Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 14, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster ntelltgencet.
Its Significance.
The .Examiner's chief concern for Mr.
Bering's election, it admits, is lest Mr.
MacGenigle's election should be consid
ered a partisan Democratic victory. We
assure it that its own course lias prevent
ed any such misconstruction of the
mayor's re-election. And we premise net
te de any such violence te the truth of
history as te brand as" recreant Repub
Ucans the respectable element of its party
who propose te vote for Mr. MacGenigle.
simply because they knew he is and will
continue te be a better mayor than Mr.
Bering could be if lie tried. It has only
lieen a little ever ayear since the Exami
ner itself, editorially, in commending
Mayer 3IacGenigle's resolute efforts
te prevent wasteful expenditures of the
city money said : " We express but the
sentiment of all right-minded, consider
ate, tax-paying citizens, of both parties,
when we extend te Mayer MacGenigle
thanks for having called the attention
of councils and the public in general te
the illegal and extravagant acts of the
street committee or rather the ring which
has been running it and the tool (railed
the street commissioner." We did net
claim this outburst of indignation by the
Examiner against its own party friends
as a partisan victory. It was simply the
expression of what hundreds of right
minded Republicans thought and still
think, and they then resolved with the
Examiner that "WE SHALL SUSTAIN
THE MAYOR in his efforts te compel
an observance, at all events, of the forms
of law.'' We have long held te and fre
quently expressed the view that in muni
cipal affairs, in which partisan questions
scarcely ever have any business,
voters should take a common sense, prac
tical view of the situation and elect men
who, judged by their qualifications and
their record, can most reasonably Ihj ex
pected te promote a geed municipal gov
ernment. That is why and the only reason why
we expect Mr. MacGenigle te be re
elected by the hearty support of the solid
Democracy and the co-operation of liberal-minded
The Intelligencer has failed te sound
its note of warnimr against the "use of
money" in elections. Has it net been able
te learn what is going en:' Speak new, or
hereafter held your peace.
We have heard for several days of the
expected use of money in the coining
election. We have been treated by Re
publican politicians with beasts of hew
much they have and hew they propose te
spend it, and in what quantities they ex
pect te purchase weak Democrats. We
have heard of some of the Bull Ring no
vitiates shaking geed sized checks under
the noses of MacGenigle men and trying
te bully where they could net buy. We
have the same opinion regarding this sort
of business that we have always had and
have frequently expressed, inviting the
Examiner and its political friends te
join with us in arousing a popular move
ment te terminate the whole system of
corruption, direct and indirect, at pri
mary and general elections thus far
without eliciting any sympathy or re
sponse. We are ready te join hands
with anyone who will cooperate in this
laudable purpose te reform an abuse
which has been en the increase ever since
the demoralizing system of primary elec
tions was introduced by the Republican
party. The Examiner has net yet seen
its way clear te support any reform
movement, because it knows its party is
responsible for and largely profits from
the present system, which it can better
afford and toward which it is mere dis
iwsed. Seme of the Republican bulldezeis
who went around bullying people into
signing the Bering paper get a flea in
their ear and quit suddenly. Others suc
ceeded in constraining some, who have
already reported te the Ixtelligenx'ek
the humiliating circumstances under
which they reluctantly subscribed ; and,
altogether, when the list is finally pub
lished, it will be quite as remarkable for
the names it lacks as for these it bears.
Net having altogether succeeded, this
desperate device has been supplemented
with threats that Republicans voting for
MacGenigle are te have their tickets in
spected and their names are te be put en
a " black list," and themselves " spot
ted" for the future. The law en this
subject is very severe, and our Republi
can friends who propose te vote for Mr.
MacGenigle may rely en it net only
that the privacy of their ballets will be
respected and enforced by Democratic
election officers, but that any undue in
quiry into them, or disclosure regarding
them, will be promptly prosecuted as it
Chris Magee, who is Cameren's
Pittsburgh agent, has been talking very
freely te a reporter and telling him that
when the Pennsylvania delegation gets
te Chicago it will have a different man
for chairman from Mr. McPherson, who
who was at its head in 1876. " The unit
rule will be maintained there. Ne mat
ter hew many kickers there may be in
the delegation, and there will be but one
or two, if any, every time there is a vote
taken the fifty-eight votes of Pennsylva
nia will be cast solidly one way or the
ether, just as the majority of the delega
tion may decide in caucus." The ap
pointment of a few Blaine delegates was
only a sep. Den Cameren is chairman of
the national committee; he will pick
out the temporary chairman and pack
the hall with clacquers. The unit busi
ness will be brought up early and decided
against the anti-Cameren people. It is
frank in their opponents te give them
such timely notice of the pregramme.
We cannot agree with the Ilarrisburg
Patriot, that there need be any haste
about the calling of the Democratic state
convention. In this county it has been
the well approved custom te net provide
for a county convention until there is a
call for the state convention ; and, in our
judgment, the proper time for the state
committee te meet te call a state conven
tion is immediately after the national
for the national convention. The call
or the state cemimttee JLe meet te call
the slate convention should neither be
hastened nor withheld in any factional or
personal interest.
tm m
The Xcid Era wants te knew why
Mayer MacGenigle " lias failed te en
force the important ordinance prohibit
ing the erection of wooden buildings
within certain limits of the city," and
thinks "one of the editors of the Ixtel Ixtel
t.ieknx'EK is ina position te threw light
unen this (iiiestien. especially as
te one of the buildings illegal
ly erected in the heart of the city."
