.Vj. j'"". '--'-;.- ....sy.rrviv - "r "?. I",' . " " - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, MARCH 29. 1880. sented the cane, which was purchased from Aug. Rhoads, te Mr. DeHaven in a neat little speech en behalf of the donors, which, was responded te by Mr. Dellaven. The employees were all taken te Jehn C. Spaeth's dining rooms immediately after the presentation by Mr. DeHaven and were nicely entertained. On Saturday evening "Bebby" Kuhns, feieman of Bitncr & Zeek's tobacco ware house, was presented with a silver watch and chain by the employees of the ware house, at William Ileum's saloon en "West Kitigbticet. A pleasant time was had by all mescnt. Tii. linn;ean. Tribute of Hb Member te the Late Jacob Sstautler. The Linnaian society met in the hall of the Yeung Men's Christian association en Saturday last.Prcsident Stahr in the chair. Dr. S. S. Rathven moved that the routine of business be dispcused with in order te allow an opportunity te efTcr the following testimonial of respect te the memory of their late departed fellow member, which was adopted, and Dr. Rathven spoke as fellows : Mu. PiiKSiiiKNT : Mine becomes the sorrowful duty te-day of announcing offi effi ciallv te the Linmean society the death of Jacob Stauflcr, our distinguished fellow fellew nicmbcr and honored secretary. He died at his late residence. en East Orange street, Lancaster city, en Monday evening, March 22, about 8 o'clock, in the seventy-second year of his age. Naturally possessing a reasonably strong constitution, yet he had been for se many years alllicted with chronic bronchial inflammation and spasmodic coughing, that these near est, dearest, and most intimately associ ated with him, must have noticed the in in leads which these exhausting afflictions weie making upon his physical health, and that they must have ultimately terminated in death. But new that through the jiermhuien of Divine Providence he has been lemeved from this earthly stage, his removal seems sudden; and, under the impulses of natural atl'ectien and affilia tion, we cannot but lament his "taking oil'," however humbly we may endeavor te yield a Chiistian resignation te the will and wisdom of Him who has seen fit te call him te a higher sphere of being. Mr. Stauflcr was one of the original founders of the Linnaean society, in Feb ruary, 1802, and of its incorporators in 18fi4. Fer eighteen consecutive years he faithfully served as its recording secretary, chairman of the committees en icthiolegy and hcrpctolegy, and also as associate member or ether committees, especially that of botany In all the duties relating te these several functions he was an indus trious, cheerful and efficient worker; often manifesting a disinterested aud youthful zeal, and nothing seemed te limit his ef forts save physical disability. In the spe cialties of icthiolegy and ophidielogy his less te this society is irreparable. Our departed friend enjoyed a literary and sci entific reputation that was net confined te the limits of this association, extending, as it did, beyond the borders of our county and our state, and the records of these labors of love may be found upon the pages of many of the publications of our country. We confine our estimate of his character en this occasion, however, mainly te his relations te the Linnajan society an organization for which he always manifested the deepest interest, not withstanding the many discouragements by which it has been surrounded ; and dur ing his long connection with it he was seldom absent from his pest of duty. Te him who bears this imperfect testimony who had known him se intimately and se long he seemed like "another self;" and thc'miiferm and practical kindness which he always exhibited, his fraternal sympa thies, his purity or life, and the general integrity or his private character, were such as te elicit the highest esteem. He was always ready by purse or pen te advance the cause or literature and science, net forgetting his duties as a Christian and a father; and from this standpoint, looking ever his eaiccr as a member of the the Linusean society its early scientific excursions, its field meet ings, its spring and summer explorations, in'which be was a conspicieus figure we only irriatate our unhealed wounds or regret that en this earth we shall see him " neveimere." or course Mr. Stauflcr was lk.ble te these frailities which arc common te the very best specimens of humanity, and none were mere sensible of this than himself. His physical energies were never quite able te ultimate the aspirations of his will or te free him from tiie limitations of cir cumstance. Had he possessed less versatility of talent he probably might have been enabled te accomplish meie in any specific direction, but like all vetaiics of science who are compelled te "eat their bread by the sweat of their face," he could only avail himself of the means which he found within his l each; moreover, differently endowed, he would net have been able te satisfy the gieat diversity of demands al most constantly made upon his time and talents. He was constantly at work in many directions, and literally "died in harness." Less than five hours before his spirit fled an article appeared in the col umns of the Lancaster Intelligencer en a new fish discovered in the Susquehanna river, which, there is reason te believe, was written en the baturday preceding the day en which he died, in which