'mmmtmtmmmmm v f W"l -5 5?? JTr - -"'jT 3 -T rt.-V. j ' t ? '"Ji J - l, " ? tf. ' -!. ' LANCASTER DALLI JUNTliJJjiWiiJNVr mujiijai, Aiuij JZ. ioeu. - The InceaseqacBtlal teoen. Most people will be pleased te be re minded that the simple little evcry-day lemon will accomplish all that is claimed for quack medicines, and mere. The lemon is one of nature's best remedies, cheaper and pleasanter than quinine, and as an anti-scorbutic has no rival. It net only cures but prevents the scurvy and is the sailor's best friend. Its uses are main fold. On the toilette table, the festive beard, ami in the sick room, the lemon is invaluable. By rubbing the gums daily with lemon juice they may be kept in fresh, firm, ruddy health. The hands and nails are also kept clean, white, soft and supple by the daily use of lemon in stead of soap. Literary men and ladies should seldom have occasion te wash their hands with soap, which is a frequent neces sity only of such people as coal-heavers, champion billiard players and editorial writers. Dandruff may also be destroyed by rubbing the roots of the hair with lemon. Neuralgia may be alle viated, if net cured, by rubbing the part affected with it. It is suitable te all stomach diseases and is excellent in jaundice, liver complaint and fevers. On the banquet beard and for the evening symposium its uses are tee numerous and well known te enumerate. The lemon is a native of Asia, although cultivated in Italy, Portugal and in the south of France. As an exotic, however, it seldom exceeds t lie dimensions of the smallest tree, while in its native state its grows te sometimes ever bcventy feet in height. Obituary. Frank Baney, of Columbia, a builder and contractor of considerable celebrity, mill a must estimable citizen, died at his resilience in that borough at half past 2 o'clock this morning, aged about 40 years. His disease was consumption. Ilattiu S. Brown, daughter of Warren and Mary Brown, of Washington borough, died en Sunday morning, in the 20th year tifherage. She was noted for amiable disposition and modest worth. Her luneral will take place en Tuesday at 10 o'clock, the services te be held in the Bethel church. l"ire :iiul Fight in Columbia. On Saturday afternoon a frame house in Columbia, which is owned by the estate of Washington Kightcr, caught lire from the spark of a locomotive. The reef was burn ed oil the building when the lire was ex tinguished. During the lire two rival fi're companies indulged in a fiee fight. Thcie were plenty of bloody noses and bruhed heads and several arrests were made. Masonic OfliccrM. S. G. I. Dr. A. E. Steecker, 33-, dep uty for the stale, Augustus 11. Hall, 32, grand scribe of the Grand Chapter, and Charles E.Myers, 32 J, grand recorder of the !rand Ceinmandery, arrived in this city thufaficruoeii. They arc en a visit te Lan caster ledge of Perfection, and 'were met at the depot by ;i committee of prominent members of the Masonic order. Kcmblc Surrenders, Wm. II. Keinble, ceiivictcl of bribery "before the Dauphin county court, and who fled from the state te avoid sentence, has apparently thought better of it, as he passed through Lancaster in the Fast Line, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, en his way te Ilarrisburg. Surprise I'urty. The old ladies of Washington borough held a surprise party en Saturday evening at the residence of Christian Brcncman .and wife, both of whom are aged people. The old ladies net only slighted the young folks but slighted their husbands also ; but they nevertheless had a'jelly time. Presentation. On Saturday afternoon Bartlcy Meguiie, fermaii, and Jehn Beck, assistant foreman, of Fatman's tobacco warehouse, weic each presented with a handsome silver watch by the employees of the warehouse. l'elice t'ltsim. Before Mayer MacGeniglc this morning there were a paity of five vagrants and three diserderlies, all of whom were dis charged except one, who was committed for five days. Alderman B.irr sent Adelph Schnillle te jail for live days for drunkenness. Khciunatlsiu Sixteen Years. I sutlered se severely that 1 was often rob bed of my night's rest ; a change of weather would have the most painful effect en me, for then I could net move my hands or leet. Half ii bottle of ST. Jacoh's Oil cured me. Themas Ott, St. Jlunijacc, 1'a. Isaac Watts was a Little Man. lie said jocosely te aixef his tall quizzing lricndi who asked hew he felt anions se many inen. "that he was :i sixpence among six pennies, worth them all." SOZODOXT is just se; there may be many preparations ler the teeth, but it is werthlUcm all. al2-lwdeed&w Time Works Change." Uev. Dr. E. Greenwald was expected te de liver his lecture en "The Kiver Jerdan and the Dead boa" at Grace Lutheran chinch this evening. 