i , " mV -?- . iJP.V.S v - " ! LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY. MARCH 9, 1880. t" 1. 't hf -. ii. HB- I ! t Kl I.Kl I"?Y I1!.-' I ' I I l I J ,i n Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 0, 1880. THE MODERN MINING ENGINEER?" Read at the last meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. I knew our carboniferous King Ceal and Themas Anthracite; I knew the points ei dlttercnce twlxt specular and hematite; 1 quote in high-toned phrases, and disdain te use tautology, And sing the toughest passage in Dana's min eralogy; I tell undoubted crystals from anhydrous clays or cobble-stones : I've learned the different systems, and I've studied Claiborne fossil bones ; I knew the thermic units of the melting point efFranklinite; Can tell a modern pelly weg from saurian or. trogledite; I'm posted en the theory and practic of bi olegy But I'm Just a trine weak upon the nice points of theology. In fact, in matters vegetable, animal and min eral, I am a very model of a scientist in general. I knew some cheerful facts about deposits ar ar gentifeeous; I've made myself authority en tieatingeres auriferous ; I have a pretty fancy for rcslliancc and ten sility And when a lee is tendered I can take it with agility. I'm net restrained from modesty from telling what I knew about, And at our meeting thrice a 3-car my facts I freely threw about. I talk en any subject that the chair declaies debatable. And take delight in formula; when figures are "cquatable." In lact, in matters practical, tangential or ecu trifugal, I am a very model of an expert scientifical. I knew the average tensile strength of water, gas anil CO -2 ; Can give the fixed atomic weights of FcO., and 1. 1). Q.; Can calculate the make anil ce-t ei Bessemer or Pernet steel, Or tell with a pyrometer hew spirits in inferno feel. I can manage a blast furnace and a mighty yield ei cinder make, Anil ler my fuel, coal or colic, peti eleum or tinder take. I can write a tedious paper en 'most anything you cheese te name, And credit ler the things I've done it isn't any use te claim. In slieil. IMn crammed en everything, and hope I've made the fact appear That I'm the very model of a modern mining engineer. A Flerida Emperor's Estate. The ether day I went down en the beat te the island of Fert Geerge, at the mouth of the St. Jehn's river. The island of Feit Geerge, embracing some ten square miles in its area, is grown up with p.ilmet p.ilmet tecs, dates, palms, live oak and oranges in a close feiest. The ground is grown ever with casters, and en every side is te be seen the wealth of color, the gorgeous forms of vegetable growth, and all that one ee.s in pictures of equatorial life. Here en this little island an old planter named Kingsley formerly reigned with absolute sway. Te be sure ; he had ether planta tion's, three or four of them fuither up the river : but here was the seat of empire here the "Whitehall or the Windser Castle of his despotism. Did Kings ley want slaves for his plantation, he 01 dei ed hi fast-sailing sleep te Africa and get them. Did he have cotton or to bacco or sugar te seli. he sent them te the foreign markets at Liverpool or Manches ter in his own vessels. "Vas justice te be administered te any of hundreds of retain ers. Kingsley sat in his judgment hall and pronounced it. His wife, indeed, was a princess of royal African bleed, as black as coal but every inch a queen. Their chil dren, when they grew up, asserted their equality or rather their superiority spite of color, and one daughter married a wealthy merchant of New Yerk, while another, a son, went abroad, entered foreign courts' and is te-day a diplomat of acknowledged position. Anether son was te have succeed ed him in his dominion en the island, but he died,and the house which the old man built for him te occupy as a palace is said te be haunted new. Seme twenty years age old Kingsley died, his wife having gene before him, and the property has new been di vided up. Fert Geerge island belongs principally te ex-Congressman Rawlins, of New Hampshire. Three or four Xew Yerk gentlemen have orange groves en the island, but Rawlins is its principal owner. The Kingsley empire, however, has been dividid and no longer enjoys its old-time position. The sceptre has de parted from it, anil new it is simply a re minder of what it once was a dream of the tropics. Cincinnati Enquirer. Maine Xcus. Hep Bitters, which are advertised in our columns, are a sure cure ler ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. These who use them say they cannot be tee highly recommended, These afilictcd should give them a fair trial, anil will become thereby enthusiastic In the praise of their curative qualities. Portland Ad. Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 18S0. II. IL Waksek & Ce. Dkak Siu: I write te say that alter having taken your Sale Pills and finding them all that is claimed ler them in veur circular, 1 cheerfully recommend them 'an the best Tills In the market. JOSEPH PRATIIER, 409 M. street, Washington, I). C. GROCERIES. w HOLESALE AJSD RETAIL. LEV AX'S FLOUR AT Xe. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. U7-lyd FINE GKOCEMES ! FOR Canned Fruits, FOR Cress it Itlackwell'ti Pickles, FOR Extra Reef. FOR Lea H. Pcrrin's Worcestershire Sauce, FOR The Tiny Tim Pickle, FOR Sardines, Fresh Lebster and Salmen, FOR Eagle Itrand Condensed Milk, FOI1 Wlnslew, liakerer Excellent Cern, FOR French and American Peas, FOR Raking Penders. FOR Extracts for Flavoring, FOR Fresh Akren Oat Meal, FOR Tapioca, Farina, &c, FOR Fine Evaporated Apples and Peaches, FOR Dates, Figs. Prunes, &c, FOR New Maple Sugar, FOR MIchener's Hams, FOR The Rest Groceries, go te D. S. BURSK'S, Ne. 1 7 EAST KING STREET. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -THE- Lancaster Organ Manufactory Without a doubt, furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market, Wareroerrm ?,2f) North Queen street, Manufactory In the rear. JSrancli Office, 1.1JS East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CHICKERING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music. Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Itand Instru ments, Ac, always en hand. fl3-lydB&lyw CLOTHING. A ME CIAICE ! The Greatest Reduction of all in PINE CLOTHES. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. All Heavy Weight Woolens made te order (for cash only) at COST PRICE. I have also just received a Large Assortment ei the Latest Novelties in ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND AMERICAN SUITINGS Of Medium Weight, for the EARLY SPRING TRADE. Thcie goods were all ordered beiere the rise In Woolens, and will be made te order at re markably low prices. Alse, aFine Line et SFHIXG OVERCOATING, H. GBRHARTS, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING'S Grand Opening et SPEIM WOOLEIS! Londen and Parisian Novelties, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICE SELECTIONS, CORRECT AXD LEADING STYLES. Having enlarged room, extended facilities and increased light ler displaying the Hand somest Stock et WOOLENS for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR ever etreivd te the public, forming a Grand PANORAMA of Beauty Taste, Talent and Skill. The Latest Novelties of the Season. All are cordially invited te examine our -tock. Prices en plain cards a low as consist ent w ith lirM.-ehi.-s Werk and Tiiuimings. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. maiS-lydS&W CEITRE HALL, 2i CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK In. order te inaice 100m ler the Large Spring Stock, Which we aic new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te Ijc sold at the Lewest Prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 26-lyd LANCASTER. PA. MEDICAL. G 1 LAI TIDINGS. Anyone visiting my offices will hear con stantly the same old story, viz: "I've been doctoring for years with various physicians and am no better, net cured." And they can also hear a mere welcome story from my patients, viz : " Under your simple treatment I am well." Over 150 difficult chronic cases treated during the month of January, all bet ter or cured se far as heard from. Jehn Geedman, of 314 North Queen street been doctoring ler lit years ler Rheumatism, dyspepsia and neuralgia, lias net had one geed night's rest for years. He is new sleeping well and pains have gene. Jacob Painter, 430 Locust street, suffered and doctored for 12 years. Cured in two weeks. Consultation at etllccs free. Call and get or send for 16 page pamphlet free. Catarrh cured ler 50 cents. Rev. Jehn Hunter with restored vision, after being blind for 10 years, will preach every evening at Rev. Seule's church en Orange street. DR. 0. A. GREENE, (.'il Years Experience), Ne. 23G North Queen Street. kr Wanted tebuy Clean old White or Green Glass Vials or Jlettlcs any size. 13-CmdTu,Th&S TIXARCUS G. SEHNEK, HOUSE CAEPENT.ER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al teratlen and repairs. 913-lyd Greatly JRY GOODS. 