aneammmannm!iit inn - r- . . -. C4. ifgirfi LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY. MARCH 18. 1880. h 8 COLUMBIA NEWS. rrem Special Correspondents There. The town hall -was filled last evening by a large audience te hear a panegyric upon St. Patrick, delivered by the Rev. D. I. McDerraett, of Summit Hill, Pa. The reverend orator, in an eloquent and ele gant manner, related many facts in the life of the apostle of Ireland new and in teresting te his audience. He also took occasion te refer te the misrule of Ireland by the British government and depicted the terrors of the penal cede, se long the curse of that island. The present suffer ings of the people were referred te with much feeling and the sympathies of our people evoked in their behalf. The Shawnee furnaces are new two of them at least in full blast and turning out daily a large quantity of first-class pig iron. The Shawnee rolling mill is also filled with busy life and manned by a cheerful and happy crowd of workmen. We are glad te record this fact and leek for a season of prosperity te the workers in iron who were for se long a period in enforced and helpless idleness. A new marble altar, made by your townsman, Mr. C. Hepting, is new in pro gress of erection at the church of the Hely Trinity, en Chei ry street. The work re flects great credit upon the mechanical ability of Mr. Hepting, who is certainly de serving of the patrenage of these requiring anything in his line of business. Our neighbor, Grier, of the Herald, is off te Pittsburgh te attend the meeting of the DemecffA'ic. state central committee. Mr. Jehn B. Batt, of Philadelphia, will take charge of Black's hotel en the 1st of April, he having loased the same for a period of years. Mr. Black retires as land lord en that day. Mr. Jeseph M. Watts, of Columbia, has in geed condition in his possession every issue of the Lancaster Daily Intelligen ces Who can beat this ? The river is high. The raftmen are in geed cheer. W. B. Given, esq., who was confined te the house for the last week, is able te be in his office again. We noticed a number of wagons from Yerk county, leaded with tobacco, en the streets this morning. Mr. Jehn Shanahan, of Bewmansvillc, Pa., and Rev. D. I. McDcrmett, of Sum mit, are the guests of Rev. J. J. Russell. An Old Easter Egg. Ames Miley, saddler, showed us this morning an old Easter egg which has a history. The egg was decorated fifty-five years age by David Miley, Ames Miley's father, who was a wheelwright and then resided in Washington borough. On one side of the egg is drawn a mill with two large arches under it through which the tail-race water is supposed te pass. The mill is surmounted by a spire, the weather-vane of which is a fish, very like a shad. The mill is flanked en either side by Lombardy poplars, trees that were held in high esteem in the olden time. Te the rear of the mill, en the opposite sid of the egg is a garden in which flowers are grow ing one of them being a eoed representa tion of a tulip, and the leaves of another looking like toeacco leaves, a plant that was cultivated te sonie extent in Washington, even at that early day. On the centre of the larger end of the egg is scratched a double white star, and surrounding the star are the following letters and figures : " D. M. B. S 1825." " D. M." are the initials of David Miley, and 1825 is the year when the egg was scratched. The " B. S." is supposed te be the initials of seme ether person's name. This egg was found about a dozen years age in a secret drawer in an old-fashioned desk, and from that time until about two age was carefully preserved in his safe. Twe years age Mr. Miley took it from the safe and put it in his coat pocket for the purpose of showing it te some friends. Forgetting that it was in his pocket he "sat down en it" crushing it into fragments. Gathering together the peices, he placed them in the hands of Charles R. Frailcy, esq., with a rcquest that he should mend the egg if he could. Mr. Frailey took a large cork and cut it down te the shape and size of the broken egg, as nearly as he could judge its proportions, and then piece by piece placed the fragments en the surface of the cork. There were 50 fragments and Mr. Frailey, with much labor and skill, succeeded in gettiug each one in its place, restoring the egg te its original appearance. It is highly prized by Mr. Miley. Argument Court. In argument court, the cases en the eommen pleas court are yet being argued. The court appointed Benj. Cooper, Edger Lambern, of Bird-in-Hand, and Na than Maul and William Paxton, of Sads bnry, Chester county, trustees of the Friends meeting house, at Bird-in-Hand. William McCemsey, James C. Carpenter, Jehn D. Wilsen. Wm. M. Slaymaker, Jacob Henry and James Weed were ap pointed te inspect a bridge which was re cently constructed by Jehn Weimer across Peter's creek, near Boyd's saw mill, in Fulton township. A charter was granted te the " Lancas ter Scientific club," en application of