Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 22, 1880, Image 3

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A New Fish for thv bumi uehanna Hirer.
It has already been noticed in our re
ports of the Linnaean society, that Prof.
Staufier had found a new fish in the waters
Of the Susquehanna. Te a representative
of the Intelligence! Mr. S. gives the fel
lowing additional information en the sub
ject : " It is desirable te call the attention
of the fishermen along the Susquehanna
river te a ' game fish,' a specimen lately
taken below the dam at Columbia, and
very considerately preserved in alcohol by
Mr. Geerge F. Rath von and sent te his
father, Prof. S. S. Rathven, for a name,
since it was pronounced a new fish by old
fishermen. This was submitted te me as
the chairman en ichthiolegy of the Linnxan
society. Frem a careful measurement,
count of spring and spineless fin-rays, their
length and position, scales, lateral line,
epercle, etc., it fully accorded with
the description of a fish named by
that eccentric naturalist, Rafencsque, as
the Ambleplitet ruptttrin. But, as this
fish was only known te occur in western
waters, or Lake Erie, I wished te be certain
of the name, and en February 24th, 1880,
I sent a carefully made drawing and obser
vation te Hen. S. F. Baird, secretary of
Smithsonian institution, who is also the
U. S. commissioner of fish and fisheries.
In a reply dated February 26, Saturday,
reached me en Monday, March 1st inst.,
he says : The fish represented is evi
dently Ambleplites rupestris. The finding
of it in the Susquehanna is of great inter
est.' Asking te retain the drawing and
borrow the specimen for examination and
compare it with Prof. Cepe's description
of A. cavifren and the western species,
I sent it en as desired. On March 4th,
Prof. Baird says : 'There is no doubt as te
its being the species named ; it is net at
all like the description of A. catirens.'
He desired te retain it a little while longer
for closer study.
" I state the foregoing te show its impor
tance and with a hope te acquire further
facts. A vague report has been stated
that a similar fish was captured two years
age. What we wish te knew is : Has it
been introduced in the Susquehanna? If
se, by whom ? Can any ether person re
port having caught this odd bass, or sun
fish. The fin en the back (or the dorsal
fin) has 11 spineus rays and 11 soft rays,
the last at the end project, at the tips.
The continuous, the ventrical rear fins
also project backwards, near the tail fin,
which latter is slightly notched (cmargin
ated). In short, it differs from all the
ether fish common te our waters, and can
easily be detected, ence attention is called
te it.
" Thus, .science, can be promoted, and
facts made known, by observation aud
enquiry. What is it ? Send it te one that
may ' fish out of books ' what you fished
out of water. Yeu, therefore, arc equally
entitled te your share of the credit, and te
be a co-worker."
IU Observance fn n. Cuurchps Yesterday
HUliep sshanahun at St. Alary '8.
Yesterday was Palm Sunday, and in the
Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Moravian,
and ether churches in which ceremonial
commemoration is in ado of events in the
passion and death of the Saviour, there
were special services, in observance of
Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusa
lem, when tlie people cut boughs
from the trees and spread them in His
path, singhi,; hosanna te the Sen of David.
Although the last Sunday in the sembre
Lenten season, and the first day of the
week of solemn observances and religious
discipline which, especially in the Catholic
church, precede the festival of the resur
rection, yet the day brought with it a
gleam of joyousness that seemed te
lighten the gloom that has prevailed
in the churches since the pre
sent season was entered upon.
The day was delightfully bright and ex
hilarating. It was cool and dry and crisp,
as March weather ought te be, and all day
long the utidimmed sunshine bathed the
city in Heeds of brightness. There was a
tint of frost in the morning air, but as the
eun rose higher this disappeared. The pur
suits of the people were in accordance with
the bright and cheerful weather, as was
evidenced by the large congregation pres
ent at all the morning services.
In the several Catholic churches chancels
and sanctuaries were decked cheerfully
with palms, which relieved the sober pur
ple coverings el the pictures and ether
ornaments. At St. Antheny's, St. Jo Je
seph's and St. Mary's, early mass was
largely attended, and in the latter, at
10:30 the church was crowded.
Right Reverend Bishop Shauahan
conducted the service of the blessing of th e
palms, at the conclusion of which
the congregation were invited te
the sanctuary where each member
was presented with a small sprig of creen
as a memento of the occasion. By many
these palms are preserved until the follow
ing Ash Wednesday, when their ashes are
used te mark the brews of the faithful.
After the distribution high mass was cele
brated by Father Ignatius, being the same
as en ether Sundays, excepting that the
history of the passion, as related by St.
Matthew, was read. In the ether Catholic
churches similar services were held.
In the Episcopal churches the
observance was confined te the read
in of the collects for the day. In
a number of the ether churches pulpit
topics especially suitable te the occasion
occupied the attention of the preachers,
and in the Moravian church the peculiar
and solemn services of passion week were
begun, and will be continued every even"
ing during the week.
