TRX& 'JMatpia.Wi. pjwiyMi, wt-u-uwg-uaggg featf afte y rket. lour dell and tH 25073; ex. id Indiana KS0fi687: VllAV -taT-am. . Volume XVI-Ne. 154. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, MAECH 1, 1880. Price Twe Cents. V'i " "J" l." "" " ''i" w " "t - 'ii. i. L lti..,.iM; ,fXj r - -OT i I !! MWMI iWUl'lHUHlffll'H' '! IH)l1.fc X " ""V" 3aV WI 1 1 1 W " LI 9 gllgilntclluj h r '. i 3s . f - n l,4. ) I ) X! 9 Iff 4 fc if . y& Vr; . V i : TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED KVEBY EVEN1KO, BY STEINMAN & HEN8EL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. The Daily Intelligencer Is furnished te subscribers in the City of Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Dally Stage Lines at Tex Cents Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a ear In advance ; otherwise, ff. Entered at the pest efllec at Lancaster, Pa., as second class mail matter. -WTlie STEAM JOB PRINTING DEPART MENT of this establishment possesses unsur passed lucilities for the execution of all kinds of Plain and Fanev Printing. COAL. B. 15. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 5" Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for lainily use, and at the low est mat ket pi Ices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. Vh- YARD 150 SOUTH AVATER ST. itcSUyd PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO. fcTlJ!yr RECEIVED A FINK LOTOF BALED V TIMOTHY HAY, at . M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALEItS IN COAL. ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN I ! I FAMILY COAL UNDER COVER. MinnesotaPatcntPiecessFaniily and Baker's Fleur. Baled Hay and Feed of all kinds. -Warehouse and Yard : S.14 North Water St siT-lyd COHO & WILEY, 3X0 NORTH WATER ST., Lanettstcr, J'a., Wholesale and Bctall Dcalcis in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Bnlldcrs. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Branch Ofllec : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. a lelKB-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! no te GORRE0HT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yai d H.irri-burg Pike, Ollice 30X Kt Chestnut btiect. P. W. GOBUECHT, Agt J. B. RILEY. e9-lyd W. A. KELLER. T-OriCE TO THE PUBLIC. Gc. SEKER & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXULVE LFKENS VALLEY and WILKESBAMIE COALS which are the bct In the maiket, and sell as LOW jus the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULLWEIGIIT, butallew te WEIGH ON ANY scale in geed Older. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash Deers, Blinds, Ac., at Lewest Market Prices. Office and yaid northeast corner Prince and Walnut sticets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd ROOKS ASH STATIONERY. OAPETERIE Aj,-j BIKTHUAY CARDS. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT THE HOOK ASD STATIONERY STORE eir L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 4S WEST KING STREET. 1880. 1880. VALENTINES! A CnOICE STOCK OF MARCUS WARD & CO'S Valentines and Valentine CAEDS, XJn-.uipa-.scd n variety of design and beauty FOR SALE AT BOOK STORE OF M 5.! I. l.. If. I. . i I r 1 1". t . -T fei ' 1 . i.a ' Ml' i ,.U I. 1 IT K,' TO A. I'lKTlN- wssm i mm, iac tkU'a.-t.i. .e-t :b "; ! , ' rc ". tl in ' u "t ' '-iPiuts j'i cwieraf te""" "a"1 '1 t "" i 'if'' cry T.r ' f BOOTS AND SHOES ..V K. lit ' 1 . t..ttie ".t '"u"" 1 A A 'r'- t T J . 43 WEST KING STREET FOUNDERS ASH MACHINISTS. T ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STBEET, Optesitbthb Locomotive Works. The subscriber continnea te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. M9- Jobbing promptly attended te. aug!8-lydj JOnN BEST. CLOTHING. NEW GOODS FOB FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYMADE CLOTHING ever exhibited In the city of Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $6.00. Geed Styles Cassiinerc Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are immense. All grades and every variety of styles ami colors, for men, boys and youths, nil our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Yeutlis' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We