Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 21, 1880, Image 1
r ij'H '"' s . i ''- r 'in'i ifc?U(PPirt? . fWlji. rvte-. - - '-"""" ,- C Volume XVI-Ne. U7. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1880. Price Twe Cents. aEhje it- -, it, i - TJCItMS. THE DAILYINTELUGENOER, PUBLISHED ZVKBT rVKOTNO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Buildings Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. The Daily Intelligencer In furnished te subscribers in the City of Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Kallread and Dally Stage Lines ut Ten Cents Per Week, layuble te the Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a year in advance : otherwise, V. Kntcml at the pest efliec at Lancaster, Pa., as .-ecend clat-s mail matter. -The STEAM JOH l'RIXTIXG DEPART DEPART MKNTef this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds et Plain and Kancv Printlnir. COAL. b: It. MABTI.N, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kiud- of LUMBER A.VI) COAL. S-Vard: Xe. 420 Xerth Water anil Prince street, above Lemen, Lancaster. n:-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal et the Itent Ouallty put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TUY A SAMPLE TON. Vi YAItD 150 SOUTH WATEH ST. uuSI-lyil PHILIP SCHUM.SOX & CO. JUST 1CKCKIVEI) A FINK LOT OF HALED TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALERS IN COAL ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN I ! ! FAMILY COAL UNDER COVER. Minnesota PatcntPreecssFamlly and Baker's Fleur, Baled Iiay and Feed of all kinds. AYaieheuse and Yard : 234 Xerth Water St b27-lyd CO HO & WILEY, ;t NORTH WATER .ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale anil Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Itullders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Branch Olllcc : Xe. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb.!8-lyd COAL! "-" - COALn OO TO GORRE0HT & CO., l-oi-Ceod and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrisburg Pike, Offlce 20J East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECHT, Agt. .1. II. RILEY. e'.Myd W. A. KELLEU. N TO TICK TO TUB PUItLIU. G. SENER & SONS. Will continue te sell only GENUINE LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBAR11E COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAIt AXTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed order. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash Deers, Blinds, Ac, at Lewest Market Prices. Ollice and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd HOOTS AND SHOES. 17 S. OY HOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS XJ A JL made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet. DAATC Lasts iniirin te order. 15UU JLe MILLER, tebli-tfd 1S1 EastKing street. 0,KC -1IKCUMSTANCKS WILL XOT PKKM1T TO ADVEIITISE A REDUCTION IN PRICES, but we will de the next thing te it, viz : We will call the attention of our friends and customers te the fact that we have en hand a very Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, purchased bcleie the late ADVAXCE, which we will sell at Strictly Old Prices. ttjuGive us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET FURNITURE. A SPECIAL IXV1TATIOX TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers, Easv Chairs, ICatan Rockers. Hat Hacks, Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables. Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire ami Common Mattresses, Heek Cases, Ward robes, Escriteirs. UphelsteredCaneand Weed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks. Deughtrays, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, &c, always en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTEUIXG IX ALL ITS BRAXCHES. UEPAIItlXG PROMPTLY AXD XEATLY DOXE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order Kcgilding done at Seasonable Kates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 13 EAST KING STREET, (Over Kursk's Grocery and Sprecher's Slate Stere), WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindler's Old Stand), OUSTS GOODS. HANDSOME PRESENTS. OLAUDENT SCARPS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, B. J. ERISMABPS, 56 NORTH IJUKKN STREET. DRUG STORES. TRUSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES Safest, Easiest and Best, FOR SALE BT ANDREW G. FRET'S Cltv Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. Xerth Queen A Orange Ste., Lancaster. ap!9-lyd FRY LOCnEU'S COUGH SYKUP. CLOTHING. NEW GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYMADE CLOTHING everexhibitedinthecity of Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men G.O). Geed Styles Cassimere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Jlen's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are immense. All grades and every variety or styles and colors, rer men, boys and youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Reys' Suits. Full line of Men's. Youths' and Re3's' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables fitted up expressly se that every piece can be examined before making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed stvle ami at short notice and at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit for $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and becenvinceda.s te the truth et which wc affirm. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street. OPECL' AL NOTICE. 66. 63. Mansmaii&Bre. QSAND CLOSING SALE ! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL 1XDUCEMEXTS te buyers et Clothing in order te make room for a large SPUIXG STOCK new being manu factured, and wc are needing room. We offer well-made and stylish Clethiim for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard of before, although Goods are going up every day. We will sell, for we must have the room. Loek at Our Astonishingly Lew Price List : OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS '. OVERCOATS : for $2.90, ler $3.85, for $3.33, for $0.75. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS for $7.73. for $9.73, for $10.75. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! for $12, $14, $10 and $20. These arc heavy-lined Overcoat, carefully made and splendidly trimmed. OVEKCOATS! OVEKCOATS! OVEKCOATS for $7.30, ler $3.30, for $9.30, for $12. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! for $15, for $18, for $20. These are Plaid-Back Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEX'S SUITS ! for $3.50, $1.00, $3.00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. MEX'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. BOYS' SUITS AXD OVEKCOATS ! BOYS' SUITS Irem $2.23 te $10.00. BOYS OVEKCOATS VEKY LOW. Wc sell only our own make and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net found as represents. 