?wh?r!p3-Tr--Zf,25i' v' J : JZ i -ij-s - - J- '"T-4'-: "c VS16 ""- " - N ' .--' - LANCAS'JSk Alt iMElXiGEtitfEfc, SAWRDaY, tfEBRUAllY 28, 1880; Lancaster intelligencer. SATUEDAY EVllNINO, FEB. SS8, 1880. The Pennsylvania Bepert. The report of the operations of the Pennsylvania railroad during the past yearisofthe very favorable character generally anticipated. The read has been doing a very large business and earning a great deal of money. It always has done se, and its business will steadily increase with the prosperity of the favor ed region through which it runs. There has been but one difficulty with the read and it is the only thing which can cause prudent men te decline investing in its stock at the present price, or even a much higher one. The property honestly and prudently managed is easily worth far mere than its market price ; but the owners of the stock, remembering their late experience, must always have a lively apprehension that the revenue of the read will be steadily skimmed by its officers of its cream as seen as it is rich enough te bear any. Just new there is comparatively little complaint against the management en this score. The read is undergoing a process of recuperation from the severe bleeding of past years. But its manage ment has net the repute of severe honesty clinging te it, and its stock does net mount up into the figures which would be justified by the showing of its report and the undeniable prosperity of the read. If Readimr stock is worth 34, with no prospect of a dividend, Penn sylvania, which is certainly earn ing a very handsome one, should be worth mere than 53; and no doubt would be if there was as much confidence felt of its income being honestly accounted for as is entertained of the honest appro priation of the Reading's receipts. The Pennsylvania read carried ten mil lions mere tens of freight and one million mere passengers last year than in 1878. Its increase of gross earnings was nearly five millions and of net earnings nearly three millions. Of course the fact that these figures appear in the report is net conclusive evidence of increased pros perity, since there is nothing se false and delusive as the arithmetic of a railroad report ; but there is nothing te excite distrust of this statement of increased carnings,and the increased business done is a matter of common notoriety. The managers give a very conclusive evidence of their habitual lack of frank ness in their ieperts when they admit that they have marked down the value of the securities held by the read te the amount of mere than a million and a half of dollars, se as te bring them te their true market value. Obviously if these securities are new worth se much less than the price put upon them in the report of 1879,they were then estimated at much mere than aniil aniil lien and a half above their marked value, as everybody knows that there is scarce ly a marketable thing in the land that has net increased in value during the year. This exemplification of the relia bility of the statements of their direct ors' reports will net tend te induce the stockholders te place implicit reliance upon everything they are told in the report of 1880. But independently of that they knew they have a magnificent property of wonder ful earning capacity which needs but decent, wise and honest management te furnish rich dividends. They can put their confidence in this knowledge with mere reason than in the annual figures they get, and upon the strength of it be satisfied with their investment. That Coen Cemes Down. If District Attorney Eshlemau, chair man of the Republican county commit tee, had any idea of postponing the call of that committee and the making of ar rangements for a primary election until after the Chicago convention se that no national delegates could be chosen or instructde at such primary he seems te have been pretty effectually moved from his purpose. The demonstration of the anti-Grant, anti-Cameren, anti-Bull Ring people has impelled him te issue a call for a meeting of the county commit tee en Tuesday, March 16, "te designate a time for holding the primary meetings, and for such ether business as may be brought before the committee." At that meeting the struggle must come as te whether or net in the call for these primaries national dele gates shall be included. The logical position of a majority of the committee is that these delegates have already been selected by state delegates, duly chosen by the county committee itself, rec ognized by the state convention, which furnishes them with proper credentials te Chicago and that no ethers, hereafter elected, will have any recognition there. But county committees have been made te eat crew before this, and the Bull Ringers have several times shown the white feather when hardly pressed. They may de se again, but if they de they go down forever here. They are backed in their present position by Den Cam Cam eeon's assurance that Kauffman and Seltzer will get into the Chicago conven tion and that anybody else who comes there from Lancaster county will be only a " curbstone delegate." But Kauffman has given it out that " you have te vote for Grant and you may as well under stand it new ;" and the Lancaster county Republicans may want te send a man instructed by his constituents. We shall see. We hope nobody will suggest the " unit " rule for the Pennsylvania Dem ocratic delegation te Cincinnati. The Republicans may wear the Cameren col cel lar, but it will chafe the Democratic neck. Such a preposition was fraudu lently foisted upon the convention four