Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 13, 1880, Image 3
'! ." 1 jit jtj-uiujwv.ijlii'at HOAIMWk;.';1 rg""''s''''ttf,wu-MMt; ' " " 7 '' ""I" '?-:' " 'J' yywH,iii, i muyj nurfcuiWI jmt '"J I1 tum m .1 Vf. " ' '' ! M m.iyyWy rp .- a. .-:: -W ' - - ' " V J" LAASTEK, DAILY INTELIIGENCEJi, SATURDAY. MARCH 13. 1880. gagST3saglsygy:j5i!aner .1 awttgi ma"u-NJW H ' I A r OBITUABT. De.tth of Yaates Cenynghain. J. Yeates Conyngham, an old and well known citizen, died at his residence, cor ner of Seuth Queen and Mifflin streets, this afternoon at a quarter past one o'clock. He had been in ill health for sev eral months past, and en Thursday night was stricken with paralysis, which resulted in his death as above stated. Deceased came of geed stock, both en the paternal and maternal side. His father, Redmond Conyngham. was a brother of the late Judge Conyngham, of "Wilkesbarre, and a grandson of Sir Redmond Conyng ham, of Ireland. His mother was a daugh ter of Judge Jasper Yeates, who in his day steed at the head of the legal profession in the state of Pennsylvania. Mr. Conyngham was born July 26th, 1809, and lived all his life in the house in which he died, as did also his mother before him. He was an honest, kind-hearted man, led a very quiet life, and was celebrated for nothing mero than for his piety and works of charity, lie was all his life, until about ten years age,a consistent member of St. James church ; and since that time has been a faithful member of St. Jehn's. Fer several years past Mr. Conyngham was nearly blind, but as long as he could keep his feet he insisted en taking his daily walks and going regularly te church. Though regarded as somewhat eccentric, he had a clear head and managed his es tate with care and judgment. He was never married and has no near relatives, we believe, except his brother, David Conyngham, and fam ily, who reside near Paradise, this county. His funeral will take place en Tuesday next. The religious services will take place in this city, and his remains will be taken for interment te the burying grounds attached te All Saints church, near Paradise, where his lather, mother, and ether relatives lie buried. COLUM1SIA NEWS. Frem Our Correspondent There. At a stilted meeting of Shawnee encamp ment Ne. 23 I. O. of O. F., held last even ing, the following officers were appointed : II. P., Gee. W. Schecder ; C. P., Harry Myer ; S. W.. Charles Stevenson ; J. W., Charles N. Simms ; Scc'y. It. J. M. Lit tle ; Treas., J. G. Pence. The order is in a very nourishing condition. A new ledge of Knights of Pythias will be formed in Columbia, en Monday even ing next. The colemd Republicans of Columbia formed a Blaine club en Thursday evening. The Herald says the rules of the young men's Republican club forbid any colored person from becoming a membar. What is the matter. Mr. A. J. Kaufl'man, who has been con cen con fine.l te his house for some time, we are g!:id te say is cenvalcsing. Mr. W. B. Given is confined te the house ; cause a severe cold. The school beard met en Thursdry even ing when the finance committee reported as fellows : Tuition, $ 4; rent, t-3 ; tax du plicate for 1S7S, $124.22 ; tax duplicate for 1879, $4C4.01 ; total, $395.23. Ordcis paid since last report, salaries included, $1,1:58.21. On motion of Mr. Myers, the hour of meeting was changed from 7:30 te 8 o'clock p. in. The members of the Lutheran church of Maytown paid a donation visit te their pastor. Rev. J. V. I.ckcrt, who resides in Columbia. Jehn D. Misliler, manager will present the comedy, " Dr. Clyde, " in the opera house en Monday evening, March 13th ; it is said te be a first-class performance in all particulars. C. C. KaufTman, the popular real estate agent, sold the Withers let of ground en Walnut street at private terms te Miss Christian Redenhciser. Market was well attended this morning ; prices high. Change of Schedule. A new schedule gees into effect en the Pennsylvania railroad te-morrow night at 11:30. There are no important changes in the time of trains with the exception of Harrisburg express. This train new arrives here at 7:35 in the morning, but hereafter its time will be 8:03 ; returning in the evening it will arrive from Philadel phia at 7:30, instead of 7:25. Yerk