kjfigs&c, "- L i ' UU i riiiigii i h'mTi n..iiii.ilwiiii i li iiihi in JWiriiT -limritiKin ,frr&ibTfti,?.z?,3Zr.iittnii&raa4 . . . , ;; .- it'j.' ... ;; ; . '..; . ' ; ' ,;' - ' '" ' ' ' '' " "' 'J'"' :"' , J' ;" ' h , ..-.; i. v i.. ..7. ... . .-.;:. .-e-. H : . ,' , : ,.:..; ,, . ,'. ., '. ., ; 7 "J ; ':lll ; J.."ijwa.:;j.f:i:.. ji r it-,.-,.' 'm.wu .no . . j, j, , : ... . tiu. U.VZ.DTHnra..--)ui:. -ii'-if'iigiivwriayffu.. -'JUV&riWv4U.w frdstfeedtliat ther.rcmiae in uitentienif siblc iJtlie.6hMlr fjteliieribtechiiJic of . . r . jfeb TH2T JCMJOW' e.i; ;i:eti xiimvwnDiiJjv . . J.. i.!ii iiMir . iiiLiiiaiiiiiiii'i . i . i. &t f i . ..';:. ' .- -- -, . . , . -t. t - i i - - . i. . t , . . , - . ill T n JrwJT J i5 il t iTT f 1 1 .Jf T nff PtT?V' ( V nnt 111 CTPIIIIIS. Tni tinnie frvtfltimic nrfMirrlif 1rt It . . i ffc . f. , ' ' rrt n n I ; II ! ! wm. ij.i n I ill .1 ill 11.1 I-. .. .WJBLiaHHDIVKBTihVtelHQ. .,.. '""' 111. I . -J-.ljlJViUKKUXVKEXiBVBfliaBly I ,. .B? STRlKMAHft HKNS1L. ' , (, . - JntelllgBnbfr nalUlngSeuthwest Cerner; u ., - i CcBtre.tJquace. '. . , .1. i.T m, Jn i'i.1. ,i" V .)! J i' .i ,i, t The Dailv TvxEi.iinE?vcER la fiirnlnhnd te 'Au1,eHM.T8 IntWCiWbf 'IJlnSftter aWd b'urf "9;i iiuin ill liiu Vit ui ju.iiun(i uiiu qui- u Uai l':iy iii-H'fl.itilictM)'tefii.ceiit.Jaucastcr,Pa.a . e I, j yffijTte STEAM JOMmilffROTrAWf, . MENT or tills cHtaltltsmnuit possesses unfenr- ' .r.i., .jwhMxl rncilitiorffer'thc ieeatlart of all kinrtA fr" of 1'Juln anl Fapcv I'rjutiiiir. i 'O&AL. i u'l 1 B. JAKTIX, , , , U helciiic und'Kt'.ill lM.ilcr hi a.Vt kinds et .I.L'XlSKi: .ANO COAL. ;VanU- e, 0 Jfeitlj VaUii;.JUt4 1'riBGP i els, :ili, e Iienien, Lancaster. '"IJ d vl GOAiL! - -- GOAL J. I r - ... . -SS- .., .! . iGORRBOHT & CO., 'ier'lwKMlaiid'dVieiin Ceal. Vai'd ltxnibuig IMLc. Offlw-'iliaHt CliesUilit btltet. J'. VT: GORRECHT, Ajft. e!,iyd ' "-'MELiinh: COAft ! COAX! vtiOAL I 0AX ! ' Ceal or tliri Best y ttdlltyi mt np'cVni-essly ' 'forfainiiy'itwanflattlielew-- i . . ..' . ...cstnrATkct pjIcuH.. TRY - A- S AMPIiE TON,- - ' '.3 rAin i.itf sevrrt water st. . - irrSMid- ' 1'HlLIP SCHtTBISOK & CO. TVT,Utci:ivjt;i a?!ixk iajT ejpjt alke TIMOTnV UAY, at w: p. steigerwalt '& sews, ' irffALiiiw' IS' ' ' COAIi'l'FLOtJR!! GRAIN!!! ' "JWMILY-COAU UXIJEIfCOVER, Miiineetarat'ntrrcK!css Family and Kaker'a t loin. IS.Ucd llay aiylFeed of all kijuls. AVrhuuhe aiid Yard':' 234 North Watr. St ' 827-lyd GO HO & WILEY, .".he 'S0KT11 "TtAt'r.it T.'f'Zaticantcr, Ta., VVlieliMiiuauil !e(.iH"I)eale'i-s fn lumber' .& rr POL- AIke, ContraclerH aud Uuilders. ' . ji. ...i K-liiii.itcs made :uid centniets undeitakcn mi nil hinils-el lmllillip ' ltr.mch Ollkv : Xe.;j NOILTII DUKKST. Jeb28;yd K t neB te Tim pobme. " O: SEN-ER'fc-S0XS. . t i . . i f . li ii . in Y' wiitlnue ,V,se' only atTXUIXSZYKENH VALLEY ' f ' and VTTLKESB'AltRB'COAZS -Allied aTf thelwst in. the riutifvCt, and sell as iiOW as the LOWEST, aiul "net only CUAK XnTKI: FUI'iLrElCnt, bntallowteWElGII )X 'AX1' caletn grted'hiilcr. Alie Renli ami Iressi Ltimlx'r, Savh Iieni-u, Illinds Ac, at Lewcwt Market VriCLM. Office and yard -northeast corner I'Hnceand Walnut KtrccH, Laacastw, I'a. . janl-tfil li O OKA J.V1 A TA TIOXJHtr. rAMiNTINKS! .YA1.MSTLNE8.!! tALEKTlKES! . . AGREATYARIEty, ; l: m. fLynn'S BOOK AMI STATIOXEOY STORE, Ne.