years age. in its midnight hours, when two-thirds of the delegates had left the hall. We want none of it this year, no matter whom it helps nor hurts. Every district ought te have a right te send its best men te represent their own constit uents in the best manner. Ne tying up the minority, te vote against their own judgment and the wishes of their con stituents, at the dictation of the major ity ! Free speech and free suffrage are rights of which the Democracy will net let themselves be deprived in any indi-j yidual or factional interest. TftE last national Democratic conven tion passed a resolution looking te an ex pression of opinion, by the several state delegations te the convention of this year, in regard te the propriety of main taining the two-third rule, and the na tional committee, in calling the conven tion, has requested the state conventions te express an opinion en this point. Here tofore it has taken two-thirds of the na tional convention te nominate the candi date, and it lias happened that men who were the choice of the majority failed because of the effective opposition of a powerful minority. It is argued against the two-third rule that " its effect is te strike down the prominent men of the party and te advance these who are in ferior, and who may be comparatively unknown." But en the ether hand such nominations are generally the strongest, the unexpected nomi nees usually are elected; and it is sometimes the fatal weakness of a candidate that though he secures a bare majority, the opposition of the minority is se well founded as te greatly weaken him before the people. The New Orleans Picayune suggests that it " may betaken for granted that any candidate getting a majority in the next convention will also get the required two-thirds, unless he should be one whose candidacy, like that of Mr. Van Buren in 1844, would repel a large proportion of Democratic voters, and thus deem the party te defeat." Where such objections exist it may be just as well that the minority, net having the power te cheese their own candidate, can at least prevent the selection of a very obnoxious rival. It is analogous te the veto power of the executive, which has proved a highly salutary one. The pent up sewer gas of Third street, Philadelphia, exploded yesterday, blew off a half dozen traps set te restrain it, tore up the street, bespattered the build ings with mud, shattered glass, and it seems te have been providential that mere serious results did net ensue. This is only another direction in which these confined gases must expand themselves from that which we pointed out when we objected te the erection of sewer traps in this city. It stands te reason that if the gas cannot discharge itself through the sewer openings, it must either find its baleful way into buildings through defective plumbing or explode the sew ers. " Something must give. " If the gas gets up into the buildings the people will be poisoned ; if it explodes they are likely te be hit with Hying bricks and stones and iron. We de net see that these who are indisposed te face this alternative should be put in danger simply for the profit of the contractor or the pleasure of an officious water superin tendent, who does net seem te have enough confidence in his stupid devices te vindicate them against the indignant persons who smashed them with an axe. We venture a prediction : The Re publican county committee will agree te have national delegates elected at the primaries ; anti-Grant delegates will be chosen ; the Republican masses here will pronounce for Blaine ; their delej gates will net be admitted te the con vention. Thus everybody will have a taste of the feast of crew. PERSONAL. J. Hay Brown has been down te Washington this week. That may settle it. Dr. H. II. Toland, one of the most prominent physicians in California, died of apoplexy yesterday. Jeffersen Davis expects te raise about one thousand bales of cotton this season en his plantation in Mississippi. The Princess Louise has written a play a version of "Enech Arden" which will seen be put en the Canadian stage. Charles IIefer, aged 40, who resides in Newtown, this county, is a grandson of old Andreas Hefer, the Tyrelesc patriot and defender. Camtanini sang a number of selections in the White Heuse last nirht, and Mr. Hayes afterward presented him with a letter of thanks. The great tenor's usual terms are about $300 a night. Mrs. L. Bradford Prince, wife of Chief Justice Prince, of New Mexico, died en Thursday of pneumonia, at Santa Fe, New Mexico. She was formerly Miss Childs, the daughter of Dr. Childs, of New Yerk. The New Yerk Herald counts the rccon rccen rccon ciliatieribctween the Butler and Abbett wings of the Massachusetts Democracy as beinff due te leap year. The "Widew'' Butler proposed and the gallant old-line Democrats were bound te accept. Edwin Beeth has a head that is said te be a combination of Pee's, Shakspeare's and Byren's. He is going into society new mere than ever, for the sake of his daughter, who is just "coming out." Rev. James McCesn, D.D., LL. D., the distinguished president of Princeton college, will deliver the fourth lecture in the course of the Yeung People's associa tion in the Presbyterian church of Mari etta, next Thursday evening. The subject of the lecture will be "The Laws of Association and their Influences upon Training the Mind." " Maud Branscombe,' the rather tame actress but successful subject of the photo grapher's skill, is a Devenshire lady and the wife of a popular young actor named Everad Stuart, who is at present the mana ger of