PS T s- :- -,? - . , y --'"i- -.".s - . - ' . . - - --w:r ss? . . .--.,-.- , - - . , . i u' ,--.- ri LANCASTER DAILY IOTELIJGENCEit, iFRIDAT, MARCH 26. 1880. -.i V A THE HUMAN BOOT. Dr. Greene's lecture Hli Prosecution by the Lancaster County Medical Society. Dr. C. A. Greene, whose recent prosecu tion by the medical society caused a geed deal of comment, lectured at the opera house last night, his subject being "The Human Bedy." Dr. Greene opened by saying that he had lectured in the same hall twenty-five years before, and saw in the audience new present a few of these who attended his former lecture. After giving some account of his study in medi cine, his graduation at Berkshire medical college, at Pittsfield, Mass., in 1848, his dissatisfaction with the professional mode of treating disease, his researches for bet ter methods and his adoption of them when found, the doctor took up the several parts of the body separately the eye, the car, the nose, the brain, the mouth, threat, stomach, intestines, &c, and briefly described their construction and functions, their diseases and the reme dies therefer. He said that many lectures might be made en any one of these organs without exhausting the interesting topic. He claimed that a great mistake of the regular practitioners was cramming the stomach with medicines, external remedies being much mere effective and less dan gerous. Of some 20,000 medicines known te the profession, he used only about SO, and all of these, except two or three, were used externally. Dr. Greene made a general assertion that in all ages erigiual thinkers in the medical profession who had at tempted te make innovations in the estab lished practice had been persecuted, de nounced as empirics and quacks and net infrequently made martyrs of. He named many of them from Aristotle down te .Tenner, who in 1703 discovered a preventive of small-pox by means of inocu lation and vaccination. Against .Tenner, the whole body of practitioners were ar rayed, and placarded England with car toons representing Jcnner as vaccinating his patients, who in under the process were rapidly transformed into cows and bulls ! Dr. Henry A. Martin, the Jcnner of this county, who introduced young cattle from France, thus securing a pure virus for vaccination, and thus avoiding the transmission of scrofula and ether diseases from child te child, which is se often done when the human vaccine scab is used, and who had been doneunccd and ridiculed by many of the profession, was highly eulogized by Dr. Greene ; who also feelingly referred te the sad fate of Dr. Charles T. Jacksen, of Bosten, the discov discev cier of aiuusthcsia, who is new hopelessly insane by reason of the wrong done him by depriving him of the honor of his dis covery and placing his laurels en the brew of another Dr. Greene was very severe en the mem. bers of Lancaster medical society who had prosecuted him and called in question the genuineness of his diploma of graduation. Te prove that he was no empiric, as his accusers would have the public believe, he read a letter from Dr. D. 11. Bardcn, new of Philadelphia, who states that he is surprised te learn that members of the Lan caster county uiedical society should announce their ignorance of the cxistence of Berkshire medical college, within sight of whose walls he (Dr. Bar den) was born, and where he had attend ed his first course of lectures, and in 1845 had met Dr. Greene as a student. Dr. Greene also read a letter from the Park man professor of anatomy at Harvard uni versity, Dr. Oliver Wendell Helmes, who also expresses his surprise that members of the Lancaster county medical society should net have heard of Berkshire college, an institution that was incorper ated in 1822 and only went out of existence in 1809 en the death of its president, Dr. Henry II. Childs. Had the Lancaster medical men put themselves te the trouble of referring te Applcten's Encyclopedia, under the head of " Pittsfield " they would have found that there was such a college, and that in its day it ranked second te none in the United States ; that it had graduated ever 400 persons some of them very distinguished men in the profession. Dr. Helmes adds that he spent sevcrat summers in Pittsfield, knew a number of the faculty of the college among ethers Dr. Childs, Dr. Palmer and Dr. Alenzo Clark, then distinguished as a path ologist in Pittsfield, and new no less dis tinguished in New Yerk. Dr. Greene said he could cenceive of no ether reason for the discourteous and un just treatment he had received at the hands of the medical society, except that he was interfering with their practice and curing diseases that they could net reach. He re ferred te quite a number of cures effected by him after the patients had been given up as hopeless by distinguished physicians of this and ether cities. Washington Iloreugh Items. On Thursday at 2 o'clock the funeral of Miss Helen Welk was held in the M. E. church of this place. Rev. Gee. Gaul, a former pastor of the church, but new of Millcrsvillc, officiated, assisted by Rev. G. Read, pastor here. The services were very impressive; the church was filled, every available seat being occupied. Her age was 20 years and 9 months. Miss Welk was one of the most amiable ladies of the town and the sympathies of the citizens are with the bereaved family. By a " mistake of the printer " the firm name of Sceficld and Fishel, dealers in dry goods was