C Vf fSjfePSSaaSBSsjawate aaaepqgaeeaa ijiefefeftg1--, bit iiamti.vif.-.giijj r-yt.----" W;iWiW aWMii-jaBWiMi mil- iiiiMiJayBMijgMI " LANCASTER DAILY IOTELLIOBKCER, TUBlMY, MARCH 2,188(1 1? .,1s' V. l i- 4 i MEMORIAL SERVICE. Tribute te the Memery of Deceased Cem radea et Pest 84, G. A. K. Last evening the liall of Geerge H. Themas pest, Ne. 84, G. A. RM was thrown open te the public who had been invited te be present and witness the memorial ser vice in honor of the five comrades of the pest who had died within the past fifteen months. The hall was filled with comrades of the order and ladies and gentlemen net mem bers of the order. The altar was covered with an American flag draped in black and white. In front of the pest commander's tent were placed five vacant chairs, fes tooned with crape, in memory of the five deceased members. The exercises began at 8 o'clock with a voluntary en the organ by Mr. Charles Gill and singing by the choir of the Duke street 31. E. church, under the lead of Mr. H. II. Ilesslett. Past Adjutant II. C. Weidler then read the military records of the deceased com cem rads, namely : Walter G. Evans, Dr. A. F. IIerr,Hcnry Schaum, Reinhart Rcinecr and Dr. Win. M. Whitestdc. As the reading of each record was finished, the pest drummer beat three rolls en a muffled drum. The responsive memorial service was then read by the pest commander and chaplain, the responses being made by the members of the pest. The service was very solemn, intended te impart the lessen that all men must surely die, but that there is a sure hope of the resurrection and life eternal after death. At the close of the responsive service the choir sang a hymn, aud the comrades formed a square about the altar, and prayer was offered by the chaplain concluding with the Lord's Prayer, repeated in con cert by the comrades. After a chant by the choir the chaplain read the Dili psalm and another hymn was sung. The memorial address was then delivered by Maj. A. C. Rcinechl. It was an elo quent tribute net only te the memory of the deceased comrades, but te the different arms of the service in which they served. Walter G.Evans was a representative of the tlirec-mentlis men, and was one of the first te respond te the call of the president for troexis te put down what was at that time regarded as little mera than an in in Mirrectien. Henry Schaum, of the 122d Penn'a Rept., was a represent ative of the nine-months service, a force that was organized after the great rebel lion was fully developed, and a mortal con flict was in progress between the unionists and secessionists. Reinhart Rcincer, of the T.Ttli Pa. Volunteers, was a representa tive of the German clement of the army, than which no portion of it was mere heroic or loyal, and of which Gen. Sigcl and ethers were shining examples. Dr. A. F. Ncrr was a representative of the cavalry arm of the service a branch that, in the beginning of the war was unjustly depreciated and regarded as of comparatively little account, but which later performed invaluable ser vices and was noted for the dashing valor el its elficers and men. Capt. Wm. M. Whiteside was a representative of the three-year men, of which the great bulk of the army was composed and en whose prowess the government mainly relied for the crushing out of the rebellion, and who did net disappoint the hope and confidence reposed in them, but finally, through scenes of carnage aud suffering, brought the war te a successful issue. In the course of his address Majer Rcineehl sketched the personal characters of the de ceased comrades and paid deserved trib ute te their military services, at the same time giving a brief but succinct review of the differing circumstances under which they had entered the service and the wide ly different scenes through which they had passed. tirade of Pupils. The following is the percentage of the boys' secondary school, Rockland street, for the month of February : FIRST DIVISION. " Menree Hirsh 100 Harry Krcager CO 1 Prank Diet rich !t7 IRescnstciu 5S Edward Rursk 9 Martin Rife f.S Gee Leber 91 Sherman Edgcrlcy. 50 Edwin Garvin 91 II Myers 45 G Zellers 90 S Gochnaur 45 J Sample 90 MInrry Gibsen 40 Win Dinklcbcrg 80 Frank Sullivan 40 Ed I'arker 77 A Beard man 20 Fred Tyler 7fi Chas McLaughlin... 25 Jno Perr 75 Albert Clay 23 Chas llellingcr 7-'i Gee Cramer Walter IJateman 72 Harry McCemscy... Jno Uoeney 6!) Chas Diller 45 T Humphrey ville.. 67 Lawrence G009 (3 Chas Myers 05 SECOND DIVISION. Henry Brown 100 Gee Veager 50 JolmCeho 100 Gee Best 44 James Garvin 100 Will Weise 4 J Eddie Sprecher 10) Herbert Gast 41 Martin Ileum 10.) Gee Etfinger 37 Will Killinger 9s Jehn Anne 3) Sam' Mctzgar 98 Eddie Drepperd 29 Wm Sell 91 Harry Lindemuth.. 23 Gee Keen 93 ChasPeaceek 29 Harry Wingert 9J Fred linger 27 Heward Snyder 92 Edward Ehrisman.. 2! Walter Hellinger... 31 Gee Callahan 25 James Stewart 90 CUas Ewens 24 Harrv Snvder 89 Prank Casper 22 Luther Villee 89 Harry Barnes 17 Harry Mercer Ss Jacob Hussen )5 Harrv Hendrcn 85 Harry Swilkey 15 FrankUciff. 75 Will Beitzel 15 Wm Waltz CG Harry Hal bach 10 Will Zecher 65 Gee Kautz 10 Curtis Wei.-e CO Frank Spillingcr 10 Alfred Paulding CO Gustavus Volger 5 Lawrence Kuhn 54 Chas Iteidcl 1 , THIRD DIVISION. Y X CLAS3. ' Harry Shaub 100 Henry G003 90 Charles Miller 100 Flinn McNeal 88 Will Zellers 100 Philip Schaum 83 Peter Deitz 100 Charles Shadier 82 Frank Bateman.... 97 Harry Powell 82 Jehn Landau 9 Frederick Batten... 