frrsg-'w aiirag; .C.-?i. .i . t ,7 . cT1 Jr . r- Jr-v 'V- - - - -.: a - ,t . - - -t , -, ' . ' ,- LANCASTER DAJLLY JMELLIGENOEE. MONDAY APRIL, 1, 1880. , i inn- .,",, 'j -i nibbsss: 'r v.- ";'. ,4i " r' ,j - , f i s 3Lancaster Jrntelligencet. MONDAY EVENIKG, APRIL 12, 1880. Hart Leads the World. of Hep Bitters taken by my wife. She has done licr own housework for a year since, without the less of a day, and I want everybody te knew It. for their benefit. al-2wd&w Beating England's Best Recerd with Twelve Allies te Spare. The greatest six days' race ever known in the world closed en Saturday night in Madisen Square garden amid great excite ment. Seven men out of eighteen who started in the race for the O'Leary belt traveled mere than five hundred miles, the leader, Frank II. Hart, making the grand score of 503 miles and a fraction, beating Blewer Brown's previous best record by mere than twelve miles. Following is the score of the eight men remaining in the race at the finish : Name. Ml"- Hart 56a J Pegram 'r .?j ? TTnwnrd OuS Debler 531 Allen 525 b Krohne 516 Williams 509 Hanwaker 450g Hart completed his 550th mile at exact ly 5:50. The first earnest rear that filled the garden during the afternoon began en the barroom side of the track and rolled around the garden. Hart was then dressed in a blue and white barred silk undershirt, blue and red cap, black velvet trunks, and white tights. An American fiag was hand ed te him. He carried the banner around the garden one lap te the music of vocifer ous cheers. Wild shouts of applause breke out at 0:3:3. A glance at the blackboard snewcu Ui2 cause of the tumult. Kngland's score cf553 miles had been beaten, with nearly two hours te spare, Blewer Brown having completed his score at S:20, retiring from the track at the end of 140 hours, 20 min utes. This .secured Hart the extra $1,000 ellcred by Mr. Ahull, the manager, te any man in the race w he would lead Blewer Brown's -eerc at S:20, and net at the end of 1-12 hours, as many supposed. When Hart ranged opposite his tent af ter passing the Englishman's big record, Happy Jack handed him a broom with the htars and stripes under the brush. Hart started en a rattling run, Debler, Allen, and Pegram following at his heels in the order named. Bears of applause again rolled around the track until the lap was completed, when the toilers relapsed into a walk. An eighth of a mile run was new about the extent of their strength. The wonderful boy had been en the track twenty hours a clay for six days, the limit of human endurance had nearly been reached. Pegram was mere than eighteen miles behind Hart when the boy passed B. B.'s score. The excitement seen lulled. Hart keep ing close te his work. Pegram and the half dozen following him going ever the sawdust with weary feet. A telegraphic despatch was handed te Hart, which he read while walking his 535th mile. The news had been received in Bosten, and the Bostonians greeted the greatest pedestrian in the world. This cheerful despatch gave new life te the favorite. He struck into the upright O'Leary step, head up, breast out, hands iljscd fii if circling corncobs, eyes straight ahead, and legs moving like a drum major's. A succession of cheers and hand-clappings followed him around the ellipse, which grew into loud shout-; when Allen, the English man, passed Hart en a run, challenging him for a brush. Hart dropped his style and dashed into a run, soeu passing the little Englishman. The fccere at 7 o'clock, when the evening throng of spectators began packing the house, steed as fellows : Hart. 334 ; Pegram. 333 : Heward. 