accom modation will arrive 8.00 a. m., instead of 7:30. The Belgian Pavement. Monday morning at 10 o'clock is the time at which Geerge Naunsan, solicitor te Mayer MacGonigle and Win. Millar, will ask the court te grant a pieliminary injunction te restrain the street committee and Cunningham & McNichol from laying the first square of North Queen street with Belgian block pavement. The argument before the court will probably take place en Saturday, March 27th. Alas, Toe True ! The editor of the Mirietta Times gets te Lancaster sometimes, and this is what he thinks of our streets : ,4We believe that Lancaster is the diiticst city of any we have ever been in, after a rainy season. We think it bad enough te have mud in the country, but the streets of Lancaster city arc in a worse condition than Marietta." Selil Ills Interest. H. Linville Hendricksen, one of the pro prietors of the Marietta Begister, has dis posed of his interest in that paper te his partuer.Percy P. Scheck. The change was made en account of the peer health of Mr. Hendricksen, who has accepted a situation in Flerida, where he thinks the climate will be beneficial te his health. A Sweet Singer. We learn that W. W. Bentley, the vocal ist, who accompanied Rev. Hammend, the evangelist, during his religious campaign in this city a few years age, will reach Lancaster this evening and attend the sci viccs at the First Baptist church to-mei- row. Tobacco Packers' Party. Last night the employees of E. Heffman & Sen's tobacco warehouse, of which Jehn Rcsh is foreman, held a sociable in Schiller hall. About thirty couples were present and all spent a pleasant time. Soup Heuse Closed. The soup house was closed this morning and a statement of the number of rations, &c, given out during the season will be published shortly. There were net as many applicants for aid this year as last. Police Officer Sick. J. P. Killinger, constable of the Fifth ward, is confined te the house en account of illness. L. . Fulmer has been ap pointed te serve en the force in his stead. Serious Accident. Shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon a young man named Clare Carpenter, in attempting te enter the mayor's office, made a misstep, and strik ing the tee of his beet against the granite step, pitched forward and fell against the deer-jam with his head, stunning him se severely that he rolled down the steps and lay upon his back en the pavement until he was tenderly taken up by Officer Pyle, who assisted him into the mayor's office where he soeu recovered. The young man was perfectly sober at the time. Yesterday a tree in front of the residence of Mrs. C. Landis, North Queen street, near James, was dug up by the roots, and these having charge of the work failed te fill up the hole. Last night about 11 o'clock, as Mr. Myers, a tobacco dealer, was walking past the place he fell into the hole and hurt himself considerably. Such man-traps should net be allowed open at nfaht. Sale of Real Estate. Majer James Malene has sold the prop erty in Marietta, which is occupied by Henry Wolfe te Jehn A. Strine for $1200. Amusements. An Arabian Niyht." Tills is the somewhat deceptive title of a comedy that is te be pro duced in this citv en the evening of the lath, by the ceninaiiv which scored such a success at the Walnut, Philadelphia, this winter, and is new making a tour et the state. It is net. as its name suggests, a spectacular exhibition, but, as a Wilkesbarre paper describes it, the spiightlicst, brightest, funniest of comedies, without dull scene in It." The company in cludes Messts. K. F. Theme. Ilarry Josephs and ether well known faveiites. Temmy Mack's Minstrels. On Monday even ing Temmy Mack's minstrels will give an en tertainment in the opera house, when the ' Rig Three," which is composed of McSerley, Turner and Mack, will appear in their gro tesque songs and dances. Sam. Maxwell, of New Yerk, will occupy one of the end chairs and will de a specialty in the second part. A large number et Lancaster laverltcs will take part, including Dan Clemmcns, Andy Feley, Charles Shay and Levi Nlxderf. Jehn McCann, a new performer te this city, will make his first appearance here and will sing a favorite bal lad. A clog dancing contest and a pie-eating match