arc prepared te show one el the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from anil have made te order ever show n in the city. They are all arranged en tables titted up expressly se that evury piece can be examined befeie making a 'election. All our goods have been puicliased before the lisc in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed stvle and at short uuLiuu mm ui uuiuiiu prices, m u iimitt; m h der an All Weel Suit for $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one pieflt, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and be convinced as te the truth of w hlch we affirm. MYEHS & R ATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. IS East King Street. SrE rECIAL NOTICE. 66. 68. Mansman&Bre. GRAND CLOSING SALE! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL lMUJCEMKSTS te buyers of Clothing ii order te make room for n large SPUING STOCK new being manu factuied, and we are nuuding loom. Ve offer Bell-made and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ci cr heard of befoul although Goods aie going up e ery day. Weh ill sell, for e must nave the room. Loek at Our Astenislingly Lew Price List: i OVEUCOATS ! OVEUCOjTS ! OVERCOATS I for$i!X), ler$J.S, le:$.-..33, for$.75. OVERCOATS ! OVEUCOATS ! OVEUCOATS i for $7.73. for $ 1 7 for $10.75. OVEUCOATS ! OVEUCOATS ! OVEUCOATS for $12, $14, $16.ind$J0. These arc licavy-lincd 0"erceats, carefully made and splendidly ti united. OVEUCOATS! OVEUCOArs OVEUCOATS for $7.50, for $8.M, feifcD.M, ler$li OVEUCOATS ! OVEUCOAls ! OVEUCOATS ! for $15, for $13, ir$J0. These are Plaid-Back Ofrei coats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'SSUITS ! for $3.50, $4.00, $-.00, $7.i, $9.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOB FIVE DUESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. BOYS' SUITS AND OVEUCOATS : BOYS' SUITS from $2.25 te $10 00. BOYS' OVEUCOATS VEUY LOW. Wc sell only our own nrake and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net found as represented. 3-'Ietci. ("ij -wh(thnreii wislitn murhnep j- ill I i'i tin' '. t' , t- ! "' in-iUi- i : u- !' i . i I , t 1 ' I '- I , - -. !'.!! I: '.,.: , i . Mt'ilCl' N'l . ... ' 'Ji.'l". ,' .. . jl'.fft, l til T .. -- 'Ja i- . ,'- A iii r ) J ?!"( 1 VJ. I- . f V.! C i . . y . v " i l"i.' lit V "" "" li. ' ' iU.f, Hit I. a , .lihrlu . ' 'ti, v t. n . table M.t .1 i Mm oieu .M:' ! '. a . ! j-enicut- ,.)! !., . . ati !. ii. T ,. . . u; . ,t mi I . 'liriri- i ." i ei .!. . c v"-' -'" k r-t i ,', K i s; ut- - '.i. I iitv il-F ..!-.i ;i:l' . nvi'i ) .el- re Ft ' ! "" ' '-' ' l".-!?i. linn dtux . t! l -'-!)' ii New Pictaie J-'ramc ami u . r.. i i- - '' i : : i ' . i i. r -r i . i ' i t ' i Stored WALTER A. HEIKITSH, (Schlndler's Old Stand), ROBES, RLASKETS, tt s ION OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Japgest. Best and Cheapest Asseutmknt et IJ Uulincd IlurtALU uuiiiis in ma cil Vlse LAP AND HOUSE iiL.AAll!.i of fcv.iy lesenp- tien. A fuu line ei Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whip, , Cellars, &c. 49-cpalrlng neatly and temptly denc.Ct A. MIDEY, irti Qttd w 108 Xertli St., Lancaster. e25-lydMW&S3m Eancaster Intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1880. Queer Happenings Here and There. Fifteen wildcats have been killed this season by a Winters (Cal.) lad. A red and white spotted deer was killed by Geerge Winthrop in the Piue Nut val ley, Cal. A cut en the finger from a glass bottle caused the death of J. "W. Stanten, of Stonington, Conn. E. E. "Wright, of New Haven, during the recent warm spell, ploughed and sewed his winter rye. Neither church nor posteffice has as yet appeared in "Waltham, Vt., and the place is eighiy-thrce years old. In Maine flowers were in bloom recently. Chas. A. Dyer, of Portland, picked pansies in his garden Feb. 1. In Ellwood, 111., teams cannot get te town tlneugh the mud, and all business must be done for many miles by tramping in and out en feet. The warm weather is hatching the locust eggs in the west, and farmers are rejoiced, for the young