It took a case, raised by Mayer MacGon MacGen
igle te test the validity of the wooden
building ordiiiaiice.frein June te the next
April te get through Judge Patterson's
court and reach a decision. By this
time some three or four wooden
buildings of no considerable size
had been erected and in use for months,
and no special complaint being ledged
against them they have been allowed te
stand, but as three of them were put up
by prominent Republican politicians,
and the fourth by a beneficial
society, the mayor will hardly be
accused of a sinister purpose in net hav
ing ordered their destruction. Bejend
this neither of the editors of the Ixtel Ixtel
lieexceu has any knowledge of any vi
olation of the law, and if the Xnc Era
can remind them of any it is respectfully
called en te rise and enlighten us.
I J. W. Johxsex, esq., writes te the
New Yerk Tribune inquiring of the
paper founded by Herace Greeley whether
it thinks a party can survive such leader
ship as that of B. Frank Eshlemun,
J. Hay Brown, Thes. B. Cochran, J. A.
Iliestand. and ether local Republicans
who manipulated affairs se that Lancas
ter county's voice was heard for Grant in
the state convention, when four-fifths of
its Republicans, he says, are for Blaine.
It will new be in order for the ether fel
lows te write te the New Yerk Times
and ask it what better chance its party
here would have for survival under
Jehnsen's leadership.
Mrs. William 31. Twkkd died in Paris
Leading citizens of Terente will petition
Miss Nkilsen te revisit that city befeie
leaving for Europe.
Comptroller Jehn Kkli.y fell from a
horse car vestcrdav morning and had his
shoulder dislocated.
The daughter of cx-Secrctary McCil McCil
i.ecii is reported te he the best amateur
banjo player in New Yerk. She has
made it fashionable for young ladies te
play the banjo.
Mr. Clayten MiMiciiakl, editor of the
Xerth America)), who is visiting in Bosten,
was tendered a private reception last even
iug which was attended by about two hun
dred and fifty of the leading citizens of
The Duchess of KpiNnrnr.u, who has
passed through Paris this week from Can
nes, had a muff made entirely of the blue
feathers of the jay. The muffs new should
match the dresses. Seme are of satin, with
a bouquet of natural flowers ; ethers of
plush and velvet, trimmed with lace.
Ills Kckulute Effert.
Frem tlie LuiKiutur E.xiiiuiner anil Kxprciv,
Aug. 1:1, 1878.
We express but the sentiment of all
right-minded, considerate, tax-paying citi
zens, of both parties, when we extend te
Mayer MacGenigle thanks for having call
ed the attention of councils and the public
in general te tlic illegal and extravagant
acts of the street committee or rather the
ring which has been running it and the
tool called the street commissioner. We
hope the mayor will net step at ' protest
ing " and calling the attention of councils
te their extravagance and illegal proceed
ings, but will, if necessary, proceed by in
junction te restrain them, and also held
the ringleaders individually liable when
they shall run the city in debt. It is no
torious that there has been in this depart
ment at least kecklessness and extrava
gance ii' net couklttien, and se far as
we arc concerned WE SHALL SUSTAIN
THE MAYOR in his efforts te compel an
observance, at all events, of the forms of
law, and we hope he will net hesitate
when occasion requires te call the attention
of councils and the public te the short
comings of these in authority.
An engine en the Pittsburgh and
Southern railroad, between Washington
and Pittsburgh, jumped the track at
Espey's en Thursday night, and engineer
Harper was fatally scalded.
It is rumored that the Philadelphia and
Reading coal and iron company has leased
the Pennsylvania iron works, at Danville,
and wili seen assume charge of them.
These works give employment Je 2,000
A squirrel chased by boys, a few days
age, near Rochedale station, en the Lehigh
Valley railroad, teqk refuge under a pile
of stones. In digging out the animal traces
of silver ere were discovered, and the shaft
is te be sunk there.
The candidates for the pestmastcrship
of Broekvillc, Jeffersen county, were se
numerous that they agreed te decide it by
ballet. Mr. Jehn Scott received the high
est number of votes, and his name has been
sent te the Senate by the president.
The freshman class of Lafayette college
went te Bethlehem en Wednesday evening
te partake of their annual dinner. They
were escorted te the depot by a band, the
music of which was drowned by slop-horns
in the hands of sophomores. The seniors
also followed after, and howled themselves
hearse. The offence charged against the
freshman was that of putting en airs.
Hen. Findley Patterson,a representative
in the state Legislature from Washington
county, died at Burgettstown, en Thurs
day morning. He was born en the 15th of
May, 1808, at Patterson's mills, Washing
ton county. In 1837 he was elected county
commissioner of Armstrong county, and
in 1839 was a senator from the Armstrong
district. He was also a member of the
Heuse of Representatives from Armstrong
county in 1843 and 1846, being speaker of
the Heuse.
