MMt9tiBattWteHB ,t'5,A,Tr,1K3 "- gKsve ifrwresisayscgsry-sT rr -r- , , , i i.i ir i. i, SsssxsesummmmmmmmmXCSZm n. , '. lieWMWWBgaMBBMMBBMMES fXt M- r LANCASTER DAILY 1NTELUGENPER, SATUEDAY APRII 10, 1880. "v " e is I- . 'I- f?. l, Ir I 11 h. Lancaster intclligcncrr. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1B80. PATTERSONS OOLlffiX. THE NEWSPAPERS SPEAKING ulTi The riflli Installment ej Their Opinion-.. Judge I' and the Ktlitei- I I In- J.aii canter IntelliKi'iiccr. Yerk Daily, I ml. The case of Steir.nirm nm II. .&. 'li-v- ljaned l)V.Iufij;c Patter-nil, f Lanc;"ter. for editorial criticiMn uj:i an aihuittcil misearriae of justice in the laUeiS r-.uit. lias attracted "uuivcrial alteniv . Tlic arbitrary action of thcjn'l i-. demued 1)3" the entire ire-s of the state aim, se far as it had opportunity te speak, by the pre-s of Use country. The Philadelphia Times dicu-ses it asa ''judicial ei ime ;" the New Yerk Sun cempaies I'attei-en t .cini;-. Jefficys and Neah Davi- . and cvei ncw.s- aper in I'hilailclphia, from the :' i.-j.cii 1- ent Ledger nm the jria'.e Xurth 'iniri'in lellichwly Xers and Un'bnili. ' ';, unite in the cheius- f exei'i.itii- Law- ei& alie appear te lake i'ne s-.iuii iev. J'attersen it i well known has net ' :ie sup- jiert of any member of the Lancaster bar, who is at once di-interet-'d a-id i expectable ZSIr. (wnven and .Iudt;e Ulaek lenj; since declared that the judge ''had flown higher than he could ioe-t,'" and thi- seem- tehe tin- T'ttli-d oiiinien of the iH-efei-siiin. 1' mi ,.... I..;,. ..-,,. r-.i ,;., ! X ilU Ul.H; ,-3.l lli. MUllluiii-. v.. i.i-. aitie.- nanieil Miyu. r were niuicieu. u:e l)!eeeuti!ig eliiccib and counsel for the de lenec met, aiuhia-t'l te lettheiiefendants eir. because they v .c "the be-t Ueiub!i ean verker- in ll:e -A.ird." Tiiii wai ef fected by a fal-e stiieinent te the ceuit. in which counsel en eth sidi-s united, there win "nee'se again-t the njdi-i-. In an aetie'i for lili the Xnr Km. bieught bv the I.i-a-.'i--. iinplieate.l. tli: -.state of facts was ct.irly but .Tudg l'atteiseii tO'i no notice of them. He did net summon e Uepublicau eiiici.ils te answer fei their i.iiunt iinpositieiiupon fie ceuit, which h.ii been legally p:ecd licfere him. and "hich had i-onfcsseillx led le a irres- peie.sien of juslii-e. Ihit when, in ceusfipn nee of the jm-siurc el nublic opinion, 1 he t-uyders wcie again in iicted. and pleaded the pre ions ei diet in lieu of a second trial for the name elRn.-e. and the I"n:i.i.H.i;xu:u diew atten'ie:i te the fact that the judges, pr-eeuler. de fendants, lawyers and indicted ciimiuaK weie all of the same political ait." Patterson juddenly became extremely sensitive ab iut the honor of his ceuit. Ilenbel and Steinman wcie )iemj)tl "haled" befeie his iudmunt ami 1 Hiled te show cause why they should no; tn- punished for contempt, and whv thi-y slieu'ti net be thrown ever the b.;i. They .ui'wcied that they had cumuittn! no eeuten:; t, nor had they e.tnicd them belves i-'"i-wise than well and faithful!;. in the. as atteni's. The m.ide ti . publication as editm s of a pub lic jeuiu.-l .iiid for the jui'.'ii .v"d. If the jude eniisidered binisflf aggrieve!, he had hi.s reme'l;. : 1 :;--y ik ready te an-wer hin. beleie a juiy in :. action Ibr libel. Hut thev denied hi- ri .'. t te sit in judgment en his own cas,.. , ! intlict an iiifameus .senten- rj. 1 ,"i'.,i withen: tiial. Aftei weeks of hesitation P.itt.i -. u n ilismi-iM' the proceeding fei centeiuj-i. i-in disb us the attorneys ler the'.i p i -..' ell'enec te him in their eipacity a-e.I.. . Tiii-, he does in a v.eal;. lriellinif ;i ii.mi. which can lianllj be read without t -. a jiititul sen-e of the mental, m-.i . n piofessienal delieiuicics of theunU'. ."i .indue, who has undei taken teei-. ; i ie'.ver of his high i!tiee. t.i wie.ik h.-- . . . senal v-ngeanceupen aeoupieefgeii i-.t :i who liajipened te eil'end liim by a". 'ii nently crilicism. but v. he J' : ,i m-e also te be members of the b.u. J u ..ih a compound of ignorance and s.itiii..'' .i-se ought te be no room en any bene', i i civilized country. Of ceure the .-uji.Vii.e court will lead Judge Patters m a pieptr lessen : but that v. ill be hardly neuuh : the general impression is t'lat the !-,! 1 1 lure will have an important 'bttv e p i form in his case. Jt(!eKi- It or U-p uu,i lla-ten Flee I'res-, lit It has bt'eli re-erv-id for a 7ipu. ! .u judge in Lan.-.isier county te .. a ..-iri,;, position and biing the judicial .t iaii.yl vania into fiiithe:- -eiiteniit b an a. . of, -vengeful malice tewanls two je.uig m.-in-bers of the b.u. who as editor-, of ,i pubii journal criticised Judge Patteiseif ,s con duct. As the lelegiam, 1 ihe j', j en .Saturday stated, Judge Pattej.-..u di nii--ed .Messrs. llensel and -t"iiini,in f. e:ii lie bar of Lancaster bee.iu e the Inti :. . i :. new.spr.per. of v. nieh they aie t t . j . i .