are sure te be frozen te death by the next cold spell. They had a tramp sociable for the beue- lit et the Universahst church of Joliet, Il linois, in which the rivalry was te sec who could wear the worst clothes. Six newspapers in North Caielina are edited by negrees, three in Louisiana, two each in Texas and Tennessee, and one each in Virginia, Alabama and Mississippi. The Gallatin river, Mentana, is frozen ever near its confluence with the Missemi, se that trains ciess en the ice. This has occurred but once before in eighteen years. E. B. Lunbeck, of Malta Bend, Me., ad vertises that he " will receive proposals of marriage from the fair ones in the vi cinity for the next feity days, and will positively accept the best eiler. During the services in a coleicd chuich of Nebraska City, Neb., one of the dea cons deliberately advanced te the pulpit and dared the minister te come down and fight. The deacon was opposed te some of the preacher's appointments. A Vermont man living in St. Johnsbury advertised his delinquents by driving a wagon through the stieets with their names painted en the side in large letters. After dinner, when the team again appear ed, several of the names weie maikcd paid. In Walkerton, Canada, Mrs. T. Adamsen is enjoying very line strawberries. The ic ccnt warm spell caused the plants te blos som in the open air, when Mrs. Adamsen petted a number of them with care and then took them into the house where they matured. When a train en the Missemi, Iowa and Nebraska read ran into Premise City, it was discovered that a car was suspended by the couplings, net a vistage of the rear trucks being visible. The trucks jumped the tracks, broke completely up, and weie thrown aside along the tiack. Samuel "W". Melvin's w ife, in answer te his advertisement as te leaving his bed and beaid, icteits by saying that his bed was a bunk filled with straw and the beaid a slab ; that the ladies should bcwaie, as he is again in the market, and has already killed two wives by starvation and brutal ity, besides damaging the thud. The condition of 0-lympi.i, AVashingten territory, is thus described by the Pugct Sound Ceurier: ". AVc aie completely shut out from the outside world te-day. It is impossible for the mails te go or come by land or water ; the steamboats arc tied up at their wharves, and the telegraph is of no mere use than a broken clothesline." In 1802 there was no snow until Feb. 1, and in the first week of April in Connec ticut the snow was ncaily live feet deep en a level. Snow shoes weie used by North field people in getting te chuich. On the 19th of April peach tices weie in blossom, and 1st of May Ames Merse turned his cat tle te grass, se abundant was the feed. -m-- Centenarians. Mrs. Lvdia Graham of Pert Byien will be 103 in March, Eliza Nelsen of Baltimore had just rounded a century when she 'died. One of the most vigorous and fruitful writers of Banger, Me., is in his 90th year. Mme. Louise Luceinc was a celebrated beauty in the time of Napeoleen Bena- '. '. t ! .:.., v'y, ' "a:i '.- '.. 'i 111 i " K ,. i . lit- ",t, l.'':Cl. - ;iit.- i. lYVJ it .in I t .. ''It " X'J ' I I'."' J i.., . je h i I A , ' ' i ' "in ..'I-'- 1 ... ii !.;,. i'i h.n- ' lit" t,C J -i t.i t-iti.ii Lt ll t l ' . .J . - ' . . -1 .'.' "f " ' HsU ' I. L til . ti - :'u 'i I) f i' uiiilu I'p'nuvi llUOiil'i. " '-I'lill'!. lv.1, 1 .U.u lliU'd 'y ifr. '..I'm i:. ! nr;,, lt'1 -i.e (Ut.'i i b .-I i iiu'ui.iii 'eri) . J'r. ViUiuiiSyi :i. ef"i.wl . et. Mn, "i 'i "ni i'i "ns u.lj thi."i T,.U"i' mm U'.rU,, " a .it I'i .;' A 'U,m"" 'i Oi.. , -ei' .".i,t 'i ,i prl i'f V rccjivtu ins-' i i i V- """'iw mv. The " .1 H ' f- -i i'' i '- lUc-ivM Y -ivC'!ty i .. s ; ii - J i.1 . , v. e Ill hiti ' ' . V - H' (.' UK ;J. - "l" i n.-ian -t upai&i. uriler ..p u-n. .'' ..i aetiV'"" euigi ii' the Lettie uf '.v .t,l li, . I lite i'ev liurr !' 1ivit. t!i' e-.ifSt .!- vy"fj gr.i'tuait. of V .mi t: nnU 1; I iiig muuliT ei Vif c . ' -! lO'.'. l.i u , MniifiMc I'i 'ts; i Ji :.'(.".'' iiiui' .v. 'i teui il . 