- , fe 5a&S - -T" .-" ' -j 4- - - t rf tNU325t3&a V -" ' ... ffV "7 "'mui'i' LANCASTER DA1LT INTELLIGENCER,: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1880. - .-.- T" -r' v i.---' -.-" "'" .--'t---j -,. -. .' .-v" -w - -- v '.--..: - -.-. . - ; r' ..' Sf " ' . . . . . ....... - f. K r tOMIMBIA SKWS. Te-da; V. Judgct ly an Occasional Coir- pentlent. Mr. B. Macauicy, as Uncle Dnn'l, ''the Deputy SlicrilF of .Jarvis Section,' under the auspices of Welsh pest G. A. Ii., ap peared at the eiera house last evening te a large, fashionable and appreciative audi ence. Mr. Macaulcy ranks among the best of comedians. Miss Minnie Madden, as Clip, of "Keppler's, was a faveiitc with the audience. All who failed te see the performance missed a rare treat. The company is one that will stand seeing the .second time, and we hope Manager Ferd will bring the company .seen again. The Columbia school beard at a Lite meeting instructed the solicitor, Mr. A. J. Kaufihian, te have Mr. Tlies. Dunbar, collector of school tax for 187C. te close his duplicate for that year. The conferees of the Second ward have substituted Mr. Ephriam Ilershcy for council, in place of Mr. P. S. Krugh, who declined. Market this morning was very largely attended. Butter .sold at 23 and 28 cents, Cjgs 10 cent, potatoes 18 cents, turnips 10 cents a peck, cabbage (! te 8 cents. Monday, the lflth inst., is the day fixed by the county commissioners te hear ap peals from Columbia valuation fixed for thicc years. At a meeting of council held last evening the special committee appointed by the piesidcnt of council made the following re pert : On Tuesday, Feb. 10. your committee met representatives of the Vigilant lire company, Xe. 2. relative te penalty im posed for violation of fire ordinance as re ported by chief director of fire depart ment. The committee :uc of the opinion that tbe violation was unintentional and there fore recommend that the line imposed be withdrawn. ISignid II. S. IIi:nsni:v, Heist. Beaciia.m, A. J. Musskk, Committee. On met ion the icpert was accepted and tins line was remitted by a unanimous vote of council. neigmkokiieod nkws. Ewnts Aeress tlie County Line. Adam Bans, aged (JO, living two miles above Lenliaitsville, Albany township, ISfiks county, has applied at police head 'piaitcrs for assistance te help hunt his .voting wife, aged 20, who left the family reef last Saturday morning, saying she was ireinjj te Heading ami has net been heasd from since. Mr. .Jehn AVhaiten, the owner of the Gap nickel mines, is about te lease the mines of the same metal en the BeyI piepeities, in Valley township, Chester county. These mines were feimerly owned by Antheny Merris, and have been recently examined and found te contain large quantities of nickel. Samuel S'.iarp, aged about i0 years, died 1 ist evening at Laurel iron works, Newlin township, Chester county. A few months age Mr. Sharp had his tongue taken out entirely en account of cancer. He suficred terribly until sclicvcd by death. That women in Ilarrisburg" have rights was exemplified en Thui day night at the opera house. Between the acts two Icmnli's us the family ciicle would sally out and "tnke a beer" and conic back smiling just like the men. Appeal Hay I iud. The commissioners have fixed Thursday, the 1 1th of Match, as the time for hearing appeals from the assessment of the First ward, city, the Third ward city, and the borough of Marietta. It will be remem bered that Mr. AVclchans, assessor of the First waid. declined te increase his valua tion of property as directed by the com missioners, and that Mr. Haines, of the Third, waid did net have his book ready en Tuesday last, the day of appeal. The assessor of Mairietta who increased the valuation three per cent, as directed by the commissioners, afterwards discovered that he had emitted certain properties from his assessment, and that if they wci-e added t here would be no need of the three per cat addition. 