t .- V 1 """-- ggaygiMWMjiwMtfatmjiiMwyB rrn -'irTT"? 'ynr 1' " TiriiTniiirff" Tn . i ' ,!.-. rwrii i-y, rrirlnit 1 imr 1 7. " LANCASTER DAltY INTELLIGENCKlt, FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1880. s "'- the records of the beard of health and the testimony of the best men in Reading, in cluding seme of the doctors themselves, proved it. The commonwealth closed. Fer the defense Dr. Greene offered in evidence his diploma, granted him in 1848, and signed by some of the most distinguish ed professors of the medical art. This was evidence that he was net a quack or em piric. Te prove that he was net a transient physician nor subject te the penalties of the act of Assembly he showed that he had already been here for three months, had opened a regular office aud contracted with the newspapers for advertisements for six mouths. He was a graduate of a reputable college, where he had net merely a three years' course but a sir years' course ; he had studied net merely allepathy, but homeuopathy, hydrepathy, the eclectic and electric systems, and dentistry also, and had practiced medicine successfully for 31 years. Dr. Greene was subjected te a se ven cress-examination by the district at torney, from which it was elicited that he had practiced medicine in Providence, Walthain, Bosten. Philadelphia, Cincin nati, Reading and Lancaster, and had given series of lectures en medical subjects in all parts of the country. In defense of Dr. Campbell two witnesses, his son and Mr. Carberry, testified that he had been making and selling his pre parations for twenty years, and that these preparations were copy-righted. His coun sel argued that he was no mere amenable te the statute than the clerk in a drug store, who sold such medicines as were called for or who tilled the prescriptions of physicians. In behalf of Mrs. Sweeney her counsel declared that she was net a doctor at all ; that there had net been a particle of evi dence offered that she had ever prescribed a dose of medicine for anybody, and that Dr. Carpenter's hearsay evidence was worthless and would be scouted out of court ; and that it was most disreputable for members of a great society like the medical society, composed as it is of excel lent and eminent men, te be running around through the back streets and alleys searching for soine one who .might be in terfering with their practice, and pouncing down upon a peer, inoffensive colored wo man. After Dr. Greene had inadj his closing argument, the gist of which was that he was a regularly graduated physician and a penucnent resident here, the district at torney closed his argument, claiming that a prima facie case had been made out against each of the accused and demand ing that they be held te appear at court. This morning Alderman Spurrier an nounced that he had held the accustd for their appearance at court Dr. Greene te answer for a violation of that part of the law relating te itinerant physicians ; and Dr. Campbell and Mrs. Sweeney for prac tising medicine without a diploma and without having taken out a license. neiuhiiorheod sews. Events Acress the County Line. D. S. Burns, esq., late superintendent of the Ilairisburjj city schools, has accepted a professorship in Eltnhurst collejje, III., at a salary of $2,000 a year. Hen. Rebert A. Lamberttm, recently ap pointed te the presidency of the Lehigh university, will remove with his family te Bethlehem en the 29t,h of the present month. The commissioners of Dauphin county have negotiated a lean of $50,000 at 5 per cent., the premium paid by the takers of the lean being from Sj te 3 per cent. The four men arrested for committing the burglaries in Yerk a few nights age, give their names as Jack Bosten, Jehn Menley, Jehn Kelly and James Daily. Within a few days past several crops of Chester county tobacco have been shipped te Lancaster. The papers say there will be a large increase in average planted in that county the coming season. At Lebanon an employee of the Leba non manufacturing company, named Daugherty, son of Rev. Daugherty, living in North Lebanon township, had his right hand mashed between car bumpers, while in the act of coupling. Three of his lingers were amputated. In the baggage car of one of the passen ger trains which passed through Harris Jmrg for the West the ether day were sev eral capacious tin cans containing a large number of bass and trout en route from the state hatching establishment at Done Dene gal Springs, Lancaster county, for Johns town, Cambria county, te be placed in the Steny creek, near that place. The West Chester Republican has an ether ' boom " en its bauds almost equal in importance te the Blaine boom or the new turn-table. It says: "Chas. B.Lear's scotch terrier. Nellie, is the mother of a happy family of five pups. If they fellow the footsteps of their mother there won't be many rats left in West Chester." Several members of the city council of Wilmington, Del., appeared yesterday be fore the Senate committee en commerce and asked an appropriation of $10,000 for the improvement of the harbor of their city. They were introduced by Senater Bayard, who strongly approved of their re quest. The committee intimated that Senater Bayard's recommendation was "amply sufficient te secure favorable action." The Wilmington Methodist Episcopal conference yesterday directed its officers te forward a petition te Congress te pass the bill creating a commission of inquiry re lating te the