- -J---r'l- -itV'-i' "T"' V "H, gwaqcjtiHLlj u.g.y,, , ,! . . . , - mi i i f ' II i' 'nil.' IJL'ZBl&JS&SSttX&SXyTijimmim-! , , . r f - - - .JJ !' irrrj-n inmriw hmuummi milW I'Hniil iw"m ih mhi wiP ,"' mi no i &)t J mxtefi ftxMliti& Volume XVI-Ne. 169. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1880. Price Twe Cents. j. X C-m - 4 . J TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENOER, rUBLlBHED EVERT KVBRIWQ, BY STEINMAN & HEN8EL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. The Dailv Intelligencer la turnlshcd te subscribers in the City of Lancaster und sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Daily Stage Lines ut Ten Cents Per Week, payable te tlie Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a year In advance : otherwise, $6. Entered attlie pestnt1icealLancastcr,Pa.,us second clans mail matter. -The STEAM JOB PRINTING DEPART- M EXT et this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds of l'lain and Kancv Printing. COAL. B. It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. aSTYard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Itest Ouality put up expressly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 43- YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. nc23-Iyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO. JUT RECEIVED A FINK LOT OF BALED HAY AXD STRAW, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN AND COAL, ZU NORTH WATER STREET. 9-Wchtern Fleur a Specialty. s27-lyd COHO & WILEY, S.Vt XORTMl WATER ST., Lancanter, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. AIm, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds efbuililings. Branch Ollicc : Xe. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. Jeb28-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! 00 TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrlburg Pike. Office 20 East Chestnut Street, P. W. GORRECHT, AgL J.H. RILEY. eS-lyd V. A. KELLER. N TO f ICE TO THE PUBLIC. G. SENER & SOKS. Will continue te sell only GENUINE L VEENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW as the LOW EST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULL WEIGHT, but allow te WEIGH ON ANY scale in geed order. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash Deers, Minds, &c.,at Lewest Market Prices. Olllceand yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. ianl-tfd dry aoevs. SPECIAL BARGAINS IX NE' STYLE LAWNS. Openen this day one case el 3,000 Yards of Lawns, te be sold at the Lew Price of 10 cts. per yard. Purchasers cm save at leasts cents per yard by anticipating their wants ter the coming Warm Weather, ami buying these goods new, "jAHSESTOCK'S, Next Doer te tlie Court Heuse. fWKD TO THE LADIES! Just received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 & 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection with our Large Stock et Carpets, Yarns, &c, A FIXE LIXE OF DRY GOODS, such as CALICOES, BLEACH ED AXD UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. TICK INGS, COTTON FLANNELS. CASHMERES, BLACK ALPACAS, SHEETINGS. NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING, NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS, TOW ELS, Ac, which we are selling at MODERATE PRICES. ml-3ind ROOTS AXD SHOES. 17 i Ci"T BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS Jj2.0 J. made en a new principle. Insur ing comfort for the feet, T"k-v"v'T'Ci Lusts made te order. XRJUlO MILLER, tebll-tfd 133 East Ring street. c CIRCUMSTANCES WILL NOT PERMIT TO ADVERTISE A EDUCTION I PBICES, but we will de the next thing te it, viz : We will Kill the attention of our friends and customers te the fact tliatVe have en hand a very Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, purchased bcterc the late ADVANCE, which we will sell at Strictly Old Prices. t3-Give us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KIN& STREET MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. FRALLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueen street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Qumi street. m301 CLOTHLXQ. NEW GOODS FOR SPELTO & SUMEE We are new prepared te show the public one Of the largest stocks of READYMADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city et Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $6.00. Geed Styles Cassimerc Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are Immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's. Youths' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables lltted up expressly se that every piece can be examined belere making a selection. All our goods have been purchased betere the rise in woolens. Wejire prepared te make up in geed style and at short notice anil at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit for $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and be cenvincedas te the truth of which we alllrm. MYERS & R ATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street. ROOKS ASH STATIOXERY. "I RASTER CARDS. Marcus Ward's English and Fr.uig' American EASTER CARDS, AT L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AXD STATIONERY STORE. Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. EASTER NOVELTIES! Facter Vnippe Asclectlonefproscandvcrso uaaiei YUteca. for the season, in unique form. factor TVmm A collection et Poetry, beau lidbier UdWIl. tlfully printed and in a New and Bcautilul Binding. EaSter CardS. Designs am.roprlateand TWritirmnl Rnnta In prose and poetry, with UtJVUllUlldl BUUlib. Floral Decorations, appro priate te the season. AT THE BOOK STORE OF JOHI BAM SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. OEXTS' HOODS. L AT1IST STYLE Cellars and Flat Ms. BEST FITTING SHIRTS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, 6 NORTH O.UEEN STREET. EVRXITVRE. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers. Ea-y Chairs, Ratan Rockers. Hat Racks. Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Boek Cases, Ward robes, Kscriteirs. Upholstered Cane and Weed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks, Deughtrays, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Ac., alwavs en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order Regilding done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15 EAST KING STREET, (Over Bursk's Grocery and Sprecher's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindler's Old Stand). IXSURAXCE. ri'HE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested In the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Xe. 19 East King St.. Lancaster. Pa. 8-MW&S0mdR SI USICAL IXS TR USIEXTS. rpTTTp Lancaster Organ Maoictery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market Warerooms KO North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ler Lancaster County for CU1CKERING& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line efShect and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru-. ments, &c, always en hand. f!3-lydS&ly w RASKIXO. flm te (tnn AM- wishing te tfl)lU 3)yUU. make money in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write ler explanatory circulars, sent free by HICKLING & CO., KxeceBr?.& New Yerk. iel9-3mdeed rpRY LOCHBR'S COUGH SYRUP. CLOTIILSO. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR, NOVELTIES ! FOR- Gentlemen's Wear. umanli mm ! TO-DAY. 3 All arc cordially invited. Lancaster, Monday, March 15, 1880. mar8-lydS&W A RARE CIAICE ! The Greatest Reduction of all in FINE CLOTHES. H. GERHARTS Tailoring Establishment. All Heavy Weight Woolens made te order (for cash only) at COST PRICE. I have also just received a Large Assortment et the Latest Novelties in ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN SUITINGS Or Medium Weight, fer.the EARLY SPRING TRADE. These goods were all ordered before the rise in Woolens, and will be made te order at re markably low prices. Alse, aFine Line et SPKIXG 0VEEC0ATIXG, H. G-BRHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CEITRE IALL, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK In order te make room ter the Large Spring Stock, Which we are new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Trice. D. B. Hosteller I Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 26-lyd LANCASTER, PA CARPETS. f KEAT BAKGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Arc still sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that we can show the largest assortment of Brussels, Three plies and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices, and the Latest Patterns. Alse en hand a large an 11 empletc assortment et RAG CARPETS. Sat istactien guaranteed both as te price and qual ity. Particular attention given te custom work. Carpet woven when parties will find their own Rage. I am paying S cents In cash and 9 cents in trade for Fine Carpet Rags iu Balls. niy2S-tld&w AK. McUANN, AUCTIONKEK OF ItKAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills medt out and attended te without additional cost. e87-ly Loieii awl Parisian Greatly Sen Prices Hamaster I-ntclltgcnccr. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1880- TEA TABLE MISCELLANY MATTERS OF PASSING INTEREST. Something About Letta and Mere About Her Mether Tlie Coldest Town en the Glebe. GRAVE TO GAY, LIVELY TO SEVERE. Sunshine and Shadow of Daily Life, Reflect ed Frem the Newspapers Free Press and Dan bury News Humer An Anecdote About Melssenier, etc., etc., etc. Miss Crabtree and Her Mether. New Yerk Correspondence et the 'Washington Republic. And new for the antipodes of Fanny Davenpeit, my cliarapagny, elfish, little package of quicksilver, Letta. Letta is almost a certainty in any theatre for from $2,000 te $4,000 a week and has played te mere money. She is net extravagant, and nearly all she earns has been well invested since her earliest success. Yet she hasu t a dollar she can call her own. Her mother, a thrifty old woman who blooms under the name of Mrs Crabtree, takes charge of the money as it comes in and invests it when and where she pleases. She is a geed busi ness woman, sensible, industrious and one of the sort who has no nonsense about her. With all her insular sagacity she is Eng lish the old lady sometimes lets her li nancial feet slip. Relying en the "points" given her in California once by a bonanza prince who was a warm admirer of Letta's drollery and archness, she dropped $-2,-000, and new if any one innocently or ma liciously asks her the price of a mining stock, Mrs. Crabtree, with the agility worthy of her daughter, gees for him with the handiest article of furniture. It was only the ether day she foreclosed four mort gages en fine residences in New Yerk and became their possessor at a sum far be low their cost and present value. Managers apply te her in an eme'rgency, and if they are of geed repute, and if, still better, the security is unex ceptionable, she advances tiie money. A well-known Chicago manager new ewes her $10,000, for which she holds his notes, well secured. A thrifty, as well as aflectienatc, mamma is one of the noblest works of Ged. Barney Williams's mother laid the foundation of his fortune by put ting his salary, when in the "stock," and his receipts, when shining with the golden radiance of a " star," in an old stocking, the first, and in a safe bank the second. Letta, Jehn Brougham's "dramatic cocktail," will one day be a very lich woman. She has advanced herself, though, into the affections of se many people theve will be an awful struggle for her when the time comes for her te cheese. It would net be a bad idea te put her np at lottery, and thus double her for tune. I wouldn't mind takiuir a few chances myself by that time. Leve in a cottage with a banjo and closes is very nice en paper, but love in a Murray Iliil mansion is safer and pleasantcr. The Coldest Town en the Glebe. People who are net satisfied with our' winter weather may go te a town which Humbolt and ether travelers have pro nounced the coldest town en the glebe. This is Jakutk (Nakoetks), chief town of the province of that name, in Eastern Si beria, en the left bank of the river Leno, Lene, 02 degrees and 1 minute north longitude 119 degrees and 14 minutes cast, and dis tant from St. Petersburg 5,093 miles. Tlie ground remains frozen te the depth of S00 feet, except iu midsummer, when it thaws three at the surface. During, ten days in August the thermometer marks 80 degrees but from November te February it ranges from 42 te 68 degrees below zero and river is solid ice nine months out of the twelve. The entire industry of the place population about 5,000 is com prised in candle-works, and yet it is the principal market of Eastern Siberia for traffic with the hunting tribes of the Buriats. The former, mostly nomadic, having large herds of horses and cattle, bring te market butter, which is sent te the pert of Okhetsk. The Iluriats, also nomadic, bring quantities of skins of sable, foxes, martens, hares, squirrel and the like, andjnauy of them are sold st the great fair in June, which, with May, is the period of the year. In May the collected goods are conveyed te the seaports, whence they are sent in every direction. The merchandise, chiefly furs and mammoth tusks, sold at the fair, amount te 400,000 reubles $300,000. JV. T. Herald. Uncomfortable. In olden times, church pews were un comfortable affairs. In the Anglo-Saxen and some of the Nerman churches, a stone bench running round the interior of the church, except the cast side, was the only sitting accommodation for the visitors. In 1319, the people are represented as sitting en the ground or standing. A little later, the people introduced low, three-legged steels promiscuously ever the church. Soen after the Nerman conquest, wooden seats were introduced. In 1387, a decree was issued in regard te wrangling for seats, se common that none should call any seat in church his own, except noble men or