JA i. J.i - '' rJ -r" te iajilUn ' ." " lUUWM"' ' "' IIIHI I 'HI W 5JSS2!S2iEH5SJ!na LANCASTER DAILY INlMXlGfctfOEB mtrBSDAtfETARt 12, I860. m -. V I THE ASSESSMENT APPEALS. The City Y.':.r.!s all Heard. This morning the county commissioners heard appeals from the assessment of prop erty made in the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wards, 1'elew will be found the assessments of 187!) and 1880, and the changes in valuation of property made hy the assessors : IVartfx. 1M7'.. If'. Reduction. 7 w,,:m $-i,ie $i:t,7O0 S 7'J7,i5e 77rt.t5 18,.-570 Increaxe. J SsS.18.1 SKVWO 11,475 Te the assessment of 1880 as above re turned the county commissioners directed the assessor of the Seventh ward te revise the ok essinent and add te the valuation $!(',000. A revision was made, but only 11,40:! was added. This was accepted by the commissioners. The assessor of the Lighth ward was directed te increase $20,000; he increased $18,710, and his book also was accepted. The assessor of the Ninth ward, who had originally in creased the valuation of property in his ward $11,475, was instructed te add $11), 000 mere. lie icvised his assessments and added $1!),CG, and his book was re ceived by the commissioners. There were a number of appeals from the assessments made in the above wards, but net se many as in the wards heard yester day and day before. A few of the appeals were sustained by the commissioners, but i:i a l.irge majority of cases the assessment weie sustained. It is estimated that the total valuation of property in t'ae county under the assessment of 1S30 will be about $91, 0!)0,0;)0, :;i compared with $94,000,000, last year. Tjis rale for 1870 was 2 mills, from which about $'J:."3.000 revenue was derived. The sum was found insufficient le meet the expensed of the county and liquidate debts for contracts made and work done under direction of the former beaid of .i:ninissieners. Hence the necessity for. raising the rate te :: mills, which will increase the revenue te about $27:3,000. The estimated county expenditures for the year ending.Ianuary 1, 18S1, (including between $20,000 and $::0,(i0i) in old debts)are $275,-0-!'). Following are a few of the heaviest items of expense : I'e'r house, $:(J,0!)0 ; p:k-:, 23,O0i) : inteiest en leans, $20,000. commissions, abatements and exonera tions, $2."i,000 : constables and tipstaves, &18.fi0:; aldermen anil justices, $le,000; j.ueis and jury commissioners, $14,090; imarter i-essiens, $10,00.) ; children's home, $10,000. There are dozens of ether an nual expenditures ranging all the way from slO.OO!) down ! $100. The commis sioners cxpvl te be able te keep the actual expenses of the county considera bly within the limits of the estimates. Tiny hac during the p.t-.t. year reduced the expenses in several directions and ex pect te be able te step ether leaks. Te taxpayers who iind fault with the tlnec mill rate, they show by the record that this late is hurcr than that of any county in the state the late in the neighboring county of Dauphin being 9 mills. "Were this rale imiiercd in liaucastcr county, t::e ivvenue arising fiem it would wipe out the entire bended debt of the county and p.iy all the expenditures for two years te enne. ;- ... .K.VTIN i:-i DAI'. !teu the C lebratien Originated Something About its Observance. Saturday next will be St. Valentine's day. Tradition has it that this day was.se called in honor of a piiest or bishop named Valentine, who sulfeicd martyrdom under the Ihup.'ier Ckndius II., at Heme, A. 1). 271, and for which fact he was sainted by the Hely See. It i-; also stated that en or about the middle ' IVbmary the Luper- ci'iau fca-ts began that were heldin honor efthj licathen deities, Pan anil June, at which time it was the custom, amidst a variety of ceremonies, te place the names of young women in a box. from which they were drawn by the young men as de cisive in matrimonial matters. And tradition also has it that the priest re feired te, becoming convinced that the custom was prejudicial, was zealous in overthrowing it, and that he substituted therefer the names of saints in billets en that day, who. when drawn, were te be regm ded by the person obtaining the same as his or her patron saint throughout the year, and hence the day became St. Valen tine's day, mere from accident than design. However true this may be, it is quite cer tain that St. Valentine's day, or the 14th of February, was early set apart by cus tom for observance by the young people of all civili.ed countries, and that the romance therewith has te a greater or less degree kept the custom from becoming obselete1 In England and Scotland te the present day a ceremony is observed en the evening of St. Valentine's day similar te the ancient Ueman custom. An equal number of the young people of both sexes assemble at the home of one of their numbers for the purpose of drawing one of the opposite sex, who is te be. his valentine for the en suing year. This custom often ended in obtaining a partner for life. Frem the custom of cheesing males, it is believed .that the subsidiary custom of writ ing love episues leek, us origin, nnai: speare and Chaucer refer te the day as duly observed by young men in the send ing of courteous letters t young ladies containing professions of attachment and geed wishes for the year. This method of observing the day seen after became very general, and continued in favor for a considerable period thereafter. The day is new almost everywhere a mir;h degener ated festival, and its approach is usually heralded by the appearance in the shop windows of a great v.iuicty of ridiculous colored caricatures of the in -lie and female figure, with a e-w burlesque lines below. 