"TV-,6 lpt 1 yg?"'?HiwrgrMiM , - fc"-" t" I.." . - s- L 'MM"" - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1880. HUNTING A LOST SOLDIER. Grant, Tlietna, Helntzelman, Hambright, Gempf and the Surgeon en the Trail. In these piping times of peace it may be of some interest te civilians te knew by what method lest soldiers were hunted up in war times. Capt. J. D. Gempf has placed in our hands a document, covered all ever with endorsements in the handwriting of dis tinguished soldiers and surgeons, which gees te show the method by which the lest were found. Here is the document and its scvcial endorsements : Head Quautkrs Ce. K.7!rrn Ree't. J Pknna. Vel. Ikh'tv. $ Sir: Jehn Hess, a private of this com pany, has been absent from his command since December 10th, 1802. When last heard lrem he was in Nashville, state of Tennes see. I have the honor te request that steps may be taken for his immediate leturn te duty with his company, or in case he has bcendischaiged or transfeired te the In valid Cerps, I may be se informed, that his name may bediepped from the rolls of the company. 1 am sir very rcspectluIJy, Your ebed't serv't, J. I). GOMPF, Capt. cemd'g company. Te the Assistant Adjutant General De pal tment of tin- Cumbeiland. The back of the above communication contains the following endorsements : Medical Dikectek's Office, ) Louisville, Ky., January 30th. '01. jj The within named man was admitted into Gen. Hospital, Ne. 1, in this city, en the 11 th day of April, 18C:, and returned te duty May 1.1th, 18:J. Gi.e. G. Sue wands Surg. U. S. A. Medical Director. Hi. ji its. Ce. K, 7.lth Pa. Vels . ) CIIVTTAMIOO , Fcl. Mil, IN.I. $ The within named mau never reported te his company. Information received Feb. 2d places him in Gen'l Hospital, Ne. 4, New Albany, Ind. J. I). Gempf, Capt. Ce. K. 79 P. V. IIi.i ()i. virruis, 3d Bum . 1st Div., ) Hth A. C, Ciiattanoeoa, Feb. 7, isfil. Itespectfully forwarded, with letcience te Capt. Gempf s endorsement. II. A. IIMiminiiT, Cel. Cemdg. Head Qi us. I) kit. Ci mud . CHATTAMHMIA, Fl.lIltUAIU, !, "dl ) i Uespectfully ferwaided te A. A. G. Military Division of the Mississippi, recom mending the return of the within named man, with reference te endorsement of Capt. Gempf. Gi.e. II. Theu s, M.ijer General commanding. IIuwtcjitH Mil. Div. epthi: Mis, ) Xasiiwi le, Tew, Fi is. 1 Jth, '(J! j Uespectfully referred te Majer Gen'l S. P. Hcintelman, ceind'g Neithcrn Dept., who will please comply with the request of Gen. Themas. U. S. Gknt, Maj. Gen. cenul'g. lltVIlQlTAUTHLS NeitTIIHtN I)HT., ) Celumhus, ).. Feby. Kith, isi4 j Uespectfully letcried te Cel. Siinonsen, U. S. A., cemd'g Dist. of Ind. for repeit. This paper te be returned with repeit. By command of Maj. Gen'l Heiiitzelmau. C. II. Pettek, A. A. G. llFAD QlTAUTtltS DlsTlUCT-OF I MUX'S A, ) Indiaaatelis, rebruaiy luth, 18i1. , Uespectfully lefeired te Majer Thes. W. Fiy, surgeon and chief medical elliecr of hospitals in New Albany, whose attention is invited te the endorsements of Maj. General Grant and Maj. General Themas, also te the endorsement of Capt. Gempf. Majei Fiy will .send this man te his regi ment without delay and make a repeit of his action te these head quarters these pipeis te be returned with his report. Uespectfully, L. S. Simonsen, Cemdg. Distiict. lintel VUTiJItsGlM. IIOilLS, ) .N LW" A Lll A V, 1 M l., V Fcbiiiaij 21, "W ) Respectfully icfei red te A. A. Sing. . N. Ehod, U. S. A., in charge hospital Ne. 4, who will comply with instructions from Cel. Simonsen, and return these papeis with action noted. JohnSi.evn, Act'g Asst Surg., U. S. A., in ch irge. tJi.M a L HesrrrvL, Ne. i ) Xnv ALiifW, Ind., Febiuaiy "-N1. ",.1 ) Respectfully returned with the liworma liwerma liworma tien pvt Jehn Hess, formerly of Ce. K., 7l)th Uegt Pen. Vels., was transferred te the Invalid Ceips in August or Sept., 180:1. He is new a member of Ce. " I," 12d Regt 2d Bat. Invalid Cerps. M. N. Ki.nen, A. A. Sing. U. S. A. II i. Oils. (Jim llesrLs. J Ni:w AlbajiV, Indiana, Feluu.iry 21, "fif. ) Uespectfully returned te Cel. Simonsen with endorsement of A. A. Surg. Elred, U. S. A. Uespectfully, Jehn Slean, A. A. Sing. U. S. A. Hi" n QuAitTEits District ok InmvNA, ) lMHANAreLis. Feli'yil' IStiI. v Respectfully returned te Department Head Quarters, and for report refer te en en deisenient of M. N. Elred, Ass't Surgeon, and my instructions hereon. Uespectfully, L. S. Simonsen Cel. U. S. A. Ceind'r Distiict. HfcMI tjl VOTERS NeilTIIKIt Dl'l'O., ) Celumuis, O, Feb'y 25th, 1384. Uespectfully returned te Head Quarters Mil. Div. of the Miss., with report. S. P. IlhlNTZELMVN' Maj. Gen'l Cemd'g. Ill Ml Qui1? llFl'T. Cl'VIID., ) CllAT"IA000, M.IICll2, '61 Respectfully returned te commanding eflicer Tflth Pcnna. Infantry with reference te endorsement of Surg. Ehod, U. S. A., under date of FcbiuaiySl, 1S04. By com mand of Majer General Themas. IIknuy Stem:, Capt. and A. A. G. Thus, after a long hunt, in which Grant, Themas, Heiutzelman'and a dozen ethers took part, Private Jehn Hess was finally discovered in the invalid corps, and there the above document leaves him. By re fei i ing te " Bates's