- -.-.---. ' - "" T "$ - .j-j 'f-'ij'V'--' '- '".. A-t"-' i - ." "i"-' '' ' ' rr"''-"S':"'-:''. ", -J- --fj -l-ft.-V-:--j-K-4 V z. rmmi juniini . ! . - ' ii i' "" "v-.-. ,. J- '" RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Narrow Escape of a Driver. This afternoon about 1 o'clock an accident happened at the North Queen street cross ing of the Pennsylvania railroad that might have lesulted very seriously, but fortunate ly did net. The local fricght, te which engine 10G is attached, was shifting cars a short distance above the depot. Tae train had been cut in two, and the rear portion of it was below the depot. The last car of the" front portion of the train was en the north track just above the North Queen street cross ing, and Philip Landis's four-herso team, in charge of a colored driver, was coming down North Queen street. As the cross ing was clear and he received no warning from the railroad watchman he drove across the track. At that moment the cars commenced backing and before he could clear the track struck his wheel horses, knocking the saddle horse down and throwing the driver te the ground. Luckily they fell clear of the track. The wagon pole, a piece of solid oak, was broken oil' as if it had beecn a pipe stem. The fallen horse and driver regained their feet, and the thoroughly frightened team ran down North Queen street te Orange, where they were stepped, the driver hanging bravely te them. Meantime the freight car went crashing ever the heavy wagon, the front wheels of which getting wedged under the rear end of the car, threw it from the track, knocked away the rear truck and threw the car in the direction of the telegraph tower, but luckily did net strike it, the engineer being signalled te step. The car that was thrown from the track blocked up both tracks for about an hour. Just who is te blame for the accident is net yet known. It is said that Mr. Kautz, the watchman, beckoned the driver of the team te cress the track, and that the engineer backed his train without giving the usual signal. On the- ether hand it is said the engineer did give the signal, and that Mr. Kautz did net tell the teamster te cress. There was a careless mistake somewhere that might have resulted in less of life, and the blame ought te be fixed where it belongs. The only less, fortunately, is the injuring of Mr. Landis's marc, the breaking of his wagon, and the breaking or the water tank at the railroad depot. The accident drew a great crowd of spectators. kusaway accidents. Men Hurt and WugniiN Smashed. This morning between 3 and 4 o'clock, while AI. Frick, butcher, of Millersville, was coming in te attend the Lancaster market, his heisc took fright near the lower end of Seuth Queen street and ran KJT. When in front of Jehn Franciscus's saloon, the wagon was upset and Jlr. Frick was thrown out and somewhat hurt. The top of the wagon was tern oil, and the ltinning-gears badly damaged. The hert,e continued his llight along Seuth Queen street te IIess's tavern, where he fell and was secured. During its llight Mr. Flick's herse nearly collided with and ran past a two mule wagon leaded with tobacco, owned and in charge of Benjamin Hcisler, of Providence township. Mr. Hcisler's mules ale took fright and ran elF, continuing up North Queen street until the wagon came in contact with an iron awning-pest in front of Eichholtz's cutlery store, which stepped them. Mr. Hcisler was thrown from the wagon and considerably cut about the head an. I face. The wagon had broken, but the the hounds and bolster mules escaped injury. Yesterday as Themas C. Wiley and wife were driving en Seuth Queen street, near Middle, in crossing a gutter one of the springs of their carriage was broken, ren dering the vehicle unsafe, and makinsr it necessary for Mrs. "Wiley te alight and re turn home afoot. This morning while Ames Geed was un loading a lead of tobacco at Fatman & Ce.'s warehouse, en the Harrisburg pike, the horses became frightened at a volume of t.ain escaping from the warehouse and, wheeling suddenly around, they broke the tongue and running gears of the wagon. They were caught before getting away. Yesterday afternoon as two men whose names we did net leant were driving near the corner of Seuth Queen and Middle street, their horse slipped his bridle. One of the men jumped out of the wagon te replace the bridle, but before he could de se the horse started oil and after running a sheit distance dashed the wagon against a hitching pest, which was broken elF, and then against a large shade tree, smashing