520 ; Debler, 524 ; Allen, 317: Krohne, 510; Williams, 501 ; Hanwaker, 444. One event after another ou this last night of the match kept working up the excite ment and enthusiasm of the vast multi tude. There was infinitely less of the rough clement among the spectators than en any closing night of the preceding matches. The achievements of all the rivals for pedestrian honors in this match were se creditable that there- was a general dis position te applaud and encourage them all. A splendid lleral piece of Jacqueminet, Marshal Niel and ZS'iphetes roses, lilies of the valley and calla lilies, with a hand some pair of enamelled gaiters swinging in anarch of Hewers, was brought out en the scorer's stand by O'Leary's shoemaker. As Hart passed it he looked at it wistfully, manifestly no little exercised in mind as te who was te be the fortunate recipient. On the completion of his 500th mile his mind was made easy en that question, for then Mr. McSwyny stepped forward and pre sented it te him. Hart carried it proudly around te his tent and consigned it te the care of his trainer with a thrifty injunc tion te "Loek out for dem shoes." Hardly had the salves of applause that enforced the glory of his trophy died away when they were revived by his appearance with a new tribute of admiration, a hand some silken scarf of the national colors, presented te him by a lady. While Hart was en his 500th mile, the judges received a challenge for him from Bryan G. McSwyny, offering te match an unknown man against him for another competition for the O'Leary belt, lie has net yet said whether he will accept it, or retire en his laurels and return te the prac tice of the law in Bosten. At 1) o'clock the score steed ; Hart, 503 miles ; Pegram, 543 ; Heward 534 ; Debler, 530 ; Allen, 524 ; Krohne, 515 ; Williams, 509 ; Hanwaker, 450. It was new announced that Hart would leave the track upon the completion of 505 miles. That distance he achieved at twenty-four minutes past 9 o'clock, and then he made one lap mere, for geed measure, wearing the massive silver belt, which had new become his, and carrying a silken American llag above his head. While he made that final tour of the track the noise of the vast throng of spectators was almost deafening. Men cheered, shouted, clapped their hands and pounded the fioer with canes ; ladies steed up in the boxes waving their handkerchiefs and hurrahing; even the officials connected with the match, the reporters and the policemen caught the in fection, and vied with each ether in add ing te the uproar. That wound up the great walk, and then, while the band play ed " Heme, Sweet Heme," the spectators slowly departed. Immediately after the conclusion of the match Hart was hurried into a carriage, taken away te a Tuikish bath, and, after a nap of a couple of hours, was carried te his temporary home at 214 East Twenty ninth street. His trainer said that he had net a blister, chafe or strain anywhere, and was geed for another day's work at least as brisk as any he has done in this contest. According te the reckoning the manage ment made last night the cash receipts would be about 427,030. This would give Hart, including the extra $1,000 for beat ing Brown's record, $10,788 and the belt, which is te be wen tlirec times before it becomes personal prepci ty, provided any person challenges me winner aim pests within eighteen meniiis auer me Pcirram will receive $3,392 ; Heward, 1,090; Debler, $818; Allen, $424 ; Krohne. $212 ; Williams, $100 ; and Hanwaker, $53. As each man put up a sweepstakes of $500 and some $400 is te be deducted out of the abeve for personal expenses of the men and trainers, even the last four men, who made 450 miles and mere, will come out heavy losers. g"gwr i t rrellt, 81,200. 'Te sum it np, six long years of bed-ridden sickness, costing $200 per year, tlal f I.WM-ull et this expense was stepped by three bottle A Great Discovery by a Great Man. This, primarily, is what Warner's Sate Xer vinets. The great man is one et the most fa mous living physicians. He found a harmless remedy for all kinds of pain, ethers improved it, and the llnal result is. the Safe Nervine new manufactured only by II. IL Warner &, Ce. al-2wd&w CZ.OTUIXG. JLEDICAZ. D AY'S K1DXKY PAD. SPRING BPE11 H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having Just returned from the New Yerk Woolen Mai ket. I am new prepared te exhibit one of the llest Selected Stocks et WOOLENS Fer. TUU Spring id Slier Me, Thnetilvcnrc for Diabetes. Gravel. Dropsy, Bright' Disease, Pain in the Back, Inability te Retain or Kxpcl the Urine, Catarrh of the Ulad der. Affections of the Spine, and Diseases et the Kidney, Uladder and Urinary Organs. It avoids internal medicine ; is comfortable te the patient; certain in Its eflects. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail en receipt of price, SiOU. Day'u Kidney l'ad Company. Teledo, Ohie. AXDUEWG. FKEY, Distributing Agent for Lancaster County. Agencv, corner North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster l'a. aprliMyd TVTEKVOUS DEBILITY. 1 Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Enro Enre Kcmcdv Dr. J. 11. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weaknes-.Iinpetency.aiid all di-eases resulting from Sclf-AbiiM., aa Mental Anxletv, Less of Meinerv. l'ains in Hack or Side, and dNeases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being u-ed with wonderful Micce-. Pamphlets sent lree te all. Write ler them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific. $1 per package, or six package for $5. J. 11. SIM P HJX MEDICINE COMPANY. Ne. 101 and 1 Main Street, UuU'ale, N. Y. Addre-s all eiders te II. 15. COCIIKAX, Druggi-t, Sole Agent, 137 and l.KI North Queen street, Lancaster. mlT-lydeed&w "DMT HOOOS. Ever broil; be-.t of ;ht te this city. Nene but the very ENGLISH, FBENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, In all the Leading St vie. Price as low a- the lewe-t, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening & ijiJVU race -AT 2 CESTRB SQUARE. We have fei -ale for the coining kea-ens an Immense block et" Reafly-Mafle Cletling, of our en-n manulactme, which cenipilscstbe Latest and Most STYLISH DESIGNS. Come and see our NEW GOODS m 1 I which i larger and composed or the best styles te be found in the city.' D. B. HeMer & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 2Clyd LANCASTER. PA JiOKKS, llLAXKJi'rS, CC eis of Tin: isui'fale hi:a. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Lamest, 15est ani CiiKArEST Assektment of Lined and Unliucd ISUEKALO HOMES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE ULAXKETS of every descrip tion. A lull line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49-ltcpairin;; neatly and promptly done.5X A. MIL-EY, 10S North Qiteen St., Lancaster. e-a-lydMW&S JSSVltAXVJi. rMIE OLD GIRARD FIIJE INSUKANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en UIFE & KAUFMAN. Ne. 19 East King St., Lancaster. Pa. 8-MW&SGmdii KIDNEY AS1 LIVEH VVJllu WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest et Modern Medical I)leeverie. A Vegetable Pi eparatien and the ONLY SCUE KEMEDY in the world ler might's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest character in support et these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Itecerd. gives an account of the cure of tweeaes of Chronic Uright's Disease by this remedy, and advices all his brother physicians te use it in practice. U. Caulkins, M."D., of Itechester, X. Y., writestlmt he would prescribe the remedy te all afllictcd with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Uev. .1. E. Ilankin, I). D., of Washington, D. C, tells et permanent cures effected by it, and says: "1 de net doubt that it has great virtue." 1). W. Ilartine, M. D., D. D., of East Orange, X. J., certltlcs that it cured him of chronic Uright's Disease In two weeks. Uev. C. A. Harvev, D. 1)., Secretary of Heward University, certifies ; "I am convinced that no remedy heretofore used or described can be held for one moment lu comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds ; Fer the cure et Diabetes call for WarnerSafe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Uright's aud the ether diseases caU for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Sam Eittcrs, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills nnil Safe Xcrvine are also superior remedies, unequalled In their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe llemedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out t he country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. II. H. WAEXEtt & CO., Rochester, X T. 1 . d2-TuTh&Sd&w ri'O THE SUFFERING I1U3IAMTV N. LBWIN, M. D., Ne. 247 WEST KING STREET, Lahcasteb, Pa. DR. LEWIN, who has been a resident of Lan caster but a few