1 he commissioner therefore ordered him te strike it oil". Watcher Appointed. The following election watchers were ap pointed by the cemt this morning : Ninth ward .Jacob Mctzger, Democrat ; Jehn McGuire, Hepubliean. Seventh waul Fred'k Arneld. Demo crat ; J. A. Ilellingcr. Hepubliean. Fourth ward Lawrence Falck, Dciro Dcire crat ; .T. V. Jehnsen, Hepubliean. Second ward S. V. Kaub, Democrat ; J. 11. Shcnek, Republican. The Hall at Kiithweilcr's. The ball given at Rethweilcr's hall last evening by the Anti-Garrcteis was one of Hie largest and best-managed balls of the season, and everybody present seemed te enjoy themselves thoroughly the music, refreshments and dancing were geed, and the girls geed-looking. Fex Chase. Yesterday a fox chase took place from the hotel of Samuel Styer, at McGovern ville. After a run of about four miles the fox was caught alive by William Martin and Emanuel Hainbright. Kail. On Monday evening the Picnic club of this city w ill give a ball in Kethweilei's hall. They expect te have a large crowd ami a line time. Mciiuenite Meeting. There will be service in the Ketenned Men Men neutle church. East German street, to-meriow evening, at 7 o'clock. Apple r Celd in Pictures of Silver. " A word fitly spoken," says a distinguished author, "is like apjiles of geld in pictures of silver," and riht royally has Prof. Leem is proved it in hi- Inief imt pointed letter te the Iieluian Liver Pad company, which will be found elsewhere in te.day's issue, and which is commended te the consideration of invalids everywhere. The Iieluian method of treating diseases by absorption is becoming wonder fully popular, and distinguished physicians in :his country and Europe are recommending it in all ehronicdiseascsel the vital organ. They can be had at the Laneisfcr agency, Xe. -2 East Orange street, Lancaster. ltd A lways keep St. Jacoh's Oil handy. The seeds of sickness and of death In a disordered mouth arc sewn ; When bad the teeth or foul the breath, I.eth soul and body lese their tone. Till SOODOXT'S brought into piay, And sweep these dire defects away f3-lwced Amusements. " Uncle Ban' I" Te-night. Mr. B. Macauley's quaint portraiture of Uncle Dan'l has taken Kink as one et the best of recent character cre ations, and the delightful old man. "Dcpnty Sherifl of Jarvis Section," lias a warm place in the affections of amusement-going people throughout the country. lie will be here to night, and ttie prospects for his cordial recep tion are very premising, as the favorable im pression he created en the occasion of his visit a year age is fresh in the memory of all who saw him then, and his reputation has been growing ever since. He lias been playing te i mmcusc business during the season, and his engagement in Philadelphia wad very success ful Minnie Madden, who plays Clip, Is scarccly sccend te her Uncle Daril in popular favor. A delightful entertainment Is assured all who at tend the opera house this evening. New Advertisements. Meetlhg of the G. B. and L. Association. Tlie Lancaster Organ Manufactory. Crome Business Cards at Bunk's. Sec the Miss Flynn's Advertisement. A Bare Chance at Gerhart's. G. Sener & Sen's Ceal Yard. New Goods at Gundaker's. Valentines, &c., at Baer's. Ceal at Gorrecht & Ce.'. Important Testimonial. Ge te High & Martin's. Easy Beets at Miller's Clocks at A. RheadsV. Shirk's Carpet Hall. Lunch at Franke's. Pocket Boek Lest. Auditor's Netice. Eggs at Leng's. Day of Appeal. Sale of Stocks. Bey Wanted. Save Meney Public Sale. Kellgiens. Removed. Wanted. t"Fer further details see advertising column. SPECIAL XOTICES. Fees or Doctors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule ter visits is $3, which would tax a man cenlined te his bed ler a year and in need of a daily visit, ever $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone ! Ami one single bottle of Hep Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed. Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup. Frem a 1'reminciit Drug Heuse. II. II. Waiiner & Ce., Reciiestki:, X. Y. Dear Sin: It is new only three months since we received your llrst shipment et Safe Rcnie dies. We have sold drugs in tills place for twenty years, and we have never sold a pro prietary medicine, that gives such universal satisfaction as yours, especially your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure, and Diabetes Cure. We could mention many who have received great benelit in cases of Kidney difficulties. Asthma, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Bright's Dis ease, etc. Uespcctfully your-, SISSOX & FOX. 114-2wd&w Alexandria Bay. X. Y. It matters net the age et stitTcrers from colds coughs, or croup, ' Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" is geed ler all alike. Price 25 cents. Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we rellect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lechcr's Benewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sulleiers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. Kidney-Wert radically cures Piles and nervous diseases. Itilietisness, f2-lwd&v One JIex of Six ISettlcs. If you are sulTcriug from a combination et liver or kidney diseases, ami constipation, de net fail te usu the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It is a dry compound as eiisily prepared as a cup et ceircc, and in one package is as much medi cine as can be bought in nix dollar bottles of ether kinds. 19-1 wd&w Mothers! .Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and gctabettle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOlIIIXG SYUUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et tlie eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere i" eents a bottle. jl7-lyd&wM,W&S Tiiesc CQMrLAiMMi of Sere Threat, hoarse ness or "taking cold." should ue ' Brown's Bronchial 7'reclic.i." The effect is extraordi nary, particularly when used by singers and speakers ter clearing the voice. HO-lwdTThS&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. "They cannot all lie," was the observation et one while leading the endless testimonials te "Dr. Lindsey's Uloed Searcher." It is in lallible. "I Am All Played Out" Is a common complaint. II you feel se, get a package of Kidney-Wert and take it and you will at once feel Its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the Kidneys, llewels and Liver, and thus restores the natural life and strength te the weary body. Get a box and use it at once. ID-lwd&w ! .Use Lecher's Ilei.se and Cattle Powders. MAJtKIAUJSS. Clark Taoeakt. On Tuesday, February 10. 1SS0, at the residence of the bride's parents, 1320 s-euth Itread street, Philadelphia, by the Kev. Jehn DcWitt, pastor et the 10th Presbyterian eliurch. Mr. Jehn W.Clark, late et Lancaster, Pa., te Miss Emma F. Taggart, of Philadelphia. inu VEXTIIS. Taylek. Feb. II. 1880, at Safe Harber, Percie E.. wife of Gee. A. Tayler, in her 31st year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, en Sunday, February 13, at 1 o'clock a. in., at the house. Interment at Mt. Zion cemetery. 3td IIastine. In this city, en the lJth Inst., Marv A., wife of Harry Hasting, in the 40th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from her late resilience, Xe. 31 West German street, en Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock, te proceed te the old Mennonite church, Stnisburg, 'where services will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. ltd XMSIV AltVEllTlSESlEXTS. BEF.F A LA MODE And excellent Beer at Franke's this even ing. Public respectfully invited. It EDDIE FRAXKE. LOST. On Wednesday night a brown Leather Pocket Boek with between $2 and $3, small sil ver horse shoe and card of T. W. Bedford in it. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at 11. Z. KHOADS & BKO'S., It Xe.4 West King street. DEMOTED! REMOVED!! XV L. B. HERR'S MUSIC STORE, Formerly at Herr's Boek Stere, removed te E:ist Orange street, near Xerth Queen street. All kinds of Musical Merchandise en hand, sieddart's Sheet Music (3 piec is ler 10 cents) a specialty. Hcadfiuartcrs of Xermal Publica tion Company. fl-ltd&w A MEETING OF THE ISO AKD OF DIREC DIREC ters of the German Building and Lean Association will be held en Wednesday even ing, February 18, at 8 o'clock, at which time all ncrsens indebted te the Association are re quested te make their payments. All dues re maining unpaid after this time will be handed ever for collection. fcbl4-2td C. MATZ, Scc'y. 17 l OV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS made en a new principle, insur ing conitert for tne lect. Lasts made te order. MILLER, 133 East King street. BOOTS tcbl4-tfd "OUISLIC SALE. J Will be sold at public sale en MONDAY FEBKUABY 10, 1880, at 2 p. in., sharp, at the Cooper Heuse, Lancaster city, ever 200 shares of Bank, Pike and Gas company stecks,besidcs a large let el City Lean bends. It SAMUEL HESS & SOX, Auctioneers. 