Mrs. Catherine S. Fahnestock, relict of
the late Geerge Fahnestock and mother of
R. E. Fahnestock of this city, died at her
home in Philadelphia yesterday iu the 80th
year of her age. Mrs. Fahnestock had
been in failing health for seme time past,
the result of extreme old age rather than of
any special disease. Mis. Fahnestock
was a daugter of Gideon Cox, who
also lived te be a very old roan.
Nearly all her married life was
spent in Lancaster, where her hus
band was a prosperous merchant. About
a dozen years age he removed with his
family te Annville. where he had a married
daughter living. Soen after moving there
he died aud his widow and family removed
te Philadelphia, where they have since re
sided. Mrs. Fahnestock was a member e(-
St. James Episcopal church, this city. Her
remains will be taken te Annville and will
be interred beside these of her husbaud.
Argument Court Current Business.
Court met this morning at 10 o'clock
and it will continue in session until the ar
gument list is disposed of.
The license of William G. Bair, of Penn
township, was transferred te William D.
Henrietta Hickman was divorced from
her hubband, Benj. E. Hickman, en the
grounds of desertion.
In the estate of Henry Crawford, cita
tion en former guardian te file an account,
the parties were given until May 10, te
file account.
Jacob Aument, deceased, estate, excep
tions te auditor's report, a supplemental
report was filed and under it the distribu
tion will be made.
Officers Elected.
On Saturday evening the Franklin build
ing and lean association elected the fol
lowing officers te serve for the ensuing
President A. II. Ball.
Vice President R. J. Housten.
Secretary J. D. Pvett.
Treasurer A. A. Hubley.
Directors Jacob Gable, James C. Gable,
Cr. J,dw. Heirener. Jehn II. Mctzler, Jas.
Potts, Jas. F. Ricksecker, T. Parke
Guthrie, B. Frank Sayler, S. II. Zahm.
Auditors C. II. Brown, Jue. E. Hub
ley, D. E. Leng.
Hurt by a Torpeuo.
On Saturday afternoon a lad named
Frank Lewis, aged ten years, while gather
ing coal along the Pennsylvania railroad
near the Penn iron works, found one of
the large caps or torpedoes used as signals
by the railroad men. lie struck the tor
pedo with a stone, exploding it, and his
face badly was burned with the powder,and
ene of the fragments of the shell striking
him en the palm of the hand, lacerated it
very badly.
Presented With a Cane.
On Saturday evening last the employees
of Wm. F. Schultze, the well-known to
bacco dealer, presented him at Wejrhle's
saloon, en East King street, with a hand
some geld-headed cane. The presentation
speech was made by Alderman J. K. Barr
and replied te by Mr. Schultze, who was
greatly surprised. After the presentation
these present were nicely entertaiucd by
Mr. Schultze.
New Wires.
Te-day the telegraph builders have been
busy in the vicinity of Pennsylvania rail
road depot, in erecting telegraph pests and
putting np new wires connecting with and
extending ever the new cupola recently
erected en the southwest corner of the
passegcr depot. The wires belong te the
Pensylvania railroad company, the
Western Union and the American Union
telegraph companies.
excursion te-morrow.
excursion te-morrow
Te Philadelphia ever the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad, Tuesday, March 23. Tickets
geed for three days te return en any train.
Fare ler round trip, $1.75. Special train leaves
West Kin;; street atC o'clock a. in.; Columbia
.:50 a. m.
On Wednesday evculug the Friendship As
senibly, which is composed of members of the
Friendship Cemmandcry el the American
Ligion. will Rive a sociable in Roberts's hall.
The affair is expected te be very large, as quite
a number et tickets have been disposed of and
a great many invitations have been sent out.
Barrett as Hamlet. On Wednesday evening
Mr. Lawrence Barrett will appear at Fulton
opera house in his superb characterization of
Il&mlel, In Shakspeare's tragedy of that name.
Mr. Barrett is net merely a geed actor ; he is a
great actor, and occupies a niche alongside of
t.iesc who have made the American btagc
lameus. His name is a tower et strength in the
communities where he is best known, and our
people have, in his appearance here, an oppor
tunity atrerded them that they should recog
nize by greeting him with such an audience us
his eminent abilities should command. He will
be supported by a. carefully selected company.
A Workingman.
Being obliged te work for years in damp lo
calities, my legs became contracted and caused
me much pain. My physician, Dr. F. Ilein,
recommend the use of St. Jacob's Oil, iind
live bottles cured me. I deem it my duty te
acquaint suffering humanity of this wonderful
remedy. U. Juxek, -AVie Yerk.
Bright teeth, and lips that glow the while,
Give light and color te a smile ;
And, inflnitely mere than this,
Give light and color te a kiss.
But both must suffer from the want
Of the lite-giving SOZODONT.
2EW Advertisements.
See Wanamakcr's Advertisement.
Lancaster Commercial College.
Sale of Household Furniture.
The Banker's Daughter.
Situation Wanted.
Bey Wanted.
Public Sale.
E5F"Fer further details sea advertising
What Ails Yeu ?
Is it a disordered liver giving you a yellow
skin or costive bowels, which have resulted in
distressing Piles or de your kidneys refuse te
perform their functions t If se your system
will seen be clogged with poisons. Take a few
doses et Kidney-Wert and you'll feel like a
new man nature will threw effuvery impedi
ment and each organ will be ready for duty.
