I. ;.t: , mrr, .np-1-j.yyyi Tiiiin.mw.wii UlHL"'T'.f U'f'T , -W . fa-f ' 4 .r LANCASTER DAILY ESTJELLIGEISDER, MONDAY, MABCH 1, 1880. !ayewW!BpgaBBMMW "-"i" ' "'':j!;-w--T!mfflB? 1 ' rs.-' ! i i I i i- f w I ' . POULTRY. Monthly Meeting of the Lancaster County Poultry Society. This morning at half past ten o'clock the Lancaster county poultry and pet stock association held a stated meeting in the room of the agricultural society. The following named members were present : Messrs. G. A. Gcyer, vice president, Spring Garden ; J. B. Lichty, secretary. city ; Frank R. Diffendcrffcr, city ; II. H. Tshudy, Lititz ; Frank Griest, city ; "Win. A. Seheenberger, city ; J. M. Johnsten, city ; Wash L. Hershey, Chickies ; Ileury "Wisslcr, Columbia ; J. A. Steber, Schoeneck ; Chas. E. Lentf, city ; Ferd. ScliaefFcr, city ; Jeseph R. Trissler, city ; W. G. Kafreth, .West Earl ; Jehn C. Lin villc, Salisbury; Peter S. Reist, Lititz; Chas. Lippold, city ; Jes. S. "Witmer, Paradise ; T. Frank Evans, Lititz ; Jacob B. Leng, city ; 31. L. Grcider, Raphe ; Addison Flowers, 31t. Jey ; Jes. A. E. Carpenter, city ; II. S. Garber, Mount Jey. II. II. Tshudy, liem the committee ap pointed te audit the accounts of the treas urer, reported progress none of the ether members of the committee being present. Oa motion the committee was continued. The following new members were pro posed and elected : Dr. 1). Rine Hurst, Ephr.ita ; Sebastian Keller, Elizabethtown; Jehn 31. Glider, 3Ieuntville ; Jehnsen 3Iiller, "Warwick. On motion, the society proceeded te elect a president te fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. D. C. Tobias. The following nominations were made, Silas X. "Warfcl, Strasburg; Charles E. Leng, city ; B. J. 3IcGrann, 3Ianheim township ; S. S. Spencer, city. 3Ir. Leng withdrew his name as a can didate, and took occasion te say that he had heard that some-of the country mem bers had stated that they intended te cut him because they had heard he exhibited a bird at the late show that did net belong te him. He made an explanation te the effect that he had made a trade with 3Ir. 3Iarlin, and had owned the fowl (a bautum pullet) nearly two months before and after the show ; and had traded back afterwards, te please 3Ir. Martin's little boy. The fowl exhibited was as much the property of 3Ir- Leng as any ether bird en exhibition. 3Ir. J. A. Steber corroborated 3Ir. Leng's statement ; he said he had seen 3Ir. Mar tin en Friday last, and he had made te him substantially the same statement made by 3Ir. Leng. 3Ir. T. F. Evans said that having heard 3Ir. Leng had exhibited a bird net his own and received a piemium en it, he felt it his duty te investigate the matter, lie called upon 3Ir. 3Iartin, and that gen tleman said the bhd exhibited by 3Ir. Leng belonged te him (Mr. 3Iartin), and that the bird was a bantam hen, although it was entered as a pullet. Having heard this, he told 3Ir. Tshudy about it with a view of having the matter investigated. 3Ir. Leng's statement is entirely satisfac tory, however. 3lr. Leng said if the bantam was a hen and net a pullet, he was net aware of the fact ; and indeed it made no difference se far as the premcum was concerned, for the premium was for cither hens or pullets. 3Ir. Leng again positively withdrew his nunc as a candidate for president. On motion the further discussion of the matter was dropped. Elcc'len or President. 3Iessrs. AV. L. Hershey, and J. A. E. Carpenter were appointed tellers te con duct he election for president. The name of B. J. 3IcGrann was withdrawn, anu a ballet being taken resulted as fellows : Silas N. Warfcl had 10 votes ; S. S. Spen cer had 4 votes ; Charles E. Leng had 2 votes. 3Ir. Warfel was declared elected. Wm. A. Schecnbcrger was nominated te fill the vacancy in the executive cemmitte caused by 3Ir. Warfel's election te the presidency. Setting; liens. The question "hew early in the season shall we set our hens-." next came up for discussion. 3Ir. Kafreth said hens night he safely set all the year round in winter as well as in summer. All they need is te be kept in a reasonably warm place and give a proper degree of attention. 3Ir. Evans said that if chicks arc te be raised for exhibition he would rcccemmend that the hens be set in the latter part of February or the early part of 3Iarch. Yeung chickens require a portion of green feed and this cannot conveniently be had until towards the end of 3Iarch. The best exhibition chicks he had ever seen were l'vhcd late in 3Iarch or early in April. 3lr. Flowers agreed with 3Ir. Evans ; he had set hens early in January and late in February, and the latter had far outgrown the farmer. 3Ir. Tshudy had net been successful in raising chicks hatched earlier than 3Iarch. He supposed if the winter was as mild as the present one has been they might safely hi hatched earlier. Seme farmers contend that chickens hatched after harvest make the best layers, but they never attain se great a size as early spring chickens. 3Ir. Trissler said he has new a breed of chicks two weeks old and they are doing finely. In answer te a question as te hew the chicks hatched out by the patent incubator were coming en, 3Ir. Johnsten said that the four he had taken charge of had all died, the last of the number dying about a week age, after living about seven weeks, lie kept them in the sitting room, in which a lire was kept day and night. He fed them en boiled eggs, bread crumbs, Indian meal, canary seed, milk. &c.,and probably had killed them with kindness. Without the aid of the coroner he had held a post mortem en one of the chicks and found that its liver was badly diseased and there was much coagulated bleed about the heart and at the base of the brain. 