the wagon a geed deal, but net injuring the man or horse. LIONS AX THK STAR CLUB. Telescope Sneclres cope Microscope. There was a crowded house at the Star club last night, when the thice greatest aids te scientific investigation that man has ever invented were exhibited, and their structure explained, by Mr. J. D. Pyott. These are the best instruments that could be had for the evening. The telescope belongs te Mr. B. B. Mai tin, en West Chestnut street. It has an object glass four and a-half inches in diameter, and is worth several hundred dollars. The spsctroscepe was obtained specially from Philadelphia for use en this occasion. The microscope, belonging te Dr. Crumbaugh, i6 the finest binocular instrument in Lan caster. After the lecture, which was a clear aud interesting description of the in struments and their interior arrangements, illustrated en the blackboard, some very beautiful specimens of crystallization were shown in polarized light by Dr. C, a hun dred or mere persons looking into the mi croscope during the hour of its exhibition. It was a most enjoyable meeting te all present. Music and lively conversation made the time pass rapidly as each waited for his or her chance te leek into the wonder-revealing instrument. Anether Watch Presentation. Te-day the employees of Jehn Dc llavcn's tobacco warehouse presented te their efficient foreman, Mr. William Shubroeks, a very handsomely engraved silver hunting case watch, (Aug. Rhoads movement) with a suitablec hain attached. The presentation, in behalf of the employees, was made by Mr. Win. Dellavcn, aud was responded te in very appropriate words by Mr. Alex. St. Clair, en behalf of the recipient. Discharged. Lewis Reidcnbach, who was arrested some time age for interfering with the workmen at the Penn iron company's works, had a hearing this afternoon before Alderman McCoueiny, and upon premising net te go near the mill again or te intei fore with the employees he was discharged. Greene County Tobacco. We have received from Jehn H..Syphers, of Waynesburg, Greene county, a sample of tobacco grown by him at his home in that county in 1878 and 1879. Seme of the leaves are tine and silky and ethers are marked by white vein, as was the case with a geed deal of our Lancaster county to bacco in 1878. Considering that it was grown by a farmer who has had but little experience in tobacco growing and who has few of the conveniences possessed by Lan caster cejinty farmers, the sample is a very fair one. Mr. Syphcrs tells us it was grown fiem Lancaster county seed, and that the coming season there will be about 130 acres planted in Greene county. We knew of no reason why geed tobacco mij;ht net be grown in Greene county as well as in Lancaster. The growing and handling of tobacco, however, is an art that is acquired only by experience and geed judgment. We wish the Greene county tobacco growers abundant success and shall at all times be pleased te hear hew they are getting along and what prices they realize for their crops. The Ruber Murderers te Hang en May 13. Governer lleyt yesterday afternoon set Thursday, May 13, as the day en which Henry F. Wise, Jesiah Hummel and Israel Brandt, three of the Raber murderers, are te be hanged. The application of Hum mel and liraudt for a commutation of the death sentence te impiisenment for life is te be considered by the beard of pardons at its next meeting in April. Wise was refused a commutation at the meeting en Wednesday. There is no hope for any of the condemned men. The death war rants will arrive te-day, when the prison will be informed. THE VEUNAL EOU1NOX. Days and Nights of Eqnal Length. Te day, March 20, the sun cresses the equator, coming neith.and according tothe calender the day and night arc new of equal length. The sun will continue te come north, apparently until the 20th of June, the summer solstice, the days growing gradually longer and the nights shorter until that time, after which it will appar ently recede, the days growing shorter, until the 20th of December, the shortest day of the year. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held a meeting at Shober's hotel, this city, en Monday, Match 29, at 10 a. m., te fix a time for the meeting of the county convention te elect delegates te the state convention, and te transact such ether business as the committee may ap point, or the convention determine. Every member has been urgently requested te be present, if possible. Curious Leaf. We saw te-day a curious pair of tobacco leaves which came from the warehouse of Scner & Krcidcr, at Willow Street. On the main stem for about six inches there is a leaf, at the end of it extends two smaller stems, en each of which is a beautifully colored leaf. Left for Lancaster. The Yerk Daily say: that a band of gipsies, win) have been encamped en the Yerk and Chaneeferd pike for some tin e past, have left for Lancaster county. Celluloid "Watch Cairn. We were te-day shown by Augustus Kheads a watch which 1ms cases made et celluloid, which is new used as a Mib-diiute ter geld and silver. The cam--, made of this material are said te be mere durable than any ether. When taken Irem the watch they clnvjy re semble a butler diih. Amusements. Lecture 77m livening. Tins evening lien. William Tarpons will deliver a lecture in Ful ton opera house. His subject will be " Michael Angele," and it will certainly be a very inter esting lecture. Mr. Leins IIimcel, of Eat Poesten Kill, X. '., says: '" I call St. Jacob's Oil the best lini ment I ever used. It cured me of Rheumatism a-id pain In the back." It is Terrible te have a wife or husband with a had breath. All this may be avoided by using SOZODONT. It is most agreeable te the taste, fragrant and healthful. It confers comfort upon its users, and prevents the alllictien et unpleasant breath. ra5-lwoed.Vw NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Removal et Lancaster G.is Light A Fie Fanners' and Werkingmens' Hats. Something New at Aug. Itheads's. Proposals Fer Collection of Tax. Fresh Groceries, Ac, at Bursk's. Sale of Household Furniture. Ceal at Hussel & Shiilmyer's. Gru'id Opening at Smuling's. Meeting et the IT. 15. & L. A. Estate of Anna M. Wcidler. New Stock! New Stere! Spring Goods at Hager's. Removal of Ceal Ollicc Agent Discontinued. 1 Ce. Lunch at Spangler's. Try the Cepygraph. Lunch at Franke's. Carpets at Shirk's. California Wines. Meney Wanted. Public Sale. Ileligieus. Fer Sale. ESFer furthtjr column. dutaiU mm advvrtuih" SPECIAX, XOTIVES. " My Hack Aches Se, and 1 feel miserably," said a hard-working man." The doctor questioned him and found that he had been habitually costive ter years, that new his kidneys were disordered and his whole sy.-.tein deranged. Kidney-Wert was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine en the bowels and kidneys is wonderful. mlS-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Urewn's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certainly UELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar iireparatlen. It cures pain in the Side, Hack or ltewcl, Sere Threat, Khcumntism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "IlllOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen lul of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if pretcrred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. II. Cochran A Ce' Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children. attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combiuatien has been success fully used by physicians, and leund te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty five cents a box. flanlMvd&wTuTh&S Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent, of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their nog neg nog ligence, or pity thorn for their ignorance T LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGEKC SATURDAY, MARCH 20. 1880. AN ELEGANT FIT GUARANTEED. ALL THE NEW STYLES IN PLAIN AND FANCY SUITINGS, NOW OPEN AND HARKED LOW. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE A SELECTION, BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS. DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, PANTALOONS, MADE AND TRIMMED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. Plain and Fine Fancy Hosiery, Plain and Fancy Neckwear, Summer Merine Unlanndried Dress Shirts, all in Fine Assortment. WE INVITE Use Lecher's Herse ami Cattle Powders. Frem Ben. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Memdkr, ev Legislature, New Yerk State. Alexandria, Bat, Jun. 3, 1380. IT. IT. Warner fe Ce. : j Uests: 1 lmve been troubled with kidney i difficulty for the last three years, and In Oete- ber last had a, very severe attack. I then com- ! mcuced taking your Sale Kidney and Liver Cure and obtained relief at enee. I lure used two bottles and feel sis well as ever, and I shall always keep a supply of Warner' Safe Kidney and Liver euro in the house. Yours truly, A. CORNWALL. ' Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" will ensure you a geed n'ght's lest. It is the beat cough medi cine in the market. Price 23 cents. Pure "spices at LecherV Drug Stere. Fer ah Irritated Threat, Cough or Celd, "Brown" Bronchial Troches" are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the geed reputation they have justly acquired. inlG-lwdTTh&S&w " Mamma, it is time te take that medicine." The medicine referred te was Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial. With its wenderiul healing properties it is pleasant te the taste, and chil dren learn te love it. What is mere desirable when a child is sick than te have it take medi cine; uinl where, in many cases, will you tind mere trouble. Children are very susceptible te coughs and colds, aud Dr. Browning's C. A C. Cordial will de mere geed quickly and thoroughly than any medicine known. Manu factured and for sale by the proprietor at 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and sold by all druggists. Price only 50c. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. "They cannot all lie," was the observation et one while reading the endless testimonials te ' Dr. Lindsey's Meed Searcher." It is in llalllblc. A Geed Housewife. The geed housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear In mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent nnd cure the diseases aiising from spiing malaria and miasiiiu, and she must knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Hitters, the purest and best of medicines, .see ethor column. m 15-2 wdAw Sediment or mucus in tl;e urine iiunuiu m m dicatien of disease. Take Kidney-Wert. m!5-lwdAw DEATHS. Shay. In this city, March 18, 1830. Jehn luceb. son of Marcus ami Wilhelmiua Shay, ugeil 23 years, 2 months and 9 days. The relatives and friends of the family are rcspcctlully Invited te attend the funeral from his parents' residence, Xe. 42 Derwart street, en Sunday aitcmoen at i o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. It IleeiiL. On the 18th inst., in Ment Jey, Christian ltuehl, in the -Will j ear of his age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from his late re-iilcnce, Mount Jey, Sunday after noon, at 1 o'clock. ltd XEW Altrj.JlTISH3lSTS. MOCK TUKTI.K SOUP LUNCH THIS evening at JehnSpangler's Fulton Opera Heuse saloon. North Prince etreet. Geed beer always en tap. ltd "L'IKE, HFK ANO ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. I1KKK & STAUFFEK, Beat Estate & Ins. Agtw., 3 N'. Duke St. rteoge-SmdUcod R.M Tl: H.MOVAL. he cilice of The Lancaster Gas Liirht ami r uci ueinpany, nas eeen remeveu xe Ne. 7, North Queen street, Examiner and Ex press building. ni20-4td22,2J,27 EMOVaL. J.1 The Ceal Ofllcc of II. Bauniiiardncr & Ce. has been removed te Ne, 7 NOBTH QUEEN STREET, m20-4td-22,24&27 (Examiner Building). I XMIKi: VOIIKI'KOI'KIITVIS THK HKST COM PAN lESat BAUSilAX & BUBNS . 29-tfeedK Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. CHICK 1CN FKIC AS SJiE AT EDDIE Frunkc's this evening and excellent beer en tap, 230 North Prince street. Header come and try it. It IOR PURE CALIFORNIA WINES, BICAN- DIES, Pure Kyc Whiskies and Geed Iteer, goteUKOUUK WALL'S Southern Exchange Hetel, Ne. 323 Seuth Queen street. Oysters, stewad, panned, tried, &c, as desired. Iin20-3td PUIILIC SALE 'OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furnitur.-, at 148 East Vine street, en TUESDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 23. at 1 o'clock. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON. Administratrix 01 the Estate of Anna AI. Wcidler. ni20-'ttd PROPOSALS FOR COLLECTION OF TAX. Sealed proposals for thecollectien of State and County Tax of the East and West Sections of the City of Lancaster, Pa., ler 1880, will be received at the Ceuntv Commissioners' Office en JIO. DAY, MARCH -"J, 1880, till i o'clock p. 111., the Commissioners reserving the right te reject any or all bids. By order of the Commissioners. m2u,24,'27dj Attest 1. N. S. WILLS, Clerk. MR. JAMES C. IRVIN, OF LANCASTER county. Pa., has this day ceased te act us our agent. We will therefeie net be lesponsi lespensi ble for any transactions entered into by him for our ui count. EMANUEL HOFFMAN & SON, M'J Water Street, New Yerk, Packers et Leaf Tobacco. March 19, 18S0. niSO-lwd ri'HE FARMERS AND WORKINGMEN X Will find it te their advantage te buy their hats, caps, underwear, t-hirts, overalls, jackets, stockings, notions. &c , as cheap as ever at RECllTOLD'h, ltd Ne. 52 North Queen street. INSTATE OF ANNA M. WEIDLEK, It lute ei the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters et udministiatien en said estate hav ing been grunted te the undcisigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlcnicut, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the uudersigded, residing in Lancaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. mSO-ctdeed r-IOPYGKAPHS! COP1GRAPHS! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. A 6IMM.E AND rERFECT METHOD OF PKODDCINO A KL'MBEK OV COPIES OF ANY WRITINO. 1 have used the Cepygraph ; It works well and is fully equal te the Lithegraui or any ether Tiansfcr tablet I have seen. JAS. H. MARSHALL, P. M. We have two of your Copy graphs in use. They work well: are both convenient and usclul. SAM'L. HESS & SON. Please send me by express te-night, without fail, a cepygraph, letter size. The ether one you sent me works splendidly. XliEO. REAVER, M. D. Pittsburgh. COPYGRAPHS of all sizes for sale by JOHN C. LONG, (at Leng's Drug Stere), nitt-Jtd 12 North Queen street, Laneutar. A.l i O O Li-.'.. EXAMINATION. WE INVITE EXAMINATION -:e:- GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HTJKST, 25 EAST KING STREET. -VJKir AlU'ERTISEMESTS. WATCHES The largest stock and meat varied assortment te be found In the Interior of the state. We sell all the reliable gTadea of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELBY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE. Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver.er electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as. it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. SPRING DRESS GOODS! SPRING DRESS GOODS! SPRING DRESS GOODS! HAGER & BROTHER Are new opening NKW SPRING DRESS JOODS in all the Latest Shade. NOVELTIES IN FRENCH DRES3 GOODS! NOVELTIES IN ENGLISH DRESS GOODS! FULL LINES OF AMERICAN DRESS GCC SDS1 French Grenadine, Plain and Luce. IJiintini's hams and Seersucker. Black Cashmere Silks, in all qualities, Irem 75c. te $1.23 per yard, ed Silks, new shades. Trimming Silks, Satins and Pekins. BLACK CASHMERES, Of beit make, imported in all qualities. Silk Warp, Henriettas, Crepe Cleth and Tamise. Genuine Kid Gloves from 2 te G button, in Black Celers, Whit. and Opera Shades. Gloves, 2, 3 and Elastics, Llsle Gloves, Lace Ten. Silk Gleve.-, Black and Celers, 2, S Elastic. White Goods, Lace Goods, Hosiery and Corsets. LAIfflR COACH -COX & CO.'S COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBECK The eaeu ter SleiIu at Hand. The Latest SLEIGHS In the City or County of Lancaster, flnely finished Handiwork. Our ni'ices lower than city ter the same quality of wert. Alse, FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, ui uii wesiirns ami DHscrlnt WOUO." ALL WOIIK GUARANTEED. X fir ADVERTISEMENTS. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held a meeting at Shober' hotel, this city, en 3Ion 3Ien day, March 29, at 10 a. m., te fix a time for the meeting of the county convention, te elect delegates te the state convention and te trans act such ether business as the cenimttce may appoint or the convention determine. Every member Is urgently requested te be present if possible. mlMdd&w W. U. HENS EL. Chr. I?OR RENT. . The two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, and very large let with great quantity aud variety et trult. Ne. 421 North Prince street, letmerly the residence et J. B. Amwake. Alse, the large Frame Shep, with office connected therewith. Ne. 416 North Market street, for merly known as " Amwakc's Leck Works." Kent reasonable. Applv te BAUSMAN & BURNS, Insurance and Real Estate Agents. mar!8-3tdR Office. 10 West Orange Street. A lice of Merest Te "if! NEW STOCK. NEW STORE. NEW AND INCREASED FACILITIES. By recent Improvement te my Ware Reems they have been much enlarged and Improved, and have Just been filled with a New and Com plete Assortment of Hand Made aud ether FURNITUEE, OFTH LATEST AND BEST DESIGNS. 1 guarantee all mv work and will make It te your interest te call. Repairing and Re-upholstering at short no ice. Picture Frames made te 01 der, at I5K EAST KING STREET. WALTER A. HEINITSH. OOMETHING NEW. They will stand mere wear than either Geld or Silver, and the cost isbut one-halt" of a Silver Case, for sale at AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, 13 Bast Kins Street, Lancaster, Fa. WILL MOVE TO Ne. 20 EAST KING ST., ON APBIL 1st, 1880. AN ELEG&NT FIT GUARANTEED. ALL THE NEW STYLES IN PLAIN AND FANCY SUITINGS. NOW OPEN AND MARKED LOW. NOW IS THE TIMETOMAKE A SELECTION, BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS. DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, PANTALOONS, MADE AND TRIMMED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. Underwear, Laundried and Crntnnnitx "hiiit7eu fVinlnn Iinvu Ging ;Ier TL'i-ile amd 1 Mil SLEIGH I0R K OLD STAXO.