t.r -,r-T -w -dVift-w .W"- .V'?T "SPffJ in-"' 1 A v LANCASTER DAILY 1KTEIXIGENCEII, SATURDAY, EEBRtJARX 28,1880. iPmS: THE TOBACCO TRADE. JCew Corners te Glean a Closely Heaped Field The Crep of 1880. During the past week there has been an unusually active demand for both 1878 and 1879 tobacco. Of the former net less than 400 cases have been sold at advanced figures. Of the latter it is impossible te tell hew much has been secured, but a large number of buyers have been scour ing the county and picking up all they can find at prices ranging from 8 cents for com mon up te 22 and even 25 cents for fine lets. Among the buyers are some new comers, who, under the advice of the Tobacco Journal, have been waiting until the "insane speculators" should get through and who then intended te come into the field and take the bulk of the crop at their own prices. Alas ! they waited tee long, and new they are frantic at finding that the " feels" and "lunatics" have bought up almost the entire crop, and the wise and knowing ones can scarcely secure an acre of even second-rate goods without paying first-rate prices. Frem almost all sections of the county come reports that the growers have sold out. The few crops yet held by them arc widely scattered, but are nevertheless eagerly sought by both new and old buyers. It is believed there are net 4,000 cases remaining unsold in the county, and that in two weeks from this time the purchasing season will have closed, with the crop mero closely bought up then it has been for many years pre vious. The receipts at the city warehouses dur ing the week have been large, but there has net been the same rush and crush that was witnessed some weeks age. Few of the warehouses have received less than eO.OOO pounds, while some of them have received 100,000 and 150,000 pounds re spectively. In several instances there have been disputes between the growers and buyers, the latter alleging that the to bacco did net come te hand in the condi tion required by the contract, and the former refusing te be "decked." In a few instances where the parties could net agree, the tobacco was returned te the grower, and in one or two cases law-suits have been begun between the parties. The mild weather of the past week has set the growers te thinking of the crop of 1830. We hear of some who have already prepared their seed beds and sewed their seeds, and many ethers who are giving their tobacco land a preliminary plowing up, the better te prepare it for plants when planting time shall arrive. Xcarly all the growers with whom -we have conversed express an intention te plant en a larger scale than they did last year. Te this increased acreage by old growers must be added the plantings of many new ones, net only in our county, but beyond its borders. With a favorable season the crop of 18S0 will be the largest ever grown in the state. Te-day Gersehel & 15re. received 91,919 pounds of tobacco. Yesterday they re ceived 10 acres from Martin Krcady, for which they paid 21 cents round, which, with some ether lets bought by them, was among the best lets in the county. Sam'l Gruel, the efficient foreman of Aaren Teller's warehouse, has found among the past week four quadruple leaves en single steins. Antique Furniture. At Henry Wolfs furniture warcroems, East King street, nearly opposite the ceiut house, may be seen some antique furniture net less than 150 years old. The let con sists of a sofa and about twenty chairs, all of solid mahogany upholstered in black hair cloth. The furniture belonged te the estate of the late Hen. G. Daw Daw eon Celeman, and had been in the Celeman family nearly a century and a half. It is of very peculiar design, elaborately carved and very substantial. Eight of the chairs arc of unique pattern and it is said there arc none ethers like them in the United States except three, new in Independence hall. The sofa is fearfully and wonderfully made, with im mensely high back and arms, bread seat and no springs. This old furniture was brought te Mr. Wolfs by Celin Cameren, agent of the Celeman estate, te be newly upholstered. It is valued very highly. Graduated with Highest Honors. At the commencement exercises of the Pennsylvania college of dental surgery, held in the Academy of Music, Phila delphia, yesterday afternoon, Mr. C. H. Mcl'ewaii, of "West Chester, was gradu ated at the head of his class of 57 stu dents, and was awarded by the institu tion, hesides his diploma the first prize, consisting of ;i geld medal, for the highest