"'r ' .?."-.,,,, . r .,-- "-- J .-I J.. J .1 v " A ""f" ''K v "V. I -- imi I i !" LAJVCASTEK DULY 1KTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY'. FEBRUARY 17, J 880. X ft B I Lancaster intelligencer TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 17, 1880... Political Subservience. The election in this city tfrday occa sions an unusual excitement in political circles, and the en-looking population in it for the sake of being in the fashion. The better element in our population has .been aroused by the strenuous effort te elect by any means te the mayoralty a man who is notoriously unfit for the place, in the stead of one who has shown himself te be a geed officer. At this late hour of the election day we de net dis cuss the issue between the candidates with any purpose te influence the elec tion. But it is instructive te consider the contest new closing in esiecial view of the effort that has been made te compel the Republican voters te sustain their party nominees for the chief office of the city, regardless of the qualifications of the candidates. "We believe that it will net be disputed by anyone of respectable un un derstandingjWhe knows the men,that the Democratic candidate, seeking election, is far better qualified for the mayoralty than the Republican candidate who es says te oust him ; and these who de net knew both the men with sufficient in timacy te decide upon their merits de knew that Mr. MacGenigle has made a geed officer and that therefore it is the part of wisdom and prudence for every citizen who desires the mayoralty te be most capably filled te ad vocate his election. There will be enough of such Republican citizens, we confidently believe, te re-elect the pres ent mayor ; but it has nevertheless ap jtearcd, through the advertisement of their recommendation of Mr. Bering, that there are Republicans, who are substantial citizens of reputed geed sense and judgment, who de net desire the election of the fittest man for mayor unless he be of their party. A great many of the Republican citizens were un doubtedly bulldozed by their party workers into signing a paper which their judgment condemned. "We all knew that respectable men, who believe that they respect themselves, are nevertheless often very timid and cowardly when the poli tician comes te them and seeks te nail them te the party nominations. Their independence then oozes out at their finger ends, and, with the most ludi crously sudden bending of the knees, men who have just been denounc ing among their friends a bad nomination and declaring that they will never support it are brought up "all standing,'1 by the ward politician, who takes them by the ears and secures from their abject souls a premise te vote the straight ticket. "We have in our mind's eye a number of such men whose names we found appended te Mr. Bor Ber ing's advertised recommendation, who did net vote for him te-day, although they recommended ethers te de se. They were net brave enough te resist party dictation, although they had courage enough te attempt te preserve a frag ment of their respectability by voting a secret ballet according te their real judgment. There are plenty of such men. Quite probably the majority of men would consent thus te leek one way and act another, if they found them selves in a corner. Fer many there is the strong excuse that if they did net counterfeit their intentions they would endanger their daily bread. The secret ballet is the proper protection against such an evil, and every man is right in availing himself of it. Xe man can be required te declare hew lie intends te vote; and no independent man will permit himself te be questioned as te hew he will vote. AVe cannot blame severely the peer man who per mits himself te be thus interrogated, nor even when he returns a false answer. Rut men who are able te be independ ent, and yet are tee cowardly te obey their convictions, are unworthy of es teem ; and these of Rering's subscribers who gave him the influence of their names while withholding from him their votes have no reason te congratulate themselves upon their manliness. Ner have these who signed his paper and who voted for him cause te plume themselves upon their geed sense and geed citizenship. They vhave deliberate ly attempted te foist into the chief office of the city a man whom they knew te be unfit, and whose redeeming trait is only that he is a Republican. They cannot justify such extremity of party devotion in a municipal election. It is utter felly. With a respectable candidate a party can reasonably call for the support of its members; but when it presents one notably unfit every self-respecting voter will reject him. Your vote may change the result. Hasten te the polls and cast it for Mac Mac eonigle. m - Tiieke were men at the polls te-day who left their work and traveled a hun dred miles te vote for MacGenigle, and yet their earnest efforts might be render ed vain by the indifference of some stay-at-homes, who console themselves that there are " enough without them." De net be