-., diew conclusions f,-im t!:e .-.- ,n le-ti-meny of a ease that had been t idul h ' the court ever which Judge PaUe'-.en pje- sides. If the act of Judge Patter-en is al lowed te stand without challenge p - a l-ej)cr thing for a judge te de. then Iheie is v.e such thing in Pennsvlvania as lib- , erty of the piess.' lie has made an at tempt te gag a newspaper for commenting with cntue propriety en the eudene pieduced in a ease that was be be eoie the courts, had been decide d, ant. alTected the is ue as te hew far the dominant ring in the politics of a county should be allowed te tamper with the administration of justice in the criminal' eemts te secure pe'itieal ends. Tliis was the tpiesiien di-cu-scd en the evidence submitted in it.-- jm.'cial settlement, and Air this discussion J ue-'c Patterson has dam aged and tried .V I- ing into evil lepnte two reputable law;, rs : young men with the rutin c before them and te whom a successful blew of is kind would be an irieparahle injury. But the blew ,u. -it be successful. The people of Peni syhania intend that the press of this state shall be free te di.-cu.-s every eucstien for the public information in which the people hae an intciesL te be informed. It is only returned that the press shall conduct its discussions with justice and propriety, and the comments' in the Lancaster Ivrr.M.iGiixc tax en which this oppressive act of Judge Patterson is based, weic entiiely within these limits. "We cleailv believe that Judge Patterson .should cither ceriect his outrageous tyranny or be impeached : if this act uhall be allowed te take its place among admitted precedents there is no piotectieu worth speaking of against the arbiliari ncss of jr. 'ges. "We believe a gieat and fun.IaiTmal principle of liberty of speech has be.' ti violated ; and if atonement is n"i made !' e aggrieved journalists then the press -. ''cnnsylvania is under as bad a censei - .:p and surveillance as that of Fnincc, Ki.ssia, Austria, Turkey and ether count, as in which no pretense !.- made te en" degree of libeity. Judge Pat terson sh'iuid revoke his malignant and unjustifiable act or be expelled from the bench te make room for a better jud",.'. A Ctiiiiimlruin fur tlie Court. Kaaten Arii", Dem. The supreme court of Pennsylvania wil be asked in Tilay next te decide wheth-r the decision of Judge Patterson disbaniag the editors of the Lancaster Intiii.i.h.e:. ci:u from juacticing in the ceuits -f thei county, was founded upon prineWs of right and justice. Cestlv I'nHiimr. I'liiladelpliia Clirenlclc-IIeralil, Deiu. Judge 1'attcrsen, of Lancaste 1, . hatched out a laigc breed of ch' kc .-. which arc bound te eoine home te re-r. He is going te tind the disbarment of Messrs. Steinman and llensel the me-v I cosily pastime of bis life. l'relit, S1.200. " Te ?-u:ii it up, Lx long years of bed-ridden s:ckues-. cc-i-tluj; itSO per year, total $1,200 aU et tJils ex))cnc was stepped bv three bottles et Hen Uitteis taken bv niv wile. Shclias done l.'.rerinlidiiffwnik lui-a v.;ir since, without i c e-, of a lav. and I want evrybodyte 1- "low it. for their- beneiit. al-iwdiw . I!. tie. el Maiiclie-tL-i Ontaiie Ce.. X. Y.i in- -l e'utained liniiiediat- leliel trern the u et Dr. TiieiiKL-' Eclectrie Oil. I lmvie 1 . .i--.nn:i. iei eleven yeur-. Have been t. !'.! te -it up till i,:?f.t for ten or twelve iii.'li.- i.i -ueet ion. 1 cj-n ni'v -leepeuuilly a.l n.'l.t en ii le.itliti be.l, iiiich 1 had net b -en able te le jireviniis te u-ing the Oil. Anether writ--: " e been neubled witli A-t lima ter vear-; have u-ed halt a bottle of Hi. J'lietna-" Kcli'C-tric Oil. ami the benelit I received Ireiu it l--esjreat that I would net take one bundled dollar- ler the balance it I could K't no mere." Addre-- all orders le II. 11. ceehi-an. .lni'-'i-t. 1 :7 and V"Ci Neith O'K en -trtel, I.anea-i- i. A (.reat Disceie: pi ituari'y. is w ' ' ". Ille 1-. '1 111' ifll'M in. i i iiiiiii- In i uic ilij -K-iun-. i ini'ilv ter all kinds "1 il. anil tin- li' tij :i t.rcat Man. A Warner'- sale Ner-l- c.e et the me-t a Ite leuntl a haiinlt ; -s In. ethers improved l- llie s,, civiue new Ce. in IlllMl 1 (Ill ii.- II. II. warnei .V ul-'Jvvd.v:' Rebei ' haw lO! lll - Lull!... ' ii-eM Ii. .land ' !t-'ll's !: . . - 1, tl . !-. Iowa, win -' I electric oil 1 ' n rii.litlRria. v. nb t' i a- one ei the 1 -I ;n I vv euid u-.- '1 ' crvb- ' r-iii'li -t i ' i . 1'ejr- .' low . in ' miTiii' Lelctt . Ocl!!rt. -tr. ct, . v. J:.'' i , I' ' ,V I.ll- l'.i in.s. . li 1 I' .1 tot! 1- Hi. til III sT I. V Kiiiu -Hi i. ii... IS - . nu.Kvx tmncii. avkst '. - .it- at H'a. in., and ll4 1 L. i: td, the fevvly elected l.Mir i:.i-ii-t 1.A-.T ClIKVlNl'T S.T ji ,, , X lii-mn! row at the u-ual Hours bv l.'ev . m. Mn; l-en. p.i-tnr. Mindav school ail'ii'.ni. - ,, ., ; K,. ttie evening. "New 'ie-'.a'u at !'