,-'V - - . LANCASTER DAILif MLlGENcfiR. SATtJKDAY, FEBttUAltf 14, 1880. ' - .J . t. mmsBmAmii It- IV Lancaster irntelltgencet. SATTJBDAY EVENING, FEB. 14, 188a THE SIFTING OF TETKR. A FOLK-SONG. " Beheld, Selan hath desired te have you, that he may gift you at wheal?"1 St. Luke, xvll.:'.!.. In St, Luke's Gospel we are told Hew Peter In the days or old Was sifted ; And new, though ages intervene, Sin is the same, while time and scene Are shitted. Satan desires us, great and small. An wheat, te sift us, and we all Are tempted ; Net one, however rich or great. Is by his station or estate Exempted. Xe house se safely guarded is But he, by some device of his, Can enter; Ne heart hath armor se complete But he can pierce with arrows fleet Its centre. Fer all at last the cock will crew Who hear the warning voice, but go Unheeding, Till thrice and mere they have denied Tin Alan et Sorrows, crucified And blecdlnir. One leek et that pale suifcriug face II Will make us feel the deep disgrace Ot weakness ; We shall be sifted till the strength Orsclt-cenccit be changed at length Te meekness. Wounds of the soul, though healed, w ill ache ; The reddening scai-s remain, and make Confession ; Lest innocence returns no mere; We are net what we were before Transgression. Rut noble souls, through dust and heat, Klsc lrem disaster and defeat The stronger. And conscious still of the divine Within them, lie en earth supine Ne longer. . W. Longfellow, in JIurjicr's Magazine March. fur A Puzzled Parson. An old gentleman from the East, of a clerical aspect, took the stage from Denver south iu ante-railroad days. The journey was net altogether a safe one, and he was net reassured by the sight of a number of rifles deposited in the coach, and ner vously asked for what they were. " Perhaps you'll find out before you git te the Divide," was the cheering reply. Among the passengers was a particular ly (it seemed te him) fierce-looking man, girded with a belt full of revolvers and cartridges, and clearly a read agent or as sassin. Seme miles out this person taking out a large llask asked, "Stranger, de you irrigate." "If you mean drink, sir, I de net."' " De you object, stranger, te our irrigat ing?" "Ne. sir." And they drank accer- ingly. After a further distance had been tra versed, the supposed brigand asked, "Stranger de you fumigate '."' " If you mean smoke, sir, I de net.'' " De you object, stranger te our fumi gating?" "Ne, sir." And they proceeded te smoke. At the dining place, when our friend came te tender his money, the proprietor said, ' Your bill's paid." "Who paid it?" "That man" pointing te the supposed highwayman, who, en being asked if he had net made a mistake, replied, "Xet at all. Yeu see when we saw that you didn't irrigate and didn't fumigate, we knew that you was a parson. And your bills are all right as long as you travel with this crowd. We've get a respect for the church you bet !" It was no highwayman, but a rc rc sicctable resident of Denver. A. A. Hayes, jr., in Harper1 1 Magazine for Hnch Tit for Tat. was pastor of a Baptist a certain i town in one of the Mr. C church in Western states. He had been en veiy bad terms with his fleck for some time. They abused him whenever they could find oc casion, and he reciprocated with equal readiness. Before his contract with the parish expired, he tcccived the appoint ment of chaplain at the state prison. Ela ted at this lucky opportunity of getting rid of him, the congregation came in full numbers te hear his farewell sermon, per haps less te compliment than te annoy him with their presence. Great was their as tonishment, and still greater their anger when the reverend gentleman chose for his text the following words : " I go te pre pare a place for you that tctcrc 1 am, yt may be also." Editor's Drawer, in Harper's Magazine for March. A Cress Baby. Nothing is se conducive te a man's remain ing a bachelor as stepping for one night at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or six hours bj the "crying of a cress baby. All cress and crying babies need only Hep Bitters te make them well and smil ing. Yeung man remember this. Ed. Frem the Banks of the Hudsen. Newbuimj, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1879. II. II. WaRNEB & CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. GEN TLEMEN : "A lady of ever seventy years of age, in tailing health for ever a year, has been using Warner's Sate Bitters en my