15y special request the time of its presentation lias been changed te Thursday, April 15. ICTcry student of the Kible ought te lie present, as it doubtless will preve as in structive us it is interesting. A New Landlord. The old "(i rape"' hotel,se long and favorably known as a lirst-class house,has again changed hands. Mr. S. II. Ceover, of Mcchanicsbmg. Cumberland county, who took possession of n a few weeks age, lias retired and Sir. W.I!. Kinney, of this city, succeeds liiift. Mr. Finney is a pleasant and popular man, "knows hew te keep a hotel," and will no doubt maintain the high reputation the "Grape" has always held among the traveling public and local patiene. Amusements. "Kerry Ceu-." On Thursday evening Jeseph Murphy will return te Lancaster und will pie sent for the second lime in this city the bright comedy entitled "Kerry Gov,"of which tin Worcester Spy, the eldest paper in the United States, says: "'Kerry Ge w,' as presented by Jeseph Murphy's combination, is one et the brightest, prettiest and most interesting, if net the brightest, prettiest and most interests ing, of the Irish plays of the present day. The action is excellent, the dialogue as bright and crisp as a new bank note, and the situations just varied enough te keep the audience con cen .stantly interested. It Is net only purely an Irish drama, but it is a pure Irish drama." SPECIAL. NOTJVJCS. Grateful Women. Nene receive se much benefit, and none arc se profoundly grateful and show such an in terest in recommending Hep Hitters as women. It Is the only remedy peculiarly adapted te the many ills the sex is almost uni versally subject te. Chilis and fever, indiges indiges Hen or deranged liver, constant or periodical sickhcadaches, weakness In the back or kid neys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling et lassitude and despon despen lucy. ure all ruadlly removed by these IJlt IJlt terg. al-2wd&w Try Lecher'a Ueuewned Cough Syrup. Consumption cured. Hundreds of people throughout the New England States who were consumptive will testify te their being alive te-day from the use of Sneer's Pert Grape "Wine, produced In Tas saic. New Jersey. It is prescribed by physi cians generally and used in hospitals for tills purpose. Weakly and debilitated females, consumptives, and all aged persons, And a great benefit by its use. Nothing Is better for overworked or exhausted ladies. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davi and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. If you have pimples, boils, salt rheum, rough skin, ic, try -LintUey's Hloed Searcher." Sold by all diuggLsts. Try Lechei's Kenewncd Cough Syrup. k'n vmir hnurcls and kidneys in a healthy State by the use of Kidney-Wert. As a Cure for Tiles Kidney-Wert acts first by overcoming in the mildest manner all tendency te constipation; then, by its great tonic and invigorating prop erties, it restores te health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundreds of certi fied cure-, where all else have laiied. Use it and suffer no longer alii lwd&w Don't deceive your-elves. "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" for the cure of colds and coughs has no equal. Sold by all druggists at 25 cents. Try Lecher'd Kenewncd Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-five percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, anil when we retlect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken ei your rent by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MKS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING sjVKUI. It will relieve the peer little sullerer immediately depend upon it; there is no mi-take about it. There is net a mother en earth who has overused it, who will net. tell you at once that it will regulate the bow els. and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. Ills perfectly safe te u-e in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. fjl7-lydwM,W.1S Try Lecher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup. Try Lecher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup. Frem a well-known citizen et Chicago. Chicago, 111., Jan. 1, 1SS0. . . Warner A Ce., ltechcsler, X. Y.: Gentlumcn-: I have used Warner's Safe Kid ney ami Liver Cure with the greatest satisfac tion. It is the only remedy I have overused that I can leeemmend te my friemls,us it has cured me et ISright's Di-e.i-e of long standing, after having vi-itcd the White Sulphur Springs of Virgiui.i, and trying in numerable se-called "remedies" of the day. Having resided here for forty even years, my friends will be glad te see thi- state'iienf. The di-eeverer i-, in deed, a pi." . -. icier. William II. Pattursen, 1,41)1 Wabash avenue, near Tw enty-ninth St. al-2vd.tw JH.A.TIIS. Salomen. In this city, Apiil 10, 1-se, Eliza beth M., daughter of Samuel and ISridgct Lau der, aged 22 years and 8 days. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her parents residence. Ne. 227 Shippen street, en Wednesday at!) o'clock. High mass at St. Antheny'.- church. Interment at St. Mary's e melery. 2td -";' Alt rjCKTJSliStEXTb. "rilXKY TO LOAN ON 1'lltST MOKT 1VL GAGE at KAUSMAN & lirKXS'S Insurance and Keal Estate Ollice. aprii tfilit Ne. Hi We-t Orange Strcut. J" UsT lti:Ci;iV.I A CAR LOAD Of Choice Yerk state Hu et Apples: al-e. a ear lead of Yerk Mate Peerless and Early Hese roiiiiecn. iorsceii piuix', '. ltd JOSEPH HEK.OG. 1i:t it t: neticld tuat hi; v. ik. j GKEENWALn'S Lecture en " THE JORDAN AND THE DEAD SEA," will be delivered at Grace Lutheran Church, corner of North (Jueen and James streets en Thursday Evening, April 15, 1830. ltd jj:vival. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection lias been se cured after years of experiment. Composed or the CHOICEST Guiiib and Extracts. We guarantee thsiu the REST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. I'UKELY V.tSETAULE. One or two every night, in leu dajs cure CostiveucSY and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, tliey nevcr nauseate or. annoy. Sold by all Druggists. aprl2-2indced&w 'uj: hale en nisi. oteuk Roerti roil ri-;nt, no. 114 n. O (Jueeii street . Possession given January 1st. Apply at diMfdl Ne. 112 North Queen fa! rout. IOR RENT. . Twe rooms. Ne. 43 North (ueen street, suitable ler photograph gallery, new occupied Uv.I S. Sauruiau. Apply te "decSC-tld THOS. HAUMGAKDXEK. I ;ou SALE. A shuttle Heard in Geed condition, with lour sets el quoits, will b sold cheap. Apply te II. L. MISHLEK, 1112.5-t fil 115 East King Street. "ww? lri-'V-r JL One room. Ne. 45" .J Neith Queen street, suitable ler photograph" gallery, terinerly oc cupied by J. S. Saiirmau. Apply te aj-tfd THOS. KAUMGARDNKK. A COLLAR FACTORY AND LEATHER STOKE FOK KENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Sterw ter rent. Al-e suitable ler any ether business. Apply te !AVTii,Tll.VStld JOHN A. SlIOKEK. 1)UIILIU SALE OF A LOT OF NEWLY Repaired Second-hand Pianos, ,Vc, at Ne. :ln7 Neith Queen street, Lancaster, l'a., en TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. MKS. G. sTEINII AU-EK. Henry Siiuiikht, Auct. aprtJ-Jldlt iOR RENT. 1 The second story e! Eshleman ,t Rath von's Ranking Heu-e, at Centie square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a R. R. Dept, ou Chestnut stieet. U.K. ESHLEMAN. f25-2td,tStt Atternev-at Law IIUISLIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1S. will be sold bv public sale at Ne. 52 south Duke street, in t"ne city of Lancaster, a large assort ment et Household and Kitchen Furniture, among which is an Elegant New England Organ and a lirst-ratc Register Heating stove, Cook Sleve. a new set et Harness, Ac. Salu te begin at 1 o'clock. II. F. RO W E. Auct. apr!2-2td ffAXTJHJ. WANTED. EVERYltODY TO ADVER tise, tree et charge, in the Lnijjllioen Lnijjllieen ckk. who wants something te de. 11 AGS! RAGS! RAGS.! RAGS WANTED. Ilrti, cii!.-ftj,1tt 1;lL' flfltiff tll!lt Wt !irt paVlIlg O crill- .1 F,MII11l am U.I.A.L' a.. Li.;. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, fiprSWind Ne. 21". West King Street. YOUNG MAN FROM THE COUNTRY wishes a situation in a store in the city. Can come well recommended. Address " Hus iness," Lampeter, Lancaster county. Pa. It tbeOUUU Five per cent, interest will be paid by the. borough et Mt. Jey ler a lean of $35,000, te relund borough debt of like amount created in building Water Works. This lean is free trem all taxes. Issued in amounts et $100 and $500. Interest paid semi-annually. Apply te K. 31. GKEIDEK, apru-lwd Burgess. COMFETliNT 1'ERSON" IS WANTED te fill the position of Superintendent of the public schools of Lancaster city. The Beard et Directors will meet en THURSDAY EVENING, AI'KIL 22, te till the position and fix the salary. By order of the Beard. Attest: C.F.EBEUMAN, aprlO-4tdS,W,S41I Secretary. " . .1 ... .. ..n.....i ,v... fT'-.l IP li!C AMVBE3LBXTH e VEKA BOUSE. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1880. Return of the Favorite, the Greatest of all Irish Comedians, MB. JOSEPH MURPHY, Supported by a company of specially selected Artists of Becegnized Ability, including the beautiful California Favorite.: MISS M. LODUSKI YOUNG. THE BEST OF ALL IRISH DRAMAS ! Played with Unparalleled Success ever 1,000 times in all the Principal cities of America, Mr. Fred. Marsden's best work, THE KERRY GOW. A pure Irish Drama, without shillclah, whisky or priest. A". Y. Dramatic yews. See the Wonderful Escape from Prison .' See the Great Race Scene .' And the Flight of the Carrier Deves '. MB. JOHN D. MISHLEK has the honor te announce that the great success of this favor ite company and play has induced him te re-engage them at greatly increased terms. ADMISSION, - - 33, 50 & 75 Cts. Secure your scats early. aprlO-ltd GAS FIXTUJIES. BARGAINS GAS FIXTURES SLATE MANTELS, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. VLOTlIIXtl. Astounding result of our cfiert in catering for a Fastidious and Fashionable Tr.nl". The advance in pricesef all new designs in Woolens seems te stimulate the demand. The run en our novelties is lar beyond our expectation. OUR SPECIALTIES IN REED & TAYLOR'S English Treuserings arc Perfect Gems of Beauty and Taste, a lull line el" which are Cord Stripes and Plaids, Lon Len Lon eon Knickerbocker and Cheviot Suitings, in all the Fancy Crimson, Pearl and Antique Shades. The'enlv house in this citv that has a Full Line of LONDON SMOKE, EMERALD and LORD GREY COLORINGS, the New Shades. A Large Line of Scetcli & English Novelties In Banneckbiirn, Celtic and Garryewcn Chev iots and Suitings, in all the New and Fancy Mottled and Plaid Mixtures. French Hair Lines and Pin stripes, Rlue Checks in great variety and handsome ell'eets. Elegant New Designs in SPRING OVERCOATINGS, Original Styles. A full line et Choice styles American Product ions of Standard Brands anil exqut.-ilely beautiliil. The character et our stock is such that it will recemnieml it-elt te all levers of genteel and elegant dress,and our prices are as low as can beexpectetl. consist ent with lirst-class work. We advise- all persons-in want et Spring suits te place their or. del at once, for some of our E.xeliisiveand eon lined styles when .-old cannot be duplicated. We are in constant communication with the leading Tailors in New Yerk, and have the Cor rect Styles ler Spring fully defined, adapted ter Gentlemen's wear, anil can guarantee lull satisfaction in every department. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. jixsvj2t,laxj:e U.S. PROPOSALS Will be received at the Mayer's Oflicc up te THURSDAY, APRIL 15, ls-0, at 7 p. in , ter furnishing the City of Lancaster with one grossef Bras-three-quarter inch Ferrules. 10 weigh net less than one pound, fourteen ounces, five and thrce-quailer inches in the stem. A sample may be seen at the Mayer's Ollice. Ferrules must be furnished by May 1, ls-ii). PROPOSALS will also be received at the same time and place for as much geed Ameri can Lead as the city may require up te July 13, lss). PROPOSALS will be received at the same time and place lersiichspeci.il castings as may be required in the Water Department et the eitj m te July 15, 1SS0. Special castings will consist of geese-necks, plug cases, Much lour branches, t.'s, etc. Bids will specify hew much per pound, and bidders will furnish all patterns without extra charge. , . . J 1 jui l.?.j. .. 111 ue ruceiwii ;n 1111: siuu time and place ler as many water pipes as the city will require up te J uly 15, 18S0. Bids must speeilj hew much per net ten de livered in Lancaster for lour, six, eight, ten and twelve-inch pipes. Pipes must be of the best quality and furnished immediately upon the order of the city. NOTICE. Bv an error in printing the no tices te Water Uenters reads that the day et ap peal will be Tuesday, April 1! ; they should read Friday, April Hi. Keuteri. will govern themselves accordingly. JNO. T. MACGONIGLE, aprHMtd Mayer. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Honorable JOHN B. LIV INGSTON. President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTERSON, Associate Judge et the Court of Common Pleas.in andfer the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justieesef thoCeurts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ler the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among oilier things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court et Oyer and Terminer ami a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Cem t of General Quarter Sessions et the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Peiinsvlvania. en the THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL (1'J), 1SS0. In pursuance of which precept public netice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the citv of Lancaster, in the said county, and all th"Jniticcserthu Peace, the Corener and Ceiiktables, of the said city and county of Lan caster, that they bethen and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions,andthcirethcr remembrances, te de these things which te theirefliecsnpperlain in their behalf tobedene ; and alie all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then and tli 010 te proaccute against, them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the ISth day of March, ISiU. JACOB S. STBINE, Shaiill. m2T-itileawS;4tw 3LVSICAI. INSTJtVilEXTS. -THE-- Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. AVareroenis he North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Ollice, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Ale Agent ter Lancaster County for CI11CKEKING& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, &c., alwaya ea hand. - fia-lydSilyw - rAUCUS U. SEHNER, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attetiea paid te al tsratiem and repairs. slS-lyd Flu t Breneman s, erp liiir! SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES. We have just secured a large let of the lower priced American "Watches of Waltham and Elgin Manufacture. Alse, a large let of Silver and Geld Cases, which -will be sold at the old prices not withstanding the scarcity and difficulty of getting them. Seme grades of these goods are in such demand that orders for them given new will net be filled in less than two years. Alse, 400 Cleck of different styles just received this morning, Jeb lets of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which will be sold for less than the cost of manufacture. . We invite an examination of our new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. THE OPINION OP THE LADIES "WE HOPE HAS BEEN FULLY CON FIRMED BY "WIDE SPREAD EXPERIENCE THAT HOUGHTON'S Cheap lillinery & Trimming Stere Is the Cheapest and Best Place in the city te buy lillinery Goods and Dress Trimmings, And we will receive dally New (joedt and all the Latest Style., and ladles will find the Largest Stock and Createst Variety et Uats, Bennets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flewers.Silks. Satins, Fringes, Kid and Li-le Thread Uloves, Lace-, Embroideries, Tucking, Pulllngs, Velvet Neckties, Ladies' White Tucked Skirts .Tee, 7."c and fl.OU each, and the Largest Stock of Fancy Dress But But eons in the city. We constantly keep th Finest Line of ENGLISH BLACK CREPES, Only Ceurtauld's Best Makes anil at the Lewest Prices. Alse, Crepe Veils in all Sizes, Crepe Hats and Bennets constantly en hand and made te erder by tlie best Milliners in the city, as we keep no ethers, nor no apprentices te botch your work, at M. A. HOUGHTON'S Cheap Millinery and Trimming Stere, 25 jt. Queen St. elft itJtAinxas. AUTHORIZED MX THE COMMON WEALTH OF KY.. and Fairest in tlm World. 