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
If you take our advice you will lese no time
in calling en your druggist for "Sellers' Cough
Syrup" without an equal. Price 25 cents.
A Geed Housewife.
The geed housewife, when she is giving her
house its spring renovating, should bear in
mind that the dear inmates of her house are
mere precious than many houses, and that
their systems need cleansing by purifying the
bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te
prevent, and euro the 'diseases arising Irem
spring malaria and miasma, and she must
knew that there is nothing that will de it se
perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest
and best of medicines. See ether column.
Troublesome Children.
That arc always wetting their beds 'ought
net te be scolded and punished for what they
cannot help. They need a medicine having a
tonic effect en the kidneys and urinary
organs. Such a medicine is Kidney-Wert. It
has specific action. De net fail te try it for
them. ni22-l wd&w
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
Frem Hen. Andrew Cornwall,
.Ex-Member, of Legislature, Xew Yerk State.
Alexandria Bat, Jan. 3, 1880.
II. H. Warner fc Ce. :
Gests: 1 have been troubled with kidney
difficulty for the last three years, and in Octo
ber last had avery severe attack. I then com
menced taking your Sale Kidney and Liver
Cure and obtained relief at once. I have used
two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall
always keep a supply of Warner's Sufe Kidney
and Liver Cur In the house.
Tours truly,
Mothers! Metbersl! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth J
It se, go at once and getabettle of MBS. WINS
LOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwili relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is neta
mother en earth who has ever used It, who will
net tell you at once that it will regnlate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. rjl7-lydftwM.W4S
Statistics prove lliat twenty-hve per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease iu its worst stage will yield te
a battle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg
ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
Pure Spices at. Lecher's Drug Stere.
"Mamma, it is time te take that medicine."
The medicine referred te was Dr. Browning's
C. ft C. Cordial. With Its wonderful healing
properties it is pleasant te the taste, and chil
dren learn te love it. What is mere desirable
when a child is sick than te have it take medi
cine; and where, in many cases, will you find
mere trouble. Children are very susceptible
te coughs and colds, and Dr. Browning's C. ft
C. Cordial will de mere geed, quickly and
thoroughly than any medicine known. Manu
factured and for sale by the proprietor at 1117
Arch street, Philadelphia, and sold by all
druggists. Price only 50e.
Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders.
A Mether's Griet.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a
lir.tiii k lift.. ..Ii tl . I ...... lwm. l.i... imnf ...It. in
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you are running a terrible
risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping
Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de
net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump
tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10
cents, 50 cents und $1. Fer lame Back, Side,
or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price
25 cents. Sold by I). Heitsiiu, Lancaster, and
M. L. Davis, Mllfersville.
The Rest I liver Knew Of.
J. G. Starkcy, a prominent and influential
citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have hail the
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several
years, and have used every Remedy I could
near of, without any relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiloh's Vitalizcr advertised In our
paper, and was persuaded te try it. I am happy
te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price
75 cents. Sold by D. Ilcitshu, Lancaster, and
M. L. Davis, Millcrsville.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker Meuth, and Head Ache, with each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for
he mere successful treatment of tue com
plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents.
Sold by D. Heitsiiu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
Millcrsvillc. s2U-eodD&eewW
The Invalid finds In " Dr. Lindscy's Bleed
Searcher" nature's great restorer. It is won
derful. 31AKHIAGES.
Faust Constein-. March 21. 1880. at the par
sonage of Trinity church, by Rev. Dr. Green
wald, Themas if. Faust te Lizzie Constein,
both of Lancaster.
Pewdeh. In this city, March 22d, 1880,
Charles E. Pewdcn, in the 27th year of his age.
A kind friend aud affectionate husband.
The relatives and friends et the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral, fiem
the residence et his parents, Xe.22l North Mu.
berry street, en Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. 2td
Fahnhsteck. In Philadelphia, en the 21st
inst., Mrs. Catharine S., relict of Geerge Fahne
stock, formerly of this city, in the SOth year of
her age.
Funeral services at her late residence, Ne.
113 Seuth 22d street, Philadelphia, Tuesday
afternoon, at 0:30 o'clock. Interment at Ann
villi, Lebanon county, en Wednesday alter alter
neon, at 1 o'clock. ltd
xpir a ij ri:j(TisK3ii:sTs.
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli
able Companies. II KRK & STAUFFER,
Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St.
20-tteedR Oilice: Xe 10 West Orange St.
TUESDAY. MARCH 2:5, 1SS0, will he sold at
Ne. 2IS East Walnut s-trect, Lancaster city, a
let of Household and Kitchen Furniture und a
let of Reeks Ac
Sale te commence at I o'clock p. m.
ltd SAM'L HESS A SOX, Aucts.
o'clock, at Xe. (117 Marietta avenue, of House
hold aud Kitchen Furniture, such us Bureaus,
Cupboards. Table. Ne. 7 Range. Steve, Chnirs,
Bedsteads, Cat pels. Lounge, Tin and Queens
ware and let et Weed.
m2i-2td F. n. WILLIAMS. Auct.
o'clock, at the late .residence of Killian Beck,
deccaseil. en Leve I.are, a let of household
and kitchen lurn.tarc, plows, harrow, cart,
wagon, harness, Ac.
