jv i. . "i Y ?r ! --- ; "" .r. .tf. T iM 1111 1fiiBri7iTinlrT i ' mi n-w . i y0 r n iiw (mw W"I Jl .- j :' p .x - - v 'l v LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. SATURDAY. MARCH 13, 1880. x - ' v --".'. --: ..arf-s-., - -rrfit.iEfrtTiT-rTiriiM- if in mi .' - 4 . . ' -' ' J i i . . tf c Eancaster Irntelligcncer. SATURDAY EVENING, MAECH 13, 1880. AT THE DOUR. " Who is tt knocks this .stormy night Be very careful of the light !'' The geed-man said te ills wife, And tlie geed-wife went te the deer : But never again in all till-, life Will the geed-man see her mere. Fer he who knocked that night was Death : And the light went out with a little breath ; And the geed-man will miss lii wile Till he, tee, gees te the deer. When Ieath will carry him up te life Te beheld her face once mere. BEFORE THE SHKINE. I built a shrine, and set my idol there. And morn and neon and night my knees I bent, And cried aloud until my strength was spent Beseeching his cold pity with my prayer. Sometimes at dawning, when the day was fair, A ray of light te hi- stein vision sent The semblance of a smile. " Dees heielcnl." I erird. this strong god, I.eve, whose high priest is Despair"!"' Itut neon came en, ami in its lull, clear light I saw his lips, as ruthless as of old ; And his eyes mocked me like relentless late, Till I was fain te hi'le me trem his sight ; But one su ept eir from him his mantle's fold And le. my idol was net Leve, but Hate. Lenisr Cirtmller Moulten, in Itarprr'x Maya Maya zturjer April. Wit and Wisdom. RELIGIOUS. Fair Saturday l'.eiinig's Recreation. ' Keep your powder dry." Yes, by all means, 1ml don't put in the even. Don't scold the boy ; it's your fault. Yeu eujjlit te have known better than te briny that horn and drum into the house. If a boy should catch held of your ear, and ask if he had the wrong pig by the ear, would you answer yes or no ".' Lauyh at a boy for doing some funny thing, and he will immediately de it ever again a half-dozen times. But mirth ends with the first occasion. It very fiecniently happens that the gir who has the most bang te her hair has the biggest holes in the heels of her stock ings. ' Mr. Smith, father wants te borrow your paper. lie only wants te read it.' " Well, go back and tell your father te send me his supper. Tell him I only want te eat it." A lady told her little son. who was teasing ter something te eat, te wait until breakfast. With a tear in his e.e, he buist eut: "I jest honestly sometimes think yeu'ie a stepmother.'' Se many societies for the promotion of things aie established, that Johnnie wants te knew why somebody doesn't get up a society for the promotion of boys in schools, without making them study se. Little Geitie went with her mother te see Madame Teussaud't. wax-works. After looking about curiously, as if she weie try ing te lind out something and could net. u.iid : ' Why de they call them wax-works mamma ? 'i'hey'ie wax, but they won't work." A small boy, with a big cent in his hand, steed befm c a Michigan avenue grocery for a long time, recently, before making up his mind te enter. When asked what he desiia-d, he inquired : 'If a boy should come hcie and get ti listed for a stick of gum, hew much would it be '.'' " One cent," was the reply. ' And if a boy should come here with the cash, hew much would it be '.'" Just the same." ' Then I guess I'll get trusted." qiiiclSy remarked the linaneicr, a-N he slipped the cent down into his pocket. A citizen, driving in en the Ileldcn mad. the ether day, met a, lad about twelve year.- old en the highway some six or seven miles from the city. The boy had a shotgun as long as himself, but no game, and the citizen inquired : "Out for a hunt:'"' "I was out for a hunt." was the leply. "And veu haven't killed anything".'" 'Well no." ' And you don't expect te'.'" "Net unless I kin git within stiiking distance. Yeu sec, two of us came aiut tegethei. After we get out out here I wanted te hunt for liens and the ether boy wanted te sheet e-triches, and se we divid d up. He took the powder and shot and I took the gun. I'm ever here look ing for turnips and he's ever in that field watching a holler leg for beais." Broken English. An educational journal thus describes the trouble a Fienchman had with the verb " bieak." " I begin te understand your language better." said my French friend, Mr. Du bois, te me, " but your verbs trouble me still : you mix them up se with prcpesi tiens." ' I am sorry you find them trouble some," was all I could say. " 1 saw your friend Mrs. Murke&en, just new," he continued. " She says she in tends te break down housekeeping ; am I right there '?" "Break up housekeeping, she must have said." " Oh, yes, I lemembcr ; break up