&m . i - t 1! LANCASTER DAILY JINTBLLIGENCBR, TUESDAY. APRIL 18. 1880. I worship, and in the burying-ground adjoining which are some very old graves. Tiic village of Sheencck contains home line residences. One et" the most prominent residences in the place is that of Dr. Samuel S. Weist, located near the centre of the village, surrounded In elegant ernamenttal tiecs and slnubbery. Dr. Weist enjoys a large medical practice, and is also engaged in a number of busi ness enterprises. He is the pioprieter of .several cigar manufacturing establi s incuts, giving employment te a large num-bi'i-ef hands. He is also a fiuit grower el much expciience, has a huge vineyard, and is engaged in the manufactuie of wine. 1):-. L. li. Weist, of Scheuni'ck, also enjoys :i line practice. The most southern lesi di'iiee jn the village, fronting en the read le Lancaster, is that et Hen. J. A. Stebcr, one of the members of the Legislature for Lancaster county, who does a large busi ness as an insurance agent and justice of 1 lie peace. Frem Schooled., te Keauistevvn. On the way from Schecneck te IJeams IJeams tewn station (Stevens 1. O.) distance two miles, t lie splendid faun and residence of Lzra Keeker is passed. Mr. Becker lias been inteiested in several paper mills in l'eiks county. At the "cioss-reads,"' one mile from Schecneck, is the line f.nm of Michael II. Shiik, an ex-ticasuier of Lan caster county. The lead thence te Keams tii n station is ahneit perfectly level. At the station then' is quite a village, with a number of handsome houses. Keanistevvn, one of the eldest towns in Lancaster county, is two mile-, from the station. IJeing, unfei- tunately, away from the railroad, the town shows but few signs of impievemcnt. Fiem Hcinlmld'.s station, seuthwnid for a number ofmilcsaleng the Heading and Columbia l.iilread. may be seen the large hygienic le sort elected en the southern slope of the Cushion Mountain by Dr. James S. Preston. This health establishment is located about three miles south of Waincisvillc, and one and a half miles from Deep Cut station, en the Heading and Columbia laihead celumkia news. Frem Our On n Correspondent. Business at the Columbia coal shutes fei this season will in all piebability com mence to-menow. Large iiumhcis of lafts aic ai living d lily. The high winds, however, prevent them from passing fuithcr than this point. The population of Columbia was in c: easd this morning by the nnival in town, from Albuitus, of Mr. and Mis. with font teen childien. The father is evidently veiy pieud of his family, tak ing the pr.ius te infeini several pcisens th.it they were all his. Tlie Shawnee lolling mill will no doubt be idle for some time. Employer and em ployee aie at leggei heads. Yesteul.iy the iien w inkers, at a meeting held by them, decided te weik but live beats per day. The i-empiny aic as linn in their demand ihat. the men shall weik sik heats. And sn the matter icsts. The Hie- escapes contracted for by the .school beaid some time age, one at each end el the school buildings, have been elected. The matciial is of weed and iron ; the steps of weed and the framewoikef iien The weik is of a substantial character and will, no doubt, if ever called into ser vice, answer the puip sc. The B. H. Lutheran mite society will meet this enening at the lesidence el Mr. II. I Yen gey, and tomenovv evening the mite society of the Methodist chinch will meet in the pulei of the chinch. Chinch neciablcs aic giev. ing meic popular with each succeeding meeting. In addiiieu te the lefreshmeiits which aie served a lit craiy pregramme is picscntcd. At the Methodist church an admission of ten cents entitles the jiei. son te lefiushments, and at the Lutheran and l'lesbvteiian no : sscssincut is made, but veu p.utake of the eatiblcs en the Huiepeau pi in pay for what you cat. Yesteiday alteinoen a uietly-dispescd gentleman was sitting at a table in the Franklin house w tiling a letter. A man, who has aheady icccivcd enough punish ment te warrant our withholding his name, approached the Q. 1). G. and made some insulting lcmaik te which no atten tion was paid, the wiiter instead moving te an adjoining desk. The insults, from the man, who was in liquor, became se vile and peisenal that the propiietor was in the act of inteifciing, when, in less time than we can wiite it, the Q. I). G., who had linished his letter, gave the offender such a thiahing as we have raiely seen administeied. And everybody said 'he get what lie deseivcd." The Q. I). (!. was one of the athletes connected with the pantomime tieupe. Nick Roberts's pantomime tieupe pcr pcr feimcd last night te one of the laigest au diences ever gathered in the opera he ise. Payday at the Shawnee furnace and both lolling mills scivcd te add largely te the icceipts. H very one seemed bent en en joying themselves te the utmost and the way they went at it in no way belied their intentions. The scenes in the gallery at times beggaicd desciiptien, and the lowest conceit saloon in the country would net a second