PPPSPissf mm ZE? I - - " Tsn -"'i';H ix - y "" VV ' "'yy .yiinnwiivtf j1 LANCASTER DAILY liSTTEmEifCRR, SATtJSDAT. APBJI.IO. 1886. Sheriff's Halei. Sheriff Striae sold this afternoon at 2 o'cleqjc, at the court house, at sheriff's sale, the following described real estate : A let of ground en .Seuth Charlette street, Manheim, containing in front 22 feet and extending in depth 270 feet, en which are erected a one-story frame dwell ing house, and ether improvements, as the property of C. J. Mengle and Sallie Men gle. Purchased by David Ilestetter for $223, subject te mortgage of $600. A tract of land in Ephrata township, containing one acre and six perches, en which are erected a one-and-a-half story leg dwelling house, a two story leg dwelling house and ether improvements, the pro perty of G. W. Norten, purchased by Dr. I), Iline Hurst, for $000, subject te widow's dower of $430. A let of ground in Eden township, con taining 181 acres, en which are erected a Iwo-story stone dwelling house, a one-story frame and one-story leg tenant house, and ether improvements. Alse, a tract of ground in Eden town ship, containing 23 acres and 128 perches, en which is erected a leg dwelling house and ether improvement, the property of Horatio 15. licatty. Purchased by A. "Wil helm for $.10, subject te mortgage of $150, 000. New JtlitHt Furnace. The Marietta IVmessays : "Messrs. Eugene Berdia, Ethelbert Watts and Jehn Htcel Twells, of Vesta iron furnace, of Marietta, have been actively engaged for the past thiee months, looking for an eligi ble site for the erection of a blast furnace ei me most approved and modern con cen sti uctien, at tide water. They have de cided upon Seuth Chester as the nieit desirable point, and new have the option from the Heading railroad of buying what land they may require ad join;; Marcus Heek. It is proposed te slait with a capital of $300,000, and nearly the whole amount has already been as sured. Several Chester capitalists will probably be members of the company. A meeting of these interested will seen be held in Chester, when the plans and pur poses of the organization will be mere fully developed. The location of this new industry in Chester will be quite a promi nent acquisition te her growing industrial importance." ;oed 'Werk IScing Continued. West Chester JelTer.seniau. Lancaster seems te be disposed te con tinue in the geed course begun by the elec tion and re-election of the present Demo Deme er.iti ; mayor. In the organization of the city government en Monday, the Demo crats, though in a minority in the councils, succeeded in electing the principal oily efliecrs, and will have control hereafter of the police, street and water department. This was accomplished by a division in the Hepublican ranks, and such divisions seem te be a popular form of amusement just new with the Lancas ter Kcpublicaus. As the city was for a longtime grossly misruled by the Repub lican party, corrupt, insolent and reckless through long domination, the change has ahcady borne geed fruit, and the city gives signs of a speedy recovery from the evils under which it had labored. Party at l.phrata. Lnst evening a pleasant social affair took place at the Ephrata Springs hotel in the shape of a party given there under the di rection of Mr. James "Winters and ether well known young gentlemen of the bor ough. It was largely attended by the dis ciples of Terpsichore, among whom were many graceful dancers. The "racket,"' "Saratoga Landers," "Alsatian," and ethers of the latest dunces were included in the pregramme of the occasion, the music being furnished by Wash Tayler's orches tra, of this city, which is itself a guarantee of its excellence and satisfaction te the dancers. A line supper was served at midnight, and the occasion was one of un tisual enjoyment. Shad. The catch of chad at the sevcrl batteries en the Susquehanna below the Columbia dam, is quite large, but there is a universal complaint that the fish are small. This is no doubt vausjd by the lower portion of the river being blockaded with gill-nets, with meshes sufficiently