recommen recemmen recommen datien. She feels very grateful for the benelit she has derived theretrem, and says that until she used it her stomach could bear no vege table feed for ever three years. I believe it te be a certain specific for dyspepsia. tl4-2wd&w JeSLYN, M. I. WALL PAVERS, &c. 1! PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., We have moved our stock te the above num ber, three doers below our old location, where we shall be pleased te see our friends and pa trons. "We placed large orders for Wall Paper early in the fall before the advance, and have new in store and are receiving daily additions te one et the Largest and Newest Lines of PAPER HAIGIMS we ever had. All the New Designs in the Dark Shades. Dadoes, Fillings, Friezes, Bor ders, Centres, etc., for Parlors, Dining Kooms, Chambers, Libra ries, Kitchens, etc. DADO WINDOW SHADES Ebony Band and Line Goods, entirely new, in six and seven feet lengths. Plain Goods by the yard in all colors and from one te two yards wide ; Fixtures, Cords, Fringes, Tassels, etc. Alse make Walnut and Gilt Cornices; Cor nice Poles in Ebony and Walnut; Pele Trim mings, Gimp Bands, Cnrtain Leeps, Picture Cords, Nails, etc. We take measures of win dows, and hang shades in best manner. fcblO-lydw -ftTARCUS ii. 8EHNKK, HOUSE CABPBNT.BB, Ne. 130 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al tendon and repair?. 13-1 yd Removal Remeva RELIGIOUS. THIRST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNCT ST Jj Preaching morning and evening at the usual hours by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Morri son. Sunday school at Yi p.m. FIRST REFORMED.-DIVINE SERVICES te-morrow morning and evening. Sunday school at 1$ p. in. 1I1IWT 11 I- 'IIITIM'II VlUtTII ItHKK street. Prpitehinir bv the naster. IJev. ?. Ttfierlt!rir !., tlw. fltrtr V.-V S C. Smith. utlOXa.ni., ou "The Seng et the cdeemed." At ,A p. in. en "Naaman the Leper." Sunday school at l,'- p. in. l emig people's meeting at (i p. in. ORAVIAN REV. C. It. SHULTZ. I'AS- ter. Services and prcuchingat MX. a. m. Sunday school and ndult Bible class at 1 p. in. Ne services in the evening. ME. MISSIONS, REV. II. V. G1VLER, . pastor. Preaching at the East MUsien at MX a. in., and at Wet Mission, en Charlette stieet near Lemen at 7Jp. m. Sunday schools at 1 p. m. PRESBVTERIAN PREACHING IN THE morning and evening, at the usual hours, by the pastor, Kev. J. Y. Mitchell. PREACHERS' MEETING-TIIE LANCAS ter Ministerial association will meet in the Presbyterian church en Monday at 10 a. in. Subject ter discussion : "Legitimate and ille gitimate: ways of attracting people te the house of worship." A cordial invitation is ex tended teall our ministers te be present. REV. JOHN HUNTER, .OF THE KAST Penn'a Eldership, and formerly pastor of the Union Bethel church of this city, will preach at Salem Church et Ged during the coming week, commencing en Monday even- ST. JAMES HOLY COMMUNION AT 8. and Morning Service at 10Xa. in. K veil ing Prayer at " p. m. At theevening service the seats are free. Service every aiternoen except Sunday, througheutthe Lenten season, at 5 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED.-DIVINE SEK vices in St. Paul's church te-morrow morn ing and evening, by the pastor. Sunday school at 1 p. in. ST. STEPHEN'S CHAPEL, COLLEGE Campus. Divine services at 10X a. in. Ser mon by Kev. Jeseph Henry Dubbs, I. 1). ST. JOHN'S LUTHEKAN CHURCH Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing, by the pastor, Rev. H. W. Iluflbrd. Morn ing sermon te the children. Prayer meeting allien, in. Sundaysclioelatlp.m. ST. I'AUL'S M. i:., SOUTH JUEEN ST Preaching at 104 a. in., and at 7j p. in., by tin pa-ter, Kev. .1. Liiideinnth. Morning subject "The Majesty ei the Bible " Sunday school tit 17p. "I. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION The new chapel. situated en Marietta avenue, near West Orange street, will be dedi cated to-inerrow, the services beginningatSp. m. Sermon by Kev. Dr. C, . Wciscr,ei Mont gomery county, services at Ti p. in., sermon bv Kev. E. V. (ierhart, D.D. sermon en Monday evening by Mr. Grant Wel.el, of the Kefermed Theological seminary; en Tuesday evening by Kev. K. W. Ilullerd. pastor et St. Jehn's Lutheran church; en Wednesday evening by Mr. O. II. Strunck, of the Theological semi nary : en Thursday evening by Kev. S. II. C. .Smith, of the Duke street M. 1".. chinch; en Kuday evening evening, preparatory services, by Rev. J. P. Moere, of Millersvillc. SALEM CHURCH OI' GOD SERVICE morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor, Kev. J. B. Seulr. Sunday school at Antioch at J a. m. Preaching at Antioch at 3X. p. in. Kev. J. II. Elliett. Sunday sehoel at saleni and Derwart street ini .ion- at 1.45 p. in. Service at Bethany mission at 5X p. in. I're.iching at Salem during the coining week by Kev. Jehn Hunter. SECOND EVANGELICAL, MULBERRY street, al iec Orange. Preaching by the pastor, Kev. O. L. Sayler, at MX. a. in., and Z p. in. Class at 9 a. "in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF GOD Preaching by the pastor, Key. 1). A. L. Lavcrty, at MX a. m. anil at 7 p.m. Minday school and adult Bible class at 1 '4 p. 111. Mis sion Sunday school, corner et Green and Christian streets, at 2 p. m M. C. A. GOSPEL MEETING IN THE . hall of the association at Op. in. lo-iuer-ro w evening, subject ' Bible answers ter ex cuses." A M USEMEXTS TULTON OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, February 14tli, 1880. JOHN T. FOKD has the honor te announce one appearance, us abee, et the Realistic American Comedian. ME. E. MACAULEY, In his delightful portraiture of quaint ch.irac acter, "UNCLE DAN'L," Supported by his own Excellent Company of Comedians, in E. A. Lecke's new typical Amer ican Comedy-Drama, A. Messenger Frem Jarvis Section. ADMISSION, 35, SO & 75 Cts. l!e-ered Seats new en sale at the Opera Heuse Ollice without extra charge. I71 d TnULTON HALL. THURSDAY, FEB. 19th. Ml!. JOHN D. MISHLKK ha- the honor te pre-enl Till: DISTINGUISHED ARTISTE 3IISS FAXXY DAVEOTOKT Supported by a Superior Dramatic Company, who will appear in Augu-tin Daly's Great Emotional Drama, entitled PIQUE," Miss Fanny Davenport as Mabel Renfrew. ADMISSION, KESEKVED sKATs, At Yecker's. no & r, cts. l.OO. IfeblS Ctd rULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONEJNIGIIT ONLY. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1SS0. HON. WM. P. CODY, BUFFALO BILL, and his Mammoth Combination et 24 ARTISTS. 24 Including MILITARY BRASS BAND and ORCHESTRA. Alse, a Band of GENUINE INDIANS will en this occasion appear iu the Melodrama in 4 Act-, written ler Buffalo Bill bv Cel. Prentiss Ingrahaui, entitled KNIGHT OF IE PLAINS ! en Buffalo Bill's Best Trail EDDIE BURGESS. BOY CHIEF et the Pa neeV.and C. A. BURGESS, U. S. Scout, and a 'Band et Genuine Indians in their War and Medicine Dances, &c. During the Drama BUFFALO BILL will ex hibit hi- MARVELOUS SHOOTING with the Rifle. A Street Parade bv the Indians en Horseback headed by Buffalo Bill's Military Band. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserve I Scats te be had at the Opera Heuse Office. 9-The returns of the City Election will be announced from the stage. COL. PRENTISS INGRAHAM. Treasurer. JOSH E. OGDEN, Business Manager. icbll,14,10&17d SEWIXG 3TACHJXKS. SEWING MACHINES. Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at. tachment dealers, we learn the following facts : The American Machine has 135 parts ' Davis " " 151 " " Demestic " " 88 ' " Howe " " 244 " " New Heme ' " 133 " " Remington " " 131 " " Singer " " 112 " " AVeed " " 122 " " AVhltC " " 134 " " AVheIer& WlUon,Ne.8,iiaa".'!".!l54 " fd7-8mdS43mw ART LOCIIHR'S COUGH STKUP. MEDICAL. OTARTLING ASSERTIONS. DR. GREENE Is ready te cure all diseases by external applications of medicine. During 18 months practice in Reading, he has treated ever 1,600 patients, many et them from ether cities and towns in the United States, 70 et them from Lancaster: hundreds are cured, and no one lias died under his charge, and only three persons have died during that time who have been treated by him, and they died awav from Reading and under their physician's care. Over 1,150 deaths occurred in Reading during his sojourn there. Having taken up his residence in Lancaster, he will be in his offices all day. Call and see him and he will give you a list of cases cured of all diseases of the bed v. A. A. McHese, of Reading, Nev. 13, 1879, says: Dr. Greene removed from my neck a tumor of the size of a hen's egg, in 15 days, without cut ting or causing me any pain or the less of a drop et .bleed. His certiticate is en dorsed by the autographs et Jesse G. Hawley, proprietor of the Eagle; T. C. Zimmerman, proprietor of The Times and Dispatch ; G. W. Grant, postmaster; H. A. Tyson, mayor, and ex-Mayer Evans, all of Reading. Consultation free. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. Cure quick ler Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. 1C page pamphlet free. Will seen commence a course et lectures en Physiology. DR. O. A. GREENE, (31 Years Experience), 13-GmdTu.Th&6 Ne. 23C N. Queen St. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS EKS ERS ERS ERS ERS HOP BIT HOP BIT ERS ERS nor HOP BITTERS, "Of BIT BIT ERS hop BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS hop ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP (A Medicine, net a Drink,) HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP 1UT ERS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT ER, and the purest and best medical qualities of all ether Bitters. They Cure All Diseases of the Stomach. Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness. Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. 81,000 IN GOLD will be paid for any case they will net cure or help, or for anything impure or injurious leuuil in them. Ask your druggist for Hep Bitters, anil try them before you sleep. Take no ether. Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, safest and be-t. Ask Children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys issu- iierier te all ethers. Ask Druggists. 3. I. C. is an absolutely and irre sistible cure for Drunkenness use no opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send ter circular. All above sold by Druggists. HOP BITTERS MFG. CO.. uO-lyeed&w Rochester, X. Y. HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP It IT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-AV K-AV K-AT K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-W K-AV K-AV K-W K-W K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-W K-AV K-W K-AV K-AV K-W K-AV K-W DIET ffORT! THE ONLY KE3IEDY K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV THAT ACTS AT THE SAME TIME OJ. THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. K.w This combined action gives it wonderful power te cure all dis K-AV ease. k-W Why Are We Sick? k-w Because we allow these great or- K-AV gans te become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are there- K-AV fore forced into the bleed that should be expelled naturally. K-AV KIDNEY WORT AVILL CURE JSilieiisncss, J'iles, Coiistiimtien, Kidney Complaints, Urinary Diseases, Female Weak nesses, and Xcreens Disorders, by causing free action of the-e or gans and restoring their pew cr te threw en disease. AVhy SutTer Bilious Pains and Aches? AVhy tormented with Piles and Constipation ? AVhy frightened ever Disordered Kidneys? AVhy endure Sick or Nervous Headaches? AVhy have sleepless nights? Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. It is a dry .vegetable com pound, and one package will make six quarts of medicine. Get it of your Druggist. He will order it for you. Price, $1,00. AVells, Richardson & Ce., Preps., Burlikoten, A't. (AA'ill send pest-paid.) K-W K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-W K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-AV K-W K-W K-AV K-AV K-AV HAPPY EELIEF ' Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Newmethea of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in scaled envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and profes prefes profes lenal skill. niar-lyd FOR SALE OK ItEXl. STORK ROOM Queen street. FOR RUNT, NO. Possession given 114 N. January 1st. Apply at d9-tfdl Ne. 112 North CJuecn Street. i.i OR RENT. J? Union Hetel, East Chestnut street, oppo site Penn'a Depot. Apply at the jlG-ttd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. T?OR RENT. C Twe rooms. Ne. 43J North Queen street, suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J S. Saurnian. Apply te dcc2U-tfd TIIOS. BAUMGARDNER. F OR RENT. A three-sterv Brink Heuse, en North Prince, between Chestnut and AValnut streets. Apply at THIS OFFICE. febl3-ttd PUIILIC SALE. On MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1880, at 2 O'clock, at Ne. 430 AVest Chestnut street, Plate Glass Mantle Mirrors, Full Cottage Set of Bed room Furniturc.Curpets, and a variety of ether household articles. feb!3-2td I7IRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. ; A Fire Proof Safe (Meslcr, Bakman & Ce., Cincinnati make), 34 inches high, 20 wide and 24 deep, weight 1,200 pounds, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Apply at the jan2-tfd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. F OR KENT. A one-story Frame Heuse, en Christian Street, below Chestnut street; a three-story iirick Heuse, en North Duke street, between Chestnut and AValnut. Apply at j31-tfd HIS OFFICE FOR SALE. A twelve te lit teen horse-power engine and boiler. Alse a large planer, almost new; a small flooring and matching machine, and a tenetingand power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LEBZELTER, Eagle Speke and Bending AVerks, nevlO-tld&w Lancaster, Pa. EUJiSITVHE. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine ray stock of Parler Suits, Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Katun Rockers. Hat Racks, Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Boek Cases, Ward robes, Escrlteirs. Upholstered Cane and AVoed Scat Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks, Deughtrnys, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, &c, always en hand, at prices that arc acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order erder Regilding done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15 EAST KING STREET, (Over Bunk's Grocery and Sprechcr's Slate Stere.) , WAITER A. HEINITSH, (Schindler's Old Stand), BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het ami Celd Water. Bath, Gas, Range. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast corner of. Xerth Mulberry ami West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Kent reasonable. Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te BAUSMAN & BURNS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. FJtLXTINU ASD UlSDiSU. TOBACCO PACKERS SAMPLE TAGS IMUNTEII ON CHECK BOA11D (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Hca y Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse, STRUNG TAGS FOR LABELING BALKS OF TOBACCO. Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. ianl-2-tfd PRIM l BIB AT THE SAME PRICE. Having purchased ,the exclusive right et Lancaster city and county te manufacture and use RcyneluVs Metallic Stationery and Boek Binder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, we arc new prepared te lurnish Check Beeks, Letter Heads, Nete Heads, State ment'!, Bill Heads, all sizes, Notes of all kinds, Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figures. This invention, for the use et which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blank and memoranda books at the cost et printing alone, and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it, for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the case and accuracy et its operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points et cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pre cess, and we are willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the perfectly satistactery char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix telligexcer efllcc. and all persons desiring a neat and substantial picce of work in this line are invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether pi inting establish ment iu the city. ltd DRY GOODS. "PKOM NEW YORK SHERIFF'S SALE THIRTEEN HUNDRED DAMASK TOWELS. ALSO BLEACHED AND UNULEACHED TABLE LINENS. Alse, 10-4 Handsome Figured.Lincn CRUMB CLOTHS, FROM SAME SALE, AT FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. K1DXET AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts, IstlieBest Bleed l'lirilier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure et Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau tifying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness of tlie Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It Is a medicine which should be in every family, and which, wherever used, w III save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimonials furnished en appli cation. BettlC3 of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine arc also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. II. II. WARNER A Ce., Rochester, N. Y. 3 dec9-Tu,Th&Sd&w OEXTS GOODS. HANDSOME PEESENTS. CLAUDBNT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' "WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, AT K J. ERISMA3SPS, 06 NORTH gUEEN STREET. TTSE LOCHER'B HORSE AND CATTLE U POWDERS. for it est. FOR RENT A VERY DESIRABLE THREE-STORY DRV EXTRAORDINARY SALES -OF- luslins and Housekeeping Goods -AT NEW YORK STORE. 