-K WtST KIKI1 8IUEET. 1880. 1880. ..VALENTINES!..; '. A, .ClJOJCft TOOK OF . MARCUS ' VZK&D ; & '.GO'S . Valentines aiid-"Valentine . i... . i. ; i ... i Unsuip.ited in variety, of design and beauty FOR SAI AT-BOOK STORE OF JOHI BiM'S:.Si3IS, r ,, -15'and-17'NORTH QUEEN -STREET; . . i... ' .1-..1 , . . .... LANCASTER, PA. juii:itsliki MActtiJs'r&Ts: L ANCASTtC liOILER XAXUFACT0RY, S-HOP-ON PlfTJ'M'ST'BEBT, i - oW&iTftniitfl.tefcoiioTrtte Wents. Th'e sulscriUci'ttdntliiupwre-maliufactuie ' BOILERS"AND STEAM ENQNES, "Fbr'Ta.'unin'g'an'd oiiier'purpeses ; Fill nace'TVrtefi,' ' " ' ' ' '"" Bellevs lipes' SlipeMren Werk; and " ... . (.. ,.niacksmithujg,generally. S- Jobbing premnUy attended te. . "auL'is-ivdi ' ydilfy BEST. .. -.. 4- ... ... . . i I iilii. ,i ..i i: :, T-. i-t MiJlK. Of.p ,. GIRABD kibe KftrrtiSqE cpXPAffl ; OF lMIILADELPiUA. - , ASSETS : One laSllien One'lundred' "and Thirty-en6 ,Theuf3ana Eiglit " 'Hundred and Thirty ight Dollars. ' ' ' ; ; "ei,i3i',838."u;";' " All invested in the 'b'cs't' securities. Lesses promptly paid. .Eer .policies, call mi.. ' ' " .RUNK.&.KAUEMAX, " ' ..... Na.l1East.liingSU.Iincastei-, Pa. S-MW&56mdB '. ,, , ' ' '-' "' i i i '"'."'" TtOVEH,1tLASKJiTH,AT. " .! i i i ' " !;..: . . ' '' ,..,DIGS OF,TJHK.WUTALO.HEAU. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS.! BLANKETS J! , lla... ... t... i.i . ' I lmvw new. en- hjUMl..the Laeekst, Ber'AD Cukapkst Asbebtmkmt of Lined and U nl in cd, ""BUFFALO ROBES' in 'tllft' City. "Alse LAP . AND .HOUSE 01LAKKT(5..eC evec- deacrip- "Uen. A full.line of ' , , Trunksand'SatehBls,. .. . .. .. Harness, Whips, Cellas,"&c. 49-Rcpalrlng, Jieatly and promptly d6he.k4i' r...l l.l..' ,l..l. IIWIJJ .) . .. ..... .... F I '- eK-lya6.WSJtSmw '" :,Jffii;TOWyftqK6-W -0-tm-m. IN '.Jj I V V - ,& A&tJlLiJ Xj ;t ,.t-FO- I. rfeS .i.' , ( tiic'fiil6 . TIEyEIiOTG cVertjxlJljItedintnte eilvVrf'TAheartef. Geed WerklnfT Halt far nniin WOtL. '. UemL Styles 'Caflsipiereum,f9v pfsnif7.Q..Opcdl "Veol Slcn's Suits lia wc aieenilig fir J9.dffaiT9.IW poed an yen'cart-'buj'ielseirUei'C'MT $li.0. ,0ur stock, of i JUtvoarceatK iqiv; tmtaensa i: AllfRrrtdes' aad men ture, Suits. Fulillno.ef,31cai. Yeutlis' and Heys' Ovcice.ite. t u , , . , . i. ... ' CUSTOM BfiPRTTENT J, . 1 W ate Tlrepared'tn hev dnft-et the best stocks of lMece Goedsto select Jrem and hav6 ly.Klete eilt;r ever shown in the. ejty. They. are allarntngca en iaUlca fittfca'yp eijiremlyj se thiit cvtTT piece e.tn be exSamfiiteft before nmklnffa selection. .AH our geed :liave Depn puiejuisciiueierp t pi'epaied tarnuke i puiejuiscd befprp the rise Uijwoeleps. Af are' pi'epaied te make up iheoerl atltf atiil atiibert: nonce ani tiz oeitoin pricfj. v-w mm ie ui der nn ,AH Wooi Suit, iec JliOff. . By Jjulng yourgeoilsat .:.,... J "' CENTRE HAlll--'" 5"Oii save one p'i-eilf, as"wc mandtacturq all our ewn1 Clothing and give employment' te about one hundred Jbands.. .Call and examine our stock and bccejivmcedaa te thu truth et whleh tfe affirm. ' ' ' ' ' . . it if . i ' nrEK BAHireK Centre Hali, Xb. la'UaMt King Street. 