large te let the smaller fish pass through, but captuiing all the larger ones. Died of Ills Injuries. Abraham Breneman, of Elizabethtown, whose attempted suicide by sheeting has been heretofore noticed, died of his self-in Hictcd injuiics yesterday. Corener Mish ler visited Elizabethtown te make inqui lies into the circumstances, but did net deem it necessary te held an inquest. In a Critical Condition. The condition of James Stcckman, whose serious injury by a runaway was noticed yesterday, still lies in a very critical condi tion, lie is unconscious the greater por tion of the time, and fails te recognize any one about him. Itheuniatism for Twenty-four Years. A few bottles et St. Jacoh's Oil cured a man who had Milleml with Khcuuiatism for twenty-four ears. W. KiaxiiAitDT, Elmere, Wis. The lily is as white as snow. The rose is as the crimson red ; l!ut neither can surpass in glow. The color or the brightness shed, l.y the sweet lips and teeth allied That SOZODONT has purified. aS-lwdced&w SPECIAL XOTICES. Grateful Women. Nene receive se much benefit, and none are sopiefounilly grateful and hhew such an in-lere-t in recommending Hep Kilters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted te the many ills the sex is almost uni versally subject te. Chills and fever, indiges tion or deranged liver, constant or periodical siekheadaches, weakness In the back or kid neys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a fueling et lassitude and despon dency, are all readily removed by these Hit ters. al-2wd&w Try Leclicr's Kcnewncd Cough Syiup. Consumption cured. Ilundicds of people throughout the New England Slates who were consumptive will testify te their being alive te-day from the use el'Speer's Pert Grape Wine, produced in Pas saic, New Jersey, it is piesciibed by physi cians generally and used in hospitals for this purpose. Weakly and debilitated females, consumptives, and all aged persons, find a great benefit by its use. Nothing is better for overworked or exhausted ladies. This ine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and Davu and sold by II. E. Slayinakcr. A most righteous judgment awarded Dr. Liudsey for the wonderful cures performed by his " Weed Searcher." Sold by all druggists Physicians Kecemmend It. Your Themas' Kclectric Oil commands a large aud increasing ..ile, which it richly merits. I have always found it exceedingly helpful: I ue it iu all ca-es of Rheumatism, as well as fracture and dislocation. 1 made use of it myself te calm the pains or a broken leg with dislocation of the loot, and in two" days I was entirely re lie veil from pain. Jes. Bbacms, M. D. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. "When Yeu Feel Mean take Kidney-Wert, advertised in another column. It acts energetically en the bowels and Kidneys at the same time, and se cures a host of diseases caused by the inaction et these organs. If you are out of fix, buy it at your druggists and save a. doctor's bill. a5-lwd4w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ax Extended Pepulauity. Each year finds "Rrewn's Urenchial Troches" in new locali ties, in various parts of the world. Fer re lieving Coughs, Colds, and Threat Diseases, the Troches have been proved reliable. Shan't I take a Blue Fill ? Xe, don't take it and run the risk of mercu rial poisons, but when bilious and constipated get a box of the celebrated Kidney-Wert, and it will speedily cut e you. It U nature's great remedy ler constipation, and for all kidney and liver diseases. It acts promptly en these great organs and be reteres strength and vigor. a3-lwd&w Try Lechcr's Kcnewncd Cough Syrup. from a well-known citizen el Chicago. Chicago. 