Ii... l" """ ! ' - "" . t . ., r . LANCASTER DAILY lETEmGENCERS THTRSDAt, tFEBRUAM 19, 1880. i ( Concerning Bids. The excuse of the Republicans that the Democrats "eutbidded" them en Tuesday is a miserable subterfuge te hide the despe ration of their devices and te threw odium upon the vast number of decent Republi cans who would net let hominy Cochran put a ring in their nose. We arc pre pared te revise our figures of yesterday and te demonstrate that in the course of this campaign the Republicans spent five dollars te the Democrats' one. The campaign fund en this side did net have three subscriptions of ever $30 and the expenses of paying taxes, naturaliza tion and bringing votes home from long distances out of town absorbed mere of it than at any previous city election, leaving no balance te compete with the Republi cans in "bidding for votes." The trick of forcing them te pay dearly for their own voters whom they set out te buy created such a panic and touched them se deeply that every Democratic dollar looked as big as a cart wheel te them. An Omen That Was Ilcallzed. On election evening as Machinists James Fellenbauin and Daniel Trewitz were over hauling and repairing the pumps of the Friendship steamer (which, by the by, has put the engine out of service for a few days) they discovered a small sun fish and eel ledged in a vacuum between the pump and main supply. Engineers and machin ist believe this te be a bad omen, and en this occasion called forth considerable continent from the "workers in steel," and the political success of the defunct member of the company, II. A. Schreycr, an aspirant for ceuncilmanic honors in the Ninth ward, was discussed. Net ten min utes elapsed ere the news arrived at the hose house that he was defeated. The two stray " denizens of the deep " will be for warded te the fj-ceuncilman and w-fi re man te be transported by him te the "still waters" that run through the "green pastures" of Salt River country. Tlie Red Men. Last evening Charles C. Conly, of Phil adelphia, Great Chief of Records of the Great Council of Pennsylvania, I. O. R. M., accompanied by his son, Win. Conly, of Pittsburgh, and Great Prophet II. B. MeXeal. of this city, paid a friendly visit te Mctamera Tribe, Ne. 2, at their wig wam. Great Chief Conly addressed the members of the ti ibe and gave an encour aging review of the rapid progress of the order, in all parts of the country. Great Chief Conly will visit Columbia tills evening as a guest of Osceola tribe, of th.it borough, and be present at the grand ba'l and supper te be given by the tribe. St. Luke'a Church. The opening services at St. Luke's Re formed chapel still continue with much interest. The attendance se far has been very geed. Owing te indisposition Rev. R. AV. Hudbrd, who was announced te preach en Tuesday evening, exchanged with Rev. S. II. C. Smith. The sermon te-morrow evening at preparatory set vices will be preached by Rev. J. P. Moeic, of Zion's Reformed church, Millcrsville. Terrapin Supper. Last evening T. IJ. Schcll, wholesale oyster dealer, of Baltimore, gave a tcna lin supper te his customers and friends of this city at the Popular restaurant of Gee. II. Miller, en East King street. Between twenty and twenty-five persons weie pres ent. During the evening C. A. Luzing bcrg, of Philadelphia, entertained the company with several old plantation songs, which were rendered in fine style. Aftrr the singing short and spicy speeches weie made by several gentlemen present and the party broke up at a late hour. Slight Fire. 'This afternoon the reef of the black smith shop, next te the old match factory, near the Pennsylvania railroad depot, ciught lire from the spark of a locomo tive. It was extinguished by a couple of buckets of water, which were thrown en by Chief Engineer Feidney and another man. Mr. Fordney happened te be passing w.hen the lire was discovered. The damage was sliirht. A Lightning Calculater. T. W. Jehnsen said alter the polls closed en Tuesday evening that the majority for Bering in the Fourth ward would be 'anywhere from 141 te 180." AVhen the returns came in the Republican majority was just 100 below Jehnsen's miuimium. That is why Tem Davis laughs. . - Appointed. Mr. Fendcrsmith, f be division operator at West Philadelphia, lias appointed Mr. Gee. M. Hartley, new telegraph operator at Dillerville, night operator iu this city. Mr. Hartley is one of the bast operators en the line, and his promotion is well earned. A Valentine te Olit Friends. Examiner. Jius Pecblcr is given the credit of "get ing his work in" in the Fourth ward for .MacGenlgfe ; but the knowing ones say .that ex-Street Commissioner Pete Fordney Hiad better be applied " for mere definite fjB&umatien." The Auditors. The county beard of auditors