5-Plcasc call, whether you wish te purchase or net. T Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the cash prices and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PAXTS TO ORDER irem $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCIIAXT TAILORS AXD CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (Bailsman's Cerner.) FOUNDERS AXD MACHINISTS. T ANCASTKK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite the Locomotive Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. M&- Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHX BEST. TINWARE, tO c IALLONSHERTZER, HUMPHREVILLE & KIEFFEK, manufacturers ei TIX AXD SHEET-IRON WORK, and dealers in GAS FIXTURES AXD HOUSE FURXISHIXG GOODS. Special attention given te PLUMBIXGGAS and STEAM FITTING Xe. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. MARBLE WORKS. WE P. FBATT.EYS . MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Xertn yueen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMEXTS. HEAD AXD FOOT STONES, GARDEX STATUARY, CEMETEKY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of Xerth Queen street. m301 Hancaster Intelligencer. SATUBDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, 1880. THE LOCAL ELECTIONS. Township and Borough Officers Chesen Last Tuesday. BRECKNOCK. Judge : Peter II. Leinimrer 103 : An theny Geed 149. Inspectors : Benneville Yeh 128 ; J. II. Sellenberger 105. Assessor : Benj. Seifrit 240. Supervisors : Isaac Messner 101 ; Jehn Shupp 122 ; I. K. Beam 113 ; Jehn Wern er 47 ; Allen Brencman 97. Scheel Directors : Samuel Reifsnyder 88 ; Andrew Emmert 78 ; Levi Trestel 128 ; Henry Rupp 170. Constable : Milten Zicgler 147 ; Isaac Berdenhard 113. Auditor : G. L. Bewman 129 ; D. II. Sellenberger 122. Clerk : Wm. Lesley 212 ; scattering 4. Justice : S. G. Seifrit 131 ; P. S. Stever 120. CAERNARVON. Judge: Pearson Sample 170 Bickham 122. Inspectors : J. H. Leng 174 : Miller 123. Assessor : Israel Clark 132 : ; Martin Edward li. M. Alters 107. Supervisors : Daniel Spotts 176 ; Peter Lichty 137 : Saml Troop 150 ; Christian Greffl22. Scheel Directors : Henry Steltzfus 179 ; Cyrus Witmer 172; Peter Feltz 122; Jacob Heflmau 119. Censtable: Israel Clark 132: R. M. Arters 107. Auditor : Jno. Z. Ilartzler 140 ; Wm. J. MeCaa 149. Clerk : Solemon B. Snader 109 ; Samuel Patten 123. COCALICO EAST. Judge : Jno. A. Reddig 27 ; Menree Berry 135. Inspector ; Richard V. Rcgar 173 ; Daniel Frederick 102 ; Jno. Lutz 142. Assessor : Peter Swcigart 398 Scheel Directors : Jas. W. Lapc 227 ; Isaac Oberheltzer 228 ; Jno. Smith 328 ; Samuel M. Fry 288 : Samuel P. Lee 210. Constable : Jno. L. Weaver, 183 : Jacob Welfskill 244. CLAY. Judge : J. B Wissler 184 ; S. II. Binga inan 109. Inspectors : Levi Dissingcr 17 ; Jesiah R Niess 78 ; Harry B. Eberlv 12 1 ; Jehn Ruth 09. Assessor : Jacob W. Buchter 108; Jehn L. Elscr 181. Supervisors : James Donmeycr 1G3 ; Samuel Wcisland 147 ; Levi Zeller 45 ; Jehn Weiland 104. Scheel Directors : Samuel S. Wolf 24G : Wm. K.Furlew234. Constable : Daniel Felkcr 134 ; Jehn G. Keener 122. Auditor : Jacob Kessler 277. Clerk : Martin S. Gress 270. Justice: Samuel Nisslcy 204 ; II. II. Bingaman 201; H. E. Steinmctz 111. DONEGAL WEST. Judge : Jehn R. Herr 9G ; Benjamin F. Wormley 89. Inspector : M. M. Nissley 103 ; Chris tian Dencckcr 80. Assessor : Jehn Prescott 104 ; Michael Herst 79. Supervisors : Jacob Kinsey 90 : Chris tian Barnhart 100 ; Benjamin Shealler 84 ; David Deniven 