wUl close the performance. A yocxe man by the name of William Ketz, coachman for Mr. Charles McClcllan, came te my store one morning complaining that his feet hurt him very badly, and expressing fears that they were irest-bitlen. He had in vain tried te get relief by consulting physiclans.und had endeavored, without success, te case the pain by rubbing his feet with snow and ice, the remedy applied in such enses. Being exposed a great deal te the cold by his occupation, his feet get worse daily, until one day he tainted in the street. A few days after he again came te my store and showed me his leet. I have seen a great many sores in my life, but noth ing te equal this, and was afraid the peer fel low would lese Ills limbs, lie asked me for St. Jacob's Oil ; but at llrst I refused, as I did net wish te take the responsibility upon myself, net being a great admirer of se-called Patent Medicines. However, some friends, who hap pened te be in the store at the time, begged me give the St. Jacob's Oil te the sufferer : se we rubbed his teet well with the Oil, and he took the remainder with him. After nine days the same man again mine into my store, perfectly well, and requested me te write te you of this most wonderful cure ; he also stated, that two ether persons had been cured of Hheumatism by the same bottle which helped him. Jehn Lexzex. Aven, Leraine Ce., Ohie. Jan. 17, 187U. The roe bud opening te the morn. While yet the dew hangs en the thorn, Exhales less sweetness than is went Te breathe Ireni lips that SOZODOXT Has touched with a soft crimson glow That shows the dazzling teeth otr.-e. N nw Advkrtisrm knts. Special Bargains at New Yerk Stere. Temmy Mack at the Opera Heuse. Arabian Night at the Opera Heuse. Carpets. &c, at linger & Bre's. (in te Givlcr. Rowers & Hurst. The ("mine et " i. "' at Buck's. Eatcr Cards, Ac, at r lynn's. Easter Novelties at Baer's. Netice te Housekeepers. New Goods at Martin's. An Evening of Seng. Lunch at Spangler's. Lunch at Frauke's. of Furniture. Side of Horses. Public Sale. Religious. Wanted Netice. dfFer further details see advertising column. SFEVIAL NO'iICES. Shrewdness and Ability. Hep Bitters se freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, aud are supplanting all ether medi cines. There is no denying the virtues et the Hep plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Hitters, whose virtues are se palpable te every one' observation. Ex change. ml-2wd&w Statistics prove that twenty-hve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te jl bottle of Loeher's Benewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Loeher's Herse and Cattle Pew tiers. A New Method in Medicine. By this new method every sick person can get a package of the dry vegetable compound, Kidney-Wert, and prepare ler themselves six quarts of medicine It Is a specific cure for Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion and Piles, and a great tonic for females. Try Loeher's Cough Syrup. Never let a cough, cold, or croup go tee far. On tiie first symptoms send te your druggist for " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup." 25 cents per bottle. They Werk Together. When your system gets out of tune and you feel completely played out, it is pretty certain that you need a medicine te act en both the Kidneys and Liver for these important organs work together in freeing tile system et its waste, and keeping up the tone. Then take Kidney-Wert, for this is just what itdees, ler it is betli diuretic and cathartic. 1'ure Spices it. Loeher's Drug Stere. Brown's Household l'anacea Is the most effective 1'aln Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied extern ally and thereby mere certainly BELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the bide, uack or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. Atcaspoon Atcaspeon Atcaspoen lul et the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran & Ce'a Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty five cent a box. f1anl5-lvtf AwTuTh&S Coughs." Brewk's Bronchial Troches" will allay Irritation which induces coughing, giving oftentimes immediate relief in Bron Bren chltis, Influenza, Hoarseness, and Coinsump Ceinsump tive aud Asthmatic Complaints. m9-lwdTTh&Sftw