3zek:: incendiai:is.m. Anether Stable Iliiruc.l Last Night. Last night a stable situate en the west ide of North Queen street, near Clay street, was burned te the ground between 10 and 1 1 o'clock. The building was of very geed size and it formerly belonged te the Swilkey estate. At t he t ime of the l'u e it was owned by Philip Ginder, of this city, and Jehn Strohl. of Millway. and was leas ed by Peter DiiVenbach. There was about an acre and a half of tobacco belonging te H. S. Shrcincr, in the building, and it was entirely consumed. Mr. Dift'cubacli re moved his crop of tobacco, which was there also, a few days age. The night being very dark the tire made a brilliant light and it could be seen in every section of the city. The tire companies were en hand very promptly, but were unable te save the building, which was entirely frame, and burned very rapidly. There was an insmance of $e00 en the barn. Death from Laudanum. Lcander Lcbarrc, a slater residing at Slateford, Northampton county, drank a bottle of laudanum en Friday and died from the effects. COLUMBIA NEWS. The Budget of an Occasional Correipon Cerreipon Correipen dent. The conferees appointed at the several ward meetings of the Democracy of Co lumbia met in the Herald office en Mon day eveninc. Mr. Jehn T.' Richards was the unanimous choice of the conferees for chief burgess. Mr. Richards is an en gineer en the Pennsylvania railroad, an intelligent young man, and, if elected, will serve the people well. Ne nomination was made for high constable. Mr. Jehn Klincsmitl? was nominated by the conferees for constable of the Second ward in place of D. Sample, who declined te be a candidate. He is a sober, indus trious young man, and should be elected. At the several ward meetings, held last evening, the Republicans of Columbia made the following nominations for bor ough officers : First Want Judjje M. Wike. Inspector Win. Fasig. Assscsser B. Clepper. Council E. N. Smith. Constable C. Ilollingswerth. Scheel Director J. Zeamer. Second Ward. Judge Frank Krisman. Inspector J. W. Yocum. Assessor Win. Boyd. Council P. S. Brugh. Scheel Director Jacob Balm. Constable Henry Fisher. Third Ward. Judge II. II. Hellingor. Inspector .Jacob lliller. Assessor D. F. Yohn. Council Jno. K. Kistler. Scheel Director Jno. Llewellyn. Constable J. K. Smoker. Chief Burgess Charles Mellinger. High Constable C. Strawbridge. The ticket is uniformly a geed en.:. Hence flie necessity for a full Democratic vote and every one te his pest. Mr. Hiram Newlcn, formerly of this place, new living in LcadviHc, Cel., has sent his father a handsome cabinet of minerals. Encourage, the "Grand Army Beys" by going te hear Mr. B. Macauley as Uncle Bmi'l in the comedy " A Messenger from Jarvis Section," en te-morrow evening the leth inst. The pay car of the Pennsylvania railroad, with Superintendant Leckard iu charge, arrived in town yesterday afternoon. Con sequently all the employees arc in a happy mood. Miss Edie Denney, of Harrisburg, is the guest of Miss Caddie Patten, of Colum bia. Mr. A. J. KauITnian. who has been con fined te the house for the past week with a severe eeld, we are glad te say is able te be in his office again. The Edisen Light. Applications for the charter of electric light and fuel companies, in Philadelphia, having been made te Gov. Heyt, the Har burg correspondent of the Jlccerd writes te it as fellows : " Thus far Governer Heyt has net ordered the charters te be issued. Several days age he had before him repre sentatives of rival electric light atid heat companies iu Lancaster and Pittsburgh, each of whom claimed precedence in the matter of applying for a charter. The Philadelphia parties were also en hand te present their application in a favorable light, but the governor postponed hearing the arguments until a future time, in order te have decided certain legal questions connected with the mat ter in the cases of the Lancaster and Pittsburgh companies, as the governor is undecided as te whether both light and heat can be embraced in one charter. The Philadelphia company, however, asks for two charters, each covering separate points, and if there be no legal obstruction, the charters will no doubt be granted. It is slid that certain parties in 'the larger cities of this state are mak ing applications for charters for electric light companies, with no in tention of going into operation, but for the purpose of forestalling Edisen, should his invention prove a success and be appli cable te the lighting of streets, as, Under the law, two charters are net granted te separate parties in a city for one and the same purpose. Should the company owning Edisen's patent seek te introduce its light into these cities it will cither have te purchase the charter secured or give up the intention. " B. F. Eshlcinan, esq., of this city, re presents parties who are interested in a company for the whole county and city ; J. Hay Brown, esq., represents and has asked for a charter for a company whose operations are te be confined te the city. NE1CI11IOIUIOOD NEWS. Events Acress the County Line. Mersrs. Lewis and William Poulton played a friendly match game of billiards last night in the Bolten house billiard room. The following is the score by ir. niggs : Lewis Poulton , 12, 0, 0, 0, 0. l."i, 2, 0, 12. 