94. Scheel Directors : Levi Leuecker 102 ; Jeseph Brant 85 Solemon Hoever 91 Solemon Hoever 08. Constable : Gustavus Schwan 109 ; An- drew Baker 74. Auditer: Jehn S. Garver 103 Abram Ferney 82. Clerk : J. G. Gess 97 ; Daniel Swcigart 85. EARL EAST. Judge : Jno. S. Rogers 147 ; S. R. Kecler 4. Inspectors : Wm. Geed 120 ; Isaac Feltz 19 ; Jno. B. Martin 4. Assessor and Censtable: Tobias W. Wanrer 140. Supervisors : Samuel W. Shirk 143 ; Jacob Wechter 143. Scheel Directors; Christian J. Martin 143 ; Joel King 141 ; J. Ovcrheltzer 3. Auditor : Daniel Wanner 149. Clerk : Ed. M. Wallace 148. Justice of Peace : Samuel B. Feltz 148 ; B. F. Weaver 150. EARL. Jntlgc Bair 51. Geerge II. Ranck 372 ; Levi II. Inspectors : D. S. Schlauch 323 Daniel W. Deitrich 45 ; Adam Overley 55. Assesser: Henry Naglc 358 ; Henry Be Be sere 58. Supervisors : Gee. Bair 273 ; Elam Rei tcr 298; Gee. Drybread 113; Jehn K. Smith 33 ; Jacob Zinn 33. Scheel Directers: Jehn Buckwalter 348 ; Samuel B. Sheaffer270; Henry Mussel man 152. Constable : Henry Nagle 3G5 ; Isaac Mc Carty353; Wm. Wenger 03. Auditer: Reuben Rcidcnbach 358; Jac. Keller 50. Clerk : Gee. W. Smith 370 : Levi Hull 49. EARL WEST. Judge: C. S. Wenger 102. 109 ; David Erb Inspecters: Rudy Wolf 82; Wm. Gress 70 ; Rudy Brown 53. Assessor : R. L. Evans 214. Supervisors : Samuel Hufferd 194 ; Jehn Wolf 208. Scheel Directers: Levi W. GrelT 98 ; Christian GrelT 143; David II. Martin 129. Constable : Harry Hirsh 102 ; Clayten Hellingcr 94 ; Edward Givler 0. Auditor : S. W. Wanner 217. Town Clerk: S. M. Seldemridge 210. EDEN. Judge : B. Witmer 98 ; Uaris Hoopes 103. Inspector : Wm. Kunkle 103 ; Michael Weimar 97. Assessor : W. Frank Hess 99 ; Samuel A. Keene 104. Supervisors : A. T. Myers 99 ; Fred'k Gaul 108; Gee. W, Byerly 109; Isaac Rogers 81. Scheel Directors : D. D. Hess 110 ; Gee. M. Creswcll 87 ; Jehn II. Bair 107 ; David Keene 88. Constable : Gee. W. Kunkcl 201. Auditor : S. M. Hess 108 ; Silas Weiler 97. Justice of Peace : T. L. Thompson 120 ; David Boffenmeyer 82. ELIZABETH. Judge : Peter W. Weidman 105 ; Mene Brubaker 80. Inspectors : Hiram Weidmau 101 ; Wil liam Blantz 88. Assessor : Jeseph M. Matthews 130 ; Isaac W. Hull 51. Supervisors : Urias Denning 152 ; Elias Weidman 78 ; Benj. Zartman 07. Scheel Directors : Edwin Elser 130 ; Benj. L. Stauffer 119 ; Celin Cameren 78. Constable : Jacob Wolf 114 ; Geerge Getz 72. Auditor : Dr. J. H. Seiling 191. Clerk : Michael Engle 185. Justice : Abram B. Reist 181 ; Jes. Weidman 1 ; Jacob Ulrich 1. LAMPETER EAST. Judge : Wm. Smith 154 ; Jesse P. Ranck 192. Inspector : Sam'l Witmer 41 ; Jno. Smith 167 ; Christian Vogle 15 ; Sylvanus Campbell 116. Assessor : E. J. Buckwalter 278. Supervisors : Adam Froelick 105 ; J. n. Ycager 158 ; Wm. Arment 109 ; D. R. Dener 188. Scheel Directors : David Dertlingcrl98; Dan'l R. Myers 186 ; Elias H. Herr 148 ; Ames Lengencckcr 113. Constable : Jes. Cessner 109 ; Jere Reed e7 ; Jes. btyer 3 ; Lemen Kessler Howe 133.' Auditor : Isaac II. Rohrer 9tf M. Miller 245. 