manufacture and sale of liquor. It was reported that the endow ment fund of Drew theological seminary of $250,000, lest by the failure of Daniel Drew, has been i-eplaced by the munificence of friends,and it is new desired te increase the fund te $300,000. Police Cases. Mayer MacGenigle this morning had be fore him three ledgers whom he discharged, and one drunken and disorderly person who was committed for 10 days. The Baby Case. There are no new developments in the baby case chronicled yesterday. The cor oner's jury will meet at the courthouse to night when a verdict will likely be ren dered. , Irish Belief. Mayer MacGenigle acknowledges the re ceipt of the following donations te the Irish relief fund : "B. H. H.," W; "Par adise," 1. COUNTY AUDITORS' REPORT. Interesting- Beading for Taxpayer. Is There Toe Much Meat Used at the Prison ? What Becomes of the Dry Goods t The report of the county auditors, who have been at work en the different ac counts for four weeks past, was-presented te the court this morning. It is as fol fel lows : Te the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, the vn- tier signed Auditors of said county beg leave te present the following report : In pursuauce of an act of Assembly, ap proved March 23, 1870, we convened at the courthouse In the city of Lancaster and com menced te audit, settle and adjust the account of Samuel A. UrefT. eq., treasurer of Lancas ter county, from the 1st of January, 1879, te the 31st of December. 1879. both days inclusive, and alter carefully examining the same and com paring his vouchers therewith we find a bal ance in Ids hands en the 31st of December 1879, of $03,787.75. We have also examined the account of Hugh it. Fulton, esq., treasurer of the Heme ler Friendless Children, ami after comparing his vouchers therewith, nnd it correct, with a bal ance in his hands due the Heme en the 31st dav of December. 1879, of $162.57. We have also examined the accounts of JOee. Spurrier, treasurer of the peer and house of employment of said county aud, after compar ing his vouchers therewith, find it correct with a balance in his hands due the county el Lancaster, et the 31st of December. 1879, et $s, 028.00, We have also examined the accounts of Am brose I'ewnall, treasurer of the beard of prison inspectors el'sald county from the 1st et Jan uary, 1879, te the 31st of March, 1879, both days inclusive, anil after comparing bis vouchers, therewith llnd a balance in his hands due the county et Lancaster en the 31st of March, 1879, of $731 TJ. We have also examined the accountsef Isaac X. Shaefler, treasurer of the beard of prison inspectors trem April 1st. 1879, te December 31-t. 1879. both days inclusive, and after com paring his vouchers, therewith llnd a balance in his hands of $4,199.45. We further beg leave te report te the honor able court, that from the fact of the auditors last year having called the attention of the court te the heavy costs for cases heard and disposed et before magistrates of the city ami county, the auditors weredesireus et knowing whether it had had any effect en these officials, se as te show a reform in that direction, and en examination we find that the costs in these cases were $2,936.77 less during last year than for the former, which shows a gratifying re re lerm, and the auditors hope that these officials will continue in keeping down these costs as much as they possibly can. The annual cetti of public printing for the county came also te our notice. These ex penses are heavy and, in our opinion, might be reduced. In examining the accounts of the treasurer of the bo.irdet pri-en inspectors of Lancaster county, we discovered that the treasurers did net charge themselves with all the money re ceived from the county commissioners and prison keeper, which accounts ler the auditor having a balance in the hunils of these treas ureis, and en examination of these and ether prison officials we lind that it has been the cus tom of the prison treasurers te draw some times mere money from the county treasury than It required ter the payment of their monthly bills. This ever-plus, as admitted by the prison officials, was placed in the hands (if the prison keeper for his convenience in buy ing revenue stamps, whenever the salesman at the prison could effect a sale of cigars; the allegation being that had they net received this ever-plus they would have had no money te buy these ipveuue stamps. The auditors would further report that from the quantity and quality of the precisions con sumed at the county prison, they cannot resist the conclusion but that there is a leak some where, but just hew te llnd It the auditors think is beyond their Ingenuity. The difficulty seems te be the lack of a proper system of accounting between the prison keeper and the beard of prison inspectors. That the prison keeper with the power of disposing of the large quantity of goods manufactured by the inmates should fall se tar behind the necessary funds, as te require the inspectors te leave balances in his hands ter which they are charged by the county treasurer and directly responsible te him. argues a system of house keeping which reflects en all parties connected with this institution ; destroys that system of checks and vouchers by which alone the peo ple can be protected, and leaves a loophole from which te escape the closest scrutiny of the accounting officers. If the prison cannot earn enough money te pay for Its own revenue slumps, without requiring the county treasur er te de se, the public ought te knew it, and prison labor might be nia'le mere remunera tive by hiring it out under a system of con tracts, as is done in ether localities, when the public have become tired of the experiments of runnl.ig reformatory and corrective lnstitu lnstitu Ueus en a non-self-supporting basis. Theauditers,tind trem au.