deluded into any such neglect of a high and important duty. If the con test be close, every vote is needed ; if its result be sure, the heavier the majority the grander the victory. Yeun vote may change the result. Hasten te the polls and cast it for Mac Mac eonigle. Governors have been elected and the welfares of Jstates determined by a single vote- Seme circumstance might occur that would make it as close te-day though the signs of the times point te a brilliant victory for Mr. MacGenigle and geed city government. His friends, and all who would keep the city from falling into the hands of a selfish ring and the ruts of financial mismanagement, should get te the polls and vote for MacGenigle One failure te vote might turn the city ever te the ringstera, advocates of mere debt and higher taxes. Te the polls and vote for MacGenigle. m m The polls remain open until seven o'clock. Plenty of time te get another n in for MacGenigle. Mayer MacGenigle is se little interested in the result of his administration, bcing no owner of property nor taxpayer, either iu the city or county, that it is a danger ous experiment te make him a fixture in the mayor's office. As noticed elsewhere this is a fabrica tion a wilful mLs-statement. Mr. Mac Mac eonigle is an extensive it al estate owner, and has mere unincumbered interests than the Republican candidate. Tin-: Examiner of last evening says Mr. MacGenigle owns no real estate and pays no tax in this city. This is a lie cut from the whole cloth, and known te be such by these who published it. Mr- MacGenigle owns mere unincumbered real estate in Lancaster than Mr. Rering. Se many alleged signers te the Ror Rer ing paper repudiated the publication of their names, that the second chapter was net published as premised. We looked in vain through the Examiner Mid. Ken; Era last evening te find the second batch. Where are they V Gene te vote for MacGenigle. The time for argument is past, and vote. Ge Tiik young voter who casts his first ballet te-day never had a finer opportu epportu oppertu nsty te begin a career of political wisdom and independence than by voting for our present chief magistrate, .Jehn T. Mac Mac eonigle. Tin: polls remain open until 7 o'clock. Should anything have prevented the reader from getting there before this meets his eye, he will de well te remem ber that it may yet net be tee late. Oxk failure te vote might turn the city ever te the ringstcrs, advocates of mere debt and higher taxes. Te the polls and vote for MacGenigle. Tin: iells remain open until seven o'clock. Plenty of time te get nnet Tier one iu ler MacGenigle. MINOR TOPICS. Skxatej! Ixc.ai.i.s, of Kansas, will, escape expulsion en the pica of "net prevtui." Hex. Jehn Ci:ss.., of Bedford, has been .selected chairman of the Republican state committed te succeed Colonel Iloeton. Tiik Pepe has issued au encyclical letter regarding divorce. It insists en the emi nently religious nature of marriage, and exhorts the bishops te urge that view upon their ilecks. Tin: following order was presented in the Maine Legislative by a member : "Ordered, that the judiciaiy eennnitty be diracticd te inquire into the spediency of se amending the constitution of the state that the wright of suffagc shall be fnneet te these who are aide te read and rite the English leugange.'" Tiik celebration of Rebert Emmet's day, March 4, by the Irish Nationalist, ofl'eston will be an interesting event. The exercises will take place at Horticultural hall in the evenhur. lien. Patrick A. Cellins will preside. Mr. Jehn Beyle O'Reilly will read a poem appropriate te the occassieii, and Mr. Jehn E. Fitzgerald will renew his old-time eloquence in a lecture en the ' Life and Times of Rebert Emmet.'' Tin: Magiut is a bright, spu-kliug semi monthly telegraphic journal, published in Xew Yerk by Messrs. Couch ei Bennett. It covers a field of journalism which is peculiar te itself that great and growing institution known as " the Telegraph."' It is replete with scientific news, and its articles of a general nature, social gossip and miner paragraphs of all kinds ;ivc it a freshness and vivacity net heretofore found in any telegraphic paper. Rev. AV.ymiixc.ten Gi..yii:n" .vent a circular letter te one hundred representa tive business and professional men of Springfield, with questions about their youth. Eighty-eight sent answers. Of these, sixty-four were brought up en farms twelve spent their boyhood in villagcs,aud twelve were brought up in cities. Six of these brought up in villages and cities were accustomed te de farm work, and were practically farmer boys, and only five reported that they had no work in particu lar te de in youth. Te sum up : Of eighty eight solid men of Springfield, eighty-three were workers in boyhood. Bayakd Tayi.ek, in ISeO, had the geed fortune te interview Humboldt in his residence at Berlin. "Yeu have traveled much and seen many ruins,"' said Hum boldt, taking Tayler's hand at parting. "New you have accn one ruin mere." "Xet a ruin," Tayler replied, "but a pyramid. '" " Ter 1 pressed the hand," says