months', is a graduate et the University of Dorpat, Uussia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which period he has been acting as Ucgimcntul Physician in M. Petersburg, ami afterwards practiced in Iterlin, Germanv, with great success. We call the attention of the suffering public te the fact that he successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH," and all chronic diseases. The severc-t cases et Chronic Catarrh cured in a short time. References and testimonials from former patients can be seen at my elllce. Persons without means will only be asked payment for medicines. Comniuiiicatiei's lrem a distance attended te by mail. mll-lyd&w HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. FEVER AND AGUE. The true antidote te the cllect of miasma is He-tctter's Stomach Hitters. This medicine is one of the most popular remedies et an age et successful proprietary specifics, and l- in immense demand wherever en this Ceiitim it lever and ague exist. A winegla-sful lluee times a day is the best possible preparative ter encountering a malarieus atmosphere, regu lating the liver, and invigorating the Stomach. Fer hale by all Druggists and Dealeis gener ally, apr 1-lydeed.V lyw H OSTKTTEK'S ISITTEK'S VOU SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere. i Last King stieet. HOP HIT EKS HOP P. IT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT LUS THE PUREST AXD BEST MED- HOP 1CIXE EVER MADE. Acorn- HIT binatien of Hep, Huchu, Man- EUS drake and Dandelion, with all the HOP best and most curative properties hit of all ether P.itters makcsthe great- " . .. .. -... est uioeu runner, i.iver ueguiaier and Life and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne discae or ill health can pesib!y long exist where Hep Hitters are u-ed, se va ried and pcrleet are their epcra- HOP tiens. Thev give new lite and HIT vigor te the'nged and inlirm. Te EUS all whose employments causa ir- regulai lty et tne hew els or urinary organs, or who require an Appc- .;.... n'.-..iw. .mil Milil Qlimillilllt- Hep Hitters are invaluable without EUS intoxicating. Ne matter hat your feelings or symptoms, what the disease or ailment is. ue Hep Hit ter. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miser able use the Hilters at once. It mavsave veur life. It ha wived hundred. ."K)0 will be paid for a EUS r;ie tliev will net cure or licit). ie HOP net suffer nor let your triendssuf- R1T fcr, but use and urge them te use Hep Hitters. Remember, nep mi ters i no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Rest Medicine ever made : the"Invalid's Friend and Hepe," and no person or familv should be without them. Get some thi day. Hep Cough Cure i the sweetest, suie-t nnil best. Ask children. One Hep Pad ler Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is superior te all ether. Ask drug gist. D. I. C. is an ab-elute and irrisistablc cure for Drunkcnne-s, use. of enium. tobacco and nareet- HOP ic. All sold by druggists. Hep HIT Hitters Mlg. Ce., Rochester, N. . EUS Scud for circular, a oS-lyced&w HOP HIT EUS EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EU HOP HIT HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP BITTERS FOR SALE AT LOCH er"s Drug Stere, 1) East King stieet. KW K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W MET IR T! K-W K-W K-W :k-w k-w TIIE ONLY MEDICINE k-w K-W A.cts at the Same- Time en K"w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W The LIVER, x no dj vv mjis, jf w And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W Thee great organs are the Xatural .....Cleansers of the Svstcm. If they lv"' work well health will be perfect: it .. ... they become clogged, dreadful dis ii.