35 CASES AND BALES OP MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Selling by the piece or yard at less than Manufacturer's Prices. Special Bargains iu MARSEILLES QUILTS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. WATT. SHAHD & TIIIKII, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. 1880. COTTONS AND LINENS ! COTTONS AND LINENS ! HAGER & BROTHER Arc offering at less than present value Large Lines et" BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN TOWELS AND TOWELING:, TURKEY RED DAMA&KS, MARSEILLES AND CROCHET QUILTS, BLANKETS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS. The above goods were purchased several months sinci; in anticipation et" an advance ami will be .sold while they last at low prices. We invite the special attention et housekeeper and ethers. HAGER & BROTHER. J. B. MAETIN" & CO. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS OF ALL G Papers FLOOR OIL. CLOTHS, MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, FEATHERS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, TICKINGS, TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. 3Wc offer a Large stock of Goods at VERY LOW PRICE-. J. B. WIXES AXD LIQUORS. S7CLAY MILLEK RESPECTFULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. GIFT DRAWIXGS. ADTUOBIZhU BK THE COMMON WEALTH OF K.Y., and Fairest in the World. 17th Popular Monthly Drawing OK TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Louis ville, en SATURDAY, FEB. 28th, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 1889, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), anil are supervised by prominent citizens of the State. The management call attention te the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only $2, any of the following prizes: 1 prize $ 30,000 1 prize 10,000 1 prize 5.000 10 prizes $1,000 each 10.000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 loe prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 C00 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " WW 1,900 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $!; half tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets. $100. All applications forclubratcssheuld be made te the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Send all orders by money or bank draft in letter, or by ex press. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Address R. M. BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Ruilding, Lou isville, Ky., or at 103 Broadway. New Yerk. Ij31-TuT&S&w DRUG STORES. TRUSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES Safest, Easiest and Best, TOR SALS BT ANDREW G. PREY'S City Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. Xerth Queen A Orange Sts., Lancaster. ap!9-lyd GOODS. THE - KINDS. MARTIN & CO. ELECTIOXS. "PROCLAMATION. CITY ELECTION. The Qualified voters of the City et Lancaster j are hereby notified that an election u ill be Hem in tlie several warns, at me usual places of holding elections, en TUESDAY, the 17th day or FEBRUARY. 1SS0, between the hours et 0 a. m. anil 7 p. m., of i-aid day, ter the purpose of electing en a general ticket one Mayer and twelve Scheel Directors, und the ciuuliiicd voters of the several wards shall at thcsatiD tlme and place elect additional OllKlTs us lol lel iOws : FIRST WARD. One member et Select Council,four members of Common Council,one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor SECOND WARD. One member of Select Council, three members et Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. THIRD WARD. Oncmemberef Select Coun cil, three members of Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. FOURTH WARD. One member et Select Council, three members of Common Council, one Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable anil one Assessor. FIFTH WARD. Twe members et Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Con stable and one Assessor. SIXTH WARD. One member of Select Council, three members of Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. SEVENTH WARD. Three lnembcrsef Com mon Council, one Judge, two Iiispecteis, one Constable and one Assessor. . EIGHTH WARD. One member of Select Council, three members of Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. NINTH WARD. Three members et Com mon Council, one Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors- one Constable and one AsMrer. JOHN T MacUONIGLK, j-21-3tdS Mayer. BAXKIXG. C1l TO l(C al,Ij WISIIINO TO 31U 5)OUU make money in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by iTmirTTVi c, nn Bankers and Brokers, HICKLING & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New Yerk. iel9-3mdeed T OCHER'8 COUGH SYRUP IS TIIE'B EST Qflenare TR A VELERS G VIDE LANCASTER AND JIILLKICSVILLI. K. II Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (1. K. Depot), at 7. 