Prof. J. P. McCaskey, Dr. J. W. Crumbaugh, Rev. C. Elvin Houpt, J. D. Pyott and B. Frank Sayler. The object of this club will be te promote and encourage the study of science in this city and county by the organization of scientific clubs and classes and by aiding similar clubs already organ ized. Charles Wilmer, the colored man, who is charged with attempted rape, and who was committed te jail for want of bail en Tuesday, was released this morning. He gave the required amount of bail before the court. Samuel Hepkins, of Bart town ship, and William Jehnsen, of Drumore, both of whom are colored, becoming his sureties. Case Continued. The case of thecem'th vs. A. Reissman, tobacco packer, charged, en oath of James Cellins, with malicious mischief, which was te have been heard this afterne en be fore Alderman Spurrier, was continued indefinitely at the request of the prosecu tion, one of whose witnesses was absent sick. Defendant with his counsel and witnesses was present and insisted en a speedy hearing of the case. Getting isetter. Addison Miller, the young "man who was se terribly hurt by being struck by a locomotive while riding a b ilky colt at Mount Jey, was semewh. t better this morning. His consciousness has returned, and his physicians have new some hopes f saving his life. A DEAD BABY. CONCEALMENT OF THE BODY. The Tragic Revelation of a Bex of Clethes. A Sickening Spectacle Christian Street the Scene of Much Incitement. It has been ten years since Jehn Denning left Ireland and brought te this country his two daughters then girls of 12 or 14 years of age ; six years age he and his second wife, their step mother, returned te the old country where Mrs. D. died and whence the husband and father returned te Lancaster just before Christmas, 1879. He is new working below Quarry ville. One of his daughters is Mrs. Jehn A. Weimer, residing at 43 Seuth Christian street, and the ether is Miss Christina Denning, who has been employed recently as domestic in several highly respectable families in Lancaster. She has always borne a geed character and when about six weeks aee or less she fell sick at her place of employment and re mained sick for a week, the occurrence gave rise te no scandal. A short time afterwards, a few days be fore Valentine day, she left her last place and one evening brought her clothes te her sister's in a coach and desired te pack them there in such a way that they would be easily accessible or removable if de sired. Her sister procured for a her good geed sized dry goods box at the New Yerk store ..tad they were packed therein. In a week or two afterwards and about a month age she called at the house of Jehn M. Medingcr, marble cutter, Ne. 39 Seuth Christian street, and said her brother-in-law would net allow her te keep her clothes at his house and threat ened te tear them up and she begged Mrs. Medinger te allow her te store them en her garret. Mrs. M. consented and Miss Denning had them brought ever and a carpenter cut the box down te get it en Mrs. Medingcr's garret where it re mained until yesterday Meanwhile Christina, or "Phenie" as she is called, secured employment with another highly respectable family, where she is yet working. On Sunday she visited Mrs. Medinger and disturbed the contents of the box, en pretext of taking some clothes from it. Since then Mrs. M. has noticed a very offensive odor from the box, becoming stronger daily, until yesterday 6he and Mrs. Weitzcl made an inspection of the contents and satisfied themselves that they included the decomposing remains of a newly born babe. Mr. Weitzel made further examination, took the box into the yard and found the dead child in a smalt wooden box, surrounded with a woman's wrapper and aprons. The coroner was notified te-day, and summoning a jury composed of E. McMel len, Brinten J. Carter, J. Kahler Snyder, Clayten F. Myers, T. F. McElligetand H. II. Ilensel, and attended by Dr. Wm. Cotnpten, made an inspection of the box and contents in Mrs. Medinger's yard. After taking out a large quantity of clothing, skirts, dresses and very much soiled underwear, a small wooden starch box was found, and after enduring a hor rible stench the investigators discovered in it, wrapped in white cloths, the body of a female infant, fully developed, sup posed te have been born four or five weeks age and very much decomposed. Dr Dr Compten tested the lungs and concluded from his examination that the child had never breathed ; though the advanced stage of decomposition materially inter fered with full and satisfactory tests. The jury heard Mrs. Medinger, Mrs. Weimer, Mrs. Weitzcl and Mr. Weitzel te the foregoing effect and adjourned te meet at the court house te-morrow evening at 7$ o'clock when the supposed mother of the child will be called te testify. Further Particulars. Upen further inquiry we find that Miss Denning usually gees by the name of "Jesephine '" and was known as " Phenie " among the families with whom she lived. She is about 22 years of