j. iw ;' 1 ANClaiifill llLY IOTEtitIOENm, WMt)NESI)AT, MARCH 31. 1880. s -. DELUSIONS." An Interesttnc Lectara by Bt. , D. U. GeU- lDer." Rev. D. H. Gttissinifer.late of Lancaster, new of New Yerk ciqt, delivered bis lec ture en "Delusions," in the lecture room of Grace church last evening, the entertain ment being given under the auspices of the Yeung Men's society connected with the church. A geed audience was present te hear the lecture, which was the first in a course of three discourses te be given at the same place and under the same direction. The next lecture in course will be by Rev. Dr. Greenwald en "The River and Region of Jerdan," and the third, and last will be delivered by the pastor of Grace church, Rev. C. E. Houpt, en "Sound." Before and after the lecture last evening Miss Leila Bear, of the Mozart quartet, sang with admirable voice two very beautiful soles. Following is an abstract of Mr. Geissinger's interest ing and instructive description of the de lusive whims and superstitions that have filled and are filling men's minds : Things are net always what they seem. The world is full of delusions, cither be cause we think that things are always what they seem te be, or because we try vainly te discover the hidden secrets of the natural aud supernatural around us. Fer instance, the ancients supposed the rising ana setting sun was moving around the cartli ; that the stars were mere points of light ; that the world was flat. Dante placed purgatory in the ether side of the world te him, which would be where we new live. Se, tee, Columbus, when he discovered America, supposed he had reached the East Indies. Indeed, a geed definition of all science would seem te be "that which is true te-day and a lie te-morrow." Incredible delusions have fallen te the let of men in every agCj simply because they sought te penetrate the mysteries of the spiritual weild. One great delusion is alchemy, a strange name te the masses new. It is the science of changing the nature of one substance into that of another. There were believed te exist two substances a metallic earth and "sulphur," containing pure geld when combined. AH substances contain these. Separate all ethers out from these and we have pure geld. One substance was the grand elixir vita;, a red liquid. If this fell upon any metallic substance, it changed the substance into geld. The same wonderful elixir could, if used in smaller quantities, cure any disease. Anether substance was the philosopher's stone of the second de gree, whose use turned baser metals into silver. After giving a long list of names of the alchemists of ancient times, together with somewhat of their history, hew that even the most noted kings were patrons of this science, and relating many quaint and curious anecdotes and ridiculous recipes of alchemists, the lecturer proceed ed te the delusion called "astrology." The science of prognostication, of pen etrating the darkuess of futurity. Stars, it was presumed, watch ever, and typify by their conjunction the joys ami sorrows of humanity. Geed Queen Bess aud all the English rulers down te William and Mary trusted te prognostics. Cromwell patronized them. Leuis XI., King of France and Catharine de Medici most superstitiously believed in them. The mode of castinir a horoscope was described, and the drawing by a map of all the stars visible one degree above the horizon. Astrology disappeared, however, with the advent of the Coperni Ceperni can system of the worlds, leaving us vestiges in the medical sign Rx and the fearfully maltreated man en the first page of the almanac. " Divination " next came in for a share of consideration It referred te all omens, signs, and arts of interpret ing dreams. Hew often de foolish signs insensibly sway the feelings! "What a dread of Friday exists te this day ! Four days unlucky for marriage were spoken of. But if we regard these things at all, we should leek upon all signs as geed signs, all bad signs as evidences of lack of skill. The great "witch-mania," a subject of common credence for 250 years, was also portrayed. The sen tence "ennzicta et cembusta" (found guilty and burned) was often passed against peer, old, inoffensive persons. As many as 500 a year weie burned in many places. Popes hurled their anathemas against them, aud papal nmippniiiii.