patrons, each holding the first one he found. Frem 1240 te leSU scats mere were appropriated. In 1G03, galleries were introduced, and as early as 1014 pews were arranged te afford comfort by being baized or cushioned, while the sides around were se high as te hide the occupants a device of the Puritans te avoid being seen by the officers, who reported these who did net stand when the name of Jesus was mentioned. "I Keeps Mine Tweuty-Five Cents." As one of the accomadatien trains of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad stepped at Valley Ferge the ether day, a heavily built German stepped en beard en route for Phccnixville. The Teuten carried a little lap deg in his arms, which he constantly caressed, murmuring te it endearing names. Before the train had proceeded far en its journey the eagle-eyed conductor came through the car and espying the fondled canine demanded twenty-five cents as exprcssage. "What!" exclaimed the astonished German, " Schwenty-five cent for dat deg and only fifteen cents for me. I no pay him." "Very well," was the reply, "take him in the bag age car then." But the devotee of sour kreut was immovable, and the man of the punch left him, finished his tour through the cars and presently returned and again demanded the quarter of a dol lar. " Yeu come mit me," and with that the owner of the deg led the way te the rear platform of the last car, the conduc tor in the meantime wondering what new turn the mind of his obdurate passenger had taken. " Schwenty-five cent yen say for him," asked the German, holding the cur at arm's length ever the rear railing. "Yes," thundered the ticket-taker. The hand of the Teuten opened spasmodically, the deg dropped en the swiftly receding ties and naught was seen save a relliug ball of fur, while the late proprietor tri umphantly exclaimed : " I keeps my schwcnty-live cents." A Big Railroad Project. Ilinten R. Helper, author of the " Im pending Crisis, " has deposited $e,000 in the Bank of Commerce at St. Leuis, te be given in prizes of $1,300, $1,200, $1,000 and $300 ler the best essay and poem en his proposed enterprise of building a "longitudinal midland double-track rail way ' lrem isenriug strait te Uape Hern, the whole length of both American centi nents. The articles and poems are te be sent te President Themas Allen, of the lien Mountain and Southern railroad, St. Leuis, before the 1st of October next. The successful productions will be printed in a book, by pushing which Mr. Helper hopes te awaken. such an interest in the project throughout all the countries from Alaska te Patasenia, that all the lequisite gov ernmental guarantees and charters will be granted before October, 1882. and 150,000 men put te work en the read by that date. Seven years at most, he says, ought te suffice for the completion of the entire line. The New Yerk Tribune says : " Leeking at the results sure te Hew from such a read iu opening new fields of indus try, in extending the inlluence ei Anglo Angle Anglo Saxen civilization, and iu unifying and de veleping the entire American continent. Mr. Helper's enthusiastic eagerness te push the project right along at once is net te be wondered at. " Te Explore Mexican Antiquities. Mr. Pierre Lorillard has organized an exhibition for exploring the antiquities of Mexico. The expense of the expedition will be about $G0,000, and it will set out next month, under the direction of M. Charnay, a French scientist and explorer, assisted by a few persons from New Yerk. The French government co-operates in the expedition, and pays about one-fifth or one-sixth of the expense. Mr. Lorillard's family is of French origin. Fifty years age tlie brothers Jacob, Geerge and Peter Lorillard weie among the foremost mer chants of New Yerk. Tlie late Rev. Dr. Berrien, of Trinity parish, wrote a biogra phy of Jacob Lorillard, who was conspicu ous for his geed works. Se was Geerge, whose gift of $23,000 te the Prot estant Episcopal seminary was of the great est service in its then feeble beginnings. Peter Lorillard was also a free giver te public uses. He outlived both his broth ers, and died only a few years age. All the brethes were shrewd investors in city real estate. Geerge was a bachelor, and eventually his vast estate was divided be tween his brothers. Peter Lorillard mar ried one of the daughteis of Mr. Nath aniel Griswold. She was a New Yerk belle. Mr. Pierre Lorillard is one of their sons, who seems te have inherited the liberal and enterprising traits of his father and his uncles. Suicide of a Yeung Lady. One day last week the body of Miss Eliza Snodgrass, daughter of Wm. II. Snodgrass, esq., was