Clay's "Princess Tote" opera company. She is much mortified at the notoriety she has gained from some un scrupulous photographers and bitterly denies all stories that she and her husband de net get along well together. Her mar ried life is entirely happy and she makes "a charming and domestic housewife." Gen. Jehn A. Legan thinks Grant is getting stronger with the people ; he has hopes that he can carry Massachusetts in the national convention and possibly at the polls. "Jack " says the state which made such an unfortunate exhibition at Cincin nati, four years age, through its delega tien, by suppertinar Bristow, would this year send a delegation which would com mand the highest support for its eminent ability. The four delegates at large have already been decided en by the party man agers, and their selection will be acquiesced in by the Republicans. They are : Ex Governors Rice, Boutwell, Bulleck and Claflin all pronounced Grant men. MINOR TOPICS. Four Chinese converts were admitted as members of the Second Presbyterian church of Indianapolis, two weeks age. Rev. D. S. Thessleb, D. D., a graduate of Pennsylvania college, formerly a lawyer of Cumberland and Perry counties, after wards a Lutheran preacher and president of the college at Carthage, 111., has just died, "with his harness en." Gen. A. J. Pleasanton has net aban doned his blue glass theories if the public have. " He has discovered new tliat boys can become grandfathers when twenty-one years old, and children can nurse their own ' babes instead of dells." Ciirist church en Kent island, Queen Anne's county, Md., is te be tern down te give place te a mere noble and modern structure. The present edifice was built about the year 1050, of brick brought from England, and is believed te have been the eldest church edifice in Mary land. A Methodist revival, conducted by the " Bey Preacher" Harrison, in the Whar Whar eon street church, Philadelphia, has been in progress twenty-three weeks, and beasts of the conversion of ever a thousand souls. The preacher wants five hundred mere be fore he closes the meetings. The people who attend are experiencing a veritable Pentecostal shower. The project te unite Palatinate and Ursinus colleges failed. The latter would net assent te the former's prepositions that Ursinus should reduce its full curriculum of studies te that of a half course colle giate school ; that it should abolish its theological department ; that the united schools should be located in Myers town. The Ursinus people thought this " never said turkey once " te them. THE ENGLISH AT HERAT. The English arc at Herat; The Russians are in Merv ; They leek extremely queer ut The English who are in Herat ; Which place they take their beer at. Te show their Jiritish nerve, The English are in Herat; The Russians are in Merv. The English arc in Herat; The Russians are in Merv : Danger they show no fear atr atr These English chaps in Her.it, Oh, le net drop a tear at What w would just observe The English are in Herat; The Russians arc in Merv. Puck. The first statistical tables of the United Presbyterian church in this country were published in 1839. A contrast of the tables of that year and of 1879 shows an encouraging growth, as fellows : Minis ters, 408 C75 : congregations, 634798 ; mission stations, 44: 63; communicants, 55,54780,092; Sabbath schools, officers and teachers, 3,2337,647 ; scholars, 17, 97665,467. Contributions Fer foreign missions, $8,574 $36,290; home missions, $8,682 $27,805; church extension, $2, 301 $13,746 ; education, $1,300 $16,228. The average contribution per member for all purposes in 1860 was $4.31, and in 1879 $10.35. " It will interest the friends of phonetic spelling," says the Paris correspondent of the Londen Times, " te knew that efforts are beinsr commenced in the direction of reform by several German publications, including the Kelnischc Zcitung, which has dropped, among ether superfluous letters, the unnecessary 8 in the termination niss, the h in the words as Theil, Rath, Neth, Muth and their compounds, the h in the terminal tlium, the unnecessary a in Waare, and se en. The above mentioned syllables new appear in the chief German papers spelled thus : Teil, Rat, Net, Mat, Turn, Ware." TnE National Baptist says : " On its side towards man, the gospel of Christ is a lift- ing-up religion. Its type is found in the act of Peter, who 'took the lame man by the hand and lifted him up : and his feet and ankle bones received strength ; and he leaped and walked.' It lifts man out of his physical degradation ; lifts man, as a race and in the long run, above famine and misery. It impels the mere favored te send relief te the suffering, as one of the first fruits of the new life was the impulse of the Christians at Antioch te send relief te the dearth-stricken saints in Jerusalem. It raises up champions for the oppressed. When the Indians are wronged, they make their appeal te the Christian sentiment, and net in vain." EnscerAL Register : "Since the termina tion of our late civil war, murders the most foul have been committed, and scarcely a day passes without such a record. The same story has followed everywhere, and we cannot but attribute the cause te what is se natural, the indifference ecca siened by the carnajrc and destruction of se many lives en the field. One of the most prominent of the great generals of our day has spoken of war as the greatest calamity that can befall a nation. In view then of the corruption te morals, of the great suffering and distress of multitudes in all lands greater evils arising hence than from