-i ..a4- 4Vlalla "!, 1, . Cflillrinif discovering and destroying their victims with relentless ferocity, for whom the mere charge amounted te conviction and death. The intensity of affairs was heightened by the fact that many of these peer wretches, when put upon the rack, would actually confess that they were witches, or at least through fright imagined that they were such. Iu the ex tent of the terrific enormities thus prac tised, the history of our American " Salem witchcraft," in which nineteen persons and une deg were hanged, sinks into utter in significance, and yet it was a part of the same spirit of superstition that possessed the minds of almost every one in these days. And we have new vestiges of the things the horse shoe, the broom stick, haunted houses, and the like, the latter usually the work of living rogues. Anether delusion briefly alluded te was magnetism, mineral and animal, in which the lectured showed the source and progress of mesmerism. In conclusion the lecturer touched upon financial delusions such as the Mississippi scheme, and pointed out hew in stock speculations there is a tendency te set false values, and te held appear ances as realities. But geed h as come out of these delusions. Frem darkness we arise te light. Chemistry has come out of Alchemy, Astrology has given us astron omy, the queen of scieuccs, and divination has yielded place te the true revelation of Ged. Reading Railroad Official. About neon te-day, the dummy engine "Transit" passed south through this city ever the Quarryville railroad. It had en beard J. Lewrio Bell, general freight agent of the Reading company, William Lerenz, chief engineer, and several ethers. The car stepped at the Stevens house; depot for a short time, where Maj. It. AV. Shcnk was taken en beard. It then started towards Quarryville and the party dined with David Bair at Iless's station and took a leek nt the ero mines in that vicinity. Corener's Inquest. The coroner's inquest ou the body of Isaac Knight, who was killed en the cars at Columbia, en Saturday night, was con concluded this afternoon at the coroner's office in the court house. The jury found that the man died from injuries received by being struck by Columbia accommoda tion. The employees of the railroad were xeneraUd from all blame. APklLFIKST. Menty Plenty and Trade Quiet. Te-morrow will be the First of April, the day in the year which in this aity and county has from time immemorial been fixed en as annual settling day. Fer some years past innovations have been making in the custom, and owing te the great in convenience resulting te everybody where everybody wants te be waited upon at the same time, the mere prudent portion of the business community, who have bank or store accounts te settle, at tend te them a few days before the first of April, thus avoiding the crush and an noy ney ance always incident upon a crowd. Thus far this year everybody appears te be happy and nobody greatly hurried. The banks have millions te lend en geed security, but the borrowers are few. Where 10,000 was wanted a few years age there is net $1,000 wanted new. Man ufactures are prospering, but need lit tle help from the banks ; and if trades trades people are net doing business with a rush, most of them are en a geed financial basis and are net troubled with bills payable. Mechanics aud laborers who are willing te work can get it at remunerative wages, and taking one consideration with another our geed old city and county occupy an enviable position. There is no doubt that the generally 1 geed crops of last year, and especially the immense tobacco crop of this county, al most all of which has been turned into cash which is new in the hands of our farmers and traders, must be credited with helping te bring about the geed times and easy money market with which our community is favored. There will of course be a great crowd in te-morrow, but no trouble in money mat ters is apprehended. OUITUAUY. Death of Ellas Keiirer. Elias Rohrer, for many years a tipstave in our county ceuit, uieu this morning about 11 o'clock at his residence, Ne. 131 East King street, after an illness of several weeks, the immediate cause of his death being dropsy and heart descase. Deceased was a son of Christian Rohrer, and was born in West Lampertcr township. His early life was spent mostly in that town ship, and the neighboring borough of Strasburg, where he was apprenticed te a Mr. Connelly and learned the hatting busi ness. He followed his trade for some years in Strasburg and also carried en the manufacture and sale of hats in this city, doing business en North Queen street, near Orange, in partnership with Jacob Hess. Returning te Strasburg he carried en business there for some time, and about 1849 was appointed postmaster, which po sition he held during Filinore's adminis tration. Removing again te Lancaster about a quarter of a century age, he was appointed by Judge Leng a tipstave of the courts, and held the position te the time of his death. Mr. Rohrer was an upright, intelligent and pleasant gentleman, an ingenious me