time tolerate the behavior which among the gods characteiized last night's pjifermauce. The performance was of a meic than eidinary character and appealed te give general tatisl'actien. THi; CHURCH OF COD. Historical Sketeli by Jehn S. Gable. The Church Advocate of Apiil 7th con tains a long and inteiesting (.ketch of the oigauizatien efthe denomination of cluis tians known as the Chuich of Ged, found ed by the late Itcv. Jehn Winebi enner. The .sketch is wiittcn by Jehn S. Gable, of this city, who was himself one of the fust members of the church, and who has for half a century lemained one of its most active members. After furnishing abiief biography of Elder "Winebi enner. Mr. (i.iblc gives a graphic description of the e.uly labeis of that rcmaikablc man; of his tiials and tiiumphs ever obstacles that would have disheartened and flushed a man of less faith and indomitable energy. The levival meetings held in this city .mil elsewhere are graphically dcsciibcd, in cluding the exciting meetings of the Sec ond Advent people, who expected the re appearance of Christ en eatth in 184:5, The piper is concluded with a statistical statement of the growth of the church and an admonition te members efthe piescnt gcneiatien te held fast te the faith as pio pie claiined by the fatheis. Cane Presentation. Yesteiday afternoon J. Iiesenmyer, who is general manager of Uese nbaum's tobacco warehouse, en Prince stieet, was piesented with a handsome geld-headed cane by the employees. The picscntatien speech was made by Philip IJenigcsscr, and it was responded te by Mr. Iiesenmyer, who thanked the man for the beautiful present. POLICE CASES. Drunk anil Disorderly Conduct Assault and llattcry. The mayor this morning committed, for ten days each, three men and one woman all for diunken and disorderly conduct. Alderman Earr committed for drunken and diseiderly conduct, for ten davs, an umbrella tinker, who gave his name as Bernard Heilly. Shortly after his a ancst a woman named Mary Campbell called at Aldeiman Ban's office, and made com plaint of assault and battery against Keilly. She charged Heilly with knocking her down, and tramping and kicking her, and her face gate evidence that she had been most shamefully abused. On her com plaint Heilly was held te answer for as sault and battel y, and the woman Camp bell, who appeals te be his traveling companion was held for ten days te appear as a witness against him. Disreputable. Last evening a posteffice official and some of his clenics, all of them consider ably under the influence of liquor, made a most unwai ranted and disieputable as sault upon a city official, also a Hepubli can. who by his lccent political action has displeased the late "city ling."' The blackguaids shook their lists under the official's nose, thieatened te whip him, used the most insulting epithets tewaids him, and did eveiything else te provoke a quail el. which was avoided by the gentle man's leibe.uance. It is only at his re quest that we feibeai publishing the low dies' names. Othci gangs of the lingsteis who have about i cached the end of their lope were almost as diseidcily in ether paits of the city. lleises .sold. Yesteiday, Jehn Hebman, auctioneer, sold for 11. II. Kauflinan, at the Mciriniac sale and exchange stables, this city, twenty head of horses at an average of $131 each. One of them, a line diiving heise, was bought by Jehn Slough, of the Black Heise hotel, fei $'500, and some ethers sold fei fancy pi ices. Samuel I less & Sen, auctioned s, sold at public sale .vesteiday, at Fied Biimmcr's stables, for Gceige Giessman, ett head of Canada heies at an average of $17:5.50 per head. TJie lowest piice horse sold at $1150, anil the highest pi ice one at $201. KciiiMc Gees Heme. Wm. II. Kcuihlc, aTter K'v'"n l-l'l for hisappei ' -f .e Judge 1 'cat seu for .seiitein. ... ii-c 2lith inst., left Ilaiiisburg en the Pacific expics.s for his home in Philadelphia. He passed thieugh this city at 1 :2."i this aftci neon. While the train was .standing in the depot an incensideiate ergan-gi inder commenced gi hiding out ' In the sweet bye and bye," and as the train moved oil" stiuck up "The Devil's Dance.'' Annual Keiiiiieu. The annual lcunien of the Old Reliable association of Pennsylvania is being held te-day at Maiictta. Delegates are piescnt fiem all poilien efthe state. Win. II. Hex, of Wilkcsbaue, is piesidcnt et the associ ation. Branches, eist in Ilenisbuig (which is the eiiginal organization), Phila delphia, Willccsbane and ether places. The day will be cle e.l vith a giand soci able, as usual. 