- casJ,3 ure &ure t0 fellow with K-W rt k-w K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W K-W Billeusnc. Headache, Dyspcivda, K-W Jaundice, Con-tipatien and Piles, or k-W KidncyCemplaints Gravel, Diabetes 1C-W Sediment in the Urine, Milky or K-y Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains KJy and Aches, are developed because fc.y the bleed is poisoned with the lm-jj-W mers that should have been ex- K-W pelled naturally. II KIDNEY WORT 11 K-W will restore the natural action and K-W all these destroying evils will be K-W banished neglect themand you will K-W live but te suffer. Thousands have K-W been cured. Try it and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W It and health willence mere gladden K-W your heart. K-W Why suffer longer from the ter-K-W ment et an aching heart ? Why bear K-W such distress from Constipation ami k-AV Piles? Why be se fearlul because K-W of Disordered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Try apackageat once K-W tlll,l uc satislied. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W mid one package make six quarts K-W of medicine. Your druggist has it, K-W or will get it for you. Insist upon K-W having it. Price $1.00 K-W Wells, Ricuaudsex & Ce., Prep., K-W Ruuliotex, Vt. K. W (Will send pest paid.) j ulS-lyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W T7-IDXEV "WORT FOR SALE AT LOCH- i ers' Drug Stere, 0 East King street. JZVUCATIOXAL. TTMIK ACADEMY COXXECTED WITH L Franklin and Marshall College eilers su pcrier advantages te young men and boys who desire cither te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at anv time dining the school year1 Send for circular. Address UEV. JAMES CRAWFORD, oetll-lvrt Lancaster. Pa. IKEMOrAZS. DR. S. B. FOREMAX, (PHYSICIAX AXD SURGEOX), Removed lrem Xe. 18 Seuth Prince street te Xe. 211 West, King street, Lancaster, Pa. nu21-3md CARPETS! -:e:- IMMENSE STOCK ! NEWEST STYLES ! LOWEST PRICES ! COME AND EXAMINE ! GIVLEK, BCWEKS & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. TJtArEZJUlUP OVIDK LANCASTER AND ailIXERSVilXK""jK7I Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. R. Depot), at 7. 9 and" 11:30 a.m., and A. 6 and 8- p.V, e-pt Sn Saturday, when the hist car leaves at aajp. u. Leave MUlersviUe (lower end) at 5, S, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. (COLUMBIA AND FORT DEV OSIT R. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: a CLOT1IISO. N! rt,T,, nTTTu;rt,.i fl mvi Minim u hum iiiuvm juime. nuiuiuuu. OPENING DATs We will display en FR1DAT and SATURDAY, MARCH 28 and 27, air the Xcw Styles in Qnnn I Miwflll IT i I MiiM mmmv. SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS, Embracing ever 400 Patterns of the most Heautiful and Nevel Design, Rich in Celer and Handsome in appearance. Ale, all the Xcw St vie new readv in Spring Weight Overcoats and Ulsterettcs. We have opened a Xew Department in our line, viz: The Manufacture of CHIL DREN'S CLOTHING, te which we give btiict and careful attention. Examine our kteek. CBNTEB HALL. MYERS & RATHFON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 12 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. JMUlllOIIiJZllIES, AC. HEW GOODS FOE TIE SPRLG TRADE, AT G-UNDAKER'S. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroiderics, Rufllings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, EJack Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thnpad Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at GTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Ilat, Crape by the yard, Crape Toils, Linen Cellars and Culls, call at GUX DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at GRJJNTDAJSlEir, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JWY UOOItS. VLOTHIXU. Silks and Satins ! Fer Trimming and Dress-cs. new open lrem Xew Yerk Auction. Large Lets of the above geed-) in BLACK AND COLORS, all te be f-e!d at less than regular prices. BUCK CASHEBES, In Quantities. Very Superior Goods at Lew Prices. We are ellering Special Hargains In Dill'cr ent Departments, te which we invite atten tion, at FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. ZtAltD TO THE LADIES I Just received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 & 40 "WEST KING STREETS. Having added In connection with our Large Stock et Carpets, Yarns, &c., A FINE LINK OF DRY GOODS, Mich as CALICOES, RLE ACH ED AND UNHLEACHKD MUSLINS, TICK INGS, COTTON FLAXXKLS. CASHMERES, RLACK ALPACAS. SHEETINGS, NEW STYLE OF SHIRTIXG. XKW STYLE DRKSS GOODS, TAULE LINENS. NAPKINS, TOWELS, &c., which we are selling