,.."- ''-'-.-" """ it- '''-''.''-" " ' eii .. LANCASTER DAILY INTEIXlGllNCEll, SATURDAY, MAKCH 27. 1880. -!-- .-!! A New Lancaster County Landlord. J. Hepe Hershbergcr and wife, host and hostess of the Kcnnett Square hotel, were Riven a hurprise party en Thursday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Hershbergcr will move in J a few days te Christiana. Lancaster coun ty, where he will keep hotel and in order te give them a pleasant time before they move away about, one hundred and fifty persons marched te their house and gave them a complete surprise, in fact they took possession of the house. After some time in social chat, large tables were set in the dining room and the entire party sat down and partook of a well prepared meal? After two hours around the festive beard tlicsurpiiscrs withdrew te the parlor. The dining-room was cleared when an orches tra was brought in and a geed old fash ioned dance took place. The event will never be forgotten by these present. Fancy Easter I-Kgs. Abe Miller, the decorative artist of Eater eggs, has pictured a nest of them for Mr. R. J. McGrann's children, which are among the choicest specimens of his skill yet produced. One of them for Jehn McGrann depicts a boy taking piano les les eons from Prof. Matz : Miss Eleaner Mc Grann's has a rcpiescntatien of a girl reading a newspaper, another with a girl washing a piece of china is for Miss Ilar lictG. McGrann; Richard J. McGrann, jr.'s, has a picture or the horse " Betty. " Hugh McGiann" a pony and Grace Mc Grann a baby. Each has engraved upon it the name of the child for whom it is in tended and the year of his or her birth. RreUe a. "Wheel. Last evening as the wagon of Messrs. "VY" I). Spiecher ii, Sen, leaded with farming implements, was being driven down East Chestnut street, -nc of the hind wheels broke just as it was turning into Duke. The horse was held in check and thus additional damage prevented. A;:iiii Locked tup. Themas Housten, a desperate character in police circles, was before Alderman IJarr this morning, and was locked up for :,0 days for drunken ami disorderly con duct. A Valuable ItoeK. J. 15. I.ippineetl A. Ce.,of lMiiladclphia, have just published a work of real value te every one infiested in literature. We refer te "The Header's Handbook," by Dr. 10. C. Krewer, the tm'tiioret several similar books. In reviewing the volume the Philnilelphia Bulletin says : "This Mirpa-scs all that we have .seen in a book efrelerence ler readers and writers, as it combines the best finalities of the encycle-p:e-llas, biographical dictionaries, and quota tion books. Appended te it is a list el authors aid dates of dramas ami operas, numbering '.1,517, anil a second appendix give the dates el the poem", novels, ctc.,rclerrcd te in the book, which isquileas thorough anil cemplet-.'. Al together -The Header's Handbook' would be cheap at any pi Ice. and it will take a place in every well-ordered library, Hinaller large, that belongs ten person tend et reading or occu pied in riling as a profession." AN EVENT IN lHILADi:LlHIA. About the Kith of Man-h. Messrs. St rawliridge ,t Clothier, the well known merchants at Uighthand Maiket streets, I'lillailelpliia, Usu ally have thi-ir opening et the labiics which, during the season, are te be the things for ladles; dresses. Te the-c openings, in increas ing numbers, year by year, the ladies Heck from i.irand near, sliewluir bv their presence an amount of interest which is scarcely ever excited by any ether spectacle. This year, about the usual time, the firm an nounced that the pressure lrem the ladies te show the new goods had been se great, that for weeks before, as they passed the Custom Heuse day by day, they were .shown te the lavered few Knewing, however, that large numbers of ladies in city anil country await their custom ary announcement each season before doing any -hopping, It uasstated that.altheugh thcy had derided te have no lermal opening, they would, about the iisii.il date, place the re mainder of their.importatiens en sale, and in augurate the business of the season. The day en which the intermal opening was announced, turned out te be intensely dis agreeable with almost the only miew storm or the season. One euhl have supposed that no lady would have gene out of her house- unless compelled te de se by inexorable necessity, or drawn by some extraordinary attraction. Ne mete striking instances of Messrs. Straw bridge .X. Clothier's popularity has ever been given than