Ed. Martin's Candidate Backs Out.
Hen. E. B. Washburne authorizes the
Inter-Ocean te announce that he is net,
and under no circumstances will be, a can
didate for the presidency. Alse, that the
friend who wrote that he was a candidate
for governor of Illinois was mere zealous
than wise.
In This a Shet at Conkling?
In Rhede Island the Heuse of Represen
tatives has passed a bill prohibiting
pigeon sheeting for sport or as a test of
Longevity In Berks County.
Rending Tinjes and Dispatch.
Life is tee short te read the Congressional
Iiecprd every day.
A conkidike Methodist has written a
poem en Gen. Grant's alleged remark in
Jerusalem : ' ' Ne ; no ovation for me in
this city, wheremy Saviour was crucified."
Hew much that docs sound like Gen.
Rkv. Dn. Dasiiiell, senior correspond,
ing secretary of the missionary society of
the M. E. church, whose health is in se
precarious a condition, has been made the
recipient of $16,000 as a testimony of the
geed will of a number of his friends.
" When I was a boy," said a very long
winded preacher te his friend, "I used te
talk in my sleep." " And new," said his
friend, "you sleep in your talk." But
somehow that didn't seem te he just ex.
actly the point the preacher was going te
Jehn Hunt sang the following at a
prayer meeting in Iowa, and went te jail
six months as a reward :
" Away down Seuth
A nigger In the water
Was standing in a mill pond
Lenger than he eughter."
Dan Rice met Mr. Meedy in Chicago,
Saturday, and going up te the evangelist
said : " Loek a here, Meed, I wash' con
verted. Better let. up en that, pard.
Don't cold deck me en the first deal. I'm
gein ' te run a six-pole triple-tent show
next year, and if I hear of you tellin' folks
I ain't converted I'll sue you for slander.
I will ; I hope te never see the back of my
neck if I den' I."
One of the verses of James Russell
Lewell's "Pieus Editor's Creed," from
the "Biglow Papers," reads as fellows :
I du believe 'tis wise an' geed
Te send out furrin mission.
That is en sartin understood
An' orthydex conditions
I mean nine thousand dells periiii:i.
Nine thousand mere ler eutllt.
An' me tu recommend a man
The place would Jest about lit.
When the genial Leweil penned the stanza,
ever thirty years since, he doubtless had
little idea of ever filling a "furrin mis
sion" at a salary nearly double the figure
Rev. Alexander Keith, the distin
guished author aud traveler, whose death
is announced by cable, was born at Keit-
hall, N. B., in 1791. Frem 1816 te 1843
he was a minister te the established
church of Scotland at St. Cyrus, Kincard
ineshire, afterwards of the Free church,
but for many years he was unable te at
tend te his ministerial duties. Of his
many religious works may be mentioned
his " Evidence of the Truth of the Chris
tian Religion, and Poetical Interpretation
of the Prophecies, " translated into many
languages. In company with the Rev.
Dr. Black, the Rev. A. Benar, and the
Rev. Rebert McCheync, constituting a
deputation from the church of Scotland te
Palestine and ether Eastern countries, he
visited some of the scenes of scripture
prophecy te make researches respecting
the actual condition of the Jews. A nar
rative of this mission was published under
the title of " A Narrative of the Mission
te the Jews. "
The Philadelphia Evening Teleyraph de
livers itself en foreign missions thus :
Bishop Coxe, of Western New Yerk, has
addressed a strongly-worded circular te the
laity of the Protestant Episcopal church,
urging mere liberal contributions for for.
cign missions. The bishop thinks that
there is tee much sham about the foreign
missions contributions ; that they arc beg-
trarlv showings : that the meat body of
churchmen are unrepresented in them, and
se forth and se en. All of which, may bc
will have some effect in stimulating con"
tributiens te foreign missions, aud may be
it won't. We arc afraid that Bishop Coxe
wrete and issued this circularwitheut any
thing like due inquiry into the reason why
of the falling off in the matter of contribu
tions te foreign missions. If he had made
such inquiry he would probably have dis.
covered that the average layman does net
think powerful much of the average mis
sionary, or of the quality of the average
missionary's work in foreign parts ; and,
moreover, that he is particularly well-satisfied
that he can de better with such
money as he may have it in his heart te
give for the promotion of missionary work
by bestowing it for the regeneration of
near-at-home heathen than he can by giv
ing it for the conversion of people who al
ready have very geed religions, which they
are in the habit of living up te in better
style than the average Christian is of living
up te his."
Speaking Geed only of the dead is a
practice that doubtless needs te be reform
ed, for it is net at all conducive te morality
te make a saint of a sinner in a funeral
oration. But en the ether hand, the rule
having been all eneway se long, changes
should be made moderately. Such a change
for example, as was given lately by Bishop
Tayler, of the Mermen church, ever the
eeffm of an ex-saint of that denomination
carries reform forward tee violently.