at MODERATE FltlCES. ml-3md GROCERIES. UOLESALK AND KETA1L. w LEVANTS FLGUTt AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET dl7-lyd COFFEE! COFFEE!! The Rest Fresh Roasted Rie, Lagnayra Mecha and .lava Celfee always en hand. We claim that lew Stores keep as geed an article as we de for the money. It you want te enjoy a geed cup of CelTec or Tea Ruy at D. S. BURSK'S, 17 EAST KING STREET. JCS-Xew Designs Fancy Chinese Husiness Cards given v itli each pound of CeHee if desired. rruiiiKK-reirxD caxs fresh tejia- JL TOES at 12.14 and lGc. Canned Cern at 14, 10 and 18c per can. Table I'cache at 2'2 and c for 3-pound cans. Canned Peas, Fine Apples Pears, ic., at BURSK'S. F RESH AKRON OAT MEAL, 4 POUNDS for 55c. Turkey Prunes. 10c ncr pound. Geed Figs, i pounds for a'ic, at D. S. BURSK'S, Xe. 17 EAST KIXG STISEET. EUliNlTUltE. A lies of Merest te All ! NEW STOCK. NEW STORE. NEW AND INCREASED FACILITIES. lty recent Improvement te my Ware Reems they have been much enlarged and improved, and have just been tilled with a Xew and Com plete Assortment of Hand Made and ether FUEXITUKE, or THE LATEST AXD IIEST DESIGNS. 1 guarantee all my work and will make It te your interest te call. Repairing and Re-nphelstcring at short no iee. Picture Frames mudu te order, at 15J EAST KIXG STREET. WALTER A. HEINITSH. ATTOltlfEYS-AT-ZAW UEXRY A. RILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. Xew Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinmnn & Uensel. A COMPLETE RENEWAL IN OUR STOCK OK CLOTHING. XKW GOOD3-HOUGHT FOR CASH MADE UP HEFORE THE AD7ANCE AND OFFER ED TO THE PUHLIC AT PRICES FROM 25 te 30 per cent. LES3 THAN PRESENT COST OF MANUFACTURE PREPARED HY A. C. YATES & CO. THE LEADIXG AXD POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE 1SS0 SPRING AXD SUMMER. 1SS0 FOR THE REST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING CALL AT THE Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Streets. THE FINEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. UEJJICAX, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGnS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Da. BROWNING 1 a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful phnraiacNt, and a thorough chemist. His "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial i- net the result of mere chance, but ofleng scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture is at leatt live times as great as that et any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is ;.old at the exceedingly low priee of SOc. 4Ce Sample bottles (for a short time only) 35c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. d4-lydeeww 4S-FOK SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AXD ALL DRUGGISTS. WALT. l'Al'EItS, te. UK LINE OF O WALL PAPER ASI WINDOW SHADES Is much larger than any season heretofore. In Paper Hangings we are prepared te show the Xewest Goods in the market, from the Lewest Grade te the Most Expensive. Window shades of every description. Plain goods by the yard in all colors. Extra Wide Materials for Large Windows and Stere Shades. 2,000 Rolls of Paper Curtains te Merchants, at Lewest Wholesale Price?. PATENT EXTENSION Window Cornices the newest thing out, and easily adjusted te lit any window up te five feet in width, in solid walnut and most rcasenabl price. Cornice Poles in Ebony and Walnut, with Fancy Rrass Ends, Rings and Brackets. PIER AND MANTEL MIEE0KS. Orders taken for any at Lewest Rates. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. feblO-lyd&w CAJWETS. 1AItrETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET. Has en hand ever 26,000 YARDS OF CAR PET, Bedy and lapestry Brussels with Bor ders te match. Alse, Venitian Hall and Stair Carpets, Extra Three-Ply and Superfine In gram Carpets, which were all bought from the manufacturers before the great advance in prices, and which he offers at the Lewest Liv ing Prices. Alse, a Larger Steek than ever of Rag and Chain Carpets, which he is prepared te sell at prices which defy competition. On hand a Large Stock of Oil Cleths, all widths. Counterpanes and Blankets et all kinds and Celer. Carpets made te order at short notice for parties who find their own Rags, guaran tcuing perfect satisfaction. Give us a trial, at 203 WEST KING STREET. JEWELEltS. I" OUIS 1VEIIKK, J WATCHMAKER. Xe.l50j NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pautascepic Specta cles and Eye-G lasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster ffaiciies. FOR SALE HT B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. GOItD BADGES fop. Empire Heek and Ladder Company Ne. 1, AT AUGUSTUS KH0ADSS, Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. JlOOT.t ASH SHOES. I? A Q"V" IJOOTS- SHOES AXD LASTS JXXO JL made en a new principle, inaur- BOOTS tabU-tfd ing comfort for the feet. Lasts made te order. MILLER, 133 East King street. Stations Xerthwakd. Express. Am.ii.. PortDepesit 6:23 -1d Feachbottein 7:12 :i:t:! Flte'sEddy. 7:25 4:tV McCall'sFerry 7:37 4:17 Shenk's Ferry. 7:54 4:11 Safe Harber. 7:5'J 4:4. Columbia. S:.U 5:.V. Stations Southward. Aeeem. Express a.m. v. sr. Columbia. ie:40 Cr;e Safe Harber. n..s e:l'.t Shenk's Ferry. UM fci McCall's Ferry l-i:13 7:fty life's Eddy 12:40 7rJl) Peachbottem i:e;; 7;$: Pert Deposit, 2:15 saw PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEU SCHEDULE On and after SUXOAV APRIL 4th, 1SJ, trains en the Pcnu-vlMtut Railroad will arrive and leave the Lanc.iste. and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express r a&i J. in e, ............ Yerk Aecein. Arrives; Harrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express Day Express, Harrisburg Accoininedat'n. Leave Lnnc'ter Visa A.M. 10 lirJO " "A) " 8:U" " !:45 " 9:10 " lrJO " lri" im. i-M " 8:05 " 5:20 " HrJJ " Amw Phtlud'n SJMA.M. 4:13 ' 7:10 ' 10:10 " 12:01 V .'.M !"" 5:00 ASM ' 7:2.) " 5):) " Westward. Leave I Anne Philad'ii Lane'le: Way Passenger, Xiagara Express Hanover Accommodation.. Mail Twin Ne. l,ria Mt.Jey, 8. Mail Train Xe.2,via Cel'bia.l Sunday Mail,, rasi, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville I.eeal.via Mt.Jey UarrNburg Accommedat'u, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Ciucinnati.Express Pacific Express, M) :00 :m :25 :10 5:t K UMtt 10:10 M:e.". 11:07 lo:3e 2:10 2:15 2:50 5:45 7rJC 7:S0 :50 11.30 2.40 A. J! lacitlc Express, east, en Sunday, when lla ged, will step at Mlddletewn, Klizabethtr.wu Mt. Jey, IjindisTille, Bird-iu-IIauil, Lemuu 1.'.a,CL'',Ma." Christiana, Parkcsbmg, Coute. ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when (lagged, will step at DownIngtewn,Coatesvillr. Pis'; burg, Mt.Jey, Elizabcthtewn anil Middleton i Hanover Accommodation, west, conned ' Lancaster with Xiagara Expiess, west, at 10:15. a. m., and will run through te Iliinerer. Frederick Accommodation, west, connect. m Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p i anil will run through te Frederick. TIEADINUAND COLUMHIA UAILROAi? JX On and utter MONDAY". OCT. iru, f-71., passenger trains will run en this read us ic ic lews : Trains Going Seuth. Reading, , Reiuhelds, , Kphi-.ita, Akren...... ...... ....... Manheim, Lancaster Junction,.. Lauilisvillc, Columbia, Dillerville, , Lancaster, King Street, llarnisli, West Villew, Haum.-arilner, Pec-ucu, Retten Xew Providence, I l" j (juarryyille, A.M. a.:.i. 7:30 11:55 1 M. S:01 12:2t S:1S 12:40 8:21 12:15 8:4:t 1:02 0:02 1:1:; 0:05 1:40 'J:ir, i::;e 0:15 i:.v. !)r27 2:02 'j-.:a 2:e5 0:45 .... 9-58 .... 10:05 10:0;i 10:17 .... 10-23 .... 10:."4 10:42 .... 10-50 r. i. r.:ic , :l". 7:i ( 7:iW 7- 7:"-; 7:45 7:'it) S-'i) 8:i'c; 8:10 8:20 S::ll 8:42 8:47 8-55 9:01 9:12 9:19 9:25 3.0-) 3:10 5::W r.:::) 5: l.'i 5 Tm l,:n' fi:I5 (!2a Trains Going North. Quarrj'VUIc, iless,....' , New Frev.dence, , Helten, , Pcquca H.tumgardner, West Willow,.. Harnish, King street, Lancaster, Dillerville Columbia Landisvillc Lancaster J unction... , Manheim, , Litiz Akren Kphrata, ReinlieldsTille, Reading a. ar. j r. ji. i. si. G:l"i .... 2..15 t;:52 .... 2.41 0:30 .... . 2:4S 7:11 .... iai 7:18 .... ::05 7:21! 3:l:z 7::w .... 3: is 7:11 3r2U 7:33 .... 3: 10 8:03 1:00 3-50 8:08 1: 3-.V; 8:tK) 1:00 S:: 9:M I :.() S::U) lrr. 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 9.00 2:00 4:IM 9:1R 2:18 4:17 9:23 2.