"- ? LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1880. i the county committee will be called early in March, te make due prevision for the usual primary electiens; the chairman, B. F. Eshlcman, alone lias power te call it together, and he ill exercise his power discreetly, but firmly ; he will commit no usurpation, but he will tol erate no irregularity, nor submit te any bull-dozing ; the committee may order an election of national delegates, but it is net likely that a" majority of its members will se stultify themselves ; Kauffman and Seltzer will stand en their credentials from the state convention and net confess the weakness of their case by submitting it as an unsettled one ; if the coun ty committee docs net call fei the election of national delegates any person i he runs fei 01 may be elected te that eflice will have no standing nor recog nition at Chicago ; under all circumstances Kauffman and Seltzer or their altei nates will cast Lancaster county's vote at Chi cago, under the unit rule ; and Mr. Kauff- ln.tn, in tins city, yesteiuay, saiu te in inquiring Republicans: "Yeu iiwi: te OTK JOK GltVNT AND Of M VY AS WELL I XII:USTAXI) IT .NOW.'' Let the band play ! OltlTUAKV. De.ith el Dr. Jehn L. Atlee 'x Wife Mrs. Sarah Hewell Atlec, wife of Dr. Jehn L. Atlee, diedat the family lcsidence, coiner of Duke and Change sticets, about half-past 11 o'clock last night, in the 77th year of her age. Mis. Atlec had been an invalid fei many xc.ii, and for at least 15 years had been confined te the house by a peculiar and painful disease of the limbs which rendeied it almost impossible for hci te walk. During the past year her condition was mere comfortable than dur ing several yeai.s previous, but about three weeks age she began te fail rapidly, and day bjfoie jesteiday, it becoming evident th.it Her end was near, hci relatives living -ut of town weie sent for, and all were pii'scut last night when she passed peace fully away. Mu. Atlee was the eldest daughter of the late Judge Walter Fianklin, and a sis ter of Hen. Themas E. Franklin and Cel. Luilen Franklin. She was bein in Phila delphia June 7th, 180U, and caine te Lan c.istei with her fathei when he was ap pointed judge of the Lancaster ceuits. .she was mat lied te Dr. Jehn L. Atlee en the 12th of Match 1822, and lied a happy wedded life fei a peiied of ."S ve.us. She was the mother of nine ehildicu, lie of whom died jeung, and the ether four aic well known in this community Dr. Wal ler Atlec, a pi emincut physician of Phila delphia, Di. Jehn L. Atlee, jr.. of this city, Hen. Win. A. Atlee, cc-mayor, and Mis. Annie Atlee. Mis. Atlec was, ever since she icsided in L.iucistci, connected with St. James chinch, and befeie she was prostrated with disease was one of its most active and efficient niembei s. She was a w euiau of eiy considerable mental igerand was one oftheeiiginatois of the fust Sunday school eig.inied in Lancaster, and a ni.iii.igei of the first infant school oigan eigan ied in St. .Tame church. She was an active fiiend of. the missienaiy cause, of Ihe likhep liew 111,111 home, and indeed lent willing aid te all objects and entcr piises having in iev the fuithciance of CluNtiatiity. Although she lived a quiet and tetiied life, she dispensed charity with a liberal hand te all wet thy objects, but without ostentation or display. She pos sessed the domestic virtues in an eminent degiee and at home was a model both as a w ife and mother. IIcrfuuci.il will take place en Monday net at 2 o'clock, p. 111. A KECEPTION AND SUKPKI )E The New Paster of Grace Lutheran Church. Last evening in the lectuie 100m of Giaee Lutheran chutcli was held a teccp teccp tien te the new pastor, llcv. C. E. Ifeupt, feinietly assistant pastor of the chinch of the Hely Tiinity of this city, the time be ing eiy pleasantly spent in the social cn cn teitainmcntef the t.iembeis and fiiends of the congiegatien. The chancel was beau tifully decorated with plants and flowers, which added veiy much te the pleasuie of the occasion. The exet cises began with the singing of a hymn, followed by an exquisite violin sole, Ciungl's "Sounds Frem Heme," by Mr. -I. J. Kevinski, the leader of Grace choir. Mi . Kevinski was followed by Mr. F. L. Muiphy, of Franklin and Mai shall college who declaimed very effectively Trovv Trevv luidge's poem, "The Vagabonds." Mr. A. M. Schmidt, also a student at the col lege, sang, in a geed baiitene voice a sacred sole, "He Still, Peer Heatt,'" and with a hymn by the congiegatien the first part ended. After a social recess another hymn was sung, and then Miss Sallie Kahl sang a very pretty sole, "He Giveth His Beloved Sleep," Mr. David Stamin playing the eigan accompaniment. Mi. Muiphy next tecited, very touchingly. " The Pau per's Dtive," and was followed in tuin by a duet, "Geed Night and Happy Dicams," sung by Mr. Schmidt and Miss Annie Swaitzwcldcr. The tegular cxeiciscs weie closed with a hymn by the cntiic congiegatien, and llcv. Dr. Gicenwald, of Tiinity church, had just been called en te offer a prayer, when a complete surpiisc was sprung upon the pastor by the geed doctor, who advanced te Mi. Ueupt and in a touching little speech presented him, in behalf of the Ladies' Aid Society of the church, w ith a beautiful and costly set of vessel-, for use in the private administra tion of the communion te the sick and aged of the congregation. The complete set of four pieces panaiielum, paten, flagon and chalice was enclosed in a liaudsemc mo rocco case lined w ith scarlet satin. Mr. Houpt replied te Dr. 