19th Popular Monthly Drawina op tub COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1830. Thesa Drawings, authorized by net et the Legislature et 1SR), and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens et tli State. The management call attention te the granu opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only $2, any of the fellow ing prizes 1 prize 3,0W 1 prize 10,1)00 1 prize 5.000 10 prizes rf 1,000 each lu,(K)0 'JO prizes iOOcaeh 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each I0,oue 2oe pri.es.-'Oeaeh lo.eoo GOO prizes 'JOeach 12,000 l'JOO prizes 10 each 10,000 0 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes '-',700 0 prizes 200 each. " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " J0O 1,JM prizes $112,400 Whole tlckels, $2; halt tickets. $1 ; 27 tickets 0 Si tickets. $100. All applications for el ub rati s should be made te the home ellice. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank draft in letter, or by ex press. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Address It. M BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Building, Leu isville, Ky., or at i07 andSOU Broadway, New Yerk. ff-iS-TuTh&S&w MEDIC AZ. CUTICURA UE3IEDIES Hare aclileved the most noted success et any Medicines of Modern Times. 'Messrs. Weeks ft Petter have never doubted the specific properties of Ccticura. Cuticuka Reselvent ami cuticuka Seap, for the speedy, permanent and economical cure of Humors of the Bleed, Skin and Scalp. They are, however, astenisned at their universal success; for it was te be expected that in the bauds of some hey would tail solely from spasmodic or igue- ant use of them. They are unable te say without fear of con radictien that no remedies ever achieved in the short space of one yearthc number el won derful cure performed by the Ctici:a Rkm kdibh SALT KIIKlJ.li Cevering the Bedy for Ten Tears, Perma nently Cured. Law Offick of Ciias. Hougiitex. 17 Congress Street, Bosten, Feb. 28, 1S7S. Messks. Weeks & Petter: Gentlemen. I feel it a duty tointerm you, and through you all who are interested te knew the tact, that a met disagreeable and obstinate case of Salt Rheum er'Eczeina, which has been under my personal observation from its llrst appearance te the pre-ent time, about ten (10) years, covering the greater portion of the patient's body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and itching scab, and te which all the known meth ods et treating such disease has been applied without benetlt, has completely disappeared, leaving a clean anil healthy skin, under a tow days of preluse application of Cuticuka. 1 can and de heartily advi-e all similarly af flicted te try the remedy whieh hag been se ef fectual in this case. Very truly yours, ! CHAS. HOUGHTON, LITER COMPLAINT And Dyspepsia Treated by the Kcsolveut Gains 5 1-2 pounds en One Bettle. Gentlemen : I have had Liver Complaint ami Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no geed I have been spending for eight years and it did no geed. Everything I ate distress ed me. I get reduced from 1?J te 132 pounds. At last I tiicd the Reselvent and it helped un tight off, and ou the bottle I gained live and one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and I am going for it strong. Yours truly, JOHN ROY. 414 "Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., Nev. 15, 1871. Nete. Cuticuiu. is admirably assisted in cases et extreme physical weakness, or when the virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in the system, by the internal use of the Cuticuka Reselvent, without doubt the most powerful bleed puritierand liver stimulant in the world. Cuticuka Seap is an elegant toilet and medic inal assistant te Cuticuka in the treatment et all external ailments. Fer chapped hands, rough skin and tan, sunburn, and the lesser skin troubles, it is indispensable; as a soap ter the toilet, the nursery and bath it is the most elegant, relieshing and healing before the public. These great remedies snecced where all ethers heretofore in use fail because they pos sess new and original properties never before successfully combined in medicine. The Cuticuba, Remedies are prepared by Weeks ft Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 300 Washington street, Bosten, and are ler sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, M cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times thequantity et small, $1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cents per cake ; by mail, 30 cents : three cakes 75 cenis. 0U-IJVS In the Annihilation et Pain and Inflammation' VCLTA1C FirrnHfiin the Vitalization et """"WmIt. Pnrulvzful. and Hi Mifia Painful Nervous Parts Vla I and Organs, in the Cur ing el Chronic Weakness of the Lungs. Heart, and Kidneys, in the Absorption of Poisons from the Bleed through the Peres, and the Pre vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints, Malarial and Contagious Diseases, they are wonderful. Get the genuine. KINDEKGAKTEN! SPRING QUARTER Commences APRIL 12, 1880, at 131 North Duke street, Lancaster. ANWK E. GLEIM. aprlO-lwd LEU AX, XOTIVES. E STATE OF MAODALENA ZIKGLEKi leceaed. The nndersiirned auditor, an pointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster comity. Pa., te distribute the balance remain ing in the hands of Jacob L. Brubakcr, administrator of Magdalena Zeigler, deceased, wife of Matliias Ziegler, te and among these legally entitled te the name, will attend for that purpose en FBIDAY, APRIL SB, 1880, at the Library Roem el the court house, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. uiai-2!Mtdeaw 81MON P. EBT, Auditor. E STATE OF ISAAC WAKKEN, LATE OF Lancaster city. Lancaster ceuntv. de ceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands efJames Warren, Administrator of said deceased, te anil among thesu legallv entitled te the .same, and te pass upon exceptions tiled te said admiiiistrator'sacceunt, will attend for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 30th day of APRIL, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribution and exceptions mav attend. 