-sa STS., LANCASTER, PA. & MI LEY, Styles and the Largest Aortnient ei aud handsomely ornamented. All out Own anv ether nstaliliqlmmntin th alili; our Motte "OL'If. WOUK SUSTAINS- Oli: sew aijvej:tisi:mj:xts. C1ANADA HOUSES. Geerge Gressman will expose SO Head et Canada Horses for sale at BRIMMER'S LIVERY STABLES, en Monday morning at 10 o'clock. inl3-2td PURLIu SALE. On TUESDAY, MARCH 23, will be tfeld at Ne. 317 East Chestnut street a huge let et household and kitchen furniture siteve-, tables chairs, bedsteads, carpets, sett! cs. a large 8 day corner clock, glasq, queens an d tin ware, and many ether articles net nauiec I. Sale te commence at '.) a m. LOUIS BR1XKM.AN. II, SiicnEirr, Auct. 2td iOAL! COAL!! COAL!! RTJSSEL,& SHTJLMYEB Will remove their Ceal Office. 15 E VST I'vIXG STREET, te Ne. 22 EAST KING STREET . new the New Yerk Stere, en or lx-fore AP:IL 1, where they will be glad te see their old custo mers. m20-3tt iwtf SPBIIG lOVELTIES Ha- superseded all former efforts In displ aylng a Choice Line of FOREIGN GOODS.. Our order has gene out last Fall threiugli a leading house in New Yerk from their Cata logue or Samples, and come direct irem t he LONDON MARKEQ.1, Embracing Coloring and Designu excle, sively our own. Persons tn want of SPEIM SUITS had bctterplace their orders early te s score Choice Styles ere the line is broken. Hup licate styles cannot be hail. We are displaying them in all their or Iginal Beauty and splendor, and invite all te c 11 and examine tliem whether te purchase ernl t,and be convinced that Lancaster lias one FIEST-CLASS HOUSE having Nerve and Pluck te pitch in and handle the latest Novelties; for MEN'S WEAR. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN; STREET. in mm fek THIRD EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVEN'O, MARCH 20, 1880. AVKATHKB INDICATIONS. Washington, March 20. Fer the Mid Mid dle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather in northern portions, with occasional light &new and westerly winds, veerinjj te colder northwesterly, and higher barometer. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAMS. Gov. McClellan's Health. Trenten, X. J., March 20. Governer McClellan has net been seriously ill and was out riding this morning. The Piane Manufacturers Weakening. Jhew Iebk, .March 20. lhe uncon ditional premise of Haines Brethers te re open their factory en Monday next te re store their seventy-five or mere locked out men te their places caused considerable excitement among the piano makers this morning. Sentenced te Lire Imprisonment. Rockland, Me., March 20. Hannah Thorndike, convicted in December, 1873, of killing Henera Sullivan, the law court having overruled the exceptions, was to day sentenced te state prison for life. An Old Man Killed by the Cars. Philadelphia, Mar. 20. Jas. McGlynn, aed sixty-seven years, was mil ever and killed at 7:30 this morning by coal cars of the Philadelphia and Reading lailread at Memphis s-tieet, Richmond. The Pittsburgh Iren Puddlers. PiTTSBunc.n, Pa., .March 20. In the dis cussion of the strike of iron puddlers in East Pittsburgh the manufactiucrs have been misrepresented. The price paid heie is 37.25 per ten per sliding scale. FLAMES IN THE FACTOKY. Cotten Waste Mill In Philadelphia IturuciL Philadelphia, March 20. A fire oc curred this morning in the cotton waste factory of Jehn Blakcley, Diliwyn htreet. The less en the stock and fixtures is esti mated at $10,000 and m the building $2,- 500. Fire in it Factory. Pbevidexce, R. I., March 20. A. fire last night in the card room of Tinkham & Farwell's woolen mill in Ilarrisville, was seen suppressed by a sprinkler and a force pump, but the less is estimated at $23, 000 te $30,000 ; fully insured. Woolen Mill Burned. Cincinnati, March 20. The woolen factory of Jeseph Lawrence. Ohie street. Marietta, Ohie, was burned yesterday. Less, $13,000; insunmc, $11,003, distrib uted among five Ohie companies. NATIONAL FINANCES. Treasury Transaction or the Week. Washington, D. C, March 20. The treasury new holds $300,200,000 hotels te secure national bank circulation. The bends deposited for circulation for the week amount te $1,500,000. Amount withdiawn, $1CO,000. National bank circulation outstanding : Currency notes, $310,722,000 ; geld notes, 3430,000. Revenue, $340,000; customs $333,000; kink note.