chanic, capable of doing almost any kind of work, and was remarkable for his pains taking in all that he undertook. lie mar ried in early life, but his wife died some years age and left no children. Mr. Rohrer was a consistent and esteemed member of the Duke street Methodist Episcopal ciiurcn. ins iunerai will taKO place en Saturday next at 2 o'clock p. m. m Locals Iren, the Lewer End. Netwithktanding "the hard times" many new buildings aie being erected in Fulton township. Jehn Wright is putting up a residence near Miller's tanyard; Tem Jenes a new barn near Eldera ; David Deeverone near the old "Black Bear;" Rebert Clark a bam near Fulton Heuse ; Mrs. Grell a residence near Pcnn Hill ; Mrs. Harlan a residence near Arcadia; Timethy Haines, near Peach Bettem, is erecting a large tobacco house, and C. Bradley one at his residence, near Wake field. In Fairfield several persons are putting up large houses in which te store tobacco the coming season. The new county bridge across Peters' creek, near Peach Bettem, is completed, and is ready for inspection. We doubt very much as te whether the stone work is' a first-class job. Stone were abundant, and larger ones than havn been used iu the walls would have made it better fitted te resist the rapid current of the creek in times of heavy freshets. The report that the "Narrow Guage" was likely te go into the hands of ether parties, proves te be incorrect. There is a prospect that means will be found te ex tend the track down te both banks of the river during the present season. There will net be as many first of April changes in this end as there has been in former years. Marsh & Smedley, a firm that has form erly done a large business en the Peach Bettem railway,rcmeved from Oak Hill te Wakelicld. Mrs. Reynolds will net re move from Eldera station, but continue in the mercantile business for another year. It has been suggested that the colored fraternity at Arcadia station held a ' big talk" with C. Henry Haines, the father of the name Arcadia, and have him decide whether their church shall be named "Mt. Helly," "Ham Hellew," "Rigbey's Turkey's Roest " or "Arcadia." MEUTING OF WATER COMM1TTK. Resolution Relative te Water Works. At a meeting of the water committee of councils en Monday evening, Maj. R. W. Shenk introduced the following resolution, which was adopted : Bcselced. That the mayor be respectfully requested in his next annual message te councils te call their attention te the necessity of the removal of the water works from their present location te a .'point en the Conestoga beyond the' influence of the future necessary sew age of the city aud te the necessity of the enlargement and greater elevation of the present reservoir, in order te meet the in creasing demands of water for private business and public uses. The Centre Square Shew. In Mishler's building, Centre Square, there is a show which came te this city a few days age. It has an educated geese, which reads, calculates, &c, a Circassian lady, a Punch and Judy show, a magician who does tricks, and a let of large snakes. It also has the illusion known as the "living head without a body," which has been seen here with ether shows. Exhibi tions are given every half hour and the company will remain here for several days. In Town. Mr. Isaac B. Markey, of the Gutta Perchaand Rubber manufacturing com pany, of New Yerk, who recently received the contract for supplying the city with fire hose, is in Lancaster and is being shown around the town by Messrs. H. E. Slay maker and E. E. Snyder and ethers with whom he dined te-day at the Stevens house, whoreha is stepping. All persons who are in want of Carpets this season will find it te their interest te call and examine our Immense Stock before they purchase elsewhere. We take the pleasure of showing the Largest Stock of Carpets in the Newest Styles that we ever had, and we knew we are offering them in price lower than the same goods can be bought either in Philadelphia or New Yerk. These goods are all much higher in first hands, but having purchased largely before the rise we continue te sell them close te old prices. G&Please call and examine. GIVLEB, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Runaway. This morning aherse hitched te a wagon, and belonging te a country man named Levi Hess, slipped his bridle while stand stand en Duke street, near the court house. He ran as far as the Litiz pike where Zach weaver found him. There was nothing broken about the wagon but a spoke. View of Lancaster. The publisher, who contemplates publishing a view of the city and surroundings, has com pleted some elegant negatives of the city from the top et St. Jeseph's hospital and from the prison