Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 06, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
Is He In Earnest!
"An ex-Confederate and journalist,"
coached by Cel. Ferney, has written
what he calls " a tract en the political
condition of the country addressed mere
particularly te the thoughtful men of the
Seuth," its aim being te prove that " the
hour and the man " have met in the can
didacy of Gen. Grant for a third presi
dential term. The writer is at least en
titled te credit for the frankness with
which he lays down his premises, and if
these are admitted the logic of his conclu
sions will probably net be dis
puted. His argument differs from
that of most of his associates in his
premises, or at least in the fact that he
makes no concealment of them. It is
net upon Grant's personal rectitude, his
military services, his civic virtues, nor
his display of administrative skill, that
this writer bases Grant's pretensions
te another and probably numerous mere
successive terms in the chair which
"Washington and Jeffersen and Jack Jack
eon voluntarily abdicated after eight
years of honorable occupancy. In short
this writer believes that the country
needs a king, and, assuming this, he
thinks, with Judge Black, that
Grant is fitter than anybody else we have
te "herd with vulgar kings." In the view
or this ex-Confederate, we have come te
realize what Macaulay predicted, that
our constitution was " all sail and no
ballast," and we are speeding te destruc
tion for want of a " strong man" at the
helm. He needn't be pure of heart, nor
great of intellect, but he must have a
strong arm. " The count of noses," he
says in speaking of popular suffrage,
"male and female, Jew and Gentile,
young and old, white and black," never
having been resorted te strictly te decide
civil questions, what we have of it might
as well be obliterated and the manage
ment of things entrusted te a select few
selected by themselves of course. The
ignorance of the negre voters in the
Seuth, and the discontent and disorder
of the laboring classes in the
North, and the influx of for
eigners with a taint of communism,
convince this writer that all the demands
for a strong government are at hand;
and se he favors Grant for the head
of it.
And it does net occur te the people
who are circulating this pamphlet in
Grant's interest, that it is a most power
ful satire against the third term !
The Pregramme.
The retiring editor of the Philadelphia
1'ress fires his parting shot at Christo
pher L. Magee, the " cheerful political
oracle" of Pittsburgh, whose oracular
utterances are te the effect that Grant
stock is net en the decline ; the Pennsyl.
vania state convention was net in any
sense friendly te Blaine; the "unit
rule " was virtually adopted unani
meusly ; while the Delaware and Ches
ter district alone has pronounced against
it, yet its delegates " will fall into line
when the time comes;" the delegation as
a whole is satisfactory te Senater Came Came
eon ; and, finally, that there will " net be
any trouble with the delegation." All of
which rose-colored Cameren view of
things the retiring editor of the Prats
thinks will be dissolved when the politi
cal realities of the Chicago convention
are realized.
Mr. McPherson, having engaged upon
a course of labor in which he can benefit
Mr. Blaine or Mr. Sherman mere than as
editor of the Press, may knew whereof
he prophecies. We assure him that the
little oracles here in Lancaster talk ex
actly in the same strain as Mr. Magee ;
and the apparent consent of the local
managers te the selection of national
delegates at the primary elections is only
a bending of the reed until the storm be
past. They have no idea that delegates
thus elected will be admitted te the Chi
cago convention, the preliminary control
of which will be in Den Cameren's
hands. But they de knew that unless
they made some show of consenting te
such selection the primaries would be
called and held,and. delegates chosen any
how. They will see te it that their dele
gates already chosen are net put up te
be bowled down at these primaries. If
Lancaster county Republicans expect te
get Blaine delegates into a national con
vention, they will net accomplish it by
merely electing them. They will have
te held a little national convention of
their own. They might secure Jehnsen's
famous " back office" for the purpose.
The only excuse thus far offered for
the confirmation of Marshal Kerns,
through the active efforts of some Demo
cratic senators and the passive assent of
the ethers, is that perhaps he has prom prem
ised, in consideration of his confirmation,
te aid in securing some Democratic enu
merators of the census and some Demo
cratic marshalls in Philadelphia. This
excuse is as bad as the offense of con
firming Kerns. He was proven te be a
notoriously unfit and unfair partisan,
who abused his office te serve the worst
ends of the Republican politicians. Sen Sen
aeor "Wallace's investigation disclosed
this and his sieech declared it en the
Senate fleer. Hayes had premised te ap
point a decent, Christian gentleman te
this office and was bull-dozed out
of his purpose by the politicians. Seeing
that he could net be confirmed Kerns
was doubtless very willing te premise
that hereafter he would only be one-half
or two-thirds as big a rascal as hereto
fore. But what are we te think of Dem
ocratic senators who would make such a
bargain with him, or huckster with a
confirmed Republican rascal for a little
Ietty patronage ?
The ExMtnincr is as severe en its for
mer Republican friend W. D. Stauffcr
as it has been cruel te its old pretege J.
