K?--:'Vs.-f- y ' " -r i J W'.' jMntnfjirr"i'i,ffT'"'"a'tff'' 1 A ,.., f-tj , ---....' '- - - -i .,MH ! BJfc WlS HfiM.45 JV&Vrrrr-rrT-, f ,it-tiMhrrGiT; AimMamsssslSSSSSZSss uri c LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY. MARCH 11 1880. s1r'""' ;. ! ' I'. ' 1 it ill ASSESSMENT APPEALS. A Warm Time Before the Commissioners. This morning the county commissioners heard appeals by property owners of the First and Third wards, city, and the borough of Marietta, from the increased s valuation put upon their properties by the county commissioners. There were quite a number of appellants in attendance! most of whom were owners of valuable properties. Seme of them were represent ed by counsel, and all insisted that the assessment was tee high. The greatest number of appellants were from the First ward. It will be recollected that when the several assessors of the wards and town ships returned their books te the county commissioners and the beard found that the valuation had been se much decreased that the rate of taxation would have te be increased te raise enough revenue for county purposes, they made a general revision of the assessment and directed the assessors of the several wards of the city and of some of the country districts te add an average of six per cent, te the valua tion as returned by them. All of the city assessors did se except Mr. "Welchans, of the First ward, who refused te change his figures. The commissioners themselves re vised his book, added an increased valua tion te several of the valuable prop erties which they believed te be assessed entirely tee low, and then added eight per cent, valuation te all the properties in the L ward. As only six per cent had been added by the commissioners te the valu ation of property in the ether wards the ire of the First warders was raised, several meetings were held within a few days past te devise means te secure redress of Iheir grievances, and as above stated they ai pcared before the commissioners in force this morning. In a few instances where injus tice appeared te have been done, the com cem com missieuers lowered the valuation, and in iibeut half a dozen ether cases took off the eight per cent they had added. In the main their increased valuation was ad hered te. BLAINE AM) JtAYAIiD. IVcHldeutiai Preferences at Franklin mid Marshall. A careful canvass of the students as te their first choice for president has been made with the following result : In the Senior class, which contains twenty-three men, there are 18 for Blaine, e for Bayard, "2 for Tilden, 1 for Seymour, 1 for Kandall, :unl I having no political proclivities. In the Junier class, which contains fifteen men, there are 10 for Blaine, 1 for !raut, 8 fur Bayard, and 1 for Seymour. In the Sophomore class, containing 25 men, there are 10 for Blaine, 1 for Seymour, and 1 18 for Uay Uay fer the best ard, man. In the Freshman class, containing 14 men, there are ." for Blaine, 8 for Bayard and 1 for Tilden. Frem the above it will be seen that the liepublicau students in the college arc unan imous for Blaine excepting one, whose first choice is Grant. The Democrats are divided as fellows : 2!) for Bayard, 8 for Tilden, 8 for Seymour ;iwl 1 for Randall. Many Kepublieans declare that they will net support Grant if nominated. Til den is the second choice of about one-third of the Democrats. m:i;iibokheoi sews. Events AcreHS tlie County Line. Henry Ward Bcechcr lectured in Allen town Monday evening. He was booked te lecture in Pittsburgh en Tuesday, and having missed the regular train from Al Al leutewii te Heading, he was compelled te charter a locomotive te overtake it. A sick woman in Beading had a pre sentiment that she was going te die and had a shroud prepared for herself. Seme days age her hired girl created a sensation by stealing the shroud and carrying it away with her. On being accused of the theft the girl confessed stealing it, and the ghostly garment was returned. Jehn Lynch, seventeen years of age, re siding at Landenberg, Chester county, last evening was taken te the Pennsylvania hospital unconscious and in an apparently dying condition from fracture of the skull, lie had been at work upon the railroad near Linwood. A crowbar, which he had been using rolled down a bank and was struck by a passing locomotive and hurled against Lynch's head. Arrested iu Williainspert. The Williainspert Banner says : "A few days age Chief McKcan received a warrant for and a description of a young man wanted at Ephrata, Lancaster county, en the charge of fornication and bastardy. Tiiis morning he spotted his man and put him in the lock-up te await word from the authei ities at Ephrata. He is a young, al most boyish looking fellow, and it is said has a wife in this city. The chief at once dispatched the information of the arrest, and will retain his prisoner until receiving directions as te the disposition te be made of him. His name is Allen Halm and he seems te be acquainted in Williainspert. This morning some lady visitors called te see him in his cell, one of whom was said te be his wife." Bern in Columbia. Cel. E. Bcatty. who died en Sunday in Carlisle, much lamented, was born in Ce lumbia, this county, May 0, 1817. He be came a printer and began business by pub lishing the