81 Jehn Iminel 95 Harry Killian 80 Willie Hammend... 91 Wm Mvers 80 Harry Burns 93 Leuis ltippcl 77 Jehn Villee 93 Catvin Miller Arthur Villee 92 7 CLASS. Jehn Adams 97 Harry Kuhn 81 Gee Byerly 97 Prank Uoeney 80 Walter Cox 90 Albeit Heupcl 79 Eddie lteinfried 90 Frank Zecher 75 Charles Wenditz 90 Jehn Martin 75 Herbert Knox.. ..... 88 Wm Bruederly 75 Jehn Shirley. ...... 88 Harry Keller. Frederick Oblendcr 87 Lloyd Keller James Cosgrove 81 Frank Haughton Win Wilsen 84 Sickness. The Conservator- Concert. The seventh Monday night concert at Prof. Zeller's conservatory of music last evening was a rare musical treat te the guests who were present. It opened with an overture from Weber by Miss Emma Kline and Prof. Zcller ; Miss Martha Davis's sole, " Gottschalk's Battle Cry of Freedom," played without notes, was one of the features of the evening The "Lan caster Piane Quartet" rendered Hayden's sixth symphony with rare smoothness ; 3Iiss Anna V. Peebles,of the conservatory, four years a pupil and two a teacher at Madame Seiler's, displayed a high order of musical culture in the rendition of Rossi ni's "Cavatina from Scmiramide," aud later in the evening sang the "Tyrolese Seng " by Prech. Miss Fannie Brubaker's execution of a grand sonata from Beetho ven was very superior performance ; as was Miss Ella Gundaker's part in a grand due for two pianos,Bectheveu's minuet and two from sonate Ne. 3, op. 31. MissPeeb" and Miss Alice Troyer sang very sweetly a vocal duet, "Hely Mether, Guide his Foot steps," and the piano soles by Miss Britie Davis, of Coatesville, and Miss Lizzie McNabb both played without notes were most creditable performances of a high order of classical music. the KiiEV estate. Decision In Faver of the Administratrix. Te-day at neon Wm. Leaman, Geerge Nauman and E. II. Yundt. esqs., the referees who had bceu mutually agreed upon te decide the dispute between Mrs. Julia Rhey, the widow and administratrix of James W. Rhey, deceased, aud Miss Margaret Rhey, a sister of deceased, as te which of them is entitled te the possession of a certain certificate of deposit for mere than $10, 000, met in the office of Wm. Leaman, and in the presence of the parties interested ren dered a uuanimeus decision that Julia Rhey, the widow and administratrix of James W. Rhey, was entitled te the prop erty and certificate of deposit. That the ownership is in her, and that she is entitled te the possession of the same and the moneys due thereon. After the referees had rendered their decision, Miss Margaret Rhey, who holds the certificate, and her attorney, Hen. Thes. P. Fenlon, refused te surrender the certificate of deposit, whereupon J. L. Stcinmctz, esq., counsel for the administra trix, had issued a capias iu trever and con version. The sheriff arrested Miss Margaret Rhey and Mr. Fenlon, her counsel, and took them before Judges Livingston and Pat terson. Mi Stcinmctz, for the adminis tratrix, insisted that the certificate of deposit should be delivered te his client, or that Miss Rhey and her coun sel give bends for its safe keeping within the jurisdiction of the court. Mr. Yundt, counsel for Miss Rhey and Mr. Fenlon, in sisted 011 their discharge en the ground that a capias in trever would net lie. The discussion was very animated. The court made an order that the custodian of the certificate of deposit shall give bail in the sum of $20,000, for its safe-keeping within the jurisdiction of the court. List et Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the postefiice for the week ending Monday, March 1st : Ladies' Lint. Mrs. Agnes Brede, Miss M. Cook, Mary E. Donaldsen, Mrs. W. Fraley, Miss Mary Frcitchia, Miss Emma A, Fergusen, Mrs. Ames Geed. Miss Warah Gable. Mrs. Fanny Ilershey, Mrs. Resanua Hity, Mrs. Benjamin II. Hubcr, Mrs. Carrie Miller, Miss Katy Miller, Rachel A. Moere.Miss Beckey 0'Bryn,Miss Julia Pa' mer, Mrs. Mary Ann Rohrer, Mrs. Susan Shelly. Gents' List. Jacob Augsperrger, J. Lerey Bewers, Brown & Ce., M. B. Davis Jacob E. Eberlcy, Henry Freidman, Ames Harnish, M. Frederick Ileus, Jes. II. Kcnna, David Mever, Win. Murry, Reed C. Miller, William Reiff, Rcudivig & Adams, L. W. Russell, J. H. Shaiblcy, J. M. Slaymaker, W. F. Van Ileweubergh, Wallace Weslake, J. A. Wilsen, Abiu. Wolf, Charles Ziegenlusc. Heuse ltebbed. Seme time during last week a thief en tered the house of Kev. A. Blech, Ne. 4.10 West Walnut street, aud stele two suits of clothes, a pair of shoes, a satchel and some stockings. Mr. Blech first made the dis covery that the house had been robbed en Sunday afternoon. He then saw that the deer of a store which is in the front of the building was opened. He thinks that the robbery occurred en Wednesday evening las-t while he and his family were absent from home attending prayer meeting, and that the thief entered the side deer of the house and went out of the store deer. The goods were taken from a room in which were several silk dresses belonging te Mrs Blech, which were net distuibed. Mr. Blech thinks the robbery was com mitted by some one who is well acquainted with the premises and he hopes that he will be arrested. Surprise I'iti iy. Sunday last, February 29, was the birth day of Miss Lizzie Allabach, of West King street, and last night she was astonished by a large party of her young friends com ing te her house and giving her a surprise party. A splendid time was had by all who participated, and as Miss Lizzie only has one