age. At the suggestion of the district attor ney Officer Tittus made complaint against her befere Alderman Wiley for conceal ment of the death of a bastard child ; a warrant was issued and she will be arrest ed for a hearing. The body of the infant was sent te the almshouse for burial. When informed of the discovery of the body the girl seemed quite astonished; and makes no explanation of the circum stances of the case, pending a legal investi gation. The family with whom she new resides and where she has lived for several weeks had no idea whatever of this epi sode in her experience ; and the family whose service she quit after her wcck et illness stare tnat tiieugu circum stances afterwards developed pointed te the cause of her illness, it is pretty certain that the child was born and concealed elsewhere than in her room at their house. She had manifestly had some such experi ence, but the exact nature of it, or what disposition she made of the evidences of it, was a mystery te them. The girl gives the name of the child'B father, says he would have married her, but that he had no work and couldn't support her. She declares the child was still-born ; her accident being caused by a fall a statement which has reliable confirmation. Occultation of Mars. The beautiful clear sky of last evening afforded astronomers and ethers interested in the movements of the heavenly bodies a delightful opportunity te witness the oc cultation of Mars by the moon. Seme persons with geed eyes could see the planet close te the dark side of the moon almost up te the moment of its disappear ance ; and all could easily see it with the aid of a common opera glass. It remained be hind the moon for nearly an hour and a-half and then emerged en the bright side, first as a mere speck, gradually growing brighter as its distance from the moon in creased. There will be another occulta tion of Mars en the 15th of April, but en account of the constant shifting of the position of the planets it will net be visi ble in the northern hemisphere. Anether Yerk Burglary. On Tuesday night the residence of Mr. Michael Overmiller, residing at Glatfelter's station, N. C. R. W., south of Yerk, was entered with intent te rob. Mr. Overmiller was awakened by the noise made by the burglar and drove him off The bunrlar is believed te be one of the transr who was encased in the robberies I in Yerk en Monday night, arrest is elsewhere noticed. and whose Doctors vs. Quacks. The suits against C. A. Greene, Jehn Campbell and Mrs. Harriet Sweeney, for violating the statute, prohibiting persons from practicing medicine unless they have graduated and been granted a diploma by some reputable college of medicine ; or in lieu of such diploma had been practicing medicine successfully eight years before the passage of the act of Assembly, and been regularly licensed by the prothono prethono protheno tary of the court of common pleas, was heard before Alderman Spurrier this after noon, the hearing attracting te the alder man's office quite a number of interested spectators. Dr. R. M. Bolenius was the first wit ness, ile testified that he was a member of the Lancaster medical society. At the meeting in February a commit tee was appointed te notify the district attorney of the violation of the act of Assembly. The committee, consisting of Drs. Bolenius, Welchans and Blackwood, investigated the matter and found that Dr. Campbell, Mrs. Sweeney and Dr. Greene were treating patients. Witness had no knowledge whether any of the accused had or had net legal diplo mas. On cress examination witness said be had never seen any of the ac cused treat patients ; had seen Dr. Campbell sell worm medicine en market ; don't knew hew long Dr. Campbell has been treating disease or practising medi cine in this state ; never met Dr. Greene ; was once in Greene's office ; went there te see if he had a diploma; saw a certificate hanging en the wall. Dr. Greene wanted te knew if the wit ness, as one of the committee was the prosecutor, but the question was objected te, and Alderman Spurrier said that Con stable Eichholtz was the prosecutor. Gee. W. Eaby, deputy clerk of court, tes tified that none of the accused had taken out a license te practice medicine in this county. Dr. Gee. R. Welchens corroborated Dr. Bolenius as te the action of the medical society. All that he knew of the accused in connection with their practice of medi medi cine was that he had seen Dr. Greene's advertisements, and Mrs. Sweeney's sign, and Dr. Campbell's worm medicine ; had seen him sell it en the street ; don't knew anything about the merit of Dr. Campbell's medicines. Dr. Henry Carpenter testified that he had prescribed for a boy for epilepsy ; he had taken medicine prescribed by Dr. Campbell; it was a powerful drug of a nar cotic character ; it produced violent conges tion of the brain and the boy fell into one fit after another, and lay at the point of death; knew nothing personally of D; Greene but knew Mrs. Sweeney te be