..'... : -P" - - j - . ?" 5 .,,., .mm , - II WJ ' A II If .til lyHTJ.yl pmm'mtftfivmim i -i? ' 'V .'"'" ." t ' LANCASTER; DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1880. aanrastcc intelligencer, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 25, 1880. LEGEND OF THE GROUND UOU. A Ground Heg climbed up te the mouth of his hele Just te tairc a sly peep at the weather; And right careful was he net te venture tee far. Fer he said " I've some fees, and I knew who they arc ;" Uut he thought he would like te knew n hether The long, cheerier winter was certainly o'er, Or whether 'tweuld linger for six weeks or mere. He peeped slyly out 't was a dull, cloudy day, And the prospect was dismal and gloetny ; But it suited him well, ter he belted rlght out And the way that lie frolicked and gamboled about Showed a liking for place. mere roomy Tlian the close and contracted, though snug little hole. In w hich He'd been sleeping a blind as a mole. What a queer leek he had 1 You'd have thought -e, I'm sure. Had you caught but a glimpse of the fellow -Out of four little paws, you'd have noted but three That were black, for the fourth was as white as could be, While his fur was of mixed gray and yellow . And right lanky was he with a famishing maw. Fer lie couldn't eat dirt and he wouldn't eat straw: He lese with an appetite, deubtlCM you'll think. 'Tuns exactly his own way of thinking; se hu made up his mind that he'd neon have hi-, lill. Te a garden hard by stai ted eir with a will. And the sight that he suw set him blinking: Fer a splendid lcpast te his taste there he lemicl In the winter fruit scattered all ever the ground. lie hal only just taken a nibble or two When he noticed a chill wind a-blowing; nd le, and beheld I he could scarce trust his eye-. Fer u clear uzuiu streak showed itscll in the kies. And foen the bright sun, tee, was showing ; His shadow he saw, and w itli piteous dele He ci ied. ' Out tee seen : I must back te my hole :" And for sit weeks thereafter 't was snow ing! William 31. J'e'ruiii, in HI. Xicholaser March. Amusement "Vetes. What the 1'Iajcrs are Doing. The " Twe Orphans"' is in rehearsal at the Union Square, te succeed the " False Friend' at an early date. One of the leading tobacco manufactur ing linns of Louisville, Kentucky, has just patented a new brand of tobacco, which has been named after Manager J. II. llaveriy. Gilbeit and Sullivan have premised te write a new comic opera and Gilbert te turn out a new comedy beside for Abbey and Sclieeful. These new pieces arc te be among the attractions at Beeth's next fall. ("ilbcit and Sullivan superintended a performance of " The Pirates " at Buffalo List Saturday afternoon, sjicnt Sunday at Niagara Falls and then visited the govern or general and the Princess Louise at Otta wa, by whom they were received with great cenliality and consideration. Annie Pixlcy played a remarkable geed engagement in Philadelphia last week. The houses were packed nightly. She is doing an immense business this season, and will be in this city en Monday evening next in her charming impersonation of "M"INs, Child of the Sierras." "With their usual enthusiasm in the cause of charity, the amusement managers of Philadelphia, have prepared an entertain ment of colossal proportions for the mati nee in aid of the Irish relief fund. This entcttaimeut, which will take place at the Academy of Music en Thursday afternoon, will comprise an overture by a grand or chestra under the direction of Simen Hass ler; the second act of "The Pirates of Penzance ;"' a recitation by Mr. Hardic. of the Chestnut street theetrc ; an exhibition drill by a detachment of the State Fcnci b!es : the .screen scene from "The Scheel for Scandal," with Fanny l)avcnpert as I. mlj Teazle ; "The Skidmerc Guards," bv Carnciess's minstrcls,and the second act of " The Piinccss Tote." Among the contributions from the ladies and gentlemen in the dramatic and musical piofessiens te the Irish relief fund, are Jehn McCulIeugh $500; E. A. Sethem ;j."i0(; Dien Ueucicault 8100; Lawrence Barrett $100 ; Jehn T. Raymond $100 ; Baitley Campbell $100; Frank Maye $100 and 10 per cent, of the receipts of the Olympic for a month ; P. T. Barnum $100 ; J. C. McColIem $100 ; Edward Harrigan 6100; Teny Hart $100; Mary Andersen $100 ; Fanny Davenport $100 ; Gilmere's band $100; Rese Coghlan $30 ; Arthur "Wall.tek $50; Hareld B. Wallack, $30 ; Edwin Price $50 ; Mrs. E. L. Davenport $-0, and many ether smaller sums. Every manager in New Yerk, Philadelphia and Brooklyn, will give the proceeds