'mii:iiiit Dismissed. The complaint of assault and battel y piefencd by Mary Reilly against Aitlmr Ilcniy, for assault and battel y (the fact being that Miss Heilly was run -ever and scverly injuied by Mr. Henry while he was diiving en the Xew Helland pike some t'nee weeks age), was dismissed by Alder man MeConemy this aft ei neon, the prose prese cutiiv failing te appeal. Defendant dc cl.iied the a Hair te be puicly accidental. A. Y. M. Ollicers. The Masonic eificcis who anived in this city vesteiday afternoon visited the Lan caster Ledge of Pcifcctien last night. After the close efthe ledge, a fine banquet, which was gotten up in Jehn Copland's best style, was given in honor of the visi visi teis, who letiuncd te Philadelphia at 12:20. Steckm.iii's Condition. The condition of James Steckinan, who was seiieusly hint by being thrown from a cai i i.ige a few days age, is matci tally im im pieved, and his phv.siciaiis new express stieng hopes of his lccevery. Red Men's 1 isit. On Tliui.silay nevt the incinbeis of Met Met inieia and Ke-sluh-koe-ncc tiibcs of Red Men, of this city, will pay a visit te Osceola tiibe of Columbia. Seme fifty men or mere will p.uticipate in the visit. Leg et n Herse Itiekeu. On Sunday night a horse belonging te Jehn Rest kicked another which was in the st iblc with him, breaking his leg. A vvria -known German niinistei. Rev. A. Opit7, et selileisiugei v die. Wis , vv 1 itcs : 1 vvnsasuffcifi with Rheumatism for jears. Fi lends recommended the use of m-. J icon's Oil: Itiied it, and must confess that the re sult was astonishing. Ilav ing liaidly used up the lirst bottle, 1 found lelief, and the second one cured me. I theiefeie feel under obliga tions, and sh ill lecemmend this elleetive lcinedy vv believer 1 have a chance. Iiaae AV.itts was a Little M.m. Ue said jocosely te sitet his tall quizzing ti lends vv he asked hew he feltaineng se many men, "tint he was a siTpencj among six pennies, weith them all." SOODONT is just se; then may be minj pieparaliens ler the teeth, but it is weith tin m all. al2-lwdeedA.vv si'KCiAJs serrcr.s. Grateful 'VVeiiieii. Nene leceive se much benefit, and none arc se pioleundly gniteful and show such an in-ten-st in recommending Hep Hitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted te the many ills the sex is almost uni vei s.dly subject te. Chill and level , indiges tion or del anged liv ei. constant or periodical sickhead iclics, weakness in the back or kid ncv s, p.un in the sheuldeis and dilferent parts el the body, a leeling et lassitude and despon dency, uie all ieu!ily romevcil by these Hit ters. al-2wd.v.w Tiy Lecher's Renowned Cough Syiup. If you want te h lvcagoeil appetite and en joy health, take " Dr. Lindsey's Illoed Search er." Keel) your bowels :lml Kidneys in a healthy state by the use of Ividnej-Wert. Tiy Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ilemy Clement, Almonte, wiite-.: Fer a lengtinicl was tieubled with chienic Klieu nialisiii, at times vv holly disabled ; I tned any thing and evei.v thing leceminended, but tailed te get any benelit until a gentleman who was cured of Rheumatism by Dr.Themas' Ecleciric Oil told me about it. 1 began using it both In ternally and externally, and beleic two bot tles vveie used I was radically cured. We And it a household medicine, and for Cieup. Hums. Cuts and Hruises, it lias no equal.' Fer sale by II. 1$. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 139 North Queen sticct, Lancaster. Consumption cured. Hundreds of people throughout the Xew England states who were consumptive will testify te their being aliv e te-day Irem the use el Spccr's I'eit Grape Wine, produced in ros eate. New Jersey. It is prescribed by plij si cians generally and used in hospitals for this purpose. Weakly and debilitated females, consumptives, and all aged persons, find a great benefit by its use. Nothing i-. bettcrfer overworked or exhausted ladies This wine is endorsed bv Drs. At!c and Davi and sold by M. E. Slaymaker Try Lechcr' Renowned Cough Syrup. As a Cure fur Files Kid nej -Wen acts Hist by evei coming In the mildest manner all tendency te constipation then, by its gieat tonic and invigorating prop erties, it lcsteies te health the debilitated and weakened p u ts. We have hundreds of certi fied cure?, where all ele have laiied. Use it and sutler no longer. nl2-l dAw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. A Couch, Coin, Citakkii or Sere Tin eat should net be neglected. "Brown's Bronchial Trecies" are a simple lcmedy, and will gener ally give immediate relief. Imitations aie ol el feied ler s.de, many of which arc liijinieu0. The genuine "Brown's Bienchial Troches" are sold only tn bezex. al3-TTh&SAw Statistics prove that twenty-five percent, of the deaths in eurlaiger cities are earsed by consumption, and when we leflect that this terrible disease in its w eist stage w ill j ield te a bottle of LecheiS Ilenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sulleiers ler their negli gence, ei pity them for their ignorance? Frem a w ell-kneu n citizen el Chicago. Chicago. 