. i ;i i-in" "'Ue ordinance et bap-li-:n v i i ue .. m:ni-l 'I e 1 alter lln- si-ruien. i:-r i :ri h::mi:ii.- r, new liieiiuug am . 1 ia. viNi: si:i:vici:s evening, "-unday L mi ( illlll! .Ii I -1 4 t :. t III KCil. .NOKTl! lll'KK lt.v. s. -u 1 1 ai-.n .z M me iia-uii. II. ( "-mill., at In a. in. - i Sn'v p. m! JViiiptatien." .. Probation." euii'. ieeple"- an I .il 7' , I' in. ' "i. ! .; -i-i "-1 :il mi iiu al I- k i.i. avi w i:i v. r. i. , ml Ill' mug . T l'AS- .. a. in. "lliiile .i if.i-.--. 1 K-r- i i 111. -.Ililn .1 1 ;. in. .la e;xsi:t:v. -. .. i:itisex, m eiiare. Pieaehinit at the 1 .!-' Ill' ti-. n a; id' .a. in. and 7. p. m. 1'ieacli . .-v 1 -ir-dav evciiiii'-r at "7; .. I'lcacliing 'li "mn al 7'. p. in. MimUtY i '. in. 'i einiy" people's prayer e. m. -7" i ::!n-tiiksaci:a3h:stei' i . , -upper will be administered at 1 i i sY ; 1 1,- Milling in the .Rev.. I. . ; nei.v 11 iif serv i 7 , p. in. Mitchell. COMMUNION AT 8 ; at In' . a. in. Even- ' i )ii-s. i.rrui:i:AN .csiriicii mtr :n nun low nmniin and even- pi-. i i. i:.-. 11. AV. llull'eid. Prayer it"'.-1 .1 -umlay -clioel at l;'i p. in. I.- n:.:i:".!i:!) tiij: usual ilniie sei ii'-s vv ill b" held in M. Pauls . . "i ,.i in u-i-i.M liiuni'i and e cning. sun- "i : at 1 , p. in. I.N'-, el v ice !i ii-t - at ID" 1). I". :l. cei.l:::e a. ni. erinen mini-.- I'Al s m. i:., set in ii:i;x st r :ii in' . a. m. am! 7! , p. in., bv the '' v..i. Liiiifeiiiutli. .Meiiiinir subject '.i le in.l our 1! -pen-ibility te it. -"'."ii iriessiveainl Ilcvoiulienary .. i .-t,i..jiel." snii-1 1 -clioel at l,i , i :iu. i.'j ii." m. ;,i i:vANO!:Lit'Ai.. "mi i.iikkkv i t. a1"!", e (.tiiir -. 1'ie ichim; bv the II. v. .1. . I e.-i. at I"' a.m.. aiitl 71 i .1 i !.. - limn at 2 p. .11.'i.-::!:'.. . z. itew- ". :-. Lite et Te onto. ( .iiiada. v ill preach f . i L.i'i ...ster ii lety in Lima's building, .. Nni ih tjie en -Ire" t. e-i sisn.'ay morn , ... II a in-t.. . ! tne t hut .-li heiir. Mib. I - i i t.i .. Ini.i et Nt Inicliadiiear's l . c i ai d it-vpi il' i, Intel ptetiilien." Dan. ' . .. i , t ,i v iii.n.: it. v. di lecture in the . ; . ..ii !: ev tliuich Doctrine ; in,- ei'i- :. .t;..l tie rioe.l."' The .in V il. I t ... i;..riM.i.-' r. mn of god I'..-.- i : in l mn.. li; llie i t-ter. Itev. , i . . !.. !.i.,t'.:,t l.l' .i. in. and at 71 , j. i. . -..'i. ... - i.tit.l an i : '.lit I'.ilile das- at 1 p. '.i vli- em -s - i .'. at the (.teen -in' ! ( 'n.ielai - P :i l'tajer meeting at .'! p. in. . . c. a. -'s!r.t. i:::i:ii.Mi r e-1 i 4 . . t vv v t t . i cl i "el-ielf. CUTICURA liiu;. .itt.itvt. I ' -e i:e l-ete.l -nt-i - il any 51ede - -- - t !:ttt-.:i 'eniit's. Mi :-. Vittk-. .' . .ve never !'! ' d I n -i . t I'.e p.e . : i i: v. . . i i . v .. se. , m ,n.' ,e. ler Hi" -p. ', P"i i.i i.ien! an I i n of li 'il 1 1 1 - 1 the I i , I. -ki. i- . . v .ire. ll'iVV .'.. a-, ii il . l i ,i a'. ".i"fi : .u- i vt . I ! ynt ' I : ' ' 1. in!- et - ,.. ,. In .1 I ii' .a I. i . i -, a-inetiic or iyii"- niil - ei .il u 'i'li. v ,- i-n il '. e ' . ' out frnv e' radii" it.ii' i lie :uu. - e.' :: : 111" -li.j -. -14 . .! mn - !!. l.l.ll. ri.. tlerlul i ' -i inni i7 la (.I'll" s. ! i SAir iti:i:u?i ibe ISudv for ion Vear-s. Penna iiently Cured. LwvOrnii: of (.'has. lloremox. n.-ie-s -tieet. Ilo-teu, Feb. -.-, lt-7. ".ivrii..t; 171 Mi --;:-. M 'Tics ,V PeTTia:: Cenllcmcti. I feel it a dut bunion i toil and tiueiijili jeu all -who an- int. le-ted'te knew the that a i:ie-t di-iirn e ible and eh-tiuate ea-e of Milt i;i:eii!,i or i em i. w hieh li i- lieen under my pei- ' i" -, , . i ii in irem its liiM appeaiance te ill" pie-eel tune. about ten (ill) year, (evi:i:i.c i he ure.ilci portion el Uie patient's lieilv a. id limb- v il li it- irritatiiif; and iii bin -tab. :,ud te w hieh all the known nieth-eil- te in-itnii: sii'-h tli-ea-e has been applied without bem-til. eemjilelely tlisappeaietl, ma ele.,n and hcalliij -Mii. under a lew ililj s ei pieiu-e applicatinu e. (.'i'iicliia. lean and de heartily adv i- all similarly at llicietl Je lrv the l. metly v .c . li:: 1lii bt cl b final in ..ii-". leu ii:!'i Mi.. -, ' ' " ui r:Pi .; i-ex. LlWAl C0?ir..A5AT p p-ia 1'rcatrtl bv Sb" IttstiTcut s .. 1- itnnd- ei. One Dettle. A ad (..!!: i Il.ave had Liver Complaint and i.'. w nh riinuim; sims en the .side til" 1. i len vear-. Dot-ters did me no e been -pending ler eight years 1 i' Kver.v tiling I ale ilistivxs- it" laced liein 17:i te 1,'!-J pounds. i. . the lir.suLVK.VT ami it helped me ii oil llie bottle I gained live and u ds. it iv ii)inr the biisines--, ami ' ti r it strong-. .mtnilv. .I04IXR0T, . -b A v e., C hic.ise, 111., Xev. 15, 1S7S. H- . n- l-IV . e" 1 am' i".i ed . . 