Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 08, 1880, Image 3

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Impressive Masonic Ceremenias targe
Funeral Cortege.
The funeral of Gen. James L. Reynolds
took place this morning at half past 10
o'clock. The body encased in a handsome
burial casket, Jay in state in Masonic hall
attended by a guard of honor.
The ledge was icgularly opened at 10
o'clock and the funeral service appointed
for deceased brothers was conducted by
S. W., Prof. E. O. Lyte and J. W., Dr.
R. M. Bolenius, in presence of a very
large number of Masens, net only of the
Lancaster ledges, but of ether ledges, as
also many eminent citizens and strangers.
Among these present were ex-Govereor
Curtin, Dr. Hammend, Cenrad Zim
merman, ex-Senater Simen Cameren, Maj.
J. G. Rebcngartcn, Joel B. McCaniant,
Cel. James Duffy, Masen "Weidman, of
Pottsville, the judges of our courts and
many distinguished members of the bar,
and the following members of Mount Leb
anon ledge, Xe. 220, of which deceased
was a member : W. M., Allen P. IIefTer ;
S. V., Simen G. Belt. ; J. W., Jehn
Matthes ; Christian Carmeny, A. Williclm,
G. P. Lineaweaver, "W. G. Bewman,
W. W. Mm ray, D. S. Hammend, Jo Je
seph L. Leinberger, Majer Grant "We'ul
maa, lien. Henry Ileuck. The following
named members of Columbia ledge, Ne.
280, weie also piefccnt : "Win. F. Leckard,
Hen. A. J. KaufYman, and Dr. G. W.
Hoever, of Washington ledge, Drumore
During the impiessive funeral service
the brcthcrcu sang the funeral ode,
" What sounds of giief,"' uuderthe leader
ship of Prof. Win. B. Hall, Harry C.
Ricksecker piesiding at the organ.
At the clone of the service the remains
were taken in charge by the following pall
bearers, and removed from the ledge room
te the hearse : P. M., G. P. Lincaweavcr,
P. M., W.M.Murray, J. W., Jehn Matthes
and Bre. D. S. Hammend, of Mount Leb
anon ledge Xe. 220 ; I M., Charles M.
Hewell, P. M., B. Frank Brencman, P. M..
Samuel II. Reynolds and P. M., Jehn B.
AVaifel, of Ledge -HI ; P. M., Vrm. A. Mor Mer Mor
eon, P. M., William X. A:ner, P. M., II.
K. Slaymaker, P. M., Jehn B. Kcvinski,
of lndge 470.
The funeral college was then formed by
Marshal P. M. .Tere. Rohrer, of Ledge A'.',,
and moved te Lancaster cemetery. The
lcmains weie deposited in a vault in the
northern end of the Reynolds let, vhcie
the linal Masonic services were performed
by Ledge 1:$, closing with the hymn, "Sol
emn htrike.s the funeral chime." At the
close of the hymn each of the bietlnen
passed around the grave and deposited
upon the cefliu a spiig of evergreen, after
which the cortege lel'erined and returned
t.) the ledge room and was dismissed.
Tli:it Tremendous "IT."
Philadelphia Time.
If either of the Lancaster judges should
ever come before the people for re-electie.i,
what a severe time they would have under
the law of Judge Patterson in the Stein
man and Hciwl eases. The leading news
papers aie all conducted by lawyers.
Messrs. Steinman anil ITcnscl are the eili eili eili
lornef theLvr::i.!.!i5KM"i:u ; Mr. Ilicstaud,
ameinber, is editor of the Ex
aminer, and Mr. Risk, another lawyer, is
known :is an Examiner contributor. Mr.
Wari'el, a member of the bar, is one of the
editors of the Xnr Era, and Mr. Mar
tin, another attorney, is understood
te he a contributor te its columns.
Mr. Yoeum. editor of the Columbia Sjy,
is a member of the bar, and there are
probably a dozen ether lawyers who con
tribute te the various Lancaster papers.
Judge- Livingston or Patterson would
start in the race for a renewal of judicial
honors with every newspaper absolutely
silenced, or eiiticism of his judicial integ
rity or fitness in any of the newspapers
would be promptly punished by dismissal
from the bar. Xer would Judge Patter
son's power end with silencing the press.
Any one of the two or three scores of
lawyers in the county who should venture
te criticise the honesty or competency
of the judge en the stump or even in
common conversation, would be liable te
summary punishment for misbehavior in, and the lips of every attorney would
be sealed by the arbitrary power of the
judge. Our people sometimes vent their
indignation en the Napoleonic despotism
that muzzled the press and allowed free
voting when the people voted as power
dictated, and they often criticise the des
potism of the Czar of Russia ; but Judge
Patterson has made both French and Rus
sian intolerance lcspectable by his equal
tyranny that sins against greater light and
knowledge and defies every attribute of
The Annual Elcrtien el O Ulcers.
The annual election for officers of the
Grand Ledge of Pennsylvania, I. O. of O.
F., commences this evening and will con
tinue for a week. The candidates placed
in nomination are :
Fer M. W. Grand .Master Alfred R.