111., Jan. 1, ISSO. IT. II. Warner & Ce., Rochester, X. Y.: Gkxtlemkn : I have used Warner's Safe Kid ney ami Liver Cure with the greatest satisfac tien. It is the only remedy I have ever used that I can recommend te in y friends, as ithas cured me et Bright' Disease of long standing, after having vi-ited the White Sulphur Springs of VirginW, anil trying innumerable .se-called "remedies" et the day. Iiavirg resided here for forty-seven years, my lriends will be glad te see this statement. The discoverer is, in deed, a public benefactor. William II. Patterson, 1,491 Wabath avenue, near Twenty-ninth St. al-2wd&w Try I.echerVj Kcnewncd Cough Syrup. Never let a cold run. Take it in time, that is necessary is te procure a bottle et ' lers' Cough Syrup," and be cured. Ail Sel- SHetliert,! .Mothers'! MetlierH!!! Are you distmbed at night and bieken of your rest by u sick child sutlering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and getabettle of MKS. WINS I.OW'.s SOOTHING SVKUP. It will relieve the peer little sulterer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistakfc about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who w ill net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, mid give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest ami best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 2T cents a bottle. fjl7-lyd&wM,W&S Jle-srs. Parker .V I.aird, of Hill-dale, write : "Our Mr. Laird having occasion te vi-it Scot land, and knowing the excellent qualities of Dr. Themas' Keleetiic Oil, concluded te take some with him. The result you will Iind by the enclosed letter, which speaks ler itself. We may say that in several instances it has effect ed cures when ailments had been pronounced incurable by eminent practitieneis." St. Maiiuakht's Hen:. Okkxiit, Scotland. Mksshs. Pmikkhc Lnti: I am requested by -cveralir' ! i.rdcr another parcel of Dr. Themas" i.i.n-Lrie Oil. The last let I get trout you having been le-ted in several eases of rheumatism, has given reli't when doctor's medicines have tailed te have any effect. The excellent qualities of this medicine should be made known, that the million of sufferers throughout the world may benefit by its pro vidential discovery. Your, etc., Gilueht Laiiii. Fer sale by U. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13') North Queen street, Lancaster. jh:a tiis. Scnek. Near Kohrer-teu n. this count v, en the !ith in-t., Henry -ener, son of Levi Uener in the liith year of his age. Funeral Monday morning, at D o'clock. Interment at Mountville. ltd xjiw Airj:nTisi:3u:xrs. 1)uck isi:i:k. On tap this afternoon and evening, Mocr Mecr lein's Cincinnati lieek Iteer. JOHN COPLAND, ltd Ne. li'i North Queen Street. "7"1' Ii:iM5 AUTEN i V SPUING QUAKTKR Commences APKIL 12. IsSO. at 131 North Duke street, Lunc-n-tel-. ANNL' L. GLF.IM. aprie-lwd "I KAND OPI-.N Allt PAKTY TO 15K 1IKLI) T at sehoenberger'- Park, thi- (SATUU D Y) evening. Dancing will commence at S o'clock. Hippie'- Orchestra. Admission tree. ltd ADAM SNYDEIt, Proprietor. 17 OST. Yesterdav afternoon near the corner of North Queen and Orange stieets. three deeds of no value te any one but the owner. A lib end rew ard ill be paid if left at this office. It WILLIAM WILSON. M1 ONLY TO LOAN ON I'IKST MOKT- GAGL at 15AUSMAN & ni'IINs'S Insurance and Heal Lstate Ollicp. aprfi tfdll Ne. Ill West Orange Street. G1 KAND MOCK TURTLE SOUP LUNCH :it Jehn Seheenberger's Tremont Hetel, 15!) North Queen street, this evening, APKIL 10. l'WO. The public is respecttullv invited, ltd JOHN SCHOLNP.LKGLU. SAUlHt KKAUT LUNIIH! SACEIl KRAUT H'NCH! This OATPKDAY) evening, APKIL 10, at Fr. Weehrle's Gelden Her-e Hetel. Ne. IU East King -tieet. The friends of a geed Saner Kraut Lunch, probably the last et the season, are respect lullv invited, ltd Kit. WOLHKLi:. T0 NOT SEND ." AWAY 1-ROJI HOME FOR FLOWER SEEDS TUBEROSES, GLADIO LUS. JAPAN LILIES, CANNAS, CALADI UJIS. TIGRIDIAS, and ether &U3I3IEK FLOWERING BULKS, but gote S. W. HEINITSH, Ul 10 East King Street. VPI.KASANT HOME OFFEIIKIL Large and Delightful Reems, UNFURNISHED, but v ilh furnace heat and ga-, in the WELL-KNOWN SWARTZ 3IANS10N, lately occupied by D. G. Swartz, esq., corner el" Duke and Walnut streets, TO LET AT REASON A I! LE PRICES, with beard in the dwelling. 3Iarricd persons pieferrcd. Accommodations ler at least lour couples. References required. Apply, by letter or in person, te .MRS. A. W. WOODWARD, Ne. i0 Duke Street, Cerner of Walnut, ltd Lancaster, Pa. "tUINA HALL. The Best Assortment et China, Glass & Queensware AT . CHINA HALL, Xe. 15 EAST KING STBEET. All Wares sold at Call and examine our stock. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. TWOPOSALS X Will be received :it the Mayer's Oflice up te THURSDAY, Al'KlL l., ISsO, at 7 p. III., ler furnishing the City of Lancaster with one gross of Brass three-quarter inch Ferrules, le "weigh net less than one pound, fourteen ounces, live and three-quarter inches in the stem. A samplu may be seen at the Mayer's Oflice. Ferrules must be lurnished by May 1, ISsO. PROPOSALS will also be received at the same time and place for as much geed Ameri can Lead as the city may require up te July .".. 1SSU. PROPOSALS will lc received at the same time and place ter Mich special castings as may be required in the Water Department et the city up te July 13. 1SS0. Special castings will consist of geese-necks, pluj; cases, 4-inch lour branches, T.'s, etc. Rids will specify hew much per pound, and bidders ivill furnish all patterns without extra chaige. PROPOSALS will he received at the same time and place ler us many water pipes as the city w ill require up te July 15, 1880. iiids must specify hew much per net ten de livered in Lancaster for tour, six, eight, ten and tweUe-incli pipes. Pipes must be of the best quality and lurnished immediately upon the order of the city. NOTICE. Bv an error In printing the no tices te Water Renters reads that the day of ap- peal will be Tuesday, April 16 : thev sneuiu govern read Friday, April 16. .Renters will themselves accordingly. JNO. T. MACGOXIGLE, aprKMtd Mayer. IMMENSE STOCK! NEWEST STYLES ! LOWEST PRICES ! COME AND EXAMINE ! GIVLEB, BOWEKS & HTXKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. XE A ItVER TISEMEXTS. GEO. W. BROWN, AOT.. UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14 C EAST KING STKEET. Residence 21 Seuth Prince Street. aprS-lydW&S GOLD BADGES FOI! Empire Heek and Ladder Company Ne. 1, AT AUGUSTUS EK0ADSS, Jeweler, 20 East Sing Street, LANCASTLK, PA. Silks and Satins ! Fer Trimming and New Yerk Auction, goods in Drees. new open from Large Lets of the above BLACK AND COLORS, all le be sold at less than 1 egular pi Ices. BUCK GASHMEBES, In Quantities. Very Superior Goods at Low Lew Pi ices. We are ettering Special IJ.u-gains in Ditrer ent Depaitmenls, te which we invite atten tion, at FAIIESTOCK'S, Next loer te the Court Heuse. a m usjist i;xts rWAix iieusi;. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1880. Kcturn et the Favorite, the Jreate-t el all Irish Comedians, JIK. JOSEPH MURPHY, Supported by a company of speciallv -elected Artist-el" Kecegnized Ability, including the beautiful California Favente." MISS 31. LODfSKI YOUNG. THE 1IKST OF ALL IKISH DKA3IA-: Played with Unparalleled Success e er 1,000 limes in all the -Principal cities of America, 31r. Fied. ilar-den'.s best weik, TI1E KERRY GOW. A pure Irish Drama, without shillelah, i hisky or priest. X. Y. Dramatic Xews. Seethe Wonderful Escape from Prison .' See the Great Race Scene.' And the Flight of the Carrier Deves! 3IU. JOHN D. 3IISIILi;it has the honor te j announce that the great -access of this laver- ' ite company and play ha-, induced -him le j re-engage them at greatly increased term-. AD.MIssION,- - - 35, .".0 & 7.1 CI-. Secuieyeur seats early. aprl'J-ttd ' FOR SALE OR R1.X1. STOKfc, K0031 Queen street . 1'OUICKNT, NO. 114 N. Posbessien given Januaiy 1st. Apply at dU-tldl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. 170II RENT. . Twe rooms. Ne. 4." North Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J s. Saurman. Apply te dec'JG-ttd T1IOS. BAUMGAKDNER. I70K SALE. . A Shuttle Beard in Geed condition, with lour sctuet quoits, will be -old cheap. Apply te II. L. 3I1SIILER, mi'Mfd 115 East King Sti ect. F OB KENT. One room. Ne. 4SU North Queen stieet. suitable ler photograph gallery, formerly oc cupied by J. S. Saurman. Applv te a5-tld TIIOS. BAU31GARDNER. A COLL All FACTORY AND LEATHER STORE FOR RENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Store ter rent. Alse suitable ler any ether business. Applv te f-Tu,TliJcStfd JOHN A. SIIOISER. PUBLIC SALE OF A LOT OF NEWLY Repaired Second-hand Pianos, &c, at Ne. W Neitli Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., en TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. 