Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 19, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster irutelligencet. raayer and ward officers en Tuy, it
AFelitlcal Porpoise,
mm. x'. rr,.' raiders must fee a very
,., ; cf if thfiv are net distressed
at the everlasting failures of its persist- it
BIllfl'illfl.L.lls TlsV - -" - ' . j 1 lint
ent efforts te carry water en uetn sneui-
,ier Tfc is aerecable te us, as uici -,
net particularly interested in ??
.Era, te watcii rue giuuua ....
-""i -- -- - v:,
-menV its nernetuai acreuatiam,
te wonder at the contortions winch our
knowledge of physical and moral
laws advises us can have hut one result.
Nobody ever did ride two horses atone
time for any considerable period without
coming te grief; and this impossible
feat is net just exactly what uie ...
Era essays. It rides the two horses, but
at different times; which is net hard te
de. But its peculiarity consists in its
steady endeavor te persuade its readers
that it never mounted but one.
As thev are net all, probably, as stupid as
owls, some of them must recognize the
deceit ; and it does seem te us that this
must distress them, if they really have
any regard for the newspaper they take
and read ; sis they are supposed te have,
Un tiier vniilfl net, have it about their
iieuses. And these who de net clearly
see the fraud must yet be bothered by the
repeated presentation of Mr. Geist en
jjagsef different shades of color at dif
ferent times while reading his calm and
solemn asseverations that he never rode
but one animal, and never faced but one
It is fun te us te see the circus exhibi
tion the Xeic Era makes, and if the Xew
Era's readers enjoy it, tee, we wish it per
petual continuance, that it may be te us
all a never-ending joy. It does no harm
any mere, for the idiosyncrasy of the
paper is se well-established that every
wise man has learned te knew it. He
likens it te a barrel revolv
ing in the ocean billows, its
continually half-drowned rider steadily
occupied in working his head te the top
as the uneasy c:isk rolls away from him.
Leng usage has made him an exiwrt at
the job ; and hew he does grin and huz
za when he gets astride the barrel and
remains for a while in calm water, an
imaginary monarch of the seas. But
when shertlva breeze stirs ut the water
and the confounded barrel turns ever
and buries its rider in the sea, a momen
tary sympathy is felt for him in his pre
dicament, until he turns up smiling en
the ether side and commences his evolu
tions te regain his seat. And since it is
then apparently all well witli him in his
own conceit, we can afford te leek and
laugh and wait fei the next upsetting,
prepared te enjoy it with a clear con
science. The exhibition of its ruling passion se
pointedly made in its bold assault en the
district attorney, its capitulation before
a shot was fired", at theight of the jury,
and its renewed courage when the Ix
tklligexcek went in front of it and
took the scalps it hankered for, is still
frash in the public mind when the muni
cipal election comes -along and gives the
Xeic Era another fine chance te display
its special talent. A stout supporter of
Bering before the election, it damns him
afterward. " I told you se ' is the bur
then of its cry in its defeat, as it never
fails te be. In victory it would have
strutted and swelled and said, " See
what we have done by our loyalty te the
I Republican party, and our devotion te
its interests."' It is ever thus with the
Xcic Era. It never yet has been known
te have spared its claim te the honors
of success or te have refrained from
vowing that defeat came from
neglecting its counsels. It is al
ways right and always virtuous
in its own opinion. It was right, it
thinks, for it te support I Bering, who was
defeated, as it new claims, "because he
was an unworthy candidate forced upon
the party by the party lash wielded by
.selfish hands for mean purposes. It is
clear enough that with such views of the
candidate and the uses he was te sub
serve if elected, it was net the part of an
honest and sensible journal te advocate
his election. But, as we have said, the
funny thing about the Xcic Era is that
it never recognizes this simple logic and
never seems te think that anybody else
does; and se it keeps en in its amusing
gambols, calmly rolling ever whenever
it feels like it a very porpoise in the
The Examiner publishes the following
as a circular .which it pretends te believe
was sent through the Fourth ward the
night before the election by the Democ
racy :
FKimu.viiY 10.
Mr. : Bear Sir We are en the
eve of an important election. Te-morrow
shall decide whether honest Mayer Mac
Gonigle shall retain his position or whether
the corrupt enemy conquer. Yeu are a
young man and no doubt it is very imma
terial te you which way you vote. Would
you, for a consideration, help elect Mayer
MacGeniglc, say $10 ? Consider this well
and if you think it worth while, call at the
mayor's office between 8 and 9 te-morrow
morning. Keep this secret.
Yours respectfully,
Fourth Ward Democratic Committee.
Of course this is a clumsy forgery. Xe
such circular was cver printed, written
or circulated by the Democratic commit
tee of that or any ether ward ; no such
offers were cver made, directly or indi
rectly, by any branch or part of the
Democratic organization. If any such
idea had been contemplated of course no
such circular would have been issued, te
expose the nefarious business. But it is,
we repeat, a base forgery. If it was
written, printed or circulated it was done
Jjy Republicans te create prejudice
against the Democracy and injure the
party. Considering that some of the
leaders of that party have been caught
in the forgery et naturalization papers
and in the issue of bogus tax-receipts,
the forgery of such a circular as the
above would net be hesitated at for a
IIexkv 31. Ekisman did net "turn in
his buttons" from his old police uni
form until j'esterday. He held them
from last April, waiting for Judge Pat
terson's opinion. But the Seventh ward
voters get in ahead of the judge and
Erisman turned in the buttons last evening.