organized this aftersoen by cheesing James Cellins, Republican, president, and F. K. Curran, Democrat, secretary. Jeseph Clarksen, of 1 his city, was elected clerk. Fer Sale, Cheap. A new table, made by that excellent mechanic, Harry C. lluber, especially adapted for an alderman's office. Geed and sufficient reasons for selling it can be had upon inmiiriug at the Examiner office. Adam Dellet, Esq. Pelit-e Court. This afternoon Alderman Hair sent two boy trumps up for 10 days each. James Finney was sent te jail by Alder man Barr, for ten days, for being tli nnk anil disorderly. Amusements. " Pirates of Penzance.'' Te-morrow evening tlilbcrt and Snlih sin's new opera will be given in this city by a company under Urn manage ment or D'Oyley Carle. This opera ha been running at the Filth Avenue theatre, New Yerk, for nearly two months, and the houses are yet crowded every night. It is also being played at the Seuth Bread street theatre, Phil adelphia, where ' Pinafore ' made such a gnat success. There are four or five I raveling com panies new playing the piece, one of which will visit us te-morrow evening. They have all been sent out by Gilbert & Sullivan, who -or.'" the sole right te the opera themselves. The New Yerk Herald says : " It is a great im provement en " Pinafore" in the fineness of its texture ; it is brighter, prettier and mere artiHtic, anil the quality of the work is of a much better standard than was the nautical opera we hail irem these gentlemen. It is clever and most amusing, and one cannot help laughing loud and long at many of the drolle ries, even if the main theme of the work is net ti ew." Fanny Davenport Te-night. The gifted anil anions emotional actress, Miss Fanny Daven pert, will make her first appearance in this city te-night,in Augustin Daly's society drama, "Pique." Miss Davenport stands In the front rank of American actresses, and in her exten sive repertoire 'there is no role that affords a better opportunity ler the exercise of her fine histrionic talents tlian that of Mabel Renfrew in this play which outranks all of Mr. Daly's ether productions in the elements that'com that'cem mand the favor et play-goers. The plot is well conceived and develops increasing interest from beginning te end. Miss Davenport will doubtless be greeted with a brilliant audience at the opera house te-night, a upwards of three hundred seats had been disposed of at an early hour this morning. ' Leap Year Special Excursion Te Philadelphia ever the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, en Tuesday, February 21. Tickets geed for three days te return en any train. Fare for round trip only $1.7.". Special train leaves Lancaster (King street) at C a. in.; Columbia, 5:50 a. m. Fer particular, nee pesters and circulars at all stations. One of New Yerk's prominent chemists, Mr Albert C. Dung, 01 Bowery, say, : St. Jacob's Oil cured a well-known auction eer, and many ether prominent citizens of Rheumatism. It Is a reliable remedy. Don't Trifle with the Teeth! If our teeth were renewed as our nails, they might net need constant care. But teeth don't repeat themselves after childhood. The proper thing te de is te use SOZODONT, which pre serves their health and beauty. It never tails. flG-lwced Commonwealth Distribution Company. Buy tickets for the drawtngen 2Stb Inst., and have a chance at the $30,J00-it only costs $2 te try for all, or SI ler half of it, and if this small amount is lest it is lest in a "square lottery, ' where every ticket has an equal chance, and all the prizes are drawn and paid. Address It. M. BOAUDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or at Xe. MB Broadway, New Yerk. ltd New Advertisements. See the Miss Flynn's Advertisement. Housekeeping Goods at Martin's. Ge te Givler, Bewers & Hurst's. See Bursk's Advertisement. Union Bethel Supper. Fer Sale or Bent. Lecal Delivery. Hands Wanted. Glad Tidings. Public Sale. Wanted. Lest. ISFFer further details see advertising column. SPECIAL XOTIC12S. Da. Biiewnimi's C. &C. Ceiuiial is the greatest fiiend ever known te the consump tive, because it lapidly ernes every cold, which, if permitted te run its course, would speedily destroy lite, and also reduces that continuous intlanimatien which causes such fearful destruction of the .substance of the lungs. Fer sale by all druggist". Price iiJc. W. Champien Browning. Pre)., 1117 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ll!Mwd&w " Female pure bleed complaints." Use " Lind- are the result of im ey's Bleed Searcher." Brown's Household Panacea Is the most uflcclivu Pain. Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally, and thereby mere certainly RBLIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Soie Threat, Rheumaflsin, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and Is the GBKAT BELIEVER OF PAIX. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PAXA C E A " should be In every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tul el the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if picterred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. i". cents a bottle. Fer s.ile at II. IS. Ceehmu & Ce's Drugstore North (Jueen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether cause-, is occasioned by Weiins. BROWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFII'm, or Werm Lozenges, although ellectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and leiiud te be ab solutely sine In eradicating worm". Twenty live eent a box. jaiil.VlvdSwTuTh&S Use I.eeher'.s Ilei.-e and Cattle Powders. Statistics prove that twenty-hvc per cent, of t he deaths in our larger cities are caused by coii-umptien, and when we rellect that this tei rihle disca-e in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of l.echer's Renowned Cough Syrnp, shall we condemn the siilleiers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? "Father and mother being alllicted with asthma, two bottles of 'Sellers' Cough Syrup' has given them a new lease of life." Kidney-Wert is nature's remedy for Kidney and Liver diseases, Piles and Constipation. UH-lwd&w Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup. Fees of Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many peiens are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule ler visits is $3, which would tax a man confined te his bed ler a year and In need of a daily visit, ever S1.00J a year for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hep Bitters taken In time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed. "I Don't Wan 't a Plaster," said a sick man te a druggist, " can't you give me something te cure me?" Ills symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine, and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told me te use Kidney-Wert and In a short time It eirected a complete cure. Have you these symptoms? Then get a box te-day before you become Incurable. It Is the cure; safe and sure. flC-Iwd&w Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup. Feil BnexcniAL Asthmatic and Pulmonary complaints, ' Ilrewn's Jlrenchiul Troches" nianite-t remarkable curative properties. Like all etlier meritorious articles, they urc frequently imitated, und these purchasing should be sure te obtain the genuine "Brex ciiial Troches." TnTliS&w Frem a Prominent Drug Deuse. II. II. Waiinei: tc Ce., Recuesteu, N. Y. Dn.vit Sir: It Snow only three months since wc received your first .shipment of Safe Reme dies. We have sold drugs in this place for twenty years, and we have never sold a pro prietary medicine, that gives such universal sutistactlen as yours, especially your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure, and Diabetes Cure. Wc could mention many who have received great benefit in cases of Kidney difficulties. Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Bright's Dis ease, etc. liespnetf nlly yours, SISSOX & FOX. m-'Jwd&w Alexandria Bay. N. Y. Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup. A Strange People De you knew that there are strange peo ple in our community, we say strange because tliev seem te preler te miner and pass their lavs miserably, made se by Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizcr is "'naraiiteeil te cure them. Sold by D. Helt shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsville. I-'ive Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past few months there have been mere than 500,1)00 bottles of Shileli's Cnre sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,000 cases et Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bienchitis vield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, it you have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value Hie, don't tail te trv it. Fer lame back, side or che-t use Shiloh's 'Pereus Plaster. Sold by your drug gists, 1). Heitshu, Lancaster, ami M. L.Davis, Millcrsville. AVe have a speedy and positive euro for Ca tarrli. Diphtheria. Cankcrineuthand Headache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A iia-d injector free with each bottle. Use it If you 'l-.