1AHD TO THE LADIES! Just received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 & 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection with our Large Stock of Carpets, Yarns, &a, A FINE LINE OF DRY GOODS, such as CALICOES, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, TICK INGS, COTTON FLANNELS. CASHMERES, BLACK ALPACAS, SHEETINGS, NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING. NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, Ac., which we are selling at MODERATE Pit ICES. m4-3md SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SEW STYLE LAWNS. Openen this day one case et 3,000 Yards of Lawns, te be sold at the Lew Price of 10 cts. per yard. Purchasers can save at least 5 cents per yard by anticipating their wants for the coming Warm Weather, and buying these goods new, at FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te tbe Court Heuse. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Just Opened a New Line of Madras & Canten Ginghams CHOICE NEW STYLES. SHEETINGS, LINENS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, QUEENSWAEE PRIIE EEATIERS. J. B. MARTIN & Ce. MEDICAL. v skidnevpad. D The enlv cure for Diabetes, Gravel. Dropsy, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Rack, Inability te Retain or Expel the Urine, Catarrh of the Blad der, Affections of the Spine, and Diseases et the Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organs. It avoids internal medicine: is comfortable te the patient; certain in its effects. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail en receipt of price, $2.00. Day's Kidney Pad Company, Teledo, Ohie. ANDREW G. FREY. Distributing Agent ler Lancaster County. Agencv, corner North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster Pa. aprl'J-lyd HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT KIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS ggp HOP BITTERS, ay ERS ERS (A Medicine, net a Drink,) HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP KIT HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP hit ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS and the purest and best medical qualities et all ether Kitteis. They Cure All Diseases et the Stomach. Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. 81,000 IN GOLD will be paid ler any case they will net cure or help, or for anything impure or injurious found In them. Ask your druggist for Hep Bitters, and try them before you sleep. Take no ether. Hep Ceugli Cure is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask Children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is su perior te all ethers. Ask Druggists. I). I. C. is an absolutely and irre sistible cure for Drunkenness, use no opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send ter circular. All above told by Druggists. HOP BITTERS MFG. CO., a9-lyeed&w Rochester, N. Y. HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP KIT BIT ERS ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS KW K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV K-W DUET ffOST! THE ONLY MEDICINE K-W K-W K-AV K-W K-W That Acts at the Same Time en ,v"w K-W T rrr. K-W The LIVER. K-W K.w The BOWELS, K-W K-W k-w And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W These great organs arc the Natural K"w T- ,., Cleansers of the System. If they . Iv"w work well health will be perfect : it iv .. . they become clogged, dreadful dis lv",v eases are sure te fellow with K-W K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, K-W Jaundice, Constipation and Piles, or K-W KidneyCemplaints,Gravcl,Diabetes, K-W Sediment in the Urine, Milky or K-W Repy Urine ; or Rheumatic Pains K-W llI,e Aches, are developed because K-W the bleed is poisoned with the hu-K-W mers that should have been ex- K-W pclled naturally. k-w KIDNEY WORT K-W W'U restore the natural action and K-AV all these destroying evils will be K-AV banished neglect them and you will K-AV' live but te suffer. Thousands have K-W been cured. Try it and you will K-AV add one mere te the number. Take K-AV an,l health will once mere gladden K-W your heart. K-AV AVhy suffer longer from the ter-K-AV ment of an aching licart 7 AVhy bear K-W such distress from Constipation and K-AV Piles? AVhy be se feartul because K-W of Disordered Urine? Kidney AVert K-AV will cure you. Try a package at once K-AV an,l ee satisfied. K-AV It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-AV of medicine. Your druggist has it, K-W or will get it for yen. Insist upon K-AV having it. Price $1.00 K-AV Wells, Richardson & Ce., Preps., K-AV BURLINQTON, A't. K.AV (Will send pest paid.) jul3-lyd&w K-AV K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV K-AV K-AV HAPPY RELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. New method of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a hlgn reputation for honorable conduct and profes sional skill. mar-fyd BEW GOODS FOR THE SPBUG TRADE, AT GUNDAKBRS. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rucbings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at GTJNDAEEB'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cufls, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. H. HOTTGKHTOlNr' COACH "WORKS, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Rear of the Lamb Hetel. NOTICE. Te all who may want a First-class Shifting Tep Buggy, Tretting Buggy or Jump Seat Carriage, Phaeton or Market "Wagen, or any repairing done in my line, please give me a call. All my New Werk is first-class and at the V ery Lewest Prices. Alse, all repairing done at my shop is done at short notice, and the Best Style and Lewest Price. NOTICE. Gentlemen, I will at all times exchange a New "Wagen en a geed, sound Herse or Mules, at H. HOUGHTON'S, Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Lancaster, Pa. WE GUARANTEE TO SHOW THE Largest Stock, Latest Styles and Newest Colorings, in CARPETS! In the City, all at Lewer Prices than the same can be bought either in Philadelphia or New Yerk. B-WE INVITE EXAMINATION. GIVLEE, BOWEES & HUEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. EOR SALE OR REN1. STOIC; KOOBI Queen street. FOR KENT, NO. 114 N. Possession given Januarv 1st. Apply at d9-tfdl Xe. 112 North Queen Street. Y OR BENT. Twe rooms. Ne. i4 North Queen street. suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J S. Saurman. Apply te dec26-tfd THUS. UAITMGAKDXEK. FOR KENT. A three-story Brick Heuse, en North Prince, between Chestnut anil Walnut streets. Apply at THIS OFFICE. febl3-trd A COLLAR FACTORY AND LEATHER bTOUE FOK KENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Stere for rent. Alse suitable ler any ether business. Apply te 123-Tu,Th&Stfd JOHN A. SIIOBEIJ. I70R KENT. . The second story of Eshleman & Rath von's Hanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a K. It. Depot, en Chestnut street. U. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stf Attorney-at Law 1?IRE PROOF SAFE FOK SALE. " ' A Fire Proof Safe (Hosier, Baliman & Ce., Cincinnati make), 34 inches high, 26i wide and 24 deep, weight 1,200 peundt, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, ler sale cheap. Apply at the jana-tiuj lTJiL.LiUJiJMJi!iu urnuis. PUKLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1SS0, at Ne. 529AVest King street will be sold at public sale a let of Household and Kitchen Furniture consisting of Beds and Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, Steves and many ether arti cles. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. m. HENRY WOLF, mar4-Ctd-,12 Administrator. "jl TORTGAGES FOK SAL.. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one ter $10,000 and the ether ler $4,750, first liens and well se cured en eligible city Real Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Mishlcr, dee'd. Inquire et AA'M. R. AVILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. M-tlW&S Lancaster, Pa, GIFT DRAWINGS. AUTHORIZED UV THE COMMON AVEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the World. 18th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1830. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 1SU9, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of tl State. The management call attention te the grana opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only $2, any of the following prizes 1 prize $ 30,000 1 prize 10,000 1 prize 5.000 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 000 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 1,900 prizes $112,400 AVhole tlekels,$2; half tickets. $1 ; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank dratt in letter, or by ex press. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Address R. M BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Building, Leu isville, Ky., or at 103 Broadway, New Yerk. rf23-TuTh&S&w CUINA. AND GLASSWARE. ryjEENSWARE! O.UEENSWARE!! Housekeepers, new is your time ler BARGAINS. ODD AND DAMAGED AY ARE sold at Sacri fice, and all ether goods at Reduced Prices ler a short time only, at CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. S East King Street. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended te without additional cost. e27-ly u SE LOCHER'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER8. EMBROIDERIES, CC COAOH WORKS. DRY GOODS. PLEASE NOTICE! :e:- DRY NEW SPRING WATT. SHAND Are Showing a low Spring Suitings and Dress Goods. Just Opened a New Invoice of our famous BLACK CASIIMEIJES. Manufacturers have ad vanced the prices 15 per cent. These goods were bought early in the season and will be sold at Lew Prices. Our Standard BLACK SILKS are thoroughly reliable and the best value in the market. Latest Novelties in Brocaded Silks, Pekin Stripes and New Dress Trimmings, at the NEW YORK STORE. HAGER & SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES ' FULL LINE LARGE STOCK OF LARGE STOCK OF LARGE ASSORTMENT OF All of which they offer at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. INSURANCE. T ME OLD GLRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster. Pa. 8-MAV&S0mdR PRINTING AND RINDING. TUST RECEIVE! AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1880. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, 127-tfd I THE A'ERY LATEST OUT. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS PRINTED ON CHECK BOABD (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse, STRUNG TAGS FOR LABELING BALES ' OF TOBACCO. Contract and Receipt Beeks the Lewest Prices, &t -AT THK Intelligencer Office. an!2-tfd GOODS. DRESS GOODS! 4 COMPANY Choice Assortment ei BROTHER IIAA'E NOW OPEN CASSIMERES FOK PANTS, CASSIMERE SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS, BLACK WORSTED DRESS SUITINGS, GENTS' CLOTHING, DOTS' CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, is the Best Bleed Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the Impurities of the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis ease!, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau tilying the complexion. Dyspepsia, AA'eakness et the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Hitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It is a medicine which should be in every tandly, and which, wherever used, will save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimhnials furnished en appli cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un equalled In their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. II. II. AVARNER & Ce., Rochester. N. Y. 2 decO-Tu.Th&Sd&w GENTS' GOODS. L ATEST STYLE Gote mil Eat Ms. BEST FITTING SHIRTS, AT B. J. ERISMAN'S, 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TRAVELERS' WIDE", LANCASTER AND MIIXEKSVIIXE B.K Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. U. Depot), at 7, 9, an.t U:30 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. ui., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. m. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, S, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. (IOLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. R j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: STATIOSS NORTUWAHD. Express. Aci-ou. a.m. r. M. 6:30 2:45 7:07 3:43 7:20 4:00 7:34 4:17 7:51 4:41 7:57 4:49 S:30 5:35 Acceui. Express A. M. V. M. 11:00 6:20 11.50 U:4 P.M. 12:05 6:54 12:31 7:0! 12:51 7:20 1:11 7:32 2:15 S:u Pert Deposit.... Peachbottem.... Fite's Eddy..... McCall's Ferry.. Shenk's Ferry.. Safe Harber. Columbia. Stations Southward. Columbia.... Safe Harber.. Shenk's Ferry... McCall's Ferry.. Fite'sJEddy..... Peacnbottem.... PortDenesit PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD N EW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 9th, 187J, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Arrive Philad'a 3: a.m 7:00 ' 7:40 10:00 "" 12:01 v. i: id"" 5:00 " 5:30 7:20 " 9:30 ' Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line Y'orkAecem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, Dillerville Acceui. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Acceui. Arrives, Pacific Express Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Accommodate. AA'kstwabc. Leave Arrive Philad'a I Lane'ter AA'ay Passenger, 12:30 . NiacaraExeress 8:00 5:00 . 10:115 10:10 U:ii5 Il:ii7 10:50 2:10 1 2:15 2:50 5:15 7:20 7:25 8:50 11.30 2.40 i Hanover Accommodation,. Mail Train Ne. l,via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne. 2, via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Aceoinmedat ion, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisbursr Acceui ineduL'n. 8.00 8:00 11:50 2:30 : 4:00 5:00 0:25 9:10 11:55 Columbia Accommodation, uarrisuurg express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en Siindav, when Hag gcd, will step at Middletown, Ellzabethtewu, Mt. Jey, Landlsville, BiriMn-Hand, Leman Place, liap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn.CoatesvilIe, l'aikes burg, Mt.Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown. Hanover Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at 10:30, A. M.,"and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 i m., and will run through te Frederick. READING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY. OCT. (rn, 1.-7U, passenger trains will run en this lead a ol-lews: Leave Lane'ter 12:2r A.M. 4:10 " 5:20 " 7:30 " 7:35 " 8:45 " 9:10 " 1:20 " 1:2" p.m. 2:00 " 3:05 " 5:20 " 0ri5 " Trains Goixe Seuth, a.m. a.m. p.si.jr.M. Reading, 7:30 11:55 i;:le 1'. m. Reinholds 8:01 12:24 fi:l5 .... Ephrata, 8:18 12:40 7:.: Akren, 8:24 12:15 7:0- Litiz, 8:13 1:02 7:25 Manhcim, 9:02 1:13 7:3 Lancaster Junction,.. 