no abatement or his usual mental vigor is apparent. Perhaps it could net be truthfully said that Mr. StauiTer never had an enemy ; in deed, there are these, whose opinions are entitled te the highest respect, who allege that it may be nothing te a man's credit te pass through an active life in this world without exciting the enmity of tome one ; especially since the highest moral and spiritual exemplar ever vouchsafed te the human family was net without His enemies, and these, tee, of the most bitter and malignant character And this need net be at all surprising when we reflect that the "carnal mind" itself is always at enmity with everything that is geed and true. According te his own apprehension of his characteristic traits, he inherited a sanguine temperament, and fully an average share of combativeness. But dur ing his maturcr years the impulses con trolling these faculties were happily held in subordination te his moral and religious sentiments; hence, all who truly knew him and could appreciate his motives, it may be safe te say, were numbered among his friends. He was just and generous, aud weuld'have suffered himself rather than te have imposed suffering en another, and if he erred in the exercise of these, that error leaned towards humanity. His church has berne its testimony in relation te his character as a Christian ; the community has spoken in reference te his status as a fellow citizen, and his scien tific labors have long been recognized and recorded. His philosophical deductions were always antagonistic te these speculations which, under the name of progress, leaned toward infidelity, or militated against the authenticity of Scripture and man's moral accountability. We pass no empty compli ment te his worth when we say it will be a long time before we shall leek upon his like again ; for there is net a place made vacant by his removal that will net almost irretrievably miss him. Believing these sentiments te be in entire accord with the sentiment of the society, they are sub mitted as a humble tribute te the mom mem mom ery of a faithful aud self-sacrificing fellow member, and a manifestation of sympathy and condolence with his bereaved family, the community, and our association, in the great less which we all have sustained. Therefore. Eetelted, That this tribute be filed in the acheives of the society ; that all further business te-day be suspended ; that committees be continued, and that out of respect te the memory of our de parted fellow member, we de new adjourn until the next stated meeting. Unanimously adopted and ordered te be printed. Remarks were also made by Dr. J. H. Dubbs and Rev. Prof. Stahr. BURGLARY ASDItOBBEBY. An OldCeuple Kebbed of 9117. Last night about midnight a burglar broke into the residence of Christian Smith, at West Willow, and stele therefrem $117 in cash. Mr. Smith, who is about 80 years of age, sleeps upstairs, and his wife, a" most as old, sleeps down stairs, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Isaac Smith, who lives near by, is in the habit of sleeping with the old lady. Last night Mrs. Isaac Smith was awakened by the noise made by the burglar, but think ing it was old Mr. Smith, she went up te his room te see what he wanted. Then she discovered that the noise came from a down stairs room adjoining the one she had just left. She notified the old gentle man of her suspicions that thieves were in the house, but he was tee feeble te at tempt te interfere with them. Mrs. Isaac Smith then blew the dinner-horn, and Jacob Kreider, a neighbor, seen came te their assistance. But the thief had es caped and an. investigation of the premises showed that he had taken all the raeneyT Mr. Smith received the money en Saturday and it is believed the thief is someone who was aware of the fact. A Fearful Fall. About 10 o'clock this morning Rev. Je Je eome Lindcmuth, pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church, made a very narrow escape from death. Repairs aie being made at the church, and the carpenters have tern away the banisters protecting the stairway leading from the vestibule of the basement te the vestibule of the church proper. Mr. Luidemuth was standing in the upper vestibule, aud forgetting for a moment that the railing had been re moved, he stepped backward aud plunged headlong te the fleer below, striking heav ily upon the lower step of the stairway, be tween the wall and the newel pest. In his descent his clothing caught in some of the spikes which held the railing before it was removed and tore his coat into shreds. Te this circumstance, perhaps, Rev. Lindo Linde muth ewes his comparative safety from injury ; for it would appear te be almost impossible for as heavy a man as he is te suffer se fearful a fall and cscape without having any bones broken. He is badly bruised, hewever, and complains of pain in his arm and side. Sale of Stocks. Samuel Hess & Sen sold at the Cooper house this afternoon : Ten shares of Lancaster County national bank stock, te Jacob Bachman at $90 per share. Nine shares of same te Jehn S. Landis at $93.95 per share. Ten shares of Farmers' national bank stock, te Geerge Schlott at $93 per share. Nineteen shares efsa-ie te H. II. Tshu dy at $93 per share. Ten shares of Strasburg national bank stock te E. E. Mussclman at $127.73 per share. Eighteen shares of same te Jacob M Frantz, at $127.30 per share. Twe $1,000 Lancaster city lean bends te Jacob