found hanging dead and cold in the upper story of the family residence, in Sullivan county, some 5 miles southeast of Bristel, Va. The deceased was a most excellent and highly esteemed young lady. Frem a child she has been a pious member of the M. E. church, and tjfer some time taught school, giving excel lent satisfaction as a teacher. She is a cousin of Messrs. Gee, Jee, and Rebt.Pile, who arc among the leading Main street merchants of Bristel and was aged about 24 years. She leaves a father, mother and 3 brothers te mourn her death, which was due te a spinal affection of some two years' existence, and which had caused her te exhibit the most melancholy mental condi tion. A hank of thread was used for the deed. The Glncese Business. Glucose manufacture is making an ex citement in the maize districts of the West the factory at Buffalo and its remarkable success being the prime stimulant. Half a dozen establishments have been planted within a month in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. Cyrus McCormick and ethers have, it is said, put $030,000 into one at Chicago. It is te have a capacity of twenty thousand bushel a day, which is the equivalent of three hundred tens of sugar. A bushel of corn, costing about forty cents, produces thirty pounds of grape sugar, or three gal lons of syrup. This sugar, which costs them net two cents per pound, they can sell at from three and one-half te four cents, while the three gallons of syrup can be sold at from thirty-live te forty cents a gallon. This new industry prom prem ises te dispose of the "ever production " question, and it will probably net be cheaper henceforth te buru corn than weed in Central Iowa. Hail, Wedded Lere. Danbury News. Yeu knew her. She lives en your street. Her features arc either pinched or full and flewsy. Her dress is wet, ill-fitting and of no particular pattern ; her slippers are broken down ; her hair is uncombed ; her voice is either shrill or coarse. Yeu have seen her stand out in the back yard, and put a bare arm up te her eyes, and under it peer out te the fence or barn, where a man in an ill fitting coat is searching for something, and have her shout "Jehn ! can't Geerge bring me some water ? " And you have heard him cry back, "If he don't get that water I'll take every inch of flesh from his bones." And when you have looked at her again, does it seem possible that these an gry eyes have drooped in maidenly reserve or raised in coquettish light te the face of the man in the ill-fitting coat? Can you, by any possible wrench of the imagination, conceive of his passing peppermints te her; of his taking that hand in his and bashfully squeezing it? But it was se. Many a "Ged bless you" has been uttered above that bare head, many a kiss pressed en that uncombed hair. The tightly com pressed lips have lovingly framed tender invitations te him te take another bite of cake and pickle. The hands that are new parboiled and blistered and marked with scars from the bread-knife, and scratches from the last setting hen, were once twined lovingly about his neck, and the nose which is new peaked and red, and leeks as if it would stand en its hind legs and scream with rage, once followed the figures of his new vest pattern, or bore heavily against his jugular vein. As little-proba-ble as this seems te you, it seems less te her. She has forgotten it. She won't hear it talked of by ethers. She cannot bear te see it acted by ethers. Twe levers arc te her "a passel of feels." And but Geerge is rubbing his head, and we turn aside while our heroine readjusts her slipper. The Missing saw Sill. Detroit Free Press. The ether day T. G. met an old friend, who was formerly a prosperous young lumberman up North, but whose bad hab its of drinking resulted as they often de, though he has since reformed and is trying te de better. "Hew are you?" saidT. G. "Pretty well, thank you, but I've just been te a doctor te have him leek at my threat." " What's the matter ?" " Well, the doctor couldn't give me any encouragement. At least he couldn't find what I wanted him te find." "What did you expect him te find ?'' ' ' I asked him te leek down my threat for the saw mill and farm that had gene down there." " And did he see anything of it ?" "Ne, but he advised me if I ever get another mill te run it by water." . Don't Paint Curs. M. Meissenicr decidedly refuses te be patronized. It is related that a rich Eng lishman came te him ene day and offered him $1000 if he would paint his portrait and agree te finish it in a fortnight. " If you fail," he added, "I shall deduct $3 a day until you have delivered it." This