Petter, of Ne. 2:J7.
Fer H. W. Deputy Grand Master Rob Reb
eit 1-1. Wiight, jr., of Ne. S3.
Fer IS. W.Grand Warden Francis M.
Rea. of Ne. SO ; Wm. A. Pip.-r, of Ne.
224 ; Jehn Curtis, of Ne. 043 ; Geerge
Ilawkes. of Ne. :523 ; David W. Merris,
of Ne. 41 ; Jehn Brown, of Ne. lle ; Jehn
Server, of Ne. 4.
Fer R. W. Grand Secretary Jus. B.
Nichelson, of Ne. 100.
FerR. W.Grand Treasurer M. Rieh
ards Muckle, of Ne. 40.
Fer R. W. Grand Representatives te S.
G. L. Samuel F. G winner, of Ne. S'.JO ;
Jehn Levergood, of Ne. 07.
Only Past Grands are entiticd te vote,
and, as there arc ever 10,000 members of
the Order in Pennsylvania who have at
tained te that degree, the result will be
awaited with much interest. Thuie are
neaily 100,000 Odd Fellows in the state, of
whom about 20,000 belong te ledges in
Old Spoons and Coins.
This morning we were shown by Jacob
Kaullnian, of 312 Seuth Water street, a
half-dozen teaspoons, which are supposed
te be ever one hundred years old. Mr.
Kauifman came into possession of the
spoons through his first wife, who was the
thirteenth child of Isaac Ilciny. The
spoons arc very thin and en the back of the
bowl of each arc engraved biids and ilow ilew
ers, with the initials " I. II."' en the han
dle. The spoons, it is thought, were made
in England. Mr. Kautl'man lias also a rare
collection of old coins, the latest date of
any one of them being 1S30.
Weeds en Fire.
Ycstei day afternoon the weeds en Tur
key Hill were set en fire, and several acres
were burned ever. The blazing forest as
viewed from Columbia and ether adjacent
points is said te have presented a magnifi
cent spectacle last night.
A New Movement.
Messes. Editors.: Shall -we have a
cit7 superintendent for our common
schools? This qucstien is te be dis
cussed this evening by the mem
bers of our beard of school directors. Fer
what is the new officer desired ? Beyond
question die uew office will be anxiously
canvassed for by a host of aspirants if it
be created. Why the great anxiety for the
establishment of an office that we have
dispensed with for many years ? We have
a county superintendent and that is all
sufficient, lie examines our teachers and
visits the schools occasionally, and what
else is needed If that be a benefit, then
we have it. We arc told that most of the
ether cities of Pennsylvania have superin
tendents We are again told that the salary
for the office will come out of the state
funds. Who replenishes the state funds ?
De the people, or does it accumulate of its
accei d :' Please answer.
Ne one would oppose the new office if it
was manifest that the public interests were
sufl'ei ing. But they are net. Our schools
are as geed as required, and as geed as the
bulk of our children can enjoy. The ever
zealous incorporation of new branches into
the cuirlculum of our studies de the
ma'-Si's of our pupils no real geed. After
the acquisition of a few branches the great
majeiity of our school children find them
selves in active callings. Why should the
parents of these, then, be taxed te elevate
a school system for the sole benefit of the
few ?
Our directors should consider this
motto and reilect what benefit the super
intendeney can be te these who must seen
leave the schools for the active walks of
life. Many false notions exist as regards
the free schools. They aie viewed as the
grand desiderata of the peer. They are
claimed as putting the peer and rich upon
a level. Hence popular prejudice wor
ships them. Many delusions wend their
way through them, because of this preju
dice. The hypocrite sees in them a means
by which te feather his nest at the people's
expense. The people are told of the won
derful advantages of keeping up with the
tide of progress. They de net see, how hew
ever,that the se-called progress taxes them
for what they can never enjoy and for
hat a few alone are benefited by. The
above thoughts are scattered for rcllectien.
Seme of our directors have thought the
same without doubt. As a citizen I feel
an interest that oer city keep en in its
march .-.t,r atimn, and refrain from
the creation of a useless office, induced
simply by the argument that the ether
cities of the state have established it. I
want better argument than that.
A Citfze:,-.
SheriiVs Sales.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the ceuit
house, Sheriff Strinc sold at public sale
the following properties of J. A. Sprcngcr:
Ne. 1. A two-sleiy brick dwelling house
en Last King street. Nes. leO and 152,
having a front of 32 feet and extending in
depth 215 feet,. Sold te Philip I). Baker,
esq., for $100.
Ne. 2. The let of ground and building,
Ne. 41 North Queen street, used as a
brewery and restaurant. Sold te Philip
D. Baker, for $3,800.
Ne. 3. A one-steiV l..ick dwelling house
and let of ground. Ne. 142 East Chestnut
stieet, 32 feet front and 245 feet deep.
Sold te Philip D. Baker for $1,100.
Ne. 4. A two-story brick building and
let of ground en Christian street between
East King and Orange streets, being the
rear of the North Queen street brewery.