Bausman at $102.93 per $100. Ten shares of Bridgepeit turnpike stock te at $13 per share. Twe shares of Big Spring and Beaver Valley turnpike stock, te Tobias Landis, at $8.05 per share. Twe shares of New Helland and Waynesburg railroad stock te Antheny E. Rebeits, at $4 per share. Democratic County Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Democratic county committee this morning was one of the most largely attended that has ever been held and the best of geed feeling prevailed throughout its proceedings. After some discussion it was resolved almost unani mously te held the district and county conventions in this city en Wednesday, April 14, at 10 a. m.. te elect delegates te the state convention and nominate a county ticket, except the candidate for As sembly in the city district, who is te be chosen under the rules of the city Democ racy. Almest Suffocated. On Friday night the family of Dr. M. K. Bewers, of Springville, made a nar row escape from suffocation by coal gas. The key in the "Tipc of the parlor heater had been turned se that the gas could net escape by the chimney, and it was thus forced back into the parlor, and ascended te the sleeping apartments above, almost asphyxiating the the family before it was discovered. Dr. A. M. Hicstand was called and under his treatment the family arc new pretty well recovered. Thievery. Last night the residence of Jno. Snyder, esq., residing at the cast end of Mount Jey, was entered by some person or per sons, and a number of articles, consisting of a coat, pair of shoes, papers, etc., stolen therefrem. A number of plated spoons were bent considerably, but evidently did net prove acceptable, as none of them were taken. The entrance was effected by heisting a kitchen window. Case Dismissed. The complaint of malicious mischief made against A.Rcissman, tobacco packer, by James Cellins, who hargcd Mr. Reiss man with wetting Mr. Cellins's tobacco se as te hurt the sale of it, was heard before Alderman Spurrier this afternoon, and dis missed, there being net a particle of evi dence against Mr. Reissman. Going West. C. Frank Hartmyer, of this city, has ac cepted an appointment as traveling agent of the well known house of Aschenbach & Miller, wholesale druggists and dealers in bakers' and confectioner's supplies, Phila delphia. Mr. Hartmyer will leave for the West in a few days, and his tour will take in the states of Ohie, Indiana, Illinois, and perhaps Missouri and Kansas. Keinstated. We understand that Dr. Levergood, chairman of the visiting committee of the northwest division of the school district, is issuing permits restoring te their seats the pupils recently suspended for miscon duct, they having complied with the con ditions required by the beard. A TOSAPFOIN rMKNT. Ne Balloon Ascension Te-Day . A great crowd of men and boys gathered in Centre square this afternoeon in expec tation of seeing the ascension of Prof Lippett's big paper balloon, but the weather was se windy that the ascension could net be made. Mayer's Court. This morning the mayor discharged three bifms and two drunks. Twe mere drunks, one of whom was a woman named Kate Wilsen, who was making a great deal of noise en East King street when arrested by Officer Fulmer, were sent te jail for 30 days each, and another get 13 days in the same institution. Struck by an Engine. Jehn Markley, a boy, was struck by a freight train at Woodbine station, below Downingtown, en the Pennsylvania rail road, this morning. He was badly cut about the head and had his left side hurt. At his own request he was taken te a hos pital in Philadelphia. Committed. This morning Alderman McConemy committed Lewis Powell te prison for 30 days for drunken and disorderly conduct. Postal Appointments. Jehu H. Bair has been appointed post master at Camargo, this county, and L. Themas Jenkins at Oak Hill. "The New Yerk Stere." Watt, Shand & Ce., having removed from Ne. 22 te Ne. 10 East King street, have new one of the largest and finest bus iness houses in the city. Their store is 110 feet in depth by 26 feet in width, with lefty ceilings, free ventilation and admira ble light. Leng counters extending from the front te the rear of the store, plate-glass show cases and hundreds of yards or shelving are literally piled with dry goods of almost every imaginable va riety, from the costly silks and satins down te the plainer but mere useful do mestics from the finest bread-cloths te toughest homespun. Their largely in creased space enables them te show te much greater advantage their immense and well-asserted stock of dress goods and domestics, and with much greater convenience and satisfaction te the customers as well as the salesman. Of hosiery, gents' furnishing goods, ribbons, laces, and fancy articles, their seems no end, while the stock of shirtings, sheeting, tickings, quilts, blankets, etc., is immonse. The success which has attended the "New Yerk store " as managed by Messrs. Watt, Shand & Ce., is a striking example of what cau be done by energetic, fair dealing busi ness men, awake te the wants of the pub lic and with shrewdness te liberally adver adver tise their wares. New Marble Yard. Charles Mackiiisen lias opened a new marble yard at Xe. 33 Conestoga street, where lie is pre pared te turn out Monuments, Tombs, Statu ary, Vases, Marble and Slate Muntles and everything in the marble line. Consult ad: vortisement elsewhere. New Coupe. Patrick Cherry, liveryman, has just received fiem Wcnger's coach works. Paradise, a neat one-horse coupe which he has put upon the street and will be used for hauling passengers through the city. The horse hitched te the coupe has a new set of harness and the team presents a fine appearance. Amusements. The Minslrelx Te-morrow Sirlit. Te-morrow evening the eiiginal Sew Orleans minstrels will appear in this city, and as there have been no minstrels heie since "away last fall " theie should be a big house. Welbyand Pcail, song and dance men, w he were last seen here with Harry Robinson, are members et this troupe. The instrument--, used by the band aie made of bullion geld and are said te have cost $11,000. Jiainl's Mi7iilrch.