-sire health and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Mil lcrsvdle. dei25-eedd&w MAJtlilAGES. Stafferd Sheer. February 18, 1830, at the residence of the bilue, bv itcv. Dr. Green wald, Henry E. StalTerd, of Colerain, te Geergle A. Sheer, daughter of W. C. Sheer, of Lancaster. We lave Without Doubt the .largest Stock We have been busy the past week in opening up large quantities of NEAV GOODS IN EYERY DEPARTMENT. The largest stock of New Style Spring Prints. The largest stock of !New Style Spring Chintzes. The largest stock of Xew Style Spring Percales. We open te-day an elegant line of BLACK SILKS, New Shades iu Colored Silks, New Shades in Satins for Trimming, including Plain Old Geld and Gendarme Blue. We also open te-day an elegant line of DRESS GOODS, iu New Styles and Shades. We offer te-day a Great Bargain in Black Cashmeres, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, the largest stock in the city, in all the best makes, at the lowest prices. Choice lines of Car pets, Mattings, Fleer Oil Cleths, Window Shading and Fixtures, Rugs, Mats, &c. We invite all te call and see the immense stock of goods we display in every department, at lowest prices. GIVLEK, BOWEBS & HUBST, Just Received for the Finest Patterns of EMBROIDERIES, At the Lewest Prices in the city and Hundreds of Patterns te select from, and the Latest Spring Styles of Buttens, Fringes, Ribbons, Laces, Neckties, Kid Gloves, and Latest Style Hats for the Spring Trade. Call and be convinced, at JSL. A. Hangliteii's Olieap Stere, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. XEir AD VE11TISEMEXTS. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN TUE REST COMPAXlESat BAUSMAX & BURXS'. 2!-tleedR Office: Xe 10 West Orange St. PUKE, LIFE ANI ACCIOENT. insurance ut lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. IIERR Sc STAUFFER, Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. dcc30-3mdRced VTOTICK. X Having this day sold the Lecul Delivery Line te Rebert Able, who will continue the business. 1 respectfully ask for him acontin acentin anee of the patronage heretofore extended the undersigned. A. O. BROSEY. i'ru, 17, 1880. ltd I?OU SAL.E. 1 A TWEXTY-F1VE HORSE-POWER KX UIXE, nearly new. Alse a let of Shafting, Pul levs and Hangers. Applv te R. M. RORIXSOX, iebl8-:;td Mount Jey, Pa. IiAKCASTEIt. iec. VI, 1S7'.. INSURE YOUR PKOPEKT V IX KEI.I AULK COMPAXlESat BBNJ. F. SHBNK'S, Office : 108 West King Street. deel2-3milR T est. Li On Friday, the 13th inst., a Full Pilntir Deg, white with yellow spots, white neck, slightly colored Irem a brass cellar, answers te the name et Dick. A liberal reward will be paid en his return te fllKltd GEORGE DEXXIS, Manhelm. T OCAL DELIVERY. Goods delivered te all parts et the city. Orders lelt at C. ADOLPIl LOCHER'S Drug Mere, Xe. 0 East King street, will be called for promptly every hour. ltd ROBERT ABEL. UNION HfcTIIEL SUPPER. A supper ler the benelit of the Union Bethel, corner of Prince and Orange streets, will be given en SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, beginning at 5 o'clock. TICKETS 30Cts. CHILDREN, i" " febBKitd 1?OR SALE OR RENT. . Geed will, stock and fixtures of general country store, with Drug store in connection ; all doing a geed business. The building has store and dwelling connected, which will be leased together or separately for a term of years, it desired. Apply te THOMAS C. YOUNG & Ce.. fl91wd&w Parkesburg, Pa. PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 18S0, will be sold by public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, en West King street. In the City of Lan caster, Five Shares of the Capital Steek et the FULTON BUILDING AND SAVING ASSO CIATIOX, of Lancaster, Fa., lately belonging te Leuis Yerk, and te be sold for non-payment of dues, &c. By order of the Beard of Direc tors of said Association. Sale te commence at i o'clock, p. in., when terms will be imide known by JEROME DOSCH, President. B. YECKER, Treasurer. Attest: Jesei'H JacTeb. n9,20,21,2i;.27,23 XT S. GARA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 145 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phll'a Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Meney, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce., Plill'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Plill'a. fMmdlt TUST RECEIVED A LOT OF FINE ROSE AND PEERLESS POTATOES, and for sale cheap at BUKSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. ITAHNESTOCK'S FARINA FLOUR. A Very Superior Article, sale at Give it a trial. Fer BURSK'S. BUY THE PATENT HICKORY CORN Covered Breem. Just the broom ler Sheps, Warehouses, iTannerles, Stables, Pave ments, Gutters, and for all rough sweeping. Fer sale at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. G LAD TIDINGS. Anyone visiting my offices will hear con stantly the same old story, viz: "I've been doctoring for years with various physicians and am no better, net cured." Ajid they can also hear a mere welcome story from my patients, viz : " Under your simple treatment I am well." Over 150 difficult chronic cases treated during the month of January, all bet ter or cured se far as heard from. Jehn Geedman, of 314 North Queen street, been doctoring for 19 years ter Rheumatism, dyspepsia and neuralgia, has net had one geed night's rest for years. He Is new sleeping well and pains have gene. Jacob Painter, 430 Locust street, suffered and doctored for 12 years. Cured In two weeks. Consultation at offices free. Call and get or send for 10 page pamphletrfrec. Catarrh cured ler 50 cents. Rev. Jehn Hunter with restored vision, after being blind for 10 years, will preach every evening at Kev. Seule's church en Orange .