Sold te Philip I). Baker for $1,400.
Ne. 5. The large three-story building
Nes. 127, 120 and 131 East King street,
known as " Excelsior Hall " and used as
a brewery, beer saloon, &c. Sold te Philip
D. Baker for $1,000.
Ne. 0. A let of ground en cast side of
North Lime street, 13S by 245 fcjt, sold te
Philip D. Baker, for $1,700.
The Doctors at Columbia.
At the meeting of the physicians, in Co
lumbia j esterday afternoon, the pregramme
of business, published in the In'TKUMgen
cek of last evening was transacted.
A resolution was passed thanking the
councils of Columbia forgiving the society
the u-c of the opera house.
A resolution was also passed returning
thanks te the Lancaster county medical
society for their kind entertainment of the
different societies. A vote of thanks was
tendered the essayists. There were about
120 physicians present at the meeting.
The Wrepfc at I.cauuui I'lace.
Rebert Glenn, the conductor of the leca
freight train which was wrecked at
Leainan Place yesterday, was net fatally
injured as it was feared, but is very badly
hurt. He was taken te his home in Phila
delphia. Nine cars were badly broken,
and Mr. Glenn lay under them for some
lime before he could be liberated. Fast
line did net reach this city until after 5
o'clock last evening, and freight trains
were ail dclavcd.
Prostrated by Heart IJiicase.
About neon te-day Mr. E. II. Ebcrman,
of Lampeter, was prostrated with a severe
attack of heart disease while in Steinman
& Ce.'s store, West King street. Dr. H.
E. Muhlenberg was summoned te attend
him, and by 3 o'clock this afternoon he
had se far recovered as te be able te bear
removal te the residence of his brother,
D. F. Ebcrman, East Chestnut street.
Climie et Operators,
Luther Willig, night operator at Diller
villc, has resigned and accepted a position
as clerk in the Western Union office in
Han isburg. Jehn C. Deneckcr, of Diller
ville, has been appointed te succeed Mr.
Sale of ISend.
Jacob B. Leng, real estate agent, sold to
day at private sale $1,500 Quarryviil rail
road bend, at $103 and accrued interest.
Jfick Jiebcrt.i. Te-morrow evening Xick
IteberKs pantomime company will play
"Ilunipty Duinpty" in the opera house.
Tlut-e clowns w ill appuar, besides a largu num
ber of specialty nerlermcra, including ;acro ;acre
bdts, tight rope performer-, vocalist, dancers,
Ac. Tin: great troupe of German Students are
one of the greatest attractions with thin com
pany. " The JCscajied A'iei " Te-night. At the opera
house, this evening, Jliss Edith O German
give-, her lecture en " Life in a Convent." A
Chicago newspaper says of her recent appear
ance in that city : " As a speaker she certainly
ranks anieng-lhelirst of her sex, her appear
ance and manner en the rostrum are excel
lent; enunciation, clear and distinct; appeals,
eloquent and earnest, anil marked throughout
with the unmistakable stamp of a true lady."
Sincarc Thanks.
I suffered for live years with Klienmatism.
Having been persuaded by friends te try the
Sr. Jacob's Oil, 1 mut acknowledge that it is
the best remedy I ever used ; yi fact, it cured
me entirely. Accept my sincere thanks.
Fhask Sciiwakz,
93 Xineleenth St., Cincinnati, Ohie.
The lily is as white as snow.
The rose is as the crimson, red ;
But neither can surpass in glow,
The color or the brightness shed.
By the sweet lips and teeth allied
Tliat SOZODOXT has purified.
Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup.
Beils, pimples en face, salt rheum, old sores,
and all cutaneeus eruptions disappear like
magic when "Lindaey" Bleed Searcher" is
D. Sullivan. Malcom. Ontario, writes: "I
have been selling Or. Themas' Kclectic Oil ler
some years, and have no hesitation in saying
that it has given better satisfaction than any
ether medicine I have ever sold. 1 consider it
the only patent medicine that cures mere tli-m
it is recommended te cure." Address all or
ders te II. B. Cochran, druggist, YSl and 139
Xertli Queen street, Lancaster.
Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup.
Consumption Cured.
Hundreds of people throughout the Xew
Kngland States who were consumptive will
testify te their being alive te-day irem the use
of Sneer's Pert Grape Wine, produced in Pas
saic, Xew Jersey. It is prescribed by physi
cians generally and used in hospitals for this
purpose. Weakly and debilitated females,
consumptives, ami all aged persons, find a
great benefit bj-its Use. Nothing is better for
overworked or exhausted ladies. This wine
is ender-ed by Irs. Atlee and Davis and sold
by II. E. Slaymaker.
Ureirn's Household 1'unacea
Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the
world. Will most surely quicken the bleed
whether taken internally or applied externally
and thereby mere certainly UKLIEVK PAIX,
whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and it is warranted double the
strength of any similar preparation.
It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels,
Sere Threat, Uheumatism, Toothache and ALL
CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen
lulofthe Panacea in a tumbler et het water
(sweetened, if prelerred), taken at bedtime,
will BHEAK UP A COLD. Si cents u bottle.