birthday every four years her friends have a right te a merry-making when it comes around. Sale of Turnpike Stock. Jacob B. Leng, real estate agent, sold te-day at private sale, 25 shares of Lancas ter aud Marietta turnpike stock, at $25 per share. Mr. Jehn r.. Hvland, of Trey, -AVJI"., suf fered with Itheumatism ler ten months se badly that he eeuld hardly raise his arms or legs. Tried a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil, and the relict was immediate. Distance Lends Enchantment ! Maud had a line figure, geed face and pretty name. One should see her at a distincc. When she began te talk, you realized that she never used SOZODONT. Her breath was unlike the breezes of Araby the blest. ml-lwdeed&w New Advertisements. Bargains at Flinn & Brencman's. Proposals Fer Water Trenches. Apples at Herzeg's. Hands Wanted. Fer Itcnt. Wanted.; Free Cure. Lest. EFer further details see advertising column. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bad bleed always causes trouble. It may be a family light, or boils, pimples, itch, tetter, &c. ; but no matter, " Dr. Lindsey's llloed Searcher" is the cure-all. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. Shrewdness and Ability. Hep Bitters se freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and are supplanting all ether medi cines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hep plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are se palpable te every one's observation. Ex change. ml-.2wd.tw A precious gem is " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" has never been known te fail in cur ing colds, coughs, and whooping cough. Price 25 cents. Catarrh of the Bladder Cured. IIeniuetta, Menree Ce., X. Y., Jan 5, 1SS0. II. II. WakmerA Ce.: Gu.vti.emen: I am a man 07 years of age, have lived in Menree county, X. Y. most of my life, and believe there is nenian of my acquaintance who would doubt any statement 1 might make. I have been a terrible sufferer of Catarrh of the Blad der for years. Hearing of a number of cures from the use of your remedy, and after taking a few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, I was net only relieved, but found my self cured. THOMAS OWENS. ml-2wd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. It has wonderful power en Bowels, Liver and Kidneys! What Kidney-Wert, try It. ml-lwd&w Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whethertaken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certainly BELIEVE PAIX, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Itheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the Git EAT BELIEVER OF PAIX. "BROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. Ateaspoon Ateaspeon Ateaspoen lul of the Panacea in a tumbler el het water (sweetened, if preterred), taken at bedtime, will BBEAIC UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. IHIOWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cent" a box. f janl5-lvd&wTuThS W hat Makes Yeu Sick? Yeu have allowed your bowels te become habitually costive, your liver has become ter. pid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are just used up. New be sensible, geta pack age of Kidney-Wert, take it faithfully and seen you will forget you've get any such organs, for you will be a well man. ml-lwdAw Fer Coughs, Asthma and Threat Disorders, use "Brown's 'Bronchial Troches," having proved their efficiency by a testef many years. Imitations are offered for sale, many of which arc injurious. The genuine "Brown's Bron chial Troches" are sold only in boxes. m2-lwdTThS&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. A Strange People De you knew that there arc strange peo ple in our community, we say strange because they seem te prefer te sutler and pass their days uiNerably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by I). Ileil shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. Five Hundred Thousand Streng. In flit; past tew months there have been mere than .MK),000 bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 ca-es et Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if veu have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value life, don't fail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by veur drug gists, I. Heitshu, Lancaster, and il. L. Davis, Millersville. We have a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria. Cankcrmeuthund Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price flO cents. Sold bv 1). Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis, Mil lersville. senfiVeedd&w DEA TJIS. Waidlev. Feb. 21, IsSO, in Strasburg, Mrs Rachel Waidley, widow of Henry Waidley, in the Tlil year et her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral lreni the residence ofGee. II. Gender, Strasburg, Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Services at the Methodist church. 2td ne ir au veutisemests. APPLES! AI'i'LtS!! Just received a Car Lead of Xew Yerk b.tc Apples, ltd JOSEPH IIElfZOG. TKEE CUKE. Toothache cured free of charge, at 22 EAST OUAXuE STREET. Xe failure. ltd INSURE YOUK PKOPEKTY IN TUIi BEST COMPAXIKSat BAUSMAX A BURNS-. 29-tfeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. A COLLAR FACTORY AND T.KATIIi R STORE FOR RENT. A well Establish, e Cellar Factory and Leather Stere for rent. Alse suitable ler auv ether business. Applv te fi.VTii,ThStfd JOHN A. SHOIJER. Lancaster, icc. 12, 1870. INSUUK YOUK PKOPEKTY IN" KELIA1ILE COMPANIES at BENJ. F. SHENK'S, Office : 10$ West King Street. decl2-3mdR TTUKK, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR A STAUFFER. Reat Estate & Ills. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3nidlteed 1JUI5LIC SALE UK HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1S80, at 2 o'clock p.m., at 43K North Prince street, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads. Bureaus, Tables. Chairs. Washstands, Side board, Steve and Pipe. Full Set et Glass aud Queensware, and many ether articles. ml-2td F. H. WILLIAMS, Auct. 11CKLIC SALE OF THOKOUUH-ISRED . ALDEUNEYS. On THURSDAY', MARCH 4. 18S0. at 12 o'clock in., en the premises, known as Greenland Mills, in East Lampeter town ship, situate en the Philadelphia turnpike' three miles east et the eitv, TWENTY-THREE HEAD OF THOROUGH-BRED ALDERNKYS. Alse, alouryearelil thoreugh-lned TROTTING MAR E. One year credit given. ml-3td B. F. ESIILEMAX. APPLICATION FOK CHARTER. Netice is hereby given that application will be made te Court by the undersigned, for the granting of a Charter te the "Lancaster Scientific Club," the object of which corpora tion will be the promotion and encouragement of the study et exact science in the city and county of Lancaster. C. E. HOUPT, J. P. McCASKEY, J. W. CRU5I BAUGII, J. D. PYOTT. B. F. SAYLOR, ml-3tdeawM PROPOSALS Will be received at the Mayer's Office up te THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 4,1880, 4 p. m., for digging out and filling in 420 feet, mere or less, of water trench en North Prince street, north from Frederick te New street. Alse iron feet, mere or less, of water trench en North Queen, north from Clay street. Alse 100 feet, mere or less, of water trench en Lafayette street, from Filbert alley west. Trenches arc te be four feet deep and two feet wide. The bids must state hew much for earth and hew much for rock per cubic yard. Security in $50 must accompany the bid for the work en each street. Werk te be done under the direction and subject te the approval and measurement of the Superintendent of the Water Works, and at the time he may direct, ni2 2td JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, Mayer. TUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, March 4, 1880, will be sold at Ne. 307 North Lime street, 2 Par Par eor Suits, upholstered in Rep and Hair Cleth, Walnut Dining and Bedroom Suits, Marble Tep Tables, Walnut Sideboard and Extension Table, Hat Rack. Clocks, Oil Painting, about 2i0 yards of llwis-els and Ingrain Carpels, Window Blinds. China, Glass and Queensware, besides a general assortment of household goods Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Condi tions maee known by C. A. REECE. II. Shubeut, Auct. 125-CtdB T)AKGAINS. FLIM & BREATEMAT Arc efTering Greater Bargains than ever In TINWARE, TABLEWARE AND Heuse-Furnisliing Goods. A Large Stock of Gas Fixtures at VERY LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te tie' found In the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVEBWABE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. BHOABS Ac BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rOST. A On Friday afternoon, a Ceral Breastpin. The tinder will he liberally rewarded en leav ing it at THIS OFFICE. ltd IT S. GAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phil'a Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., of Sluncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. Phil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce.. of Phil'a. 17-lmdR AMUSEMENTS TjULTON HALL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. sffiIv,MARCH5&6. POWER'S DR. CLYDE COMBINATION. W.H.POWER, ... - Manager. Mr. Jehn D. Mishler has the pleasure of pre seating the BRILLIANT and DELIGHTFUL COMEDY, DR. CLYDE, which will be produced complete in all its rtc tails, as at the Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila delphia, sixty nights, by a Thoroughly Geed Dramatic Company. SPECIAL PRICES: GALLERY, - 25 Cts. ADMISSION, - 35 & 50 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 cents, at Yecker's. ml-5td WANTED. WANTED. Everybody te adverttse, free of charge, in the Intelligencer, who wants something te de. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. One Geed Cabinetmaker at WALTER A. HEINITSH'S, ltd 15 East King Street. KJ ANTED. TT One first-class Bedy Maker tha.t can make Gearings ami Repair Wheels. Alse- first class Finisher in Coach Smithing Department, at PHILIP DOERSOM'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, ltd 129 East King Street, Lancaster, ta. DRY GOODS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN NEW STYLE LAWNS. Opcnen this day one case of 3,000 Yards of Lawns, ta be sold at the Lew Price of 10 cts. per y aid. Purchasers can save at least 5 cents per yard by anticipating their wants ler the coining Warm Weather, and buying these goods new, "famesteck's, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. J. B. MARTIN & CO., DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, QUEENSWARE. Latest Designs in WALL PAPERS CARPETS, At VERY LOW PRICES. Glassware & Queensware, DECORATED WARE, MIRRORS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. 3- Wc respectfully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & Ce. MISCELLANEO US. AS. KOS-EXKAUM & CO., . PACKERS OP LEAP TOBACCO, Ne-. 