Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 18, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
The Significance of the Result.
The large majority by which flavor
MacGenigle has leen re-elected is a very
flattering testimonial te him by his fellow-citizens
of their appreciation of his
efficiency, and will greatly encourage
him in his future efforts te discharge his
flnt.v towards them. It is a reward of
merit ; and it is very gratifying, indeed,
te every lever of democratic institutions
te see hew faithfully the voters dis
charged their duty and demonstrated
their eoed sense, by their emphatic deci
sien in favor of the best candidate for
mayor, regardless of his politics. It
would le very foolish for us te claim
Mayer MacGenigle's large majority as
a Democratic majority : for, most man
ifestly, it is net se. It was swelled by
the ballets of independent and sensible
Republicans, who could net see the pro
priety of voting against a man who had
demonstrated his capacity for the office
te which his re-election was asked, and
for a candidate whose capacity they
had abundant reason te distrust.
The claim of party in a municipal elec
tion is net of such binding power as te
compel men of geed sense te abandon
their judgment of candidates and confide
the administration of their civil affairs
te untrustworthy and incompetent
hands. "We rejoice exceedingly that the
citizens of Lancaster gave this opinion
in such an emphatic way yesterday. It
is a lessen which the politicians will need
te heed. It tells them that the party
hush will net avail te force into the con
trol of municipal affairs any manner of
men, and will drive them into the nomi
nation of worthy candidates.
The Democratic party has always done
itself credit in this city by its mayoralty
nominaliens and it has earned a geed
title te the confidence of the community
by this fact. Whether from the inherent
virtue of the party itself or from the fact
that the city has always been pretty even
ly divided politically, se that it was
prudent te put the best feet forward,
we can leek back with great pride
upon the record made by our Democratic
mayors. The party is entitled te plume
itself upon this, whether it came from its
virtue or its geed sense. Manifestly the
llepublican party, in this last nomination
at least, was prompted by neither sense
nor virtue, and of this the public judg
ment has been very decided. The Ile
publicans who refused te vote for their
party candidate have most excellent rea
son te congratulate themselves upon their
independence. They have no share in
the humiliation of their party associates
who followed the machine, and whose
natural mortification at defeat must be
intensified by the knowledge that it was
The people of Lancaster may well con
gratulate themselves. If liering had
been elected, sustained .by a Republican
council, we would have had no end of
extravagance and. we fear, corruption in
the city administration. With an honest
Democratic mayor, and the two branches
of councils divided between the two par
ties, we have geed assurance of an eco
nomical and wise government, in which
the interests of the city will net be sub
ordinated te these of party.
It is unfortunate that in the struggle
ter power, the party in possession is na
turally tempted te abuse its trust te
maintain itself; and it has been thought
that, in offices that arc net of a political
character, the public interest would lie
best subserved by an equal representation
of parties ; and a feeble effort was made
in the state constitution in this direc
tion, by providing that in the simultane
ous election of two supreme judges,
no voter should vote for mere than one.
The prevision was net a happy one,
because it practically left the selection of
the judges te the party conventions ; but,
no doubt, if it was possible te have non
partisan offices properly filled in equal
proportion by men of different parties,
the result would be fortunate. Our city
councils will be such a check en each
ether that it is reasonably certain that
party interests will net le nursed at the
cost of the public advantage.
The Cause or It.
While we recognize the mutual obli
gations of Democrats and Independent
Republicans, arising out of yesterday's
result, it is no fault of the Republican
papers here that this proper view of it
should be popularly taken. We feel that
the Democrats are under many obliga
tions te the better class of Republicans
for se heroically rising above "party'?
claims as te vote for an excellent Deme,
cratic candidate ; at the same time they
must admit their reciprocal obligation
te the Democrats for braving se many
prejudices and putting up a man
who merited everybody's support.
Rut it is net because of the
course of the Republican newspapers that
we are able te say this. Before the elec
tion the Kcaminer said : " If Mr. Mac Mac
eonigle is voted for it must be
iis all enen an(j exclu
sive ',' who will use all the
power and patronage of his office as
mayor for the benefit of that part'. This,
any Republican who may vote for him
will understand." The Ncic Era said
that there never had been any personal
nor official objections te Rering, and that
all ethers were removed, and that lie
would get and was entitled te " the sup sup
lert of every citizen who prefers a Re
publican te a Democrat at the head of a
Republican city." There was " ierfect
accord," it is said, in the Republican or
ganization en that point ; and the only
question it recognized in the campaign
was " whether a Republican city shall
be ruled by a Republican administration.
These who think it should will vote for
Jehn A. Rering, whose Republicanism
has never lieen questioned." They put
it en the low ground of party ; we
did net. They are estepped from find
ing in the result anything but a Demo
cratic victory; we arc net. They must
either admit this, or that they did net
tell the truth, or that they have no influ
ence. The Intelligknceb, alone is
able te attribute this result te its true
cause the intelligence and wisdom of
the Democrats and the manly courage of
the Independent Republica ns. That set
tled it. .
The Intelligenceu has failed te sound
its note of warning against the "use of
money" in elections. Has it net been able
te learn what is going en ? Speak row. or
hereafter held your peace. Examiner.