" Once a saint, he departed from the
church," remarked the bishop ever this
ill-starred young man's remains, "he left
the faith, he died a drunkard ; he has gene
te hell, and there is where he deserved te
go." This cheerful message of condolence
te the young man's friends was naturally
received with deep feeling ; the ex-saint's
mother and sister were borne fainting from
the tabernacle, and there was no doubt a
conviction upon divers of the brethren that
the bishop's notions of the reform of what
is, after all, a long-established and very re
spectable custom were of a rather tee rad
ical and sweeping sort. We have se long
been telling geed-natured fibs en such oc
casions that the departure towards the
truth must net be of a wrenching kind.
Bishop Tayler has allowed his zeal te out
run his discretion ; he would net relish the
idea of such impartiality of statements at
his own obsequies.
Can't Think it Fessible.
Mnj. Griest's Inquirer.
We hear the opinion expressed in
several quarters that our county commit
tee will net issue a call for the primary
meetings te be held in May, but will defer
it until after the Republican national con
vention in June in order te prevent the
vote for instructions, provided for at the
late meeting of the committee, from going
into effect.
We cannot and will net believe that the
committee, or even a single member of it,
will be willing te take such an absurd
Tne last Saturday m May has
been the time fixed for our nrimarv meet- I
ing for several years past ; it has given
general satisfaction, and there is no valid
reason for a change. If any change is
made it should be fixed a week earlier than
usual ; se that our delegates may have a
little time te study their instructions be
fore they embark for Chicago. We have
no doubt, however, that they will be suffi
ciently explicit.
Dakota Wheat Fields.
Of the four hundred million bushels of
wheat produced in the United States, by
far the largest portion is sewn in the fall,
and is called winter grain. The varieties
are conditioned by soil and climate, the
latitude of Milwaukee marking in general
the netthern boundary of winter wheat.
The area suited for the production of
wheat sewn in the spring hitherto has been
of limited extent, but there is an undevel
oped section of the country se wide aud
far-reaching that it may be regarded as
the great summer wheat field of the
future. Its capabilities are se vast, and
its insurance of production se certain,
that the millions of the old world may
think of it as a land that will supply them
with bread.
A traveler making the tour of the St.
Lawrence and its connecting chain of
jakes, landing at Duluth, and journeying
west ever the Northern Pacific railroad
two hundred miles, beyond the forest re
gion of the Upper Mississippi, will find
himself en the eastern edge of this bread
land of the future the valley of the Red
river, a stream flowing northward te Lake
Winnipeg, and thence te Hudsen bay.
In August, 1809, the writer of this ar
ticle rode ever this hunting ground of the
Sioux, where through by-gene ages they
chased the buffalo and fought the Chippc
was. The valley of the Red river was a
vast expanse. Ne hill, no gentle undula
tion, nothing but the fringes of trees along
the streams bounded the sight. It was a
reach of prairie unbroken by the plough.
Our own voices, or the son; of meadow-
lark, plover, and curlew, and ether fowl,
alone broke the solemn and oppressive
stillness of the solitude. At Georgetown
the Hudsen bay company had reared a
house, and two or three settlers had set up
their cabins upon the banks of the river.
We encountered a man whose birth-place
was in Virginia, who had been a frontier
man in Ohiei Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin
vidette of civilization.
" Have you any neighbors ?" we asked.
" Oh yes ; three families have just set
tled about twelve miles from here. They
arc getting pretty thick, and I shall have
te move en, I reckon."
They have been getting thicker since,
and the locomotive is speeding its way
across the valley, en te the Missouri, and
beyond te the Yellowstone ; it is flying
down the valley te Winnipeg, and seen it
will thunder along the Saskatchewan, far
away in the distant Northland. Farm
houses dot the landscape : towns have
sprung up ; the traveler beholds piles of
lumber, long lines of farm wagons, ploughs,
seeders, harrows, reapers, threshers and
firm engines at every railroad station.
Marvelous the change ; in 1809 a furrow
less plain; in 1879, a harvest of eight mil
lion bushels of grain erelong te he eighty
million !
Harvesting en u Large Dakota l"ann.
Ride ever these fertile fields of Dakota,
and beheld the working of this latest tri
umph of American genius. Yeu are in a
sea of wheat. On the farms managed by
Oliver Dalryinple are 13,000 acres in one
field. There are ether farmers who culti
vate from 100 te 0,000 acres. The railroad
train rolls through an ocean of grain. Plea
sant the music of the rippling waves as the
west winds sweep ever the expanse. We
encounter a squadron of war chariots, net
such as once swept ever the Delta of the
Nile in pursuit of an army of fugitive Is
raelites, net such as the warriors of Reme
were went te drive, with glittering knives
projecting from the axles te mew a swath
through the ranks of an enemy, te
drench the ground with bleed,to cut down
the human race, as if men where noxious
weeds, but chariots of peace, doing the
work of human hands for the sustenance
of men. There arc twenty-five of them in
this one brigade of the grand army of 115,
under the marshalship of this Dakota
farmer. A superintendent upon a superb
horse, like a brigadier directing his forces,
rides along the line, accompanied by his
staff of two en horseback. They arc
fully armed and equipped, net with
swords, but the implements of peace
wrenches, hammers, chisels. They arc
surgeons in waiting, with nuts and screws,
or whatever may be needed.