223 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSENMYER, an7-3md Manager, 1AKE CHANCE. LV Fer sale, the stock and fixtures of a firsts class Tin, Steve and Furniture Stere, with geed Plumbing and Gas Pitting Business con nected with it. A first-class chance Ibvoed mechanic. Address F. A. B1CKELL, f28-3td Coatesville, Chester County. Pa. IOK KENT. The second story of Eshleman & !Rath von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a It. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAX. f23-2td&Stf Attorney-at taw TUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1830. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, i 127-tfd I THE VERY LATEST OUT. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lancaster County. G. Sehner & Sens ) of Jan. 7, 1880, N ). 28. vs. fl. fa. te Apl. 7, 1880, Jno. Abraham Springer ) Ne. 2. The undersigned Auditor appointed te dis tribute the fund in Court under the above jt. fa , te amraineng these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Wednesday, March 10, 1880, at le o'clock, a. m., in the Li brary Roem of the Court Heuse, in the ciuy of Lancaster, where all persons interested in &aid distribution may attend. NEWTON LIGHTNER, 4tw. Auditor, MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Marcli 2. Fleur dull ; super fine $1 254 75; extra $5 005 75 ; Ohie and In diana family $6 757 25 ; Penn'a family 6 50 CS7;St. Leuis family $7750 ; Minnesota Fam ily $0 1'Q0 87 ; patent and high grades $7 258 25. Rye flour $5 00. Cernnical Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat steady; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 6 147; Penn'a de $1 471 48 ; Amber $1 4814'J. Cern steady ; steamer 55c ; yellow 5tic ; mixed 550. eats firm ; Southern and Penn'a white 48 ; Western 47 ; Western mixed 45c. Rye dull ; Western HOc ; Pa. 90c. Seeds steady; geed te prime cleversced $7253 00; de timothy $3 253 33 ; de flaxseed $lt5. Previsions dull; mess perk $13 30; beef hams$lt5017 00; India mess beef $2150: Ba Ba eon smoked shoulders 5c: salt de 44c: smoked hams 910c; pickled hams b? 9Kc. Lard dull ; city kettle 78c ; loose butchers' 77Jc ; prime steam 7e. Butter fairly active and firm; creamery extra 3537c ; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 2527c ; Western reserve extra at 23927c ; ue goeu te cneice ingfaa: rens nrin and scarce : Penn'a extra 2023c; western reserve extra 2125c. Eggs steady; Penn'a lie; Western 1314c. Cheese quiet ; N. Y. factory 14414c; western full cream 1414lc ; de for geed Y6Z Z ; de half-skims 12&nl3c. Petroleum dull'; Rertned 73c. Whisky at$l 10. New terk itiai-Ret. New Yerk. March 2. Fleur Receipts 11,297 ; State and Western dull, aud in buyers' favor; superfine state $5 005 50; ex tra de$5 505C5; choicede$5 10fi; fancy de$6 10 7 50; round hoop Ohie $5 7500: choice de $fi 107 50; superfine western $5 005 50 ; common te geed extra de $5 505 75 ; choice dodo$5 807 7."; choice white wheat de$5G 6 25; Southern quiet ; common te fair extra $5 75K30; geed te choice de $U 403 00. Wheat Spring quiet nominal ; Winter c ewerand dull; Ne, 1 Red April $150151i. Cern quiet aud firm ; Mixed Western spot 5G.JS58e ; de future 5350c. Oats dull; state 47J4S51C; Western 4S50c. Cattle Market. Mendat, March 1. The receipts of cattle at the various Philadelphia yards for the past week were: Beeves, 2,515 head; sheep and lambs, 7,500 de. ; hogs, 5,000 de. ; fresh cows, 200 de. Beef Cattle The market during the week was rather active and prices were higher; a few choice Lancaster steers sold at 6c. We quote Extra at 5tlc ; geed at 5l45c ; me dium, 45Jc; common, 44c; inferior, 34c. The following are the consignees at the West Philadelphia yards: Reger Maynes, 175: A. &J. Christy, 104; McArdle & Murphy. 150 ; Lewensteiu A Adler. 115; G. Schamberg & Ce., 150; Jehn Tayler, 1-J5 ; James Aull, 130; J. P. Sadler & Ce., 202 : ail ethers, 852. SALES AT THK WKST FUILAOBLFUIA YARD. Head. 2.U Reger Maynes, Western, gross, 56c. 176 A. & J. Christy, Western, gross, 435c. Owen Smith, 25 t'enu'a., gross, ler E. Mc Cullough ; 21 de., F. Rite ; 32 Western, G. Schamberg & Ce., 4Jfic. 150 E. S. & B. F. McFillen, Lane. Ce., gross, 56e. Ullmau & Lehman Bres., 00 Illinois, gross, for Jehn Tayler ; 50 Western, J. P. Sadler & Ce.; 20 Lancaster co., Levi Sensenig, 55Jc. 28 James Clemsen, Lancaster co., gross, 5J (i4c 100 Jehn McArdlc, Yerk and Lancaster co., gres--, 5654c Denis Smyth, 38 Centre county : J. n. Beck, 20 Mifflin county ; Ira Thompson, 17 Lancas ter county; D. Bender, 30 Westerii-sauiuel Jehnsen, gross, 4."c. 50 Daniel Murphy, Western and Lancaster co., gross, 45jc. 35 F. Sheetz, Western, gross, 45c. 103 Lewensteiu & Adler, Western, gross, 3 5-c. 14t u. echamberg & Ce., Chicago, gross, 5 0c. 32 L. Hern, Lane. co. and Mifllin co., gross, 454c. 43 H. Chain, jr., Western, gross, 4i5Jc. 15 Daniel Smith & Bre., 35 Lancaster coun ty ; A. Buckwalter, 3(3 Cumherland ceunty: J. Henry, 32 Western ; Jas. Aull, 19 de.; Levi Sensenig, 17 de. Schamberg & Ce., gross, i 5c. 20 Abe Osthcim, Western, gross, 55e. 110 Bachman & Levi, Western, gross, ii c. 18 S. Dreifus, Lan. co., gross, 45c. 18 P. Hathaway, Lane, co., gross, 5aec. 202 J. P. Sadler & Ce., Western, "gross, i 3G Jas. Eustace, Lane. co. and Western, gross, 70 M. Levi, Western and Lane, co., gross, i 5C. 12 11. Chain, mixed, gross, 3lc SALES AT THE .NORTH PHILADELPHIA. TARD. 200 B. Hepe, Western gross, 4ftt5.Jac. 153 Kieter & Katz, Chicago gross, 56c. 38 E. & L. Chandler, Western, gross, 45Jc. 3 Gee. Baker, mixed gross, 34c. 27 William Robbin. Pcnna. gross, 34c. 22 Smith & Leatherman, mixed gruss,34c. Milch cows were in fair demand and prices ranged from $20 te $40 per head. Het's The market for the week was inactive en account of the warm weather, although prices were the same as last reported. We quote Extra at 7Jc ; geed at( 7c ; common at 6ic. Lambs were in demand, but the arrivals were light. We quote Extra at G7c ; geed, (i t$6c ; medium, (Jc ; common, 5c. Sheep were moderately active and prices were unchanged. We quote Extra, 100 te 130 lbs., at U(c ; geed, 90 te 100 lbs, 5Ji6c ; geed, 80 te ue lbs, 585;Sc ; fair, 70 te 80 lbs, 5J434C ; common, 4jj5c. suiimel C. Stewartseld480 head dressed sheep at 64c te 7c. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Mar. 2 12:30 p. x. Stocks dull. Pennab's (third issue) 106 Philadelphia & Erie 17 Reading 34 Pennsylvania 5' Lehigh Valley 62 United Ces. et N. J 160 Northern Pacific 32 " Preferred 5f Northern Central 34 Lehigh Navigation 37 Norristown 102, bid Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Titusville & Buffalo. 20 Little Schuylkill 52 New Yerk, Mar. ?. Stocks buoyant. Meney 6 S. Y. Central 131J Adams Express K9 Michigan Cent ml 91'4 Michigan Southern 10Sj Illinois Central h- Cleveland A Pittsburgh. . . .111 Chicago & Reck Island 149 Pittsburgh & Pert Wayne.. 117J5 Western Union Tel. Ce 112 Teledo & Wabash 42 New Jersev Central 87 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange- (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 2. United States 6's, 1831, (registered). .10105 United States 5's, 1881, ( legist ered)..le:isi035 United States 4H-S, 1891, (rcgistcred)IU8 United States 4's, 1891, (coupons)... 108 United States 4's, 1907. (reIatered)..105 United States Currency 6's 10t106J Sterling Exchange 4S5 g$187 SEWING MACDIIUKS. SEWING MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Prem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has 135 parts " Davis , " " 151 " Demestic " " 88 ' " Howe " " 244 " " New Heme " " 133 " " Remington " " 131 " ' Singer ' 112 " " Weed " " 122 " " While " " 134 Wheelsr & Wilson.Ne. 8,has 154 fed7-3mdS&3mw THIRD EDITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING, MABCH 2, 188C. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, March 2. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, clear or fair weathei easterly, veering te warmer southerly winds, with falling barometer. KING COAL. Anether Advance In Prices. Philadelphia, March 2. The Phila delphia & Reading coal and iron company decided this meruiag te advance Eastern prices of coal, te take effect en the 15th The rates for hard white, ash coal at Elizabethport will be : Lump and ste.im ste.im beat, $4.75 ; broken aud egg, $4 ; stove, $4; chestnut, $3.90; pea, $2.75. Fer free burning coal at the same point, an advance of 30 cents is made in broken ; 25 cents in egg and pea and live ceuts ii. chestnut. The price of hard white ash coal en beard vessels at Pert Richmond will be Lump and steamboat, $4.40 ; broken egj: and stove, $3.65 ; chestnut, $3.55. and pea, $2.40. An advance of 30 cents for broken 25 cents for egg, 5 cents for chestnut am. 15 cents for pea are made iu the prices el free burning coals at the same point. FUKIOUS FLAMES. Destructive Conflagration in New Tork. New Yerk, March 2. A fire broke out this morning in Farnhams & ComsteckV planing mill, Seventh avenue. In half an hour that building and the adjoining fac tory of the Demestic sewing machine com pany was entirely consumed and the flames were threatening the remaindei of the block ou Seventh avenue The losses were estimated at $75, 000 ou the plaining mill and stock, aud $25,000 en the building; en sewing machine property and building probably $50,000. Beside this Stewart's carpet cleaning factory which adjoins the sewing machine factory is flooded with water, and less thus entailed will be heavy. The firemen prevented the fire from communi cating with Beck's wall paper fac tory. The houses en the opposite side of Twenty-ninth street and Seventh avenue were set en fire several times, but were promptly extinguished- The engineer in the planing mill, Kartz E. Decarcy, was dragged from the engine room fatally burned and sent te the hospital. THE OLD STOKY. Forget te Watch the Other. Pottsville, Pa. March 2. At neon te day Andrew Meran, a puddler at Pale Alte mill, while getting out of the way of a north bound train en the Reading read, was struck by an engine going south. He was dragged a considerable distance, was cut and bruised about the head and litei ally disemboweled. lie cannot live. The unfortunate man resides in Allentown. BT WIRE. Afternoon Telerauis Condensed. J. R. Bed well, Rep., was elected maytr of Hallewell, Me., yesterday. Rev. Edw. Cowley was te-day trans ferred from the Tombs te Blackwell's Island. He was spared the humiliation of riding in the black maria. Parnell, Dillen and Murdock were intro duced te the Iowa Legislature te-day and the former made an address. PINCH HACK. Net te be Navl Officer After All. "Washington, March 2. Hayes te-day withdrew the nomination of Pinchback for naval eflScer at New Orleans, thus leav ing Lewis, the present incumbent, undis turbed. AN IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING QUESTION." Discussed by an Able and Eminent Au thority. Albany N. Y. Law Journal. The proceeding of Judge Patterson against Messrs. Steinman aiuMIensel, iu