"W. Jehnsen. The Intelligencer
could net have followed the ex-mayor
with a mere terrific assault than te
charge that he was first elected lecalise
of his faculty for lying, and then defeat
ed because lie overdid the business. Of
course be did net tell the truth when he
swore that the Istkuaeesckh libelled
him and he added cowardice te false
witness when he sneaked behind our j
backs and had the case settled and the
prosecution withdrawn without our
knewedge, andhisediteral defender only
equalled him in meanness in refusing ever
afterwards te publicly confess the falsity
of the charges he had incited Stauffer
te make against us. Nevertheless we
feel se certain that the whole party are
ashamed of themselves that we must,
in a Christian spirit, sympathize with
them in the Examiner's laceration of
their feelings.
Judge Patterson, in filing a batch
of opinions this morning, remarked that
they finished up all the opinions he had
te file except one. That was probably
the suspended judgment in the Seventh
ward election case. Probably net.
Mr. Edw. McPnERSOX's Press has
heard the news that Mr. Edw. McPher
son is about te quit it.
The late A. E. Bekie left personal prop
erty amounting te $1,400,000.
W. G. Dokline, for many years a lead
ing writer en sporting matters in this
country and in England, died in New
Orlcads en the 29th of last month.
The eulogies in the Heuse of Represen
tatives en the late SenatorHeusTON occupy
thirteen pages of the Congressional Recerd,
comprising the speeches of fourteen mem
bers. Gen. "W. II. Koextz, of Somerset, has
accepted the invitation te deliver the bi
ennial oration before the literary societies
of Franklin and Marshall college at the
approaching commencement.
Commedore Jesiah Hanscom, ex-chief
of the bureau of construction and repair,
navy department, who has been ill for
some time past, died yesterday morning at
his residence in "Washington, in the Geth
year of his age.
Judge Black's article against the third
term has been republished in the Chicago
Tribune, Cincinnati Commercial and ether
able and influential Republican journals
that are opposed te imperialism and the
"man en horseback."
William gees aceurtin',
With her silent sits.
Beth engaged in gertin'.
Weed in little bits.
Xet a word they utter
Cur'eus kind e' ceurtin'
New und then they mutter :
' Thirteen fifteen fourteen."
Hut eight or ten out of the three hun
dred members of both houses of Congress,
who served in that body when Mr. Fer Fer
naneo "Weed entered it, are new living,
and net one of them is new in Congress.
Mr. Weed was first elected in 1841 as a
member of the Twenty-seventh Congress.
Geekge William Curtis, in conversa
tion with a Tribune representative has ox ex
pressed in a forcible way his views of the
movement te nominate Gen. Grant. He
declares that this movement is due te a
clique of self-seeking politicians ; if Grant
is nominated he holds that he will be de
feated and the Republican party disorgan
ized. Sam Ward sent te the Beefsteak club
of Londen a gift of Blue Point eystes,
Cariben venison, Flerida oranges and
Bourbon whiskey. Se many members
wanted te discuss the venison that the
fortunate ones had te be baUetted for. The
oysters were immediately disposed of by
the Heuse committee, the oranges were
distributed among the members and the
whisky csrefully preserved, having been
pronounced the best kind that has ever
leached Great Britain.
The difference between Tiiee. TneMAS
and the beard of directors of the Cincin
nati College of Music culminated yesterday
in his tendering his resignation te take ef
fect in October. The beard accepted his
resignation, and intimated that it would
be injudicious te prolong the engagement
te October. Colonel Nichols, the presi
dent of the beard, also tendered his resig
nation, but the directors declined te receive
it, holding that his conduct has been sat
isfactory. Jacob R. Kline, sr., who was well
known in the district of the Northern
Liberties, died at Ne. 920 North Third
street, having resided there for seventy
two years. Mr. Kline was for many years
a member of the Sixteenth section school
beard, and held the position of president.
In 1843-44 he was a member of the Legis
lature te which Chief Justice Sharswood
also belonged. It was through his efforts
that the borough of "West Philadelphia
was incorporated, and although a Demo
crat, he presented articles of impeachment
against Governer Perter.
The magnificent diamond necklace pre
sented by the khedive of Egypt te Mrs.
Fitch, daughter of General Sherman, and
valued at $200,000, after passing through
numerous vicissitudes was returned te
the giver because Lieut. Fitch was unable
te pay the yearly taxes en the diamonds.
Upen receiving them the khedive wrote te
the general saying that it was net his de
sire that the diamonds should be given te
any one member of his family, and, hav
ing learned that he had four daughters, it
was his desire that the diamonds should be
mounted in sets and equally divided be
tween them. These daughters are Mrs.
Fitch, nee Minnie Sherman, Ella Sher
man, Lizzie Sherman and Rachel Sher
man. The necklace was then returned te
the Sherman family and mounted in four
magnificent pendants, four pairs of splen
did solitaire car-rings and eight rings.
These four ladies are new the happy pos
sessors of four complete suits of diamonds,
the value of each suit being at least $75,
000. Important Trials.
The legislative bribery trial will come
up before Judge Pearson in Harrisburg en
Monday, and will present the largest array
of counsel that has ever appeared in any
of our courts at one time. Messrs. Judge
J. S. Black, Senater Matt Carpenter, Hen.
Franklin B. Gewen, District Attorney
Elias Hellingcr, Geerge H. Irwin, J. C.