3Ir. Trissler said the chicks had preba bly been poisoned by the coloring matter in the carpet. 3Ir. Flowers said he had one of the chTcks-Jiictehed by the incubator. It was living and in geed Jiealth. 3Ir. Lichty said there-- jvas one of them at Edgcrlcy's carriage works that was growing finely. Premiums at the Late Fair. Frank Griest read the following paper in reply te a question referred te him at the last meeting : Did the larger varitics of fowl's at the Kn'ntfiwMbitien receive a sufficient number Hollows Pipes, " " ' "fI- 'besmal- bhcetriren Werk, and Blacksmithing generally, W Jobbing promptly attended te. augl8-lyd JOHN BEST. which, from an. utilitarian point of view a e of most value the Asiatics and Ply mouth Rocks, together, of course, with the turkeys, ducks and geese are the larger fowls, and that all ethers shall be classed among- the smaller varieties. According te this division (net counting entries for the four special premiums, amounting te $25, $20 of which was taken by small fowls) there were 63 entries of large fowls, paying entry fees of $32.50, and carrying oft' premiums amount ing te $31. As opposed te this, there were 142 entries of the smaller varieties, paying entry fccsef$."58.50,andreceivingpremiums of $80.50. That is each entry of large fowls paid te the exhibition 50 cents and received from it 4TJ cents nearly, a gain for the association of 2 cents en each entry, while in the smaller varieties each entry gave te the exhibition 41 1-5 cents, and received from it an average of CI cents the exhibition losing en each entry 19 4-5 cts 1 he average less en each pigeon entry was 23 cents, canaries, 50 cents ; Polish, 8e cents. Except Dorkings and turkeys where the 30 cents entry fee was all gain, they having received no premiums, the largest average gain was in Plymouth Rocks, 30 cents. Omitting pigeons, canaries and the par rot from this calculation, we have 70 varie ties of smaller fowls, giving $40.50 and taking $30.50, making an average less of 14 2-7 cents en each entry. Excluding special cash premiums abavc mentioned and the entries therefore, the average less throughout en each entry was 12 4-5 cents ; including them, 18 cents. It was stated before the exhibition that the entry fees would pay the premiums, and as no one objected te this I suppose every one considered that te be about right. The sequel shows that they lacked $40 of doing this, and as the entries were even greater in number than was expect ed, this deficiency can only be accounted for en the hypothesis that entirely tee many premiums were given te the smaller fowls. This has been blamed en the pigeons, but the less en them is only about half of the total less. What is the object in raising peultry: Te obtain flesh, eggs and feathers. Then the poultry most needed is that which best answer this purpose furnish geed flesh and eggs for the table, and lay and propa gate met rapidly. Arc Bantams, Games and Polish en the one hand, or Brahmas, Cochins, Plymouth Rocks and Leghorns en the ether, best fitted for this? 3Iest emphatically the latter. I doubt whether theie is a man in Lancaster county choos chees ing from the standpoint of usefulness, who would net take the Plymouth Reck ex hibit in preference te the whole batch f pigeons, although the former took but fc3 in premiums te the hitter's $34.50. It may be held that we should cultivate fowls for beauty, as well as for utility, but should net these which arc pre-eminently both of these receive mere consideration at the hands of an association of poultry raisers than varieties which are purely or namental '.' And what fowls en exhibition were mere beautiful than some of the Brahmas and Cochins:' It is also an acknowledged fact that it is easier te get bantams that will count a high score than larger fowls. Taking all these into consideration, I net only believe that the fowls received tee few premiums at the Lancaster county exhibition, but that they de at nearly all similar exhibitions throughout the coun try. Your secretary will tell you that out of $700 lest en premiums in thirteen ex hibitions from which he has recently heard, enlv $91 was lest en Asiatics, Ply mouth Reck, and Spanish and about $450 en Games, llamburgs, Bantams, Polish and Pigeons. Frem away "down East" the secretary of the Southern 3Iassachusetts poultry association sends his laments. He thinks there should be some revision respecting the pigeon department, and suggests that throughout, no premiums should be paid when there is no competition. This would of course make the list of premiums much smaller and would pecuniarily benefit the association, but yet would net equalize matters sufficiently te give the larger fowls a chance. . When competition is between large and small fowls, a discount of 5 per cent might be made en the scores of the smaller ones, which might put them mere nearly en an equal footing. Less bantams weigh higher points that is the less valuable they are as market table, the higher will they score. Chas. Lippold did net agree with the cr sayist. Fancy pigeons were mere valuable than large fewis. The former net infre quently sold for $150, while the highest priced fowls never reached that figure. 