-irci't. DR. 0. A. GREENE, (31 Years Experience), Ne. S36 North Queen Street. -Wauted te bay Clean old White or Blue Glass Vials or Bettles any size. 13-GmrtTu,Th&S fi:r oettns. 25 KAST KING STREET. XOTJOXS, JtC. the Spring Trade Receiving daily all the Latest Styles of XEir AlirEItTISEMEXTS. SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SHjVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing" Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. J. B. MAETI1ST & CO., WEST KESTG AND PRINCE STREETS. Sheetings and luslins at Lew Prices Wide, Narrow and Fancy Striped Ticking, at Lew Prices. Table Linens and Napkins, at Lew Prices. Checks and Ginghams, at Lew Prices. Marseilles Quilts, Turkey Bed Damasks, Carpets, Wall Papers, Oil Cleths, Queenswure, Glassware, Prime Feathers. IMMENSE STOCK. J. B. XJZir AlirEUTZSEJUEXTS. T)APETEKIE AND BIRTHOAY CARDS. IX GREAT VARIETY, AT THE BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE OF L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 48 WEST KINO STREET. M1SCELLAXEOVS. Es 7STATE OF WILLIAM BLACK, SR late of Little Britain township, deceased Letters et administration en sain estate nav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under- IL8ipATTEKSOX, Spring Greve P. O., WM. BLACK, Jr., Fairmount P. O., Lan. Ce., Administrators. II. B. Swarr and J. W. F. Swift, Atty's. rjan28-Ctw ESTATE OF JOHN SCHWARTZ, LATE of Manhelm borough, deceased. The un dersigned auditor, appointed te pass upon exceptions and te distribute the balance re in lining In the hands of Henry Schwartz, ad ministrator of said Jehn Schwartz, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en MONDAY", MARCH 5th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a m., in the Library Beem of the Court Heuse, In the City of Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. DANIEL G. BAKER, fedll-ltw Auditor. ESTATE OF HENRY K. FLINCIIBACGH, late et Couestega twp., deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Casper Haley, executer et Henry :K. FUnchbaugh, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 18S), at 10 o'clock a. m.. in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said'dlstributien may attend. KOBT B.HISK, fcbt-Itw Auditor. piLES! PILES!! PILES!!! FREY'S UNIVERSAL PILE SUPPOSITORY. A sure and infallible remedy for this painful, distressing and often dangerous affliction. Its application is neat, clean and possessing everv advantage ever the former use of elnt men is, &c. Reader, if you are thus afflicted or knew of any who are, give the above a trial and be both convinced and relieved. ANDREW G. FRET, Proprietor. S. E. Cor. N. Queen & Orange Sts., Lan. Pa. Send for it by mail or have your nearest Druggist or Storekeeper get it for you. Price : Small bezes, 50c : large boxes, 75c. " TORTGAGES FOB SALE. Twe six per cent. Mortgages, one ter $10,000 and the ether ter $4,750, first liens and well se cured en eligible city Ileal Estate, belonging te the estate of the late Dr. Benjamin Misliler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. K. WILSON, Esq., Xe. 21 North Duke Street. flMlWAS Lancaster, Pa, of (reeds iu the city. 10,000 Yards of goods in the line of Notions and Millinery. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King1 Street. LOWEST PRICES. MARTIN & CO. WANTED. TTTANTED. TT Everybody te advertise, free of charge. iu me ede. Ixteixieexceu, who wants something WANTED. A situation by a first-class bartender; either in town or out. Apply at ltd THIS OFFICE. w ANTED. 20 men te assert tobacco. Appl v te D. MAYER, Stetnman's Warehouse, "S," Near Penn'a U. It. Depot. ltd "1ITANTED. TT A situation as Boek-keeper. Quick at figures and a geed penman. Address II. K., ltd Intelligencer Office. -X7-ANTED. TT A first-class bar-tender at JOHN COP LAXD'S Restaurant, Xe. 125 North Queen street. Nene but a geed hand need apply. ltd WAi ANTED. ly a young wemnn. a situation te de general .1 Housework, Apply at the Keystone hotel. ltd T LEWTN, 31. D., GRADUATE OF THE Ll . University of Dorpat, Russia, formerly of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 213 West King street. Office hours from 8 te 10 a. in., 1 te 'Z p. m. and 6 te 8 p.m. j2S-2md SELLERS' COUGH SYEUP! 