J. Gnnilaker, Auctioneer. Executer,
feb 22-lt.
Democratic County Committee.
Tke Democratic county committee will held
a meeting at Shober's hotel, this city, en Mon
day, March 2!), at 10 a. m., te fix a time for the
meeting of the county convention, te elect
delegates te the state convention and te trans
act such,Qtber business as the committee may
appoint or the convention determine.
Every member is urgently requested te be
present if possible.
ml5-tddAw W. U. HEXSEL, Chr.
The two-sterv brick dwelling, nine rooms.
and very large let with great quantity and
variety et fiuit. Ne. 421 North Prince street.
formerly me resilience ei .i. u. jimwuKe. aise.
the large Frame Shep, with office connected
therewith, Xe. 41G Xerth Market street, for
merly known as " Amwake's Leck Works."
Rent reasonable. Apply te
Insurance and Real Estate Agents.
marl8-3tdR Oilice, 10 West Orange Street
Rhoads's Jewelry Stere, Ne. 4. W. King
street, Lancaster, Pa., 3d fleer. This institu
tion affords superior advantages in acquiring
a thorough and practical knowledge of Book
keeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Grammar
and Correspondence. Its aim is te impart an
education suited te the requirements of bus-i
ncss pursuits and training young men and
bevs by short and interesting methods in these
things that will best fit. them for a ready and
8ucce.-stul start iu life. Fer circulars and
terms address
II. C. WEIDLER, Principal,
or, W. D. MOSSER, Secretary.
The office of The Lancaster Gas Light
and Fuel Cempanv, has been removed te
Ne. 7, Xerth Queen street, Examiner and Ex
press building. m20-4td22,21,27
The Ceal Office of II. Baumgardner & Ce.
has been removed te
m20-4td-22.24A27 (Examiner Building).
DIES, Pure Rye Whiskies and Geed Beer,
go te GEORGE WALL'S Southern Exchange
Hetel, Ne. 325 Seuth Queen street. Oysters,
stewed, panned, lried, Ac, as desired.
county. Pa., has this day ceased te act as
our agent. We will therefore net be responsi
ble for any transactions entered into by him
for our account.
149 Water Street, New Yerk,
Packers of Leaf Tobacco.
March 19, 18S0. m20-lwd
Will remove their Ceal Office, 15 EAST KING
the Xew Yerk Stere, en or before APRIL 1,
where they will be glad te see their old custo
mers. m20-3tawtf
exclusive of New Yerk City. It carries DOUBLE THE
STOCK of any Retail Heuse in Philadelphia.
Buyers are Sure of Seeing the LARGEST ASSORT
MENT of Newest Goods. A System of Business is ob
served that Ensures PERFECT SATISFACTION.
A CORDIAL INVITATION is Extended te all who
visit us.
The New Stock for Spring is Just Opened.
13th Street, Market te Chestnut,
WATCHES The largest stock and most Tailed assortment te be found
In the Interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and
Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality.
JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari
ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting.
SIIiVERWAEE.Artlcles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro
plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish.
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every
thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business.
Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern
cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as
It could be bought elsewhere.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
MR. B. YECKER takes pleasure in an
nouncing te the public of Lancaster and vicin
ity, that he has arranged with the ME KG II
IlROS. for the appearance here for ONE
N1UHT ONLY el the Distinguished Acter,
In Shakspeare's Masterpiece, entitled
MR. BARRETT as HAMLET, Prince or Den
mark, supported by his own Superb Company.
ADMISSION, - 35, 60 75 Cts.
RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75 Cts.
Seats can be secured at the Opera Heuse
Office, by maU or telegraph, en and alter
March 18. ml7-lwd
MR. JOHN D. MIsnLER has the honor te
announce one et the most brilliant entertain
ments he has ever presented in the appearance
Banker's Daughter Combination,
Under the nuspices et A. M. Palmer, Union
Square Theatre, Breauway and 14th street.
New Yerk.
J. W. COLLIER. - - - Maxager.
The Phenomenal Success of the Season,
"in Banker's DaiMer,"
As played at the Union Square Theatre, N. Y.,
140 Consecutive Nights, and lias also received
the mett flattering tokens of approval every
where presented.
Positive appearance of Mr. Leuis James. M Is
Marie Wainwrisrht, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wulcet,
Mrs. Farren, Hareld Kersberg, and
This Company will bring all its Elegant
Scenery. Notwithstanding the great expense
attending this engagement, no advance will
be made In prices.
ADMISSION. - 35, 50 St 75 Cts.
Bex Sheet new eiwn at Yecker's. mSS-Std
Everybody te advertise, free of charge,
in the lKTKLLiaitHCXK, who wants something
te de.
A Bey, at Ne. 221 West Chestnut Street.