-xaminatlen of the bills rendered,thatever $800 worth of meat has been pu reused at prices far above that allowed te be paid ter the meat furnished te the prison it is a lair inference that the meat is used by the prison family. It se, there must be eiilicr great consumption et meat or else great ex travagance, as this sum, enacaretul calcula tien, would supply the table of an ordinary hotel with net less than twenty pounds of line meat per day. It must be remembered that this meat bill does net include the ether large bills ler poultry. While upon this subject the auditors would further beg leave te call atten tion te heavy bills of dry goods, charged te the prison keeper's personal aceeunt, and net shown te have been used outside of the prison family, amounting in the aggregate te $3'J0. Theauditers likewise llnd abillei$.'iOcharged for horse hire by the prison keeper, besides what he is allowed ler keeping his own horse. We, as auditors, cannot tee strongly advert te the loe.-e manner of accounting which at present exists in prison circles, especially the freedom with which the treasurers of that in stitution pass ever the items which should fortify their accounts and deal only in bal ances, which the public when these accounts arc tiled according te law for inspection, have no mere means of verifyingthan if noacceunts had been filed. The auditors, however, in conclusion are able te give the taxpayers the gratifying in formation that at least some of the unneces sary appendages et the prison have been lop ped oil by the new inspectors, such as matron, at a salary of $8K), ami cigar boss at a salary of $050 ; and ether retrenchments are premised. We have also inquired into the financial standing et the county and find that the bond bend ed indebtedness en tue 1st of January, 1880, was $:;i8,971.79, wit li a balance in the treasury ef$(!3.7S7 75. The bended indebtedness of the county en January 1, 1879, was $3I0,7UH,99, with a balance in the treasury of only $16,107.70, which shows that the debt of the county is en the decrease and that the present beard of county commissioners has managed the county affairs economically. In testimony whereof wc have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of March, 1330. JAMES COLLINS, F. G. MUSSEIt, F. K. CURRAN, Auditors. TUE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Ministerial Appointments aud Final Ad journment Expulsion ami Suspension. The Philadelphia annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church adopted reports yesterday from the investigating committees, te the effect that they found the charges against Rev. T. B. Miller and Rev. Wm. Majer te be sustained, and ex pelling Mr. Miller from the membership and ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church, and suspending Mr. Majer from the ministry for one year. Notices of appeal were entered in both cases. Resolutions were adopted derccating the practice of pastors con tracting debts at the book room without any regard te their prompt payment ; urging upon the attention of ministers that the work of tract distribution is one of vital importance in the economy of the Christian chnrch; earnestly recommend ing the discontinuance of the Sabbath services at camp meetings when the evils of Sunday trains cannot be prevented by the closing of the gates of the camp grounds. The presiding bishop announced his appointments and the conference ad jeurned finally. The appointments for Susquehanna dis trict, in which the churches in this and adjoining counties are lacated, are as fol fel lows : Geerge Cummins, presiding elder. At glen, II. U. Sebring ; Bainbridge, te be supplied ; Baldwin, A. L. Urban ; Berrys burg, J. MtQueid ; Bird-in Hand, William Rink; Birdsboro', F. M.Cellins; Bryn Mawr aud Bethcsda, A. L. Wilsen, J. T. Zeigler ; Charlestown, R. Kaiues ; Church; town and Morgantown, S. W. Smith; Coatesville, S. W. Gehrett; Columbia, Henry Wheeler; Cornwall, G. G. Rake straw ; Coventryville, L. D. McClin McClin teck ; Dauphin, R. C. Weed ; Downing town, J. Stringer ; Fulton, J. A. Cooper ; Georgetown and Gap, E. C. Yerkes ; Glen Moere, R. A. Mcllwain ; Geed Will, G. Mack ; Greve, J. R. Bailey ; Guthrieville, I. M. Gable ; Halifax, H. White ; Hum Hum melstewn, J. Dunean; Lancaster, First church and Mission, S. H. C. Smith and S. O. Garrison ; Lancaster, St. Paul's, J. Lindemuth; Lebanon. J. J. Tima nus ; Lykens and Wiconisco, H. R. Callaway ; Manada, te be supplied ; Mana- yunk, Mt. Zion, J. Masen; Manayunk, Ebenezer, C. W. Bickley ;.. Marietta, J. W. Geiger ; Marshallton, J. T. Gray ; Merien Square. C. Rhoads ; Middletown, W. H. Fries; Millersburg, N. D. Mc Mc Cemas ; Millersville, Geerge Gaul ; Miners ville, H. H. Bedine ; Mount Jey, W. H. Aspril ; Mount Xebe, T. Montgomery ; New Helland and Bareville, F. M. Brady; Phoenixville, G. D. Carrow ; Pine Greve, T. M. Jacksen ; Pottsville, S. N. Chew ; Roxboro Central, Richard Turner ; Rox Rex Rox bero Ridge Avenue, Geerge Heacock ; Salem, E. Potts; Safe Harber; J. W. Harkins ; Spring City, J. B. Graff; Schuylkill, Mission, C. I. Thompson, one