Fer sale at II. 1. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore
North Queen street. Lancaster.
Much Sickness,
Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether
causes, is occasioned by Worms. BUOWN'S
although effectual in destroying worms, can
de no pesible injury te the most delicate child
This valuable combination has been success
tully used by physicians, and teiiud te be ab
solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty
live cents a box. fianlMvd&wTnTh&S
Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup.
A precious gem is "Sellers' Cough Syrup''
has never been known te tail in curing colds,
coughs, and whooping cough. Price -2"i cents.
When Yeu Feel ?.Iean
take Kidney-Wert, advertised in another
column, it acts energetically en the bowels
and Kidneys at the same time, and se cures a
host of diseases caused by the inaction et
these organs. If you are out of 11 x, buy it at
your druggists and save n doctor's bill.
- Dit. Buowxixe's C. & C. Cekdiai. is destined
te be the standard medicine ler coughs, colds,
bronchitis, hoarseness, sere threat, croup, in
llucnza, whooping cough, asthmatic coughs,
cold in the head or bowels, and ter the relict et
consumption in all stages of the disease. Price
SUe. a bottle. All druggists have it. Dr. I!ion
ing, Proprietor, 1117 Arch St., Philadelphia.
Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup.
Frem a well-known citizen et Chicago.
Chicago. 111., Jan. 1, ISsO.
IT. II. Warner & Ce., Itechcxter, -V. V.:
liEM-iaruux: 1 have used Warner's Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure with the greatest satisfac
tion. It is the only remedy J have overused
that I can recommend te my friend,ns it lias
cured me et Jiright's Disease et longstanding,
after having visited the White Sulphur Springs
of Virginia, and trying innumerable se-called
'remedies" of the day. Havirg resided here
for ierty even years, my Irieuds ill be glad
te see this statement. The discoverer is, in
deed, a public benelacter.
William II. Patterson,
1,491 Waba-di avenue, near Twenty-ninth St.
Ax Exti:xi)ci Pevulaiutv. Each yearlinds
' Jireivii'x lirenchittl Treche'' in new locali
ties, in iirieus parts of the world. Fer re
lieving Cough-, Colds, and Threat Diseases,
the Troches have been proved reliable.
Miau't 1 take a lCltie rill?
Xe, don't take it and ran the risk of mercu
rial poisons but when bilious and constipated
get a be': et the celebrated Kidney-Wert, and
it will speedily cure you. It is nature's great
remedy ler constipation, and for all kidney
and liver disease's. It acts promptly en these
great organs and se restores strength and
vigor. aij-lwd&w
Grateful "Women.
Nene receive se much benelit, ami none arc
se proleundly gratelul and show such an in
terest in recommending Hep Bitters as
women. It is the only remedy peculiarly
adapted te the many ills the sex is almost uni
versally subject te. Chills and fever, indiges
tion or deranged liver, constant or periodical
sickheadaches, weakness in the back or kid
neys, pain in the shoulders and different parts
of the body, a lecling et lassitude and despon
dency, are all ruadily removed by these Bit
ters. al-'2wd&w
P. X". Markell, West Jeddere, X'. S.. writes:
" I w ish te iuterni you of the wonderful quali
ties of Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil. I had a horse
se lame that he could scarcely walk: the
trouble was in the knee, and two "or three ap
plications completely cured him." Address all
orders te II. B. Cochran, druggist, 17 und 181)
North Qu'-en street, Lancaster.
A Slet Iter's Grief.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy et a
home, are her children, hence her griet when
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you are running a terrible
risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping
Cough, winch lead te you de
net attend te it at once. Miiieh's Censump
tien Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Pi ice 10
cents, .-it) cents and ? 1. Fer lame Back, Side.
or Chest, Use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price
il cents. Sold by 1). Heitshu, Lancaster, and
31. L. Davis, 3iilleisville.
The Hest I Ever Knew Or.
J. (. Sinrkey, a prominent and influential
citizen et Iowa City, says: "I have had the
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint ler several
years, and have used every Kemedy I could
hear of, without any relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiloh's V'ltalizer advertised in our
paper, and was persuaded te try it. lam happy
te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best liemedy I ever knew of." Price
7.") cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and
31. L. D:ivis,3Iiilersville.
Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker 31euth, and Head Ache. With each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector ler
he mere successlul treatment et tne com
plaint, without extra charge. Price M cents,
sold bv I). Heitshu, Lancaster. and 31. L.Davis,
3Iilleisil!e. sJU-eodD&eew W
siii'ev Brsiioxe. April 7, 1S70, by Uev. I).
W. Gerhard, Uev. I). B. Shuey, pastor of the
Uefenned church, at Xew Providence, te 3Iis
31. Viela, only daughter of 31r. Ames Bushong,
lrem near Bii-d-iu-Hand. ltd
ax' ir Airj:JtTisi:3u:xrs.