1 l A in i" in 1 in hJ.tllTi .VI"' ' t( i. )1 t, Jul' .. II.' ii i in-t ducvt ' ii . , "i. ' . . i r '' iiit.' 1 qijii r I ih j. i-i ! ;i irj T,- r- "'.ea en : iv'ensl u u ji itji a a utii. '! "isiyj ,, t-ii v i; admitted, and the school at Parsippany for the education of colored teachirs was seen instituted. Foolhardy Karigalbrs. The small-beat foolishness Las found its most recent victims in Cap'. Burrill, of Cape Ced, and Andrew Cem, of Nan tucket, who have arrived iVNew Yerk from Rie Janeiro, "by steamship, after having attempted a voyage fren Bosten te Melbourne in a beat a litle larger than that of the three wise men oRetham, who went te sea in a bowl, lie story is a melancholy one. They put.ff from Bosten, July 9, in the Gelden Gatt a little schooner rigged craft, 19 feet lengJU beam at the water line, 2$ in depth, fcd 11.7 tens burden. Ne beat se small ,ter at tempted a voyage se long. Abet two months later the foolhardy wafers reached Cape de Verdes, where they get a fresh supply of pre- visions, and started along the Afri can coast. They succeeded in reach ing St. Helena about the middle of Decem ber, after violent storms, during which the previsions were wet and mostly spoiled. Then they gave up, and started across the Atlantic for the Brazilian coast, where they arrived almost famished, and at the brink of death. Careful nursing alone re stored them, and charitable contributions sent them and their beat (the latter in the steamship's held) te New Yerk. " Ole Bull's Felly." Scarcely a Leg Left te Mark the Spot of his Castle. A correspondent writing from New Ber gen, Petter county, gives some reminis cences of Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist. He says : About thirty years age Ole Bull, the Norwegian violinist, with one of these idiosyncrasies peculiar te men of genius, turned his attention te colonizing and speculations in lumber. Engaging a dumber-of his countrymen, who had reached New Yerk en their way te the fertile fields of the "West, lie brought them here, laid out a city and erected cabins for their use. He purchased an immense tract of land in this region from parties in New Yerk, and made preparations te open the forests en a grand scale. About six miles below hcre,en Kettle creek, high up the summit of the mountains, he built for himself a home. Endeavoring te implant in this wilderness some memories of the land he had left, he constructed a castle and fur nished it with all the embellishments that could be imported into this out-of-the-way place. A beautiful read winding up the mountain side en a gradual ascent led te his retreat. Artists were bi ought from afar te add te the splendor of his castle, and the painter and gilder gave their handiwork te complete the structure, while paper of the most expensive kind ceveied the walls and added its charms te the edifice. One mammoth room was set apart as the concert hall, and here Ole Bull exercised all his ingenuity in its deco ration. The reef was composed of glass and the barbaric splendor was well calcu lated te make one forget the outside sur roundings and yield themselves te the subtle strains of his violin and enter with spirit into the gayctics and festivities with which Ole Bull tiied te surround himself. But all this was deemed te meulder and decay. Before the artisans had yet ceased their labor tieuble began te show itself. Dissatisfaction began te manifest itself among these who had come with him te this land, and although he expended money ficely and tiied te bring peace and harmony among his retainers, the spectre of lcbcllien would net vanish. About this time, tee, he discovered that the title te his land was net worth the cost of its wi iting. He had bought it from parties who had no claim en it whatever, and new the real owner came forward and asserted his rights Ovcrwhelmned by the thickening troubles that came en him, he suddenly abandoned all and reappeared again among the haunts ei civilization, and, with his beloved violin as his companion, began te retrieve his wasted fortunes by treading the beards behind the footlights. The colony he had brought with him, being left without a leader, gradually bi ekc up and became scattered