of one performance, either regular or special, te the fund. A Cress J tuby. Nothing is se conducive te a man's remain ing a bachelor as stepping for one night at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for live or six hours by the 'crving of a cress baby. All cress and crying babies need only Hep Hitters te make them well and smil ing. Yeung man remember this. Ed. Frem the Hanks or the Hudsen. Newbure, N. Y., Oct, 20, 1870. II. II. WARXER& CO.. ROCHESTER. N". Y. GEN tlemen: ';A lady et ever seventy years of :m; in i;iiiiii ueaiin lorevcru year, nas eeen using Warner's Sale Hitters en my recommen dation. She feels very gratelul for the benefit she has derived therelrem, and says that until she used it her stomach could bear no vege table loed ler ever three years. I believe It te be a certain specific for dvspepsia. 114-2wd&w J. T. Jesltn, M. D. J.A31VS, &C. T 1GUT. FLIjtAt & BBEff EMAfl" JAUE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IK Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever bclere offered und prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street. LANCASTER. PA. IXSURAXCE. -mjlK OLD GIRAED FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested In the best securities. Lesses promptly paid, for policies call en KIFE A KAUFMAN, Ne. ) East King St., Lancaster, Pa. S-MWASCmOB Just Received for the Spring Trade 10,000 Yards of the Finest Patterns of EMBROIDERIES, At the Lewest Prices in tbc city and Hundreds of Patterns te select from, and the Latest Spring Styles of Buttens, Fringes, Ribbons, Laces, Neckties, Kid Gloves, and Latest Style Hats for the Spring Trade. Receiving daily all the Latest Styles of goods in the line of Notions and Millinery. Call and he convinced, at M!. A.. Haugliteii's Olieap Stere, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. A 31 USEMEXTS -tnULTON OPEKA UOUSL. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1880, LECTURE ILLUSTRATION CHORUS. OS "RECREATIONS IN ASTRONOMY." Lecture by REV. HENRY W. WARREN, D. D., AT FULTON OPERA HOUSE, with Superb Calcium Light Illustration, by Prof. Win. Leng, et Philadelphia; and High Scheel Chorus of 150 Voices, under Prof. Matz, their Instructor. TICKETS, 30 CLs. Keserved Seats without extra charge at Bacr's Boek Stere, North Queen street. Rev. Dr. Warren has already lectured here upon "Forces et a Sunbeam" anil a "Trip te the Stars." two et the most effective lectures ever delivered in Lancaster. f21,2I.25<w TULTON Ol'EKA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1880. Keturn of the Favorite. ANNIE PIXLEY AS " M'LISS," ANNIE PIXLEY. Supported by the 3IcDeir eugh and Fullerd Star Combination of 25 first class artists. .1. E. McDox McDex McDox eron as Yuba Jlitl. During the acting of the piece Miss I'ixlev will introduce sev eral New Songs and Med levs. Admission, 33, 50 & 7;iCts. Keserved Seats new en sale without extra charge. fil-Gtd e VKK.V HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27th. A BRILLIANT EVENT! Appearance or the young and highly gifted American Tragedienne, MISS MAEY ANDERSON AS EVADNE, Supported by Mr. Milncs Levick, Mr. Atkins Lawrence And a Peu crful Dramatic Company. PRICES OF ADMISSION: RESERVED SEATS S1.00 G EXERAL ADMISSION 75 Cts. GALLERY 50 - Secure seats in advance at the Opera Heuse Olllee. sale te open te-day. 12tUd J'RIXTIXG AXD RIXDIXG. SAME PRICE. Having purchased the exclusive right et Lancaster city and county te manufacture and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Boek Binder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, we are new prepared te furnish Check Heeks, Letter Heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Hill Heads, all sizes, Notes of all kinds, Contract Heeks, Receipt Heeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figures. This invention, for the use ei which wc have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blank and memoranda books nt the cost of printing alone, and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Heek Hinder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it, for the extreme simplicity of its construction, and the case and accuracy of its operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points et cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pre cess, and wc arc willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the pcUectly satisfactory char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the In telligencer efllce, mid all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of werk'in