te be supplied; Springfield, M. Graves; St. Paul's Circuit, W. D. Jenes ; Stras burg, J. M. Wheeler; Swatara, te be sup plied ; Temple and New Bethel, G. W. Lybrand ; Tremont, A. J. Amther; Tower City, te be supplied by W. Powick; Washington, G. Read ; Waynesburg, G. W. F. Graff; West Chester, R. J. Carsen ; Williamstown, E. L. Martin. SCHOOL. MATTERS. Lancaster Scheel Directors Visit Reading, ana Take a Loek at the Schools. Yesterday morning a number of members of the Lancaster school beard visited Reading for the purpose of inspecting the schools and school buildings and compar ing theut with these of Lancaster. The party consisted of the following named members : Marriett Brosius, Thes. B. Cochran, E. J. Erisman, Wm. McCemsey, Peter McConemy, H. Z. Rhoads, Luther Richards and H. E. Slaymaker. Postmas ter Marshall and William Riddle, who are net members of the beard accompanied the party. Arriving at Reading the visitors were met by a committee of the Reading school beard and City Superintendent Buehrle and escorted te their hotel. After dinner coaches were furnished and the visitors were driven te several of the schools. The fiist school house visited was a two-story building erected last year. It is built en the single room plan, with four rooms en each iloer, each room having its own private ingress and egress, and disconnected from any of the ethers. The schools are furnished with single desks and scats, there being a space between each desk equal te the size of the desk, thus giving plenty of lloer room te each pnpil. The desks are se arranged that the light comes from the left in each of the school rooms an arrangement acknowl edged te be the best for the eyes of the pu pils. The visitors were next shown through two ether new school houses two stories high, and built en the same plan as the one above described, except that each building contains only four rooms. Seme of the old school houses were then visited. They are also two stories high and the schools are conducted en the single-room plan. The old houses are furnished with double desks and seats. There are no special colored schools in Reading, the white and colored pupils occupying seats in the satne schools, an d the Reading directors say there has no trouble grown out of this arrangement. The Lancaster directors returned home last evening. They say they were meht oerdially welcomed and received many at tentiens at the hands of Superintendent Buehrle, Secretary Lyens and the mem bers generally of the Reading beard, and were impressed with the superiority of the school system and especially the school buildings of Reading as compared with these of Lancaster. The single room plar, the city superintendency and the arrange ment of the buildings give Reading a de cided precedence ever Lancaster ; and the necessity of new and improved school ac commodations in this city is unquestioned by anyone who has had an opportunity of comparing our schools with these of Read ing, Argument Court. The usual viewers were appointed by the court te open Seuth Marshall street, from East King te Juniata street. In the case of P. Brubaker vs. Jehn Baer, sr., rule te show cause why appeal should net be stricken off, the rule was made absolute. The prothenotary was directed te make a deed of transfer of the property of J. B. Amwake, esq., te Adam J. Eberly, esq., who was the assignee and purchaser. Henry Eaby, of Manheim, was yester day arrested because of his failure te file his account en citation issued. He was given until Saturday te file the account. His Name isSnenden. As will be seen by our Washington dispatches, Hayes te-day sent te the Senate the name of Henry C. Snowden, of Delaware county, te be census super visor of the Second district, qompesed of the counties of Lancaster, 'Chester and Delaware. Carry the news te Dr. Corap Cerap Corap ten. Entertainment at the Duke. Street Church. Last evening, Philip Phillips, the lec turer and vocalist, gave a delightful enter tainment te a large audience in the Duke Street M. E. church. It consisted of sing ing, anecdotes of travel, &c. Mr. Phillips was assisted by his son, and the affair was a financial success. It was for the benefit of the church. Ceat Stelen. Seme nc entered the house of Dr. nenry Carpenter through his office a few days age and stele a new black cloth coat. Private Sociable. This evening the Lederman Brethers' To Te ll icce Packers' association will give a sociable at Reberta's hall. Amusements. " An Arabian Wight." This evening the de Hghtfnl comedy of "An Arabian Night" will be played at the opera house by a company which has been drawing large audiences. It includes E. F. Therne, Mrs. Theme, Hany Josephs, aud a number of ethers. Messrs. C. L. Bbdsdaee & Sen, Druggists, Mut'cegen, Mich., write: "St. Jacob's Oil has a wonderful sale. We sold eight bottles at re tall yesterday. This will give you some idea of hew well it is liked in this section. It is Terrible te have a wife or husband with a bad breath. All this may be avoided by using SOZODONT. It is most agreeable te the taste, fragrant and healthful. It confers comfort upon its users, and prevents the affliction et unpleasant breath. mlt-lweedftw New Advertisements. Wall Papers, Ac, at Fry's. Removal Extraordinary. The Owl Te-morrow. Werk Wanted. Canada Horses. Beys Wanted. Cutter Wanted. Girl Wanted. Deg Lest. Wanted. tyFer further details im advertising elumn. SEW AD VERTISEMESTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the Interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is -warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. " My Back Aches Se, and 1 feel miserably," said a hard-working man. The doctor questioned him aud found that he had been habitually costive ler years, that new his kidneys were disordered and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wert was recommended and faithfully taken and In a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine en the bowels and kidneys is wonderful. ml5-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Mothers! mothers!! Mothers!!