- reNisv it
1t GAGE u
Infcuraucc and Ileal Estate Oilier,
aprC-tfdU Ne. Ill West Orange Streat.
Besidence 21 Seuth Trince Street.
li 3Iechanic8burg,Upper Leacock township,
Lancaster county, Pa., deceased. Letters tes
lanientary en said estate having been granted
te the undersigned, all persons indebted there
to tire requested te make immediate settle
ment, and these having claims or demands
iiiruiiist the same, will nreseut them without
delay for settlement te the undersigned, re
siding in jau easier, ru.
J. 31. 3IAEKS,
Eieouter and Trustee,
ap"-3td&Stw Lane' Stere.
WATCHES. The largest stock and most Taried assortment te be found
in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and
Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality.
JEWELBY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari
ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting.
SILVERWABE.Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro
plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish.
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every
thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business.
Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern
cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as'.low as
it could be bought elsewhere.
It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and
Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c.
Agent ler the celebrated Pantascepic Specta
cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty,
Sterling Silverware, Suitable for
Wedding Gifts, at
Jeweler, 20 East King St.,
Lancaster, Pa.
Repairing- of Watches, Fine Jew
elry and Clocks.
Wedding Presents
Large Importations of
Cases or Hridal Silver,
Fine Porcelain Ornaments,
Clocks and Cleck Sets,
Bronze Groups and Yascs.
Polite attention te all visiting
B. B. B.
Ooeds by express en approval, with privilege
et cAamining before purchasing.
Bailey, Banks & Biddle,
12th and Chestnut Streets,
api6 lydTh,Th&S
The Democratic Voters of Lancaster
Will assemble In their respective di-tricts at
the usual time and place en SATUItDAY
APItIL 10, 1SS0, te elect one person in each dis
trict as county committeeman for the ensuing
year, and three or live delegates from eaph dis
trict te represent the same in the District
and County Conventions which will meet in
Fulton Hall in the City of Lancaster, en
"Wednesday, April 14, at 10 a. m.
The Delegates of the Upper (14th) Senatorial
District will meet at 10 o'clock and elect three
Representative and one Senatorial Delegate
te the State Convention and nominate three
candidates ler Assembly.
The delegates from the City et Lancaster
will meet at 10 a. m., and elect one Representa
tive Delegate.
The delegates from the Lewer End 2d As.
sembly District will meet at 10 a. m. te elect
two Representative Delegates te the State Con
vention and te neminate two members of As
sembly. All the delegates of the Lewer (13th) Senato
rial District will meet at 10 a. m. and elect one
Senatorial Delegate te the State Convention
and nominate a candidate for State Senater.
General County Convention.
At 11 a. ni. all the delegates will meet in
County Convention and nemiuat:
One person for Congress.
One ler District Attorney.
Twe for Prison Inspector.
Twe for Peer Directors.
3- County Committeemen are directed te
give due public notice of the time and plac of
the delegate meetings in their district.
Lancaster City Meetings.
The Democracy of Lancaster city will meet
at the tallewing places en Saturday evening,
April 10, from C te 8 p. m., te elect Delegates
and County Committeemen :
First Ward Shober's Eagle Hetel.
Second Ward Cenrad Kempt's Union Hetel.
Third Ward Jacob Efflnger's Saleen.
Fourth Ward Chas. Kethwciler's Saleen.
Fifth Ward Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel.
Sixth Ward Jes. Kautz's Saleen.
Seventh Ward Ii. Kuhlman's Saleen.
Eighth Ward Lucas Fritz's Saleen.
Ninth Ward C. Gitlich's Saleen.
W. Hayes Griek, W. U. HEXSEL,
J. L. Sfeinmetz. Chairman
. Estate and Personal Property. Orders
iet't at Xe. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black
Herse Hetel, 44 and 48 North Queen street, will
receive prompfSltentien. Bills reads out and
atttt&datf U witkemt adiUUraal CMt. 27-ly
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
I Tailoring Maulislimeiit,
Having just returned from the Xew Yerk
Woolen .Market, I am new prepared te exhibit
one of the IScst Selected Stocks of
M ill Slier He,
Ever brought te this city. Nene hut the very
best of
in all the Leading Stj-le.s. Prices as low as the
lowest, anil all geed warranted as represent
ed, at
Ne. 51 North Queen Street.
Spring Opening
We have for sal for tn coming geasen? an
Immense Stock of
of our own manufacture, which comprises the
Latest and Most
Come and sce our
which is larger and compesadof the best btyles
te bu found in the city.-
D. B. Hostetter & Sen,
yuecn street. Possession given January
1st. Apply at
Ne. 112 North Queen Street.
Tu.' rnmiia Vn ifll ?Cfil, nnn.n atwtjf-
M .. .. . uw..w. .. ... -'I .v,,. ( t?i.ii.i.,
suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied
ey.J s. .aurinan. Appiyte
A Shuttle Reard in Geed condition, with
four seta of quoits, will be sold cheap. Apply
IO Jl. Jj. ,Hllll,r.K.
