Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 26, 1880, Image 3

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    .;;l'i ;
Januarjr.AdJearned Term.
Wednesday Afternoon. -Cem1 th vs. Wil
liam A. Baughman, fornicatieu and bas
tardy. The commonwealth in rebuttal
called two witnesses, who testified that
they would believe the presecutrix en
oath. Cyrus Simmons testified that he
was home two or three times during the
day that the masons came te work for
him ; he went te Quarryville for bricks
that day.
Sur Rebuttal.
After the commonwealth closed the de
fense called mere witnesses in sur rebuttal
Patrick Swisher, a stone mason testified
that he first met Cyrus Simmons en the
day he went te work at his place, at
Jeseph McClure's in the morning ; wit
ness did net see Mr. Simmons at the
house that day ; Simmons went te Quar
ryville several days after that for brick.
James Swisher, another mason corrobo
rated this witness.
Jehn Pickcl testified that he was net at
Cyrus Simmons's house with William
Baughman en this occasion that Mr. Sim
mons said he was ; the time he passed
Sinimens's house he did net see Hannah.
Tlie testimony here closed and the coun
sel began addressing the jury te whom the
case was given shortly after 5 o'clock. The
jury rendered a verdict of net guily with
county for costs.
In the cases of cem'th vs. Geerge Will
iams, Geerge Miller and William Miller,
charged with felonious assault and battery
en Jehn Shell, verdicts of net guilty were
taken for want of evidence.
Wednesday Ecening. Cem'th vs. Ames
Bruce, forcible entry and detainer. The
prosecutor in the case was William Ilagan,
of Providence township, who alleged that
he rented a blacksmith shop from the de
fendant in April, 1879, for a year. In
November last the defendant nailed the
shop shut while the prosecutor was away,
leaving all of his tools, &c, inside ; since
that time he has been unable te obtain
possession of the premises.
The defense was that when Bruce first
rented the shop he told Ilagan he could
have it as long as he did what was right.
Soen afterwards he made some repairs te
the shop at the request of Ilagan ; he then
told him that he would rent the shop by
the month and charge him $2 per month
rent, a part of which he would take out in
work ; he gave Ilagan work te de but
he only did a portion of it ; he did net pay
any money and in November the defendant
told him he must leave en the 15th ; the
next day he nailed one of the doers shut
leaving the ethers open in order te
allow Ilagan te remove his tools ; he has
never asked defendant for the tools since.
Thursday Morning. In the case of
Cem'th vs. Ames Bruce, charged
with forcible entry and detainer, the
court charged the jury this morning.
They said that there was no crime proven,
but they would leave it te them (the jury)
te dispose of the costs. The jury divided
the costs equally between the prosecutor
and defendant.
The city of Lancaster plead guilty te a
charge of neglect of duty, in net keeping
Seuth Duke street at the place known as
' The Dump'" in geed condition.
In the cas-e of I. Newton McCord,
charged with fornication and bastardy, a
verdict of net guilty was taken for want of
Cem'th vs. Oliver I). Marklcy, assault
and battery. On the night of the 27th of
Nevembera social dance was given at Elias
Shcetz's hotel, in Pcnnville, Pcnn town
ship. The music for the dancers was fur
nished by Edward Mehn, a fiddler, who is
the complainant in this case ; Mehn al
leged that the defendant came te the hotel
and persisted in raising a fight with him ;
he did net care particularly te have his
face tattecd en that evening, se he refused
defendant's polite invitation ; finally when
they were in the barroom Marklcy struck
him en the head and he tried te cscape by
going behind the bar; the defendant fol
lowed, striking him a second time.
The defendant and his witnesses denied
that he struck the defendant ; he asked
him (Mehn) te have a talk ; he refused te
de se and he told him he must talk or take
a whipping ; Mehn finally consented te have
a talk and they went out together ; de
fendant did net strike him or at him dur
ing the entire evening.
A Man Drawn Around a Revolving Shaft.
Daniel Heir, an employee at Shober's
Slackwater paper mill, made a narrow
escape from death, en Tuesday. He was
engaged at the time in oiling some of the
machinery, when a part of his clothing
caught en the head of a set screw in a
rapidly revolving shaft, armmd which he
whirled a number of times, until, his
clothing giving way, he was dashed te the
fleer. When picked up he was in a help
less condition and almost entirely naked.
Fortunately the distance between the re
volving shaft and the ceiling of the room
was sufficient te admit of his body passing
between them ; otherwise he would have
been crushed te a jelly. As it was he
escaped without having any bones broken,
but is se badly battered and bruised that
he will net be able te resume work for
some days. Mr. Hcrr is a married man
and lives with his family at Slackwater.
Death of an Aged Lady.
Miss Catharine Ellmakcr, the eldest and
one of the most highly esteemed residents
of New Helland, died at her residence in
that place yesterday, in the 97th year of
her age She had no special disease, but
died of old age. In the language of one of
her relatives " she made no complaint, but
died like a saint." Deceased was"an aunt
of Hen. Antheny E. Roberts, of this
city, and of Judge Wm. Ellmaker, of New
Helland. It may be noticed in this
connection that two first cousins of Mrs.