111., Jan. 1, IsSi). . . Warner J, Ce., liechcsler, Al Y. : Gentlemen : I have used Wainei's Safe Kid ney and Liv er Cuie w ith the greatest s ilisfac ilisfac tien. It is the only lemedyl h:ie ever used that I can lecemmend te my fi lends, as it has cmed me et Uiight's Disease of long standing, utter having visited the White Sulnlmr bpiings el Viiginia, and lijing liiuuiuiablc se called "lemeilies" el the day. Havirgiesided here ler lei I j -seven j ears, my li lends will be glad te see this statement. The discevciei i-, in deed, a public benelaeter. WlIXIASI II. l'ATTEItSOX, 1,4'J1 Webali avenue, ncarTwentj-ninth St. stl-'iudAw Try Leehci 's Kenow ned Cough Syi up. Itrewn'H Household lMn.ii c.i Is the nie-t eirective 1'ain Destieyer in the weild. Will most suiely quicken the bleed vv bethel taken intei nally or epplied etei irdly andtheiebj nieie certainly UEI.Ii:vi: TAIX, vvhctlierclneiiic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the stiengtli of any siuul.ir piejiaratien. It euics pain in the bide, Hack ei lieweK, Snie Tin eat, Kheiiuiutisin, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the UUEAT liKIAL'VLR 1F PAIX. "l!i:eVX-S HOUEIIOLI) PANA CEA "should be in cveiy lamil. Ateaspoon Ateaspeon Ateaspoen lul efthe Panacea in a tumblei et het vater (sweetened, it pieleiied), taken at bedtime, will 1JKEAK UP A COM). -" cents a bottle. Fers.de.it II. 1!. Ceehian V Ce's Dnijj Stoic Xeith Queen stieet. I.anc.tstci. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with ehildieu.uttiibuted toether cause., is occasioned by Nouns. UlteWN's, VERMIFUGE COM TIT.-, or Weuii I.eenge-. although etlectual lit destiejin v onus, can de no pe-ible injin y te the most delicate child 'lhis valuable combination hes been -iiici; tully used by iihjsiei.uis, and leund te be a!i a!i selutcly sine in ciadicatui! eim. Tuentj liv e cent- a box. fianl.VU dS.TuTlKV,i '1 has exclaimed an old gentleman ieroer iereer nifr fiem a severe attaek et the hieiulual tubes, "'Selleis' Coui;li sjiup' emed in '.'' I'i iee -" cents. Kkthvnv, Ontvuie Gi tiii:'vi'n. I leel it my duty tesiy a lew welds in ie-;.ii(l te the j;ie"at benelit I hav e r--ceived liemthe use et one et the wendeis ei the weild. that is Dr.Thei'i.is' Ecli etne Oil. I w.isoneel the jricntest siilleieis lei .ibnul lll teen months null a ilisiMM-ef mv ear similar te I'lceis, e.iusiiiK entile tlealness. I tned evcivtlun that could be done tin eush medi cal skill, but ltlieut leliet. I eentiniit d Usm-r it, and in a sheit tune, mv e.u wa- emed and healing com pletelj i est en d. I have used this wendeitiil hpilei nac tully in cases et iiill.unin.it ion e: the !un;s. mho tlne.it, coughs and eelds. cuts and biuues, A.e. ; in tact, it is eiu lamilv medieiue euis ttulv. Mils. VV..I.I. G Fei sale by 11. I: Cochran, dm-jist, IJ7 and IS'lXeith (Jueen sticct, l.aucaatei. jh:iiis. sreMON. Iii this city, Apt il U. lssi), I.lia beth M.. d ui-jliteref s.nnuel and I.ndijet Iain dei, .i;ed 2Jeaisaud S days. The lelativcs and fi lends et the family aie lespeetfullj invited te attend Ihetuneiiil tiem hei p.llents lesidence, Xe. 227 shippen stiee', en Wednesday at 9 o'clock, llih iii.iiit sj. Aullinnv's enuicli. Inteiment at M. M.nj's ceineteiy. 2td .V7;ir Aitvj:j:risj:Mj.yrs. Ml OXfcV T) LOAN OX l'lIfiT SlOItT- GAGE at r..rsMAV .i i'.ris- Iusuiance and Ileal l'state Oilier, ii'irli tfdli Xe. 1(1 West Oianyc Stieet. T7-IX DEKGAKTEX ! IV SPUING QUARTER Ceinmenees APRIL 15. HS), at 1.11 Neith Dnke tieet, I.jnea.ler. AXON'K E. GLEIM. aprlOlwd qie ixvi:xtei:s. HERR v STAUFFER, sohciteis et latent, successeis te Jacob Staullei. deceased II.iv mg been in the above business ter some time un der the inst Mictiens et Jacob St.iufici, dee'd, and having access te Ins Rcpeitsand Docu ments iel.it ing te the Patent Olllce. we aie piep.ued te pie-ecute all claims tclative te I.etteis Patent v ith piemprnessand accuracy. OFFICE : 3 XORTII ill'KE STREET. apil.MvvdR JTOK SALU Oli BUX'l. STOiSt'. ROOM reillillNT, NO. 114 X. Queen stieet. Possession giTen J.uhuit 1st. Apply at d'l-trdl Xe. 112 Xeith Oureii fetn et. ITIOR KENT. . Twe looms, Xe. 4 ! Xeith Queen sturt, stiii-ible ler plioiegi.ipirg.illciy, new eccupieil by J s. Sauiinan. Apply te dec2t-tid TllOs. 15AUMGARDM:i:. IOR SALE. . A sliullle lleaid in Geed condition, with lour sets et quoits, will bu sold eluap. M'l'ly te II. L. MlsllLER, m23-tfd 1I" East King Stieet. JOK RENT. . One loom, Xe. 4, Xeith Quren stieet, suitable ler photograph gallei v, leiincily oe ee cupied by J. . slluI man. Apply te a.-.-tld TllOs. RALMGARDNER. COLLAR FACTOItT AX1 LEATHER J. STORE FOR RENT. A well Established Cellar Factety and Leather Steie ler lent. Alse suitable ler any ether business. Apply te liVTufh&Sttd JOHN A. SlIOlJER. I JUISMO SALE or A LOT OF kjjwly Renaiied Seeeml-hand Pianos, tc . at Xe. Xeith Queen stieet, Lancaster, l'a, en TUK DAT AFTERNOON, at 2 O Cleck. MRS. G. STElNHALSI.lt. Henrv Sucr.nuT, Auct. apru ytdll "I70R RENT. 11 The second steiy et Kslilcman A Rath v oil's Ranking Heuse, at Centie squ.ue, and aNe a loom en second steiy, opposite the l'enn'a R. R. Dept, en Cnestnut stieet. It. F. ESHLEMAX. f2.5 StdiStl Atteincv-at Law PUI5LIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, S,e. will be sold by public sale at Xe. ."ii Seuth Duku stieet, 111 tlie eitvet Lancaster, a lai;e assoit asseit nient et llouselield and Kitchen Fuuiituic. among vv