115 East King Street.
One room, Ne. 43. North Queen street,
suitable ler photegraplf gallery, formerly ec
cupied ey .j. s. saurman. Apply te
STORE FOR RENT. A well Established
Cellar Factory and Leather Store for rent.
Alse suitable ter any ether business. Apply te
f25-Tu,Th&Stfd JOHN A. SIIOllER.
A large let of Lumber and Kindling
Weed will be sold at public sale, te-morrow
alternoen at 1 o'clock, en the let in rear of
Blickcnderfer's (Late Diller's) Foundry en
Watar street. ltd
The second story of Eshlcman A Rath-
von's Hanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and
also a room en second story, opposite the
Penn'a It. R. Depot, en Chestnut street.
f23-2td&Stt Attorney-at Law
Flu & Breneman's,
152 North Queen Street,
Washington, April 8. Fer the 3Iiil
dle Atlantic states, increasing cloudiness,
possibly followed by rain areas, with
warmer northwest te northeast winds, fol
lowed by stationary or falling barometer.
Pegram Leeming up Merritt and Jay bee
Xew Yerk, April 8. Hart returned te
the track at 1:58 this morning, Heward at
2:15, Pegram at 2:18, and Deblcr at 2:43.
A sharp spurt of an hour took place then
between Hart and Debler, which sent Hart
te his tent for ever three hours and forced
Debler te rctire as long with the nose
bleed. They returned at 7 a. m., how
ever, and neither showed the strain percep
tibly. Merritt retired for geed at 8:08 with
294 miles and 2 laps. Pegram is being
backed even for first place, and is consid
ered a probable winner. At 10:40 .laybec
retired for geed with 132 miles and 6
The count of tickets this morning shows
that for the last 24 hours there were 7,306
paying admissions te the contest.
At 2 p. m., Hart and Deblcr were strug
gling for the lead en even laps, Pegram
only 1G miles behind them, Allen and
Krehnc doing geed work. Jaybee returned
te the track again at neon.
The 2 o'clock score was as fellows :
nart and Debler, each 803 ; Pegram, 3-19 ;
Allen, 329 ; Ilanwaker, 282 ; Jaybee, 140 ;
Williams, 308; Heward, 330; Krehnc,
Town en the Illinois Central R. R. Iturned.
Chicago, III., April 8. A dispatch from
Sioux City says : About half of the busi
ness portion of Alta, a station en the Illi
nois Central railroad, was destroyed by
fire yesterday morning. Less en fifteen
buildings, $25,000 ; insurance, $5,000.
Residence and Valuable Library Destroyed.
Newark, N, J., April 8. The hand
some residence of Geerge Lcthcrbridge, at
Llewellyn park, was destroyed by fire this
morning. The contents were also destroy
ed. A valuable library of 1,000 volumes
burned. Less, $8,000.
Havoc of the Flames In Waterbury, Conn.
Watkkuuuy, Conn., April 8. A disas
trous lire this morning resulted in the par
tial destruction of the handsome office
building connected with the ex
tensive works of the Benedict
&l Burnham manufacturing company,
who were engaged in the manufactuic
of the Waterbury watch in this building.
Less en building and contents is estimated
at $75,000 ; insurance $45,000. Although
much of the valuable machinery was saved
the less arising from the necessary deten
tion te business is very heavy. The origin
of the fire is unknown.
Refusing te Werk Because They Are Net
Informed of Their Earnings.
Londen, Aprils. Eighteen hundred pit
men of Seuth Helten and Murten col
lieries in Durham have struck in conse
quence of the refusal of the managers te
put out the usual average beard showing
each man's earnings, as the men have been
restiictiug their labor for the past fort
night, se that their earnings went below
the county average.
Kenible's Method of Performing the
Dangerous l'Vat.
IIariiisijuug, Pa., April 8. In direct
opposition te the advice and wishes of his
counsel Mr. Kemblc has positively refused
te put in an appearance cither te enter new
bail or receive sentence. This he (Kemble)
has informed his counsel is his method of
"taking the bull by the horns."
The Alan Who Caned trie Ex-Secretary of
the Interior Released from Jail.
Washington, April 8. R. B. Hayes
te-day granted a pardon te Judge Wright
new confined in jail for assaulting Hen.
Columbus Delane, ex-secretary of the in
terior. The pardon releases the judge
from imprisonment upon the payment of
the fine of $1,000, which was a portion of
his sentence.
The Steamship Syria Lest.
New Yerk, April 8. The steamship
Syria, from New Orleans for Liverpool, has
been abandoned at sea, having been se
damaged as te become unmanageable.
Her captain and crew were brought here
by the Gellert.
A Chinaman Casts a Freeman's .Ballet.
Fend-du-Lac, Wis., April 8. Sing Yan,a
naturalized Chinaman, voted at the election
here yesterday.
The Progress' of President Making.
The Republican convention of Connecti
cut met yesterday in New Haven, and
chose delegates te the Chicago convention.
The delegates are uninstructed. They arc
supposed te stand for Blaine 5, Edmunds
4, Washburne 3.