31 RS. G. STEINIIAUSER. IlExnv SncDEitT, Auct. apry-litdR TUBLIC SALE. Weed will be sold at public sale, te-morrow j aiternoen ai l e cieck, en ine 101 in rearei Illickenderler's (Late Diller's) Feundrv en Water street. ltd Tult KENT. Ij The second story of Eshleinan & Rath- von's Hanking Heuse, at Centie Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penu a K. u. uepst, en unestnut stieet. It. F. ESHLEMAN. fi;-2tdAStt Atternev-at Law n'AXTJSli. TrANTEI .EVEUYKODV TO ADVEi:- tlse, free el charge, in the Istklliekn- who wants something te de. I -ITfANTEIJ Y A GEKMAN MAN, A Situation te de any kind of work. Ap ply at .e. an r.asi iving siieei. ; iprS-Std w class house painters. Applv le JOHN F. LONG. I It 40S Seuth Prince street KAOS! KAGS! KAGS! KAGS W ANTED. Housekeepers take notice that vie are paving :f cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. IIENNECKE, aprO-Smrt Ne. 233 West King Street. 835,000 WANTED. Five per cent, interest wil 1 be paid bv the borough et Mt. Jey ler a lean at $35,000," te refund borough debt of like amount created in building Water Works. This lean is free irem all taxes. Issued in amounts et $100 aud $500. Interest paid semi-annually. Apply te 1J, M. GKEID ER, aprit-lwd Burgess. A COMPETENT PERSON IS WANTED te 1111 the position of Superintendent of the public schools of Lancaster city. The Beard et Directors will meet en THURSDAY EVENING, APBIL 22, te fill the position and fix the ealary. By order of the Beard. Attest: C. P. EBEEMAN, aprl0-dS,W,S&M Secretary. JJRX GOODS. CARPETS! XEW AnVEUTISEHEXTS. CHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES. We have just secured, a "large let of the lower priced American "Watches of "Waltham and Elgin Manufacture. Alse, a large let of Silver and Geld Cases, which will be sold at the old prices not withstanding the scarcity and difficulty of getting them. Seme grades of these goods are in such demand that orders for them given new will net be filled in less than two years. Alse, 400 Cleck of different styles just received this morning, Jeb lets of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which will be sold for less than the cost of manufacture. We invite an examination of our new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. THE LADY -or- LANCASTEK COUNTY Who de net lind it convenient te go te Philadelphia wlmucvcr DRY GOODS Are needed in their families, either for Personal attire or Housekeeping need need te remember the admirable system .-e perfectly organized by STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Whereby the nie-t satisfactory shopping can be done in the most economical manner while re maining at home. The stock of these merchant, which is decidedly the largest in Philadelphia, will he hem te you by full lines of -amples from any department, in response te A REQUEST EY POSTAL CARD Ami all orders promptly anil faithfully eiecutcd writh guaranteed satisfaction. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Silk and Weel Novelties, j COLORED SILKS AND SATINS, BLACK AND COLORED CASHMEIRES, BL.A.CK SILKS, DEREGKS. CANTON GINGII.VMS.J SPKING HOSIERV, SPRING GLOVES, CKETOXNKS AND FRINGES. J. B. MARTIN & CO. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the CR3-, is te be NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. M3-COJ. & CO.'S The Stock Includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, such as the llrcwstcr, Whitney, Salidce Triple, Empire 'Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Dnplex and Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style n purchaser may deire. Ue palling of all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for cne year. " OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR "WORD." OAS FIXTURES. BARGAINS GAS FIXTURES AWE SLATE IANTELS, AT Flinn 4 Breneman's, 152 North Queen Street, L ANUASTSV PJZ. RESIDENTS , should net fail seen at the "Works of OLD STAND.