far and wide. Newscaicely one remains behind te tell the story and record the history of New Bergen. The castle en the mountain top suffered ficm the ravages of time and the despoliation of the curiosity-seeker. Hundreds visited the place, and most of all carried away some memento of this "Ole Bull's Felly," till new scarcely a leg re mains te mark the spot. The only re minder of the past is the name of the little village that clusters around the feet of the mountain. It is called Oleona, which is supposed te be what remains after the "shortening process" of "Oleewns-it." Volcanic Eruptions. The extraordinary news from San Salva Salva eor of the bursting forth of a volcano out of the besom of the lake of Ilopango, en Dec. 31, recalls the yet meie wonderful phenomenon of the sudden elevation of the volcano of Jerulle, in the province of Michuacan, Mexico, in the night time, be tween Sept. 28 and 29, 1739. The spot where this fiery mountain, larger and higher than the Storm King, en the Hud Hud eon, suddenly sprang into being was a peaceful plain, occupied by sunny farms and groves of the guayava, a liuifc tree much prized in Mexico. Fer several mouths before there had been frequent and heavy shocks of earthquake. Around the new created mountain, which belched forth fire, ashes, mud, het water and stones, aiese innumerable smaller elevations i.l i in , ki -r : i ii" . .ir. i ,i1mvc tli. r'ni ';. - Klv ' Wiii;r i ui.. A."!irai rvj.k :.. 1 i ri'.'-i1 'r i' i."i i i ' ! ' i:i.t -i. im.i - ' ' i U ,".'til -' 'ie-, ".iiit ii. ip ";. "j ideate l un'iii ' i i "ii ei.-ui itici: .u1 n-emi.ii;i5 lei!iii' ' ' :ujr''f . ; lis ei ':n- wendiTiii . 'iv ii 'it.n v.:tl . " ly lt'.i."-l I.l l -IS " i'i ' I l ,is i, . -(.'" I t!i t,it th.t'1 Ia! ' . (:',- , j" in, ' r .Clell .' i, K' t;I- t ti i. .i nui .r uL" ' e'l i el ' i ." ) r.. iwi .list..nt. '.vti'Lh 1. iJ bee u - ..iiiitin. I-; ubtci ul te l'Ci'inii" "iidtifii i. ipti I T" s hmi unlikely t'iai sli .In ' videace if oent'ectson will be le.nul b t te- i!i. f.-.v voleanu in Fai -ah.uiei ' .in i Hi-et'ici lier litli Ik ! .vi" ' t'i" 1 r.I'i'. "i .itain ajhtem i '1 is ; j. .1 sermus a'ceni (hat ... ci j 1. i!.-"tUp lonnrk-jj-bet-WiVii tl.e t'ts , i 1. it ''tjmlitien til' tiie lepnliifs that 1... 'd t!. li'UTO'i lOt; v.'Il lvfrtcn t'u: ' mi'i asu..l'1'i' leiiiii :ica;..c .: a " th.17 " "mini t"e:'- Tlie in! i-..ei m.."-" '""i-hed 5'" b sjnuif ' n'4 u nl a nei' in -u' 1 .1 1 ji i.i ' or :i, inati iv . i''Vvilu.i"r!. :.t re .'! Cll ' .L , in t. ll'IS. I. I l 1 i t -Ji vJicif he ci". fesr .i I -est - ! t.tiie of lv ,- !. 1 I Ml Uy . . )ii " l- S .! fj.". , .'line, ir a ' 'ii a u J li !' .! MP' tl's tM' ;,ntil. iii.t II. 1 'l"i ' it ' but when his work returns te him in pi oef hardly anything of its original form is left. It is asset ted that "The Divine Tragedy" was rewritten after the most of it was in type. Mrs. Mary Jane Helmes is a lady whose books have many readers. They will no doubt be pleased te knew that she is tall and slender, has a head crowned with a wealth of dark brown hair, clearly cut features and large, expressive gray eyes. She is writing a novel, after the comple tion of which, in May, she will sail for Europe. She says, smilingly, that she has written very few short stories, as she " finds it very hard te bite them off." Prince Geerge of England, the youngest son of the Prince of Wales, is described as an excellent fellow, full of pluck and spirit, and quite ready te fight any one. Prince Edward, his elder brother "Eddy" he is called at home is very quiet, and net se strong as Geerge. "When they started en their cruise they were very sea sick, but the captain, after allowing them te remain in bed for a day or two, went in and told them they must get up and de their duty : se they did. Te hear Jeseph Jeffersen talk of life, and the things, places and people he has seen, is said te be better than reading a geed novel or a book of travel. He has a pleasant voice, a gentle manner, never needs a word that does net come at his will, and paints for the mind's eye as ar tistically as he does for the natural eye with his pencil and brush. He has num bers of pleasant songs with which he accompanies himself en the piano, that are the delight of children, as well as grown up people. The hearty " Brether Jehn" and the " Three Sailors of Bristel City," is just as much enjoyed by himself as by them, se genuinely fend is he of children. WALL J'Al'ERS, Jte. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., We arc better prepared te meet tlie wants et the people than any sea-en heretofore, as our New Stere is larger than the old one. which en ables us te cairy a mere extensive line of WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES. Our room is filled with the Choice Goods for the Spimg, and lias all the Novelties, from the Lewest Grade et Taper Hangings te the most expensive in Bark and Medium Celers for Bailers Halls, Dining Uoems, &c. In Window Miades we are prepared te meet any demand. Plain Goods by the yard In all Celers and Widths. In Six and Seven Ecet Lengths, fixtures of Best Makes. MeaMiies of Windows taken and Shades hnng in first-class manner. Cornice Poles for Lace Curtains and Lambrequins, Gimp Bands, Tassels, &c. In connection with our line wc handle PIER AND MANTLE MIRRORS. Orders taken and G hisses made of every de de sciiptien. Come and sec our New Stere. feblO-lyd&w SLEUICAL. D AY'S KIDNEY PAD. The enlv cure for Diabetes. Gravel. Dropsy, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back, Inability te Uetain or Kxpel the Uiine, Catarrh of the Blad der, Affections of the Spine, and Diseases et the Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Organs. It avoids internal medicine ; is comfortable te the patient; eei tain in its effects. Sold by all druggist or sent by mail en receipt of price, $iX). Bay's Kidney Pad Company, Teledo, Ohie. ANDUEW G. FKEY, Distributing Agent for Lancaster County. Agency, corner Neith Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster Pa. aprlU-lyd HOP BIT BUS HOP BIT HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS nep BIT EltS EUS n-HOP BITTERS, "OP BUS EUS ( V Medicine, net a Drink,) HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EKb nep BIT EUS HOPS, BUCnU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, and the purest and best medical qualities et all etiicr Bitters. They Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Beweli, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness. Slecnlessness and HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUs HOP BIT EUS IIOP BIT EUS IIOP BIT EUS HOP especially Female Complaints. EUS $1,000 IN GOLD r will be paid for any case they will J!iii ne1 cure or help, or for anything .Jr.,, impure or injurious found in EUS them. Ask your druggist ler Hep Bitters, anil try them before j ou sleep. Take no ether. Hep Cough Cure is the sw eetest, safest and best. Ak Children. The Hen Pad for HOP BIT EUS nn Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is su- Tr.,T HOP nftinrtn -ill nthers. Ask DriJiMrists. 4 '" agists. BIT 1 T t 1.- .. el. lt-e- BIT EKS HOP BIT. BBS -. A. V. II Ull WU1WIHI.IJ ...... ....- y.(, sMihle cure for Drunkenness, use -" no opium, tobacco and narcotics. TrrlI, Send for cucular. AUaLoveseld 4. by DniKKiMi. 1 IIOP BITTEBS MFG. CO.. tu ' Kochester, X. Y. TIOp BIT BBS 1 "OP IIOP IIOP IIOP IT BIT BIT BIT US EltS BBS BBS it t ; "a "" I. IZAV K " K V L-n 1: - K-V. i W K-W K-W ; MT! Y REMEDY IE SAME TIME ON K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W ft Or;: ; I : V t i : thi" i.rv - THI. '- -7ELS, the KIDNEYS. J action gives it er te cure all dis- K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W V:'!-- re We Sick? 1, .. allow these great or ). - 1 'km i. clogged or torpid, n , . humors aie there- ter -. 1 i'iie the bleed that si mild I ccih led natuiallj-. J?'VHYOKT . r L CUBE ;, ,. "5 riles, Constipation, i- iifcy t plaints, Urinary !;;,, ij.. , Female Weak en r. 1111I Nervous '. lertlers, 1 1. is action of these or ' ""ins their power te 1 1 1 se. Bilious Fains and .it m irnicnted -n itli Piles '" i.