McAlarney and Jehn W. Simonton, esqs.,
appear for the prosecution of Messrs. Gen.
Charles A. Albright, Hen. William II.
Armstrong, Hen. F. Carrell Brewster,
Hen. Lewis C. Cassidy, Hen. A. J. Herr,
Hen. Rebert A. Lambcrten, Hen William
B. Mann, Hen L. W. Hall, "Wilbur F.
Salter and Jehn II. Weiss, esqs.. for the
Their Age.
Blaine touched 50 years en last of Jan
uary. Grant was 57 last April. Sherman
was 50 last May. "Washburne was 63 in
September. Cenklingwas 50 in October,
Garfield is in his 49th year. Bayard was
51 in October. Thurman reached his 66th
birthday in November. Hendricks whb
00 in Scntembcr. Tilden was 66 this
Fceruary, ana in me mmmu mumu cuerai
Hancock was 55. Seymour will be 70'
in May.
The German population of New Yerk
city is estimated te be 250,000. Of this
number 80,000 are Protestants, 60,000
Catholics, 60,000 Jews, and 50,000 are
classed as indifferent, infidels, etc. The
number of Protestant communicants are
Victer Huge has a whim of always talk
ing about his age. On the " literary "
evening, when he is about te read te his
guests some unpublished fragment, he
never sits down te his table covered with
lamps and books without previously draw
ing a large pair of spectacles from his pock
et. This always calls out a series of excla
mations from these about him, en which
the poet never fails te say : " But lam 900
years of age, children an old man."
"Am I tired of life?" said a cheerful
old man the ether day, in reply te the
question " Net a bit of it. I remember
landing in this town with a chip bat and a
hickory shirt and a pair of breeches. I've
been way up and I've been flat en my
back, yet I'd like te begin and go it all
ever again, chip hat, shirt, breeches and
all. Why ? Well, you see, when you
come te the end you don't knew what's
beyond. I'm dead sure en this ether
thing ; and en the whole this world just
tickles me te death."
The Protestant Standard says: "The
march of progress, the mighty achieve
ments of science, the inventive genius of
man, the annihilation of time and space,
and the facilities of gathering intelligence
from the four quarters of the glob?, and
spreading it out before us every merniug,
are calculated te engage tee much attention
and te prevent the proper study of the
Bible. But we cannot neglect this duty
with impunity. The neglect will seen be
apparent in our lives."
Tnt county of Rockbridge, Va., is agi
tated by a discussion of the morality of
dancing. The local pulpit has taken up
the question and a prominent clergyman
of Lexington last Sunday took for the sub
ject of his discourse Hered's rash premise
te the " dancing ninny," who demanded
the head of Jehn the Baptist, and one de
claimcr against the practice of the art
Terpsichorean designated the modern
dance by the title of " hugging set te
music." Seme of the " staid' old gentle
men who haven't shuffled a feet " for le !
these many years, have taken the side of
the " light fantastic." The regulars, as
stated by a local journal whose sympathies
are evidently with the anti-dancing party,
" are armed te the teeth and the fur flies
en allsides." s.
The Episcopal Register says : " Clergy
men who possess great powers of eloquence
in this country are generally appreciated,
and well rewarded ; for the entertainment
which they afford te a congregation, and
te the public, attracts large audiences and
aids in building up churches ; but in some
cases eloquence is paid for at tee great a
price. The laches and peccadilles of the
popular clergyman are te apt te be over
looked by these who find pleasure in his
elegant discourses. Preaching is but a
part of the work of a faithful minister, and
although it is desirable that it should be
done by persons who have cultivated the
art of oratory, it should be kept in mind
that its object is net primarily te afford
pleasure, but te lead the erring from the
error of their way, and te make known the
truth and premises of the Gospel."
The Lutheran Observer says: "The
man who should supply his family with
poisonous feed or infected clothing would
be regarded as a monster of iniquity, and
would be amenable te the civil law for
punishment ; but the parent who brings
or allows a demoralizing newspaper te be
brought into his family commits a far
greater offence against their welfare and
peace. In the one case, he would injure
or destroy the health or life of the body ;
in the ether, he poisons the mind and
pollutes and niins the soul. And this is
the sin the shameful sin of which multi
tudes of professed Christians are guilty at
the present. They have se corrupted their
own minds by reading vile and sensational
papers, and they are se thoughtless, reck
less and demoralized, that they furnish or
allow their own children the same facili
ties of corruption which have debased
themselves. This is one of the chief
sources of vice and crime among the young
in our land, and the most disheartening
fact of all is that parents themselves are
often and in great measure the cause of it,
either through their direct agency or their
passive neglect te prevent it. "
A Revelt Against Cameren Rule.
