Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 13, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
The Anti-DIscrimiuatien Bill.
The Heuse committee which has been
considering the hill introduced by Mr.
Reagan, te forbid discriminations by rail
roads in freight rates, has determined by
a bare majority net te recommend its
adoption. This simply means, we pre
sume, that the committee is net satisfied
that the Reagan bill will correct the evil
it seeks te remedy and which confessed
ly exists. There is a great difference of
opinion among these who are earnestly
desirous of securing fair treatment of
every business interest by the carrying
companies, as te the legislation needed
for the purpose. It seems clear enough
that one man should net lie charged
mere than another for the same service
rendered by a transierlcr of their goods;
-and apparently it is easy te frame a law
which will say se ; but really it seems te
be very difficult. The difficulty mainly lies
indefining what is the same service. The
railroad companies claim the privilege of
securing business by giving a better rate
of freight te large customers than te
smaller ones ; and the claim seems rea
sonable; also te charge less, proportion
ately, for a long haul than a short one ;
which also seems right. Anether claim
which they make is net se clearly justifi
able, although it is sustaiuelby an ap
parently strong argument : for the pur
IKse of meeting competition they are in
the habit of giving a drawback en freight
carried into a competing market. Fer
instance the Reading company gives
such a drawback te coal shipped east
ward from Philadelphia : because other
wise the shippers could net sell their coal
in New Yerk at as Iowa rate ;is it is sold
by the coal carrying companies Who have
a shorter haul from their mines te Xew
Yerk and can deliver their product there
at less cost than can the Reading. The
result is that Philadelphia may pay mere
than Xew Yerk for coal that is carried
through her limits te reach the Xew
Yerk market. This does net seem te be
right ; nor is it en the ether hand clear
that the Reading should net be at
lilwrty te sell
Yerk. A private
business which a
her coal in Xew
individual doing the
railroad company is
doing certainly could net be properly re
stricted by the law in selling where and
hew he plessed, and at a price te suit
himself. But the rule must be different
with a chartered corporation which ac
quires its power through the privileges
granted it bv the state, and which may
therefore lie justly required te use these
powers se as te de the public interest no
injury. If Mr. Gewen's claim is ad
mitted, that he is justified in
charging a smaller price for a
Philadelphia te Xew
te Philadelphia alone,
then no practicable limit can be placed
uiwn the power of a carrying company te
discriminate in its charges. As he was
reminded by the congressional committee
bafere which he testified, the great rail
road companies justify their practice of
charging a lower rate en grain te the
seaboard from the "West than they charge
for a less distance, by declaring that it is
necessary te enable them te meet
the competition of the great grain
growing districts of the Black .Sea.
It seems necessary te confine each carry
ing company te its natural field. If Mr.
Gewen cannot get his coal into Xew
Yerk as cheaply as another company it is
clear enough that Xew Yerk is net his
natural market. He has no business
there; and the state which has charter
ed his company ought net te permit him
toge there with the coal raised out of her
own besom, te sell it at a less price than
is charged te her own citizens nearer te
the mines. That preposition seems se
manifest that it is proved by its state
ment. The Segre Exertlis.
The closer the work of the committee
of the Senate new prosecuting an inquiry
into the negre exodus from North Caro
lina is examined the mere apparent it
becomes that this hegini of the colored
people is inspired by emissaries of the
Republican party for political purposes.
Developments hitherto made, pointing te
this conclusion, are strengthened by the
sworn testimony of a reputable gentle
man of Indianapolis who states that one
A. W. Heath, a colored emigrant from
North Carolina, told the witness that "the
negrees had been instructed te get away
from North Carolina by the 1st of next
June (1880), se that our numbers will
show in the next census." Incidentally it
may be mentioned that at the sitting of
the committee at which this interesting
circumstance was brought out the
mournful fact was also developed through
the evidence of an Indianapolis underta
ker that, within two months, there have
been interred, at the expense of the
county in which Indianapolis is located,
from twenty-five te thirty men, women
and children from among the colored
emigrants from North Carolina. They
were all buried as paupers. Fer heart
less villiauy, the treatment of the man
and brother by his Republican savieurs,
as exhibited in the exposures made by
the Voorhees committee, is entitled te
take precedence even of past brutality.
Republican politicians have for a couple
of decades found in the simple credulity
of thefreedmen pliant material en which
te practice their art of cruel deception,
but the moral sense of the country has
long since become blunted te such spec
tacles as this, and te the cold-blooded,
selfishness and desire for party gain
which successive exposures have shown
te lie at the bottom of all the alleged
efforts of the Republicans te elevate the
condition of the colored ieeple. Future
students of our history will discern a
shocking illustration of man's inhumani
ty te man in Republican treatment of the
emancipated race.
Ax unscrupulous correspondent of the
Philadelphia Press writes te it from this
city about recent incendiarisms and
burglaries, and adds that "there is much
indignation felt at the inefficiency te
suppress crime of the present Democratic
administration.' Inasmuch as there
have been fewer arsons and burglaries in
Lancaster during the past two years
than in any period of the same length for
a longtime previous, of course this tail te
the Press correspondent's letter has net
a very harmful sting in it. But if there
has been any obstruction te justice, or
failure te punish crime hereabouts, the
responsibility has leen fixed long age.