the fact that during this day et snow and sleet, large numbers of ladies braved the storm and Inspected witligicatsatlsfactlen the immense exhibition of fabrics which will be worn in the near future w hen milder skies prevail. It is our purpose te mention the event as a matter et public intcicst only, net te give any detailed account theteef. In tact it would be impossible within the limits et newspaper ar ticles te give any adequate idea of the vast ar ray el new and novel fabriesand designs which the 11 rm have imported direct from the l'aris makers. We were informed that a considerable number of the styles were confined te them and could be found in no ether American house. During the dull times Messrs. Struwbridge .Si Clethiei "s establishment was always thronged, because we presume that people lelt it te he true economy te de their shopping there. New with the revival of business what may wc net expect el this great heu-c with itsimnieiise ta eilities and the numberless attractions it has te elfer, leading as it undoubtedly docs te-day the dry goods trade of the Middle States m271td&w Ilr.r.MA.- KiTTXia:, i:ss., Manchester, A'. II.: '1 have tried the St. Jacob's Oil, and found it excellent. All these who have purchased It speak of it as .simply hicemparublc." Ilriglit teeth, anil lips mat glow the while, Give light and color te a Millie ; And, infinitely mere than this, Hive light and color te a kiss, lint both must Miller lrem Hie want Of the lite-giving SOZOlJONT. m22-lwdced&w Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held ci meeting at ShebcrV. hotel, this city, en Mon day, March , at 10 a. in., te fix a time for the meeting of the county convention, te elect delegates te the state convention and te trans act Mich ether business as the committee may appoint or the convention determine. Every member is urgently requested te be present if possible. mlS-tdilAw W. U. 11ENSEL. Chr. SPECIAL yOTJCES. " Father ami mother being allllcted with asthma two bottles or Sellers' Cough Syrup has given them a new lease of life." ' Oh, dear, hew lame my back is !" Ol" ceur-B it is. liiv dear madam, you have the lumbago. Cse Dr" Themas' Eclcctric Oil and your pain and its cause w ill cease. Address all eiaci-a tp II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. A 1-AVeitAitLK aeTOitiirrT. The geed reputa tion of 'Jlrewn,s Jlrenchial Troches" for the relief et Coughs, Colds and Threat Diseases has given thein a favorable notoriety. iinH-I wdTTlutSA w Beils, pimples, aad all bleed diseases are cured by "Dr. Lindscy's Uloed Searcher." sold by all druggists. Itriggs only hwears occasionally new. It was the rheumatism matlelilin sopi-efancbutaince he has taken Dr. Themas Eclcctric Oil, he has hcarccly had a twinge. He s.iys he thinks another bottle will cure hliu cntirelv. Address all orders te II. U. Cochran, di uggist, 137 and 13J North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. VEAT1I&. &TOUMKKLTZ. III this City, oil .Uaru.l iu, lJ0 Eliza Jane, wife of William Stermlcltz, in the :tlst year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her husband. Ne. 236 Seuth Queen street, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock Interment In Lancaster cemetery. XFW AJTEXTI8EXEXTS. "CURE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR & STAUFFER Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 . Duke St. dec30-:;mdKeecl INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE BEST COMFANlESat BAUSMAN & BURNS . 23-tfeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. MG ONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Jiiuin- GAGE at . - BCKSS'S Insurance and Real Estate Office, m25-CtdR Ne. Weit Orange Street. THE MONTHLY MEETING Or THE People's RulIding,Lean and Dcpe-.it Com Cem panv will be held this (Saturday) evening at IV, o'clock. Jlorrewcrs get full amount of lean. Motley will he sold at 9 o'clock , It II. W. VILI.tL, Sec'y. Keing te have a TIP-TOP LUNCH, aid excel- lent beer, ana uincKen rnei. ltd PINTING, GRAINING AND PAPER HANGING. All work In our line, either in city or count . well and promptly done. We employ none hut lirst-class workmen, VTlimT. & ?QS n.0ffct Walnut Street, Lam-.ister, Pa. ltd OPENING OF THE WASHINGTON HOCK, Ne. 3 42 North Queen street, this evening. Grand Saner Kraut Lunch. ack- cr's Celebrated Iieeren tap. CAFT. lte j. a. scmn. Proprietor. riiHE REGULARMONTIILY MEETING Or 1 iheAmericaiiMechanics'15iiililiiigandI.eaii Association will he held this (SATI RDA) ) evening at VA o'clock, in Ceyle's Building, Ne. 33 East King street Mo'iey ler sale. ltd WM. T. JEFFERIKS, Secretary. "J OW KATES OF INTEREST. Meney will he leaned this evening at the meeting el the American Mechanics Kuilding ami Lean As-oeiatien. Ve.38 East Klig Street at rates ranging lrem FOUR AND O.N L-IIALr teSlX per cunt interest, accerdih-r teptcmium bid. ji. i . i. iki- -. It- Seeivlaiy. INSTATE OF .TAMES AY. ItnEY, LATE JJ efL! measter Citv. ileeea-eil. I.eiter-el ad- lninKtratien en salde-tati- having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make in-mediate : ment. and these, having claims or demands ie'ainst the same will present them without de lav for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Stcinmet. jrlIAKIfKY Administratrix. J. I.. STiav.Mirrit, Att'y. m-JH'.tdeaw 1 C. HAMILTON &CO., NEW YOKK. SECll LEAF TOBACCO PACKERS have established a branch office at ISS North Queen street, Lancaster, and have appointed HENRY R. TKOST as their agent. All orders left with him will be promptly attended te. ni!!7-3til A1 TTENTION, SOLDI KIIS! CIVILIAN ,Vnd all that are fend el geed BEAN SOUP AND PORK, Which will be served Ter lunch at WOEHULK'S GOLDEN HOUSE HOTEL, this (SATURDAY) evening. Hergner & Englc's Weiner Maerzcn 15eep en tap. it7i i'. weiimtLi:. KEV. II. GEISSINfiEK. OF NEW YO5v Citv, lermcr pastor efGrace Evangelical Lutheran Church, will deliver the first lecture of a series. Subject: "DELUSIONS," TUESDAY, MAUCll ."50, 1SS0, in the Lecture Koeiu of the Church, cer. North Queen and James streets. Admission,!!.; ets. Course tickets, admitting te the three lectures. "ill CIS. iii.i.v.nm- TT-NTEKTAINMENT AT ST. LUKE'S i CIIAl'EL. Theie will be an entertain ment at St. Luke's Keleimcd Chapel, en Monday Evening, March 29, be"ining at S o'clock, in addition te the Entcr Carels and recitations by the Sunilav Scheel there v ill be soles, tries and quartets by some of Lancaster's best vocal talent. AdmNsien Children, - - lOC'ts. Adults, LICU. ltd A KAKK CHANCE 1-OIS 1'KKSONH "W lire in need of Spectacles : c.r Mt T COM) SPECTACLES. at $2.f0; worth $7. SOLID COIN SILVEIJ SPECTACLES, at $1.30 : weith $!. STEEL SPECTACLES AND EYE CLASSES. feri".!-., at r,,r, A. HIRSH'S, ltl 6 and 8 North Queen Street. piIAKLKS MACKINSON'S NEW XARBLE WORKS, .;C CONESTOGA STREET, One Square West of Ne. 3 Cotten Mill. Monuments. Tombs. Statuary. Vases. Head stones. Marble and Slate Mantels. Cemetery Lets inclesed, etc. Alse, old erk cleaned and repaired. . JCB Call and ascertain terms before ordering elsewhere. man!7-lwd IT CHINA HALL REMOVED TO Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. HIGH & MARTIN. pOMMISSIONEKS NOTICL. Te the Aldermen, Justices of the Peace. Consta bles, Witnesses, Publishers, Corener and Dep uty Coroners of Lancaster Ceunty: The following rules will hereafter be ob served in the payment of costs Hern the Coun- The ceuut'v is net liable for, and will net hereafter pay, costs in criminal cases dispened of as fellows": 1 Where the Grand Jury return a I'.ill Iijnu ramus in a case ether than Felony, and order the J'roscculer te pay the costs. " When in a Misdemeanor the Petit Jury return a verdict of .Vel Guilty, and order the Prosecutor te pay the costs. :j Ner when in such case the Petit Jury ren der a verdict of Xet Guilty, and order the De fendant te pay the cests.f 4. Where a Xelle J'rescqm is entered in a Misdemeanor by consent et the parties, the County is net liable for costs. r The County is net liable for the costs of prosecution in a ca-e of Misdemeanor where a verdict et A'ef Guilty is taken by consent et the parties, without evidence. The Magistrates are therefore respectfully requested te guard against receiving and re turning te Court any unfounded or useless complaints, as the costs in such cases when disposed of as abeTC will net be paid by the County. ... , In case or great hardship, however, or where the public welfare demands it, a reasonable compensation may be allowed ler services ac tually rendered of money paid. In all cases of conviction et Misdemeanors, and in all prosecutions for Felony, the costs are paid. DISMISSED CASES. Whan Sunt u of the Peace or Desertion cases are dismissed or settled before the Magistrates, the costs must be cellecied from the pa-ties, as the county is net liable for, and will net hereafter pay, costs of proceedings in .such cases. When two or mere persons arc charged with the commission el an indictable enense at the same time