an errant Charlaten and quack ; he knew positively that persons had been prescribed for by her, but he declined te tell their names ; he could net de se without violat ing professional confidence ; never saw Mrs. Sweeney prescribe for a patient ; has iuformatien from respectable people. At the hour at which we go te press the hearing is still in progress. Rep. Sacred Songs. Philip Phillips, the great singing evangelist nnd pilgrim will give :i service el sacred song In the First M. K. church. North Duke street, this evenlner. Mr, Phillips has a reputation as a vocalist, especially In the rendition et sacred music, second te no ether In the country. He has given thousands of only in the United States, but in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia and the inlands of the ocean, and has been received with approbation wherever he has appeared. Tickets of admission te the con cert te-nigh, 35 cents; children, 23 cents. Lecture by Dr. Greene. The interest created net alone in medical circles, but throughout the community, by the recent action of the Lancaster medical society in instituting legal proceedings against several well-known practitioners en the charge of a violation of the statute governing the practice of medicine and snrgery. is enhanced bv the announcement, elsewhere printed, of a lecture te be delivered by one of the accused physi cians, en Thursday evening next, 23th Inst Dr. C. A. Greene, who recently hung out his "shingle" in thl city, proposes en this ec casien te expound his views en tne subject of medicine, the success he has achieved in the treatment et se-called hopeless cases of all forms of disease, and says he will prove him sell te have been a consistent and aggressive opponent of quackery and empiricism tn what ever shape. His special invitation te the mem bers of the medical society has the snap of de fiance in it. and there will doubtless b" a large turnout of citizens te see and hear this latc-t phase of the contest between the regulars and the alleged "empirics." Amusements. Lawrence Barrett. When the chart was opened this morning for the sale el scats for " Hamlet "which will be produced In the opera house en next Wednesday evening, with the distinguished actor Lawrence Barrett in the title role, there was a rush for geed plaees.and in less than an hour ever one hundred had been secured. Since the very favorable impression created by Mr. Barrett in his impersonation of the cardinal duke In Biilwer's drama of " Richelieu," which he appeared in this city two years age, there has been a very general desire among his ad mirers, anil these who have never had the privilege el seeing hlin, tlwt he should return, and the announcement of his coming is hailed with pleasure. Hamlet is among his greatest roles, his reproduction of the character of the melancholy Dane being pronounced by critics a masterpiece or histrionic art. Te-morrow Evening's Comedy. The Heading Times and Dispatch says of "An Aia')ii.n Night," which will be played here te-morrow night: "The sparkle, vivacity, gayety and humor et " An Arabian Night" were admirably portrayed last evening at the Academy of Music by Mr. Cas-ddy's company, and the au diencc was in a continuous fermentef laughter and ecstasy of delight from the opening te the closing scene. There is a dramatic glow about the several leading Impersonations as presen edby the ladies and gentlemen of the troupe that will be an ever-pleasing recollection." Lecture by Mr. Parsons. On Saturday even ing Hen. William Parsons, the eloquent orator, will deliver his celebrated lecture en " Michael Angele," at Fulton opera house. Mr. Parsons enjoys an extended reputation as a graceful and pleasing speaker, and this lecture is said te be among the best of his nlatferm efforts, being both Instructive and entertaining, teem ing with facts presented with grace of diction and eloquence of utterance that are charming te the ear while conveying the most interest ing Information concerning the wonderful career of the grandest figure in art htjtery, ancient or modern. Saved from the Poorhouse. Fer years David Allingswerth suffered with Rheumatism, and notwithstanding the best medical attendance, could net find relief. He came te the Sciota County Poorhouse, and had te be carried into and out of bed, en account et his helpless condition. After the failure el all the remedies which had been applied, the Directors of the Poorhouse resolved te use the celebrated German Remedy, St. Jacob's Oil, and this was a fortunate resolution ; for, with the trial of one bottle, the patient was already much better, and when four bottles had been used upon him he could again walkabout without the use of a cane. The facts, as above stated, will be verified by the Editor of the Portsmouth, Ohie, Corres pondent. It Is Terrible te have a wlfe or husband with a bad breath. All this may be avoided by using SUZODONT. It is most agreeable te the taste, fragrant and healthful, and nrai It confers eomfert upon Its users, and prevents the affliction of unpleasant Math. nUS-lweedftw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHSS. That largest stock and most railed assortment te be found In the Interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch Is warranted according te the quality. JEWELBY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article In geld plate te the precious gem In costly setting. 