The Republican county committee of
Yerk have issued an address from which
we take the following :
In the light of recent political events as
well in this county and state as in some of
the ether states, it has been deemed de
sirable that seme means be adopted by
the Republicans of this congressional dis
trict, comprising the counties of Yerk,
Cumberland and Adams, te appoint dele
gates te represent them at the Republican
national convention te be held at Chicago
in June next, and te instruct them as te
their choice for presidential nominee there
te be named. Te send representa
tives many miles away from their
constituents without instructions is
never wise ; te sent them withestensible
instruction contrary te the course desired
te be pursued by them, would be the
height of felly. There is no legally con
stituted authority te appoint and instruct
delegates in this matter except the Repub
lican voters of the counties comprising this
district. Their voice in this respect essen
tially is supreme ; and any pretended ap
pointments or intructiens emanating fiem
any ether source without their sanction and
approval, are wholly nugatory and void.
As no action lias thus tar been taken in
this matter by the proper parties, the legi
timate conclusion is that no delegates from
this district have been legally named or in
structed. In view of these facts, a county conven
tion will be held in the court house in the
borough of Yerk, en Friday, the second
day of April next, at 1 o'clock, p. m., te
consist of two delegates from each election
district in the county for the purpose of
obtaining the prevailing sentimeut among
the Republicans of Yerk county as te their
choice for presidential nominee, and also
te select three conferees, who are te meet
a similar number from each of the coun
ties of Cumberland and Adams, te name
two delegates te represent this congres
sional district in the coming Republican
national convention, and instruct them in
accordance with the sentiment expressed
by a majority of the Republican voters in
said district.
A Felnt Against Cameren.
West Chester Village Recerd.
With the differences amongst individuals
and factions in Lancaster county. Republi
cans outside have nothing te de except
te regret them but they cannot help be
ing deeply interested in the fresh raising
of the great question of local representa
tion and the demand of their fellow parti
sans for independent and uncontrolled ex
pression. The signs of a desire te return
te the eriginali geed usage of the party
in the cheesing of national delegates by
districts are healthy and commendable.
They show that the party has yet a vigor
ous life.and that it appreciates the import
ance of having the preferences of its mem
bers freely expressed. and fully respected.
The independence of this congressional
district has been maintained throughout ;
its delegates te the national convention
have always been chosen at home, and the
choice has always been respected. The
same result would have followed, iu the
case of ether districts, had equal courage
and independence been exhibited, and if
the Republicans of Lancaster county are
new rising te a comprehension of the case,
and are disposed te assert their right te
the expression of their will in regard te
their local affairs, we of Chester county
can de no less than offer them our con
gratulations. As te the chances which two new men,
chosen by the district, may have at Chica
go, opinions may differ. It is net very
likely that Senater Cameren, who, as chair
man of the national committee, will make
up the roll of prima facie delegates, will
set aside Messrs. Kauffraan and Seltzer,
unless these gentlemen should decline te
serve under their Harrisburg credentials.
The district's men will therefore
have te fight for their seats be
fore the convention's committee en con
tests and it will depend very much upon the
way this is made up what sort of a deci
sion it will come te. But there can be no
question of the primary right of the dis
tricts te select their own delegates, wheu
they cheese te de se. The national call,
signed by Senater Cameren himself, is
quite clear en this point, and, whether in
tentionally or net, he has laid the ground
in it for an almost incontestable demand
en the part of the new delegates. The
language of the call is this :
"Republicans and all who will co
operate with them in supporting the nomi
nees of the party are invited te cheese two
delegates from each congressional district,
four at large from each state, two from
each territory and two from the District of
Columbia te represent them in the conven
tion. "
This certainly signifies a choice by dis
tricts, where the districts act for them
selves, and many states respond te it in
way. Indiana has just chosen her dele
gates by districts, and Maine and North
Carolina are acting or will de se in a few
days. Massachusetts and ether states fol fel
low the same usage, and it appears that
Pennsylvania and New Yerk furnish the
most notable examples of the usurpation
by the state conventions of the local rights
of the party masses a usurpation already
tee long permitted.
The Examiner en XV. I). Stauffer.
J no. A. Iliestand's Examiner.
" Being aware that two of the youngest mid
most active of the local machine engineers lmd
been sent off pest haste te Washington en
Thursday et last week, te receive further in
structions from the chief engineer which re
sulted in issuing the call for a meeting of the
county committee sooner than was contem
plated in the original pregramme. &c. Xew
As we have said, it was true that two
young men did go te Washington, but net
with any purpose connected with this ques
tion. But as the falsehoods, which fellow
this fact are given plausibility because of
that one grain of truth, we shall proceed
te tell the business which these two young
men went te Washington for. And if it is
net pleasant te certain ones te have it said,
it is net our fault. The cause of truth and
justice te ethers demands that it should
be told. As our readers are aware the name
of Jeseph Samson has been before the Sen
ate for confirmation for supervisor of cen
sus for this district, and there were
doubts as te his confirmation. Our con
gressman, Mr. Smith, te be prepared for
the emergency of his rejection, came te
Lancaster, and it is reported after a con
ference with Mr. Warfel's editor and a
few ethers of like dark ways, returned
with the written application of a chronic
office-holder, te present te the president
for the appointment. It was te see
Senators Cameren and Wallace, te have
Samson confirmed, rather than take the
chance of having the president send in the
name of a man who was once made a can
didate for office, and elected, because of
his facility for lying, but se ever-did the
lying business that he was defeated for re
election. It was te avert that catastrophe
that they went te Washington. New you
knew all about the visit te Washington
and we hope it is satisfactory te all concerned.