3Ir. Evans agreed with much that the essayist had read, but he objected te the games being classed with the smaller va rieties. As a table bird they arc superior te all ethers, and as layers they arc net much behind the Leghorns or llamburgs. 3Ir. Lichty stated that he had written te the secretaries of a number of poultry so cieties and had received answers from six teen of them. The uniform answer he re ceived from all of them was that while the entry fees of Asiatics, Ply mouth Rocks, and ether standard varieties of fowls, sometimes mere than paid the premiums awarded them, and always nearly paid them, there was great less en bantams. pigeons and ether pets pigeons being the hole in which the bulk of the profits was swamped. 3Ir. Charles E. Leng spoke at some length, defending the action of the judges at the late fair. The small birds had re ceived no mere prizes than they were fair ly entitled te by the premium list. If the list was net properly arranged the fault lay with the executive committee, and .t could be corrected before the next fair. He was net sure, however, that it would be wise te exclude small birds from the premium list or even materially reduce the premiums. He knew there were many people especially ladies and children who visited the fair mainly te sec the bantams and pigeons. 3Ir. Steber held that the object of a poultry show should be te improve the breed of fowls. He had bred Asiatics, but new breeds llamburgs and Leghorns, which he deems far better 3Ir. J. B. Leng had bred Leghorns and Plymouth Rocks, having geed success with all of them. He had recently secured a trio of Black Cochins. Since the 15th of January they have laid CO eggs, which was a better showing thau he had had from any ether fowls. Mr. Steber said that he had seven silver spangled Hamburg that had laid last week forty-two eggs, and week before last thirty-two eggs. A rambling discussion of some length took place en the relative merits of large and small birds, when finally a motion was made te adjourn. The following question was offered for discussion at next meeting. " Is there any way te reduce the flying propensities of Leghorns ?" Adjourned. Sale eflteal Estate. T ' Ochs & Ce., have sold te Ilenry story brick dwelling house a 108 Nixt en East Strawberry -lydMW&S&3mw - urade of Pupil. The following is the percentage of the pupils of the girls' high school for the month of February, 18S0 : riEST CLASS. Rese McCullen 100 Harriet Clarksen... 100 MaryAcbmus 93 MarySharp 99 Kella Yeagley 96 Ella Laverty 93 EllaGundaker 95 Laura Loeher 91 Anna Slaj-nmkcr. . . 91 Kate Harrison 91 Emma Albrieht. . . . 9i Mary Landis 98 Laura Olivine as Sue Slaymaker OS Beckiu Slaymaker.. 98 Annie Baker 97 Lemie Xeidlch 97 Blanche IMller 92 Emilie B.Martin.... 92 Mary Sbulze 92 Xellie G. Landi. 90 SECOND CLASS. Sadie Sbindlc 100 Minnie Baub 99 Lizzie Ileleina 99 Hallie Albert 98 Lulu Leng 90 Minnie Brown 91 Annie Bitner 92 MinniePeaceck 92 Florence Sprecher. . 91 Sallie McCormick... 90 Leuie Finney 89 LillieBose 88 Flera Eaby 99 Carrie Myers 98 Frances KreiUer. ... 98 Alice Fridy 93 Mary Keyer US S. C. Elluiaker 9: Frances KaulTinaii. 97 Jennie Ochs 96 Annie Witmer "87 Emma Fick 87 Ella Dubbs 90 MaySutten Si TIIIKD CLASS. Kate Shirk 99 EllaStauffcr 9C Emma Falk 95 Alice Dinan 91 Mamie Sliarp 93 Emma Belli 99 Mav Flick 98 Sallie Baldwin 98 Minnie Annie 98 Alice McNaughtan. 93 Mary Everts 91 Carrie Yonker 90 Marv Smoker 89 Bertha Edgerley 88 Emma McCulley... 85 llallieSkeen 97 Lizzie Eaby 9; Flera Beard 9; Lvdiakeck KatcMcGinuis 9U EfticRciuiensnydcr. 9(i rOUBTH CLASS. Naemi Eberman... 99 1 Elsie Peters Libbie Weber 99 Mary Halbach.. . 97 . 97 . 97 . 90 , 90 90 . 90 95 95 93 89 87 93 93 92 91 91 91 91 90 87 Bcrtlia Merrow. 99! Sal lie Leng Emma Lively Allie Arneld Nellie King Sallie Gretr. llattie McKcewn. Katie Gast Katie Barnes Bella Weitzel Anna I Ions 99iMyra Geed. 99 Susie Kirkpatrick. Ella Shirk Sallie Heme Mazie Lechcr Emma Sener Marien Kendig Ella Trewitz 98 98 US 97 97 97 97 Susie Geed FIFTU CLASS. Emma Smith 93 Mary MelMieraen... 98 Jesie Franklin Edith Rogers Lizzie Weaver Mary Grestzingcr. Blanche Beard llattie Quinn Maria Clarksen Esther Spindler... Annie Weise Ella Sbertzer Mary Goodell Ada Power Agnes Carpenter. AdaZellius 97 Katie Sliertz 97 Ella Killinger 97 Sue Harkins 97 Ma Krydcr 90 Ida JIuzzard 90 Lizzie Kirkpatrick. 90 Carrie Cox 95 80 83 78 CI Anna Baer 95 Esther Clarksen.... 93 Emma Ebcrlv 93 Unavoidable absence. The following is the grade of pupils in attendance at the boys' high school during the month of February. Twe hours' home study per day is expected from each pupil : FIRST CLASS. Marien B Hartman. 95 Grant Bebrcr... Chas W Ueitsbu.... 95 ,C ha II Frey.... 91 91 90 88 80 81 83 79 77 70 70 75 75 75 70 CO 05 Gee T Lcydcii 9- fcilir L llubcr. Harry B suavely. Harrv E Stener.. WmO Hear ill Thes G Wise... 95 91 Walter 1' King. C E Urban SKCO.NIl CLASS. A L Witwer 99 WS Adler 95 Samuel HLicht v.... 95 Heward T Hayes.... 91 Chr LFnmtz 93 Jim A Hoever 91 Wm G Landis 91 Levi W Herling.... 90 Kebt G Bursk 89 WnillLiiidemulh.. 87 Chas A Miller 87 Solemon I Miller 87 Clarence II Clark... S5 GeeFErisman 83 Frank McClain.... Gee I let lick Jno it .McCullen.. Thee Diller Aimer J Smeltz... Edw W IMller.... HewardSmeltz BenJ A Spindler.. Samuel W IMller.. T 11 Hartman Win A Buckiii-t.. Frank II Hambright (' KihrJI Stirk 02 Walter E Kelly 00 Tlllltl) CLASS. Cha Carpenter 93 Daniel II Senseuig.. 91 S K Slavmaker N5 Gee M bnrwart.... 