Columbia Spy. He removed te Carlisle in 1848, having purchased the Herald printing eflice. He published the Herald until 1857, when he sold it and connected himself with the firm of F. Gardner & Ce., founders and machinists, of which firm he was a member at his death. He served gallantly during the war in the Reserves and en Gen. Reynolds' staff, commanding the militia forces, re maining in one position or another of the service until June, 1864. He was married te Miss Margaretta E. Piper, who, with two sons and one daughter, survives him. Charged with Adultery. Themas King, colored, appeared before Alderman McConemy and made complaint of adultery against Ann Richardson, also colored. Mr. King said he made the complaint by request of Ann's husband, who is working at Baldwin. Mrs. Rich ardson was held for a hearing en Monday next. Henry Rappe had a hearing before Al derman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, last evening en the charge of incestuous adultery with his daughter, a girl aged about 16 years. He was held for trial at court. A Quiet Wedding. At Alderman Barr's office this morning were married in a quiet way Mr. Henry L. Iloepes and Susanna B. Tayler, both of Chester county. Alderman Barr read the service, and several young lawyers acted as witnesses te the contract. H. P. C. A. Tbe Pennsylvania Society te Prevent Cruel ty te Animals. The twelfth annual report of this asso ciation has been issued in pamphlet form. Celeman Sellers is president of the society, and among the honorary vice presidents is J. J. Sprenger, of Lancaster. The list of local representatives includes Samuel Slokem, Christiana; Geerge Badger, Col umbia ; E. II. Burkhelder, Farmcrsville ; J. C. Walker, Gap; Levi K. Brown, Geshen ; Geerge H. Ettla, Marietta ; Dr. C. H. Stubbs, Peters Creek ; R. C. Ed wards, Quarryville: C. J. Rhoads, Safe Harber. One of the chief ciTerts of the association during the past year has been te promote a school of veterinary surgery in this state from the neglect of which science many valuable animals suffer and mauy mere are lest. The state society last year received $5, 730.80, of which $1,409.46 was from inter ests en investments. It expended 83, 703.41. The agents of the society have been ac tively engaged in patrolling their several districts ; in investigating complaints ; in visiting the cattle yards, examining and reporting the condition of stock arriving by rail, watching their unloading and reload ing, seeing that they were properly water ed and fed, and, when disabled or wound ed, having them mercifully killed ; also, inspecting the yards in which cows and calves were exposed for sale, and prevent ing the practice of bagging, which inflicts great suffering en the cows and, at the same time, deprives the calves of their needed feed. Complaints arc made that this form of cruelty is stiil continued,and direc tions Iiave been given te arrest these persons who .ire found persisting in tiiis practice. The attention of legislators is called by the society te the sufferings inflicted en live calves in shipping them from railroad stations, where they tee long remain unfed. On the poultry question the report says: "The increased business of sending chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc., alive te market by railroad and steamboats, consuming several days in transit, has claimed our particular attention, the ship pers frequently sending them iu coops te closely packed, without any prevision for feed or water. These coops are often made se low as te compel the fowls te assume a sitting posture from which cramped position they arc un able te rise, thus causing much suffering and necessarily rendering them unfit for feed. We have measured some coops which came under our notice, and found the height allotted te full-grown fowls varying from 8 te 9 iuches, whereas it should have been from 14 te 16 inches for chickens, and from 20 te 24 for turkeys. Remonstrance proving unavailing, arrests were made and fines imposed by the mag istrates ; our secretary has also written letters te shippers of live poultry, and called the attention of carrying companies te this practice, and we intend te continue our efforts until mere careful treatment manifestly renders such labor unneces sary. Most of the cases brought before the so ciety and ministered te through its influ ence are these of illy treated horses and mules, but during the past year beat en, turpentined, clubbed and tormented dogs ; starving, scalded and dirty cats ; baited bears and even abused turtles have received merciful attention. The seeiety makes strenuous effort te abate cock-fighting and deg-fighting, with measurable suc cess. Touching the .,.iiclioratien of the condi tion of horses this report says: "Wc no tice with increased satisfaction tlie care and kindness generally manifested in this city in the treatment of horses and mules, particularly these used in teams and for business purposes, and with comparative ly few exceptions these used in the city passenger railway cars; also the relief afforded te animals by vehicles of improved construction, which are gradually super seding the cumbrous cart and dray; wc are pleased is the exception, te state that it and net the rule, that officers have te interfere