Mayer MacGonigle's pretest against the
prostitution of justice te save " the best
workers in the ward " has teen heard in
every corner of the state and is re-echoed
by hundreds of thoughtful Repub's;ans
who are net yet ready te hand every
branch of the city government ever te
thosewhe barter in justice and who shame
the administration of the law by abusing
the machinery of the courts te save their
best Republican workers in the ward
m m
Under the present districting of this
city it is almost impossible for the Dem
ocrats te obtain a majority in either
branch of the city councils or te get con
trol of any of the departments even
should they have a large majority of the
popular vote in the city at large. Under
the American svstein of districting gev
ernmental iever it is contemplated that
the executive branch shall be a check en
the legislative te restrain and prevent
hasty Juid ill-considered legislation and
the original executive is very inconsider
able contrasted with the veto privilege.
ExiMiiience has shown that with both
houses and the executive in control of
the same party ellicial responsibility rests
lightly, and no matter hew crude or ill
advised the legislation, its passage gen
erally secures for it executive control.
It is te the best interests of every muni
cipality that if its councils are apt te be
strongly partisan en the one side its
mayor should be of a different political
party, se that the intended system of
checks and balances can be fully realized.
David Davis is a geed customer of the
pie wonieu in the capitol. lie fattens and
keeps fat en pastry. Xe dyspepsia in
Mr. BniiT Hakti: is about te resign his
consulate and return te America. The
German climate has net agreed with him
and he has been far from well.
Mr. Tem Tayi.ek thinks of resigning his
editorship of Punch, owing te the pressure
of ether work. It is possible that Mr.
Burnand will succeed him.
Mr. E.meksex is comfortable, netwith
standing his age, and no elder for seventy
seven years than anybody else of that age
would be. He lectured at Concord, last
week, before the Town Lyceum.
Mrs. Astei:, of New Yerk, who were dia
monds and pearls at a dinner at the "White
Heuse en Monday night, and afterward,
at the Mexican minister s, which were
worth nearly or quite one million of dol
lars, was attended by two detectives
dressed as gentlemen, and a policeman is
en guard before the deer of her room at
"Wormley's day and night.
The Duchess of MAiti.itoiceroii has tele
graphed te the New Yerk Herald as fol fel
lows : " Will you honor me by intrusting
te the committee of the ladies of Ireland,
ever whom I preside, the distribution of
the fund raised by you for the relief of
Irish distress:'" The Herald says Mr.
Bcnnct is in Tunis and will be advised of
the request, but it will net change his
At Om: Bull's seventieth birthday cele
bration in Cambridge, Mass., last Thurs
day, Mr. Longfellow and family. Mr. Jas.
T. Field.", Dr. Deremus,of Xew Yerk, and
Dr. Oliver Wendell Helmes were among
the congenial party who assembled te de
honor te the great violinist. The con
spicuous floral gift was the image of a
violin of natural size made wholly of white
pinks, with the exception of the screws,
which were represented by small red roses.
During the evening Mr. Bull delighted his
company by some of his choicest music.
Kinpire Waning Oppressive Taxation
unci a Discontented l'epulace.
Late accounts from Brazil indicate a
gradual but certain disintegration of the
empire. A gentleman in Rie dc Janeiro,
writing te a friend under date of January
4, remarks that, since the discharge of the
old cabinet, which managed matters se
badly and overwhelmed the country with
debt and corruption, the emperor has
appointed a new cabinet, and new
new deputies te Parliament have been
elected, or, rather, designated and
counted in by the government, for
the elections in Brazil arc by no
means free or fair. Necessity compelled
the imperial authorities te raise money,
and, for purposes of immediate relief, they
passed laws obnoxious te the people. One
requires each passenger in a street car
te pay an extra fare, as a special contribu
tion for the government, of one vintem,
which is equivalent te one cent. Against
this the populace protested. A ctitien
from no less than 4,000 subjects was pre
pared for presentation te the emperor, but
by actual force the presentation of this
petition was prevented. The vintem be
ing rigidly demanded, the exasperated
petitioners tore up many of the
rails and destroyed about sixty cars, cryiug
meanwhile, "Down with the empire!"
" Up with the republic ! " All the troops
and police in the city were called out, and,
as the people were net armed, they were
obliged te retire, after suffering a less of
fifteen killed and a great number wounded.
Affairs are still in a very disturbed and
doubtful condition. It is said that an
other cabinet will probably seen be ap
pointed, and some are already predicting
that these and numerous ether troubles
will end only with the downfall of the
monarchy and the establishment in its
stead of a republican form of government.
An Honest Illack Sheep.
i Franklin liupositery. Hep.
At a meeting of the Republicans of the
Second ward of Chambersburg. en Friday
evening last, te nominate ward officers, it
was resolved at the close te take a vote for
president, which resulted in 49 for Blaine
and 1 for Grant. The editor of the Repos
itory, who was chairman of the meeting,
was the black sheep in that fleck, and net
satisfied with administering such a severe
castigation, they directed him te publish
the facts in this paper. Wc may add, and
this is no part of the proceedings of the
meeting, that this vote is a fair indication
of Republican sentiment in this town and
probably the county. But like the liberal
man en the jury who was fighting his
eleven stubborn associates, "wc arc of the
same opinion still."
