Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 05, 1880, Image 3
4 2' l1 J l-ifcA-r-Ww. , VM ' -'1 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1880. r THE OLDEST PRINTER. He In Neither Dr. Hits nor Mr. Fearoel. The JTetc JBre en Wednesday, in noticing the 67th birthday of Abraham Hitz, of that office, styles him the eldest English printer in the city, lie having begun life as a printer in 1828, when he was 15 years of age. Te this statement the Examiner re spends by naming Jehn H. Pearsel, who began setting type in the Journal office (new Intelligencer) of Hugh Maxwell ia the year 1825, when but 7$ years old. lie is new C2 years of age and has been at the business 55 years. Maxwell's office was then in the rear of where Ames Miley new has his saddlery. Messrs. Hitz and Pearsel are certainly well preserved representatives of the art preservative ; but neither of them can claim the distinction of being the eldest printer in the city. That distinction be longs te Mr. Frederick Henry Trost, whom we had the pleasure of meeting te- day in the office of the Velkufreund und llcehachtcr, published by Jehn Baer's Sens, and in which office he has worked continuously for 45 years. Mr. Trost was born February 9th, 1805, in Itzchee, Helstein. In 1820 at the age of 15 he was apprenticed te the printing business, and acquired a thorough knowl edge of all its branches. In 1834 he came te America, bringing with him his wife and child. His first job of work in this country was en the New Bedford, Mass., Mercury, an English newspaper. Frem Xew Bedford, Mr. Trost removed te Easten, Pa., and worked for a short time en the Northampton Democrat. He then came te Lancaster and worked for Francis Frank, the publisher of the Ger man Democrat. In 1835 he obtained a sit uation en the Velksfreund und Beelachtcr, published by Jehn Bacr, and has continued te work in that efiice ever since net hav ing lest a week's time by sickness during the entire 45 years, nor from any ether cause, except occasionally when he was drawn as a juror or sum moned as a witness iu court. Ten yoaisage he celebrated the semi-centennial of his entry into the printing busi ness. Being both a German and English scholar, a pressman and compositor, he is "at home" in all branches of the profes sion. He has done the prcsswerk of thou sands upon thousands of ' Baer's Alman acs,'" though he generally works at case --sticks te his stick" as the boys say and it was working at case we found him to day. He is the father of twelve chil dren, only four of whom aie living. These all married iind have families. His aged wife still lives te comfort and cheer his d iclining days. One of the eldest and most widely known printers in the city is Henry M. Geitcr, of the Intelligence!!. He began his print ins career in 1829 as an apprentice te Tlic Tlic ephilus Fenn, publisher of the Anti-Masonic Herald, of this city. He accempa. nied Fenn te Harrisburg, when that gentle man bought out the Statesman, and estab lished the Harrisburg Telegraph After working en the Telegraph for seventeen years he returned te Lancaster and work ed at diflercut periods en the Intelligen ces, published by Jehn "W. Ferney and Marcus D. Helbroek ; the Examiner, pub lished by Edw. C. Darlington ; the Union, published by G. W. Hammersly ; the In dependent Whig, published by Edw. Mc Mc Plicrsen and Jehn J. Cochran ; the Inland Daily, published at different periods by Edw. McPhcrsen, Theephilus Fenn and Harvey Goodall. In IStil Mr. Geiter threw down his tick and took up the rille te aid in the preservation of the union. He served faithfully for nearly four years, and holds two honorably discharges from the army. While in the service he was a frequent contributor te the Intelligences ever the nom dc plume of "Ajax." AVhen the cruel war was ever he returned te Lancaster and resumed his labors as a printer in the office of the Inquirer then published by Stuart A. Wiley. Remain ing there but a short time, he took a posi tion at case en the Intelligence! and for 15 years has worked faithfully at case generally being the first at work in the morning and the first te get through in the afternoon. Iu the language of the po licemen ih the " Pirates of Penzance" "Taking one consideration with another, Mr. Ueiler's lile lias been a chequered one." Among the ether old printers iu the city, none of whom are "at case " new, but all of whom began setting type probably forty years or mere age, are Luther Rich ards, Gee. "W. Schreycr, J. M. Johnsten, Reuben A. Bacr and Jas. R. McNaughtan. "Dad" Cogley and Henry Faesig are also te be accounted among the old types and J. W. M. Geist was setting type as far back as 1843. Mission Sunday Scheel Entertainment. The Charlette street M. E. mission Rev. II. V. Givler pastor, and Elam G. Snyder superintendent gave an enter tainment last evening which was attended by a very large audience. Before the literary exercises began there was a tea and coffee sociable in the basement, after which the following pregramme was suc cessfully