History of Pennsylva nia Velunteeis" wc find the following record of him : " Hess, Jehn, private, mustered into sci vice Sept. 2.1, '01, for three jears. Dis charged Oct.:!, 18151 expiration of term. Visit or Knights or l'jtlilus. Last evening Uniform Division Ne. G, composed of Lancaster ledge Ne. 08 of Knights of Pythias, visited Mount Jey for the purpose of cenferiing the amplified rank upon a member of Cove ledge Ne. 301 of that place. After the business was transacted at the ledge the parties sat dew n te a line supper at Shelly's Lien hotel, which had been prepared at the order of Cove ledge. They returned te this city in the 12:40 train. Police Cases. The mayor had uiue customers before him this morning. Seveu of them were vagrants who had sought shelter in the station house last night, and were dis charged this morning. One was a young countryman who get tee much benzine abeaid and became drunk and disorderly. He was fined and discharged. The ether, a bad case of drunkenness and diserdeily conduct, was sent te jail for 40 day.. A Peddler Bobbed. Yesterday afternoon a peddler named Jeseph Eisenstein left his satchel and a large package en the platform in the Pennsylvania passenger depot while he went into the ticket office te purchase a ticket te Bird-in-Hand. "When he came out both satchel and package were gene a thief having carried them off. The package contained six new counterpanes tied up in a red shawl. The satchel, which was also red, contained about $130 worth of jewelry and fancy articles, the most valuable being one geld and two silver watches, seven geld rings, two dozen silver-plated spec tacles, eight pairs steel-frame spectacles, two geld necklaces, and a varietyef ch eap jewelry and fancy articles. Mr. Eisen stein at first thought some friend had se creted the pieperty by way of a joke, but after waiting awhile and net receiving it, he made information of the theft before Alderman Barr, and telegraphed te the conductors of the trains that had left the city and also te the police authorities of Philadelphia, but thus far has heaid noth ing of the thief or the goods. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. llefere Judge Patterson In the case of Geerge II. Killcnberger vs. D. J. W. Geed the jury rendered a ver dict in favor of the plaintiff for 2136.01. llefere Judge Livingston. In the case el the Hanover Junction rail rail lead company vs. Michael II. Moeie the evidence closed at neon te-day, befeie court adjourned, and counsel began speak ing this afternoon. Divorced. Benjamin Wcidner residing, near Lititz, was diveiced fiem his wife, Elvina Wcid ner, en the grounds of desertion. This afternoon the attorneys in this case after having a consultation, submitted their points of law te the court, under whose instiuctiens the juiy found in favor of the plaintiff for 1,077.50. surprise Party. Yesterday was the 43th birthday of Henry Deeir, of North Water stiect, and his wife detei mined te surpiise him. Last night about forty of his gentlemen fiiends, who had been invited by Mrs. Decrr, gath ered at the house and Mr. D. knew noth ing of their presence until he returned from an ci rand dew n street and found them assembled. The evening was well spent by the gentlemen, who did ample justice te an excellent supper prepared by Mrs. Deeir. Washington Iloreuuli Items. Jeseph Steiner has an cgj; laid by one of his hens a year old, which measures 0 J inches in its smaller and 8 inches in its greater ciicumference. Let Stiasbuig township try again en large eggs. The liver is falling and the ducks are expected te airivc daily. The election is ever ; some are happy and ethci.s are net. Irish Itelief Fund. Mayer M.icGeniglc acknowledges eccipt of sje fiem "A Fiiend,'' for W.inaniaker Irish relief fund. the the Supper at the Ilethcl. At the Union Bethel chtiieh.ceriiei of Orange an 1 li nice streets, to-meuow evening, u siip P'l will be given ter the benefit et the chine!'. An excellent ine.iI w ill lie furnished at .i nom mat sum. Dentistry. Ity leleience te our advertising columns it will lie seen that I)i. liioeincll lias taUen the ellice feuneilv occupied by the late Dr. liite side. 1 isli. "'I!u." sellci-, brought a lei.il of fresh Sus qucli inu.i Ii-li te tow n te-day and he w ill have t'lLin en market tei sale te nimimv. Amusements. " The Diinttci."' On Monday evening Jo aquin Millet's plav et "The D.nntes" will be pteduccd in tin-, city by a company under the management et .lames Wind, et Philadelphia, who has seemed the light fiem McKee KanKin te plav the piei e in Kastein Pennsylvania. " The Pirates " Te-nniht. A great many seats h iv e already been sold ter the pei ferniaiice at Fulton epeia lieu-e te-night, when Mc-sis. Cillieit and. s'illiv an's latest epeiatic success, "The rn-ateset renzance," will be pieduced for the lirst time in tills city by a company et fifty peisens, organized by Mr D'Oyly Carte. The pi ess of the cities of New Yeik und Phila delphia, where the opera Is new miming te im mense success at the Filth Avenue in the lirst named place, and at the Seuth lliead in the latter unite in classing "The Pirates" as among the