8IL.VEBWABE. Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, Including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as It could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS Ss BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. GREAT CLEARING PBEVIOUS IATT, SHOD it COMPANY Have determined te sacrifice all the Short Lengths and Odd Lets in every department. REMNANTS OF BLACK GOODS, REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS, REMNANTS OF FLANNELS AND SHIRTINGS, REMNANTS OF TABLE LINENS, REMNANTS OF CASSIMEBES AND CLOAKING3. REMNANTS of all kinds el goods at prices that must effect a speedy clearance. NEW YORK STORE. Will Remove NEXT WEEK te 8 & 10 EAST KINO STREET. J. B. MARTIN & CO. ARE NOW OFFERING SPECIAL VALUE IN Black Silks and Black Cashmeres. Our lines of these goods were selected with Great Care, and ler Excellent Celer and Dura bility of Wear they are unexcelled. DRESS GOODS. LATEST NOVELTIES FOR SPRING WEAR. FINE FANCY HOSIERY! Fer Ladies, Gents and Children. and Children. UNDERWEAR. OUR DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Contains all the Favorite Brands of Muslins. Sheetings, Tickings, Linen Damnsks, Ac, which we are selling at Lew Prices. Carpets, Wall Paper, Queens ware, Oil Cleths ahd Prime Feathers. J. B. MARTIN & New Advertisements. Gansman's Grand Spring Opening. Lecture by Hen. William Parsons. Great Clearing Sale of Remnants. Heuse and Shep Fer Rent. Estate of Klllian Beck. Silks, &c., at Martin's. J3T"Fer further details see advertising column. SPECIAL NOTICES. Brown's Household Vanacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tul of the Panacea In a tumbler et het water (sweetened, If preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. S3 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran ft Ce's Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFirs, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible Injury te the most delicate child Tills valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty five cents a box. rianl5-lvdftwTuTh&S Statistics prove that twenty-hve per cent, of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. Frem Hen. Andrew Cornwall, Ex-Mbxbbu, or Legislature, New Yerk Statb. Alexandria Bat, Jan. 3, 1880. H. II. Warner & Ce. : Gehts: 1 have been troubled with kidney difficulty for the last three years, and in Octo ber last had avery severe attack. I then com- mcnced taking your Sate Kidney and Liver Cure and obtained relief at once. I have used two bottles and feel as well as ever, and I shall always keep a supply of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curs in the house. Tours truly, A. CORNWALL. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. " What's the matter, Jehn r " O ! a big bell.' "Well, why don't you take 'Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher,' and be cured?" Fer ajt Irritatbd Threat, Cough or Celd, " Brown' Bronchial Troches" are offered witli the fullest confidence In their efficacy. They maintain the geed reputation they have Justly acquired. ml6-lwdTThftSftw "Mamma, It is time te take that medicine." The medicine referred te was Dr. Browning's C. ft C. Cordial. With its wonderful healing properties it Is pleasant te the taste, and chil dren learn te love It. What Is mere desirable when a child Is sick than te have it take medi cine ; and where, in many cases, will you find mere trouble. Children are very susceptible te coughs and colds, and Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial will de mere geed quickly and thoroughly than any medicine known. Manu factured and for sale by the proprietor at 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and sold by all druggists. Price only 60c. " My Back Aches Se, and I feel miserably," said a hard-working man. The doctor questioned him and found that he had been habitually costive ler years, that new his kidneys were disordered and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wert was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine en the bowels and kidneys Is wonderful. ml5-lwdftw A Geed Housewife. The geed housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are mere precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must knew that there Is nothing that will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. See ether column. ml5-2wdftw Sediment or mucus In the urine Is a sure in dication of disease. Take Kidney-Wert. mlMwdftw SALE OF REMNANTS! :e:- TO REMOVAL DRESS GOODS. Light and Heavy Weight, for Ladies, Gents OO. A Strange