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? II se, goat once and geta bottle of MRS. W1XS- LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depenil upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, eperuting like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. IJ17-lyd&wM.W&S Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we rellect that this terrible disease In its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. Frem Hen. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Meuiikr, ev Legislature, New Yerk St.vtk. Alexandria Bat, Jan. .'!, I860. II. H. Warner & Ce. : Gets: 1 have been troubled with kidney difficulty for the last three years, and iu Octo ber last had a very severe attack. I then com menced taking your Sate Kidney and Liver Cure anil obtained relief at once. I have used two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall always keep a supply of AVarner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure in the house. Tours trulv, A. CORNWALL. Whooping cough, croup, and colds arc alone cured by " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," which is daily working miracles. Price i" cents. Pure Spices at i.echer's Drug Stere. Fer an Irritated Threat, Cough or Celd, " lirewn's Bronchial Troches" are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the gee:l reputation they have justly acqulrcd. mUMwdTTh&S&w " Mamma, it is time te take that medicine." The medicine referred te was Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial. With its wonderful healing properties it is pleasant te the taste, and chil dren learn te love it. What Is mere desirable when a child is sick than te have it take medi cine; and where, in many cases, will you find mere trouble. Children are very susci-ptible te coughs and colds, and Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial will de mere geed quickly and thoroughly than any medicine known. Manu factured and for sale by the proprietor at ill" Arch street, Philadelphia, and sold by all druggists. Price only 50c. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. New rich bleed, sending health te every fibre of the system, is rapidly made by "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." A Goeil Housewife. The geed housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house arc mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising irem spring malaria and miasma, and she must knew that there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Sec ether column. ml5-2vd&w Sediment or mucus in the urme is a sure in dication of disease. Take Kidney-Wert. ml5-lwd&w A Strange People De you knew that there are strange pee pie in our community, we say strange because they seem te prefer te suffer and pass their days miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shlleh's Yitalizer is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by D. licit shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. five Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past few months there have been mere than 500,000 bottles of Shlleh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases of Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup-, Asthma ami Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is tliat every body speaks In its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value life, don't fail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest u-e Shiloh's Poeus Plaster. Sold by your drug gists, D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. Wk have a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria. Cankermeuthand Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. -A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu. Lancaster, and M. L, Davis, Mil lersville. 3ept25-eedd&w DEATHS. Hersusy. In this city en March 17, 1830, Mis. Eliza, wife et the late Jacob Hershey, iu the 70th year et her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence, Ne. 20 Plum street, en Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 3td Siiertz. In this city, March 17, 1880, Mary, relict of the late Jehn Shertz, aged 83 years ( months and 12 days. The relatives and friends of the family, are respectfully Invited te attend her funeral from her late residence. Ne. 407 Seuth Queen street, en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td Bcehl. On the 18th inst., in Mout Jey, Christian Buehl, in the 49ih year of his age. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully Invited te attend the funeral trem his late residence, Mount Jey, Sunday after noon, at 1 o'clock. ltd XE IV AD 'E KTISEM.ESTS. DOG LOST. Big Bull Deg. white with brown spots. A liberal reward will be paid bv returning him te C. KOEHLER, ltd Lien Brewery. riANADA HORSES. j Geerge Gressman will expose 30 Head of Canada Horses for sale at BRIMMER'S LIVERY STABLES, en Monday morning at 10 o'clock. mlO- td THE OWL. TO-MOKKOW. THE OWL TO-MORROW. THE COMING DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Unusually Interesting and Attractive, ltd INSUKK YOUR PKOPliKTY IN THE BKST COMPANIESat BAUSMAN A BURNS . 