ai.d place, all the Defendants must be included in one prosecution, us costs are enlv allowed en one complaint or indictment, and in riot cases all me ueienuauis aim an me charge should be included in one complaint. PUBLISHING NOTICES. The County is net liable for, and will net hereafter pay, bills for publishing Annual Ac counts, Court Proclamations, Election Procla mations, Days of Appeal, or any ether notices, unless such papers are specially authorized te publish such notice by the Court, the sheiiir or the Commissioners. COKONEK'S INQUESTS. In holding Coroners' Inquests the County is enlv liable for costs in cases of violent and ex traordinary death, where there is "reasonable ground te suspect a felonious killing. WELL, MY rRIEND, WHERE ARK YOU uelng this evening? Indeed we don't knew where te go te. Well, then come along with ui. we are geinsr te -Pend the evening ...i.i. L-iniii- i'1'ivi.'l' "Tji V. PRINCLsj.: ensire C, COli LK, rresiueiii, ISAAC HUSHONG, KOBEKT MONTGOMERY, County Commissioners. HUGH K. FULTON, County Solicitor. m27-2td&2tw STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Hare fairly opened the business of the Spring Season with a stock of Dry Goods contracted for last year, aggregating about ONE MILLION DOLLARS At the low values then prevailing, but worth much mere te-day. While our present interest would be largely served by securing the advance which has taken place as is usually done and as we miffht de easilv and with entire justice, we have decided that it is te our ultimate advantage te distribute all this stock among our customers at about last year's figures-looking mere te the future in the establishment of permanent relations with our patrons than te present profit. It is impossible te name the tithe of the goods in our Thirty-Three Departments, which include everything that can be de sired for personal attire or housekeeping needs. IN 8ILKSAND DRESS GrOODS Especially, wc have a stock rarely equaled and never surpassed. Besides the great array of seasonable novelties which space does net permit us te name, we have an immense stock of STAPLE AND POPULAR FABRICS Adapted te the wants of all who desire GOOD GOODS AT MEDIUM PEICES. We name : Deuble-width Camel's Hair, At SO cents. Would cost mere te manulacture te-day. 36-in. Royal Satine . .50c. ..50c. .37c. .37Jc. .8'7c. . .50c. In the newest shade. All-Weel Checks 43 inches in widj.li. Weel-face Cashmere 3; inches in width. 36-in Cheviens In new ellcct". English Fancies Choice for trimmings. German and English Fancies. . Corrcct;imitatieii3 of the French. French Novelties An extra bargain. .35c. French Tafietes All wool and worth 37 cents. Beige de Sante . . . 31c. .31c. All wool and a great bargain. Mohair Suitings, ... .25, 31 and;,37ic. Spcclall j- adapted for service. Weel Checks Especially recommended. Weel Checks Especially recommended Weel Face Cashmere 31 inches in width. Memie Cleth .25c. .31c. .25c. .25c. 27 inches book told. Manchester Beige 18c. SI inches in width, dark coloring. Royal Cashmere loc i's inches wide ; all shades. We have about TWO HUNDRED PIECES DOM ESTIC AND ItKITISIt DRESS GOODS, Especially adapted te popular wauls. THE BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT Shows :i stock of BLACK CASHMERES Xuinbcring thousands of pieces, from 40 cents te $2.00 Per Yard, and all at strictly old prices. New Importations of SILK. "WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS. IN THE SILK DEPAETMENT "We show FIFTY QUALITIES OF BLACK SILKS, I All reliable makes, representing a stock of One Thousand Pieces, Frem 75 CENTS upwards. FIYE Frem 65 CENTS upwards. THREE HUNDRED PIECES SUMMER SILKS, In choice new eflcets, Frem 50 CENTS upwards. As well as a stock of SILK NOVELTIES, which can only be appreciated by a personal visit. Wherever practicable call en us in person, but if net convenient te de se, we will en request forward samples of whatever may siretl. Dcpartincnt c01istautly supplcs with entire satisfaction regular customers all ever the United States. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eghth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. XEW Alt VERTISEJIEXTS. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, AC, In tlie city, is te be seen at the Works of NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. J-COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.