house keeping." " Why docs she de that?" I asked. "Because her health is broken into." " Broken down.', "Broken down? Oh, yes ! And, indeed, since the small-pox has broken up in our city " " Broken out." "She thinks she will leave it for a few weeks.' " Will she leave the house alone?" "Ne ; she is afraid it will be broken broken hew de I say that? " "Bieken into. " " Certainly ; it is what I meant te say. " "Is her son te be married seen?" "Ne; that engagement is broken broken " "Broken off?" " Yes, broken off. " "Ah ! I had net heard of that. " "She is very sorry about it. Her son only broke the news down te her last week. Am I right? I am anxious te sjeak English well." " lie merely broke the news ; no prepo sition this time." " It is haul te understand. That young man her son is a line young fellow ; a breaker, I think." "A broker, and a very fine young fel low. Geed-day." Se much for the verb "te break." Maine News. Hep Hitters, which are advertised in our columns, an- a sure emu for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. These who u-e them suv thev cannot In: loe highly recommended. These afflicted should give them a Tair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the pmi-e el their curative qualities. Portland Ail. Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, IK"". II. II. Warner & Ce. Dear Shi: I write te 'ay t hat after having taken your Sale Tills and lliidhn; tliem all that is claimed ler them in your eli cular. I cheerfully recommend them as the best Tills in the market. .TOSKTII PRATHER, 40!) M. street, Washington, D. C. T1XWARR, &C- CM.. OXSHERTZER, IIUMPMREVILLK j Jfc K1EFFER, inanufacluicrs of TIN AXD SHEET-IROX WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AXD HOUSE FURNISHIXG GOODS. Special attention given te PLUMBIXG, GAS and STEAM F1TTIXG Xe. 40 Rait KIdk Strtst, LaatMSter, Pa. 17IKST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST. ? The special sermon te Empire and Cenea toga Councils Jr, O.U. A. 31. postponed last Sun day, will be preached te-morrow morning at 10J"? a. m. by Rev. Win. Morrison, pastor. Xe postponement en account of weather. Yeung men are specially invited te attend. Preach ing in tlie evening at 7J. Sunalay school at IP-ib- F IKST REFORMED DIVINE SERVICES te-morrow morning and evening. Sunday school at p. m. MORAVIAN KEV. C. II. SHULTZ, PAS ter. Services and prcachingat 10 a. in. and 7"4 p. in. Sunday school and Adult IJlblc clasat 14 p. m. I PRESBYTERIAN PREACHINU IN THE morning and evening, at the usual hours, by the pastor. Rev. J. Y. Mitchell. QT. STEPHEN'S CHAPEL, COLLEGE O Campus. Divine services at 10JJ a. m. Ser mon by Rev. Dr. T. G. Apple. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED. DIVINE SER viccs in St. Paul's church te-morrow morn ing and evening, by the pastor. Sunday school at IX P- ni. T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Preaching te-morrow morning at 10;- a. in S" by the pastor. Rev. R. W. Ilnfferd. Y. M. C. A. meeting at " p.m. Sunday school at li. in CLOTHIlfQ. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Service te-morrow morning atl0,V a. in. and at 7!4 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in. S1 T. JAMES. HOLY COMMUNION lit 8 and morning service at 10M a. ni. At the latter service, the Right Rev. IlishopIIewe will administer the rite et Confirmation. Evening pi-aver at 'if. p. in. At the evening service the seats are "lice. Service a; very afternoon thiougheut Lent, at 5 o'clock. SERVICES IN ST. JOHN'S FREE CHURCH te-morrow morning at 10J-. and in the evening at '. The rite of Coullrmatien will li !lilmiiii..tiriil in tin renin' liv IMirllt Rev. M. A. DeWeIlc Howe, D. 1).. LL. D., bishop of the diocese el Central Pennsylvania. Sunday school at yx p. in. SALEM CHURCH OF GOD SERVICE morning and evening, by the pastor. Rev. .1. U. Sonic. Sunday school at Antieeh at 9u. in. Sunday school" at Salem and Derwart street missions at 1.4.1 p. in. Preaching at An An teoeh mission at. "K i. m. by Rev. Gee. Ring Ring resc. Service at Bethany mission same hour. SECOND EVANGELICAL. MULBERRY street, above Orange. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. A. lVger. at 10 a. m., and 7J4 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in." rpilEHE WILL RE PREACHING (BOTH X German anil English) in tlie Old Men Men nenitr chinch. East Chestnut street, en Sun day. Match 14. at -1 o'clock p. in. The German pleaching will be by a Russian Meuneuite preacher, who lately came te this country. rpili: RhV. -MR. RKNGKOSE WILL X pi each in the West Mission M. E. Chapel tn-nierraiw evening at the regular hour ler si-r ice. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF GOD Pleaching tomorrow by Rev. J. W. De De De shong.et Columbia, ut leiC a. in. and at 7J4 p. in. Mind-iy school at l"p. in. Mission Sun day school, at the l,reen street Chapel ut 2 1. in At 3 p. m. there will be a service el song and praja-rat the Chapel. 7-3irc. A CONSECRATION MEETING L . at i p. in. in the hail of the association. eung men's meeting at ."J p. m. in the I'res bvlci tan church. Gospel meeting lit p. in. in the hall et the association. Clawing a.vxcrcises at M. Jehn's Lutheran church at 7J4 1. ! stersi: FiTiixismxn tioeovs. 1 BARGAINS. FLIM7 & BREjJEMAS Aie elieiing Gi eater T.argains than ever In TINWARE, TABLEWARE I ensc-Fiiririsliiiig Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixture at VERY LOW i"KICI. FLINN&BRENEMAN !.52 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. . ..HXLLVfA". J L'sr RECEIVED Larc Let of Lew Priced Reliable WATCHES, Which wc Fully Guarantee. B. P. BOWMAN, I0CJ EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Si: 1VIXG MA VJl JA E.V. SEWING MACHINES. Xaiirly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Pew ing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has " Davis " " Demestic ' ' ' Howe " Xew Heme ' " " Remington " " Singer " Wa-ed " While " " " Wheeler & Wilson.Xe. 8,has. ..13.1 parts ..1.11 " .. HS " . .244 ' ..Ul " ..131 " ..112 " 10.1 it ! hill " ..1.14 " lcd7-3mdS3mw IXSUltAXCb. riiJIE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Xe. 10 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. 8-MW&S6mdR MEDIVAL. G LAD TIDINGS ! TO THE AFFLICTED WHO HAVE LOST ALL CONFIDENCE PHYSICIAN'S AXD DRUGS. IX Remember, unaler the Omnipathic practice of DR. GREENE, neiulvall fornisefaliseaseare cured. Over 400 of the most ditlicult (se-ealletl) incurable patient, from the best families in Lancaster, unili-r his charge. ASTONISHING CURES te tell yen it you'll call at our adlices. JOHN GOODMAN, who has tested the med ical abilities of Lancaster's M. Ds. for 1 years, se cured in two weeks as toge te work. JACOB PAINTER. i:i0 Locust street, a sunerer for 12 years, all the time doctoring, cureil in two weeks. Rev. JOHN" HUNTER, formerly pastor of Church of Ged, of Lancaster, Is here recog nizing liis friends with his lelteve with which lie has been blind for 10 years. Several persons cured of consumption ; one lias gained 23 pounds In live weeks. AVILSOX HAMILTON', 'Ml East King btu'et, consumptive ler ten years, has gained a peunal aalay for ten days. CHRISTIAN ROOTY brought here, Jan. "20, in a carriage, and Feb. 28, walkeal here without aid. One of the best known citizens, who was unable, under the treatment et lendinir nhv.sl- cians, te raise his arm ler 10 years, was cureil in 14 days. 15. S. K AUFFM AN, of Millersville, led in blind Feb. 14, with both his eyes looking like clots of bleavl, ceulal sec the paintings 011 Ills walls March .. Xe pills or poisons placed in the stomach; all the remedies placed en the outside of the body. Catarrh Cured forfleccnts. Consultation tree. DK. C. A. GREENE, 236 North Queen Street. mll-6mdTu,Th4S T OCUIR'B COUGU;8YRUPIgTIilJBBST A RAEE CIAtfCE ! The Greatest Reductien of all in FINE CLOTHES. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. All Heavy AVeight AVoelcn made te ertlcr (for cash only) at COST PRICE. I have also just received a Large Assortment et the Latest Novelties in ENGLISH, SCOTCH AXD AMERICAN SUITINGS Of Medium AVeight, for the EARLY SPRING TRADE. These goods were all eralered before the rise In AVoelcns, anal will be made te order at re markably low prices. Alse, aFiue Line et SPUING OVERCOATING, H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING'S" Grand Opening et SPEDTG WOOLEIS! Londen and Parisian Novelties, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICE SELECTIONS, CORRECT AXD LEADING STYLES. Having enlarged room, extended facilities anal increased light ler tlisplaying the Hand somest Stock et WOOLENS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR ever offered te the public, forming a Grand PANORAMA of Beauty Taste, Talent and Skill. The Latest Novelties of the Season. All are cordially invited te examine our stock. Prices en plain carals as low as consist ent with lirsl-class AVerk and Trimmings. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. maiS-lytlS&AV CENTEE HALL 21 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK JC3IBJtOIDJtIS, &C. Greatly In order te make room ler thai Large Spring Stock, AA'hich we are new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Price. D. B. Hosteller & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- 26-lyd LANCASTER. PA OROCEMES. HOLESALB AMD KKTA1L. w LEVAN'S FLOUK AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET dl7-lyd FJtlXTnW AXD nixnixa. TUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1830. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, 127-tfd I THE A'EUT LATEST OUT. Business Cards ! Business Cards ! ! Something New and Very Attractive ! AVe have en hand the finest Selection of IIiib- iness Cards in the Market at VERT LOW PRICES. J3-CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. mlO-tfd LOCHER'S COUGH STBUP CURH8 CONSUMPTION. BEW GOODS im.TIE SPEHG TRADE, AT GUNDAKERS. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, RufHhigs, Cotteu Trimmings, Rucliings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, a&c, call at GTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, afcc, call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'8, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. TRAVELERS' ttVTTif: LANCASTUt JkU Juiiu.eAi.A. a.. . Cars run aa fellows : Lear Lancaster (P. E. Depot), at 7, 9, an.i 11UW a. m., and S, 4. t and s:;ju p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9U p. iu. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, anal a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. ni. Cars run daily en abevtt time except en Sun day. COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT IE. IE J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the folleuin-time: COAOH WORKS. H. HOUGHTON'S COACH "WORKS, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Rear of the Lamb Hetel. NOTICE. Te all who may want a First-class Shifting Tep Buggy, Tretting Buggy or Jump Seat Carriage, Phaeton or Market Wagen, or any repairing done in my line, please give me a call. All my New "Werk is first-class and at the V cry Lewest Prices. Alse, all repairing done at my shop is done at short notice, and the Best Style and Lewest Price. NOTICE. Gentlemen, I will at all times exchange a New "Wagen en a gewl, sound Herse or Mules, at H. HOUGHTON'S, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Lancaster, Pa. M111UCAL. TVAY'S K1UNKY 1AI). The only cure for Diabetes, Gravel, Diepsy, might's Uiseasi', Pain in the Rack, Inability te Retain or Kxpel the Urine, Catarrh of the Iliad aler, A flectiens of the Spine, anal Diseases et the Kidney, Rladaler anal Urinary Organs, it avoids internal medicine; is comfortable te the patient; certain in its effects. Sold by all alrinjgists or sent by mail en receipt of price, $2.00. Day's Kidney Pail Company. Teledo, Ohie. ANDREW O. i'REY, Distributing Agent ler Lancaster County. Agency, corner North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster Pa. aprltl-lyal rpe THE sUFFKKIXG HUMAMTY'I N. LEWIN, M. D., Na. 243 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. DR. LEW IX, who has been a riMdrntef Lan caster but a lew month, is a graduate of the University of Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which pcrieal he has eeen acting as Regimental Physician in St. Peteisburg, anal afterwards piacticeal in Rerlin, Germany, wilh gre.it succi'.-h. We call the attention of the suffering public te tlie tact that he successfully treat EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH, HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP HIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS nep RIT ERS nep iiir ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP RIT ERS I'OP BIT ERS HOP BITTERS! hop ir.veu are a man of letters toil ing JJJ'l' ever your midnight work, te restore LRa uraiu nerve anal wn,ie, ii"?e JIOP HITTERS! It veu are veumr and suffering fromanyindi-eretien oralii-ipatien; Trop if you arc married or single, ehl or iiyy young, snffering from peer health yk or languishing en a bed of sickniws, c,u" lelyen Ttm, HOP BITTERS! "it Whoever you are, wherever you ERS are, whenever you feel that your system neeals cleansing, toning or HOI stimulating, without intoxicating, RIT take hllis HOP BITTERS! he1, Have you Dyspepsia. Kidney or jut Urinary Complaint. Disease of the jkrs Stomach, Itenels, RIoed. Liver or Norveas? Yeu will be cureil if you use HOP HOP BITTEHS! ?s It you are simply weak and low spirited, try tt! Buy it. Insist upon HOP it. Your druggist keeps it. It may BIT save your life. It has saved hun- ERS dreds. Hep Cough Cnre is the sweetest, nOP safest anal best. Ask children. The RIT Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver anal ERS Kialnevs is superior te all ethers. Cures ey absorption. It is perfect. HOP Ask Druggists. I). I. C. is an abse- RIT lute anal irresistible cure for drunk- ERS enes, use of opium, tobacco or nar nar cetic. Above selal bv Druggists. HOP HOP BITTERS M KG. CO., BIT 2 Rochester, N. Y. ERS hop nor BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP RIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS KW K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W EMEYffORTE k-w THE ONLY MEDICINE k-w K-W That Acts at thQ Same Time en K-W KW The LIVER, K-W ' K-W k-w The BOWELS, K-w k-w And the KIDNEYS, k-av K-n These great organs are the Xatn ral K-W ir - Cleansers of the System. If thev .