,,r ,rT, PtittiHff" there was en
rr didnet extend largely w -
10.1880. P" rpwtiell officers, and tetheag-
' ""' v . . r.4- 1L-
..nrr..r avprilfTPS 011
tliese one inuat ""
BiCBi....r..e--- ..i:4il t:,1.n.
te get an idea ei uie ie.u i" ".' , ' ..
of the city at this time. This j
.i;,i,i -nemnnrsitic majority en the lull-
viccin- .. .,, ' .. : i:-..i4 .11
yete cver pellfcd
THIS liiuitanu",
beyond ether Me yesirs,
of the strengui
of the Democracy, i "- ;
I, L. :.. ,. w verv difficult te get out
. -rt -! t-irT;
the full vote of the party in the Eighth
...r-i that se many naturaliza
tiens were made since last year,
.i t...f ...r.nt. tln veumr men
QT11 111 til iXMtvfr .-- w
entering their majority new, the drift is
towards Democracy. Twe-thmls vf the
voters " en age" this year were Deme-
crats. And still tney come. -
lowing computation shows the totals en
the respective office voted for in all the
wards; were two or mere of the same
kind were te be filled the average
is given :
107 D
Scheel Director.
Common Council..
Inspector. ,
Assessor .-!
. .2W7
Already Democratic members of
nnimcil and the mayor elect are lwing
besieged with some applicants for pa
tronage. We beg our zealous friends te
keep cool. Jvveryheuy win ie ueneuieu
by waiting. These wJe have te give
will de well te make no pledges, tie them
selves up with no premises , uiw these
who want what is te give will de as well
te remain calm. The early worm is as
apt as net te lese his chance of survival.
If everybody will resolve te make no
pledges and recommend jje candidates
until all the entries are in, there will fee
fewer mistakes and less need of disap
Themas U. IfixsKAit, of Halifax, died
suddenly yesterday. He yas fecyenty years
old and worth half a million.
Senater D.vwi:s will picnidc ever the
Massachusetts Republican state cenven
tien, te be held at Worcester, April 15.
Friday next will be the birthday of
Rev. J. W. Kevin, D. D., and as usual he
I will receive his frjendi? at Csuruarven Place
from 7 te 10 p. in.
It is said that M. Uami:tta's trieude
intend te push him as a cr.n lidate for
the vacancy in the French Academy
created by the death of M. Jules Favre.
Ciiasi: E. b.Mmj, editor of the Albany
Eccin'iit Journal, auueuncva his with
drawal from that paper. It is uudcr&toed
he becomes editor of a lending Republican
paper elsewhere.
During the session of the Leuisanla
Heme Speaker Oedi:ns pistol fell from
his pocket, causing it te discharge. Dis
trict Attorney Finney tiled an information
against Ogden charging l,i:n with carry
ing concealed weapons.
On Tuesday Jehn Xmvrjng shot Samuel
Pennington in the street, in Heutzdalc,
and probably fatally wounded him.
The old Philadelphia library building en
Fifth street, will be open te-day for the
last time, the library having been removed
te a new building at Locust and Juniper
streets, where it will be open te the public
from Tuesday next.
The fourteen six percent, geld mortgage
bends en the Ciaue jren company, for
$1,000 each, stolen en the 3d instant fiem
the Guarantee trust and safe deposit ceujr
pany's banking house, Philadelphia, were
returned te the bank yesterday in a pack
age, through the Adams express company.
A boardef naval surgeons, net yet de
tailed, will meet in Philadelphia en the
1st of March next, for the examination of
candidates for the position of assistant sur
geon in the navy. The law fixes the ages
of candidates at net less than 21 nor mere
than 28 years.
Armstrong county has elected E. D.
Graef and Mr. R. P. Marshall as represen
tative and Calvin Reyburn senatorial dele
gates te the Democratic state convention.
E. D. Graef was ivcommeuded as a dele
gate te the national convention. The del
egates were insti acted for Tilden for pres
ident. The new state hospital for the indigent
insane of Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgom
ery, Chester, Delaware, Northampton and
Lehigh counties was formally transferred
yesterday from the building commission,
appointed in 1878, te the beard of trustees,
te whom its management has been recent
ly confided.
Ex-Congressman Stcnger, of Pennsylva
nia, says that the feeling among the Dem
ocrats of his state is deefdedly favorable te
Tilden. He further says that, notwith
standing the stories of Tilden's methods te
secure the nomination, he thinks that
questionable methods are used by his op
ponents te defeat him.
In Norristown as Harrison Bickcl, a
private watchman en Main street, between
Swede and Dc Kalb, passed the posteffice
he thought he heard a noise in the rear
part of the building. He went te the
back deer and was immediately greeted
with two pistol shots. He opened fire en
the escaping burglars, but his pistol
would net go eQ' before lie had snapped it
three times. It was discovered that the
entrance was effected by forcing open the
rear deer. An attempt had been made te
enter through one of the windows, but the
inside shutters were tee firmly held by a
heavy iron bar. The large safe had been
rolled from its usual placp be as te screen
operations en it. and it had also been tied
with bags for the pnrpese of deadening the
sound from an explosion. A handsome
set of burglar tools was left behind.
I'estuI l'rohibitiens.
The postmaster general has issued an
order te postmasters prohibiting the deliv
ery of registered letters and money orders
te the following persons, represented as
being engaged in conducting fraudulent
schemes : R. C. Wintersmith, Ne. 3 Mo
zart building, Louisville, Ky., supervisor
of the Frankfort Scheel Fund lottery ;
W. Scott Glerc, Louisville, Ky., new
agent for the Commonwealth distribution
company ; M. V. Wagner, Marshall, Mich.,
who advertises te send patent receipts :
Berme & Breth. New Orleans, La., repre
senting the Royal Havana lottery com
pany, and D. P. Herrick, 43 Xew street,
New Yerk, who solicits money te invest in
railroad and ether stocks. It has been
further ordered that all persons receiving
mail matter under fictitious names shall be
identified at the office before the mail is
Judicial Deliverances.