this line are invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we have te efTer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any otlier printing establish ment in the city. ltd EOR SAZE OR REX1. STORK ROOM FOR Kr'KT, NO. 114 N. Queen street. Possession given January isr. jppiy at d9-tfdl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. F OR KENT. A Three-story Brick Heuse, en North Duke street, between Chestnut und Walnut. Apply at J31-tfd THIS OFFICE. FOR RENT. Union Hetel, East Chestnut street, oppe site rcniia Depot. Anpiy at me jlC-tfd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. F OR RENT. Tirrt yf.lia Vf, AW 'V,li f.rrm ctwinf suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J S. Saurman. Apply te dcc26-tfd T1IOS. BAUMGARDXER. OR RENT. A three-story Brick Heuse, en North Prince, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Apply at THIS OFFICE. I ieni.(-ti(t FOR SALE OR RENT. Geed will, stock and fixtures of general country store, with Drug store in connection ; all doing a geed business. The building has store and dwelling connected, which will be leased together or separately for a term of years, if desired. -Apply te 1UUA1AS J. 1 WU.RIT tE UO.. flOlwd&w Parkesburg, Pa. 17IRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. ' A Fire Proof Safe (Meslcr, Bahman & Ce., Cincinnati make), 34 inches high, 26 wide and 24 deep, weight 1,200 pounds, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Apply at the JanS-trd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 18S0, will be sold by public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, en West King street, in the City of Lan caster, Five Shares of the Capital Stock of the FULTON BUILDING AND SAVING ASSO CIATION, of Lancaster, Pa., lately belonging te Leuis Yerk, and te be sold for nen-pavment of dues, Ac, By order of the Beard of Direc tors of said Association. Sele te commence at 74 o'clock, p. m.. when terms will be made known by JEROME DOSCH, President. B. YECKER, Treasnrer. Attest: Jeseph Jacob. flD,20,21,20.27,28 PHMyiM XOTIOX8, AC. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et PONY, PORTLAND AND ALBANY:?. TWO FINE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, BySTREITA LOCICWOOD. of 'Peushkecpsic, N. Y. One Fine Feur-Pa-sengcr PORTLAND SLEIGH. TRIMMED AND UXTRIMMEDj PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, aline let of Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg & Bowe, and a variety et ethers, second-hand. All te be se'td at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce, 430 & 432 North Quccu and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. uelS-lyd MEDICAL. TMPORTANT TESTIBION1AL. Prof. D. A. Loemis.M, D.,'ermerly Professer of Anatemv in the Pennsvlvania Medical Col lege, late Surgeon in the'United States Army, ' and also Professer et Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the St. Leuis Medi cal Cellcge.writes the following tethe Helman Liver Pad Company : " Gentlemen : The Pail is a niarvej of suc cess. 1 have given its working a personal in spection, and lind that it merits my preles- , sienal sanction. It acts kindly, safely and effectively, and comes the nearest te a univer sal panacea of anything 1 knew in medicine, and the enlv wemler is that the medical pre fessien has net before made it of practical use te suffering humanity, ler the principle is as old as Hippocrates himself. I especially recom mend the Pad in all malarial alleetiens, and in chronic diseases of the various organs it is in valuable." febl4.2wdced HOP nOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOI BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP BIT HOP BIT ERS ERS ..op HOP BITTERS, -sr BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS ERS HOP BIT ERh HOP I5IT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HIT ERt HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT (A Medicine, net a Drink,) HOI'S, IIUCIUT, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, and the purest and best medical qualities et all ether Bitters. They Cure All Diseases et the Stomach, Bowels Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Nervousness, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. 