canicd out in the upper room : Singing by the school ; prayer by Rev. Mr. Givler ; duet by Misses Mamie Betz and Sallie Walten ; recitation by Miss Ger tie Swenk ; sole, " Down where the daisies grew," by Miss Jennie McCemscy ; recita tion, "The Medel Church."by Miss Gertie Maurer ; recitation by Miss Gertie Swenk ; singing by the school ; recitation, " Peer Little Jim, "by Miss Gertie Maurer ; semi chorus by Misses Katie Benedict, Lillie Godfrey, Lizzie Troyer, Mamie Betz, Sallie Walten and Ellie Hoever ; vocal sole by Miss Jennie McCemsey. The pre gramme throughout was a geed one, and while all deserve favorable mention special praise is due te -Bessie Nelan, a little girl scarcely three years of age, who recited a short poem in such a pretty style as te win hearty applause. The entertainment was for the benefit of the mission school. Discharged. Jacob Marcus, who was charged with embezzlement by Mr. Goldstein, a Titus villc merchant, and who was te have been taken te Titusvillc for trial, was dis charged from custody last evening, the parties te the suit having satisfactorily ar ranged their difficulties. Mr. Marcus paid Mr. Goldstein a part of his claim and gave him a judgment note for the balance. He asserts that he had no intention of wrong ing Mr. Goldstein out of a dollar I simply owed him a debt that he could net at once pay. CORONER'S INQUEST. Trouble Between the Corener and one orHte Deputies. The emoluments accruing te the coroner by virtue of his office are net especially heavy, when he confines his business te legitimate cases; and even when he ever steps the legal bounds and holds inquests that should net have been held, the fees are net large enough te make him as wealthy as a "bleated bend-holder." Aware of these facts, Corener Mishler, when he assumed official duty, made arrangements whereby he could some what increase his income. Before ap pointing his deputies he made a written agreement with each of them, whereby he net only held them removable from office at his pleasure, but also exacted from each a bonus of $4 for every inquest held by them. One of his deputies was Wakeman Wesley, of Fulton town ship, who was duly appointed en the 3d of last June. Mr. Wesley held an inquest, and duly handed ever the $4 stipulated in his agreement with the coroner. But after thinking ever the matter, he came te the conclusion that the coroner was net enti tled te the bonus; and se, last week, when he held his second inquest he re fused te give the coroner a cent. The coroner promptly removed him from office, and brought suit against him for the re covery of the 84. This morning the case was heard before Alderman Wiley. The facts were net disputed. The coroner claimed the $4 by virtue of the contract he had made with Wesley when he appointed him deputy, and the deputy resisted pay ment because the contract was void. In support of his position he quoted the fol lowing authorities : In order te give validity te a contract, it must be founded en sufficient considera tion. There must be something given in exchange something that is mutual or something which is the inducement te the contract ; and it must be a thing which is lawful and competent in value te sustain the assumption. A contract without a consideration is a nude pact and net bind ing. Whether the agreement be verbal or iu writing, it is still a nude pact and will net support an action if a consideration be wanting. 2 Kent's Cern., 403 ; 1 Beuv. Inst., 237. Every contract made for or about any matter or thing which is prohibited and made unlawful by any statute is a void contract, though the statute itself docs net mention that it shall be se, but only in liicts a penalty en the offender because a penalty implies a prohibition, though there be no prohibitory words in the statute. 1 Benn 113. 0W. 233. 1 Benn Inst. 290. If any justice, clerk, prothenotary, sher iff, coroner, constable or ether officer of this commonwealth shall wilfully and fraudulently receive or take any reward or fee te execute and de his duty in office, but such as is or shall be allowed by seme act of Assembly of this commonwealth ; or shall receive or take by color et his office any fee or reward whatever, net, or mere than, is allowed as aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and en conviction be sentenced te pay a line net exceeding five hundred dollars or te undergo an imprisonment net exceeding one year. Act of March 81, 1860. Al lerman Wiley reserved his decisien until Monday next, te enable Corener Mishler te present any authorities te lebut the above, if he can find them. OIMTUAKY. Anetl'Ci- Centenarian Called Heme. Mrs. Julia A. Sharp died yesterday at the residence of her son-in-law, Emanuel P. Keller, Mauhcim township, at the ad vanced age of 98 years. She leaves two daughters, the wives, respectively of ex County Commissioner Eman'l P. Keller and B. F. Ruth, of this city. The late Jehn L. Sharp, a prominent citizen of Mauhcim township, was her son. Mrs. Sharp was a first cousin of Mrs. Catharine