCHEK'g Drug Stere, 9 Kast King street. GROCERIES. XTHOL.SAI.K AND KKTA1L. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd COFFEE! COFFEE!! The ISest Fresh Roasted Rie, Laguayra Mecha and Java Coffee always en hand. We claim that tew Stores keep as geed an article as we de for the money. It you want te enjoy a geed cup of Coffee or Tea Uuy at D. S. BURSK'S, IT EAST KING STREET. 3Ncw Designs Fancy Chinese Business Cards given witli each pound of Coffee if de sired. rpUKEE-POUND CANS FRESH T09IA- JL TOES at 12. 14 and lGc. Canned Cern at 14, 10 and 18c per can. Table Peaches at 22 and 25c ter 3-pound cans. Canned Peas, Fine Apples Pears, &c, at BURSK'S. D. S. BURSA'S, Me. 17 KAST KINO STREET. DHY THE GRAND DEPOT IS THE LAEGEST RETAIL HOUSE in the United States, exclusive of New Yerk City. It carries DOUBLE THE STOCK of any Retail Heuse in Philadelphia. Buyers are Sure of Seeing the LARGEST ASSORT MENT of Newest Goods. A System of Business is ob served that Ensures PERFECT SATISFACTION. A CORDIAL INVITATION is Extended te all who visit us. The New Stock for Spring is Just Opened. JOHN WANAMAKER, 13th Street, Market te Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! BOTTOM PRICES ! I All. SUIl & COMPANY Have removed te STIUK'S CIII.VA HALL MJILDI.NU, where they have opened an Immense Stock of I)lt GOODS, FAXCIT GOODS and NOTION'S, at prices that miibt command attention SEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, NEW SPRING CRETONNES AND CALICOES, NEW SPRING HOSIERY, NEW SPRING GLOVES. S3-KVKUY DKl'AUTMKXT A SriiCIALTT, AT THK NEW YORK STORE, S AND I O EAST KINO STREET. SPRING DRESS GOODS! SPRING DRESS GOODS! SPRING DRESS GOODS! HAGER & BROTHER Arc new opening N VAY Sl'KIXU DKLSS GOODS in all the T-'itcgt Shade. NOVELTIES IN FRENCH DRESS GOODS 1 NOVELTIES IN ENGLISH DRESS GOODS! FULL LINES OF AMERICAN DRESS GOODS 1 French Grenadine, i'lain and Lace Huntings, Cretonnes, Chintzes, Canten Dress Ging hams and Seersucker. l!Iack Cashmere Silks, in all finalities, from 7.".e. te $1.33 per vanl. Celer cd Silks, new shades, Trimming Silks, Safins and I'ekins. BLACK CASHMERES, ' Of best make, imported in all qualities, silk Warp, Henriettas, Cicpe Cleth and Tamise. Genuine Kill Gloves from 'i.tel button, in Uiack Celers, While and Opera Shades, Lisle Gloves, 2, :J and 4 Kliistie, Li,h; Gloves Lace Tep, Silk Gleve, lilac!; and Celers 2,:; and 4 Klustic. White Geed-, l.ace Gemis, Hosiery and Corsets. WATCIIVS, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DKALKlt IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver nnil Silver-Plated Ware, Clocks, Jewell? aid Ami W Spectacles. . We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them In making the best use of their money in any department of enr business. We manufacture a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Kvcry article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. BFirst-CIasa Watch anil General Kcpairins given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. CARRIAGES, S. E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready ler SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Busies, Carnages, Melons, Market Waps, k. Having purchased our stock for cash, before tlie recent advance, we are enabled te offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. Wc will keep in stock IJUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all las-es et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN UARKKT WAGONS. Give ns a call. All work fully warranted ena rear. MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BUONCniTIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HExVD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. DR. BROWNING Is a regular! :5ra(?uiltc of chemist. His " C. & C." (Cough and ut cenn Cordial scicntinc research in chemistry and medicine, as Is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action, and its unparalleled efficacy. Tlie expense in its manufacture is at leat ti ve times as great as that et any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it Is sold at the exceedingly low price et 50c. & Sample bottles (for a short tlmtt only) 83c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.. 4r-l7dWWftW 49 VOX 1AXK BT GOODS. .IEWELKY, .te Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. VUAETOSS. Jtr W. W. BAILY and Dealers In Factory, mAlIcInc. a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough Is net the result of mere chance, but of long THK PKOPJUBTOK AXD ALL DRYGGISTS. V ii H $ Ui Kl ill a & m M