bilghtest et modern light? operas. It is said te lie chai acterized by the delightful humor, liiilliant wit and deft atne that wen fei "Pinafore" ILs immediate great success, v lule Mr. buiiivan is credited with the impos sible fe.it el surpassing himself in the music, which is pronounced siipener te that of the last named opera. Dr. H'rtrrpn'i lecture. The eminent astron omer anil lecturer, Kev . Henry W. M'aiicn, I). I) , will deliver his popular, lecture "llecrea "llecrea tiens in Astronomy,'' in Fulton opera house, en Tlmisday evening of next week, under the auspices of a number of gentlcmenef tins city, w hose inquiiy into this Held of science during the present w inter have succeeded in meusing such gieat popular interest and resulted m the lorinatien et an oiganizatien specially devot ed te the study. The lecture w ill be illustrat ed with calcium light, under direction of Pief. Win. Leng, w he had charge of the light en the occasion of the great Piocter lecture here. Anether feature et the occasion will be the grand chorus of a hundred amd fifty voices pupils efthe boys' and girls' high schools, un der the direction of Pi of. Carl Matz. Dr. War ren h.is illicitly been heaid tw Ice in Lancaster within the past lew years; once en the "F'eices of a bunbeain," and again en u "Trip te the Stars," and enjej 3 among our people the repu tation of an eloquent orator. The chart is now new open at the book store of Jehn Kuer's Sens, X01 th Queen street, w here seats may be secur ed w ltlieut extra charge. Leap Year Special Excursion Te Philadelphia ever the Philadelphia antl Reading railroad, en Tuesday, Febiuary 24. Tickets geed for three days te return en any tram. Fare for round trip only $1.75. Special train leaves Lancaster (King sticet) at 6 a. m.: Columbia, 5.30 a. m. Ferparticulaisscj pesters and circulars at all stations. Watuiloe, Iowa, Jan. 25, 1S7P. I was taken w ith an ucutcattack et Rheuma tism last fall, and confined te bed. At first cm cm pleyed a physician, w ltheut benefit ; then sent te Wanglei's Bres.' Drug Stoie, ami obtained a bottle of St. J icon's Oil, the use et which seen gave me relief, and cured me et the at tack. I can safely recommend it te all suffer ing with Rheumatism. Respectfully, JIatt. 3IcDkhmett, I. C. H. R. Shep. Don't Trifle with the Teeth! If our teeth weic renewed as our nails, they might net need constant caie. But teeth don't repeat themselves aftci childhood. The proper thing te de is te use SOZODOXT, which pie seives their health and beaut v. It never falls. flO-lvveed New Advertisements. Tlnee-sterj Biick Heuse for Rent. Linen S lie at the New Yerk Stere. The Dauites at the Opera IIen. Ge te Franke's. Public Sale. Dentistry. Personal. Wanted. E2TFer further details see advertising column. LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP CURES SUMPTION, CON- SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Bbowmxe's C. & C. Cordial is the greatest friend ever known te the consump tive, because it rapidly cures every cold, which, if permitted te run its course, would speedily destroy lite, and also reduces that continuous inflammation which causes sucli fearful destruction of the substance of the lungs. Fer sale by all druggists. Price 50c. W. Champien Browning, Pi op., 1117 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. flU-lwd&w "I gave the child a dose of 'Dr. Sellers Cough Syrup,' and it was all right in an hour." Sold by druggists at 23 cents per bottle. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying w ith the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? II se, go at once and geta bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOlHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth w he has ever used it, who w ill net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is pei fectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas- ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere" 25 cents a bottle. LJ17-lyd&wM,W&S Use Lechcr's Herse and Cattle Powders. Statistics prove that tw enty-hve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease In its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Every one will And a general tonic in " Lindsey's Improved Bleed Searcher." All tltugglsts sell it. Kidney-Wert is nature's remedy for Kidney and Liv cr diseases, Piles and Constipation. 118-lvvd&w Tiy Lecher's Cough Syrup. Fees of Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that veiy many persons are interested In just at present. We believe the schedule ler visits Is $.1, which w euld tax a man confined te his bed for a year and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a jear for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hep Hitters taken in time would save the $1,000 antl all the year's sickness. Ed. "I Don't Wan't a Plaster," saltl a sick man te a druggist, " can't you give me something te cure me?" His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine, and w ere a sine indication of kidney disease. The ditiggist told me te use Kidney-Wert and in a short time it effected a complete cure. Have you these symptoms? Then geta be