People De you knew that there are strange pee pie in our community, we say strange because tlllv 4tftn tn lirti In uuttn, ntwl nttea tlii.1l- J days miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and 1 Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation I and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer j is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by D. Heit ! uhu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. Five Hundred. Thousand Streng. ' In the p:ist few months there have been mere than 500,000 bottles ofbhiieh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases of Consumption have ueen cureu. All ueugns, ureup, Astiima ami Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who liave net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value life, don't tail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by veur drug gists, D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. Wb have a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Headache In Shllelrs Catarrh Remedy. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use It if yen desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold bv D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis. Mil lersville. aeit25-eedd&w MARRIAGES. Swain Stacb. March 17, 1880, at Power's City hotel, by Rev. Dr. Green weld, James M. Swain, jr., et Cape May, N. J., te Miss Minnie Staub, et Lancaster. DEATHS. Hxrshet. In this city en March 17, 1830, Mis. Eliza, wife et the late Jacob Hershey, la the 76th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence, Ne. 20 Plum street, en Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 3td Shertz. In this city. March 17. 1880. Mary. relict of the late Jehn Shertz, aged 83 years 6 iueiiwis anu iz nays. The relatives and friends of the family, are respectfully Invited te attend her funeral from her late residence. Ne. 407 Seuth Queen street, en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Woodward Hill cemetery. ' 2td V F IV AD VER TISEMENTS. AN EVENING OF SONO. The world-renowned Singer, PHILIP PHILLIPS, will give ene of hLs inimitable evenings of song, assisted by his son, in the First 31. E. Church, North Duke Street, en Thursday Evening, March 18, 1880, Commencing at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 35 cents Children, 25 cents. ml3&18d STATE OF KILLIAN BECK, LATE OF the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted te said decedent are requested te make immediatesettlement,and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the Citv of Lancas ter. ANDREW SHREINER, marl8-6tdedd Executer. "TUJLTON OPEBA HOUSE. SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1880. LECTURE BT HON. WILLIAM PARSONS. SUBJECT: "MICHAEL ANGELO: THE CHILD, THE ARTIST, THE HERO." ADMISSION, 35 SO CU. Reserved Seats, 50 cents, at Yecker's (ral8-3td m . A. GREENE HAS CONCLUDED te Kive a series of Physical Lectures at the urgent request of his numerous friends and patients in Lancaster and vicinity. The first one will take place en Thursday Evening, March 25, 1880, AT FULTON OPERA HOUSE. Among the subjects referred te en the above occasion will be The General Structure or the Be fly," " Hew te Live se as te Prolong Life and Avoid Pain and Disease," and "Hew te' Get Well When in a Dis eased Condition." Brief references will be made te the methods new in vogue of attempting te cure the afflict ed ; also, te the improved methods of Omni pathy, causes of the remarkable iacrease of quack medicines and empiricism all ever the civilized world. The admission fee will be Just enough te pay the expenses of ball, advertis ing, Ac. A Physiological Magazine will be given te everyone attending the lecture. The Lancaster Medical Society and all ether it. D.s are especially invited. Admission. 10 cU. te all parte of th house. Lecture at 8 o'clock THLUD EDITION. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, March 18. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, increasing cloudiness, followed by rain and warmer weather, with southeasterly winds and falling barome ter. P. B. B. Nominations for Directors. Philadelphia, March 18. At a meeting te-day of the committee appointed at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania rail road company te neminate directors, the following ticket was nominated te be voted for en Tuesday next : Themas A. Scott, Jesiah Bewen, Samuel M. Felten, Alex. Biddle, Henry M. Philips, N. Parker Shertridge, D. B. Cummins, Henry D. Welsh, Jehn Price "Wetherill, Aler. M. Fex, "William L. Elkins, James Mc Manes. Heretofore shareholders have elected ten directors, but the committee new present thirteen names. The three last named gentlemen were elected in November last te represent stock then held by the city of Philadelphia, which stock has since been sold. CONGRESS. Proceedings In the Senate. Washington, March 18. In the Senate, at the expiration of the morning hour, the Senate proceeded te consider the