Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 02, 1880, Image 3

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Old St. James.
Speaking of the Easter celebration at St.
James, this city, Alf. Sanderson says in tbe
last issue of his paper : " Old St. James,
of Lancaster, was radiant and resonant
with thanksgiving. It is a church full
of historical associations, having en
its time-worn register, and buried be
neath its walls, men and women
whose names were renowned in their
day and generation, whose holy liv
ing and dying have left a blessed and
lasting fragrance te their descendants for
a long period of years. Under the rector recter
ship of Hev. C. F. Knight, the parish is
fast extending its inlluencc for geed. An
earnest, devoted Christian, an ardent ad
mirer and supporter of the church of Eng
land and its lengthened list of confessors
and martyrs, a gentleman of unimpeach
able morality, sympathetic, winning
and prepossessing manners, with an
ability and eloquence in the pulpit
entirely devoid of bombast or affectation,
and an expounder of the faith in sermons
that are touching, searching, and consol
ing te the troubled mind, he fills the place
once sanctified by the piesenceef the be
loved Bishop Bewman, new gene te his
eternal rest, in such a way as has
been satisfying and satisfactory te a
congregation unusually intelligent and
critical. Mr. Knight has the feeling of an
artist in muMC and decoration, and has es
tablished a choral service which is about
as perfect as can be attained in any place
outside the largest cities. The 1 everence,
earnest singing and cultivated voices of the
boys add materially te the solemnity of the
liturgical ritual as brought out and ren
dered. "Improvements arc contemplated. A tower
is te be built, the church edifice extended,
and time will shortly reveal the most at
tractive place of worship in the quiet but
growing and substantial city of Lancaster.
With a a chancel new of exquisite architec
tural properlions,enibcllishcd by memorial
windows and colored richly in blue and
geld in the English style, and ether
memorial windows of elegant design and
finish en the sides, with tablets be
tween erected te the memory of
some of the fathers and founders
of the parish, together with an
organ of powerful compass and sweet
ness presided ever by Prof. Matz, a musi
cian and composer of much ability, it is no
wonder that St. James is fast becoming a
spot of unusual interest te the Christian
audjadmiicr of that which symbolizes the
mysteries of the future life of hope, joy
and love which every soul is "striving for.''
Installation of Oaici-rs.
Last evening the following named offi
cers or Earl ledge 413, I. O. of O. F., were
installed for the ensuing term by D. D. G.
M. E. J. Erisman, assisted by Past Grands
0. G. llerr and Gee. M. Miller, ef242, and
1. Hull and E. S. Ito-ebero, ef4i;5 :
N. G. Wm. Grimly.
V. G. J. S. Leng.
Asst. Sec E. F. Kettew.
Coue Westward.
Sliipiiuiisburg ClirenicSc
Mr. JehnM. Cooper, late of the Cham
beisburg Valley Spirit, has gene te Wash
ington, in this state, te assume charge of
the Renew and Examiner, the property of
the late Mr. Andrew Hepkins. It is need
less te say a word in commendation of Mr.
Cooper's ability as a newspaper man. We
wish him success in his new field of-labor.
Tlnstave -ippeinteil.
J. A Hellingcr. ex-alderman of the
Seventh ward, lias 1 csn appointed by the
court a tipstave, vice Elias Uehrer. de
ceased. Amusements.
The Minstrel x Te-niijht. This evening Raird's
troupe el minstrels will appear in this opera
house. They were in Yerk hist night and the
Daily el this morning says it was the best
treupe that lias ever visited that town.
Twenty men appeared in the first part and
there were eleven eleg daneers, while the bill
only announced eight. This company has been
attacked by the manager of the troupe, which
was here en Tuesday, but the trutlief the mat
ter is that this is the strongest and best show
of the two. Tin; manager states he has never
attacked the ether show, the proprietor of
which has done all in his power te injure their
business by publishing cards ngaiust them.
The Yerk Daily in closing a long notice el
the show says: "We can cheerfully recom
mend this excellent troupe teall levers of min
strelsy. The troupe give an entertainment in
Lancaster te-night, and Columbia en Saturday
night, and we can say te out neighbors ir they
fail te see and hear iiaird'.s minstrels they will
miss a treat seldom eil'ercd them." The three
Arneld Itrethers, he Mere with Haverly's
Mastodons this season, joined this troupe a
few clays age and will appear in the clog and
give a high kicking specialty.
".In Arabian Xiglit." The rc-productien of
the laughable comedy of this name should be
.irectcd by a large audience te-morrow even
ing. It is one et the most amusing perform
ances that has been witnessed here this season,
being pervaded trem lieginning te end by an
uninterrupted flew of the purest ami most con
tagious humor. There is net the slightest in
delicacy in any of the numerous mirth-provoking
situations in which the comedy
abounds, and Miss Evelyn, Mrs. Maeder, Mrs.
Therne, Messrs Theme and Josephs, who com
prise a portion of the large company, arc a host
in themselves, and made a most favorable im
pression upon their audience en the occasion
of their recent appearance here.
Klieuniatism for Thirty Years.
Mrs. N'elger, aged C3 years, Taylorville. I'a.,
nt times entirely lame ; relieved by one bottle
of St. Jacoh's Oil.
"Don't Werry Me
-with your complaints about your teeth," said
nn annoyed father te his -'sweet sixtccner."
" I told you te buy the SOZODONT and use
it, but you didn't and you deserve te suller."
And se she did, and all ether sweet sixteeners
who act like her mi'J-lwdced&w
A Democrat Cured.
A hading Democrat of llurlingten, 31 r. E.