Try Lochar's Oenjrn Imp. PLEASE NOTICE! WE ARE OPENING NEW GOODS IN OCR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. We are Opening New Goods in our HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. We are Opening New Goods in our CLOTH DEPARTMENT. We are Opening New Goods in our CARPET DEPARTMENT. We are Opening New Goods in ALL OP OUR DEPARTMENTS. tSWe invite you te call and examine the Largest Stock of Goods in our line in the city. G-IVLEK, Catarrh et the Bladder Cured. Henrietta, Menree Ce., N. Y., Jan. 5, 1SS0. II. n. WAHNEU& Ce.: Gestlkmen: I am a man 67 years of age, have lived in Menree county, N. Y., most of my life, and believe there is neman of my acquaintance who would doubt any statement I might make. I have been a terrible sufferer of Catarrli of the Blad der for years. Hearing of a number of cures from the use of your remedy, and after taking a few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, I was net only relieved, but found my self cured. THOMAS OWENS. ml-'iwdSw "Say, Susan, have you lest your appetite? Are you weak and nervous ? If se, ' Dr. Lind sey's Bleed Searcher' is what yen want." A Mether's Uriel. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, If they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Ceugii, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te It at once. Shtleirx Consump tion Cure Is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $L Fer lame Back, Side, or Cheat, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by 1). Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. The Best I Ever Knew Of. J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential citizen of Iowa City, savs: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several years, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without anv relict whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. I am happy te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure ler Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector ter he mere siiccesslul treatment el tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Milleisville. K-codD&eewW DEATHS. Drepperd. In this city, en the 12th inst., Edward, only son of Ames and Wllhclinlna Drepperd, aged 13 years. 5 mouths and 13 days. The relatives and friends of the family, also Sunday and public school children, are re spectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of the patents. Ne. 30 East Ger man stieet, te-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o'clock ltd Conyngham. In this city, en the 13th lust., Yeates Conyngham. The relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 20 Seuth Queen street, en Tues day morning, at 11 o'clock. Services at the house. Interment at All Saints' Church cem etery, Paradlp, Lancaster county. Pa. 2td UuEciiT. March 10, 1SS0. nt tir20 p. in., in this city, Michael Breelit, in t lie With yearel hisage. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully invited te attend his funeral, from his late residence, 135 Seuth Prince street, en Sunday afternoon at '214 o'clock. Funci al ser vice at St. Jehn's German Beiermed church, corner of Mulberry and Orange streets. Inter, munt at Lancaster cemetery. 2td NEW AltrKllTISEJIJiSTS, MOCK TUKTI.KKOUr THIS (SATIIUnAY) evening at the Fulton Opera Heuse '.alaen. Best of Beer en lap. JOHN SPANGLElt. Proprietor. It INSl'KK YOUR FKOl'EKTY IN THE BEST COMPANIESat BAUSMAN BURNS'. 20-tfeedB Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. rU. YES! AVE MUST NOT FORGET THIS V i-i Saturdav evening and Eddy Franke is going te nave a nrst ciaw sauer ivraui mncu, and some of Barbey's Nenpariel beer en tap. We will all be there, Header, come tee. 230 North Prince street. It UIKE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERB & STAUFFER. Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-SmdReed HORSES FOR SALE. Fifteen Head of First-class Western Horses, geed worker and drivers, will be -old at the Franklin Heuse, MONDAY, MARCH 15, l&se. at 1 o'clock. ml2-2td JACOB SENER, Agt. AUCTION SALE. Fine Household Furniture, Carpote, m WED- 1' Ac nt 228 East Orange street, en N ESD AY. the 17th et MARCH. Fer Catalogue apply te SAM'L HESS A SON. mll,13,1516R Ne. 10 North Queen St. PUBLIC SALE OF HORSES. Will be sold at the Merriinac Hetel, North Prince 1 o'clock enMONDAY AFTER NOON, MARCH 15, 1S.S0, 10 head of horses, among them some very line workers and drivers. A creditor sixty days will be given. It DANIEL LOGAN. "VfOTICE! The LAST WEEK for CHINA HALL. AT ITS OLD HEADQUARTERS. Don't Miss the Bargains. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 8 East King Street. H. S. GAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, PhR'a Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa. FranklinFire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Pliil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Phll'a. H-lmdR te ;n n. 50 dez Triple Silver Plated Table Spoons, 53 dez Triple Silver Plated Tea Spoons, 53 dez Triple Silver Plated Ferks, 53 dez Triple Silver Plated Knives. All of these goods will be sold at a Bargain. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, 13 East Kins Street, Lancaster, Pa. Will move te Ne. 20 EAST KITXQ SXBEBT, en APRIL 1.1880. M Netice lOOBI DRY GOODS. BO WEES & HUBST, 26 EAST KING STREET. XW ADVERTISEXESTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest asd prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVEBWABE.Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ABTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. B. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. LADIES! I1TT, SHAND & COHPABT INVITE ATTENTION TO AN ELEGANT LINE OF." NEW SPRING HOSIERY, At Lewest Price. Kadics' Regular Made Balbriggan Hese, I lese and Fancy Colored Hese. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 25 dozen Embroidered Hese, at 22c. per pair, 50 dozen Fine Balbrijjgan Ho-ie, at 23c. per pair, usually sold at 33c. per pair. Children's Hosiery a Specialty, UenttT French Super Hese. Oents' Balbriggan Hese, Gents' Fancy Hese, at Popular Price.-'. NEW YORK STORE, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. Will Remove 1st of APRIL ta 8 & 10 EAST KING STREET. NEW SPRING STYLES ! CARPETS AND PAPER HANGINGS, -AT- HAGER & BROTHER'S. Large Stock of Best Qualities of Bedy Brussels, Tapestry P.russcls, Threc-Ply Extra and Superfine Iugraiu Carpets, and Damask, Venitian, Hall aud Stair Carpets with Borders teinalch. LINOLEUM AM) OIL CLOTHS, ALL QUALITIES, COCOA AND CHINA JIATTINGS. PAPER HANGINGS ! All the Latest Spring Styles In Embossed Gilt, Plain Gilt, Satins, Grounds and Blanks, with Dades, Frieze and Borders te mutch. The Largest Stock we have ever etrered. Our orders were placed early for the above goods, which we will sell at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. HAGER & BROTHER. J. B. MARTIN & CO. OFFER FULL LINES OF ALL GRADES OF WALL PAPERS, IN ENTIRELY W -FOR 1SSO. SPRING 1SSO. Wc have entlrclv remodeled our Wall the city, at VERY LOW PRICES. FULL BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, QUEENSWARE, PLAIN HOLLANDS FOR WINDOW SHADES. 3We respectfully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & LANCASTER COACH WCOX & CO.'S COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBECK The Season for Sleigha at Hand. The Latest SLEIGHS In the City or County of Lancaster, finely finished and handsomely ornamented. All our own Handiwork. Our prices lower than any ether establishment in the city ler the same quality of work. Alse, FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Desl; cms and Description Remember WORD." ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WANTED. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Iktslliekscbr, who wants something te de. ITrANTED. TT A Girl te leave the city te .Cook, Wash and Iren for a small tamily. Reference re quired. Address this office. 2td WANTED. A foreman in a tobacco warehouse. Nene but experienced persons need apply. Ad dress " A. A. A.," H THIS OFFICE. Embroidered IIee, Silk Clocked PAPER HANGINGS ! DEB Paper Department, and offer Hie Largest Line In LINE OF CO, Al SLEIGH IRKS. OLD STAND.- STS., LANCASTER, PA. & MI LEY, Styles and the Largest Assortment et our Motte "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Laucaster, Dee. 12,1879. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY JLN RELIABLE COMPANIES at BENJ. P. SHBNK'S, Office : 108 West King Street. dccl2-3mdB SALOON AND RESTAURANT LEASE, With Furniture. Fixtures, Ac., for sale, located central part of city. A profitable stand. Apply te BAUSMAN& BURNS. Insurance and Real Estate Agents, mlMtdB 10 West Orange Street. THIRD EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVE'G, MARCH 13, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 13. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic States cloudy weather, with saew and rain,northeast te southeast winds, stationary or higher temperature, and fall ing barometer. FIRE IN NEW YORK. Twe Business Houses Destroyed. New Yerk, March 13. Fire broke out this morning in the three-story brick build ing Ne. 643 Eighth avenue, occupied as a dry goods house by Stephen McPartlaud. and spread te Ne. 641, occupied by Themas Andersen, tea dealer. McKirt- land's less is 638,000, and Andersen's $24, 000 ; all insured. Before the firemen arrived the flames had cempletly gutted the building. Mr. Mc Partland had just laid in a heavy stock for the spring trade and the shelves were filled with inflammable material, en which the flames fed. Themas Andersen's tea warehouse, cer ner of 41st street, and next deer te the burning buildings, was saved from destruc tion by the firemen, and from inundation by holes being cut in the fleer. Only the upper stairs were badly damaged. Mr. Andersen states that his less could net exceed $1,300 at the most. The less en the building will probably reach $ 1,000. The stock and the building were fully in sured. Mr. McPartlaud estimates his less at 300,000, while it may reach $70,000. His total insurance is $33,000.distiibutcd amerg a number of companies Building Ne. t4:. Eighth avenue, occupied by him, is the prepperty of a gentleman named Kice, who lives in Frankfort-en-Rliiuc. It is badly wrecked and can hardly be re paired for 88,000. The stock is a total less. There was in the building no heater or fire of any sort except three gas jets burn ing in the show window en the Eighth avenue front. CALIFORNIA. The Diktlnguislied Tramps at San Francisce. San Francisce, Cal., March 13. At 10 p. ni. O'Leary had made 437 and Westen 423 miles. Hetel Proprietor Arrested. P. F. Bensen, one of the proprietors of the Grand Central hotel at Oakland, and a porter of the same hotel were arrested to day en a charge of stealing valuables of guests during the fire which destroyed the building en Tuesday last. It has been shown that the fire was incendiary and plunder a part of the pregramme STEAMSHIP AVKECKED. The Mentana en Hi i,ucks oil Hely Head. Liverpool, March 13. The Guien line steamer Mentana from New Yerk is en the rocks near Hely Head. The passen gers and crew have all been saved, but there is net much prospect of saving the vessel. The passengers will he brought here in a tug. CRIME OR CASUALTY? Weman JSurned te Death After Making Her Mill. Norwich N. Y., March 13. The man sion of Mrs. David Grilling, a wealthy widow, was totally destroyed by fire early this morning. Mrs. Griding was after wards found in the ruins dead. The cause of the fire ii unknown, but it is said she made her will yesterday. Wants a New Trial. Newark, N. J., March 13. Judge Depue has granted a rule te show cause why a new trial should net be granted te Frank Lammins, who was convicted of the mur der of Jehn Mcierhafler in West Orange last October, en the ground that new evi dence has been discovered. Testimony will be taken next Saturday. Arkansas Republicans. Little Reck, Ark., March 13. The Re publican state central committee has call ed the state convention at Little Reck April 28, te nominate presidential electors aud te select delegates te the Chicago con vention. MAItKETS. l'lillHlellllu .HurKet. Philadelphia, March 13. Fleur dull and steady ; superfine IOO'j!4 50: extra $." ix5 50 ; Ohie and Indiana faniilv $J r,07 00 ; Penn'a tamily f( 23fti 75 ; St. LeuN family $ 7572"i ; Minnesota family $(j QJQti 75 ; patent and high nide t7 2508 Si. Rye flour $5 00. Cornmeal IJrandywlne unchanged. Wheat streng: Ne. 2 Western Red $145V I IS ; Penn'a de $1 -IG ; Amber $1 47. Cern firmer; steamer 5Ie; yellow SSJ-JgOCc ; mixed 55c. Oats firm; Ne. 1 4949Cc; Ne. 2 4848Jc: Ne. 2 mixed 4Uc. Rye steady ; Western 0102c : Pa. 90ffi92c. Seeds quiet ; geed te prime clevci