all ether causes is it net the duty of the Christian te use his influence against it? Can he stand before Ged and be ac quitted if he has contributed in any way toward such an evil, or rather has net used all his power, the influence and the talent which Ged and nature has given him te prevent such a wide-spreading cause of every species of iniquity?" STATJ5 ITEMS. Bradford has a " bull ring " te run up the price of oil in the exchange. Twe ladies have been graduated from the Philadelphia dental college this commence ment. There is but one county in Pennsylvania that has net heard the shriek of the iron horse within her border, and that is Ful ton. Hen. J. W. F. White, one of the Pitts burgh judges who holds court for Judge Hall when he is indisposed, has been given a supper by the Bedford bar. Edward Douglass, a Fairmount black smith, and a Jersey City shoulder hitter named Harris had a $500 prize fight en Vine street, Philadelphia, early yesterday morning. The Jersey Blue was overmatch ed and is dyincfrem bis pounding. Riincrsburg, Clarien county, is veritably the home of the "independent voter." With six councilmen te eleet. the returns show ballets cast for thirty-nine. Fer the ether offices sixteen candidates received only one vote each. The total vote polled was sixty-four, Henry Gerdes, pattern maker at the steel-works, Harrisburg, had the index and middle finger of his left hand cut off at the second joint, and the third finger badly crushed en Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday evening Martin Diesreth had his thumb cut off at the Lecbiel iron works. The resolution adopted by the late Re publican state convention at Harrisburg in favor of Grant for a third term, has been condensed by the Washington Re view and Examiner, as fellows : "Resolved, That the 58 delegates te the national con vention shall vote as one man, and that Den Cameren is that one man." The members of the Lycoming county bar gave their tenth annual dinner en Saturday last. Judge Cummin presided, and the occasion was a most happy one. Speeches, toasts and stories were the order of the hour, and the dinner is pronounced te have been the best ever spread in Wil Wil liamspert. The bar had net had an annual dinner, until Saturday, for four years, but this year they get up one that seems te have been net only a feast epicureanly speaking, but intellectually and socially. 1. It. K. BUSINESS. Annual Bepert of its Operation. The statement of the business of all the lines of the Pennsylvania railroad com pany east of Pittsburgh and Erie, for Jan uary, 1880, as compared with the same month in 1879, shows An increase in cress earnings of. .$340 127 An increase in expenses of 193 360 An increase in net earnings of $340 707 All lines west of Pittsburgh and Erie for the month of January, 1880. show a surplus ever liabilities of $303,303, being a gain ever the same month in 1879 of $143, 577. The thirty-third annual report of this corporation has just been completed and is given te the public in advance of the annual meeting en the 9th of March. The financial result of the year ou the lines east of Pittsburg is a net profit, in round numbers after deducting all oper ating losses, paying interest, rentals and expenses of every kind of $6,500,000. Out of this sum $600,000 were paid te the trust fund established in 1878, $243,460 were paid into the consolidated mortgage sinking fund, and some $800,000 advance" te vari ous lines east of Pittsburgh controlled by the company, leaving a net balance of $4,896,350.98. The dividends of four and one-half per cent, paid during the year amounted te $3,099,139, leaving a credit te be transferred te preiit and less for the year of $1,797,191.98. After adding this te the former balance standing te the cred it of that account and deducting the amounts which the beard deemed advisa ble te charge oft" in the value of securities, etc., there is a balance te the credit of profit and less at the end of the vear of $4,181,073.33 in addition te $700,000 set apart te the trust fund and the $343,460 paid into the consolidated mortgage sink ing fund during 1878 and 1879. The floating debt of the company is but $440,000, against which there is a large cash balance in the treasury. The reports show that valuable improvements were made upon the lines duiiutr the past year and that the facilities of the company are being largely increased both at Philadel phia and Jersey City. The lines west of Pittsburgh were able te meet all liabilities of every kind chargeable thereto and show a net profit of nearly one and three-quarter millions. In regard te free passes, the beard " would say that great care has been taken during the past year te confine their issue te the lowest possible point, and that a very great reduction has been effected. They will endeavor te still further limit this privilege, and te issue no free tickets except where the same may absolutely subserve the interests of the company." LATKST NEWS U MAIL. James Heward was hung at Onark, Franklin county, Ark., yesterday for wife murder. New Yerk Chinamen have organized a society called "The United Brotherhood of Masens." William Pullin fell from the bark Sy ringa, near Delaware Breakwater, en Thursday, and was drowned. Daniel Smithson was arrested at Pitts burgh, yesterday, for burning down the Evangelical church at Grecnsburg in June last. Paul Cellins, 73 years old, fell down a flight of stairs yesterday, at Ne. 67 Cherry street, New Yerk, and was instantly killed. Twe hundred and eighty ounces of geld were brought te Hallifax, N. S., this