9. nn.t 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. C and t::vi p. iu., except en Saturday, when the bust car leave- at Vtse p. in. Leave MUlersville (lower i-nd) at 5, S, and a. M., and 1. 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CWLCMBIA AND TOUT DEPOSIT K. IS. J Train.' new run regularly en the Columbia and l'ert Deposit Railroad en the following time: i:...-e vnir,i,i-.i.,. Express. Actum. Stations notctiiwake. PortDcpesit iwn 2:ir Peachbottem 7:07 .":." Fite's Eddy. 7rJ 4tO McCall's Ferry "::!t 4" Shenk's Ferry. 7:51 4:11 Safe Harber. 7:57 4:4' Columbia bi'M 5:.' Stations Seuth wa ud. Accem. a. si. lE.tpres 1 ' " : i;r.ii Columbia Safe Harber..... Shenk's Ferry.. McCall's Ferry.. Fite's Eddy..... Peachbottem.... Pert Deposit,... 11:00 11.5; r. sr. l-iOT. 12:.:i 12:51 1:11 2:15 i:.i- i".:54 7:lR 7:2lt 7:32 :n." PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and utter M'XDA'i. NOV. Uth, 1S79, trains en the I'ennsyUani. Kailread will arrive and leave the Lani-.ist,-and Philadelphia depots as follews: Leave , Arrive EvsTWAim. I.ane'ti'i'l l'hilad'a Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line YorIc,Accem. An Ives; Harrisburg Express Dillerville Accem. Arrives, 2.-2. 1 4:10 Srii 7SW 75 f.45 U:lil ti.i WWW. I 7:1) 7:te Iiulu" 'l2:ul: Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrive.-. Pacific Express, fiinday Mail Johnstown E.pies, , Day Kxpicss , Harrisburg Aecoinmedat'u Wkstwakd. lri' v.ji. .1:10 " 2:cO " 5: ::." r.::i 5rJi) " .rJi " r.:2.- " 9: LiMe Allive Philad'a I.'ine'ler 12:30 .M. ::ii .t. .s.OJ " Iii.iCi lu:l. " s.OO " ll:r. lla.7 " s.iki Mud IlSe " 2:ln im 2-!.-. - 2 J " 2:." lM. ...t . " 4:00 " 7ri! S.Oil " Tri. tail " " 9:10 " II..1, " 11:55 " .'.in .:i Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation, I Mail Train Ne. I.via M t.Jev.l Mail Train Ne.2,vi.i Cel'l.f.i,1 Sunday Mail Fast Line Frederick Accommodation. Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg AccomiiieiLit'n. Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg E.pic, Pittsburg Expuw, J Cincinnati Express Paeilie Express, Paeilic Express, east, en suud.iv, u In u :i.i god, will step at Middletown, Llivuhctlitimu, Mt. Jey, Landisville, lSird-iu-M.iud, l.i man Place, Uap, Christiana, Pail.cshiug, o.ito e.ito o.ite ville, Oakland and ;ien Lech. Fast Line, west, en Mmd.i, when i:.i,'ge!. will step at Downiiigtewn,Co.'iii'siit. I'uiki. burg, Mt.Jey, ElUabethtewn and Midii.eiev.ii Hanover Accommodation, west, cemit'i't- .ii Lancaster with Niagara Expn-s, ue-i,.u t ",. a. .v., and w ill run through te Il.un .i. Frederick Accem ined.it ion. west. em u !-: Lancaster, w ith Fast Line. w,t..ii :.ip i.ii.. and will run through te Fiederick. RKADIXK AND COLUMP.IA i:At!.i:t V On and after MONDAY. OCT. i.i. I passenger trains will run en this in.ul .i .i lews: Trains (Jeimj Seuth. a. si. a. m. V. 31. 1'. . - !.? Kcading 7:.'!" ' 11:.V I i..l ? I I'- M. K RcinhnltW, :01 I 12.-21 l. ' . . 5 Eiihrata, s:ls ! I2:l. 73 .J . ffl Akteu, t:2l 12:11 7"s .. lm Litiz, ,s:l::l 1:02 7:2.1 . . M Manheim 9:02 1:1.: 7:.r". .. ft Lancaster Junction,. 9.U1 l:le 7:! . t Landisville, 9:li: 1:." 7 . Vm Columbia, 9:11 1:5.1 i sr2 l9 Dillerville, 9:27 2.02. s:i.( .. im Lancaster, 9:3.: 2:u1 s.I.i l.t 9 King Micct, 9:11 S:2t .1.1. iM Haruish 9:5s j s:.:i :.a) II West Willow, i 10.05 s:!2 .1. li.iumgardner, 10.09 ... s-17 " $ Pen uea, ' 10:17 S:.V .1:5.. tM Relton, 10:23 9:01 1:112 H New Providence 10:31 9:12, i.:1.1 Hes, 10:12 9:19 r.zz M Ojiurryville 10:5n 9r2.l i;:3.l S TRAlits (ioilte Xeirru. a.m. im. Jr. m. a. z. H (Jnarryville, '"-II 2. ;..A S Hc-s, i;:.l2 2.11 7..x S New Providence, ifc.19 21 i:!.' JW Kefton, 7:11 2:.V -.7 IS I'cnuca, 7:IS 3:u5 .- .-1 S ISaumgardiicr, 7:2i , ::13 ' -f.: 9 West Willow, 7:32 .... :i:f .:!. IS Harnish, 7:11 1 3:2'; ' Wrt JU King street, 7:55 !:li 9:20 &' Lancaster, s.e.1 1-Afl 3:."j 9::kJ jH Dillerville S:(W l:ii:; 3:5:: fM Columbia, MHi him .":.,.. ... itm Landisville. 8:30 l:3i (..it yM Lancaster Junction... s:;u) lril 1:1.1'.... IS Manheim, 8:19 l:li IrJl J Litiz 9.00 2:i !:. .... 