Tayler in his report of the interview, "which had touched the hands of .Frederic the Great, and Ferster, the companion of Capt. Cook, Klopsteck and Schiller, of Pitt, Napeleon, Jesephine, the marshals of the empire, Jeffersen, Hamilton, AVie land, Herder, Goethe, Cuvicr, LaPlace, Guy Lussac, Beethoven, Walter Scott, in short, of every great man whom Europe has produced for three quarters of century. I looked into the eyes which had seen this living history of the world pass by, scene after scene till the actors retired, one by one, te return no mere,"' and which, he might have added, had scientifically studied terrestrial nature iu all latitudes and both hemispheres, from the Andes te the Himalayas. The old age of Humbedlt was full of power and intellectual achieve ment. One failure te vote might turn the city ever te the ringstera, advocates of mere debt and higher taxes. Te the polls and vote for MacGenigle. STATJii ITEMS. Philip Balet was found dead in bed at his bearding house in Eric en Saturday. Mrs. Catherine Tayler, of Pittsburgh, while walking along the bank of the Mo Me Mo nengahela river, tripped and fell into the water and was drowned before assistance arrived Michael Murphy, an employee of the Bessemer steel works, was killed by the cars at Bessemer station en the Baltimore and Ohie railroad yesterday morning. Albert Bolten, an employee of the Al legheny Valley railroad company, was run ever by the cars at Rcyneldsvillcand killed en Sunday. One fajlure te vote might turn the city ever te the ringstcrs, advocates of mere debt and higher taxes. Te the polls and vote for MacGenigle. Ground Heg Fhilonepiiy. Fer the Isteixieescek. 'Vf ye wudde-cliuke secz liyfc bhadtle in yu Munne, Six woke of wynterre sliell liave begiiiinc: Yf ye ivurtde-cliuke liyssliadde doc nett net-. Six weke-j el spryngc-lyke weather tliayr shall lie." The orthography of these lines would seem te imply that they were written in "fair sunny England" about four hun dred and fifty years age during Chaucer's time, if net by that distinguished poet himself. What is most fatal te an im plicit faith in their genuineness is the fact that "wuddc-chuke," or "weed-chuck." is purely an Americanism ; that name net being applied te any animal in England, or even en the continent of Europe. It is even questionable whether that animal or any ether of the same genus has an exist ence in England at all. On the continent of Europe they have the "Alpine Marmet" (Arctemys alpinus), which is generic-ally allied te the "ground-hog" of Lancaster county, but it is net known by the name weed-chuck. Ner arc the habits of this animal used as a prognosticator of the weather, either in England or en the con tinent of Europe ; therefore, the entire prophecy is as little known there as the term " weed-chuck " or ground-hog either. Consequently we must transfer the origin of the story te the continent of North America, and specifically te Pennsylvania i where it is mere popular than anywhere else in the American Union. But then the language of our quotation, and especially its orthography, is net in any sense Penn- sylvanian, it is tee antique, and. be longs te the period we have above indicated indeed, it smacks very much of an overdrawn, very modern imitation and very probably was intend ed te clothe a modern local superstition in an ancient foreign literary garb. Wher ever the notion exists, and with whatever faith it may he believed in, we think we ought te acknowledge its Pennsylvania paternity if we de net claim it even for Lancaster county and record it as one of the peculiar notions of the " Pennsylvania Dutch." It cannot be exactly ranked with superstitions, for there may he many who believe it with qualifications in a sunt of Pickwickian sense and therefore we " book it" as a notion. Ner arc we pre pared te say it is entirely " moonshine." when the prophecy is properly understood, because it is fulfilled about as often as it fails ; but, in the majority of instances, the weather is of such a character for six weeks after Candlemas, that it could net be established before a court and jury whether it has been a fulfilment or a fail ure. This depends somewhat upon hew people understand it. Seme would say we shall have six consecutive weeks of cold or mild weather (based upon the character of the weather en Candlemas or Ground hog day), without reference ie the kinds that might fellow the six week. Others may say that we shall have an early or a late spring, with six weeks of cold or warm weather interspersed het ween the 2d of February and the 1st or middle of April. as the case may be ; indeed, we have heard it said lenuyeai. sage, that the sun mmt shine sufficiently te cast a shadow, or be ever-clouded, all day e:i the 2d of Febru ary, or the prognostication loses its poten cy and is entirely void : ethers were content with one hour, or even le-". iu the morning But, " for the sake of the argument." suppose we admit the genuineness of the writing: we are I hen forced te conclude that the author of this eid prophecy knew very little about ilm history or habits of the American weed-chuck, or ground-hog. his prophecy And, if he had intended te be applicable te the " uttermost parts of the earth"" and for all coming time, he probably would have substituted some ether animal as a symbil of his prognostication a hare, a rabbit or a cat. for instance and net havoiihnti haveiihnti fied it with a physical impossibility. As te whether a clear or cloudy Candlemas morning presages cold or mild weather during the six weeks which immediately fellow it, we leave entirely v the discis discis seon of the weather-wise; because, in di -cussing the question from "-standpoint, we are net disputing its mctcorelo'i.-al influ ence. There may be zodiacal or planetary affinities that we are unconscious of. although they may net be se unerring or se conspicuous in their manifestations as some people claim for them, miming as they de far beyond the comprehension of the most philosophical mind. This is r.et the case in regard te weather progne: tica tica tiens alone, but also in relation te what may be deemed mere tangible subjects subjects Hew often are physicians of long practice and the most extensive and varied experi ence baffled in the treatment of an appar ently simple disease, in which they ha-.e found that all the symptoms have misled them, all their remedies have failed, and they have only discovered the real cause after it was tee late te benefit the patient or perhaps only after they had made a pest mortem examination. It may often be se also in regard te the usual signs of the weather, and perhapi it always will be se as long as human knowledge cannot pene trate the veil that shrouds the hidden secrets of nature's realm. Therefore, we here neither deny nor affirm the meteoro logical significance of the. day known as Candlemas in the churches, and Ground I leg-day among the "gentile-."' Prurl' cll;i speaking, there is nut a farmer who would net rai her have six weeks ei'edd weather te fellow the 2d day of Febru ary than six weeks of mild or warm weather, unless he could be assured that it would net return te cold again after the middle of March, for it seems, according te the prophecy, that neither Candlemas nor the ground-hog exercise any influence ever the weather beyond the six weeks which immediately fellow the second day of February. Ner would the prevalence of cither a cold or a warm temperature unless they continued considerably longer than six weeks result in what is usu illy considered a late or an early spring. All this argumentation, however, may seem like the two opposing attorneys, who dis cussed, duriuga long summer day, the ap plication of a certain point of law in a case then before the court. and then iu despair of convincing each ether, appealed te said court for its opinion in the matter. At length the judge, weary and worn with the long de bate, arose and with becoming dignity answered : " Gentlemen, that hue has been repealed?" In like manner we may enun ciate, " Gentlemen, the ground-hog never leaves his winter retreat en a, cold day? Indeed, it eeidd net if it would. It is a hibernating animal, and when it retires for the winter, it remains in its lair until the warm return of spring. It is only iniiuenced in its movements by a warm tempera ture, no matter in what month it eeeuis. just as vegetation, insects, or ether su'e- jeets of the kingdom of nature are. Neither i sunshine nor cloud could bring it en if I the weather was cold, nor keep iu if t!.c weather was warm. It is entirely inde- peneeni ei lesuvais aim set unys. n uieie- is net suhicient heat te revive it. it.-, nxeti habit "iei.eals"' all eueh u-ele s spi-cul l- tiens. It is --aid that in Scotland t'.i.' pio,;ue-n catien is expressed in this wise : If Cuiili;n!:i i- l"aii-;s:i.l cleur. Tiiere'll I e iv.e u iiitt'i in the ;. car. which does net ji epardir.e the progiiesti catien by an imjirebibl. and stances an iirii isx'ble fi,-ure. in some hi- . The author I of these lines preLab ',- knew nothing about the grouvd-heg or w.ed-chu'-h as it j is called in Anuiica, nor ;. et abnt its pe culiar habits : but this did net prevent him from conrei-ling a prognostication. Can dlemas :s known wherever Christianity is known, a-id hence its fitness as a meteoro logical :mbeI : hut the ground hog is net coextensive with Christianity, although it has a tolerably wida range, and there are also f.LWsa! .- pecies of (hi :a. Fir.t. we will mention the " jlaryi.md marmot" (.!,-. .;' m -en). This is or local specie-, called t!.-; "ground-hog." also called locally, elsewhere, the wood weed chuck:" but it ha-. ,ui in s ether n. tines. In Canada i! is called tlu "mainiet," or ground-hog, by the English and Scotch? but the French Canadians call it the "siiileur." At Hudsen's Bay it is called the "thick-weed badger: in Russian America, the dia.n; call i'. Tarbagm." the '-wee: 1'he Creek In- -!,- and the Chippewas, kath-hilla-kevang ;' it i.-. the fhiebec marmot of Pennant, and the marmot de Canada of Bufibu. Linmcus described it unde-r !,' scientific name of .h' menax, thu !;.;::. . nu.; te which the common rat belongs. (Imelin placed it in the genus Airiiiit;s, which is. literally in terpreted, "bear-rat." !i had ;:1 oilier names. At least seven spjeies of Arcti ,., or "ground-hogs," were known te the terri tory of the I'nitcd States forty years age. and by this date many ethers may have been added. Most of them, however, have been referred te utii'-r. or new gcneia. One species in Lancaster eunty. as re. vieusly s':-!. !. U u.,ual!y r.-fened ! in books -as (he " .Maryland marmot,'" p.ob p.eb ably bertu-e th,' specimen from which t".:e origin tl dvvcripis.i.i va ma :e was captur ed in M.ir.yi md and suppe-cl te ei ! no where cNe. Then there i the Q.kbec ma: met (A enipreta-) which was roi.iehew once com- SUpJIO.-cd marm.it (.: (A. c'-ie-j '.'ry.V). : 'UlULCU e lie .iirmet . .' 'c.tir:.j. with ours, 'en I new a distinct specie'-, (.1. Frt'iilini'), Tawny v'.i "), prairie marmeL Parrj's marmot (.!. :u.l 'I.e. d's marmot (.1. ..- ? '.', -I'lf). :-'cir.ic;.s varv in si.:-! iVm thai up that ei T !..:: e:,:n:.;:.:i red squirrel e.;r i-emi..(.!i j'e sum." ., i.gc .v had a sp' eiicen of About ten ear., "!:.: ".-. m-irri-s uri by i.i.iil, e iex. :tv::..: eiriit "..! -: ( n 1'.. hour after the hi '. sent te us f;e;n Mi.--.eli.-iVt in a tin nu: laid . iu Autumn ;,i ! ii v.v, , v.ay, but, v':.!!!:! i.al.mi :: wa.s op-.-'.K il in e. .e.im room, the animal revived, n::d b. came as actiie a- if nethi-.g uuu.v.m! had hap. pencil te it. if, was ery pngn.avni . :vd would resent promptly any disluibance of its reper-c. Il ate very parigly of eh--st unts, aim as foeh r.s lowered towards .'30 .; I1 into its torpid state, been remeu-d te the ; It ;in liv i" :pi'd and iur .1. the temperature i' would, uir.p: e 'i !ils : peeics has ::f, ". f.,1 .u')j:h '!"". l ne time ler .u- !:-!. ; V i! The fe.eigii ai:'a5rs r:i.i-,iitlt e of ii.e Heuse wii! meet te-d:' t i con Miv the report oft ha suo-ce.:r..iili,:e e-i the ea-.e of Representative A-::i.i:;c. The Ilcv. Je. Ce-.:: is .i : -king the 'A v. Phillips B,-e.ik-s. tin IIcv. V. ::d llverett Hale, and !: Rev. J.tun s Ficman Clarke, 1;: cause they have joined the -':. i.;te!ph a club which furnishes liquors and eigais. The Aiiiiirir.iii Hnj'xU r of Jan. :;i, loNe leNe states that i); Tue-, Yf . Fiw--:, i'ermeilv of Lancaster, and who has recently been upon a isit te the 11: ipre.-s of Kussia. at Cnnr.iv.Frauce. and te the Crown Princess of (Germany. V.'Ii, Italy, has ju.-t re- turned te Paris. .Mr. Lh.'son- is said te be (pi'iie ".!! as a result of recent uuu.suai e:: -uien. He has been making photenic! ri-- te !s of carbon horse-shoes, aii.l i'. ! ' that thus tar these test.', ha; isiVtery has h ;'. sent c m.Iilie'!. been entirely s.;L s.;L e d with his p:e- '.I'-,! l)r re. A.V 1 ( " !? I ; iu-'-'i:!. u!!i A fiic: has arrived in l.e and is te be the r testimonial f.i.: i Archibald 1'er'.'' doctei's jeurnn'i :p;e".:L e, a :is brother V e.siaa mrneli a has WO.: ted pre-cmi.:e::ce fr .ie in him. heads the list v. 1th 100 gain The latest discovered journal!.- "out West " revesabeu; ' Hern. :c .u.: 1 Ilii: . cic ia"' as fellows : Hooray. I say. he-n-.i;. : I,or:iy : I'er 1liut swet"! seim-liii-i!. l.miiht A : llci- liirlc-iikc voice li ;--! ourjcleoni : Jtueray : hooray (or tli.'iinjeTr Iio-in I . star in inu.sie-'s hiaileai Isinal (iiviiiely-illi-l Ihii ! We'll ye nu ence1 mere ler li;- if nil. Om- be.tllsa'.i'l Jioelcel-lieo!;- ;ir !i -r'n : We'll ivc ln-r welcome :my hay : 1'er iie:i leii'l u iil ue n.),i,-.ty ; lien. P::ti": Coei'r.it, the Vetera:: phll..!!- i.l .iM!si, e.i::.pietc(i ins o'Jthycare'.i il'.u'.s- i:a- la.-t. in consequence ei the recent - la.-t. In consequence of the Rec de sill ei' his '.Hither. William Coepi r, the usual :i.-i ti-..n did net take ila- e. It b"rtht'..v". li-i.i'ever. was net forgotten. ii'.' Mr. C'lepi-had many Ictlcisef c-engratu-h'.ti.-n, a ad received quite a number of call e.s. He had many rare and choice bouquets sent him among them being a large piece of Meral art of great beauty, the gift of Mrs. Hamilton Fish, wife of t:.- ,-; sc.-.e-tary of state. lb:s;n: Tr::.vr.::, tlie ce:cbr,ite.l witae s in the case of Til ten against ilcechcr. has married Charles Yf algrain, stage carpenter of llerry's Broadway theatre, Ihoeklyn. She played seubrctte pa.rts throu;;heut the . country, in various combinations, for some time, with the approbation of her mana gers, but she has abandoned the stage and settled down te housekeeping. The mar riage was selemnised levmtiy in privaey. Mrs. Yf algrain is a frequent visitor te her old friend. J Irs. Elizabeth Tiiten who lives with her son Carreil, who is studying te becema a minister. Mr.s. Tiltcn is sup ported by her husband, who, however, ' never visits her The King of the Lebby. Washington Cor. l'liiliidelpliiu Times. I notice that the Londen weeklies, such as the World, Truth, Vanity Fair, Wliite- hnU Jlecicie, Society, etc., are just new working themselves into a lather of fiat- tery ever that arrant old humbug, Sam uar.l. liie last aiutu pair te arrive here Ins a full page colored cartoon of the old beau, and all the papers vie w:tn each ether te say pleasant tilings ever tne lact tnat he is geimj x' ''')" fei- a permanent residence I . inii; iii uul uu iiuiuv nine 10 lcgrci ins going. Fer the past fifteen years, ccrtain ; ly. and perhaps for a longer time, Sam j Waid has been coming te Washington every winter, lie was proud of the title of ! kinu, of the lobby, for it was his stock in i ti.nie. New he has. I understand, made vi. :n . i. i i i i -- .,.:.... ...l i- ., ri., .. "s nuuuic ami reiermeti. i ne maimer ei ms Iiw"ing it is no matter. Let me tell von. .ur. j-.Oiter. new sam warn get ilemr" here. In the first nlnee his :ic- ..uaintance was large. He maintained it by always bestowing favors and never .asking anything He was, and I presume is still, a very accomplished man. He knew all the languages, had a wonderful nu mery. had read everything and was au fait iu all matters of etiquette, and he was the king of eaters and drinkers. Probably no man in the country, net even ' h. u ley Dchnonice. knew se much about wines ,-.;i-l cookery as Sam Ward. fhis enabled him te impose upon the cabinet and senatorial blockheads. He could make them think that the vin ordi erdi naire1 he was giving them was the finest of Ihugundy and could heimer en them impose his Hoek Heek for the finest Jehanuiahergcr cabinet. A change of a label sometimes works wonders. Hew h.; used te feel Charles Sumner was a sin. I remember when Mr. Sumner's effects were Mld there w:v a bottle of wine presented by Sam Ward containing the inscription that it was of fabulous age and that it was presented te Wsinl by Count .Metternieh. Yf ermley. the colored hotel-keeper, who bought much of Mr. Sumner's furniture and many of his effects, bought this bettie of wine for fifteen dol lars. Of course it turned out te be worth no meie than two or three dollars. Sam YVard maintained his influence lime by never using it. These were his methods : A great New Yerk banker or merchant would be interested in legislation before Congress or a big care before a department or perhaps in the supreme court. He would have no ac quaintance in Yf ashingten and would be igr. i rant of what te de. Sam AVard's name, always before the eye, would be suggested He would retain Sam Ward. They would come te Washington. Sam Waul would meet the secretary of the treasure, or secretary of state, or the chief justice, or all of them. They would be delighted te see him and ;.ppear en familiar terms. The mer chant would be introduced. All very pretty. Sam would talk in the most charming and friendly maimer and the in-timae..- would impress Mr. Mcichant. Finaliy Sam would invite the secretary and what-net te a dinner at Welekcr's en the luei chant's meney.and they would all come for Yf aids dinners were worth the eating. Yf hy should the great officers net come te Vfaids ui-ineis ami breakfasts? He never e."',:cI a favor of them and never men tioned the subject of business. Fer the mcichant te' dine with Chief Justice ( has (at one time attorney general) or the M-cietatry of the treasury was an evi lit of a lifetime, and he would bleed freely, feeling confident his business was in the best blinds. Ward, of course, would rep. ii t pregre.-s and with a knowing leek say il was all right, but he never mentioned it t.i ihe seeielaiy or the senator. If the c.-c enne e-.'l favorable te the merchant it wa '. of tMii.se. all en account of Ward's weufVifu! Influence. if it came out en the et leer side somebody has played false and it was forgotten. If Ward could net get a tea thousand dollar lee he would take five or an;, thing he could get. He was mixed no in the great. Pacific Mail lobby and fieeiy testified before a committee of Con Cen gn - a!! about it. !! received, I believe, cle-.-O an-I never preimded te render any se! vlee.s ! r it. Seme of your leaders may recall some trouble V, a;'-,i had at one of the watcring-p'acc-' many ears age en acceuYit of an al legi i si. phew Cl-.irii y. They were to gether all the time. They seemed insepar able. Chat ley was loud and fast smoked cLais. drank "at the bars, drove fast horses, anil w.,s a heart-smasher among the girls. They steppetl at the best hotels, and were qui.'e the 'rage. It turned out that the "nephew" was a woman, and for a time there was -.iite a scandal, but like all such tl.in y-. it -' ion died out. llyall means, let thei-vic.l Ihigishmcn receive Sam Ward. He is witty, brilliant, and exceptionally en tertaining." And no doubt he is quite as geed as Colonel Valentine Ilaker and lets of eiher ,.' nebs." Your vote may change the result. Ibis -en te the polls and cast it for .Mac G iid ;Ie. IjA.ti:st"nevs by mail. The toted less b,- the Chicago fire was -rlTL'.OO'.i. Peace new prevails in Hayti,aud, in con sequence, business has revived. Rev. Geerge 15. Vosburgh, late of Jer-s-y City, lias become pastor of the Baptist c.iuich m i.awnuaie', near i,nicage. Chrisi-'phcr Van Dyck. of New Iliuns- wL-k. X.J. .hanged himself iu abarn in that city yesterday, i ie was Ge years of age. The steamship City of SJrussels arrived in New Yerk yesterday with the crew of the British ship Lewell. The ship was found in a .''inking condition. Dr. James IL Ingwood. aged 4'2 years, was fatally injured by failing from a second-seow window in New Orleans yester day. Mr. Have.