augered the artist, who declared he wouldn't paint the portrait for $10,000. " Yeu are net a fit subject," he said, "for any pencil. Allew me te bid you good geed morning." "I dare say. new, that you joking," responded the Briten; "but I won't insist en the deduction if you'll agree net te detain me very long." "Detain you?" echoed the artist. "I won't detain you another second. Thpre is the deer. Ge!" " What what's the matter?" inquired Jehn Bull ; " what is all this row sbeut?" "It means that you have mistaken your mau. Yeu think me exclusively an animal painter. I paint horses and dogs, but curs never." JEWELERS. TUST RECEIVED Large Let of Lew Priced Reliable WATCHES, Which we Fully Guarantee. B. F. BOWMAN, 100 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. !I; te ti 50 dez Triple Silver Plated Table Spoons, 50 dez Triple Silver Plated Tea Spoons, 50 dez Triple Silver Plated Ferks, 50 dez Triple Silver Plated Knives. All et these goods will be sold at a Bargain. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, l'a. Will move te Ne. 20 EAST KING STREET, en APRIL 1.1880. WALL J'AJ'ERS, Ac PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., We are better prepared te meet the wants et the people than any season heretofore, as our New store is larger than the old one, which en ables us te carry a mere extensive line et WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES. Our room is fi'.led with the Choice Goods for the Sprinu, ami has all the Novelties, from the Lowet Grade of Paper Hangings te the most expensive in Dark and Medium Celers for Parlors, Hulls, Dining Itoems, &c. In Window Shades we arc prepared te meet any ('einand. Plain Goods by the yard in all Celers and Widths. In Six and Seven Feet Lengths. Fixtures of Rest Makes. .Measures of Windows taken and Shades hung iu tirst-clnss) manner, Cornice Poles for Lace Curtains and Lambrequins, Gimp Rands, Tassels, &.C. In connection with our line we handle PIER AND 3LANTLE MIRRORS. Orders taken and Glasses made of every de scription. Come and see our New Stere. feblO-lvdiw GROCERIES. TTTIIOLKSALE AND KETAIL. LEYAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET dl7-lyd file 6n of IS Easily ML Ten have only te buy a few pounds of our Excellent RIO, JAVA or MOCHA COFFEE. and you will have no trouble. The people ask why Is It that RURSK always lias such geed COFFEES. IT IS EASILY EXPLAINED. Wc buy Geed Coffees and always have them FRESH ROASTED. That is the reason why. Just received another let of Fresh Rie, which we will have Fresh Roasted every day, and will sell it at 23 ccnt per pound. Try It. Fancy Business Cards with each pound, a Prang Chroine with 2 pounds. FINE RUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE AT D. S. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. TLSWAltE, JkC' CALL ON SHEKTZER, IIUMPHREYILLE & K.IEFFER, manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET-D20X WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AND HOUSE FURNIsniNGGOODS.Speclalattentlen given te PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM. FITTING Ne. 40 East Kins Street, Lancaster. Pa. OCHER'S COUGH SYRUP CURES CON j SUMPTION. M Netice inn Fancy Dai ai Eli? Us MEDICAL. D v-S KIDNEY PAD. The enlv cure for Diabetes. Gravel. DreDav. Bright's Disease. Pain in the Rack, Inability te Retain or Expel the Urine, Catarrh of the Blad der, Affections of the Spine, and Diseases et the Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organs. It avoids internal medicine; 1- comfortable te the patient; certain in its effects. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail en receipt of price, $2.00. Day's Kidney Pad Company. Teledo, Ohie. ANDREW G. FREY. Distributing Agent ter Lancaster County. Agencv, corner North Queen anil Orange Streets, Lancaster Pa. aprl9-lyil rpu THE SUFFERING HUMANITY ! N. IiEWIN, M. D., Ne. 243 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Ta. DR. LEWIN, who has been a resident of Lan caster but a few months, is u graduate et the University of Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, iu which period he has eeen acting as Regimental Physician in St. Petersburg, and utt-ruards practiced in Berlin, Germany, with great success. We call the attention of the suffering public te the fact that he successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEUBALOIA, CATARRH, and all chronic diseases. The severest cases et Chronic Catarrh cured In a short time. References and testimonials fieiu former patients can be seen at my office. Persons without means will only be asked payment ter medicines. Communications from a