T t An Experienced Cutter ei Men's and
Beys' Clothing. A permanent position and
geed salary te a first-class man. Address
ml3-3td Lancaster P. O.
A young girl wants a situation te de
general housework. Geed reference given.
Apply at 324 East King Street.
A situation te de general housework by
a strong, ln-arty, young country girl. Geed
reference given. Inquire at
Mortgage, or $1,200 en second mortgage
security worth twice the amount and geed
collateral, six per cent. Interest promptly paid
and safe permanent investm ent. Address
2td " B., IarrxLLiuxxcKB Orricx."
Kidney and Liver
The greatest of Modern Medical Discoveries.
A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE
REMEDY In the world ler Bright's Disease.
Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary
Diseases. There are a large number of testi
monials of the highest character in support el
these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished
allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article
in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the
cure of two cases of Chronic Bright's Disease
by this remedy, and advises all his brother
Shysicians te use It In practice. R. Caulkins.
. D., of Rochester, N. Y., writes that he would
prescribe the remedy te all afflicted with
serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E.
Rankin, D. P., of Washington, D. C, tells et
permanent cures effected hy it, and says : "I
de net doubt that it has great virtue." D. W.
Bartlne, M. D., D. D., or East Orange, N. J.,
certifies that it cured him of chronic Bright's
Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Harvey, D.
D., Secretary of Heward University, certifies ;
"lam convinced that no remedy heretofore
used or described can be held for one moment
in comparison with this." These are sample
Twe compounds ; Fer the cure et Diabetes
call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure
of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War
ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills
and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies,
unequalled in their respective fields of disease.
Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug
gists and medicine dealers generally through
out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi
monials. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N T.
1 dz-TuTh&Sd&w
I have for sale several choice varieties of
Tobacco Seed, which I can recommend te
growers. 6nr 7 put up in one dollar pack.
m: "Bhrtr's Warehouse,"
mll-tfd Lamcaster, P
Hava aclilered the most noted success et
any Medicines of Modern Times.
Messrs. Weeks & Petter have never doubted
the specific properties of Cuticura, Cuticura
Reselvent and Cuticcka Seap, for the speedy,
permanent and economical cure of Humors of
the Bleed. Skin and Scalp. They are, however,
astonished at their universul success; for it
was te be expected that in the hands of some
hey would fall solely from spasmodic or lgne-
ant use of them.
Thej' are unable te say -without fern of con
radictlen that no remedies ever achieved in
the short space of one year the number of won
derful cures performed by the Chtieuka Rem
CoTerlng the Bedy fur Ten Tears, Perma
nently Cured.
Law Office of Chas. Hocafrreif.
17 Congress Street, Bosten. Feb. 28, 1878.
Messrs. Weeks & Petter: Gentlemen.! feel
it a duty te inform you, and through you all
who are Interested te knew the tact, that a
most disagreeable and obstinate case of Salt
Rheum or Eczema, which has been under my
personal observation from its first appearance
te the present time, about ten (10) years,
covering the greater portion of the patient's
body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and
itching scab, and te which all the known meth
ods et treating such disease has been applied
without benefit, has completely disappeared,
leaving a clean and healthy skin, under a few
days of application of Cuticura.
I can and de heartily advise all similarly af
flicted te try the remedy which has been se ef
fectual in this case.
Very truly yours,
And Dyspepsia Treated by the Keselvent
Gains 5 1-2 pound en One Bettle.
Gentlemen: I have had Liver Complaint and
Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of
my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no
geed I have been spending for eight yours
and it did no geed. Everything I atu distress
ed me. 1 get reduced from 179 te 132 pounds.
At last I Uicd the Reselvent and it helped me
right oil", and en the bottle I gained five and
one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and
lam going for it strong.
Yours truly, JOnN ROY.
414 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI., Nev. 15, i878.
Nete. CuTfctntA is admirably assisted in
cases et extreme physical weakness, or when
the virus of Scrofula is known te lurk in the
system, by the internal use of the Cuticura
Reselvent, without doubt the most powerful
bleed purifier and liver stimulantin the world.
Cuticura Seap is an eleirant toilet anil medic
inal assistant te Cuticura in the treatment of
all external ailments. Fer chapped hands,
rough skin anil tan, sunburn, and the lesser
skin troubles, it is indispensable : as a sean ter
the toilet, the nursery and bath it is the most
eiegant, reiresuing anu neaung oeioro tue
These great remedies succeed where all
ethers heretofore iu ue fail because they pos
sess new and original properties never before
successfully ceinbincdin medicine.
The Cuticura Remedies are prepared by
Weeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3tM
Washington street, Bosten, and are for sale by
all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes,
M cents ; large boxes, containing two and one
half times the quantity et small, $1. Reselvent,
$1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cents per cake ;
by mail, 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents.
In the Annihilation et
Pain and Inflammation.
circTBIQlu the Vitalizalien of
til nrQ& Painful Nervous Parts
I Wr and Organs, in the Cur
ing of Chronic Weakness of the Lungs, neart,
and Kidneys, in the Absorption of Poisons
from the Bleed through the Peres, and the Pre
vention of Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints,
Malarial and Contagious Diseases, they are
wonderful. Get the genuine.
