.(.' --v ' xr J -- . rf . craficpiCi?? - .jt ' . 'js viai aftwwg3ar5 i- 4- a. 7 y- J'"W-4S-S.''. S2S32I l -MiT IT "TV "KTT If " i TSTrfr ' " . - j -v 1 , - ,. 0 , - -&ANGA8!ffi'Aft Mii3ftGH 11880. ..,,.y'.' Hancastet intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, MAECH 18, 1880. NAMING TUB BABY. They gather In solemn council The chiefs In the household band ; They sit In the darkened chamber, A conclave proud and grand ; They peer In the curtained cradle And each with one voice exclaim, As they point te the new found treasure, " The baby must have a name ! They bring lerth the names by dozens. With many an anxious leek ; Tney scan all the tales and novels, They search through the geed Old Boek ; Till the happy 'Voiced young mother New urging her prier claim, Cries out in the fondest accents, " Oh, give him a pretty name I" His grandpa was Ebcnczer ' .Leng burled and gene, dear soul," Says the trembling voice of grandma, As the quiet teardrops roll. " Oh, call him Eugene Augustus," Cries the youngest of the throng " Flain Jehn," says the happy father. " Is an honest name and strong." And thus is the embryo statesman Perhaps, or the soldier bold, Respecting his future title Lett utterly out in the cold ! And yet, It can matter but little Te him who is heedless of fame Fer no man will honor the mortal. If the mortal dishonors the name.. The Best Location for Fruit Trees. German town Telegraph. This question has often ceme up for discussion, and as is usual ou all questions of the kind, there is a considerable di versity of opinion. We have our own and have frequently expressed it. Fer a peach, pear or apple orchard we should select a northern cjpeture in order that the swell ing of the buds and their blooming might be as long delayed as possible and thus pass ever the period of probable frost unharmed. Take the present season, for instance, and mark the condition of the buds te-day, and what must be the consequence of a severe freeze in the latter part of this month or the forepart of next month? And that we shall have it before long, en account of the almost unparalleled mild winterand spring up te this writiug. may be looked for with almost absolute certainty. It is the late priugseu which we must depend for our best crops of fruits of the larger kinds ; but when the season is net tee backward or forward, a northern exposure te retard the blooming is te be prelerred ler or chards. We had an old friend in Montgomery county the late Judge Longstreth, tlian whom there was no better citizen in the county who was nearly always successful in raising peaches, having an orchard of about one hundred trees, and who told us that his practice was when a snow fell in the latter part of January or in February, te pile it around the stems of the trees te the depth of a feet or mere, well-tramped down. This retarded the blooming for a full months later, se that in nearly all cases his crop was uniniared by late frosts, as is se often done in Delaware, Maryland and elsewhere. But, in connection with the raising of pears and cherries, the results arc se var iable and singular as te be difficult te un derstand them or te adept a remedy. A plan that will de well in one part of a premises 'will fail in another part, though they-may be only a hundred yards apart. Then, tee, while lime, salt or a fertilizer may prove a remedy for cracking, falling prematurely oft", or failing te ripen, in one case, in the ether it will have no effect at all. With cherries it is worse. One never knows when there will be a crop. A tree may be covered with blossoms, you watch it carefully, and you sec nothing te inter fere with an overloaded tree of fruit. There is no storm, hail or rain at the time of infleiescence, the latter of which is especially injurious at this delicate period, and yet there is no fruit. They will grew freely until half the full size, when they suddenly some times in a single day turn black and fall te the ground. The tree itself, tee, without giving any indication, will sudden ly curl up its leaves and die. Some years age we had six trees, ever twenty years old, which bore full crops nearly every year, but they died within a few weeks of each ether one fall. They were of differ ent varieties, embracing Mayduke, Black Eagle, Black Tartarian, Florence, Down Down ten and Governer Weed. They steed in cultivated ground, net ever thirty feet apart. Grass, we are very well-satisfied, is the best for pears or cherries. Xe Place for Winter Reses. One of the fictions which are crammed down the threats of immigrants en the Pa cific Slope is the tropical