- has affirmed the court martial -'. '..t.-'ie-e in the case of Fiist Lieut. Abra ham G. Verplanck. Third artillery. The sentence is (ii.smissal from the service. Th-ie will be. no parade en St. Patrick's day hi Brooklyn this year, and the expense v. ually attached te the observance of the lay ',. ill be devoted te Ireland's peer. A telegram from Halifax reports that tia, wi.e of Adam M.irray. living near M. w Glasgow, N. S., has given birth te five cliiidicn. three girls and two boys; tii.it all are line!,-developed infants, and that at- last accounts all are doing well. Mayer Hivard, of Montreal, was re elected yesterday for another year. Mr. Paruell's admirers attempted te bring out an oppc.s-l'ien candidate, but Alderman Nelsen, the ;.-e:itl"in.in selected, declined the honor. .Mi-. Parnell said at a public meeting in Yf in cling. W. Va.. last night that he would !ici'c a.; one of the committee te di.-itibute the New- Yerk Herald fund, pro vided rir. Bennett would allow him te aj ) int a prow V) Mrve in hi-; stead until he re: ui ncet te lie-land. Mrs. alary Maguire. aged CO years, re siding at 1-7 Temple street. Philadelphia, was found lying dead en the Meer of her residence at midnight and welterintr in her bleed. Her husband. Jlichael Ma-ntire ,1.;,,,;. .," ,' ,. Len ,..;,, ' " Jor-ephus EcheNJ aged 2:5 years, cemit- j red suicide in New Yerk yesterday morn- j ing. He was a native of Mississippi, and. had been endeavoring te perfect a machine patented in lTS. for an improvement in ; hide::!:: ; books, but was very peer, and his ' poverty is beiicved te have driven him te suicide. ' !-- The polls remain open until seven o'clock. Plenty of time te get another one I in ler ?ilaGenigIc. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TO DEMOCRATIC VOTERS, The Ward Ticket in Full. There all kinds of bogus tickets out te deceive Democratic voters into voting for some one whom they de net intend te sup sup pert. Following are the several tickets nominated by the Democracy : CITY OKFICEKS. 1ST WaUI). Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, Jacob Reese. Common Council, Samuel K. Lichty, Jehn F. Keith, Geerge W. Brown. Jehn A. Shober. Constable, Geerge Ganse. Assessor, Jeseph Pyle. Judne, Samuel W. Shadle. Inspector, Theodere Trout. SeJwel Director, F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy. Adam Ohlendcr, 1 lenry Z. Kheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY ei'kiceus. 2n W.vui). Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, Abram Ilirsh. Common Council, Garret II. Everts, William J. Ferdnev, David McMulIcn. " Constable, Charles Hei man. Assessor, Jacob B. Lichty. Judyc, Harry N. Hewell. Inspector, Rebert B. Risk. Sehoel Director.-!. F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. llheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY Ol-'l-'ICKKS. i Wakd. Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, Charles Peters. Common Council. Peter Landau, Philip Doersom. Jacob Kiehl. Constable, Jehn F. Deichler. Assessor, Franz Neuderif. Judge, Benjamin F. Davis. Inspector, Harry L. Hartmyer. Scheel Directors, F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. ltheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY OKl-'Il'ElW ITU WAUI). Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, I). II. Bartholemew. Common Council, Charles G. Kheads. It. E. Bruce, Henry W. Harbcrgcr. Alderman, Frank Conrey. Constable, James Ceyle. Assessor, Jehn Dungan. Judyc. James A. McEIhene. Inspector, Emanuel Wilhelm. Scheel Directors. F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. Kheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY' e'r'Kirr.ns. .1th Wa no. Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Common Council, Abram Erisman, Geerge Hacker. Constable, James Kautz. Assessor, A. (J. Brosey. Judge, William Veisscr. Inspector, Harry L. Simons. Scheel Director. F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. Kheads, Gee. Y. Zeeher. CITY eKi'icims. Sth W.!M). Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, Geerge W. Zeeher. Common Council, Jehn Levcrgoed, 11. B. Springer, 'A'illiam Jehnsen. Constable, Geerge Lentz. Assessor, Jacob Herzeg. Judge, Byren J. Brown. Inspector. ! lenry Leenard. Scheel Directors, F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy. Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. Kheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY ni'Kirnas. 7 rn W.wtn. Mayer , Jehn T. MacGenigle. Common Council. Jehn Yackly. Geerge M. llerger. Henry Sineyeh. Constable, Jehn Merringer. Assessor, James 11. Garvin. Judge, Henry T. Yackly. Inspector, William McLaughliu. Sehoel Directors. F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed, Peter McConemy. Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. Kheads, Geerge W. Zeeher. CITY erKiCEits. 8tii W.ni. Mayer, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Select Council, Frederick Yudith. Common Council, Jeseph A. Albert, Jehn J. Hartley. Geerge Bees. Constable, Geerge Shay. Assessor, Christian A. Oblendcr. Judge, Jacob F. Kautz. Inspector, Jehn St. Clair. Scheel Directors, F. W. Haas, Jehn Levcrgoed. Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr, Henry Z. Kheads, Geerge AY. Zeeher. CITY Officers. 9tu W.vnn. Mayer1, Jehn T. MacGenigle. Common Council, Jehn II. Ostermaycr. Elam G. Snyder, Charles E. Downey. Alderman, Harry A. Miley. Constable, Adam Ditlow. Assessor, Peter Lutz. Judge, Jehn N. Nixderf. Inspector, Charles F. Smith. Sehoel Directors, F. W. Haas, Jehn Levergood, Peter McConemy, Adam Oblendcr. Henry Z. Kheads. Geerge W. Zeeher. The time for argument is past, vote ! Ge and I.lst I Unclaimed Letter. The following is a list of unclaimed let tcrs remaining iu the postellice' for the week ending Monday, February 1(5 : Ladies" List. Mrs. C. Ann Brown, Mis. Dell, Miss H. M. Foulke, Miss Anna For Fer ney, Maria Anna Gressman (for.), Mrs. Mary D. Ilcener, Miss Annie B. Kauti man, Miss Emma Mewrcr, Mrs. Lizzie F. Martin, Miss Mary A. Musselman, Mrs. Harry Robinson, Miss Lydia Ann Shank, Miss Mary II. Shcnk, Mrs. Bcnj. Stcimer, Miss Serena Streng, Miss A. C. Traut Traut nieii, Mrs. Louisa Taber, Miss Cath. Zeek. Gents' List. Jacob Arisman, Gee. Bcs Bcs mehn (2), Jacob Black, jr., Maurice Blankcnsee, K. D. Burroughs, James A. Clark, James Downey, Isaac Grell", Kebt. llarsha, Ames Hcrr (2), Jehn L. Ilerr, Ames Hess, Rev. Sam'l lleinccke, Ben. Jehnsaun, Gce.T. A. Jehns, II. AV. 31 i Her, AYm. JIcAfee, II. F. Parry, Frederick Phitz, Leuia Kobisen, Henry Rhede (ler), Jehn Kheads, Henry Rowland, I. Sliultz, Bcnj. T. Shirk, Jehn Troop. Yeu is vote may change the result. Hasten te the polls and cast it for Mac Mac eonigle ! Neighborhood Seine Seme excitement has been created iu AVilmingten, Delaware, by the discovery that a geed-looking white girl named Florence Bcckwith, aged 18 jears, has been cohabiting for some time past with a black man. The girl says she was driven from home by her mother. At Harrisbnrg yesterday the Susquehan na was eight feet above low-water mark, and still en the rise. Large quantities of drift weed were caught by men iu beats. But very little ice is lleating down, which is proof that the clu.nncl is clear. An automatic dirt plane is being built at the AA'm. Pcnn colliery, Schuylkill county. The dirt cars will lead themselves, run te the bottom of the plane, and en being heisted will run te the end of the dirt bank and dump themselves. Rosanna Maleney. wife of Themas Ma Ma Iency, of AVilmingten, Del., died en Sun day evening, and the coroner's jury say her death was caused by neglect and the refusal of her husband te allow her te have medical attendance during her sick ness. One failure te vote might turn the city ever te the ringstcrs, advocates of mere debt and higher taxes. Te the polls and vote for MacGenigle ! Tite Men Crushed te Death. At the AVoed chrome mine, along the Octoraro creek, en Saturday last, William Mack and Edward Trainer were at work in the end of a drift by the main shaft, when a huge rock left its soft resting place in the mudtly wall that enclosed its deep, shaft and rolling en its victims crushed them te death. The " AVoed Pit," as it. is mostly called, is one of the eldest mines operated by the " Tyson mining com pany," of Baltimore. It is located just south of Carter's bridge en the Octoraro creek. This creek here forms the bound ary line between Chester and Lancaster county. Great excitement was caused in this unusually quiet neighborhood, ami u messenger was sent te Nottingham station te telegraph for a coroner and te notify the relatives of these who had se suddenly met such an untimely end. AVilliam Mack leaves a wife and two children, and their sorrow is described as heartrending in the extreme. Edward Trainer was aged 2:5 years and unmaricd ; both were exem plary men and leave a host of friends te mourn their less. The polls remain open until 7 oYlecf,. Plctny of time te get another one in for MacGenigle. Specimen lUtleitl lliitMet.lus'. About the worst pieoe of p.dUie.x! bull dozing and the stupidest reported at the present election is en the part of Constable Andrew. I.J Flick, the rtmegadc Deme.-rat from the Ninth ward. Flick has threatened that unless ,Tveph Hauser. of West James street, otes the Republican ticket he (Flick) will have him at rested for some, ollenso which Flick says he knows Ilauser oemmittod within two years. If he ceuhl blackmail him into voting as Flick wants, this valiant sworn officer of the law will net prosecute, but if he votes the Demo cratic ticket Flick threatens te prosecute. Of course Hauscr defies him and his. threats,praneuncc9 his" charges slanderous, ar,d brands Flick as a cowardly blather skite. Isn't he a pretty duck of a con -table? m S5 tti m St & , !. i-nss- j1 .37,- -X3 - ,-,'..-- --.