en account of improper treatment of draught-horses by their drivers. There is one class of horses, wc regret te say, that still continue te suffer at the hands of their drivers, namely, the horses owned by the rich. We would naturally expect greater care from persons of this class, yet scarcely a day transpires en our fashionable thorough fares or in the park but horses may be seen that are suffering torture from the use of the bridle, the ward by the fashionable double-bitted head being drawn up cruel appliances attached thereto, the mouth forced out of its proper shape, and the muscles of the neck un naturally contracted by the tightly drawn check-rein. The drivers have beeu ex postulated with, and communications ad dressed te owners whose names could be ascertained, yet this shameful practice still remains a disgrace en our civilization. Wc cannot but believe that much of this abuse exists without the knowledge of the owners, and would again respectfully call their attention te the subject, especially de we solicit ladies, drawn by these noble animals, te use their influence te prevent this cruel abuse. " A detailed account is given of the bull and bear fight at Custer City, which the society vainly tried te repress. The managers say : " Owing te the cowardice of the principal witness, and the defective action of the justice at Custer City, we failed te secure the conviction of a number of the participants, as well as the confisca tion of the animals employed in this disgraceful exhibition. The ac- tien of the society in this affair however, aroused the attention of has, thoughtful persons in that remote section of the state, and will no doubt tend te prevent the re-enactment of similar occur rences, by revealing the power which the state has wisely vested in the society for the protection of animals from cruelty." The Soup Heuse. Daily rations have been given out at the soup house ever since it started and for the past week or mere there has been a slight falling off in the number of appli cants. Last month the daily average was ever 400, but it will net be se large this month. This morning the number given out was 290, but it is almost always above 300. Should the weather continue te be very bad the soup house will remain open for a short time, but if it should become fine again it will be closed en Saturday. Argument Court. The list for argument court, which commences en Monday next, is out. In common pleas court there are forty cases down for argument, with nineteen in orphan's court and five in quarter sessions. Want It Known As Mt. Helly.; The colored people at Arcadia station en the Peach Bettem railroad, are restless about the name by which their new church is called by some. They have almost unanimously agreed te call it Mt. Helly, notwithstanding the white trash call it Arcadia. One of tli3 brethren writing te the Oxford Press says : In my estimation, the colored people can cheese their name for themselves ; their right is as free us for any nation of the earth. Let us agree en one name and Mount Helly let it be. Suppose, as time passes, some of the brethren are called up higher, te take their seats inside the beauti ful gates of Paradise. They go te the gate and knock and St. Peter he say "whedar?" One of the brudders say he come up from Mount Helly and the ether say he clim the steeps of Arcadia. St. Peter, he leek kind of stunned and say he believe he is net suf ficiently acquainted with the geography of southern Lancaster county te locate 5leunt Helly and Arcadia, as se few people have come up from that county ; but he would just get the atlas and see. Why, says he, here I find the Peach Bettem railway worming across the country and here is a place marked Arcadia; but where is Rigby ? and I don't see Mount Helly. A few Rigby saints are here, who fought their way up threujdi much tribulation ; but there is an evident lack of spirit these latter days. A wail gees out for Rigby, because her quarterly and yearly meeting days will no mere awake the responsive chimes of heaven's arches. Has Rigby been razed from the face of the earth and left no 11.11110'.' Yes, yes, St. Peter, say one of the brudders, we have buildcd her anew at Mount Helly, hard by the station called Aarcadia, and we come up here, claiming the glorious title of Rigby's'sens,and though my brudder here has said lie was from Arcadia he means Mount Helly, and we want in. The white folks say we be Arcadians, but we knew we can't get te heaven by the Peach Bettem railway and se we have concluded te alfef us register from Mount Helly. And St. Peter said it was wise and se marked Mt. Helly ever Arcadia en his map and welcomed them in. Se let us knew our meeting house as Mount Helly at Arcadia Station." LOWEK KNU ITEMS. Culled Frem the Oxford Press. Next Sunday Rev. Orr Lawsen, pastor of the Oxford Presbyterian church, will preach the tcntii anniversary sermon of his pastorate. Eastland public school will give a musi cal and dramatic entertainment in East land hall next Friday evening. The Oxford banking company is taking the preliminary steps for changing into a national bank. It will adept the title of ' The Farmers' national bank of Oxford." About eighty persons were present at the tenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, Little