Pennsylvania, involves au important and in teresting question. The judge is county judge of Lancaster. The ether gentlemen are attorneys of his court and editors of the Lancaster Intelligencer. As such edi tors the latter published a statement te the effect that the machinery of the court- had been prostituted te serve the exigen cies of the Republican party, and that the judge had been prevented by his parti san feeling from resenting the imposition upon his court in a certain case, and the disgrace attendant upon it. Thereupon the judge ordered the editors te show cause why they should net be disbarred. The editors have answered denying the right of the court te disbar them for this act done by them as editors and net as at torneys. It may well be that the editors have rendered themselves liable te punishment for contempt, en the ground that the pub lication was calculated te bring the court into disrespect, and impede the adminis tration of justice. But it seems quite doubtful whether the publication will warrant the court iu disbarring the offend ing editors. The courts make a distinc tion between acts and conduct as an attor ney and t se as a person. These editors made this publication as editors and net as lawyers. In some cases an at torney has been disbarred for such a want of integrity, displayed in his conduct ether than as an attorney, as shows him te be au unsafe aud unfit per son te practice law, But we believe the courts have never -gene further than this. Dickers case, C7 Penn. St. 109 ; S. C, 5 Am. Rep. 420, illustrates the distinction, There the court refused te disbar the attor ney because he participated iu a pretended gift enterprise, but did disbar him because he conspired te get an opposing attorney drunk in order te get an advantage of him en a trial. Se in Baker v. Commonwealth, 10 Bush, 592, an attorney was disbarred for altering a letter written by a judge te the clerk. Ou the ether hand, in the case et Ex parte, 2 Dew. P. R. 110, the court rei'UM'd te strike elf an attorney against whom a verdict for a gross libel had been obtained. Lord Lyndhurst saying: ''The court will net strike an atleney from the roll unless for some misconduct in his busi ness as attorney, or where criminal pro ceedings have been taken against him." In many eases opprobrious and disrespect ful language concerning jut'gjs has been held uet even te be contempt, but this is generally, we believe, because of the limi tations of statutes defining contempt. But however the law may stand, there can be little question that the judge has made a mistake of policy. Unless it cau be shown that such a publication is made with improper motives a judge is wrong te resent it. Judge West brook, for example, would become ridicu lous if he should hale before him the Times reporter. We suspect that Judge Patterson has by this time realized the tiuth of Mr. Weller's observation, that magistrates commit themselves efteuer than they commit anybody else. THE CANADA PACIFIC RAILROAD. Strike Terminated, bat Snow Obstructing Winnepeg, Manitoba, March 2. The strike in contract 15 of the Canada Pa. cific railroad has terminated, the men having received their pay. TraiHc south of the boundary has been suspended for six days by snow. Ne through mails have yet been received. MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practicing phy.-i-i-ian e: this county, who lias extensively u.-ed .tie Rrainly referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention or these af licted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant va never intended as a beverage, but te he used as a medicine of great potency in the cure t some of the destructive difac which weep away their annual thousand of victims. W ith a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalid. espe iully these afflicted with that miserable iii ase DyspcpMa, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or letw than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or ees debility, will liud this simple medicine. vhen used properly. A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches, lie it, however trlctJy understood that we prescribe and ue nut one article, and thet is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising yenng menu, 11. e.si.ai .uaivi-.k. this Uraudy has steed the test for tkauk iLAitK. years, and lias never failed, as fur .is our experience extends, and we therefore live it the preference ever all ether ISrandics, ue matter with hew many jaw -breaking French titles they are branded. One-tnurth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, in cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been aitlicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he hail sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fuct, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, md as a beverage he used Mclirann's ltoet lleer. lie is a Methodist, ami then, us new, preached at times, anil in his discourses often Jeclaiuied earnestly against all kinds of Ktieng drink. When ml vised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, hut after hearing of its wonderful effects in .he cases of some of his near acquaintances, he it last consented te fellow our advice, lie used the Ilntiidy faithfully ami steadily; the .irst bottle giving him an appetite, and before 1 he second was taken he was a eund man. wit Ii t stomach capable el digesting anything which e chose