About the Size of Him.
Xerth American (hep.).
General Sherman is growing such a big
man that unless his development is
checked pretty seen the United States will
net be large enough te held him after a
little while.
By a boiler explosion in the Oviatt
wagon works at Hudsen, Ohie, yesterday,
Russell Oviatt. son of the proprietor, was
mortally injured, and two ethers sustained I
serious injuries.
Tiie Pittsburgh B1 says : " Lancaster
men are wanted home te vote for mayor
en the 17th. The present mayor, Mr.
MacGenigle, is a candidate for re-election,
and should receive the 'support of every
voter who can be en Iiaud."
Hknkv "Wakd Beecheu's paper which
is in the inner third term circle, has made
and announces the discovery that "among
the inner circles of politics there is some
talk of the possibility of transferring the
sentiment in favor of General Grant te
General Sherman in case General Grant
should decline the nomination, or the anti
third term feeling should be tee strong
te be overcome."
Puesidextially speaking : A telegram
from "Washington states that Blaine will
net accept the second place en the presi
dential ticket under any circumstances.
The Independent Republicans at Albany
refuse te accept the partial com
promise offered te thorn, and they will net
vote at the new primaries. A meeting of
the national Democratic committee will
be held at "Washington en the 23d of this
month. Ex-Judge Harrison thinks that
the Connecticut delegates will favor Mr.
Cexukess having made the necessary
appropriation te enable the government
te be represented in the fish exhibition at
Berlin in April, Professer Baird will endea
vor te see that the United States is net be
hind the elder nations of its display. He
will net go himself te Berlin with the pro
posed representation of our activity as pisci
culturists, but will deputize Mr. G. Brown
Goede, the curator of the National Museum
and an ardent and thorough fish culturist,
te act in his stead. Mr. Goede will be as
sisted by Mr. Fred G. Mather, and they
will set about the labors of their prepara
tions immediatly, as no time is te be lest.
Coxekessioxal funerals are costly
affairs as is illustrated by the publica
tien of the annual report of the clerk of
the Heuse, and the amount of money ex
pended when a member dies is enough te
keep a small family from want for many
years. Under the head of "Miscellaneous
Items" in Clerk Adams's report appear the
following : Te Jehn G. Thompson,
amount of expenses paid for the funeral of
Hen. Gustav. Schleicher, $4,789.42 ; ex
penses of funeral of Hen. Julian Hartridge,
deceased, $1,049.97. Included among the
items which gote make up the last named
bill are : Lunch, $131.40 ; Shoemaker &
Hertzog (wine and liquor), $92.50 ; fruit
and bananas, $e ; special car, $230 ; ser
vant at hotel $e ; conductor, $3 ; car porter,
$e and se en. The amount paid for ex
penses of the funeral of Hen. Rush Clark,
of Iowa, is set down at 1,448.40.
Tiikkk has been transmitted te Congress
a statement prepared under the uirccuen
of Adjutant-General Tewnscnd, showing
the militia force of the United States. It
is full of information and suggestive facts.
Xew Yerk reports a militia force of 20,
280, and Arkansas fellows second in the
list with an organized force of 10,377.
Seuth Carolina is third, having 11,803 men
ready for duty. The great commonwealth
of Pennsylvania is fourth en the list with
9,750 men. Ohie stands fifth, having 8,
374. Flerida reports 5,504, and se the
list continues all through, the Southern
states showing a large excess ever many
of the Northern ones. There is no ex
planatieu of this unless it is that the mar
tial spirit in the Seuth is stronger than in
the North. The aggregate strength of
the organized militia force in the whole
country is set down at 125,90C, while the
number of men available for military duty,
unorganized, reaches a total of G,51G,758.
The Cincinnati Enquirer prints the re
sult of 13,000 interviews with politicians,
business men and ethers in the West as te
their preference for president. In Indiana,
which was against Blaine in 1876, the
Maine senator is the choice of 1,059 again&t
505 for General Grant and 460 for Secreta
ry Sherman. Hendricks, en the Demo
cratic side, is the favorite son, with 1,263 ;
while Tilden shows a total of 270. In Ohie,
the home of Jehn Sheiman, the latter has
2,332 admirers, while 1,498 arc for Blaine
and 088 for Grant ; Tlmrman has 1,333
and Tilden develops the surprising strength
represented in 850. The Chicago Titncs
has interviews with some 8,000 Republi
cans in Illinois, and of this number Blaine
is the choice of 4,282, Grant of 2,985, Wash
burnc of 1,004 and Sherman of 234. Of
3,000 Michigan Republicans, Blaine has
mere than Grant and Sherman combiner",
his figures being 1,600, te 827 and 611 re
spectively for his competitors.
The dead body of Peter Bertcabilc, of
Shade township, Somerset county, who
had frozen te death, was found in a snow
bank at Scalp Level en Tuesday.