3S Akren, 9:H; ; 2:W 1:17 WM Eplirata, 9:23 2r21 1:53 fU Reinheldsville 9:12 2:9; 5:1J Reading, 10:0.1 3:20 .1:50 iH Trains connect at Heading with trains te and ?j irem I'lillailelpiu.i, i'eltsviiie, liarrisinug, Al Al Icntewn and S'ew Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Uettjsburg, 1 rcdcricK ami Jiauiineie. f U-TI.V.IIV S...it ....... ...... V.., ..(.. . T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. tcl HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. New Yeiik tiiieeuisii iiail. 7:110 n. 111. I2::!0n m. 4:4.1 11 m mill H.'loin i;J W.wJlfAir. e'ist 7 !i in ? a ":.z::7i".i'.: ";::.. ... it uuicuunviLLc, uu jiiiigiuwii, i.eaiiiaii i lace, s uap j p m. 1'IIILADELFIIIA, tliretlgll II1.-.1I, 7 aiKl 9 :i 111,1 iz:w, 4:i3 ami ii:.a) p m. PiTTSiiUKen and w est. 1:30 and 11:30 1 m. Haukisbuke Mail, 10 am, 1:30.5:15 and ll::yi;i- m. Way Mail, west, 10 a m. Baltimerk and Wasiiimite. via Philadel phia. 4:50 n in. Baltimei'.k and Washimjten, via Yeik, liXl pi m. Baltimore A3 d Washotes, via Harrisburg 11:30 p in. L'OATESVILLE, 4:15 p III. Columbia, 10 a m, l:30nud 5:1.1 p in. Yerk aui Yerk way, 1:) and 11:30 n m. NetrriiEiiN Central, 10a in. 1:30 and 11:3') p m.I Keaiiimi. via Heading and Columbia R I:, 7::l(l a m and 12:30 p in. Reading, via Harrisburir. 5:15 and 11:30 n m' Readine wav. via Junction, lAliy., M.iiiheiiu,4 East Heinptiehl and Eehrata. 3 i in. & Quaurxville. Camargo, Helten, Newl'revi'w) uenee, it est iviiiew. i.nni; v alley anil .iiariliis-3 vine, j:ua in, anil i 1) in. New Helland, Churchtown, Cii'i-iili.tnl.-. iti... i..ii 'nn.i..m.. t. .n i .. ?a .....v. imii, uuuii.iiiu, J.uai utn ii, ey way Downingtown, at 7 a in and r, p m. SafeHariier. via Columbia. 10 a m. BY STAGE MUlersville and Slackwatcr, t aaiv iiaroer, ii;iny, ia.jW p in. Te Millersvillc. 8 and 11 a m. and t i m. Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bareville, New! iieiianii, p ui. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Ruck, Chestnut! A.evel. urccn, reters' Creek, l'leasant Grevt (i Reek Springs. Fairmount and RewlaudsyilleL jiii, uaiij , at 4 a m. r..n t.p.n.... i..u...h.. ,.... t.. i t... A.....S . ij, yif;.iii, hlsl riiii, rariiier-ii villi. IlillkletliU'li Ti.i-nt Hill M-i.t,...l .1.., daily, at 2:30 pm. ' ! I Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, t ftA Strasburg, daily, at 4 p in. ,1 Greenland and Seiulersburg, te Pantdiej' daily, at 4 p in.. !' Nellsville. daily, .it 4 n m. IIIe.Ct.hlf '1 i:ethes..jj 'J New Danville, Conestoga, Marticvlllr man vine. Jieiuu .eue. 11 w un-villc . and Liberty Siiuare, daily, at 2:30 p 111. WHEN OPEN FOR DELI V ERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a !. 10:4.1 11 m, 3 and i;:30 p in. r-asierii way inaii,ju:i.a in. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and i::30 p in. J Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 m. Western way mail. 8 a m. Reading way mail. 10:30 a m. ARRIVING BY STAGE.-Fiem Safe ll.iibfrf and Millersvillc. at a a m. daily. Frem MUlersville, 7 and 9 a in, and 4 p in. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Mil. at 2530 p in. Reading way mail, at 10:.7)a m. dallj. Frem btrasbuiv, at 9:.-W a m, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster. 10 a in, daily Frem Neirsville7 at 1 J) 111, daily. Frem Rawlinsville, at 11 a 111." DELIVERIES BY CAKI.ILKS. Theie are four mail ilellverie l letlerea riers each day. and en their letiirn trin-t t In take up the mail matter deposited iu the letti boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave tj- euice at ." a 111; seeone neiitert ai mil 11 third delivery at 11 a 111 ; fourth delivery at :; m. SUNDAY POsTOFFICi: HOURS. On Sunday the jiostelbce is open trein Apt 1 te October 1. fieui 8 te 9 a m. and from 0 te p m : lrem October 1 teApril l.trem 9 te lu 1 1 an.i 11. .in . e i i1 .... ED UVA TJUXAL. riMlE AVXD231X CONNECTED AV1T J. Fniuklin and Marshall College etlers si perier advantages te young menaiid boys wl desire either te prepare for college or te ebta! a thorough academic education. Students ril eeived at any time during the school yeal cvii.t iui eiiuuiars. tunress REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lyd Lunceater. Pa 1 E. Mct'ANV. AlIf.TIINK.Klt lf. KV.si J. Estate and Personal Property. Ordel icii,ut no. ej tyiiuriuiie sireei. or ai me Iliad Herse Hetel. 44 and -Hi North Oueen street, wl receive prompt attention. Bills made out nil auemiee 10 wiineut nuuttienal cost. 027-I3 M !i )T H L.tA' 1 ni'n