- .,, lv" work well health will be perfect ; it A"" K . they become cleggcal, dreadlul dis-,. ,,, "" cases are sure te fellow with lv"" K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W K-W Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, K-W Jaundice, Constipation anal Piles, or K-W KidneyCemplaiiits.Gravel.Diabetcs K-W Sediment in tlie Urine, Milky or K-W Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains K-W an" Aches, are developed because K-W the bleed Is poiseneal with the hu-K-Wlners that should have been ex-jf-W pelled naturally. K-W K-W &1JDJNEY WOKT K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K.W will restore the natural action and all these destroying evils will be eanisiieai negiecttiiem anil you win live but te sull'er. Thousands have been cureal. Try it anal you will add one mere te tlie number. Take it and health will once mere gladden your heart. AVhy suffer longer from the tor ment of an aching licart? Why bear such distress trem Constipation and Piles? Why be se fearful because of Diserdereil Urine? Kidney Wert win cure you. "iryapacKageai once and be satisfied. It is a dry vegetable compound, and one package makes six quarts of medicine. Y our druggist has it. or will get it for veu. Insist upon having It. Price $1.00 Wells, Richardson & Ce., Preps., Buiilixqten, Vt. (Will send pest paid.) j ul5-lyd4w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W 1 K-W ' HAPPY RELIEF Te all suffering from chronic aliseases of nil kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Xewmctheci of treatment. Xew and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free In sealed envelopes. Addra-ss Heward Association, 419 X. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a hign reputation for honerabla conduct anal profes sional skill. aiar-lyd ll'IXES AXIt Z.IQ.VORS. S. CLAY MILLBE "DESPECTPTJLLY calls the attention of his friends as well as J-" the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old "Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, -which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. FOR SALE OR REX7. KUiXJCY AXU LIVER C'URR. STORE ROOM FOR ItJJNT, NU. 114 X. Queen street. Possession given January 1st. Apply at dO-tlill Xe. 112 North Queen Street. and all chronic aliseaes. Tlie severest cases et Chronic Catarrh cureal in a short time. References anal testimonials from former patient can be seen at my etliee. Persons without means will only be askeal payment for medicines. Communications lrem a distance attenaletl te by mail. mll-lydftw HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP RIT RIT RIT RIT BIT BIT RIT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP If you arcaman of business, weak- HOP RIT ened by the strain of your duties, RIT ERS aveiil stimulants anal use EUS TOK RENT. . Twe rooms, Xe. 43J North Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by .1 S. Saurman. Apply te deeiO-tfd THOS. BAUMGARDXER. 1VOK KKNT. A thra-e-stery Rrick Heuse, en Xerth Prince, between Chestnut anal Walnut stra-a-ts. Apply at THIS OFFICE. rfebllMfal ACOLLAK FACTO ICV AXD LEATHER STORK FOR RENT. A wall Established Cellar Factory and Leather Stere ler rent. Ale suitable ter any ether busines-i. Applv te jeil.n A. suuiii-.i;. t'2.VTu,Th&Stfd T70II KENT. J? The second story of Eshleman A Rath von's Ranking Heum. at Centre Square, anal also a room en Secenal story, opposite the Penn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut stieet. R. F. KSIILEMAX. f2J-2til&Stf Attemey-at Law 17Ii:i: PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. 1 A Fire Proof Safe (Hosier, Rahman & Ce.. Cincinnati make), ."! inches high, 2t 'viila-anil 24 aleep. weight 1,200 peuutl-", with" Sargent's Patent Xight anil Day Combination Leck, ler sale cheap. Applv at the jan2-tt.l IXTELLIGEXCER OFFICE. F OR RENT. Saw Mill with 40-hnree power Engine and necessary fixtures, situate 111 Lancaster city. Pa., en Penn'a R. It., near Stewart's Dievu Yard, accessible from Xew Helland turnpike. Possession en Hay 1, lsSl. Apply at Xe. 4."W Xerth Queen street. iii'J-titalceal A TORTGAGES FOR SALE. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one ler $10,000 and the ether ler $4,T."jO, lirst liens anil well se cureil en eligible city Real Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Mishler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. R. AVILSOX, Esq., Xe. 21 Xerth Duke Street. Hl-tiW&S Lancaster, Pa. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY. MARCH 13. 1S)H0. will be selal at public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, Lan caster City, the tuliewing Real Estate, te w it : A property lrenting IKS leet 8 inches en East Low Lew street, anil extending in depth 10B feet, en which is erected a two-story Frame Dwelling Heuse, 20 feet J inches front ami 21 feet 8 inches ah'cp, with tnune attachment, containing 8 rooms, Hydrant, Fruit Trees anal ether im provements. Sale te commence at "o'clock p.m. of said alay, when attendance will be given and condi tion made known by .1OIIX R. SMITH. Sam'l Hess & Sen; Aucts. ml2-2td "DURLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AXU J. KITCIIEX FURXITURE. en MOXDAY, MARCH 15.1880. at Xe. 21 East King strest. a-onsistingef one Fine Parler Suit, containing 2 verv large Gents' Chairs, 1 Large French Sefa, "4 Wnll Chairs, 1 Otteman, all covered in fine silk anal upholstered in all hair. 1 Extra Fine French Lounge, 1 Fine Walnut Chamber Suit, 1 Cottage Chamber Suit, Dining-room Furniture, consisting of Sialebeard, Extension Table, Chairs, Ac, 2 Extra Fine Engravings, elegantly framed, cntitla-al " Woedlunil Vows " and "The Wealtling Ring," 2 Elegant Marble Tep Tables, 1 Parler Heater. 1 Cook Steve, 100 yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpet as goeal as new, anal a let of ether Household and Kitchen Furniture tee numerous te mention. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. in., sharp. MRS.E. G.SIMCOX. Sam'l Hess & Sen, Aucts. mll-3td. "WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! Tills scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, is the Best Bloeal Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere healtb lul action, ami is thus a benefit in all aliseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bloeal, the natural anil necessary ri'sult Is the euro el Scroluleus anal ether Skin Eruptions anal Disease-:, including Cancers, Ulcers anal ether seviN Xething is better for clearing anal bean tltving the complexion. ! spepsin. Weakness et the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, Gena.ral Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters, anal it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebleal system. It is a medicine which should be in every lainily, ami which, wherever used, will save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing tcstiinhuials furnished en appli cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. "Warner's Safe Kidney anal Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills anal Safe Xerine are also superior remedies, un equalled In their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Reuiedie are selal bv Drug gists anil Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. semi for Pamphlet anal Testimonials. II. II. WARXEIt Jfe Ce., Rea-hester. X. Y. l.lec'J-Tii.Tli&Sil&w I FT DRA tVIXUS. JIIISCELLAXJiO US. AS. ROSENBAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Xe. 22T Prince streut, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSEXMYER, an"-lrad Manager, MADAME ALFLAXALB, A HUNGARIAN' Gypsy, traveling with her family anal ale scending from the Magyars of Hungary, will be ler a short tima; at 140 North Prince street, from 10 a. in. te 9 p. 111.. te exhibit the Gypsy's art as practiced by her people. Fee. Ladies. 50c ; Gentlemen, $1. mll-lwal ri'OBACCO SEED. X I have for sale several choice varieties of Tobacco Sceal, which I can recommend te growers. Securely put up in one dollar pack-age-. JOIIXS. ROIIItXR, Office: "Rehrer't Warehouse." mlO-tfd Lancaster, Pa. I"AKCUS . SEI1NER, HOUSE CABPENT.EB, Xe. 120 Xerth Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al -rat-ion anil repair. i:t-lyil AUTHORIZED UK THE COMMOX WEALT1I OK KY., and Fairest iu the World. 18th Popular Monthly Drawing of -rnK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 1SU!, and sustained by all the courts el Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (.Sundays excepted), anal are supervised by prominent citizens of tb btutc. The management call attention te the granu opportunity presented of obtaining, ter only $2, any of the following prizes 1 J?llAljaiaaasBaiaaa V ajUfUUU 10,0011 5.000 10.000 10,0011 10,000 10,000 12,000 10.000 2,700 1,800 POO 1 l'lAL7aa tern m 9 e aa a aaaa 9 999 -1 J' '"V. saaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 000 each 100 prizes, f loe each 200 prizes 50 each (M) prizes 20 each 100O prizes lOeacb '. prizes S00 each, approximation prizes U prizes 200 each. " 'J prizes 100 each, " " 1,.W0 prizes $112,100 Whole tickels,$2; half tickets. $1; 27 tickets $30; 55 tickets, $100. All applications