- The Stock included all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, snrh-Ysthe I?rewtcr. Whitney, Palldce Triple, Empire tCress Spring, Dexter Queen. Duplex watellc.Aiwym uNomiiketo enler any style a purchaser may desire, ltepairing nfall kinds iiremutly attended te. All work guaranteed for no year. : OUPw WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD.' Lancaster FOR SALE HY B. R BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Wafts 2BY GOODS. In 23, 32 and 45 inch BEIGE TvrnrFre CHEVRONS -ASD- SOL.ID COLOR MOMIE CLOTHS At 25, 31, 37, 40, 50 and 62i cts. These goods arc manufactured by contract for, and confined strictly te us, and cannot be found en any ether counter in this country, and we specially lcceinmemUhetn. Fer beauty and service they cannot be excelled. IN THE DEPARTMENT OF Solid Celer French Fabrics, Which class of goods will be the prevailing styles, w e exhibit a magnificent, and, it is be lieved, an unappreached assortment, compris ing Granite Cleths. Powder Cleths, Memies, Cerde.ttes, Pekins, Pelka Det Effects, Armures, &c., &c., &c, IN DOUBLE WIDTH, AT $1.00 AND $1.25 PEIt YAKD. These goods are in Fourteen Shades, com prising all the Newest and most Fashionable Coleilngs, including: Coachman's Drab, Sevres Blue, Beis, Gen. D'Arme, Heliotrope, Cuir, Beis, Cameo, &c, &c. And cannot be duplicated for anythln-j the prices at which we are selling them. like I COUBTAUUJ & u-a-e, LACE BUNTINGS, In Immense Assortment. HUNDRED PIECES NEW COLORED SILKS, ptARD TO THE LADIES I Just received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 ft 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection with our Large Stock of Carpets, Yarns, &c., A FINE LIXE OF DRY GOODS, such aa CALICOES, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, TICK- tvse fTTnr liT IVKVIO f.tlilTXri.'UL'G BLAIJK ALPACAS, SHEETINGS, NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING, NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINEXS. NAPKINS, TOWELS, Ac, which we are selling at MODERATE PEICES. m4-3md IN ALL WOOL BEIGES We exhibit what is believed te be the largest and most varied assortment In America and at the lowest prices, viz : 23-inch Cashmere Beige, At -23 cents. 23-inch Cashmere Beige, At 31 cents. 23-inch Cashmere Beige, At Ay, cents. 46-inch Cashmere 3eige, At 30 cents. 4G-mclTCashmere Beige, At Giyi cents. 46-inch Cashmere Beige, At 73 cents. 3-4 Meuseline Beige, At 23 cents. 3-4 Meuseline Beige, At 31 cents. 46-inch Meuseline Beige, At C2 cents. 46-inch Meuseline Beige, At 73 cents. 46-inch Meuseline Beige, At 80 cents. ALSO, IN FRENCH CASHMERES Wc have 32-inch. . 34-inch.. 3Q-inch. . 40-inch. . . . . At 50 cts. ..At 62) cts. ...At 56 cts. ...At 75 cts. In complete assortment of colorings. PLAIN BUNTINGS, IN ERENOH AND AMERICAN GOODS, &c, &c, &c. tf'AXTED. WANTED ENERYBODY TO ADVER tlse, free of charge, in the Intklliokn Intklliekn ckb, who wants something te de. IF YOU WANT GOOD, CHEAP AND Fine Furniture of any kind, go te IIOFFMEIEII'S. where you will find the. Largest stock In the city, at 20 East King street. ltd WANTED FAMILIES OF JEAN, DOE akln and Cottonade Weavers. Wages paid in cash every week. New looms just starting. Addre.,, CALCUTTAMIUA Adams and Pine Sts., Frankford, Phila. xn-21-lwu -xr A X T E D. A FIRST-CLASS HAND W wants a situation te work en a farm or dairy. Applt CUMSTIAX STllEET. ltd Lancaster, Pa. WANTED. 30 GOOD CIGARMAKERS. Married men preferred. Werk steady all year round. 1'rice lrem $t te $7 per thou sand. Applv te IJAKON & CO., N. K. Cor. Cheapslde and Lembard street. m2G-3td Baltimore, Md TirANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL M Housework, te go te Philadelphia. Ap ply at 343 North Mulberry street. ltd WANTED. ONE OR TWO CAR LOADS nfMnnim' Address. D. E. SHIMP. m27-lwd Manhcim, Lancaster Ce. Pa. SEXOVALS. DR. S. B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. m2t-3md REMOVAL. The office et The Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Company, has been removed te Ne.-7, North Queen street, Examiner and Ex press building. m20-4td22,24,27 T)EJIOVaL. The Ceal Office of U. Baumgardner & Ce. has been removed te Se, 7 NORTH QUEEN STREET, m204td-22,21A27 (Examiner BuUding). THIRD EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 27, 1880 -WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, March 27. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, cloudy rainy weather, high southeast veering te southwest winds, and lower barometer. KEMBLE'S CASE. Before the Beard of Pardons. Hakrisbure, Pa., March 27. The beard of pardons met this morning at 11 o'clock for the purpose of hearing the ceun&el for "Win. II. Kemble, Emilc J. Petroff, Charles li. Salter, Jesse It. Craw ford and Win. F. Rumberger in their ap plication for pardon. The applicants were represented by Hen. F. -Carrell Brewster, W. B. Mann, of Philadelphia, Wm. II. Armstrong, of Lvceming county, Jehn H. "Weiss, AJ. Herr and L. AV. Hall, of Harrisburg, while the Philadelphia dele gation, who came here in the interest of a pardon were promptly en hand. Among the latter were ex-Sheriffs Leeds and Kerns Seuater Elliett, 0. II. T. Collin, H.JBiimm, Jehn McCullough, Mr. Graff ana E. "W. Davis. The commonwealth was repre sented by District Attorney Hellinger. Cliarles S. Wolfe, J. "W. Simonton, J. C. McAlarney and Geerge W. Irwin, of Har risburg. The members of the beard weie all present and took their seals promptly a.t the appointed hour. Mr. Brewster ejened for the ap plicants, lie read letters recom mending Kcmble te the mercy of tl.e beard from E. Y. Moere, editor of the West Chester Republican ; Charles Wai Wai binten, proprietor of the Etcnimj Tele graph, Philadelphia ; Cel. Jehn W. For Fer ney of Progress ; Gen. C. H. T. Cellis, Congressman Bingham, Senater William Elliett, Congressman Harmcr, Henfl Charles Gilpin, ex- Sheriff Wm. H. Kerns, Cel. Henry W. Gray, and William M. Singerly of the Recerd. Letters were also liled from Messrs. Charles Thompson Jenes. Sheriff Tayler. Recorder Lane, Geerge W. Furinan, Wil liam R. Leeds, M. Hall Stanten, P. A. B. Widencr, William Baldwin, Man-hal Kerns, Register W. M. Tayler, A. C. Roberts, Hen. Charles O'Neill, Surveyor Smedley, William S. Elkins and ethers from Philadelphia. Allegheny county contributed letters from Wm. MeCand lcss, Sheriff Hunter, II. II. McCermiek, County Treasurer Kilgore", Reese Owens, II. W. Oliver and ether prominent citi zens. Letters recommending Emile J. Petroff te mercy v.i'ic read by Mr. Brewster from William Me Mecr, president of the Phila delphia bn.inl of trade, and J. B. Meyers, president t the Philadelphia produce ex change. Mr. Brewster said that while the defendant were technically guilty of a vi olation of tlu- law still they should be par doned, sulMantially for the following reason :" The offense was committed through great excitement, incident te a strong effort made te pass the riot bill. They did net realize the full extent of a vielatien of this law, as the act had never been judicially defined. Such methods will net hereafter obtain in the passage of legislative acts. They are forbidden by the conviction had in these cases and the ends of justice arc there fore fully obtained. Pennsylvania ewes Wm. 11. Kemble a debt of gratitude for services rendered in the past. He has devised a system of linanee for the state and of which she mav well be proud. In his official position he has never failed te de for the people well and honestly. William 11. Armstong thought that the defendants should be dealt with leniently and judicial clemency should be exercised in their behalf, for the state was net clamoring for the bleed of these men. They are entitled te the benefit of a character which stands unim paired, and while the weight of the offense should net be lest sight of the people aie willing te sec a sound clemency exercised in these men's behalf. District Attorney Hellinger, for the commonwealth, said that the common wealth delights net in the downfall of one of her citizens. She is proud of them and their record. But he who violates the law must abide by the conse quences. When a man is found guilty by a jury of his peers he must receive and ac ac cenfc the sentence of the law. That this sentence may net be obstructed is what the commonwealth asks for at this time. She asks the beard net te arrest the strong arm of the law. Mr. Hellinger then read the pretest, of the common wealth, which is substantially as fellows : There is no doubt as te the guilt of these mcn,and it would be but a mockery of jus tice, after a pica of guilty had been put in, te attempt te procure a pardon before the judgment of the court has been pronounced. Instead of these men having the geed of the state at heart en the net bill, tliey were, according te their own admissions, attorneys for a railway corporation which desired the passage of this bill, and these men were resorting te questionable means te procure it. Every technical objection was taken advantage of te delay a trial and it was understood that when they pleaded guilty no obstruction would be placed-in the way of the law. Te pardon these men would be treat ing the constitution and the law as se much waste paper and would be con doning an attempt te dispeil the treasury of a large amount of money. If a pardon is granted it must be from personal motives and deference for them personally, which at once places them beyond the constitution and the law and practically invests them with license te commit wrong. " 31AUKETS. Philadelphia Market. PniLADEtniiA, March 27. Fleur market tv...il.