Themas Geerge Eana, 57 years old, took
laudanum at his house, 805 North Forty
fourth street, West Philadelphia. He was
taken te the Presbyterian hospital for
treatment, and died about half-past 3
o'clock in the afternoon.
The Republicans of Mercer county have
broken out in revolt similar te that in
Chester, but with a much mere emphatic
prospect that they will stay out. The del
egates from Mercer te the state convention
were unanimously instructed for Blaine,
but they seem te have left their instruc
tions at home when they started for Har
risburg, as they worked along with the
machine in a way truly harmonious. This
caused the greatest indignation in the
county, and it was resolved that some
thing would have te be done about it.
A Republican meeting at Sharen took the
matter in hand and adopted some resolu
tions reciting the facts and condemning
the action of the delegates. It was also
resolved that the delegates te the Chicago
convention from the congressional distinct
should wholly disregard the instructions
of the state convention.
A Conundrum.
Philadelphia Times.
As Cameren and Grant have the dele
gates from Lancaster te the national con
vention, who are certain te obey Cameren's
instructions rather than the instructions
of their constituents, the ring manipulators
of Lancaster city new agree te pass ward
resolutions unanimously in favor of Blaine,
te induce the anti-machine Republicans te
support Bering, the machine candidate for
mayor. It may work tolerably well en
paper, but hew will it be en election day?
Who would make the speeches, and what
would the speakers say, when the band
came around te serenade them en Bering's
A Widower of Forty-Are Wed bis Step
daughter, Aged Twelve.
The following is telegraphed from Prin
cess Anne, Somerset county, Md.:
The residents of this county arc in an
intense state of indignation and excite
ment ever the discovery made te-day that
Sidney Sheres, a wealthy farmer, aged
forty-live years, residing near Dames
Quarter, had secretly married his step
daughter, a child of twelve years, who is
also his first cousin. Sheres is reputed te
be worth nearly $100,000, and has lived in
geed style en a farm of several hundred
acres near Dames for nearly fifteen years.
He was always considered a man of rather
wild habits, but has been iu geed standing
in the county. On the twelfth of Decem
ber his wife died, leaving one child, Gussic,
a daughter by her former husband, Capt.
Samuel Sheres, an uncle of Sidney. Alter
his wife's death Sidney became still mere
irregular in his habits. This gave rise te
many rumors reflecting en his character,
which have since been vcrifieu.
Sheres lived alone with his young step
daughter and his servants, and it was net
until a month or two age that any suspic
ion of his feelings towards the child were
entertained by the neighbors. Gussie is a
small brunette, of modest bearing and in
her manners and action there is nothing te
indicate that she is mere forward than
children usually are at her age. At length
several ladies, who had formerly been in
timate with his wife, went te Sheres and
asked te be given charge of Gussic, but
they were roughly refused and ordered
out of the house. A few days later, evi
dently fearing te provoke public com
ment, Sheres sent the child te a school en
Deals island, where she remained until
last Thursday. On that day he went te
the school and informed the teacher that
he was going te take the child home. He
had her clothing packed up, and later
in the day left in company with her. The
following day he brought her te this place
and applied te several clergymen te marry
them, but was peremptorily refused. The
child at the time expressed her willingness
te take the step, but as she was evidently
unaware of the nature of the relation desired
by her stepfather, her statement had no
effect in inducing the clergyman te per
form the ceremony. Then Sheres, who
had previously obtained a marriage license
applied te a clergyman in Mount Vernen,
who consented te marry them. After the
marriage Sheres returned te his home with
his child-wife, where he new lives. Sheres
has net been seen since the wedding, and
his young bride has also been kept careful
ly secluded. The servants say that their
master and Gussie de net see any one.
Last night it was proposed te erganize
a company te go te the house and take the
child away by force, if necessary. The
advice of the cooler residents in the neigh
borhood, however, prevailed, and the new-ly-inarricd
couple were undisturbed.
Efferts are being made te have Sheres ar
rested, although the authorities are at a
less te knew en what grounds te take him
into custody. While the law has net been
actually violated, the feeling excited is
such that unless the authorities take
speedy action the indignant farmers may
take the law into their own hands, in
which event it will undoubtedly go hard
with Sheres.
Sheres is well connected in the state and
served in the war as a Union soldier. He
was at Fert Sumter during the bombard
ment, and a story is current attributing te
him a most remarkable act of bravery in
connection with that memerable event. It
is said that oil the night before the fort
capitulated, as he was standing in one of
the rooms of the fort with several of his
companions, a shell Hew through an em
brasure in the wall and rolled at his feet
with the fuse slowly burning. There was
a general scamper en all sides, the men
running into the adjoining apartments
te escape the explosion. In the rush
one of them left open the deer of
one of the apartments en the inner
side of the fort, and a3 they all steed back
awaiting the explosion, which wasmemen
tarily expected, Sheres saw a little girl
step through the open deer into the apart
ment where the burning shell was lying.
The girl was a daughter of ene of the sol
diers, who had come te visit him with her
mother, and had been unable te leave the
fort owing te the attack. She had escaped
from the care of her mother and was
wandering about in a bewildered manner.