Inch is an Elegant Xew England Organ and a lirst-rate Register Heating Move, Cook Move, a new set et Harness, ,ec. au te begin at 1 o'clock. II. F. ROW E. Am t. apilJJtd IXSUJtAXCL.. qVHK OLD GIRARD F1IIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-eae Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 51,131,833. All invested in the best secuiitics. l..s promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN. Xe. 10 Kast King St., Lancaster, I'd. 8-MW&S6UH1E XEW AM CHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES. We have just secured a large let of the lower priced American VTatches of Walthani and Elgin Manufacture. Alse, a large let of Silver and Geld Oases, -which -will be sold at the old prices not net withstanding the scarcity and difficulty of getting them. Seme grades of these goods are in such demand that orders for them given new will net be filled in les3 than two years. Alse, 400 Cleck of different styles just received this morning, Jeb lets of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which will be sold for less than the cost of manufacture. "We invite an examination of our new goods. H. Z. RHOADS.& BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. THE OPINION OF THE LADIES WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOUGHTON'S Cheap Is the CI. 3 ipi"t aud licit Place In the city te buy lillinery Goods and Dress Trimmings, And we will lcceive daily Xew Geed and all the Latest Styles, and ladies will find the Laigest block and Gieat est Variety et Hat-1, ISennets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Satins, Funics, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Tuekings, l'ufliii'js. Velvet Xeckties, Ladies' White Tucked Skirts 30e. 73c and $1.00 each, and thu I.aiest Stock et Fancy Dress Itiit Itiit teiik in the city. We constantly keep th Finest Line of ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Courteuld's Rest Makes and at the Lewest I'i ices. Alse, Crepe Veils in all 9ize, Ciepe Hats and Rennets constantly en hand and in ide te erdur by the bunt MillinuiH in the cily, as we keep no ethers, nor no appicnticciS te botch your work, at M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 S". Queen St. WAUL l'Al'VUS, &c. fUll LIXK OF WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES is much larger than any season heieloleie. In Paper Hanyiii-js wearepiepaied te show the Xew est Goods in the inaiket, liein the Lewest Grade te thu Most Expensive. Window shades of eveiy desciiptien. Plain goods by the jaid in all coleis. hxtm Wide MatciiaU ler l.'.uge Windows and Mere. Shades. 2,000 Rolls of Paper Curtains 1e Merchante. at Lewest Whole-ale 1'iiivs. l'ATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices the newest thing out and easily adjusted te lit an v window up te live feet in width, m solid walnut and most leasenabl price. Ceinice Poles in Ebony anil Walnut, vv ith Fancy Ilra-s EimK, Kings and Urackels. PIER AND 3IAIVTEL DlIRISOKi2. Onleis, taken for any at Lewest Rates. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. feblO-lrdAw A31USJJ1UXT.S U'ElU llOL'SE. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1880. Return et the Favente, the Greatest of all Irish Comedians, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, Suppeited by a company of specially selected Aitistsef Recognized Ability, including the beautilul Caliteinia Favei'itc. MISS M. LODUsKI Y'OUXG. THE REST OF ALL IRISH DRAMAS! Played with Unvaiallcled Success ever 1,000 times in ull the Principal cities of America. Mr. Fred. Maisden's best weik, THE KERRY GOW. A pure Irish Drama, without shillelah, whisky or pi lest. S. 1". Dramatic SVe ic. See the Wonderful Escape from Prison ! See the Great Race Scene! And the Flight efthe Carrirr Devet ! MR. JOIIX D. MISIILER has the honor te announce that the great success of tins lav or er lte company .ind play has indued I him te lc-engage thematgieatly increased tcims. ADMISSIOX, - - 33, CO Si 75 Cts. Secuicyeur scats caily. aprle-4td WANTJiJK WAMKD... .EVERYHODV TO AUVKK Use, fiee et cliarge, in the Istulliokm Istulliekm cui. who wants seniething te de. TA:! RA XL Heuseke AGS! RAGS! RAGS VVAXTE1I. iv e aie RAGS. paying :i cents a pound for MIXED Cash paid us seen as delivered 10 WM. IIEXXECKE, nprO-lmd Xe. 2S5 West Kinff Stieet. iirAN- ?T situation whcie he can make gencrallv useful : understands vv erkin noises. "Call at 239 Xeith Water street. himself aieiind ltd OeDUUU Five per cent, interest will be paid by the borough et Mt. Jey ler a lean et jvir.000, te letunil borough debt of like amount ci cited in building Water Works. This lean is tiee from all tacs. Issued in amounts et $100 and $0J. Interest paid semi annually. Apply te B. 31. GREIDER, apr.i-lwd Uuigess. A COMI'KTjiNT l'KRSOX IS 1VANTKO te fill the nositien of 'superintendent of me piiiinc sciioels et Lancasier cnv. xne Roaidet Directors will meet en THURSDAY EVEX1XG, Al'RIL'22, te till the position and lix the salary. Ry enler efthe Beaid. Attest : C. F. EBERMAX. npi 10-ltdb,W,S M Stcietary. GAS FIXTURES. BARGAINS GAS FIXTURES SLATE MANTELS, AT & 152 North Quesn Street, LAXCASTEBPA. FflDl Breneman s VX11TISE3EXT. & Trimming Stere jnwi:i.i:its. Leuis WK1JKK, WATCHMAKER. Xe.lSOKXORTII QUEEX STREET, near 1. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, l'a. Geld, Silver mid X ickel-cused Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic hpcct.1 clesand Eyc-Gl.wses. Repairing a. specialty, apt 1-1 yd Lancaster f aides. FOR I.VLK BT B. F. BOWMAN, 10C EAST KING STREET, UNCASTKR. I' A. GOLD BADGES von Empire Heek and Ladder Company Ne. 1, AT ' AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. BEAUTIFUL THINGS Wedding Presents AT BAILEY, BAMS & BIDDLES, PHILADELPHIA. Largg Importation of NOVELTIES. Cases of Uridal Silycr, Fine Porcelain Oruameuts, Clocks nuil Cleck Sets, Bronze Groups ami Vasei;. Polite attention te all Tiuitin; B. B. B. Goods by express en approval, with privilege of examining before purchasing. Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. aprflydTu.ThAS JtOItFS, JIZAJfKJiTS, AC. CICN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Best ani Cheapest Assertmkxt of Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AXD HORSE BLAXKETS of evury descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. O-Repairing neatly and promptly den e.-a A. MILEY, 109 North Queen St., Zancaster. 2S-lydMW THIED EDITION TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, April 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states warmer and clear, and paitly cloudy weather, followed in the north portion by rain areas, southwesterly winds, and falling barometer. KE.VllILK ENT.U8 SEW KAIL. lie Declares he had no Intention of Run ning Away. IlAURisniTte, April 13. At 9 o'clock this morning ex-State Treasurer Wm. II. Kenible, in the custody of a deputy sheiiff, and accompanied by his ceuusel, went te the Dauphin county jail, where after about half an hour's waiting, Judge Pearson came in, closely followed by the district attorney. Kemble produced telegrams from him te prove that he was veluntaiily en his way te Ilarrisburg when a detec tive detained him. Kenible said he sent a telegram te M. S. Quay en Friday, telling him he would be in Ilar risburg en Monday, te enter new bail, lie also wrote te his lawyer te the same effect. He said the newspaper ic ic perts as te his intended llight were all false and without color of authority. He could prove, by telegrams &ent, that he was en his way voluntarily. He knew nothing of the visitor mu render of Pet roll", Salter, Rumberger and Ciawfeid. His business and the pi ecu ions condition of his wife's health prevented his getting here sooner. He never acted secretly nor with a desiie te conceal his identity. He would be here en the 20th inst., if alive, te accept sentence. "Witnesses were called te prove Mr. Kcmble's inten tion te appear voluntarily in IIarri.sburg, and after some objections by the district attorney, Judge Pearson admitted the accused te bail in the sum of $5,000. J. C. Bembcrgcr, of this city, became his bail. The judge said if he had any doubt as te Kemble's voluntary appearance lie would net accept bail. He had none, however, and wanted them all in ceuit at 12 o'clock en the 2Gth inst. KLBCTIOX'IN TRENTON. The Democrats Sweep tlie City. Trenten, X. J., April 13. The munic ipal election yesterday lcsultcd in the elec tion of William Pi ice, Demeciat. for mayor, by ever GOO Jmajai ity a gain of about 300. The Democratic school super intendent and lcccivcr of takes vveie elected without opposition. The Demo crats also elected five ceuncilnicn aud lie publicans two, and Democrats two ficc ficc heldcrs ; Republicans one. JSordcntewii Continues the Geed Werk. BORDENTOWN, N. J., Apiil 13. The city election was held yesterday. The committee en council, mayor and all the officers en the Democratic ticket were elec ted. Jehn O. Hudsen, for mayor, get 140 majority ever Mr. Hartslieinc, the Repub lican candidate. A Lady's first Vete in Albany. Aluvnt, April 13. The chatter elec tions heie te-day opened with muchspiiit. The first lady te vote under the new law for school beaid was Miss Kate Stencman, secretary of the county woman's suffrage society. TO-DAY'S XI'.IVS. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. Jeseph Kcynehls, a yeinifj man, son of Hen. Jno. J. Reynolds, committed suicide at Providence, R. I. Caiuje, mental de rangement induced by ill health. Gen. Giant and paity arrived in Mem phis te-day. Ce!. Jehn Nice, mayor of Milfeid, l'a., who served in the late war and was wounded five times, died this morning, aged ."50 yeais. The United States steamship Tallapoosa, from Bosten for Xcvvpei t, was in collision last night off Taipatilin Cave, with the schooner Dreadnaught, fiem Philadelphia for Portsmouth, cutting the latter 011 her pert quarter te the water's edge. The Tal lapoosa injured her stein badly. TWO MURDERS. I.e.idville Sustains its Itloedy Character. Levdvh.le, Cel. April 12.