'Gieenwald in a graceful and grateful speech, and in the closing prayer the vessels w ct c dedicated by the doctor te their intended use. The dox dex dox elogy and benediction closed the service which was throughout enjoyable, and many tcinaincd long after te leek at the beauti ful and appropriate gift te the pastor. The Lecture Te-night. II. R. Fulton, esq., will deliver a lecture te-night in the hall of the Y. M. C. A. en " The Influence or Education." The topic is an interesting one and will no doubt he handled by Mr. Fulton in a scholarly manner. In Geed Condition. North Queen street is at the present time in very geed condition for the street cleaners. The mud is about shoe-top deep, and of a proper consistency te be easily scraped into piles and carted away. Where's Billy Hensel, the ancient commissioner? A GAY DECEIVER. The Romantic Career of a Swedteli Tailor. Last May there came te Lancaster a tailor giving his name as Alfred Carlsen. He was a Swede of rather pleasing address, and obtained employment as a coat maker in Smaling's clothing house, North Queen street. Seme time after his arrival here a Wilmington newspaper published an ar ticle denouncing Carlsen as a swindler and a dangerous man, alleging among ether tilings that he cheated everybody that trusted him, and that he had three or four wives living in different places. This newspaper aiticle was brought te Carlsen's notice, whereupon he denounced it as a gross and unfounded slander, and threatened te sue the publish ers for libel acknowledging, however, that he owed debts in Wilmington te the amount of $75, and that the publication was a trap, set te induce him te come back te Wilmington se that he might be arrested and locked up. The Lancaster police wrote te the Wilmington autheri ties that Carlsen was in this city and could be easily arrested if he was "wanted," but no response was received from Wilming ton. Carlsen continued te wetk for Mr. Smalinz until the lasj week in January, when he rented a room everSkiles&Frey's tobacco wai chouse, and went into business en his own account, employing a few girls te assist him in shop-weik. He only kept the 100ms a few weeks, and then came back te Smaling's, wheic he continued te veik until Satuiday, the 14th inst. Having become acquainted with Mrs. Henrietta R. Ktug, residing at 142 East Walnut street, he became a suitor for her hand, was accepted, and married her about four weeks age, Rev. Dr. Greenwald per forming the cetemeny. On Sunday last Carlsen left his bride and has net since been heard fiem. Befeie leaving he told her that a Cel. Reynolds, eugaged as salesman in a laige clothing house, had seemed him a situa tion as cutter in Dajfen, Ohie, and that it would be neccssaiy for him te leave for that city at once. On these lcpiescnfatiens his wife gave him all the money she could spaie (nieic than enough te cairyhim te Dayton) since which time nothing has been heaid of him. His flight has deeply affected Mis. C.ulsen (or Krug), and she is lving quite sick. It is new thought that the ' Wilmington stories about Carlsen aie tine, and that he has descited his last wife as he did the ethcis. Colei is given te this supposition by the fact that befeie Cailsen's late mar ti.igc he told some of his friends that an acquaintance of his was about te marry a licit widow, and wanted te knew if he would fall heir te her piepetty in case she died. It is believed it was his own in tended man iagc that he had in view at the time, and that he could net get held of her piepetty, which is held in trust for her. The x ilmingten Charges. We have seen a copy of the Wilmington paper lefertcd te. It is the Daily Republi can of May 29, 1870, and denounces Cail son as " a sanctimonious sceundtcl," who " desetts his wife and children, getsmuch ly manied and gees into the gcneial he.ut bie.iking business; tebs his victims and seeks pastutcs new." Fiem the Republi C(t)i'.i account, it is thcamc " six footer, with tesy checks, scat ted feiehead. fair hair, light moustache and inevitable white necktie" that has been operating in Lancaster. He joined a Baptist chutcli in that city and became treasurer of the Bible society and spent $18 of its funds en his pcisenal adornment and rapidly degenerated into diunkeness and ether vices. He wheedled servant girls and widows, beatdiug house mistresses and tailors out of vatieus sums ranging fiem $2 te $2(5, besides raising money en many ether people's goods, which he "bei- towed. " One deserted wife, Mrs. Han nah B. Catlsen, of Paterson, N. J., hunted him out in Wilmington and dc clatcd that she believed he had deceived two ether women into marrying him. He fled fiem Wilmington te Avendale, but his sins found hint out just before he was about te many wife Ne. 4. He left there for Lancaster, wheic his caieer is told above. Correction. In noticing the death of Mrs. Alexander Schultz, of Stiasburg, yesterday, we stat ed that she w as the daughter of the late Hugh Lean. This was a mistake ; she was the daughter of the late Patrick Mc Coy, of Paradise, and a niece of Mr. Lean. The funeral services which were an nounced te be held in St. Mary's church, this city, will be held in St. Antheny's chinch at 11 o'clock te-morrow morning. INCENDIARISM. Hern Destrejed by Fit. This morning