1). P. ROSKNMILLER, Jit., apr5-lteeaw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MECK. & Brether, of West Lampeter township, Lancaster county. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of II. II. Dcitrich. Assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en THURSDAY, the iith day of APRIL. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. CHAS. K. KLINE, apr3-2tdA2tw Auditor. ESTATE OF MAKTIN SNAVELY. LATE of Druinere township, deceased. The un dersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Abraham Snavely, Administrator el said deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en MONDAY, MAY 3, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. ni., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse,' in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. ALEXANDER HARRIS, apr5-ltdft3tw Auditor. CIIARTEK NOTICE. Netice is hereby given that application will be made te the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, en MONDAY, APRIL in, 188.), at 10 o'clock a. in., for a charter te incor porate ' The Sacred Heart Academy el Lancas ter, Pennsylvania." The object of the pro posed corporation is the instruction of young ladies in a thorough academical course of edu cation. GEORGE NAUMAN. ni25-:!tde w Solicitor for the Applicants. E STATE OF A. II. 1VEIGLE, LATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. The undersign ed Auditor, appointed tndistrihututlic balance remaining in the hands of C. II. Weigle. Ad ministrater, te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit "for that purpose en TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. T. B. HOLOHAN, ffaprr-3tdeitw Auditor. E 7STATE OF AVILLIAM STACY, LATE OF Strasburg borough. deceascd.-'The under signed Atiiilter, appointed te distribute me balance remaining in the hands of William B. Bishop, Executer of said deceased, te and among the-e legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 27th day of APRIL, 180, at 10 o'clock a. in., iu the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. CHAS. R. KLINE, apr5-2tdft2tw Auditor. INSTATE OF ANNA M. "WE1DLEK, .J late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against tiie same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON. J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. ui30itdced INSTATE OF KILLI AN HECK, LATE OF j the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immediatcsettlcment,and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the City of Lancas ter. ANDREW S1IREINER, marl8-Gtdced Executer. TESTATE OF JAMES "W. BHEY, LATE Ci of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmetz. JULIA RHEY. Administratrix. J. L. Steismetr, Atl'y. in27-0tdeaw CXIXXA AXD GLASSWAXtE. 1U1NA UALL. The Best Assortment et China, Glass & Queensware AT CHINA HALL, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. All Wares sold at BOTTOM PRICES. Call antl examine our Stock. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. THED EDITION MONDAY EVENING, APBTL 12, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, April 12. Fer the Middle Atlantic states clear or partly cloudy weather, northwest winds, backing te southwest, stationary or rising temperature and barometer. CONGRESS. Changes Recommended In the Census Bill Washington, April 12. In the Senate te-day, Mr. Pendleton, from the confer ence committee en the disagreeing votes of the two houses en the census bill, reported that the result of the conference was that the statistics regarding ownership of the public debt be taken by special agents iustead of enumera tors; that copies of returns be net sent te the officers of the various states ; that Alaska be included in the census ; and that verieus ether miner changes be made iutlic bill. The amount appropriated is reduced from $350,000 te $123,000. There There pert was laid aside temporarily te allow its examination by Mr. Edmunds. Proceedings in the Ileuse. In the IIouse the bill appropriating $200, 000 for the erection of suitable military pests en the Rie Graude frontier was passed. The speaker laid before the Heuso a message from Mr. Hayes transmitting the report of the secretary of state relative te Chinese immigration. It was referred. The IIouse thcu went into committee of the whole en the army bill, all general de bate te be closed in three hours. Among the bills introduced was one pro posing a constitutional amendment that no persons be eligible for the oflice of pres ident for mero than two terms. A YOUNU GIRL'S SAD DEATH. Shocking Accident Caused by the Explosion of a Ceal Oil 'Lamp. Baltimore, April 12. Miss Lucy Cele, 23 years of age, daughter of Mr. David Cele, was burned te death in the yard of her father's residence, Ne. 191 Mulberry street, Saturday night about 9:30 o'clock, by the