The supreme court decided yesterday
that an administration bend js net a bend
for the payment of money within the act of
assembly, March 28, 1835, and its suppler
raent providing for judgment for want of
an affidavit of defence.
The supreme court, in au opinion, says
" that a court may at any time relieve
against a judgment by default upon god
cause shown, has been tee well settled te
be shaken, The most intolerable injus
tice might result nema ainerent doctrine. I
We must trust in sucn matters te the I
sound discretion of the lower courts."
"WORD or
It is Heard lu . Fair Weather as Well u Feu!.
The follewii ig editorial article from the
Daily Intell cgencek of Nev. , 1878 a
few days after Demuth'H election was
re-set yestcrday,te be published in connec
tion with an editorial reaffirmation of it,
immediately after Tuesday's election.
Other mauer crewuea it out anu we are
glad te publish it te-day, in connection
with the remarks of the Xcic Era upon
the same subject. We regret that our es
teemed contemporary did net find its
voice te re-echo our sentiments then. The
abuse was quite as rife then as new, and
the campaign fund of the Republicans in,
this city in 1878 had a great deal te de
with it. Tiie $2,000 sent by Quay te Lan
caster en the Saturday betere the elec
tions ; the orders telegraphed te a firm
here by the political agent of a great cor
poration in Philadelphia te " buy every
thing possible against Steinmetz and pay
any price," contributed te Dcmuth's elec
tion by means of the wildest corruption.
The Intelligescuh saw it in defeat ; the
Xeic Era was bedazzled with victory. But
as the Intelligence!! has the same senti
ments for fair weather and foul, it docs net
hesitate te repeat new what it said then
and te give the Xew Era's long delayed
answer te our early call. We are as ready te
begin the work of reform new as we were
then. This is what the Intelligencer
said iu 1878 :
There is no disguising the fact that year
after year elections have become agencies
of greater public demoralization. Their
frequent recurrence and the scenes and in
fluences attending them comprise a subject
well calculated te alarm the moralist no
less than te bewilder the politician. In
this city and county things have become
steadily vyersp eyer since tjjc introduction
of the Crawford county system of nomina
tions by the Republican party. That
system as new administered makes the Re
publican campaign for nominations here a
carnival of corruption and immorality for
the several months during which it is
agnd aptively, A class of bummers in
fest the' city andequnty, licsiegjng candi
dates for beer and money, and te a woeful
extent getting them. Year after year their
importunities and tlje ready yielding te
them become worse. Vetes are bought
and sold shamelessly in the market places,
and it is seldom that a candidate reaches
the goal without running very close te
financial bankruptcy and utter demoraliza demeraliza
j luii. We have the authority of one of the
most active politicians hi j he last Repub
lican campaign in this county for the 'cal
culation that the candidates for uemina?
tiens spent in the aggregate between $33,
000 and $40,000, of which at least 5)0 per
cent, was of the disreputable class of ex
penditures te which we have referred. Te
such a pitch qt excitement and such length
efshanielcssncss'h'ad tlic campaign pro
gressed, that en election day the agent's
of the candidates steed along the curb curb
btencs in this city, with inenp'y jn hand,
buying every thing that came along, re
gardless of party, age or residence, and
putting the cash in ene hand and the
ticket into the ether.
These practices gradually induced a
a large class of Republican voters in this
city te expect the same treatment at the
general election, and during late years' it
has bcfiii the custom net only te "beer"
them liberally for weeks in advance of the
election, but te pay tlcm well for their
votes and services en election day. A class
of Democrats have naturally come te ex
pect the same, and the institution of "poll
committees, " which once meant the pay
ment of a day's wages te a few needy men
who lest a day's work that they could illy
spare, te held the window book, distribute
tickets or ran the carriages, has grown
into a monstrous, abusp whjch new means
the payment of from $1 $5 per day each en
election day te anywhere from 300 te 1,000,
voters te held or change their votes. Te
be sure, many of these would vote their
ticket without this inducement, but as its
extension has become se general they ex
pect it, and politicians fear te take the risk
of withholding it. There remain hundreds
with whom it is virtually, if net techni
cally, a matter of outright purchase, and
year by year the number of this plass is in
creasing. Fer reasons which are obvious the Dem
ocracy must be the sufferers from this sys
tem. The unvarying liberal campaign
fund of the opposition, drawn from heavy
capitalists and corporations with great in
terests seeking legislation and raised by
assessments and levies en office-holders,
utterly obliterates the slim, voluntary con
tributions of Democrats. Rut we trust
there is a higher and mere patriotic view
of the question which honest men of all
parties can take. Aside from party ad
vantages, and beyond a regard fqr the
Mcvere tax which the system entails upon
active partisans, decent people must view
with grave apprehensions the long train of
ensuing ills. Chief of these, of course, are
the general demoralization and debauchery
of the vemers ; scarcely second te it is the
dangerous power given te money aud
office te overcome the actual voice of the
people ; most of the patriotic sentiment of
politics is eliminated by the fact that the
most earnest and high-minded patriot is
balanced at the polls by the bummer
whose yete can be bought for the almighty
dollar and a siuglp dollar at that. The
personal leadership which onee gave such
enthusiasm aud magnetism te campaigns
is rapidly becoming lest te us, and all the
legitimate powers of persuasion, the argu
ment of reason, the eloquence of the ora
tor, the ability, of the editor, count for
naught against influences which arc net
only unworthy, but yielding te which is,
in itself, vicious and demoralizing.