Britain town ship, en Saturday last. B. Franklin Brown and Themas C. Fitc of Little Britain township, started en Mon day for Peoria, Illinois. These young men go West te seek their fortunes. Jehn Helmes and Nelsen Bunting, of Colerain township, lest six cows and one ex by plcuro-pneumenia. The balance of the cattle have recovered and they cenli-.' dcntly hope the disease has run its course at that place. Pay Day. Te-day is pay-day en the Pennsylvania railroad. The pay car reached this city about 2 o'clock this afternoon and found a large number of employees in waiting for their wages. It took less than ten iniu utcs te pay them off, and the car then sped en towards Columbia. The usual route of the pay car, we are told, is te leave Philadelphia in the morning, run west as far as Wayncsburg.then up the Waynes burg branch te New Helland, then back te the main read and west as far as Pom Pem Pom erey,down the Pomcrey branch, and return te the main read, then west te Columbia, south te Pert Deposit and back through Columbia te Ilarrisburgand return via the Mount Jey branch, te Lancaster, and thence te Philadelphia. The trip occupies less than two days. HI ere Grou.id-IIeg Philosophy. When snow upon the frozen earth is lying Earth is lying! When tempests agitate the startled air Startled air! When athwart the angry sky dark clouds arc Hying Clouds aie flying! And outside mortals shiver in despair In despair 'Tls then, coiled in his hole and free from lrem bother Secure from snow, or hail, or hunter's gun Hunter's gun ! Taking one consideration with another With another ! The ground-hog deems his let a happy one Happy one ! Tobacco Sales. L. Bamberger & Ce. have bought from the estate of the late Simen Minnich, of Landisvillc, the crops grown by him in 1877, 1878 and 1879. The 1877 crop con sisted of 115 cases of very fine wrappers and had been held at 28 cents, wc believe, at which price it was until lately above the market. The 1878 crop was the product of 30 acres. The 187D tobacco was large and fine, but badly hail-cut Pike Purchased. The West Chester Republican says : " It is rumored that the Pennsylvania railroad company have purchased tlie Lancaster turnpike from Philadelphia te Ardmore The rumor further says that the new owners intend improving it and making it a fine drive." Anether Snow Storm. Venner is king and the ground hog is his prophet 1 This morning another snow storm set in and as the mud of yesterday was pretty well frozen last night, the snow lies deep enough te make sleighing tolerable. A few, a very few, are testing the practicability of running en runners. A Small Heuse. The mayor had a small audience at the station house this morning. Only one bum mer was in the lockup last night, and he was discharged this morning. Concert. Concert and entertainment, consisting el vocal and instrumental music, recitations, tablcaus, &c., will be given at the First Baptist church this evening. Mrs. Fred. Ebekle, Bellairc, O., was for a long time severely troubled with Rheumatism. The St. Jacob's Oil instantly relieved and en tirely cured her. New Advertisements. Te the Suffering Humanity. Vet ti and Rails Fer Sale. Tobacco Packer Wanted. Cattle Fer Sale. Glad Tidings. Bey Wanted. Public Sale. Personal. Lest. Qf Fer further details ms advertising 0 riuran. SEW ADrERTISEXESTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grradea of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plats te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BEO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Tlie rose bud opening te the morn. While yet the dew hangs en the thorn. Exhales less sweetness than is went Te breathe lrem lips that SOZODOXT Has touched with a soft crimson glow That shows the dazzling teeth off se. SPECIAL NOTICES. Shrewdness and Ability. Hep Bitters se freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and are supplanting all ether medi cines. There is no denying the virtues et the Hep plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are me palpable te every one' observation. Ex change. ml-2wd&w Statistics prove thai twenty-hve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher'a Uenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance T Use Lecher'a Herse and Cattle Powders. A New method in Medicine. By this new method every sick person can get a package of the dry vegetable compound, Kidney-Wert, and prepare for themselves six quarts of medicine It is a specilic cure for Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion and Piles, and a great tonic for females. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. He coughed ! he coughed ! His eyes ran ; he looked rudder in the face than a lobster. But " Sellers' Cough Svrup" cured him. They Werk Together. When your system gets out of tune and you feel completely played out, it is pretty certain that you need a medicine te act en both the Kidneys and Liver for these important organs work together in freeing the system et its waste, and keeping up the tone. Then take Kidney-Wert, for this is just what it docs, ter it is both diuretic and cathartic. The greatest medicine known for producing an appetite is " Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Pure Spices at. I.eeher's Drug Stere. Catarrh et the Bladder Cured. Henrietta, Menree Ce., X. Y., Jan. 5, 18E0. II. 11. WAUNER& Ce.: Gentlemen: i am a man t7 years of age, have lived in Menree county, N. Y., most of my life, and believe there is nomauef my acquaintance who would doubt any statement 1 might make. I have been a terrible sufferer of Catarrh of the Blad der for years. Hearing of a number of cures from the use of your remedy, and after taking a few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, I was net only relieved, but found my self cured. THOMAS OWENS. ml-2wd&w Coughs." Buewn's Bronchial Troches" will allay irritation which induces coughing, giving oftentimes immediate relief in Bron chitis, Influenza, Hoarseness, and Coiiisumr Ceiiisumr tive and Asthmatic Complaints. niO-lwdTTh&S&w Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE BAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is tlie GREAT BELIEVER OF BAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen lul of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be al al selutcly sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. rianlS-lvd&wTuTlutS Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Mether's Oriet. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Fer lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price 'i" cents. Sold by I. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. The Best I Kver Knew Or. J. G. Starkcy, a prominent and influential citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several years, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without any relief whatever, until 1 saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. I am happy te slate that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 7." cents. Sold by D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, uiid M. U. Davis. Millersville. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for he mere successful treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge. Friee SO cents. Sold by D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. s26-codD&eev W HEATHS. Metzeeu. At his residence, in Philadelphia, en Monday evening, March 8, 1880, at 8 o'clock, Emanuel Metzger, lermerly of this city. Funeral from his late residence, Ne. 1801 Wallace street, Philadelphia, en Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. 2td Stanley. March 10th, 1880, Mrs. Frances A. Stanley, relict of Jehn C. Stanley, M. D. Netice et funeral hereafter. 2td IlitEcirr. March 10, 1880, at 6:20 p. m., in this city, Michael Brecht, iu the 69th yearel his age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend Ids funeral, from his late residence, 136 Seuth Prince street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral ser vice at St. Jehn's German Reformed church, corner of Mulberry and Orange streets. Inter ment ut Lancaster cemetery. 2td " SEW AVVKHTISEMESTS, ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF FINE STOCK CATTLE, weighing from six hundred te ten hundred pounds, for sale te-morrow morn ing, at L. SENSENIG'S ltd Dreve Yard's, Lancaster. T OSTl Xj In this city, a Black Cleth Freck Overcoat. In one of the pockets a pair of black kid gloves. A suitable reward will be paid en the return of the same te this eflice. ltd POSTS AND RAILS FOR SALE. The undersigned has about 1,000 4-hole Chestnut Pests, and about l,000ChestnutRuils, which they will sell at reasonable prices. A. MILLER A SON, mll-3tdTh Millersville. UIBK. LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR ft STAUFFER, Beat Estate ft Ins. Agts., 3 N. Dekw St. dscSO-SmdReed SEW AHVERT1SE31ESTS. I NSUKE YOUlfpItOPEKTY IN THE BEST COMPANIKSat BAUSMAN & BURNS. 2:-tleedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. J..ANCABTEK. IJeC. 12, 1S7!. TNSURK YOUR PROPERTY' IX RELIABLE JL COMPANIKSat BBNJ. P. SHENK'S, Oflice : 103 West King Street. decl2-3mdR MADAME ALPLANALH, A HUNGARIAN Gypsy, traveling with her family and de scending from the Magyars of Hungary, will be for a short time at 14t North Prince street, from 10 a. m. te 9 p. m.. te exhibit the Gypsy's art as practiced by her people. Fee, Ladies. Sue ; Gentlemen, $1. mll-lwd T.URST BAPTIST CHURCH. A GRAND Concert and Entertainment consisting et Vecal and Instrumental Music, Recitations, Tableaux and Dialogues. ON THURSDAY EVENING the 11th. Adult tickets 13 cents. Children's tickets 10 cents. Deers open at 7J- o'clock. ml0-2td JUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OP CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1830. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, 127-tfd I THE VERY LATEST OUT. H. S. UAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 14fi East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phil'a Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce.. et Muncy, P:u Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Phil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen anil Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. f7-lmdR 11UBLTC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, en MONDAY, MARCH 13, 188K, at Ne. 216 East King strest. consisting of one Fine Parler Suit, containing 2 very large Gents' Chairs, 1 Large French Sefa, t Wall Chairs, 1 Otteman, all covered in flue silk and upholstered in all hair, 1 Extra Fine French Lounge, 1 Fine Walnut Chamber Suit, 1 Cottage Chamber Suit, Dining-room Furniture, consisting et Sideboard, Extension Table, Chairs, Ac., 2 Extra Fine Engravings, elegantly framed, entitled " Woodland Vows " ami "The Wedding King," 2 Elegant Marble Tep Tables, 1 Parler Heater, 1 Cook Steve, 100 yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpet as geed as new, and a let of ether Household and Kitchen Furniture tee numerous te mention. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. m.. sharp. MKS.E. G.SIMCOX. Sam'l Hess & Sen. Aucts. mlKStd. Business Cards ! Business Cards ! ! Something New and Very Attractive 1 We have en hand the finest Selection et Bus iness Cards in the Market at YEItY LOW PKICES. 45TCALL AND EXAM INI OUR STOCK. nilOtfd JlEJtICAX.. rpe THE SUFFERING HUMANITY! N. LEWIN, M. D., Xe. 2-tt WEST KING STREET, Lascastek, Pa. DR. LEWIN, who has been a resident of Lan caster but a lew months is a graduate et the University of Dorpat, Russia, with a practic ing experience et twelve years, in which period he has been acting as Regimental Physician in St. Peteisburg, and alterwards practiced in Berlin, Germany, with great success. We call the attention of the suffering public te the fact that he successfully treats EPILEPSY, RHEUMATISM; NEURALGIA, CATARRH, and nil chronic diseases. The severest cases of Chronic Catarrh cured in ashert time. References and testimonials from former patients can be seen at my etlicc. Persons without means will only be asked payment ler medicines. Communications from a distance attended te by mail. mll-lyd&w G LAD TIDINGS! TO THE AFFLICTED WHO IIAVE LOST ALL CONFIDENCE IN PHYSICIANS AND DRUGS. Remember, under the Omnipathic practice of DR. GREENE.nearlyall fonnset'diseaseare cured. Over 400 of the mestdiflicult (se-called) incurable patients, from the best families in Lancaster, under his charge. ASTONISHING CURES te tell you if you'll call at our offices. JOHN GOODMAN, who has tested the med ical abilities of Lancaster's M. Ds. for l!l years, se cured in two weeks astogeto work. JACOR PAINTER, 430 Locust street, a sufferer for 12 years, all the time doctoring, cured in two weeks. Rev. JOHN HUNTER, formerly pastor of Church of Ged, of Lancaster, is here recog nizing his friends with his lelt eye with which he has been blind for 1G years. Several persons cured of consumption : one lias gained 2:1 pounds in five weeks. WILSON H AMI LTON, 3fii East King street, consumptive for ten years, has gained a pound a day for ten davs. CHRISTIAN ROOTY brought here, Jan. 2(, in a carriage, and Feb. 28, walked here without aid. Oneef the best known citizens, who was unable, under the treatment et leading physi cians, te raic his arm ter 10 years, was cured in 14 days. B. S. KAUFFMAN, of Millersville, led in blind Feb. 14, with both his eyes looking like clots of bleed, could see the paintings en his walls March 5. Ne pills or poisons placed in the stomach; all the remedies placed en the outside of the body. Catarrh Cured ferSOrents. Consultation tree. UK. C. A. GREENE, 206 North Queen Street. mll-CmdTu,ThAS HOUSE JFUItSISHISa aoeovs. "J3ARGAINS. FLIM & BRMEMAS" Are offering Greater Bargains than ever in TINWARE, TABLEWARE ASD Heuse-Furnishing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixtures at VERY LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North. Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. rjiRY LOCHER'S COUGH YRUP. T1IED EBITIOff. THURSDAY EVE'G, MARCH 11, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 11. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, falling barometer, northeast te southeast winds, stationary or higher temperature, cloudy weather, snow and rain. l'ETKOFF GUILTY. The Legislative Rooster Has HI Wings Clipped. Haiuusburg, March 11. The jury in the rase of Ernil J. PetrelT this morning returned a verdict of guilty of attempting te bribe Representatives Watsen and Mac lay. CONGRESS. RepubUcan Dilatory Tactics in the Kouse Washington, March 11. In the Heuse, at the conclusion of the morning hour, the Heuse resumed , the consideration of the political assessment bill. Mr. Hostetler (Ind.) demanded the pre vious question, and en the question of seconding the demand three Republicans refraining from voting, thus leaving the Heuse without a quorum. Sharen Pays a Flying Visit te the Senate. In the Senate Mr. Sharen was present and explained tlie reason of his prolonged ab sence. He said further he would be again ab sent for the next three or four weeks and asked indulgence of the Senate. He said new, as he had often said before, he knew his duties and responsibilities, and that his resignation was at the disposal of his constituents whenever they cheese te call for it. HOME RULERS. Their Violent Manifesto. Londen, March 11. The Heme Rule Confederation of Great Britain has issued a violent manifesto te the Heme Rule associations and Irish people, declaring that Lord Beacenflcld has issued in the guise of a letter te the viceroy of Ireland a declaration of war ; that the letter appeals te the worst passions and prejudices, for the purpose of stirring Englishmen against Irish nationality and advising them te vete against him as against an enemy of the