1880; EEBRUARl": 1880. . ... i . i. .. The GREAT KKDUUTIOX in Piices ceil'' " tm,uvil,umitil . ,, . .. j ttii kilt i m i Hi t -. i f , MA-RGH- te close tmta Large and Splendid Line el i . i. HEAVYWEIGHTS,: te'iriak'e rebm r6r'e'ur SPRING BOODS. Over 500 TAN'TAIiOOiC 1JVTTERXS Of the Leading styles in ' 1. 1 English, IfrenCh andAmerical' eveltie$,- At a Reduction of 25 per cent. Scotch, English and Ameiv ican Suitings . AT COURESFOXniNGLV LOW TRICES. A Let of Choice Styles in , OVERCOATINGS, at a Great Sacrifice. All are invitWl te seen re tbebe, Grcjit Bargains. Our pricv'S arc all maikcden l'lain Cards as low as consistent sntltflTst-class weik. J. K. SMALliSFQ, ARTIST TAILOR, ' 121 North Qufeen 'Street,'"" '." .' mart-iydSAW , GEIyxRE hall, 21 CENTRE SQUARE;'' Closing put.pur 'WINTER' BTQCK ,1 ii .order te iu.ikc room tei the iiarge.:. Spring. Stock,.;, AVhu'li wtcaic new manufacturing .. ,.H . It 1 14 4 t a r i Qyerlqeats, .'.' ',....;. ;;, ;';; . Suits ancl.'SuitiIigsi., Te be sold at the Lew est Price's. 24 CENTRE SQU&R&1 , " " ...... i i ..I ui . ii . . k LANCASTER, PA. i 28-lyd hoots AXii"stteJEa.'" CIRCUMSTANCES WILL NOT PERMIT - " ' Te'AbV-CUTISE'A' ' ' ' ' I but we w-ill de the next thing te it,,vlz : . . .. . .We wiUcaJJ the attention .of qnr f,r(end and custonujisste tlie.Jact tbativre have en hajid, a ' very Large Stock of t ,,. ,, ., ..in ilii. .... VI 1 11 i .III . .M6fS':A:ND:' SHOES? purcliasqd.beieic the late .vpV.AXCE, which we w ill sell n't it m .... ., .. ...... ....;....... .. ...... ,,, ' StT'iefc'ly-'OM "P'ric0:s:;.; " . '. , 'i&Givcusfc'call. iii !.u... I llllll .lint i il :kL:hmm, . tit .' I i ii. i il Hill... ill, ill Crreatiy Reanced Prices . ' ' .... U. Jj; 'uUululiul ..Hi i . . . .I t i. ..I filiOIICTlON MGES f :",ri,-,' f."rt.'ITl tli:i!il!l;:iffl 111 JiyjJll I ,,W OV'HaTmitel'antt Michael ''Anfr. AstliA " Ts 'ftoiefv" imnrnrinir fjt .lft.pnnitaT ,J A ki' I'TI.. . fT-in-r AJ..?W!..rTX,..M I -TUBfi!ATJBVjiNlNO,vrEE(MO;l88i.' '"'" TUfe'iTitXaaies." TtiEIBRULte 6R1T3ttK:TYJITEriblSE;., i, m'ijfi in .';- i',. t ils .Ofj.'.iY 'Jj'i jarUpcalnslcept'iea-Mrs Grant's Side. l)oter, and'M Hayes's 'Aristocratic ICeg ' ' tlUUen-ThB Bedei'ttfttrtr'E'XBctitiie 3Iansien The LadieKUie Jt!ab- Olivia's .Washington Corrcspendcjice of the A residcn'rfhc'itaiitrietl fjaiiitalwliltli rWaTisfliS'fieWal Wfe'-frbnY tiie days' 'of 'queettiy-Hatnet L'anete4he iwesent "first; Jadt'ttt tliefAVbite-Heuse. tfeid&&n -deJ portiinttyie-'i.nottf'.te .'-dltTewM' ehanges- these 'ben'rfal.'rW.rvhfti!ek lfcis' feUled'ie( wield the-m&tf'pewerftfl social sceptre te be found u peu "the- fiwo-ef .tlie glebe: "the' public.needjnot.tq.be.teldlfant.tbc wife of eur.paxfiideatihaEi merceapaliticaLpuwcr tkau Queeaiictqrta;i..TmBiShc docs .net ,Je; .apeu, Parliament iiit. person J .butsliOiwaitSiBarefuUv.'in au .anta-raem.. laudj.'wliifn 'cabinet .sessiens ace ever, seizes upon tha head eany C. the. departments,. theji.and tbece,...bkc u.l.Catuarute.;er au .hilizaueth,.. .makes knowiij.hex..ceiumaii.j