-25 ii. 9:42 2: HI- 5:11 10:05 3:20 5:50 7:." 7:.W .s;l.; !-.27 s-;-5 :!: 8: i 9:00 9..K Trains connect at Reading with trains te :,nd from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg. Ai Ai lcntewn and Xew Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Tork, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON", Mint. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAIL.". BV RAILROAD. New Yeuk Timorea :.;ail 7:00 a m. 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p m. Way Mail, east, 7 a in. GORDONV1LL2, Downlngtewn, Lcaman Place, Gap ( p m. Philadelphia, through mall, 7 12:50, 4:45 ami 1130 p m. and 9 & m. PlTTSBUROH and west. 1-20 anil ll:.n n m. Harrisisure Mail, 10 a m, 1:30, 6:15 and 11:30 n in. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Raltimerk amd Wasuimotex, via Philadet phia, 4:50 p m. Raltimerk and Washington, via Tork, 1:30 p m. Baltimore ahd WAsninaTON, via Harri.lmr g. 11:30 pm. Ceatksville, 4:45 p m. Columbia, 10 a m, 130 and 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10a m, I-30:ind 11-3) p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia R R, 7;;t a m and 12-30 p m. Reading, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 p in. Reading way, via .Junction, Litiz, Manhciin, East Hemptielii and Kphrata, 3 p m. J IJUARlixviLi.K, Camargo, Retteii, Xew Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley ami Martins ville, 9:30 a m, and 7:30 p in. Xew Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank. Hlue Ball, Geedville, Heartewii, by way e' Downlngtewn, at 7a in and (J p m. Safe Haubei:, via Columbia, 10 a in. HY STAGE Millersville and Slackwaler. I. S ite Harber, ilaily, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersville, 8 and 11 a m, and 4 p m Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bareville, Xev. Helland, 2:30 pm. Willow Street, Smlthville, Bnck, Chestnut. Level, Green, Peters Creek, Pleasant Giove, Reck Springs. Fail-mount and Rewland: ville. Mil, daily, at 7a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmers -ville, Hinkletown, Terru Hill, Martmdaie. daily, at 2:30 p m. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, e Strasburg, daily, at 4 p in. Greenland and Seudcrsburg, te Paradise dally, at 4 p m Xellsvllle, daily, at 4 p m. Xew Danville, Conestoga, Manicvillr. Cele man ville, Mount Xebe. Rawlliisvillc. Retl.evia and Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICK HOURS. On Sunday the postefhec Is open from April 1 te October 1. from 8 te 9 a in. and from C te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 a in, ml from 0 te 7 1 m. WHEN OPEX FOR DELI VERT. ARRIVING BY HAIL. Ka,tern mail, 7 a m. 10:45 a in, 3 and t:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 10:15 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a in, 2 anil t;:30 p m. Reading, via Readliiguid Columbia, 2-30 i in. Western way mall, Sam. Reading way mail, 10:30 a in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe H.tiber and Millersville, at 9 a in, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 am, and 4 pm. Frem New Helland, at 9:30a m, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Mil, at 2-30 p in. Reading way mail, at 1030 a in, ilaily. Frem ."trasburg, at 9:30 a m, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, leum, dally Frem Nelfsville. at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinvllle, at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter cai -rlcrs, caeh day, and en their return trips tiny take up the mull matter deposited In the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the ettlce at C:3) am: second delivery at 10 a in ; third deli cry at ll a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p in. TINWAJtE, JtC- C1ALL ON SHERTZER, HUSIl'HREVILLK & KIE FFER, manufacturers of TIX AXD SUEET-IROX WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AXD HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. SpccfcUatteutien given te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTIXG Xe. 40 East Kins Street, Lancaster, Pa. iii r - l i i j m $i Ail Is ?t I ii i,;! Vi m ' j i !., . MH35--A. . .. .