50 Years Before the Public. Pronounced by all te be the most pleasant and efficacious remedy new in use for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness tickling sensation of the threat, whoeping: cough, etc. Over a mUllen bottles sold within, the last few years. It gives relief wherever used, and has the power te impart benefit that. cannot be had from the cough mixtures new in use. Sold by all .druggists at 25 cents pe. bottle. SELLERS' LITER PILLS are also hlghly highly recommended ler curing liver com. plaint, constipation, sick headaches, fever ana ague and all diseases of the stomach and liver Sold by all druggists at 25 cents per box. R. E. SELLERS & CO., el-lyw Pittsburgh, Pa. TRIED EDITIOI. THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 10, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, . Feb. 19. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states clear or fair weather, colder northwest winds and rising barome ter. TUE CZAR. 'Investigating the Latest Attempt tu Kill Him. St. PETEitsnuRG, Feb. 19. Genera Gourko, governor general of St. Peters burg, was engaged at the Winter Palace during the whole of the night of the 17th inst., investigating the circumstances con nected with the explosion. It has been ascertained that the dynamite was fired by an electric battery, and that several pounds of that exple sive must have been used. The cel lars of the palace have long been used for storing purposes, and appear te have been occupied by four workmen, three of whom have been arrested. The fourth man is missing. Many arrests have been made in the Winter Palace and its immediate neighborhood. Complicated Conspiracies. Loxdex, Feb. 19. The Daily Xcics in its second edition this afternoon, publihes the following despatch from its St. Peters burg correspondent : "Information which has come te my knowledge establishes a connection between the late attempts upon the life of the Czar and the arrest of some forty inmates of the Winter Palace en Monday last, the day before the explo sion. CONGRESS. Proceedings of the Heuse. Wasuixgtex, Feb. 19. In the morning the uill te remove causes from state te fed eral courts was taken up. It went ever with the expiration of the morning hour and at 1 :30 the Heuse went into commit tee of the whole en revision of the rules. The Heuse then went into committee en the state of the union, and 3Ir. Springer (111.) took the chair. An amusing and dramatic scene ensued Avhcn Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Cenger arose and claimed recognition. Cenger received the recognition ami made a short speech in whuJh he eulogized Stephens as the only representative of old-timed Jacksonian Democracy. Mr. Stephens then took the lloer and proceeded te speak in regard te rule 21 of proposed revision, opposing it as undemo cratic. ltuMlne.ss of the Senate Committees. The Senate cemmitttee en patents to day commenced the hearing of argument en the question of extending the Mathies and McKay patent for attaching the soles of shoes te uppers. Ex-Congressman Southard made the opening argument in behalf of the application. The Senate committee en public lands te-day held a special meeting, which was devoted te the Het Springs bill. Ne ac tidn was reached, and its consideration will be resumed at the next regular meet ing. DIG IILAZE. Destruction of a Connecticut Speen Factory. Waterihjuy Depot, Conn., Feb. li). The spoon factory, comprising a portion of the Beeth & Hayden works, of this city, was entirely destroyed by lire this morn ing. About one hundred hands were cm cm pleyed in this department, which consisted of a large four-story brick building, and at the time contained an unusually large stock of plated ware. The total less is es timated at $150,000, ever $100,000 of this being in uniinished goods and which was lightly insured. The total insurance en the building, machinery and stock is $82," 000. The origin of the fire is unknown. BLOWN TO ETEItNlTY. Twe Men Killed and si Number Injured by a Duller Explosion. Peoria, III., Feb. 19. A terrific boiler explosion occurred at Barten & Babcock's distillery below this city, at 8 o'clock last evening. Jehn Sill, tire foreman, and an aukiiewn man who had just come in te find work, were almost instantly killed. Benjamin Babcock, one of the proprietors, and Jehn Richardson, helper, are net ex pected te live. William Burns, engineer, Leuis Lanfenberg, masher, and Oscar Mills, a visitor, were painfully injured. The boilers were getting dry and the sud den letting in of water was the cause of the explosion. DKOUGIIT TO TEKMS. A Hung Jury Finally Rentier a Verdict or .Net Guilty. Red Bank, N. J., Feb. 19. The iu the case-of INaftal, the alleged jury Bed Bank "fire-bug," remained out all ni; On Judge Waiting's appearance en ght. the bench early this morning the jury came in and stated