incorrectly stated en Wednes day, two extra names being added. II. K. Dellinger proposes te embark in the dry goods and grocery business in this place. m Sudden Death. Mrs. Jane Slermfcltz, wife of William Stermfeltz, Ne. 235 Seuth Queen street, was taken ill last evening and died about neon te-day. Mr. Stermfeltz and family removed from 51 West German street yes terday, and it is supposed Mrs. Stermfcltz's sickness and death were caused by her ever-exerting herself, she being enceinte. She was aged about 29 years and was an unusually robust and active woman. She leaves two or three young children. Geed Friday. Te-day, being Geed Friday, the banks and public schools of the city are closed. Services were held in the Catholic, Episco pal, Lutheran and Moravian churches, several of which will also held services this evening. The town is very dull and news is scarce. SALISBURY ITEMS. Frem Our Regular Correspondent. We are called upon te chronicle the death of one of enr eldest citizens, Geerge Beets, colored, of the Welsh mountain. He was peculiar in many things ; one of which was that he claimed that he had seen 150 returns of Chistmas day, and also that he remembered well the Revolutionary war. But as he had no record of his age and was very ignorant, it is impossible te estimate his age with any certainty. Most of our old men remember him as "old Geerge Beets" when they were boys. Peace te his ashes. Springville school closed yesterday for the term. The exercises for the last week consisted principally of examinations and reviews. The school has been doing exceed ingly geed work during the whole term, the teacher, G. W. Hern, having intro duced several of the higher branches net usually taught in our public schools, and has succeeded beyond even his own ex pectations. On April 5th he intends opening a select school at White Herse in this township, and has already enrolled six teachers among his pupils. If he is as successful in this undei taking as he has been with our school, he will rank among the best of Lancaster county teachers. We often sec reports of different schools, in the county, but we claim that Springville will compare favorably with any of them. Mr. Hern is new suffering with a very sere ankle and is compelled te go en crutches for the present. It is te be hoped he may recover in time te enjoy his brief vacation. Mr. Archy Hilten was unfortunate enough te have several very choice chick ens (Plymouth Rocks) stolen a few nights age. He offers a reward of $10 for the recovery of the fowls. Salisbury has been quite lively for a few days en account of the different llittings within its borders. II. D. Diem vacated and I. D. Worst moved in ; A. D. Amnion comes where Worst vacated ; Elizabeth Kyle moved from B. F. Weaver's te Mar tin Gable's ; James Dunlap gees from Jac. Mcntzer's te Samuel Hoever's; Lackey Lattcrty gees te W. L. Frybargcr's house ; Jacob Mentzcr comes into his own house ; Newton Kurtz moves en his fa.her's farm ; Uriali Haines leaves Rhoads's farm and gees te D. Weidman's farm ; Mr. Rhoads moves back from New Hol Hel land, en his own farm, and several ethcis are about changing their places of resi dence. With a little work and plenty of big dinners it has enlivened this quiet village considerably. Fell Frem a Scaffold. Yesterday, Charles Kelly, a young man who is employed at the Penn iron works, was working en a scaffold at a boiler, when it broke and he and another man who was en the scaffold fell te the ground, a distance of about ten feet. Kelly had his right wrist dislocated and his arm sprained. He was attended by Dr. Ycaglcy. In Town. We have had a pleasant visit from Mrs Bladen, of the Philadelphia Sunday Timettf some of whose bright articles we have had occasion te copy from the columns of that paper, and notably one upon the tobacco of Lancaster county several weeks age, which was accidentally, however, credited te the daily Times. Mrs. Bladen's present subject of investigation is antique furni ture, about which there is a fashionable craze. ltroke a Finger. Charles Carr, while engaged in distrib uting playbills yesterday, tripped ever a doorstep en German street, and falling broke one of the fingers of his left hand. Linnrcan Society. Stated meeting te-morrow at 2 o'clock p. in., n the Hall et the Y. 31. C. Association. Jehn Hiemcnz's Eagle shoe store, 2:s North Queen street, has new en hand a large line of ladies' fine cloth top kid and turkey morocco shoes cheap ; a large assortment of misses' and children's shoes; also, a large assortment of men's and boys' shoes et all kinds, at very low prices. Give us a call. m2G-2td Amusement. " The Banker's Daughter." This evening Cellier's celebrated company will appear here in the play of the abeve name, which has drawn crowded houses in every city in which it has been played. The company is one of strongest that has visited Lancaster for some time, Including I.euis James, Mr. and Mrs. Walcot, Marie Wainwright and a number et ether well known artists. Bright teeth, and lips tnat glow the while. Give light and color te a smile ; And, infinitely mere than this, Give light and color te a kiss. Hut both must suffer from the want Of the lite-giving SOZODONT. m?2-lwdoedSw 1'hysiciaxs recommend St. Jacob's Oil. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held a meeting at Shober's hotel, this city, en Mon day, March 29, at 10a. m., te fix a time for the meeting of the county convention, te elect delegates te the state convention and te trans act such ether business as the committee may appoint or the convention determine. livery member is urgently requested te be present if possible. ml5-tdd&w "T. U. HENSEL, Chr. SPECIAL NOTICES. Kpeer's Pert IVine. Is recommended by physicians abeve all ethers as a gentle stimulant, tonic and diu retic. It is something they can prescribe te patients with confidence, knowing they arc using an article that is strictly pure, and pos sesses thu highest medicinal virtues. Charles A. Seeley, a skiltul chemist of New Yerk city, alter making a careful and thor ough analysis says : " I have examined the wine with a view et" determining the presence or absence of various injurious substances which arc contained in se-called Pert wines, such as logwood, crude spirits, etc. I have net found any et these substances in Mr. Spccr's wine, and it does net contain anything but what is teund in pure Grape juice wine. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlec and Davis, and sold by It E. Slaymaker. m26-2tawdM&F&w What Ails Yeu ? Is it a disordered liver giving you a yellow skin or costive bowels, which have resulted in distressing Piles or de your kidneys refuse perform their functions t If se your system will seen be clogged with poisons. Take a few doses et Kidney-Wert and you'll feel like a new man nature will threw off every impedi ment and each organ will be ready for duty. in2i-lwd&w Use Lechcr's Herse and Cattle Pew Uers. Frem lien. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Member, op Legislature, New Yerk State. Alexandria Hat, Jan. 3, 1880. H. H. Warner fc Ce. : Gents: 1 have been troubled with kidney difficulty for the last three years, and in Octo ber last had a very severe attack. I then com menced taking your Sate Kidney and Liver Cure and obtained relief at once. I have used two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall always keep a supply of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cur in the beuse. Yours truly, X. COBKwVAXL. "Since taking 'Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Search r'that old sere of mine is entirely cured." Sold by all druggists. Pure Spicest Lecher's Drug Stere. A Geed Housewife. The geed housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear Inmates of her house arc mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. See ether column. ml5-2wd&w A Favorable x oteristt. The geed reputa tion of "Brown's Bronchial Troches" for the relief el Coughs, Colds and Threat Diseases has given them a favorable notoriety. m23-lwdTTh&S&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup." Troublesome Children. That are always wetting their beds 'ought net te be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect en the kidneys and urinary organs. Such a medicine is Kidney-Wert. It has specific action. De net fail te try it for thorn. iu22-lwd&w Mether! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your lest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYKUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste,"and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, feeld everywhere 25 cents a bottle. JjlT-lyd&wM.W&S Try Lecher's Cough Svrup. Te enumerate the miraculous cures wrought by " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" would fill a volume. Its cures arc marvelous. Price 25 ccnU. Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we retlect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? A Mether's Griet. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible ri-k, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Fer lame Back, Side, or Chest, u-e Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millerbville. The Hest I Ever Knew Or. J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint ter several years, and have used every Remedy I could near of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitulizer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. lam happy te slate that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold by 1). lleitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis. Millcrsvillc. Shiloh's Catarrli Kcmcdy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for he mere successful treatment et tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents, s-eltl by D. lleitshu, Lancaster. and M. L.Davis, Mill!vil!. sJG-wodD&eewW It EXT US. KeLn. March 25, ISsO, in this city, Catliarln Kelb, aged b'J years, 7 months and !! days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited teattend the funeral trem her son's residence (Geerge Kelb), Ne. 015 Fre mont street, en Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Services at Zion's Lutheran church. Interment at Zion's cemetery. new ad vehtisemexts. TIKE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. II HICK & STAUI'FER, Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dcc30-3mdlteed INSUKE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE 15EST COMPANlESat BAUSMAN & BURNS , 29-tfeedK Ollice: Ne 10 Went Orange St. -VTONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT ItJL GAGE at BAUSMAN & BURNS'S Insurance and Real Estate Ollice, miS-Ctdlt Ne. is West Orange Street. -TERVOUS DEBILITY. .Li Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure ter Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impetency.and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains ia Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write ler them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J.B.SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 101 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 13'J North Queen Street. ml7-lydeed&w COURT FKOCLAMATION. AVnEiiEAS, The Honorable JOHN II. LIV INGSTON. President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTERSON, Associate Judge el the Court of Common and for the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ler the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make mibl-c proclama tion throughout luy bailiwick, that a Court et Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions et the 1'eace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the THIRD MONDAY' IN APRIL (10), 1330. In pursuance of which precept public notice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the city of Laa caster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county of Lan caster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their ether remembrances, te de these things which te their offices appertain in their bchal f te be done ; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then and thore te presecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 18th day of Mareh, 18S0. JACOB S. STRIKE, Sheriff. m2C-4tdeaw44tw ltEMOVALS. DR. S. It. FOKEMAS, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed trem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. m24-3md REMOVAL. The office of The Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Company, has been removed te Ne. 7, North Queen street, Examiner and Ex press building. in20-4td22,24,27 TJEMOVaL. The Ceat Office of It Baumgardncr & Ce. has been removed te Ne, 7 NORTH QUEEN STREET, m20-4td-22,24&27 (Examiner Building). c OAL! COAL!! COAL!!! RTJSSEL. & SHTJLMYBR Will remove their Ceal Office. 15 EAST KING STREET, te Ne. 22 EAST KING STREET, new the New Yerk Stere, en or before APRIL 1, where they will be glad te see their old custo mers. m20-3tawtf MR. JAMEU C. IRVIN, OF LANCASTER county, Pa., has this day ceased te act as our agent. We will therefore net be responsi ble for any transactions entered into by him for our account. EMANUEL HOFFMAN & SON, 119 Water Street, New Yerk, Packers of Leaf Tobacco. March 19, 1SS0. m20-lwd PROPOSALS FOR COLLECTION OF TAX. Sealed proposals for the collection of State and County Tax of the East and West Sections of the City of Lancaster, Pa., ler 1880, will be received at the County Commissioners' Office en MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1880, UU 4 o'clock p. m., the Commissioners reserving the right te reject any or all bids. By order of the Commissioners. mae,aa,37d Attest-1. N. S. WILLS, Cleric XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify x including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold aslew as it could be bought elsewhere. AM USEMHSTS e FERA HOUSE. FKIDAT EVEXIXG, MARCH 26. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the honor te announce one et the most brilliant entertain ments he h:is ever presented in the appearance of COLLIER'S Banker's Daughter Combination, Under the auspices of A- M. Palmer, Union Square Theatre, Breaaway ami 14th street. New Yerk. J. W. COLLIER, - - - JUsabeil The Phenomenal Success of the Season, (( B I As plaved at the Union Square Theatre, N. Y., 140 Consecutive Nights, and has also received the most flattering tokens of approval every where presented. Positive appearance of Mr. Leuis James. MNs Marie Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Walcot, Mrs. l'arren, Hareld Persberg, and A SUPERIOR COMPANY. This Company will bring all its Elegant Scenery. Nevwithstanding the great expense attending this engagement, no advance will be made in prices. ADMISSION. - - 35, 50 & 75 Cts. Bex Sheet new oeon at Yecker's. m22-3td UULTON OPEKA HOUSE. The Great Romantic Spectacular Drama in 5 Acts, the "ILLUMINATI," EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasiue et pesenting the Distinguished Acter, F. C. BANGS, As JOSEPH BALSAMO, supported by a Large and Talented Company of THIRTY-NINE PERSONS. NEW AND HANDSOME ARMORS, NEW COSTUMES AND BANNERS. NEW AND ORIGINAL MUSIC, NEW SCENERY. Complete in all its details, under Iheper senal supervision of Messrs. A. R. Vanllern and J. C. Prene. Notwithstanding the great expense no advance in prices. ADMISSION, RESERVED SEATS, Diagram at Yecker's. 35, 50 & 75 Cts. 75 Cts. m23-ua HOUSE EUKXISllIAU (iOOJiS. TAKGAINS. FLINtf & BREjtEMAjt Are offering Greater Bargains than ever in TINWARE, TABLEWARE Heuse-Funiisliing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixtures at YERT LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. MEDICAL. CUTICURA REMEDIES Hava achieTCd the most noted success et any Medicines of Modern Times. Messrs. Weeks te Petter have never doubted the specific properties of Cuticuka, Clticuka Resolved and cuticuka Seap, ler the speedy. permanent and economical cure of Humors of the Bleed, Skin and Scalp. They are, however, astonished at their universal success; for it was te be expected that in the hands of some hey would tail solely from spasmodic or igne- arl use of them. They are unable te say without fear of con radietien that no .remedies ever achieved in the short space of one year the number of won derful cures performed by the Cwticbr. ItEM- EDIES. SALT RHEUM Ceraring the ISedy for Ten Years, Perma nently Cured. Law Office of Chas. HouenTOjr. 