As seen as she saw the burning shell she
slowly approached it, when Sheres sprang
into the room, seized her, and bore her
through the deer into the adjoining apart
ment. Sheres then turned, and, seizing
the shell, ran te the opening in the wall
and threw it out just as it exploded with
terrific force, shattering the heavy mason
work, but without injuring the daring
Feelings at the Legations In Washington
Significant Indications.
A correspondent at Washington says :
Members of several European legations
here de net disguise their anxiety in regard
te the threatening aspect of affairs en the
European continent, as well as between
England and Russia in connection with
operations upon the frontiers of India. The
despatches which the English government
allowed te be made public the ether day
are looked upon as a means te excite the
English people against Russia and te
create support for the government in its
eastern operations. It is reported here
that the English government new feels
confident that it will receive the popular
support for its Indian policy in case it be
comes apparent that Russia intends te un
dertake te check England's movements te
the north of India. It is believed that
Russia is attempting te form an alliance
with France for the double purpose of re
straining both England and Germany.
As te the condition of France in case of
war the talk about the legations is te
the effect that, while disclaiming any
desire for war, the most active and
energetic efforts have been put forth
for two years past te reorganize her
army and te collect ample stores of war
material of all kinds. In addition, the
work of completing the fortifications of
Paris has been pushed with vigor, and has
just been finished.' Paris is new regarded
as impregnable. The collection of war
material is still in progress. The question
upon which the decision for peace or for
war new mainly depends is declared here
te be whether war could be begun and
earned en without risking the life of the
republic. These who new manage its
affairs are as yet fearful that a state of
war would be taken advantage of by in
ternal enemies of the republic te over over
theow it.
Among the indications of the approach
of trouble en the European continent it lias
become known here that large sums are
new frequently being sent te this country
for investment, with the avowed purpose
of providing against the losses which might
attend the condition of general confusion
at home. These investments are reported
in a number of instances te come from
men prominently connected with public
affairs, and in excellent position te
enable them te forecast the immediate
future with accuracy. Anether signifi
cant indication is found in the atten
tion which several of the legations
are giving te the study of the condition
and prospective capacity of our private
arms companies te turn out rifles and
ether ordnance stores. Incidental te this
general subject there is no expectation
at any of the legations here that a
firm stand taken by the United States in
the matter of the Intereceanic canal,
would lead te any trouble with any of
the European powers for the simple reason
that every nation there must, of necessity,
maintain friendly relations with the United
States, since, in case of war in Europe, all
the principals te it would be obliged te run
te the United States as a storehouse from
which te draw both previsions and ord
inance stores.
The Reems of the Ouecn of Spain.
The rooms arc eight in number ; the first
we enter is hung in white satin, with hand
embroidered blue flowers ; the furniture,
of Leuis XV. style, is upholstered in rich
blue satin ; in a corner is a remarkably
fine cabinet of rosewood, ornamented with
old Sevres panels of great beauty.
This room leads into a smaller bou
doir, style of the first French empire,
hung in yellow satin, with furniture of the
same. In a recess of a window is a small
equestrian statue of the king when he was
only 4 years old. The small mite, who is
looking very lnghtcucd, is holding the
bridle in one hand, and saluting with the
ether. The third room is called the queen's
music room ; the hangings are red and
geld, two grand pianos occupy two cor
ners, and curious and knicknacks abound.
The queen's study, or workroom comes
next. It opens upon a large terrace
which in summer is arranged as a garden.
It is white and geld, the furniture
being old Dutch, with inlaying of colored
dowers. Then comes the bedroom, which
is a very marvel of splendor and luxury.
It requires no less than 800 yards of stuff
for the hangings, which are of ecru,
Lyens silkj&recAc, with alternate lines of red
and blue llewers. The furniture is Leuis
XVI.: in a corner is a table in old Sevres :
in the middle et the room in the bed, in
black weed, embossed brass ornaments ; at
the head, two reclining nude female
figures support a shield, upon which is
emblazoned the queen's monogram in
red upon a blue ground ; a canopy in
embossed brass supports the curtains,
which arc thick silk of the same design as
the hangings. The bathroom, which is
close by, also opens into a room specially
reserved for the queen's attendants; and
near the bedroom, also, is the dressing
room, the furniture of which is silver-pine
the walls being hung with ecru silk, with
blue flowers. This dressing-room com
municates with the king's dressing-room,
which adjoins her bedroom, severely but
comfortably furnished. A four-pester,
with carved oak columns and Madrid
tapestry, chairs of the same style, and en
the walls panels of Beauvis tapestry.
Next te the king's bedroom is his study,
which runs into the council hall, for his
ministers, where, en a long waxed oak
table, are laid out six portfolios. The
queen's dot has been increased, the im
perial families of Austria allowing her 20,
000 a year.
- --
Omaha, Neb., yesterday raised $2,000
for the Irish sufferers.
Themas Hear, a laborer, was murdered
at Holyekc, Mass., yesterday.
Geerge Ree, agxl seventeen years, en
Wednesday night fell through an air-hole
in the ice en Silver Lake, N. J., and was
Jehn Smoke, aged eighteen, was killed
at Slafferdville, Ont., yesterday, having
one leg, both arms and his head cut off by
a circular saw.