83 Wm L Gable 82 Allium E Lane 8(1 Carl U Eaby 75 Henrv Gerhart 75 E G Eichholtz 70 Edw A Sbertzer C5 Wilsen W Fowler.. 02 lames A Kelly CO Wm C Pyfer. 00 David E Salomen... 59 II I) MeCaskey 58 .Jno It Duncan 57 lames 11 Deen 55 Fecimi class. 91' Chas S Heflmcier. Grant Strine Harry A Shenk Cbas'll Obreiter 70 OS OS 02 01 , CO CO . 51 88 W B Bellinger. 80, Henry Heath... Wm 1) Beck 80 Fred W Haas 85 Charles Winewer. . . 83 Jno II Hartman 82 I) S Smith SO Kebt M Adams 70 las 11 Munson Abnim L Miles... Cliften Evans Ilenry Ott holler.. Gee V Killiau Gee F Wiley FRUIT GROWERS IN' COUNCIL. Appointment, of Standing Committees for 1880. The executive committee of the Penn sylvania Fruit Growers' society held a special meeting at the Stevens house to day for the purpose appointing the com mittees for 1870. Hen. G. D. Stitzcl, of Reading, presided ; Hen. Henry 31. Engle, 3Iarictta, vice president ; E. B. Engle, Marietta, recording secretary ; G. B. Themas, West Chester, treasurer. The following committees for the year were appointed : General Fruit Committee E. Satter thwaite, 3Iontgemcry county (chairman) ; A. R. Sprout, Lycoming ; Jeseph Lewis. Delaware ; Dr. James Calder, Centre ; J. O. 31artin, Franklin ; W. 11. Paunebaker, Miillin ; J. V. Garrettson. Adams ; Bassler Beyer, Lebanon ; T. S. Weeds, Dauphin ; J. W. Pyle, Chester ; A. S. Shinier, North ampton ; Casper I Idler, Lancaster ; A. S. Shelter, Union ; W. L. Schaeflcr, Phila delphia ; I. 3Iurdeck, Allegheny ; II. S. Rupp, Cumberland ; F. F. 3Ierccren, Col umbia ; Peter Lint, Yerk ; II. Lep,Lehigh ; C. T. Fex, Berks. Nomenclature Jesiah Iloepes, Chester county (chairman) ; S. W. Neble, Mont Ment Mont gemery ; Levi S. Reist, Lancaster ; J. Hibbard Bartram, Chester; Ezra High, Berks. Floriculture and Abericulturc Charles 31illcr, Philadelphia (chairman) ; Geerge Achels, Chester, Jehn C. Hepple, Berks ; P. C. Hiller, Lancaster. Orcharding : Themas Harvey, Chester county (chairman): D. Funk, Berks: II. F. Clark, Columbia ; J. G. Engle, Lancaster ; Jacob Hcyscr, Franklin. Entomology : S. S. Rathven, Lancaster, (chairman) ; Herman Streekcr, Berks ; J. Stauffer, Lancaster. Committee en reception for annual meet ing at Gettysburg, third Wcdncsnay of January, 1881 : E. G. Fahncsteck, Gettys burg ; Hen. Isaac Ilicster, Gettysburg ; Raphael Sherfey, Gettysburg ; Cel. Stable, Gettysburg ; E. B. Engle, 3Iarietta. TKRIUKLE ACCIDENT. Death of a Prominent Citizen nf IMarysville, Native of Lancaster County. D. Gcib, the agent for the Pennsylvania and Northern Central railroad companies at 3Iarysvillc, Pa., was killed at that place en Saturday. Shortly after eleven while purchasing meat from a butcher's wagon, en the read which runs down te the railroad track at the sta tion, the horse, frightened by the escape of steam from an engine which was shifting close by, became fractious, and 3Ir. Geib drew away from the wagon, stepping back en the track just as some shifting cars came up. His attention being drawn toward the horse he did net notice the cars, which knocked him down, one truck passing ever his body just below the hips. He was re moved te his home where he expired at 12:30 p. m. 3Ir. Geib was a native of Lancaster county and a resident of 3Iifllin, Pa., removing te 3Iarysville in the year 1804, where he has since resided. The de ceased leaves a wife and family. The Elizabeth Township Election. Ever since the local election for school directors in Elizabeth township some of these who get "settled" en that occasion, notwithstanding their strenuous labors and close guard of the polls, have been growling at the result. Edwin Elser, Democrat, had 130 votes ; B. F. Stauffer, Blaine Republican had 119 ; and Celin Cameren only get 78 and was defeated be cause he ran as a Grant Republican. The Elizabeth township people take no third term in theirs. Besides, its schools are im proving under the present beard of direc- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES. The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found In the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELBY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWARE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as, low as It could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ters and a majority of the people were se pleased with them that they re-elected the old members. Little Locals. West Earl. Salisbury and ether Republi can strongholds are reported by politicians in town te-day te be very solidly signing the anti-third term " pretest." A young man driving in a phaeton had its wheel smashed te pieces yesterday in turning from 3Iiddle into Seuth Queen street. A P. R. It. engine shifting cars at Lemen street te-day jumped the track and was put en in an hour without any damage. Paul Quiglcy, Jehn II. Bewman and a man named Weaver had a fight en Satur day night at the corner of Plum and Chest nut streets. Bewman was confined te his house yesterday with his face tattooed in a highly artistic manner. The mayor this morning committed two "drunks" for ten days and discharged four " bums." Jehn AVilsen, having been drunk and disorderly, Alderman 3IcConemy gave him a ticket of admission te Castle Weise, geed for 30 days. . This afternoon the funeral of 3Irs. Jehn L. Atlee took place. The services were held in the house and were conducted by Rev. C. F. Knight. The interment was made in the family let, in the burying ground of St. James church. This afternoon there were two sections of the fast line West, owing te the delay en the New Yerk division of a portion of the train. , Change el Proprietors. Jehn Creamer, of Barcville, and Jehn II. Rewe, of this city, who has for several years past kept a restaurant en Duke street, opposite the court house, took pos session te-day of the Keystone house, which has been kept by Samuel A. Greff, county treasurer. 