te eat. lie still keeps it and uses a Ut ile occasionally ; and since he litis this medi cine lie has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te tlie doctor. A 1'uactisinu Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOltNT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMreUTKIl AND DKALKK IN FIXE OLD I5UANDIKS, S1IEICUIES, SUI'E- KlOlt OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in lsls, 1827 and 1SM.) CIIAMIWtJXES O EVEItV KUAN D, SCOTCH ALE POUTER, IIUOWX STOUT. Xe. 29 EAST KING ST.. LiiflCASTEK. IA CUTICURA REMEDIES Have achieved the most noted success of any Medicine of Modern Times Messrs. Weeks & i'etterhavc never doubted the hpec'llc properties of Cuticuica. Cuticuka Ueselvk.nt and cuticuka Seap, ler the sp edy. iiermauent and economical cure of Humors et the Itloed. Skin and Scalp. They art-, however, astonished at their universal success: for it was te bee.ipi-cti'il that in the hand-, of some ihey would fail solely from spasmodic or igno rant use of them. They arc unable te say without fear of con tnulictien that no remedies ever achieved in the short space of one year tin number of won wen lerful cures perforated by the Cuticuka Uem kdies. SALT KIIEUX Cevering the Hedy for Ten Years, Perma nently Cured. Law OntcB of Chas. Houghten. 17Cengiess Street, Ilosten. Feb. 'A', 1S78. Messics. Weeks & Pettki:: G'ettttevien.l feel it a duty te inform you, mid through you all who are iuteiested te I.new the tact, that 11 most disagreeable and obstinate ca-e efSalt Itheiim or Ecemu, which lias been under my per.-eiial observation from its first appearance 10 the present lime. about ten (i) ears, eevcring the j-renter portion of the patient's body and limbs with its peculiar irritating and itching scab, antl te which a:l the kmiu 11 nit h ids of treating such disease Ims beet: upp il without bcnelit, has completely disappeared, h-aviim a clean mid healthy si. iti. under a few days of preluse application of Cuticuka. 1 can and de heartily advi-c an similarly af flicted te try the remedy which ha been te ef fectual in this case. Very truly yours, CHAS. IIOUUI1TOX, LIVER COMPLAINT And Dyspepsia Treated by the Reselvent Gains S 1-2 pound en One Det tie. Qenllemen: I have had Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, with running sores en the side of my neck, for ten years. Doctors did me no geed 1 have been spending for eight years and it did no geed. Everything I ate distress--ed me. I get reduced from 17'J te 13-.! pounds. At last I tiied the ItKseLVEXTaml it helped me right en, and en the bottle I gained live and one-half pounds. It is doing the business, and lam geig for it strong. Yours truly, JOHX ROY. 414 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., 'ev. 15, 1878. Nete. Cuticura is admirably assisted in cases et extreme physical weakness, or when the virus of Scretula is known te lurk in the system, by the internal use of the cuticuka Reselvent, without leuht the most powerful bleed purifier and liver stimulant in theweild. Cuticura Seap is an elegant toilet, and medic inal assi-dant te Cuticuka in the ticatment of all external ailments-. Fer chapped hands, rough skin and tan, sunburn, uiiil the lesser skin trouble--, it is indispensable; as a soap ter the toilet, the nursery and bath it is the most elegant, refreshing and healing before the public. These great remedies succeed where all ethers heretofore in u-e fail because they pos sess new and original properties never before successfully combined in medicine The cuticuka Remedies are prepared by Weeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 'JM Washington street, Dosten, and are for sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, Hi cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times thequantity et small, 1. Reselvent, tl per bottle. Cuticun. Seap, i cents per cake ; by mail, 30 cents: three cakes 75 ecu us. COLLINS In the Annihilation of 1'aiti and Inflammation. VOLTAIC a FtFCTlTe" the Virilizatien of 1U.V1-UW w - p,..,.Iv-.. Iinii til aerCflS Painful Nervous Part-i W15I and Organs, in the Cur ing of Chreiiii Weakness of the Lungs, Heart, and Klduexs, in the Absorption of Poisons from the llloed through the l'en-H,und tin Pre vention of Fever ami Ague, l.iver Complaints, Malarial and Contagious Diseases, they are wonderful. Get the genuine. LEG At. AO'I'OtA. E 'STATE OF SUSAN CKAMEK, LATE OF East Lampeter towns. .ip. deceased. Let ters testamentary en taut e-iaie iitiviug neen granted te the undersigned, all person? indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the same win present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said tewiisiiip. JiWitw JOEL L. LIGHTX EK. Executer. SsIUNEU ES1ATE OF JOATUA S. Steltzfuse. of Upper .Leaeeck township, Lancaster county. Jonathan S. Stolid! use. of t'pper Leaeeck township, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated JANUARY 31. 18S0, -assigned and transfe-red his esttte a effects te the undersigned, ter the bcnelit cl the creditors of the said Jeuutuaii S. Steltztu v, he therefore gives notice te all p rseus indebt ed te said assigner te m.ike payment te the undersigned without delay aud these having claims 10 present them te JACUU s. EBV. Avignec, Residing in itaruvnle, Laiiciv-iei v O. B-cnj. F. Davis, Atte ney. lebll-tftw ii5Mi , J5i m?Ass M 1,11 m m ?9l i;- k m cl n i I "I !f n 111 tt si !! 1 1 i! a lS J 31 fl re kr- s .. !!' ' J 'S - fl n fejvi S'7 I