The Wisconsin Republican state conven
tion lias been called te meet at Madisen en
May 7, te cheese delegates te the national
convention. r
The seventy-first anniversary of Abra
ham Lincoln's birthday was celebrated by
the leading colored men of Connecticut at
Meridcn, in that state, last night.
S. 11. Brunnnett, editor of the Enter
prise, was shot dead by G. W. Carlten,
editor of the Telegraph, in Hollister, Cal.,
yesterday morning. The Telegraph had
published an article calling Brunnnett a
horse thief, and Brummett, meeting Carl Carl
eon at the court house, asked " why he
published such lies." His reply was a bul
let in Brummett's head. The murderer
was locked up.
In Englishvillc, X'. J., James Speedwell,
aged 54 years, quarreled with his step
mother, who is only a few years elder than
he. He afterward showed remorse and
asked his stepmother's forgiveness which
she refused te grant. X'ext. morning
Speedwell was fcund hanging by the neck
from a rafter in his barn. Twice before
Speedwell made attempt at suicide after
quarreling with his stepmother.
Patrick Graham was arrested and locked
up in Hendersen, Ky., en the complaint of
his wife for brutally beating her. He broke
out of the lock-up and found his wife at the
wharf beat at which the steamer Idlewild
was lying. He drew a revolver and shot
her three times, the balls taking effect in
the head, neck and breast, killing her in
stantly. The sheeting took place in the
presence of all the Idlewild's passengers.
The murderer escaped in a stolen skiff.
It was currently reported in Pert Jeffer Jeffer
eon, L. I., yesterday, that Miss Daisy
Hulse, a young daughter of David Hulsc,
a well-to-de fisherman of that village, had
eloped with one Harry Shute, 40 years of
age, who was in the employ of Mr. Hulsc.
Miss Hulsc who is only 13 years old, until
recently attended the village school. Shute
who,it is said, has a wife and three children
living in New Haven, Conn., had always
been looked upon by the residents of the
village as a half-witted fellow. The report
has caused much excitement in the place
A Feeder te the Ouarryville Line.
Arrangements are being perfected for
the building of a branch connecting with
the Quarryvillc railroad near Hess's
station, about a mile and a-half north of
Quarryvillc, and extending about a mile
in length southwestward te several valu
able ere mines in the vicinity. The
arrangement, as reported te us, is,
that the read is te be built
under the charter of the Lancaster and
Reading Narrow Gauge railroad company.
The money for its construction is te be
furnished by the owners of the mines in
the vicinity, and en its completion the
Reading railroad will take possession of it,
allowing a rebate of 25 cents per ten en all
ere shipped ever the read until the cost of
the read shall, in this way, have
been paid. The principal owners of the
mines that will be reached by the new
read arc Bair & Shenk, Wright, Coeke &
Ce., C. Geiger, E. & G. Breeke, Henry
Lively, Jehn M. Shenk, the Montgomery
iron company and the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad company. It is believed
the read will net cost much mere than
$10,000, and that when finished 50,000 tens
of ere per annum will be shipped ever it.
Thus rebate of 25 cents per ten allowed
the builders of the read will repay their in
vestment in a single year.
The exact location of the read has net
yet been fixed, but will be at an early day,
when the work of grading will be at once
Fex Chase.
Yesterday afternoon a fox chase took
place from the hotel of James Evans, in
the village of Intercourse. There were a
number of well known hunters present,
including Brisbin Skiles, Jacob Bair and
Ames Hess. The fox was chased until 8
o'clock when the dogs were taken off at
Eshleman's mill, in Leacock township,
and Reynard escaped.
An Independent View of It.
Philadcphia Times te-day.
The people of Lancaster city will elect a
mayor and ether municipal officers en
Tuesday next, and the repeated and humi
liating lessens recently given of the desper
ate and corrupt political domination of the
county, that new seek te possess the same
power in the city, attracts considerable in
terests te the mayoralty contest. There is
one insuperable obstacle te corrupt rule in
Lancaster city, and that obstacle in Mayer
Jehn T. MacGenigle. Until he shall be
removed, there is a steady and peremptory
halt called en profligacy whenever it at
tempts its inarch ever the domain of the
shiretewn of the Old Guard. Mayer Mac Mac
eonigle was chosen te his present
responsible position by the better
men of both parties, and his
administration has se fully vindicated
the wisdom of the choice, that the ring
stcrs must defeat him or submit te another
two years of thoroughly honest and eco
nomical control of city affairs. He is a
gentleman of culture, dignity and inde
pendence, and has stubbornly refused te
subordinate public interests te party or
faction. His election te councils in a Re
publican ward resulted in such an accept
able record that he was made mayor sole
ly for the purpose of securing geed order
in the community and fidelity iu public
trust ; and he has se sternly resisted the
plunderers of all sides, that their occupa
tions have dropped out of municipal af
fairs. He has net been a mere theorist en
the issue of reform, but he has invoked the
law and hewed te the line in pro
tecting the interests of the taxpayers. He
has stepped the reckless increase of
the city debt ; he has fearlessly vetoed all
needless appropriations ; he has ended all
expenditures for which the money has net
been previously provided ; he had all city
supplies furnished by the lowest bidder ;
he has dismissed unworthy policemen
without asking whether they were Deme
crats or Republicans ; he has defeated the
undue increase of taxes, and he has been
faithful in all things pertaining te his public
trust. He has extorted from the oppo
sition partisan organs their praise for his
fidelity, and there can be no opposi
tion te his re-election except en the
ground that it is inconvenient and
unprofitable for the Republican leaders
te have him continued as " mayor.