seed $7007$ 7 75; de timothy $J153 25; de flaxseed il N)l 90. Previsions dull; miss perk $12 75 13 ; beet Jiams$175018 00; India iiicms beet rJJOO; P.a P.a een smoked shoulders 55tc; halt de 4, c : smoked hams 9M10c ; pickled hums Larci quiet; city kettle 7c; loose butcher' 7c ; prime steam 7Jc. Rutter lirm with geed trade ; creamery extra UflSRc ; lirauferd county aud New Yerk extra 2729e; Western reserve extra at 2729c ; dogeod te choice 212tJc: rolls firm and scarce ; Penn'a extra '22&23c; western reserve extra 2225c. Kggs steady; Penn'a 13c; Western 12k 13c. Cheese steady; N. Y. factory l"414Jc; western full cream 1414'c ; de ler geed lS&iB 13J ; de halt-skims 1213c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7c. Whlskv at $110. New Yerk Marker. New Yerk. March 13. Fleur-fttate and West ern shade stronger and moderate expert home trade demand : superfine state $4 805 30; ex tra de $5 4u550 ; choice le 5 55U; lancy de $G10750; round hoop Ohie $5 754jG0O: choice de $tJ 107 50; superfine western $4 805 30; common te geed extra de $5 405 65 ; choice dodo$5 708 00; choice white wheat de$5 85 B 50; Southern quiet; common te fair extra $5 75C 30: geed te choice ile$S 407 75. Wheat Spring quiet and firm; Winter J lc better anil quiet: Ne. 1 While April $1 45'k; de May $142K; Ne. 2 Red, April $1 48k;l 49 ; de 3Iay $1 45fel 46. Cern ii&f better and quiet ; Mixed West ern spot .WiGlc"; de luture 53k&5!c. Oats about steady, Including Ne. 2 for April 45" Slate 4751e; Western 47?j50c. bteck Markets. Philadklphia, Mar. 13. 12:30 f. x. Stocks dull. Penna 6's (third issue) 106VJ Philadelphia St. Erie 17 Reading 34 Pennsylvania el Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. et N. J 160 Northern Pacific 33 " Preterred 5&4 Northern -m'v.,1 -jug Leiugi Navigation 36j Norristown VH Central transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Titu vine ft .Buffalo. 19 Little SchuylkUL 53 New Xekk, Mar. 13. Stocks stienri Meney 5g6 N. Y. Central 131K trie 44i AdamttExpress 112 Michigan Central 01 Miphlin Southern 1084 Illinois Central 10-2 Clev. mndft Pl.ubu.Kh 11H Chicago A Beck Island. 152 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. 117 Western Union Tel. Ce HI Teledo & Wabash... 13 fcew Jersev Central 862 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. Mr l.l United States 6"s, 1831,;(reBMered)..ia-Wie(Wi United States 5-s, 1SS1. (registered). .iretSeiOS1?? United Sfjiri'i Unitetl States United States Currency ti's Sterling Exchunge NEir ADFERT1SEMENTS. TMPORTEp AND DOMESTIC SAUER KRAUT and all kinds et Groceries verv cheap at P. GIN DER'S STORE. marl2-2td 355 East King street. TOASTER CARDS. Marcus Want's English and Prang's American EASTER CARDS, 4.T L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AXD STATIONERY STORE. Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, MARCH 20. 1SJ0. will b sold at public alc, at the public liense of .luceb l.ehr. in the village of Millersville. Lancaster county. Pa., the following, te it : 11 Bedstead and Hedding, Bureau, Cupboards, 3 dozen I'liuirs, 1 deen Ilar-roeni Chairs, 3 Steves, 1 Parler, 1 Uar-remn and 1 Grange Rocking chair. Extension Table. 3 ether Tables, Bar Fixing-, .Mirrors, Blinds, 2 Weed Chests. 8 Demijohns, Barrels and Kess. KM Yards of Carpets. Wash stands, Pitchers and Bowls, Knives ami Ferks. Siieats, Lurd. Hams and Snu-ngu by the pound, let of Chickens by the nalr. Ceal Oil Lamps, Queensuare, Glassware, Crockery, Tubs, Stands, Pets, Pan-", ami a large let of ether articles tee numerous te mention. Sa'e te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. et said d.iy. when attendance will be given gnd condi tions of sale made known by JACOB LEIIR. Sam'l Hess & Ses, Ancts. mlJ-Otd EASTER NOVELTIES! Pilcter Voipeo Aselectlonefproseand verse uaatCi V UiWj. for the season, in unique form. li!ict(ir TrTTOTl A collection of Poetry, beau- ami Beautilul Rinding. EaSter CardS. .v'Ss. appropriate and Devotional Beeks. AMRSSSSSSER r.with appre- prime te me season. AT THE BOOK STORE OP J0I BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QlffiEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. PUItLIC SAXK OF HOUSE FURNITURE. On THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1SH0 will