attainment in operating dentistry. These arc honors of which Mr. McCowan can well feci proud, and will be heard of with J pleasure by his numerous friends. He first studied dentistry under Dr. Marshall H. Webb, of this city, and it is his in tention te locate for practice in "West Chester. C. A. R. Memerial Sen ice. On Monday evening at G. A. It hall, Geerge II. Themas pest Xe. 84, will held a memorial service in honor of their dead comrades. The address will be delivered by Majer A. C. Reinoehl, aud will contain eulogies of the deceased members. There will be geed music and some interesting ceremonies. The" preccedings4will be open te the public. p Scheel Heuse Robbed. On Wednesday night some scamps forci bly entered the Maple Greve school-house, about a mile south of New Helland, where Miss Anna E. Rutter teaches, and carried oft Miss It's, clock, towel, and ether arti cles, and ransacked things generally. Runaway. This morning two horses, hitched te a heavy wagon, frightened at the cars en the Quarryville railroad at Orange and Water streets. They ran as far as the Moravian church, where they were caught by a boy bcfeic auv damage was done. A Fire Halloeu. Last night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, a very large lire balloon was seen floating ever the southeastern section of the city, and finally disappeared behind the hills in the direction of Lampeter. We have net learned from what point is was ascended. Tobacco Packers' Hall. Last night the tobacco packers held a ball in Rethweiler's hall. Nearly all the "workers in the weed " were present, aud geed order was preserved during the entire evening aud morning. Sale or Western Real Estate. The Burlington and Missouri railroad, through Rife & Kaufman, agents, has sold te I. D. Passmore, of this county, 80 acres of land in the state of Nebraska for $612. Rev. Jehn HunWr. Rev. Jehn Hunter, formerly pastor of the Union Bethel church, this city, and new located in Beading, caHed upon us te-day. Eev. Hunter had been until recently almost totally blind for' several years having entirely lest the Bight of his left eye and having but little use of the right. Under the skillful treatment of Dr. Green, however, the sight of his left eye has been partially restored, and hopes are entertained that by a continuance of Dr. Green's treatment Mr. Hunter will yet have the use of both his eyes. - The Last or the Family Dead. Gcergie Lane, aged three years, the only remaining son of the murdered family at Bainbridge, who had been lying ill since the sad occurrence at the house of Abram Smith, with both feet badly frozen, caused by exposure while being imprisoned with his dead parents, died yesterday from lock-jaw. His body was interred te-day aside of the ethers of the family in the cemetery at that place. Amusements. "J'Hm." On Monday evening Miss Annie Plxley will appear here In " M'llss.' A number of scats have been sold, and she will have a large house, as she deserves.' Mn. I'HiLir Resilinger, an old subscriber te our paper and well-known In the whale sur rounding country, informed us the etherday, that his wife, who for two wcaiy years had suf furred with Hheuinatism in the shoulder, dur ing which time she had been treated "by sev eral physicians without success, had bn com pletely cured by a single bottle el St. Jacob's Oil. Bucyrits, Ohie, Courier, Feb. 13, 1679. Unless the breath is like a spicy gale, Unlets the tectli gleam like the driven snow. There is no dazzling smile or tender tale, Grateful te woman's eye or ear, we knew. Thc-talc would lese its charms the smile be gaunt. Till brought within the spell of SOZO- DOXT. 123-lwdftw New Advertisements. New Style Cards at the Intelligence Oilice. Monthly Meeting of 15. L. & D. Company. Repert el Lancaster Ce. National B;ink. Chicken Fric as see at Franke'-. Ge te Givler, Bewers & Hurst's. Wall Papers, &c., at Martin's. Ceal at Russel & Shulmyer's. New Goods at Gundakcr's. Qucciisware at China Hall. Regular Monthly Meeting. Fine Groceries at Bursk's. Netice te Cash Buyers, i Lunch at Spangler's. Address Wanted. Rare Chance. Girl Wanted. Public Sale. Public Sale. Religions. Found. C2T"Fer further details see advertising column. SI'ECIAL NOTICES. Fees or Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $3, which would tax a man confined te his bed for a year and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hep Hitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed. Pure Spices at l.echcr's Drug Stere. " Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher,-' by purify ing the system, softens the skin an'd beautifies the complexion. Frem a Prominent Drug ilcuse. II. II. WaKNEU it CO., ROCHESTER, X. Y. Peak Sir: It is new only three lienths since we received your first shipment el Safe Heme die-.. We have sold drugs in tips place for twenty years, and we have nevr sold a pro prietary medicine, that gives such universal satisfaction as yours, especially jour Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure, ami Diabetes Cure. We could mention many who bave received great benefit in cases of Kidney difficulties. Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Bright's Dis ease, etc. Kespect fully yours, SISS0X & FOX. 114-2vdw Alexandria Hay. X. Y. Guard Against Disease. If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellcr. Kidneys dis ordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take at once a few doses of Kiduey-Wert. It is nature's great assistant. Use it!as an advance guard don't wait te get down jick. ! 123-lwdftw A beacon in distress is "Dr. Sellers Cough Syrup," the most efficacious remedy ler coughs, cel. is, and whooping cjugh. Price 25 cents. Kidney Complaints of all description are relieve! at once, and speedily cured by Kidney-Wen It seems in tended by nature for the cure of, all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are especially directed te the removal of this class of; diseases. Try it te-day. 123-lwdftw Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Mothers! Mothers!! Ifethers!!! Are you disturbed at night-and broken el your rest by a sick child sullerlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, goat once and get a betue of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUT. It will relieve the peer little sulferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about X. There is net a mother en earth who has eveJused it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the Mether, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in aJ cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. jllydftwM,W&S i Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent, of the deaths in our larger ciies are caused by consumption, and when wc reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's llenewupd Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the suflcrars for their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Tub Threat. "Jlrewn's bronchial Treches'1 act directly en the organs e.f the voice. They have an extraordinary cflecifin all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, mtering a healthy tone when relaxed, either from cold or ever exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and distinct .enunciation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches useful. f2i-lwdTThS&w Use Lecher's Herse and fj ittle Pew iters. A Mether's Criet. The pride of ainntlii-v tii. nr.. ...i ;,.rn home, are her children, heSce her srriefwhen once. 'Sliilnhv I'n.f. tien Cure is guaranteed te ture them. Prip in cents, 50 cents and $1. I'6r lame Back Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porjus 1'litstur 'lw 25 cents. Sold by D. HeiUhu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miilersvillc. ' The Best I EverjKnew Of. J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver complaint for several years, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our paper, and was persuadedte trv it. Iamhappy te state that it has entirely; cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy 1 eyer knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold by D. IleitBliu, Lancaster, and M. L. D:ivis, Miilersvillc. ' ' Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the mere successful treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents, sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. s2C-eodD&eew W jniRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. irEKH st ativvv. i? i , 2 ?1 E,s,tate & Inf Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dcc30-3nulKced I 4ll'Kll- I'llll-IU 111(1 T.ll-i. 14 1...... warning then, that you ara running a terrible risk, it they have a Cough. Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Conjumi'tien. it- ,-mwif. net attend te it at HEW GOODS FOR THE SPELTO TRADE, AT GUNDAKERS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by -the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GTJN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at GMJISTDKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. WE HARRIS all sizes, in Black, Street Shades and Opera Shades, in two, three and four buttons. Ladies, we have new open an elegant assort ment of Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, Irish and Embroidery Trimmings, Laces, &c. Ladies, we keep constantly en hand a full assortment of CORSETS! CORSETS! In the best makes, which we warrant te be perfect fitting and te give full satisfaction te the wearer. Ladies, we have just opened an elegant line of Black Crepe Veils, in all sizes and best qualities of goods. Ladies, we have just opened a large line of Black Thibet Shawls, which we are offering at a bargain. Ladies, as we have an immense stock of goods in every department, we invite you te call and examine same, whether wanting te purchase at the time or in the future. GIVLEK, DEATHS. Atlee. On the 20th insf.. Sarah II., wife of Jehn I Atlee, M. D., in the 77th year of her ' age. Funeral en Monday, March 1, 18S0, at 2 o'clock p. m. It is respectfully requested that no flowers be sent. 2td I Erb. On the 20th inst., in Soudersburg, t Christian Erb, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are . respectfully invited te attend the funeral from I his lute residence, Soudersburg, en Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. 2td ' Hill. In this city, en the 27th inst., William H., son of Daniel and Sarah llill,aged 7 months and 4 days. Deatli has robbed us of our darling Willie, Let ills seal upon his brew. And his cheeks that were like roses, Arc as pale as marble new. Tiie relatives and friends of the family arc re spectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of his parents, Xe. 50C Maner street, en Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'cleek. It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE BEST COMPAXIESat BAUSMAX & BURNS . 2MfeedR Office: Xe 10 West Orange St. PUULIC SALE. On Monday morning, March 1, at Xe. 229 Seuth Queen Street, will be sold the entire let of Household and Kitchen Furniture.-iu geed condition. Sale te commence at 9 o'clock, ltd HENRY SIIUBERT, Auct. C1HARLEY, 1 SELDOM EVER SAW SUCH j a crowd as Eddy Franke had at his line set out last Saturday evening, and lie tells me he is going te have CHICKEN FKIC AS SEE, THIS EVENING. Come along, we will meet them all there. Lancabtek, Dec. 12, 1879. INSURE TOUR l'KOPEKT Y IN REL1 AKLE COMPANIES at BENJ. F. SHENK'S, Office : 10S West King Street. decl2-3iudR IJOUND. . A Yeung Calf was found en Pennsylvania Railroad, between 01th and 03th mile pest east of Lancaster, supposed te have fallen elf the cars. The owner can have same by calling and paying expenses te A. S. LANDIS. ltd Lancaster, Pa. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF the AmcricanMechanics'Building and Lean Association will be held this (SATURDAY) evening at 7 o'clock, in Ceyle's Building, Ne. 38 East King street Menev Jer sale, and thefewrcmainingshares of the Twelfth Series Stock. WM. T. JEFFERIES, Secretary. TUST RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE BRAN NEW STYLES OF CARDS, Fer the Spring of 1SS0. Call and see Specimens. HORSE-SHOE CARDS, f 27-tld Til E VERY LATEST OUT. PUULIC SALE. On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY; 23, 1SS0, will be sold by public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, en West King street, in the City of Lan caster, Five Shares of the Capital Stock of the FULTON BUILDING AND SAVING ASSO CIATION, of Lancaster, la., lately belonging te Leuis Y erk, and te be sold for non-payment of dues, ftc. By order of the Beard of "Direc tors of said Association. Sale te commence at "4 o'clock, p. in., when terms will be made known by JEROME DOSCII, President. B. Y'ECKER, Treasurer. Attest: JesErn Jacob. 119,20,21,28.27,28 pUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, March 4, 1880, will be sold at Ne. 307 North Lime street, 2 Par Par eor Suits, upholstered in Rep and Hair Cleth, Walnut Dining and Bedroom Suits, Marble Tep Tables, Walnut Sideboard and Extension Table, Hat Rack, Clocks, Oil Painting, about 250 yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Window Blinds, China, Gkiss and Quecnsware, besides a general assortment of household goods Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Condi tions niaee known by C. A. REECE. II. Suubekt, Auct. 123-CtdR TT S. GAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phil'a LycomingCeunty Fire Ins. Ce., of Muncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Phil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Y'erk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Y'erk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. fJ-lnulK mHE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MWASumdB QUEENS WAKE! QUEENSWARE!! Housekeepers, newjis your time for BARGAINS. ODD AND DAMAGED WARE sold at Sacri fice, and all ether goods at Reduced Prices for a short time only, at CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, ;Ne, S Eut Kins Street. EMBROIDERIES, JtC. DRY GOODS. LADIES! HAVE NOW OPEN A FINE ASSORT3IENT OF BROTHERS' KID GLOVES, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES.--The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs In great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem. in costly setting. SILVERWARE.Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold aslewas it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. LANCASTER AH -COX ft CO.'S COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBECK The Season for SIciglis at Hand. The Latest SLEIGHS In the City or County of Lancaster, finely finished and handsemel uuuuiwerK. uur prices lower than any ether city ler the same quality of work. Our prices lower than FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, ji an Designs anil Descrlnt WORD." ALL WORK GUARANTEED. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, T?OR RENT. L The second story of Eslilemnn Xr. ?nth. von's Bankinsr Heuse, at Centra Smmra mul also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a R. It. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stf Atterney-atrLaw rpHE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE JL Pee pie's Buildinsr.Lean and Denesit. Cetii- iany will be held this (Saturday) evening rat ijfi o'cieck, at their hall. Inquirer Buildiug. Meney will be sold at 9 o'clock. Shares in the New Series (10th) for sale. It II. W. VILLEE, Sec'y. TURTLE SOUP THIS (SATURDAY) EVEN ING, at Jehn Spangler's Fulton Opera Heuse Saleen, North Prince Street. Best of Lager Beer en tap. ltd JOnN SPANGLER, Prep'r. PU11LIC SALE. On MONDAY', MARCH 1, at 8 o'clock p. m., will be a public sale of the property of the German Building and Lean Association, in cluding Safe, Paying Table nnd Stamp. The Safe can be examined at the residence of Mr. II. Wolf, East King street, ltd c. MATZ, Sec'y. RARE CHANCE. Fer sale, the stock and fixtures of a first class Tin, Steve and Furniture Stere, with geed Plumbing and Gas Fitting Business con nected with it. A first-class chance for a geed mechanic. Address F. A. B1CKELL, f28-3td Ceatcsville, Chester County, Pa. COAL! COAL! COAL! If you want geed COAL and geed WEIGHT, gote Office: 15 East King Street, And leave your order, and have it promptly delivered. EUSSEL & SHULMTEIt. ltd J. B. MARTIN & CO., DRY' GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, QUEENS WARE. Latest Designs in WALL PAPERS CARPETS, At VERT LOW" PRICES. Glassware & Queensware, DECORATED WARE, MIRRORS, OIL CLOTHS, 49 We respectfully solicit a call. &C. J. B, MARTIN & Ce. AO LM WORKS OLD STAXD.-S STS., LANCASTER, PA. & MI LEY, Styles and the Largest Assortment of V ni-nfltnmitml All nnrntpti any ether establishment in the Alse, our Motte "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "PUBLIC SALE. en TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1880. will be sold at Ne. 35 SIIIPPEN STREET, LANCASTER CITY, one fine Parler Suit, one Parler Glass, marble-top Tables, Hat Rack, hall Chairs, three Cottage Sets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, two Lounges, Camp chairs, spring-seat Rocker and Chairs, cane-seat Chairs and Rock ers, walnut Chamber Suit, Sink, Breakfast Table, weed Chairs, Extension Table, Carpets, Shades, Leeking Glasses, woven wire Spring Mattress, 1 new Parler Steve, 1 large Heater, as geed as new, table Caster and a number of articles tee numerous te mention. Sale te commence at 9 o'clock, a. m. Condi tions made known by A. K. IIOFFMEIER. Hexkt SniTBERT, Auct. feb28-tdR B. F.BOWMAN, WHOLESALE 106 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. TJEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE JX Lancaster County National Bank, at Lan caster, in the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of busine6s,.Februare 21, 1880 : RESOURCES. Leans and discounts $ 723.923 63 U. S. bends te secure circulation... 