1 -t I ! -4.. .1' "ms-l C -ill : t. v is at'.mirably assisted in e.i-e .itiMienie iilij-ieal weakness, or wben the Mills et M-relula is known te lurk in the -sein by the internal Use el the Cuticuiia i.i -ei -V.M-. without doubt the most powerful bleed purifier and liv er stimulant in the world. i'itiiI l'.v sesiMs.ui elejrant toilet and meilic lii d :e-sisiaut te ClTictUA in the ticatinent et ad eteiual a '.mints. Fer chapped hamN; ..I'lh skin and tan. sunburn, ami the lesser -Lin Deuble-, it is indispensable; as a soap ler tin toilet, i he mii-eiy and bath it is tliu most i. . u. mt, l. Me h.m; "anil healing before the pi, .lie. i).t-e L.!eat lenieilii succeed where all et n'l heie'oteie in u-e tail because they ptis. -i new and original pi-ejieities never before -ue i --tullj ceuibined ill medicine. "i In- (rnctliv Ri.mumus are pieiiaied by 'Vii'k-r Petter, Chemists and Druiii.-t-, :i.;e 'v.i liin-jteu -tieet, Ilosten, ami are ler Kile bj 1! ilru-.sts. Pi ice of Cut ieui-.i, small boxes, ' i ei ats; large bete-, containing two and enc i al iiuifstlieuuaiitity et small, si. Reselvent, -1 ..." beitle. Culicuia Seap, - cents per cake ; i j n id, 30 cents ; three cakes 75 cents. ;GUiWS In the Annihilation et Fain ami Inllammaiieii' iFtrcrs'Sin the Vitalizatieu of v'eak. Paralyzed, and I'ainlul Nervous Parts t-AATEB Ffivi fc anil Ol'L'illls. ill flit. !..r. our et chienie v eaicness el the Lungs, Heart, .en! Kidnejs. in the Absorption of Poisons 'rim the Rfned through the Peies, and the Pre 'I'li'uiiii t.i Ir ever and Ague. Liver Complaints, i'ab -inl and C'fiutaieus Disease-, they are n-e. lerlui. Get the genuine. Ca'TICCRA lOK SALJ7 AT LOCUEU'3 Drug bterr 9 Last King street. jerZZEVERl" XD TBIMMnfGS. Netice, Ladies! We are new receiving daily all the Latest Styles and Novelties in SPRING HATS, Bennets, Feathers, Flowers and Fancy Ribbons. HAUGHTON'S Keep the i.arpst Stock, the Latest Styles and Finest Geed-, at the Lewest Prices in our city. 2 r.utlen Li-le Gloves, 10, 12 and loc. '.Miami I.i-le. t. eves. 21, U0 ami IKc. 3-lland Lisle Glecf- .:!' ami 35c. Kid Gloves, 50c, 7jC, $1 00 :n. ' s, ., M.i- p iir. Fer a Geed Gleve gote II t'e"" -IN'-. Fera Handsome CWEPE HAT OR BOMBT go II VUGHTOX'S, for they keep them Irem -1ST). s"'u $J..".e. $1.S7 up. Crepe eils. Finest (Jualities, -.", SLIM, $4.7."). ?;.0i and $3.00 apiece. Fer the Cheapest anil lJest Crepes go te lI.r:HTOX's. If you want Handsome BLACK SATINS, Fer $1.00, $1.10 and $1.2! no te HAUGHTON'S. If you want the Finest Sat ins All Shades, irem $1.00 te $1.25, fro te HAUGUTOX'S, for they keep the Finest Stock in the city. It you want te see a Fine Variety of Black Silk Fringes, for 25, :;-. 7.0, C2 and 7jC, FIXE SADDLLIt'S sIl.K FIMXGES. Irem ."0c te $1.50 per yard. Git ASS Fltl.NGKS, for 35. flti. .2, 87e and $1.50 per vard, COLOUKD FUIXGLS, in all the Xew .-hades, at 50, 75c ami $1.00 per yard. Fer Fringes go te HAUGHTON'S. FINE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 5, fi. ?, 10c ami up. IIOKDEIIKD IlAXDKKlt i. H I E Fs. H, 10, 15 ami 25c. W ide Laces, 5, (i anil sc. liretenne Laces 10, 15, 25 ami 50c. Fine Landauek Laces, 20, 25 and 50c. Fine Em broideries Irem 5c te $2.00 per yard, Ladies, ler the Finest Variety of Miliar nil Trimmings, GOTO M. A. HAUGHTON'S, Se. 25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Fer they keep the liest Stock in the city. JJiirKLEltS. TOUIS WEBEK, j WATCHMAKER. Xe.l.-9 NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, silver and N ickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, .vie. Agent ter the celebrated Panta-cepie Specta cles and Ej e-Glas-e-. Repairing a pecialty. aprl-lytl" Lancaster latcles. FOR SALE I'.T B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KINO STHEET, LANCASTER, PA. BEAUTIFUL THINGS Wedding Presents BlLiEBAIS MIDDLES, PHILADELPHIA. Large Importations of NOVELTIES. Cases of Uriilal Silver, Fine Porcelain Oriiainenfs, Clocks and Cleck Sets, Ureuze tirenns and Vases. Polite attention te all visiting B. B. B. Goods by express en approval, with privilege el examining before purchasing. Bailey, Banks & Biddlc, 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. apriMydTh,Th&S JFUJtXITUlli:. i Netice of Merest te ill ! NEW STOCK. NEW STORE. NEW AND INCREASED FACILITIES. Ily recent Improvement te my Ware Reems they have been much enlarged and improved, and have just been tilled with a Xew and Com plete Assortment et Hand 3la(jc and ether FURNITURE, OFTHB LATEST AND BEST DESIGNS. I guarantee all my work and will make it te your interest te call. Repairing and Re-uphelstcring at short no ice. Picture Frames made te order, at 15J EAST KING STREET. WALTER A. HEINITSH. JtOOTS AXIt SHOES. "17 QTT BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS XllxxO JL made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet. TrrirT2i Lasts made te order. JDJv MILLER, tebl4-tfi 133 East Kins street. Spring Novelties ! OPENING DAYS We Trill display en FR1DAT and SATURDAY, M ARCn 28 and 27. all the New Styles in SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS, ' Embracing eyer 400 Patterns et the most Reautilul and Xerel Design, Rich in Celer ami lLmd--- i appearance. AKe, all the Xevv Styles new ready in Spring Weight Overcoats and Ulsterettes. We have opened a Xew Depavtment ii. t . line, viz: Tim Manufacture of CHIL DREN'S CLOTHIXG, te which we give strict and careful attention. xamine our stock. CENTRE HALL MYERS & RATHFON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. 