Philanthropic citizens and honest citi
zens cannot ignore these abuses. Te meet
them in a partisan spirit is only topcipctu tepcipctu
ate them. Yre must unite the better
classes of all parties te stamp them out. It
has become the leading question, net hew
elections shall go, but if there shall be
elections at all. "" A few mere years of the
recent progress toward an utter abuse of
suffrage, and anarchy will be down en us
like night,
. This is what the Aeic Era new saya :
"If half what is told of the money spout,
and the purposes for which it was spent,
in the late election, be true, it is a burning
disgrace te both parties aud a terribly dis
gusting commentary upon the venality of
a certain class of voters. It is an undeni
able fact that men were openly bought like
sheep in the shambles, their votes finally
going te the party which made the highest
bid. Beth parties charge it upon the ether,
and we will net pretend te gay which be
gan it or who did the most of it ; although
there is a pretty geed reason for believing
that the friends of Mayer MacGeniglc did
the out-bidding yesterday, whether because
they had the longest purse or reserved the
use of it until the time when they could
mere certainly " put it where it would de
the most geed," this deponent saith net.
AtalLevents, it is about time that the
decent men of both parties should get
together and order a halt en this most
degrading of all species qf corruption, and
hereafter estracise any man qi- party who
uses money for anything connected with
elections, except for legitimate and neces
sary expenses autherised by law, If some
thing of that kind is-notdene our elections
will be worse than a farce a crime, and a
nursery of criminals.
Seme Timely KemlnUcences.
This is what the editor of the Xeic Era
said oil Oct. 17, 1872, seen after the ras
calities of some of its present friends in
forging naturalization papers had been
disclosed :
"They are simply the culmination of a
series of frauds which have been perpe
trated in this county at every primary
election for years, and the same parties
having grown bold with impunity in their
crimes, have new ventured te debauch our
general elections in the same manner.
We asserted some time since that Gov Gov
ereor Geary was "counted"' in three year.
age, and were denounced as a slanderer
for saying se. But, if the statute of limi
tation had net thrown its protecting arms
around the guilty parties, we mi;ht show
by their own admission, that some of that
very fraud was perpetrated in this city, and
by the very men, tee, who are new doing
all in their little power te crush the Ex
press. It might be shown hew the assum;
cd leaders went into a private room, ex
perimented with different kinds of ink,and
finally sent out and procured the quality
which suited them, and then signed the
names of election officers te a return which
they had hCver made ! But the scoundrels
who engage in this work take care te con
ceal their frauds until after the statute of
limitation can be successfully pleaded in
case of prosecution !
The efforts new being made by the ring
leaders te coyer im the three cases of
alleged fraud just developed in this city,
point mere clearly te the guilt of the
parties implicated tlinu the duvet evidence
itself. Extraordinary efforts have been
made te intimidate Mr. Frey from prose
cuting MoMellen, who has been led te be
lieve that he would suffer in his business if
he did net withdraw the suit ! And it is
common street talk that ueue of these
cases will ever come te trial, as all the
money and political influence arc arrayed
en the side of tlje defendants. We brand
all such conclusions' as slanders upon our
court and the officers whose duty it is te
execute the laws, We demand that these
cases shall be tried en the same terms at
least as the peer man who is tried for
stealing a bag of Heur te keep the wolf of
hunger from his deer the terms of jus
tice. Will our honest citizens submit te
anything less? Are they willing te have
their hqiKHjt ballqts Ret aside qr liuHjllcd
by infamous fraud, and still leek en in
silence !
The KT-Presnleiit's Niece Dead ami
llusbaml Toe Peer te Huryller,
The death is announced of Jenuip Tyler,
niec,e of ex-Presidcut Tyler. Ten years
age she was' one of the reigning belles of
Washington, She possesuii also a comfort
able fortune. Yesterday her dead body
lav stretched en a table in a rickety and
squalid tenement of Brooklyn, her hus
band, William Cellins, being tee peer te
defray the expenses of the funeral.
It appears that she has wealthy
relatives who refuse te bury her.
Jennie was married tvioe. Her first hus
band squadded her money, Her second
husband, Cellins, was peer and was thrown
out of work. It is said Jennie's father
lives In Ilarrisburg. The dead woman's
sister lives in handsome four story b own
stone house in a fashionable locality in New
Yerk Iter husband satd Mrs. Cellins was
riot recognized qn 'account of her marriage
beneath her statieq. Mrs. Cellins's fir.--t
eeqsjii js a preiqinent eity pulitieiaij, and
she was also a relative of a leading lawyer
in Wall street, Her brother is said te he
iu a Baltimore college Senater Jehn W.
Stevenson is her cousin, Jennie Tyler was
born in Richmond, Virginia, in 1S48.
Details of Her Dcatli.
New Yerk Uei-aW.
" They Ijad de as T .said, fqr I made
the match," said Mrs Charlette Rice te a
reporter yesterday. ' I did it for the best
te give the peer "jrl a home,"
The speech' had reference (e the mar
riage of Jennie 1 lemon Tler, a daughter
of Cel. W, W, Tyler ami grandniece of
the late President Tyler, te William
Cellins, a laborer in the Brooklyn gas
works ; and it was in response te the re
porter's question as te why, both being
Reman Catholics, they were married in a
Protestant church. While Jrs. liee v.iv,
speaking the reporter looked around the
barren apartment, wIiemj uncarpctcd fleer
aud the bare walls spoke of poverty and
ajnjest squalor,
"J was net always e peer." said Mr.