week from Montague, the result of three weeks work. A fire at Stoughten Mass., yesterday destroyed Atwood's stable, Drake's hotel and buildings belonging te several ethers. Less about $39,000 ; insurance $17,500. It is reported that the Municipal gas light company.ef New Yerk,has purchased the business and charter of the Knicker bocker gas company for the sum of $1,000,000. A young woman, who was known as Mary, and who was employed as a domes tic at 1807 Spruce street, Philadelphia, fell down stairs while carrying some crockery ware. One of the pieces severed an artery in her neck, causing almost instant death. Herbert Burrill and Andrew B. Coombs, the two men who left Bosten en the 9th of July, in a small decked beat for Mel bourne, proceeded no further en their vej'agc than a small fishing village twenty miles north of Bahia, when they were com pelled te land in distress. The ecclesiastical trial of the Rev. Charles E. Walker, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Fall River, Mass., chaiged by his wife with improper conduct and neglecting te support his wife, resulted in his suspension from the ministry and from church privileges until the meeting of the annual conference. Bosten capitalists have decided te build a railroad some 230 miles long, which will run from Guaymas, a seaport en the Gulf of California, in a nerthwardly direction through the fertile state of Senera, Mexico by way of Hermosillo and Ures, te the Arizona frontier, where a connection will be made at a point net yet determined upon with the New Mexico and Southern Pacific branch of the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fc read. May have te Suspend. Philadelphia Chronicle Herald. If this thing of arresting public servants for repeating and ballet-bax stuffing isn't stepped we shall have te suspend the oper ations of government in Philadelphia. Frank ana Outspoken. Bcllcfenta Watchman. If all political newspapers were as frank, outspoken and just as the Lancaster In telligencer, it would be better for polit ical morals everywhere. Shorter Kente te West Chester. The new branch of the Pennsylvania railroad, recently constructed by our townsmen, Messrs Keller and Riley, te con nect the borough West Chester with the mainline of the Pennsylvania read at Frazer station, has been completed and en ilenday next will be put in operation. It shortens the distance between Lancaster and West Chester several miles, most of the trains passing through this city will step at Frazer, the junction of the new branch with the main line and enable passengers for W est unester pe save con siderable time in reaching their destina: tien. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THE DRAMA. Mlu Mary Anaersen as Evadne. " Never did any actress receive in this city a heartier welcome than that which greeted the beautiful and gifted trage dienne, Miss Mary Andersen, en her ap pearance at Fulton opera house last even ing, after a year's absence, during which new laurels have been added te her brew, new adorned with fame's brightest chap let, which she wears right royally, the un disputed queen of the American stage. Before the doers were opened every seat in the lower portion of the house had been sold te bona fide purchasers, and during yesterday the diagram of the gallery was thrown open for the accommodation of persons who, unable te secure seats down stairs, were fain te "go up higher." The most cultured society of Lancaster was represented in the brilliant assembly that crowded the opera house from pit te dome, and nothing was want ing te give te the scene an animation that has net been witnessed at any similar gath ering within the walls of the opera house during the present winter. It was pre eminently the audience of the season, as the appearance of this talented young woman was the evcut that has signalized local dramatic annals. Miss Andersen has twice before favored this community with her presence, and no living actor or actress has a warmer place in popular affection here. The young man sweais by her charms and the approval and admiration of his sister has gene out te her without reserve. In the spring of 1877 she made her initial bow before an audience suspicious of the suddenly achieved reputation that had preceded her and ready te take account of the first flaw in her work. Her triumph here was as complete as the hundreds that had crowned her efforts elsewhere. As the heroine of Shakspeare's romantic tragedy of "Remee and Juliet" she leaped securely into the favor of her audience and received the seal of their approbation. That success was emphasized a year age, when, as the heroine of of Halms's idyllic drama of "Ingemar," she vanquished by her charms the fierce barbarian and carried into captivity with him a whole houseful of unresisting spectators. The play of "Evadne," in which she was underlined te appear last night, whilst an old one, was one very little known among play-goers hereabouts. It was writ ten by Richard Shicl, an Irish lawyer and dramatist, and since the days of Miss O'Neil there have been few actresses who have been competent te reproduce the au thor's conceit of pure and gracious woman hood which is embodied in the title role. The plot and movement of the play may be summarized as fellows : Evadne is the daughter of a once powerful noble of the kingdom of Naples, who fell in battle fighting for his sovereign, and a sister of Colonna, worthy seu of a noble sire, proud, high-spirited, and animated above all things by indomitable love for his sister. Ecadne loves and is beloved of Vicentie, but