This brigade of horse artillery sweeps by
in echelon in close order, reaper following
reaper. There is a sound of wheels. The
grain disappears an instant and then re
appears ; iron arms clasp it, held it a mo
ment in their embrace, wind it with wire,
then toss it disdainfully at your feet. Yeu
hear in the rattling.ef the wheels the mech
anism saying te itself, "See hew easy I
can de it !"
An army of "shockers"' fellow the reap
ers, setting up the bunnies te ripen before
threshing. The reaping must ordinarily
all be done in fifteen days, else the grain
becomes tee ripe. The first fields harvest
ed, therefore, are cut before the ripening
is complete. Each reaper averages about
fifteen acres per day and is drawn by three
horses or mules.
The reaping ended, threshing begins.
Again memory gees back te early years, te
the pounding out of the grain upon the
threshing-fleer with the flail the
slew tedious work of the
winter days. Peets no mere will
rehearse the music of the flail. The picture
for February in the old Farmer's Almanac
is obsolete. September is the month for
threshing, the thresher doing its 000 or
700 bushels per day, driven by a steam
engine of sixteen-hersc power. Remorse
less that sharp-teethed devourer, swallow
ing its feed as fast as two men can cut the
wire bands, requiring six teams te supply
its demands ! and what a cataract of grain
pours from its spout, faster than two men
can bag it !
The latest triumph of invention in this
direction is a straw-burning engine, utiliz
ing the stalks of the grain for fuel.
The cost of raising wheat per bushel is
from thirty-five te forty cents ; the aver
age yield, from twenty te twenty-live
bushels per acre. The nearness of these
lands te Lake Superior, and the rates es
tablished by the railroad fifteen cents per
bushel from any point between Bismarck
and Duluth give the Dakota farmers a
wide margin of profit.
Since the first furrow was turned in the
Red River valley in 1870, there has been
no failure of crops from drought, excessive
rains, blight, mildew, rust, or ether influ
ence of climatolegy. The clinchbug has
net mauc its appearance ; tne grasshoppers
alone have troubled the farmers, but they
Phave disappeared and the fields are smiling
with bounty. With geed tilth, the farmer
may countupen a net return of from eight
te ten" dollars per acre per annum. The
employment of capital has accomplished
a beneficent end by demonstrating that
the region, instead of being incapa
ble of settlement, is one of the fair
est sections of the continent. Ner is it a
wonder that the land-offices are besieged
by emigrants making entries, or that the
surveyors find the lands " squatted " upon
befere they can survey them ; that hotels
are crowded ; that en every hand there is
activity. During the months of May,
June, and July, 1879, the sales of govern
ment land were nearly 700,000 acres, and
the entries for the year will probably
aggregate 1,500,000, taken in homestead,
pre-emption, and tree claims. There are
ether millions of acres, as fair and fertile,
yet te be occupied. C. C. Coffin, in Har-
peP Magazine for March
A IU.AIXE BeOM stakteb.
J. W. Jehnsen's Opinion of B. F. Eshleman.
The New Yerk Tribune of te-day says
that immediately after the disputed and
indecisive result of the Ilarrisburg con
vention, the Tribune determined te ascer
tain what the real choice of Pennsylvania
for the presidency was. Tlic trouble with
ordinary canvasses is that there is no cer
tainty that the men whose opinions are
asked are really representative men. Te
avoid this it was resolved te get an expres
sien direct from the men whom the Re
publicans in each locality had put upon
their local committees. Under the Cameren
domination it was presumed that these
would naturally be mainly Cameren men.
Nevertheless they are necessarily the active,
representative Republicans of their r
tive localities ; and it was clear that their
choice would be that of the working party
organization ; while their number (em
bracing committeemen in every township
in every county in the state) made it
reasonably certain that the response would
give a fair key te the general spontaneous
sentiment of the state and preclude the
possibility of a mere clique utterance
There are about 2,000 of these committee
men throughout the state. An ellicial
list of them was secured, and te each one
the following circular was sent :
Office of the New Yekk Triuune, )
New Yerk, Feb. 10, 1880. j
Dear Sir : Will you please give us for
the Tribune en the inclesed postal card
your first and second choice for president
of the United States? Your name will
net be used if you make a request te that
effect en the card. Your answer by return
mail will much oblige. Yours truly,
Tue TninuNE, New Yerk.
The men te whom this circular was sent
are, of course, the active working Republi
cans of Pennsylvania, and each one of
them must knew accurately the political
sentiment of the community in which he
lives. Up te yesterday afternoon 207 re
plies had been received, of which the fol
lowing is a summary :
Fer Blaine 210
Fer Grant 40
Fer Sherman 3
Fer Washburne 3
Fer Conkling 2
Fer Cameren 1
Fer Edmunds 1
Fer Garfield 1
Fer Lancaster the Tribune publishes the
following from J. W. Jehnsen, esq. :
Lancaster : First, Blaine ; second, Conk
ling or Washburne. It is net extravagant
te say that Lancaster city and county, if
permitted te speak, would declare in favor
of Blaine by a vote of at least four te one
airainst the field. And this sentiment has
J been intensified by the recent action of our
county committee. Its chairman was
an accidental delegate four years age
as alternate te Colonel Dickey who died
where he basely betrayed his constituents.