50 Years Before the Public.
Pronounced by all te be the most pleasant
and efficacious remedy new in use for the
cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness
tickling sensation of the threat, whooping
cough, etc. Over a million bottles sold within
the last few years. It gives relief wherever
used, and has the power te Impart benefit that
cannot be had from the cough mixtures new
in use. Sold by all druggists at 25 cent pe.
SELLERS' LIVER PILLS are also highly
highly recommended ler curing liver com
plaint, constipation, sick headaches, fever ana
ague and all diseases of the stomach and liver
Sold by all druggists at 25 cents per box.
el-lyw Pittsburgh, Pa.
16,000 acres et Finely Timbered Ceal Land
In Kentucky, en the Big Sandy river, by which
the timber White Oak, Yellow Poplar, Wal
nut, Ash and ether varieties can be trans
ported by raft or beat te market. The land is
en the Hue of the Big Sandy railroad, which is
about being built by Cidcinnatl capitalists,and
Is underlaid with an immense bed of bitu
minous coal. Fer further information address
ALLAN A. HERB, Real Estate Agent,
North Duke St. Lancaster, Fa.
Washington, March 22. Fer th Mid
dle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather
in northern portions, with occasional light
snow or rain, southwest veerinp te north
west winds, falling followed by rising ba
rometer. OXFORD WINS.
The Light Blue Crew Come in Ahead After
a Magnificent Struggle.
Londen, March 22. Oxford has wen
the university beat race.
The Oxford crew were the first te paddle
te the starting point. Twe minutes after
the beats made a magnificent start
at the rate of 40 strikes per min
ute. Fer seme yards the beats
were even, but the Cambridge crew, row
ing a quicker stroke, drew ahead. "When
tbe beats rounded Craven Point, six fur
longs from the start, Cambridge was still
leading slightly. Befere reaching Ham
mersmith bridge Oxford made a grand
effort and rapidly drew up. When
the beats passed under the bridge
a mile further en Cambridge
were only leading by a quarter
length. The excitement was intense and
great shouting of "Cambridge wins,"
Hammersmith bridge being regarded as
the critical .'point of the race At 11:59
the beats were sighted from Barnes, mak
ing their way up Cerney Beach, two and
a-half miles from start, with Oxford lead
ing by some lengths.
When a mile had been traversed a splen
did struggle occurred, Cambridge recover
ing the lead. At a mile and a quarter it
seemed as though Cambridge would row
right away, but the spurt told upon them
and when half way up Chiswick Eyet Ox
ford led by half a length.
At Chiswick church, two miles and five
furlongs from the start, the race was vir
tually ever ; Oxford leading by two
The Majority Repert Recommending Ills
Washington, March 22. In the Sen
ate, te-day, Mr. Hill, from the commit cemmit
mittee en privileges and elections, submit
ted the majority report en the Kellogg Kellegg Kellogg
SpetTord contested case, declaring Spof Spef Spof
ferd entitled te the seat. Mr. Hear, from
the same committee, presented a minority
report signed by himself, Cameren (Wis.)
and Legan.
General Grant Reported te be Lest at
Washington, March 22. There in a
rumor here that the steamer City of Mex
ico, with General Grant en beard, has
been lest at sea. The only ground for
this rumor is that she is overdue. She
was due at Galveston yesterday, and has
net been sighted by pilots.
Inquiry at the executive mansion and
signal office fails te confirm the rumor.
A False Alarm.
Galveston, Texas, March 22. The
steamer with General Grant aboard is net
due here until te-day.
Guerrere Wins With a Score of 500 Miles.
San Francisce, March 22. The go-as-you-please
match, composed of local pedes
trians of both sexes, which has been in
progress for the last six days, was wen by
a native Californian named Guerrere, by a
score of 500 miles, Scott second, with a
scere of 487 miles.
The Journal's Insurance.
Bosten, March 22. The insurance en
the Journal office, damaged by fire last
night is $92,500, distributed among thirty
one companies.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, March 22. Fleur dull and
weak; superfine $1003150: extra $5UO550;
Ohie and Indiana familv $6 376 87 ; I'enn'a
family t(i 2."6 62 : St. Leuis family $G 75700 ;
Minnesota family 13 75QG C2; patent und high
gnules $70098 00.
Rye flour U 755 00.
Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged.
Wheat quiet ; Ne. 2 Western Red tl 43 ; Pa.
de $1 43l 14 ; Amber $1 441 45.
Cern steady ; steamer 5453c ; yellow 5Gc ;
mixed 55c.
Oats dull and lower ; Ne. 1 49c; Ne. 2 48c;
Ne. 2 mixed 4647c.
Rye quiet ; We-frn 90c ; Pa. 90c.
Previsions steat y; mess perk $12 50 12 75: lx-el
hams$175018 00, India mess beef 19fi020
bacon smoked shoulders 5!5c ; salt de i. ;
smoked bams 9W10c; pickled ham?