Ellmakcr, whose death, in New Helland, at the age of 97, took place en the 25th ult., as has been heretofore recorded. She was also a cousin et Mrs. Judge Dale new residing with J. L. Lightner, of Bird-in-IIand, and who is new the only surviv ing member of a generation remarkable as well for their many amiable qualities as for their longevity. Among their kindred of a younger generation may be named Hen. Antheny E. Roberts, Judge Ellmakcr, Newton Lightner and ethers equally ven erable in years. Mrs. Sharp was a happy, cheerful woman, and a pleasant companion almost up te the day of her death. She led a quiet unobtrusive life, always looked en the brightest side of life,and always had a word of encouragement for the despond ent. Te these amiable characteristics, no doubt, she partly owed her remarkable geed health and her lengthened days. Her funeral will take place from the resi dence of Emanuel P. Keller, en the Lititz turnpike, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, te proceed te Lancaster cemetery. Llttle Locals. Mr. and Mrs. Seaber, of Litiz have cele brated their silver wedding. Hen. Jehn McCurdy, a leading citizen of Shippensburg, is recently deceased. Jehn II. Berryhill, lately a prominent citizen of Harrisburg, died at his home in Davenport, Iowa, yesterday. Wild geese have appeared and have been shot en the Susquehanna near Harris burg. The Harrisburg papers begin their an nual lament ever the Susquehanna fish erics, the Columbia pirates, &c. Peer fellows! Shad ! eh. Jehn B. Eshleman, of Columbia, has called te sec the Mount Jey Star. "He wil, be a candidate for Assembly, at the next election." The new Lititz national bank went fully into operation en Monday morning, while the Lititz deposit bank will hereafter be known as an institution of the past. Mr. Daniel Lefevre, residing near the first tell gate en the Lititz and Lancaster turnpike, is receiving 250 tens of horse manure from New Yerk, for tobacco lands. Last Sunday Lititz's popular citizen, F. W. Christ, attained his sixty-fourth year or his sixteenth birthday, as he has the op portunity of celcebrating that event but once in four years. He was pleasantly surprised in numerous ways by friendly remembrances of the occasion. The Reading Times notices that " ow ing te a large new school house about te be erected in Lancaster, Messrs. Adam Burger and Rapp, master-builders, of that city, paid a visit te Reading and made an inspection of the Seuth Sixth street and Themas Severn school houses." Alteena is distressed because some of her citizens memorialize Congress that ' the present pest office is geed enough and " is larger than that in Lancaster city or front than the Kicked by Herse. Isaac Keesey, residing en Seuth Queen street, is the owner of a colt, which was hitched up for the first time yesterday. In the evening, while he was in the stable, Elmer Caldwell, a young man, get tee close te his heels and he kicked him in the face, cutting a severe gash below one of his eyes. Anether man was also kicked by the animal, but was net injured. Amusements. "Dr. Clyde." This evening Sidney Rosen Resen feld's comedy of " Dr. Clyde " will be given In the opera house by a company which has re ceived excellent press notices throughout the state. A Cetnplicatea Case. My daughter, Emily Steck, suffered for mere than two years from a sere leg. About four inches below the knee there were sometimes only one, then again several openings from which matter would be discharged, "and cause great pain. Medical assistance proved et but little use. About two months age we were in duced by a friend te try St. Jacob's Oil. The result was that the pains gradually vanished, the swelling disappeared, the discharge of mat ter ceased, and the wound healed up. Fer five weeks the leg lias net only been entirely well, and all pains gene, but my child has also been well In every respect, and it gives me much pleasure te report these wonderful effects. Sephie Steck. Buffalo, iv. l . Distance Lends Enchantment ! Maud had a flue figure, geed face and pretty name. One should see her at a distance. When she began te talk, you realized that she never used SOZODONT. Her breath was unlike the breezes of Arabv the blest. ml-lwdced&w New Advertisements. Tobacco Seed Fer Sale. Watches at Bewman's. Public Sale. Wanted. ESTFer further details see advertising column. Sl'HCIAL NOTICES. Shrewdness and Ability. Hep Bitters se freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, arc having a large sale, and are supplanting all ether medi cines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hep plant, aud the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are se palpable te every one's observation. Ex change. ml-2wd&w Try I.oeher's Cough Syrup. It has wonderful power en Bowels, I.iver und Kidneys! What Kidney-Wert, try it. ml-lwd&w Beils, pimples en lace, salt rhenm, old sores, and all cutaneeus eruptions disappear like magic when "LlwUcy's Bleed Searcher" is used. Asthmatic troubles disappear under the magic dispelling wand