M. Sutten, speaks in the highest terms el the
curative power of the celebrated Kidney Kidney
Wert. It lirst cured him of a distressing Kid
ney disease, and he new uses it whenever he
has any kymptems of biliousness or needs ton
ing np. It acts efficiently en the bowels, and
cures the worst cases of pile. m20-lwd&v
"Dr. Eindsey's JSIoed Searcher," by puri
fying the system, softens the skin and beau
tifies the complexion.
TiineAT Diseases Oktes commence with a
Celd, Cough, or unusual exertion of the voice.
These incipient symptoms are allayed by the
useet " nreunCs Bronchial Troches," which if
neglected often result in a chronic trouble of
the Threat.
Use'Eecher's Ilernc and Cattle l'eudcia.
Kidney-Weit in het weather subtuins the
ystem anil keep up the hlrcncth.
Frem a well-known citizen of Chicago.
CniCAOO. 111., Jan. 1, 1830.
. 11. Warner & Ce., Rochester, A. Y. :
Uestlemes : I have used Warner's Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure with the greatest satisfac
tion. It is the only remedy I have ever used
that I can recommend te my friends, as it has
cured me et Blight's Disease of long standing,
after having visited the White Sulnhur Springs
-of Virginia, and trying innumerable se-called
" remedies" of the day. Having resided here
for ferty-3cvcn years, my friends will be glad
te see this statement. The di&coverer is, in
dettJ, a public benefactor.
Wilxxuc H. PATTSpsejr,
1,401 Wabash avenue, near Twenty-ninth St.
Pure Spiceslat techer's lruu Stere.
Grateful Women.
Xene receive se much benefit, and none arc
se profoundly grateful and show such an in
terest in recommending nep .Bitters as
women. It is the only remedy peculiarly
adapted te the many ills the sex is almost uni
versally subject te. Chills and fever, indiges
tion or deranged liver, constant or periodical
sickheadaches, weakness in the back or kid
neys, pain in the shoulders and different parts
of the body, a feeling et lassitude and despon
dency, are all readily removed by these Bit
ters. al-2wd&w
Dr. Browning's C. & 0. Cordial is destined
te be the standard medicine for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, hoarseness, sere threat, croup, in
fluenza, whooping cough, asthmatic coughs,
cold in the head or bowels, and ler the relief of
consumption in all stages of the disease. Price
50c. a bottle. All druggists have it. Dr. Brown
ing, Proprietor, 1117 Arch St., Philadelphia.
Consumption cured.
Hundreds of people througkeut the Xew
England States who were consumptive will
testify te their being alive te-day from the use
erSpeer's Pert Grape Wine, produced in Pas
saic, Xew Jersey. It is prescribed by physi
cians generally and used in hospitals for this
purpose. Weakly and debilitated females,
consumptives, and all aged persons, find a
great benefit by its use. Nothing is better for
overworked or exhausted ladies. Tiiis wine
is ender-cd by Drs. Atlee and Davis and neld
by II. E. Slaymaker.
Mothers! Metliers!! Mothers:!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se, go at once and get a bottle of M US. WIXS
EOW's seu HUNG SYKEP. Itwill relieve the.
peer little sullerer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is neta
mother en earth he has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one
et the eldest anil best lemale physicians and
nurses in the United States, sold everywhere
Si cents a bottle. fjlT-lyd&wM.W&S
Try Eechcr's Cough syrup.
Yeu bet, when coughs and colds are flying
about like gnats in a storm, "Sellers' Cough
Syrup" is a sure cure.
Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
tei rible disease in its worst stage v ill yield te
a bottle of Eeeher's Kcnewncd Cough Syrup,
shall ie condemn the sutl'eiers ter their neg
ligence, or pity them ler their ignorance?
Try Eeeher's Cough Svrup.
ISrewn's Household 1'aiiaccii
Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the
world. Will most surely quicken the bleed
whet her taken internally or applied externally
and thereby mere UEEIEVE 1'AIX,
whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and it is warranted double the
strength of any similar preparation.
It cures pain iii the Side, Back or Bowels,
Sere Thieat, Ifheumatisin, Toothache and AEE
CEA" should be in every family. Ateaspoon Ateaspeon Ateaspoen
tul el the Panacea in a tumbler et het water
(sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime,
will Bl'ICAlC UP A COLD. i cents a bottle.
Fer sale at II. B. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore
North Queen street. Lancaster.
Much Sickness,
Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether
causes, is occasioned by Worms. BBOWN'S
VEKMlFL'GECOMFll'S, or Werm Lozenges,
although effectual in destroying worms, can
de no pesible injury te the most delicate child
This valuable combination has been success
fully used by physicians, and found te be ab
solutely sure in eradicating worm-. Twenty
live cents- n box. fianl.Vlvd&wTuThAS
A Strange l-eople
De you knew that there are liangeppe
pie iu'eur community, a' say strange because
thev seem te prefer te .suffer and pas-, their
dav's miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint. Indigestion, Constipation
and General Debility, when Miileh's Vitalize!
is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by D. Heil
hu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville.
l'ive Hundred Thousand Stieng.
In the p:ist tew months there have been mere
than .Vl,(HK) bottles ofShileh's Cure sold. Out
et the vast number of people who have used it,
mere than i!,(MI(l cases el Consumption have
been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and
Bronchitis yield at once, hence i; is that every
body speaks in its praise. Te these who have
net "used it. let us say, if you have a cough, or
veur child the cengli, and you value life, don't
fail te try it. Fer lame back, side or ehc-t Use
Shiloh's "Pereus Plaster. old bv veur druu-gi-ts.