te-day before you become incurable. It is the cuie; safe and sure. flfi-lvvthtvv Try Lecher's Cough byrup. Feb iliteNciHAi. Asthmatic and Pulmenaiy complaints, " flrewn's Jirenchial Troches " manifest remarkable curative pseperties. Like all ether meritorious articles, they are frequently imitated, and these purchasing should be sure te obtain the genuine "IJrej. CHIAL TltOCHES." TuTliS&vv l'rem a Prominent Drug Heuse. II. II. Waunkr & Ce., Ueciiester, N. Y. Deau Sik: It Is new only three months since we received jour first shipment of bafe Reme dies. We have sold drugs m this place for twenty yeai, ami wc have never sold a pi o e pi ietary medicine, th.it gives such universal satisfaction asyeuis, especially your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure, antl Diabetes Cure. We could mention many who hav e leceived great benefit in cases of Kidney tlilllculties. Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Blight's Dis ease, etc. Respectfully j euis, SISSON & FOX. llt-2wdX,w Alctaudiia Bay. N. Y. Tiy Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Strange People De you knew that there an strange peo ple in our community, w e say strange because they seem te pi eier te sutler antl piss their tl iys miserably, made se by Dyspepsia antl Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, w lien Sluleh's Vitalizcr is guaranteed te cure them, .sold by D. Hell slm, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcisville. I'ive Hundred Thousand Streng. Ill the p.ist few months there hav e been mere than 500,000 bottles et sluleh's Cure sold. Out et the v ast number of people w he hav e used it, 111010 than 2.0110 cases et Consumption have been cured. AH Coughs, Cieup, Asthma antl Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that ev ery ery lietly speaks in its praise. Te these w he hav e net used it, let us say, it you have a cough, or join child the ceuli, and you value life, don't lailtetiyit. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shilelfs Poieus Plaster, bold by veur tliug gists, D. Hcitshu, Lancaster, anil 31. L. Davis, iMillersville. AVe have a speedy antl positive cuie for ('a tin ill. lliphthen.i. Cankermeuthauil Headache in Sjhileh's Catauli Remedy. A nasal inieetet free w ith each bottle. Use it if ou desire health anil sweet breath. Puce 50 cents. Sold bv 1). Hcitshu, Lancaster, antl 31. L, Davis, Mil lersv jlle. septi'i-eetltl.xw JVX'ir Alt VEltTIbEMESTb. rui; owl's ELECTON ILLUSTRATIONS Ittl TO-3IOUUOW. IKMJKE YOUKPKOPEKTYIN THE ItKsT CO.MPANIESat BAUS3IAN & BUUNS'. 20-tfeedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. TjUKK, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed antl Reli able Companies. HERR & STAUFFER, Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec30-3mdReed F OR KENT. A. Three-story Biick Heuse, en Neith Duke street, between Chestnut and Walnut. Apply at j-U-tfd THIS OFFICE. Dc ON'T FORGET TO GO TO EDDIE FKANKE'S Saleen te-morrow (Saturday) evening, where he will serve up a fine Beefa-la-3Iede in first-class stj le. ltd PERSONAL. Watch the columns of the Owl this w eek. It vv ill explain all. I am in tieuble. ltd GORDIE. PUBLIC SALE. Will be seltl in Centic Square -te morrow (SATURDAY) morning, a large and line let of Caiie-Seat Dining-Roem Chairs, Steels and Tables. JACOB GUNDAKER, ltd Auctioneer. Lancasteie, uec. 12, 18"'. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIABLE COMPANIES at BENJ. P. SHENK'S, Office: 103 West King Street. decl2-3mdU XT S. GARA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 144 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North Ameiica, Phil'a" Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et 3Iuncy, Pa. FranklluFirt Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Phil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover F'ire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Cenui.cicial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen antl Glebe File Ins. Ce. LIFE Amci ican Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. 17-lindR HO ARCHITECTS TIME EXTENDED. Plans and SpeciflcRtiens for a Scheel Build ing will be leceived by the Property Commit tee of the Lancaster City Scheel Beard until 1 111., April 1, 1880, te be by them submitted te the Beatd. Should any plan submitted be adopted, itwill be paid ter and all ethers re turned, w Itheilt cost te the Beard, te the re spective architects, "The building is te be en the single room plan, two stories high. The rooms fei the primary schools shall have a capacity for 60 pupils, w ith a fleer surface te each pupil et at least 9 squaie feet. The rooms for the second ary schools shall have a capacity for 50 pupils with a fleer surface te each pupil of at least 13 square leet.and in the construction elthe build ing special attention shall be paid te the light ing, heating and ventilation of all the apait uuiits. This building shall contain 12 rooms with an aggregate minimum capacity of coo pupils." Architects will please furnish estimate of cost et building. Fer further information apply te J. I. HAUTMAN, Chairman Scheel Property Committee, ltd 