Ellmakcr survive her, both of whom are
between 90 and 100 years of age one of
them is the mother-in-law of ex-County
Commissioner Emanuel P. Keller, and the
ether the widow of Judge Dale. Mrs.
Ellmaker's funeral will take place en Sat
urday at 10 o'clock, and her remains will
be interred in the family cemetery, three
miles south of New Helland.
Dissolution or Partnership.
As will be seen by advertisement else
where, the firm of D. Bair & Ce. has been
dissolved by the withdrawal of Jacob
Bair, and the business will hereafter
be carried en at the old stand by David
Bair, whose long experience and intimate
acquaintance with the business will no
doubt serve te retain the liberal patronage
extended the old firm.
Waived a Hearing.
Mr. Gus BunzL who was charged by
A. Bcissmanu with assault and battery
and surety of the peace, waived a hearing,
and entered bail with Alderman Barr
his appearance te answer at court.
The Jewish Feast of Deliveraaee.
Te-day is the occasion of the Jewish
feast of Purim, which originates from
Esther, the queen of Ahasuerus of Persia,
who had decreed during a drunken spree,
influenced by" his counselor, Haman, that
all the Jews should be slain en a certain
day. Thequeen, learning of this fact, inter
ceded by stating that she herself must also
be slain, as she was a Jewess, of which the
king had been ignorant. This angered the
king with Ilaman, aud the latter was de
posed, Mordecai being elevated te his
place. The king had no power te recall
the decree, but he issued another direct
ing the Jews te arm and defend them
selves, and giving all persons liberty te
assist the Israelites in the impending
struggle. After two days' fighting all
ever the land the Jews were everywhere
victorious, and Haman and his family were
executed en the very gibbet he had pre
pared for Mordecai and en the same day
set by Haman by the killing of Mordecai.
The feast of Purim is celebrated in honor
of the wederful.delivcrancc of the Jews
from the terrible fate that awaited them.
Yesterday was observed as a fast-day,
called Tancs-Esther, spent in prayer by
the faithful preparatory te the feast of
deliverance, which is celebrated te-day. It
will be signalized in Lancaster by a ball
te be given te-night in Roberts's hall by
the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent society.
Events Acress the County Line.
Within a circle of three miles of New
Oxford, Adams county, there are at pres
ent mere than fifty cases of diphtheria and
scarlet fever, and many arc dying, mostly
Superintendent Shure, of the Susquehan
na canal company, denies that the Colum
bia fishway was broken by the recent
It is rumored in Alteena that one hun
dred English machinists are en their way
te this country te work in the machine
shops in that city.
A trapper and hunter named Shaeffer,
residing at the feet of the Blue mountain,
in Upper Tulpclieckcn township, Berks
county, has during the past winter, trap
ped 77 muskrats, '50 rabbits, :i skunks and
one raccoon.
Messrs. David Fleming, esq., and Dr.
Rebert Leng have made arrangements for
the introduction of trout into their large
spring water pond at the brick aud tile
works above Ilarrisburg. The trout are te
come from the state fish hatching estab
lishment at Cel. Duffy's farm, Maricta.
Gen. Cameren, Cel. W. W. Jennings,
Majer Lane S. Hart, Wm. Calder and
Theodere Calder, esq., returned from their
trip te the Seuth, en Tuesday night.
The gentlemen express themselves as hav
ing been delighted with the country and
with the courteous treatment recicved by
the Southern people while absent.
A ten-year-old son of J. M. Heuck, re
siding near Gablesville, Berks county, was
struck en the head by a bag of Heur which
fell upon him while being heisted te the
upper lloer of a mill. The boy had put his
head out of an open window te leek at the
men heisting bags, when suddenly the
chain parted and the bag fell and struck
him. It is feared that he cannot recover.
A Dull Light.
Complaint is made that the street lamps
both gas and gasoline have been burn
ing very dimly lately, some of them emit
ting a fiickering light scarcely better than
that afforded by a "penny dip." It is
even rumored that the lamp-lighters have
received instiuctiens te turn down the
light te half a head whenever there is the
slightest indication of moonlight ; but this
is probably only a rumor, as the contractors
receive pay for a full head of light,
whether the moon be shining or net.
Anether cemnlaint is that the class
lanterns in many parts of the city are
shamefully dirty, aud obstruct what little
light otherwise would shine from them.
Trouble at a Hank.
This afternoon a well dressed woman
named Kate Flinu, was arrested at the
banking house of Reed, McGrann & Ce.,
en account of her persistent annoyance of
the officers of the bank. She is possessed
of a hallucination that she has money in
this and several ether city banks, and
that the bankers arc trying te
cheat her. Her disagreeable visits have
been se frequent and annoying that the
officers were at length compelled te put a
step te them by having her locked up.
She resisted arrest with all her power.
When taken into custody she had in her
pocket a note for $230 en Reed & Hender Hender
eon's banking house, and a certificate of
deposit for $80 with Bair & Shenk.