distance attended te by iuaU. mll-lyd&w HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS ER3 ERS ERS ERS HOP If you areamanefbnsiness, weak-nep BIT cned by the strain of your duties, BIT ERS avoid stimulants and use ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS JIOP BITTERS! If you are a man of letters, telling ever your midnight work, te restore brain nerve and waste, use 1IOP BITTERS! It you are young nnd suffering from any indiscretion ordissipatien; if you are married or single, old or young, suffering from peer health or languishing ou a bed of sickness, rely en HOP BITTERS! Whoever you nrc, wherever you are, whenever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, without intoxicating, HOP BITTEJtS! Have yen Dyspepsia, Kidney or Urinary Cem plaint. Disease et the Steni'ich, Bowels, Bleed, Liver or HOP RIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP HOP HIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS Nerves? Youwillbecuredlfyeuuse HOP BITTERS! It you are simply weak and low spirited, try it! Buy it. Insist upon it. Your druggist keeps It. It may save your life. It halt saved hun dreds. Hep Cough Cure Is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys Is superior te all ethers. Cures by absorption. It is perfect. Ask Druggists. D. I. C. is an abso lute and irresistible cure for drunk eness, ue of opium, tobacco or nar cotics. Above sold by Druggists. HOP BITTERS MFG. CO., 2 Rochester, N. Y. BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS nep nep BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W W W W w PERMANENTLY CURES W KIDNEY DISEASES, VT LIVER COMPLATNTS, w CONSTTPATION W And Pn-ES. W W Dr. R. II. Clark. Seuth Here. Vt.. W says, "In cases of Kidney Troubles, K-W it has acted 'like a charm. It has .V cured many very bad cases of Piles, K-W and has never failed te act efllcicnt- W W K-W Nelsen Fairchlld, of St. Albans, .W Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. K-W After sixteen years of great suffcr y ing from Piles anil Cestivencss it K-W completely cured me." ,V C. S. Hogaben, et Berkshire, says, K-W "One package has done wonders ter .V me In completely curing a severe K-W Llvenand Kidney Complaint." W K-W W WONDERFUL WHY ? KW ,w POWER. k-w YT Because it nets en the Liver, the k-W Rowels and Kidneys at the same W time. K-W Because it cleanses the system of W'the poisonous humors that develop K-W iu Kidney und Urinary Diseases,BlI ,y ieusness. Jaundice, Constipation, K-W Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia W anil Female Disorders. K-W KIDNEY WORT Is a dry vegc-- table compound and can be sent by K-W mull prepaid. ,y One package will make six quarts K-W of medicine, w Try it new. Buy it at tlie Drug- k-W gist's. Price $1.00. W WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., K ,yr Proprietors, jr.yr 3 Burlington, Vt. W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K1DXEY AXD LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WAKNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediate stimulus tera Torpid Liver cure Cestlveness, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever and Ague and arc useful at times in nearly all Diseases t5 cause a free and rcgularactlen of the Bowels. The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison. These Pills are. the discovery of an English army physlclai. and have been used with the Xicatcst success among the British troops in India. They are only man n tact ured in thin country by II. H. WARN ER & CO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor -in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep te the suffering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought en byexcesslvedrinking.over byexcesslvedrinking.ever byexcesslvedrinking.over werk, mental shocksandethercauscs. Itrciieves the Pains of all Diseases, and is never injurious te the system. The best efall Nervines. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, SO cents and 91. Warner' Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe 'Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitter and Safe Tonic are also superior remedies', unequalled in their respective neius ei ti incase. Warner's Safe Remedies arc sold by Drug gists und Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. 3 fdlOTu.Th&Sd&w rOVXVERS AXD MACUIXISTS. T ANCASTEB BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Orrearrx ih Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND 6TEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, nnd Blacksmithing gennndly. Jar Jobbing promptly attended te. amgU-lyd JOHN BUT. Y IB h.