te the court they were unable te agree. Judge Walling refused te dis charge them and an hour later they came in with a verdict of " net guilty." REST AT LAST. ISruuildi, the Veteran Fresceer, Dead. Washington, Feb. 19. Mr. Constan tine Bmmidi, the welMcnewn fresco artist, died at half-past six o'clock this morning. That Broken Engagement. The Keman correspondent of a Londen weekly journal gives this account of the breaking off of the engagement of Byren's grandson te a young American lady : "Miss 4 Dudu ' Fletcher, author of that clever book ' Kismet,' who was te have been Lady Wentworth, is dangerously ill of brain fever, and her friends feel the greatest auxiety about her. There have been se many conflicting rumors about the rupture of the en gagement with Lord Wentworth that a word or two of truth will net come amiss. The wedding had been iixed te take place in Reme en the last day of the past year. Everything seemed te be going smoothly, when suddenly (and en Christmas day, tee of all days) Miss Fletcher received a letter from his lordship, absent in England, which must have contained unwel come intelligence indeed, for the result wasibat alter reading it she became unconscious, and that evening three doc tors were in consultation at her bedside. Since that time, with brief intervals, when she appeared somewhat better, Miss Fletcher lias been most seriously ill, and the gravest fears are new entertained as te her recovery. Among the Americans here the greatest sympathy is naturally felt for their giftd young countrywoman, and Lord Wentworth (whether with reason or net, of course I am unable te say) is very severely criticised." Hoity-Tejry. . It is stated that Mr.-HayWWas guilty of a glaring breackpf ctiqrtt'at the recent White Heuse rceeptien.'Amjfcg the guests were Sir Edward Thornten,-dean et tiie diplomatic corps, and Lady Thornten, who, according te the unwritten law of official observances, should have had pre cedence ever all ether guests. It is as serted, however, that Mr. Hayes tendered his escort te Mrs. Aster, of New Yerk, and Mr. Evarts accompanied Mrs. Hayes in the customary promenade through the East Roem, leaving Sir Edward and Lady Thornten te take care of themselves. We may expect te hear that this sight is con strued in England as an intentional insult te the majesty of Britain. It was, how ever, really nothing mere than an exhibi tion of the sheer stupidity which has fre quently characterized the official conduct of the Hayes admisistratien. Had the Hen. Edwards de Pierrepont been present his intimate acquaintance with the usage of official etiquette would have averted this painful catastrophe. Mr. Hayes, unfor tunately, has no teacher of deportment in his cabinet. Schoolmaster Schurz never having applied his ponderous brain te this purely ornamental branch of knowledge. Mighty wars have resulted, front breaches of etiquette, and Mr. Hayes should provide himself with an instructor ijn the polite arts without delay. v MARKETS. New Yerk Market. New Yerk. February 19. Fleur State and Western without decided change and quiet: su peril no state 9500550; extra de $5 505 t ; choice de $3 10$U0: fancy de $6 10 70O; round hoop Ohie -$." 7.6 0u; cheicw de f 10 7 50; superfine- western 5 OOfflS 30; common te geed extra de $3 503 73 ; choice dodo $3 737 73; choice white wheat de$3t3p 0i: Southern quiet: common te fair extra $3 83g; 35 ; geed te choice de 5 40(37 73. Wheat quiet and steady; Xe. 2 red, March, $1 311SU4; de April 1514; Xe. 1 White March, $1 41. Cern iiii better and fairly "active; Mixed Western spot 57tilc : de tuttire 5iijUIc. Oats linn ; state 4S5'.c ; Western 4ti.5lc, Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, February Hi. Fleur steady, but dull ; superfine 4 S05 U); ex tra 255 73; Olrie unit Indiana family $0 7507-25; Penn'a family $G507U0; St. Leuis family 7 00750 ; Minnesota Fam ily '257 00 ; patent and high grades $72H?350. Bye lour $3 00. Cecniiieal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firm ; Ne. 2 Western Bed $1 48 1 43 ; Ueiin'a de $1 4!l ; Amber $1 50. Cern steaUy ; steamer 5553ic ; yellow 57c ; mixed 50c. Oats active h easier rates ; Southern and Penn'a white -lie; Western de 4UJ47c ; de mixed 45c. Bye firm ; Western 90c ; Pa. 90c. Previsions steady-; miss perk $13 00 ; beet hauis $U5017 00 ; India mess beer ?-150; Ba Ba Ba conseoked shoulders 6c ; suit tle 4c ; smoked hams 910c ; plekled hams 8&'Jc. Lard steady ; city kettle 7c; loose butchers 7c ; prime steam 7e. Butter steady; creamery extra 3J3.re; Bradford county und New Yerk extra iri7c; Western reserve extra at H&Xe; de geed tu choice lSS25c: relt.i choice want ed ; I'eun'a extra Ifliie ; western reserve extra lSSc. Eggs quiet; Penn'a Uliij 15c; Western 14 15c. Cheese steady; N. Y. factory 1415c; western lull cream Hil4C ; de ler geed 13 14 ; de halt-skiuis Uj15c. Petroleum firm; iielfned lll.;c Whisky at $109. stock Market. PUILA.BKt.PIUA, Feb. 19. liESO P.M. Stocks stead v. Peunuti's (third Issue) 105 Philadelphia A Erie.. '? Heading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J... Northern Pacific Preferred . Northern Ceutnd Lehigh Navigation... Norristown . MO, AM)i 57i . 