en the east, together with several views et the Square, streets, court house, prison, ic. The work will also contain separate views of the college, hospital, and many et our churches, factories, &c. Mr. Cerbin has con sulted prominent citizens, and finds that such a work will meet the general approval and patronage of our people, and he deserrcs suc cess, as the work will require several months labor by experienced artists. Sociable Thin Evening. This evening the Union association will give a sociable iu Unbcrts' hull, and a fine time is expected. Amusements. " Our JJej." On Tuesday evening next the Chestnut Street theatre company, of Philadel phia, will appear in the comedy of " Our Heys." The company is led by Miss Lillie Glever. It can almost be asserted that St. Jacob's Oil works wonders. Shortly before the Xew Year, when I visited my family in Mitchell, I found my son Edward, a lad little mere than ten years old, very siek. He suffered with Rheu matism, and se terribly that he was perfectly stillin his limbs, could net possibly walk, and had te be carried from place te place. At once I sent for seme St. Jacob's Oil, used it accord ing te directions, anil in a few days could sec evidence of considerable improvement. On the tenth of this month I again visited my family and was astonished te find him well and hearty. He ence mera has fresh color iu his face and ean go te school again. When ever the old trouble threatens te return, relief is immediately secured by the use of the cele brated St. Jacob's Oil. Frem sheer joy ever this result I cannot withheld recommending St. Jacob's Oil te suffering humanity as a true benefactor. Ciiarlks METZDenB1, Office of the Velksfrcund, German paper of Stratford, Ont. "Don't Werry Me with your complaints about your teeth," said an annoyed father te his -'sweet sixtecner." "I told you te buy the SOZODOXT and use It, but you didn't and you deserve te suffer." And se she did, and all ether sweet sixtccners who net like her m29-lwdeed&w SPECIAL NOTICES. A Democrat Cured. A leading Democrat of liurlingten, Mr. E. M. Sutten, speaks in the highest terms et the curative power of the celebrated Kidney Kidney Wert. It first cured him of a distressing Kid ney disease, and he new uses it whenever he has any bymptems of biliousness or needs ton ing up. It acts efficiently en the bowels, and euros the worst cases of pile. m2!)-lwd&w Sere eyes, tetter, salt rheum, &c, arc cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Meed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Kidney-Wet t in het weather sustains the system and keeps up the strength. m29-lwdiw A Geed Housewife. The geed housewife, when she i giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need oleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest und best of medicines. See ether column. m!5-2wdAw Pure Spiccsat Lecher's Drug Stere. Frem Hen. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Memdkh, or Lkeislture, Nkw Yerk Stjltb. Alexandria. Bat, Jan. 3, 1SS0. If. IT. Warner fc Ce. : Gests: 1 have been troubled with kidney difficulty for the last three years, and in Octo ber last had a very severe attack. I then com menced taking your Sate Kidney und Liver Cure and obtained relief at once. I have used two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall always ke n a supply of Warner's Safe Kidney and L.TM Cure in the house. Yours truly, A. COUNWALL. Threat Diseases Often commence with a Celd, Cough, or unusual exertion et the voice. These incipient symptoms are allayed by the use of " Brown's Bronchial Troches" which if neglected often result in a chronic trouble of the Threat. ni30-lwdTThS&w Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. fjl7-lyd&wM.W&S Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their Ignorance? Happy homes and smiling faces are invari ably the result et wise parents constantly keeping "Sellers' Cough Syrup" en hand. Price 25 cents. Try Lecher's Cough Svrup. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. JtEXTHS. Bergeic In tins city. Christian Berger, in the 70th year et his age. The relatives and lricnds arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of his son-in-law, Ne. 65 North Queen street, en Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2t NEW ADVERTISE 3IEXTS. IjUKK, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HEUU & STAUFFER. heat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3mdUeed INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE ItKST COMPANlESat BAUSMAN BURNS-, 99-tftedB Offlea : Ne, 10 Wast Orange 8t itttr otte us. NOTICE! NOTICE!