the King having fixed his lustful eyes en the charms of his de liverer's fair daughter, determines te win them te the gratification of his unholy ap petite. Te this end he invokes the as sistance of Ludovice, his favorite, whom Colonna had denounced as a traitor te his' sovereign, and whose own suit for Evadne' s hand had been scornfully rejected. Lu Lu Lu dovieo, inspired by motives of revenge and ambition, eagerly assents te the Eing's preposition te secure Evadne te him. His purpose comprises the alienation of Vicen Vicen teo 's affection from Evadne ; the former's death at the hands of the enraged brother, Colonna; the arrest of Colonna and his sentence te death by the King's command ; overtures from the Eing te the prisoner of fering him pardon and release at the price of Ecadne1 s honor ; Colonna in terrible rage is of course te reject this proposal, and by Ludovice' s counsel te murder theA7n,upen whose death he (Ludovice) as next in au thority will proclaim himself sovereign and have obtained the gratification of his thirst for revenge and satisfied his ambition for power. By means of forgery and treach erous deceit he contrives te make Vicentie believe that Ecadne has proved false te him and transferred her affection te the Eing, and Vicentie seeking the pres ence of Evadne overwhelms her with reproaches for her perfidy and re nounces her forever. Evadne, being found prostrated by grief and a sense of insulted innocence by her proud and passionate brother, refuses te tell him the truth, whereupon Colonna seeks it else where, and, learning it, resolves te avenge his sister's injury in Vicentie's life-bleed. They meet in mortal combat. Colonna stabs Vicentie as he believes te the death, and is borne off te prison and seutenced te be beheaded. Then come the foul over tures from the King. The maddened brother falls into the trap set by the crafty Ludovice, affects te accede te his sovereign's proposal, and resolves en his murder. Thus far the traitorous Ludovice'' s schemes have been completely success ful. Their consummation is defeated by the appearance of Evadne just as her brother is about te seek the King's bedchamber te slay him. Evadne pleads with her brother net te carry out his terrible design and concludes by demanding that he send the Eing te her. Colonna wonderingly and reluctantly complies, resolving te conceal himself within hearing, and te. kill them both should the barter of hisjsister's honor be effected. This scene between Evadne and the King in presence of the statues of the former's ancestry is the most effective in the play. It is at this juncture that the daughter of a noble line rises te the supreme height of outraged womanhood and her impassioned utter ances, withering scorn and magnificent defiance cover the King with confusion, shame and remorse. By a rapid succes sion of events Colonna is reconciled te his contrite sovereign, the many-sided vil lainies of Ludovice are exposed, he is spurned by his sovereign, and falls by Colonna's hand. It transpires that Vi Vi centeo's wound was net mortal. He re ceives Evadne's pardon, the twain arc re united in love, and the curtain falls en an altogether satisfactory climax. Such is a rough and very imperfect sketch of this old-fashioned and somewhat gloomy play, which lacks in unity and has mere than a suspicion of tediousness in some of its passages. At times it is in tensely dramatic and net without pictorial merit, while the portrait it presents of grand womanhood would mere than atone for any faults it possesses were they trebled. The text is beautiful, tee, flowing in a stream as clear and limpid almost as Shakspeare's own. Miss Andersen's ren ditien of the beautiful title role was marked by a finish and artistic loveliness that appealed with, overpowering force te the beholder's sympathy, and she was twice called before the curtain. Her glori ous face and form admirably adapt her for the representation of the highest ideal womanhood in patient suffering and lofti ness of character under unjust suspicion and insulted innocence. The scene with her lever when the latter accuses her of perfidy and confronts her with the circum stantial proof of her guilt, was magnifi cent, as were the later scenes when she in terposes with her brother te spare his pur pose te slay Vicentie,wid the scene with the King in presence of the graven images of her ancestors. Her declamation was net marred by the boisterousness te which her lines tempted her, and grace and perfect naturalness, accompanied by the spon taneity called for by the requirements of the role, characterized her every move ment. In fine, the roundness and com pleteness of her impersonation were the embodiment and refinement of histrionic art such as is seldom witnessed en any stage. Mr. Levick's Colonna, Mr. Lawrence's ' ictntie and Mr. Chester s Ludovice were highly creditable performances and round ed out the evening's entertainment te the most satisfactory proportions. XEWS FROM THE COUNTY. Reported by Intelligencer" Correspond ent Washington lioreugh Items Salis bury Gatherings. Sis timber rafts passed by here en Thurs day morning, piloted by Marietta pilots came from the head waters, as they were bright and lately rafted. F. S. Bletz is still purchasing tobacco. On Wednesday he made the following pur chases : James Kise 94 cents through : David Shcrrich 14, 4 ; Henry F. Kise 12; through ; J. W. Miller is also making some few purchases of old crops. We have yet in and around the town ever 30,000 pounds unsold, and a geed portion of fair goods. Jacob L. Witmer, formerly