-Twe murders eccimed heie last Sunday. Lavvicnce Fitz gerald, a miner, was fatally shot by Gee. Tattersall. The light eccuned ever a claim which Tattersall attempted te jump. J. W. Overteil, piopiieter of the Coli seum theatre, fatally shot Themas Nugent a bar tender, while engaged in a dispute at that place. I'IRE AMI EXI'LOsjIOX. Eleven Persons Killed and a Xuniljcr In jured. Londen, April 13. A the and explosion by which eleven persons were killed and a number wounded, occurred yesterday afternoon at Silvciten, near North Wool wich at the oil mills. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE Several Ituildings Destroyed. Del v ware, Ohie, Apiil IS. Yesteiday morning a fire broke out in Lindsay's book store and destroyed a number of buildings. Less, $14,000. IIL'AVY FROSTS. Injury te the l'each Crep. Delaware, Ohie, April 13. R-ports from Ohie, Indiana and Kentucky show much of the peach ci op has been injured by frost. UUJ XOT10.S. E STATE OF ISAAC WARREX, LATE OF Lancaster citv. Lancaster county, de eiNLsed. Ihe undersigned Auditor, annotated te distribute the balance lemaining in tlie hands et James Wan en, Administiater of said deceased, te and among these legallv entitled te the same, and te p.iss upon exceptions lib d te said administrator' account, w ill attend ler that purpose en FRIDAY, the Sutli day of APRIL, A. D. ISsO, at 2 o'clock p. m.. in the Lihrary Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution and exceptions may attend. D. P. ROaEXMILLER. Jit.. apr5-4tceavT Auditor. 17STATK OF JAMES IV. ltliKY, LATE j et Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto aie lecpiested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. btcinmetz. JULIA RHEY. Administratrix. J. L. Steixmetr, Att'y. mJ7-Ctdeaw ESTATK OF KILLIAX KECK, LATE OF tlie City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters tcstamentaiy en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent arc requested te make inimediatesettlemcnt,and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make knew n the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the Citv of Lancas ter. AXDREW SIIREIXER, marlS-Otdeed Executer. MARKETS. 1'lilladelphia Market. Pnu.Dui.rniA.Apr.l3. Flenrdull but steady; supcillnu .S .I7J4 00; extra ft 5eg5 00; Ohie and Indiana family $6 0066 50: l'enn'a family J5 TefiG 25 : St. Lenis family 6 25fi6 75 ; Minnesota family i50fi 75 ; patent and hiirli grade 6S7SOO. Rye flour $ 75. Cemment II randywinc unchanged. Wheat steady ; Xe. 2 Western Red SlSSVfD ia;; l'enn'a Red $lS5ia;: Amber $135Q1 J7. Cern hi-jher: steamer XlSSJMc; yellow 5443 55c; mixed 5.SJ5tc. Ozits dull ;Xe. 1. t7ej Xe. 2, fJffi40c; Xe. 3. Kc; Xe. 2 mixed 4.'Kc. iiye nrni ; estern and l'a. SigSTc. lTovklens steady; mtss pesk at til 559 U00; beet Hams $17 00017 50; India mess beef $11)50: bacon .meked shoulders 5J,S5Jc; wilt iiY'i; smoked de hams DMfillOUe: eiekl,-.! hams ef9c. Lanl steady ; city kettle 7c ; loe-o butchers 7c; prime steam $740. Rutter steady; cieainery extra at 2Gg2Sc; r.radterd county and Xew Yerk extra 2tj27c; Western reserve extra at 243Slc; de poed te choice iegsic: Rolls quiet: Penn'a extra 2l(j2Je; Western reserve extra 22324c. t.ggs quiet: l'enn'a 13c; Western 12c. Cheese searce : Xew Yerk factory liJj$I!,5.Jc: Western lull cream 14c ; de ler sroed iJij!3lf : de halt-skims lOffillc. Petroleum dull : Retined 7Jsc. vviiiskT at$lW). Seeds firm; geed te prime clererseed $fi2ri3 0,75; de timethr 2 75iJ00; de flaxseed $1 W. New Yerk MarKet. Xew Yekk. April l.J.-Fleur-btatcand Wrstcrn quiet and steadv: superllnc state W Oegi 70; extra ilejl 755 00 ; choice de J5 0."J5 SO ; l.incy $."00iJ(;:!i): round hoop Ohie $5e05 75: choiee de 5 Si)7 00; superllnu vv estern W 0034 70 ; common te geed extra de $4 755 10 : cheicu dodo $5 157 00: choice white w heat de $5 oej? 5 75 ; Seuthei 11 dull and in bu vers' tav or : com mon te fair extra $5 255 75 ; ""owl te choice de 5 S07 25. Wheat slightly in liuver' fayer and dull : Xe. 1 White, April, $1 J2& ; de May $1 Ziitt! 1 et. Coin without decided change; Mixed West ern spot A.S54,4c ; de luture 47VJr52,rtc. Oats quiet; btate 4ji52c; W't-steiu ixy&elv. Reef dull and price unchanged, l'eik tinner; new niess$i750. Laul (luictand tlrm; steam rendeird $7iW. Whisky dull ; Western $1 OSgl id. Spirits of turpentine dull at 41j t'ic. Stock Market. rUlLADULl'UIA, 12W p. k. Stock irregular. I'enna 's (third issue) 107 5 Philadelphia & Erie 17K i.....it .? April 1.1 Reading.... .V.7 l'enusyhiuiiii Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et X. .1.. Xeitheru l'aeilic... " Pieteired Xeithern Central.... LehighXavigatieu.. Norrislevvn ' - -"'U4 IMI'4 . 27M - 51 . "7 Central Transportation Ce. S'i . i-iiis , xitusviiic k liiiuaie. .u;i Little Schuylkill 54K Xtciv leiiK. Apiil ':i. Stocks strong. .. 6 ..liiVi JO'. .. !llj4 ..101. ..ll ..HI ..INI ..IIS ..le- .. ss N. Y. Cent nil. ...... ....... uIiLtt ...a................ Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan bout hei ti Illinois Central Cleveland A l'ittsbuigh.. Chicago & Reck Island Pittsburgh A Fert Wayiu Western Union Tel. Ce.... Teledo A Wabash New Jersev Central United Mates ItendH and Sterling Cx.-h tn i (Quotation by 15. K.Jamisen JL Ce., h. T. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). 1'UILADELriIIA, April 13. United States r.'s, pwi, (iegistered)..iaV,ler. United States .Vs ifci. (registered). .U&tfiilirll'. United States 4's, isd, (registered) IHsJidi H.'J'; United States 4;'s, 1811, (coupons)... liM'K(vliu,.v United States 4's, 1007. (registeicil)..Ie7iSl07,.4 United States Currency ls 122 Steiling Exchange 'l-x Cattle Market. JIesdat, April li The receipts of cuttle at the various Philadelphia yards for the past vveelc vveie: Reeves, 2,011 head ; sheep ami Iambs, 8,000 de.; hogs, (j',500 de.; lresh cows, 200 de. Reeves The market during the past week lias been active, and pi ices were yKc per -higher. We ouete Extra at iifgilc; geed at r,4"'5rtC ; medium, 4,'jc; common, l',ifjt; mixed, .i4!c. The tollevving are the consignees at the West Philadelphia vards: Reger Marm. lr: E. S. & B. I". McFilIen, HA ; I.evvenstein A Adler. 210; J. V. Sadler A Ce., 27" : IS. beham berg A Ce.. 1 10 : A. & J. Christy. I.!fi : Racliman & Lev i. 'Ml ; Owen Smith 11; Ulmaii ,fc Leh man Bres., iss : Jehn McArdle, 110: Ilennis siuyth, 81 ; Daniel Smyth Bre., 110: all ethers 330. SALES AT TIIC WEST rillLADLLl'UIA TAV.n. JTeail. 130 Reger Mavnes, Western, and lam. county, gloss. 3lic. Vtfi A. A J. Christy, Western and Peim'.i., gross, r,i;c. 11.3 E. S. A R. F. McFilIen, Western, and lain. co., gross, 5i3JKe. 133 Ullman t Lehman Pres., Western and Lane, co., gross. 4JS3jc. HIS Owen Smith, Western and l'a. gross, rgi;e. .'JO James Clenisen, Lnn. co., gloss, r.fj.",jje. 210 Jehn McArdle, I.anc-.Lstcr ami 1ork.re.. gross, SJffJfie. SO Denis Smv lb. Fc'in'a, gross 4j(J."JJe. 30 Daniel Murphy, Lancaster county, gres. .r)C. 100 Lewciistcin A Adlcr, 1W.tern. gross, SUifJ .e. 110 Levrensteiii A Adler, Montgomery county cows and bulls, gross, ,iyn, IJc. HO G. Scliamberg A Ce., Weaturn giOf.s, 53c. 49 F. hi,L.etc, Penira,gre-s.3'4lc. 2U L. Hern. Western and -Vnlliie county, giess, 4fJ3c. 50 II. Chain jr., Western and Lnn. co., gross, 4?i3Kc. 140 Daniel Smyth A Bre., Western and Lane. co., gre-s 43Mc. B0 Bachiuun .fc Levi, estern and Lane co , gross, 5.Ve. IB P. Hathaway, Lane, co., gross. 4J'?J3jC. 73 L. Schambeig. Pa, gross. .JJfe,.",).ie. 23 Jas. Eustace, Yerk Ce., gross, 4i5c. 40 M.lLcvi, Lanestster co., gross, 4ii3'e. 273 J. F. Sadler A Ce., Western, gross id'yiU: 13 Abe Ostheini, W stei 11, gross, 5 Vile. Hogs were in geed demand at last quota tions, viz : extms at TJc ; geed at 7c; medium CVc ; common i;c. Lambs wercsc.iicenndin demand and prices mnged fiem i.7c per pound. Milch cows vveie active, and prices had an upward tendency. We nuote from fciO te $l(Jper head. Sheep were in fair demand, and prices ruled the ame as last reported. We iuett Extra. 10-1 te i:50 lbs., at 7Jc : geed, 00 te 100 lbs, IQl'ic : goed,80to 90 lbs l?;7c ; fair, 70 te Wl lbs, U'Ju ijiC ; lnierier. iiie ; common, ayc .s.uniiel u. htevvartseld.x j 73 head dressed sheep at 7iS8c JIEJtlCAU Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIOIXAL AND ONLY GEXUIXE. Their high degree or perfection lias been xc cured after years of experiment. Composes! or the CHOICEST Uumt and Extracts. IVu guarantee tliein the REST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY V.GETAHLfc. One or two every night, in ten daj-s cure Costlveneos and Dyspepsia Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2 2mdced& w JIMS CKL.LA Xi:0 VS. PROPOSALS Will be received at the Mayer's Office up te THURSDAY. APRIL 13, IssO, at 7 p. 111 , ",r furnishing the City of ltncaster with one grossef Brass tin ee-iuarter inch Ferrules. t weigh net less than one pound, fourteen ounces, live and three-quarter inches in tin; stem. A saiiinlv may be seen at the Mayer's Ofliec. Ferrules must be iurnWhcd by 31av I, 1S80. PROPOSALS will also be received at the same time and place for as much geed Ameri can Lead as the city may rcquiic up te July IS. 1SS0. PROPOSALS will be received at the same time anil place ler such special castings as may be required in the Water Department et the city up te July 13. 1SS0. Special castings will consist of geese-necks, plug cases, 4-iuch four branches, T.'s, etc. Bids will specity hew much per pound, and bidders will furnish ail patterns vv itlieut extra cliarge. PROPOSALS will be received at the same time and place for as many water pipes as the city will require up te July 15. 18S0. Bids must specify hew- much per net ten de livered in Lancaster for lour, six. eight, ten and twelve-inch pipes. Pipes must be of the best quality and furnished immediately upon the order of the city. NOTICE. Bv an error in printing the no tices te Water Renters reads that the day of ap peal will be Tuesday, April 1 ; they should read Friday, April 111. Renter will govern themselves accordingly. .IXO. T. MACGONIGLE, aprPMtd Mayer.