A vear and a half age the Ixtklli-
r.EXCKH sounded the first note of warn
ing. Ne response lrem the Examiner.
Its side had wen. Te-day we repeat it.
We de net want te le misunderstood
into intimating that the Democrats had
any advantage in this campaign from the
use of money in the ways known te pol
iticians te evade the letter and violate
the spirit of the law. We knew all about
the poll committee and the business
in this fight ; and we are ready te snow
the books and demonstrate that the Re
publicans sient $H te every dollar that
the Democrats had, or could get. or would
Rut it is bad enough and mean enough
for a candidate and his friends te be be
set at every corner for beer, and leans
and ball tickets and gratuities : and for
committees te pay taxes and poll com
mitteemen for services net rendered.
Defeated, we protested against it : vic
torious, we demand reform.
If the Republicans will help us we will
accomplish it. If they will net we will
accomplish it anyhow, and save our
credit and our cake.
Let the movement for reform begin.
The inquiring minds about the Exam
iitca and Nur Era offices are probably
new satisfied as te what the Ixtelli Ixtelli
eexcek flagstaff is for. At ten o'clock
last night, for miles around the city,
in the light of the Centre square
bonfire, it could be seen floating
against the dark blue sky back-ground
and these whose anxious ejes waited for
the signal knew when they saw it " that
our flag was still there."
.Ia-MEsII. Makhall is confirmed
in his opinion that the incoming of
Charley Kaufman and Tem Wiley did
net help the Sixth ward: and that Tem
Cochran's succession of Cam Muhlen
berg swells the ranks without increasing
the efficiency of " the best workers In the
'machine'" has gene te smash.
Tu i:
Netkt. te quit " served en Ed. E. Sny
der. It was net a party victory. Enthusiastic
Democratic friends, "don't you forget
Tin: Ejitntiiu i
have any ue for
and the Neir Era did net
their magic lanterns last
' Fen
once," says Jesh Lyte, " I am
sorry I am a Republican.''
have spoken when Bering was
lie should
' Mn. Bemse has built mere houses
than MacGenigle owns bricks." Erami
nci: But they fall down.
Tiikui: arc probably about forty who
in their mimh 'are te be' chief after the
election." E.unniner. It is still in their
Tin: Examiner's silly lie that Mac Mac
eonigle paid no tax en real estate had
short legs. It did net run faster than
Adam Delict.
It was clerk of common council that
Paul Gcrhart was running for. Anyhow
he was elected inspector. That is some
Oun friend Beh Kobinsen was greatly
exercised ever the early opening of the
polls in the Eighth ward. In view of the
result there Rebert's agony was natural.
It is a bad thing te give a ward tee long a
time te vote when its voters vote all one
way : and if there is any law in Harry
Demuth's law book te step it. it ought te
be stepped by all means.
UevKKXOit Ceiixell sent out a very
handsome valentine te the women of New
Yerk, last week, in his executive signa
ture te the school directors' bill. This
net only permits women te be chosen as
school directors, but lets them cheese
their own man or woman te represent
them. Mrs. Lewell, Miss Schuyler, and
some ether New Yerk ladies having proven
the efficiency of some women in state
affairs, the first privilege is nothing very
new or startling in that state.
Ex-Senater Ames II. Myms has heard
the news.
The Princess Louise was repotted te be
progressing faverbly yesterday.
The troops at Fortress Menree will take
part in the parade at Norfolk, Ya.. en
Washington's birthday.
'Squiuk Dellkt was taken, but Andy
Flick was left.
"Mk. Beiiisg has paid out thousands of
dollars," &c. Examiner. And yet he is
net happy.
Billy Ssydeii first Greenback candi
date for Assembly and then Republican
watcher ! Next !
Ben Remxs')S was very anxious te
knew why se many young men who work
out of town came home en election day.
He probably knows new.
Temmy Cochran is "a bigger man" in
Ilarrisburg than in Lancaster. He can
get a Be-ring into the nose of the state,
but he has net sufhcient stride te set up
for a Colossus in the Sixth ward.
If R. T. Ronissex, Dr. Wm. Comptex,
and ether "best Republican werkcrs"in the
Second ward, would carry the paper around
te-day, they might discover that they had
skipped some names en their first tour.
Judge Jkiie. Black will reply in the
March number of the North American
Review te ex-Senater Howe's paper in
favor of a third term, and Timethy O. will
be knocked into supreme unconsciousness.
The sickest man in town last night was
Andrew Jacksen Flick, of the Ninth
Ward, who net only knew that his candi
date for mayor was defeated, but also
bslicved that he was beaten. He is doing
better te-daj.
Anether fat alderman added te the
Democratic column. Harry Mij.ey, of
the Ninth ward, was a little tee heavy for
Governer Heyt's recent appointee. Shake,
Harry ! The Ninth warders have already
shaken Adam of the Examiner.
There seems te be some truth, after all,
in the statement that Jim Doebler carries
a large slice of the Fourth ward in his
jgstjMjcketi. Jehnsen, Spurrier and com-
pany tried yesterday te run the ward with
out Doebler's assistance. Le, the result !
Republican less 80.