2! West Chestnut Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces In Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAQNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS St BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. GREAT LINEN SALE AT NEW. YORK STORE. JUST OPENED A SPLEXDID LIME OF TABLE LINENS AT OLD PRICES. LOOM DICE LINENS, at , 11, 31, 37J and 50c. per yard. HLE ACHED and YARN BLEACnED DAMASKS, at 3 45, 50, 53, f,iy., 75, S7e. ami $1 each. An Elegant Line of FINE BAIiNSLEY DAMASKS, at $1 per yard. II AUG A1NS IN TOWELS, at 5, 10, I2, 15, 90, 23, 37 and 50c. each. 100 DOZEN FINE DAMASK TOWELS, at 25c. each. ffATT, SUII 4 COMPANY, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. S- Will shortly remove te STIUK'S CHINA HALL, 8 and 10 East King Street. JfE W AD VERTISEMEXTS. "TKNTISTKY. DR. I. NORMAN BROOMELL, Graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Den tal Surgery, having piecured the office and fixtures of the late Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, will continue the business at Ne. 35 East King street, next deer te Court Heuse. Gas admin istered. fcb20-2td E. P. BOWMAN7 WHOLESALE 106 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. riMlK FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS WILL, KK L presented for confirmation, nisi, en 3ION DAY. MARCH 15, 1RS0: 3Iai la Wengei's Trust Estate, II. W. Eaby ud min 1st mt or of Peter Eby, Trustee. Charlette Powers, Trust Estate, Christian Uolllngswerth. Committee. Amanda Esbenshade's Trust Estate, Isaac Lantz. Committee. Albert Gregg's Trust Estate, S. L. Gieirr. Committee. b" Jacob Beese anil wife's assigned estate Heniy Kiehl, assignee. Henry Eshleinaii and wife's assigned estate, Jacob Hildcbrantl, assignee. James M. Frister ami wire's assigned estate, A. B. Ayies. assignee. William Heeps antl wife's assigned estate, .Jeseph Annstieng, assignee. Cluules Moen antl wile's assigned estate, James D. Reed, assignee. II. H. Jliller and wife's assigned estate, ...mil;-, i. iiiuicui, .1S91;1CC. Keck antl brothers' assi assigned estate, II. II. Deitrich, assignee. 31artin Llv ers and wife's assigned estate, Jehn Reyer, assignee. Martin O. Stirk and wife's assigned estate, Geeige Levan et. al. assignees. Frankllu (J. 31 ussci's .assigned estate, Elias Ziegler, assignee. C. II. Krv der and wife's assigned estate, Samuel II. Zahni, assignee. Mary E. Kennedy's assigned estate. Samuel S. fcwing, assignee. Lydia Baer's trust estate, 31. B. Rutt, com mittee. Kinsey Jenes and w ife's assigned estate, II. B. Mssley, et. at., assignees. E. 3Ic3IELLEN, leb 18-ltw Piothenotury AM.VSE3IENTS UNION BETHEL SUPrER. A supper for the benefit of the Union Bethel, comer of Prince anil Orange streets, m uv giveu uu SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, beginning at 5 o'clock. TICKETS 50Cts. CHILDREN, - ' - - -" - 25 " febl0-3td APEKA HOUSE. JA3IESWARD, - - - Masaekk. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday Evening, February 23, 188C Joaquin 3IIUer's Original American Drama of the Dauites! Dauites!! Dauites!!! BILLY PIPER,.... SANDY 3ICGKE,. THE PARSON,.... LIMBER TIM, THE JUDGE ...3Iiss 3Iary Wellesley. 31 r. Jas. II. Tayler. 3Ir. Jas. B. Roberts. Mr. Jas. Ward. ....3Ir. W. A. Chapman. With Excellent Support. POPULAR PRICES: General Admission, Gallery, ... 50Ct. 35 " Seats secured three days in advance -without extra charge at box office. feb2(KJtd "PULTON OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1880. ONE NIGHT ONLY. The fashionable event of the season, D'OYLY CARTE'S OPERA COMPANY, In the New Opera, which has achieved a suc cess beyond all precedent at the 5tli Avenue Theatre, New Yerk, TEE PIRATES OF PENZAil GE OR THE SLAVE OF DUTY, By ARTHUR SULLIVAN and W. S. GILBERT author and composer of "Pinafore." The Company, consisting of SO ARTISTS, has been carefully rehearsed under the per sonal direction of the authors, ilessrs. GIL BERT and SULLIVAN. The Scenery is New antl Painted by the same nitist who Painted the Scenes ler the First Production in New Yerk. Act 1. A ROCKY' SEASHORE en the Coast of Cornwall. Act 11. A RUINED CHAPEL en General Stanley's Estate. MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES, FULL OUCHESTUA, CHORUS OF 40 VOICES. SCALE OF PRICES: ADMISSION, - - - 50 & 75 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, - - - Sl.OO. Sale of seats begins at Fulton Opera Heuse Office, at 9 a.m., Tuesday, February 17. Deers open at 7, opera at 8 o'clock. MB. H. B, LONSDALE, Business Manager. 