" " . - - - rf ., -- 'r- - iv.-v ' -' ' 7--'- r - , ' '-. r '.. . - ; " - v r - waiu rfwynii n, m iinnitrJ ,...- .. in ii '. n jj1 mihy-J-' EH - - in B4eieeSa?li . 'V - St 1 I T a"-. t "j. ' .., "i"' .j. ' '! TJ fc- A f '' Yelnme XTI-Ne. 143. TERMS. THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, BY STEINMAN & HBNSEL, Intelligencer ItulldinR, Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. The Daily Intelligencer is furnished te MibsciibcTM in the City of Lancaster and sur rminding town-, accessible by Railroad and J'.uly hUifje Lines ut Ten Cents Per Week, payable te the Carrien, weekly. By Mail, $3 a -nr in advance : otherwise, $. Littered at the ie-,t eflkeat Lancaster, Pa., as K-cend class mail matter. ..fP'S Vi'LAj, JOIJ prixTING DEPAKT .Ml.M of t III- iMabli-Omtcnl possesses uniur- su-sj-d lacihtics ter the execution of all kinds 'i i-iHiii ana rancv rrlntimr. CLOTHING. COAL. y i:. MARTIN, J. lielcvale ami Ketail Dealer in all kinds of LU.MBKK AXD COAL. a-Yaid: Xe. 430 North Water and Prince Hi ii-i-t-, abe e Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal ut IhelSfbtOuuIltyput up expressly ler family use, and at the low est maiket prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. l:e- V.ni-l.-.e .SOUTH WATKK ST. ni-.".-iyd i'iiilii .s(;m;u,sex i CO. Jvt isi:ci:ivi;i akixi: lotefiulld TIMOT1IV1IAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, I'KALPKS I COAL! FLOUR!! GRAIN!!! I'AMILV COAL UXDKU COVKIL ! huu-ela 1'atent I'i oeo- Family and ISakei 's Fleur. Haled llaj anil Feed of all kinds. 'VaieliuiiM ami V;ird : aai North "Water St h-27-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, :sr,0 XOliTII ir.lTj:i: ST., JsmrasUr, l'a., Whole-ale and Betail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Ituilderx. Kstimate- made and eenti-.iels undertakcii en all kiinKel buildings. Branch Olllce: Xe.:iXOUTH DUKE ST. feb2S-lyd COAL! - - - COALH NEW GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one l iiiu jarjjehi SK)CK8 ei READ11UDE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city of Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $6.00. Geed Styles Cassimere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are Immense. Ail grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and VOUths. all our own mnniifsic. Jure. 1 uii line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suite. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one ei the best stacks of Piece Goods te select from and liave made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables llttcd up expressly se that every piece can be examined before making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are pi'ared te make up in geed stvlc and at short notice and at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit ter 12.t. Bv liuvinu- your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hamR Call and examine our stock and be convinced a-te the truth of which wealllrm. MYERS fc KATHPON, Centre Hull, Ne. 12 Kast King Street. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 1880 CLOTJUSa. A RARE CIAffCE ! The Greatest Bcductien of all in FINE CLOTHES. AT H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. All Heavy Weight Woolens made te enler (for cash only) at COST PRICE. fVi!TC ?ls? U,st T'ived a Large Assortment et the Latest Novelties in ENGLISH, SCOTCH Eamastrr I-ntcIKgcncrt. Price Tire Cmte. MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 16, 1880. Ouc Burglar's Conscience. and GORREOHT & CO., I- or t.oeil and Cheap Ceal. Yanl Hariisburg Pike. Olllee 'li). Last Chestnut fctrect. P. W. GOUBLCIIT, Agt. .1. B. 1C1LKY. 01yd W. A. KKLLKIL "vrericK te Tin: public. G. SEXEK & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXU1XI-: Ll-KHNS VALLEY and WILKESBARHE COALS Mliich are the best in the maiket, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAB AXTLi: FULL WEIGHT, lmtallew te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed elder. Alse Keiigh and Dieseil Lumber, Sash Doer-!, Blinds, Ac, at Lewest Maiket Prices. Olllee and yard ueilheast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd JiOOliS ASJi STATIONERY. "am:ntini:s! valkntinks : t VALENTINES ! A GREAT VARIETY, L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AM) STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 -vj:st king stri:i:t. 1880. 