9:05 1:10 7:15 , Landlsville, 9:10 1:30 7:50 Columbia 9:45 1:55 SrJO .... Dillerville, 9:27 2:02 start .... Lancaster, 9:33 2:05 8:10 5:00 King Street, 9:45 8:20 5:10 Harnixh, 9:58 8:34 5:30 West Willow, 10:05 .... 8:42 5:39 Baumgardner, 10:09 8:47 5:15 Pequea, 10:17 8:55 5:53 Relton, 10:23 9:01 0:02 New Providence, 10:34 9:12 6:15 Hess, 10:42 9:19 6:28 Quarryville 10:50 9:25 0:35 Trains Geino North, a. m. jr. m. r. m. a.h. Quarryville, f:45 2.35 7:50 Hess, 6:52 .... 1 2.41 7:58 New Providence, 6:59 1 2:1; 8:13 Refton, 7:11 ' 2:59 f:27 Pequea 7:18 3:05 8:35 Baumttardner, 7:26 3:13 8:43 AA'est AVillew, 7:32 3:1s 8:19 Harnish, 7:41 3:20 9:00 King Street, 7:55 3:10 9:20 Lancaster, 8:05 1:00 3:50 j-.-j3 Dillerville, 8:08 1:03 3:53 Columbia 8:00 1:00 3:.!5 Landisville 8:30 1:30 4.e: Lancaster Junction,... 3:30 1:25 4:15 Manheim, 8:49 1:18 4r.M Litiz, 9:00 2:0O 4:30 Akren 9:16 2:18 4:17 Ephrata, 9:23 2:25 4:53 Reinheldsville 9:42 2:16 5:14 .... Reading, 10:05 3:20 5:50 .... Trains connect tA Readini; with trains te uinl from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, AI AI leutewn and New Y'erk. At Columbia uitli trains te and from Y'erk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. AArILSON,-Supt. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. New Y'erk turecuii mail. 7:00 a m, 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p in. Way Mail, east, 7 a m. Goudenville, Dowiiingtewn, Lcatnau Place, Gap 6 p m. Philadelphia, through mall, 7 and 9 a m, 12:50, 4:45 and 11:30 p m. Pittsburgh and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Harrisburq Mail, 10 a m, 1:30, 5:15 and 11:30 p m. AVay Mail, west, 10 a m. Baltimore and Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltimore and AVashiwoten, via Y'erk, 1:30 p m. Baltimore and AVashinoten, via Harrisbuiir. 11:30 p m. CeatesVILLE, 4:45 p m. Columbia, 10 a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10 a m, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia It R, 7:30 a m and 12:30 p in. Reading, via Harrisburg, 5:15 nnd 11:30 pin. Reading way. via Junction, Litiz, Manhcim, East HempfieUi and Ephrata, 3 p m.J Quarrxville, Caiuarge, Refton, New Provi dence, West AVillew. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:30 a m, and 7:30 p in. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Ball, GoedvIIle, Beartown, by way et Downingtown, at 7 a m and 6 p m. Sake Harber, via Columbia, 10 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwatcr, te Sate Harber, daily, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersvilie, 8 and 11 a in, and 4 p m. Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bareville, New Helland, 2:30 p in. AVillew Street, Smithville, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs. Fairmeuiit and Rewla'ndsville, Md, daily, at 7 a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, AVcst Earl. Farmcrs Farmcrs ville, Hlnkletewn, Terre Hill, Marundale. daily, at 2:30 p in. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Neffsville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticville, Cclc manvllle. Mount Nebe.Rawlinsville, Bethesaa anil Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postellice is open from April 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a m, and from 6 te 7 p in ; from October 1 teApril l,fiem 9 te 10 a in, nd Irem 6 te 7 1 in. AVUEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a m. 10:45 a m, 3 and 6:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 10:45 a m. AVestern mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and 6:30 p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 p m. AVestern way mall, 8 a in. Reading way mail, 10:30 a in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and Millersville, at 9 a m, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a m. daily. Frem Rowlandsville, 3Id, at 2:30 p m. Reading way mail, at 10:30 a in, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 a in, daily Frem Nctlsville. at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinsville.at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each dav, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter becs. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the ellice at 6:30 a in; second delivery at 10a m; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. EDUCATIONAL. rpilE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH X Franklin and Marshall College otters su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either teprepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. rOCHER'S COUGH SY'RUP CURES CON .J SUMPTION. 1 1:1 a a ? .if. n S hi M .iii u V II lft '' K si sfe II H A . d j """""gEnmi