()i Friday, another min strel party, undertliemanagcincntl. W. Baird, which are also called New Orleans minstrels, will be here. This troupe has eight song and dance men, and the same number of deggish-, vocalists and end men. "The Illuminati." Mr. Cee. K. Goodwin, manager et the Walnut Street theatie, Phila delphia, write-, te lie v. A. It. Heme, at Allen town, that the new play of "The Illumiuati," with Mr. F. C. Bangs In the character of Jeseph lialxame, nightly ciewded that the atre te its utmost capacity and added te Mr. Bangs's reputation and popular ity. New and brilliant costume-, scenic and spectacular effects have been manufactured especially for the production et this play, which is a dramatization of the elder Dumas's historical novel of "Jeseph Balsamo." It will be produced in this city this evening. Mr. Bangs made a very favorable impression en his appearance in the early portion of the present season as fiaril Bruce, and the large houses he lias drawn in Philadelphia tkiough tkieugh tkiough eut the past week despite certain aiivcisc piess criticisms is a curious anomaly in dra matic experience. Gee. G. Ehfel, esq., Palestine. III.,- "I was in bed suffering from a swollen leg, and could net stand en my feet, when the St. Jacob's Oil I had ordered came te me. I used it, and its effect was wonderful. The following day 1 attended te my business again. "Don't Werry Me with your complaints about your teeth," said an annoyed father te his sweet sixteener." "I told you te buy the SOZODONT aud use it, but yeu'dldn't and you deserve te suffer." And se she did, and all ether sweet slxteeners who act like her m29-lwdeed w SPECIAL NOTICES. A Democrat Cured. A leading Democrat of Burlington, Mr. E. M. Sutten, speaks in the highest terms et the curative power of the celebrated Kidney Kidney Wert. It lirst cured him of a distressing Kid ney disease, and he new uses it whenever he has any kymptems of biliousness or needs ton ing up. It acts eilicicntly en the bowels, and cures the worst cases of piles. m29-lwd&w l'ure Splcesat Lecher's Drug Stere. Kidney-Wert In het weather sustains the system aud keeps up the strength. m29-lwd&w Frem lien. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Member, of Lkeislatuub, New Yerk State. Alexandria Bat, Jan. 3, 1SS0. H. H. Warner fc Ce. : Gests: 1 have been troubled with kidney difficulty for the last three years, and in Octo ber last had avcry severe attack. I then com menced taking yenr Sate Kidney and Liver Cure and obtained relief at once. I have used two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall always keep a supply of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curu in the house. Yours truly, A. CORNWALL. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? II se, go at once and getabettlc of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the ehlest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. rjl7-lyd&wM,W&S A Geed Housewife. The geed heusewite, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Sec ether column. ml5-2wd&w .VEir AliVEttTISEHEXTS. WA.TCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found In the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted accerding: te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVEBWAEE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in deaign and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold aslew as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS &-BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. " If you have scrofula, don't fail te use "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by all drug gists. Speer's Pert Wine. Is recemmemded by physicians above all ethers as a gentle stimulant, tonic aud diu retic It is something they can prescribe te patients with cenlidence, knowing they are using an article that i9 strictly pure, and pos sesses the highest medicinal virtues. Charles A. Secley, a skiltul chemist of New Yerk city, alter making a careful and thor ough analysis says: "1 have examined the wine with a view of determining the presence or absence of various injurious substances which arc contained in se-called Pert wines, such as logwebd, crude spirits, etc. I have net found any et these substances in Mr. Speer's wine, and it docs net contain anything but what is teund in pure Grape juice wine. This wine Is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. m2G-2tawdM&F&w Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. .'I gave the child a dose et 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup.' and it was all rightinan hour." Sold by druggists at S3 cents per bottle. Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Strange feepf De you knew that there are strange pee pie in our community, we say strange because they seem te prefer te suffer and pass their days miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed te enre them. Sold by I). Heit shu, Lancaster, and 31. L. Davis, Millcrsville. Five Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past tew months there have been mere than 500,000 bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases et Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value life, don't fail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest U'-c Shiloh's Pereus Plaster, bold by your drug gists, D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. We have a speedv and positive cure for Ca tarrh, Diphtheria, Cankcrmeuthand Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis. Mil lcrsville. acDttiS-ceddttw Try Lecher's Cough Svrup. UK ATM IS. Marks. In Mechanicsburg, this county, en the 2Sthinst., Geerge Marks, in the ulth year et his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectlully invited te attend the funeral trem his late residence, Mechanisbnrg, en Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Lan caster cemetery. 2t White. At Huntingdon, Match 27lh, 1SS0, Zeruali White, in the Sid year et Iter age. Funeral te take place te-morrow atternoen at ISO o'clock, irem P. It. It. depot. ltd Haumax. In this city, en Match 27th, lfcSO, Geerge Samuel, son et Ames L. and Anna Haiuian, aged 7 years, 3 months and Si days. The relatives and iriends et the family are rcspcctlully invited te attend tlictnncr.il from the residence el his parents. Ne. 13 North Maiy street, en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery. Kautz. In this city, en the 20th inst., Charles Kauti, in the Sid year el his age. Tlie relatives and friends of the family are respcctlully invited te attend the funeral trem the residence of his brother, James Kautz, Xe. 523 West King street, en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 2td xiw AiiwitTisj:7tii:xTi. TjMltK, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. IIEUIt A STAUFFER. Heat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3iniHeed INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE REST COMPANlKSat BAUSMAN A BURNS'. 29-tfcedli Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT GAGE at BAUSMAN A BURXS'S Insurance and Real Estate Ollicc, m25CtdIt Ne. 19 West Orange Street. T OST. JLi On Sunday evening, coming from Trinity Lutheran ehurali, a pair of GOLD SPECTA CLES. A suitable reward will be paid it re turned te JOHN COPLAND, ltd Ne. 125 North Queen Street. INSTATE OF MACDALENA ZIEGLEK, li deceased. The undersigned auditor, ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, Pa., te distribute the balance remain ing in the hands of Jacob L. Brubaker, administrator of Magdalena Zeigler, deceased, wife of Mathias Ziegler, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will attend for that purpose en FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1SS0, at the Library Roem et the court house, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in saiil distribution may attend. iniu-29 -luleaw SIMON P. EBV, Auditor. )ATENT EXTENSION Window Cornice. We take pleasure in offering te the public the only perlect EXTENSION WINDOW COR NICE ever manufactured. It is perfect, simple and handy te adjust. It can be regulated te lit any ordinary window by means of a thumb screw, and adjusted from ene feet te live leet two inches in width. They are made of Walnut Meulding and gotten up in geed style. SPEING STOCK WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES, In nil the Newest Styles. Windser Papers te Merchants at Lewest Wholesale Rates. PIER AM) MANTEL XHUtORS. -SIIADES AND PAPER HUNG. PHARES W. PRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. fcblO-lvd&w ri'RY LOCHER'S OOUttt SYRUP. SB LOCHER'S M9RSS AN CATTLS P0WP1MU. A 31 VSKHHXTS THULTON OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY ETEMG, MAKCII 30. The Monarchs of Minstrelsy. -J A FOURTEEN CONSECUTIVE 1 A 14 YEARS. 14 The Great, Originul and only Legitimate Tew Orleans Minstrels AND GOLD BULLION CORNET BAND. ADMISSION, - - 35, 50 and 75 CU. RESERVED SEAT8, - - - 75 Cts. Fer sale at the Opera Heuse Office. m 27-3t "FULTON Ol'EKA HOUSE. The Great Romantic Spectacular Drama in 5 Aits, the "ILLUMINATI," EASTER r.I0DAY, MABCH 29, 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasure et pcscnting the Distinguished Acter, F. C. BANGS, As JOSEPH B ALSAMO, supported by a Large and Talented Company et THIRTY-NINE PERSONS. XEW AND HANDSOME ARMORS, NEW COSTUMES AND BANNERS. NEW AND ORIGINAL MUSIC, NEW SCENERY. Complete in all its details, under the per senal supervision of Messrs. A. R. Vaullern and J. C. Frene. Notwithstanding the great expense no advance in prices. ADMISSION, RESERVED SEATS, Diagram at Yeekcr's. 35, SO & 75 Cts. - 75 Cts. m2.V4td rpilE SENSATION OF THE SEASON. FULTON OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 2, 1880. Baird's Famous and original 8 Great End Men, 8 8 Challenge Cleg Dancers, 8 8 Star Seng and Dance Artists, 8 8 Superb Sole Singers, 8 8 Brilliant Eanje Players, 8 And the Bosten Brass Band and Operatic Orchestra. 