-. smiertlne IO(ri4 50: extra $5 WlftS 30 Ohie and Indiana family $0 M7 00 ; Penn'a tamilyifi OuSO r0; St. Leuis taniily i'' 7.i72.'; Minnesota family j 73'3' 01 ; patent and high grades $7 00fS 00. Rye Heur $4 7.i4 87. Cernmcal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat lower ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 lOl I0 ; Fa. de $1 41 ; Amber ?1 43. Cern easier: steamer SSJigrvic; yellow j. 5.-vic : mixed ."HXjC. Oats dull e 1 spot hut linn; Ne. 1 4'Jc; Ne. 2 43c: Ne. 2mi cd 4i;4fic. Rye dull , estern and Pa. as!Wc. Provisie- - dull and weak; mtssperk$12: beet hams 417. u;l-'0U; India mess beef tlJ.020; bacon 0U10I. d shoulders 5c; salt de 4; smoked li.iins y10Kc; pickled hams $ Jlc Lard quiet; city kettle 7ip57c; loose butchers 7e : prime steum 7'aVe. Butter linn and scarce; creamery extr 35.l7e: P.railferd county and New- Yerk extra new 31(gS3c : de fall 2SQ3IJC ; Western reserve extra at 28g:)c; dogeod te choice 2327c -. Rolls scarce: Penn'a extra 232"c ; V estern reserve extra 2j27c Eggs steady ; Penn'a 13c; Western liyc. Cheese linn with light supply ; ew Yerk factory 14VJ14c : Western lull cream 14 14Mc:de ler geed X&&WA; de halt-skims 12 13c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7c. Whlskv at $108. Seeds quiet; geed te prime cleversced Sfi .)ii 700: de timothy $3 203 23; de flaxseed $173 1 80 and scarce. Stock Markets. Philadelphia. Mar. 27 1230 v. M. Stocks dull. Penna 6' (third Issue) Philadelphia & Erie Reading ..1064 .. nk -34 - 51Jfc .. 516 ..153 Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J Vnrfllprn Pacific ....... 32 " Preterreu 0, Northern Central 3:y Lehigh Navigation 7 Norristown 101 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts., TJtusville & Buffalo. 11 Little Schuylkill S3 New Yehk. Mar. 27. Stocks strong. Meney 5S6 N. YCentral 131 Eric , Adams Express Ill Michigan Central 924 Michigan Southern 108 Illinois Central 10SK Cleveland ft Pittsburgh... .Ul! Chicago A Keck Island. 1ST Pittsburgh Fert Wnynu..ll7 Western Union Tel. Ce le" Teledo ft Wab.tsh 4;!j; New Jersev Central 84J EOli SALE OR XEXT. S1 iTORK ROOM FOR RtNT, NO. 114 X. Queen street. . Possession given January Ne. 112 North 'Jucen Street. 1st. Apply at 1U 11 tiy-tn IOR REST. . Twe rooms, Xe. 43 Kerth Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J s. saurman. -11p1y xe dcc-20-tfd Til IIU. J .IIAUMGAUDXKR. IOR S.LK. 1 A shuttle Heard in Geed condition, with four sets ot'mieits, will be sold cheap. Apply te H. I.. MISHI.KU. inS-tfd IIS East King Street. 4 COLLAR FACTORY AXI LEATHER J. STOKE FOR KKXT. A well Established Cellar Fact erv anil Leather Stere for rent. Alse suitable ter any ether lui-diie!-. Apply te liVTu.Th&Stf.l JOHN" A. SIIOlSKh. I?OK RENT. . Four Acres of Geed Land with a Frame Heuse and Geed Kara. situated en the Ilarri burg pike, within the city limits. Inquire of H.SHUltKUT, mil-lwd Xe. li Court Avenue. PUBLIC SALK OF llOl'SEHULll AND Kitchen Furniture, en WEDNES DAY, MARCH 31, at Xe. .; North Dukestrect. Sale te ceinineneeat 1 o'clock p.m. Fer par ticulars apply te inJ4-7ti UENKY SlIl'lIEUT, Aiict. IOR RENT. ' 1 The eeend story of E-hlcnuin .fc Rath von'.s Ranking lleu-c, at Centre square, and also a room en -eeend story, oppe-ite. the I'enn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. 15. F. ES11LEMAN. fJS-'Jtd&Stf Attorney-at Law 1,-lIEE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. 1 A Kire l'roet safe (MeMcr, Rahman ,t Ce.. Cincinnati make), ." inches high, a;. ide and 21 deep, weight 1,SK) pound-:, with Sargent's Patent Night anil Day Combin.itleu Leck, for sale cheap. Applv at this jan-Mfd lNTKLI.lGI-'XCI'K OFFICE. Dl'IILIC SALE. I On MONDAY. MARCH -J, at Xe. IB East King street, at 1 o'clock p. 111.. u ill be sold a general :i.ertnicnt et llou-elield and Kitchen Furnituie. consisting et Hair Cleth and oilier Chairs, Carpets. Dressing Cases, Cupboards. Tallies, Hat Racks, und a variety of ether ar ticles. E. DAY, Auctioneer. 