3Ir. Greff will go into the liquor business with Jehn A. Hertiug, but will beard at the hotel with his family. The mevings of 3Iessrs. Rewe and Creamer were largely attended and a big dinner was served up at the hotel. Crystal Wedding. On Saturday night Ilicster 3Icssenkep and wife, residing at 41 3Iiddle street, celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding. A large number of friends were present and were handsomely enter tained. The presents were many and handsome. The party adjourned at a sea sonable hour, wishing their host and hostess many years of happiness and pros perity. Amusements. "Dr. Clyde." On next Friday and Saturday evenings Sidney Uesenfield's comedy of "Dr. Clyde " will be presented in tlieopemlieu.sc by W. II. Power's combination. Tills play has drawn large houses In Philadelphia, Bosten and ether cities, and the press is unanimous in its praise. Annie Pixley in " ;7is." There is no actress' mere popular in this city than Annie Pixley, who has delighted our citizens upon different occasions by her excellent impersonation of ' -M'liss." This lady appears here te-night, sup ported by Jehn E. McDonough, Kebert Fulford and a strong dramatic combination. Gueuge Schleveu, Publisher of the Chilton, in., " Volksbete," used the St. Jacob's Ojl ler "almost unbearable pains in the back which hail completely prostrated him." A few ap plications cured him entirely. Distance Lends Enchantment ! Maud had a line figure, geed face and pTetty name. One should sec her at a distance. When she began te talk, you realized that she never used SOZODOXT. Her breath was unlike the breezes of Araby the blest. ml-lwdeeilAw New Advertisements. Dr. Clyde at the Opera Heuse. Application Fer Charter. Public Sale of Cattle. Girl Wanted. Public Sale. Lest. E3F"Fer further details see advertising column. Sl'EVIAIs NOTICES. If you want te get rid of pimples, boils, tet ter, Ac., use " Dr. Llndscy's Bleed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. Shrewdness and Ability. Hep Bitters se freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and arc supplanting all ether medi cines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hep plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are se palpable te every one's observation. Ex change. ml-2wdiw The little ones love it, and elten cry for mere wluit ? " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," which cures them of coughs, colds, and whoop ing cough. Catarrh of the Bladder Cured. Henrietta, Menree Ce., N. Y., Jan. 5, 1S80. II. II. Waun-eu & Ce. : Gentlemen : I am a man C7 years of age, have lived in Menree county, N. Y., most of my life, and believe there is no man of my acquaintance who would doubt any statement I might make. I have been a terrible sufferer of Catarrh of the Blad der for years. Hearing of a number of cures from the use of your remedy, and after taking a few bottles of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, I was net only relieved, but found my self cwrerf. THOMAS OWENS. ml-2wd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. fJ17-lyd&wM,W&S "What Slakes Yeu Sick? Yeu have allowed your bowels te become habitually costive, your liver has become ter. pid, the same thing ails your kidneys, and you are j ust used up. New be sensible, get a pack age of Kidney-Wert, take it faithfully and seen you will lerget you've get any such organs, for you will be a well man. ml-lwdJtw It has wonderful power en Bowels, Liver and Kidneys! What? Kidney-Wert, try it. ml-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent. j of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and wnen we renect mat tins terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup, siiall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. A Strange People De you knew tliat there are strange peo ple in our community, we say strange because they seem te prefer te suffer anil pass their days miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed te euro them. Sold by D. Heit shu, Lancaster, and 31. L. Davis, Millcrsville. Five Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past few months there have been mere than 500,000 bottles of ShUeh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases et Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis yield at once, hence it Is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value life, don't fail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by your drug gists, I), lleitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Slillersville. AVe have a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Headache in Shilelrs Catarrh Uemedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. lleitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis, Mil-lersv-jlle. septiS-eedd&w JJEA.T1IS. siMrKius. in this city. Louisa G.. duuirhter of Jehn and Jane A.Siuin- kins, aged 1 year and 18 days. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her parents, Ne. 74 Middle street, Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. lt Waidlky. Feb. 29, 1680, in Strasburg, Mrs. Rachel Waidley, widow of Ilenry Waidley. In the 72d year of her age. The relatives and friends are rcspectfullv in vited te attend the funeral Irem the residence of Gee. H. Gender, Strasburg, Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Services at the Methodist church. 2td SEW AJiVERTUiEZLEXTS. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE BEST COMPANlESat BAUSMAN & BURNS'. 29-tfeedR Office : Ne, 10 West Orange St. LANCASTEll, DCC. 12, 187!. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIABLE COMPANIES at BENJ. P. SHENK'S, Office : 108 West King Street. dcel2-3mdR TIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HEUU & STAUFFER, Rcat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3mdReed X OST. JLi Yesterday aiternoen an English Pug Deg. A suitable reward will be paid en the retnrn of same te 39 West Orange Street. ltd PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m.,at 43U North Prince street, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs. Washstands, Side board, Steve and Pipe. Full Set of Glass and Queensware, and many ether articles. ml-2td F. H. WILLIAMS, Auct. PUBLIC SALE OF THOROUGH-BRED ALDERNEYS. On TUESDAY, MARCH 4. 1830. at 12 o'clock m.. en the premises, known as Greenland Mills, in East Lampeter town ship, situate en the Philadelphia turnpike' three miles east el the city, TWENTY-THR EE HEAD OF THOROUGH-BRED ALDERNEYS. Alse, aleurycar old thorough-bred TROTTING MAR E. One year credit given. ml-3td B. V. ESHLEMAX. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Netice is hereby given that application will be made te Court by the undersigned, for the granting of a Charter te the "Lancaster Scientific Club," the object of which corpora tion will be the promotion and encouragement of the study et exact science in the city and county of Lancaster. C. E. HOUPT. J. P. McCASKEY, J. W. CRUMBAUGH, J. D. PYOTT. B. F. SAYLOR, ml-3tdeaw TUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, March 4, 1880, will be sold at Ne. 307 North Lime street, 2 Par Par eor Suits, upholstered in Rep and Huir Cleth, Walnut Dining and Bedroom Suits, Marble Tep Tables, Walnut Sideboard and Extension Table, Hat Rack, Clocks, Oil Painting, about 250 yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Window Blinds, China, Glass and Quecnswarc, besides a general assortment of household goods Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Condi tions made known by C. A. REECE. H. Sucbeiit. Auct. I25-6tdR TT S. GARA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145J4 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE-- Insurancc Company of North America, PhiPa Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Mnncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Pliil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Pliil'a. f7-lmdR "PUBLIC SALE. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1880. will be sold at Ne. 35 SHIPPEX STREET, LANCASTER CITY, one fine Tarler Suit, one Parler Glass, marble-top Tables, Hat Rack, hall Chairs, three Cottage Sets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, two Lounges, Camp chairs, spring-seat Rocker and Chairs, cane-seat Chairs and Rock ers, walnut Chamber Suit, Sink, Breakfast Table, weed Chairs, Extension Table, Carpets, Shades, Leeking Glasses, woven wire Spring Mattress, 1 new Parler Steve, 1 large Heater, as geed as new, table Caster and a number et articles tee numerous te mention. Sale te commence at 9 o'clock, a. m. Condi tions made known by A. K. UOFFMEIER. Henbt Shubebt, Auct. feb28-tdR EHV CATION AIL. THE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College otters su perler advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address BEV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. TIIRD EDITIOff. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, JIarch 1. Fer New Eng land and the Middle Atlantic states, higher barometer, colder northwest te west winds, possibly occasional rain or snow followed by clearing weather. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. What Flashed Acress the Wires Te-day. The female Nihilist agent, Vera Sassu litch, has been arrested at the instance of General Trepeff, her intended victim, who recognized her at the theatre in St. Peters burg. A serious strike has occurred at the es tablishment of E. & G. Breeke, Birdsboro, Berks county, ene of the most extensive iron works ih the state. One hundred and eleven pounds were raised for the Irish relief fund by two ser vices held in Westminster abbey yester day. The Londen Times deems it premature te consider what the future settlement of Afghanistan will be. Resistance must be conquered first and civil measures post poned until then. The employees of the Little mill of the Allentown rolling mill company, who struck for higher wages en Thursday last, went te work this morning, their demands having been complied with. The Cincinnati Commercial te-day edi torially denies the statement of the Phila delphia Times te the effect that Secretary Sherman had purchased an interest in the first named paper. The posteffico in Annapolis, 3Id., was broken into last night and robbed of three thousand dollars worth of stamps. The United States supreme court this afternoon rendered a decision, declaring unconstitutional the act of the West Vir ginia Legislature excluding colored citizens from jury service in the courts of that state. This reverses the judgment of the supreme court of appeals of West Virginia. In Washington, D. C, JBabe Bedford, Sandy Kcnna and Edward Quccnar, charged with the murder of Geerge P. Hirth, by striking him en the head with a stone tied up in a handkerchief and kick ing him, were found "guilty" this morn ing. Francis Hill shot Gee. 31. Heffman, of Bushkill, Pa., for saying Hill illegally drew a pension ; Julia Benjamin, aged 20, took a fatal dese of strychnine in Court land, N. Y., because of a' disappointment in love ; Frederick Seltzer, shot A. D. Hickman, in Rockport, Ohie, because Hickman's bar-keeper put him out ; Philip C. Beukcrt, the North Second street shoe dealer, in Philadelphia, hanged himself in the fourth-story of his residence David Hoag, of Mincrsville, has died from the morphine and stimulants taken in ascven hour walking match; Chas. Bird's jewelry store in 3It. Gilead, O., has been robbed of $3,000 of watches, the burglars watch ing the watchman with a revolver ; the steamer Hindoe has been abandoned at sea after three officers were washed over board ; William Addis, who is rated at half-a-million, and is known far and wide in commercial circles of the Western cities, has been divorced from his wife, because of adultery with her coachman and ether employees. HORRIBLE OUTRAGE. A Crime of Toe Frequent Occurrence at the Federal Capital. Washington. JIarch. 1. On Friday night last 3Iiss Leins, residing en Capitel hill, while en her way te church, was struck down, stunned and carried into an open let by a negre who outraged and robbed her. It was nearly two hours before she reached her home, her threat black with choking, one car cut nearly from her head and her body covered with bruises. She new lies in a critical condition. Themas Smothers, colored, was arrested yesterday and recognized as 3Iiss Lein's assailant, At midnight a crowd of about one hundred men marched te the station house and demanded the prisoner, but he had been removed te an ether station, where he was guarded dur ing the night by the entire reserve police force. MISCEZ.LANEO US. AS. ROSENBAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 223 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J. KOSENMYER, an7-3md) Manager, rVLAS. BRIMMER. Removed te Ne. 4 West King street, first fleer, Rhoads & Bre.'s new building. 127-lmd I CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGNS. etice te water renters. All persons who wish te discontinue the use of the city water are hereby notified te in form the Superintendent of the Water Works in writing, en or before the first day of March next. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, feb25-5td Mayer. KARE CHANCE. Fer sale, the stock and fixtures of a first class Tin, Steve and Furniture Stere, with geed Plumbing and Gas Fitting Businc-ss con nected with it. A first-class chance for a geed mechanic. Address F. A. B1CKELL, f28-3td Ceatcsvillc, Chester County, Pa. OR RENT. " The second story of Eshlcman & Rath- von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Pcnn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAX. f23-2tdStf Attorney-at-Law TUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 18S0. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, 127-tfd THE VERY LATEST OUT. OTICE. 1 take pleasure In announcing te the citi zens et Lancaster and vicinity that I have this day (Feb. 25) opened my New Drug Stere en the corner of Seuth Queen and Strawberry streets. My stock is fresh and carelully se lected, and comprises everything usually kept in a first-class store. I will also keep en hand a full assortment of Perfumery, Seap, Toilet Articles and strictly Pure Spices. Physicians' prescriptions will receive individual attention. Very Respectfull v. THOS. B. BECHTOLD, Druggist and Apothecary, Cor. Seuth Queen and Strawberry Sts. feb25-4td SEWING MACHINES. SEWING SIACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, we learn the following facts: The American Machine has 135 parts " Davis " ' 151 " " Demestic " " 88 " Howe " " 244 " " New Heme " " 133 " " Remington " " 131 " " Singer ' " 112 " " Weed " " 122 " White " " 134 " " Wheeler &Wilaoa,Ke.8,baB .154 " fd7-JmdSmw MJLRKETS. Philadelphia Market. PmuurKLrHTi, March L Fleur dull and; weak te sell; superfine $4259473: ex- tra 93 005 75: Ohie and Indiana family 6 757 23; Pcnn'a lamily $6306687; St. Leuis family $7 007 50 ; Minnesota Fam ily $6 23QG 87 ; patent and high grades $7 238 23. Rve flour $3 00. Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat quiet; Ne. 2 Western Red $146; Penu'a de $1 46 147; Amber $148. Cern dull ; steamer 55c ; yellow 96c ; mixed 55J$c. Oats quiet ; Southern and Pcnn'a white 47 43 ; Western 4K47 ; Western mixed 43c. Rye dull ; Western 9092c ; Pa. 9092c Seeds steady; geed te prime cleversced $725g300; de timothy $3 233 35 ; de flaxseed $1 65 ; scarce. Previsions dull; mess perk $13 23; beet hams $165017 00 ; India mess beef $2150; Ba Ba Ba conseoked shoulders 55c; salt de 4c; smoked hams 9Uc ; pickled hams 8 lKc. Lard dull; city kettle 7Sc; loose batchers' 77Jc ; prime steam 7c. Butter firm ; creamery extra 33 35c : Uraaferd county and New Yerk extra 252?c ; Western reserve extra at 2527c ; de geed te choice 1924c: rolls choice scarce ; Penn'a extra 2023c ; western reserve extra 2125c. Eggs dull and weak ; Pcnn'a 14c ; Western 13K Hc. Cheese dull; N. T. factory 14.14c: western lull cream 1414c ; de for geed 1312 13 ; de halt-skims 12gl3c. Petroleum steady ; Keliued 9-Xc. Whisky ut $110. New Yerk Market. New Yerk, March 1. Fleur State and Western dull prices without decided change ; superfine state $5 005 50 ; ex tra i le $5 505 65; choice de $5 106; luncy de $6 10 0750; -round hoop Ohie $5 75t00; choice de C 107 50; superfine western 5 0005 50; common te geed extra de $5 505 75 ; choice dodo$5 807 73; choice white wheat ile$5 63 6 25; Southern quiet ; common te fair extra $5 75630; geed te choice de $6 4008 00. Wheat Spring quiet unchanged: Winter a shade stronger and moderately active ; Ne. 2 Ne. 2 Red, cash, $1 50 ; de April $1 50M ; de May $14 Cern dull and scarcely se firm ; Mixed Western spot 50J5Sc ; ile tuture 5336?c. Oats dull; state 47iiij2c; Western 463)c. Cattle Market. PniLADEtrniA, Mar.L Cattleactivc; receipts 2,500 head; prime 6c'; goed5c; medium 4 (3 5c; common '!