climate of Wash ington Territory. It is said for example, that as many as twenty-seven varieties of roses were seen in full bloom in the open air en Christmas day near the shores of Puget Sound. An old resident of the ter ritory denies that there is any such degree of salubrity ou that coast. He never &a.w roses in bloom at any time during the -winter months. He has seen the snow four feet deep en a level, at the bay at the mouth of the Columbia River, in the south western portion of the territory, as full of ice as Geese Lake for a month or six weeks at a time. The climate of Eastern Wash ington territory is very much like that of Medoc county. There is mere wind in the fall and winter, but the springs are earlier owing te the prevalence during the latter part of February and the first of March of a cold, ceiling wind, which, being of a temperature a few degrees above the freez ing point, takes off the snow and dries the ground quickly. A 81,000 Guarantee. Warner's Safe Kidney unil Liver Cure, will positively cure Itrlght's Disease und Diabetes ; and it is guaranteed that it willulse cure 99 per ceni. ei mner Kiuney iiiscases, uj per cemei all liver diseases, anil will help in every case without Injury te the system, when taken ac cording te directions, and thesum of $1,000 will lc paid teany person who can prove that it has failed te de this.. . Warner & Ce. Werklngmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthening te prevent an at tack of Ague, ISIIlieus or Spring Fever, or some ether Spring sickness that will unfit you lera season's v, erk. Yeu will save time, much sick ness and great expense if you will use one bottle of lien Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait. See another column. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1AKGAINS. FlilO & BRENEMAN Are offering Greater Bargains than ever in TINWARE, TABLEWARE Awn Heuse-Furnishing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixture at VERY LOW PRICES. FLINN&BRENEMAN 162 North Queen Street, LANUABTBB, PA. FOX THE Te the Readers of the InteUigencer. This Excellent Newspaper is our Handiest Way te Reach Our Friends with this Streng and Special Invitation te ODE OLD AND NEW FRIENDS te Attend the GREAT SPRING OPENING- OF NEW AND LOVELY THINGS FOR LADIES' AND FAMILY USE AT THE GRAND DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. MR. JOHN WANAMAKER desires te present his respects te these whom he is striving te "well serve, and say en MONDAY, MARCH 8, THE FIRST IMPORTANT OPENING OP THE SEASON OP 1880 WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE GRAND DEPOT, when the whole of the IMMENSE FLOOR AND GALLERIES will be open te the public te show the M GOODS FOE SPKESTG. These who appreciate city styles will find that what is saved by the moderate prices will Mere Than Repay the Cost of a Trip te the City. The Charms, Conveniences and Cheapness of Shopping were never be fore se well illustrated as new at the Grand Depot. JOHN WANAMAKER, THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE, 13TH ST., - WHOLE BLOCK- MARKET AND CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AM USEMENTS TULTOX Ol'EKA MOUSE. Mil. It. TECKEK takes pleasure in an an neuncing te the public of Lancaster and vicin ity, that he has arranged with the MEEOH BROS, for the apiK.-ara.nce here for ONE NIGHT ONLY et the Distinguished Acter, WEDNESDAY, MAECH 24, 1880, In Shakspeare's Masterpiece, entitled HAMLET ! MR. BARRETT as HAMLET, Prince of Den mark, supported by his own Superb Company. POPULAR PRICES : ADMISSION, - - 35, 50 A: 75 Uts. RESERVED SEATS, ... 75 Cts. Seats can be secured at the Opera Heuse Ofllee, by mail or telegraph, en and after March 13. ml7-lwd VlRA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVEK'G, MARCH 19, 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER assures the citizens of Laneister that he has arranged for presen tation at the Opera Heuse the most brilliant Comedy lie h;is ever produced, Augustin Daly's Latest Success, entitled AN ARABIAN NIGHT, WITH MB. E. F. THOENE, MISS CABLOTTA EVELYN, and a Company et New Yerk Favorites, capa ble of doing lull mid complete Justice te the re markable Comedy. It is laughable in concep tion, pointed ami witty in dialogue, and rich in costume. I can net tee highly endorse the J entire company and play. ADMISSION, RESERVED SEATS, 25, 50 & 75 Cts. - 75 Cts. Diagram at Opera Heuse Office. ml3-5td china and glassware. tetice ! The LAST WEEK ler CHINA HALL. AT ITS OLD HEADQUARTERS. Don't Miss the Bargains. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 8 East Kins Streat. i-RiyTiSG Ayn bindinq. Business Cards ! Business Cards ! ! Something New and Very Attractive ! We have en hand the finest Selection of Bus iness Cards in the Market at TERT LOW PRICES. 49-CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. mlO-tfd ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JONATHAN S. Steltzfusc, of Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Jonathan S. Steltzruse, 01 Upper Leacock township, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated JANUARY 31, 1880, assigned and transferred bis estate and effects te the undersigned, ter the benefit et the creditors of the said Jonathan S. Steltzfnse, he therefore gives notice te all nersena indebt ed te said assigner te make payment te the unuereigneu wuneui aeiay. ana tnese Jiaving laims te present them te JACOB 8. EBY, Assigns e, Residing in Barerills, Lancaster Ce. Saw. F. Dayis, AttraY. UkU-tw LADIES. EOR SALE OK REN1. STOKE ROOM FOR KENT, NO. 114 N. Queen street. Possession given January 1st. Apply at d9-tfdl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. F OR KENT. Twe rooms. Ne. 43K North Oueen street. suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied uy i s. saurman. .appiy te dec2G-tfd TllOS. BAUMGARDNER. POSTS AND RAILS FOR SALE. The undersigned has about 1,000 4-hele Chestnut Pests, and about l,000ChestnutRails, which they will sell at reasonable prices. A. MILLER & SON, mll-3tdTh Millersville. A COLLAR FACTORY AND LEATHER STORE FOR RENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Stere for rent. Alse suitable ter any ether business. Apply te f25-Tu,Th&Stfd JOHN A. SHOBER. 170R RENT. " The second story of Eshleman & Rath von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a R. It. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stf Attorney-at Law IIRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. 1 A Fire Proof Safe (Mesler, Bahman & Ce., Cincinnati make), 3 inches high, 26 wide and 24 deep, weight 1,200 pounds, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Apply at the jan2-tfd Intelligencer office. FOR RENT. Saw Mill with 40-horse power Engine and necessary fixtures, situate in Lancaster city, Piu, en Penn'a R. R.. near Stewart's Dreve Yard, accessible from New Helland turnpike. Possession en May 1, 1880. Apply at Ne. 438 North Queen street. mSMJtdeed VTOKTGAGES FOR SALE. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one ter $10,000 and the ether for $4,750, first liens and well se cured en eligible city Real Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Mishlcr, dee'd. Inquire et WM. K. WILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. Hl-ttW&S Lancaster, Pa, PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at public sale, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1880, at the Park Stock Yard Hetel, en the New Helland pike,a let of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of 8 Beds and Bedsteads, Tables and Chairs, Washstands Bar room Fixtures, such as Glasses, Bettles. Pic tures, &c. Glass and Tinware. Alse, at the same time and place will he sold 1 Mule, geed worker, Cew, four sets of Geed Yankee Har ness, two sets of Single Harness, two Spring Wagons, Bridles, Halters, let of Kindling Weed. Deers, Doer and Window Frames, Sash with Glass. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. JOHN FOX. B,F. Rows, Auct. rml7-2tdW&F GIFT DRAWINGS. AUTHORIZED ax THE COMMON. WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the World. 18th Popular Monthly Drawing OVTHK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Leuis- ville, en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 1869, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of th State. The management call attention te the granu oppertunit y presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of the following prizes ipnze t 30,000 1 prize 10,000 1 prize 5,000 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 98 prizes 500 each lo.euo 100 prizes, $100 each 10.0UO 200 prizes 60 each 10,000 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 ! 1,960 prizes $112,400 wneie ncKeis, tz; ram ucitets, 91; 24 ucxets $50; 55 tickets. $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home efllee. Full list of drawing published In Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank draft in letter, or by ex press. Orders of ,95 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Address B. U BOAKDMAN; Courier-Journal Building, Leu isvllle, Ky or at 163 Broadway, New Yerk. ffiW GOODS FOR TIE SPRUG TRADE, AT QUNDAKER'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTTNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GRJTNTDAKIER'S, 142 & 144 North. Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. H. HOTTGKHTONPS COACH WORKS, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Rear of the Lamb Hetel NOTICE. Te all who may want a First-class Shifting Tep Buggy, Tretting Buggy or Jump Seat Carnage, Phaeton or Market Wagen, or any repairing done in my line, please give me a call. All my New "Werk is first-class and at the V ery Lewest Prices. Alse, all repairing done at my shop is done at short notice, and the Best Style and Lewest Price. NOTICE. Gentlemen, I will at all times exchange a New "Wagen en a geed, sound ITorse or Mules, at H. HOUGHTON'S, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Lancaster, Pa. OAKPBT8! CARPETS!! BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, TIIREE-PLY WGRAINS, EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS. BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY INGRAINS, EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS. Bedy Brussels Hall and Stair Carpets, Damask Hall and Stair Carpets, Venitian Hall and Stair Carpets. 18, 13 and 9 inch Bedy, Tapestry Brussels and Venitian Borders te match all Carpets. An elegant line of KAG CARPETS. Mattings, Fleer Oil Cleths, Mew Mm ami Fixtures. Measurss of "Windows taken and Shades Hung at short notice. Elegant assortment of Velvet and Brussels Rugs, Mats, &c. Carpet Lining and Stair Pads at Lewest Prices. Measures of Reems taken and Carpets Sewed and Laid when requested. NOTICE. We guarantee te show the Largest Stock of above goods in the city. Wc invite examination. GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HTJKST, 25 EAST KING STREET. MEDICAL. Brandy as a ledicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slayniaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian ei tlds county, who has extensively used t.h Rrandv referred te in his reeular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Sestfca and Dyspepsia, BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended aa a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cu re of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these anlictcd with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is; REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, H.'E. SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are -branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon nuni bers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working tanner had been aillictcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, S reached at times, and in his discourses elten eclaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, be looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkactisine Physician. H. . SLAYMAKER, AOKirr for Reigart's Old "Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IMPORTER AND DEALER IIC FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUI'E- RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O. EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. SO EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA ROBES, BLANKETS, JtC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49Rcpairlng neatly and promptly lone.-S A. MILEY, 108 North Queen St., Lancaster. ett-lydHW&U "VTAKCUS O. SEHNKK, HO USB CAEPENT.ee, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attemtiem paid te ml teraHen and repairs. aM-lyd AS. KOSENBAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 223 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. 3. BOSENMTER, a74md Manager, EMBROIDERIES, JtC. COAOll WORKS. DRY GOODS. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IX i AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Cleck Jewelry anfl We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them In making the best use of their money in any department or our business. We manufacture a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. 3First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER DRY NEW SPRING STYLES ! CARPETS AND PAPER HANGINGS, HAGER & BROTHER'S. Large Stock of Best Qualities of Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Tnree-Ply Extra and Superfine Ingrain Carpets, and Damask, Venitian, Hall and Stair Carpets with Borders te match. LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTHS, ALL QUALITIES, COCOA AND CHINA MATTINGS. PAPER HANGINGS ! All the Latest Spring Styles In Embossed Gilt, Plain Gilt, Satins, Grounds and Blanks, with Dades, Frieze anil Borders.te match. The Largest Stock we have ever offered. Our orders were placed early for the above goods, which we will sell at LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICE. HAGER & BROTHER. CARRIAGES, S. B. BAH.Y. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready ferSPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bin Craps, Phaetons, Met Wapns, t Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te efler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PKICE. Wc will keep in stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit aU classes et customers. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fully warranted one year. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tacbment dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has 135 parts " Davis " ' 151 " " Demestic " " 88 ' " Howe " " m " " New Heme " " 133 " " Remington " " 131 " " Singer ' 112 " " Weed " " 122 ' ' " While " " 13 " " WhMlrWUsem,x.t,has 194 " sd7-lmdSJt3mw JEWELRY, Jte. Lancaster, Fa., Silver-Plated Ware, Ami TH Spectacles, LANCASTER, PA. GOODS. -AT- PAPER HANGINGS ! PUAETONS. Ce W. W. BAILY. of and Dealers in ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W A. J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa IV. V. HENSK.I Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square. Lancaster. Pa. HENitY A. BILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by purmixttien te Stinman ft Hansel. rpRT LOeHBR'8 0O6HtTRUP. trateLers guide. LANCASTER ASD MILLEKSVILLK K- 14 Cars ran as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. K. Depot), at 7, 9, ana 11 JO a. m., anil 2, 4. t anil 8:30 p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leave at 9:30 p. m. Leave Mlllersville (lower eiiU) at 5, 8, anil a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars ran daily en above time except en Sun day. v C COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. It J Trains new run regularly ou the Columbia, and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following.' time: STATIOKS-NORTHWARD. E- A Pert Deposit 6:S5 tte Peachbotteni 7:12 e:l-S Kite's Eddy. 7rJ5 4.t McCall'sFerry 7:."7 :17 Shenk's Ferry. 7:54 4:41 Safe Harber. 7i'J 4:4'J Columbia. 8:30 fr.'fi STATioss-SenrnwARD. Accem. Expie Columbia. I0:4t) ''" Sate Harber. 11.8 6:1 Shenk's Ferry. 11:43 e: McCall's Ferry. liis" 7:W Fite's Eddy. 12:1,) 7rJ0 Peachbotteni... i:ea 7:32 Pert Deposit- 2:15 8-.U3 PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD-NEW SCHEDULE On und after SUNDAY. NOV. 9th, 1879, tmins en the Penn-.yliuu.t Railroad will arrive and leave the Lauciislri and Philadelphia depots 113 follews: Eastward. Leave 1 Arrive Lanc'ler Philad'a Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pucitic Express, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Day Express 12:25 1 3:(H) a.M 7:00 " 7:40 4:10 5:20 7:30 S.0 :45 3:10 lr20 1:2,-. 1 2:00 3:05 5:20 :25 10:1.) ' lie'lr. J5:k"" 5:110 " :::; 7:20 " J:.a " Harrisburg Accommedat'n. Anivu Westward. Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation.. R3M .' Ii)-.i5 10:10 11:05 11:07 10:50 2:10 1 2:15 2:50 5:15 7:2C 7:30 S:50 ll.:! 2.40, Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jey, join rruin .e.2,via (jorum, Sunday Mail, Fast Line. Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal.via M t.Jey Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, Pucitic Express, east, en Sunday, when Hug fed, will step at Middletown, Eluabellitew 11 It. Jey, Landisville, Blrd-in-ilaud, I.einan Place, Oap, Christian:., Parkcuburg, Coate. ville, Oakland anil Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when llagi-il, will stoputDewiiingtown.Coutesvillr, PaiLe burg, Mt. Jey, Elizubethtewn and Middlcieu 11. Hanover Accommodation, west, conned-, i-t Lancaster with Niagara Expres, west, at ln:i5 a. m., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wewt.cennciH:.i Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. m., and will run through te Frederick. READING AND COLUMltlA ItAH.UAi. On and after MONDAY. OUT. (irn, 1-. , fiussenger trains will run en this read as :.-.-ews: t Leave I Philud'a 12:30 a.m. 8:00 " 8.1)6""" 8:00"" 11:50 " 2:30 r.M. 4:00 " 5.30 " Cs " 9:10 " 11:55 " Trails Going Seuth, a.m. a.m. im. v. m. Reading, 7:30 11:55 o:le ... r. m. Reinholds, 8:01 12r21 6:15 .... Ephrata, 8:18 12:10 7:i3 ... Akren, 8:21 12:45 7:0 Lltiz, 8:43 1:02 7.25 .... Manheim, 9:02 1:13 7S Lancaster Junction,.. 9:05 1:40 7:15 Landisville ifclti 1:30 7:5i . . Columbia, 9:45 1:55 8:20 Dillerville, 9:27 2:02 8:1 I ... Lancaster, 9:33 2:05 8:le 500 King Street, 9:45 8:2e .V.ln Harnish, !)::f .... 