30 ; Jas. Dr. A. Clerk : E. J. Buckwalter 296. Justice Peace : Laban Ranck 95 ; S. B. Patterson 248. LAMPETER WEST. Judge : Jehn B. Kendig 107 ; Marias B. Weaver 103. Inspectors Ames B. Leaman 58 ; Elmer B. Lefever, 17 : Jacob W. Rohrer 120 ; H. H. Burklielucr b. Assessor : J. II. Bewman 270. Surpervisers : Edmund Lefever 204 ; Daniel W. Krcider 177 ; Wm. Weaver 101 ; Martin Shaub 3. Scheel Directors : Jehn R. Kreider 200 ; Jehn B. Herr 103 ; B. B. Mylin 143 ; Gee. Shifluer 4G. Constable : Gee. Schell 83 ; Ames Graeff 183. Auditor : Jacob Burkhelder 140 ; A. S. Mylin 110. Clerk : II. Miller 270. Justice : Jehn C. Reese 31 ; D. W. Harnish 84 ; S. F. Gall 147. LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. Judge : Samuel Crawford 101. Inspectors : D. B. Martin 10 ; B, W. Charles 41 : Jehn J. Bailsman 40. Assessor : Andrew F. Frantz 99. Supervisors : Henry Martin 101 ; Henry G. Miller 101. Scheel Directors : Jacob E. Ranck 97 ; Jeseph Brubaker 97. Constable : David Keplinger 32 ; Thes. J. Smith 55 ; Philip S. Eaker 12. Auditor : Jehn Shank 99 : Samuel Ranck 93. Clerk : Benj. Lengneckcr 98. LEACOCK. Judge : P. Buckwalter 181 , Jehn L. Lightncr 33. Inspectors : Mahlen Ruth 149 ; Elias E. Harnish 39 ; Gee. II. Skiles 24. Assessor : H. K. Harsh 194. Supervisors : William Blair 199 ; Cyrus Scnger 129 ; David C. Hanch 80. Scheel Directors : Blias Leaman 195 ; Tobias K. Hcrshy 187. Constable : Jno. S. Warfel 185. Auditor : Jno. Seldemridge 193. Clerk : Jasen K. Eaby 193. LITTLE BRITAIN. Judge : Sam'l Cenrad 108 ; N. II. Wells Of. Inspector : Jehn Jehnsen jr. 122 ; Wm. W. Evans, 127. Assesser: A. K. Morrison 120; D. R. Hilten, 130. Supervisors : Wm. McCeinscy 127 Robt. Gibsen 58 ; S. Fairlambl. Scheel Directors : Alice M. Coats 82 Wm. R. Wright 138 ; E. M. Zell 149. Constable : T. Scott Wilsen 102 ; Sam'l Raddcrs 145. Auditor : Frank Hays 154 ; F. W. II. Rea Hickman 90; Chas. 1 ; Samuel Hays le4. Clerk : Jes. Priest man 132. 122; F. W. Hick- MANHEIM BOROUGH. Judge : A. D. Gresh 213 ; J. M Dun- lap 102. Inspectors : Atlm. Ilackman 218 f Gee. W. Fisher 103. Assessor : II. Diflenderfer 230 ; II. Dasher 79. Council : J. W. Numbers 249 ; J. II. Apple 103 ; P. C. Arneld 72 ; D. S. Sum my 153. Scheel Directors : D. W. Leng 200 ; A. R. Brandt 178 ; S. S. Yeung 121 ; Geerge Mcnglc 125. High Constable B. S. lleuscr 233 ; T. Iv. Brosey 83. Constable : L. II. Gibble 153 ; S. W Ritter 100. Auditor : C. E. Bembergcr 215 ; E. Crossem 97. Burgess : II. C. Boyd 174 ; II. F. Mc- Cloud 99 ; Win Nauman 49. MANHEIM TOWNSHIP. Judge : Adam B. Leng 403. Inspector : Israel B. Relner 97 ; Samuel K, Hestctter 145 ; Jacob K. Ilestetter 148. Assessor : A. C. Ilyus 397. Supervisors : Henry Bembergcr 217 ; F. M. Delp 182 ; David J. Kemper 73 ; Ste phen H. Weiler 118 ; Henry Beam 111. Scheel Directors : Jes. C. Buckwalter, 2G1 ; David L. Hess 190 ; David B. Huber 249. Constable : S. S. Geist 340 ; Jno. F. Heffman 55. Auditor : David L. Stener 404. Clerk : Samuel Brubaker 222 ; D. C. Flcmming 177. Justice Peace : A. C. Ilyus 388 ; C. L. Hunsccker 350. MARTIC. Judge : Saml Jenes 247 ; David Smith 122. Inspectors : Jacob Evans 100 ; Jehn Dufly 122 ; B. F. Armstrong 138. Assesser: Jas. A. Ewing 200; S. C. Stevenson 105. Supervisors : Levi Herr 155 ; Samuel Mc Clcery 188 ; Themas Stewart 103 ; Jno. Mc Laughlin 170. Scheel Director : Jes. Miller 198 ; Gee Campbell 137 ; David Smith 123 ; Gee. Lambern 211. Constable : Jacob R. Shank 229 ; Eemery T. Mill 139. Auditor : Jas. Clark 1G2 ; Ames McFall 204. Clerk : J. T. Smith 247 ; B. F. Miller 121. MARIETTA BOROUGH. Chief Burgess : Dr. II. S. Trout 250 ; C. M. Buchcr 255. Assistant Burgess : Edward Rusing 289; Jehn K. Fiddler 208. Council : Adam Bahn 290 ; Israel Good Geed man 240 ; Christopher Hauer 2G8 ; Geerge Bucher 217. Auditer: W. M. Tinsley 292; Jehn Stambach 190. Constable : Jehn Naylor 258 ; Allen S. Ruby 2G9. Judge : Albert Rapp 2G0 : Adam Wis man 246. Inspector : C. E. Nagle 291 ; E. W. Mc Mc Elrey 211. Justice of Peace : E. D. Reath 270 ; Jehn Waller 231. Registry Assessor : Rebert Carrell 274 ; Jehn Riff 233. Scheel Directers: Abram Summy327; Dr. G. W. Reich 290 ; Ames Bewman 280; J. H. Hegener 182 ; J. C. JKlump 108 ; J. I. McConnell 200. Assistant Constable : A. Emswilcr 201 ; J. J. Stahl 315. PARADISE. Judge ; II. E. Slump 175 ; S. W. Frew 88. Inspecters: Gee. T. Lockwood 150; Jehn Pheneger 41 ; N. J. Lefevre 71. Assesser: Wm. Jehnsen 103: J. G. Fester 100. Supervisors : Bart Watsen 177 ; Abram Hostetter 190 ; Jehn German 90. Scheel Directors : Jeseph Whitman 153; Benj. Ranck 165 ; David Edwards 114. Constable : J. L. Miller 193 ; James Neil 09. Auditor : Martin Denlinger 177 ; Geerge Rewo 86. Clerk: Matthias Kunkle 171; Isaac Rife 88. Justice : W. C. Frew 192 ; A. P. Mc Ilvainc 70. PROVIDENCE. Judge: Urias Clarksen 187.; Albert Smith 69. Inspector : II. E. Smith 184 ; Uriah Huber 68. Assessor : T. J. Armstrong 195 ; Frank Breneman 59. Supervisors : Edw. Reese 221 ; Clayten Wiggins 100 ; Jno. Cenrad 97. Scheel Directors : A. H. Helm 182 ; Jno. Strohm, jr, 242 : Jno. Tweed 73. Constable : Elias Ceble 174 ; Ephraim Potts 82. Auditer: F. W. Helm 180; Ames Shirk 65. Clerk ; Frank Gochenauer 109 ; David Harlan 65. Justice of Peace : Jno. Strohm, jr, 243 ; B. F. Brooks 127 ; B. II. Witmer 123. PEQUEA. Judge : H. G. Rush 155 ; A. R. Greff 94. Inspectors : Milten K. Sener 58 ; Martin Eshleman 75 ; J. F. Bewman 54. Assesser: A. Mehatley, jr, 115; Jno. M. Ilarman 113. Supervisers: C. W. Shaub 115 ; Benj. Warfel 181 ; Benj. F. Kreider 110. Scheel Directors : Jehn Huber 204 ; W. G. Mellinger 229. Constable : J. B. Erb 235. Auditor . Jacob Hcidelbausli 230. Clerk : Henry Summeriield 133 ; Jehn Martin 81 ; Geerge Sawville 12 ; S. Moere 8 ; S. Shaub 10. Justice of Peace : Jno. M. Fulton 121 ; B. F. Grolf 129. SADSBURY. Judge : I. W. Slokem 135 ; Edward Graves 120. Inspectors : Themas Yeung 140 ; J. D. Harrar 100. Assessor : Cyrus Lingerf ield 128 ; B. Albright 120. Supervisors : A. T. McCIcllcn 140 ; Seth Themas 110. Scheel Directors : Fred Bush 143 ; S. B. Pewnall 150 ; Willian McLimans 101 ; J. Brosius 104. Constable : J. B. Harris 119 ; William Albright 109 ; Isaac Williams 22. Auditor : Levi Scarlet 154 ; II. S. Kerns 93. Clerk : Isaac Albright 183. Justice : William McGowan 144 ; William Neble 109. WARWICK. Judge : J. J. Sturgis 374 ; Jere Auchey 107. Inspectors : Jeseph Buch 379 ; II. F. Hermes 105. Assessor Gridcr 182. M. M. Fields 298 ; Geerge T. Supervisors : Jacob L. Demmy 204 ; Hiram Brubaker 297 ; Frank Rcssler 3G4 . Scheel Directors : Henry Erb 295 ; Jeseph Hess 298. Litiz District : Jehn Kahl 43 ; J. Weltmer 62 ; II. B. Bechlcr 128 ; I. F. Bembergcr 127. Censtable: Hiram Hellman 308; Wm. Essig 174. Auditor : Wm. Adams 3G9 Jehn Bender 107. Clerk : Frank McKinucy 305 ; P. J. Roebuck 12. MEDICAL. CUTICURA ! HUMOUS OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND SCALP. Cuticcua Reselvext U the most powerful Bleed Purifier antl Liver Stimulant ever com pounded. In forty minutes after taking the lirwt dose it may he detected in the .saliva, bleed, sweat and urine, showing that it has en tered the bleed and been distributed through out the entire system. In its passage through the circulating lluids it meets with the corrupt