3IR. CHAS. H. KEESHIN, Business Agent. feblStd Mes and Clocks. TIIE- ailZZIXEltr AND TRIM3IISOS. OPENING OF NEW GOODS GUNDAKER'S MILLINERY Trimming Stere. Ladies, it ou want New and Beautiful Embroidery, Edging anil Inserting cheap call at GUNDAKER'S. If j en want the Latest Styles of .Elegant Black Silk Fringe, Silk, Jet, Pearl, Fancy Pearl antl Ivery Buttens, call at GUN DAKER'S. If you want Silk or Satin Ribbons, ele gant quality anil cheap, call at GUN XAKER'S. If you want Ruching, Crepe Lisse, New Fichus, Bietenne Lace, Valenciennes and etheilNew Laees, Lace Ties, Bew s. Fancy Ribbons, &c. call at GUNDAKER'S. Ladies, If you want te buy geed desir able goods for yourself and family, and have all goods w arranted. you can buy them the cheapest at GUNDAKER'S. Give us a call and examine our stock The goods are all new at GUNDAKER'S. M2& 144 North Queen St., TiANCASTER, PA. X AMI'S, AC. T IGHT. FLIATT & BRBlf EMA3S" ;A.RK OFFKRINO GREAT BARGAINS IW Ceal Oil Tramps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and hand semer than ever befeie offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAH 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, P A. iVANTED. TirANTED. TT Lverybetly te advertise, free of chargti. in the Ixtulliekkcxk, who wants semethliig ede. TTANTED. TT A situation by either in town or out. lid a first-class bartender r Apply at THIS OFFICE. TtrANTED. T T A geed, girl for general housework. In. quire at 2U7 West Orange Street, ltd NLEWIN, M. D., GRADUATE OF THE . University of Dorpat, Russia, formerly of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 24J West King street. uince neurs irein te iu a. m., I te z p. in. ami 6te8p.m. 28-2md FOR SALE. A TWENTY-FIVE HORSE-POWER EN GINE, nearly new. Alse a let of Shafting, Pul leys aud Hangers. Apply te R. M. ROBINSON, febl8-3td Mount Jey, Pa. T OST. Li On Friday, the 13th Inst., a Full Pointer Deg, white with yellow spots, white neck, slightly colored from a brass cellar, answers te the name et Dick. A liberal reward wiU be paid en his return te fl9-3td UEORGB DENNIS, Manhelm. THIRD EDITIOI. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 20, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 20. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states clear or fair weather, northerly veering te easterly winds, fol lowed by falling barometer. BY WIRE. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. In the Londen walking match "Blewer'' Brown had covered 405 miles at midnight? thus beating all previous records for the time. He will try te beat Westen's 530 record, and the whole interest of the match is new centered en the ellbrt. The Mansion Heuse Irish relief fund new amounts te 6 8,000. The Fall River spinners will make a "respectful, united and determined" de maud en their empleye rs for another in crease of wages. In New Xew Yerk Lawrence Ghan,aged 17, and Daniel Coreeran, aged 19, fellow employees in a slaughter house, undertook te settle a quarrel by " lighting it out. " Coreeran get the worst of it, whereupon he struck Ghan en the head with a brick, inllictiug a wound from which he died a few hours later. Corcoran was arrested. The Heuse committee en cemnieicc has agreed upon a bill te increase the efficiency of the marine hospital service. The total number of persons killed by the recent explosion in the "Winter Palace at St. Petersburg was ten. Simultaneous with the explosion there bombs were thrown into the adjoining street. A per son seen leaving the palace just before the explosion was arrested, as were also three joiners who occupied the cellar. Four pounds of dynamite were used. The cel lars of all the palaces are being carefully searched. Reland E. Trowbridge has been nemi" nated for commissioner of Indian affaiis, and C. "W. Carmany te be postmaster at Lebanon. The "West Virrinia miners and operators failed te reach a compromise en the for mers' demand for higher wages, and a strike will probably ensue. Russia and England have agreed te allow Persia te occupy Herat and thus establish a neutral zone between them. TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A Train or Cars Plunces Three Hundred Feet Down an Embankment. Cincinnati, Feb. 20. A train en the Bellaire and Southwestern read jumped the track near Bellaire, Ohie, and fell three hundred feet down an embankment. The shrieks of the passengers as the train was hurled ever the embankment are reported as heartrending. The cars fell bottom up and the inmates were extricated with great dilliculty. Amongst the fatally injured arc the following persons : Ex-Cengicssman Lorenze Daufeid, Mrs. Caldwell, Mr. Bowmer. It is impossible from the pres ent reports te tell hew many etheis are hurt, but at least ten or twelve etheis aic seriously wounded. A RIUIITKOUS SENTENCE. Cowley the Clerical Wolf Gets the Extreme Penalty of the Law. t New Yerk, Feb. 20. Rev. Edward Cowley, convicted recently of ciuelty te children, was sentenced te-day te the ex treme penalty of the law, one year in the state prison and $250 tine. The are twenty, four ether indictments against him, but it is believed none of them will be further pressed. WELL AIMED. James Murphy Killed by a Stene. Pottsville, Pa. Fl?b. 20. "While James Murphy was passing'the railroad station at Thomaston, about 10 o'clock last night, he was instantly killed by a stone thrown by some unknown person. There is no clue te the mystery. COTTON M1LLISURNED. Destructive Fire in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Feb. 20. The Imperial cotton mills at Daiby, owned by Jehn Verlinder's estate, were destroyed by Are last night. The less en building and stock aggiegates 0,000. MlbCEZLAJTEO Ub. M ARCUS ii. SEHN'EK, rr r rr a T rl 1 OODVIPCID Ne. I'M North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paltl te al teratlen and repairs. sl.Myd S' TAR GLASS WORKS, NORRISTOWN Pa., manufacture a Superior Quality et WINDOW GLASS, SIngleand Deuble Thick, Corrugated, Obscur ed antl Picturetl Glass of Extra Thickness w ill net Stain or Rust. Fer s.ile by Lancaster dealers generally. l4-2wd V"ORTGAGES FOR SALE. Twe sit per cent. Mortgages one for $10,000 antl the ether ler $4,7.")0. first liens antl well se cured en eligible city Real Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Mishler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. R. WILSON, Esq., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. 