1, 1. 0, 1, 2, 1, i). 0, 3, l.-i, 2, 1G, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1. 0, 4, :i, S, :i, 0, 12, 11, 2, 2, 12, 1, 0, (5, 0, !, e, 14, 0, 0, 5. 0, 1, 4, 3, 0. 1, 18, 2, 0, , 4. 2, 4, 0. 0. 7, 0, 0, 1 2.-.O. William Poulton 1, 11, 0, 0, 0, 12, 21, 2, 0, 1, ;5, 2, 53, 0, e, 0, 1,1. 5, 8, 0, 0, 0, 4, :', 0, e, 7, 0, 12, 0, 0, 10. ;!. 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1. 0, 3. a, e. 9, 4, .1, 4, 111, 1, 1, 1. 0, 2, 1:5, 1, 0, 2, 0, 7, 18, 3, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0231. On the fast line west, yesterday after noon, was a party of well-known Philadcl phians, including Messrs. Jehn L. Hill, Hamilton Disston, Wm. E. Littleton, Win. G. Iluey, ex-Sheriff Wright and sev eral ether gentlemen, bound en a pleasure trip te the Pacific slope. The party occu pied the special car formerly used by the Grand Duke Alexis, which has all the com forts of a hotel en trucks. COURT OF COMMON J'LEAS. Before Jndge Livingston. In the case of Franklin Schlcgclmilch vs. Mary Eckert, the defence called a number of witnesses in rebuttal. This morning the counsel began speaking and the case was given te the jury at a late hour this afternoon. Current Business. Mrs. Adeline Springer was made a feint sole en her petition. Adjourned Criminal Court. Au adjourned court of quarter sessions will be lield during the week beginning Monday, Feb. 23. Among the principal defendants, whose cases are en the list, are Peter Herdic, false pretense ; James Hendersen, false pretense ; Jehn B. Dennis and Harvey Raymond, dissuading witnesses ; Julia Hoever, murder ; Frcd'k Hildebrand, enticing a miner ; Lancaster city, neglect of duty : Lewis Sewers, mur der. Amusements. Annie Pixley was booked e-day te play "M'liss"enMarch2. Buffalo Bill will be here en election night. His agent was in town te-day. A TESTIMONIAL. "Well Bene, Ceed and Faltlilnl Servant." Last evening in the ledge room of Ledge 43, F. and A. M., after the minutes had been read Past Master C. M. Hewell arose and in au appropriate speech presented, en behalf of the brethren, te Chas. A. Hoin Hein itsh, treasurer, a magnificent silver water cooler and goblet. The cooler is a mag nificent work of art. It consists of a beau tifully ornamented double-walled silver pitcher, supported by pivots en an elegant silver stand. Inside the silver pitcher is a porcelain vessel te contain the ice water, se arranged that it can be at any time re moved. The pivots supporting the pitcher are se arranged that the pitcher sits per fectly firm upon then when net in use, but may be easily tilted ferthe purpose of pour ing out water. On the base of the silver stand are two silver goblets, arranged se that they may be easily lifted off, but can not possibly fall off. The testimonial is inscribed : " Frem Ledge 43, F. and A. M., te Brether Chas. A. Heinitsh, treasurer, for faithful services, A. L. 5SS0.'' Mr. Heinitsh was taken cempletelyy by sur prise, but seen recovered sufficient com posure te thank the generous donors for the beautiful gift. All who have seen the pitcher and its appointments pronounce it te be one of the most beautiful works of the kind they have ever secn. It was pur chased from E. J. Zahm, jeweler, and dealer in geld and silverware. A KOl'UH JOKE. A SimpIe-SIiisiieil Youth the Victim. Tliis morningayeung man called at Alder man Barr's office and handed him a note which read as fellows : " Mr. Alderman Please send this boy out for ten days.'' The alderman told the young man te lake a seat, and supposing that it was his desire te be committed as a vagrant, asked the young man his name and proceeded te fill up a commitment, and awaited the ar rival of an officer te take the young fellow te jail. After sitting for some time, the young man, who gave his name as Geerge Michael Simen Becker, get up and said he believed he would go. "Wait until an officer comes," said the alderman. " Ne, I have an errand te go," replied the young man. " Don't you want le go te jail :'" demanded the alderman. ' Ne. I want te go en an errand,' said the visitor. " 1 Je you knew what is written en the paper you handed me'."' asked the aldeiman. " Ne, I can't read ; but I met a man up town who told niche would give ine ! te vote for MacGeniglc, and another man told me net te take it ; that you would givi? me $10 te vote for Bering. He said he would give me a note te you, and he gave me thai."' That settled it ; the peer fellow, who seemed te be a little weak in the upper story, was being made a victim of by two practical jokers, who had taken position opposite the alderman's office te see the result of their sport. .Suived Him Klght. A fellow by the name of Smith under took te bulldoze Fred. Waltz, proprietor of the McGrann house in togivehim a drink for nothing this afternoon, and en the hit ter's refusal, became very abusive and quarrelsome. As the fellow was deter mined te have a fight Fred, accom modated