be sold at public sale at 41 West King street. Lancaster city. Pa., the following personal property, te wit : Bedsteads, lounges, inut tresses, s-ttes,a mahogany marble-topped wine closet, tables, chairs, rocking chairs, two wal nut tables, cupboard, water eoeler, clothes racks, one new clothes wringer, scales, guttu pereha soap dishes and an immense let of queens and glassware, some that has never been in use and some very old relics. A very tine glass ease of asserted stuffed squirrels, 30 in number, and all efdiffereut varieties. Stene and earthenware, also about 20 deinljelius.laril stands.eheppering machine, lard press, bottles, hand satchels, larire let of pictures, looking glasses, Kritauiiia ware, a very line cigar ease ler en a bar, about loe yards of carpets, rugs, oilcloth as geed us new, Ssetset harness, 3 horse blankets. 1 new barrel copper kettle, of the old style, glass candlesticks, a large let of window sashes, doers, sbutters.liat racks, win dow Minds aud shades, bird cuges, tin boilers, 3 hand saws and ether carpenter tools, let of baskets, slippers, let of maps, reflectors, lan terns, cradle.largc clothes baskcts.candclabrus, clocks, let of springs, mahogany draw bed. 5 casters, teaspoons, knives "and forks, chop blocks, 4 years of Harper's Mnuazine, 2 years et Atlantic Menthlji. 1 year of Galaxy, ceiil aud weed stoves, barrels. tubs, stands and In short a large number of articles net mentioned. Sale te commence at a o'clock a. m., when attendance will be given and conditions made known by WM. J. COOPER. Sam'l. Hess & Sew, Anet marl.'Mtd Tie Game of 15 Easily Solved. Yeu have only te buy a few pounds of enr Excellent RIO, JAVA or MOCHA COFFEE, and you will have no trouble. Tiie people ask why is it that BURSK always I.a- such fcoed COFFEES. IT IS EASILY EXPLAINED. We buy Geed Coffees and always have them FRESH ROASTED. That is the reason why. Just received another let of Fresh Rie, which we will have Fresh Roasted e verv da v, and will sell It at 25 centn per pound. Try h. Fancy Busine-s Cards with each pound, a Prang Chrnme with 2 pounds. FINE BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE AT D. S. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. Ail USEMEXTS AN EVENING OF SONG. The world-renowned Singer, PHILIP PHILLIPS, will give one et his inimitable evenings of song, assisted by his son, in the First M. E. Church, North Duke Street, en Thursday Evening, March 18, 1880, Commencing at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 35 cents! Children, 25 cents. ml3&18d T7ULTON OPERA HOUSE. J? TemmvMack, ... Maxaeie. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1S,1SS0. Temmy Mack's Minstrels. 20 PERFORMERS. 20 neaded by the Great and Only 3 BIG 3 McSerley, Turner and Mack, the Famous Seng and Dance Team and Grotesque Ethiopian Character Artists. SAM. MAXWELL, of New Yerk, will make his first appearance here en this occasion. A Large Number of Old Faveiites will appearand the PIE EATING MATCH and CHAMPION CLOG DANCE will certainly come off. General Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. m!3-2td e PEltA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVEG, MARCH 19, 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER assures the citizens of Lancaster that he has arranged for presen tation at the Opera Heuse the most brilliant Comedy he fins ever produced, Augustin Daly's Latest Success, entitled AN ARABIAN NIGHT, . WITH MB. E. F. THOENE, MISS CARLOTTA EVELYN, and a Company et New Yerk Favorites, capa ble of doing lull and complete justice te the re markable Comedy. It is laughable in concep tion, pointed ami witty in dialogue, and rich in costume. I can net tee highly endorse the entire company and play. ADMISSION, - - 25, 50 & 75 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, ... 75 Cts. Diagram at Opera Heuse Office. ml3-3td INSTATE OF WILLIAM 51. WHITESIDE, !i late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, ull per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te E. K. Martin, attorney at law, Ne. 33 North Duka treet, or UXU.Y H. WHITESIDE, fb7-3td3A3tw Administratrix. '' ic-.u. iicuisiervHiiu.fti ii)7r 4$s. 1X91, (eiUK)n)...107iSI07r KF.......ll,--(ilW. i 13 t'l. 1, I M t i W 1 1 ii?i -? ,!