Cellins, interpreting the reporter's leek.
That he spoke truly there could he no
doubt, for still he was rich in true manli
ness and all the higher attributes of hu
man nature. Stretched en a table, which
served for a bier, lay the peer woman,
whose story is a siqgqlarjy sad enp. The
child of wealthy parents and boasting a
lineage as proud as any in the land,
splendidly educated and a pet in the high
est, secjal circles, she was, before her girl
hood was past, betrayed, disowned, east
out. Deluded into a mock marriage In
Brooklyn by a man named Jennings and
despoiled of her property, she was left te
beggary and starvation, or worse. Jennie
Tyler was born in Richmond in 1848 ; her
girlhood was passed en her father's
plantation in Mississippi ; she was educa
ted in a convent, -and in li?72, when her
cousin, Jehn W. Stevenson, was United
States senator from Keutucky, she was
introduced into Washington society. It
was seen after the last event that slip made
the acquaintance of Jennings and married
him. A few months wrought the misery
and downfall of the bright, vivacious and
intelligent yenng girl. Fer the next two
or three years nothing of her history is
known by the public except that she was
disowned by her family, and as Mis. Rice
declares, harshly turned away from her
sister's deer when she went te beg for
bread and protection.
t'l wpnt with her te hpr sister's house, "
said Mrs. Rice, '"but the deer was
slammed jn her face, I told her te come
away with me, aud that is hew she be
came my brother's wife. "
" Mrs. Cellins has net been iccegnizcd
by her family, " said that sister's husband
te the reporter, "because she married be
low her station. There are family reasons
why I should net talk about her life ; it is
purely a family matter, and does net fuui
cprn the publip. "
Butthe man who shared his scanty earn
ings with her, who gave her name and a
home, who was proud te call her wife, was
net se reticent. As he sat ever his dead
iu his peer apartment at Ne. 78 Hudsen
avenue, Brooklyn, yesterday, he never
ceased talking of her gentleness, her virr
tqes and her accomplishments. There was
no mistaking the fact that this poorlaboi peorlaboi poerlaboi
ing man was proud of his talented and
high born wife, "She was tee ffnp a woman
for a peer inan te marry," he said; "she
M-as fit for a prince. Bnt she never com
plained of her hard let she was never ua
happy in her prevcrty. Ner did I cver
hear her say an unkind word of her rich
relations who had disowned her. She was
well acquainted with General Pryer, the
lawyer. Senater Stevenson was her cqushj
and was Mrs. Arthur, the vife of General
Arthur, in New Yerk, Her middle name
was Hernden. Yeu see she was of royal
"Have you heard from any of her friends
since her death?"' the reporter askwd.
"Mr, Brophy, her brother-in-law, sent
me 623 te bury her, but it came tee late
te de it te-day, and this morning I re
ceived a letter from her father. Here it
Mr. Cellins handed the reporter a letter,
which was dated at the European bete',
Ilarrisburg, Pa. Its ceiitpnts yefe as fol fel
lows :
"Villiaxi Cellins, esq. 3Fu Dfar Sir:
Your telegram was this moment received
conveying the sad intelligence of the
death of my daughter Janp, and I met
sincerely condole with you. Though it was
what we were expecting every" day, yet it
is a severe blew te me, and mere particu
larly se because it is impossible for me te
attend the funeral and drop a tear ever her
remains. Please let me knew whether she
received the List rites of the church or net
which, if she did, would be the Greatest
consolation te me, and I could havca mass
said for the repose or her soul. "-irs.
Tyler's condition is such that I cannot be
absent from her but a few hours at a time"
She unites with me in the warmest regards
and sincerest geed wishes for your health
and happiness. I am most truly
.'w , W-W.Tyi.eii.
' Were the last rites of the church per
formed?" the reporter asked, after perus
ing the latter.
"Yes," Mr. Cellins answered, "by
Father MeCue, of St. Ann's church, only
a few minutes before she died. "
Further inquiry elicited the fact that
Mr. and Mrs. Cellins were married Octo
ber 13, 1875, at St. Peter's church, in
Twentieth street, by the Rev. Dr. Beach.
She died, of consumption, en Monday last
at 2 o'clock p. m. Her remains will be
interred at Flatbusli in the cemetery of
the Hely Cress, this afternoon. As the
reporter rose te take his leave the
wemau who was in attendance upon
the dead lifted the covering from
the face of the deceased. A glance
revealed an emaciated but striking face, in
Its outlines wonderfully like the portraits
of the late President Tyler, whose bleed
was in her veins. There were still some
lingering traces of her girlish beautv
which even years of sorrow and poverty
could net destroy. "Her face is the best
part of her," said Mr. Cellins mournfully;
and it was plainly te be seen that she was
a mere sKeioien, as gaunt as dcatli itself.
Cremation ami SivedeiiberSamsiii.
A correspondent in the New Orleans
Picayuw writes : I read in your paper this
morning an extract containing an account
of the cremation of the dead body of a
young lady at Washington, Pa., and the
Writer stated that the father of the child
was "an ardent follower of Swcdonberg "
and called cremation the last ceremony of
the Swedenbergian creed.
What next will ignorant persons impose
upon us peer Swedeubergians ? They
have had us setting plates, at our tables for
our neat' nlcnds for thp last hundred years.