Governer Holliday, of Virginia, has ve
teed the readjusting bill.
The spinners in ihe Union mills, at Fall
river, struck for an advance of wages yes
terday afternoon.
The British steamer Massachusetts, at
Liverpool, from Bosten,, lest overboard 70
head of cattle.
Lehrkins' brewery, near Davenport,
Iowa, was burned en Thursday. Less,
$21,000 ; insurance, $17,000.
The Chilian fleet has attacked Arica.
The commander of the iron clad Huascar
was killed during the engagement.
A boiler exploded in Glasgow yesterday.
Six persons were killed outright and 30
severely injured by the explosion.
The New Yerk Republican state com
mittee met yesterday afternoon and Gen
eral Chester A. Arthur was re-elected
James Sanferd, while digging marl at
Marlville, N. J., en Thursday, was buried
alive and killed by the fall of an embank
ment. The Denver Neirs, the leading Demo
cratic paper of Colerado, says that en a
sound platform that state can be carried
by the Democrats with a majority of 8,
000. Vrills' Schroon river pulp works and
planing mill, at Warrensburg, N. Y., were
burned yesterday. Less, $12,000; insur
ance, $3,000. The fire is ascribed te an
The starch manufacturers of Cincinnati
have determined upon an advance of half
a cent per pound en the higher grades,
provided the firms unpresented at the con
vention agree te the advance.
In Norwich, Conn., ia attempting te
kindle a smeuldering five with the con
tents of a kerosene oil can, Lizzie, a
twelve-year-old daughter of Edward Mc
Mann, was horribly burned from head te
feet, the can exploding and scattering the
burning fluid in all directions.
Twe men were killed at Shurtliffs
iron ere bed, New Yerk, en Thursday, by
the breaking of a bail te a skip, in which
they were being raised. The skip was
nearly at the top of a hundred and eighty
.feet shaft when it broke, and the men who
were working at the bottom and several
ethers were injured.
There is at present $45,000,000 worth of
geld bullion in the New Yerk assay office,
ready te be transported te the Philadelphia
mint for coinage. The appropriation made
for this purpose for the fiscal year was but
$5,000, which is already exhausted. The
directors of the mint yesterday made ap
plication for an additional appropriation of
Marsh Dyer, W. E. Ames and Dr, W.
Wolf, white men, with one Metcalf and
another colored man, in attempting te row
across the prow of the steamer Idlewild,
lying at Caseyville, Ind., were carried by
the current against the bow of the steamer
and thrown into the river. Then cries
for help attracted the attention of the
officers of the Idlewild, who took a yawl
and went te the rescue. They succeeded
in saving one of the colored men ; the
ethers were drowned. They were all
prominent and highly esteemed citizens of
August Petersen, Tidioute, a pumper at
an oil well near Custer City, was asphyxi
ated en Thursday night by inhaling gas
from the hatch-hole of a tank.
A very dangerous counterfeit $100 note
en the Pittsburgli national Bank of Com
merce was detected at the national re
demption agency yesterday.
An explosion of fire damp took place at
shaft Ne. 1, East Nanticoke. One man
was killed and eight men are still in the
mines and are supposed te have been
killed by the foul air.
While tearing down the Rene breaker
at Centralia, two carpenters, Andrew and
W. Wolfgang, were instantly killed by
the falling of the framework, caused by
high winds.
Mr. Elliett, of the Philadelphia First
district, defies the order of Cameren's con
vention te " vote as a unit" for Grant;
and they can't somehow quite find the
means of squelching him.
William Reddinger, while chopping tim
ber in Menree township, Bedford county,
was struck4y a portion of the upper part
of the tree he was trimming, and was
found six hours afterward in a badly in
jured condition and nearly frozen.
There is a rumor en the street from
geed authority that the Reading railroad
has leased the Central read of New
Jersey for a term of years. This would
give the company a direct line for their
coal trade te New Yerk.
Frederick Klinger, aged 25, is a school
teacher of Hegins township, Schuylkill
county. Constable Kaercher arrested him
en the charge of having committed an in
decent assault en a twelve-year-old girl
that attended his school.
Bellefonte's young girls indulge in the
practice of throwing assafeetida at persons
passing them en the street ; and a certain
young man of that place beards the trains
there every time they arrive and travels
through the car from end te end for the
sold purpose of staring lady passengers in
the the lace. Naughty, naughty girls.
A Philadelphia correspondent of the
Harrisburg Patriot says than the confir
mation of Marshal Kerns was made the
lever te give the Democrats of Philatlel
phia half the enumerators of the census,
and half the appointments of deputy
marshals at the next election. Who is
security for this?
Andrew Hepkins, esq., editor of the
Washington Review and Examiner, and
known as one of the most forcible Demo
cratic writers in the state, died at his resi
dence in Washington, Pa., yesterday
morning. He founded the Harrisburg
Patriot, and was also editor of the Union
of this city, the Erie Observer and Lycom
ing Standard, all Democratic organs. He
was fifty-five years of age.