about one o'clock a barn belonging te David Gibblc of Manhcim, was totally destteyed by fire. A sleigh, wagon and a let of farming implements weie consumed. The lite was undoubtedly the weik of an incendiary. The building wasinsuied for $300 and the less will be about $900. " Ana That Was the Cause or It." The elder of pole-cat effluvia which per vaded the West King street and Centre Square atmespheic this afternoon was caused by Johnny Grau sheeting a skunk, found in Jim Doebler's saloon.) It is sup posed te have get theic through the sewer and its speedy dispatch was for the public geed. Thunder and Lightning. Last night we weie visited by a gust of rain, accompanied by thunder and light ningbut net very heavy. Tlie weather was unusually watm and spring-like, and net at all such as was premised by the Lancaster county gtound-heg and Veimer, the great Canadian weather prophet. Desertiea. The wife of Levi Eshelbrcnncr made complaint last evening before Alderman Barr, charging him with desertion. He was arrested this morning at 9 o'clock, had a hearing at 10 o'clock, and the case was returned te ceuit. It will be heaid to morrow. Ojster Supper. Last evening a party of young men, who had made a wager en the recent billiard tournament at the City hotel, had an oyster supper at the restaurant of D Mulhatten, en Duke street. It was given iXT rVi fC 4-llA ArYInv n3 24- m -! ,j v,.... ,i w.Uj,a..j auu 11 nte. ecivcu u j in uic uuel bijm;. Fer the Irish Relief. Mayer MacGenigle acknowledges the receipt of $5 from E. F. Bewman and $2 from a friend, for the Irish relief fund. The total amount received new amounts te$4C. Ball Te-Night. The tobacco packers of this city will held a ball at Kethweller's hall te-night. It premises te be a grand success, as the managers have done everything In their power te make it such. Amusements. "JEiadne" Te-night. At neon te-day all but a very few of the seats in the parquet and par quet circle in Fulton opera house had been sold ter te-night, when Mis Mary Andersen w ill appear in the title role of Shiel's play of "Evadne," and seat9 were being secured in the gallery. A jammed house and splendid performance are assured. m Mb. A. Neiger, Taylervtlle, Pa., writes : My mother, an old lady of sixty years, suf fered for thirty years with Rheumatism, te such an extent that she w as at times entirely lame. We procured from Messrs, Ludwig Bres., druggists in Scranton, Pa., a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil, used it acceiding te directions, and saw our efforts crowned with perlect suc cess. Mether was relieved. Unless the brcatn is like a spicy gale, Unless the teeth gleam like the driven nev, There is no dazzling smile or tender tale, Grateful te woman's eye or tar, we knew. The tale would lese its chaims the smile be gaunt. Till brought within the spell el SOZO- DONT. fU-lvwI&vv New Advertisements Wall Paper, Ac, at Frj v. Cigarmakers Wanted. Bnckleyers' Union. Iteligieus. Wanted. USSTFer futther details see adveitising column. Sl'EVIAI NOTICES. Fees of Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that v eiy many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $5, which would tax a man confined te hi-, lied ler a j ear and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a ve.u for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hep Bitteia taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the j eet's sickness. L'd. Puie Spices ut Loeher's Diug Stoic. Nothing makes a man, woman, or child leel meaner than a tickling sensation in the tlue.it. Take "Dr. Selleis Cough Sjiup." Si cents. Frem a Prominent Drug Heuse. II. II. Warner tc Ce., Kechlsteh, X. Y. Dear Sib:-It is new only tin ee months since ve received j our lit st shipment of bate Heme dies. We have sold drugs 111 this place fei twenty j ears, and vv e have never sold a pi o e piietary medicine, that gives such univeisal satisfaction asyeuis, especially yeui bale Kid ney niul I.ivci Cine, anil Diabetes Cine. We could mention many w he hav e leceived great bcnclll 111 cases of Kidney dillleulties. Asthma, Hheuinatisiii, Diabetes, Blight's Dis ease, etc. Uespcctlully j eui -, SISSOX & FOX. 114-2wd.w Alcxandua l!.iy. X. V. Guard Against Disease. If jeu lin.l yeuiself getting bilious, head heavy, month leul, ejes jellew, Kidnejsdi eideied, sjmptems et piles teimenting jeu, take at once a few doses of Kidnej -Wei t. It is nature's great assistant. Use it as an advance guiud don't wait te get dew 11 siek. 12.J lvvd&vv- "'Dr. Liinlsej' Bleed Se.uchci' ciueduiy son of crWpeles." Mis. 1.. smclLser, Lou Leu mei, Pa. Kidney Complaints of all dcsciiptien aie lelieveil at once, and speedily cuicd by Kidney-Went. It seems in tended by n.ituie for the euie of all diseases el the kidnejs caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic pew eis are especially duceted te thciemeval el this cla-s et disease-. Tij it te day. lis Iw d.V Try Loeher's Cough Syiup. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!' Arc jeu disturbed at night and Ineken el your test by a sick child sulleiing and cijing with the cxciuciefnig pain et cutting teeth.' It se, go at once and get a bottle el MRS. A INF LOW'S SOOlHIXU Si RUP It will lelieve the peer little-sufferer immediately depc nd upon it; there Is no mistake about it. Theic is net a mother en e.uth who hasevei used it, who will net tell jeu at once that it will tegulate the bowels, and give lest te the methei, and lelief and health te the child, epeiatuig like magie. It is peifectlj's.ite te use in all ceses, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the ptcsciiptien et one et the eldest and best lemale physicians and nurses In the United states, bold uvei jv heic 25 cents a bottle. j 1T-I j d&vv M.W&b statistics pi eve that twenty-five per cent, of the deaths in our laiger cities are caused by consumption, and when we lellcct that this teriiblc disease in its w 01 st stage w ill j ield te a bottle of Leehei's Renowned Cough bjiup, shall we condemn the sulleieis ter their neg ligence, or pitj- them for their ignorance I The Tiiheat. "Brown's Ilrenchial Treches''' act directly en the organs of the voice. They hove an extraordineij' cllect in all diseideis of the Threat and Laijnx, lestenng a healthy tone when 1 closed, either from cold 01 evei; exertion of the voice, and pieduce a clear ami distinct enunciation. Speaker? and Smyers find the Troches usclul. fJI-lw cITTIisa. w A Mether's Uriel. The piidcef a mother, the life and joy of a home, aie her clulilicn. hence her giictuhcu sickness enters and takes them awaj-. I'.ike winning then, that you ate iiinninga tcmble risk, if thej" hove a Cough, Cteup or Whooping Cough, w Inch lead te Consumption, if jeu de net attend te it at enee. bluleh's Consump tion Cuie is guaranteed te cure them. Pi lee 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Fer lame Hack, Mdc. or Chest, use Shiloh's Poieus Plaster. Pnee cents. Sold by I). Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Dev is, Milfersv ille. The Best I Kver Knew Or. .1. U. Starkcj, a prominent and inlliienti il citien of Iowa Citj-, sajs: "I hove hed the Djspepsie, and Liver Complaint ler several je.ns, and have used cverj- ltcmcdy 1 could near of, without any teliet whatever, until I saw jour Shiloh's Vitalizei adveitiscd in out paper, and was persuaded te ti y it. Ia'ii happy te state that it bes entnelj' cmed me. It is cei cei temly the best Itemedy I ever knew of." Pi ice 73 cents. Sold bv I). Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersvillc. Shiloh's Catarrh Itemed-. A marvelous Cute fei Coteiih, Diplitliene Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. ith eeeh bottle there is an ingenious 11as.il Injeetei tei the meic successful tieatment et tne com plaint, without estrucheige. Pnee M cents, sold bj' D. Ileitshu, Lmcester, and M. L. Dev is, Millersvillc. sJit-eodDJUew W MAltMAOES. Pknmj.gte Okem. February i"th. ISsO. at the parsonage of Trinity Chureh, bj-ISev. Di. Gicenwald. William X. Pennington, et Wil mington, Del., te Clare Klizebcth Oicm, et Lancaster. DEXTUS. Atlee. On the 20th inst.. berah II., w lie of Jehn L. Atlee, 31. D., in the 77th j car et her age. Funeral en Mondej', Match 1, ISSO, at 2 o'clock p. m. It is rcspectiullj requested that no flew ers be sent. 2td Kuebler. Feb. 23, 1S83, in this citjr, Mone Fredeiicka Kuebler, in the 47th j eat et hei age. The iclatives and friends ate respectfully in vited te attend the funeral liem her late lesi dence, 52!) West King sticet, en Setuidaj- aftei aftei aftei noen, at 3 o'clock. 2td Ellmaker. At Xcw Helland, en Wcilncsdej morning, 23th inst., Miss Catheiinc Lllm ikei, in her 97th j-ear. Her relatives and friends arc invited te at tend tlie funeral en Saturday next, at her late residence, at 10 o'clock a. in. Interment in the family cemetery, three miles south of Xew Helland. 2td Scucltz. In Strasburg, en Tuesday, Feb. 24, 18S0, Hannah Agnes, wife of Alexandci Schultz, in the 58th year et her age. Her relatives and friends are rcspectfnllj- in, vited te attend tlie luneral liem the residence et her husband, en Saturdaj' morning, Feb. 28, at 9 o'clock. Funeral services at St. Antheny's church, at 11 o'clock ; interment in fet. Meiy's cemetery. 3td Eub. On the 26th inst., in Seudcisbuig, Christian Erb, In the 70th j ear of his age. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully invited te attend the fnneral fiem hIg late regience, Soudersburg, en Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. 2td XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES.--The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found In the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and Swiss Watches, and each -watch Is warranted according te the quality. JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great quantity and vari ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting. SILVERWABEArticles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every thing consistent with a flrst-class Jewelry Business. Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as it could be bought elsewhere. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. -Vfc WAD rERTISE3lEXTS. rKXXDNITK. IHEKt. WILL HE ltL Preaching (both Gitrmen and English) in the Old Mcnnenite church, corner of East Chestnut and Sherman streets, en Sundej-, Feb. ), at 2 o'clock p. m. nd ITrANTED. w Cigarmakers. Mele and Female, stand v emplev iiient and'ehcap boerd ai ranged. GUMPEKT IlUOs.. 