Tl'icy have made out that we saw ghosts
and talked te spirits. They have roundly
asserted in the face of all the facts that
we were spiritualists and held spanecs.
They say we deny the Divinity of the Lord
Jesus C!;rit, when we are the only Chris
tians qf the face of tlc earth tha,t tv".ly
and fully assert Iis siwreme and sole
Divinity. They say wc deny the Bible, when
no ether denomination teaches se absolute
a faith in the spirit and letter of the Hely
Scriptures, And new the spirit of miurep miurep miurep
vosentatlen takes the queer shape of a
statement that cremation is an article of
the Swedenbergian faith,
Let cremation stand en its uun bottom,
rty'odenljorg Bidd neriiing about it; the
church which toadies his doctrines says
nothing about it, and very few Sweden Sweden
hergians have ever pronounced an opinion
en the subject. It is, however, likely that
disciples of Swcdenberg will adept the
practice of cremation mere readily than,
the members of ether churches, aud for
tlui following most excellent reasons .
Swedciiberg very philosophically teaches
that there is never going tu be an end of
time, that the world is never going te be
destroyed, by cremation or etherwise, and
that the material body is never going te be
resurrected. He teaches with St. Paul
that we have a spiritual body, that the
spiritual body lises at death, and that the
natural body is necessarily cast off forever.
j The spiritual world is totally different from
j the natural weild, thp spiritual body from
the natural body. The geed saints who
have gene te heaven would be inovpressi inevpressi
( bly shocked if tlipy were told they would
I liaye te come back into the natural world
, and get into their bodies again, no matter
, hew beautiful they might 15c decorated te
rciicive them,
Swedenbergians. therefore, attach no
special value te the material body. It is a
compound of se much oxegen, hydrogen
and ether chemicals which undergoes
iunuiHcrable transformations forever.
A deceased friend has nothing mere
te de with it te eternity. Crema
tion is probably tl'P most respect
able, doctor, rapid, cleanly and sani
tary method of disposing of it. Wc turn
our thoughts entirely away from death
and the grave, and expect te meet the
genuine livimr man in a beautiful spiri
tual human form in the glorious land
which opens upon us after wc pass through
that little tunnel called death,
An; Old Swbdeniiekgian.
An unknown man committed suicide at
Orange, N. J yesterday, by throwing him
self in front of a train.
The Senate yesterday rejected the nomi
nation of Jehn B. Stickney as United
States marshal for Flerida.
Edith Gilliam, colored, a native of
Sussex county, Va., died in Philadelphia
yesterday, aged 113 years.
The carriagCThub and snake faotery of
Keyca & Sykps, at Tcrre Haute, was
burned yesterday. Less, $00,000 ; insin
ance, $30,000.
The old historical shipheuse at Sackett's
Harber, which was erected in 1818, blew
down, leaving exposed the uncompleted
war vessel New Orleans.
The New Yerk Senate has refused, by a
vote of 14 te 18, te adjourn ever until
March 1, te enablc'mcmbers te attend the
state Republican convention.
The Turceman chiefs recently met near
Mem and resolved te send messengers te
Persia and India asking for support. They
also determined upon the military meas
ures te be taken.
Fer the Oxford and Cambridge univer
sity beat race, which is te take place en
the Thames en Saturday, March 20, the
later crew is the favorite in betting at C
te 40.
The Senate naval affairs committce yes
terday decided te adhere te their adverse
action in the rase of Lieutenant Woodhull
(4, Seheuek. His promotion would "jump"
thirty of the lieutenant's senior officers.
The Londen Standard's Madrid corres
pondent reports heavy gales yesterday en
the coasts of Galicia, Asturias and Biscay.
Many Ashing beats, with their crews, were
lest and several shipwrecks 'e ooour eoour oeour
rcd. "
A frame house occupied by Jehn Delfen
bach, his wife and three children, in Cin
cinnati, was wrecked by the wind yester
day morning. Delfenbach and one of his
children were fatally injured : the wife and
two eldest children escaped with slight in
juries. Jeseph Lalande and W. Gilbert remained
during Tuesday nijrht in a new house, in
Quebec, in which a charcoal lire was kept
burning te dry the plaster. Yesterday
morning, Lalande was found dead in the
house and Gilbert lying outside the deer
insensible. His recovery is doubtful.
The Spanish minister at Washington has
received a telegram from Havana, stating
that the insurgent leaders, Mariane Farres
ami Miguel Remas, surrendered yesterday,
in the district of Baynme, with four field
officers, live line officers and mere than 200
armed men.
In Wilmington, Del., a fire at St. Peter's
Catholic female orphan asylum damaged
the building and contents te the extent of
nearly 4 10, QQQ ; insurance, $15,000. Wil
liam McEtwee was seriously injured by
falling from the third story of the build
ing. The lire was caused "by a defective
Distinguished Dead.
Gen. Win. S. Famell, a prominent law
yer and politician of Lockport, N. Y., died
e 1 Tuesday night.
Dr. Bcnj. IL Catlin, for several years a
member of the American health associa
tion, died in Meridcn, Conn., yesterday, in
the 78th year of his age.
Cel. Seth P. Remington, collector cf
customs and editor of the Daily Journal, at
Ogdensburg. N. Y.. died yesterday.
James Lenex, the founder of the Lenex
library, aud for a long time president et"
the bank of commerce iu New Yerk,
died en Tusday night, in the SOth vear of
his ajxe.
Why lie Mut Take a Hack Seat.
Harry Sehreyer need nut get excited
that he was net elected te councils. He
was net deserving of re-election, nor fit for
the office. He is a geed clever fellow, in
his place, but that place is net councils.