The Democratic state convention of
Iowa met yesterday in Burlington, adopt
ed a resolution in favor of the two-thirds
rule in balloting for a presidential nomi
nee, and elected delegates te the Cincinnati
convention. Ne instructions were uiven,
but the delegation is understood te be
mainly for Tildcn.
The caucuses te elect delegates te the
Republican state convention of Massachu
setts, held in Bosten last evening, indicate
that the delegates will stand 15 for Sher
man, 10 for Grant and 8 for Edmunds.
Caucuses were also held in several inter
ior towns, which gave a majority for Ed
munds. The state election in Rhede Island .was
held yesterday. Little mere than half the
usual vote was cast, and there was no
choice of governor by the people. Returns
from all but two of the towns gave Little
field, Republican, 10,014 ; Kimball, Dem
ocrat, C,928 ; and Heward. Prohibitionist,
5,000. The Legislature being three-fourth
Republican, will elect Littlefield governor.
It is understood that most of the members
favor the re-election of General Burnsidc
as United States senator.
Full returns of the election in Chicago
show that the Republicans elected ten
aldermen, the Democrats six, the Inde
pendents one, and the Socialists one, leav
ing the complexion of the council about
the same as last year. In Springfield, HI.,
Irwin, Republican, was elected mayor by
300 majority. The new council will stand
thirteen Democrats te eight Republicans.
Returns from all the towns in Sangamon
county show the election of seventeen Rc-
publican and sixteen Democratic super
visors. This gives the .Republicans a ma
jority in the beard for the first time since
Important te Remember.
As the time is rapidly approaching when
the Democratic and Republican parties will
held their conventions for the purpose of
nominating candidates for county officers
and member of the legislature ; and inas-
nmen as u is very proDaeie that some ofthe
members of the present legislature, who at
the last session voted for the four million
steal, will step te the front and ask their
constituents ler a renomiuatieu, in
order that our readers may be
fully informed en the subject, we
publish the names of these who supported
that iniquitous measure, as recorded en
page G55 of the printed Heuse Journal, ses
sion 1S79 : Ackerly, Baily, Baldwin, Bar
rett. Bennett, Blackmer, Burgess, Burten,
A. B. Campbell, Caughey, Clarke, Coury,
Crawford, A. C. Davis, E. W. Davis,
Donahue. Deyle, Early, Edwards,
Elder, Emery, David Evans, Farr,
Faunce, Fenlew, Flinn, Frazer,
Fullerton, Fnlmer, Gantz, Gatchell,
Gaus, Gearing, Gilland, Gillespie, Gorden,
Wm. Graham, Greenawalt, Hazlct, Jeseph
M. Hill, Win. Hill, Holgate, Hoverter,
Ilulm, Jenes, Kincaid, Kechcrsberger,
Jeseph II. Landis, Leigh, Leighty, Lewis,
31aneily, Marker, Magill, McCandless,
McCeunell, Messenger, Miner, Mitchell,
Moency, Nakel, A. C. Neal, Nichelson, Ne-
bles, O'Lenihan, O'Ncil, Palsgreve, Patter-
Gee. E. Sherwood. Shoner. Gce.F.Smith.
Suavely. Souder, Jehn W. Stephens,
Yarger and Leng, Speaker.
Singular Suicides.
The body of Albert Schcu, city editor of
the Anzeujer new&papcr, of Cleveland,
Ohie, was found in the lake four miles
from that city, en Tuesday night. He had
waded into the water and cut his threat.
Schcu had lest his position en the paper
through dissipation.
Reuben S. Derr, "shipkecper" ofthe
schooner Yankee Blade, disappeared from
the vessel at Providence, R. I., en the 2d
of 3Iarch. When lie was missed the deer
of the cabin was found open, and his
clothes inside. Yesterday his body was
found in the river with a rope around the
neck attached te a 30-pound bar of iron.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia. Aprils. Fleur dull and heavy;
superfine 'A 55$4 "; extra H 75tfi5 !;
Ohie and Indiana family $." 7.rQG J5 : Penn'u
lauiilyJCSOti? 00; SL Leuis family (ji"ifi(; M ;
Minnesota family J 5 502J 50 ; patent and high
grade $700Je8(W.
Rye Heur $4 75.
Cernmeul ISrandywine uiiehauged.
Wheat linn; Ne. '1 Western Red $1 XJi;
Penn'u Red $1 ; Amber $1 .'!(.
Cern steady ; steamer 5i53c; yellow 53c;
mixed Sic.
Oats tinner; Ne. 1, 4fic; Ne. 45c; Ne. 3, AVA
14c; Ne. 2.tuixed iVAiiy.c.
Ryu tiuiet ; Western and i'a. 83c.
Previsions quiet, hut linn ; iiils.s perlc $11 75
12 20; heel ham.s $17 U)1S 00; India uies beef
$10 50; li-icon smoked shoulders 4'.tf$4c ; halt
de 557h; smoked hums y2leJjc; pickled
hams eJeiKJ-fe.
Lard quiet hut linn ; city kettle 7c; loose
hutehei7u; prrme steam 'tYiiYjC.