305.000 00 Due from approved reserve agents.. Due from ether National banks Due from state banks and bankers.. Real estate, furniture and fixtures... Current expenses and taxes paid.... Checks ancf ether cash items 237,358 m 16,506 13 208,673 87 12,644 98 3,965 89 1,656 07 2,417 00 Bills of ether banks Fractional currency ( including nickels) 303 95 Specie ( including geld treasury cer tificates) 19,253 00 Legal tender notes 69,314 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasur er ( 5 per cent, of circulation ) 13,500 00 Total $1,614,007 20 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $300,000 00 Surplusfund 100,000 00 Undivided profits 53,530 61 National bank notes outstanding 270,000 00 State bank notes outstanding 1,566 00 Dividends unpaid 3,029 75 Individualdepesitssubject techeck. 861,798 53 Demand certificates of deposit 2,810 19 Due te ether national banks 21,133 87 Due te state banks and bankers 138 25 Total $1,614,007 20 State of Pennsylvania county of Lancaster, -: I, W. L. Peiper, Cashier of the above named bank, de solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true te the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. PEIPER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn te before me this 27th day of February, 1880. J. L. LYTE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: HENRY B.KESH, DAVID GRAYBILL, HENRY SHENCK, ltdiw Directors. Watches ui Clocks. THIRD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, FES. 28, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 28. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, falling barometer, southerly winds, cloudy or rainy weather, slight changes of temperature. THE SAND LOTS. Municipal Legislation en the Chinese Ouestien. San Francisce, Feb. 28. The beard of supervisors at a special meeting yesterday rescinded the resolution passed at their last meeting, endorsing the action of the beard of health in condemning China town. The resolution of indersement te the committee of health and police te in quire into the best methods of carrying out the measure, and the rescinding of the rese- lutien,was based en the ground that no re port had been received from the commit tee. A communication was received from the mayor objecting te the recent order in creasing the police force, holding that it was unnecessary. Referred te the com" mitteee en health and police. The rescinding of the resolution endors ing the action of the beard of health will net necessarily affect action en the con demnation of Chinatown, and the beard of health has full power in the premises. L. J. Gannon, chairman of the committee of unemployed, who has been prominent in calling upon employers of the Chinese, asking the substitution of white men, speaking en the sand lets and generally heading movements of unemployed, was arrested last evening en a warrant charg ing him with the use of incendiary lan guage at the sand lets day before yesterday He was bailed out by Sheriff Desmond. In a communication te te the beard of supervisors yesterday Mayer Kalloch stated that he had been told by ex-Supervisor Gibbs that the police had definite informa tion that a plan had been organized te iire the city in several different places ; he further stated that he believed the report te be without foundation. BY WIRE. Afternoon Telegrams Ceudensed. The Uuieu Pacific railroad company having seized the telegraph lines between Cheyenne, Wyoming territory, and Denver, Colerado, the Westaru Union telegraph company have is sued a bulletin, declining te take com mercial business for Colerado, except te points en the line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe route. "William C. Spruancc, United States dis trict attorney for Delaware, for the past four years, sent his resignation te Ilayes te-day. The town of UrAi, in Asiatic -Turkey, situated en the supposed site of the scrip tural city " Ur of the Chaldees " has been nearly destroyed by fire. The threatened lockout by piano manu facturers in New Yerk has caused some uneasiness in the trade in Philadelphia and upon representations made by the journeymen, the Schemacker geld-string piano company, who have large orders en hand, notified their hands te-day that their wages would be raised ten per cent, commencing en Monday next. Win. J. Mcehan, convicted in Philadel phia yesterday of murder in the second de gree, for having killed his wife by throwing her down stairs, was sentence, te-day te four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. A dispatch from Copenhagen, dated Friday night, says : " A fire is raging here which threatens the destruction of an en tire quarter. The fire brigade appears te be unable te cope with it. Fears are en tertained for the British embassy. The king and crown prince of Denmark are en the ground stimulating exertions of the firemen." Six small steamers, constructed in Eng land for the king of the Belgians, will be shipped in sections next month from Liver pool for Henry M. Stanley's use en the Conge. MARKETS. New Yerk Market. New Y'erk, February 28. Fleur State and Western very dull and slightly in buy ers' favor : superfine state 5 005 50 ; ex tra de$550565: choice de $." 