21 1-ccrless Performers 21 In a New and Matchless Pregramme. Usual Popular Prices. Reur ed .seats atOperalleu-e Ollicc. Brass Band Concerts at 12 and 7. J Sear in mind thK is the only original Baird's New Orlean's'MinitreR m ith the 4 "Great Eights." FRIDAY, APRIL 2. m29,30,:!i&a2A3 l'AXTt:il. 1T'anti:d. i:ni:kykedy te aiiver- "l ti-e, lice et charge, in the IxruLMOKii ckis, who wants something te de. A 7"ANTLI A SITUATION TO DRIVE nut laKeeareel linrse. Annlvnt ltd Xe. -liS STRAWBERRY STREET. WANTED FAMILIES F JEAN, IIOE skin and Cotlenadu Weavers. Wages paid in cash every week. New looms just starting. Address CALCUTTA MILLS. Adams and Pine St.-., Fiankfeid, Phila. m21-lud "V47ANTEI. 30 GOOD CIOAKMAKEKS. Y Married men preferred. Werk steady all year round. Piiee irem $i te $7 per thou sand. Apply te BARON & CO., X. E. Cor. Cheapside and Lembard street. ni2C-.ltd Baltimore, Mil "lirANTEU ONE OK TWO CAIC LOADS et Manure. Address, D. E. SHIMP, m27-l ml Manhcim, Lancaster Ce. Pa. WANTED. SITUATION WANTED MY A young man w he is willing te make him selt generally useful. Has had some experience as la tobacco nsertcr. Speaks English and German. Retcrenee given. Inquire at this office. ltd MIS CELZAXXO US. c. C. HAMILTON & CO., NEW YORK. SEED LEAF TOBACCO PACKERS, haTe established a branch office at 153 North Queen street, Lancaster, and have appointed HENRY R. TROST as their agent. All orders left with him will be promptly attended te. m27-3td -1UAKLES MACKINSON'S NEW GARBLE WORKS, 38 CONESTOGA STREET, One Squaie West of Seuth Queen street, oepo- sile Ne. 3 Cotten Mill. Monuments, Tomb. Statuary, Vases, Head stones, Marble and Slate Mantels. Cemetery Lets inclesed, etc. Alse, old work cleaned and repaired. & Call and ascertain terms before ordering elsewhere. mar27-lwd TEKVOUS DEBILITY. 1 Te Nervous Sutrerers The Great Eure- Sean Remedy Dr. J. IS. Simpsen's Specific edicine. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impotency, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains In Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specitic, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. II. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 104 and 100 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 13U North Queen Street. ml7-lydeed&w COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Honorable JOHN B. LIV INGSTON, President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTERSON, Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas,in and for the county of Lancaster, anil Assistant Justiccsef the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ler the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court el Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions et the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heue, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL (l'J), ISaO. In pursuance of which pseccpt public notice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justiccsef the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county of Lan caster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and Inquisitions, and their ether remembrances, te de these things which te theirefflcesappertain in their behalf te bedene ; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 18th day of March, 1SS0. JACOB S. STRINE, Sheriff. m25-4tdeawA4tw jTILRD ELITIOI. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 1880 WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 27. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, clear or paitly cloudy weather, preceded near the coast by light snow, northerly winds, stationary or higher temperature, rising barometer. JUMPED THEIR BAIL. THE RIOT ItRlUERS NON EST. Kcuible. Petreir, et til.. Fail te Appear in Court Writs Issued for Their Arrest. IlAKRiSBuna, March 29. The court con vened at 2 o'clock, Judges Tcarsen and Hendersen present. Kcmblc, Salter, Pe Pe treff, Crawford and Rurnberger failed te put in an awearance, and their bail was forfeited. ts were issued at once for their an 'his will detain them where- ercr fer.n . thin the United States, providing . bail sees fit te se ordain it. The ctuit house was densely crowded. CONGRESS. Proceedings In the Senate. Washington, March 2D. 3Ir. Kcrnan's bill, providing for an international exhibi tion in Xew Yerk in 1883, was discussed, after which the appropriations committee reported with amendments the deficiency appropriation bill. Placed en the calendar. Proceedings In the Ileiikc. In the Heuse a bill re-affirming and ap plying the Menreo doctrine was introduced and appropriately referred. It recites the change of temperature which would ensue from a change in the course of the gulf stream consequent upon the cutting of the Panama canal,and deprecates such a course. The "Immediate Deficiency " Rill. The Senate committee en appropriations te-day completed their consideration of the " immediate deficiency bill " and author ized Mr. Eaten te report it te the Senate with the amendments agreed upon en Saturday and an additional amendment ap propriating $15,000 for the coast survey. This is the bill which contains the defi ciency appropriations of G07,C00 for United States marshals and their deputies, and $300,000 for the government printing office. The Senate committee en railroads transacted no business te-day except te agree te held a special meeting next Thurs day, when Gov. Brown, of Tennessee, vice president, of the Texas Pacific railroad, will be heard in advocacy of the bill te extend the time for its completion. That Star Reute Deficiency. The Heuse committee en appropriations at their meeting te-day