1880. VALENTINES! A CHOICE STOCK OF MARCUS WARD & CO'S Valentines and Valentine CARDS, rnsurp.i ed in variety of design and beauty FOR SALE AT BOOK STORE OF JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAXCASTLB. PA. VARI'ETS. 1880. FEBRUARY. 1880. The GKBAT BKDFCTIOX in Prices con tinued until MARCH te close out a Large and Splendid Line et HEAVY WEIGHTS, te make loom for our SPRING GOODS. Over 500 PANTALOON PATTERNS of the Leading Styles, in English, French and American Novelties, At a Bcductien of 25 percent. Scotch, English and Amer ican Suitings AT COKBESPOXDIXGLY LOW PB1CES. A Let of Choice Styles in OVERCOATINGS, at a Great Sacrifice. All arc invited te secure these Grant Bargains. Our prices are all maiked en Plain cards as low as consistent with lirst-class weik. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. mar8-lydS&W AMERICAN SUITINGS Of Medium Weight, for the EARLY SPRING TRADE. These goods were all erdeicd before the i-Ne in oelens, and will be made te order at ic markably low prices. Alse, aFine Line et SPRING OVERCOATING, AT H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. QPECIAL NOTICE. 66. 68. Mansman&Bre. S OF The Story of a Pleasant Old Gentleman a Common Man. Worcester Spy. Reginald was a pleasant old gentleman, with a fine sense of humor. lie had con siderable property, and lived en "Wimble "Wimble den Common. He had one beautiful daughter but that is net te the point. One afternoon, old Reginald was read ing books in his drawing room, it was announced te him that a Common Man desired te speak with him. He gave orders that the Common Man should be admitted. And admitted the Common Man was. lie was a very common man, indeed Tall, shambling, ill-looking fellow, with an irresolute manner and shrinking eye. lie was dressed as costermongers arc uresseu when lollewmg their callin". "What is your pleasure, geed"' sir?-' said old Reginald. " Rci; pardon, uuv'ner. " said the f!.. inen Man. " I hope you won't be hard en me. " "Xet at all, " replied old Reginald. "I'm I'm a burglar, " said the Com mon Man. "Indeed!' .said Reginald. -Take a chair. " "Thank you, kindly, guv'ner, ' said he, " but I'd rather stand. " And he did stand. se lar there is netliinc very incredible in my story. JJut it gets meie remarkable as it gees en. "He de you like your profession ?" said old Reginald. "Well, guv'ner," said the Common Man, "I don't like it neways, and that's it. ' " That's what '.'' "That's why I'm here. I belong te a gang et twelve wet's working these parts just new. We cracks crib by turns. It's it's my turn te-night. And the burglar wept like a child. "This, I piesume, is remorse," said old Iicgnald. "Xe, guv'ner, it ain't remorse,' said burglar. "Its funk." "The same thinir." said Rcffin.ilil. 'It ain't the being a burglar that I ob ject te. It's the having te commit burgla ries. Hike the ciedit of it sir; its "the danger I object te.' "I. see." .New, by the laws of our A few years age, through the influence of Thes. B. Cochran, Chas. A. Bering.the would-be mayor's brother, get a "snap" at Harrisburg, by which in one winter he drew ever $1,000 from the state treasury, for services that he could render without any exertion except te receipt for the money ; in return, the ether day, Chas. A. iienng had himself substituted en the county committee te elect Tem Cochran te the state convention te cast the vote of Lancaster for the third term and against -uiame. Uiat is chapter Xe. I. Xew Cochran has undertaken te elect Brether Jehn mayor, ou condition that he is te be allowed te manipulate the city government te punish Cochran's enemies and elect his friends at the Republican primaries. But chapter Xe. II. has net been finished yet. Tobacco. FOR TIIE LADIES. CARD TO LADIES! UJSTDEEWEAE BOOMS. Grand Depot, - - - Jehn Wanamaker. PHILADELPHIA. OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ike room mauu- We offer te buyers et Clothing in order te maki