1)UBLIC SALE, On WEDXESDAY MORNING, FEBRU ARY 18, 1880, will be sold at the residence of the late Mrs. Dougherty, corner of Prince and James streets, a large let of Household and Kitchen Furniture et every description. Sale te commence at 9 a. m. sharp. SAMUEL HESS ft SON, 2td-14&17 Auctioneers. CARPETS! CARPETS!! The Newest Styles in BODY BRUSSELS. The Newest Styles in TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. The Newest Styles in THREE-PLY CARPETS. The Newest Styles in EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN CARPETS. " The Newest Styles in BRUSSELS HALL AND STAIR CARPETS. The Newest Styles in DAMASK HALL AND STA1K CAKFiTS. The Newest Styles in VENITIAN HALL AND STAIR CARPETS. The Best Qualities of RAG AND HEMP CARPETS. We open te-dr.y another Large Let of CARPETS, in New Choice Styles. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, In all Widths, in Choice Patterns and Celers. Table Oil Cleths, in New Patterns. Window Shading, in all Celers. Window Fixtures, including Spring Fixtures and ether Best Makes. Full Lines of Cocea Mattings, Cocea and Rattan Mattings, Plain Check and Fancy Canten Mattings. An elegant line of Brussel Rugs opened te-day. Large stock if Carpet Lining, Stair Pads. Carpet Threads, &c. Our prices are as low as the lowest in all cases. We invite examination. GrlVLEE, BO WEES & HTJKST, 25 EAST KING STREET. XEW Alt VKUT1SE3IEXTS (Frem my prize winning Plymouth Becks $- ler 13. 1'reinium ler best collection Lancaster County Exhi- liitinn -T II 1 .mur "V V eeriie.r Centre Square, or Leng's Drug Stere, 12 North Queen St. fll-ltd&.-.tw 1H1NA, GLASS, JUEEXSIVAKK. NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS! The Large Stock of GLASS AND QUEEXSWAKE AT CHINA HALL, Offered at ItEDCCKD ISargalus. l'UICES. Don't tni-s HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 8 East King Street. TMI'OKTANT TESTIMONIAL. Pkef. 1). A. Loomis, 51, D.,fermerlv Profe-ser of Anatemv in the Peniisvlvania Medical Col lege, late burgeon in the United States Army, and also Professer et Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children in the St. Leuis Medi cal Cellege.writes the lollewing te the Iieluian Liver Pad Company : "Gk.vtlkmex : The Pad i- a marvel of sue" cess. I have given its working a personal in spectien, and Hud that it merits my prele s s sienal sanction. It acts kindly, safely and effectively, and comes the nearest te a univer sal panacea et anything I knew in medicine, and the only wonder is that the medical pro fession has net before made it of practical use te suffering humanity, ler the principle is :us old as Hippocrates himself. I especially recom mend the Pad in all malarial aUectiens, and in chronic diseases of the various organs it is in valuable." febl l.-Jwdeed OPENING OP NEW GOODS GUNDAKER'S MILLINERY TriHuning Stere. Ladies, if you want Xew anil Iteautiful Embroidery, Edging and Inserting cheap call atGUXDAKElfS. If you want the Latest Styles of Lleirnnt Itluck Silk Fringe, silk, .let. Pearl, Fancy Pearl and DAKEU'S. Ivery lluttens, call at GCX- If you want Silk or Sat m Ribbons, ele- Smt quality and cheap, call at GL'X AKEK'S. If Jyeu wiiiit Uuchiug, Crepe Lissc, Xew Fichus, Brctenne Laces, Valenciennes and etherJNew" Laces, Lace Ties, Bews. Fancy Ribbons, &c., call at GUXDAKEU'S. Ladies. If yen want te buy geed desir able goods for yourself and family, and have all goods warranted, veu can buv them the cheapest at GUXDAKEU'S. Give us a call and examine our stock The goods are all new at GUXDAK KU'S. lJ&UlIfertli Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. A RAEE CIMCE ! The Greatest Bedtictien of all in FINE CLOTHES. H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. All Heavy Weight (for cash only) at Woolens made te order COST PRICE. I have also just received a Large Assortment