Mr.sj,;AbrabJinv lipieeln. maugurateu x,i& excellent piajii)f,deiar business,,. because. the exigencies of. the .vcarj.wh oily eccupjpd, the.nuauaimtune..iutitu president, .audi it became necessary.feRtuc f 'first lady" te OQk af$er the.minaiftissmC be country afc tJ4s.. particular .date.,,,. Te prove xn I aetly. wbat,Hft.iYrUe.i;i4neau,.tbj5 .casu of, the.Mrst.cgmimssyr.nerp , gv9iItuie ,j caljedp, gev.fira.ljj-atyv.mciu, put their heads together, aud,;, depicted te call into being a ".bureau pf,igiiculture." Its d f- lerent departineuts . were. . te, be "lun, chne jyt its jnarticHJai-, heitd, indepeud indepeud fidtiei tlie. Other.. Tt was ie'be a cluster of V,lWuR?Av',yR,fMai..,yS11 .'Wr I eueccpaisitc, tliat ef.gnagig .Alrs. Lui- euiii uuu uiuipuropi;iayieui uli tue x'Vlunc fnnds. These surcwdJnien'"m'ade the goe'd, l.l ..-JT.!-Mx v,t.'-i: ii.-i i. v uin vuaivi;! 4.cTiuu uuiievu niuu liu nn ameuff th6 'greatest 'men of the universe. atid while he was bsy talkihg' "spiritualism-" tO our "first Iadv7"''sr;ertiur lifer witli his old time chivalry and grace te tlie humble- 'liomcS-ef 'thc'irfcdiuins," the head men of hisVIepartmcut' were scatter ing the-worthless' seeds- broadcast ever the country and -making up these- absurd re ports which has brought ridicule -en one of the most important branches of the public service down te the present time." ,ti -t ji.... jnrl!;i.jn-iyi5eivepti0,is.. . " ,' "JQic.'ef 'the riie'si'ijhp'ressiTc an'dlgorgeeus 'eedptiens wliich"tue'frit6f dv'ei- 'attended Vas given by. tlie president' ana 3Its. Lin coln' te'waitl 'the' last of this' ininertnut. 'tfertri.'JTh'evthile Helisfe loeke'd old, worn J .iiiii uiiijr, iui tins piuccueu iiiu geuieiii 'splendor" of tlie Grant "reSrime, but the brilliahcy' aiid mag'niflcchce wak'.madc up. uy tuv acaiiei uuiioiuisei tlie jxaiiue uauu witli' the "gnt"tmtt$tts 'and: shoulder-straps of the brave'defenders of 'the union, who clustered abound the ca-pital in these i his toric trays.' ' The same'-stfUgglirigtide of liumanity inundated the doers of the ex-, 'ecutivd 'itlansieiL but At every turn a.sol-SbIdier-was'statiencd te "keep 'the crowd witliin"the limit of Mrs. Lrnrcehi's ,lav.. 'Bayonets glittering ever the daintily dress-, cd- Heads-and.i'barc' shbuldcrs'-ef. .the beaittifully dres:d ladies "Who -deelared that' ''meblaw -was new inatrguratcd and' "they' should ne-er visit the White Heuse agam", iintil'tt 'eltailac." 'But iC the. guests felt ilisultcd at thd -presence dfilic. bayonets '-wlfafwits their" astonishment Updugeirtg into' the "plcsencc'a', te inula genmne' erewrr en 'Mrs-.-.Lincoln's head. ..It 'was niadti of gUt,'bttt; lb6kcd"piecisely. Tike -these which' aro'fennd 'en the -heads, of th,dse'tlistrn)ruislicd"werticii about whom j we read -in Agnes Strickland's ' "'Lives of theJneens- of England." ' The' stones or gents were 'wanting,-but-the tinsel and gilt 'was1' 'all' there;' -There was only -.time allowed' 'te net that-dear -eld Abraham looked'-down at 'thc'likble "' bobbing " woman athis sMc; n-i he might at a frohc frehc frohc saitte kitten,- then aoeld steel ' bayonet pressed'the' writer's 'shoulder, 'while the militaty'-gruff' Teice added: 'Pass 911! pass .en.!'