As a sequel te the betrayal of 1876, he re
fused te call the committee together te
order a primary election under the rules of
our party in the county, until it was tee
late te held such election it time for our
late state convention. And en the
pretext of want of time the committee
packed for such purposes proceeded te
elect eight delegates te the convention,
six of whom voted directly against what
they must have known were the senti
ments of their constituents. Can a part
continue te live and thus studiously ignore
the well-known will of the people'.'
J. W. Jehnsen
A .Suit Over Meney that was Advanced te
Establish a Gambling Heuse.
Francis T. Walten, proprietor of the St,
James hotel, New Yerk, sued Philip Daly
te recover $8,000, the aggregate amount of
four notes made by defendant te Jehn
Gledding, and by him endorsed and deliv
ered te Rebert W. Mackcy, the Pennsyl
vania politician, who died Jan. 18, 10 t'J.
These notes were found among Mackcy's
papers after his death, and were as
signed te the plaintiff. The defense
was that the defendant and Mackcy
were partners in various specu
lations, that the notes in suit were
memorandum notes between them, and
had all been paid before Mackcy's death ;
also, that Mackcy owed a large sum te the
defendant for moneys advanced in build
ing a club bourse in Philadelphia. Upen
the trial Thursday, before Judge Van
Bruut, in supreme court, circuit, Jehn W.
McGinl&y, called for the defendant, testi
fied that he kept Mr. Mackcy's books ;
that the third note for $3,000 was given in
place of the first two notes for the same
amount, and that these notes were never
surrendered. Most of the notes, he added,
were for money te open "a house for
"speculative purposes" in this city.
"What de you mean by 'speculative
purposes?'" asked ex-Recorder James W.
Smith, counsel for the defendant.
"Well," said the witness, "it was a
gambling house ; you can make no mere
or less of it."
Mr. W. A. Beach objected te the testi
mony en the ground that no such defense
was set up in the answer. Ex-Recorder
Smith then moved te amend his answer, te
which Mr. Beach objected, as he was taken
by surprise.
" There is a genuine tiger here," inter
posed Mr. Smith, "and I ask te amend the
answer that the facts may be ehewn."
"But you can't tight the 'tiger' en this
pleading," said Judge Van Brunt, and he
denied the motion te amend. The case is
still en trial.
The alumni of Bowdoin college held
their fifth annual meeting at Banger en
Thursday evening. Chief Justice Appleton
The paintings contributed te the New
Yerk artists' fund society were sold at
auction en Thursday night and last night
and brought 617,953.
Within the past four days 111 cases of
measles have been reported te the Brook
lyn beard of health. There were only two
deaths, however.
Majer James Thompson, of Newport,
Ky., died at Cincinnati yesterday. He
was en the retired list of the regular army
for a number of years.
The Virginia state grange of the patrons
of husbandry has re-elected Dr. "James
M. Blanten as master for two years, and
will meet in February, 1881, at Farmville.
Willard Freeman, of Newtown, while
attempting te beard a train at Centre-
villc, !N. J., lell-bcncath the cars and was
mstautly killed.
A train en the Dayton aud Southeastern
railroad fell through the first bridge west
of Chillieethe, instantly killed William
Ceuncrs, the engineer, and Frank Knccht,
the fireman.
The body of Jehn Bender, aged 00, a
wealthy J resident of Brooklyn, who has
been missing since December 17, was
found in the East river en Thursday even
ing. The New England alumni of Yale col
lege met at Bosten, en Thursday, and
Judge Jehn F. Putnam, of the class of
1837, was elected president. It was
voted te have mere frequent reunions here
after. The starving people ; tenth day of the
Herald's Irish famine fund; a nameless
giver of $5,000; American sympathy
awakened and active ; mickle and muckle
coming in ; heavy contributions at long
and short range ; slaying the hunger
Mrs. Brown, the wife of the man found
murdered in Indianapolis, en Friday,yester
day made a confession that Jeseph Wade,
her paramour, committed the crime. He
said love drove him te the deed and that
he would take care of her during life.
Wade is in jail and denies that there is
any truth in Mrs. Brown's confession.
Terrible If True.
Philadelphia Commonwealth.
When Den get back te the Senate after
he had killed Blaine the second time, at
the last convention at Ilarrisburg and
the great dinner was ever, te which refer
ence is made in this issue, a caucus was
held in Den's back room of the third
termers, te carry en the canvass.
As the men in council were discussing
hew te nominate Grant by trick, cash and
fraud, one said, " The third term cry is al
nonsense ; nobody new cares a damn fur old
Washington, he is new of no account he
can't carry a county delegate."
" Hush," said another, "don't even talk
that way in our caucus."
Just then an apparition appeared com
ing into the room and frightened the cau
cus out of its wits. The men became sober
in an instant. This apparition was Wash
ington giving up his sword te Congress and
pointing te his farewell address.
The men flew from the room in amaze
ment. Se ended that caucus.
Teny Denler's Pantomime Troupe.
Last night Teny Denier's company made
their second appearance in this city this
season. The audience was very large, every
seat and the standing room being taken in
the parquet circle and gallery, while the
parquet was well-filled. The show was
similar te the one given before, ami if any
thing was better. Ueerge ll. Adams, as
clown, of course pleased everybody, and
there is no man better able te de se than
he is. In the second part of the entertain
ment he did his wonderful stilt act and the
audience were se much delighted that they
called him back three times.