81,000 IN GOLD w ill be paid for any case they will net cure or help, or for anything impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hep BitU'rs. and try them before you sleep. Take no ether. Hep Cough Cure is thesweetest. safest and best. Ask Children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is sti- iierier te all ethers. Ask Druggists. l. I. C. is an absolutely- and irre sistible cure for Drunkenness, use no opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send ler circular. All above sold by Drugprists. HOP BITTERS MFG. CO.. a9-lyced&w Rochester, N. Y. ER- HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT I J IT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W IK-W K-W K-W """ " WU1 K-W k-w PERMAXEXTLY CURES K-w K-W KIDNEY DISEASES, K-W K-W LIVER COMPLAINTS, K-W K-W CONSTIPATION liAV K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W And PILES, K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Dr. It, II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., says, "In cases of Kidney Troubles, it has acted like a charm. It h:ts cured many very bad cases of Piles, and has never failed te act. ellicient ly." Nelsen Fairchild. of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suH'er ing from Piles and Cestivencss it completely cured me." C. s. Hogaben, et Berkshire, says, "One package has done wonders ler me in completely curing a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint." WONDERFUL WHY .' POWER. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Because it acts en the Liver, the j.v Bowels and Kidneys at the same time. k.v Because it cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develop jj.-v in Kidney and Urinary Disease,Bil Disease,Bil ieusness. Jaundice, Constipation, K-W Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female Disorders. K-W' table compound and can be sent by jj-W mail prepaid. One package will make six quarts n.-y of medicine. Try It new. Buy it at the Drug- jj.-y gist's. Price $1.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Iv'W Proprietei.s, tr.-ir 3 Burlington, Vt. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV JFVKXITURE. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits, Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Ratan Rockers, nat Racks, Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk. Wire and Common Mattresses, Boek Cases, Ward robes, Escrlteirs, Upholstered Cane and AVoed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks, Deughtrays, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, &c, always en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY" DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order erder Regilding done at Reasonable Bates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15 EAST KING STREET, (Over Bursk's Grocery and Sprecher's Slate Stere.). WAITER A. HEINITSH, (Scliindlcr's Old Stand), CTTMV WORT MAETOXS. Sc GIFT JiRAWIXUS. AUTHORIZED ni THE COMMON WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest In the World. 17th Popular Monthly Drawing or THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en SATURDAY, FEB. 28th, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature of lt?.. and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every mouth (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens et tl' Mate. The management call attention te the gram, nnnm-limilv uri'siMitiul of ebtaininr. for enlv S anv of the lollewinir irize: 1 nrize 30,000 1 prize 10,000 1 prize "i.OOO 10 prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 (W0 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 nrizes 10 each 10,000 i) prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 'J nrizes 100 each. " " WX) l.flfie prizes $112,400 AVhele tickets, $!; hall tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50: K tickets. $leu. All applications for club rates should be made te tin; home oilier. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders, bend all orders by money or bankdratt in letter, or by ex press, writers ei . aim iipwani, iij u.pivs-, can be sent at our expense. Atiuress n. ji BOARDM AN. Courier-Journal Buildiiur. Leu isvilie, Kv., or at Iitf Broadway. New Yerk. Ij'l-TnT&S.t w KlltXEY ASH 1AVEK CVKJ.. 'WARNER'S SAFE EEIBDIBS! WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Aican Immediate stimulus tera Torpid Liver cure Cestivencss, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Diarrheea. Malaria. Fever and Ague and are useful at times in nearly all Diseases te causea live ami reguiarnctien et the Jieweis The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison These Pills arc the discovery of an English army physician and have been used with the greatest success among the Britisli troops in India. Tliev are enlv manufactured in this country by II. II. WARNER & CO. WAKNEK'S SAFE NERVINE, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep tethe suffering, cures Headache and Nenralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, anil Is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought en by excessive drinking.over drinking.ever drinking.over werk,mental shocksandet her causes. Itrelieves the Pains of all Diseases, andisnevcrinjurieus te tne system, xne uesi ei ail nervines. Bettles of two sizes : prices. 