explosion of a ceaj oil lamp. The young lady had taken the lamp with her te an out heuse. and it is supposed- that the wind blowing down the chimney caused it te explode. The sound of the explosion was the first intimation the family received of the acci dent. C. Oliver Powell, Miss Cele's brother-in-law, was up stairs in the house when heard a loud report and saw the Hash of a bright light. Divining the meaning of the sound he hastily picked up a blanket and rushing down into the yard met the young lady enveloped in flames. Several neighbors assisted him in wrapping the young woman up and extinguishing the flames, but before this was dene her body was charred and burned almost te a crisp. Hardly a stitch of clothing remained en her person, the tops of her shoes being also burned eflf. She was taken into the house and Dr. A. T. Kell was summoned. Before he arrived, however, she was dead. MURDER MOST FOUL. Horrible Crime in Union County, Illinois. Anna, Illinois, April 12. James M. Mclntyrc, an old and respected citizen of Union county, was found dead in a field thrce-quaiters of a mile from his house, with his gun by his side and his hunting knife thrust through his threat. The body was arranged te give the impression that he had committed suicide, but examination showed he had been shot in the back of the head. An old enemy of Mclntyrc's is suspected of the deed. BURIED ALIVE. Seven Hundred Human Liven Sacrificed for the Restoration of the King of ISur- inali'sIIcalUi. Londen, April 12. The seven hundred men, boys, women, girls, priests and for eigners, sacrificed at Mandalay for the res toration of the king's health, were buried alive, net burned as previously stated, underneath the towers of the city walls. An Explanation" of the Massacre. Londen, April 12. A despatch from Rangoon te the Daily Neics Bays the fol lowing is an cxplantien of the massacre at Mandalay : " When a city is built inBurmahhuman sacrifices are offered up. A new monarch usually has a new capital. The evil spirits arc irritated that there has been no change of capital, and, the virtue of the old sacri fice being gene, te appease them the as. trolegcrs declared it was necessary te offer up 700 lives. The sacrifices were made by the order of King Thceban." IS HE "WEAKENING? Kcmble Believed te be En-Reute for Ilar risburg. Atlantic City, April 12. Kemblc left here this morning at 8 o'clock. Philadelphia, April 12. Kcmble was in town this morning and it is new sup posed that he is going te Ilarrisburg te renew his bail. flLLORY AND GALLOWS. The Deem That Awaits a ITeuld-be Regicide in Spain. Madrid, April 12.-Otere, the condemned would-be regicide, will be executed en Wednesday. The prisoner, in accordance with the cruel custom still existing in Spain, will be placed in the pillory for 24 hours previous te his execution. GLADSTONE') TRIUMPH. A " Dignified Position " Suggested ter Him. Londen, April 12. The Times, in a leading editorial this morning, says : " As a member of the cabinet without a portfolio Mr. Gladstone would occupy a dignified position." m WESTON. Ills Last Pedestrian Effert a Failure. San Francisce, April 11. Westen com pleted his work last night at 11 o'clock with a score of 3G5 miles. He was much troubled with vertigo during the week which occeunts for his low score. BLOODED HORSE KILLED. Lerlllard's Geraldlne Breaks Her Back. Londen, April 12. Lorillard's three-year-old Geraldiue has accidendcntally broken her back and been destroyed. TWO POPULAR MURDERERS. ChasUne Cox and PletroBalbae tebeUauged May 28. New Yerk, April 12. Chastine Cox and Pietre Balbae were arraigned te-day and the day of execution fixed for May 28. New Optn Moen for New Yerk. New Yerk's new open house premises seen te be an accomplished fact. The ar ticles of incorporation have already been filed under the liability act of 1875 and subscription books were opened en Satur day at the banking house of James A. Roosevelt & Ce. The house is te be called the Metropolitan opera house, and the cap ital stock is fixed at 6,000 shares of $100 each $600,000 in all. The subscribers who met in Mr. Roosevelt's office were J. A. Roose velt, Geerge II. Warren, E. P. FabrL G. G. Haven, AV. H. Tillinghast, J. N. O. Griswold, Rebert Geelct, Luther Keuntze, C. Fellowes, and n. W. Grays. Each took 100 shares. Other subscribers, whom names were signed by proxy, are W. ;H. Vanderbilt, W. K. Vanderbilt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Ogden Goelet, H. McK. Twembley, Mrs. A. W. Sherman, of Newport, R. I., J. Picrpent Morgan, Geerge Peabody Wetmore, of Newport, and Bradley Martin. Each of these also took $10,000 worth of stock. Other sub scriptions were made in the course of the afternoon. The probabilities of the suc cess of the undertaking are enhanced by the fact that anions the subscribers are the names of-semo of the eldest, wealthiest and most fashionable New Yerk families. The site for the new opera house will prob ably be en Fifth avenue, somewhere be tween Thirtieth and Fiftieth streets. In the meantime the stockholders and di rectors of the old opera house, the Acade my of Music, have leased it te Mr. Maple son rent free for five years, upon condition that he gives two opera seasons each year. Mapleson premises te bring ever Gerster, Nilsson aud Vallaria, and te give some new operas. He is also trying the English plan of selling boxes