17 Congress Street, Bosten, Feb. 23, 187S. Messub. Weeks & Petter: Gentlemen. I feel it a duty te inform you, and through you all who are interested te knew the tact, that a most disagreeable and obstinate ca-e of Salt Rheum or Eczema, which has been under my personal observation from its first appearance te the present time, about ten (10) years, covering the greater portion of the patient's body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and itching scab, and te which all the known meth ods et treating sucU disease has been applied without beneut, has completely disappeared, leaving a clean and healthy skin, under a lew days of profuse application of Cuticuiea. I can and de heartily advise all similarly af flicted te try the remedy which has been se ef fectual in this case. Vary truly yours, ' CnAS. HOUGIITOX, LIVER COMPLAINT And Dyspepsia Treated by the .Reselvent Gains 5 1-2 pounds en One Bettle. Gentlemen : I have had Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no geed I nave been spending for eight years and it did no geed. Everything I ate distress ed me. I get reduced from 179 te 132 pounds. At last I tiied the Reselvent and it helped me right off, and en the bottle I gained five and one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and I am going for it strong. Yours truly, JOnN ROY. 414 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., Nev. 15, iS7S. Nete. CunctrRA is admirably assisted in cases et extreme physical weakness, or when the virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in the system, by the internal use of the Cuticura Reselvent, without doubt the most powerful bleed purifier and liver stimulant in the world. Cuticuka SeAr is an elegant toilet and medic inal assistant te Cuticuka in the treatment of all external ailments. Fer chapped hands, rough skin and tan, sunburn, ami the lesser skin troubles, it is indispensable ; as a soap ter the toilet, the nursery and bath it is the most elegant, refreshing and healing berere the public. These great remedies succeed where all ethers heretofore in use fail because they pos sess new and original properties never before successfully cembineu in medicine. The Cuticura Remedies are prepared by Weeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 300 Washington street, Bosten, and are for sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, 50 cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times the quantity et small, $1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cents per cake.; by mail. 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents. rC LING In the Annihilation et jyuuiiiy Pain and inflamniatlen K.'TiiclHHFlECTIBam the Virilizatien of VOLTAIC atUSlWWeaki Paralyzedj and Pi ieTr(a Painful Nervous Parts wl5T and Organs, in the Cur ing of Chronic Weakness of the Lungs. Heart, and Kidneys, In the Absorption of Poisons from the Bleed through the Peres, and the Pre vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints, Malarial and Contagious Disease, they are wonderful. Get thejtenulae. H. Z. RHOADS Ss BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. fOR SALE OK KES1. STORE ROOM EOIt KENT, NO. 114 N. Queen street. Possession given January 1st. Apply at d9-tfdl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. T?OK KENT. . Twe rooms. Ne. 43 North Queen street, suitable for photograph"gallery, new occupied by J S. Saurmuu. Apply te dec2tMt"d THUS. BAUMGARDN ER. I, "ei: sale. . A ishuille Beard in Geed condition, with lour sets et quoits, will be sold cheap. Apply te II. L. MISHLER. m23-tfd 115 East King Street. 1)OSTS AND KAILS FOIt SALE. The undersigned has about 1,000 4-helc Chestnut Pests, ami about l,OO0ChestnutRails, which thev will ell at reasonable prices. A. MILLER & SON, mll-StdTh Millersville. A COLLAR FACTORY AND LEATHER STORE FOR KENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Stere for rent. Al-e suitable for any ether business. Apply te 123-Tu,Tli&Stfd JOHN A. SIIOBER. IOK KENT. . Four Acres of Geed Land with a Frame Heuse and Geed Barn, situated en the Harris burg pike, within the city limits. Inquire of II. SHUBERT, mSi-lwd Ne. C Court Avenue. PUIJL1C KALI! OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, en WEDNES DAY, MARCH 31, at Ne. 33U North Duke street. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p.m. Fer par ticulars apply te m21-7td II i:NRY SHUBERT, Auct. F OK KENT. The second sterv of Eshleman ft Rath- ven'-t Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and 111-0 a room en tecemi siery, opposite me Pcnn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut struct. B. F. ESHLEMAN. f2V2td&Stt Attorney-at Law 11 RE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. . A Fire Proof Safe (Mesler, Bahman & Ce.. Cincinnati make), 34 inches high, 3UJ wide and 2t deep, weight 1,200 pounds, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Applv at the jaii2-tfd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. PUI5LIC SALE. On SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, at 7 o'clock, and evening at 7 o'clock, the en tile s-tock of Tinware, at Ne. 210 West King stieet, Lancaster, Pa. HENRY SNYDER, SAM't Hess & Sen, Auets. ltd PU15MC SALE. On MONDAY, MARCH 20, 18S0, will be .-old by public vendne, at the public house of Peter Letz, Reading Depot Hetel, North Prince street, a let of Household Furniture. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. m2K-2td B. F. ROWE, Auct. F OK KENT. Saw Mill with 4(Mier.-e power Engine -and necessary fixtures, situate in Lancaster city. Pa., en Penn'a R. R.. near Stewart's Dreve Yard, accessible from New Helland turnpike. Possession en May 1, 1S0. Apply at Ne. 43S North Queen fctrect. mO-Ctdeed PUP.LIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, at Ne. 20 Plum street, en SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1SS0, consisting et Range and Pipe, Roadsteads, Tables, Chairs. Che-r, Settee, Carpets, Bureau, Sideboard, let of old books ami ether goods net mentioned. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock P. M. ml-2td DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween the under-igned under the linn name of Salomen & Hartman, engaged in the To bacco ami Cigar business, Lancaster, Pa., lias been ili elved this day by mutual consent. All outstanding debts w ill be payable te Mr. S. Salomen, who continues at 105 Maiden Lane, New Yerk. S. SALOMON, Jr., MAX II ART M AN. March 25, ia0. m25-.'itd rORTGAGES FOR SALE. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one ter $10,000 and the ether ler $4,750, first liens and well se cured en eligible city -Real Estate, belonging te thecstateef the late Dr. Benjamin Mishler, dee'd. Inquiruet WM. R. WILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. lll-ttW&S Lancaster, Pa PUBLIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 1880. will be sold at public sale, valuable HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE of the estate of Jasper Yeates Conyngham, deceased, at Ne. 20 Seuth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa., viz: One Piane, two Marble top Tables, two large Mir rors, Sela, Invalid Chair, two stands of Min erals, dozen Stulled Chairs, Marble-top Stand, let of Window Blinds, large and small Side board, one high Eight-day Cleck, three Lounges, five Bedsteads and Bedding, three cases of Drawers, si Bureaus, eight Boek Case, five Wardrobes, WashstamN. Dining and Breakfast tables, Steves, Chairs, large Arm Chair, two Chests, large Fleur Chest, Leeking Glasses, Settee, Tin and Queensware, abeu I 300 or 400 yards of Brussels, Ingrain and ltag Carpets by the yard, and many ether arti cles net mentioned. The furniture is all of the best make, nearly all Walnut or Mahogany, and among them arc valuable relies with his torical associations. Sale te commence at 0 o'clock, a. m.. and con tinue until all is sold, when terms will be made known by the undersigned. A. K. WITMER. EMLEN FRANKLIN, Henry Siiukert, Auct. Executer mar2,27,31Sap3.Vid WANTEIi. "f"7"ANTED. ENERYBODY TO ADVER- M tise, tree et charge, 111 the Intelliue: cer, who wants something te de. 7ANTED FAMILIES F JEAN, DOE- TT skin and Cottonade Weavers. Wages paid in cash every week. New looms just starting. Address CALCUTTA MILLS. Adams and Pine Sts., Frankford, Phila. m2Hwd WANTED. 50 NEW BOYS TO SELL THE OWL te-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Apply S. E. Angle Centre Square, ltd -Tir ANTED. 30 GOOD CIOARMAKERS. y Man led men preferred. Werk steady all year round. Price trem $4 te $7 per thou sand. Apply te BARON & CO., N. E. Cor. Chwapsidc and Lembard street, m2-3!d Baltimore, Md UJIOCEHIES. w HOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET di7-lyd rriRY THE FAHNESTOCK FARINA FLOUR. A Very Superior Article, at BURSK'S. THE BEST COFFEES. Always Fresh Roasted, at BURSK'S. M ICUNEK'S EXCELSIOR HAMS, BURSK'S. A FULL LINE OF CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, AT BURSK'S. SHUMAKER'S AKRON OAT MEAL, ALWAYS FRESH, AT BURSK'S. s ELF-KAISING BUCKWHEAT AND GRIDDLE CAKE FLOUR, at D.S.BUKSK'S, Se. 17 EAST KINO STREET. TIIED EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1880. WEATHER INDICATION'S. Washington, March 26. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, cloudy weather, fol lowed by rain, northeast, veering te south east winds, and falling barometer. CHINATOWN". Serious Obstacles in the Way or Effecting its Demolition. San Francisce, March 26. The thirty days' notice of the condemnation of China town expired te day, but the heard of health has as yet taken no action with re gard te Chinatown, as far as can be learned. The beaid has no ether power than te cause the enforcement of existing laws, regarding nuisances and over crowding. The laws and ordinances re lating te the former bear mere heavily upon the property owners than upon the occupants of buildings and were they en forced strictly Caucasian property owners of Chinatown would suffer mero than Mongolian tenants of condemned buildings. It is hardly possible, it is stated, te make many arrests en account of violation of the law, as thcre is no place in which prisoners can be kept. The jails are tilled te overflowing already. This fact has been brought te the notice of the beard of super visors and the beard of police commission ers, but as yet no action has been taken towards providing quarters for the deten tion of prisoners who would be arrested in scores should the cubic acre ordinance and ether laws be enforced. TUE STRUGGLE IN THE HOUSE. The Townshend Bill Still a Bene of Conten tion. Washington, March 20. The Heuse refused yeas 121, nays 81, net the neces sary two-thirds in the affirmative te dis pense with the morning hour. Mr. Robertsen (La.) said that yesterday he had voted for Mr. McLane's