- NOTICE! -:e:- Vlf ADVEIITISEXENTS. J. B. MARTIN & CO. VfB OPEX TO-DAT A.K ELEGAXT LIXE OF SILK AM WOOL NOVELTIES, FOR TRIMMINGS AND SUITINGS. Sl'LEXDID TRIMMING SILKS AND SATINS, BLACK SILKS AND FAXCY SILKS. BLACK AXD COLORED CASHMERES, XEW SPRING STYLES OF MADRAS AND CANTON GINGHAMS. lew Spring Hosiery. lew Spring Hosiery. aWc raapcctfully invite your attention. J. B. MARTIN & CO. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable jrradea of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE. Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold aslewas it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M 1 LOAN ON FIRST MORT GAGE ut BAUSMAX & BUUXS'S Insurance und Real Estate Office, Ne. le West Orange Street. lni'.GtdU TOST. j At neon te-dny an Embroidered Hand kerchief en King, Prince, Lime or Vine street. Tlie finder will be suitably rewarded by leav ing it at this office. ltd PUBLIC SALK. ON FRIDAY, Al'RIL 2, at the Franklin ;Heuse, this city, will be seiu one brown Herse, te the highest bidder. m30-4td SAM'L HESS, Auc't. F OR RENT. ' ,V neat Stere Roem. Ne. 21 Centre Snnnre. new used for Sewing Machine Office. Location geed. Possession April 1. Apply at S1IAUB & BKO.'S SHOE STOUE, ltd Ne. 4 East King Street, Lancaster. OPENED ! OPENED! OPENED ! A NLW HAT STOUE, A NEW HAT STORE, A NEW HAT STORE, SWARTZ & Ce., SWARTZ A Ce., SWARTZ & Ce., Ne. 30 EAST KING STREET. OUR STOCK IS REPLETE IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF HATS, CAPS AND GEXTS' FURNISHING GOODS. m31-2tdW4S OPECIAL NOTICE ! Te My Friends and the Public! The subscriber has taken possession of ninmnn', !li Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, Lately kept by "Bowery" Erisman, which will be refitted te suit the wants and accom modations of his friends througeuht the city and county, Jund respectfully requests their patronage und remembrance. HENRY EHRISMAN. March 31st, 1880. ltd STARTLING DISCLOSURE OF STUBBOJBX FACTS. Men's Wear et the most Radical and Con servative Styles. An Elegant Line of the most attractive, pop ular and Latest Productions ter Gentlemen's and Youths' Wear, In Coloring and Design exquisitely bcauti lul, Nevel and genteel. Its character for Chaste Style, Grandeur aad Excellence et Quality ranks Among The leading New Yerk and Philadelphia Houses. Having placed my order through a Londen Heuse Itarly last fall In order te secure exclusively J 'confined And Original Styles, I feel complimented and "De warded JX ment, riiste and X tiens. for Displaying Superior judg Skill in all my numerous selec - If any doubt arises in "regard te the veracity of our Statement, we cordially invite all te examine our Stock, 1V pronounce a just criticism and be con convinced. rnhankful for past encouragement and liber- Attendant upon our efforts, we hope te meet with an Increased patronage and favor, assuring al ways the Latest Novelties pertaining te a Complete Gentleman's Outfit, guaranteeing Artistic Taste, Skill and Talent in Response te any orders we may command from the public. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TOT LiHBIt' H STSVP. Mm i LIXE OF AM VSEMENTS ! rpUK SKNSATION OF THE SEASON. ' FULTON OPKKA HOUSE. FRIDAI EYENIJfG, APRIL 2, 1880. i Bdird's Famous and original M OBLEANS MINSTRELS. 8 Great End Men, 8 8 Challenge Cleg Dancers, 8 8 Star Seng and Dance Artists, 8 8 Superb Sole Singers, 8 8 Brilliant Banjo Players, 8 And the Bosten Brass Band and Operatic Orchestra. 2i Peerless Performers 24 In a New and Matchless Pregramme. Usual Popular Prices. Reserved Seats atOperalleuse Office. Brass Band Concerts at 12 and 7. Bear in mind this is the only original Baird's New Orlcan's'Minstrels. with the 4 "Great Eights." FRIDAY, APRIL 2. m29,30,314a2A3 TULTON OPERA HOUSE, RETURN VISIT! SATURDAY EVEMNU, APRIL 8, 1880. Mr. Jehn D. Mishler has the pleasure of pre senting the same Cassidy's Superior Dramatic Company In the Same Great Comedy, AH ARABIAN NIK Ne advance In Prices. ADMISSION. - - 35, SO and 73cU. 75cts. mar30-5td I RESERVED SEATS, Diagram at Yecker's. TJULTON HiTLL. TUESDAY EVENING, APBIL 6. Mr. JOHN D. MISHLER has the honor te present the excellent Chestnut Street Theatre Company, of Philadelphia, as produced by them 225 times, 11. J. Byren's brilliant comedy, entitled "OUR BOYS," which will be presented with every attention te detail and with New Scenery brought by the Ce. Positive Appearance et Miss Llllie Glever, Mrs. J. J. Prier. Miss Annie Fex, Miss Anna Dudley, Mr. Gee. H. Griffiths, Mr. Chas. Stan ley. Mr. Henry Lee, Mr. Ernest Bartram, Mr. w. H. Daly, Mr. J. S. Heffman, Mr. G. D. Errel. Mr. Mishler feels a pride in presenting this entertainment as one of the host and most brilliant of theseasen. NO ADTANCE IN PRICES. Gallery, - 35 Cts. Admission ...... se ' Reserved Seats at usual place, - - 75 m31-6tdj HOUSE FURNISHING HOODS. TVARGAINS. FLOT & BREI EMAN Are offering Greater Bargains than ever in TUN WARE, TABLEWARE AWD Heuse-Furnisliing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixtures at TERT LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN 162 North Quean Street, LAXCAITBR, PA. HIED EDITION WEDNESDAY EVE'O MABCH, 31, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 31. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states clear or partly cloudy weather, winds mostly northerly, station ary or higher temperature. OVER THE OCEAN. Prince Hohenleho's Departure Postponed. LeNDOX,Mar. 31 A despatch from Berlin te the Timet says that the departure from Paris of Prince Hohenlohe, the German ambassador, te undertake the new func tions of secretary of foreign affairs, has been postponed four weeks. A Distinguished Nobleman's Pretty Crimes. Copenhagen, March 31. The criminal court has sentenced Baren Gedelia, chief of the banking house of Gedelia & Ce., diplo matic agents of the Bey of Tunis, late con sul general te Portugal, and the possessor of a dozen grand cresses and ether decora tions, te one month's imprisonment for repeatedly using cancelled stamps en stocks and bills. Church and State In France. Londex, March 31. The religious asso ciations of France will probably contest in the courts the legality of the decrees of the government against unauthorized re ligieus societies en the ground that the laws they are based ou are obsolete. The Union(Count DeChamberd's organ), the Mende (the organ of the papal nuncio), and the Unitersel (Ultramontane) are greatly exasperated, and declare that Catholics will vigorously resist the enforce ment of the decrees. The Pays (M. Paul DeCassagnac's paper) says the decrees are only preliminary te the re-establishment of the guillotine for political adversasies, while the Ordre and the Liberte (also Benapartist) admit the legality of the decrees. CONGRESS. Kernan's Exhibition BUI Passed. Washington. March 31. In the Senate te-day the exhibition bill was taken up, read a third time and passed. Yeas, 26 : nays, 21. The bill introduced by Mr. Paddock te equalize homesteads by allowing locations in mere than one place where necessary te make up 1C0 acres, was passed. The morning hour expired and the im mediate deficiency bill was taken up. End of a Contested Election Case. In the Heuse, te-day, a bill was intro duced for the rcceinage of the half dollar The Heuse at 1:40 resumed con sideration of the contested election case of Bradley vs. Slemons from the Second dis trict of Arkansas. After a speech by Mr. Sawyer, of Missouri, in behalf of the con cen testee, the vote was taken en. the minority resolution reported by Mr. Weaver (Iowa), declaring the seat vacant, and it was defeated 30 te 152. The question then recurred en the majority resolution, declaring William F. Slemons, the centestce, entitled te the seat, and it was adopted by 141 te 21. Mr. Springer (III.), chairman of the committee en elections, desired te call up the Pennsylvania contested election case of Curtin vs. Yocum. Mr. Blackburn (Ky.) raised a question of consideration, and the Heuso having re fused te take up the contested election case, at 2:15 went into committce (Mr. Scales, of North Carolina, in the en the star service deficiency bill. chair) JAY COOKE'S ESTATE. Public Sale of the ox-MHllenalre's Property. Philadelphia, March 31. The public sale of the stocks, bends, Western lands and ether effects of the bankrupt estate of Jay Coeke & Ce. took place here te-day. There was no bid for Ogontz, Jay Coeke's former residence. One hundred and forty six lets of Western land, appraised at $115,8S0, were also offered without a bid being made. 'FRISCO'S ELECTION. The Citizens Carry the Day. San Francisce, March 31 9:55 a. m. Nearly complete returns of yesterday's election gave the Citizens' ticket a majority of six thousand. KEMBLE'S WHEREABOUTS. The Fugitive Snppesed te be In Atlantic City. Philadelphia, March 31. It is stated this afternoon that ex-State Treasurer Kemble is at Atlantic City, N. J., and that he will surrender himself in a few days. NEEDS OF NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. Ex-Governer Deraheliner Explaining the Presidential Chances In Hts State. Er-Governer Dersheimer, of New Yerk, arrived at the West End hotel, Philadel phia, from Washington late last evening, where he had been arguing a case in the supreme court. He looked tired, but con sented te say what he thought of the pos sible Democratic candidates who may carry the vote of New Yerk. "Any candidate who can concentrate the Democratic vote of New Yerk can carry the state beyond perad