- rrt MUSICAL IXSTRXTMEXTS. . --THE-- L Without a doubt furnish the PI XEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. War vroenis 320 North Queen sdreet. Manufactory i n the rear. RrancU Ollice, 15J East King Street.- Alex. McKillips, Prepr leter. Alse Agent ler Lancaster Coun ,ty for CIIICKERING & SON'S Celel irated Agent ler Lancaster Coun ;ivERING& SON'S Celel PIANOS A Full Line et Sheet and ether M nsic, Small Instrument.-!, Violins, Banjos, B. mil Instru ments, &c, always en ttand. li .S-lydS&lyw rAKCUS G. SEHNEB, HOUSE CABPENTFIB, Ne. 120 North Pr ince street. Prompt and particular attention, paid te al teratiOB. and repair. alS-lyd Orp Mncterf THIRD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, APBIL 10, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Wasuingtex, April 10. Fer the Middle Atlantic 'states clear weather, followed by increasing cloudiness and rain areas, high and warm southwest veering te colder northwest winds, falling followed by ris ing barometer. MUltDERED AND MUTILATED. The Horrible Discovery et Three Little Uirl9 at Durham, . H. New jIakket.N.H., April 10. -Yesterday afternoon while three little girls were gath ering flowers in the weeds at Durham, 2s. II., they discovered the headless body of a young man nearly nude. The town au thorities were immediately notified and an investigation showed that a brutal murder had been committed, but by whom is as yet a mystery. The body was found lying face downward at fuU length with both arms resting underneath and only covered with a shirt. The rigjit arm was severed from the body at the shoulder, and the head had also been cut off and has net yet been found. About 300 feet away the coat, pantaloons and vest were found, and in another direction, some 200 feet distant, a linen cellar, cap, necktie and shirt besom which had been tern completely off. There were three geld studs with garnet setting in the shirt besom. The top part of the skull, minus the hair ever a space nearly as as large as a saucer, and tlw murderer's oak club about three feet long were also found iu a let iu the clearing. It is evident that here the murder was committed. Sev eral pieces of skull and brains were scattered about, and tern clothing all indicating the Tictim's struggle for life. The authorities are carefully investigating the matter. Meanwhile great excitement prevails in the neighborhood. PEGGINti AW AT, SceTe of the Distinguished Tramps at GK GK mere's Garden Hart Still Leading. The score at two o'clock steed as fol fel lows : Hart 335 Pegram 523 Heward 510 Deblcr 507 Allen 497 Krohne 493 Williams 490 Hanwaker 422 During the early morning nothing of moment occurred in the walking match with the exception of a spurt of a few miles between Hart, Pegram and Heward, who is pushing the walk te-day. The men are walking steadily, striving for a special prize offered. Debler walks slowly and painfully. Pegram and Hart are attending te each ether, while Krohne, Williams and Hanwaker, are working separately, the latter trying te make 430 miles, which gives him money. INCENDIAKV ft-lltK. Destruction of a Handsoiue Bleck of Build ings. Providenee, It. I., April 10. The largest bleek in "Wakefield, Scuth King King seon, known as the Times building, owned by Duncan Gillies, owner of the Xaxra gansett Times, was destroyed by an incen diary fire early this morning. The block was occupied by Straus, dry goods, Gicene & Armstrong, groceries, Bloomindale, tailor, Bell, barber, Sweet's bowling alley, Colum bia hall, Masonic hall.and the Times print ing office. "Weed & Curtis's carriage shop was also destroyed. The less is large and tiie insurance is considerable, but no esti mate has vet be in made. KICKING KANE. Tlm-r.diilmuacleus senator who itefuses te Reveal the Name of His IVoeld-be Briber. San Francisce, April 9. At Sacra men co, -this evening, the Senate di rected the scrgcaut-at-arms te confine Senater Kaue until he purges himself of contempt. Ke