Ed. Ebermax who was one of Bering's
right hand men, will leave for the Het
Springs in a few days. He has net smiled
for twenty-four hours. Ebcrman made a
bold attempt te bulldoze a Democrat into
voting " his" ticket, last evening at the
Sixth ward, just before the poll closed,
but he made a bad "mess"' of it.
Te borrow an application from the New
Yerk Sun, de net our respectable Re
publican friends who recommended Bering
for a " prudent and economical " adminis
tration feel like the negre who shouted
and rolled in the mud under the delusion
that he was listening te Wiiitefield's
prcaching,as if he had "dirtied himself all
ever for nothing'."'
Tim Fcurttil Settlement of Old Accounts.
Philadelphia Time-,.
The people of Lancaster have tolerated a
vast deal of petty and considerable grand
political larceny during the last few years,
but they scored up a fearful settlement
yesterday. They net only re-elected
Maayer MacGenigle, but, contrary te the
expectations en both siens, they gave the
Democrats the control of councils. This
is a clight error based en early returns.
Ens. 1st. Ne man of average common
sense will assume that it isa partisan Demo
cratic victory, although the entire govern
ment of the city is committed te Demo
cratic hands. It is a victory of the people
against a most reckless and unscrupulous
political domination that has brought re
proach upon one of the most upright and
intelligent counties of the state. It is a
plain Republican pretest agaiust the pre-
fligacy anil despotism el usurping leaders,
and it means that the Republican will shall
be respected or there will be no Republican
party te bring te shame. The literal theft
of the state delegates from the Repub
licans of the county, and the palpable
theft of the national delegates in insolent
defiance of the well understood wishes of
the people, have their response in the utter
rout of Republicanism in Lancaster. It
is an admonition te Mr. Eshlcman te in
trust the Republican voters of the county
with the question of instructions te their
national delegates and te have his machine
delegates submit obediently te their mas
ters ; and it is notice that even a respecta
ble name and respectable indersements
won't elect a mayor for whose nomination
Mr. Michael Snyder voted, and ever
which he shouted his triumph. It leeks
as if the people of Lancaster meant te close
the operations of the machine in the short
Sharing the Credit.
Dispatch le Times.
1 he Independent Republicans and Dem
ocrats return thanks te the Times for its
intelligent interest in Lancaster affairs.
Bering was set up by the Grant-Cameren-Cochran
interest, and though the Blaine
men pretended te support him they are net
supposed te feel very sorry at the slaugh
ter of the Bull Ringers.
A 'White Haired Old "Weman Murdered by
Her Husband.
A most brutal murder has been perpe
trated in the Seventeenth ielice district,
Philadelphia, which was brought te light
by the people living in the house where
the dreadful tragedy was enacted. Mary
Maguire, a white-haired old woman of at
least sixty-five years of age, was found
lying in a peel of her bleed in the second
story of her residence, Ne. 1207 Temple
stiect (below Washington avenue, be
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets), and
her husband, Michael Maguire, a man of
forty-live years, was arrested and locked
up for having committed the crime.
The room was in a state of confusion
and there was every indication of a bitter
struggle for life. Yarieus articles thrown
down and broken, and everything bore
some traces of the fight, which must have
taken place. The bleed, which was spread
in every part of the room was a hemorr
hage, in all probability caused by a kick or
some ether violent blew. Frem the posi
tion in which the body was found it seems
pesibly, and it is the opinion of the coro
ner, that the murderer must have jumped
upon his victim's prostrate body.
Tutten Must Ge.
The current gossip among Pennsylva
nians in Washington is that ex-Sheriff
Hewell is te be appointed collector of the
pert of Philadelphia, vice Tutten, out of
favor, and that Charles A. Perter is te be
collector of internal revenue, vice Ash
worth, whose removal has been deter
mined upon. Tutten's most recent and
crowning offence was his attempt te make
his former clerk, Jehn II. Mitchell, col
lector of internal revenue. The Philadel
phia delegation hearing of this, immedi
ately soured en lutten.
The summer hotel at Griffith's Point,
near Jamestown, N. Y was burned yes
terday morning. Less, $20,000.
C. P. Ellsbcc, a wealthy farmer, was
gored te death by a bull, near Delaware,
Ohie, en Monday night.
The boiler in the saw mill of Jehn F.
Thompson, at Randelph, N. II., exploded
yesterday, destroying the mill, killing four
men, and injuring two ethers.
In St. Leuis, Wm. Hartley, ea trial for
the murder of Martin Wylie, near Mexico,
in January, 1875), was found guilty of
murder in the second degree by the jury,
and sentenced te sixty years iu the peni
tentiary. Bcrtheld Landen, of the Keschcrschel
barzcl society, has disappeared from
Cleveland, Ohie, and ten thousand dollars
of the society's funds, of which he was
custodian, supposed te be deposited in a
Cleveland bank, are net thcra.
Mr. William P. Smull has been ap
pointed resident clerk of the neuse of
representatives, iu place of William C.
Cooper, resigned. Mr. Smull, is a brother
of the late Jelin A. Smull, who held this
office se long.
The Senate, yesterday, confirmed su
pervisors of the census for eleven districts
in New Yerk, from the First te the
Eleventh inclusive ; also W. F. Good Goed Geed
speed te be U. S. Marshal for Northern
Ohie ; Edward S. Wheat, U. S. Marshal
for Middle Tennessee, and James II. Mar
shall, Postmaster at Lancaster, Pa.
In the Maine Senate yesterday a commu
nication was received from the governor
showing the expenses connected with the
recent disputed election in the
state, amounting te the sum of $20,000.
The communication was referred te the fi
nance committee.
A boiler in Jehn F. Thompson's steam
saw mill at Randelph, N. II., burst,
destroying the mill and killing Eldcn Page,
of Orone, Me., Reger Jehnsen, of Old
town, Me., M. R. Prcscet and a French
man of Bethel, Me., all werkmcu, and
badly injured S. F. Henry, of Randelph.
The Tribune's canvass of the Republican
committeemen, in the counties and town
ships of Pennsylvania, is continued.
There is still a preference for Senater
Blaine as first choice for President. Yes
terday's mail brought 192 responses te the
7ribune,8 circular ; 141 were for Senater
Blaine, and 40 for General Grant.
The Supreme Court has decided that it
knows of no authority for a sheriff in this
state te depute a sheriff in another state
te execute a writ in the bailiwick of the
Utter, se as te give it the effect of a per
senal service. Ihe Court added that a
service thus made cannot have the effect I
of a legal service made within this State.
A Flea for the Irish Caase The Oppression
or English Aristocrat ExpeMd and
The scriptural maxim " Te him that
hath shall be given, and from him that
hath net shall be taken away, even that
which he haih," suggests itself te our
minds as metaphorical of the worldly con
dition of the Irish peasantry, net only in
the present, but for all time te come. The
groans el oppressed multitudes who per
ished under the yoke of British tyranny
still echo along the corridors of time and
lead our thoughts backward through these
heart-rending scenes which blacken the
history of "the most civilized and best en
lightened government en the glebe"
Christian England, se eloquently described
by one of her noted historians during a re
cent visit te the United Stales. It seems
but yesterday that we listened te Antheny
Freude as he se ably explained the neces
sary limits te be observed in granting lib
erty te Ireland, in order that peace may
be preserved and the reins of government
rest secure in the hands cf Parliament.
The words fell like se many fire-brands
among the host of memories awakened by
the panorama of history as it flashed upon
the screen of our mental vision, scene after
scene, in all its horrid pageantry. Hew
we longed for the ghost of an Emmet
u t-enneu te rise and hurl anew
these scathing accusations in the teeth of
this modern aristocrat ; for disguise it as
we may, the truth still remains that Ire
land's thralldom is as complete te-day, and
the dawn of liberty as far remote as when
their patriots offered their lives upon the
altar of their country, for daring te speak
the truth.
Let us net forget the record net neglect
te refresh the memory of the public occa
sionally, by reference te it ; especially in
these limes, when, as a member in Parlia
ment remarked the ether day, "The sub
scriptien box is being passed around in
ether countries for the relief of British
subjects," while at home their own cflbrts
arc scarcely worth the mention.
The generous response of our people te
the call for aid, as exhibited by their sub
scriptions te the Herald and ether funds,
will no doubt go a long way toward allevi
ating the present distress in Ireland, but
let us remember that this relief is only
temporary, and will net prevent a recur
rence in the future, se long as the condi
tions which give rise te it remain.
There is a tendency in certain quarters
te underrate the mission of Parnell in
this country, and even te misrepresent his
object in coining here. This is manifestly
unjust. Let it once be understood that he
seeks te create a sentiment in favor of the
repeal of certain laws which deem the
"sons of Erin," te perpetual bondage and
the odium cast upon him by ambitious,
rivals, will seen disappear.
He conies te us with the same old story,
the same old plea, for liberty and rights,
which Irish poets and orators have claimed
for generations past. Shall we refuse
te hear him ? We, who have cause te re
member the oppressions of our forefathers
as set forth in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, while under the same yoke ! Shall
we turn away in indifference from the
story of the wrongs of a people who would
have thrown off that yoke long age had
they but possessed the advantages of our
geographical position ?
Ne ! Rather let us teach the story of
Ireland's wrongs te our children, day
after day, feed it te them with their bread
and butter ; let it pervade the atmosphere
of their thoughts and kindle the fires of
indignation in their bleed till even
haughty England shall foci that it can no
longer afford te treat this sympathy with
indifference. M. B. A.
Lititz, Pa., Feb. 1 7, 180.
Keturns from all Parts of the State.
Milten The Republicans elected their
Reading At the election the Democrats
elected five and the Republicans three select
councilmen, which with the three Demo
crats holding ever gives the latter a ma
jority of five agaiust one as at present.
The Democrats elected twenty-four mem
bers of common council and the Republi
cans twenty, giving the Democrats a ma
jority of four. At present they have seven
majority. Twe Democrat and two Repub
lican school directors were chosen. The
school beard is evenly divided.
West Chester B. Weed, Republican,
and present chief burgess, was re-elected.
The Republicans also elect the members of
council ancl ether eiheers.
Allentown Dr. E. G. Martin, Deme
crat, was elected mayor.
Wilkcsbarre Themas Bredcrick, Dem
ecrat, and Laber Uclerm candidate, was
elected mayor.
Meadvillc Chas. W. Miller, Republican,
was re-elected mayor.
Chester The Republicans have elected
their entire ticket, including city treasurer
and six councilmen.
Yerk Alex. Duncan, Democrat, was
elected burgess ever Henry J. Gressley
Republican, present incumbent.
Suicide of a Tobacco Manufacturer.
Mr. Leuis Marbursr, aeed 38 years, of
the firm of Marburg Bres., tobacco manu
facturers iu Baltimore was found dead
yesterday, with two bullet wounds in his
head, at Homewood park, near Baltimore.
A pistol was found lying near his side, and
it is thought he committed suicide.
Shocking Suicide In Chicago.
W. E. Guernsey, a passenger en the
train from the West, threw himself under
a car at the Desplaiues street viaduct, Chi
cage,and was se badly crushed that he died
in a few hours. On a leaf of a memoran
dum book found in his pocket was this
entry :
"My brother-in-law's name is Frank A.
Deans, Wilkcsbarre. Pa. I killed myself
because I knew the Masens would when we
get te Chicago. W. F. G."
He was from San Francisce, and was
evidently of unsound mind.
St. Clement's Kltuallsin.
A session of the standing cemmittc was
held at the residence of Right Rev. Bishop
-Stevens in Philadelphia Monday evening,
and the investigation into the alleged un un
cauenical practices at St. Clement's church
continued. Mr. Francis Wells was exam
ined upon a circumstancial report which
he wrote of a memorial service held at the
church en the 14th of last May in connec
tion with the death of the late Dr. DeKo DeKe
ven. Mr. Wells's testimony had reference
especially te the novelties introduced into
that service, and which made it an almost
exact counterpart of what is known as a
selem requiem mass in the Catholic
church. Gee. W. Biddle, esq., CDunsel for
the church, began his argument, and will
nclude it at the next meeting.
Mayer MacGenigle Re-elected.
Tried and Net Found Wanting.
The Bull-King, Ueg-King and Be-King
Smashed Every Ward Dees It Duty
A Democratic vommen ueuncii
Tie en Joint Vallet.
The city election in Lancaster yesterday
was the most, exciting in its character and
the most remarkable in its result that was
ever witnessed in this municipality. It is
an open secret that ever since Jehn A.
Bering has manifested such an itching de
sire te be the Republican candidate for
mayor, the Democracy have cherished the
hope that he would succeed. They did
net believe it possible for any man te
make successful issue with the splendid
record Mayer MacGenigle had made for
himself; but they felt that nothing could
se emphasize that approval as te put it
into contrast with the pretension of such a
man as Bering. The objectionable man
ner of Bering's nomination bcins flirced
upon his party by a little clique of corrupt
and selfish politicians aggravated the sit
uation. But during the past week or ten
days the activity of Bering and his
friends, their bulldozing of the lukewarm
Republicans, their impressing into the
service every office-holder of whatever
station, the big campaign fund raised, and
the publication of a long list of alleged
political friends of Bering, recommending
him for mayor, and the open support of
him by the New Era which had previously
opposed him all this made the Demo
crats feel a little nervous, and many of
them abandoned the idea of receiving any
substantial aid from the better class of
Republicans for Bering, and at midnight
en Monday the Democratic calculation
steed about thus :
11 ards. Berimj. JFarGini'jlc.
First 2.1
Second 25
Third 83
Fourth 113
Fifth 73
Sixth 13
Seventh 70
Eighth 370
Ninth 23
3t5 440
MacGenigle's majority 73
Which was net much margin iu an esti
mated total vote of 5,000, and it was liable
te be readily overcome by defection,
treachery or bribery. The elections had
net progressed far, however, before it was
seen that the Democracy were getting
their full vote out and capturing a fair
share of the doubtful vote ; though little
was known even when the polls closed of
hew the quiet conservative vote was cast
and whose side the cutting had favored.
At 7 p. m., after a hard day's work, the
Democracy confidently hoped te keep the
Republican majority down te merely nom
inal figures in the Ninth ward Bering's
"own" and te have carried the Sixth;
that the Third and Fourth would net beat
200, nor the Fifth 75, and that
the Seventh and Eighth would go up
te 430, which gave them geed margin.
At the close of the polls the Republicans
gave up the Sixth, claimed the Ninth by
15, hoped the four central wards would
give them 330, the Fifth 90 and tint the
Seventh and Eighth would net beat 400 for
It was net long until they found out that
it was net that sort of an election.
The first ward that was heard from
showed that Bering was defeated, and near
ly every succeeding return made it .worse
for him.
As one after the ether came in, the
crowd in front of the Intelligencer office
increased and became mere enthusiastic.
A big bonfire was lighted in the square ;
the Intelligent ek flag floated from its
flag staff, and cheer after cheer rent the
J. L. Stcinmetz, esq., briefly addressed
the crowd and was loudly cheered. About
11 p. m., the City band came down and
headed the precession. It moved te the
Stevens house, where Mayer MacGenigle.
attended by many friends, appeared en the
front balcony, and after loud cheers from
the crowd which numbered 2,500 or 3,000
he spoke as fellows :
Fellow-Citizens : I feel profoundly
grateful for the very handsome compliment
you have given me te-day in again select
ing me as mayor of the city of Lancaster.
Bern and raised among you, it is pleasant
te think that iu a private and public rec
ord of fifty years, you found no such seri
ous blemishes as te induce you te withheld
from me the first gift in our municipal or
ganization. Cheers. I particularly
thank these citizens, who, throwing aside
the political associations of years, making
party fealty yield te the mere ennobling
duties of true manhood, came forward to
day and voted as they believed the best in
terests of the city required. Applause.
Three years age you entrusted te my
hands the executive control of your muni
cipal affairs. I construed that trust then
te mean no idle nor empty compliment, but
an expression of your desire te step the
reckless expenditure of the money of the
taxpayers, and te confine the expenses of
city government te a light taxation upon
the assessed valuation of city property.
Cheers. Year after year the debt of the
city had gene en increasing from $330,000
in June, 1872, te 8364,000 in June, 1877
$208,000 of an increase iu five years. I
proposed te myself, upon entering upon the
discharge of my official duties,a clearly de
fined object, and that was, and shall be te
the last, te oppose, by eveiy legitimate
means in my power, any increase of the
city's indebtedness, unless where the ne
cessities of our people clearly point it out
as sound policy. Such an increase must be
incurred before many years iu providing
better, larger and higher reservoirs than
we new have.
In tracing the history of our municipal
management I am forced te the conclusion
that we arevcry much like ether people after
all; that here tee the people may bebcguilcd
by the deceptive cry of progress. That
cry may cover selfishness of the most cer
rupt and disgusting character, and we
should be very careful net te give our
assent by our ballets or by our voices te
projects, made in violation of law, the
inevitable effect of which must be in
creased debt and increased taxation.
"That's se." In the name of progress the
ruin of the city of Williamsport was
accomplished. A few years age I saw in
the public prints a statement that the
taxation in Williamsport for that year was
seven and six-tenths per cent. of the valua
tion. In the name of progress millions
upon millions of dollars of debt were
piled upon the people of New Yerk which
must he confronted new in the shape of
taxation of something ever $3 upon $100
valuation. New that which has happened
elsewhere may happen here. Yeu will
tell me there is a constitutional barrier in
the way of the further increase of the
debt, but I say te you iu reply that the men
who can break through the statute
law of the state iu executing city work
will have no very great compunctions of
conscience iu settingaside the fundamental
law of the state. And all may be done iu
the name of "progress." But hereafter,
fellow citizens, en account of our having
i cached the constitutional limit, you will
feel the wrongs done you immediately and
sensibly, and that, it is hoped, will beget
the remedy. All future expediturcs ever
the appropriation, must be provided for by
a direct tax. Your councilmen cannot
resort te the old system of temporary leans
anil after a little while fund them, for
they cannot increase the city's debt ever
two per cent of the assessed valuation
without a vote of the people of the city.
What then will be consequence if the same
recklessness is pursued which has been
practiced heretofore '.' Ten or twenty cents
per $100 additional every year en the tax
rate until high taxes will prevent people
settling iu our midst and induce these who
are here te seek less expensive homes
elsewhere as the people of Williamsport
are new doing.
Just here I would say a word te my fel
low citizens generally, and in all earnest
ness advise you te heed what I say. Te
break up this system of corruption you
must watch the course of your public ser
vants mere closely, and when you find
them pursuing an extravagant, illegal,
corrupt or selfish course, although covered
ever with the hypocritical cant of "prog
ress,'" you must break your party fetters
as many noble gentlemen did te-day, and
condemn by your ballet and by outspoken
denunciation the men who commit the
wrong, whether in the name of Republi
canism or Democracy. Leng continued
cheers. Crimes have been committed iu
the name of religion, in the name of liberty,
in the name of progress, but much mei e
frequently in the name of party. We
must remember that we have higher,
nobler duties te perform than te adhere
blindly te party. Let it net be said of us as
Goldsmith said el" the great Burke : That
'I'.ern for the tiuivciau we narrowcdeiir mind.
And te iiartvwivuiip what was men nt ler man
kind."" One mere word as te the future, gentle
men. 1 have no premises te make. Twe
years and four months age, without a
premise of any kind te a single individual,
I assumed the mayoralty. "Keep en and
you'll beat Grant for third term". My
record for that time is before you. Yeu
te-day put your seal of approbation ujien
that record, and I am encouraged te goon
as I have done, endeavoring te improve
such portions of my administration as
experience has taught me have net been
all they should be. Three reusing cheers
ter MacGenigle.
Thence Mr. Samuel W. Altick marshaled
the precession out West King te Maner,
down Maner te Derwart, up Derwart te
West King, down Mary te Orange, in
Orange te Prince, up Prince te Lemen, iu
Lemen te North Queen, down te Walnut,
out Lime te Orange, te Shippen, te East
King, te Middle, te Lime, te East King, te
Duke, te Middle, te Seuth Queen, te
Centre Square, where it dispersed in geed
order. All along the route there was
illumination and people steed at the win
dows and doers and cheered and were
cheered iu turn. At Gee. Kirchner's
saloon the precession steppeil and he put
efi'a beautiful set of rockets that he had
prepared ler the oceassien, -ur lv. was
loudly cheered for his patriotism.
Following are the returns from the
several wards en the officers voted for.
First Ward.
Dem. Select Council. itia.
Jacob licese 21;llcnry llecrr. iKi
Common Council.
Samuel K. Liehty..i'0.l. 1'. stennleltz 'J1S
Jehn V. Keith 232
Hairv A. Dillcr. lsi;
A. J.'Coglev 17S
Geerge W. Brown.. 2i5ti
Jehn A. Shebcr 21S
Dr. S. T. Davis.
Geerge Gun-e
...ISQ'feiiuiucI Swcnk 313
Jeseph I'ylu KUA. C. Wcjchan- 307
J udge.
S. W. Shadie 229. J. Hay Breun 231
Theodere Trout 22?W. T. Ebenimn 21s
Second Ward.
Select Council.
Abrnm ilii-li 2IUi:ebcrt A. K vans.... 329
Common Council.
Garret II. E verts... 2191 W. K. Beard 204
in. J. Kerdiicy....2S7 F. A. DilL:mlcril"er...292
D. McMullun 2jWiii. D.smechcr... 302
Charles 20flGcege Cramer 371
J. 1J. Liclity MIIenry S.Shei.ek 23
J udge.
Harry X. Hewell 270Geerge It. fccii-enig.310
Rebert K. Bisk 2U7!Geergc A.Smith 311
Third Ward.
Select Council.
Chas. Peters 906ilt. AV. Shcnk 330
Common Council.
Peter Landau.
...231IC1IU1. J. While...
...22 Jehn II. Barnes..
...l!XSiimuel B. Cox...
Philip Doei'aem..
Jacob Kiehl
Jehn F. Dclcliier.
Franz Neuderll"..,
Beiij. F. Davis...
...21lCIms. I.teriiiI"eltz..3U
,..l!KSJeel L. H.ii:ic 331
...220J. Kahler :snydi:i..:ill
Harry L. IIurtmyer.210Samuel II. Ktchclls.:s3l
fourth Ward.
select Council.
D. II. B.utholeinew.239,Ceo. 31. Franklin.. Ss7
Common Council.
II. W. Harberger 2J7. Themas Hays :v,l
It. K. Bruce 238 Gee. ". CefiiH'iiy...3H3
Chas. G. Bheads 2ii;'Iuiiiel Sing 371
Frank Courey 202A. K.
"punier 119
James Ceylc 23! Jein
Jehn Dungaii 213 Jein
MeDevitt 392
V HiilUv....Ul
James A.Mri:!Iieiic.23!J Jehn .S Metzger .3SJ
Emanuel Wi!hciu..2i2J. M. Wllhclm 3HI
l'irtli Ward.
Common Council.
Abraham Krisiuan .s7iBenj. Ilci-shcy 32S
Geerge Hacker HS Walter M. Fraiikiin.2-12
J.tiuc-. Kuutz !73Jaeeb P. Kii!i!iger..3
A. G. Bre-ey l(WHcnry Hartley.. .. 313
Wm. Vei.ser 19. JBenj. F. Boie 279
Harry L. -U n. 19HWin. Kulin -'-.1
.Sixth Ward.
select Council.
Geerge W. ichcr...ll2,J. P. Lebzcltcr 311
Common Council.
Jehn Leverge'hi : Samuel .iie'in-. jr.
H. II. Mirin-'er 371 D. K. Burkliehli
. .331
. .312
Win. Jehnsen 33jiJebt. 31. .Merrow.
Gee. Lent. Ij0JeIhi Bewman
Jacob Herzeg 113 Gee. V. Keene....
Judge Judge
Byren J. Brown 3S3 I.Xewten .-JtuunVr
Henry Leenard 32 Jehn II. Leenard.
. .311!
. .3M
Seventh Ward.
Common Council.
Jehn Yackly 310. Win. II. B.iteiiiiin...23i;
Geerge 31. B"erger. ..333 Samuel Bete, ir "239
Henry Miicych ti0Jehu It. Smith, si-. .230
Jehn Merringcr 336 Henry 31. Erisinan
James B.Garvin 342 William WeliUen.
Henry T". Vackly...332Jaceb K. Dcverter. .233
Wm. McLaughlin. ..3IOUebert McDonnell.. i"-
Select Council.
Frederick Yudith...572Jelm Hersliey 173
Common Council.
Gee. Bees STSiWni. I. Coxey 1T0
Jehn J. Hartley. 371 Edward Xale 17u
Jes. A. Albert 3741 Wm. B. Tueiuiu m
Geerge Shay 5'Jt3 Philip Kirchner.....l5::
C. A. Oblender 583Emunuel Snyder... .131
Jacob F.Kautz 57tJLerenz Snyder, Jr.,. 173
Jehn St. Clair 376J. P. Winewer 17i
!nth Ward.
Common Council.