D. lleifshu, Laiica-tcr, and" M. L. Davis,
Wi:liaveape("dvand positive cure for Ca
tairh. Diphtheria. Cankermeuthand Headache
in Shiloh's Catarrh Uemedy. A nasal injector
live Willi each bottle. I'seil if you desire health
and sweet breath. Piicu M cents, sold by
D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. E. Davis. Mil
lersville. aeidil-ceddAiw
jt i:tiis.
Powell. In Lancaster, Pa., en April 1, h&O,
Edward Powell, in the both year et his age.
The relatives and friends of the family are
rcspectlully invited te attend the funeral from
his sister-in-law's residence. Ne. Ed Middle
street, en Sunday afternoon, at - o'clock. In
terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td
IfenREi'.. March 31, 1SS0, in this city, Elias
Uehrer, in his 75th year.
The rela'ivcs and friends arc rc-pcctfully in
vited te attend his funeral from the residence
of Mis. P. G. Eherman, Ne. 181 East King
street, en Sat unlay afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Cochran. On the lt inst., of pneumonia.
Catharine It., daughter et Kiehard E. and
Annie B. Cochran, aged 2 year-, 3 months and
15 days.
Funeral from the residence of her parents,
Ne. 21C. Seuth 4'd street, West Philadelphia, en
Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock 2td
A;ir ad rj:itTisi: mj:sts.
XX lias removed his Music store te Fulton
Hall, Prince st leet.
insurance at lowest rates. Geed and 1'cli
able Companies. HEltlt & STAUFFEU,
Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., ;i N. Duke St.
23-tf cedi:
Oflice: Ne 10 West Orange St.
On SATURDAY', APItlE .1. ISsi. at 1
o'clock, second story Eeeher's Building, Centre
Square, Household 'and Kitchen Furniture,
JLi A Fine Silver Open Face Stem-winding
Watch, ler which a suitable reward will be
paid by leaving it at E. F. BOWMAN'S,
ltd 10.1 East King Street.
1) A stated meeting of the Journeymen
Bricklayer's I'ninii will be held at Arneld
Haas Saleen, North Queen street, en SATUR
DAY Evening at S o'clock. al-2td
Insurance and Ileal Estate Oliice,
m25 6tdK Ne. 1U West Orange Street.
On WEDNESDAY' APRIL 7, at I o'clock
p. m.. will be sold at J. D. Denlingcr's Merri
ninc Heuse, North Prince street. Lancaster, (
head of Mules, 4 te l! years old, well broken
and well mated. Credit of 00 days. Fer full
particulars address M. R. Witwcr.
aprMtd S. L. WARNER.
heretofore existing be
XJ The partnership
tween Leng & Brimmer, engaged in the house
painting business, has been dissolved this day
by mutual consent. All persons indebted te
the late having claims against thesamc,
are requested te present them te either of the
undersigned for settlement.
March 23, 1830. GEORGE BRIMMER.
The business hereafter will be carried en
Ne. 10 West German street, by
apr2-2td JOHN F. LONG
fTftTTOm .-lA-D-DtXT imP O
Ne. 190 North Prince street.
Prompt and particular attentlen paid te al
-ter&tlem am repairs. slS-lyd
WATCHES. The largest stock and meat varied assortment te be found
in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and
Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted accerding: te the quality.
JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest desigms in great quantity and vari
ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting.
SILVERWARE. Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver ei electro
plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish.
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every
thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business.
Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern
cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold aslew as
it could be bought elsewhere.
H. Z. RHOADS Si BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Baird's Famous and original
I Till
8 Great End Men, 8
8 Challenge Cleg Dancers, 8
8 Star Seng and Dance Artists, 8
8 Superb Sole Singers, 3
8 Brilliant Banjo Players, 8
And the Bosten Brass Band and Opriatic
24: Peerless Performers 2-t
In a New and Matchless Pregramme. Usual
Popular Prices. Reserved .seats at Opera Heuse
Oliice. Brass Band Concerts at 12 and 7. Bear
in mind this is the only original Baird's New
OrlcanV.MinstrcIs, with the 4 '-Great Eights."
FRIDAV, APRIL 2. ui-S,:'l),::iMi'!'S
Mr. Jehn I). Mishler has the pleasure of pre
senting the same Caidy"s
Superior Drniiiiitlc Company
In the Same Great Comedy,
Ne advance in Prices.
Diagram at Yecker's.
35, 50 and
Mi:..IOIIND. MIIILER has the honor :
picscnt the excellent
Chestnut Street Theatre Company,
of Philadelphia, as produced by them i times,
II. J. Byren's brilliant comedy, entitled
which will be presented with every attention
te detail and with
New Scenery brought by the Ce.
Positive Appearance el Miss Lillie Glever.
Mrs. . I. . I. Prier. Miss Annie Fe, Miss Anna
Dudley, Mr. lie". II. Griiliths. Mr. Cha-. Man
lev. Mr. llcnrv Lee. Mr. Ernest i'ar'ram. Mr.
W". Ii. Daly. Mr. .1. s. Heir.uau, Mr. G. D. Errel.
Mr. Misfiler lcelsa pride in presenting this
entertainment as one of the best and most
brilliant el tlieseasen
Gallery, :5 Cts-
Admis'sien ------ 50
Reserved seats at usual place, - - 75,
y Use, frcei charge, in the I
cuu, who wants something te de.
of Manure. Addiess,
i. I-;. Mil. up.
in2T-lwd Manheim, Lancaster Ce. Pa.
T J A N T I :. 50
i On L te-morrow.
Interesting personal
matter, etc. Apply S. E. Angle Centre sjtiaie,
it 2 o'clock sharp.