is also deprived of all rights as a senator. He still refuses te tell the name of the jiarty who he said tried te bribe him. THE INDIANS. Badly Whipped by Gen. Hatch. "Santa Fe, N. M., April 10. General Ilateh with pari, of his command attacked three hundred Imlians in San Andres moun tains. The fight lasted six hours when the Indians retreated, leaving their dead behind them Captain Henry Carrell, of the 9th cavalry, aud sevcu soldiers, were severely bounded. A large amount of stock was captured from the Indians. Hatch is in pursuit. ROBES, ULAXKETS, AC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS! BLANKETS t r I have new en hand the Lakeest. I5k3T and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Unlinetl BUFFALO ROI5ES in the city. AM LAI AND HORSE BLANKETS of evury descrip tion. A full lincef Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and promptly done.-CO A. MILEY, 10S North Otteem. 8t.,JLnneit!r. e'S-lydMWiS IXSURAXCE. riiJIE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE C03IPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. Ml Invested In the best securities. Lesses jerwuptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East Kims St.. Laasustcr. Pa. -HW&S(mdB SEWIXO MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine ngen t claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment .dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has " Davis " Demestic " " " Howe " " " Jf ew Heme " " ' Remington " " " Singer Weed White M " 13.1 parti i it .......a.A.'A ......... oe 133 " ......122 " via fc ias 154 " wfcealar & Wilsea.Xe. 8,uas, MAKKKTS. Philadelphia Market. PHiLADMJHiA.April 10. Fleer dull and if eak ; superfine $3 30&4 00; extra $4 SOflS 00; Ohie and Indiana family 16 00S SO : Penn'a family (5 75g0 23 ; St. Leuis family $6 2Sfi6 75 ; Minnesota family $5 50O 25 ; patent and hien grades $6 878 00. Bye flour 75. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat unsettled ; Ne. 2 Western Red I33J ; renn'a Red $1 34 ; Amber 1 33. Cern Ann ; steamer 5Ji5c3; yeUew 53Kc; mixed 53c. Oats strong; Ne. 1, 47c; Ne. 2,4546c; Ne. 3. 44544Jc; Ne. 2 mixed 41K842VCc. Kye easier ; Western and Pa. S3Slc. Previsions steady; mess pone at $11 500 1200: beet bams $17 00018 00 : India mess beef $19 50; bacon smoked shoulders 55c ; salt de 4g4; smoked hams 9)10&c ; pickled hams tJifeUJie. Lard easier; city kettle TJc ; loose butchers 7c; prime steam $7 40c. Butter quiet; creamery extra at 29331c; Itrauferd county and New Yerk extra 2S27c ; Western reserve extra at 24f$23c ; de geed te choice 20323c; Bells quiet: Penn'a extra 2l23e; Western reserve extra 22324c. Eggs Arm ; Penn'a 13c ; Western 1212.c. Cheese steady : New Yerk factory 14ii4c ; Western full creiire 14c ; de torgeod 12j9!3& I de halt-skims 10llc. Petroleum dull; Refined 7?c. Whisky atJICO. Seeds dull; geed te prime cleverseed $t! 25 C75;de timethr $2 73(33 00; de flaxseed $170 10. New lerk Market. New Teuk, April lO.-Fleur-Stnteand Western dull aud quiet; superfine state $4 004 65; extra de $1 &5 10 ; choice de 5 155t0 ; funcy $3tijj3l40; round hoop Ohie $3U05 75; choice de 5 SO 7 00; superfine western $4 004 G5 ; common te geed extra de $4 K5 23 ; clieicu dode$5.'i07 23; choice white wheat Ao$eS0Q 5!H); Southern dull and in buyers' faver: com mon te tair extru $3 405 90 ; geed te choice de $0 00g7 23. Wheat Spring quiet and firm ; winter c butter and fairly active : Ne. 1 While, April, $1 ai4 ; de May 1 2Ui ; Ne. 2 Red, cash, SI .W4 ; de April, $1 301 ai ; de May, $1 33y 1 : ; de June $1 301 30i. Cern dull without decided change ; Mixed Western spot 51JXg52c ; de luture47M52c. Oats u shade tinner and quiet ; State 41549c; Western 4024Sc. Beef dull and prices unchanged. Perk tinner ; new mess $1730. Lard quiet and tirm; steam rendered $7 00. Whisky dull ; Western $1 0S1 ej. tipiriu of turpentine dull at 44s43c. tock Market. Philadelphia, April 10 12:30 r. M. Stocks steady. Pcniiati's (third issue) 107 Philadelphia & Klie 17J4 Reading myH Pennsylvania Kj; Lehigh Valley. 