Lard steady; city kettle 7c; loose butchers
7c ; prime steam 77Jfc.
Butter fairly active, firm ; creamery extra
36g$37c: ISrauterd ceuntvand New Yerk extra
new 3133c : de fail 2S30c ; Western reserve
extra at 28g30c ; de geed te choice 2327c :
rolls firm and scarce : Penn'a extra 23(27c ;
western reservn extra 2527c.
Eggs quiet ; Penn'a 12)c ; Western 12c.
Cheese steady; N. Y. factory 14414c:
western lull cream 1414'c ; de ler geed 134
V&ii ; de halt-skims 12313c.
Petroleum dull ; Refined 73c.
Whiskv at $109.
Seeds unchanged; geed te prime cleversecd
$6 23700; de timothy $3 203 25 ; de flaxseed
$1 80 1 85 and scarce.
Mew Yerk Market.
Nw Yewc, March 22. Fleur-State and West
era rather dull and In buyers' favor;
superfine state $4 G05 00; extra de
$5 155 40 ; choice de $5 45 ; fancy de
$6107 00; round hoop Ohie $5U)5 90: choice
de $t 006 SO; superfine western $4 655 00;
common te geed extra de $5 255 60 ; choice
dodo$5 558 00; choice white wheat de$5 85
G 50; Southern quiet and heavy; common te
fair extra $5 65t 15; geed te choice de S6 20
6 SO.
Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; Winter
Cash steady; futures lc lower ; Me. 1 White
May $136&; Ne. 2 Red, April $144gl45; de
Mayll 42 I 42&
Cern a shade easier and dull ; Mixed Western
spot 57M584c ; de future 52&Mc.
Oats heavy and lower; State 45218c ; Western
Cattle Market.
PniLADELrniA, Mar. 22. Cattle market fair
receipts 2,K)0 head: prime 56c; geed b
5c; medium 45c; common 44c.
Sheep market fair; receipts 5,0oe head;
prime 6&7Jic ; geed 6J6c ; medium 5
tic ; common 55c.
Hogs Market lair ; receipts 6,000 head ;
geed VLc ; Htillers 6J6c ; common 6c.
Stock Markets.
Philadelphia, Mar. 23
12:30 p. x.
Stocks dull.
PennatTs (third issue) 106
Philadelphia A Erie 17
Reading I15K
Pennsylvania 51
Lehigh Valley. him
United Ces. of N. J 157K
Northern Pacific 32)
" Preferred 55
Northern Central Xi
Lehigh Navigation 37
Norristown 101
Central Transportation Ce. 48
Pitts., Tltusville A Buffalo. 19
Little Schuylkill 53
Nxw Xekk, Mar. 22.
Stocks strong.
Meney 5
N. Y. Central 129
Eric 46
Adams Express 113
Michigan Central 93
Michigan Southern 108-8
Illinois Central 106
Cleveland ft Pittsburgh 110
Chicago A Reck Island. 175
Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 117
Western union Tel. Ce 108
Teledo Wabash 44
ew Jersev Central 8
United StatMBeadaaad Sterling Kxekaag-
(Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
Puiladxlpbxi, Mar. 12.
United States Ps, 1881, (registered). .105ei06X
United States 5's. 1881. (registered).. 103 103k
United States 4's, 1891, (reglstered)107U107j6
United States 4's, 1891, ( coupons).. .107JJ&107K
United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .105glO5Ji
United States Currency 6's 123
Sterling Exchange 485489
ofCelerain township, Lancaster county.
Pa-, deceased. Letters of administration en
said estate having been granted te the
undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are
requested te make Immediate payment, and
these having claims or demands against the
same will present them without delay for set
tlement te the undersigned, residing in Cole Cele
rain township. JOHN W. PHI CLIPS,
Jam M. Walxxr, Att'y. febie-Stw
the borough of Elizabethtown, deceased.
Letters of administration en said estate having
been granted te the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requested te make imme
diate payment, and these having claims or de
mands against the same, will present them
without delay ter settlement te tue undersign
ed, residing in said borough.
(2J-etw Administrators.
East Lanipetertewnshlp, Lancaster coun
ty, deceased. Letters testamentary en the
will et said deceased having been granted te
the undersigned all persons indebted te said
decedent are requested te make Immediate
payment, and these having claims or demands
against his estate will make the same known
without delay te
DANIEL L. ERB, Executer,
m.T-Gtw Seudersburg, East Lampeter.
Manheim Borough, deceased. Letters of
administration en said estate liavlng been
granted te the undersigned, all persons in
debted thereto are requested te make Immedi
ate payment, and these liavlng claims or de
mands against the same, will present them
without delay for settlement te the undersign
ed, residing in Munbelm Borough, I-ancuster
Sam'l II. Prick, Attorney. ml7-6tw
Steltzfuse. of Upper Leacock township,
Lancaster county. Jonathan S. Steltzfuse, of
t'pper Leacock township, having by deed et
voluntary assignment, dated JANUARY' 31,
1880, assigned and transferred his estate and
effects te the undersigned, ter the benefit ec
the creditors of the said Jonathan S. Steltzl'ue,
he therefore gives notice te all persons indebt
ed te said assigner te make payment te the
undersigned without delay, and theso having
claims te present them te
JACOB S. EBY, Assignee,
Residing in BareviUe, Lancaster Ce.