106; fancy de $6 10 750; round hoop Ohie $3 736 00; choice de $6 107 50; supcrllne western $5 0O5 50 ; common te oed extra de $5 505 75 ; choice dodo$5 807 7J; choice white wheat de$5 63 6 23; Southern dull and heavy ; common te fair cxtra$5 75630; geed te choice de $6 40 8 00. Wheat dull: Spring nominal ; Winter scarce ly se firm ; Ne. 1 White, March, $1 471 47V ; cie April $1 47 ; Ne. 2 Red, March, $1 494 ; de April $1 501 50K. Cern dull anil scarcely se firm ; Blixed Western spot 5658c ; de future saffiSOJc. Oats dull ; state 4752c ; Western 46J447c. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia. February 28. Fleur dull and lower te sell : superfine $1004 50; ex tra $5 005 50; OIlie and Indiana family $6 757 23 ; Penn'a family $6 506 87 ; St, Leuis family $7 00750 ; Minnesota Fam ily $6 23G 87 ; patent and high grades $725823. " Kye flour $3 003 12. Cornmeal iirandywinc unchanged. Wheat dull te decline : Ne. 2 Western Red $146147; Penn'a de $148; Amber $149 1 50. Cern lower ; steamer 55c ; yellow 56Jc ; mix ed 56c. Oats firm : 'Southern and Penn'a white 48; Western 4747; Western mixed 43Kl6c. Rye quiet ; Western 99c ; Pa. 99c. Seeds steady; geed te prime cleversecd $7238 00; de timothy $3 233 35 ; de flaxseed $1 63 ; scarce. Provfslens dull ; mess nerk $13 25 : beet hams $165017 00 ; India mess beef $2150; Ba Ba Ba conseoked shoulders 55Jc; salt de 4Jc: smoked hams 9lOJc ; pickled hams 8 9c. Lard dull ; city kettle 78c; loose butchers' 77Uc ; prime steam TXc Uutter firm ; creamery extra 33 35c : Bradford county aud New Yerk extra 2527c ; Western reserve extra at 2527c ; de geed te choice 19324c: rolls choice scarce ; Penn'a extra 2023c ; western reserve extra 2125c. Eggs dull and weak; Penn'a lljc; Western Cheese dull ; X. Y. factory 1414Jc : western full cream 1414c ; de for goedl3 14 , de half-skfms 12&13e. Petroleum dull; Refined 73c. Whisky at $1 10. tock Markets. Philadelphia, Feb. 28. 1ZUJU f. x. Stocks steady. Penna6's (third issue) 106 Philadelphia & Erie 17 Reading 34 Pennsylvania 52 Lehigh Valley. 52V52 United Ces. of X. J 158 Northern Pacific 33 " Preferred 56K Northern Central 33 Lehigh Navigation .W Norristown 102J Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Tltusvtile & Buffalo. 19 Little SchuylkilL 52 New xekk, Fcl2?. Stocks strong. Meney 56 N. Y. Central 132 Eric i&i Adams Express 108 Michigan Central 92 Michigan Southern 108 Illinois Central Va Cleveland & Pittsburgh 110 Chicago ft Beck Island. 151 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne..ll6 Western Union Tel. Ce 113 roieae waDasn 44 New Jersey Central. 87J United States Bends sad Sterling Exehaag (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d. and Chestnut Streets). PHiLADKinnA, Feb. 28L United States 69, 1881, (registered).. 10BJ United States 5's, 1881, (registered).. 108 United States 4Ks, 1891, (registered)107 united aiaies ixa, ltwi, (coupons).. .11 United States 4s. 1907. (resisteredL.H United States Currency 6s 108 Sterling Exchange 485 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO GASH BOM Expecting an advance In prices of the follow ing goods I have purchased an unusually large stock, which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. Watches, Geld Chains, Silver-Plated Ware, Silverware, Kntvcs.Spoens and Ferks, French and American Clocks. 