411 Xeith Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. f27-2tdK IUKK VOUKl'llOPKltTYIN THE IIKST COMPAXIEbat IiAUSMAX & P.UUXS. 20-tfeedIi Oflice: Ne 10 West Orange St. LJ,CV8TElt, Dec. 12, 17'). NM'KK YOUE PKOPI.UTVINKEI.IAKLE COMPAXIKsat BENJ. F. SHENK'S, Ollice : 103 West King Street. dccl2-3mili: lIKi:, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Iiismonceat lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Compenies. IILKU & STAUFFEIt, Kelt Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. dec3'J-!mdi:eedl in ICKLAYEKS' UNION. Union will be held en SATUKDAY EVEXIXU at 7 o'clock, at Arneld Haes's boleon, Xe. :m Ninth Queen sticet. l.usiness of itupeitauce ; pinuipt attendance requested, ltd 15Y ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. TT S. UAKAS INSURANCE AGENCY, 1 iry. East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of Xeith Aineiica, Phil'a I.v coining Count j' file Ins. Ce., et Muncv, Pa. Fianklin File Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. IVniisjlvenii File Insurance Ce., Phil'a. Continental File Insurance Ce , X'ew Yeik. Hanover File Insurance Ce., Xew Yeik. (Jucen England File Insurance Compenj. Scottish Cemii.eicial Fire Insurance Ce. l.iveipoel, Louden and (J lobe File Ins. Ce. LIFE Auiciican Lite Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. fMniilR pUlILIC SALE. On Thursday, March 4, 1880, w ill be sold at Xe. .507 Xeith Limestrcet, 2 Par lei Suits, iiphelslcicd 111 Rep and llair Cleth, Walnut Dining and ISedioem buits. Marble Tep Tables, Walnut Sideboeid and Extension Table, Hat Reck, Clocks, Oil Painting, about 230 j aids et Ihiis-els and Ingiein Carpets, Window Itlinds, china. Gless and Quecnsweic, besides a general asseitment of household goods Sele te commence at i) o'clock a. m. Condi tions made knew 11 bj C. A. REECE. II. SnenEUT, Anct. 123-OtdR 1JUI1LIC SALE OF HOUSES. . On SATURDAY, FEIIRUARY2S. ISsO, will be sold at Fie 1 IJiiminei's Stables, Xe. 13.! Xeith Queen stieet, Lancaster city, Pa., the fellow mg lave Stock, te wit: Feity Head et Canada Horses, mostly heevj -boned Draft Hei se, some geed ler general use, and a tew geed id oed Mines and Roadster-. They will be sold without le-erve and must be in eveij" lespect as lepicsented by the undersigned. A c-ieditet WHIejs will be given. S lie te commence at 1 o'clock p. 111. sharp, w hen attendance w ill lie giv en bj- GEORGC CR03SMAX, b vm'l Htss & be-s, Aucts. tebie 2td JAISSOLUTION OF PAltrNLKSllIP. Netice ishciebv given that the ce-pirtnei-slup heietoteie existing between David U.ur and Jacob I! nr, under the linn name et I) IC.iii A Ce., has been this day diselv ed bj mu tual consent. All peisens having accounts with soul linn aie heiebv lequested te cell en Dev id lS.urlei settlement. DAVID IJAIR, JACOI! HAIR. L vc stlii, Feb 20, 1SS0. Having put chased the entile stock, good will, lixtmcsaiid book accounts et the lete linn el D lair& Ce., the undc-i signed will con tinue te c.u 1 y en the business at the old stand, Xe. 14 hast King stieet, where he hopes te le 1 1111 the potienoge heietoteie extended the old til 111. fel2G-.Hd DAVID IJAI1S. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS rillMED en CHECK BOABD (Seme as used bj- Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railie.ul l:e:ud any Celer. Alse, STRUNG TAGS FOR LAI5ELING OF TOBACCO. RALES Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT TUE Intelligencer Office. anl2-tfd " Yhares w. fry, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., Weaiebcttei prepared te meet the wants of the people than anj-seasen heretoleic. as our Xew stcue is laigei than the old one. w hich en ables us te can j- a meic extensive line et WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES. Our 100111 is filled with the Choice Goods for the spi nig, and has all the Xev cities, lrem the Lewest Grade el Peper Hangings te the most evpensive In Derk and Medium Celers lei Poilers, HalN, Dining Reems, &c. In Window-Siliedes wc arc prepeted te meet any demand. Plain Goods bj-the jard in all Coleisunil Widths. In Six and Seven Feet Lengths. Fixtures of Best Makes. Measuies of Windows taken and Shades hung in liist-elass manner, cornice Poles for Lace Curtains and Lambrequins, Gimp Bands, Tassels, S.c. lu connection with our line wc handle PIER AND MANTLE MIRRORS. Orders taken and Glasses made of everj- de de sciiptien. Come and see our New Stoie. feblO-lyd&w ESTATK OF WILLIAM 31. WHITESIDE, late el the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all poi sons indebted te said decedent aie lequested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te E. K. Martin, attorney at law. Ne. 33 North Duke street, or MARY K. WHITESIDE, fcb7-3tdS&3tw Administratrix. Fancy Me anil Ededv mk AM USEJUiXTS UULTON UPEKA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1880. Keturn of the Favorite. ANNIE PIXLEY " M'LISS," AMIE PIXLEY. I Supported bv the McDon McDen Ai?.ife 1'IXLEY. eugu and "Fulford Star AN.N.Ih TIXLEY. Combination of 23 llrst- ANNIE PIXLEY. cl.iss artists. J. E. McDox McDex McDox euoiias Yuba Bill. During the acting of the piece Miss Fixley will introduce sev eral New Songs and Med ley?. Admission, 35, SO Sc 75Cts. Reserved seats new 011 sale without extra charge. fSl-etd ANNIE PIXLEY. ANXIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY. ANXIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY. AXXIE PIXLEY. AXXIE PIXLEY. ANNIE PIXLEY. -KVEKA HOUSE. ONE NIGnT ONLY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27th. A BRILLIANT EVENT. Appearance of the j'eung and highly gifted American Tragedienne, MISS MARY ANDERSON s EYADIVE, Supported bj Mr. Milne:. Levick, Mr. Atkins Lawrence And a Pew erful Dramatic Cempanj-. PRICES OF ADMISSION: RESERVED SEATS, S1.00 GENERAL ADMISSION 75 Ct. GALLERY, CO ' Secure scats in advance at the Opera Heuse Ollice. Sele te open te-dav. fiMtd LA3IVS, JtC. T IGI1T. PLIJSTA1 & BRENEMAN AUK OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IK Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods ai e entirely new anil hondsemcr thou ev er beleie elleied and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. MUSICAL IXSTltUMEXTS. -THE- Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS m the Market Warerooms 320 .North Queen stieet. Manufactory in the rear. .Branch Oflice, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CIIICKERIXG & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instiuments, Violins. Banjos, Hand Instru ments, Ac., alwaj-s en hand. fl.t-lydSAl j'w MIS CVLLAXEO US. "1H AS. 1JIUMMEK. Removed te Ne. 4 West King street, first iniui, imeaus x, jjie.'s new muiiiiiig. i27-lmd I CRAYON PORTR AITt, S: , SIGNS. AS. KO.-.ENIIAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 22? Piince stieet, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSENMYER, an7-3mdj Manager, "VT 1E1VIN, M. .. GRADUATE OF THE 1. University of Dorpat, Russia, formerly of ISeilin, Gemianj-, Ne. 24J West King street. Oflice hours from 8 te 10 a. m., 1 te 2 p. m.and 6 te 8 p.m. j2S-2uul "jl TARCUS O. SEHNEK, HOUSE CARPENT.EB, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Piempt and p irtlcular attention paid te al tcratien and repairs. sLJ-lyd TOTICE-TO WATER RENTERS. XI All persons who wish te discontinue the use of the eitj water aic heicby notified te in in lerm the Superintendent of the Water Works in w liting, en or heroic the tlrst daj- of March next. JOIIXT. MacGONIGLE, febi-5td Mayer. VOTICE. i.1 1 tike pleasure in announcing te the citi zens et Lancaster and vicinity that I have this day (Feb. 25) opened my Sew Drug Stere en the coiner of Seuth Queen and Strawberry streets. My stock is fresh and carefully se lected, and comprises everything usually kept in a Hrst-elass steie. I will also keep en hand a full assortment of Perfumery. Soeps, Toilet Articles and strictly Pure Spices. Phj-siclans' prescriptions will receive Individual attention. Vei j- Respectfullv, i'HOS. U. BECIITOLD, Druggist and Apethecat y. Cor. Seuth Queen and Strawberrj- sts. febiVltd ITAA'TED. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Ictklligexcek, who wants something te de. TTTANTED. y V A j-eung w eman wants a situation te de general he use erk. Keferenccs given. Applj at Ne. J35 Bearer Street. -IXrAXTED TO HIRE FOR TWO (2) Weeks or mere a Bleed Hound or Bull Deg of large size and geed lighting qualities, for which a very liberal price w ill be paid and best attention given. Only owners of particu larlj' savage animals need applv-. GEORGE E. FAHNESTOCK, ltd 35 East King Street. JACOB B. LONG, JT. E. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE, (Eshleman A Bathven's Building), If you want te Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Property, Berrow or Lean Meney en Mortgage, or Insure Life or Property. Office Hours : 9 te i and 7 te 8. 8l-tal-l9tSdA4thWw Orpii MannTacterr THIRD EDITI0I. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 27, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, Feb. 27. Fer the Mid die Atlantic states, higher pressure, colder northwest winds, clear or fair weather. ACKOSS THE WATER. Flashes by the Ocean Cable. TTie Greek arrested in Constantinople with an "infernal machine" in his pos session had no designs en the life of the Sultan. Yeddo, Japan, was severely shaken by earthquake en the 2eth inst. The French authorities are inclined te refuse Russia's demand for the extradition of Hartmann, accused of being implicated in the recent Moscow explosion. The ground of the charge against him is con sidered tee vague te establish the guilt of the accused. WAKONTHE STANDARD. Gen. Rntler Argues the Producer' Cause Jtefere a Congressional Committee. Washington, D. C, Feb. 27. General Butler presented an aigument before the Heuse committee an commerce today en behalf of the oil producers of the western Pennsylvania who desire congressional investigation into the methods used by the Standard oil company of Pennsylvania in building up what they term "a colossal monopoly which i3 crushing out all its com petitors." He criticised the operations of the Stand ard oil company, asserting that it had forced railroad companies te come te their terms, in some instances extorting large sums from them. In ene particular case he said they had subjected the Pennsylva nia railroad company te less of one and a half million dollars, and this he said was all done te maintain their monopoly. The committee took no action. THE TRUNK LINES. Tliey Abolish the System of Rebates and Make Reduction in Rates. Chicago, 111., Feb. 27. At the meeting here yesterday of the executive committce of the trunk line peel, en the subject of Eastern rates, the rates en hogs were reduced five cents per hundred, and rates te all New England points were made the same as these te New Yerk. Rebates were abolished. It is intimated that further re duction in grain rates arc net improbable. BY WIRE. Afternoon Telegrams Ceuclensed. A freight wreck occurred at Exeter, Pa., te-day, by which a number of cars were badly broken, and considerable delay in traffic was occasioned. Tlie side wheel steamer Belle Browne was bin ned at