of Dr. Browning's C. A C. Cordial. A certain lady was se much troubled with this dreadful disease that it was impossible for her te He down. She was re commended te see Dr. Browning, who is a reg ular graduate et one of the eldest anil best known medical colleges in the United States, and whose diploma may be seen at his office, 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia. He confidently asked her te try his C. A C. Cordial, and the result was that in a short time the lady could rest comfortably at night, and the trouble seen disappeared. Fer sale by all druggists (50c. per bottle) or the proprietor. m4-lwd&w Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te u bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Pewiters. Don't deceire yourselves. -Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" for the cure of' colds and coughs has no equal. Sold by druggi-sts at 25 cents. Catarrli of the Bladder Cured. IlEsniETTA, Menree Ce., N. T., Jan. 5, 18S0. II. II. WauneiiA Ce.: Gentlemen: I am a man C7 years of age, have lived in Menree county, if. Y., most of my life, and believe there is neman of my acquaintance who would doubt any statement 1 might make. I have been a terrible sufferer of Catarrh of the Blad der for years. Hearing of a number of cures from the use of your remedy, and after taking a few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, I was net only relieved, but found my self cured. THOMAS OWENS. ml-2wdAw What Makes Yeu Sick? Yeu have allowed your bowels te become habitually costive, your liver lias become ter. pid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are just used up. Xew be sensible, get a pack age of Kidney-Wert, take it faithfully and seen you will lerget you've get any such organs, for you will be a well man. ml-lwd&w Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and getabottleef MRS. WIXS LOW'S SOOTHING SYUUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en eartli who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. jl'-lydAwM.W&S A Strange People De you knew tliat there are strange pee pie in our community, we say strange because they seem te prefer te suffer and pass their days miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by D. Heit shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. Vive Hundred Thousand Streng. In the psist few months there have been mere than 500,000 bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases et Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every body sneaks in its nraise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or your child the cough, ami you value life, don't fail te trv it. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by your drug gists, D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. We have a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria, Cankcrraeuthand Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector lree with each bottle. Use it If you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis, Mil lcrsville. seDt23-ced(Utw Pure Spices nt Lecher's Drug Stere. DEATHS. Sharp. On March 5th, 1880, Julia A. Sharp, lu her 98th year. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend her funeral from the residence of Emanuel P. Keller, en the Lititz turnpike, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, te proceed te Lancaster cemetery, 2td NE ' AD VEU TISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE ON TO-MOBROW (SAT URD AY) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at 333 Church street, a let of Household and Kitchen Goods, ltd Alse 2 Sleishs. 1 Tens of Ceal. Ac. JACOB GUNDAKEK, Auct. TOBACCO SEED FOR SALE. . Different varieties Connecticut, Havana Seed, Connecticut Bread Leaf and our favorite Glesner. All genuine and true te name. jehx s. noun e u, Office " Rohrer's Warehouse," ltd Lancaster City, Pa. SOMETHING NEW. Just received at this office the finest let of Business Cards, Pregrammes, Cevers, Bills of Pare, Circulars, &c. Something new. Call end see sampleB. ltd Reading, and has mere Pittsburgh posteffice." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WA.TCHES.--The largest stock and most varied assortment ie be found in the Interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch Is warranted accerding1 te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gam in costly setting. SILVEBWAEE. Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. BHOAD3 & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURE VOUK PROPERTY IN THE UKST COMPAXIESat BAUSMAX A BURNS . 29-tIeedR Office: Xe 10 West Orange St. Lancaster. Dec. 12, 1879. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIABLE COMPAXIESat BBNJ. F. SHENK'S, Office : 108 West King Street. decl2-3mdR JUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1830. Call and sec Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, 127-tld THE VERY LATEST OUT. TIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HEUR A STAUFFEU, Beat Estate A Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. dec30-3mdBeed TT S. GAUA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Pliil'a Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. 