33 v Central Transportation Ce. W& l'ltts.. Tltusvuie x liiinaie. ti' Little Schuylkill .. 5J New Xeuk, Feb. 19. Stocks strong. X. Y. Central Adams Express , Michigan Central.., Michigan Southern.. Illinois Central las 1071 91 lli Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..110 Chicago A Recklslaud 151 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. llli a western union rei.ue Teledo & Wabash New Jersey Central ur.i . 4!4 MEDICAL. CUTICURA ! HUMORS OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND SCALP. i Ccticura Reselvent Is the most powerful Bleed Purifier and Liver Stimulant ever com pounded. In fort' minutes after taking the first dose It may be detected iu the saliva, bleed, sweat and urine, showing that it lias en tered the bleed and been distributed through out the entire system. In its passage through the circulating tluids it meets with the corrupt particles of matter which fester and main tain disease, with which it chemically unites, de stroying and gradually eliminating them from the system. Hence its power te forever expel Scrofulous, Cancerous and Canker Humors, which un checked fill the body with foul corruptions anil ret out the delicate machinery of life. CirnccitA, the great external remedy for all Humors of the Scalp and Skin, Ulcers. Seres and Discharging Wounds, is the most sooth seeth ing and healing ofeutwaid applications. It speedily destroys fungus and parasitic growths, restores the oil glands and tunes te a healthy condition, and cures, when assisted by the Clticl'ra Seav, Diseases of the Skin and Scalp which have been the torture of a life time. SKIN DISEASE, Great Suflertng for Sixteen Years. A Won derful Cure by the Cutlcura Remedies. Messrs. Weeks Petter: Gentlemen. Cdti cura Remedies have done me a power of geed. 1 have been afflicted with skin disease for six teen years. Seme days it troubled me mere than ethers, but at night the itching nearly drove me wild. I would scratch until the bleed would run down my limbs. I have hail several physicians. Seme said they could cure me, but ethers said net. I will say that before I used the Ccticura Remedies I m as in a fearful state, und hud given up ull hope of ever having any relief. But, liken drewnliigiiiaugraxpingatastraw, I thought I would try the Cuticuka Remedies, about which I had read se much. They have perf u Hied a wonderful cure ler me, and of my own free will and accord I re commend them. Yours trulv, " S A STEET F C8W. VanBuren St., Chicago, "ill" March 17, 187J. MORE U00D THAN DOCTORS In Three Years of Treatment. Gentlemen. Please find 50 cents te pay for small box of Cuticura and direct it te me. The dollar box you sent me has done me mere geed than all the doctors In three yearn. The doc tors have done me no geed. My leet und legs are healing fast. It is indeed Ccticuka. Yours truly, EVAN MORGAN, P. M. Moscow, Miss., June 23, 1878. CUTICURA SOAP Superior te Any. . Cham Dexsis, Druggist, First Place, cer. Court street. Brooklyn, March 4, 1879, lean cheerfully speuk of the healing quali ties of your Cuticcua SeAr, and Its jHTlunie is superior te any of the standard soaps new in use. CUAS. DENNIN. The Ccticcra Remedies are prepared by Weeks A Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3i0 Washington street, Bosten, and are ler wile by all druggists. Price of CuticunC, small boxes, M cents ; large boxes, containing two and one half times thequantlty et small, $1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cutlcun. Seap725 cents per cake ;. by mail, 30 cents : three cakes 75 cents. 1 fll IIfC By instantly afiectin Cv-""Or the Nervous system.tlicV VnlTMC WntCTft Influence is at once lelt a KW.inn.Bgjjgu,iwtIie mrthe8t extremities Pi ACTPwO Hence Pain, which arises wlw from a disturbance et the Nerve Forces, is cured in every instance as if by magic. Alse. Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lungs, Liver und Kidneys, Irritation of the Stomach and BowcIs,Jndiges BewcIs,Jndiges BowcIs,Jndiges tlen. Dyspepsia and Bilious Celic. TnSTABLISHED 18C2. "" J. D. ROSENBERGER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 31S Seuth Frent Al, Philadelphia, Tt. Dealers and Farmers having Eggs. Poultry, Butter pound, print, roll and solid or any kindet Country Produce, would de well te hip te ns. as we guarantee full prices and rempt returns. n26-13tw n 2 , i : . " ii