W Hi
lioreughlv undeistaiuls the culture
a id caring of tobacco te grew en shares from
three te live acres, at Therudale Station. Land
well situated, under the highest state of culti
vation. Heuse convenient te the land. Apply
te A. W. lil'.ssCL.
apr2-3td Ne. 2i East King .street.
jieusjj j--uiixisnixu aoeits.
-piT T"XTAT I1 T T 1.1 AT liMT l
ii L 1 JN JN & J5 It vj jN n :ti A i
Are ell'ering Greater Bargains than ever in
Heuse-Funii siring Goods.
A Large Stock
of Gas Fixtures at VERT
152 North Queen Street,
Netice is hereby given that application
will be made te the Court of Common Pleas et
Lancaster county, en MONDAY, APRIL 1!),
ls), at lu o'clock a. in., for a charter te incor
porate "The .sacred Heart Academy et Lancas
ter, Pennsylvania." The object of the pro
posed corporation is the instruction of young
ladies in a thoieugh academical course e"f edu
ni'Jj-'ltdew Solicitor for the Applicants.
J WmaiEAS, The Honorable .lOIIN B. LIV
INGSTON, President, and Honorable DAVID
W. .PATTERSON Associate Judge el the
Court of Common Plcas,in and for the count y of
Lancaster, and Assistant Just ices of the Courts
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De
livery and Quarter sessions of the Peace, in
and ler the county of Lancaster, have issued
their precept, te me directed, requiring me,
among oilier things, te make publ.c proclama
tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court et
Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv
ery, also a Cem t of General Quarter Sessions
el the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence
in the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the
In pursuance of which precept public nelicu
is hereby given te the Maverand Aldermen el
the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and
all the Justices el" the Peace, the Corener and
Constables, of the said city and county of Lan
caster, that tiiey be then and there in their en n
pieper persons, with their rolls, records and
exuminat ions, and inquisitions, and their ether
remembrances, te de these tilings which te
their ellices appertain in their behalf te be done;
and also all these who will prosecute against
tiie prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the
jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then
and there te presecut against them as shall bu
Dated at Lancaster th ISth day of March,
ffl ilUUI DEBT
Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Eure
pean Remedy ur. ). is. Simpsons ftpecinc
. Medicine. It is a positive cure ler Sperma Sperma
eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impetency.aiid all
i diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental
Anxiety, Less of Memery, l'ains in Back or
' Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption,
' Insanity and an early grave. The Specific
Medicine is being used with wonderful success.
, Pamphlets sent free te all. Write for them and
get full particulars. Price, Spi-cillc, $1 per
package, or six packages for $". J. B. &1MP
8ON MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. 101 and Id''
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders
H. B. COCHRAN. Druggist, Pele Agent, '
KIT and IX) North Queen struct.
The true antidote te the ellccts of miasma is
llestetter'.s stomach Bitters. This medicine is
one m the most popular remedies el an age
of successful proprietary specilics, and is in
immense demand wherever en this Continent
lever and ague exist. A wineglasstul three
times a day is the best possible preparative for
encountering a malaiieus atmosphere, regu
lating tliu liver, and invigorating the Stomach.
Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener
ally, apr l-lydced&ly w
Brandy as a Medicine.
The following article was voluntarily rent te
Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Rcigart's old
Wine Stoie, by a prominent practising physi
cian et this count, who has extensively Used
the Brandy referred te in his regular practice.
It is commended te the attention of these af
flicted witli
Indigestion and Dyspspsia.
This new much abused Alcoholic Stiiuiihi'ii
was never intended as a beverage, but le he
used as a medicine of great potency in the cure
el some of the destructive discuses which
sweep away their animal thousands of victims.
Willi a purely philanthropic motive we pre
sent te the favorable notice et invalids epe
cially these atllicted with that miserable dis
ease" Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is
nothing mere or less than
Tiie aged, with feeble appetite and mera or
less debility, will iind this simple medicine,
when used "prepeily,
A Sovereign Remedy
or all their ills and aches. Be it, hew ever
strictly mulct-steed that we picscribt: and n-e
but one ailiclc. and that is,'
.sold bv our enterprising young friend, H.;K.
&LAYMAKER. This Brandy lias steed the
test for years, and lias never failed, as far
as our experience extends, and we therefore
give it the preference ever all ether Brandies,
nematter witli hew mnnyjaw-brcakliig French
titles they are branded. One-fourth of the
money that is yearly thrown away en vai ions
impotent dyspepsia specilics would sutlice te
buy all tile" Brandy te cure any such cas or
eases. In proof et- the curative powers et
Reigart's Old Brandy,
In cases el Dyspepsia, we can summon num
hers of witnesses one ease in particular
A hard-working farmer had been afllictcd
with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of
yeais; his .stomach would reject almost every
kind id feed; he had sour eructatiens con
stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te
i restrict Ins diet te crackers and stale btead,
' and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet
I Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new,
' preached at times, and in his discourses eltcn
declaimed earnestly against all kinds of utreng
drink. When advised te try
Reigart'3 Old Brandy,
In hi) case, he looked up witli astonishment,
. but alter hearing of its wonderful ellects in
i the cases of some el his near acquaintances, he
' at last consented te fellow our advice. He
j used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the
I tirt bottle giving him an appetite, and before
i the second was taken he was a sound man. with
a stomach capable of d iiiesting anything which
! be chose te eat. He still keeps it and Uses a lit-
i i1lv.orj.,,.en,a,ly ; v1.1 b,n. "e luls t-1,i3 vic,,i-
-eiu-u in; iun ti-zih ui 'Ji.y lilLlu J(JU1I it liii j uuiiE
lit te the doctor. A Pkactisise Puymcia.