feralargeSPBING STOCK new being factured, and we are needing room. W wen-maue anil stylish Clothing for Men and Beys AT LOWER PRICES than ever heard of before, although Geed ;uig up every fiave the room. going up every day. We will sell, for we must 1U UWTM SAIL, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Loek at Our Astonishingly List : Lew Trice Closing out our WINTER STOCK Greatly Ben Prices In order te maue room let the 1 KEAT ItAKGAIXS. A Large Assortment of all kinds of CARPETS Are still sold at lower rites than ever at the CARPET HALL. OF H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STKEET. Call and examine our steckand satisfv venr- scltthal we can show the largest iissei fluent el I!ru.el-i, Three plies and Ingrains at all price-. at the lowest Philadelphia prices, and the Latest Patterns. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment of KAG CAKPETh. Sal Sal islacUeu guaranteed both as te price and qual ity. Particular attention given te custom work. Carpet woven when parties will lind their own Wage. IampavlngS cents in cash and .) cents, in trade for i'lne Carpet Kags in "'. mySS-tftlAw FOUNDERS A Nit MACHINISTS. T ANCASTKU 1 BOILEIt 3LANUFACT0RY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTEinK Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twicrs, itellews Pipes, Shectriren Werk, and Illacksniithing generally. X8- Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN BEST. Large Spring Stock, Which we are new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS! for $2.00, ter $3.85, for $3.35, fer$(J.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS for $7.75. for $9.75, for $10.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS for $12, $U, $lGand$20. These are heavy-lined Overcoats, carctully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS for $7.50, for $3.30, for $9.50, for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $15, for $18, for $20. These are Plaid-Back Overcoats, equal te custom work. IIEAVV, MEX'S SUITS ! for $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. MEX'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. BOYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ! BOYS' SUITS from $2.25 te $10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. Te,scl! '"J' our own make and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net found as represented. 43-Plcasc call, whether you wish te purchase or net. 24 CENTRE SQUARE SJ-lyd 'INT Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lowest cash prices and guarantee a perfect flt- isuixs te OKDEB from $12 upwards. PANTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. -i.w.1, uj mi; i.msi ei our gang, we ic bound te crack in turn. That is te say, one of us cracks the cribs while the ether eleven steps outside and gives the office.' "I thought burglars alwavs worked in twos or threes?' said old Reginald. "P'raps I ought te knew best," sug- gvaiuu i iic uurgi.ir. "Perhaps you are tight. Indeed, I am sure you ought. What crib de you pro pose te crack te-night'."' "This here one." "Mine?" "Yeum." "Oh!" And old Reginald prepared te ring the bell. "Please don't de that guv'ner. Yeu ain't never trein' te snve me into -ii. tedy?" "I think I had better." "Ne, no, guv'ner; don't de that. Lissen tome last. 1 ain't agein' te hurt you. It's my turn te crack your crib te-night. New will you help me?" "I hardly sec my way," said old Re"i nald, thoughtfully. "Still iflcau be of any use " " Loek here, guv'ner, each member of our gang is bound te get fifty pounds of swag away from each crib he cracks. If nc uen't lie's shot. New I see a hand some silver salver and coffee-pet and cream jug as I came in here. Wet might be the value of that handsome silver salver and coffee-pet ?" " The cream jug is electro. Tne coffee pet with sugar basin and salver, maybe worth five and forty pounds." liiat's near enough. I'll take 'cm. Here's a llimsy for fifty quid." And he handed old Reginald a bank note for the amount. " Still I don't quite understand " " I want you, guv'ner, te be se geed as te leave your bedroom window open to night, and place that silver and them sil ver traps where I can't get 'em. I shall have cracked my crib, bainrcd mv swan- ane made myself safe until my turn came round again." " Certainly," said old Reginald, heldiii" up the note te the light. "But let me ask, hew can you afford te pay se hand somely for your depredation ?" "There was a dozen en us, sir. Each en us cracks a crib once in four months, and each swag's at least fifty pounds worth often mere, but at least that. After each p'aut the profits are divided. Last quarter the twelve cribs cracked brought us in The New Verk Seed Leaf .Market. u. &. 