him and gave him a deserved thrashing. In his hasty retreat, Smith, who is said te hail from Ohi", where a criminal prosecution is pending against him, was nearly run ever by the cars, and did net step running till he had get beyend the city limits. IM.Thargetl en a Writ. This afternoon Abraham White, of Man he'nn, who had been committed te prison by Justice of the Peace Gipple. en com plaint of his father, who charged him with being incorrigible, was taken before Judge Livingston and discharged en a writ of lti'hciif. earp'tx. Amusements. " Jlccrentien.i of Axtrenniit!." The astronom ical boom which lias prevailed in this com munity during the present season, through the organization et the Star club, their active re search and investigation In the Held of this beautiful science, anil the vi-it of Procter, the renowned English astronomer, will receive a new impetus by the appearance of Rew Dr. Warren, the eminent writer and lecturer en astronomical topics, who will come here under local auspices en the -Sth inst., and deliver his instructive and entertaining lecture en ' Rec reations of Astronomy.'' A rare treat is as sured, as Dr. Warren, besides having a thor ough knowledge of sill matters pertaining te astronomical science, enjoys the reputation of beluga very attractive orator and stands iu the front rank of platformleeturersen this and ether subjects. The chart will shortly b.i opened at Jehn Ilaer's Sens' book store. lluffitle Jltll On Tuesday evening next Buf falo Hill, the noted scout, with his dramatic company will play "The Knights of the Plains" in the opera hen-c. The company is new plaving a very successful engagement in llaltlmere. Heme Kntrrlnimnen. On Saturday evening next an entertainment will be given in the opera house by .Jehn endsnie and an ama teur company for the benefit of the free medi cal dispensary. Tany Denier To-mnrrew yitht. Te-morrow-evening Teny Denier's pantemimeand special ty company will be here intiiegre.it panto mime of " Humpty Dumpty,' with Geerge H. Adams as clown. Charles Adams as pantaloon. William Kunite ns harlequin, and Mabel Stanten as columbine. The troupe includes thirty people with a full orchestra and brass band. The trained donkey, "Jacques Cass,'' will take part in the pantomime, and the small boy will have an opportunity of .seeing him in the street parade. My wife suffered with severe Klicmnatic I'ains in the knee. I induced her te use st. Jacob's Oil; it brought immediate relief, and quickly cured her; we highly rccemmed the remedy. Jehn Dickhaut, Wcb.ilcr, Mux i. The seeds of sickness and et death In a disordered mouth are sewn ; When bad the teetli or foul the breath, ISeth soul and body lese their tone. Till SOZODOXT'S brought into play, And sweeps these dire defects away m-lweed New Advkrtisem i:xts. lSulIale Hill at the Opera IIuiim. Plans and Specifications Asked. Netice. ETrr further details see aiiverri aiiverri celumn. ni-s:viAJ, se'viviia. Twe Organs lJcgulatc first the stomach, second the liver; especially the flrst, se as te perform their func tions perfectly and you will remove at least nineteen twentieths et all the ills that man kind is heir te, In this or any ether climate. Hep Hitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action te these two organs. f2-2wdw fJT ry Lechcr's Cough Syrup. Frem a Distinguished Physician. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic phy sician, wrote te the Medical Kccordet Atlanta, Ga., te the effect that after all ether means had failed, he sent ler the Kidney Cure (Sate Kid ney anil Liver Cure), and te his astonishment cured a serious case of Uriglit's Disease by ad ministering it, and afterwards found it equally beneficial in ether cases. He advised his broth er physicians te use it in preference te any thing else ler kidney disorders. 12-2wdSw Mr. Bewen, of Gun Lake, Mich., says : " The people here cannot de without ' Sellers' Liver Pills.'" Trytlicm. YEIT ADVEBTISEMXirTS. SOLID SILVEBWABE, GOHHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plat en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, "FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND OABTAGNBTTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing: Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, cemprising: all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., .Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, ami when we reflect that this terrible disease in Us worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lechur's Itenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn tins sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try I.eciier's Cough Syrup. Kidney-Wert radically cures IHlieusness, Tiles and nePvens diseases. fi-lwd&w One llex of Six Kettle. If you are suffering from a combination et liver or kidney diseases, and constipation, de net fall te use the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It is a dry compound as easily prepared as a cup of coffee, and in one package is as much medi cine as can be bought in six dollar bottles of oilier kinds. flMwd&v 1'rewn's Household Panacea Is tin: most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally, and thereby mere certainly UELIEVK PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength efany similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Hack orHewcls, Sere Threat, ttheiuuntlsni, Toothache and ALL ACIIKS, and is the GUKAT UELIEVEU OJ? PAIX. '-HKOWX'.S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen lulofthe Panacea In a tumbler et het water (-weetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, v. Ill HIIEAK UP A COLD. iB cents a bottle. I'm-sale at II. P.. Cochran & Ce's Drugstore North Queen street. Lancaster. JUuch Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. IlltOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no posible Injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. janl.Vlyd&wTuTh&S Tuesu C'emi'i,.i.ninu of Sere Threat, hoarse ness or "taking cold." should use "Jreipa's lirnnehial Troches." The effect is extraordi nary, particularly when used by singcrsand speakers for clearing the voice. flO-lwdTThS.tw Try I.eciier's Cough Syrup. He wise: simply call en your druggist for ' Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," when you have a cold or cough. 2." cents a bottle. "I Am AH Played Out" is a common complaint. It you feel se, get a package of Kidney-Wert ami take it and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the Kidneys, Bowels and Liver, and thus restores the natural life and strength te the weary body. Get a box and use it at once. f9-lwd&w I I'se I.eciier's llei'-c and Cattle Powders. A Mether's Griut. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that veu are running a terrible ri.-k. If they have a Cough. Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it at once. Sliileh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 30 cents and 1. Fer lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Sliileh's Pereus Plaster. Price i" cents. Sold bv D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miliersville. The Dest I Ever Knew Of. J. G. Starkey, a prominent anil influential citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several vears, and have used every Remedy I could "hear of. without any relict whatever, until I saw your Sliileh's V'italizer advertised in our papcY. ami was persuaded te try It. I am happy te slate that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the bet liemeilv-I ever knew of." Price 7." cents. Sold by D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, mid ll. L. IMvis, Miliersville. Sliileh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh. Dlnhtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. Willi eaeli bottle there i-an ingenious nasal Injector for the mere successful treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price SO cents, sold bv D. lleitsiiu, Laueaster.and M. L. Davis, M illersville. s26-eed D&co w W VIZXTIW. Salziuci:. In this city, en the llth inst.. Henry Geerge, son of Andrew F. and Minnie Salziger, in the second year of his age. The relatives and lrlends of the family are respectfully invited teattend the funeral from the residence of his parents, Ne. 328 Green street, te-morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, ltd Tayi-eii. Feb. 11. 1SS0, at Safe Harber, Pcrcle E.. wife of Gee. A. Tayler, in her 31st year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, en Sunday, February 15, at '. o'clock a. in., at the house. Interment at Mt. .ion cemetery. 3td -Viir All VMtTlSEMESTa. 1 ,M Ri:t LITE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERU A STAUFFEK. Ile.it Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dec.'!3-.'!md Reed 1 Lancaster, iec. 12, 1879. TNSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIA1ILE i. COMPANIESat BBNJ. F. SHENK'S, : 103 West King Street. Olllce dccIS-nmilR 1 PRIVATE SALE Or A TWO-STORY Brick Dwelling, Ne. 315 Seuth Prince street, containing 8 rooms, cistern and well et water and well built. Terms casv. Inquire of HENRY SllUBERT. Real Estate Agt., Ne. 6 Court Avenue. f!-2wi1R TTT S. CAKA'S INSURANCE AGENCY, 1 4i; East King Street, Lancaster, I'a. FIRE Insurance Company of North America, Phira Phira I.vceining County Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa. Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. Piiil'a. Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk. Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Y'erk. IJueen England Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce. Liverpool, Louden and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce. LIFE American Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. 17-lmilR TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS rillNTIlD OS CHECK BOAJRD (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy IJsilreatl Beard any Celer. Alse, STIlUNG TAGS FOR LABELING BALES OF TOBAQCO. Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Offlce. jUlll-MfJ X ir AD VERTISEMESTS. INSUKE YOWL PKOPJEKTV IN THE KEST COMPANIESat BAUSMAN 4 BUKNS. 