.'. AftenvKaxd it was ascertained .tlmt.tJifl. ".WPVn.V. was., a, harmless head .drcss iuveutedbv a Philadelhia-milliu6r. Land .that -ifa, .LinppJn ridiculed it, se sc- ypieij; ,wiii-ii,,yepu,i,if!U tU)niwai uu toek:Rlaoe :thesame night,.. It.was'Mrs: LwceIu.wJaq arranfred. that a division 'of se- ,iyby f.yeiuu-,ue wwue rtr.ipmis u.ive ,eirtei;fI,tUe.yijifceiIIftWsq. ...She, bad a deer ,set aparfc.fQr, tUe.Jdgfis 9tiftie..pupieriie , i u 1 j 11 1 i. v ' " ceunj,,fuaawrs, aymy. auu, Jwvy.anu ler eign ministers. Member of Cpngi,ess wcic herded wJitU thcconmen people, and ac tually forced through the same deer VJjen, Mj;s. Julia t Grantsucceed'cd te thtr scejHiu sue iriizeu.f uatauy uisuiicueu 01 'tJidis.kin'dwciultl inakb any administration uiijfjqipularjse slip decided that; all per per se'ns who cntei-rd tlie ifrent deer of the- fnignsien'wfire ehi;'itle'( ' te ,0 same ecial, n.itrl4ilYn nt,rl i11 rlnAva clinttli1! Tia nltlre fn .the cuests, , But te get ever tup difficulty - - . .. .--.-.. - .. v . . 1 j U( .11 their b'dsitieiis in tlierear bYttie 'tJirene ' " T!3"i'- : - 'iv.- 'r.f"i 'j-" 1 ".-, .. uif giari upoijue strugijaug crewu 01 hinianityas it ,p.ssjf(l'ly m single,' file.' ' ; AristoprejKegulatiens. '' i.'. .With astonishment tlie writer learned by pewenal. .experience ihat.Mjps: Hayes ,hw revived, Jrs. ,JUincQln3Jaw. as-te.the aristocracy, of, the doers. . . . Last . Saturday. fw.t4uttimjB,at.a public, .reqeptieu.thc 1 writer jentered, tUB, w inte , lijeusc. bcemg anvjiwrnense ctewd .struggling te go thraugii. ,ena deer,, and Kept backi by the police. .wUUe at, another .in. clpse proximity only new. an.wien.tew.,were,prmittad. ,tepa6s,(uppuSpjmiry it,. was, learned that, .a.doOTM.was.sefc.arrt.fer. Uie privileged few-v AsitUoliem;. ,vras. about about te cx- pirei,uiiu.i,ii ,v,is muiii iiuap,u .wu.wancii .our. "Jturn.'.'.',witU. .the ,.cr,9wd there 'Would be no view of republican, .Tpyaly" that dav. at least.! it was learned that a fat-man jin, anpther tpai;t of .theji'nu'sien. had, the Ml press access was gained., the ".presence'? 'and a , picture ,was,hung eu.thp walls, of memery, tjp.last.us aSilQUg.ap.tiie. ,s,pul, lights down Uiajfreat river, qf . efceeii , . I?i . jtlie .sanip. i-Qeai the. writer bad cazed. at a. wonderful .kaleidoscope.,, Instead of, bits of colored ulass. it .was.. jneu.. and. .women., shirtih"1' " T - .- - 1 -'-... ""fc ;' '. . about m .the hapflspi,'4une, Deginfling with uejare.peamy. apq u,pstHuiea. .grace 01. J4artfefc..Lanp.aftshe1stJep.ci A?y.Wfi side et President Buchanan,..; followed,, by !Mrs. Lincoln and the tinsel crown, succeeded by thc.daugflters.flf Aidy..Jphnson, whe.said, J' We arp,plain.pePPW.VPWi tjic. ,meunta;tts ,of Tennessee,: tee much, we .fear, is ex- ::e ; 'fecnt giant, who ppjsessek .the wonderfupewel' of iiin'mlatinir' alt "the. dlstraetlnn,', elnnTOfii-.S ."iWfW.iWri'Bftl!1581 se VA WA Tl'ie'kiiiei'eriite -thkte' HdiiM. ii Viilii.il iii.tiiii'ifiiiii ; j'. 11 ir.i ,...j w. .. ,' Ijjisan ,jtusteric ijjet .