If anybody thinks otherwise we invite him
te read this letter, written by Sehreyer,
which we have had at hand for a month,
and only refrained from publishing before
lest it might have a bad eil'ect,te appear te
be breaking a bruised reed. The italics
are ours :
Lancaster July 30, 1870.
Mr. J. U. Jfarkey :
Di;ak Sin
-" Would like te see you very much but
de net think that it iretild he a'tlcisnlile for
you te come en here, ax I am blunted already
for being tee much interested in you, anil
there are stories about my getting a big
thing out et this hose business. Would
like te have a half-day's talk, for it would
take very nearly that time te tell you hew
matters stand. But this much you can
rely en, that if council instruct the com
mittee te buy leather hose, I, As ciiaiii-
My father has been away and all the man
agement of the place was en me, or I
would have written seuner. He is home
new. Wish I could run up te see you
Saturday evening but i" hue spent mere
!.WJ en this new than I euijht and ran
net stand the expense. There are several
things that I would like te sec you about,
but de net wish you te cuiiie te Lancaster
as it would no, de, you any geed. We
meet te-.iy .t week and will have a stormy
time the way it leeks new. Wish you
would answer by return mail. Have tried
te get a pas without success as the
t R. R, are net as liberal as they used te
be. Will te close this, must go in
the lieni! train.
Yeiu truly.
11. A. SciiuuYKi:,
Lancaster, PaAug. 1. J. B. Markey,
Gutta Piycba Ce.. 2.1 Park Place, New New
Yerk. "Wiil be in Philadelphia at ten a.
in. II. A. Sciiihivku.
This J. B. Markey is agent for a lire
hose company in New Yerk, Sehreyer be
ing chairman of the I10-.C committee of
councils. Hep.1
13r)re lmigu l'attei-Hen.
In the case of Geerge II. Killenbergei'
vs. Dr. J. W. Geed, action en a mechanic's
lien, the defense was that the work was
net done according te the specifications.
Witnesses were called te prove that and iu
rebuttal the plaintiff called ethers te show
that their work had been well done. On
Itefnre limine t.Hlntuii.
Hanover Junction and Susquehanna rail
road uemnnny vs. Michael II. Moeic. In
this oasis the defense is that Mr. Moere
subscribed this stock en condition that
$100,000 would be raised tewaid the com
pletion of the read en this side of the liver
which was net done.
It is further claimed that the proposed
read was te mn within .100 yards of the
defendant's grist mill, en the Big Ciliqiics
creek, according te the Philadelphia and
Reading company's survey, but instead of
doing that that the plaintiff had it graded
700 yaids farther off. On trial.
The above cases are the last for trial,
this week and the ether jurors were dis
The Villi Vete et ISoreulii and Citicn.
Belew will be found the full vote polled
en Tuesday iu the cities and boroughs
named. It will be seen that Lancaster
stands at the head of the list :
Lancaster ( mayor )
Ilarrisburg ( supei visors )
Pottstown ( burgess)
Yerk ( chief bimjess )
. 0S2
West Chester ( chief burgess ) . . . 0:51
Columbia ( chief burgess) 1,1 M
Lebanon ( burgess )
Alteena ( mayor )
Easteu (chief burgess).
A Ilcutewn ( mayor )
Carlisle ( chief burgess )
AVilkes Barre ( mayor )
Sunbury ( chief burgess ) . .
Oil City ( inaver)
.. 700
1 24
.. (i!(2
Franklin, Venango co., (mayor) 012
Bradford ( treasurer ) 780
Scranton ( mayor ) 5,181
Neighborhood Neivs.
The Oxford, Chester county, Press enters
upon its fifteenth year this week, It is a
geed paper, well edited, high-toned and
filled weekly v.iih a full department of
well digested local and general news.
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Gatchcll, of Oxford,
Chester county, has received the appoint
ment, of matron of the Franklin reform
atory home for inebriates, located en Locust
street above Ninth, Philadelphia. She as
sumed the duties of the position en Tues
day of this week.
On Tuesday Rev. C. F. Stever, for forty
years a preacher iu the Lutheran church,
died at Mcchanicsbuig, Cumberland county,
aged 09 years. He was a native of Leba
non, and entered the ministry in lb3(5.
The residence of D, A. Rupp, Yerk, was
entered by burglars, early yestei day morn
ing, but they weic discovered and scared
Off before anything of v.ilue was secured
by them.
line Cattle.
William McMullcn a noted drover of this
county, shipped te Philadelphia last week
a fine drove of cattle. The let consisted
of a pair of grade Shorthorn oxen, four yeai s
old, which weighed 4500 pounds, and
twelve young steers, between tweand three
years old, of tiie same stock, which averag
cd 1497 pounds. Ten of the steers were
raised by Abner C. Weed, of Little
Britain, bred from common cows and
a shoit-herncd bull from the herd of
Edward Hicks, of East Geshen, Chester
county, who exhibited at the Oxford fair,
where the animal was purchased. The
average weight of these ten calves was
1500 pounds, which is remarkable weight
for half-bred animals of their age. They
were very fat and fine and showed nice care
and attention,
The .llodec King.
Last evening the members of the Medoc
Ring held their usual sociable at Sprengcr's
saloon. The lunch table was ornamented
with a large beat prepared by Billy Rapp,
as an emblem of the one in which the Re
publican candidates defeated at the city
election en Tusday are te embark for the
head waters of Salt river.
Which Shew Uaw AuewUny's Wind lllew.
Carry the news te Blaine.