1'2 Fast King Street, Lancaster, Pa. HEW GOODS FOR TIE SPRING TRADE, AT QUNDAKER'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Ruffling, Cotten Triminins. Rucliiiijjs, Mack Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, He.siery. &c, call at GTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or llat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cull's, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our .stock, at GrXJjNrDA.KER'8, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTHIXG. H. GERHARTS Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Ilav.r.g just returned from the New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Rest Selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOU TUB Slirn aid Slier He, Kver brought te this city. Nene but the very best of ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Style-. Prices as low as the lowest, ami all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GBRHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of Beaiy-Made Clothing, of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest ami Most STYHSI DESIGIS. Come and see our NEW GOODS which is larger and composed or the best styles te be found in the city.- 1 B. Hostetter & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- ac-lyil LANCASTER, PA ur'T i;u irixus. AUTHORIZED 15V THK COMMON WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the World. 10th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et lai'.t, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens ei tl' State. "The management call attention te the granc. opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only $.', any of the following prizes 1 prize $ 30,000 1 prize ie,(KK) 1 prize 5000 10 prizes $1,000 each 10.000 SOprizesSOOcacIi kmjuu 100 prizes, $100 each loeoo 200 prizes 50 each joeou (KK) prizes 20 each oeo 1000 prizes lOeach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1 Veo 9 prizes 100 each, " " 'joe f.'jtJO prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $2; half tickets, $1 : 27 lickels $50; 55 tickets. $100. All applications ler club rates should be made te the home eflice. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald anil mailed te all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank dratt in letter, or by ex press. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Address it. 31 ROARDMAN. Courier-Journal liuilding, Leu isville, Ky., or at 07 and 309 Rreadway. New Y'erk. IfiS-TnTii&S&w AXTOKXJEYS-J.T-I.AW HENRY A. RILEY Attorney and CounseUer-atvLaw 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Hensel. Pfflffi PER CLOTItXXG. Spring I JZMBltOIIiEllIES, AC. Novelties BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA. "WHOOPING COUGH. COLD in the 150YVELS. ASTHMATIC COUGHS, ami RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. lln. RROWNIXt! is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His "C. & C." (Cough ami Celd) Ceulial is net the result of mere chance, but et long scientific research in chemistry anil medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled elncaey. "The expense inits manufacture i at least live times us, great as that et any ether medicine upon the market, ami yet il is sold at the exceedingly low price et 50c. K3r Sample bottles (for a short time only) ec. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. iH-lydeevSw 43-FOR SALE 15Y THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. irixj-:s .ixjt Lnjuens. S. CLAY MILLER "DESPECTPULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as --' the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old 'Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenhehner, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will soil from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. aiuiiiv.iL. D W'S KIDNliV" PAD. The only cure for Diabetes, Gravel. Diep-y. Iliight's Disease, Pain in the Hack, Inability In Retain or Kxpel the Urine, Catarrh of the mad der, Affections of the Spine, ami Diseases the Kidney, Rladder and Urinary Organs. It avoids internal medicine; is cemlbi table t the patient ; certain in its ellects. mM by all druggists or sent by mail en receipt et