'louacce Journal. Stillness characterizes our market. A few hundred cases of Pennsylvania, a hun dred Connecticut, a hundred Ohie, a Jew iscensin aic all that has been dealt in It is a mystery te many from where the large cigar manufacturers, who are still extraordinarily busy, draw their supply of ...... uumu tiiuui uiac tney nave a Iar"e stock of '77 and '78 goods en hand ; semt again held that they arc working up all the remnants en hand in their factories in eidcr te clasp the '79 crop tightly. Many el the purchasers of the '79 crop will awake from their ilnam r i ,,i.i future when their tobacco is ready for market. There will 1m t ,i. tobacco waiting customers for prices r ulc , lligh' evea SHting the lact that the tobacco is exceptionally geed Cigar manufacturers want geed tobacco but want te buy it cheap, It is expected that the opening figures for medium '79 jTciinsyivania will be from 10 te 12 cents for running. Packers of '79 Connecticut aiu aueauy trumpeting the claimed fine qualties of that crop pretty lively. Wis consin and Ohie of the '79 crop arc con sidered dead articles in the market at present. Be this as it may, business will nevertheless be lively during the year There is plenty of tobacco, and especially there are plenty of packers of the '79 Penn sylvania crop who can affmd te lese en their investments. Havana. Active. Sales, G50 bile: change in prices. Cans'i JScnert. The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we rtmr ,, . mere than passing: notice. With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed goods, flniahed with rare silk and niceness, we introduce THE CONTENT WORK and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are made. These who have traveled will remember the exquisite handiwork they have found in the cottages of the peasants. A peculiarly desirable article in UNMADE DRAWERS, Being simply the pattsrns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and ready for making up. We certainly have new THE PERFECTION OF UNDERWEAR. Moderate prices are asneticeable as the refined character of the goods. We have a full stock of IAFAMS' SLIPS, IXPASTS DRESSES, UfFAXTS SKIRTS, IXPAXTS' SKIRTS, Ne INFANTS' ROBES, INFANTS' SHIRTS, IN FLANNEL, IN CAMBRICS. Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things wanted in a Baby's Wardrobe. Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J. b. Gans's Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 84 and 80 Wall street, New Yerk, for the -? nninS February 10, 1830 : 300 cases 18(8, Pennsylvania, fillers 9J te 10 cents: asserted 11 te 10 V cents. 200 cases 1878 New England, seconds 9 te 11, wiapp-rs U te 28 cents. 200 cases 1878 Ohie, 10 te 14 cents. r,0 cases 1878 Wisconsin, 7 te 11 cents. 100 cases sundries, '77 and '78 crops, 7 te 8 cents. Total 850 cases. JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, 13th ST. PHILADELPHIA. HATCHES, JEWEIRY, Jtc. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster. Pa , ., DEALER IX Mit. M.cGe.iGi.n was first elected te councils from a Republican ward and made a record for himself that elected him mayor. He has been as true te that record as the needle te the pole. Net a complaint has been made against his effi cial conduct; net a real fault ledged against his administration. Sound busi ness men, though Republicans, would net discharge a faithful clerk because he voted for Democratic candidates for governor or president ; well-managed corporations would net part with a competent official because of his political inclinations se long as they did net control him in business