If the Republicans had nominated a can
didate against Mayer MacGenigle of equal
public integrity and freedom from partisan
control, it would be a matter of little mo
ment te the people of Lancaster city which
might be elected ; but they have net done
se. Mr. Jehn A. Bering is the opponent
of Mayer MacGenigle, and a glance at his
record and his political surroundings read
ily defines the purpose of his nomination.
Mr. Bering has served in councils and has
been the supporter of profligacy for
the benefit of partisans, while Mayer Mac Mac
eonigle has been its unflinching opponent.
He is a gentleman of fair reputation, and
is net branded as a plunderer, but he is
one of the many weak men who serve
jobbers better than they can serve them
selves. He was elected te councils by the
methods common with the machine, and
expects te be elected mayor in the usual
way. He has uniformly favored extrava
gance and jobs in councils because his
friends have demanded it, and he steed out
bravely for an increased tax-rate because
Mayer MacGenigle would allow no illegal
increase of the city debt and there was
net enough plunder te go around. He
was nominated by the men who sneer
at reform, and who regard public money
as legitimate prey for " the best workers
in the ward." Michael Snyder carried his
ward for him, went as a delegate te pro
mote his nomination, and was ready te
shout with delight when Bering was
chosen. As Mayer MacGenigle formally
protested against political interference with
the maintenance of law and order, when
the disorderly house of the Snydcrs could
net be brought within the reach of justice,
the lawless, who can make politicians cow
er because they arc " the best workers in
the ward," will make common cause with
the advocates of profligate government
against Mayer MacGenigle's re-election.
Under the peculiar formation of the
wards in Lancaster city, the Republicans
can easily retain control of councils, even
against a Democratic popular majority,
and the experience of the last two years
has demonstrated that a division of a
political power is a most wholesome check
upon misrule. Every intelligent voter of
Lancaster can well understand what a Bor Ber
ing administration would be with Bering
councils, and there arc few well-meaning
citizens of any party, who will net appre
ciate the wisdom of saving their city from
a discreditable and wasteful government
by the re-election of Mayer MacGenigle.
His success will be no party triumph ; it
will be the victory of honesty and faithful
ability ever jobbers and profligates.
Events Acress the County Line.
The newspaper route en the Philadel
phia and Reading railroad and its branches
have been sold te a Philadelphia party for
$2,800, and town news-agents along the
lines of the read have received notice that
they must cease selling papers in the
neighborhood of the depots.
There are miners of rebellion among the
Republicans of Berks. A ward meeting
has passed a resolution endorsing James
G. Blaine as their choice for president, and
a mass meeting has been called for Satur
day evening.
The wicked Norristewu Herald says :
The Lancaster Examiner, in announcing
the discontinuance of its Sunday edition,
says : " It has been a pleasant diversion
from the monetomy and hum-drum work
of getting out an afternoon paper te
all of us." Yes, of course ; certainly : te
be sure. After the worriment and labor
of getting out six papers a week, it is
a " pleasant diversion" te de two days"
work en Saturday night in order te get out
a paper en Sunday morning. We never ex
perienced it, but we knew it is. It breaks
the monotony awfully. Composing a
thirty-page article en the Origin of Sieeies
would de the same thing."
Wet Weather.
A heavy warm rain last night and night
before last, and a fair prospect for mere
te-night. The snow has all been melted, the
frost is nearly all out of the ground, the
streams are high, and the prospects of an
ice crop played out.
Mere Itulldezlnir.
Our friend Dr. Compten was busily en
gaged yesterday afternoon in getting Re
publicans te sign Jehnsen's pledge that
they will vote for Bering. Thus far, we
understand, the doctor has bulldozed four
persons into signing.
lie Conies Around Te-morrow.
Little maiden, dost thou pine
for a faithful Valentine':
Art thou scanning timidly
Every lace that meets thine eve '."
Art thou fancying there maybe.
Fairer face than thou destsee ;
Little maiden, scholar mine;
Weuldst thou hare a Valentine?
Ge and ask, my little child.
Ask the Mether undctilcil :
Ask, for she will draw thee near.
Anil will whisper in thine ear
Valentine ! the name is geed.
Fer it comes et lineage high
And a famous family.
And it tells of gentle bleed.
Neble bleed, and, nobler still.
Fer its owner freely poured
Every drop there was te spill
In the quarrel of hLs Lord.
Valentine ! I knew the name,
M any ma rty rs bear the same,
A ml they stand In glittering rhi
lteund tneir warrior Ged and Kinr,
Who before and for them bled.
With their robes of ruby red.
And their swords of cherub flame.
Yes, there is a plenty here.
Knights without rep reue h or fear!