for the opera season. In Londen the present season, at Cevcnt Garden, for thirty-four nights Mr. Gye ex pects te receive from 70 te 500 guineas for boxes of four scats each, the central scats en the first tier touching 140 guineas. The "Weeds Full of 'Em. PotUvlUe Chronicle. Judge Black announces himself as a Han cock man without second choice. There are a great many ether people in Pennsyl vania of the same way of thinkinir. In point of fact the weeds are full of them. MAXtKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia. Apr. 10. Fleu r dull and heavy ; superfine fi "171 00; extra 4 S05 00; Ohie and Indiana family $G 00C 60 ; l'cnn'a family $5 75t2r; St. Leuis family $G 2Mj6 75 ; Minnesota family $1 M6 75 ; patent and high grades Hi 878 00. Rye flour II 75. . Cornmeal Brandywlne unchanged. Wheat llrmcr; Ne. 2 Western Ki-d $12l 12t; Penn'u.ltcd$l.'lll35; Amber $135QlU. Cern scarce and firm ; steamer 53c; yellow 5tQ55c ; mixed 5.'!53Kc. Oat firm; Ne. 1, 47c; Ne. 2, 45ffl4(5c ; Ne. S, 4445c; Ne. 2 mixed 42Je. It ye dull ; Western and Pa. &!8lc. Previsions steady; mfs-j perk at $11 MQ 12 00; beet hams $17 0018 00; India miw.i beer $1950; bacon smoked shoulder 545Je ; salt iln 4iJ81; smoked hams 'JHQleJic; pickled hams 89c Lard steady ; city kettle 7?ic ; loose b u tellers 7c; prime steam $7 40c. Butter quiet; creamery extra at 2931c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 2ti27c ; Western reserve extra at 'J4'Jk ; de geed te choice 202:!c: Bells quiet: Pcnn'a extra 2I23c; Western reservi extra 2224c. Eggs steady ; Penn'al3c; Western 12!2c. Cheese scarce ; New Yerk factory 14Mti)14Ue ; Western lull cream 14c ; de forgeod l'$tfj)13y ; de halt-skims 10fj)llc. Petroleum dull; Bcflncd TJic Whisk v at$lGt. Seeds firm; geed toprlme cleversecd $0 25(9 G75:de timothy $2 TeffiU 00 ; de flaxseed $1 7U 180. . New Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. April 12.-FIeur-Stateand Western dull and quiet; superfine state $4 004 70; extra de $4 755 00 ; choice de $5 0545 SO ; fancy $5tiO$('IO: round hoop Ohie $5't05 75: clielcu de $5 807 00; superfine western $4 004 70 ; common te geed extra de $4 755 10 ; choice dodo$51.700; choice white wheat de $5 009 5 75; Southern dull and in buyers' laver; com- , men te fair extra $5 255 75 ; yoed te choice de $5 807 25. Wheat Spring flrmcrund quiet; winter y. lc better and fairly active ; Ne. I While, April, $1 lji ; de May 1 214 ; Ne. 2 Bed, spot, $137138; de April, $1 38 ; de May, $1 34; Ne. 2 Northwest, May, $1 2fi. Cern a shade better and quiet : Mixed West ern spot 52.'i;'e ; de luture47652c. Oats a shade stronger, including Ne. 2 for May, S39 ; Statu 4230c; Western ilA 50c. Ileef dull and prices unchanged. Perk firmer ; new mess $1750. Lard quiet and firm; steam rendered $7 CO. Whisky dull ; Western $I0SI0,J. Spiritu of turpentine dull at 4445e. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, April 12 1230 r. x. Stocks steady. Pcnnali's (third Issue) 107 Philadelphia & Erie 17 Beading .14 Pennsylvania tXi, Lehigh Valley. 51 United Ces. of N. J Vt Northern Pacific 28 " Preferred 52 Northern Centnd 32 Lehigh Navigation 'AV Nornstewn 101 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts , Titusville & Butrale. 20J Little Schuylkill 53 New ionic. Apt II 12. Stocks weak. AiXenujT N. Y. Central 132 Adams Express 112 Michigan Central 'JlZ Michigan Southern 1084 Illinois Central 1 Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..HI Chicago Becklsland 188 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayiic.118 Western Union Tel. Ce 10.VJJ Teledo ft Wabash 30 New Jersev Central 7.- United State Bends antl Sterling Ktcliaue (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, April 12. United States C's, 1881, (registered). .105105 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102(sl02 United States 4J$'s, 1891, (reglstered)HW (adlJJi United States 4's, 1801, (coupons)... KM United States 4's, 1007. (registered). .107;gl07 United States Currency C's 125 Sterling Exchange 4 85 188 Cattle Market. Philadelphia, Apr. 12. Cattle market active: receipts 2.OI0 head ; prime 5J:JCc ; geed 5 5;c; medium 44X;c; common 4i45c. Sheep market active ; receipts 8,000 head ; prime 7ffi7Kc ; geed c ; medium CQtJc ; common 5'g5c. Hogs Market active ; receipts C.300 head ; geed 7Jc; geed 7c; medium c; common Cc SEiriXU 3XACI1IXKS. SEWING MACHIXES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Prem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers aud at tacument dealers, we learn thw following facts : The American Machine has 135 part Davis " " 151 " " Demestic " " 88 " Howe " ' 2M " " New Heme " " 133 " ' Bemington " " 131 " " Singer ' 112 " " Weed " ' 122 " ', White " " 134 " " Walcrft Wilon,Ne. 8,1-as 154 " fed7-3mdSft3mw AU11XCVLTV11AL. -piAKMEKS! Ge te Fulton Heuse for your FERTILIZERS. There you will find a Large Stock of Phos phates, Pure Baw Bene. Seuth Carolina Iteck et Highest Grade, and all the Materials for making the Star Phosphate. Can also furnish Formula for High Grade Tobacco Fertilizer. Don't tail te call and get prices, for all the above named goods will be sold at BOTTOM PKICES. J. SWIFT & BRO., Fulton Heuse, Lancaster County, Pa. ml7-2mwl GEO. W. BROWN, Aa UNDERTAKER, Ne. 146 EAST KINO STKEET. BMldane 21 Seuth Prince Street. aprS-lydWAS I m M -: V 'Ifl li (I k', I :1 5!i m. a; I Tin 3i m I "i-sc. m 10 1H