50 cents and SI. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Sure Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and Safe Tonic are also superior remedies, unequalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies arc sold bv Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally thieugh- out tiie country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. 11. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. 3 rdlC-Tu.Th&Sd&w GROCERIES. VyiIOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd TUST UECE1VED A LOT OF FINE ROSE AND PEERLESS POTATOES, and for sale cheap at . BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. F AHNESTOCK'S FAIUJyA FLOUR. A Very superior Article. Give it a trial. Fer sale at BfRSK'S. BUY THE PATENT UICKOltY CORX Covered Breem. Just the broom ler Sheps, AVareheuses. ;Tanneric, Stables. Pave ments, Gutters, mui for all leugh sweeping. or sale at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. RORES, RLAXKETS, &C. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assektmest of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 3Repairing neatly and promptly denee? A. MILEY, 10S North Queen St., Zntnraster. e23-lydMW&S&3mw HAPPY RELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation Invited per sonally or by mail. New method of treatmen t. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelope. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and proles preles proles enal skill. mur-lyd r" OCnER'S COUGH SYRUP CUBES CON j SUMPTION, X-OIt THE CARD TO LADIES ! TJNDEEWEAE BOOMS. Grand Depot, - - - Jehn Wanamaker. PHILADELPHIA. The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we are new shewing: merit mere than passing notice. "With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed goods, finished with rare silk and niceness, we introduce THE CONTENT WORK and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are made. These who have traveled will remember the exquisite handiwork they have found in the cottages of the peasants. A peculiarly desirable article in UNMADE DRAWERS, Being simply the patterns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and ready for making up. "We certainly have new THE PERFECTION OF UNDERWEAR. Moderate prices are as noticeable as the refined character of the goods. We have a full stock of INFANTS' SLIPS, INFANTS' DRESSES, INFANTS' SKIRTS, INFANTS' SKIRTS, Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things wanted in a Baby's "Wardrobe. Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired. JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. xj:i WALL 1SS0. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALLPAPERS. WALL PAPHRS. HAGER & BROTHER Arc receiving nil the NEW SPRING STYLES ei PAPBRHANGINGS, In large a ertment of EMIIOSSED GILT, 15RONZK, .ATINS, GROUNDED and 1SLACK PAPER, with Dade Frieze and IJerders te match, ter Parlors, HulW, Libraries, Dining-rooms and Chambers. As our orders for the above were placed before the advance, we shall continue ie .ell at the old low price. Estimates made and paper hung by expeiienced paper hangers. Window Shades, Shading and Fixtures in full a..ertment. AI-e, Weel Teirysand Cretonne-, Nottingham Laces and Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Heading-, and Cornice Poles, etc. Call and examine. HAGEK & BRO. GREAT LINEN SALE -AT NEW YORK STORE. JUST OPENED A SPLENDID LINE OF TABLE LLNBNS AT OLD PRICES. LOOM DICE LINENS, at 22, 23, 31, 37J4 and 50c. per yard. RLE ACHED ard YARN BLEACHED DAMASKS, at 37', 4-", 50, 55, r,'i, 75, S7"e. and 1 each. An Elegant Line of FINE HARNSLEY DAMASKS, at $1 per yard. BARGAINS IN TOWELS, at 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 37J4 and 50c. each. TOO DOZEN FIXE DAMASK TOWELS, at 25c. each. WATT, SHAH 4 COMPANY, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. t S Will shortly remove te STIRK'S CHINA HALL, S and 10 East King Street. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IX AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-PIateil Ware, Clods, JeweiiT it Ami Mi Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which wc are able te aid them in making the best uscef thelrmeney in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. tHUFirst-CIass Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. ARCTIC C AJNTDEE " BACK STRAP ARCTIC. Great Improvement Over Common Arctics. Easier te Buckle ; exclude wet and snow mere perfectly; neater in appearance ; bet ter fitting ; extra heavy sole, giving double service. Try one en and you will never wear any ether. Sold by C. A. REECE, 26 Z ADZES. INFANTS' ROBES, INFANTS' SHIRTS, IN FLANNEL, IN CAMBRICS. 13th ST. goevs. PAPER 1SSO. THE- JEWELRY, Jte. Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. SHOES. EAST KING ST. Icb2-lmd TRAVELERS' GUIDE. LANCASTER AND MILXK1WV1LLE.-K. II Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. K. Depot), at 7, '.. an.i 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 und 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the lest car leaves at 'J:30 p. m. Leave MillersvUIe (lower end) ut 3,8, und a. M., and 1, 3. 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CIOLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. If J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statiexs Neutuwakd. Kxpre.. Aecen. TortDepesit i!:3e 2:15 I'eachbottem 7:07 3:1." Fife's Eddy. 7rJ) 4:(X) McCull's Kerry 7:31 4:17 Shenk's Kerry. 7:51 4:41 Safe Harber. 7:57 4:4' Columbia ?::u r::V Stations Seltuward. AAl'1uu 'm" Columbia 11: firji Safe Harber. 11.0 r.:4i r. m. Shenk's Ferrv. I2:t5 i'"i McCall's Ferry. 12:31 7:i.i Fife's Eddv. 121 7rJ) I'eachbottem 1:11 7:32 Pert Deposit 2:15 iM PKNNSYLVANIA 1CAII.KOAD Nl.1i SCHEDULK On and utter M'XDA. NOV. itth, 1?7'., trains en the l'e:in-vlam.i Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancte anil Philadelphia depots as lolleu: Eastward. I .l-Tll 11 IV Lanc'ter! l'hilad'.i Atlantic Express l'hiladilphi.i Exprc? Fast Line Yerk Aeceni. Arries; Harri-dmrg Kxprv. DillcrviileAecem. Arrives. Columbia Aeeommed.it inn, Frederick Aeeimi. Arrive-., Pacific Express, Minday Mail Johnstown Exptess Day Express , Harrisburg Accommediit'u. 12:25 A.M. 3:1 H j 1:10 irJtl MO rs". :I5 ::1U 1:20 1:25 2:1 1 ::-.ii5 5r.M ' 7: 7:M 10:0t 12:e"l"i .':lV" .".( :.:.M i T:2i I '.)-.: Westward. I.caw Aiii.c i Philad'ii-Laiii-'i.-i Way l'as-engcr, I2:.'Si a.m. Niagara Ex pi ess :( " Hanover Accemm-Mlatinn,.1 Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt..Iey,l .0- Mail Train Ne. 2,viaCel'jia. Sunday Mail s.(-n " Fast Line, ll:.e " Frederick Accommodation, DiIlervillcLoc-.il.viaMt.Jey! -- IlarrisburgAceoniiiiedut'n.1 -" '"- Columbia Accommodation,, ,:"" " llarrisburg Express, 5:W " Pittsburg Express, ' t;:25 " Cincinnati Express -".H- " Pacific Express 11:55 " :it .' liriCi " l:l! - II:i5 U:ti7 " Illi'iO 2:li) i- 2:15 2,"-.) .".: " 7r.'t 75 .Si,ll II..S1 " 2.10 a. lacillc Express, east, en Sundav, u h.-n it t -geil, will step at Middletewu. Eliuht-thteui-Mt. Jey, Landisville, Itiiil-m-II.md. I..-111.111 Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkr-buig. ( ...u.-s ville, Oakland ami Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Mindnv, uln-ii tla. . !, will step :it Dew ningtown,Ce."itt-s nlc. p burg,Mt..Iey, Eli.aliethteu 11 and "U.;-l,.-t.w , Hanover Accommodation, uest. count-i ts it Lancaster with Niagara E.pu . wsi,.u 1. s-a a. M., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, u est, court '- it Lancaster, with last Line. Mf-t.:it 2:i.p 1. and will run through te I'riMlt-ru-k. READING AND COLl'MISIA L'Ail.KOAD. On und after MONDAY. e-JT. i;.. i-7't, passenger trains will run en llns it.nd a- it.t it.t lews: Traixs Goise Seuth. a. St. A. M. 1". M. .31. Reading, Reinholds, , Enhratu, Akren, , Litiz Manheim Lancaster Junction,.. Landisville, Columbia Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Ilurnish, West Willow- Kuumgariliicr, Peipica, Helten New l'levitlenee, Hess Quarry ville, TraijiS Goixe North. 7:30 11:55 j t;:li r. 31. S:01 12:21 . -. !-:!S 12:10 ,;tC. . ... S:2I 12:15 1 7:i)s .... s:U l:i)2 I 7ri ... '.:r2 i:i.; I 7: te. .... 'Mti 1:1'.' 7:!"t U:Ii; IS-e I 7: !):45 1:55 .s;2i) .lrJ7 2:1)2 .s;n: ::33 2:i5 s:in .-:ii !):!" :ln 5-ik nV s::;t .01 li):(i5 f.t-i I 5.:: I():l)it s:l7 5 u 10:17 S-55 5:5.. 10:2:1 'Mil ,! ):. .... i:12 :15 10:12 :i:l:r i..- li):5() :i:25 1;::;". a. ir. ' I", si. v. 31. . 31. C:l' I I 2..;". I 7-") ;:52 2.11 ' 7. :.V. .... 2:1s I ,s:i:; 7:11. .... -.-.v.) sri7 7:is i5 s::.5 7r-i 3:13' s-13 7::."2 .... 3:1s! ,s:r) 7:11 " 3:2t! ' win 7-V 3:ie 'ir2e :05 :( 3:.