-, $123,000. Total for week 8SSO,000. THE JEKSEY fellOKE MUItDLU. A CevtMicr'ii Jury Finds the Wife of the Vic- Ixui te Have I teen Accessory te the Crime. Ji:k5Et:3iiei:e, Pa., March 20. The in quest in the case of Andrew Miller, who was yesterday mewing found hanging en a beam in his bjirn, with his head crushed in, has just been concluded. The jury found that Miller came te his death at the hands of Geerge Smith, and that Mrs. Mil ler, the wife of the deceased, was accessory both befere and after the crime. Smith and Mrs. Miller have already been ar rested. CuU.iIIIU-i DELANO'S AS-SAILaNT. A Verdict Agnlnnt tlie Man Who Caned the Ex-Secrt:iry of the Interior. Washington, March 20. Tlie jury in the case of Judge Jehn W. Wright, charg ed witlt making an assault en Hen. Col umbus Delane, ex-secretary of the interior in October, 1877, wife intent te kill, after being out since yestecday at 2:.15 p. m., came into court this merutsg and rendered a verdict of assault and battej v. OXI'ORDVS. CAMBIUBOK The University IJeat Rit.ce Postpenod Tin juenuay. Londen, ilariih 20. The university beat race has been postponed untiL 10:30 Monday morning en account of the fog that prevailed at the time bet for the race this morning. A great crowd had gathered along the river te wituesx the ccpccteil contest. The Troubled Waters. The packet Arkansas reached Dubuqite en Thin bday from St. Leuis, mnkiig the first trip of the season en the Upptp Mis sissippi. She was cloven days maki.ng the trip, being delayed four days by iee r.ud high winds. The Tennessee river is greatly swollen by the recent rains, and passengers .(in the Memphis and Louisville lailread iiive te be transfer! vd at Danville, owing te the flooding of the track. A rise of t en feet must occur, however, te de any berieus damage. The steamer Maria Louisa, from :5hreve :5hreve pert for New Orleans, with 1,537 b ales of cotton, was sunk by a snag, near the mouth of Red river, en Thursday morning. It is expected that the cotton will l ? wived in a damaged condition. The ve sel and cargo were valued at $100,000. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. I'HiLAOELrniA, March 20. Fleur dull and weak; superfine $IOOrJ4M): extra, te OUgO JO ; Ohie and Indiana familv $0 37(5 87 : i'ciin'a family t2."i 62: St. LeuW family $S 75700; Minnesota family $5 756 62 ; patent mad high gnnles 700SS09. Rye flour 4 755 00. Cern meal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firm; Ne. 2 Western Bed 14t; Pa. de $1 4.l 44 ; Amber $1 U 43. Cern steady ; steamer 54.c; yellow 06c; mixed 5."if?.)5iC. Oati- dull ami easier : Ne. 1 4930c; Ne. 2 48U40c; Ne. 2 mixed 47c. Rye quiet ; Western aOc ; Pa. 90c. Previsions dull ; mi s perk $12 5WJ12 75: bept hums tli 50I8 0U; India mess heel rJ5020; bacon smoked shoulders i35jc : sail de y smoked hams 9)t0c; pickled hauia Lara quiet; city kettle 7c; loee ii ateliers 7c : prime steam 7c. Butter fairly active, linn; creamery extra :15?j37c: I'.raUterd ceuntv aud New Yerk extra new 3133c : de fall 2830c ; Western reserve extra at 28 3 30c ; de geed 10 choice 2t27c : rolls firm unci scarce: Penn'a extra 23&.2.'c; western reserve extra 2527c. Eggs dull ; Penn'a" 12c; Western 12c. Cheese quiet: N. . factory 14ii14ic: "estem full cream 1414c ; de for geed lbJQ 13 ; de halt-skims 12313c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7c. Whlskv ntl 10. Seeds quiet; geed te prime cleverteed $773: de timothy $3153 25; de flaxseed 1801 (wand scarce. New Yerk .Uurkex. New TORK, March 23. Fleur-Slate unit West ern rather dull; superfine stale i70g'515; extra de $5 25 550; choice de $5 55Sgk;Iancyde $610Q700; round hoop Ohie $5(i56 00; cheic MtanUa de 0537 50; superfine western 705 10 common te geed extra de S 9(9580 ; choice dodo 6 CS08 00; choice white wheat de 385 6 SO; Southern dull and steady: common te fair extra 3 7iQ6 30; geed te choice de ft 40 67 75. Wheat-Spring quiet and firm ; Winter ie better, fairly active ; Ne. 2 Northwestern April $1 3 ; Se. 1 White April SlttJifil 41 ; Ne. 2 Bed, April $1 43S1 45 de Mayfl 426)1 43. Cern firm aud quiet ; Mixed Western spot 3Xc : de future 52&37c. Outs a shade firmer: Ne. 2 for April 44c; State Wtimic; Weateru 434Sc. Mteek Market. PHttADW-riiiA, Mar. ) 1S3U r. M . Stocks strong. Peimati's (third issue) 10& Philadelphia ft Erie 17 Heading S3J$ Pennsylvania 51. Lehigh Valley. Si United Ces. of N.J HJU" Northern Pacidc 32 " Prelerred Hk Northern Central $ Lehigh Navigation :t7V, Nornstewu lOIJi Central Transportation Ce. i Pitts., Tit us vi lie & Builule. la Little Schuylkill M Nkw Iekk liar. "JU. Stocks strong. Meney 1506 N. Y. Central 12! Erie -la Adams Express lia'. Michigan Central Vi Michigan Southern 10 J Illinois Central lfl Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..llej Chicago A Recklslnnd ll7 Pittsburgh A Fert Waync.Il'H Western Union Tel. Ce Itji Teledo A Wabash 44a New .IcrsAV Central NJ United States Bends anil Sterling Kxaliaua ((Quotations by It. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d aud Chestnut Streets). PiiiLAiELriii., Mar. "A). United States 6's, 19SI, (registered). .I0.v1ift' iMilteti states sTs, iwi. (regtiiereil)..ia: wlW, United States Currency B's. Merling Exchange l.viy OJ&84!W LANCASTKIl HOUSEHOLD MAUliKT. OAIISV. Buttcl 3? "fi30 Cup cheese, '2 cups &e Dutch cheese t lump Slue Cottage cheese, 2 pieces 5e reULTKT. Chickens fl pair JTiUCbc Ducks 39 pair .SOjjWc Turkeys)) lb dressed le Ueese fl piece tS0c41 visn. Bass W ft ICe Cattish ft l-c r.els ft id.. ............ .....luc Oysters ? 100 S0cg$3 I'ile l'i lr17 aKaAk UIl &" Salmen Via Haddock he Smelts l!Ke UUA13. Wheat p bus $1.401.SQ Cern tR bus 6570e Oats 'ft bus UiiiuUM; Clevcrseed J? bus 5.000.(W fl ft Italic Timethy Seeed V bus ieS-iiHSM MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter ft l '-,c Cider Wptllen .l)a)i"K) Eggs ?t dez l'-iftllc Heney g ft "Ju-ilc Seap fy fl 5(ijH: Snuer kraut V 1' 101'Jc PltUITS. Apples f? i pk auSSie Bananas $ piece 'c Cranberries $) qt 13c Cherries, dried, $) t lJe Currants, dried, V tt -e Dried Apples f) (t 5.Jc " Peaches f ijt ! ivv Lemens fi dez 23C0c Oranges V dez : ....IjujOOj VKOBTAULKS. Beets J bunch ....3c Cabbage ft head iSt'A' Carrots 1 bunch 35c Horseradish J piece "jcdSe Lima beans ft it I.'ig-.Sie Onions f? pk v5e Potatoes ft J pk lOjlSc " Sweet fl JJpk rjgtrMc Soup Beans ft qt C Salslly fl bunch Ice Turnies, $ pk j&sc t'T. Chestnuts ft t luc ShelbaiKsfl qt , 6e Walnuts flJipk 10fel2c M KATlS Beef Steak, ft ft ,....'. 12K?l6e ' Roast (rib) fl ft 12eltie (chuck) fl ft VmUif ' Corned, ft ft 1012e " Dried, fl P 'IZiu'e Lamb fl ft 1230e Lard fl ft 7&iK: Mutten ft ft 124410c Perk fl ft HijilOc Pudding ft ft 8e Sausage f ft KlOc Sides and Bacen ft ft 810c Shoulders fl ft 7c Veal 3t ft. .... .......... ............lQfdlGc XEH AltVERTISEMI STS. TllK ltKCSULAU MONTHLY MEKT1NO Of the Union Building and Lean Associa tion, will be held en MONDAY evening ut 7 o'clock. A. II. BALL, ltd secretary. T?OK SALK. T A two-story brick dwelling, "Mill a let of ground, containing six room "and kilcln n, situated en Mary street, between West Kini' and Orange HtieeN. Terms easy. Will 1,6 sold at a bargain if applied for seen. RIKEA KAUFMAN, ltd Ne. 19 East King. Street. 1AKPKTS! CARPETS!! CAKPKT.S!!! H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET. Has en hand ever 20.00O YAKDS OF CAR PET, Bedy and 'Iapct.try Brussels with Bor ders te match. Alse. Venltian Hall aud Stair Carpets, Extra Three-Ply and Superfine In grain Carpets, which were all bought from the manufacturer belere the great advance Jn price, and which he offers at the Lewest Liv ing Prices. Ale, a Larger Stock than ever of Bag anil Chain Carpet-, which he is prepared te sell at prit s which defy competition. On hand a Lurge Meck of Oil Cleths, all widths. Counterpanes and Blankets et all kinds and Celer. Carpets made te order at short notice for parties who find their own Rags, guaran teeing perfect katlsfactlen. (jive us 11 trial, at 20? WEST KINO STKKKT. rrXY THE FAI1NKSTOCK , FARINA FLOUR. A Very Superior Article, nt BURSK'S;. rpilK BEKTiCOFFEEg. L Always Fr-eb Roasted, at BURSK'S. M ICllNKU'.S EXCELSIOR UA3IS, "" BURSK'9. 4 FULL LINE OF CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, AT BUUSK'S. SUUMAKEK'S AKPON OAT Mr.AL, ALWAYS FICES1I, AT BL'RSK'J. ELF-ICAIMING BUCKWHEAT AND GRIDDLE CAKE FLOUR, at D. S. BUUSK'S, '. 17 EAST KINK STREET. HANTE11. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of clnirgfc, in the Iktblliexmcsu, who wants something te de. WANTED. A respectable girl for general house work. German girl preferred. Geed wages. JOHN SCHOENBERUEK. Tremont Heuse, 157 North Queen Street. ml9-2td WASTUU. " tV An Experienced Cutter of Men's and Beys' Clothing. A pernrinent position and geed salary te a first-class man. Address MERCHANT TAILOR, ml9-3td Lancaster P. O. WANTED TO BORROW S2.200 en FIRST Mortgage, or $I,20U en second mortgage security wertli twice the amount and geed collateral, six per cent. Interest promptly paid and safe permanent Investment. Address Jtd " B., IXTKLLIUBXCn Uvrxck." lis. i I H I HI 1 tl ."ll SI ft si 1 f 8 4