Wild Western Wlrlhwlnds.
There were terrific storms of wind, rain,
thunder and lightning, at various points in
the West en Thursday night and yester
day. In Teledo, Ohie, the wind reached
a velocity of seventy-two miles per hour,
and great damage was done te property.
Jehn Hassell and M. F. Deyle, policemen,
were killed by the falling of a chimney,
and another man was severely injured. In
Cleveland, buildings were unroofed and
otherwise damaged, and the wire mill of
the Cleveland rolling mill company was
wrecked. A workman named Julius
Brown was killed, and ethers were injured.
In Indianapolis many houses were un
roofed, and the Central Avenue Methodist
church was almost demolished. Twe or
three persons were injured, but no lives
were lest. There were violent storms in
Louisville, Ky., and Rochester, N. Y. en
Thursday night. Jin Rochester a coffin fac
tory was consumed by lightning.
A Big Corporation.
A charter has been granted te the coke
and iron company for the manufacture of
iron and steel and for mining purposes.
The office is te he located at Philadelphia,
the operations te be carried en in Fayette
county. The capital stock is $1,000,000,
divided into 2,000 shares of $50 each. A.W.
Leisenring, of Mnuch Chunk, is treasurer,
and among the heavy stockholders are
Jehn Leisenring, Mauch Chunk; E. K.
Hyntlman, Connellsville ; Jehn C. Bullitt,
Philadelphia ; Samuel Dicksen, Philadel
phia ; G. W. Mullen, Philadelphia ; L. S.
Bent and Henry McCormick, Harrisburg ;
A. B. Dcsaulles, Dunbar ; Edward Living
ston, New Yerk ; Themas P. Farrell, Phil
adelphia; Charles Albright and William
Lilly, Mauch Chunk.
Marshal Kerns'a Conlirmatlen.
Bellcfente AVatchman.
At this writing we de net knew what
Democrat has disgraced himself by en
dorsing this radical rough, whom all the
evidence before the Wallace investigat
ing committee showed was unfit and un
worth any postien.
Will be Interesting.
Philadelphia Inquirer, Rep.
General Legan is displaying such extra
ordinary zeal in the matter of General
Fitz Jehn Perter's $C0,000 back pay that
it will be interesting te watch his course
when the $700,000 grab of the "star
route " postal ring comes up.
Alleged False Pretense.
Alderman Wiley en complaint of G. W.
Keller, of Yerk county, has held Isaac W.
Masen te answer at the next term of quar
ter sessions for false pretense. The speci
fication is that Masen obtained from Kel
ler a horse and sleigh by representing that
he (Masen) was worth "two houses and
twenty horses. " After the property
came into Masen's possession
Harry Gundakcr levied en it te
secure a debt owing te him by Masen.
The herse was at that time in the keeping
of Jehn Sides of the Merrimac, and both
Masen and Sides allege that the former
had sold the horse te the latter before it
was levied en by Gundaker. Te still
further complicate the case, Mr. Sides has
sold the horse te somebody else. The af
fair, as tar as it has been developed, ap
pears te be a geed deal tangled.
Washington Borough Items.
On Thursday night Christian II. Wit
raer, who had been confined by sickness
te his bed for some length of time, died at
his home in this borough, at the age of 41
years. He leaves a wife and a large num
ber of children te mourn his less. His
funeral will take place en Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock ; services in the Bethel
The hum of the mesquite has been
A fleck of wild geese, 30 in number,
flew north this morning.
Telephone Blown Down,
Last night the telephone line connecting
the office of the Penn iron works with the
residence of Mr. Middleton, the superin
tendent, was blown down by the wind.
Events Acress the County Line..
A Rev. Dr. Fowler, who has been
lecturing en " Great Men " through the
Cumberland Valley, is severely criticised
for his political partisanship.
Charles Walters, residing above Davids
burg, about sixteen miles from Yerk, met
with a sudden death en Wednesday after
noon. While burying rocks en a farm,
one of them fell upon his breast, crushing
the life from his body. The deceased
leaves a wife and one child.
The borough fathers of Yerk have re
solved te purchase for the firemen of that
borough 2,000 feet of oak-tanned leather
hose, uine inches in circumference. The
city council of Wilmington has voted a
semi-annual appropriation of $10, 000 te the
firemen of that city.
Cel. J. P. S. Gebin, of Lebanon, one of
the counsel of Isaiah Brandt and Jesiah
Hummel, convicted of the murder of old
Jeseph Raber, in Indiantown, made appli
cation yesterday before the recorder of the
beard of pardons, for a commutation of the
death sentence te imprisonment for life.
Mrs. Alice Engclbright, of Harrisburg,
wife of Mr. Engelbright, the engineer em
ployed at the State Capital flouring mills,
died yesterday, as is alleged, from the
effects of an abortion produced by Dr. J.
W. Bechtel, who has been arrested and
locked up. The doctor declares he is in
nocent, and that the crime was committed
by Mrs. Engelbright herself, with the
knowledge of her husband.