affairs. Therefore intelligent citizens will vote te continue Mr. MacGeniglc in a place which he has filled with such credit and satisfaction te all classes of citizens. AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, (Ms, Jewelry nfl Amndel Tteteil Spectacles. te Bound te Have "Information. " Detroit Free Press. There are many attractions in and around the Union depot te interest people who arc waiting for trains. There is the big buffalo head, the fat policeman, beau tiful time-tables, advertisements of oyster houses and fights between beet-blacks, but one no sooner gets settled down te solid comtert than he is made te realize hew cold the world is. Yesterday was a sample case. A man who had an heur-aud-a-half te wait was putting in the first quarter by looking at the sign: "This way te the ferry. " when a lnn.r.li,;w,i straight-nosed man touched his arm and inquired : "My fiicnd, are you posted en Biblical History c offer our patrons the benent of our long experience in business, by which we are able aid them in niakinir tlin lw.at .,t,.r i.i. . . . . 0. "-" "'i any uepariment or our business. We manufacture a large part et the goe.Is we sell, ami buy only Irem First-Class Houses. Kvery article sel.l accompanied with a bill stating its quality. taurir3t-ClH5 Watch ami General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. LANCASTER, PA. ARCTIC SHOES. 55 Ne, sir !" was the immediate reply. 'Serry. I'm a little bewildered 01 D.GANSMAN&BRO., MEKCIIAXT TAILORS AXD CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, I'a. LANCASTER, PA. (Rausman's Cerner.) ROOTS AND SHOES. 1IKCUMSTAKCKS WILL NOT PKRMIT c TO ABVKUTISE A ATTORN EYS-AT-IA V A. J. SsTEINMAX, Intelligencer ISuiMing, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa W. U. HENSEL, intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Ccn tre Square. Lancaster, I'a. HENRY A. KILKY Attorney and Counseller-atrLaw 21 1'ai k Rew, Xew Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Suites, and a general legal business transacted. Relei-H by permission u Stcininan & Hcnsel. UAS. K. KLIN.. Atterncy-at-Law, Xe. 13 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marl3-lyd&w warn i pbices, but wc will de the next thing te it, viz : We will call the attention of our friends and customers te the fact that we have en hand a very Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, purchased beterc the late ADVANCE, which we will sell at Strictly Old Prices. TKB.G1VC us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET mtlTING INKS, JtC. U1 SK THE BEST. HARRISON'S CELEBRATED WRITING INKS, FLUIDS AXD MUCILAGE. Give them a trial. Ask yenr stationer for them and take no ether. 4S-SPECIAL RATES for inks In bulk for Schools and Colleges. HARRISON MANUFACTURING CO., 512 Broadway, New Yerk. Please mention this paper. febe-lmdiw DRUG STORES. rpRCSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES THE Safest, Easiest and Best, FOR SALE BY ANDREW G. FREY'S City Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. North Queen & Orange Stg., Lancaster. apl9-iyd T OCHER'S COUGH STRUP IS THE BEST eleven hundred pounds that's ninety odd pounds apiece. When my turn comes I pay a lair price ler the liity pounds worth of swag (for I have been honorably brought up), and I gets forty pounds te the geed. And forty pounds a quarter is a hundred and sixty pounds a year. And I live en it. Sometimes it's mere new and then it's less, but whatever it is, I lives en it." And the honest fellow took a receipt for it iieic auu uepaneu. Ultt Kegmald was as geed as his word. He left his bedroom window open and placed the salver where the honest bur glar was as geed as his word, and at two e clock in the morning he came aud found it, Se far all was simple and straightfor ward enough. But new comes the curious and incredible part of my story. The fifty-pound note was part of the pro ceeds of a previous burglary. The number of the note was known, and traced te old Reginald, who had te account for its being in jii possession. New the twelve burglars had in the meantime been arrested by the police (this also is incredible), and were condemned te