29-tteedU office : Ne 10 West Orange St. MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS TAKE NOTICE. I have en hand a let of wel. sweated and geed colors of old stock Pennsyl vania. Will sell in quantity te suit purchasers. I. H. IIOSTETTEK, Hear of 218 North Queen Street, U3-3td Lancaster, Pa. rpe j ARCHITECTS. Plans and Specifications for a Scheel Build ing will be received by the Property Commit tee of the Lancaster City Scheel Beard until 12 in., March ", 1880, te be by them submitted te the Beard. Should any plan submitted be adopted. It will be paid for and all ethers re turned, without cost te the Beard, te the re spective architects, "The building Is tebe en the single room plan, two stories high. The rooms for the primary schools shall nave a capacity for CO pupils, with a fleer surface te each pupil of at least 9 square feet. The rooms for the second ary schools shall have a capacltv for 50 pupils with a fleer surface te each pupil of at least 13 square Jcet.imd In the construction etthe build ing special attention shall be paid te the light ing, heating and ventilation of all' the apart ments. This building shall contain 12 rooms with an aggregate minimum capacity of laie pupils." Architects will please furnish estimate of cost of building. Fer further infermatien apply te J. I. IIAKTMAN, Chairman Scheel Property Committee. ltd 23 West Chestnut Street. IULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGnT ONLY. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17ili, 1880. HON. WM. F. CODY, BUFFALO BILL, and his Mammoth Combination of 24 ARTISTS. 24 Alse, a Band of GENUINE INDIANS will en this occasion appear in the Melodrama In 4 Acts, written for Buffalo Bill bv Cel. Frentlss Ingraham, entitled KMT OF THE PLUS ! en Buffalo Bill's Best Trail. EDDIE BUKGESS. BOY CHIEF et the Paw nces,;and C. A. BUKGESS, U. S. Scout, and a Band et Genuine Indians iu their War and Medicine Dances, Ac. During the Drama BUFFALO BILL will ex hibit his MARVELOUS SHOOTING with the Rifle. A Street Parade by the Indians en Horseback headed by Buffalo Bill's Military Band. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserve l Scuts te be had at the Opera Heuse Olllce. COL. PRENTISS INGRAHAM. Treasurer. JOSH E. OGDEN, Business Manager. lcbll,14,16417il AM VSHSlJiKTS. IULTON OPERAIIOUSE. Saturday, February 14th, 1880. JOHN T. FORD has the honor te announce one appearance, as above, et the Realistic American Comedian, MB. B. MACAULEY, In his delightful portraiture of quaint charac acter, "UNCLE DANX," Supported by his own Excellent Company of Comedians. In E. A. Lecke's new typical Amer ican Cemeily-Drama, A Messenger Frem Jarvis Section. ADMISSION. - - . 35.50&75CU. Reserved Seats new en sale at the Opera Heuso Office without extra charge. f71wd , jULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. J. D. M1SHLER has the honor et announcing the return with New Tricks, New Specialties, the Greatest en Earth TONY DENIER ASI Gee. II. Adams (Grimaldi) with HUMPTY DUMPTY! A Grand Constellation of . 30 Pantomimic Artists and Brass Band and Orchestra. Admission as usual. Reserved Seats new en sale at Bex Offlce. I). 11. HODGES, Business Agent. feblO-ltd LAMPS, &U. X IGHT. FLIM & BREMMAjS1 ARE OFVKItlXO GREAT BARGAINS IN Geal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before ellcred and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, I'A. DRUG STORES. qmUSSES ! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES Safest, Easiest and Best, 70R SALS BT ANDREW G. FRETS City Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. North Queen A Orange Sts., Lancaster. apl9-lycl TTSE LOCHER'3 HORSE U POWDEUS. AND CATTLE THLUD EDIT1W. THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 12, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 12. Fer the Middle states threatening weather and rain, fol lowed by clearing weather during the night, southerly winds, shifting te west or northwest, falling followed by "rising bar bar emeter,and by Friday morning a slight fall of temperature. CCRTIN VS. YOCUM, The Majority Repert, Prerining for a New Election, te be Submitted te the Heuse. Washxxoten, Feb. 12. The Heuse committee en elections adopted te-day the majority report in the case of Curtiu vs. Yocum, Pennsylvania, which favors send ing the matter back te the people of the district for a new election. The committee also voted te allow the minority report of the sub-committee in favor of Yocum, the sitting member, tebe presented te the Heuse te accompany the report of the committee. THE NUTMEG STATE. Crime and Casualty in the Land of nteady ' Habits. BniDGEi'OHT, Conn., Feb. 12. Jeseph B. Nichols, watchman for the Xaugantuck railroad, fell from a pier this morning and was drowned. The trial of William Bucholz. for the murder of Jehn II. Schulte, at Xerwalk, in December, 1878, is arranged te take place Tuesday next. Bucholz was once convicted of murder in the iirst degree, but the verdtct was set aside en account of the indiscretion of a juror. CONGRESS. Kuslness in the Senate. Washington, Feb. 12. Amongst the measures introduced te-day were bills te abolish the duties en the importation or salt, and te extend tlic time for the com pletion of the Texas and Paciiiu mil way. Political Debate in the Heuse. The Heuse te-day took up the considera tion of the "court removal " bill, and dur ing the discussion of an amendment efl'ered by Mr. White (Pa.) a political debate sprang up. TRAGEDY IN A HOTEL. Suicide at the Continental, in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Feb. 12. J. J. Powers, a wealthy oil refiner, of St. Leuis, com mitted suicide by sheeting himself through the heart at his apartments in the Conti nental hotel at one o'clock this afternoon. Deceased was suffering from an aggravated