($ ic. Sheep market lair ; receipts 7,500 head ; prime fiic ; geed SgGc ; medium 55c ; com mon 4i4!e. Hogs Market very slew; receipts 5,000 head ; prime 7c ; geed 7c ; common 6J46c. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Mar. 12:30 p. v. Stocks irregular. Pennab's (third issue) 106 Philadelphia & Erie 17 Reading ::i) Pennsylvania 5' Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. et N.J 160 Northern Pacific Xi'l " Preferred 5t Northern Central 34 Lehigh Navigation 38 Norristown 102 bid Ceutral Transportation Ce. 47 1. r-ltls., xitusvuie & iiullaie. VJIZ Little Schuylkill.. 62 New reitK, Mar. 1. Stocks firm. X. Y. Central 131iI Adams Express 108 Michigan Central 91 Michigan Southern...' 10-J Illinois Central 102;i Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..Ill Chicago Reck Island 151 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 116 Western Union Tel. Ce 112 Teledo & Wabash 43 Wew Jersey Central iWi United States Iteuils and Sterling Exchange. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Mar. 1. United States 6-s, 1881, (registered). .105J$I05 United States 5s, 1S3I, (registered).. 10wl03 United States 4's, 1HU1, (registered)l(j8 4J108& United Suites 4's, 1891, (coupons).. .108 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .105 United Stutes Currency G's 106gl06 Sterling Exchange 485 j'487 U'ANTEJt. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Iktuxieenceu, who wants something te de. GIRL WANTED. Te de general housework In a small family. Apply at ltd Ne. 35 East German Street. AM U SEMEN TS TULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1830. Return of the Favorite. ANNIE PIXLEY a M'LISS," AXNIE AXNIE AXNIE ANXIE AXNIE ANNIE ANNIE AXNIE ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE PIXLEY. PIXLEY. Supported by the McDon ough and Fulford Star Combination of 23 first class artists. .1. E. McDom McDem McDom euhii as Yuba Hill. During tlie acting of the piece Miss Pixley will introduce sev eral Xcw Songs and Med leys. Admission, 35, BO St 75 Cts. Reserved Seats new en sale without extra charge. f3l-td PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PIXLEY. PULTON HALL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. iSS&,;iIARCH5&6. POWER'S DR. CLYDE COMBINATION. W. II. POWER, - - - Manager" Mr. Jehn D. Mishler lias the pleasure or pre senting the BRILLIANT and DELIGHTFUL COMEDY, DR. CLYDE, which will be produced complete in all its de tails, as at the Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila delphia, sixty nights, by a Thoroughly Geed Dramatic Company. SPECIAL PRICES: GALLERY, ADMISSION, - 25 Cts. 35 & 50 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 cents, at Ycckcr's. m 1-5 td KIDNEY ANJt JjlVElt CURE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and IiYer CUBE. The greatest of Modern Medical Discoveries. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY In the world ler Bright's Disease. Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest character in support et these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article in the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Bright's Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother physicians te use it in practice. R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, N. V., writes that he would prescribe the remedy te idl atllicted with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. P., of Washington. D. C, tells et permanent cures effected by it, and says : "I de net doubt that it has great virtue." D. W. Bartine, M. D., D. D., of East Orange. N. J., certifies that it cured him of chronic Bright's Disease in two weeks. Rev. C. A. Harvey, D. D., Secretary of Heward Universjty, certifies ; "I am convinced that no remedy heretofore used or dcscrlbi.il can be held ler one moment in comparison with tills." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds : Fer the euro et Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Bright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidnev and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters. Safe Tonic. Safe Pills and Safe Xervine are also superior remedies, unequalled In their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by drug gists and medicine dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testi monials. H. H. WAUXER & CO., Rochester. X Y. 1 d2-TuTh4Sd4w STATE OF WM. J. UARKLEY, LATE ofCelerain township, Lancaster county. Pa-, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in Cole Cele rain township. JOHN W. PHILLIPS, Administrator. Jaxbb M. Waxkxb, Att'y. feblti-titw 1! n fcM ; I i! Al m m ;.!! ! n :'( M W !. t sv 1 8: til H i; m T3 s5J !.f J i-fl 1 i .ca m y m m 1 srta v"'TSSja-,