Bnvj. F. Davis. Attorney. febll-6tw
In the matter of the Assigned Estate of Henry
Eshlemanand Wife, of Strasburg township,
Lancaster county, I'a.
Netice Is hereby given that Jacob Ilildc
brand, assignee of Henry Eshlemun and wife,
lias presented a petition te the Cecrt of Com
mon Pleas of Lancaster county, asking the
said court for un order and decree that he shall
recenvey te the suid Henry Kshleuian and
wife all the assigned estate in his hands, am!
tliat he be discharged and released from said
trust, and that the said Court have fixed SAT
URDAY, MARCH 27th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m.,
ut the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster,
for the hearing of said petition, when and
where the creditors and parties Interested in
the said assigned estate et. Henry Eshlemun
and wife may appear and be heard.
mar4-ltdft3tw Prothenotary.
The Spring Term will open en MONDAY,
MARCH, 29, 1880. Attention is directed te the
following features :
1. The location is pleasant and healthful.
it The students receive the care and com
torts of a home.
3. The school is limited in number and se
lect in character.
4. Meral andrcligleusinflucncesarecxcrted.
5. The course et study is liberal.
0. The preparation of teachers is made a
7. The teachers are all practical and experi
enced In their work.
8. The expenses are considerably lower than
tbey generally lire in similar institutions.
Fer particulars address,
D. DEN LINGER, Principal.
18-3mw ML. Jey, Lancaster Ce., Pa
0000000000000 The untold miseries that re re
e e suit from indiscretion in early
e e life may be alleviated and
e e cured. These who doubt this
e e assertion should purcluise the
e e new medicul work published
0 e INST1TUTK, Bosten, entl-
0000000000000 VATIOJC. Exhausted vital
ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital
ty Impaired by the errors of youth, or tee elese
application te business, may be restored aud
manhood regained.
Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg
ed, just published. It is a standard medicul
work, the best in the English language, writ
ten by a physician of great experience, te
whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal
by the Londen Medical Association. It con
tains beautiful and very exjwnsive engravings.
Three hundred pages; mere than 50 valuable
prescriptions toralTfermsofprevailingdlsease,
the result of many years of extensive and suc
cessful practice, either one et which is worth
ten times the price of the book. Bound in
French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mail, pest
The Londen Lancet says. " Ne person should
be without this valuable book. The author is
a noble benefactor."
An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt
of 6 cents for postage.
The author refers, by permission, te Jes. S.
Fisher, president: W.I. V. Ingr.ihm, vice pres
ident; W. Paine, M. D.; C. S. Uauntt, M. D.; II.
J. Doucet, M. D.: R. II. Kline, M. D.; J. It. Hol Hel
comb, M. D.; N. R. Lynch, M. I)., and M. R.
O'Connell, M. D., faculty et the Philadelphia
University of Medicine and Surgery ; also the
faculty et'tlie American University of Philadel
phia ; also Hen. P. A. Bisscll, M. D., president
of the National Medicul Association.
Address Dr. W. II. PARKER, Ne TJPAT.
4 Bullfinch street, Bosten, Mass. ulinu
The author may be consulted en all
diseases requiringskill and expert-mnYO'Ij'T1'rr'
ence. dec24-lyw lniOIilir
k ANCrACTuaxa or
TRUNKS, &c.,
Fer the lowest prices and largest stock of
Sleigh Bells.Rebes, Lap Blankets, Herse Blank
ets, Driving (J loves, Light llarness.Team Har
ness, Yankee Harness, Saddles, Whips, Cellars,
Trunks, Traveling Bags, .Satchels, Curry
Combs, Herse Blankets, Harness Oils. Feather
Dusters, Sponges, Chamois, Herse Clippers,
etc., go te
Ne. 30 Ccntr Square, Lancaster, Pa-
On and after MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1879, trains
will run as fellows :
Sat. only
Ne.l Ne.3
a.x. r.k.
8.-00 2:20
8:17 239
830 233
9:00 3:23
935 4:00
237 735
Fulton Heuse.
White Reck..
Ne.2 Ne.4
A.M. P.M.
8:00 430
11:20 7:20
1135 730
12:25 8:16
12:40 8:28
1:00 8:45
Oxford 11:20 7:20 5:15
White Reck 1135 730 5:43
Fulton Heuse 12:25 8:16 6:05
Eldera 12:40 8:28 6:15
Dersey's 1:00 8:45 631
Ao.sanuse. e trains wilt step only when
signaled. Trains connect at Dersey's with Co
lumbia ft Pert Deposit R. R.
Frem my prize winning Plymouth
Rocks $2 ter 13. Premium ter hunt
collection Lancaster County Exhi Exhi
bitien. J. B. Lenir. N. E. corner
Centre Square, or Leng's Drug Stere, 12 North
Queen St. tl4-ltdft5tw