preposition for the purpose of bringing the Townshend bill before the Heuse. Had he understood a certain decision of the speaker he would have voted against the preposition because he was net a protectionist. Mr. McLane (Md) By what right docs the gentleman give any such signilicancc te that vote ? I for ene utterly repel and repudiate any such significance. There was no such significance in that vote. Se far as he was concerned it had no ether significance than deciding the proper mode of procedure in the business of the Heuse. The speaker then proceeded te call com mittees for reports of a private nature. THE KNIFE. Stabbed in the Abdomen. Willlvmspert, Pa., March 2(5. Chris tian Steiner, who has been living for the last six years with a family named Carl, in what is known as- "Fisher's Rew," came home drunk last night and had some words with Mrs. Carl. Her eldest son Frank interfered and was stabbed in the abdomen with a pocket-knife by Steiner. The latter was arrested and ledged in jail. statu; ITEMS. Burglars breke into the planing mill of C. A. Thile, of Bradford, and took a pocket book, containing $:,S40, which was in a vest under Thile's pillow. In the Heuse yesterday Mr. Springer gave notice that he would call up the Curtin-Yocum contested election case en Tuesday next. Edward T. Steel, of Philadelphia, has dined with Hayes, and it is said he desires te succeed Mr. Tutten as collector of the pert. It is believed that he can get the appointment if he really wants it. The county convention of the Miners' and Laborers' benevolent association met at Pottsville yesterday in secret session. The meeting will be continued te-day. Nothing cau be learned of the proceed ings. Reading is te have a new summer hotel, built en the Mexican plan, 1.10 feet front and 250 feet in depth, with enclosed court yard, and only one entrance, and that will be ten feet wide in the centie of the front. Thejietcl will cost about $:J0,000. The Pittsburgh papers charge that the young Mrs. Sneatheu, who shot herself there recently, was impelled te suicide by her husband who said he would also kill himself, but backed out ; and new there is talking of prosecuting him for being acces sory te f de de se. Twenty-one delegates belted from the First legislative district Democratic con vention, Allegheny county, Tuesday, and --elected Messrs. Dr. Langfelt, Victer Pau line and AV. H. Cullers, delegates te the state convention. They seem te have no regularity whatever, but being anti-Tilden the Harrisburg Patriot accepts them, and doubtless the McGewanitcs will order Chairman Miller te put them en the roll. Daniel Conrey, of Eric, who has been driven te madness ever the fifteen puzzle, was removed te the asylum yesterday. In the cars he broke up his dinner into fifteen pieces and played the game with them. This brought en another violent paroxysm and the sheriff had te lash him te the seat with the bell rope. He bit an officer's watch in two, and made a desperate at tempt te fling himself out of the window. The physicians have but little hope of him. Fifteen is en the decline in Erie since Con Cen Con rey's lunacy. Adam Pfaff borrowed a horse en false pretense from Luke Bush in Carrolltown, Cambria county. While riding him near Alteena Pfaff was thrown te the ground beneath the culvert by the animal taking fright at a locomotive. As he was falling the man's feet caught in the stirrup, and after being dragged about sixty feet by the animal the stirrup broke. The beast tramped en his leg, cutting an ugly gash above the ankle and bruising it generally. He was also cut en the head, and sustained ether injuries, and these led te his arrest. And new Mrs. Lillic Fuller, a Philadel phia bride has drowned herself in the Delaware. She was but 18 years of age, of bright, cheerful disposition, and at the time of her marriage with Fuller, a young man of 22, in December last, was a pupil at the girls' normal school. The marriage was forwarded by the efforts of an aunt, the young husband being stepson te the latter. It proved te be a very unhappy one, the parties being very uncongenial in disposition, and almost from the first day disagreements made their life un happy. Patterson and Creden, of Middle Val ley, Wayne county, while intoxicated get into a dispute as te which was the stronger and agreed te settle it by a wrestling match. While Patterson was holding him down Creden plunged a knife into his body nine times. Patterson fell te the fleer and his assailant made his escape. When the injured man was found he was beyond the reach of medical aid. The young men were well connected, geed friends and had previously borne excellent reputations. BURNED TO DEATH. A Weman Accuses Her Husband of aa Unnatural Crime. Philadelphia, March 26. 