--(i KSl :IkS 1-U.5 ;;;,:: ttoe l:iie 3:.V .... s.:30 ltSl 1 4.1)1 I S:30 1:25 4:15 I .... .s;f. l:ls irJe ... WK) 2:i0 4::) y:It; 2:1 4:47 .... !):23 2ri. 4 :53 J:42 2:1.; 5:11 .... 10:05 3:20 I 5:50 , Quarry ville, llfsS, N'ew Providence, ... Helten,... I'eq uea Huuingarducr, West Willow, , Harnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville Columbia, Landisville, Lancaster Junction,. Manheim, X. 11..,.. ......... ....... Akren...... ........... Ephrata Reinheldsvillc, Reading, Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pett.sville, Il.irrishurg. Al Al Icntewn ami New Yerk. At Columbia uitli tniins te anil from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and lialtimeie. A.M. WILSON", Supt. r OCAL mail aijkane.iii;nt.s. HOURS FOR CLOSING THK MAILS IJY RAILROAD. New Yerk Tiii.orei) jjail. 7:00 a m. 12:30 p in, 4:15 p 111 and 1I:.' p in. Way Mail, cast, 7 a m. GeRDOXVlLLE, Dowiiingtewii, Lcamau 5'Iacf, Gap C p m. 1'HiLADELrniA, through mail, 7 and '. a 111, 12:50, 4:45 and 11:30 p in. PiTTSiiciKiii and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Hariusuuru Mail, 10 a m, 1:30, 5:15 ami 1 1:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10 a in. llALTIMORE ASD WaSUINGTOX, III Pllil.ltlel- phia, 4:50 pm. Haltimeuk akd Washingtex, via Yerk, 1:30 p 111. Haltimere awd Washixgtex, via Ilarrisbiirg, 11:30 pm. COATESVILLK, 4:15 ) 111. Columbia, 10 a in, 1:30 ami 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk way, l:3antl 11:30 p in. Northern Central, 10 a m. 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Reading, via Reading ami Columbia R R,7:3e a m and 12:30 p in. i'EADiNG, via Hurrisburg, 5:15 ami liae p in. Re.ding way, via Junction, Liti, Manlieiui, East Hemptieltl anil Ehnita, 3 p in. Quarrxville, Camargo, Relteu, New Provi Previ tlenee, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martin ville, 'J-.'M a in, and 7:"J) pin. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Hall, Goetlviile, IJeartewn, by w..y et Dowiiingtewii, at 7 a m ami li p m. Sake IIarrer, via Columbia. 10 a m. HY STAGE MillersvUIe ami Slackwaler, te Safe Harber, daily, at 2:30 p m. Te MillersvUIe. 8und 11 am, ami 4 pni. Hinkley's ISritlge, Lcaceck, Ilarevillc, New Helland, 20 inn. Willow Street, Smithviile, Ruck, Chestnut Level. Green. Peters' Creek. Pleasant l.revi. Reck Springs. Fairmount ami Rewiauds illc. Mil, daily, at 7 a m. Land's Valley, Oregon, West Earl, Faiini-r-.-vllle, llinklctewn, Tcrre Hill, Murtimluii dally,at210 pin, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p in. Greenland anil Soudersburg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Netlsville, daily, at 4 p m. Haw Danville. Conestegu. Marticville, Ccle man ville. Mount Nebo. Rawiinsvillc, lletiies.ia ami Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Extern mall, 7 si n . 10:45 a m, 3 ami f':30 p in. - Eastern way mail, 10:15 a m. Western mail, 7 ami 10 a m, 2 and t;:30 p in. Reading, via Reading ami Columbia, 2:.?) p in. Western way mail, 8 a in. Heading way niuiL 10:30 a m. Aiiitni.Miii si'AUE.-Frem Sare Ilarbei and MillersvUIe, at 'J a in, daily. Frem MillersvUIe, 7 and 'J a in, and 4 p in. Frem New Helland, at SfcSO a m. daily. Frem Rewlumlsville, Mil, at 2:30 p m. Heading way mail, at 10-30 a m, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 11-30 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 a m, daily Frem NefTsvillc, at 1 p in, daily. Frem llawlinsvillc, at 11 a in. DELIVERIES II V CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail mutter deposited in tin: letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the efllce at 0-30 u in; sccentl delivery at 10a m: thlnl delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postelllce is open from April 1 te October I. ft eui 8 tell u in. und from te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril I,from i) te 10 a m, and from C te 7 d hi. EltUCATIOXAL. ri'llE ACADK.UK C'ONNECTKD WITH J. Franklin and Marshall College otters su mtrier Hdvantuires te vniinirni inil Imvs wlm I desire either te prepare for college or te obtain I a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time iiurtng the school year Send for circulars. Address KEV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lyd Lancaster. Pa. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEEK OF HEAL , Estate und Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out anil attended te without additional cost. e27-ly I A i i . iil , 'SI f k '-I i; !.! f 7(1 ?' I m l.i: - I m u m f w: