T5Sf?5?S5!T- y ,, j. r i-J-r ..' .-;;-.. -"e'lf!" r"- j... a'wfr5' yt"y.r-3tfycr.. !seiap PpBwfcWBWgWTT ' vr '".' r- LANCASTER DAILY IKTELIIGENCEB, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1880. i ,-, r I' l! state nbrmal school of West Virginia, has been following our work with interest, in troducing the matter te her scholars. She writes that they are studying the stars with us and wishes that she were in per son, as she is in fact, a member of the Lan caster Star club. A gentleman from Sterling, Illinois, also writes himself down "one of us." And se of many besides whose interest has been newly awakened or for the first time aroused through the publication of these newspaper reports. The subject of " Light and Eclipses" was discussed in an excellent paper by Miss Mary Martin, principal of St. James school. What light is as we knew it in its wonderful effects, hew transmitted through space, the theories that have been ad vanced in regard te it, and these new most approved, were presented with the cus temary clearness and force which cliaiac terize the work of the lady by whom the paper was prepared. Blackbeard and ether diagrams were used in illustration of the solar spectrum and the phenomena of eclipses. The next meeting of the club will be held a mdhth hence, and the special sub ject announced is the "Telescope, the Microscope and the Spectroscope. " It will be xrcscntcd by Mr. J. I). Pyott. This gentlemen, being called en, made a state ment of the work proposed for the Micro Micre Micro seopical society recently organized in Lan caster, the fees and ether conditions of membership. Dr. Criimbaugh, who is picsident of the society and a trained microscepist, in re sponse te the call of the chairman gave a very interesting account of a recent visit te the Microscopic society, of Camden, New Jersey, with some particulars of their or ganization and the successful work they arc doing. Mr. McCaskey also spoke of the marvel ous beauty of certain microscopic slides of diatoms that lie had seen a few weeks .since at the agricultural department at Washington, and mere recently in Cam den, and desciibed the process of mount ing these minute insects for inspection by the microscope. The Germans have until lately kept the secret of mounting the dia tom, but the Camden men are new their formidable rivals in this specialty. The illustrated lecture of Dr. Wan-en was also spel;cu of before final adjourn ment. The club will be largc'y represent ed at this lecture with its grand exhibition of calcium light-views. COURT. Opinions, License, &c. Court met this morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of transacting current bus iness. ' Judge Patterson delivered an opinion in the case of the Seventh Day Baptists of Ephrata, in which a rule was taken te show cause why the bend of William Biendcl, ft. til., trustees of the church, elected in July, should net be approved. The rule was opposed by ether members of the church, who claim that there was no vacancy when Brendcl and the ethers claim te have been elected. The opinion made the rule absolute, Judge Livingston dissening. Li CCllhCH. The license application of J. W. Hamil ton, of Columbia, was the only one taken up. Hamilton occupies a saloon which is owned Cel. W. L. Peiper, of this city, and which was rented by Jeseph Desch, who resided there until a few months age when he moved te an adjacent building taking the license with him. The license was granted te Hamilton, Ouaiter Sessions. On Monday the February adjourned term of quarter sessions court will com mence, when Judge Livingston will pre side. Judgment. When the docket was called at 10 o'clock thirteen judgments were entered for want of affidavits of defense, picas a id appear ances. Correction. By a mistake in the " make up" of the court proceedings in yesterday's paper, the paragraph concerning the settlement efthc Hanover Junction case was put under a divorce case. S i: VENT Y-S liVEN . The Annual Reception of Dr. J. "W. Nevln's Friends. ' A docJer of divinity Who lives in this vicinity.'" Kev. J. W. Ncvin, D. D., celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday last evening and from 8 te 10 o'clock received his friends at Caernarvon Place. Dr. Nevins life and eminent church services are familiar te our readers and the people of Lancaster delight te honor him when occasion presents. The professors of the college and semi nary, many of the clergymen and most distinguished professional and business men of Lancaster and their families called last tcvening te pay their respects and were handsomely entertained. Dr. Nevin is in geed health and bids fair te long con tinue the venerated and much beloved head of the church te which his lif6 work has been earnestly devoted. THK SIXTH AND SKVENTH MOSES. HOOKS OF An Old und Valuable Werk. Rev. A. Blecli, who resides at 450 West Walnut street and is pastor in charge of the Jewish synagogue, this city, showed us this morning an old velunt", printed 85 years age, in 72 languages, and illustrated with numerous weed-cuts. It is entitled the "Sixth and Seventh Beeks of Moses, " and is said te have been written by the great law-giver 4,785 years age. The work is of a mystic cabalistic character, or as Rev. Blecli says : " Cabalah Nzehahr." Mr. Blecli says it is the only volume of the kind in the United States, se far as he knows. Reading Lends Us. In giving the vote polled in several principal cities and boroughs at the late election, it was shown that Lancaster with hcr5,327 votes was at the head of the list. Rcadiug was net included in the list, as no city officer was voted for. The vote en inspectors, however, polls up 5,736. The total vote in some ether tows is as fellows : Carlisle (chief burgess) 1,224 Chester (treasurer) 2,288 Pettsvillc (burgess) 1,518 Phoenixville (bnrgess) 017 Driving Accident. This morning Benjamin Beach, residing at Martic Ferge, was en his way te this city with a lead of tobacco, drawn by two mules. At Lime Valley, while going down a hill, the tongue of the wagon broke and the mules ran against a fence. Beach fell under the wagon but was net injured. Jehn Dugan, who was with him, was thrown against a fence and badly bruised. THE SOUP HOUSE. Contribution In Cash ana Prevision. The managers of the soup hdhise ac knowledge the following contributions in previsions : 3Irs. Jehn Clay, one basket of cabbage ; C. Beettner, one let of rolls ; S. K. Miller, 2 bushel of peas ; S. F.- Krick, 5 pounds meat and 2 bushels turnips ; Hirsh & Bre., 1.1 pounds meat ; Jacob Gruel, 1 quarter beef ; Henry Fisher, 8 quarts salt ; Geerge Brady, G leaves bread ; Charles Reth, 1 crock pudding meat ; Christian Hiller, 2 bushels potatoes; Intelligencer print ing for entertainment ; Cehe & Wiley, 100 leaves of bread ; Jehn Mentzer. 50 pounds pudding and ."50 pounds beef ; D. B. Lan- dis, 49 leaves bread ; D. B. Land is & Ce., bread ; " A Friend," 10 leaves of bread ; " A Friend," 10 leaves of bread ; L. II. Bachler, 20 leaves of bread ; II. E. Greff, 20 leaves of bread ; "A Friend," 1 quar ter Heur ; Gee. Brady, bread ; C. Dilfen bach, 2 beef heads, etc. The following cash received is also ac knewledged : The Bean, $1 ; Jehn Sides, ."50 cents ; A. Herr, 3 ; H. Carsen, SI ; net proceeds soup entertainment, $99.30 ; Peter Lutz, oe cents ; Jehn F. Steinman, $10. THE CHIEF OF I'Ol.iCK. Mr. Pentic's Resignation Accepted. The following letter explains itself : Mayer's Omen, ) Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 20. 1880. $ JohnPentz, 7iV. : Dear Sir : Your note of January 20 ult., tendering your resignation as chief of police of the city of Lancaster, has been received Knewing you desire te enter into business, I feel that I should be doing you an injustice te refuse its acceptance. I shall always remember most pleasantly our offi cial and social intercourse. It gives me very great pleasure te say that I have always found you honest and upright in the dis charge of your duties ; fearless and deter mined whenever called upon te act ; frank and courteous in our personal idatiens. In your business purposes you have my very best wishes for your success. Very respectfully yours, J no. T. MacGenic.lk. S-'ex CIlilM. Yesterday afternoon there was a lox chase at the hotel of E. Hambright, en the Columbia pike. It was largely attend ed by sportsmen from this city. The fox was net caught. InstircK nt the Peace. Justice of the peace who have been elected at the late election should file their acceptance in the protheuolarys office at once. Heme Acknowledgment'-. Tin- manager of tin Heme respectfully ac knowledge 1 he following donatiens: Mr. Isaac Dillcr, 1 qr. of beef ; a friend, pudding meat : Mr. G. Gechle. bread; Mr. DiHenbuch, one beef tongue; Mr. 1). ISair, buttons for children ; Mr.. Widmycr, drop light for gas. Leap Year Special Excursion Te 1'hiludclphia ever tliu Philadelphia and Reading railroad, en Tuesday, February it. Ticket geed for three days te return en any train. Fare for round tiip only $1.7.". Special train leaven Lancaster (King street) at ( a. in.; Columbia, .ri:."0u. tu. Fer particulars sce pesters and circular-, at all station. Amusement. The Danites." On Monday evening .lames Ward's company will play 'The Danites" in this city. The east will include Miss Mary Wellesley, James II. Tayler, .hnncs 15. Roberts, James Ward, W. A. Chapman and ether.. This piece has scored :i great success throughout the country and the prices are very reasonable. Il.vun en tlie doctors. St. Ja(eii Oil. Don't Trille with the Tcelli! If our teeth were renewed as our nails, they might net need constant care. Rut teeth don't repeat themselves after childhood. The pieper thing te de is te use SOZODONT, which pre serves their health and beauty. It never tail. t'lC-lwced; Nnw Ai)vi:utisi:mi:xts. Spring style at (Jivler, Bowels & Hurst's. Sale et Franklin County Herse. " Kcereatien in Astronomy." Regular Monthly Meeting. Carpets, &c, at Martin'-. Wan toil Immediately. I.unehat Spcngler". !e te A. Klieads s. situation Wanted. Ce te China Hall. Ue te Franke's. Public Sale. Religious. Fer Rent. Netice. ESTFer further column. details see advertising SPECIAL XOTICES. Fees ir Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many peisens are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule ler visits is ?3. which would tax a man confined te his bed ler a year and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hep Hitters taken in time would save the $1,000 anil all the year's sickness. Ed. Keep your lamily well supplied with '-tellers' Cough Syrup," use it in time, you will avert bronchial and pulmeuarj affections. 2 cents. 1 Don't Waii't a Plaster," said a sick man te a druggist, " can't you give me something te cure me?" His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine, and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told me te use Kidney-Wert and in a short time it cUcctcd a complete cure. Have you thee symptoms? Then get a box te-day before you become incurable. It is the cure; safe and sure. llfi-lwd&w Try Lec'.icr's Cough Syrup. Fer ISrexciuai. Asthmatic and Pulmonary complaints, " JSrewn'x JImnchial Troches " manifest remarkable curative properties. Like all ether meritorious articles, they are frequently imitated, and the-c purchasing should be sure te obtain the genuine "JlreN ciiial Titeciics." TuThS&w Kidney-Wert is nature's reined j' for Kidney and Liver diseases, Piles and Constipation. iis-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Frem a Prominent Drug Hi.use. II. II. Warjieu & Ce., Recuesteu. N. Y. Dbar Sir: It is new only three months since wc received your first shipment et Safe Reme dies. Wc have sold drugs iu this place for twenty years, and we have never sold a pro prietary medicine, that gives such universal satisfaction as yours, especially your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure, and Diabetes Cure. Wc could mention many who have received great benefit in cases of Kidney difficulties. Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Brighl's Dis ease, etc. Respectfully yours, SISSON & FOX. H4-2wd&w Alexandria Bay. N. Y. Every one will find a general tonic in " Lindsey's Improved Bleed Searcher." All drii!ijlst sell it. Dit. BllOWXING'S C. ft C. CORDIAL is the greatest friend ever known te the consump tive, because it rapidly cures every cold, which, if permitted te run its course, would speedily destroy lite, and also reduces that continuous inllammatien which causes snch fearful destruction of the substance of the lungs. Fer sale by all druggists. Price 50c. W. Champien Browning, Pre, ., HIT Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. i.D-lwd&w Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent, efthc deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when wc reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers for their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? NEW CHOICE SPRING STYLES FOR MEN'S WEAR NOW OPEN. AX ELEGANT LINE OF SUITINGS. AN ELEGANT LINE OF VEST1NGS, All in New Choice Styles. An excellent lit guaranteed in every case or no sale. We use none but the best qualities 6f Trimmings, and employ none but the best workmen. We also call special attention te our choice stock of LAUNDRIED AND UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS. We warrant these Shirts te be perfect fitting, and te be made of Wamsutta Muslin, and best qualities of Linen. We keep constantly in stock choice lines of Merine Shirts and Drawers, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Paper Cel lars and Culls, Neckties and Bews. Alse, the celebrated Welch, Margetson & Ce.'s Black Silk Londen Tie. The only house in the city who' have it for sale. Wc invite examination of our stock, which will be found te be large, and best qualities of goods at Lewest Prices. GrIVLEE, BO WEES & HTJEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, goat once and geta bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SVRU1. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, anil give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, ami is the prescription el one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents u bottle. fjl7-lyd&wM,WAS Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup. A Strange People De you knew that there are strange pee pie in our community, we say strange because they .seem te prefer te suffer and pass their days miserably, made se by Dyspep-ia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizcr i guaranteed te cure them. Sold by I). Ileit sliii, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. I'ive Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past few month there have been mere than 50),uoe bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases el Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Urenchiti yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or veur child the cough, and you value life, don't 'fail te trv it. Fer Tame back, side or chest use Shiloh's "Pereus Plaster. Sold by your drug gists, 1). Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davi, Millersville. Wi: havcaspeedvand positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria. Canker mouth and Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free witli each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price S cenLi. Sold by 1). Heilshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Mil lersville. septiVeedd&w It EAT IIS. Stvcil On the 21st inst.. in New Helland, Pa., Jehn Styer, in the 7.)th year of his age. The relatives and triends of the family are respectfully invited te attend his funeral lrem his late residence en Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. 2ld Peel. In this city. Fell. 21. IS-). Mrs. Barbara Peel, relict of the late Jeseph Peel, in the 81st year of her age. The relatives anil friends are respectfully in vitcd te attend her tuner.il from her late resi dence, Ne. 414 North Queen street, en Monday atternoen, at "o'clock. It XEIV AltrEllTISEMEXTS. "I RAND SAUEIt KXtAUT LUNCH TO- VJT NIGHT at the FPLTON OPKP.A IIOl'SE SALOON. JOHN .sPENGLEIl, II Proprietor. rpiIE REGULAR MONTHLY MJII'.TING L of the Uulen Building and Lean Assoc tieu will be held en Monday evening, at o'clock, it A. II. 1! ALL, Secretary -tlTORKINUMKN WILL (FIND A FRESH Supply of goe.ls just suited te their wants. Thankful for past favors, would be pleased te have you call again. HKNUVIIECHTOLO. 52 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. X. 15. lleu-cs for sale or rent. I.d: yeTici:. lA The members of Conestoga Circle Ne. 110. I!. U". II. F., are respectfully invited te meet at their hall at 0 o'clock te-morrow (Sunday) morning, for the purpose of attending Salem church. Lancaster Council Ne. IDS is also re spectfully invited te Jein. ltd SALE OF FRANKLIN COUNTV HORSES. Will be sold at public sale, at 1 o'clock en MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEUKUAIiY 23d, at the Merriinac Hetel. North Prince street, 10 Head et FltANKLl.V COUNTY HOUSES, among them are some geed workers and drivers. DANIEL LOGAN, ltd T . H7S1 A UTV1) JS lO 1JT' TNSURE YOUR PROPERTY 1NRELIA1JLE ! X COM fAS IKS at BBNJ. F. SHENK'S, Office : 10$ West King Street. dccl2-3mdH CHARLEY, REMEMDKR YOU HAVE AN engagement with me te go te EDDIE FKANKE'S this evening, where we will meet many mere of our friends te enjoy the line Bect-a-la-Mede and the excellent beer he keeps. It -w-. I70R RENT. 1? The second story of Eshlcman & IJatli- von's lianking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a It. K. Depot, en Chestnut street. 1$. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stf Atterney-at-I.aw 13URLIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 180, will be sold at Ne. 117 North Lime street, u large let of Household and Kitchen Furnituic, consisting of Carpets of all Descriptions, e'e gant Marble Tep Cetfcige Bedroom suit, nearly new. Walnut Bedroom Suits. Dining and Par Par eor Furniture, Hat Rack, Cook and Par.er Steves, and a let of ether Household Goods loe numerous te mention. Sale te commence at 0 a. in. sharp. MlsS LIZZIE MOORE. Samuel Hess & Sen. Auctioneers. t2l-"td -j-OTICE NOTICE!! Te Save Moving China, Glass and Queensware Will be sold at REDUCED PRICES. CHINArlALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 8 East King Street. TULTON OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1S80, Lecture Illustration Chorus, en "RECREATIONS IN ASTRONOMY." Lecture bv REV. HENRY W. WARREN, D. D., AT FULTON OPERA HOUSE, with Superb Calcium Light Illustration, bv Prof. Win. Leng, et Philadelphia; ami High Scheel Chorus et 150 Voices, under Prof. Matz, their Instructor. TICKETS, 50 Cts. Reserved Seats without extra charge at Bacr's Boek Stere, North Queen street. Rev. Dr. Wan-en has nlrcadv lectured here upon "Forces of a Sunbeam'' und a "Trip te the Stars." two of the most etrective lectures ever delivered in Lancaster. f21,2t&2J<w SKIVING MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machincagcnt claims te have the simplesSmachinc. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at tachment dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has 1S5 parts " Davis " " 151 " " Demestic " " 83 ' " Howe " ' 244 " " New Heme " " 133 " " Remington " " 131 " " Singer " " 112 " " Weed " " 122 " " While " " 131 " " Wheeler & Wllson.Xe. 8,has 154 " fed7-3mdS&3mw in:r uuvisi,. AN AN XEH' AWEUTISEMEXTS. SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing: Cabinet. A fine general assortment efCewelry, cemprising: all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS 8s BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Jewnlry Vt e eiler our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. Wc manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem FirstrClass Heuse. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. tJ3,First-Class Watch ami General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. siLUUSR I! AH A! LMH VI Sir COX & CO.'S COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBECK Tliu Season for Sleighs at Hand. The Latest SLEIGHS In the City e: Handiwork. Our prices lower than any ether establishment in the city ler the same quality of work. Alse, FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, Ot all Designs and Description. Remember our Motte "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A'EW ADVE11TISE31ESTS. JNSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE REST COMPANlESat BAUSMAN & BURNS'. 2!(-UeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. A. S. ROSENRAUM St CO., PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO. Ne. 22? I'riucc street, i.ancusicr, i'iu J. KOSENMYER, un7-3md Manager, J,URE LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rales. Geed and Reli able Companies. UKRR & STAUFFEli, Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., 2 N. Duke St. decSO-Smdltced FT S. GAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phii'a Phii'a Lyceming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa. franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Pldladelplua. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Phii'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFt: American Life Ins. Ce., of Pliil'a. fj-ImilK T HE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS: One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en KIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster. Pa. 8-MW4S6mdR TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS PniXTKD ex CHECK BOAUD (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse, STRUNG TAGS FOR LABELING OF TOBACCO. BALES Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. nl3-tfd ELEGANT LINE OF COATINGS, ELEGANT LINE OF PANTINGS, Lancaster, Pa., Silver-Plated Ware, LANCASTER, PA. OLD STANI.- STS., LANCASTER, PA. & MI LEY, Styles and the Largest Assortment et All our own XFIV AWEJITISEHEXTS. .13. .13. East King St. East King St. TRIPLE-PLATED STEEL HANDLE OIVES Medium Size Deuble Bolster Handles, Dessert Size Deuble Bolster Handles, SATIN FINISHED HANDLES. PLAIN FINISHED HANDLES. ALL OY Rogers & Bre.'s Celebrated Manufacture, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. J." i' MARTIN &C0.i CARPETS ASD WALL PAPERS. 1880. SPRING 1880. Onr stock includes Latest Designs in Carpets and Wall Papers OF EVER!' GRADE. As tbese goods were contracted for prier te the lute advance, we shall continue te sell them at very low prices. OIL CLOTHS, CRUMB CLOTH3, MIRRORS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, CRETONNE3, &c. J. B. MARTIN & Ce. T OST. j On Friday, the 13th inst, a Full Pointer Deg, white with yellow spots, white neck, slightly colored from a brass cellar, answers te the name et Dick. A liberal reward will be paid en his return te f!9-3td GEORGE DENNIS, Manheim. TIIEB EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 21. Fer the New England and Middle Atlantic states falling barometer, warmer southerly winds, cloudy weather with rain or snow, followed in the latter district by Sunday morning with rising barometer, colder westerly winds and clearing weather. FIRES. Iturning of a Currying Shep. Wedukn, Mass., Feb. 21. II. E. Trewan's currying shop was burned late last night. Less about 5,000. The Great Fier in Broadway, New Yerk. New Yekk, Feb. 21. The body of Fire man Deugbterly, charred and blackened, was found this morning. His comrade, Cassidy, has net yet been found. Hazen, Tedd & Ce., estimate their less at $350,000. DickerheiT, RatHacr & Ce., 1300,000. Wielde & Ce., ever $100,000 ; partially insured. The building was worth ever $200,000. Destructive Blaze at lljtesvllle. Ark. Little Reck, Ark., 21. A destructive fire occurred yesterday at Batesville. Sev eral business houses were destroyed. Or.e man was killed and two were seriously in jured by falling walls. Seme ethers were less badly hurt. The less will amount te $75,000. CHINK.SE CHEAP LAIIOK. Have tlie California Corporations a Kight te Employ It ? San Fuancisce, Jan. 21. Late yester day afternoon a wan-ant was issued for the arrest of Tibursis Parrett, of the firm of Parrett & Ce., en a charge of employing Chinese in the service of the Sulphur quicksilver mining company, of which Parrett is president. The case has lipen made up te test the constitutionality of of the act recently passed by the Legisla ture prohibiting corporations from em ploying Chinese. FAMINE AND FJiVEK. Terrible Suffering Reported from Russia A Companion Picture te Ireland Suicide te Escape Starvation. Paris, Feb. 21. The Temps publishes a letter from St. Petersburg which says the news lrem the interior of the Empire is heart rending. Famine and dipthcria are decimating population and trade is stag nant. The calamity is aggravated by want of fodder for cattle, the peasants being forced te sell them. In the Caucasus the famine is still greater, where people arc committing suicide and selling their chil dren. THE POPE ON SOCIALISM. lie Warns t'.w, Irish Itisluips Net te Play Inte the Hands of Political Demagogues. Londen, Feb. 21. A despatch from Reme says confidential reports respecting the nature of the agitation in Ireland have reached the Pepe, which shows that three fourths of it is due te a spirit of social ism. Very precise instructions te the Irish bishops arc being prepared, exhorting them te take care that in relieving distress they de net play into the. hands of these who are working for political objects. DEATH OF DR. SCHULZE'S WIFE. The Weman Who Had Her Husband Cou Ceu linad in a Madhouse. IgPiiiLADKLPiiiA, Feb. 21. Information was received in this city this morning te the effect that the wife of Dr. Schulze died in Mexico. Dr. Schulze is the person who it was claimed was sent te Pliiladel. phia from Mexico by his wife's relatives and is confined here in a lunatic asylum. His case is new before a jury who arc tak 'ng testimony en the question of his san ity. AN UNREPENTANT MURDERER. Abusing Hie Judge una His Counsel AVbile Duiug Sentenced te Death. Buffalo, Feb. 21. Charles Maukc, who was yesterday convicted of the murder of Jehn Atlelf, was te-day sentenced by Judge Barker te be hanged April 2. Mankc expressed a willingness te die and interrupted the judge a number of times by using vile epithets and abusing his counsel. GONE WRONG. The Treasurer of a Cleveland Association This Time. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 21. A despatch from Cleveland says : An examination of the books of Berthold Louden, the missing treasurer of Zescher Ahel Uurzel, shows a deficit of nearly $20,000. It is supposed he has gene te Europe. NOT GUILTY. End or Philadelphia's Latest Murder Trial. Philadelphia, Feb. 21. In the case of Samnel Itcevcs, charged with the murder of Themas Wcldeu, the jury this morning, after being out all night deliberating, re turned a verdict of net guilty. WAXTEli. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Intixliekncku, who wants something ede. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Ten goeil Cigarinukers. Apply te JOHN JIAUs & .SON, ltd 007 West King Street, Luncastcr. SITUATION WANTED BJf A GOOD GEK MAN Girl. Apply nt MRS. U. AUER'S, Dressmaker, ltd rjfe. 51 North Queen M reet. T7"ANTKD. Tf By a young girl, a situation te de gen eral housework. Apply ut 34'J North Queen Street. AM VSE3IEXTS UNION BKTIIKL SUPPER. A supper for the benefit of the Union Bethel, corner of Prince and Orange streets, will be given en SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, beginning at 5 o'clock. TICKETS .V)Cts. CHILDREN, 2.1 " fcblO-ltd rPEIU HOUSE. JAMES WARD, - - - Manager. ONE NIGnT ONLY. Monday Evening, February 23, 1880. Joaquin Miller's Original American Drama of the Danites! Danites!! Bites!!! BILLY" PIPER, Miss Mary Wellcsley. SANDY'3IcGEE Mr. .las. II. Tayler. THE PARSON Mr. .las. B.Reberts. LIMBER TIM Mr. Jas. Ward. THE JUDGE, Mr. W. A. Chapman. With Excellent Support. POPULAR PRICES: General Admission, - -SO Cts. Gallery, 33 " Seats secured three day in advance without extra charge at box office. feb20-3td MARKETS. New Yerk Market. New Temr. February 2L Fleur State anil Western quiet and prices without decided chanire: suuertine state 5 006)5 50; extra de $5505 05 ; choice de $5 106W: fancy de fC 10 6700; rennd hoop Ohie $3 756 0u; cheic de $6 107 SO; superfine western $5 0Of3 SO ;' common te poed extra de $3 SOQ5 73 ; choice dodo$5 737 73; cheice white wheat de$3G3 6 25 ; Seutliern dull : common te fair extra $3 83635: geed te choice de $6 4M?7 75. Wheat Sprtng quiet und firm; Winter Kc better und quiet; Ne. 2 white, Feb. $148; de March $1 3K; de April $1 49K: Ne. 2 red, March 1 Sl$4l&!; de April $1 5igl 6; de May $1 50. Cern Cash and early deliveries dull and a shade lewe.i ; late quiet and firm ; Mixed West ern spot 568t)ic : de future 53g60-ic ; Oats dull; state 47K31c; Western 4630yic. l'hlladelphla Market. 1'HiLADBLraiA, February 21. Fleur quiet but firmer; superfine l;5O5 00; ex tra $3 2W?.- 73; Ohie und Indiana family ft: 757 23; I'enn'u family $6500700; St. Leuis family $7 007SO ; Minnesota Fam ily $6 27 00; patent und high grades $725gS30. Itye fieur $3 00. Cornmeal lirundywine unchanged. Wheat flrni. but strong : Ne. 2 Western Ked $1 49 ; l'cnu'a de $1 3PI 31 ; Ambcr$l 511 Si Cern strong : steamer 53J3t;e; yellow 57K 5Sc ; mixed 5eff57e. Oats quiet but firm; Ne. 1 4Sc ; Ne. 2 47c; -". - mixed -.4j)fcjc. Uye firmer; We-ier lern Klc : Pa. Me. Seeds unchanged ; geed te prime eleversccil quiet at $7 75.".:!; Oe timothy firm at $3 25 j J(j ; ie uaxset-ti scarce $1 Will . PruvbieiKntiiuly: nu .ss perK $1."1.'!50; beet hiuiis$lt;5017 0i; India mess beet 215: Un coil smoked shoulders 3(c; suit de 4c4Ji ; smoked hainsUJjSlO'ic. piekled hums ("4a!. Lurd sttuily; city kettle Mc; loe-e butchers' 77V.Jc; prime steum 7?4c. Uiittcr firm with geed trade : t-iciimery extra :K!:!5e; Bradford county ami New i'erk extra 23$27c; Western reserve extra tit 24f2Uc ; de geed te choice ISg-.Sc: rolls choice scarce : leun'a extra 2ags:C; western reserve extra 2024c Kggs steady 14Kc. Pcim'a HM13c; Western 14 Cheese steady ; N. Y. etery 14J15c; de ter geed IUi western iuii cream nj4a;HMc U ; de halt-skims l'd.:: Petroleum 11 mi ; Keifiied 7? Whisky ut $110. stock Markets. Philauklimiia, Feb. 21. 