et the Latest Novelties in ENGLISH, SCOTCH ANW AMERICAN SUITINGS Of Medium Weight, for the EARLY SPRING TRADE. These goods were all ordered before the rise in Woolens, and will be made te order at re markably low prices. Alse, aFine Line et SPKING 0TEFX0ATING, AT H. GBRHAET'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. j;v minus. Si:W ADVJZllTISEMVXTtt. SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing: Cabinet. A line general assortment of Jewelry, cemprising: all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. LANCASTER AH S-COX & CO.'S COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBECK The Season ter Sleight at Hand. The Latest SLEIGHS In the City or County or Lancaster, linclv linislied and handsome v ornamented. All our own Handiwork. Our price- lower than any ether establishment in the city ler the same quality of work. Alse, FmST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, Ot all Designs and Description. Kcmcmber WOltD." A LL WOKK. GUAUAXTLKD. XJS1V Alt VKHTISKMllXTS. ;iKK, LIFE AND ACCIDKXT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Ueli able Companies. IIKUK .V STAUFFEK. Heat Estate & Ins. Agts., S X. Duke St. dcc-IQ-uindKced Laucasteu, iec. 12, IST'.t. T N.SUIli: YOUK PKOFKKT V IX ItELI AISLE X COMPANIES at BBNJ. P. SHBNK'S, Oitice: 10S West King Street. decl2-:;mdlt 1)UIVATK SALE O A TWO-STOIJY Brick Dwelling, Xe. 3I." Seuth Prince street, containing 8 rooms, cistern and well et water ami well built. Terms easy. Inii'iireel HEXKYSllUBEKT. Heal Estate Agt., Xe. G Court a enue. f4-2wdB TT S. GAKAVS INSURANCE AGENCY, 14.1' East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. FIBE Insurance Company of Xerth America, Phil'a Phil'a Lyceming County Fire Ins. Ce.. et Muncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. I'hil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., Xew Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., X'ew Yerk. Queen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Cemineicial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of lMiil'a. fT-lmdU T .LENTIN ES ! VALENTINES ! ! VALENTINES ! A GREAT VARIETY, L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AM) STATIONERY STOKE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. T-OflCE TO THE PUBLIC. G-. SENER fc SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXUIXE LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBsWRE COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed order. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash Deers, Blinds, &c.,at Lewest Market Prices. Oflicc and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd ryu E OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call cm BIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 East King St.. Lancaster. Pa. 8-MW&S6mdE Clirome Business Cards ! Oh, my: did you sec the Beautiful Cnrouie Business Cards that arc given away with each pound et COFFEE, at BUESK'S. They have Fifteen Different Varieties: eight of them are raised cards. I think anyhow that BURSK keeps the Best Coffees, always Fresh Roasted. Mether won't yen let me go te Bursk's for Coffee ? They have three different kinds of RIO, LAGUAYRA, JAVA AND MOCHA. BURSK'S IS THE PLACE, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. Al ffffi III OLD STAND.-SS STS., LANCASTER, PA. & MILEY, Styles and the Largest Assortment et our Motte "OU IS WOKK Sr.VTAINs Ol'K xj;ir ah vejstisj:3ij:xts. I XSUIti: YOUK PKOPEKTY IX THE IJEST COM PAXlESat BAUSMAX & I1UKXS'. 21-tfeedU Office: Xe 10 West Orange St. COAL! - - - COAL!! IO TO GORRECHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard IhiriNbur;. Pike. Office 20) East Chestnut street. P. W. GOKKKCIIT, Agt. .!. IS. K1LKY. W. A. KELLEIl. et-lyil E. F. BOWMAN, WHOLESALE 106 EAST KING ST, LANCASTER, PA. THE Lancaster Orel ftlcterj Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wareroeiiis .IJ0 Xertii Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Oflicc, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County CHICKERIXG & SOX'S Celebni for ited PIANOS'. A Full Line efSheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins Banjo-, Band Instru ments, &e., al way.s en hand. 1 i:s-lyd& ly w fi REAT ISARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are still sold at lewei rates than ever at the CARPET HALL OF H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that, we can show the largest asseitment of Brussels, Three plies and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices, and the Latest Patterns. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. .Sat isfaction guaranteed both as te price and qual ity. Particular attention given te custom work. Carpet woven when parties will lind their own Rage. I am paying 8 cents in cash and 9 cents in trade for Fine Carpet Rags in Balls. " iiiy23-tfd&w 1880. 1880. VALENTINES! A CHOICE STOCK OF MARCUS WARD & GO'S Valentines and Valentine CARDS, Unsurpassed in variety of design and beauty FOR SALE AT BOOK STORE OF JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEB, PA. uLM Mes (liifl Clocks. THIRD EDITION SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 14, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington. Feb. 14. Fer the Middle states, colder and clear or fair weather, northwest te southwest winds, and rising barometer. SPLENDID GENEROSITY. The .Magnificent Gift et" the Karencss Ilur- dett-Ceutts te sufferers in Ireland Twe rutlllenaud a Half Dollars. Liverpool, Feb. 14. The Londen cor respondent of the Liverpool Courier says : " Assurance is given me te-day that the statement of the intention of the Bareness Burdett-Coutts te devote 300,000 te the amelioration of the distress in Ireland is true. Contradictions of this statement have been made in most of the Londen daily papers, but the fact is in controvertible. The money will net be given in alms, but will be invested in the purchase of land in the district of Connc Cennc mara, county Galway, te be afterwards let te small tenants at long leases and med-' crate rents. A committee of Irish gentle men interested in agriculture is associated in the scheme." TIIE COAL TKADE. Mining te be Partially Discontinued. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Xe definite conclusion has yet been reached with re yard te the coal trade suspension. Presi dent Gewen decided, after consultation with Mr. Parrish, of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre company, this afternoon, te step production en three days of each week fiem Monday next, un til April 1. This restriction is demand ed by the present, condition of trade and large supply en hand. This plan, it is thought, will be submitted te individual operators and coal producing companies for their approval, but strong doubts of general action are expressed, es pecially by operators in the Lehigh region. lue latter disclaim all interest in the matter and state their movements will be governed entirely by the individual requirements. IU1LWAY AYKIX'K. Disastrous Collision r Freight Trains. Buffalo, Feb. 14. A terrible collision occurred en the Canada Southern railroad, near Tilsenburg, yesterday, between two heavy freights, but fortunately none of the men were injured. Se complete was the wreck that a track had te be built around it te allow passenger trains te pass. The cause of the accident is laid te the dispatcher, and it is stated that nothing has been seen of him since. THE WET SPELL. Disappearance of Ice in the Delaware. Pout Juitvis, N. Y., Feb. 14. The heavy rains of the past two days have raised streams in this vicinity two te three feet. The ice in the Delaware river com menced breaking up this morning and is new running freely the entire length. SUICIDE OV A ISBOKEK. Ending His '1 reubles by a ISuIIct Through His Head. 2si:w Yerk, Feb. 14. Leuis King, mem ber of the firm of Myers, Rutherford & Ce., brokers of Exchange Place, committed sui cide this morning by sheeting himself through the head at the homestead of his grand-father, ex-Governer Jehn A. King, at Jamaica, L. I. THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENT. Itepljing te the Speech Frem the Throne. Ottawa. Out., Feb. 14th In the Heuse of Commens yesterday Mr. Richy, of Hali fax, X. S., moved, and Mr. Heudc, of Maskcnengc, Quebec, seconded the ad dress in reply te the speech