Calais. !Me., te-day. Less, $30,000. A committee of New Yeik merchants this morning tendered M. de Lesseps a re ception te take place next Tuesday, which was accepted. He afterwards visited the excavation at Hell Gate and ether points of interest in the city. VERA SASSULITCII. The 1' anions Female Nihilist Arrested at Last. St. Pltekskuug, Feb. 27. The woman Vera Sassulitch, the famous Nihilist agent, who, en Feb. 3, 1878, attempted the assassination of Gen. Trcpefi", prefect of St. Petersburg, has been anested at the home of a friend in this city. HOTEL. THIEVES. They Make a SS.OOO Pull In UarrlAbnrg. ILvKRisnuiie, Pa., Feb. 27. A room in the hotel of Michael O'Connor, en North street, this city, was entered some time last night and $2,000 in bank notes, the property of O'Connor, was stolen, from a chest. Xe arrests have been made yet. PINCUBACK'S PLUM. Nominated for Naval OfticeratNevr Orleans. "Washington, Feb. 27. 3Ir. Hayes to day nominated Percy B. S. Pinchback, of Louisiana, te be naval efliccr for the dis trict of New Orleans. A Fratricidal Fight. Near Mount "Washington, Baltimore county, Md.,last Friday, Bristeand Wesley Phillips, brothers, were testing their strength in a wrestling match, when a light ensued, during which Briste struck Wes ley ever the head with a stone, inflicting a serious wound. Briste then fled into his father's house, nearby. Wesley rushed af ter him, and the latter in the meantime having secured a gun, when Wesley enter ed the house lie discharged its contents in to his(Wesley's) body, the shot taking ef fect in the groin. Briste, it is alleged, sub sequently beat his brother ever the head with the breech of the gun. After the death of Wesley, Bnste surrendered him self, but was released te appear when re quired. He has since disappeared. LEOAIs NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT An application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be knew n as the Lancaster County Came Protective Association, under the act of 23th of April, 1874. entitled : "An Act te Pievide for the Incorporation and Regula tion of Certain Corporations." Thu object of said association is tosteckandpropogate game and game birds in the ceuntj- of Luncuster, and for the protection and preservation of game in said ceuntj-. J. W. F. SWIFT, 123-ltdA3td Solicitor ler Applicants. ESTATE OF ANDKEW UIIKICII, LATE et Ephruta township, deceased. Letters of administration en saiu estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te msikc immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. Pa. MARTIN UIIKICII, Administrator. D. P. Keseumiller, Jr., Att'j". iJMAdeaw E STATE OF CIIAKLES F. KENOiEK, late or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate havingbeen grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedentare requested te make immediate settlement and these havingclaimserdemands against tlie estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delaj-, residing in Lancaster city, CHAS. F. KENGIER, .In, ALBERT S. KENGIER, JOHN S. KENGIER, Kebt. J. Evaxs, Executers. Ulernej-. janSl-fctdeaw ASSIGNED ESTATE OF SAMUEL WALK cr and wile of Salisbury township, Lancaster ceuntj-, Pennsj-ivania, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jeseph C. Walker, assignee or said Samuel Walker and wife, te and among these legally entitled te the some, will sit for thai purpose en TUESDAY, the lbth day or MARCH, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m.. in the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, in the city or Lan caster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. PAUL GERHAKT, febl4.4tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF JOHN DOHNER, LATE OF the borough of Ellzabcthtewn, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said borough. SAMUEL EBY, JOSEPH B. DOHNER, fi5-Ctw Administrators. MAKKXT8. jfew Xerk Market. Xxw Yerk. February 27. Fleur State and Western very dull and slightly In buy ers' favor : superfine state 5 0005 50 ; ei tni de 3 505 63; choice de 5 106; fiuicy de 96 10 3750; round hoop Ohie 95 7536 00; choice de 96 10 7 50; superfine western 95 0005 50; common te geed extra de 95 5005 75 ; choice dodo 93 900773; choice white wheat de93 63 6.25; Southern dull; common te fair extra 5SS6 40; geed te choice de 96 50S 00. de Aeril il 47Ui21 4.S. Cern dull und JKe lower; Mixed Western spot 56459c ; de intnre 53S9c. Oats In buyers' favor; state 4Sffl32c; Western 4751c, Beef steady and quiet ; new plain Mess at $10 30Q11. Perk 11 rm ; Mess $12. -. Lard a shade stronger; steam rendered at $7. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, February 27. Fleur dull and weaker; superfine 94 004 73; ex tra $3 005 75; Ohie and Indiana family $G757 23; Penn'a family $G5O700; St. Leuis family $7 0OQ75O ; Minnesota Fam ily $6 2337 00 ; patent and high grades $7503850. Rye flour $5 0003 23. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat quiet and lower; Ne. 2 Western Rett $1 48 ; Penn'a de $1 4Sl 49;; Amber $1 4U1 50. ( Cern quiet : steamer Stic; yellow 57037Kc ; mixed 5bJ57c. Oats steady ; Southern and Penn'a white 48 c ; Western 4747 ; Western mixed 43 Hie. Uye steady ; Western 92c ; ra. 92c. Seeds steady; geed te prime clevcrsced $750800; de timothy $3 25; de flaxseed $1C3, scarce. Previsions dull ; mess perk $13 23 : beet hanislG5017 oe; India mess beet 150; Ba Ba Ba conseoked shoulders 55VJc; suit de 4Jc; smoked hams 94le;ic ; pickled bams fcj Lord dull ; city kettle 77iS8c ; loose butchers' '!4c ; prime steam 7?47c. Butter linn ; creamer' extra 33 33c; Uraaferd county and New Yerk extra 2327c ; Western reserve extra at 253270 ; de geed te choice labile: rolls choice scarce : Penn'a extra 20ii)23e: western reserve uxtni 2123c. Eggs weak; Penn'a llUc; Western 14c. Cheese steady ; N. Y. fuctery 14K13c ; western lull cream 1414ic ; de for geed 1JKQ 14 ; de halt-skims biJlJc. Petroleum dull; Keiined 73c Whisky at $110. Stock Markets. Philadelphia, Feb. 27. 1230 r. x. Stocks stead j. Pennab's (third issue) let; Philadelphia A Erie 17 Reading :u;., Pennsylvania 5Jrt Lehigh Valley. 52?a United Ces. et N. J 158 Northern Pacific 3.sjjj " Preferred 5S Northern Central 3S Lehigh Navigation 28, .nornsiewn. Central Transportation Ce. V,A Pitts. Titusvllle A Bullule. 1H Little Schuylkill 5J14 N'kw ionic, Feb. ... 45 ,..132 - Hh ..108 ... y-,A ...108 Stocks strong. N. Y. Central Adams Express Michigan Central M icliigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland A Pittsburgli Chicago A Reck Island.. .111 .151 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. UK! western union xel. Ce.... nSH Teledo A Wabash.... 44 New Jersev Central. United States Itends and Sterling Exchange (Quotations by B. IC. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d und Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Feb. 27. United States C's, 1881, (registered).. 105)' United States 5's, 1881. (registered). .iaik103 United States 4W,'s, Wll, (registered)107k107-ji United States 4s, 1891, (coupons)... 108Wi?51094i United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .let.106 United States Currency ts llWlWrj Sterling Exchange 4h5 487i MJililCAL. G LAD TIDINGS. Anyone visiting mj- efllccs will hear con- stnntlj the s-aine old story, vU: "I've been doctoring for jcars with various phj-.sicians and am no better, net cured." And tiicy can also hear a mere welcome story from my patients, viz : " Under j our simple treatment I am well." Over 150 dillicnlt chronic cases treated during the month of January, all bet ter or cured se for as heard from. Jehn Geedman, of 314 North Queen street been docteiing ler 19 j ears ler Rheumatism, dyspepsia and neuralgia, has net had one geed night's rest for j-ears. lie is new sleeping well and pains have gene. Jacob Painter, 430 Locust street, suffered and doctored for 12 jxuirs. Cured in two weeks. Consultation ut elllces free. Call and get or send for IC page pain plilct free. Catarrh cu l ed ler 50 cents. Rev. Jehn Hunter with restored vision, alter being blind for 10 j-ears, will preach every evening at Uev. Seulc's church en Orange street. DR. 0. A. GREENE, ("l Years Experience), Ne. 23C North Queen Street. 43-Wunted te buj' Clean old White or Blue Class Vials or Bettles uiiysize. UJ-GindTuriiAS Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Slay maker. Agent for Keigurt'H Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising phj'si clan et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these ur tlicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te lie used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive, we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which Is limning mere or less inun Brandy. The aged, with tccble appetite and mere or less debility, will And this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. Be It, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use lint nne lirtlnlrt nml !... j .. ...V...V.. ...... blinbl-3,, REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II. E.SLAYMAKEK. Tlifi Brandy has steed the test for trade mark, years, and has never failed, us far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, nematter with hew many Jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearlj- thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia spec-Mas would sunicc te buj' all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proer or the curative pew era et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers or witnesses one case In particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been afflicted with an exhaustiv e Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every Kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fuct, lie was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread anil as a beverage he used McGrunn's Keet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of stremr drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment but after hearing of its wonderful eirccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances he at last consented te fellow our advice. 'lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily the rtrst bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second wiu taken li wax n umi.i.i .,.. ...i.i. a stomach capable of digesting anything which ne cnese te cat. lie still Keeps it and uses u lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkactisixe Phvsiciax. if V'SmA uI iv rCa ey H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOXHT TOR Keigaif s Old Wine Stere, ' Established in 1785, IXPOKnB AHD DKALKR IS FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHEB.RIES, SUPE- BIOB OLD MADEIRA, (Imported la 1813, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O KVEKY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA. r I M : 5- !U i?