A gentleman who has had considerable
experience as a gardener and nuseryman,
has been making observations of the con
dition of fruit trees and prespets for the
next fruit crops in this and several ether
counties. He reports the trees te be in
excellent condition, aud the indications are
that there will be a heavy crop of fruit.
Grape vines are net se premising.
The Wrightsville Star says : "Since our
last issue the receipts te tobacco at the
warehouses in this place have been very
large, the amount being nearly if net
quite equal te that of any previous week
during the season. On Friday last,
cspecielly. the receipts were very great,
nearly one hundred wagon leads having
been received by Skilcs & Frcy alone.
Notwithstanding the fact that se much to
bacco has already been bought and packed
there is a considerable amount of tobacco
yet for sale through the county, and geed
lets are still bringing fair prices.
Three Stables Burned in Marlen Alley.
Last night three frame stables, situated
en Marien alley, between Shippen and
Plum streets, were destroyed by fire. The
largest of the three buildings was owned
by his honor Mayer MacGenigle, another
by Jacob Stermfeltz, and the third by Mrs.
Hannah McCullen. The fire was discov
ered about half-past nine o'clock in the
MacGenigle stable, which is believed te
have been the first one set en fire. The
buildings being very dry, the fire spread
rapidly, and although all the fire compa
nies of the district were promptly en hand
the buildings were seen destroyed.
The MacGenigle stable was unoccupied,
and there was nothing in it but a buggy,
which was saved. It was insured in the
Lycoming company for $200 and in the
British assurance company of Terente for
$150. This will net cover the less, how
ever, as the stable can net be replaced for
less than $500 or $G0O. The stable of Mr.
Stermfeltz had been rented te Samuel Cur
tis, by whom it was occupied. Twe horses
which were in it when the fire broke out
were saved, but a valuable deg, together
with a litter of pups, perished in the flames.
Seme ether things, including hay, &c,
were destroyed. The insurance en this
building was for $50, and it was in the
Delaware mutual company. This amount
will net cover the less however, which will
amount te $200 or $300. The stable of
Mrs. McCullen was occupied by Dennis
Haley, who had a horse in it which was
rescued. A let of hay, &c, belonging te
Mr. Haley was burned. This property
was net insured aud the less will he $150
or mere.
As stated above, the buildings were set
en fire. This section of the city has
suffered greatly from incendiary fires with
in the past two years. It will be remem
bered that there were a number of fires in
this city last spring, at which time the
mayor offered a reward of $300 for the
capture of a person who had set fire te a
building. This reward is still in force
and the persons capturing an incendiary
will he entitled te it. It will be recollected
that an attempt te burn Mayer MacGoni MacGeni
gle's stable was made en the 4th of July
All of the Accused Discharged.
Alderman McConemy last evening gave
a hearing te half a dozen young men,
charged with attempting te rob Gotlieb
Gretwald and te outrage the person of
Sarah Adams, the woman, who passes for
Gretwald's wife. The particulars of the
outrage, which occurred about a week age
in the southwestern section of the city,
have been published, and but little
new light was thrown upon the
affair by the testimony taken last
evening. It was, in brief, that Gretwald
and his companion, who are peddlers and
junk dealers, were assaulted in their camp
at midnight by about a dozen young men,
who upset their wagon, scared Gretwald
off by firing pistols at him, robbed the
wagon of two pistols and some ether
articles, and then assaulted the woman.
Six or seven young men were arrested en
suspicion, and warrants were issued for
the arrest of several mere. On account of
the darkness the assailants could net be
identified and they were discharged.
Ever since the outrage was committed,
Gretwald and the woman have been de
tained in jail as witnesses, while their
alleged assailants have been at large.
Gretwald's outfit,
able looking horse,
consisting of a miser
a rickety old wagon,
filled with all manner of scraps of iron,
brass, lead, &c, &c, and about half a
dozen vicious-looking dogs, has been,
meantime, confined in the grounds at
tached te the lockup, te the great disgust
of the turnkey, policemen and
ethers having business therein the
dogs guarding Gretwald's wagon with
vigilant faithfulness and allowing no one te
come near it. Even the carters who at
tempted te deposit several leads of Bel
gian blocks in the lock-up grounds were
driven off by the dogs. This morning
Gretwald's property was handed ever te
him, including $45 in money which was
handed ever by him te the police for safe
keeping the morning after the robbery.
The First Dividend.
The Lancaster Inquirer printing and
publishing company has declared its first
semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent.
' Dr. Clyde' at the Opera Heuse.
The extended run enjoyed by Sidney
Rosenfeld's sparkling comedy of " Dr.