51J-4 United Ces. el N.J 1004 Northern Pacific 2S.J-J " Preferred 52a Northern Central 32M Lehigh Navigation S7y Nornstewn 101 Central Transportation Ce. 4S Pitts , Titusville & Bullale. 20i Little Schuylkill 54 ' New leitK, April 10. Stocks lower. Meney 5G9 N. Y. Cential ,132-4 Adams Express 112 Michigan Central 91 Michigan Southern 108 Illinois Central 107 Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..110 Chicago & Reck Island lH'i Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce 1U Teledo A Wabash 41 New Jerscv Central 7MJ United States Itends and Sterling Exuliauxa (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen X Ce., S. W. Cor. 2d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, April 10. United States C's, 1881, ( registered )..I05JIt United States .Vs, 1&SI, (registered). .102;fc(gl02 United States 4's, 1891, (registered)109 tl(,9 United Suites 4i's, 1891, (coupons)... 109 tf?109J United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. 107107 United States Currency 0's 122 Sterling Kxchange. .480 Q1S9 LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MAKKET. DAIHY. Buttci 9 Cup cheese, 2 cups Dutch cheese 1 lunii) Cottage cheese, 2 pieces POULTRY. Chickens 1 pair Ducks "p pair Turkeys f? ft dressed Geese fl jiieee FISH. Bass 3j? ff Catfish fl lb Eels 1 Oysters 1 100 Suckers J 1K( ......... i crLii ....... White Salmen . Haddock OltAIN. Wheats bus Rye fl bus Cern f) bus Oats fl bus Cleverseed fl bus ' fl m Timethy Sceed fl bus HUTS. Chestnuts f-qt Slielbarks fl t Walnuts fl pk vuiriTS. Apples f? Pk ISananas fl piece Cranberries fl qt Cherries, dried, fl qt Currants, dried, fl It Dried Apples fl qt " Peaches fl qt Lemens fl dez Oranges f)lez VEOCTAHLES. Beets fl bunch Cabbage fl head Carrels fl bunch Green beans'fl Y peck " peas f? peek Hersenidish fl piece Lima beans fl qt Onions fl J4 pk Potatoes fl pk " Sweet fl pk Radishes fl bunch Soup Beans fl qt Isalufy fl bunch Tnrnum. pk Tomatoes f) quart 2S-S2.C ........ ." 810e 5e :s."i;ee fiOfeCOc 13c ....oecl , 10c li'Ac lue C0c$2 ..........9C i. ....... Iwu 1(JC .........lc tfc .$1.401.M ate C570c 4(WWlc 1012c .$:5.2S&3.50 10c IKJc 1012c ..2i-2.e .......c 13e 12e I2i- ....S'Jfe ..Wivl'li'. .23::qe 1530C 5c 2tJCC 34gae 10I2C 40C 2rKj 15fc20c 25c .....iwaisc 12fe20c 5c lee ....... 5yc . . . . ... .VIj JIISCELLASEOUS. Apple Butter fl qt. 25c 2025e 1518c 20p25c 58c 10Q12C Cider f (gallon. Kg I dez. Heney ft B Seap fl Sauer kraut fl qt. clethixu. MORE STUBBORN FACTS ! Astounding result of our effort In catering for a Fastidious and Fashionable Trade. The advance in pricesef all newdesignsln Woolens seems te stimulate the demand. The run en our novelties is fur beyond our expectation. OUR SPECIALTIES IN REED & TAYLOR'S English Treuserings are Perfect Gems of Beauty and Taste, a full line or which are Cord Stripes and Plaids, Lon Len Lon eon Knickerbocker and Cheviot Suiting, in all the Fancy Crimson, Pearl and Antique Shades. The only house in this cltv that has a Full Line of LONDON SMOKE, EMKRALD and LORD GREY COLORINGS, the New Shades. A Large Line of Scotch & English Novelties In Banneekburn, Celtic and Garryewcn Chev iots and Suitings, in all the New and Fancy Mottled and Plaid Mixtures. French Hair Lines and Pin Stripes, Blue Checks in great variety and handsome effects. Elegant New DcsifFn9 in SPRING OVERCOATINGS, Original Styles. A full line el Choice Styles American Productiensof Standard Brands and exquisitely beautiful. The character of our stock is such that it will recommend itself te ull levers or genteel and elegant dress, and our prices arc as low as can be expected, consist ent with first-class work. We advise all per sons in want et Spring Suits te place their or der at once, for some of our Exclusive and con fined Styles when sold cannot be duplicated. We are in constant communication with the leading Tailors in New Y'erk, and have the Cor rect Styles for Spring fully defined, adapted rer Gentlemen's wear, andean guarantee full satisfaction in every department- , J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. HS Oi ,il. KI t!l 1 -I 3!l '!l m M I 1 m r ffl tei as-