3Irs. Cath arine Corsen was taken te the hospital this morning in a dying cenditian, suffer- injj from severe hums. She made a depo sition before a magistrate accusing her husband of wilfully burning her by throw ing a lighted coal oil lamp at her. The husband was promptly arrested but denied the charge, averring that his wife was drunk and accidentally set herself en fire while sitting near the stove. The police could find no trace of a broken lamp or evidence of a struggle, and it seems that the husband, wife and a party of friends, who had all been drinking in the house, are unable te account for the burning. The matter is being investigated by the police. THE NIUIL1STS. A Denial Frem Geneva. Paris, March 26. A Socialist paper publishes a note from Geneva denying the existence there of any Nihilist committee. The note says there is simply a relief society for Russian political refugees, and what is new going en in Russia requires tee great'a knowl edge of local conditions, and tee great promptitude, te be superintended at a spot four days distant from the scene of action. BRUTALLY- BEATEN. Probably Fatal Assault ou a Railroader. Chicago, March 20. A despatch from East St. Leuis says Dan Feley and Mike Reedy, two striking switchmen, having taken shelter in the switch house, were brutally beaten by a gang of men last night. Feley was left for dead, but suc ceeded in reaching the station house. His recovery is doubtful. It is supposed that their assailant mistook Feley and Reedy for ether persons. OBITUARY Death of Gen. Pleasants. Pottsville, March 20. Gen. Henry Pleasants, chief engineer of the Philadel phia and Reading coal and iron company, late colonel of the -lSth Pcnna. Vels., brevet brigadier general and the "here of the Petersburg mine," died suddenly at his residence this morning. YIELDING PIANO MAKERS. Strikers Obtaining an Advance eT Wages New Yerk, March 20. Stcinways hae also yielded partially te the strikers' de mands, and the men are expected te re turn te work te-day at an advance of ten percent, en former wages. Hall and Welb arc new the only firms who held out. LEV.AL NOTICES. INSTATE OF ANNA M. AVEIDLEK, J late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te saiil decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W.F.Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. ni3()-ttdeed E .'STATE OF KILLIAN BECK, LATE OF the Citv of lincaster. deceased. Letters testamentary 011 said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted tesaiil decedent are requested te make immediutesettleiuent.aud these having claims or demands against the estate ersaid decedent te makekneun the same te the undersigned without delay, lesidingin the Citv of Lancas ter. ANDREW bilRKINER, marlS-Gtdeed Executer. E .STATK UFAV3I. .1. IIAKKLKY, tATK of Celrniin township, luiiciiHUr county. ! i1ntiikiiil f nttei-v nf txltui tiiit i ti it fin saiil estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in Cole Cele rain township. JOHN W. PHILLIPS, Administrator. Jamcs.M. Walker, Att'y. febfiWJtw E STATE OF JOHN DOHNEK, LATE O' the borough of Llizabelhtewn. ncceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons, indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te tliu undersign ed, residing in saiil borough. SAMUEL ERY, JOSEPH IJ. DOHNEK, fi)-6tw Administrators. INSTATE OF CHRISTIAN ERD, LATE OF 2j East Lampetertewiiship, Lancaster coun ty, deceased. Letters testamentary en the will et said deceased having been granted te the undersigned all peisens indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate payment, anil these having claims erjleniands against his estate will make the same known w itheut delay te DANIEL L. ERR, Executer, m3-Ctw Soudersburg, East Lampeter. INSTATE OF DAVID FISHER, LATE OF li Manheim Uoreugh, deceased. Letters- of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersign ed, residing in Manheim Uoreugh, Lancaster County. SUSANNA FISHER. Administratrix. Sam'l II. Pmci:, Attorney. iiiI7-tw E STATE OF MARY VOOAN, LATE OF Earl township, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of C. S. Hotl man, esq.. Administrator of estate off-aid de ceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en MON DAY, APRIL 1U, ltw, at WVi o'clock a. in.. In the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city el Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. GEO. A. LANE, m2J-4tw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JONATHAN S. Steltzfuse, of Upper Leaceek township, Lancaster county. Jonathan S. Steltzfuse, of Upper Leaceek township, having by deed et voluntary assignment, dated JANUARY 31. 180, assigned and trunsfcired his estate and cirects te the undersigned, ter the benefit et the creditors of tlie said. Jonathan S. Steltzfuse, he therefore gives notice tesdl persons indebt ed te saiil assigner te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te J ACOIt S. ERY, Assignee, Residing in Rareville, Lancaster Ce. Besj. F. Davis. Attorney. febll-tw "vreriuE. Jn the matter of the Assigned Estate of Henry Eshleman and Wife, of Utrasburg teunishtp, Lancaster county, I'a. Netice is hereby given that Jacob Ilildc brand, assignee of Henry Eshleman and wife, has presented a petition "te the Cecrt of Com mon Pleas of Lancaster county, asking the said court for an order and decree that he shall recenvey te the said Henry Eshleman and wife all the assigned estate in his hands, and that he be discharged and released from said trust, and that the said Court have fixed SAT URDAY, MARCH '.Tth, I860, at 1U o'clock a. in., at the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster, for the hearing of said petition," when and where the creditors and parties interested In the said assigned estate et Henry Eshleman and wife may appear and be heard. E. M cM ELLEN, mar4-ltd&3tw Frothenotary. MUSICAL INSTIC UMENTS. THE Lancaster Orp MafMery Without a denbt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear Rranch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CH1CKERING& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, 4c., always ea hand. m-lydSAlyw a Wl