country. UNDER FIRE. Anether Posteflice Official Crime. Charged With Baltimore, Md.. March 11. Majer W. O. Bigelow, postmaster at Annapolis, had a preliminary hearing before Commissioner Rogers this morning en the charge of be ing a defaulter te the United States by hypothecating postage stamps belonging te the United States. He was admitted te bail in $3,000 for a further hearing en the 18th inst. TOO FRE8II. Arguing Against tlie Repeal of the Duty en Salt. Washington, March 11. Representa tives Hiscock and Herr made arguments before the Heuse cemtnittec en ways and means te-dny in opposition te the removal of duty en salt. There are four bills new before the committee providing for the re peal of the duty, and these in favor of the measure will be heard at a subsequent meeting of the committee. UNITED STATES A1ARS1IALS. The Heuse Appropriations Committee Re ports Prevision for their I'ay. Washington, March 11. The Heuso committee en appropriations at their meet ing te-day decided te incorporate in the special deficiency bill the item of $000,000 for pay of United States marshals and deputies without any proviso or restric tions, and instructed Representative Mc Mc Mahen te report bill at eticc te the Heuse. THE READING MOULDERS. One Hundred and Fifty of Them en Strike. Reading, Pa., March 11 One hundred and ii fty meulders employed by the Read ing hardware company went en a strike this morning for an advance of 23 per cent. The linn has notified them that they would give a definite answer te their peti tion eti Saturday. DENIS KEARNEY ARRESTED. Charged With Misdemeanor and Incendiary Utterances. San Francisce, March 11. Denis Kearney was arrested by the police at his residence, this morning, en the charge of misdemeanor, bascdjen remarks at a meet ing Tuesday night. He furnished bail and was released from custody. Fire in the Ceal Regions. Mauch Chunk, Pa. March 11. A fire at Audenried in this county last night destroy ed the eflice and store of the Lehigh and Wilkcsbarre coal company and two houses, most of the goods in the store and dwell ings were saved. A Delaware Railroad Blocked. Wilmington, Del., March 11. The trainmen of the Delaware and Dorchester railway struck for higher wages at Seaford yesterday and the trains have ceased run ning. A MANIAC'S SUICIDE. A Baker Cuts His Threat in the Belief that lie has Killed his Wile. A man about forty years old, decently dressed, of middle height, and wearing a heavy beard, entered Rupp's bakery, at He. 4G2 Ninth avenue, New Yerk, early yesterday morning and asked a girl at the counter if there was a yard back of tlie store. Before 6he could reply a customer entered, and the man, with a frightened leek, ran through the store into the yard at the rear and thence into the baking room in the base ment. There be saw Mr. Rupp and asked him excitedly for a knife. Seeing one lying en a bench, he moved toward it, but a son of Mr. Rupp coming in at the moment in tercepted him. The stranger then cowered in a comer and exclaimed : " Have you come for me ? I killed her ! I did it !" The man was then put into the street, and at once ran into Philip Fleichner's shoe store, and seizing a knife from a bench, drew it across his threat, cutting a fearful deep and wide gash. He fell at once te the iloer, and the alarmed shoe maker sprang te the deer, calling lustily for the police. Officer McDermott came in, and an ambulance came from the Rosevelt hospital. On his way thither the wounded man murmured : '" I kil.ed her I killed her." When asked whom he had killed, he could only say, " My wife. In Christopher street this morning." He died in half an hour, and remained through the day without identification. Last evening a reporter learned from Officer Bewer, at the Ninth precinct police station in Charles street, that early in the morning a boy came te him while he was en his ptst, telling him that there was the devil te pay uat Ne. 154 Christopher street." The officer found nothing wrong en going there. The reporter visited the place and found it te be a little bake-shop kept by one Charles Brucker. Frem a neighbor it was learned that Brucker had acted strangely for some time, and this morning, after quarreling with his wife had disappeared. Upstairs in a small room, surreuuded by three little children, the wife was found. She denied that her husband had ill-treated her, as did the elder child, a boy. At the hospital, at a late hour, it was ascertained that the dead man had worn a ling bearing the name of Charles Brucker. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Phlladblfhia, March 11. Fleur dull and weak ; superfine $i 00g4 50: extra $5 0OQ5 50 ; Ohie and Indiana family t 507 00 ; Penn'a family 6 254jt; 75; St. Leuis family i 7972: Minnesota family $6 036 75 ; patent and high grades $725S23. Rye flour 5 00. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat firmer; Ne. 2 Western Red S143Q 1 44 ; Penn'a de $1 431 44 ; Amber 91 441 44!. Cern quiet ; steamer Mi3Ke ; yellow 5ec ; mixed 54c. Oata firm ; Ne. 1 4S04Dc; Ne. 2 47J.c; Ne. 2 mixed 45c. Rye sterdy ; Western S0S'J2c : Pa. 90ji02e. Seeds firm ; geed te prime cleverseed $72.ft S00; de timothy 325i3333; de llaxseed scarce at $1 751 'JO. Previsions sluggish; mtss'perk $13 00 ; "bee t hams $17 506)18 0O: India mc.