form of insomnia, and came here for medi cal treatment. CHARGED WITH MURDER. Isalafi Tyson Accuseil of Killing :i Weman. Philadelphia, Feb. 12. In the case of Mary J. Tyson, the colored woman who was found dead in an Alaska street tene ment house yesterday, a coroner's jury returned a verdict this morning, accusing Isaiah Tyson of having killed her. was committed te await trial. THE INDIAN DEFICIENCY. Tyson An Appropriation of ISIM5.000 te -lleet It. AVasiiingten, Feb. 12. The Heuse committee en appropriations took up the subject of deficiencies this morning, and agrced te report te the Heuse a deficiency appropriation of $te3,000 for support of certain Indian tribes for the year ending June 30, 1880. A LIKERAL OITKK. $35,000 for a l'tiblic Library. Daukermline, Feb. 12. A public meeting here has resolved te accept the offer of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of New Yerk, a native of this place, te give five thousand pounds towards the establish ment of a public librarv. SPILT MILK. rrebably Fatal Railroad Accident. Woodbury, N. J., Feb. 12. The train leaving Camden for Brighten at 8:30 a. m. ran into a milk wagon at the Woodbury Park crossing, near here. The wagon was demolished, and the occupants, two men named respectively Clayten and Chew, were probably fatally injured. LOST AT SEA. A.Spanish Veiuel Foundered and all but Twe of the Crew Drowned. Londen, Feb. 12. The steamer Cen stance, coal laden, Cardiff for Malta, foundered en Monday off Land's End. The crew all drowned except two, who were rescued by a steamer supposed te be bound for America. BOSTON'S IIIG BLA.E. Fifty Thousand Dellar Less by Eire. Bosten, Feb. 12. A fire in block 150 te 15C Blackstene street, this morning, damaged the buildings and stocks of the occupants from $40,000 te 30,000. Less en building $G,000. BOARD OF I'AKDONS. Its Meeting Postponed Till March. IlAumsnuKO Pa., Feb. 12. The regu lar meeting of the beard of pardons has been postponed until the third Tuesday in March. CAPITAL SEEKING INVESTMENT. A Great Purchase of Ceal Land County. In Fayette The largest sale of coal property ever effected in Fayette ceuuty was consum mated recently by a company composed principally of New Yerk, Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania capitalists, who own immense bodies of coal in the anthracite regions where they also carry ou mining operations extensively. Among the names mentioned in connection with this corporation arc these of Judge A. W. Leiscnring of Mauch Chunk, Jehn C. Bullitt, Samuel Dickinsen and Mr. Mullen of the!St.Cloudhetel,Philadclphi:i, Mr. Potts of New Yerk, and Majer A. B. Dcsaulles, vice president of the Dunbar furnace company. The company includes several ether well-known capitalists, but they are being kept in the background just new. The coal pur chased lies in Dunbar, Franklin and North Union townships, and embraces within a fraction of eight thousand acres for which nearly one million dollars was paid. It is the very cream of the vast deposit of Cennellsvillc coking coal, and is located between Uniontown and Connellsville, along the lines of the Pitts-1 uurg urvutjuu.uii tun .uaitimurc awn vjiiie railroad and the southwest branch of the Pennsylvania railroad. A purchase of such magnitude as this is destined te exert a great influence in the coal and coke man ufacturing business of the region. The sinking of shafts and the construction of coke works of extensive capicity will seen be commenced by the company for the purpose of getting their product into market. THE SARMATIAN. Hew an English Princess, Travel. The account of the departure of the Princess Louise for Canada, en the steamship Sarmatian, Capt. Aird, of the Baltimore and Liver pool Hue, new in the pert of Baltimore, lias been printed in the form of a circular taken from the Liverpool press of January 12, the date of her departure. It says her royal highness, the Princess Louise, (Marchioness of Leme,) arrived in Liver pool by special train, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edin burgh, her brothers, en her way te rejoin her husband in Canada. The suite of the princess were the Hen. Mrs. Lang hem, Lady Pelly, Captain Clutter and Captain Celins. Cel. McNeill, equerry-in-waiting te the queen, was iu attendance en the princess by her majesty's command. Thousands of people had assembled along the route. The bridge and the landing-stage were covered with scarlet velvet. On the stage were sta tioned two beats' crews of river police and 110 men from a war vessel. The account gives minute details of the em barkation, and the names of distinguished persons present, including the Messrs. Allan, of the steamship company. The band played the national anthem and "Ged Bless the Prince of Wales. " The Sarma tian heisted the royal standard, as the sig- mil that the princess was safe en beard; and as the great vessel passed out a royal salute of 21 guns was lircd. All the apartments en the pert side of the steamer were reserved for her royal highness and suite. The sleeping apartment of the marchioness was litted up most elegantly in the French style, and her sitting-room, immediately adjoining, was a model of re finement and exquisite taste, the panels being richly upholstered in crimson satin. A heating apparatus was fitted up between the