C. F. Adams, William Eunice and
Mabel Stanten lent valuable aid as panta
loon, harlequin and columbine, respective
ly. Specialties were given in the second
part of the show by almost the same ac
tors who were here before. E. C. Dun
bar, the Milanese piper, who joined the
troupe since they were here, is a strong at
traction. He plays very well en the pipes
and is a fine sinjrer. He dresses well and
makes a geed appearance en the stage.
The act of the Davenport Brethers was
the same as before, and they arc a remark
ably clever pair. Their sparring match
was quite lively and some hard
hitting was done. Little Rose
bud sang several new songs in
her charming style. The ether features
were the Irish songs and witticisms of
Geerge W. Hunter, a very funny Irish
comedian, the skipping rope dance of
Mabel Stanten, jig by Allie Smith, harp
playing by S. W. Howe, and the musical
act of Ripley and Rccd. The performance
as a whole could net have been better, and
everybody was sent home in an excellent
The troupe go from here te Baltimore,
after which they visit Brooklyn, N.
Y., for a week, and will then visit Bosten
and ether large cities in the East. Mr.
Denier will visit Lancaster with his troupe
again next season.
Columbia anil Pert Deposit ltailreail.
Mr. Vandiver has introduced a bill into
the Maryland legislature te amend the
charter of the Columbia and Pert Deposit
railroad. It is alleged by the petitioners
for the bill that the railroad company dis
criminates unfairly and unjustly against
citizens of the state of Maryland, netwith.
standing the state appropriated $00,000
towards the construction of the read. By
the charter the maximum rate which may
be charged for freight is three cents a ten
per mile, whereas a rate nearly three times
that amount, is asked it isallegcd, for freight
shipped by citizens of Hartferd county in
the direction of Baltimore. Fer instance,
nearly nine cents a ten per mile is charged
for freight from Conowingo te Pert De
posit, when such freight is te be there re
shipped en ether reads, while the price al
lowed by the charter is charged for freight
sent from Conowingo te Baltimore, byway
of Yerk, Pa.
Besides, they say, the Columbia and Peit
Deposit railroad makes up connections at
its southern terminus with trains for Balti
more and Philadelphia, the effort being ap
parently made te compel passengers for
Baltimore te take the circuitous teiite by
way of Yerk rather than the shorter and
direct one by way of Pert Deposit and
Licenses and Current Business.
This morning court met at 9 o'clock for
the purpose of transacting current busi
ness and disposing of license cases.
Cenrad Weimcr was an applicant for a
license te keep a hotel at Fourth and Wal
nut streets, in the borough of Columbia.
This is an old stand which was refused a
license because the former owner ran a va
riety show in connection with it. The
court held the case under advisement.
Abram Roop is the proprietor of the hotel
at Andrews' bridge, and there is a remon
strance against the granting of a license te
him. It is alleged that he sold liquor en
Sunday, te intemperate persons and te
miners, all of which is denied by Mr.
The license of the Cooper house was
transferred from Abraham Iliestand te
Charles Tripple and G. A. Smith.
Current Business.
Jehn Hathaway and William Peiffer, in
solvent debtors, were discharged.
The commissioners appointed by the
court te inspect the bridge recently con
structed across the Big Chiques creek at
Moeio's mill report that it is made ac
cording te specifications and of geed mate
rial. The Tobacco Market.
A great deal of baled tobacco has been
received at the city warehouses every day
this week. This morning lines of wagons
were unloading at most of them, but the
rush was net se great as during some pre
ceding Saturdays. Buyers continue te
take held all that is offered at reasonable
prices, and it is estimated there is net
mere than from 5,000 te 7,000 cases re
maining unsold.
About 800 cases of the crop of 1878 was
sold during the week en private terms.
Drank and Disorderly.
Rebert 31. Wilsen arrested fox drunken
and disorderly conduct, was committed by
Alderman Barr, te the county jail for 20 1
A Review of it by the New Yerk "Sun."
In noticing Hen. F. E. Beltzhoevei's
recent oration at the Nermal society anni
versary, published hi full in the Intelli
gence!:, the New Yerk Sun says :
Mr. Beltzhoevcr. a representative in
Congress from Pennsylvania, has been
making a speech in favor of "intelligence"
as a qualification for the ballet. We de
net agree with Mr., Beltzhoover, and inas
much as his deliverance is strong, and was
addressed te an audience of students,
whose influence in the community can
scarcely be estimated, it seems only pru
dent te notice some of its most obvious
Mr. Beltzhoover says the line must he
drawn somewhere, and he wauts it drawn
at " intelligence. " But at what degree of
intelligence? lie will be satisfied with
reading, writing, and ciphering. But
some one else may demand a higher stand
ard, and the logic which sustains the one will
sustain the ether. If the lower standard
gives geed government, the higher will
give better, and se en, until the same
reasoning brings us te the conclusion that
the best government is the absolute rule of
the most learned citizen.