111-tfWAS Lancaster, Pa. TMPORTANr TESTI3IONIAL. Prep. D. A. Loomis, M, D..fernierIv Professer of Anatomy in the Pennsylvania Medical Col lege, late Surgeon in the United States Army, and also Professer et Obstetrics antl DNe.ists of Women and Children in the St. Leui Medi cal Cellege.writes the fellow ing te the Helinaii .Liver Patl Company : " Gentlemet : The Patl is a marvel of suc cess. I have giv en its working a personal in spection, antl find that it merits my profes sional sanction. It acts kindly, safely antl effectively, and comes the nearest te a unlv er sal panacea of anything-1 knew in medicine, ami the only wonder Is that the medical pro fession has net before made It of practical use te suffeiing humanity, for the principle is as old as Hippocrates himself. I especially recom mend the Pad in all malarial affections, and in chronic tlLseases of the vai ions organs it is in valuable." lebU.'Jwtleetl LEGAL NOTICES. INSTATE OF CHARLES F. RENU1ER, J late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en saitl estate havingbcen grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said deeedentare requested te m. ike immediate settlement and these bavingclaims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make .known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city, CHAS. F. RENGIER. Jit, ALBERT S. RENGIER, JOHNS. RENGIER, JtOBT. J. Evass, Executers. Attorney. janJJH.tdeaw ASSIGNED ESTATE OF SAMUEL WALK er and wife of Salisbury township, Xaneaster county, Pennsylvania, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jeseph C. Walker, assignee of Bald. Saaiuel Walker and wife, 'te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 10th tiny of MARCH, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. in.. In the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons interested in said distribution aay attend. PAULGERnART, tCbll.4tdeaw Auditor. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadkltbta, February 20. Fleur firmly held, but quiet; superfine 94 309500; ex tra $5 233 75 ; Ohie and Indiana family 16 75 7 25: Penn'a lamUy $SSO07OO; St. Leuis family 97 006750 ; Minnesota Fam ily 96 257 00 ; patent ana high grade $7258350. Kye neur ou. Cornmeal Brandywine unchanged. Wheat firm, but quiet: Ne. 2 Western Red II mi 4S ; Penn'a de $1 491 50 ; Amber 915egl51. Cern firmer : steamer 5555c ; yellow 57 57c ; mixed 5655c. Oats in better demand ; Ne. 1 tic ; Ne. 2 48c ; Ne. 2 mixed 45t5c. Rye firmer ; Western 93c ; Pa. 93c. Seeds unchanged ; geed te prime clevcrseed quiet at $75025; de timothy firm at $325 3 37 : de flaxseed scarce $1 C01 65. Previsions firm ; in ss perk 13 00 13 25 ; beet hains$ltj5O17 0O; India mess beef 2I 80: Ba Ba eon smoked shoulders 5fc: saltde4)jc5; smoked hamsK10c; pickled hams Bi9c. Lard firm; city kettle 3c; loose butchers' 7c : prime steam 7c. Butter firm vv ith geed trade ; creamery extra .!235c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra 25a27c; Western reserve extra at 242Uc; de geed te choice 1823c: rolls choice firm er; Penn'a extra -.'Ogc; western reserve extra 2021e. Eggs steady; Penn'a 1415c; Western 14 14e. Cheese quiet ; N. Y. factory 1415c : western full cream Uil1$ic i de ter geed 13k; 14 ; tit) half-skims VIXQUc. Petroleum firm; Refined 7c. Whisky at$l 10. New Yerk Market. New Yerk, February 2. Fleur State and Western without decided change and dull; superfine state 005 5O; extra de $." MiSe t ; choice de$510tU0; fancy de $1510 7(J0; round hoop Ohie $5 756Cti; choice de $ti 10 7 50; siipertlnu western $5 0OQ5 50 ; common te geed extra de $." 5U5 75 ; choice tlode$5 757 73; choice w hite wheat de $5 03 ! 25; Southern quiet; common te fair extra $5 Sti 35 ; geed te choice de US 4(l7 75. Wheat quiet and steady: Winter a shade easier antl dull ; Ne. 2 red, March,! 51gl 5H ; de April $151151.: Cern moderately active und a shade easier; MlxedWesiern spot .TOilile ; tle future 5.&tlc. Oats dull; state IS Tjj.'e; Western 47Q50e. stock Markeu. PniLADKLrHi.v, Feb. 2J. 130 r. M. Stocks acttv e. Penna b's (third issue) 105t Philadelphia A Erie 11 'A Reading :U'i Pennsylvania 5'J-M Lehigh Valley. 5- United Ces. et N. J 157 Northern Pacific ."!:;' Preferred 54 Northern Central 31 Lehigh Navigation 37)4 Norristown 102 Central Transportation Ce. 47 Pitts., Tltusville & Buffalo. 21 Little Schuylkill 51 New Xeiik, leb. 20. Stocks strong. Meney. ........ ... 5t N. Y. Central l."'S Erie 4H Adams Express 107 Michigan Central 'M'H .Michigan Southern 107,' Illinois Central 1(H? Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..110 Chicago & Kecklsland 152 Pittsburgh Fert Wayne..llC Western Union Tel. Ce Hl'il Teledo & Wabash .'., New Jersev Central Wj MEDICAL. cutTcurai IIUMOKS OP THE BLOOD, SKIN AND SCALP. CCTicunv. Reselvext Is the most powerful Bleed Purifier anil Liver Stimulant ever com pounded. In forty minutes after taking the first tIe.se it may be tletected in the saliva, bleed, sweat and urine, showing that it has en tered the bleed antl been distributed through out the entile system. In its passage through the ciiculatiiig fluids it meets vv ith the corrupt particles of matter which fester and maintain disease, with which it chemically unites, de stroying antl gradually eliminating them from the system. Hence Its power te forever expel Scrofulous, Cancerous antl Oanker Humors, which un checked fill the body with foul corruptions anil ret nut the delicate machinery of life. Cuticuua. the'great external remedy for all Humors of the Scalp anil Skin, Ulcers. Seres antl Dischaiging Wounds, is the most sooth seeth ing and healing of outward applications. It spectlllyilestro)dfungusanilp.irasltlcgrewtlis, resterch the oil glands antl tubes te a healthy condition, ami ernes, when assisted by the Cirru LitA Soai", Diseases et the Skin and cnlp vv hich hav e been the torture of a life time. SKIN DISEASE, Great Suffering for Sixteen Years. A Won derful Cure by the Cutlctira Remedies. Messiis. Weeks & Petteu : Gentlemen. Cut -critA Remedies have done me a power of geed. 1 have been alllictetl with skin disease for six teen years. Seme days It troubled me mere than ethers, but at night the itching nearly dieveme wild. I would scratch until the bleed would run down my limbs. I have hail several physicians. Seme said they could cure me, but etheis saitl net. 1 will ttay that before I used the Cuticura Remedies 1 was inatearful slate, and liatl given up all hope of ever hav ing any relief. But, likeailrewniiigmaiigi-uspingatastraw, I thought I would try the Cuticuua Remedies, about w hich I had reatl se much. They have pertained a wonderful cure ler me, ami of my own fiee will ami accord I re commend them. Yours truly, S.A.STEELE. 03 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, HI., March 17, 1SVJ. MORE (JOOD THAN DOCTORS In Three Yearn of Treatment. Gentlemen. Please llnd 50 cents te pay for small box of Cuticl'ka anil direct it te me. The dollar box you sent me has done me mere geed than all the doctors in three vcars. The doc tors have done nic no geed. My feet and legs are healing fast. It is indeed Cuticuua. Yeiiis truly, EVAN MORGAN, P. M. Moscow, Mix.v., June 27, 187H. CUTICURA SOAP Superior te Any. Ciias Dexjiix, Druggist, First Place, cer. Court street. Brooklyn, March 4, 187'J, lean cheerfully speak of the healing quali ties of jour Ccticlka Seap, and its perfume is superior te any of the standard soaps new in use. CHAS. DENNIN. The Cuticura Remedies are prepared by Weeks & Petter, Chemists und Druggists, 'M Washington street, Bosten, and are ter sale by ' all druggists. Prlee of Cuticura, small boxes, 50 cents ; large boxes, containing two antl enc half times thequantlty et small, 1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Culicun. Seap, 25 cents per cake ; by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes 75 cciils. COU-liS By instantly affcctiii the Nervous evstein.thei VOLTAIC circTBlC'"miuIiec 's at once felt a MSTESfr Hence Pain, which arises from a disturbance et the Nerve Forces. Is cured In every instance as If by magic. Alse, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lungs, Liver ami Kidneys, Irritation of the Stomach ami Bowels, Indiges tion, Djspepaiaand Bilious Celic. KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WARNER'S SAVE PILLS Arean immediate stimulus lera Torpid Liver cure Cestivencss, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Diarrheea. Malaria, Fever antl Ague antl are useful at times in nearly all Diseases te cause a free anil regular action of the Bowels. The best antidote for all Malarial Poison. These Pills are the discovery of an English army physlclai. antl hav e been used with the gieatest success among the British troops In India. Thev are only manufactured In this country by II. II. WARNER & CO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The Improved discovery et probably the met skillful nerve doctor in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep te the suffering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, and Is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought enbyexcesslve Jrlnklng.ovcr Jrlnklng.evcr Jrlnklng.ovcr werk,mentalsliocksandother causes. Itrelleves the Pains of all Discuses, and Ls never injurious te the system. The best of all Nervines. Bettles of two sizes; prices, 50 cents and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Bittern antl Safe Tonic are also superior remedies, unequalled In their respective Ileitis of disease. Warner'f Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. IL II. WARNER A CO., Rochester, N. Y. 3 fdlG-Tu.ThASdiw u n