particles of matter which fester anil maintain disease, with which it chemically unites, de stroying and gradually eliminating them Irem the system. Hence its power te forever expel Scrofulous, Cancerous and Canker Humors, which un checked fill the body with foul corruptions and ret out the delicate machinery of lite. Cuticuka. the great external remedy for all Humors of the Scalp and Skin, Ulcers. Seres and Discharging Wounds, is the most sooth seeth ing and healing of outward applications. It speedily destroys fungus and pa rasiticgrewths. restores the oil glands anil tubes te a healthy condition, and cures, when assisted by the Cuticdra Seap, Diseases et the Skin and Scalp which have been the torture of a life time. SKIN DISEASE, Great Suil'ertng for Sixteen Years. A Won derful Cure by the Cuticura Remedies. Messrs. Weeks & Petteu : Gentlemen. Cuti cuka Remedies liave done me a power of geed. 1 have been alllicted with skin discsise for six teen years. Seme days it troubled me mert than ethers, but at night the itching nearly drove me wild. I would scratch until the bleed would run down my limbs. I have had several physicians. Seme said they could cure me, but ethers said net. I will say that before I used the Citicura Remedies I was in a tearful state, and had given up all hope of ever having any relief. But, likea drewningman graspingatastraw, I thought I would try the Citicuua Remedies, about which I had reail se much. They have perfumed a wonderful cure ler me, and of my own free will anil accord I re commend them. Yours truly, S. A. STEELE. CSW. Van Burcn St., Chicago, III., March! 17, 18?J. MORE GOOD THAN DOCTORS In Three Years of Treatment. Gentlemen. Please llnd 50 cents te pay for small box of Cuticura and direct it te me. The dollar box you sent me has done me mere geed than all the doctors in three years. The doc tors have done me no geed. My leet and legs are healing fast. It is indeed Cuticura. Yours truly, EVAX MORGAN', V. M. Moscow, Minx., June 23, 1878. CUTICURA SOAP Superior te Any. Ciias Dessin. Druggist, First Place, cer. Court street. Brooklyn, March 4, 1879, I can cheerfully speak of the healing quali ties of your Cuticttra Seap, and its pertume is superior te any of the standard soaps new in use. CHAS. DEXXIN. The Cuticura Remedies arc prepared by Weeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3tK) Washington street, Bosten, and are ler sale by all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, SO cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times the quantity et small, $1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cents per cake.; by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes 75 cencs. COLL!Ns By instantly atfectin the Xerveus System.thci VOLTAIC SHShICTHO influence is at once felt a VULlAH.gmvinu.tne wrtlest extremities bi ACTtPfC9 ITciice Pain, -which arises A I from a disturbance et the Nerve Forces, is cured in every instance as if by magic. Alse, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, Irritation of the Stomach and Bowels, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia and Bilious Celic. WRITING INKS, JtC. u SK TUB BEST. HARRISON'S CELEBRATED WRITING INKS, FLUIDS AXD MUCILAGE. Give them a trial. Ask yenr stationer for them and take no ether. 