(pnar the -wince IttukeefXeJter-'.f'accpuntib' fet.theii, .neuse la.meumeu. siLci mu vaiauu ei-iuw- Inn-tr SralVs en,Tp'Anrntn 'in'ff TtflWitifipH .in I power (.pe, lctcvfiii a, comuien person slip, through the 'aristocratic "deer and by means.pf Jmj'ljrbery wliicli the ') xnihiens' of the press,'.', Jaiow'sewell'liow tb.bdstbW J eye deSceTldsfr(na'tircing;'ft rests upon tneiniaiu'iioeTj-out tuts is, cercrwi. with vaijjcuiig'uirviHcitTuax tue lralpeIaregi intent iweuld' be 'noiseless' as.'nhauteni JwingsjI'jfiEbeny- furniture . vr'itfi , 'riches satin., .upholstering, candclnb'mijlhvliich luiiciiiiuiu iiuui- uj lurtiiujij 'nuiuiugwasep aI r-4wwn 4 rm - w A A.1 . . 2a 1I.. m f - J- " I cauuics an 1 catty te iigiifeupjetuieiiOn the waU.s, liuge baskets e1Wwqmj, Mlth deco rated pets of greenery K?tteOd'jetejry-. wrhere,, In a row, Jikcsflhoel-jcirjjs in a ,plass,,'jsjcj)d .the wive, amj dnujxiiters" of :$ue pauuqp,pniciai:W IM. fiepKrent J .111" xXV I heir nosiuei i'artnientsa'rei'i-auke'd the" women; "steed! I eiaie( iiieji treasury, war, jposteiuce, in-1 teriur auu. uiieruey jeuerau .jus. iiayes may" safely be called ' a ''liandsome woman. " and there will ue'u'q .tie Jfennd 1 ' - 1 A I' 1. .Jl- JIl'ZlV. 1 uravu uuuiurii te uispuie Tiie naun. &. bxmlettc'.ef'the'huijest.'' tyVe,1 wflh.larib,' -brilliant eyes ilWt!eeiveyTtiic;idc.-l'' ef stn-i" window th'at trpten'mfb-eSa'Tather 'low, Grriek'frfixlhead e-ir whiclt-is'-handed that bhlning"Wass-ief' ;Attihr'liitr.-.0"If 'the glossy coronet -con?! teirtfprfitfifl -by vavc or banirs : but tlie'-dark;" rieh,i:bninettcv tlU'V wu law uvi'Vil. -&mxi 1.1 tllitj inw vi u -complexion forbids this- mederi- fashion, latid Mrs. Ifaves'is'an artist' 4-ene or mere wdys: Olad'ln'ffeb," Miby'satiiv: and 'silk coinuiiiaeni,tiityeui,Buj;e nqunrwiwiKi iuy, asFompadeuHnvenfced to'call-'attewtien to-hei-eliarms'iie fault-: -can; e -eund with 3I. ' 'Haws,1 -fw"-'be ''-drees-iis ns I 'costly and shewyi'Suj" anyj 'Wbtn ..b inc. 'ceieuraieu- ueaunesi '-who,' nounsu neunsu cd "in ' the ' abihet? durin '(the Grant Tcign. OIi-s- Hayes ;has 4n ventied a way te shake bands whieh'erfght to-ibe-kiiowuito, the official wcild, as- it. 'saveahis. uselul membenfrem cxusliuigaiutihiJatiAn. Never give your lingers te the crbMt,.flud;insfead of.allewing.your.own .hand. ti .bfiiseizetl,' grasp the only Bnemy..by, tlie mA asfar. as the unfortunate, tbumb wiljypprmitiy.pu .te go ; one vigorous, 1 squeeze andthe tei- inontasevcr. . AJi.tms.is.donQiUii.tiie same principle of a collision Atljsea,-,,., isthej vessel that. is. intJ.that,;8UStnMi,' ,an X 1 bairns . ..i iiMiii.i.i.iih , ,1 1 . . LadlcB.et thc.tlabiner,,,. . A; -plain, dignified,- "mateenlyr ..woman Rtoed next te Mrs'Hayesv ...A . lace cap Quaker-like iri-' its simplicitynrested . ,e. her snewy-haftj a-self-trhnmed black, silk dicss (for 'Mrs."Evarts lias net wholly dis canhjd mourning for a beloved .Sen) made one of thc'simplest toilettes-te-be found in the crowded throng. A -vvbole'liead dinT shbulders'abere' -Mrs Evarts'-steed (JMis.' Sebrctary'Shcrmanene of these creat'jens" which can'bc eenvnared te the l;lissef the field iri purity of-style and stately grace ecctiiryihg the'middle ground "between" bldnde-and-bvuncjttcy her tawny hair, with with Its natural' wave-srathered in the leW.' Greek ceil'withOirt comb or ornament df 'any kind:- A simple-black dress, ich'cVed' at. tlm threivlr with' illusion rncbinirs'J 'shte' gecmed the personified embodiment of one" 'of Tennyson s poems : ' 1'ail ami di inely fair." . it.. . .. Net a beautiful.weman, but one created, L with se muuh , Jiai'iupiiy ithap, the wlieje meital statiiQ weulrtj.Jiaye. te, be puIJed. apait te lcmcdy. the.,tjefcctr., 3Us. Sb,cs- jaian would make. a most .admirable "iiist .lady ."the .very best ,ef.,alJ,tHft cflpdHlates, new in the fiohU-fev in all the years of her. .husband's eltieiallife ,at r the,,. capital, her unostentatious charity, her kindly, deeds te the weitUy aiid . dcsei;Yiug,.Jias. jewshnncd Jicr,as a patron hiujviw, many, a ,jiper ,wm- .....-..... ...... . . , I.. .1.. ,. .....1, ,.(4 ,, . aniagiue,nn.XjUg.us( nueucfis ;wye iias in herited the raid, beauty.. ,yhicjh1dcscenl with liei-eilitacy vdnk. . ..Why .arc. the Eiig .lisli. nobility tlie 'finest, specinipnsJ..ef ,, lier- .seuaLweauty;'. .v, ift.pecause- AVP..Iemeeis .leave noUniig.uudene xq.nerfqcti tUe physi- .calpropei liens of tle,.racq,. Of Eriglidi beauty .Mrs. ,Kamfiey.pr,ings. te, thp cabinet any. aineunt.iu" thatTHaljcrjai.wlfiU this tld tld nuiustrafjieu.iackcd.mRt it, hfts, already beeu-whispqi-cd by .tliegc , who., pught'.te kne; ,tji,at GpYCtuqr Ramseywas. net tailed 1 te tiie war jglhce because et 1ns bloody record, , b,ut"ir was made necessary by the ' deficiency in the social cabinet," " for while a 'large number Of "these' "society leaders" 'wci 6 equal te '"hahd-s'haking, they wdre,' riot quite strong eiibugh 'te'pruveht masclilhie yawns bet wen the ce'ursd'a't official 'dinners. The cemin'p; "6f Mrs.' Ramsey' intb' the fiel'dJl i.. - V M.jA.t-j.- ij.J . :iJj'.i uu .!!. H 'b'ajtlc' will"at"ieast jiitVciit ' a' complete 'l'b'ut. Mrs. Rhnlscyvs long' residence ra't" evuiiiik Mils late uiv. 11 il uuus nut in iuv the capital, her .supenir Intelligence and winning ways, is"deiiig riiUch'te retard tli6 criticisni'wh'ich, ended With the retirement ' of liei- predeV56s's6r,T6i-'It is 6e'rily"decKred that Secretai MeCrarv was hocus -pecu's'e'd intj)'ra l',crlgc-",' because A'Mrs. Haj'ds,' 'cOtrlflrstrttMlnt no lenger.7'-' Next te Mrs. Ramsev steed Mrs. Pest master "General 'Kcyj'Whb, in the lanMi'dge" of Emperoftl4appleQu,wquldibe proneuUtfed' tifecrcajptqmanas he told, MadaMe de" Stael '''itisshc'wlio'has'the larccst il6m- ber'ef cliildreri."" Aiid ctr MrsY KeVis" Wbbbd of hef 'latrrcls.' 'for ' while -she' has" ' rmly ten"elivB-branelie3,-j-HlTS, -Jjvarts has cloven; ordidhave when, the Hei."Wiluaiii. M. Evaits.becamc secretaiy state."Mts'.' Key is large and substantialoeking, with-' eiit any particular genius iu the 'Style; efd'rcssj as ljbr 'trying gown, 'ef'ied 'wh'ist aii'd 'yellbw" sldctes" sufficiently "pr6'd." It is -only" youth ami '''beauty 'that'"' can wear-theatrical- costumes with.