Alderman Spin tier "ield you se "
McMclIen is "cock of Uie walk."
Majer Reinoehl stock has taken a sudden
Dave Myers has received his lirst lessen
in city politics.
It pleases the protheuotary's office from
centre te circumference.
Charley Be;iiig docs net want te be
chief of police.
The ward of McMclIen, Bering's old
cuemy, did better than an v.
"Sam " Randall sent the mayor a con
gratulatory despatch yesterday.
Unless Dr. Compten can account for the
Second ward down gees his house for
It was significant that the two wauls
which opposed Bering's nominal ion were
the only two that he carried.
The Examiner says that the Philadelphia
Time has an editor in this city. What a
pity it is that the Examiner has none.
The financial editor of the Examiner con
tributed a long article te that paper last
evening en the money question. Of course
their party don't use it.
Tem Davis wants te steal MeMcIIen's
thunder, and if you mention that Sixth
ward he explains that his whole interest
lay in the Thud beating the Fourth.
There was a liver pad left at Jehnsen's
office yesterday te be sent te Bering, but
Jehnsen is hesitating whether Eberlv or
Davis needs it the mere.
When the Reverend Matthew Mark
Diggs voted the solid Democratic ticket
at the Ninth ward polls, Harry Sehreyer
said, in less classic terms, Xunc diutlis.
There is a second story room en North
Queen street, which presented a lively ap--pearance
before the election, for ieuH new.
Would it net be geed idea te drawi it in
mounting for a few davs?
If J. W. Jehnsen gets another chance te
district the city he will make seven winds
out of the Thiid aud Fourth, put the
Seventh into 0110 and the First, Second,
Sixth and Ninth into the ether.
Tem Davis thinks his chances are net as
geed for the office of district attorney as
they would have been had "his" ward
gene Republican. Jehnsen has net been
heard from ; Adam Ebcrly's-nvard will net
elect him either.
Last year Themas William Hrewn de
fined his political status as an Independent
and it was hard te discover that he had
been running for select council in the
Seventh. This year he came out for Bor Ber
ing, and that seemed te be the last straw
en the camel's over-leaded back.
J. Ivahler Snyder is the man selected
by the Third ward Republicans te act as
judge of th'j elections there ; J. HayBiewn
iu the Firt waul ; Gee. R. Seiiscnigin the
Second : BenRewe in the Fifth and Anus
C. Gast in thc'Ninth.
ness. "
They mean "busi- -
"And Ie ! Jee Samson's name led all
the rest" iu the nominating eon vent ion
packed by the workers ; but when he earner
before the people he was the lowest candi
date for school director. And, by th way:,
he is net confirmed as census svperv.iMur
yet. Where's Compten?
Candidates for district rJinerney,sii.mdup
and answer. "Adam jibeily. TVTiat ditc
your ward de?'' " fei,- :ffacGenigIc."
"Tem Davis, Let, hear from the Sixtls."
"100 for MacCeiiigle.." "Jehnsen, Hew
say you from the OJd Fourth, which was
te give 1:75 ?" "41 for Bering." Better
hunt a candidate. fiem the country.
A few days after ihc Republican nomi
nations Tem Wiley, the alleged politician
from the Sixth ward, was asked why Jehn
II. Bewman was put en their ticket as a
candidate for constable. He said it was
done "te fill up the ticket," and he un
doubtedly told the truth. It is the height
of Jehn's ambition te be policeman like
Andy Flick aud he will he one probably
before the next Centennial.
The colored brother taught the Eepubjf
cau politicians his real value, at least his
market price this year. It was a mali
cious trick in some of the Democratic
sharps te set up the job en the Be-ringers,,
and run the mekes up te such a figure. If"
the Rads had known tlrat the fellows who
get up the "corner" in Africa couldn't
deliver a single share of the stock they bid
ler, McMclIen and Dcen would havecap-
turcd Cuffec at the regular rate. As it
was, the negre's vote was worth two white
ones last Tuesday iu the Third and Seventh.
In its notice of the Sixth ward banks
the Examiner overlooked the one of which
Postmaster Marshall was president and '
Themas B. Cochran was cashier. Among
the heavy stockholders and directors wen-.
Marshall, Cochran and EsIiIcumii eaeh'j
held one hundred shaic-s 'jT(7h 'Wiley.,
Charley Kaufman, Ed, Eberman, .1. II.
Baumgaidner, Lewis S. Hartman,- Philip
Lebzelter ; awl Tem Davis was the solici
tor. Despite these honored names it lus
gene into bankruptcy. The counting-reeir,
shifted from the depot te Jee Bcar back
room. Ring the bell softly, there's crape
en the deer.
Married by Friend C'rrciucny.
On Tuesday while tiie city election was
at its height and almost cveryliedy was
excited aud making guesses as te the preb
able result, a modest country ceuil!
stepped into Alderman Spurrier's-office te
be married by Friends' ceremony. They
were Gilpin Reynolds and Philcna King,
both of Fulton township. The marriage
ceremony was very simple. Mr. Reynolds
and Miss King joined hands-, and the
former said : "I, Gilpin Reynolds, in the
presence of Almighty Ged and these wit
nesses, take this woman, Philcna King, te
be my wedded wife." The woman made
a similar declaration that she took Mr.
Reynolds te be her wedded husband. The
alderman, by virtue of the power given
him as a magistrate, declared the twain
wedded, and the job was done without
the trouble of a preacher, bridesmaids,
ushers, wedding-ring, wedding-marches,
bridal tour, or any ether of the usual mat
rimonial flumbus.
1. ta