venture," he replied te the opening query. "Can Mr. Tilden de that ?" was asked. "Don't ask me about Mr. Tilden. I knew nothing about him and have net spoken with him for two years, " he re plied. "Where does Mr. Bayard's strength lie then?" " Simply in his senatorial record. That has been such as would necessarily attract te him the confidence of business men. " "Has he net cultivated a following through club influences? " "Net as far as I believe. The Man hattan club is by no means a unit iu his favor. That organization is mere social than political. " " Would Mr. Seymour concentrate the vote, or would he run even under the strongest pressure?" " Mr. Seymour, I believe, is in that po sition that no political ambition would tempt him. He is 70 years old and his highest desire is te exert an influence en national affairs without taking any office that would cause him te renounce his re tirement from active life. Yeu must ex cuse me from talking further, as I have no further information outside of the news papers and ever since I have been in Wash ington have talked politics only casually." The reporter accordingly left the ex governor te his bath. LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Kheads'8 Jewelry Stere, Ne. 4. W. King street, Lancaster, Pa, 3d fleer. This Institu tion affords superior advantages In acquiring a thorough and practical knowledge of Book keeping, Penmanship. Arithmetic, Grammar and Correspondence. Its aim Is te impart an education suited te the requirements of busl ness pursuits and training young men and boys by short and interesting methods In these things tliat will best tit them for a ready and successful start In life. Fer circulars and terms address . H. C. WEIDLEBPrlncipal. or. W. D. MttWEBTSeerrtaryT atisMwdAawi M4KKKTS. Philadelphia Market. Phuadslvhu, March 3L Fleur dull and lower; superfine S4 00050: extra O04 08; Ohie and Indiana family 96 2306 75 : Penn'a family 6 008 90; St. Leuis family as 00M 00M Minneseta family S5 75fi6 50 ; patent andhurh' grades 970008 00. Bye flour 4 75. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat dull and lower; Ne. 2 Western Bed ih0iak; ira. ue si 37 ; Ameer si as. Cern quiet ; steamer 03c; yellow 55fi35Vc : mixed 54c n Oats unsettled and lower; Ne. 1. 47fi48c: Ne. 2. 46)47c; Ne. 3, 43U)ie; Ne. mixed 430 43tc ttye dull ; Western and Pa. 88c. Previsions dull and quiet ; mess perk 112; beet bams 917 0017 50; India mess beef 91901950; bacon smoked shoulders 505!c ; salt de 4; smoked hams 9)01Oc; pickled hams 80 Kc. Lard qniet; city kettle ;07Kc; loose butchers 6i07c ; prime steam 70c. Butter strong ; geed demand ; creamery extra 36037c: Bradford county aud New Yerk extra new 32034c : de fall 38030c : Western reserve extra at 29031c ; de geed te choice 23028c ; Rolls firm: Penn'a extra 24023c; Western reserve extra 25027c. Eggs steady; Penn'a 13c; Western 12Jc. Cheese firm with light supply ; New Yerk factory 14014c : Western tull cream 140 14c ; de ler geed 130!3 ; de halt-skims Petroleum dull ; Keflned TKc Whisky at 9108. Seeds dull: geed te prime cleverseed 96 00t$ 6 2T: de tlnrbthy$3OO031O; de flaxseed 9170 New Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. March 3L Fleur-State and West ern steady ; superfine state 9TJ5O05 00 ; extra de 93 0005 40 ; choice de 95 : fancy de 96100700: round hoop Ohie 95t05SO: choice de 96 0007 50; superfine western 94 6503 00 ; common te geed extra de 95 0005 50 ; choice dodo 93 5508 00; choice white wheat de 93 830 6 50; Southern dull and heavy; common te fair extra 3 5006 10; geed te choice de 96 13 07 50. Wheat Spring quiet and firm ; Winter kQlc better; Ne. 2:Northwest May 91 28K; Ne. 1 White May91 31K01 33; Ne. 2 Ued, April, 91 38 01 38 ; de May. 91 3701 37 ; de J une 91 35. Cern a shade stronger and quiet; Mixed Western spot 52053c ; de future 4S52c Oats c better, including Ne. 2 April, 30ic; Mute 39044c; Western 38j)43Kc. The Western Grain Market. Chicago, March 29. Fleur nominally un changed. Wheat unsettled und generally lower; Ne. 2 red winter, 91 16M; Ne. 2 Chicago spring. 