Heuse bill for the establishment of titles in the Het Springs, the question being en a sub stitute reported by the Senate cemmittee en public lands. Proceedings In the Heuse. "Washington, March 18. In the Heuse the amendment appropriating $6,665,000 for the payment of pensions was adopted and the committee is new engaged in five minute debate en the amendment appro priating 600,000 for the payment of marshal and general deputy marshals. An amendment offered by Mr. Hiscock (N". Y.) is also pending, extending the appro priation te the payment of special deputies. SHOT IN THE FOREHEAD. Probably Fatal Termination of an Alterca tion. Philadelphia, March 18. About two o'clock this morning Jas. Casey was shot in the head by a man named Jehn Pen rick. Casey has net been living with his wife for three years, but came te her house at the hour stated and breke down the deer. He was confronted by Penrick, a boarder at Mrs. Casey's, and during an altercation which ensued Casey was shot by Penrick the ball striking him in the forehead. His recovery is doubtful. Penrick surrendered himself te the police. UNLUCKY GRAIN SPECULATORS. Heavy Business Fxi'nre In Grand Kaplds, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich., March 18. The failure is reported here te-day of the firm of Hebbart & Graff,millcrs ; of L. n. Ran dall, president of the Farmers' & Mechan ics' bank, and n. "W. Hinsdale, capitalist. The liabilities, which are very heavy but are net definitely known, include nearly $400,000 of borrowed money. The failure is due te speculation in grain options. CHICAGO. The Recent Consolidation of Her Three Gov ernments Declared Irregular. Chicago, 111., March 18. The supreme court has decided that the election of last fall, which resulted in a vote for the consolidation of three town governments of Chicago into one was net regularly held, and therefore void. This will necessitate keeping up of three expensive governments for another year. FIFTY-EIGHT BALLOTS Without Arriving at a Verdict. Bridgeport, Conn., March 18. The jury in the Bucholz case, being unable te agree, were discharged this morning, after being out sixty-eight hours. Fifty-eight ballets were taken. Protective Tariffs in Germany. Londen, March 18. The North German Gazette says under the operation efthenew protective tariffs feieign goods are being gradually ousted from the German mar kets. KILLED ON THK RAILROAD. Fatal Accident at Annville, Lebanon county Harrisbcrg, March 18. One man, Michael Bachman, was killed and three ethers were injured last night at Annville en the Lebanon Valley railroad by being struck by an express train. Reprieved for a Week. "Washington, March 18. Hayes te-day granted a reprieve of ene week te J. M. W. Stene, sentenced te be hanged en Friday, March 26, for the murder of his wife in December, 1878. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic county committee will held a meeting at Shober's hotel, this city, en Mon day, March 29, at 10 a. m., te tlx a time for the meeting of the county convention, te elect delegates te the state convention nnd te trans act such ether business as the cemmittee may appoint or the convention determine. Every member is urgently requested te be present If possible. ral5-tddftw W. U. HENSEL. Chr. FOR RENT. The two-story brick dwelling, nine room, and very large let with great quantity and variety et fruit. Ne. 421 North Prince street, formerly the residence et J. B. Amw.ike. Alse, the large Frame Shep, with office connected therewith. Ne. 416 North Market street, for merly known as " Amwake's Leck Works." Rent reasonable. Apply te BAUSMAN ft BURNS. Insurance and Real Estate Agents. marl8-3tdR Office, 10 West Orange Street. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AIM application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be known as the Lancaster County Game Protective Association, under the act of Stth of April. 1874. entitled : " An Act te Provide ler the Incorporation and Regula tion of Certain Corporations." The object of said association is te stock and propexate game and game birds in the county of Lancaster, and for the protection and preservation of game in said county. J. W. F. SWIFT, 125-ltdft3tw Solicitor for Applicants. ESTATE OF JOHN DOHNER, LATE Or the borough of Elizabethtown, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said bnrenirh. SAMUEL EBT, JOSEPH B. DOHNER, fiS-ctw Administrators. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadxupria, March 18. Fleursluggish and weak; superfine $4 000450: extra 5 00550; Ohie and Indiana family $6 507 00 ; Penn'a family 18 956 "3; St. Leuis family $6 739733; Minnesota family $t 00fC SO ; patent and high grades 1768. Rye Heur 487300J Cernnieal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firmer ; Ne. 2 Western Red si 44K : Pa. de $1 45 ; Amber $1 4SQI 46. Cern firm ; steamer 65c; yellow 06c ; mixed 53Xc Oats steady ;Ne. 131c; Ne. 3 49,VQ59c:'Ne. 2 mixed IseisKc Rye quiet ; it estern 90c ; Pa. 90692c. Previsions dull ; miss perk $123091275; beet hams 17 30018 00; India mess beei 105O: Ba Ba eon smoked shoulders 55Jc; salt de 4Q 4c: smoked hams 9$)ieu; pickled hauis LarU dull; city kettle 7c; loose butchers 7c ; prime steam 7c. Butter firm ; well sold up ; creamery extra 35i37c; Bntuienl county ami New Yerk extra 31Q33c: Western reserve extra at 28g30c; de geed te choice 23827c: rolls firm and scarce ; Penn'a extra 23&Uc; western reserve extra 24027c. Eggs weak; Penn'a 12c; Western 12c. Cheese steady ; N. . factory 1414c ; western lull cream 14014c ; de ler geed 13W Q :3X ; de halt-skims 12313c. Petroleum dull ; Renned 7e. Whisky at $110. Seeds qniet; geed te prime cleversecd $775: de timothy $3153 25; de flaxseed $1 8001 90 and scarce. New Verk Market. New Tekx. March 18. Fleur-state and West ern rather steady ; superfine state $4 7005 15; extra de $5 250550; choicede$5 55ti; laucyde $6100700: round hoop Ohie $5t5&t00: choice de $6 0507 50; superfine western $4 70S5 10 ; common te geed extra de $5 2505 60 ; clioice dodo $5 6508 00; choice white wheat de$5 8.0 6 50; Southern quiet and steady; common te lair extra $5 7306 30; geed te choice de $6 40 07 75. Wheat Spring firmer; Winter 101c better and uiedeiately active ; April $1 42; .Ne. I While March $1 43: Ne. 2 Red, April $1 45jjl til Cern dull and shade lower ; Mixed Western spot 59c ; de future KSWiibTftfi. Oats shade strengea : Ne. 2 March 46; State 4605Oc: Western 45049c. took Market. Puiladklphia, Mar. 18. 1230 p. X. Stocks dull. Penna 6'a (third issue) 10RW Philadelphia & Erie 17 Reading S4 Pennsylvania 51H Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. et N. J 150 Northern Pacific 32K rreterred 5fi Northern Central.. 32 Lehigh Navigation 'MP. Norrlstewn ..102" O. 48i Central Transportation Ce. Pitts.. Tltusvllle & ButTale. 11 Little SchuylkilL 53 Nxw XiuiK, Mar. 18. Stocks strong. Meney 5S N. Y. Central 129K Erie 44$ Adams Express 113,', Michigan Central Wi Michigan Southern 10b Illinois Central 101i Cleveland A Pittsburgh... .110 Chicago & Reck Island 151 , Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne..H7 Western Union Tel. Ce Vfr'i Teledo ft Wabash 43s New Jersey Central P5 United States Bends and Sterling Exchang (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 18. United States 6s, 1881, (registered). AOSXQUteX United States .Vs. 1881, (registered). .HM slU3 United States 4k's, 181I, (rcgistered)l07?tf"7Ji United States 4's. 1H91, (cniiMin4)...107f91O7 United States 4's, 191)7. (registered). .105010." United States Currency 6s 125V Sterling Exchange 4K"tR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE lUvVT COMPANIESat BAUSMAN St BURNS . 29-tfeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. IjURE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed nnd Reli able Companies. HERR ft STAUFFER, Reat Estate ft Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3mdlteed TOBACCO SEED. I have for sale several choice varieties of Tobacco Seed, which I ran recommend te growers. Securely put up in one dollar pack ages. JOHN S. ROIIRER. filec: "Rehrcr's Warehouse," ailO-tfd Lancaster, Pa GIIAI SPRING OPIM D. Gansman & Bres. With a stock mere than donble of any pre vious season and increased facilities, we are prepared ler our SPRING BUSINESS, All our goods having been benght before this mammoth advance in prices, we are retailing MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, At less than Wholesale Prices. Our Clothing has all been manufactured In this city ly Ex cellent Hands, and will compete for Fit. Myle and Workmanship with anything ever shown in Lancaster or elsewhere. Nete Oar Sample Prices: A Streng Iren Twist Working Suit for...$ 3.50 A Geed Business Suit for. 4.75 A Uoed Cassltnere Suit for G.S0 A Geed Cheviot Suit (9Stylcs) 8.00 A Geed Cheviot Suit, Light, (8 Styles)... 9.00 A Fine Cheviot Suit, Light. ( Styles).... 1?.C0 A Fine Dress Snit (5 Styles) 14.00 An Extra Press Suit ((Styles) I0.00 A Superb Dress Suit (5 Styles) 20.00 A Large Stock of Stylish Pants Cheap. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING In Large Variety at LOW PRICES. Beys' Suits Irem $2JV) up. Children's Suits from l.C2up. Gents Furnishinar Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Our Custom Department : We havn carefully selected a Large Stock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. CHEVIOT, CAa SIMERE, DIAGONAL and WORSTED SUITINGS, which have been erdered before this large ad vance in Prlc-es. which we make te measure at the OLD PRICKS. .Business Suits from $12.00 up. Dress. Suits fren 15.00 ur. Pants from 3.00 up. WPlcase call, whetheryen wish te purchase or net. We will be pleased te show you goods. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTniERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., 8. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (Bailsman's Cerner.) WANTED. T1TANTED. IT Everybody te advertise, free of charge. In the brrnuencKi, who waau something tee. "