Rcigart's Old Wine Stere,
Established In 178.-,
RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1S1,
U-'l and 18'.!$,) CHAMPAGNES O
Letters et administration en said estate hav
ing been granted te the undersigned, all per
bens indebted te. said decedent are requested
te make immediate settlement, and these hav
ing claims or demands against the same, will
present them without delay ter settlement te
the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City.
J. 7. F. Swift. Administratrix.
Attorney. mMO-Gtdced
.J the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters
testamentary en said estate having been
granted te the undersigned, all persons in
debted te said decedent are requested te make
immediatescttlement.and these having claims
or demands against the estate et said decedent
te make known the same te the undersigned
without delay, residing in the City of Lancas
marlS-Ctdeed Executer.
ll of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ad
ministiatien en said estate having been grant
ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested te make immediate pay
ment, and the-e having claims or demands
against the same will present them withoutde witheutde
lay ler settlement te the undersigned, or her
attorney, J. E. btciumctz.
J. L. 3iei5metk, Att'y. iii!7-Gtdeair
JLj deceased.
The undersigned auditor, an.
pointed by the Orphans' Court et Lancaster
county, Pa., te distribute the balance remain
ing in the hands of Jacob L. Brubaker,
administrator of Magdalena Zeigler, deceased,
wife of Mathias Zieglcr, te and among these
legally entitled te the earae, will attend for
that purpose en FRIDAY, APRIL as, 1180, at
the Library Roem el the court house, in the
city of Lancaster, where all persona interested
in said distribution may attend.
nar2Mldeaw 81HON P. EBT, Amdlter.
the borough of Elizabethtown. deceased.
Letters of administration en said estate ha vimr
been granted te the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requesteil te make imme
diate payment, and these having claims or de
mands against the same, will present them
without delay ler settlement te the undersign
ed, residing in said borough.
fJJ-Ctw Administrators.
"Wasuingten, April 2. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, clear weather, followed by
increasing cloudiness,posibly by rain areas,
windsj shifting te warmer southeasterly,
stationary or lower barometer.
Destruction of a Hetel.
Cuicage, April 2. A special from
Detroit te the Times says the Alexander
hotel en Gratis Isle, about fourteen miles
down the river, was burned yesterday. It
was owned by G. "W. Alexander and
valued at ever $30,000, including contents,
most of which were lest. Insurance,
Residence, Hams and Granary Burned.
Xehtit Branch, N. J., April 2. The
residence, barns and granary of Geerge L.
Coite, of this place, which lies five miles
west of Karitan, were consumed by fire
en "Wednesday. The less exceeds $9,000.
The residence only was insured in the Heme
company. The origin of the fire is net
Destructive Fire in Trey, N. Y.
Trey, X. Y., April 2. The manufac
tory of Masonic regalia of J. K. Pettis
& Ce. was burned this morning. The
fire was accidental. Less, $20,000, In
sured. llrndferil'ii Academy of Music Rurned.
Xew Yerk, April 2. A special from
Bradford, Pa., says : " A fire breke out
in this city this morning and destroyed
eighteen buildings en Main and Webster
streets. The Academy of Music and
Titusville heuse were the principal places
burned. The less is $150,000."
The Excitement In 'Frisce Subsiding.
San Francisce, April 2. The arms
which during the late excitement were re
moved te the Central police station for
greater safety, liave been removed te the
armories of the respective companies.
Concerning the reported contest of the
election it is said that a general conference
was held en the evening of election day,
but nothing definite was accomplished.
Attorney Murphy has given as his opinion
that there was net sufficient ground for
Villainous Ruffian Escapes After Rough
Farmer City, 111., April 2. Levi Cole Cele
man, charged with committing a criminal
assault en his sister-in-law, was arrested
yesterday. He was seized by a gang of
men who gave him a coat of tar and feath
ers and returned him te his cell. During
night he dug his way through a brick wall
and escaped. Great excitement prevails..
Depredations of the Apaches
in Acxv
Santa Fn, N. M., April 2 A small
raiding party of Apaches captured and
killed a soldier of the 9th cavalry who was
carrying despatches en San Matee moun
tains. They then attacked San Jese a
small village near the Ilie Grande, but two
soldiers and several Mexicans fought them
and drove them oft". One soldier and one
Mexican being killed.
r.lill Handn Caught In Machlnerr I!eltii
; and
Whirled into Eternity.
Elizabeth, April 2. Patrick McGos McGes
tan, aged :)3, employed in the repe walk,
while putting a belt en revolving pulleys
was caught and whirled around, his head
being crushed against a tic and he instantly
killed. lie left a wife and five children.
Trey, N. Y., April 2. Charles Pickett
was caught in the belting at Hewland's
paper mill at Sandy Hill, this morning,
and was killed.
Wink Resumed at Old Rates.
Leng Brancit, N. J., April 2 Seventy
of the strikers formerly engaged en the
improvements at Xaversink Park, Mount
Mitchell, owned by Judge Henry Hilten,
and ether New Yerk capitalists, have re
sumed work without -ether concession en
thcpaitef the employers than a premise
of steady work.
A Negro Wife-Murderer Meets lit Deem.
"Washington, D. C, April 2. .James
Madisen "Wyatt Stone (colored) was
hanged in the jail yard here at 1 :10 p. m.
te-day for the murder of his wife.
It is reported that in the execution of
Stene the culprit's head was completely
severed from the body, but the matter is
kept very quiet.
Nominated Fer Census Supervisor.
"Washington, April 2. Among the
nominations sent te the today was S. B.
Sturtevant, of "Wilkcsbarre, te be super
visor of the Fifth district of New Yerk.
Youthful Desperadoes.