from the throne, which was after a sheit debate carried, and the Heuse adjourned. SHOT AT AND MISSED. Harmless Pistol Practice in Ireland. Londen, Feb. 14. Mr. Arthur Crcagh, .1 magistrate of Canahan, county Clare, Ireland, was fired at five times in his own house through a window, but was unhurt. Mr. Creagh rushed out and fired eight shots at his assailants, but without effect. Twe men have been arrested en suspicion. ANOTHER HOTEL TRAGEDY. Demestic Troubles Lead Man te Sulcldea Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Davidsen Marks, aged 45, committed suicide te-day by sheeting himself through the heart at his room in the Central Avenue hotel. Demestic trouble was the cause of the act. CONGRESS. Proceedings in the Heuse. Washington, Feb. 14 The Heuse met this morning for debate only and was ad dressed by Mr. Bright (Tcnn.) en the sub ject of the finding of the public debt. irAXTEJt. WANTED. Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the IxTKLLieKJicEit, who wants something ede. WAMKI). T ",00 Iks. of extra fine Carpet Rags. Will pay 8 cents cash and !i cents in trade, at II. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, fll-2td W&S<w 202 West King Street. "OOV WANTED It 2-.J1 WEST CHESTNUT STREET 1TTA ANTED. A yeui!-; in a Retail Drug Stere. Adilre-s DRUGS." ltd Intelligencer Oflicc. LAMPS, AC. "T IGI1T. FLIM & BREjtEMAjt ARE OFFKI'.INO GREAT BARGAINS IS Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before eirered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. STAll GLASS WORKS, NOKRHTOWn" Pa., manufacture a Superior Quality or WINDOW GLASS, Singleand Deuble Thick, Corrugated, Obscur ed and Pictured Glass of Extra Thickness will net Stain erUust. Fer sale by Lancaster dealers generally. tt-2wd MAMKMTS. New Yerk Market. Xrw Yeiut. February 14. Fleur State and Western dull, in limltedexpert and home trade inquiry : superfine state $5 0OQ5SO ; extra de $3 505 65 ; choice de $S 10Q600: fancy de 18 10 700; round hoop Ohie $5 73g6e5; cheic de $6 1007 SO; superfine western $5 CQB5 30 ; common te geed extra de 95 5005 75 ; choice dodo $5 757 73; choice white wheat de $5 65 B 23; Southern dull and heavy ; common te fair extra 5S56 35; geed te choice de 98 40 7 75. Wheat euict. and firm for Snrinar r nlinnt Vs better for winter: Xe. 1 white March 146; de April 148; Ne. 2 red, March $1 49 ; de April 91 49X1 50. Cern dull and a shade easier ; Mixed West ern spot 565Sc ; de future 5358c. Oats dult; state 47HSOe; Western 46K650C. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, February 14. Fleur dull and barely steady; superfine 94 50fi5 00; extra 93 25(?5 75; Ohie and Indiana family 6 75517 23 : Penn'a famllv eiiwaTne. St. Leuis family 97 00750 ; Minnesota Fam Ny 98 25; 87 ; patent and high grades $9 9 m). Bye flour 9 75 00. Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat strong; Ke. 2 Western Bed spot $1 47 ; Penn'a de 91 481 49 ; Amber 91 4901 50. Cern quiet : steamer 55)$56c ; yellow 57 57ic; mixed 5Gc .V?.lt? inlet; Southern and Penn'a white 4C4Sc : Western de 4e048c ; de mixed 46c. Kye Arm ; Western 90c ; Pa. 90c. Previsions dull; mess perk 912 73013: beet hams $1650017 00; India mess beef 92150: Ba Ba Ba conseoked shoulders 6c : salt de 44Kc ; smoked hams9J!0c; pickled hams e9c. Lard dull; city kettle 7c; loose butchers' 7c ; prime steam 7Jc. Butter firmer; creamery extra 3333c; Bniufenl county and New Yerk extra 2j.q2jc; Western reserve extra at 24020c; de geed te choice 18023c: rolls choice want ed; Penn'a extra ls022c; western reserve extra 18ffl23e. Lggs easier; Penn'a 13c ; Western 15016c. Cheese firmer; X Y. factory 14W015e; western f nil cream UVQUfic ; de ler geed 13 14 ; de hall-sklms 12J013c. Petroleum quiet ; Kenned Tc. ii nisKy aii uu. - m stock Markets. Philadklvhia, Feb. 12-.30 r. u. Stocks active. PennaO's (third issue) 10391 14. Philadelphia A Erie 1718 '"-ui"'B , Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et X. J Northern Pacific " Preferred Northern Central Lehigh Xavigatieu , Nornstewn ay. . 5 31031 .156$ & 33 36K in-n? Central Transportation Ce. 4rg17 Pitts., Titusvllle & Buffalo. 