-s beef iiluul l!u- ren smoked shoulders 5J bS3Jc; salt de iQ 4Jc: smoked hams 'J'd)Kfe ; pickled luiui-t t?H9Mc. Lard quiet; city kettle 7J,ic; loose butcher.' 7c ; prime steam 7c. Butter firm with gedd trade ; creamery extra 35ji37c; Bradford county uud New Yerk extra 2728c; Western reserve exira at i.'iJiiSc ; de geed te choice 212u'e: rolls Ann and scarce ; Penn'a extra 22&23C; western leservi- extra 2325c. Eggs firmer; Penn'a lc; Western 12J 13c. Cheese steady; N. Y. factory 14i514p; western full cream ltjDIl'ie ; ., .orvfeod 13JiU 13; de hall-skims 12i':ic. Petroleum steady : Itelincd 7"'. Whisky atI 10. New Yerk market. New Yerk. March 11. Fleur-Mate anil West ern dull and prices without decided change: superfine state 14 (."y.' 15: extra de $5 24550; choice de $5 5el; lancy de $t 10 3)750; round hoop Ohie $." 75t;ei): choice de $0 107 50; superfine western! CTZ 75; common te geed extra de $r 255U5 ; choice dodo$5 70S00; choice white wheat de $.'&'() ti 50; Southern quiet; common te fair extra $5 75t 30: geed te choice de $t; 4ud 00. Wheat Spring quiet and nominal; Winter c better and moderately active; Ne. 2 Red, April, $1 451 4rM ; de May $1 41. Cern i,HiK better and quiet ; Mixed West ern spot 59)jG0c ; de future .WfeSTJe. Oats about steady, including Ne. 2casIi4Vt; March 47J4; April 45e; State 47j5!c; Western 4750c. Mteek Markets. Puiladkli-iiia, Mar. 11 12:30 p. M. Stocks weak. PennaG's (third Issue) 10 Philadelphia &. Eric 17 Reading ::5 Pennsylvania ff' Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. of N.J 1M) Northern Pacific .V? " Preferred 55'; Northern Central 33f. Lehigh Navigation :,l Norristown lOJi Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Titu-tvide & I'.uilale. 1!2 Little Schuylkill 53' New ieuic. Mar. 10. Stocks buoyant. Meney effjii N. Y. Central 131 Krie 4."i;'-M Adams Express 112 Michigan Central '.12 Michigan Southern i(w Illinois Central Wi't Cleveland A. Pittsburgh.. ..Hi Chicago & Reck lslan d I.V! Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. I ! Western Union Tel. Ce 111??, Teledo Wabash 44; New Jersev Central .... s7 United States Bends and Sterling Jixcliang (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d anil Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. II. United States O's, 181, (registered). .105103 United States .Vs, 1881, (registered). Amy. United SUUes 4Ji's, ltl, (legisleredJlOTMlit? United States 4's, lS'.d, (coupons).. United States 4's, 1007. (registered). .107iiffll7'i .105Jili'5'i United States Currency U's.. Sterling Exchange WASTED. WANTKU. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the IirruLLKiENCKK, who wants something te de. -IXrANTKI). W Tobacco Packer, packer. Address ltd 'Oe;l wrapper 31." This Olllee. WANTKD. A stout boy about IS or 20 year-, old learn baking. Apply at L. GOOS SON'S. ltd Ne. 101 Middle Street, te AIEIHVAL. Brandy as a ledicine. The lollewing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for KidgartV e:d Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et tiiis county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in Ids regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic btlmulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in t lie cure of some of tlie destructive diseases whu-h sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllictcd with that miserable uis e:ise Dyspepsia, a specilic remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple uu-diciuc, when used properly. A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe ami use but one article, and thut is REIGABT'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II.'K. SLAY3IAKER. This Iiraudy has steed the test for years, and has never tailed, as !ar as our experience extern Is, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Ilrandies, nematterwlth hew manyjaw-breaking French titles they are branded, one-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would sullice te buy all the Brandy te cure uny such case or cases. In proof of tlie curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon Hum hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been adlicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number et years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he hail sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McOrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of ILs wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. lie used the Brandy faithlully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting any tiling which he chose te cat. lie still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practising Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AQKNT TOR Keigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1783, importer aitd dkalkr IX FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in IMS, 1827 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 20 EAST KINO ST.. LamCASTKIC PA TOBACCO SEED. I bare for sale several choice varieties of Tobacco Seed, which I can recommend te grower. Securely put up in one dollar pack, agia. JOHN S. ROURER. OfBM: "Rehrtr's Warehouse" mlO-tfd LaacMtar, Pa. I ?'l m - ti H i it m r,l fa'J ',.H i ?v M m rV.I !: I m i-ii . vl i it' u S3 -'"i n s M Si cd 8)1 u I U