for club rates sheulal be made te the home office. Full list of ilmwing published in Louisville Courier-Journal anal Xew Yerk Herald and mailed te all licket-helalers. Senal all eralers by money or bank alralt in letta-r, or by ex press. Oralers of $5 anal upward, by express, can ba: sent at our expense. Aalalress It. M" ROARDMAX. Coiirier-Jeurnal Ruilding, Leu isville, Ky., or at ltJIl Rreaalway. Xew Yerk. IfiS-TuTh&S&w ORXTS' GOODS. T ATEST STYLE AE. BIcCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL Estate anal Personal Property. Oralers left at Xe. 35 Charlette street, or at thfi Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills mailu eutand tended te without additional cost. e27-lv rpilY LOCHBR'S COUGU SYRUP. AGRICULTURAL. Peter Hendersen & Ce. Sell everything for the GARDEN. Seeds, Plants, Small Fruits, &c. CATALOGUE FREE TO ALL WHO AP PLY BY LETTER. PETER HENDERSON & Ce., 35 Courtlandt Straat, Xr Tork. anSMtwaew BEST FITTIXG SHIRTS, AT E. J. ERISMAN'S, 5C SOUTH O.UEF.X STREET. ROUES, RLAXKKTS, SC. OIGN OF TIIK BUFFALO IIKAW. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Laresst, Best and Cheapest Assekt.mknt of Lineal niiil Uiilinei! BUFFALO ROBKS in the city. Alse LAP AXD IIORSK RLAXKETS of every inscrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, "Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and promptly done.-S A. MILEY, 108 Xerth Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lyalMWAS A TTORXEYS-AT-LA IV A. J. STLINiMAN, Intelligencer Ruilding, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa W. V. HENSfcL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square. Lancaster, Pa. HENRY A. RILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. Xew Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman ft Heusel. Statiojis-Xectbward. EPS'r' Ar.tM.U Pert Deposit 6S 2:15 Peachbottem 7:07 3:1:; Fife's Edaly 7:20 4:m McCall's Ferry 7::!4 :n Shenk's Ferry. 7:51 4:11 Safe narber. 7:37 4:4'J Columbia. s-M 5:." STATIOKS SOUTHWA110. Columbia. Safe Harber. Shenk's Ferry... McCall's Ferry- Flte's Katdy Peachbottem... . . Pert Deposit Accem. a. v. U:(H) lLSH P.M. 12:05 1231 li51 1:11 2:15 Express V. 31. li:20 6:4i :54 7:i".i 7r20 7:: .s;05 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On ami utter M'.MUl. NOV. 9th, 1S7J, trains en the Peiinsvlvani i lbiilrnaal will arrive anal leave the Lahcasta--anil Philadelphia depots as fellinvs: Eastward. Atlantic Express Philadelphia Express, rust Line..................... Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express Dillervllle Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Paeltle Express, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Day Exnress llarrisburg Accommealat'n, l.eaa- I Arrive Lane'ter Phihul'a 12rr i 4:10 5:20 7:.a 7i!5 8:1.1 'AlO 1:20 lr25 i 2:tl 3:05 5:20 0r25 :i:ixi a.m 7:ihi 7:te i():(i)'" 12:01 V. .1:10"" 5:ixl 7:2i) " '.JUi " Wkstwaud. Leave Anne I'liiliid'al Lane'ter ay Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation,. Mail Train Xe.l.via Mt.-Iey, Mail Train Xe.2,via Cel'bia, Sunalay Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillervllle Lecal.vla Mt.Jev Harrisbunr Aeeominealtit'ii. Columbia Accommodation, iiirnsuurg express, PIttaburgExpiess Cincinnati Express Pacillc Express, 12S A.M. 8:00 " 8.00 S:) 11:50 2:."ai r.v. 4:00 5:Xl ma 3:10 11:.V ":0al . I0-.H5 10:10 Il:u5 ll:l7 li!:."u 2:10 l 2: II 2n 3: 15 7r.r 7ri" HiM) n.::u 2.40 Pacific Expn-hs. eiust. en Sumlav, when :lag tied, will step at Midilleleun, Kllalieilda.n it Mt. Jey, Lanalisrille, Rlrd-in-Maml, I.i-ui.iu Place, tlnp, Christiana, Parka-sburg. Coati ville, Oakland anal Ulen Lech. Fast Lints west, en Sunalay, when Hag .;, will step at Downiiigtewii.Cnata-sville, I'.u l..s burg, Mt.-Iey, Elizabethtaiwii anil Mialallt lain n. Hanover Accoinniealatlam, ucst, a-enncc Is at laincaster with Niagara Express, ua-st,:ii Ui-jai, a. m., anal will run through iai llatuiva-r. Frederick Acconmiedation, wa-st. a-eniia- : . t Lancaster, with Fast Line, west. ut 2:1( i M.. and will run through te I'realerick. READING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. On unal ufter MOXDAY. OCT. Ctii, i . . nassenger trains will run en this iiwal as :' lews: Trails Ceisr. Serrii. Reading, Reinholds, Kphrutaj Akren, I.lllaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Manheim, Lancaster .Junction,. Lamlisville, Columbia, Dillervllle, Lancaster, King Street, Haruisli West Willow Kaumgardner, Pequea, Helten, Xew Providence, Xl"U39y 99m99999mm99mmm ijuarryville, 7ii I1:V. I V. M. 8:01 1-.T2I 8:18 12:1!) i 8:21 12:ir. 8:1.1 !:ir.' j:02 i:is 0:05 l:4ii 0:11! 1:."X ti:45 I:.V, !)r.7 2:(f2 fX' 2:'ir !:!." .... )iS 10:05 '.'.'.'. 