Three youthful inmates of the Philadel
phia Heuse of Refuge made a murderous
attack upon Prefect James Pierce en Tues
day morning last, inllicting wounds upon
his head of se serious a character that fears
are entertained for his recovery. The
assault was withheld from the pub
lic and only leaked out when it be
came known that a meeting of the mana
gqrs was te be held te act en the case.
The names of the boys, who are but fif
teen years of age, are withheld by the
officers of the institution. It appears that
they had been contemplating an escape
for several weeks, and with a view of be
ing prepared for any emergency armed
themselves with slung shots, which they
made of bird shot and leather and carried
about with them. On the morning of the
attack the boys agreed that they would
net work, and, being ordered by Pierce te
go te their stocking looms, attacked him
with their weapons. They have been
placed under restraint te await the the re
sult of the injuries in llicted.
Sale of a .-eted Summer Resort.
The celebrated Greenbrier White Sul
phur Springs, in Greenbrier county, West
Virginia, were sold at public auction en
Wednesday, Mr. William A Stuart, of
Saltvillc, Va and brother of the late Gen.
J. E. B. Stuart, becoming the purchaser
at $340,000. Though sold low, it is be
lieved Judge Jacksen will confirm the
Land Sales.
The Bishop farm, in Queen Anne county,
Md., 850 acres, has been sold te R. B.
Roberts, former owner, for $525, subject te
a mortgage of $7,540.
The Dudley farm, in the same county,
has been sold te William C. Dudley for
Harmony anil Success.
Yerk Press.
It is new pretty well settled that Grant
will be reneminated for a third term
against clearly expressed wishes of the
rank and file of the Republican party.
This suicidal work will be done at Chicago
by the voters of solid delegations, like
these of Pennsylvania and New Yerk, tied
up by the unit l'ule and delivered te the
absolute personal control of lordly
senatorial political bosses. The Re
publican patty deems itself te in
evitable defeat, by this abdication of its
right te select its own candidates, and sub
mitting te the selfish dictation of a couple
of commonplace United States senators ;
and thus furnishes the Ucmecrats with an
opportunity of victory, which must net be
lest. With only ordinary prudence, the
Democracy cannot fail te get full posses
sion of all branches of the government ;
but in order te put that success beyond
doubt, we must observe the following can
didates :
The people must be allowed te make
their own nomination without the inter
vention of bosses. All that should be left
te the Republicans. Let us, here and
everywhere, choeso delegates te the state
convention who will represent the voters
who send them and net the will of one
man who resides in a remote corner
of the state, whether that corner
be Philadelphia or Clearfield. Let them
vote against the unit rule, no matter by
whom eil'ercd, or in what interest, and
then cheese delegates te the national
convention who will faithfully rellect
the wishes of the Democracy of the
district. We believe that it would be every
way te the best interests el the party, that
our representatives should go te Cincin
nati uninstructcd, and free te cast their
votes for the candidate, who seems, after
consultation and comparison of views with
all parts of the union, most likely te be
elected. But if the friends of any particular
candidate, say Hancock, Bayard or Tilden,
should appear te be in a large majority
of the state convention, and he is mani
festly the cheice of the people, that
majority will have the right te instruct
the four delegates at large ; but it will
have no right te instruct the district dele
gates, and require them te vote as a unit.
The people of each county and district
have a right te be fairly represented
in the national convention, and
Ihcre is no power en earth that can
take it away from them. Further
more we believe that it would be extrenio extrenie
ly impolitic in the state convention te ex
ercise under any circumstances its conceded
right te instruct even the four delegatcs at
large who represent the state as a whole.
Independent and discreet men, subject te
nobody's orders, would be far mere like
ly te reach a wise conclusion three months
hence at Cincinnati than we are here and
We hepe the honest Democrats of the
country will think ever these grave mat
ters, and net permit themselves te be
moved by mere clamor from any quarter.
The Republican party has been degraded,
haltered and shackled by the Harrisburg
ring machine, and handed ever te one
man as his private goods, simply from the
failure of the people te attend te their own
business at the right time ; and if this
docs net insure its defeat nothing could.
As te the supposed rivalry between
Speaker Randall and Senater Wallace for
the control of the Democratic party, we
have te hay. that the personal merits
or wishes of these two gentlemen have
nothing te de with the matter in hand.
Ne man ever controlled the Democratic
party of Pennsylvania, and the man,
who, for his own selfish purposes, says
he docs is a jiretcudcr and a fraud. The
breeches were never made with a pocket
big enough te carry the party of the
people the old-fashioned Democracy of
Jeffersen and Jacksen. Mr. Randall and
Mr. Wallace are net candidates, before the
people, and for the present we have noth
ing te de with them, nor they with us, and
any attempt en the part of cither te ebtrude
his personal will into any county, and
te divide and disturb us, by making
submissions or resistance te that will
an issue, should be met by such
a rebuke as will prevent any repetition
of the offence. These are our sen
timents and we arc sure they are the senti
ments of every geed Democrat in Yerk
county. We aie for the man that can
win, and te win we must have harmony in
the paity, and the people should promptly
sit down upon these who would crcate
diviiien by any effort te Camerenizc or har
ness us up in the leading strings of any self
asserted boss. We have seen where that
ends in the pitiful spectacle which the Re
publican party presents today, squirming
helpless under the cold and selfish hand of
Senater Cameren.
Grant Elected4' Duke or America."
General Grant had a reception at the
St. Charles hotel, New Orleans, from 1 te
e o'clock yesterday, and afterwards took a
drive through the city On Wednesday
night the Carnival court having serenaded
the Queen and ether distinguished mem
bers of the court, in accordance with the
annual custum, repaired finally te the
mansion of Albert Baldwin, president of
the Royal Hest, where a large company,in cempany,in
cluding Gen. Grant, whehadbeen especial
ly invited by the besk, was in attendance.