penal servitude for life. Se Old Reginald had nn lincifnfinn in stating the facts as I have stated them. Ne one believed him, as no one will me. Se he appealed te the honest burglar te corroborate his story. But the honest burglar, having discov ered the whole thing, coll'ee-pet, salver and all, was she commonest electro, was se shocked at old Reginald's dishonesty, that net only did he decline te corroborate his story, but actually, and I think very properly, identified him as an accomplice. And old Reginald was also sentenced te penal servitude, and he and the honest burglar worked for years together en the same works, and had many opportunities of talking the matter ever from its moral, social ami political point of view. A hundred office-holders recommend Mr. Bering for mayor and ask disinterest ed citizens te let themselves be used as cats-paws te rake out chestnuts for these who want the honors and profits of the party. en a certain matter and 1 wanted information. Never read the Bible much, then? ' "Ne, sir!" "Serry. It's a very geed book very geed. "Were your parents infidels '."' l cs, sir, and se am I, and I'm pretty wicked besides. " " Serry. "Which way arc you going !' " Nene of your business, sir ! I want you te go away from here ! " " De, eh ? De you knew where the ark rested?" " Ne, sir, and I don't want te talk te you !" "Serry. "Why did the children cress tueueu sea. Why didn't they go round The ether walked round the ticket office te get rid of his questioner, but while he went one way the old man went the ether and as they met the latter asked : "If the rotary motion of the earth was te be increased one-half what would be the effect?" "I'll tell you what the effect of your fol lowing me around will be !" sternlv replied the ether. "The first thin" Vmi --t,r you'll have an awful swelling between the eyes:" "Serry. De you remember the task imposed en Archimedes?" The infidel walked out towards the river and the ether slowly followed. "When they reached the wharf the former halted and said : " You've get te quit this or fight." "Why, I only wanted information. They say that Hamlet was a Dane, but de you knew whether he was or net ?" The ether reached out and get one in en the old man's chin, but it was rather unfor tunate, lie with the long hair suddenly started up like a runaway enirine. and in about a minute was seated astride of the ether aud had him boxed and bottled. hen the employees of the freight house rushed out he was saying : "Serry, very sorry, but if veu knew where the ark rested you've get te whoop up the information, or I'll give you a week's headache." CANDEE BACK STRAP ARCTIC. Great Improvement Over Common Arctics. Easier te Buckle ; cicluilc wet and snow mere perfectly; neater in appearance ; bet ter fittins; extra heavy sole, giving double ncrvice. Try one en and .you will never wear any ether. Sold by C. A. REECE, 26 EAST KING ST. teb2-lmd CARRIAGES, FHAETONS. &e SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! Wc have new in stock a cmU et PON V, PORTLAND AND FOUE-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, lnAiPS' ne F,nc 'our.Pessenger PORTLAND PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS EXTENSION PHAETON, 'SrSr"'vJi:;.0brGreB8,'owc-,",,''verK,- ' "'. seconMane. All .e b. M S. E. BAILY & Ce., at eclS-lyil 430 k 432 North Queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Laacaster, Pa. MEDICAI, If Mr. Bering's preposition te increase the city tax rate had prevailed, every feet of real estate in Lancaster would have felt the burden and every renter would have had te pay his share. Mr. Bering has been tried in councils and found wanting. BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the nEAD, CROUP LNFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. ci.cEt.Bi scientific research in chemistry and mSftclSc, Sh plaint sS'bvfti,!eClWl1.' ctle.n and its unparalleled efllcacy. The cxnenae in Itc m5?itl "i K ,tHe ?PMity of its action W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor. 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. d4-lydeew&w -FOR SALE BY THE PEOPHIETOB AND ALL DRUGGISTS. t? ' l A. A 4 AA