91 14i for cash and Aurll : 91 15Ji for Cern in fair de regular 33Wc ter casn unu -ipru ; mc ier aiay; siyc ler June. Oats dull and lower; fresh 2!c; regular 27c for cash and April : 30c for May. Kye steady and unchanged. Barley easier, at 74075c. Perk strong and higher; 910 80 ter cash and April; $10 95 for May. Lard unsettled and generally higher: 97 02& for cash and April; 97 12K for May. Bulk meats strong and higher; shoul ders 9413; short ribs 96 55; short clear 96 80. Eggs 8W9c. Whisky unchanged. Timethy dull and lower at 92200260. Flaxseed steady at 91 3001 55. Receipts Fleur 10.000 bbls.; wheat, 49.000 bush.; corn, 219,0u0 bush.; eats, 43,000 de.: rye, 4,400 de.; barley, 13,000 de. Ship ments Fleur, 12,000 bbls.; wheat, 15,000 bush -corn, 226,000 de.; eats, 51,000 de.; rye, 3,800 de.; barley, 7,000 de. At the close wheat was easier and c lower. Cern easier and a lower. Oats dull, weak and c lower. Perk dell and 10c lower. Lard easier and 25c lower. . . . . : - mi ...S . . - Chicago Lire Stock Market. Chicago, March 29. The Drever!? Journal re re eorts: Ueg.s Keceipts 11,000 head ; shipments 5,000 de.; all grades stronger, firm ifnil Mi 10c higher ; mixed packing 94 3504 55 ; light chletir at $4 500 153, some common te medium 91300 4 40; choice heavy 910004 80; inurkct active und all sold; quality peer. Cattle Receipts 3,000 head ; shipments 2,000 de.; prices higher; geed strong te common steady. Shipping, feed te choice, 93 0005 75; common te geed, 1000480; butchers' strong but unchanged; cows 92 0004 20; bulls 92 20W3 40 ; steers S3 00 3 20; stockers steady, 93 000390. Sheep Re ceipts 500 head ; shipments 540 de.; prices net quotably lower, at $5 0006 50. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Mar. 31. 1230 p.m. Stocks steady. Pcnna 6's (third issue) 106 Philadelphia A Erie 1VA Reading 34Ji Pennsylvania h'ly Lehigh Valley. hVB United Ces. et N. J 158W Northern Pacific 31'X " Preferred 53J? Northern Central 33 Lehigh Navigatleu 37 Norristown 101 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts., Titnsville St Buffalo. 19 Little Schuylkill 53 Nkw lini. Mar. 31. Stocks strong. Meney 8 N. Y. Central 136 Adams Express Ill Michigan Central 92 Michigan Southern 108 Illinois Central lGOJ Cleveland A Pittsburgh. ...110 Chicago ft Uecklsland. 188 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne. .118 Western union Tel. Ce 105 Teledo & Wabash 44 tiew Jersev Central 5JJ m United States Bends and Sterling Exchange (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PniLADaxrniA, Mar. 31. United States 6's, 1881, (registered). .lO501O5Ji United States 5's, 1881, (registered).. lO3H01O3Jf, United States 4's, 1891, (registcred)108l08W United States 4's, 1891, (coupons)... 1082B108 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .IO6j;01O United States Currency 6's 125 Sterling Exchange 4830488 Wanted. txtanted. enerybedy te adver- T T ttsc, free of charge, In the Iirnuxionr Iirnuxienr cbb, who wants something te de. WANTED HOUSEWORK OF ANY kind, by the day. Apply at 346 EAST FULTON STREET. ltd WANTED A YOUNG MAN WANTS A situation te attend Horses. Can de any kind of work. Apply at the BLACK HORSE HOTEL, North Queen street. ltd ANTED FAMILIES tiF JEAN, DOE. skin and Cottonade Weavers. Wages paid In cash every week. New looms just starting. Addiess CALCUTTA 31 ILLS. Adams and Pine Sts., Frankford, Phila. ni2J-lu d WANTED ONE OR TWO CAR LOADS of Manure. Address, D. E. SHIMP, m27-lwd Munheim, Lancaster Ce. Pa. WANTED A GOOD STOUT ROY AT Norbeck ft Miley's Carriage Shep, corner et Duke and Vine streets. m30-2td MISCELZANEO US. MR. JAMES C. IRYIN. OF LANCASTER county. Pa., has this day ceased te act as enr agent. We will therefore net be responsi ble for any transactions entered into by him for our account. EMANUEL HOFFMAN ft SON, 149 Water Street, New Yerk, Packers of Leaf Tobacco. March 19, 18SG. m20-lwd PROPOSALS Will be received at the Mayer's Office, up te THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1880, at 4 p. m., for as much Hard Pea Ceal, Ne. 1. size, as may be re quired at the City Water Works npteJulyl 1880. The coal te be thoroughly screened and of geed quality : If net. It will have te be taken back at the expenseet the party furnishing the same. JNO. T. MacGONIULE, m30-2td Mayer. G C. HAMILTON St CO., NEW YORK, SEED LEAF TOBACCO INSPECTORS, have established a branch office at 153 North Queen street, Lancaster, and have appointed HENRY R. TROST as their agent. All orders left with him will' be preaaptly attended te. m30 3td CHARTER NOTICE. Netice Is hereby given that application will be made te the Court of Common Pleas et Lancaster county, en MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a charter te Incor porate "The Sacred Heart Academy el Lancas ter, Pennsylvania." The object of the pro posed corporation Is the Instruction of young ladles In a thorough academical course of edu cation. GEORGK NAU3IAN, m23-3tdew Solicitor for the Applicants. c HARLES MACKINSON'S NEW MARBLE WORKS, 38 CONESTOGA STREET, One Square West of Seuth Queen street, oepo- slte Ne. 3 Cotten M1U. Monuments, Tombs, Statuary, Vases, Head stones, Marble and Slate Mantels. Cemetery .LiOWiactoMe, . Alse, oiuwerx ciean ea an u repaired. Call aad aaearUda terms before ordering iMwhen. narZMwd ' m fv.'J ilaTl h. ! IS I 4. I i I -& j .? vi t .3