1)i;r.i.i(; sale. On MONDAY. MARCH -,9. 1SS0. will be sold by public vendue, at the public house of Peter Let. Reading Depot Hetel, North Prince street, a let of Household Furniture. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp. miiWtd R. F. ROWE. Aiict. 170R RENT. . Saw Mill with 10-hoi-sc power Engine and neccssarv llxtures, situate 111 Lancaster city. Pa., en Penn'a R. IL. near Stewart's Dreve Yard, accessible from New Helland turnpike. Possession en Mav I. ls'. Apply lit Ne. t:S North Queen street luilM'tdueil w OKTtJAGES FOIt SALL Twe si v percent. Mortgages, our ter$l0,("iH and the ether ler$l,"0, lirsl liens and well se cured en eligible citv Real Estate, belonging te the estate et" the late Dr. Rciijaiiiiu M'shler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. R. WILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. Ill-tlWAS Lancaster. Pa AUCTION ! AUCTION ! ! On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, IvO, at Ne. West King street (second story of Let-tier's building), will be sold Ingrain, P.rusds and Rag Carpets. Walnut Chamber Suits, Par Par eor and Dining Roem suits, sideboard. Exten sion Table, Sela. Parler ami Cook Steves, and a general stock of household goods. II EsS & DICKEY. N. IS. Persons having goods et any kind te dispose et can have t hem sold by sending them betere dav of sale. Sale te commence at '. o'clock, sharp. m27-2id 1JU1ILIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY. APRIL T. It-M). will be sold at public sale, valuable HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE of thecstiitee Jasper Yeates Conyngham, deceased, at Ne. 1 Seuth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., viz: One Vi.ine, two Marble top Tables, two large -Mirrors, Sela, Invalid Chair, two stands of Min erals, dozen Stalled Chairs', Marble-top Stand, let et" Window I'.liinK large, and small Side board, one high Eight-day Cleck, three Lounges, live bedsteads and Redding, three. cases of Drawers, si Rureaus, eight Reek Cases, live Wardrobes, Washstands, Dining and Rrcakrast tables, Steves, Chairs, huge Arm Chair, two Chests, large Fleur Chest. Leeking Glasses, Settee, Tin and Quceiiswiirc, about .'me or H10 vards el" Rrussels, Ingrain and Rag Carpets by "theyard, and many ether arti cles net mentioned. The furniture is all or the best make, nearly all Walnut or .Mahogany, and among them are valuable relics with his torical associations. Sale te commence at !) o'clock. a. 111., and con tinue until all is sold, when terms will In; made known by the undersigned. A. K. WITMKR. EMLEN FRANK LIX, IlKMtr Sm-Riarr, Aiict. Executrrs. inai-.i;,27,.'JKVap:!(Hl UltOCEKlES. T RY THE 1'AHNESTOCIC FARINA FLOUR. A Ycry Superior Article, at - RURSK'S. T MiE REST COFFEES. Always Fresh Roasted, at RURSK'S. M ICIINER'S EXCELSIOR IlAMs, AT RURSK's A FULL LINE OF CANNED FRUITS AND VKGKTARLES, AT RURSK'S. OHUMAKER'S AKRON OAT MEAL, O ALWAYS FRESH, AT RURSK'S. Ci ELF-RAISING ltUCKAVJIEAT AND O GRIDDLE CAKE FLOUR, at D. S. BUESIv'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. .,1.11 USEMEXTS F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EVEMM;, 3IAUCII 30. The Monarchs of Minstrelsy. 14 FOURTEEN CONSECUTIVE YEARS. 14 The Great, Original and only Legitimate jTev Orleans Minstrels GOLD BULLION C0RXET BAM). ADMISSION, - -RESERVED SEATS. ".-, .jO and "!" Cts. - - - 75 Cts. Fer sale at the Opera Heuse Office. m27-lt T?ULTON OPERA HOUSE. The Great Romantic Spectacular Drama in 5 AcU, the "ILLUMINATI," EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 21), 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLEi: has the pleasure et peentlng the Distinguished Acter, F. C. BANGS, As JOSEPH RALSAMO, supported by a Large and Talented Company el THIRTY-NINE PERSONS. NW AND HANDSOME ARMORS. NEW COSTUMES AND BANNERS. NEW AND ORIGINAL MUalC, NEW SCENERY. Complete in all its details, under the per senal supervision or Messrs. A.R. Vanlleni and J. C. Frene. Notwithstanding the great expense no advance in prices. ADMISSION, - - 33, 50 75 Cts. RESERVED SEATS. - - - 75 CU. Diagram at Yccker's. m2.-4td DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned under the llrm name of Salomen & llartman, engaged in the To bacco and Cigar business, Lancaster, Pa.. lias been dissolved this day by mutual consent. All outstanding debts will bepayuble te Mr. S. Salomen, who continues at 15 Maiden Lane, New Yerk. S. SALOMON. Jr., JIAX HARTMAN. March 2 , 1880. m25-3ta