Hetter dull and weak; creamery cxtia
32ft.'M(': lirudfeid county mid New Yerk extra
new 2330c ; de fall !?&: ; Western re-erve
extra at 2Ug.2Sc ; de geed te choice 20825c :
Rolls quiet; Penn'a extra 2221e; Western
reserve extra 2:2tc.
Eggsllrm; Penn'a 13c; Western I212Jc
Cheese steady : New Yerk fuetei y l4'4rl I' Jc ;
Western lull cream lie ; de ler geed Kfel3p: ;
de halt-skims lirt12r.
Petroleum dull; Renued 7c.
Whisky atl 0'J.
Seeds dull; geed te prime cleveired $(5 OOHf
075; de timothy $J 00 asked; delluxsccd $170
Mew Yerk Market.
Xew Yerk. April 8. Fleur-Mate and We;erii
dull and declining; siipcrliuc slate 'M 00 t f." ;
extra ile 1 1 K"5 10 ; cholcede$5 l."if?5 m ; lancy
5 ."??; 40: round hoop Ohie $i:iU3 75: choice
de i5 hO7 W); siiperliuv western $1 OOffii M5;
common te geed extra de $1 H")5i ; choice,
dode$5.'i07 25; choice white wheat def5:M
5 00; Southern dull and in buyers' lavnr: com
mon te fair extra $5 405 'JO ; geed te choice de
$U 007 25.
Wheat Spring dull, neminallly lower; win
terjlc lower and dull; Ne. 1 White May
1 ISO ; Ne. 2 Red, April, $1 27J4 ; de May, $1 Zyx
(l 'H,'4.
Cern a shade easier and dull ; Mixed West
ern spot Mig.-fclJc ; de Iutuie475IjC
Oats dull and heavy ; SUite tliilsc; Western
Reef dull and prices unchanged.
Perk li riner ; new mess $1750.
Lard quiet and linn; steam rendered $7 CO.
Whisky dull ; Western $1 USI 00.
Spirit of turpentine dull at 41 13c.
Kteck Markets.
PfllLAIIKLl'HIA, April S.
12:30 1 m.
Stocks dull.
Pennati's (third issue) 107
Philadelphia & Erie I7
Reading ..... .4
Pen nsyl van ia 52
Lehigh Valley. 5IC
United Ces. et N. J l'i
Northern Pacitle 'M',
" Preferred K1J
Northern Central .5
Lehigh Navigation 37J
Norristown lOl
Central Transportation Ce. 47i
Pitts , Titusville fc Rutlale. 10
Little Schuylkill M
New 1(i:k, Aptii 8.
Stocks quiet.
Meney.. riH6
S. Y. Central 131
Adams Express 112
Michigan Central 02
Michigan Southern 108
Illinois Central 105
Cleveland A Pittsburgh... -111;!.:
Chicago A Reck Island itr,
Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 118
Western Union Tel. Ce 106
Teledo Wabash UJ
New Jersev Central 7-tfi
United State Itenilsand Sterling Kxchanjju
(Quotations by 15. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. 7.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
Philadelphia, April 8.
United Suites rHll&3I,:(rcgistcral)..in5gK
United States .Vs. 1881, (registered). .10210-X
United States 4's, 1801, (registmedjlOsHjeJj,
United States 4j's. 1MI1, (coiipei!)...10t)8IM
United States 4s, 1007. (regislercd).. 107 &107
United States Currency l"s 122
Sterling Exchange 4t4J IM)
flu., fi-t.j. rt Ii. 4lw. f v f.r r mpw.
cer, who wants something te de.
or. I. STEWART A SON. Inquire at of
lice, 31 Penn Square, at yt o'clock this even
ing, ltd
Situation te de any kind of work. Ap
ply at Ne. 334 East King street. upr3-3td
New Yerk. Single man preferred. En
quire at Jehn Copland's. 125 North Queen
street, this evening from 7 tee. ltd
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1880.
The Public's Favorite,
The Best and largest Troupe in America.
C. VT. Ravel. Mis Grimaldi. Miss Mabel Pearl.
Miss Jennie, Mr-s Emily Lulu, The
Miace .Brethers, El Nine Eddie, Mens. Leen
Whetteny, Oiuwet; and Hinds, Ashteu and
Miace, &c, &c.
Nick Roberts' Silver Cornet Band.
!Pret J S. GIBLER, Director.
ADMISSION, - 35,50 & 75 Ctl.
Reserved Seats, 73 cents ; can be obtained at
Opera Heuse OtUee without extra charge.
aprS4td N. D. KOBBUTS, Marnier.
seu, i; lntttey, . n. rattersen (Seventu dis
trict), W. II. Patterson (Ninth district),
Petretr, Pollock, Previus, Redferu, T. J.
IJevtinlil Hlinmls linnlinrTnT- Snntr,
btrten, bweeney, layler, lhompsen, Van
dcrslicc, Veegtly, Alexander Walker,
.las. D. Walker. Walter. Warden. Welsh.
, .. j
. '1
i i
.. i