After an introduction te the cx-prcsident
the entire company participated in a mag
nificent banquet. During its progress Mr.
Baldwin announced that the general had
been elected a member of the Royal Hest
and the title of Duke of America conferred
upon him. The general was immediately
decorated with the order of St. Rex by
Judge Gee. II. Braughn,Lerd High Cham
berlain, and the general acknowledged the
honor as fellows :
"Ladies and Gentlemen: I thank you
very much for this kind reception and for
the compliment which the Rex association
has just paid me. Fer as pronounced a re
publican as I am it would under ordinary
circumstances hardly be proper for me te
accept the distinction which you have just
conferred upon mc, especially as I have
been frequently charged with an attempt
te seize upon a higher title ; but as I said
befere, under such circumstances, and
appreciating the objects of your worthy
organization, I accept the title of Duke,
and thank you again for the compliment
paid and tin kind reception extended me."
A Veteran Editor.
Slilppcnsburg Chronicle.
The name of Jehn B. Bratten, esq., of
Carlisle, has been suggested as the nomi
nee from this district en the Democratic
state electoral ticket, te be chosen at
the state convention en the 28th in
stant. This suggestion ought te and
will be favorably received by the
Democracy " of Cumberland county.
The services of Mr. Bratten te the Demo
cratic party of this region can never be
forgotten. He was a Democratic editor
when it needed brains, courage and untir
ing encrcry te be one. He was faithful
among the faithless, and never "bowed
the knee te Baal " during all the dark
years of the rebellion. The American, Vol
unteer, under his control, was one of the
leading Democratic papers of Pennsylva
nia, and many of the Democrats of the
present generation had their opinions
shaped and deeply grounded by its fear
less, vigorous, timely utterances. Jehn
B. Bratten is a man whom the Democracy
of Cumberland county should delight te
honor, and we hepe te see him placed en
the electoral ticket.
Harmony In Xew Yerk.
"Resolved, That it is the object
and purpose of this Democratic Union
te arrest the progress of the nation to
ward centralization in violation of the
fundamental law, and te restore sound
constitutional government by an hon
est and capable Democratic administra
tion, and te the National Convention for
President and Vice President as are herein
suggested. And when the Convention
shall have nominated candidates it will be
the duty of this union te aid and advance
their election ant? inauguration by all the
means within its power."
The foregoing was the fast of a scries of
resolutions passed a few days age by the
Democratic Union of New Yerk.
This newly organized society is com
posed of the leading Democratic politi
cians of that state, who united with
Jehn Kelly last fall in defeating Gov.
erner Robinson, and includes the men
who made Kelly belt respectable
such as Governer Dersheimcr, Judge
Spencer, David Dudley Field, August Bel
mont, Erastus Brooks. Jehn E. Devlin,
Luke F. Cezans and ethers of equal pro
minence. MAIUCETS.
l'liiladelphia Market.
I-HiLADELriUA.Aprili Kleur weak and sins
gish; Huperltue :s 70gl 23 : extra H 775 3i
Ohie and Indiana familv (J 2eQl. 73 : l'enn'a
family -K 00St i" ; Si. Leuis family H 50700 ;
Minnesota family $3e0( 50 ; patent ami high
grades $7 00?SC).
Eye lleur $4 75 t S7.
Cornmeal I'randywiue tinclianrcd.
Wheat lower and weak : Ne. -J Western lied
$131; l'a, de 1 Si ; Amber SI .7.
Cern quiet ; steamer Sijjeu; yellow 54c;
mixed 5;;' 'c.
Oat (jufct and irregular ; Ne. 1, 4."kJ?4i'c; Ne.
2, 44315c: Ne. 3, l-VI.:e; Ne. 2 mixed 40$ II.
Eye dull : Western and l'a. SSc.
Seeds dull; geed te prime eleverseeil $fi 00g
G50; de timothy $a 00; de flaxseed $1 7tQ!l 80.
Previsions quiet, but linn ; nits-) perk $12
12 50: hec thai us 17 00217 50; India mess heel
fit); b'icen smoked shoulders 5B.-(ic ; salt
de 4'44ls; smoked hums "CQIeii'c; pickled
hams ti!i!4i.
Lard quiet but linn; city kettle T)c; loose
butchers 7c; prime steam 57 S.'37 50c.
Eutter scarce and firm ; creamery extra
3fi."7c: I'.rauferil county and Vev.- Tuirk extra
ncwujg'llc: de fall iSySOc ; Western rcerve
extra, at fjQSlc ; de geed le choice 2l23c :
Kells llrm: l'enn'a extra 233'J5e; Western
reserve extra 25j27e.
Eggs steady; l'enn'a 12g'J-13c; Western 12c.
Cheese llrm with, light supply : New Yerk
factory lljill'c; Western lull cream 14g
HJ-Jc : de ler geed W.lQViH ; de halt-skims
l'ctreleum dull; Keflned "Kc.
Whisky atflet).
New Yerk JUarMet.
New Yerk. April 2. Eletir-Stateaiul Western
buyers' favor ;su peril ne state $f;50Q5(0; extra
de $.' 005 40 ; choice de $C 450 ; fancy de
$t 10J57 00: round hoop Ohie .'(.0ij!0: cheice
de $ 00J7 50; supcrline western $1 G5M 00;
common te geed extra de $5 00d.V) ; cheicu
dode$5.V(8 00; cheice white wheat de $5 850
C 50; Southern dull and declining ; common te
fair extra j5 Mge 10; geed tocueicodo fU 13
7 50.