price, $2.00. Day's Kidney Pad Company. Teledo, Ohie. ANDRRWG. KRRY, Distributing Agent ler Lancaster County. Agency, corner Neith (itieen and Oraieje Streets, Lancaster Pa. aprlti-lvu riH) THK SUFFKRINtl HU3IAMTV N. LEWIN, M. D , Ne. 247 WEST KING STRL":" Lancaster, Pa DR. LEWIN, who has been a lesidt n t.:' 1. , caster but a lew months, is a giaduat of t University of Dorpat, Russia, with a pniei ing experience et twelve years, in which pern., he has been acting as Regimental I'hysieian in St. Petersburg, ami attcrwards piacliccd in Rerlin, Germany, with great success. We call the attention of the suffering public te the fact that h successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH, and all chronic diseases. The severest cast et Chronic Catarrh cured in a short time. References and testimonials from former patients can be seen at my etllee. Persons without means will only be asked payment ter medicines. Communication- Irem a distance attended te bv mail. liill-lyd.'iw G 1 LA1 TIDINGS ! TO THE AFFLICTED WHO HAVE LOST ALL CONFIDENCE PHYSICIANS AND DRUGS. I.N Remember, under the Omnipathic pi act ice of DR. GREENE,nearlyall formsefdiscaseaie cured. Over 400 of the liiestdilllcult (se-called) incurable patients, from the best tuuiilie- in Lancaster, under his charge. ASTONISHING CURKS te tell you if you'll call at our offices. JOHN GOODMAN, who has tested the med ical abilities of Lancaster's JL Ds. for l!l years, se cured in two weeks as toge te work. JACOls PAINTER, 4:0 Locust street, a sufferer ter 12 years, all the time doctoring, cured ii two weeks. Rev. JOHN IIUNTKR, formerly pastor of Church of Ged, of Lancaster, is here recog nizing his friends with his left eye with Inch he has been blind for It! years. Several persons cured of consumption : one has gained i! pounds in live weeks. WILSON HAMILTON, .!(-2 East King street, consumptive ter ten years, has gained a pound a day ler ten days. CHRISTIAN ROOTY brought here, Jan. '-Jit, in a carriage, ami Feb. 28, walked here without aid. One of the best known citizens, wjie was unable, under the treatment et leading physi cians, te raise his arm ter 10 year-, was cured in 14 days. R. S. KAUFFMAN. of Miller-ville, led in blind Feb. 14, with both his ejes looking like clots of bleed, could sec the pfiiiitings en his walls March 5. Ne pills or poison- placed in the stomach; all the remedies placed en the outside of the body. Catarrh Cured fer50ccnts. Consultation tree. DK. C A. GUKKNK, SJG North Queen Sticet. nill-GiiidTu.Th&S KlliXJiY AXH LIVER VUJtl:. 'WARNER'S SAFE BiEIEDIES! WARNER'S SAFK PILLS Are an immediate stimulus fera Torpid Liver cure Cestivencss, Dyspepsia, Hilieiisness. Poliens Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever ami Ague and arc Useful at times in nearly all Diseases te causea free ami regularactieii et the Rew els. The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison. These Pills are the discovery of an English army physiciai. ami have been used with the greatest success among the Rritish troops in India. They are only manulactured in this country by II. II. WARNER & CO. WARNER'S SAFK NERVINE, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor in the world, e,uiekl gives rest and sleep te the suffering, cure's Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, ami is the best remedy for Nervous Pi os es os tr.itien brought en by excessive drinking ,ovcr ,evcr ,ovcr werk,uiental relieves the Pains of all Diseases, ami is never injurious te the system. The best of all Nervines. Rettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cents and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, -ciTe Piabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and SafeTenit: are also superior remedies, unequalled in the.r respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies arc sold bv Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country Send for pamphlet and testimonials. H. H. W ARNKR & CO., Rochester, N. V. 3 rdJC-TcTh&sa&r-.- Is! jii:jival. hop hop IUT HIT i:us ers HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT KRS SfllM Neve HOP HOP nor HIT HIT RIT KRS ERS ERS HOP I'.iT LIS- if)n i.i r i '- r pil IS PUREST AND REST 3I1SD- 1 ICINK EVER MADE. A com bination of Heps, Rucliu, Man drake and Dandelion, with all the best and most curative pieperties efall ether Hitters make-the great est Hloed Purifier, Liver Regulator and Life and Health Restoring Agent en eai th. Ne disease or ill health can possibly long exist wheie Hep Hitters are used, se va ried anil perfect are their opera tions. They give new life and igorle ihu'agi'd ami infirm. Te all whose employments cause ir regularity of t lie bowels or urinary organs. or who reiuire an Appe Tonic ami Mild Stimulant, Slop Hitters are invaluable without intoxicating. Ne matter what your ieelings or symptoms, what the ilisea-e or ailment is, use Hep Hit ters. Don't wait until you aresiek, but if you only feel bad or miser able use the'Ritters at once. It may save your life. It has saved hundred-. $."00 will be paid tern case they will net cure or help. De net sutler nor let your friends suf fer, but use. and urge them te use Hep Hitters. Remember, Hep Hit ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest ami Rest Medicine ever made; the"Iiivnlid's Friend anil Hepe." and no person or family should be without them. Get sonic this day. Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. One Hep Pad for -deuiuch. Liver and Kidneys is .superior te all ethers. Ask tfrug gisfs. 1). i. (j. is an absolute and irrisisfable cure for Drunkenness, use of opium tobacco and narcot ics. All sold by druggists. Hep Kilters Miff. Ce., Rochester, N. Y. Semi for circular. SJ oS-lycetl&w HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT KRS HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT E"S HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP HIT KRS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT KRS HOP HIT ERS HOP HIT KRS HOP HIT KRS HOP RIT KRS IlOl' i.i 4' Ei. .9 'SOP HIT KISS HOP itir I.1SS nep RIT ERS HOP HIT l-.ISS HOP RIT ERS HOP i. IT ERS HOP HOP RIT RIT ERS ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP HOP RIT HIT ERS ERS H OP HITTER FOR SAI.K AT I.OCII- er's Drug Stere, 1) East King street. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W I fK-W K W 1 K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W PEIDIAaEaTLY cures kidney diseases, liver complaints, constipation And PILES K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Dr. R. H. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., says, "in eases of Kidney Troubles, it ha- acted like a charm. It has cured many very bad cases of Piles, ajid has never failed te act cllicient ly." Nelsen Fairchild, of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years et great suffer ing from Piles and Ceativeuess it completely cured me." C. &. Hogaben, et Rerkshire, says, "One package has done wonders for me in completely curing a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint." . WONDERFUL WHY.' POWER. Hecause it acts en the Liver, the Rowels uud Kidneys at the same time. Hecause it cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develop in Kidney anil-Urinary Diseases, Ril Ril iensness, Jaundice, Xjonstipatien, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female Disorders. KIDNEY WORT Is a dry vege table compound and can be sent by mail prepaid. one package will make six quarts el medicine. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Try it new. Ruy It at the Drug gist's. Price $1.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON .V CO., Propricteis. . Burlington, Vt. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W "RISKYIVOKT FOR SALE AT LOCH IA, ers' Drug Stoic, !) East King street. T IX WARE, JtC- f 1.LT, ON SUKRTZKR. HUMP1IKKVIIX& . j :t KIEFFKR, manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK, . dealers in GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE F f'RNISHING GOODS. Special attention given te PLUMRING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. DffiY IDR TJlArXLXJtS' UVIItK LANCASTER AN MIIXEKSV1LLE K. U Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. K. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a. m., and 2; 4. 6 ami sme p. nu, except en Saturday, when Uie last ear leaves at 9:30 p. in. Leave Mlllersville (lower entl) at 5, S, antt a. M., and 1. 3rS ami 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time exeeiit en Sun day. r COLUMBIA AND PORT DEI" OS1T K. 1C ' and Pert Deposit Railroad en the fellow ing- tune: STATioss-NeirrawAnD. EP$ A,,: Pert Deposit. 6:25 -J:4a Peachbotteni 7:12 3:413 Fite's Eddy. 7:25 4:u McCali's Ferry 7:37 4:17 Shenk's Ferry. 7:54 4:4t Safe Harber. 7:51) 4:4!) Columbia S:3U S:Sr, Statioss-Secthwabd. Accein. Express Columbia 10:4a fir-1) Safe Harber. ii.:xs 6:4") Shenk's Ferry 11:13 ti:34 1. M, McCali's Ferry rils" 7:(.t Fite's Eddy 12:fil 7:20 Peachbotteni i:i 7:32 Pert Deposit. its s:e.-, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NKW SCIIKDULK On and after SUNDAY. APRIL 4th, iss, trains en the Penusylvani.-. Railroad will arrive anil leave the Lancaste. and Philadelphia depots as fellow s: Leave Arrive Lanc'ter Philatl'a 12:2Ta.m. Sflli.n. 2:10 " 4:1.1 ' 5:20 " 7:10 " 7:SU) " 8.03 " 10:10 " S:4.- " 9:10 " 12:01 e 1:20 " 1:2T v.m. 3:ID " 2:00 " 5:U) " 3:05 " 5:30 " 5:20 " 7:20 " Itri'i " '.:: " I Leave Arrive I Philail'u Lane'tei '12:30 a.m. 5:im a.m S:tH) ' 10:if " 10:10 " S.lH) " II:u". ' 11:07 " S:00 " 10:.-ii Ik,") " 2:10 r.v t .... 2:i:. '- 2:5(1 " 2::U) r.M. 5:t." ' 4:00 " 7:2C 5::." 