Such St. Ilenys, such St. Geerge,
Martin, Maurice. Theodere,
And a hundred thousand mere.
Guerden gained ami warfare o'er.
Ity that sea without a surge.
And Iteneath the eternal sky.
Ahd the beatific Sun
In Jerusalem abeve:
Valentine is every one.
CIioem; from out that company
Whom te serve and whom te love.
They are of innumerable sizes, as they
have been in former years, but the pret
tiest among these of moderate dimensions
have for backgreud a solid mass of violets,
apple blossoms or pansics, upon which lie
a gilt panel with a picture of a girl, and a
label inscribed with sundry verses, refer
ring te the llewers and interpreting the
supposed feelings of the sender, unless, in
deed, he be skilled with the pen and
cheeses te buy a card with a blank label
rather than te say :
"Violets are blue.
Leve's eyes are bluer.
I knew, I knew :
Some men's hearts are true.
Maids' hearts are truer.
'Tis se, 'tis e."
Saucy girls who wish te tease a lever,
even while sendiug him a token of affec
tion, might like the gray cards upon which
shine golden hearts almost covered by
dainty button-hole bouquets of carnation
and Lady Pollock geranium tied in a true
blue ribbon. The poem, printed in bright
brown letters en either side of the design,
says :
Girls should be modest, they av :
Still, en St. Valentine's Day.
I suppose a young maid may
Otter a tiny bouquet
And net wander larustmy
Frem perfection.
Only a leaf and a pink,
Surelyat that one may wink ;
I am still safe en the brink,
Sincel have net said, I think.
That you are yourself the pink
Of perfection.
Among the sets of cards the prettiest
are six representing llewers against a
square panel of blue sky. The dandelion
is grouped with its dentated leaves and
with one blossom that is in the ghost-like
state called witching out ; the buttercup is
tied up with a grass blossom ; the daisies
stand by themselves, and the yellow rose
is relieved by its own dark leaves. The
blending of colors in these cards is very
striking, and apart from their mottoes
they will be prized by these who receive
them. The fifth and sixth cards in the
scries represent the jasmine and its
pink-tipped buds, and the amaryllis, and
are beautiful in grouping, although less
attractive than the ether four. The meid
expensive American valentines are a ."-ct et"
four containing eight pages each ; the cover,
which is stiff, has the inscription appro
priate for the day en its first page ; the Val Val
entieo itself has a poem printed in carmine
en the pink damask ground en its inner
pages, and an effectienate motto entwined
with lilies and violets en the last leaf; the
first page differs, being sometimes clusters
of roses lying en a disk of geld; sometimes
pansies en a golden heart; sometimes chry
santhemum and sweet william.
Tergiversatiens of u " Dramatic 1'Jiiiter."
The "dramatic editor" of the Examiner
is kept uncommonly busy in the discharge
of his widely diffused duties outside of the
department ever which he ostensibly pre
sides. Ordinarily therefore he is fain te
rely en the judgment of foreign critics iu
his notices of theatrical performances in
this city ; and net infrequently the lan
guage of his "critiques" strikes the car
as the notes of a familiar old
time. A casual investigation of this
phenomenon net a great while age revealed
the fact that the Examiner's "dramatic
editor" had bodily appropriated a notice
kindly furnished by the agent of the com
pany, which in the length of its sen
tences, quality of its diction, and amount
of discretion pervading it, commended
itself te the highly cultivated judgment of
the "dramatic editor." Occasionally,
however, our amiable young contemporary
finds time te write his own notices, and
sometimes with results most perplexing
te the general reader. Under the
caption of "an uninteresting play
poorly presented," the "dramatic
editor " of the Examiner starts oil" in his
notice of Bartley Campbell's play of
" Fate, " as recently given here by the
Almaync comedy company, with the state
ment that its plot is similar te that el
"East Lynne, " but it possesses none of
the merits of that piece. In the course of
his further remarks the "dramatic editor"
finds room te commend the play as
abounding in "geed points which fur
nish opportunity for the display of abil
ity. " Miss Xard Almayne. who played
the leading feminine role, the " dramatic
editor " thinks, was a trifle tee subdued,
while in the same breath wc have
the statement that she " has
some excellent ideas of acting," and the
" dramatic editor " is completely carried
away by "her taste in dress and the man
agement of her toilets," which "showed
her graceful figure and pretty face te per
fection." The principal male actor was
" geed, has a fine voice, geed appearance
en the stage, and acted his part in a natur
al manner," in the opinion of the Exami
ner's " dramatic editor." Anether was
" very well received and showed that he
possessed considerable ability in the com
edy line." The young lady who person
ated Sdlg Waddles "was also geed and 1 cr
acting was duly appreciated by the
audience." This hasty examination of the
Examiner's analysis of a "poorly present
ed" play is calculated te raise the suspi
cion in the mind of the reader that perfect
harmony did net reign between the "head
line editor" and the "dramatic editor"
with regard te the merits of "Fate."
Certainly all the points of merit which the
"dramatic editor" points out se suc
cinctly could scarcely prevail in an "unin
teresting play poorly presented." The
"dramatic editor" ought at least te
make himself consist when he essays the
formidable task of "writing up" a theat-
1 1