of Maner, "Blue Reck Mill," new residing near Ma rietta, intends moving near his old home this coming spring ; he is new breaking greuad for the erectieu of a dwelling. Items from Salisbury and Vicinity. At present our people are engaged at tending public sales, which are very nu merous in this neighborhood. Live stock and farming utensils are selling at least 23 per cent, higher than they did one year age. The village of Springville was enlivened en Tuesday evening by an entertainment given in the public school house by Mr. Christian Fex, consisting of a very line as sortment of stereoscopic views. It gave the audience very geed satisfaction. Springville is in Salisbury township, live miles north of Gap station. Its principal business places are a general merchandiz ing store, doing an extensive business, shipping last month six tens of country produce received in exchange for goods ; also, a tobacco packing establishment, blacksmith shop, wheelwright shop and several ether industrial places, and the people are a quiet, law-abiding set of folks. There appears te be an eye disease pre vailing, in this locality and almost the en tire ce.niuunity arc suffering from it, but it is of very light form and lasts but a few days. The school at Springville, under the tutorship of Mr. Gee. W. Heme, a most cfficiui t teacher, ranks among the best in the county. The tobacco crop of Salisbury, which was very fine, has been almost all disposed of at fair prices, and the general topic of convcr.-atien new turns te the coining crop of 1880. Politics in this community appears te be rather one-sided, but the contest in the city of Lancaster brought many bright smiles iVem our Democratic friends. The third term causes considerable debate, and in this 1-icality its advocates have a major ity. I)ath of Mrs. Mary U. Eekcrt. Mrs. Mary G. Eekcrt, of Millersville, was buiied yesterday at Old Lcaceck church, near Intercourse. Mrs. Eckert was well known in this city. Her pleasant face wasalways desired in the sick room, she beinj; an excellent nurse and fearing no disease. Having just nursed a sister's fami ly with the most malignant form of typhoid lever, of which the husband and three children died, she returned home and fell a victim te the terrible disease, which tenninated in her death in a few days. Her husband died some time age. SJie leaves three orphan children te mourn her less. .Diserderlies Committed. Fer some days past a gang of tramps have bcci annoying the citizens of Lititz and the farmers in the vicinity, by petty pilfering, burning fences, and ether acts of malicious mischief. Yesterday, Constable Helman jame te the city te secure assist ance in arresting the gang. Officers Lcntz and Adams went with him and succeeded iu arresting seven of the gang a hard looking set of customers and brought them te Lancaster and locked them up. This morning they were given a hearing before Alderman McConemy and by him committed te the county jail for 30 days each. About twenty of the gang had left Lititz bcfjre the officers reached there. Fine Workmanship. In our r.etice a few days since of the presentation of an elegant geld watch of Lancaster manufacture te Mr. R. Bcrtz field by the employees of Teller Bres.' warehouse, it was stated that the en graving thereon had been done at tlie watch factory. We arc informed that the work was done by Themas Pendcrgasr, engraver for E. F. Bewman, of this city. In addition te the inscription, which is in the cap, there is en one side of the case a handsome monogram and en the ether a very accurate and cleverly executed design of a tobacco leaf. Acknowledgments. The Ladies Union Dorcas society grate fully acknowledge the following donatiens: Frem MissS. Jesephine Myer, $1 ;cash, $1 ; a friend, $1 ; a friend. 81 ; a friend, $2 ; a friend. $3 ; Mis L. Ellen Wright, $1 ; Mrs. II. B. Swarr, $1 ; Mrs. Gara, SI ; Mr. Geerge M. Steinmau, $3; cash, $1; collection from the Presbyterian church during the week of prayer, $4.59; St. Jehn's Lutheran, $3.20 ; Union Bethel, $1.98 ; Mrs. Kerfoot, $1. Light AVeight. Market Master Derley confiscated eight lumps of butter this morning. They were supposed te be pounds but did net weigh sixteen ounces. Te Fellow Mount Jey. The New Helland Clarien thinks that town should build a reservoir and be plied with water. sup- MK. FULTON'S LECTURE. The County Solicitor nu "The Influence of Education." There was a very fair audience at the Yeung Men's Christian association hall last evening te hear the lecture of Hugh R. Fulton, esq., who spoke of the Influ ence of Education." The following is an abstract of his address : The term education specially includes the instruction and eare which parents and teachers bestow upon the young te direct their physical, intellectual, aesthetic and moral development ; it is also the means by which the children of every generation are put into possession of the knowledge and attainments of the preceding genera tion, and by the training given them are enabled te add te or improve upon their inheritance. As the twig is bent the tree is inclined. Yeu may take a youth of geed natural talent, of a kind and honest disposition, of an ordinary amount of energy and moral courage, se that he would be a fair exam ple of his race, and by educating and training him, the influences surrounding him, the bent of his mind, his mental ai.d physical powers and his character may be se shaped as te make him either a success ful ami honorable gentleman or an igno rant vagabond, weighed down by poverty, crime and disgrace. Such is the wonderful directing ami