discussed at length the star route deficiency bill and instructed Representative Blackburn te report it back te the Heuse with non-concurrence in the Senate amendments, Condensed Telegrams. The Chevalier O'Clcry sought re-election te represent county Wcxfeid. Parnell named two ethers. The chevalier's party, 10,000 strong, took possession of the plat form, attacked the Parnell party and beat them. In answer te an appeal te the Bareness Burdett-Coutts, te contribute te the Par liamentary election of Mr. llerbeit Glad stone, she says she does " net feel disposed te join this movement because the country needs above all things a stand ing government, and bince the dissolution of Parliament in 1874, by Mr. Gladstone, the Liberals have been tee disorganized te eiler such a government te the country." Hayes, Evarts and Ramsey, Mrs. Hayes and Miss Cook left te-day for New Yeik te attend the exhibition of the academy of designs. MAJiKJiTS. I'iiiladelpbia Market. PniLAbCLriiiA, March "Jj. r'leursluggNh and heavy; su'.ictliiicil OOgtSO; extra f.1 uuj 50; Ohie and I'm1 Inmiiv $ 50ft7 00 ; I'eiin'a family it; IcK" '; St. Leuis family $i 7.")fj7'i" ; Minnesela y $." 7diG M ; patent and high grades $7' ' . Eyelle. .?IS7. Ceriinu'. - ndvwinu unchanged. Wheat d . 2 Western Red $140; Pa. de $1 41 ; Ami ii Ceincits! steamer KQXiyic ; yellow 53 5a,c ; mi. TAytlSJc. Oats a shade low er ; Ne. 1 48ic; Ne. 2 47'j 48c; Ne. 2 mixed liy.i8c. Rye dull ; Western and Pa. SS90c. Previsions dull and weak; mess perk$12; bi-'-t hams $175018 00; India mess beet $1'J.")0JI); bacon smoked shoulders 3i"'c ; salt de 4; smoked hams 'J10Je ; picaled hams ttjj) 'lie. Laid quiet; city kettle 7'?574C; Ioe-jC buicheia7c; piime steam 7gj7e. Butterllrm; geed demand ; creamery extia :i.r):i7c: Bradford county ami Xcw Yeik extia new313eC: de fall 2S30c ; Western reserve extra at 28g30c ; de geed te choice 2J27c : Rolls scarce: lVnn'a extra 2ig'25e; Western reserve extra 2."27c. Eggs steady; I'enn'a 13c; Western 1212'c. Cheese linn with light supply; New Yeik factory WiQliy.K : Western t till cream 14 14c;de ler geed lSM'ijf.XX ; de halt-skims S&d3c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7e. Whisky attics. Seeds quiet; geed toprimeclevri?ccd$2.''W C75: de timothy 20 23 ; de Ilaxseed $175 180. Nevr Yerk Market. New YenK, March 20. Fleur-'jtateand West ern dull UDd strongly in buyers' favor ; superfine state $4 50ff5 00; extra de te 006$5 40 ; choice de $5 45; ; luncy de $C107 00: round hoop Ohie $3tO3!K); choice de $6 007 50; superfine western $1053 00; common te geed extra de $3 oe5 50 ; choice dodo$5 558 00; choice white wheat de$5tJ5 V 50; Southern quiet and heavy; common te fair extra $5 50ti 10 ; geed te choice de $; 15 7 50. Wheat Spring dull and nominal unchang ed; Winter about steady and moderately ac tive; Ne. 2 Northwest, Slay, $130; Ne. 1 White AprU, $1 3GJ4" 30M: de 'ay$l :m1 :J3; Ne. 2 Red, April, 1$1 41 : de May, $1 3Ujl 40. Cern dull and a shade easier ; Mixed West ern spot 5354"c ; de luturc 50S5'J4e. Oats about steady, including Ne. 2 April, 4y; State 41Q43Je ; Western 40ffi43c. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Mar. 29. 1220 r. x. Slecks steady. Pcnna B's (third issue) 10G Philadelphia A Erie 1A Reading 35 Pennsylvania 51 Lehigh Valley. 5H United Ces. et N. J 158 Northern Pacific 30J " Preterred 52 Northern Central UZ Lehigh Navigation 3714 Xorristewn 102 Central Transportation Ce. 4 Pitts., Tltusville & Bufiale. 1D' Little Schuylkill 51 Xkw ieiiif. Mar. 2a. Stocks strong. Meney 5jtC N. Y. Central 132 I!illLt 4-iV Adams Express Ill Michigan Central D1X Michigan Southern Vj'H Illinois Central 108 Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..Ill Chicago A Reck Inland 183 Pittsburgh A Kert Wayne.. 117 Western Union Tel. Ce 10 Teledo & Wabash 43J New Jcrsev Central 84.J4 United States Rends and Sterling JSxvtiangn (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 2a. United States 6's, 1881, (registered). .105 United States 5's, 1881, (reglstered)..1034g United States 4U's, 1891, (registered)108J4a)103J United States 4$'a, 1891, (coupons)... 1032108i United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. 100. 1X United States Currency G's 125 Sterling Exchange 485C488 Cattle Market. PiiiLADKLrmA, Mar. 2. Cattle market dull : receipts head; 2.6U0 prime 55i6c; geed SJi" 5jc; medium 4J3c; common 44c. Sheep market lair; receipts ,000 head; prime 47Zc ; geed 77;ic ; medium t 7e ; common 5tic. Heg Market slew ; receipts 6,000 head ; geed 7'ic; geed 7c; medium CJc; common MUltlVAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practlca. It is commended te the attention of thes af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the euro of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the taveruble netiee et invalids espe cially these atllieted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which Is nothing morn or less than Brandy. The aged, with teeble appetite and mere cr less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is ItEIGART'S OLD BRANDT, Sold by our enterprising veung friend, II. E. SLAYMAKEK. This Braiidy has steed the test for years, and has neer tailed, as lar as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference overall ether Brandies, nematter with hew manyjaw-breakitig French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would sutllce te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cas'es. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been atllieted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of vears; his stomach would reject almost every kind of loed; lie had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in tact, he was obliged te restrict Ills diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage lie used Mcl'raun's ltoet Beer. lie is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting any thing which he chose te eat. lie still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practisiu Puisiciax. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOKNT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 17SK, IMPOirrEB AND DEALKK IK FIXE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1827 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. IA CUTICURA i:i:.iii:i)ii:s Ilave achieved the most noted succrits et any Medicines or Modern Times. Messrs. Weeks & Petter have never denbted the specific pioperties'ef CtrrictiitA. Cuticuiia Ruselvkat and Cuticuka Seap, ler me speedy, permanent ami economical cure of Humors of the Bleed, Skin and bcalp. They are, however, astonished at their universal success; for it was te be expected that in the hands of some hey would tail solely from spasmodic or igne- ant use of them. They are unable te say without fear of con radictien that no lieinedies ever achieved in the short space of one year the number of won derful cures performed by the Centum Rem edies. saltIHieum Cevering the Ifeily for Ten Years, Perma nently Cured. Law Oi'kick of Ciias. HonetiTOX. 17 Cengicss Street, Bosten, Feb. 2H, 137;?. Messks. Weeks A Petter: Gentlemen. I feel it a duty te inform you, and tlneiigh you all who are inteiested te knew the tact, that a mist disagieeable and obstinate casu of Salt Rheum or Eczema, w hich has been under my personal observation from its first appearance te the present time, about ten (10) years, covering the greater portion of the patient's body and limbs v ith its peculiar irritating and itching scab, and te which all the known meth ods of treating such disease has been applied without benefit, has completely disappeared, leaving a clean and healthy skin, under a few days of pretuse application of Cuticcka. lean and de heartily ndvit-c all similarly af flicted te try the remedy which has been se ci ted unl in this case. Very truly yours, I CIIAS. HOUGUTOX, LIVER COMPLAINT Anil Dyspeptda Treated by the Reselvent Gains 5 1-2 pounds en One 1'ettlc. Gentlemen : I have had Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of my neck, for ten jears. Doctors did me no geed I have ben spending ler tight years and it did no geed. Everything I ate distress ed mc. I get reduced Irem 17'J te 132 pounds. At last I Uieil the Reselvent and it helped me right etr, and en the bottle I gained live and one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and I am going for it strong. Yours truly. JOHN ROT. 4H Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI., Nev. 15, i87. Xetk. Cuticcka is admirably assisted in cases et extreme physical weakness, or when the virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in the system, by the internal use of the Ccticura, Reselvent, without doubt the most powerful bleed purificrund liverstimiilautin thewerld. Cuticuka Soai- is an elegant toilet ami medic inal w-sistant te Cuticlka in the treatment of all external ailments. Fer chapped hands, rough skin and tan, sunburn, and the lesser skin troubles, it is indispensable; as a soap ter the toilet, the nursery and bath it is the most elegant, rcticshiug and healing bcferti the public. These great remedies succeed where all etheis hcictoteic in use fail because they pos sess new and original properties never belere successfully combined in medicine. The Cuticuka Kumel-ies are prepared by Weeks A Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3ti0 Washington street, Bosten, and are ler sale by al druggists. Price of Cuticiiru, small boxes, 50 cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times the (iiantity et small, i. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticuru Seap, 25 cents per cake.; by mail. 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents. iOU.INs In the Annihilation et Pain and Inflammation, umtiip PTrtrTtHftin me itaiizaiien et VtAINU J--jLitfciniw Wcak Paralyzed, and Pf AcTCTftS Painlui Nervous Parts W13IE and Organs, in the Cur ing of Chronic Weakness of the Lungs, Heart, and Kidneys, in the Absorption et Poisons from the Bleed through the Peies.and the Pre vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints, Malarial and Contagious Diseases, they are wonderful. Get the genuine. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, is the Best Bleed Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, the natural and nccc-sary result is the cure et Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers ami ether Seres. Nothing ts better for clearing and beau tifying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer aud for building up an en feebled system. It is a medicine which should be In every family, and which, wherever used, -n 111 save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimliuials furnished en appli cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Fills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. H. H. WARNER A Ce., Rochester, S. Y. 8 f.dec3-Tu,ThASd&w -.,,. .c .