10:(l!l 10:17 .... WsSI .... :i)::H 10:12 .... 10-JO i: si. i.-iit I.-4-. 7:i). !: 7. 7..1 7:1.1 7: -I) 8r2i c:'i; 8:lu s:2 8:.H 8:12 8:47 8:5.1 9:01 9:12 9:19 9r25 3: 0 5:10 3:: 5iJ 5:45 .v:ct :02 (:!.- (i:28 ;:.!5 Trains Going Xeirru. Quarryville, Hess, New Providence, Kef ten, Pequea ISauiugurdncr, , West Willow, Ilarnlsh, King Street, , Lull caster, , Dillerville,...-. Columbia, Lunalisvilia.- , Lancaster Junction,.. Manheim, aul Llafifttfli a mom w 9i iVKIOll. aaaaaaaaaaaaaai EphraUi Reinheldsville, at illilllintifftiiifftii A. M. . SI, 6:45 fi:52 l:59 7:11 7:18 7r2i. 7::-"2 7:41 7:55 8:05 8:08 8:00 8:."!0 8S 8:49 9:00 9:111 9:23 9:42 10:0.1 !:0n IMl 1:00 l:."Hi lril 1:18 2:00 2:18 '25 2:11! 3r20 2..-J5 2.41 2:18 '30 3:05 3:13 3: IS 3."2ti 3:10 3:50 4.01 4:1.1 1:20 l:.'i 4:47 M 5:11 5:50 7:50 7:58 8:13 r.'7 8.5 8:4.5 8: .9 9:00 9:20 9:.13 Trains connect nt Reading with trains te ami from Philadelphia, Pettsvillc, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and Xew Yerk. At Columbia with trains te anil from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON, Supt. r OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FCIt CLOSING THE MAILS. f BY RAILROAD. Xnw Yerk tiiroueu mail. 7:00 a ni, 12:J0 p in, 4:15 p m anal 11:30 p in. Way Mail, east, 7 am. jGordenvillk, Downingtown, Lcainan Place, Gap 0 p m. PHiLADKLrniA, through mail, 7 ami 9 a in, 12:50, 4:45 mid HUSO p 111. Pittsburgh anal west, 1:30 anal lis p m. llAKitisuunu Mail, 10 a :n, IS. 5:15 anal 11:30 p in. Wat Mail, west, 10 a in. Baltimore asd Wasiiimoteit, via Pliilaalel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltixerk and WAsniJiOTOir, via Yerk, IS p m. Baltixemakd Wasuinotev, via Harriaburg, 11:30 p m. COATKSVILLE, 4:45 p In. Columbia, 10 a m, IS and 5:15 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, IS anal lis p m. Northern Central, 10 a in, 1:30 anal I1SW p in. Rkadine. via Readiut; and Columbia i: I:. Tsui a in and 12:30 p in. Reading, via Harrisbunr. 5:15 and Il-.'Umm Rkadine way; via Junction, Litiz, Manheim, East llcmptielil anal Ephrata, 3 p m.- yuARRxviLLK, Canuuge, Relton, New Pravi dence. West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:30 a in, unit 7:30 p m. Nkw Helland, Churcbtewn, Greenbank. Blue Ball, Goealvillc, Beurtewn, by way et Downingtown, at 7 a in and 0 p in. Safk Hakuer, via Columbia, 10 a in. BY STAGE Millersville and Slack water, te Sate Harber, daily, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersville, 8 anal Ham, and 4 r- in Blnkley's Bridge, Leacock, Ban-viJie. Xew Helltinal, 2:30 p ni. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Grevf, Reck Springs. F.tlrineunt und Rewland.svll; Mai, daily, at 7 a m. Ianalls Valley, Oiegen, West Earl. Farmcrs ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Martindaie. daily, at 2S p in. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p in. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Xetfsville, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticvllle, Ccle man ville. Mount Xebe. Rauiinsville, Retlies-ia and Libel ty Sijuare, alaily. at 2:30 p m. SUNDAY POSTOI-F1CE IlUliitS. On Sunday the postelllce is open from April 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a in. anal trem 6 te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril J, from 9 te 10 a m, nd lrem O te 7 i in. WHEN OPEX FOR DELIVERY-. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a m. 10:45 a in, 3 and US p m. Eastern way mall, 10:45 a m. Western mail, 7 anal 10 a in, 2 anal aJSM p m. Reading, via Reading anal Columbia, 2S p m. Western way mail, 8 am. Rcualing way mall. 10-30 a m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harbair anal Millersville, at 9 u in. alaily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 1 p ni. Frem New Helland, at 9Sa m. alaily. Frem Rewlanalsville, Mai. at 2:30 p in. Reaaling way maR, at 10:30 a ni, alaily. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a in, alaily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, le a in, daily Frem Nelfsvllle. at 1 p m, alaily. Frem Rawllnsville, at 11 a ni. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail aieliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the efllce at 6:30 a in: second delivery at 10 a m third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 d in. v ED UCA TIOXAL. ri'HK ACADEMY CONNECTED WHH --t 'ranklln and Marshall college eilers SH perler advantages te young men anal boys who dwire either teprepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Stualents re ceived at any time during the school year Send ler circulars. Aalalress ' BBV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-Ird Lancaster. Pa. u SE LOCHER'S HORSB runuattil. AND CATTLE