controlling power of education upon all people, upon both sexes, upon society wherever you view it, and upon states and nations as well as upon society, The lectuier made a rapid review of the condition of this country and Europe be fore the advantages of education were enjoyed by the people te show that the days of superstition, religious bigotry ami persecutions, and the times of the gi cutest poverty and unhappmess of the pjeple were during the years of mental darkness, as trology, witchcraft ; and that religious persecutions were driven before the light of science, and that the education of the common people was the mighty conqueror that drove tyrants and oppressors from positions of power, and that te this day the intelligence of the citizenship stands as a bulwark against the encieachments of unworthy rulers. The invention of printing, the mariner's compass, the telegraph, steam engines, agricultural implements and the various machinery for the manufacture of material for clothing and household comfort aie all the products scientific study and the workmanship of the trained hands of edu cated mechanics, and in all these humanity has been benefited. Heme parental training is the most lasting and beneficial te society in the Sunday schools many are taught te lead and think and obey the civil and Divine law who would without the liberal advantages of free admission ami gratuitous teaching he left te the blankest ignorance. Hut the public free schools are the great foun tain of knowledge te which the rising gen eration may go and drink and quench their thirst for useful sell-preserving knowledge. The education of the beneficial physically, financially. It is a geed and national policy te siq- schools is socially and family, state pertr and patronize the public schools. Their influences will save us from idleness superstition, bigotry, disloyalty and crime. The scholar is a better citizen than the man who cannot understand the organization of his government. As domestic economy and geed management insure the comfort and prosperity of the household, se does political economy secure the prosperity of the nation. Ignorant voting by the people and stupid legislation bring in their train idleness, poverty, crime and distress te the people. In the days when the European coun tries were beclouded and in dense mental darkness the people suffered from countless inconveniences, from poverty, from perse cutions originating in iguerance, and fiem untold political wrongs ; while with the acquirement of useful knowledge and the light of science came freedom from these persecutions, inconveniences and wrongs, and the results have lit en the richest of legacies bequeathed te the present generation. As the night of intellectual darkness passed away se did feudal servitude and all ancient and modern forms of human slavery, until new we find man enjoying his freedom, mentally anil physically, apphing his powers intelligent ly and successfully in all the walks of life. In all these years the maich of art and science has been onward and upwaid, drawing obstacles from their paths and from the way of man's ptegicss, dispel ling doubts, banishing fears, crushing un truth, reflecting light, and securing and illuminating the peace, health and happi ncss of the human family. COURT. Surety of 1'eace Current lutliieK, Ac. Court met at 10 o'clock for the purpose of hearing the surety of the peace and de sertion cases. The first case attached was that of Cem'th vs. Abraham Spcidlc, who was charged by Jeseph Stark with making threats against him. The defendant de nied that he had threatened Stark. The defendant was ordered te pay the costs. The cases of Jehn Eicherly and Jeseph Ortman, charged with desertion, were dis misseu at the defendant's cost, they having agreed te support their wives. Several ether cases were continued en account of the absence of the parties. David Bair, who. was convicted in the early part of this week of violating the liquor law by selling te miners and en Sunday, was sentenced te pay a fine of $400 and costs, they together amounting te $703. Motion for a New Trial.. In the cae of William McAfee, who was convicted of false pretense, a motion for a new trial was made. All applications for licenses were con tiliucd until next Saturday. Lewis Sewers Arraigned. This morning Lewis Sewers, of Mt. Jey, who is charged with killing Christian E. Hershcy, was arraigned, as three terms of court have elapsed since he was indicted. The indictment was read te him and he plead net guilty. The case was then con tinued until the next court, Mr. Sevveis being out en bail. Marietta Matters. The river is in fair rafting order, and a number of rafts intended for the Philadel phia market have passed down the rivei . Wm. Zuch, aged 17 years, was badly burned at the hollow-ware works a few days age, by getting some molten metal iu his shoes. He will be disabled for some weeks. William Rupp, while coupling cars at Chickics, yesterday, had two fingers cut off and one crushed. Nearly all the tobacco in the vicinity of Marietta has been disposed of. A horde of tramps infest Marietta, and during the past week several houses have been entered and robbed, and unsuccess ful attempts have been made te break into several ethers. Church Dedication. The new mission chapel of the Church of Ged, Union Bethel, will be opened with appropriate services en te-morrow (Sab bath) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The pas tor will be assisted by help from abroad. Divine services also en Monday evening at half past seven o'clock. i ' i