Wheat Spring dull and nominal; Winter
?1?4C lower, dull and heavy; Ne. 2 North Nerth
wcstJIav.SI 203s'5l 2iy.4: Ne. 1 White, April,
$1 3IJ4; de May 1 '."J-j ; de Jlay, $1 311 35.
Cern .e lower and dull ; -Mixed Western
spot (4ii"eje ; de future iiyHSie.
Oat-i heavy, ami about Jie lower; including
Ne. 2 for Jlav S'Jc ; State 4efill"e: Weitern 3U
Stock lUnrketn.
PniLAiucLvniA. April t.
12-30 r. m.
bteckn dull.
rcniui '.- (third W-uie).
Philadelphia & Erie...
1 'calling
Lehigh Vallev.
United Ces. el N. J
Northern Pacific
" Preferred...
Northern Central
Lehigh Navigation
. :!.'
. 51
Central Transportation Ce.
Titusville & Uuirale. 20''
Little Schuylkill
New Ieiik, Apifl 3.
Stocks strong.
N. Y. Central
EX lKm m m m m m m m m e m m m m m i
Adams Express
Michigan Cential
Michigan Southern
Illinois Central
Cleveland Jb Pittsburgh..
Chicago & IJeck Island....
Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.
Western Union Tel. Ce
Teledo .fc Wabash
New Jersuv Central ,
. 5tf?
- ;;;
United State.) Ileutlt and Sterling Kxclmngi
(Qiiotalieui by P.. Iv. Jamisen A Ce., S. XT.
Cor. 3.1 and Chestnut StrccLs).
Philadelphia, April 2
United Slates r,v, 1GSI, (regi-tcrcd)..ia-,jfi;iar)
United States 5V, lb-!, (registered). . 1 f nSJ" 1 0-jJi
United States 4Ji's, 1K1, (iegislercd)Hr:'ii-i,i
United States fJi'.s. IMH. (coupons).. .ll.U310tJ-4
united states 4'.s, v.m. rcisti:reu)..iu;'.
United States Currency G's.
Sterling Exchange
Ilava acliierrd the most noted auccei et
any Medicines of modern Tlincx.
Messrs. Weeks t Petter have never doubted
the specific properties of Cuticuka. Citicuiia
Ueselvest and cctici'iia Peai, for the speedy,
permanent and economical cure of Humors m
the Weed. Skin and Scalp. They are, however,
astonished at their universal success; for ii
was te be expected that in the hands cf some
hey would tail solely from spasmodic or igne-
imt use of them.
They are unable te ay without fear of con
radictien that no .remedies ever achieved in
the short space of one yearthe mimberef won
derful cures performed by the CiricfM Ubx
edii:. SALT UI1EU3I
Cevering the ISiidy fur Ten Years, renna
neiitly Cured.
Law Omen or Ciias. HormiTe.i;
17 Cengiess Street, ISosten, Feb. 2S, 1ST?.
Msssiis. Wekks & Petteu: Gentlemen. I feel
it a duty te inform you, and through you all
who are inteiested te knew the fact, that a
most disagreeable and obstinate ca-c efSalt
Eheum or Eczema, which has been under my
personal observation from Its first appearance
te the present time, about ten (le) years,
covering the greater portion of the patient's
body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and
itching scab, and te which all the known meth
ods of treating such disease has been applied
without benefit, has completely disappeared,
leaving a clean and healthy skin, under a few
days of profuse application of Clticdiia.
I can and de heartily advise all similarly af
flicted te try the remedy which lias been m ef
fectual In tiiis case.
Very truly yeurt,
And Dyspepnia. Treatfd by the Insolvent
Cain 5 1-2 pound en One Kettle,
Gentlemen : have had Liver Complaint and
Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of
my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no
geed I have been spending for eight yean
and it did no geed. Everything I ate distres.s
eil me. 1 get reduced from 17!) te 132 pounds'.
At last I Uicd the and it helped m
right off, and en the bottle I gained five and
one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and
I am going for ft strong.
Yours truly, JOHN ROT.
414 Wabash A ve., Chicago, HI., Nev. 15, 1878. .
Nete. Cuticcra is admirably assisted In
cases et extreme physical weakness, or when
the virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in the
system, by the internal iise of the Ccticura
ICeselvkxt. without doubt the most powerful
bleed purifier and Ilverstimulantin the world.
Ccticura feOAi is an elegant toilet and medic
inal assistant te Cuticuua in the tieatuicnt of
all external ailments. Fer chapped hands,
rough skin and tan, sunburn, and the lesser
skin troubles, it is indispensable; a.s a soap ler
the toilet, the nursery and b.ilh it is the most
elegant, refreshing and healing before the
These great remedies succeed where all
ethers heretofore in use fail because they pos
sess new and original properties never oefere
successfully combined in medicine.
The Ccticuha. I:emedie3 are prepared by
Weeks & Petter, Chemists and liruggLsts, 3t0
Washington street, Bosten, and are for Hale'by
all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes,
50 cents ; large boxes, containing two anil one
half fiuics the quantity et small, jl. Eeselvent,
$1 per bottle. Cuticiuti Seap, 25 cents per cake.;
by mail. 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents.
In the Annihilation et
Pain and Iullaiiimatien.
""ircTRlftm the Vitalization of
JAU.Biu .., k Pamlvzeil. -ini!
Pi TCflS Painful Nervous Parts
l 1 and Organs, in the Cur
ing of Chronic Weakness of tiie Lungs, Heart,
ami Kidneys, in the Absorption of Poisons
from the Bleed through the Peres, and the Pre
vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints,
Malarial and Contagious I)iscac, they are
wonderful. Get tbe genuine.
-. .-I fs
. JKS.