The DUliard Tournament.
The billiard tournament which has been
in progress at Power's saloon for some
time having been finally concluded, the
prizes were distributed last evening, being
awarded in a fitting speech by an eloquent
member of the bar. Their award was Jas
fellows : First, a snakewoed geld headed
cane te Casper Brunei ; second, an ebony,
geld headed cane, te Walter S. Franklin ;
third, an inlaid cue, te Thad. S. Dickey.
Census Supervisor.
It is rumored en the street te-day that
Hen. A. Hcrr Smith, our member
of Congress, has presented te Mr.
Hayes the name of ex-Mayer William D.
Stauflcr for census supervisor, vice Jeseph
Samson, which was reported adversely.
Mr. Stauffer says, however, that he knows
nothing about it.
Dry floods Found.
At the mayor's office is a package of
dry goods, wrapped up in one of Watt,
Shand & Company's wrappers. The
package, which was found in Centre
square, contains about three yards of
brown mixed pantaloon goods, part cotton.
The owner can have it by calling at the
mayor's office and proving property.
Battle of Beet-Blacks.
This morning about 10 o'clock quite an
excitement was created by a fight in front
of the court house between two bootblacks
Jehn Jenes, colored, and Wm. Wiley,
white. They pounded each ether right
valiantly until the terrible cry of "police"
scared them into flight. They were ar
rested seen afterwards and locked up.
Mrs. WeUige's Condition.
It is reported te-day that Mrs. Welligc,
of Mount Jey, who was shot and seriously
wounded by her husband, is somewhat
better, and hopes are entertained of her re
covery. PeUce Cases.
The mayor this morning committed te
the county jail for 10 days one disorderly
person, and discharged three vagrants who
ledged last night in the lock-up.
Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Rear of the Lamb Hetel
NOTICE. Te all who may want a First-class Shifting Tep Buggy, Tretting Buggy or Jump Seat Carriage, Phaeton or
Market Wagen, or any repairing done in my line, please give me a call. All my New Werk is first-class and at-the V ery Lewest
Prices. Alse, all repairing done at my shop is done at short notice, and the Best Style and Lewest Price.
NOTICE. Gentlemen, I will at all times exchange a New Wagen en a geed, sound Herse or Mules, at
Ne. 20 West Vine Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Officer Brady and His Pistol.
Concerning the charge that P. R. R.
Officer Brady, of Columbia, had fired upon
a man named Wm. Knox, at the Gap, who
fled from him and for whom it was alleged
he had no warrant, Mr. Brady informs us
that he had a warrant for Knox, iegularly
issued by 'Squire Frank, of Columbia,
upon due complaint, for disorderly con
duct at the Gap station, net for cruelty te
animals ; we have seen the warrant and
Jlr. Brady assures us that the only reason
Knox did net sec it is that he took te his
heels before Brady get near enough te read
it te him.
Lecture by Dr. Warren Te-night.
The high school chorus, numbering 150 or
mere members, liad a satisfactory rehearsal at
neon yesterday, in Fulton hall, preparatory te
the lecture by Rev. Dr. Warren this evening.
The singing will begin at 7:15, and the lecture
at about 8:20 o'clock. Mr. Wm. Leng, of Phila
delphia, who handled the calcium light at the
lecture by Prof. Procter, arrived this afternoon
en the 2:10 train, and has already placed his ap
paratus in position in the hull. The audience
will be large, and seats in the gallery among the
most desirable in the house, both for hearing
and seeing, us the chandelier and all ether
lights will be turned off for the elaborate illus
tration et the lecture.
A museiuents.
Mary Andersen. There is no doubt that
Mary Andersen will have one of the largest
audiences of the season te-morrow evening, as
the chart new shows that nearly all of the seats
down stairs have been sold. The play of
"Kvadnc" will be given, and the star will re
ceive support from a strong company, which
Includes Milnes Levick, Atkins Lawrence, wl.e
was last year a member et the Walnut Street
theatre (Philadelphia) stock company, and
Jehn W. Norten.
Wendcrlul Cures.
Rev. F. W. lluciiiieLz, Waseca, Minn., u.-e 1
the St. Jacob's Oil in the case of a lady of his
congregation who had been bed-ridden with
Rheumatism for seventeen years. She used the
St. Jacob's Oil for three days, and was able te
leave her bed. Scuakfku, Ne. 31 Brown street, Alle
gheny City, Pa., had the Rheumatism for eight
years, and hail used every known medicine
without relief. A single bottle of St. Jacob's
Oil cured him.
Gustav A. Hkilman, Esq., Editor of the Pitts
burgh Daily Republican, suffered with Rheu
matism for two years,nml lay many a night un
able te sleep en account of terrible p:iius. Tnve
bottles of St. Jacob's Oil cured him.
Mn. F. Wilke, Lafayette, Ind., reports a cac
where a man suffered se badly with Rheuma
tism that he could net move. His legs were
swollen and he had the most terrible pains.
Twelve hours after the first application of the
St. Jacob's Oil the pains were gene and the
swelling had disappeared.