8:31 :.:' West Willow, 10:05 8:12 ?:39 Baumgurdner, 10:0" 8:47 5-45 Pequea, 10: 7 .... 8:55 5:5." Refteu, 10r3 9:01 i:02 New Providence, !:: 9:12 G:15 Hess 10:42 9:19 ivH Quarryville lean .... 9:25 -?5 Trains Geino North, a.m. r.M. r.M. a.m. Quarryville, S:45 2.35 7:5e Hess, 8:52 1 2.41 7:58 New Providence, t:59 .... 2:48 i:!3 Iteften, 7:11 2:59 J.:27 Pequea, 7:18 3:05 a Baumgardner, 7:2(5 3:13 -:t:: West Willow, 7:32 3:lf s-i: Harnish, 7:41 .... 3:2i; 9:00 King Street, 755 .... 3:J0 9ri" Lancaster, 8:05 1:00 30 9:33 Dillerville 8:08 l:e3 3: 3 .... Columbia. 8:00 1:00 3:. .... Landisville 8:30 1:30 4.04 Lancaster Junction,.. 8:30 1:25 4:15 Munheim, 8:49 1:48 4r20 LitiZ, 9:00 2:00 4:30 Akren, 9:lt 2:18 4:47 Ephrata. 9:23 2:25 4:5:; I Reinheldsville, 9:42 2:t; 5:11 Reading, 10:05 3:20 5:50 1 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pettsvllle, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON, Supt. T OCAL MAIL AHBANUKMENTS HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. f BY RAILROAD. Nkw Yerk throl-eu mail. 7:00 a m, 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11 JO p m. Way Mail, east, 7 a in. nGeRDONVlLLX, Downingtown, Leaman Place, Gup t p 111. Philadelphia, through mail, 7 and 9 a tu. 12:50, 4:45 and 11:30 p in. Pittsburgh and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p 111. Harrisiiurq Mail, 10 a ni, 1:30. 5:15 ami 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Baltimerk and Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltimerk and Washington, via Yerk, 1:30 p m. Baltimerk ahd Washington, via Uarri.shurg 11:30 pm. Ceatesvillz, 4:45 p m. Columbia, 10 a in, 1 JO and 5:15 p m. Yerk ahd Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Nertukbn Ckntral, 10 am, 1:30 und 11:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia l: J:, 1:M a m and 1230 p m. Reading, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 pm. Reading way, via Junction, Litiz, Manheim, East UempOeld and Ephrata, 3 p in.. Qcarrxvillk, Cumarge, Rciteu, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lfine Valley and Martins ville, 9-.30 a in, and 7:30 p in. New Helland, Churchtown, Grccnbank. Blue Bail, Goedvllle, Benrtewn, by way e Downingtown, at 7 a in and 6 p m. Safe IlARnea, via Columbia, 10 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwater. te Sate Harber, dally, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersville, 8 and 11 a m, and 4pm Blnkley's Bridge, Leacock, Ban'viUe. x0w Helland, 2:30 p in. Willow Street, Smithville, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, . Reck Springs. Fuirmeunt and Rewlaudsviile. 4 Md, daily, at 7 am. Landis Valley, Oiegen, West Eail. Farmers ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Murtmduie. daily, at 2 JO pm. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Greenland and Soudersburg. te Paradise daily, at 4 p m Neffsville, daily, at 4 pm. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticville, Cole manville. Mount Nebo. Raw liiisville. Betlies .a and Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postetllce is open from April 1 te October 1, from 8 toy a m, and lrem ; te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 a m , nd lrem 6 te 7 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a m . 10:45 a m, 3 and 6:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 10:45 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a in, 2 and 6:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2 JO p m. Western way mail, 8 am. Reading way mail, 10:30 a m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and Millersville, at 9 a in, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 u m, and 4pin. Frem Strasburg. at 9:30 a m. dail v. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, le a m, daily Frem Neffsville, at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinsville, at 11 a in. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter cur riers each day, and en their return trip-, they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter Bexes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the efllee at 6 JO am; second delivery at 10 a m; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. EDUCATIONAL. riTOK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH 1 Franklin and Marshall Cellem- ntters perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te nrenare for rnllpin. nr tn rit..i.. a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school vear Can. I r. nllwinlni.. .!.... '' wtvuiuis. .uuwrcss KEV. JAMES CRAWFORD. Lancaster. Pa. ectll-lvd u SE LOCHER'g HORSB AKB. ATTL rvwvawi. l