21 "-a uimu eciiuyiKin st'i Xkw 1 euic, Feb, Stocks strong. X. Y. Central Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central , WIK 4 1 7.4 109 89 1045 ..iui Cleveland A Pittsburgh 110J. Chicago & Keck Island. I4'.l2 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 116 Western Union Tel. Ce HWi Teledo Wabash 454 New .Jersey Central S3J4 XVtr ADVERTISEMEXTsl SAVE MONEY. Tobacco Packers and Workingmen gen erally are cordially invited te call ami in.speet our stock or underwear, overalls, knit jackets, hats, eaps, hosiery imd notions. Shirts of all grades. P. S. Fer $8 you can also secure a eertillcate of membership in the U. B. Aid Society for $1,000 te be paid at your death te your heirs or assigns .Provide ler your family wow while you are in goeil health,that they may net want when you are dead and gene. HENRY BECHTOLI), It 32 North Queen street. Lancaster. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF SAMUEL WALK er and wife of Sadabury township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute tlie balance remaining in the hands of Jeseph C. Walker, assignee of said Samuel Walker and wife, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 10th day of MARCH, 1SS0, at 2 o'clock p. m.. in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. PAl'LGERHART, febll.ftdeaw Auditor. D AY.S OF APPEAL FOR 1880. Te the Taxable Inhabitants of the First and Third Wards of Lancaster Cltv. and the Bor ough of Marietta, Lancaster county. Pa.: Pursuunt te the previsions of the laws of the Commonwealth, the undersigned Commission ers of Lancaster county hereby give notice that the day of appeal for the assessment of 181, for the above wards and borough, will be held in the Commissioner's efllce, at Lancaster city en THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1880. C. COBLE. ISAAC BUSHONG, ROBT. MONTGOMERY. Commissioner Lancaster dailies and Marietta papers only publish.j IebI4-lwd .13. CLOCKS. 113. French Half-Heur Striking Clocks, NICKEL ALARM CLOCKS, NICKEL STRIKING CLOCKS, CALLEXDER CLOCKS, EIGHT-DAT STRIKING ALARM CLOCKS, ONE-DA V STRIKING ALARM CLOCKS. All warranted te keep perfect time. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. M1SVELLAXEOUS. 0 1IIAS. UKIMMEK. uumeveu te ae. 4 west King si first uuur, itnuaiis a jjre.'B new eiiuciing. 127-lmd CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGNS. S. ROSEN1IAUM Si CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 22? Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J.ROSENMYER, an7-::tndj Manager, "VT LEWIN, 31. D.. GRADUATE T1Tt1IE ll . University et Dorpat, Russia, formerly of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 213 West King street. Ofllce hours from 8 te 10 a. in., 1 te 2 p. in. and 6 te 8p.m. J28-2md "VTEW BOARDING HOUSE. 11 The undersigned will open a Bearding Heuseen the 1st of April next, at Ne. 119 North Queen street. Central location and elegant apartments. Boarders wantcl. ApplV.te . .. . MKS-JOIIX " KKIGAUT, 2tdH &S Ne. 21 Seuth Lime Street. M OltTGAGES FOR SALE. Twe six ner cent. MertEraireH. en fnriinneii and the ether ler $4,750. first llenu and well se cured en eligible city Real Estate, belonging totheestateefthelatcDr. Benjamin Mlshler, dee'd. Inquire et WM. It. WILSON. Esj., Ne. 21 North Duke Street. 111-tfWAS Lancaster, Fa, " fANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS TAKE 111. NOTICE. I have en hand a let or weL sweated and geed colors of old stock Pennsyl vania. Will sell in quantity te suit purchasers. I. B. IIOSTETTER, Rear of 218 North Queen Street. 113-3td ' Lancaster, Fa. INSTATE OF WILLIAM M. WHITESIDE, !i late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te E. K. Martin, attorney at law. Ne. 33 North Duke street, or MARY H. WHITESIDE, feb(-JtdSA3tw Administratrix. JOSEPH OsrHEIM, 214 NORTH WATER STREET, Wholesale Dealer in Grocers' Sundries. Oils, Salt, Fruit, Eggs. Agent for tbe sale or Elaine, the best and safest oil In the market. Cannet be exploded. Its Are test Is se high as te make it as safe as any illumlnant known. It is free from benzine and parafflne. Fer sale by all the principal grocers la the city and county. The trade supplied at the lowest market rates. feblO-lwd. i.. ci 1 t A