Me. Henry Scuakper, Millersburg. Ohie,
was cured of Rheumatism in the hips.
Mr. F. K. Witt, Cleveland, Ohie, Rheuma
tism in the leg. Curcdafter three applications.
Mr. Henry Lear, Patriot, Ohie, had such
pain in his shoulder that he could net move
St. Jacob's Oil cured him ufter a few applica
tions. Mrs. Vrena Gueelmanx, aged 5:) years, liv
ing in Rochester, X. V., Rheumatism in the
legs; could net walk. Used one bottle et St.
Jacob's Oil and felt, as she asserts, like new
born. Christian Hanni, Est., Youngstown, Ohie,
is full of joy ever the wonderful cure of his
wife by St. Jacob's Oil. Fer twelve long years
she had suffered with Neuralgia in the head,
and often had the most terrible pains. Halt a
bottle of St. Jacob's Oil cured her entirely.
Mr. William Keiniiardt, Elmere, Wi. re
ports as lollews : St. Jacob's Oil is really a
wonderful remedy, for I could mention dozens
of cases where it has proved its magical in
fluence. One case in particular I will state : I
knew a man who has suffered with Rheuma
tism for twenty-four years, an of late he could
hardly meve around. After using a few bottles
of St. Jacob's Oil he was entirely cured,
15. Skim, Esq., Seuth Adams, Massachusetts,
writes : Allew me te iuterm you hew much
geed St. Jacob's Oil has done in this neigh
borhood. A woman had the Rheumatism se
badly that she could net even attend te her
wash. Three applications of St. Jacob's Oil
curedlier. Her joy seemed te bavenobeunds.
Ur.icss the breath is like a spicy gale.
Unless the teeth gleam like the driven snow.
There Is no dazzling smile or tender tale,
Grateful te woman's eye or car, we knew.
The talc would lese Its charms the smile be
Till brought within the spell of SOZO-
DONT. KS-lwd&w
Dissolution et Partnership.
Public Sale of Horses.
EFer further details see advertising
Fees of Doctors.
The fee of doctors is an item that very many
persons are interested In Just at present. We
believe the schedule for visits is $3, which
would tax a man confined te his bed ler a year
and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a year
for medical attendance alone ! And one single
bottle of Hep Bitters taken in time would save
the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed.
Sere eyes, tetter, salt rheum, Ac, are cured
by " Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by
all druggists.
Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Pew ders.
Frem a Prominent Drug Heuse.
II. H. Warner & Ce., Rochester, X. Y.
Dear Sir: It is new only three months since
we received your lirst shipment el Safe Reme
dies. We have sold drugs in this place for
twenty years, and we have never sold a pre
prietary medicine, that gives such universal
satisfaction u? yours, especially your Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure, and Diabetes Cure.
Ave could mention many who have received
great benefit in cases of Kidney difficulties.
Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Blight's Dis
ease, etc.
Respectfully yours, SISSOX & FOX.
114-2wd:w Alexandria Bay. N. V.
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
Guard Against Disease.
If you find yourself getting bilious, head
heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow. Kidneys dis
ordered, symptoms of, piles tormenting you,
take at once a few doses of Kidney-Wert. It is
nature's great assistant. Use it as an advance
guard don't wait te get down sick.
"Xfnveur cemrh In the bud."" kaI Ifm-ien
Greeley, by taking "Dr.Sellers' Cough Syrup.'
i.ese ni? time 111 geuiug u uiiL:t.
Kidney Complaints
of all description are relieved at once, and
speedily cured by Kidney-Wert. It seems In
tended by nature for the cure of all diseases of
the kidneys caused by weakness and debility.
Its great tonic powers are especially directed
te the removal of this class or diseases. Try
it te-day. f23-lwd&w
WATCHES.The largest stock and most varied assortment te be found
in the interior of the state. We sell all the reliable grades of American and
Swiss Watches, and each watch is warranted according te the quality.
JEWELRY of the newest and prettiest designs in great Quantity and vari
ety from a geed article in geld plate te the precious gem in costly setting.
SILVERWARE.--Articles of utility and ornament in solid silver or electro
plate, artistic in design and of various styles of finish.
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES tee numerous te specify, including every
thing consistent with a first-class Jewelry Business.
Realizing that we are in competition with the large houses of the Eastern
cities, we will be especially careful that every article shall be sold as low as
it could be bought elsewhere.
H. Z. RHOAJDS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
j Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere.
Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent.
; of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup,
i shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg-
; ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
The Threat. "Brown's Bronchial Troches"
! act directly en the organs of the voice. They
, have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of
t the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy
. tone when relaxed, either from cold or ever
! exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and
j distinct enunciation. Speakers and Singers
' find the Troches useful. 121-1 wdTThS&w
Brown's Household Panacea
Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the
, world. Will most surely quicken the bleed
, whether taken internally erapplied externally,
' and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN,
whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and it is warranted double the
! strength of any similar preparation.