1230 r. si. Stocks dull. Pcnnati's (third issue). Philadelphia & Erie... Heading 10.V?. li Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. u ii neu ces. ei a.j ie7 Northern Pacific :n; Preferred SO Northern Central 32,'i Lehigh Navigation ."j Norristown 102J-i Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Titusville A Butlule. 2a'f Little Schuylkill 5.1J Nk-.v leitK, Feb. Stocks irregular. 21. M eney. ......... fiti i lfCiilritl..li F 1 ll 'srt Adams Express KiT'i Michigan Central 01;;J Michigan Southern M'A Illinois Central 101 Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..Ile'X Chicago ft Reek Island Ifrl'A Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 1 17 Western Union Tel. Ce 1 13' ( Teledo ft Wabash 4.1 New Jersev Central M,' LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARitKT. isnttei ?ift 'jjga, Cup cheese, 3 cups 5e Dutch cheese fl lump SifplOc Cottage cheese, S pieets T..5c ruiTLTiir. Chickens fl pair .".'wnfiOc Ducks $t pair iO&UOc Turkeys $t B. dressed l:Jc Ueese piece M)e$l KISII. jms "ft ie l'w Cattish?? fl. rijc Eels ?? tt lue Oysters 1 100 McQti Pike..-. 1-Jl.ric White l'.'c Salmen 12c Aiulileck be MKATS. Ileef Steak, ?? ft rjle " Keat (rib) ?? 3. lilUc " " (chuck) t? B MM !. " Corned.?? a ll)12c " Dried,?! ft iV(i;ic Hum?? ft K6t,'3tu Lamb ?? ft liJlCc Lurd ?? ft 7i''Je Mutten ?? ft li'((,l;e Perk ?? ft !)&il0e Pudding ?! lb 8c Sausage ?; ft S!fMc Sides und llueeu ?? ft grille Shoulders ?1 ft 7c Veal 1 ft lUQICc CHAIN'. Wheat?! bus 1.50 Kye?? bus ixic Cern ?? bus (lie Outs?! bus l!ic Cleverseed ?? bus .f.VT.V&ii.Oe Timethy Seeed ?l bus j3 25 " I.AMPS,lC. " T IGIIT. FLIJSTjST & BREIYEMAJS -AKE OKI'KKIXO GREAT BARGAINS IN Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods ureenllrely new ami handsomer than ever before ell'ered und prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. JIMCELIulXEO US. F OK KENT. Duke street Apply at j31-tfd between Chestnut and Walnut. THIS OFFICE. f 1IIAS. DKIM.MKK. Removed te Ne. 4 Wet King street, first fleer, Rheuds Se Bre.'s new building. 127-lmdl CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGNS. NLEWIS, M. D.. GKADUATK OF THE . University of Derput, Ruia. formerly of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 213 Wit King street. Office hours from 8 te 10 a. in.. 1 te 2 p. in. und 6 te 8 p. m. j28-2nid XENTI3TKY. DR. I. NORMAN BROOMELL, Graduate efthc Pennsylvania College of Den" tal Surgery, having procured the office and fixtures of the late Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, will continue the budne.-s ut Ne. :ie Eut King street, next deer te Court Heuse. Cum admin istered. feb20-2td rAKCUS G. SEIINliK, HOUSE CARPENT.ER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al tcratien and repairs. sl.'Myd M OKTGAGES I'OIt SALt. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one for $10,000 and the ether ler $1,730, first Hens und well se cured en eligible city Real Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Mishler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. It. WILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. 111-tlWAS Lancaster, Pa. TMPOBTANT TESTIMONIAL. Prep. D. A. Leem is. M, D..formerly Professer of Anatomy in the Pennsylvania Medical Col lege, late Surgeon in the United: States Army, and also Professer et Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the St. Leut Medi cal Cellege.writes the following te the Ilelman Liver Pad Company : "Gestlemex: The Pad Is a marvel or sue cess. I have given its working u personal la spectlen, and find that it merits inv prefcs sienal sanction, it acts kindly, safely 111 d effectively, and comes the nearest te a univer sal panacea of anvthlmr 1 knew in medicine and the only wonder is that the medical pro fession has net before made it of practical use te suffering humanity, for the principle is as old as Hippocrates himself. I especially recom mend the Pad in all malarial affections, and In chronic diseases of the various organs It Is In valuable." febll.2wdeed . Ji ('