29-tfeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St, 'TURK, LIFE A3iO ACCIDENT. Insurance at leweat rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR A STAUFFER, Reat Estate A Ing. Agtt., S N. Duke St. dM90-SmdReed JV-Ell' ADVERTISEMENTS. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held a meeting at Shober's hotel, this city, en Mon day, March 29, at 10 a. m., te fix a time for the meeting of the county convention, te elect delegates te the state convention and te trans net such ether business as the committee may appoint or the convention determine. Jivery member is urgently requested te be present if possible. ml5-tdd&w W. U. HENSEL. Chr. rpOBACCO SEED. L I have for sale several choice varieties el Tobacco Seed, which I can recommend te growers. Securely put up in one dollar pack ages. JOHN S. ROHRER, nice : " Uehrer's Warehouse," il0-tfd Lancaster, Pa IOR KENT. . The two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, and very large "let with great quantity and variety et fruit. Ne. 421 North Prince street, feimerly the residence et J. B. Amwake. Alse, the large Frame Shep, with office connected therewith, Ne. 4I North Market street, for merly known as " Amwake's Leck Works." Rent reasonable. Applv te BAUSMAN & BURNS, Insurance and Real Estate Agents. niarl8-3tdR Oilice. 10 West Orange Street. CHINA HALL REMOVED TO Xe. 15 EAST KING STREET, Where! we are new ready te see our customers and friends. HIGH & MARTIN. e Ult STOCK OF WALL PAPER Is. new reaiiy for SPUING : Is unusually large and attractive. Frem the Lewest Grades et PAPER HANGINGS TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE. Plain Window Shades, In Tea, Seal Brown, Blue. Bettle Green, Lon Len Lon eon Smoke, &c. Extra Wide Goods for Large Windows and Stere Shade up te two yards in width. Cerner and Dade Shades, Ebony Line and Plain Bands in six and seven feet lengths. Fixtures of Best Makes. Measures of Windows hung in best manner. taken and Shades 2,0C0 ROLLS OF PAPER CURTAINS, Te Merchants .bundle Fine at Factory Prices. We also PIER AND MANTEL MIltSORS. Tiavcsemc very nice goods in stock and take orders for any size, at Lewest Price-. Our Stock is as large as any in the interior of Pennsylvania, and we feel quite sure we can .suit, you for anything in our line. 43Ceme and see. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. feblO-lvdiw WASTEO. w ANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge. iu the Intelligences, who wants something te de. WANTED. Twe geed boys about 11 yenis et age, te set up ten-pins, at 14 East Chestnut street. ltd "T7"ANTEI IMMEDIATELY. V A girl te de general housework. Apply at Ne. 20 Shippen street. ltd w OKK AVANTED BV GEORGE BOWERS, 70S St. Jeseph street. Trade : Shoemaker. Willing te work at any thing, ltd -rtTANTED. V A respectable girl for gencral house work. German girl preferred. Geed wages. JOHN SCHOENBERGEH. Tremont Heuse, 157 North Queen Street. ml9-2td WANTED. An Experienced Cutter of Men's and Beys' Clothing. A permanent position and geed salary te a first-class man. Address MERCHANT TAILOR, m!9-3td Lancaster P. O. HOUSE EUliXISUIXU GOODS. AKGAINS. FLIO & BRENEMAN Are offering Greater Bargains than evr In TIN WARE, TABLEWARE Heuse-Furnishing Goods. A Large Stock LOW PRICES. of Gas Fixtures at VERY FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. TUflVAJtE, CO C1ALL ON SHEKTZEK, HCMPHKEVILLE & KIEFFER, manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGGOODS.Speclalatteutiengiven te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. ESTATE OF JOHN BUHNER, LATE Or the .borough of Elizabethtown, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersign ed, residing iu said borough. SAMUEL EBY, JOSJCPU B. DOHNER, fl5-ttw Administrators. THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 19. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states cloudy, rainy weather, warm easterly winds backing te colder northwesterly, falling, followed by rising barometer. CONGRESS. The Senate Passes the Het Springs BUI. Washington, March 19. In the Senate the clauses authorizing an appeal from the decisions of the Ilet Springs com mission te the court of claims were stricken out en motion of Mr. Davis (111.), thus making the com mission's awards final. The bill was then read a third time and passed. Its principal prevision is a reduction by fifty per cent, of the assessments te be paid by occupants te secure their titles. The Geneva award bill was then taken up, and at 1 :20, en motion of Mr. Gorden, the Senate went into executive session. Spirited Passage In the Heuse. A spirited debate sprang up this after neon in regard te the election laws. Mr. Ewing (Ohie) appealed te his Democratic friends te accept the compromise tendered te them by the gentleman from Ohie (Mr. Garfield), and modify these bad laws se as te make them non-partisan in character. If it were net accepted the cry of " nullifi cation " would go up in all the Northern states from every hill-top and valley. Mr. Hawley (Conn.) rose and declared in an excited manner that the Republican party tendered no compromise. It repu diated and