! It cures pain in the Side, Back, or Bowels,
, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL
CEA " should be in every family. A teaspoon
, lulefthe Panacea in a tumbler et het water
(sweetened, if preterrcd), taken at bedtime,
. will BREAK UP A COLD. 23 cents a bottle.
Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran & Ce"s Drug Stere
North Queen street. Lancaster. Sickness,
Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether
cause., is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S
VERMIFUGE COM FITS, or Werm Lozenges,
although effectual in destroying worms, can
de no pesible injur" te the most delicate child
This valuable combination has been success
fully used by physicians, and found te be ab
solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty
live cents a box. fjanl.Vlyd&wTuTli&S
A Mether's Urict.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a
home, are her children, hence her grief when
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you are running a terrible
risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping
Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de
net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump
tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10
cents, 50 cents and $1. Fer lame Back, Side,
or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price
23 cents. Sold by D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, and
I M. L. Davis, Millersville.
j The Best I Ever Knew Of.
' J. G. Starkey. a prominent and influential
j citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the
Dyspepsia, ami i.iver tjempiamt ler several
years, and have used every Remedy I could
near of, without any relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our
paper, and was persuaded te try it. lam happy
te state that it lias entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price
73 cents. Sold bv D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, aud
M. L. Davis, Millersville.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for
the mere successful treatment of tne com
plaint, without extra charge. Price SO cents,
x-lc! bv I). Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
Millersville. sdo-cedD&cowW
Sciiantz Constein. On Sunday evening,
Feb. 22, 18t0, ut Christ Lutheran church, bs'
Rev. C. Elvin Houpt, Henry Schautz te Miss
Louisa Constein, both of Lancaster.
KiiEitLUR. Feb. 23, 18S0, in this city, Maria
Frederieku Kuebler, in the 47th year of herage.
The relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral lrem her late resi
dence, 520 West King street, en Saturday after
noon, at 3 o'clock. 2td
Ellmaker. At Xew Helland, en Wednesday
morning, 23th Inst., Miss Catharine Ellmaker,
in her 07th year.
Her relatives and friends are Invited te at
tend the funeral en Saturday next, at her late
residence, at 10 o'clock a. in. Interment In the
family cemetery, three miles south of Xew
Helland. 2td
Rieele. Feb. 21, 18S0, in this city, Sarah
Ricgle (familiarly known as Aunt Sallie), in
the 91st year of her age.
The friends of the deceased are respectfully
ivited te attend her funeral from the residence
of J. L. Heffmelcr, Xe. 304 East Orange strcct strcct
en Friday, at 2 o'clock p. m. 2td
Schultz. In Strasburg, en Tuesday, Feb. 24,
1880. Hannah Agnes,wifeef Alexander Schultz,
in the 58th year of her age.
Her relatives and friends are respectfully in,
vited te attend the funeral from the residence
of her husband, en Saturday morning, Feb. 28,
at 9 o'clock. Funeral services at St. Mary's
church, at 11 o'clock ; Interment In St. Marj's
cemetery. 3td
145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Insurance Company of Xerth America, PhU'a
LycomlngCeunty Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa.
Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. Phif'a.
Continental Fire Insurance Ce., Xew Yerk.
Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk.
Queen England Fire Insurance Company.
Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce.
Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce.
American Eife Ins. Ce., of PhU'a. f7-lmdR
On Thursday, March 4, 1880,
will be sold at Ne. 307 Xerth Lime street, 2 Par Par
eor Suits, upholstered In Rep and Hair Cleth,
Walnut Dining and Bedroom Suits, Marble
Tep Tables, Walnut Sideboard and Extension
Table, Hat Rack, Clocks, Oil Painting, about
250 yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,
Window Blinds, China, Glass and Queensware,
besides a general assortment of household
Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Condi
tions maee known by
n. Shubert, Auct. R-S-GfdB
29-tfeedR Office : Xe, 10 West Orange St.
Lancaster, Dec. 12, 1879.
Office : 108 West King Street.
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli
able Companies. HERR & STAUFFER,
Reat Estate & Ins. Acts., 3 N. Duke St.
On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 18S0, will
be sold at Fred Brimmer's Stables, Ne. 153
North Queen street, Lancaster city. Pa., the
following Live Stock, te wit : Forty Head of
Canada Horses, mostly heavy-boned Draft
Horses, some geed for general use, and a few
geed Breed Marcs and Roadsters. They will
be sold without reserve and must be in every
respect as represented by the undersigned. A
credit of CO days will be given.
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp,
when attendance will de giren by
Sasi'l Hess & Sen, Aucts. teb20-2td
Netice is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing between David Bali
and Jacob Bair, under the firm name et D
Bair & Ce., has been this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All persons having accounts
with said firm are hereby requested te call en
David Bair for settlement.
Lancaster, Feb. 26, I860.
Having purchased the entire stock, good
will, fixtures and book accounts of the late
firm efD. Bair & Ce., the undersigned will con
tinue te carry en the business at the old stand.
Ne. 14 East King street, where he hopes te re
tain the patronage heretofore extended the old
feb20-3td DAVID BAIR.
Lecture Illustration Chorus,
Lecture by
with Superb Calcium Light Illustration, by
Prof. Wm. Leng, el Philadelphia: and High
Scheel Chorus of 150 Voices, under Prof. Matz,
their Instructor. TICKETS, SOCts. Reserved
Seats without extra charge at Baer's Boek
Stere, Xerth Queen street.
Rev. Dr. Warren has already lectured here
upon "Forces of a Sunbeam" and a "Trip te
the Stars," two et the most effective lectures
ever delivered in Lancaster. f21,24&25&ltw
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1880.
Return of the Favorite.
Supported by the McDen-
eugli and Fulford Star
Combination of 25 flrst
class artists. J. E. McDon McDen McDon
euoicas Yuba Bill. During
the acting of the piece Miss
Pixley will introduce sev
eral New Songs and Med
leys. Admission, 35, SO St
75Cts. Reserved Seats new
sale without extra
Appearance of the young and highly gifted
American Tragedienne,
Supported by
Mr. Milnes Levick, Mr. Atkins Lawrence
And a Powerful Dramatic Company.
Secure scats in advance at the Opera Heuse
Office. Sale te open te-day. f24-ttd
Everybody te advertise, free of charge,
in the Intelligence)!, who wants something
te de.
Tt A situation as hostler or te work en a
farm. Apply ut the MANOR HOTEL,
ltd West King Street,
Warwick township, deceased. The
undersigned, auditor appointed te pass
upon exceptions and te distribute the balance
remaining in the hands et Careline Yest, and
Isaac Yest, administrators of Geerge Yest, de
ceased, te and among these legally entitled te
the same, will sit for that purpose en TUES
DAY, MARCH 2d, 1880, at l'J o'clock, a. in.. In
the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, In
the City et Lancaster, wnere all persons in-,
feresred may attend. D. McMULLEN,
feb ll-4tw Auditor.
WAsinxGTON, Feb. 26. Fer the Mid
dle Atlantic states, cloudy and rainy
weather, slightly lower temperature,
south te west winds, stationary or higher
The San Francisce Excitement Over Him
Sax Francisce, Feb. 26. Many per
sons who have been supporters of theanti theanti
Chinese movement. new express the senti
ment that rather than suffer a continuance
of the evil results of the protracted agita
tion it would be preferable te have it out
once for all, and the sooner the better. The
leaders of the "Wbrkingmcn evidently have
no desire te precipitate a conflict and their
action yesterday indicates that their pol
icy is rather te keep agitation just at such
a point as falls short of violence, yet is suffi
ciently threatening te induce acquiescence
in their desires. This line of action is
dangerous, in view of the excited, state of
the public mind, and may result in pro
voking the ether side into seme action
that will bring about a collision. Indeed
that, perhaps, at present, is the greatest
"source of danger.
The Ninth ward "Werkingmcn's club
organized a military company last night.
Around the police headquarters everything
is profoundly quiet and there is no unusual
force en duty.
A Decided Increase All Along the Line.
PniLADELPHL. Feb. 26. The commit
tees of the Lehigh aud Schuylkill ex
change met here te-day, and agreed te a
general advance of 23 cents in price of
lump, steamboat and broken for line,
city and harbor for March. The
current Lehigh circular prices at
Mauch Chunk arc therefore : Lump, $3 ;
steamboat and broken, $2.75 ; egg and
chestnut, Ne. 1, $2.50 ; stove, $2.60 ; chest
nut, Ne. 2, $1.50.
Schuylkill Haven : Lump, broken and
steamboat, $2.75 ; egg and chestnut, $2.50 ;
stove, $2.60; pea, $1.50.
The increase applies particularly te fur
nace trade.
Deelers in the Stuff Held for Trial.
Philadelphia, Feb. 26. Magistrate
List gave his decision te-day in the cases
of Jehn Power and Frank Leh, against
whom prosecutions were recently brought
by the Produce Exchange of violating the
act of Assembly forbidding the sale of
oleemargerine. The act defines the offense
as a misdemeanor and the magistrate held
the men named te bail te answer the charge
at court. Other prosecutions will be
instituted for similar offenses.
Destructive Fire at Mount Carinel Less
Pottsville, Feb. 26. The breaker at
Mount Carmel, owned and operated by
Mentclius & Ce., of Philadelphia and New
Yerk, was destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock
this morning. The breaker had a capacity
of 10,000 tens per month, and was one of the
eldest in this region. The less is estimated
at $35,000 ; insurance unknown. The fire
is believed te have originated accidentally.
Machine Sheps Ilurned.
New Yerk, Feb. 26. The machine
shops, Ne. 87 Elizabeth street, were
burned this morning. As the build
ing was in the midst of tenement
houses much confusion and consternation
prevailed for the time, but no lives were
lest, and the fire was confined te the ma
chine shops. The less willl aggregate
Public Building Bnrned,
Fredericton, N. B., Feb. 26. The
Heuse of Assembly building caught fire
last night and a portion of it was badly
"Machine" Arguments in its Faver.
Extracts tram Conkling's speech in the New
Yerk convention.
Next year we will need two things. I
mean when we come te have counted the
electoral votes we shall need two things ;
first, a decided, unmistakable result, and,
second, a man with the country behind
him ; a man in whom this whole country
has se much confidence that no revolution
ary plot or conspiracy will uplift its hand
te strike down his election.
The objection te a third term is that the
occupant of the presidency can wield his
official power te reneminate and elect him
self. This man is a private citizen ; he
has nolefficial patronage or power ; he has
been absent in distant lands, net able te
exert his individual influence upon men.
The official patronage let me say and I
speak in the hearing of men who knew
it the official patronage of the nation has
net been used for him. (Laughter and
applause.) Ne, Mr. President, friendship
for the cx-prcsident is net, and it has net
been for mere than three years, a passport
of official favor ; therefore no man can sup
pose that the danger of employing official
influence applies in a case like this ; there
is nothing of it.
I believe he can poll a larger vote in the
state of New Yerk than another man
whose name I can spell. I believe mere
Republicans are for him than for any ether
Republican, and I believe that mere Dem
ocrats will vote for him than will vote for
any ether Republican. I believe that if
any name, if that of any man, can break
into the solid phalanx of the Seuth and
carry either Virginia, North Carolina, Ala
bama or Flerida every one of which is a
Republican state as much as is Massachu
setts it is the name of Ulysses S. Grant.
Arlfcad Literature.
Mr. Arthur Sullivan has accepted the
conductership of the Leeds musical festival
te be held in October next.
Teurgenieff, the celebrated novelist, has
left Paris for St. Petersburg, thus practi
cally refuting the rumors of Ids banish
ment. His object is said te be te repudiate
sympathy with Nihilism. He is exasper
ated at the vile calumnies launched at him.
Ven Werner's grand historical painting
of the Berlin congress, which is te be per
manently hung in the Berlin town hall, is
new all but completed. The figures of
the plenipotentiaries are portraits taken
from life.
The March number of Harper's adepts
the sensible plan of giving the authors'
names with their contributions. Hereto
fore no one but editors, who received
separate slips with the names of the
authors, knew who wrote what was given.
Te be sure that made it an open secret, but
hew much better is the present plan. It is
pleasanter for the readers and fairer te the
authors. '
Troubles of aLaadlerd macfrTenaat.
Mr. Jacob Geise was arrested en Tuesday
morning inPottstewn en the charge of lar
ceny preferred by Jacob X. Steffiet,and en
tered bail in the sum of $400 te answer the
charge at the March term of the Montgom
ery county court. The prosecutor is the
lessee of a farm in North Coventry,
owned by Mr. Geise. Stefflet drove
te Pottstown en . Saturday after
noon, hitched his team while he
attended te some business. During his
absence Mr. Geise took the team, drove te
Chester county, locked it up in the stable
of his farm and refused te return it te Mr.
Stefflet, who by a clause of his agreement
with Mr. Geise is entitled te the use of the
property and all its appurtenances. Hence
the arrest above stated.
New Yerk Market.
Nkw Yerk. February 26. Fleur State and
Western In very dull and sllghtlv In buy
ers' favor ; superfine state ." 005 50 ; ex
tra de 5 50Q5 65; choice de 5 106; fancy de t 10
750; round hoop Ohie $i 75600: choice
de 16 10 7 50; superfine western $5 0003 50;
common te geed extra de $3 505 75 ; choice
dodo $t)7 75; choice white wheat de565
625; Southern quiet; common te fair extra
$5 85640; geed te choice de 6 SO 8 00.
Wheat dull : Spring nominal ; Winter K Je
better: Ne. 2 red, March, l5nl 51K; de
April $1 511 52.
Cern a shade lower and dull ; Mixed
Western spot 56OUc : de Intnre SSijGOVJc.
Oats steady; state 4 752c; Western 4751c.
Beef steady aud quiet; new plain Mess at
$10 50IL
Perk firm ; Mess $12.
Lard a shade stronger; steam rendered at
$7 85.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, February 26. Fleur dull
and weaker; superfine $4 004 75; ex
tra $5 0005 75; Ohie and Indiana
family $6 7Sf7 25: Pcnu'a lamllv S6 50Q70D:
St. Leuis family $7 00750 ; Minnesota Fam
ily $6 257 00 ; patent and high grades
Rye flour $5 00.
Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged.
Wheat quiet, at a decline ; Ne. 2 Western Red
$1 40 ; Pcnn'a de $1 40l 50; Amber $1 50 1 51.
Cern quiet ; easier 56c; yellow 57e ; mixed
Oats steady ; Southern and renn'a white 43
4sc ; Western 4747j ; Western mixed 45JS
Rye quiet ; Western 0093c ; Pa. 0093c.
Seeds quiet: geed te prime cleversccd
$7 50S 00; de timothy $3 25 ; de flaxseed $1 65.