Chas. K. Downey.. .312iU'm. Kahl -JS7
Klaut G. Snydnr. 342 Samuel Keeler jai
Jehn H.Ostermayer.iWlH. A. Sclireyer 2su
Hurry A. Miiey. 334Adum Delict 27.:
Aeum Uitlew 3?2;Andrew J. Klick....:B7
Peter Lut 317Eumnucl Kuutz 2ta
Jehn ". Xlxdorf....21Ames C.Gast 311
Clms. K. smith 343 Paul Gerhart 3)7
ra t ec r -p e -;i -
" I a r, ?. ?, 5 ?. ?. ?. a 5 a a 5
On the whole the election was the nie-st
qu!et and orderly ever known iii this city
en a'.full poll. Though there was great ac
tivity, there was a geed feeling, even
between the working politicians, at nearly
every ward, and all worked harmoniously
te keep the peace. There was a geed deal
of private drinking, but net much drunk
enness. Where all did se well it would be invidi
ous te particularize the credit due te the
Democracy and independent Republicans
of the several wards, for their determined
efforts te maintain a geed city govern
ment. Each seems te have done its best
and all te have done well.
rhe First.
Ill the First ward the contest was sup
posed te be close ami the Democracy in
worked with great industry against heavy
odds, and are abundantly rewarded w.ith :t
most remarkable majority and gains in
council. The decided cluuige in the First,
the narrow escape of J. Hay Brown from
defeat ferjudge and ether features of the
result tell a story of "faithful watch, of
vigil rjeng." for which tee much praise
cannot he awarded these in charge of the
organization there.
The Second.
In the Second Mr. McMulIen's election te
council was a public recognition of his ex
cellence as a municipal legislator, and 3Ir.
Ferdncy came se near te being elected as
te give his vote al! the merits of a popular
victory and te make the less of his ser
vices in council all the mere te be re
gretted ; Mr. Everts only runs behind
them because the light was centered en
the ether two. Mr. Lichty's election as
assessor is a most gratifying event, and
the splendid majority for MacGenigle
from the ward that first sent him te coun
cils proves that a prophet is net without
honor iu his own country.
The Third.
Iii the Third the most desperate struggle
of the Republicans was made, and Mr
Mellen and his ponies worked with energy
te "make their ward beat Jehnsen's. "
And they did it, and they are satisfied that
"that settles Jehnsen for district attor
ney ; " but docs it elect Tem Davis? The
few Democrats who bore the brunt of the
fight in the Third bore it manfully and cut
the majority down SO below Republican
JohiiHen's Ward.
Iii the Fourth Jehnsen and Spurrier
were "everywhere," relentless and inde
fatigable, and the Democracy knew what
that means. The little handful of Demo
crats who grappled with these Titans had
a tight grip, and the Heg Ring leader went
down te the dust.
"Well Dene."
The Fifth was regarded as a Republican
stronghold. They would have bet $1000
te $10 that it would go anywhere from 2u
te 40 for Bering, and possibly 73 te 100.
The most sanguine Democrat did net leek
for any thing less than 40 Republican m:i m:i
jerity. The result here is by most persons
considered the marvel of the day.
Tem Cochran's Ward.
Iii the Sixth ward the "boys" ran the
Republican machine. Jimmy Marshall,
flanked by Chief Clerk of the Senate
Cochran and District Attorney Eshleraan,
with Tem Wiley and Charley Kaufman as
blowers and strikers, had charge of the
Republican forces. Twenty ether politicians
and office-holders blew and struck. But
the solid citizen came te the polls with his
ticket fixed, and the man with his diuncr
kcttlc and overalls did net take his ballet
out of the delicate hands of the pet hun
ters. The Sixth ward returns tell the
story alike of Democratic zeal and Repub
lican "virtue, liberty and independence."
. The Seventh.
The Seventh was quiet all day long -there
was a special onslaught made en the
ward ticket, but it would net avail
Judge Patterson's final judgment en the
Seventh wanl constable case did net come
in time for the election ; but the inde
pendent voter had the Intelmgkxckk's
calculation, and Merringer get a splendid
vindication. Garvin's re-election as as
sesser by nearly the full majority was ac
complished despite most strenuous cffoits cffeits cffoits
te beat him ; and altogether the want
deserves great credit.
" Old Reliable."
In the Eighth the Greenback Snyders
and the 'Best-werkcrs-in-the-ward' Sny
ders, aided by Philip Stnimpf and ethcr
recieant Dcmecras, did their level best to te
shatter the Democratic Gibraltar. But
even there the spirit of Independent Re
publicanism stalked abroad and helped
tiic loyal Democrats te roll up a terrific
and unheard of majority. Who would have
dreamed, however, of MacGenigle's elec
tion without tliat "Gucrrila" "Saucr
Kraut" ward?
Ad. Dellet' Quietus.
Iu the Ninth, "Bering's own "ward, he
concentrated his efforts. But his pride
suffered a crushing defeat. He was totally
uulierseu. He was routed, horse, feet and
ttragoen. Ail. Dellet found out " who runs
the JJinth ward " and Pentz, Yeager,
Miley, &c, taught him his lessen. There
is no vacancy in his department of the
Examiner office. Jesh Lyte thinks the
Intelligencer eucht te be serrv. It i
net. Andy Flick barely saved his akin,
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