49-SPECIAL RATES for inks in bulk for Schools and Colleges. HARRISOX MANUFACTURING CO., 512 Broadway, Xew Yerk. Please mention this paper. feb5-lmdAw u SE LOCIIER'S HORSE AXD CATTL rOWDEBS. EOR THE LADIES. CARD TO UKDEKWEAK BOOMS. Grand Depot; - - - Jehn Wanamaker. PHILADELPHIA. The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we are new showing merit mere than passing notice. With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed goods, finished with rare silk and niceness, we introduce THE CONTENT WOKK and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are made. These who have traveled will remember the exquisite handiwork they have found in the cottages of the peasants. . A peculiarly desirable article in UNMADE DRAWERS, Being simply the patterns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and ready for making up. We certainly have new THE PERFECTION OF UNDERWEAR. Moderate prices are as noticeable as the refined character of the goods. We have a full stock of I3FAXTS' SLIPS, 1XFAXTS' DRESSES, IXFAXTS' SKIRTS, INFANTS' SKIRTS, Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things wanted in a Baby's Wardrobe. Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired. JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, 13th ST. PHILADELPHIA. DRY GOODS. WALL PAPER isse. WALL F APE US, WALL PAVERS. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL J'APERS. HAGER & BROTHER Are receiving all the XEW SPRING STYLES of PAPERHANGING-S, In large assortment of EMBOSSED GILT, BRONZE, SATINS. U ROUNDED and BLACK PAPER, with Dade Frieze and Borders te match, ler Parlors, Halls, Libraries, Dining-rooms and Chambers. As our orders for the alie ve were placed before the advance, we shall continue te hell at the old low price. Estimates made and paper hung by experienced paper hangers. Window Sliades, Shading and Fixtures in full assortment. AIm, Weel Terrys ami Crete.mes, Nottingham Laces and Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Headings and Cornice Poles, etc. Call and examine. HAGER & BBO. GREAT LINEN SALE -AT NEW YORK STORE. JUST OPENED A SPLENDID LINE Of TABLE LINENS AT OLD PRICES. LOOM DICE LIXEXS, at ii, 2 j, 31, 37J and 50c. per yard. BLEACHED and YARN BLEACHED DAJIASKS, at 3 !.', ."), 31, ilV.. 73, 87J . and" $1 each. An Elegant Line of FIXE BARXSLEY DAMASKS, at$l per yard. BARGAIN'S IX TOWELS, at 3, 10, 12J& 13, 23, 23,37and 30c. each. 100 DOZEN FIXE DAMASK TOWELS, at 23c. each. f ATT, SMD 4 COMPAIY, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. S?-Will shortly remove te STIRK'S CIIIXA HALL, 8 aud 10 East King Street. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS!' SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et POXY, PORTLAND AXD ALBAXYS. TWO FIXE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, By STREIT A LOCKWOOD. et Penghkeepsie, X. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger POItTLAXU SLEIGH. TRIMMED AXD UXTKIMMKDj PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, a fine let el Buggica and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg & Bowe, and a variety half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 430 & 432 North Jncen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. ecl3-lyd WINES AND S. CLAY ESPECTFTJLLY calls the attention of Ms friends as well as -tw the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. LADIES ! INFANTS' ROUES, INFANTS' SHIRTS, IN FLANNEL, IN CAMBRICS. 1SSO. THE - l'HAETOXS. Ac el ethers, second-hand. All All te be sold at LIQUORS. MILLER -t I- I. i i iF' J.