Previsions steady ; nitssperk $11'J50; beet
hams$165017 00; India mess beet $2150: Ba Ba
eon smoked shoulders 5"c; saltde4c4I:
smoked hams !Uc; pickled hams t
Lard steady; city kettle Sc; loose butchers'
7J4c ; prime steam TfiQIJie.
Butter In geed demund ; creamery extra
;S3:ire; ltrauierd county aud New Yerk extra
2527c ; Western reserve extra at 2527c ;
de geed te choice 19 24c: rolls cheiee scarce :
Penn'a extra 2023e ; western reserve extra
western 1
14 : de hull-skims VlSiQVic.
Petroleum dull; Refined 73ic.
Whisky at $110.
ateck Markets.
PHiLADKLrniA, Feb. 26.
12:30 r. x.
Stocks dull.
PennaK's (third Issue) 106
Philadelphia & Erie 171
Reading :i4
Pennsylvania frfy,
Lehigh Valley. any.
United Ces. et N. J 158 '
Northern Pacific XRJ
Preferred 57
Northern Central :
Lehigh Navigation :fi
Nornatewn 102 yx
Central Transportation Ce. Wry.
Pitts., Titusville & Buirale. 10
Little Schuylkill 53
New Heick, Feb. 26.
Stocks weak.
N. Y. Central l;!li
Adams Express Htiy.
Michigan Central 01
Michigan Southern 106
llllneis'Central 103
Cleveland A Pittsburgh. ...HI
Chicago it Reck Island 151
Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 117
Western IT nien Tel. Ce 1 14
Teledo A Wabash i:fi
New Jersev Central 87
United States Bends and Sterling Exchange
(Quotations by 15. IC. Jamisen & Ce., S. W.
Cor. 2d and Chestnut Streets).
PniLADELniiA, Feb. 27.
United States 6s, 1831, (registered). .105105-K
United States 5's, ltSl, (registered). .103kle:ij2
United Suites 4s's, 18U1, (rcgistcred)llr7107Jk
United Suites 4'ti, 181)1, (ceuimnH)...108
United States 4V, 1907. ( registered).. le;
United States Currency 6's 1010lr,
Sterling Exchange 48."i 487J
Removed te Ne. 4 AVest King street, first
fleer, Rhoads A Bre.'s new building.
. University of Dorpat, Russia, formerly
of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 243 West King street.
Office hours from 8 te 10 a. m., 1 te 2 p. m. and
6 te 8 p.m. 23-2iud
Ne. 120 North Prince street.
Prompt and particular attention paid te al
tcratien and repairs. sl.T-lyd
J3l All persons who wish te discontinue "the
use of the city water are hereby notified te In
form the Superintendent of the Water Works
in writing, en or before the first duy of March
feb25-5td Mayer.
I take pleasure in announcing te the citi
zens et Lancaster and vicinity that I have tills
day (Feb. 23) opened my New Drug Stere en
the corner of Seuth Queen and Strawberry
streets. My stock is fresh and carefully se
lected, and comprises everything usually kept
In a first-class store. I will also keep en hand
a full assortment of Perfumery. Soaps, Toilet
Articles and strictly Pure Siiices. Physicians'
prescriptions will receive Individual attention.
Very Respectf ull v.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Cor. Seuth Queen and Strawberry Sts.
application will be made for a charter for
a corporation te be known as the Lancaster
County Game Protective Association, under
theactof'-Othef April, 1874. entitled: "An Act
te Provide for the Incorporation and Regula
tion of Certain Corporations." The object of
said association Is tosteckundpropogate game
and game birds in the county of Lancaster,
and for the protection and preservation of
game In said county. J. W. F. SWIFT,
125-ltd&3td Solicitor for Applicants.
of Ephrata township, deceased. Letters
of administration en said estate having been
granted te the undersigned, all persons In
debted thereto are requested te make immedi
ate payment, and these having claims or de
mands against the same will present them
without delay ler settlement te the under
signed, residing In Lancaster city. Pa.
MARTIN UIIRICU, Administrator.
I. P. Resex miller, J r Att'j'. i20-6tdea w
late or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters
testamentary en said estate lfliving been grant
ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te
said decedentare requested te inakeimmediate
settlement and these havingclaims or demands
against the estate of said decedent te make
known the same te the undersigned without
delay, residing in Lancaster city,
Reut. J. Evass, Executers.
Attorney. Jan31-tttdeaw
er and wife of Salisbury township,
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, deceased.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed
te distribute the balance remaining in
the hands of Jeseph C. Walker, assignee of
said Samuel Walker and wife, te and among
these legally entitled te the same, will sit for
that purpose en TUESDAY, the 16th day of
MARCH, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. in.. In the Library
Roem of the Court Heuse, In the city of Lan
caster, where all persons Interested In said
distribution may attend.
feh!4.4tdeaw Auditor.
the borough of Elizaliethtewn, deceased.
Letters of administration en said estate having
been granted te the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requested te make imme
diate payment, and these having claims or de
mands against the same, will present them
without delay ter settlement te the undersign
ed, residing; in said borough.
f23-Gtw Administrators.
i i
- 'J