1'liil a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. f7-lmdR YALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. A two story BUICK DWELLING HOUSE Nes. 138 and 140 East Kingstreet, suitable ter a lawyer or doctor, containing 14 rooms, double law'efiicc, large parlor in front, dining room 33 feet long, large kitchen, also large parlor en second fleer, etc. Let 33 feet 3 inches in front, running back te Miflllu street, 245 feet. Alse, two two-story BB1CK DWELLIXGS en said let fronting en Mitllin street, Xes. 129 und 131. containing four rooms each; also a stable ler two horses and carriage. Choice fruit trees, such as pears, cherries, apricots, plums, grapes, etc., A choice let et shrubbery. The premises are in an excellent condition. Terms easy. Possession given 1st of Aplil next or sooner if required. Inquire of HENRY SHUBERT, Real Estate Agent. Xe. 6 Court Avenue, Lancaster, Pa. mart 3ldR JUST RECEIVED Large Let of Lew Priced Reliable WATCHES, Which we Fully Guarantee. B. R BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LAXCASTER, PA. piARD TO THE LADIES! Just received a Fine Line of DRY GOODS, AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ce.'s, 38 A 40 WEST KING STREETS. Having added in connection 'with our Large Stock of Carpets, Yarns, 4c, A FIXE LIXE OF DRY GOODS, such as CALICOES. BLEACH ED AXD UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, TICK INGS, COTTON rLAJS.NEL.S. UAS11JU.EUKS. BLACK ALPACAS, SHEETINGS. NEW STYLE OF SHIRTING. NEW STYLE DKKSS GOODS, TABLE LINENS. XAPKIXS, TOWELS, Ac., which we are selling at MODERATE PllICES. m4-3md WANTED. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Intelligencer, who wants something te de. w ANTED. A situation at whitewashing. Apply te ii(i i aeuiu iueen sneer. LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF WM. J. BAKKLEY, LATE ofCelcrain township, Lancaster county. Pa-, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the s ime will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in Cole Cele rain township. JOHX W. PHILLIPS, Administrator. James M. Walker, Att'y. febltmtw IIS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lancaster County. G. Seliner A Sens of Jan. 7, 1880, Ne. 28. vs. S-tf.a.te Apl. 7,1880, Jno. Abraham Springer ) Ne. 2. The undersigned Auditor appointed te dis tribute the fund in Court under the above fl. fa , te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Wednesday, March 10, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the Li brary Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may uttend. NEWTOX LIGHTNER, 4tw. Auditor. ESTATE OF JOHN SCHWARTZ, LATE of Manheira borough, deceased. The un dersigned auditor, appointed te pass upon exceptions and te distribute the balance re maining in the hands of Henry Schwartz, ad ministrator of said Jehn Schwartz, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpase en MONDAY, MAKCH 6th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in tiie City of Lancaster, where all persons inter es ted in said distribution may attend. DANIEL G. BAKER, fedll-4tw Auditor. ESTATE OF WILLIAM BLACK, SR late of Little Britain township, deceased Letters of administration en said estate uav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed. R. B. PATTERSON, Spring Greve P. O., WM. BLACK, Jr., Fainneunt P.O., Lan. Ce., Administrators. H. B. Swarr and J. W. F. Swift, Atty's. fjau26tw -j-encE. Jn the matter of the Assigned Estate of Henry Eshleman and Wife, of Slrasburg township, Lancaster county, 1'a. Netice is hereby given that "Jacob Hilde brand, assignee of Henry Eshleman and wife, has presented a petition te the Cecrt of Com mon Pleas of Lancaster county, asking the said court for an order and decree that he shall recenvey te the said Henry Eshleman and wife all the assigned estate in his hands, and that he be discharged and released from said trust, and that the said Court have fixed SAT URDAY', MARCH 27th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster, for the hearing of. said petition, when and where the creditors and parties interested in the said assigned estate et Henry Eshleman and wire may appear and be beard. E. McMELLEX, mar4-ltd&3tw Prothenotary. AMUSEMENTS JULTON HALL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY". sKSIvJMARCH5&6. POWER'S DR. CLYDE COMBINATION. W. II. POWER, ... - Manager. Mr. Jehn D. Mishler has the pleasure of pre senting the BRILLIANT and DELIGHTFUL COMEDY', DR. CLYDE, which will be produced complete in all its de tails, as at the Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila delphia, sixty nights, by a Thoroughly Geed Dramatic Company. SPECIAL PRICES: GALLERY, - 25 Cts. ADMISSION, - 35 & 50 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 cents, at Y'ccker's. ml-5td HOUSE FURNISHING GOOODS. T)ARGAINS. FLIM & BREIEMAU i Arc etTering Greater Bargains than ever in TINWARE, TABLEWABE Heuse-Furnishing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas LOW PRICES. Fixtures at VERY FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slayuiaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who lias extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted witli Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. Wit ha purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less thun Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Uls and aches. Be it, however sirictiy.understoed that we prescribe ana use- but one article, and that is. REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, H.'E. SLAYMAKEU. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as lar as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers of witnesses one case iu particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been ailiicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage be used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, anil then, as new, preached at times, and In his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy,. In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects iu the cases of some of his near acquaintances, lie at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practisixe Physician. H. E. SLAYMAEER, AGENT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IMFOKTER AND DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 20 EAST KING ST.. Law CASTER. PA S LAD TIDINGS. Anyone visiting my offices will hear con stantly the frame old 9tery, viz : " I've been doctoring for years with various physicians and am no better, net cured." And they can also hear a mere welcome story from my patients, viz : " Under your simple treatment I am well." Over 150 difficult chronic cases treated during the month of January, all bet ter or cured se far as heard from. Jehn Geedman, of 311 North Queen street been doctoring for 19 years ler Rheumatism, dyspepsia and neuralgia, has net had one geed night's rest for years. He is new sleeping wtll and pains have gene. Jacob Painter, 430 Locust street, suffered and doctored for 12 years. Cured in two weeks. Consultation at offices free. Call and get or send for 16 page pamphlet free. Catarrh cured ler SO cents. Rev. Jehn Hunter with restored vision, after being blind for 10 years, will preach every evening at Rev. Seule's church en Orange street. DR. 0. A. GREENE, (SI Y'ears Experience), Ne. 830 North Queen Street. 3-Wanted tebuy Clean old White or Green Glass Vials or Bettles any size. 13-GmdTu,Th4S A COLLAR FACTORY AND LEATHER STOKE FOR RENT. A well Established Cellar Factory and Leather Stere for rent. Alse suitable ter any ether business. Apply te 12VTu,Th4Stfd JOHN A. SHOBEB. THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, MAECH 5, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 5. Fer the Mid--die Atlantic states, rising barometer, fall ing temperature, southwest te northwest winds ranging from brisk te high en the coast, cloudy weatber andjain, followed by clearing weather. THE INDIAN CONTRACT SWINDLE. The Game Played by a Confidence Man Dr. Cbarles Worms Released from, the Penitentiary. Philadelphia, March 5. An examina tion was made by the United States com missioner te-day, into the application of Dr. Charles Worms, for his release from the Eastern Penitentiary. Worms ras convicted in 187G of forging the name efSecretary of the Interior Chandler te a contract for Iadian supplies amounting te $1,250,000. It was shown that Worms, who was a physician in Montreal, induced William Newman, of Chicago, te believe he had sufficient influence at Washington te ob tain a large contract from the interior de partment. He came te this city with Newman, and upon arriving here a pack age purporting te contain the centracc, signed by Secretary Chandler, was re ceived. Upen this Newman swore he gave Worms $5,000 The case excited great interest from the fact that the names of Gen. Grant, Gen. Babcock and ethers were brought in at the trial. The forgery was established and Worms, who had fled, was arrested in Canada. His sentence having expired, and being unable te pay the fine imposed upon him, he made application for release. The examination took place this afternoon and the prisoner was released. WASHINGTON. Want the Tax Removed. Washington, March. 5. The sub-com-mittce of the ways and means committee of the Heuse of Representatives, Mr. Carlisle chairman, gave a hearing te-day te Dr. Wakefield of Illinois and W. A. Gellelley, of New Yerk, who urged the removal of the internal revenue stamp tax upon cosmetics perfumeries and proprie preprie proprie eory medicines. Alaska's New Ferm of Government. The Senate committee en territories have reported favorably a bill establishing a ter ritorial form of government in Alaska. THE BALANCE OF TRADE. Large Excess of United States Experts Over Imports. Washington, March 5. The chief of the bureau of statistics, in a report te the secretary of the treasury says the excess of the value of experts of merchandise ever imports during the first seven months of the current fiscal year amounted te 6148,200,000, as against a similar excess during the corres ponding months of the preceding year of $175,000,000. The excess of imports of geld and silver were $75,170,000 and $3, 293,000 respectively. SWIFT PUNISHMENT. Vladatskl, the Nlnilisr, Executed. St. Petersbuke, March 5. Vladatski, the Nihilist, who attempted te sheet General Mclikeff en Wednesday was hanged te-dayin presence of an immense concourse and with imposing ceremonies. He died game. Seven young men in the crowd having the appearance of students, were arrested and taken te the fortress. BUCKEYE BREEZES. Terrible Tornado at Teledo Destruction of Property and Less of Life. Washington, D. C, March 5. The sig nal officer at Teledo, Ohie, reports a se vere storm there last night. The wind blew seventy-two miles an hour. Immense damage was done and two policemen were filed. FIGHTING THE TIGER. Netice te Qnltthe Exciting Spert. Cincinnati, March. 5. The proprietor of every gambling house in this city has received notice from the new superinten dent of police te close their places. All but three obeyed the mandate last night. Sherman. Jehn Sherman's grandfather was an ac complished scholar and able jurist of Con necticut ; he emigrated te Ohie, where his son Charles R. Sherman became a justice of the supreme court and the father of eleven children, of whom Jehn was the eighth and Gen. Wm. T., the third. The general was educated by Tem Ewiug's father and Jehn was aided in that direction by his Uncle Jehn, a merchant. Jehn Sherman was married en August SO, 1848, te Miss Cecilia, daughter of Judge Stewart, who had removed from Western Pennsylvania, te Mansfield, te Ohie, and hence Mrs. Sherman is a cousin of Rev. C. W. Stewarat, D. D., pastor of the Cole Cele rain Presbyterian church, this county. In the spring of 1848 Sherman was a dele gate te the national convention held at Philadelphia. When the convention was being organized, upon motion of Colonel Cel Iyer, he was made secretary of the body by the jocular remark that there was a young men there from the state of Ohie who lived in a district se strongly Democratic that he never could hope te get an office unless that conven tion gave him one, and with, the laugh that this created Mr. Sherman advanced te his position. Mr. Defiees, new public printer, said there was a young man from Indiana in precisely the same situation, and moved that Schuyler Colfax be made assistant secretary. Cel fax and Sherman walked up te the stand together. A 31an of Mark. Chicago Times. Sam Randall would attract interest in almost any crowd. He is tall, broad bread shouldered and very individual in his per sonal bearing. His face is a dead, sallow white and stands out in marked contrast with his intensely jet-black eyes and coal black hair. He almost always wears steel bowed glasses. The lower part of his face, which is always clean shaved, indicates bull-deg firmness and tenac ity. He almost invariably dresses in black. He lives in a very quiet, unpre tentieus way, in a very inexpensive house en Capitel hill. He is never seen in a car riage, but walks about town. He used te be a great drinker several, years age, when he first entered Congress. The tempta tions of Washington life were, for a time, tee strong for him, and a weaker man would have been absolutely ruined. He brought that bull-deg tenacity of his te bear, and absolutely foreswere the use of liquor, some four years age, and since that time no one has ever seen him taste a dreD. Se far as private life gees he is a model. He is devoted te his family and his children. An Editor's Dremm. Picayune He fell asleep after a time, and Ie ! he dreamed again. And it seemed te him in a vision that, having armed himself with certain papers aad books, he turned his steps once mere toward the place and knocked at the gate. " Helle, is that you again?" said Peter. " What de you wish ?" "Let these persons again come forth," replied the editor, and Peter this time " made them all pass through the gate and stand outside. They came as before and uttered the same cries as before. "Why didn't you notice that big egg I sent you?" yelled the first. "It was rotten," replied the editor. "Why didn't you write up my soda fountain ? " cried the druggist. " Yeu had your tickets printed at the ether office," calmly replied the local man. "Why did you write about old Tomlin son's hens and never speak of my new gate ? " shouted a third. " Old Tomlinson paid for his advertising and you didn't. Here's the bill," said the cditcr. " Why did you spell my name wrong in the pregramme ? " groaned the local talent. "Take a leek at this manuscript of yours and see for yourself," said the editor with a grim smile. The rest of the company yelled their complaints in unison, and the editor calm ly sorted out a series of bills for unpaid subscriptions, and presented each with one ; and it was se, that when they had received them, they all tore their hair and rushed violently down a steep place into the sea, and St. Peter, taking the edi tor calmly by the hand, led him within the gate and said : " Come, friend ; these chaps managed te slip through here in spite of us, but, thanks te the press, we new knew what sort of fellows they are. Come in and stay ; we need a few such men as you here." MARKETS. New Yerk Market. New Your, March 5. Fleur State and West ern very dull and in buyers' faver: superfine state S3 005 50; extra de 5 505(3; choice de $5 1006; fancy de $6 10 3)750; round hoop Ohie 5 756 00; choice de S6 Wijn 60; superfine western $5 O03 50 ; common te geed extra de $5 505 75 ; choice dodo$5 80775; choice white wheat de $5 65 t 25; Southern dull : common te fair extra i5 75630; geed te choice de U 408 00. Wheat Spring dull and nominal; Winter a shade easier and dull ; Ne. 2 Red April $1 492 1505. Cern witueut decided change and dull; Mixed Western spot 57U0c ; de future 63 OatJ firm ; State 4852c; Western 47Mc Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, March 5. Fleur dull ; super fine 14 254 75 ; extra 5 005 75 ; Ohie ana In diana famBy $6 757 25 ; Penn'a family f6 37Q 6 75; St, Leuis family S7Q725 ; Minnesota Fam ily $tt 256 87 ; patent and high grades 725825T Rye flour $5 00. Cernmeai Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat quiet; Ne. 2 Western Red $14JM 1 46 ; Penn'a de $1 46 ; Amber 91 47. Cern steady ; steamer 55c ; yellow 56c ; mixed 5555c. Oata quiet ; Ne. 1 4848Kc; Ne.I2 4747c ; Ne. 2 mixed 45c. Rye firm and scarce ; Western 9193c ; Pa. OieiBc. Seeds steady; geed te prime cleversecd $725800; Ue timothy $325335; de fiaxeed $1 65. Previsions quiet ; mess perk $1300; beet bams$165017 00; India mess beef $2150; Ba Ba eon smoked shoulders 5c : salt de 44c: smoked hams 910Kc; pickled hams b6) OKc. La ard quiet; city kettle 8c; loose butchers' ic : prime steam 7c. Butter small supply and firm; creamery extra 3537c; Bradford county aud New Yerk extra 2527c ; Western reserve extra at 2527c ; de geed te choice 1924c: rolls firm and scarce : Penn'a extra 2023e; western reserve extra 2125c. Eggs dull and weak ; Penn'a 13c ; Western 12 13c. Cheese dull; N. Y. factory 14414c; western iuU cream 1414c ; de ter geed I3ll) 13 ; de halt-skims 12&13c. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7c. Whisky at $110. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Mar. 5 1230 p.m. Stocks dull. Penna t's (tldrd issue) 105 Philadelphia A Erie 11 Beading 35 Pennsylvania &- Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. et N. J 160 Northern Pacific 33 " Preferred 56$i Northern Central 33 Lehigh Navigation 37 Norristown 102 bid Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Titusvllle 3c. ButTale. l'J Little SchuylkUl 53 New Yekk, Mar. 5. Stocks buoyant. -- Meney 56 N. Y. Central 132 Adams Express 109 Michigan Central 94 Michigan Southern 1 10 Illinois Central 10 Cleveland A Pittsburgh ill Chicago A Reck Island. 150 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 116 Western Union Tel. Ce 112 Teledo A Wabash 43 New Jersey Central K7 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 5, United States 6's, 1881, (registered).. 105 United States 5-s, 1881, (registered).. 103iC United States 4J$'s, 1891, (registered)107e (luayi 108 1108 unueu states y'a, ihui, j coupons). ..ieipt United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .1031057 United States Currency 6's 10B10K Sterling Exchange 4S5 ($487 KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver . CURB. The greatest of Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation aud the ONLY SURE REMEDY In the world ler Blight's Disease. Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest character in support e 1 these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Bright' Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother Siysiclans te use it in practice. R. Caulkins. . D., of Rochester, N. V., writes that he would prescribe the remedy te all afflicted witli serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. !., of Washington, D. C, tells et permanent cures effected uy it, and says : "I de net doubt that it has great virtue." D. W. Bartine, M. D., D. D., of East Orange, N. J., certifies that it cured him or chronic Bright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Harvey, 1). D., Secretary of Hewanl University, certifies ; "lam convinced that no remedy heretofore used or described can be held for one moment in comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds ; Fer the euro et Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. II. II. WARNER A CO., Rochester. N Y. 1 (12-TuThASdAw SEWING MACHINES. SEWING; MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, we learn the following facts: The American Machine has 135 parts Davis " " 151 Demestic " " 88 " Howe " " 24 " New Heme " " 133 " Remington " " 131 " Singer M " 112 " White " " 134 " WbMlW A WOseb,N. 8,has 154 " fd7-SmdSAmw u 3 ?t I ii 5 : u H f h ji i r $1 . t- i ii $ m i '- im WW S S v.- i J A I'll I-1 1 Tl R4 m if