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, Will move te Ne. 20 en APRIL 1, 1880. EAST KING STREET, FINE GROCERIES ! FOR Canned Fruits, FOR Cress ft Biackwcll's Pickles, FOR Extra Beef. FOR Lea ft Perrln's Worcestershire Sauce. FOR The Tiny Tim Pickle, FOR Sardines, Fresh Lebster and Salmen, FOR Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, FOB Winslow, Baker or Excellent Cern, FOR French and American Peas, FOR Baking Powders. FOR Extracts for Flavoring, FOR Fresh Akren Oat Meal. FOR Tapioca, Farina, ftc., FOR Fine Evaporated Apples anil Peaches, FOR Dates, Figs. Prunes, ftc, FOR New Maple Sugar, FOR Michener's Hams, FOR The Best Groceries, go te D. S. BUESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. WANTED. TJr ANTED. TT Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Intelligencer, who wants something te de. B WISHES TO ANSWER Please send address. VALENTINE. ltd TTfTANTED. TT Cigarmakers, Male and Female. Steady employment and cheap beard arranged. GUMPERTBR03., 411 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. f27-2tdK TIT-ANTED IMMEDIATELY. A GIRL TO ATTEND WAITING ROOM, In Penn'a depet. Apply te OWEN HOPPLE, ltd P. It. R. Restaurant, AMUSEMENTS lULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 1,1880. Return of the Favorite. ANNIE PIXLEY AS "M'LISS," ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY'. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY'. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY'. ANNIE PIXLEY'. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY'. ANNIE PIXLEY'. Supported bv the McDen- eugli and Fnlferd Star Combination of 25 11 rat class arti-its. J. E. McDon McDen McDon ecou as Yuba Hill. During the acting of the piece Sliss Plxley will introduce sev eral New Songs and Sled leys. Admission, 35, SO & 75Cts. Reserved Seats new en sale without extra charge. 154-6 td MISCELLANEOUS. rUA8. BRIMMER. ucmevcu 10 no. 4 west King sti noer, Kiieaus & ure.'sncw building. i27-lmd CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGNS. OTICE TO WATER RENTERS. All persons who wish te discontinue the use of the city water are hereby notified te In form the Superintendent of the Wuter Works in writing, 011 or before the first day of March next. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, feb25-5td Mayer. OTICE. 1 take pleasure in announcing te the citi zens of Lancaster and vicinity that I have this day (Feb. 25) opened my New Drug Stere en the corner of Seutli Queen and Strawberry streets. My stock is fresh and carefully se lected, and comprises everything usually kept in a flrst-cluss store. I will also keep en hand a full assortment of Perfumery, Soups, Toilet Articles and strictly Pure Spices. Physicians' prescriptions will receive individual attention. Very Respectf uUv. THOS. B. BECIITOLD, Druggist and Apothecary, Cor. Seuth Queen and Strawberry Sts. fcb23-4td J TySSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Netice fa hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between David Bair and Jacob Bair, under the firm name of D Bair ft Ce., has been this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All persons having accounts witii said linn are hereby requested te call en David Bair for settlement. DAVID BAIR, JACOB BAIR. Lancaster, Feb. 20, 1880. Having purchased the entire stock, good will, fixtures and book accounts of the late firm of D. Bair ft Ce., the undersigned will con tinue te carry en the business at the old stand. Ne. 14 East King street, where lie hopes te re tain the patronage heretofore extended the old firm. feb26-3td DAVID BAIR. TMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Pnep. D. A. Looms, M, D.,formerly Professer of Anatomy in the Pennsylvania Medical Col lege, late Surgeon in the United States Army, and also Professer of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the St. Leuis Medi cal Cellege.writes the following te the Uelman Liver Pad Company : " Gentlemen : The Pad Is a marvel or sue cess. I have given its working a personal in spectien, and find that It merits my prefes sienal sanction. It acts kindly, safely and effectively, anil comes the nearest te a univer sal panacea of anything I knew in medicine. ami ine eniy wernicr is that the medical pre fessien has net before made it of practical use SSkmL mmji JBMJBIUW KH6B106K !& 94OTX nractlcal use fj- 11 old as ., -,,---. M ..... ... w leerates inmseir. I especially rccem- mend the Pad in all malarial affections, and in chronic diseases of the various era-arm it i In. valuable." feb!4.2wdced LAJtWS, &C. T IGUT. FLIM & BRENEMA J -ARK emOUNO GREAT BARGAINS IX Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 162 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. TSTABLISHED 1862. J. D. EOSENBEEGEB & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S18 Seuth Frent St., ThUatUlphia,'. Dealers and Farmers having Eggs, Poultry, Butter pound, print, roll and solid or any kind et Country Produce, would de well te hip te us, as we guarantee full prices and rempt returns . aaB-lMw. te suffering humanitv. for the nrinnintn la hu 'V'i At' ( ZtK&2C ij--w-'?.ai?i?yr'