- ml Why frightened ' i. i ted Kidnej-s? Wliy - . Xcrveus Headaches? Dless niglits? Use KIDNEY W OUT and rejoice in health. It is a dry.vegetable com pound, and one package w ill make six quarts of medicine. Get it of your Druggist. He will order it for j ou. Price, $1,00. Wells, Bicuaiidse & Ce., Preps., Bciu.ii.gtex, Vt. (Will send pest-paid.) K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W t t . 1, Jv-U K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W HAPPY EELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Xew methea of treatment. Xew and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 X. Xinth street. Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a hign reputation for honorable conduct and profes sional skill. mar-lyd AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Xe. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 Xerth Queen street. wUl receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended te without additional cost. e27-ly Fancy Me and Eoeny Hes r OR CARD TO LADIES ! "UNDERWEAB BOOMS. Grand Depot, - - - Jehn WMamaker. PHILADELPHIA. The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we are new shewing1 merit mere than passing notice. With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed goods, finished with rare silk and niceness, we introduce THE CONTENT WORK and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are made. These who have traveled will remember the exquisite handiwork they have found in the cottages of the peasants. A peculiarly desirable article in UNMADE DRAWERS, Being simply the patterns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and ready for making up. "We certainly have new THE PERFECTION OF UNDERWEAR. Moderate prices are as noticeable as the refined character of the goods. We have a full stock of ENFAMS' SLIPS, INFANTS' DKESSES, INFANTS' SKIRTS, INFANTS' SKIRTS, Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things wanted in a Baby's Wardrobe. Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired. JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALEU IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Sil?er and Silver-Plated Ware, Hs, Jewelry and Ami Tied Spectacles. - We offer our patrons the beneflt of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lreni First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. B,FIrst-CIass Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S COENEE. ARCTIC OANDEE " BACK STRAP ARCTIC. Great Improvement Over Common Arctics. Easier te Buckle ; exclude wet and snow mere perfectly; neater in appearance ; bet tcr fitting ; extra heavy sole, giving double service. Try ene en and you will never" wear any ether. Sold by C. A. REECE, 26 MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCIHTIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS 01 the TiiitUAT, sun ii TllKOAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. riit tPlGn ,n S.nlnrpj?latc of medicine a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chcniL-it. His "C. & C." (Congh and Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere chance, but of lone scientific research in chenibtry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled cnicacy. Tlie expense inits manufacture is at least live times as great m SSSKW at the exceedingly low ?S W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 AROH STREET, PHLLADELPHIA, PA. dl-lydcewiw - FOR SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AXD ALL DRUGGISTS. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et POXY. PORTLAXD AXD ALBAXYls. TWO FIXE FOUE-PASSENGEE SLEIGHS, IIt17-X' De Fine Four-Passenger PORTLAXD PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, a fine let et Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, hafVhe1rtCai0nel)yGreBS&B0We'anauTarlCty et ethcre second-hand. All le be sold at S. E. BALLY & Ce., 430 & 432 North Qaeem ud 431 & 433 Market Streets, Laieuter, Fa. cclS-lyd THE LADIES. INFANTS' ROBES, INFANTS' SHIRTS, IN FLANNEL, IN CAMBRICS. 13th ST. JEWELRY, Ae. Lancaster, Pa., LAN CASTEE, PA. SHOES. EAST KING ST. fabS-Imd PHAETONS. S.C te s l 1 ;." 'M T'i si-1 ."! SJ u ' M '$ ?i "a ai