7::M " (:-r " S:50 " D:10 " ILM " 11:55 " 2.40 A. m Kastwake. Atliuitic Express, Philadelphia Kxpress, 1 Il L .ljlllt Yerk Accein. Arrives; Harrisburg Kxpress, Dillerville Accein. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Accein. Arrives, Pacific Kxpress, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Kxpress, Day Kxpress, Harrisburg Accoiiimedat'n, Wkstwauu. Way Passenger, Niagara Kxpress Hanover Accommodation,. Mail Traill Ne. l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train N'e.2,via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecalvia Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accouiiiiedut'ii, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Kxpre-s, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Kxpress, Pacific Express Paeiilc Kxpress, east, en Sunday, when Hag gcd, will step ut Mitltlletewu, Kliabcthtew u Mt. Jey, Lunilisrille, Riitl-iii-lliind, Lenian Place, Gaf), Christiana, l'nrkesbui-g. Conic ville, Oakland ami Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Dowiiinglewn, Coatesville. I'm burg, Mt.Jey, Eliabethtewn ami Mhldletewn. Hanover Accommodation, west, connects n( Lancaster with Niagara Expiess, west, at 10:13 A. M., and will run through te llauever. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects, at, Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. st.. ami will run through te Frederick. READING AND COLUMKIA RAILROAD. On ami alter MONDAY'. OCT. (.Til, l:!-, passenger trains will run en this read as toi tei toi lews : Tiiains Goise Seuth, a.m. Reading, 7:30 Reinholds, S:01 Ephrata, S:IS Akren, 8:21 I.iti., S:l:; Mauheim, !):li2 Lancaster Junction,.. )-M Lamlisvillc, !t:lt; Columbia, !):I3 Dillerville, !i:27 Lancaster, '.)::K! King Street, 0:45 Harulsh, 9:5s. West Willow 10:05 Raumgardner, 10:09 Pcquea, 10:17 Rctten 10:2:1 New Providence, 10:31 Hess, 10:12 Quarry ville, In:5e A. M. I1:.V. i: m. 12:2! 12:10 12:13 I-.U2 1:13 1:10 l:3u 1:55 2:lK 2.1 3 1". M. i::ll. 0 15 7:0.: 7:as 7" 7::'Jt 7:15 ;:.J SrJ) s:in: S:ln s:2n I S:3I I i.rtl i:IH ::;u i:3'J ill 5.: :-jiz ;:i.i ;.-js :t5 S:I2 S:I7 S:55 9:01 9:12 9:19 9:25 Tiiains Goise Neirru. Quarry ville, llt'sS, New Providence, Rctten, Pcq uca, H.iiiiiigariluer, West Willow, Harulsh a. sr. e. m. v. M. U:l" 'i:n 1:52 2.11 i;:59 2: IS 7:11 2:59 7:18 3:l5 iTlii 3:13 7:32 .... 3:18 7:11 3.-j; 7:55 3:40 8:03 1:0.1 3:50 8:08 1:113 3:53 8:ie i:i)ii 3::!5 8:.HI l::Ul 1.01 S:.I0 1:25 4:15 8:19 1:18 1:20 9:00 2:00 4:.!0 9:IB 2:18 4:47 9:21 2:25 4:53 9:12 2:li 5:11 10:a". 3:20 5:30 7:.Vl 7:5S 8:13 8:13 8:19 9:il 9:20 9::KI I King Street, Lancaster, , Dillerville Columbia Lamlisvillc Lancaster Junction,... Munheim, Akren,... . ..... Ephrata Reinhelilsville, Reading, Trains connect at Reading with tialiis te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville. Ilariislim'' .i- fen town nnil Jew trains te ami from Y Yerk. At Ctilumbia with erk, Hanover, Get tysbuig. Frederick ami Haiti mere. A.M. WILSON. Supt. WALL l'AI'EUS, .-. rUK LINK OF WALL PAPER AMI WINDOW SHADES is much larger than any season heietofeie. In Paper Hangings we are prepared te show Hie Newest Goods in Uie market, from the Lewe-t Grade te the -Most Expensive. Window similes of every description. Plain goods by the yard in all colors. Extra Wide Materials for Large Windows ami Stere Shades. 2,000 Rolls of Paper Curtains te Merchants, at Lewest Wholesale Prices. PATENT EXTENSION WMew, Cornices the newest thing out and easily adjusted te fit any window- up te live feet in wiilth, in solid walnut and most rcasenabl price. Cornice Peli-sin Ebony and Walnut, with Fancy Rr.iss Ends, Rings ami Hrackcls. PIER AND MANTEL HIKK0RS. Orders taken for any at Lewest Rates. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. 1 ' feblO-lvdAw UROVERIE.S. XITIIOLESALK AND RETAIL. SEVAN'S FLOUH AT Ne. 227 NORTH FRINGE STREET dl7-Iyd COFFEE! COFFEE!! ill The Rest Fresh Roasted Rie, Lagnuyru Mecha and Java Coffee always en hand. W: claim that few Stores keep as geed an article as we de for the money. It you want te enjoy a geed cup of Coffee or Tea Ruy at D. S. BURSK'S, 17 EAST KING STREET. tdr'Suw Designs Fancy Chinese Husiness Cards given with each pound of Coffee if de sired. THRKK-I'OUND CANS VRKSJI TOMA TOKS at 12. 14 and lGc. Canned Cern at 14, 10 and 18c per can. Table Peaches at 22 and 2Cc ter :5-pound cans. Canned Peas, Fine Apples;' Pears, Ac, at BURSK'S. IRESIl AKRON OAT SMKAL. 4 POUNDS . for 53c. Turkey Prunes, ICc per pound. Goetl Figs, 2 pounds for 23c, at D.S.BUESK'S, Ne. 17 KAST KING STRKET. REMOVALS. DR. S. B. FOREMAN. (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed Irem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. rm2l-3md 1 S3 'A Jl SI 1 ' I ! 'I M 'v W m! i) f ' 'I I 'S-'I ?'! m ; fif m m M M1 3l iii .?.! t - 1 ati. I sM SY m -L , -rf