execrated the word "com promise." Mr. Springer's amendment te Gar field's substitute, providing that gen eral deputy marshals who perform duty in regard te elections shall be appointed by judges of the circuit court, was adopted, as was also an amendment providing that the deputy marshals shall net receive pay for a longer period than three days during any elec tion. Mr. Frye (Maine), in the absence of Mr. Garfield, emphatically denied that that gentleman had tendered any compromise. SIT DOWN, SMITU. Jee Samson Will Net be Our Ccnsns Super visor. Washington, D. C, March 19 Among the nominations sent te the Senate te-day were Bret Ilarte te be consul at Glasgow, Scotland ; Geerge L. Cat 1 in te be consul at Stuttgart, and Henry C. Snowden, te be supervisor of the census for the Second district of Pennsylvania. SOLDIER, REST. Death of Gen. Tyudale, of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, March 19. General Hecter Tyndale died this morning at his residence from an attack of paralysis, iu the 59th year of his age. lie had a bril liant record as a soldier and participated in many battles while serving as colonel of the 29th regiment Penna. Volunteers. He was made a general after the battle of Antietam. PAROLE. The American Herse Wins the Liverpool Cup, but is Ruled out en a Technical Objection. Londen, Mcrch 19. The Liverpool spring cup was wen te-day by Lorillard's Parele, Advance second, Strath Blane third. Parele was objected te en technical grounds, aud the race was awarded te Advance. ISELLIGEERNT BLACKS. Striking Negroes Threatening Dire De struction. New OnurANL, March 19. The strike a-neng the negre laborers in St. Charles p irish, creates excitement. Gov. AViltz, en application of the whites of that parish, ordered thither the Louisiana field artillery. The negrees threaten te burn the sugar houses if their demands are net complied with. WAS IT MURDER? Tragedy at Jersey Shere, Lycoming County. Jersey Shere, March 19. A man namcil Andrew Miller, a farmer, living near this place, was found this morning hanging te a beam in his barn. His head was horribly mangled and it is supposed that he was murdered. His wife and a man named Geerge Smith have been arrested en suspicion, and the coroner has commenced an investigation. Purchase of Bends. Washington, March 19. It is expected that Secretary Sherman will authorize the purchase of $4,000,000 in bends en Wednesday next instead of $2,000,000 as hereto fore reported. LEGAL NOTICES. VTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT A 11 application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be known as the Lancaster County Game Protective Association, under theactof-jnthef April. 1874. entitled: "An Act te Provide ter the Incorporation and Regula tion of Certain Corporations." The object of suid association is tosteek and propegate game and game birds in the county of Lancaster, and for the protection and pn-servatien of game in said county. J. W. F. SWIFT, l-25-lUl&3tw Solicitor for Applicants. ESTATE OF KILLIAN BECK, LATE OF the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate lutving been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te suld decedent are requested te make inimedlatesettleinent,and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the City or Lancas ter. ANDREW SUREINER, marl8-6tdeed Executer. E STATE OF WM. J. BARKLEY, LATE of Colerain township, Lancaster county. Pa-, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and the.e having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in Cole Cele rain township. JOHN W. PHILLIPS, Administrator. James M. Waxker, Att'y. feblU-Otw T-ericK. Jn the matter of the Assigned Estate of Henry Eshlemanhnd Wife, of Strasburg township, Lancaster county, 2a. Netice is hereby given that Jacob Hilde "brand, assignee of Henry Eshlcman and wife, has presented a petition te the Cecrt of Com mon Pleas of Lancaster county, asking the said court for an order and decree that he shall recenvey te the said Henry Esbleman and wife all the assigned estate in his bands, and that he be discharged and released from said trust, and that the said Court have fixed SAT URDAY, MARCH 27th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster, for the hearing of said petition, when ana where the creditors and parties interested in the said assigned estate et Henry Eshfeman nd wife may appear and be heard. . McMELLEN, marfcltdAltw Prothenotary. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. PHitADiirsiA, March 19. Fleur dull and weak ; superfine 94 0034 SO: extra $5 003500; Ohie and Indiana family 96 3706 48 ; Penn'a family J256 87; SU Leuis famuy 75750 ; Minnesota family 96 7537 CO ; patent and high grades $6003663. Bye flour $4 875 OOJ Cerumeal If randy wine unchanged. Wheat quiet; Ne. 2 Western Red $144; Pa. de $1 44l 45 ; Amber $1 451 46. Cern steady for local use ; steamer 5455c; yellow Sti5Sc ; mixed 55K& Oats easier ;Ne. lSOiSSOc; Xe. 2 49; Ne. 2 mixed 47c. Rye quiet : Western 9092e ; Pa. 90392c. Seeds quiet; geed te prime cleverseed $7 73: de timothy $31533 23; de flaxseed $1S01 SSand scarce. Previsions dull ; mtssperk$12501300 : beet uauis$i730($i3 oe : inula mess tieei $195020: bacon smoked shoulders 5K5Kc ; salt de 4i ; smoked hams 910e; pickled ham Lard dull; city kettle 7JaC; loose butchers 7c : prime steam 7?c. Butter firm, geed demand ; creamery extra 3537c; Itradferd county aud New Yerk extra 3133c; Western reserve extra at 2330c; de geed te choice 2327c: rolls firm and scarce : Penn'a extra 233iic ; western reserve extra 2427c. Eggs dull : Penn'a 12Jc; Western 12c. Cheese quiet ; N. 1 . factory llUc ; western lull cream 14l4tc ; de for geed 13J49 :3i ; de halt-skims 1213c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 731c Whisky at $110. New Yerk Market. Nw Yemr. March 19. Fleur-State and West ern rather dull: sunertine state $4 703)513: .extra de $5 25350 ; choice de$5 556 ; fancy de feiUHJuu: round noep uute jajr$tue: choice de $6 U57 50; superfine western $4 7005 10 ; common te geed extra de $5 235 CO ; choice iioue:vu&'5Uu; cneicu wiute wiical UOJeSjy) 6 50; Southern dull and steady; common te Tuir extra $3 756 30; geed te choice de $6 40 7 73. Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; Winter J- lKc better ami quiet; Ne. 1 White April $13u M)140; Ne. 2 Red, April $1 4131 44,'s; Muy $142 I 42. Cern firm and quiet ; Mixed Western spot 57584e ; de future 6357Jic. Oats a shade firmer : Ne. 2 for April 4t?c; State 40i30c; Western 45550e. bteck Markets. PuiLADKH-iiiA. Mar. 19 1230 r. u. Stocks dull. Penna ti's (third issue) lOCJ Philadelphia A Erie.... 17?i . M . 5l .100 . 33 .. 5.V?h ? .. .17 ..101K Heading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J... Northern Pacific " Preferred . Northern Central Lehigh Navigation... worrisiewn , Central Transportation Ce. ayH Pitts., Tttusviiie & uutiuie. ivys Little Schuylkill 53 .tw i ekk, war. iv. Stocks strong. iiOiity N. Y. Central Eric Adams Express Michigan Central. Michigan Southern. Illinois Central .... 5$G ....LK .... 44 ....113'i .... IB ....108X .imy4 Cleveland Pittsburgh.... 110$ (Jlilcage & llet-K island IW Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 117 Western Union Tel. Ce IOS'4 Teledo & Wabash 44 New Jersey Central i-5 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange (Quotations by B. Iv. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d aud Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 19. United States 6's, 1881, (registered). .I05Jlu5 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .UK! I03; United States 4H's, 1891, (registered)l07i'al07( United States 4i's, 1891, (coupons)... 107107,U United Suites 4's, 19U7. (registered). .I05;; United States Currency 6's li"!i Sterling Exchange 4H"i IS'.l A 31 USE31ESTS FULTON OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1880. LECTURE BV HON. WILLIAM PARSONS. SUBJECT: "MICHAEL ANGELO: TnE CHILD, THE ARTIST, THE HERO." ADMISSION, 35 A SO CIS. Reserved Seats, 53 cents, at Yccker's ml8-3td Tj'ULTON OPERA HOUSE. MR. B. YECKER takes plcasure in an nouncing te the public of Lancaster and vlcin itv, that he has arranged with the MEKCII BROS, for the appearance here for ONE N1UHT ONLY et the Distinguished Acter, .11' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1880, In Shakspeare's Masterpiece, entitled HAMLET! MR. BARKETTas HAMLET, Prince or Den mark, supported by his own Superb Company. POPULAR PRICES: ADMISSION, - - 35, SO A 75 CU. RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75CU. Seats can be secured at the Opera Heuse Ofllce, by mail or telegraph, en and alter March 18. ml7-lwd VPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY EYEX'G, MARCH 19, 1880. MR. JOHN D. 3IISHLER assures the citizens of Lancaster that he has arranged for presen tation at the Opera Heuse the most brilliant Comedy he has ever produced, Augustin Daly's Latest Success, entitled AN ARABIAN NIGHT, wrra MR. E. F. THORNE, MISS CARLOTTA EVELYN, and a Company et New Yerk Favorites, capa ble of doing full and complete iustlcete the re markable Comedy. It is laughable in concep tion, pointed anil witty in dialogue, and rich in costume. I can net tee highly endorse the entire company aud play. ADMISSION, - - 25, SO & 75 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75 CU. Diagram at Opera Heuse Office. m!3-5td KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WARNER'S SAFE FILLS Are an Immediate stimulus tera Torpid Liver cure Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Diarrheea. Malaria, Fever and Ague and are useful at times in nearly all Diseases te cause a free and regular action of the Bowels. The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison. These Pills ar the discovery of an English army physlciai. and Iiave been used with the g lea test success among the British troops in India. They are only manufactured in this country by II. II. WARNER A CO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep te the suffer ing, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought onbye.tcessivedrinking.over enbye.tcessivedrinking.over onbye.tcessivedrinking.ever work.mental shocksundethercauses. Itrelieves the Pains of all Diseases, and is never injurious te the system. The best of all Nervines. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, .10 cent-i and f 1. Warner's Safe Kidney and .Liver Cere. Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Bitters and Safe Tonic are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies arc sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. II. H. W AltNER & CO., Rochester, X. Y. 3 fdlG-Tu.ThiSd&w OPECIALTIES OF CHRISTIANA MACHINE CO. MILL AND FACTORY GEARING, MILL ING SUPPLIES, BTJBNHAWS TUBBINE, AND PORTABLE BURR MILLS. Send for Catalogue and Price List. OflU aad Werks: CHBISTIAXA, PA. mylfMyw I ft I ? :s; , 4 te c W n i 1 ;;i y j K i W.1 i I - K S li m : .' r