two apart ments, and there was a bath-room imme diately adjoining. The circular says the Sarmatian bids fair te be quite au histori cal steamer. She was chartered during the Ashantee war te convey the British troops te Cape Coast Castle, and en her arrival at Plymouth at the close of the war, was the centre of a great ovation. Capt. Aird had rendered important service by au unusally quick run from Cape Coast Castle te Gibraltar, bearer el au important tele gram from Sir Garnet Wolseley, command er of the forces en the west coast te the war office. His conduct excited much fa vorable comment at the time.and no doubt, the circular says, had its share iu securing his selection te have the care of a member of the royal house for a third time in cross ing the Atlantic, and at the specially ex pressed wish of the princess herself. JUAJtKJiTS. New Yerk Market. Nnw Yei:k. February li Heur Slate and Western quiet and in moderate, demand : Mil peril no stule $ Wlfg.'i .VI; extra de $. M7t ;- ; elieiee ! f-" lUielW: fancy de $l' 10 71K; round hoop Ohie $." 7:1J,iUht: elieic.j tle Hi liMJI fill; superfine western $i tiTtf.", se ; common te geed extra de $" r0i.r75 : choice dode$r7.'7 7.'; clieiee white wheat de $. tag ; "T; Southern llrm and quiet; common te fair extra $.1 Sjg( ." ; geed te elioiee de $U 4U 7 7.". Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; v. inter Ic better and quiet; Ne. 1 white .March $1 4'.mi l'J'J; de April 15M0ISOi: Ne. ii red. jiareu $i .uic?ii .tyy ; no .prn 51 A, Cern dull, dropping ; iliAcil We.-ler ITU spot ;,i0Mc ; 110 Illime eica.vc. Oats quiet; state 47J'&JO,;c ; Western ICQ say.c. ridladelpliia Murker. 1'iiiLAmu.riiiA, February li Fleur llrm with fair trade; mipeillne 1(1 Se5 00; extra ." 'ilt; w; Ohie and Indiana fainllv $7 (Xl7 23 ; I'enn'a family $SO07OO; St. Leuis family $7 oeijj.ie ; Minnesota Fam ily $1; i"i7 (JO ; patent and high grades $7 i")3S il. Kye lleur $5 00. Cernineal lJrandywIne unchanged. Wheat llrm, quiet; Ne. ! Western Itcd pet SI WM .".( ; l'enn'a de $1 .11 ; Amber $1 .Vi. Cern quiet for heni u-e : hteanier.Vi.it.li.'e ; yellow .'7Jc; mixed iy$t1ii. Oatsstcfulv; Southern and l'enn'a wlii'e ICrai'Jc: Welernle4."J:ISe; de mixed lite. Bye firm ; Western 'J0c ; I'a. 'JOc. I'rovisieiw strong; nn ss perk t'J50i7)l.';: b-et hainsSli;.017 0(; India mess beef $21 Sa : I'.a con smoked shoulders ft'u; salt le4'JIJe : Miieked liuiiis'j;.Sj)ll)c; pickled hams s'Je. I.ard steady; "city kettle 7'1Qi7JHc; " loe.-e butchers' 7c; prime steam 7Jjc. Butter firmer; ereamer" extia :Ug::iu; I'railferd county ami New Yerk extra i'WjaJc; Western reserve extra at ;:i-i"j ; de geed te choice ISg'ile: rolls clieiee want ed; l'enn'a extra It-fe'-Ee; western reserve extra 'JOgiMc. Kggs easier; l'enn'a 17,'.:SISc; Western ICQ 17c. Cheese firmer; N. Y. factory IIJSIjc; western lull cream Il'tffllJJe; de ler geed i:tl lf ; de halt-skims liysjv.yc. retreleum neglected"; Uelined l'-Ce. Whisky at 1 OH. nteck JIarketM. I'niLAUixriMA. l'eb. li 1:!S0 v. it. Stocks dull. Pennali's (third i.-suc).. I'hilatlclidiia it Liie.... Reading I'eiin.sylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ce-., of N. J Northern Pacilie " Preferred Northern Central Lehigh Navigation Norristown .nay 17?; . S1-.K .isui :;; ..V Central Transportation Ce. liy-j rittx., Titnsvuiii & ininaie. , Little Schuylkill Nk-.v teiiK, Feb. I-i - Wi ..HCJ .. !K) ...HB Stocks ttreii. Meney N. Y. Central Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. Chicago & Red; Nland.... Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne Western Union Tel. Ce.... Teledo & Wabash New Jersey Central il'-VS .11 .ii.-i .1(14 si MMSVELLASJMVS. VT LKWIN, 31. D.. GRADUATE 1, University of Dorpat, Russia, OF THE fermerlv 01 j.eriin. weriiiauy, .mi.:i.. esi jing street. Olliee hours from a te 10 a. 111., 1 te 2 p. 111. anil G te 8 p. 111. jlSWinil AS. ROSENKAU3I & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAK TOBACCO. Ne. 223 Prince street, Ijtucuster, Pa. J. ROSENMVER, an7-:imdj Manager, STAR Pa., GLASS WORKS, NORRISTOWN manufacture a Superior Quality of WINDOW CLASS, Singleanil Deuble Thick, Corrugated, Obscur ed and Pictured Glass of Extra Thickness, will net Stain or Ru-t. Fer sale by I.aneasti;r dealers generally fl-2wd JOSEPH OSriIEI3T, 2H NORTH WATER STREET, Wholesale Dealer in Grocers Sundries. Oils. Salt. Fruit, Eggs. Agent for the sale of Elaine, the best and safest oil iu the market. Cannet be exploded. Its lire test is e high as te make it as safe as any illumiiiant known. It is free from benzine and paraUlue. Fer side by all the principal grocers in the city and county. The trade supplied at the lowest market rates. feblO-lv.d MA RULE WORKS. WM. P. FRATIiEY'3 MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, I'a. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. N. 15. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. inSOl trAXTED. WA ANTED. Evervboilvteadverti.se. free of charge. in the Istixlieexcek, who wants something QUO. -IXf-ANTED. T V 5,000 tt. or extra line Carpet Rugs. Will pay 8 cents cash and t cents In trade, at II. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. fll-2tilW&S<w 02 West King Street. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. ' te'i H'I r, Ml f r Jjt; 5?5 if e, ft I 7 P n m A :A -.I