If we begin by putting the wholly un
lettered under the heel of these who can
read and write, why net put the latter un
der a still better educated elass, until by
refining all the dress of ignorance from the
governing body, we reach by the process
of selection the single despot, who rules by
reason of his superior learning.
Government derives all its power from
the consent of the governed. Among the
governed arc these who cannot read or
write. Shall they be political slaves be
cause of their misfortune '.' They have a
large a stake in the peace and order of the
community as the ethers. They have life,
liberty, family, property, character, te he
protected. Has the reader and cipherer
anything greater or mera sacred ".'
Is a man who can read, write and cipher
any mere likely te use his vote for the gen
eral geed than the man who cannot. We
defy Mr. Beltzhoover te prove that it is.
The increase of corruption in English elec
tions has kept pace with the increase of
the means of popular education until the
disfranchisement of whole boroughs has
come te be considered a proper rem
edy. The same may be said of this
ceuntrv, except that our ancestors were
purer and their children arc mere de
generate than the English and it is a
.striking fact that our educational facili
ties are greater than theirs. Among eiir
revolutionary ferefathere comparatively
few possessed Mr. Beltzhoover's require
ments ; but they established tin; best gov
ernment en earth, and maintained it in its
original purity and simplicity ;aud we ven
ture te say that they would have looked
with very little toleration upon a proposi preposi
tion te change it te an aristocracy of so se
called intelligence. Few of us can trace
back their lineage very far without coining
te unlettered ancestors, who voted with
the fathers of the republic, and shouldered
their fire-locks with the heroes of inde
pendence. Iu England the learned bodies havt
always been the last te yield te liberty and
reform. The unversities were the strong
holds of the Stuarts, and the Tery majori
ties of Oxford have been a proverb. But
the ether day a vote was taken among the
students of Yale, and an enormous major
ity of them were found te be in favor of
overthrowing the precedent set by Wash
ington, and making Grant president for a
third term. What admirable custodians
of our free institutions these educated gen
tlemen would he ; yet, according te Mr.
Beltzhoover's reasoning, we ought te com
mit these institutions te their keeping ex
clusively. Reading and writing form in reality a
peer measure of intelligence, and still less
of the virtues which make the geed citi
zen. Let the qualifications remain as they
arc. The uneducated man pays his taxes
in time of peace, and in war takes his place
in the ranks. He wants geed reads, geed
schools for his children, justice impartially
administered, and protection te his little
property and enterprises, just as his mete
fortunate neighbor docs ; and in the limit
ed view of public affairs which both neec-s-sarily
take, the one is certainly as honest
and in most cases quite as capable a voter
as the ether. We may in time have an
aristocracy in this country, but it will net
be founded en Mr. Beltzhoover's qualifica
tions of reading, writing and arithmetic.
His Kesnlute KRerts.
Frem tin; Lancaster Examiner and
Anir. 13. 1S78.
We express but the sentiment of all
right-minded, considerate, tax-paying citi
zens, of both parties, when we extend te
3Iayer 3IacGenigle thanks for having called
the attention of councils and the public in
general te the illegal and extravagant acts
of the street committee or rather the ring
which has been running it and tool
called the street commissioner. We hope
the mayor will net step at "protesting"
and calling the attention of councils te
their extravagance and illegal proceedings,
but will, if necessary, proceed by injunc
tion te restrain them, and also held the
ringleaders individually liable when they
shall run the city in debt. It is notorious
that there has been in this department lit
least recklessness and extravaeanci:
if net corruption, and se far as we aie
3IAYOR in his efforts te compel an ob
servance, at all events, of the forms of
law, and we hope he will net hesitate when
occasion requires te call the attention of
councils and the public te the shortcom
ings of these in authority.
Ualf a Dezen of Them.
Common Councilman William II. IIu
ber received a valentine this morning in
the shape of a bouncing baby. There i
nothing especially remarkable in this, but
it is remarkable that 3Ir. Hubcr himself,,
two of his brothers, one sister and his fath
er were all bem en St. Valentine's day.
Here is the record : William Ilubcr'.s
father was born St. Valentine's day, 1820,
and is te-day 00 years old. His son William
was born St. Valentine's day, 1844, and is
therefore 30 years old te-day. His son Titus
was born St. Valentine's day, 1848, and is
32 te-day. "His daughter 3Iary was bein
St. Valentine's day, 1853, and this is her
27th birthday. - His son Jacob was bem
SJ;. Valentine's day, 1855, and celebrates his
25th birthday ; and new ciinus along the
little grandson, like a naked Cupid, te join
in the family celebration. Can any ether
family in the county show such a record ?
We congratulate 3Ir. and Mrs. Hubcr en
their great geed luck and suggest that
they name the young emperor " Valentine
Culerc.l Ball.
The colored folks had a graud fancy
dress ball at Fulton hall last night which
was attended net only by a large number
of colored lads and lasses, but also by a
great many white men, including promi
nent Republican politicians. There was.
some little quarreling, but nobody was.
much hurt.
Burled In Lancaster.
The remains of Jehn S. Lundy, whose whese whose
tcrrible death at Glen Lech was reported
yesterday, were brought from Columbia
en the 2 o'clock train this afternoon, and
interred in the Lancaster cemetery.