Clyde" at the Chestnut Street theatre, has
placed that production among the comedy
events of the season, and its initial suc
cess has been followed up by continued
manifestations of popular favor wherever
it has been produced elsewhere. It was
given at Fulton opera house last evening
by the same cast and under the same man
agement that secured for it the approval
of large audiences in Philadelphia, Balti
more and a number of places through
interior of Pennsylvania, and the
stream of humor that flews through it,
pure and undefilcd. furnishes ample ex
planation for its quickly achieved
popularity. It is a charming little
story abounding in piquant incidents
farcical situations, and pervaded through
out by a deep current of fun which culmi
nates in the fourth act in the side-splitting
scene between the doctor's servant Higginn
and the sick farmer. This latter incident
is intensely mirth-provoking. Hujgins.hciug
ambitious te fellow in the footsteps of his
employer, who is an eminent physician,
undertakes te attend one of the latter's
patients during the doctor's absence. In
quiring his visitor's ailments he refers te
the doctor's books for the proper reme
dy, and discovering the bottle te be
empty, calmly prescribes for the sick man
out of the bottle next adjoining it, en the
assumption that its near vicinity
has given it a measure of the vir
tues possessed by the proper medicine.
Afterwards Jliggins is pursued by remorse,
imagining he has poisoned the man by
some deadly concoction, but the patient
turns up at length hale and hcaity and
overwhelms Iliggins by expressions of
gratitude for his miraculous recovery. The
plot is simple, if indeed the succession of
incidents comprised in the unfolding of
the story may claim such a designation.
Julia, the only daughter of a rich retired
jeweler, who is a doting parent, has mar
ried Lord Hammend, who has been a
scapegrace, but who has a strong and sin
cere affection for his young and pretty
wife. The embarrassed condition of his pe
cuniary affairs was net known te his
wife at the time of their marriage, and his
readiness te live upon his father-in-law is
a source of annoyance and secret uiibappi
nses te her. Dr. Clyde, her eruty. honest
uncle, takes the case iu hand, and, by pi ex
tending te Lord Hammend that his father-in-law
has become bankrupt, and that the
latter's money advances te him have been
chieflv responsible for the disaster, arouses
the young man's better feelings and sets him
earnestly te work te retrieve his fortunes.
There is a pretty little sub-plot centring in
Dr. Clyde's own family, the love-making
episode between his daughter Emily and
Tetbury Simms constituting a very
amusing by-play. Of course the funniest
character in the piece is the doe dee dee
ter's man Iliggins, whose ludicrous
pretensions te medical knowledge,
grotesque gravity, and terrible misappli
cation of scientific terms, arc intensely
comical. The interpretation of this role
by Mr. Ward was a clever piece of comedy
acting, while Mr. Turner as the austere
but kind-hearted Dr. Clyde, Mr. Woodcr Weodcr Woedcr
son as 3Ir. Meeker, Mr. Fitzgerald as
Simme, the bashful lever, Miss Palmer as
Emily Clyde, Miss Myers as Lady Ham Ham
eond, and indeed every person in the cast
gave altogether satisfactory renditions
of their respective re!es.
The fair-sized audience present appeared
te enjoy the performance thoroughly, as
was testified ly their frequent applause
and continued merriment. The play will
be repeated te-night, when a large house
may. "be reasonably looked for; for last
night's entertainment commended itself te
liberal patronage.
Geerge Laird, Ne. 522 Woodward street,
who has been sick for a long while and un
able te work, is one of the many cases
brought te our notice who is worthy of as
sistance from our charitable citizens.
These who are willing te aid him can scud
their donations te the constable of the 7th
ward, JehnMerringcr, or te 522 Woodward
The funeral expenses of Isaac Beuder,
whose death we noticed yesterday
were paid by his brothers, and they wish
us te say that no one is authorized te col
lect money for that purpose. At the same
time they are thankful te the ladies of the
Dorcas society and ethers for the aid ex
tended te the widow and orphan children,
and contributions of clothing and provis previs
ions arc net amiss.
Surprise Party.
A number of members of the Duke
street M. E. church met at the residence
of Mr. D. P. Bitner, North Duke street,
last evening, and thence proceeded te the
residence of Mrs. Florella Samson, en
North Queen street, who was thoroughly
surprised at the friendly visitation en the
occasion of her 84th birthday. The visitors
prepared an elegant entertainment, which
was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Samson
is the mother of Jes. Samson and is well
known te our citizens. She is iu geed
health, being able te attend the meetings
and services of the church te which she
has se long been devoted.
Very Drunk.
Last night, a man calling himself
Charles Grey, was found coiled up iu the
doorway of Reed, McGrann & Ce.'s bank
ing house, in an utterly helpless condition.
The policeman borrowed the posteflice
hand-cart, bearded him into it aud rattled
his bones ever the stones te the lockup.
This morning Mayer MacGenigle com
mitted him te the county jail for 20 days
te give him a chance te get the whisky out
of him.
Mere Old Printers.
Te our list of old printers, noticed in our
columns yesterday, we might have added
the names of Alderman Wm. B. Wiley
who set type before 1840, and of Jacob
Stauffer, esq., who before that date had in
troduced the first printing press into Man
hcim and in 1840 introduced printing into
Mount Jey.
Suits Brought and Withdrawn.
3Irs. Themas Baxter brought a number
of suits before Alderman Barr against two
f recers of the Third and Seventh ward
for selling hard cider en Sunday ; but be
fore a hearing was had she withdrew
them, " county for costs."
The Chestnut Street Sewer.
Sealed proposals are asked for the con
struction of a sewer en West Chestnut
street from Piue te Nevin. Specifications
may be seen at city regulator's office.
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