-becoming' euect. .but whan ..a middleraffed. we'lh'dn ' can be.fpuud, te. talce.tlio.riskher.ceiilge'' should be applauded and ,'hgr wounds ar tistically 'dressed.' ' "Just'lbeyenVl'Mi-si'Key steed ' Miss' Aatlia" Schih' 'the feld6t daughter wf Ihe'sccretary'ef 'tlie'intefie' rather morethan-pleasinin-form an'dTea-' ture., but eiitii-alv destitute ,of .that 'Tnde- scribable ..aemethiiur. .which, makes" licl- .father one of he 'historical, charactets' Of Iiis tihie. Tlie 'yeiithfnl"girl wlib'stoed by uiv. u.viv he. juwa uwuiu '-e .... .w.. the'niecc of 'Attorney General Devens, but as there-is'no'PFOdf-en'tliis.pbiRt-thc sub ject is .emitted u.., ........ ,i..i. "- ' JJjrranV,Wy.i.....' - It was. Mrs.. Grant who first invited either' ladies. te receive.witU hpr,.i.aud. in. these' primi,tj.vq.days it, was , often the , wiJe 6f the army officers'. 'Mrs. General BabcecK' was ''almost' always'' at" 'lier'"si(Ie. ' Mrk. ' Gi'ant'WasVery',,'lfear'-sghted',a,and"lMrs'., Babcock had-tlro-facultref -relcmn' 'ain'" embarrassment which might. 1 'come" freiti' this,misfei.tuue.., Ladies .whose husban'dsl bad never been in. nubhclile, except lb, tuc uuiereni proiessjens, were scen ey rue .1 liA. . 'V. "" ,J ill 'i a"'"iittTd'- Vay'-Offi" The1 "rcceV)tlehs", Of' Mrs.' Grant' Teminderf. tiiB-bcfiblder' diuu ml .lArs. Uliiui. ui i iiiaLiuaii v . uiuu icu of the pioture-ef- .'.'Eugenie dud her lhalds in waiting." True, Mrs. Grant did net possess tlie-beauty -of the charming Span iard! bat her ...'.'. suite "..i.wouldicempare fa- ,verably,xn,dignity, .bpaiuty.aud; grace with tpp safljq nujnoereiwquie ieuiiu near any, tlirenn in Kiirnn'e.' Jlrs.' Grant.' firreiined' her assistants as exquislie'lToyrerS'ef'diuer- 'A't-"A1iJW.MIJ.'AVtfivk-.lrtVA. VWlliri-l fn''. TTovec of- Old 1m.nl -.TIIiet -i4- .( pa(1.. " (Official '' was proved Jiy they jerder -ob-: QUI t UU All.t.aiia. l'U01lillUi3 IIUBL I. Ill I(i Ul rJzlr5ttZ3i" l'-! . re sAt,E bt .. ou canvas. Mrs? Hayes stre.tches a straight' ifeniinds,bne'6faBibleIlcla3sitfythe3rethe-' 'disi'meeting, or-weuld-ifit- were n6t,,"ferl4 ai.1. iu1 t .11. tbfe TiJri.c''lirrRytOCHBR'8OTJGH-iYaC;P;.. tne irompaaeuricorBagvi.ana. 'caeary coir we.vw.am, rf-.w.. -,-mv,., 4r:rrwii.UfMi:: iu.,.-) . ,.,., j t j l i .7.Trr-rfiiir:jff-3rAiie rryiir -t; t.' n bl ? . .". bv m ' vwi.miBnumJ '' iivul Aide fmi Tin. f-n .... ce.ni ".ertffM;" . -' 's .Bi'm- b:b , f j. ,. .mm 2 I a.i.v, iv. , ubilviiiii' tmu f wiw.t. ...v.v ' WHere'giftcfl rifen UnbTaCtompllslidaHvemDn meet1 te 'exchaifebrT'ffmal'icleas.'' VA feiz j'literarj'tecietieaj' dfeurisbvinwlieip 'a few; frjends-gaiiljeTftiHsten tPj ,son) Jwyn-eut '.'theme" aiid -bitterly, complain. of being '"beiVd" anerWards:; The lirilluift men 3nce1Wbst'Ol!ryAtfdtllibufi.JBefaIWade and TJia4&tevens'lia?Bn genirineisucccs genirineisucccs ;seri:.. eWhy:;.; 8fipaufi.aejic Jtefecs-the place of -stiitesmnuship.. . aud, '6ur pubuc auen Jiave te . work se. hard f'toJkeciy--tu6if'eaflSt'a,l6'T(y'th,eJ'Tuiiddy 'lollIul'ws-'le . runtr wvJiraeiier' jimu ui- semJuateitbe.'rich ft-uitlef .thought;-, ceflsc- queutw uiexeis a siiorjiicrepanuvt1ucainev5t' abTe'.'Jamine'.'V ."" ' -'"'; j il.J 'Ji' Jul t ii.r; ' fiOT. HjSfO: XeCSERHJSTT, .y. i . rt in i ..l rTAILOR"." Jlaviiig-jrmtieturnedlreittJScw Yeik. nilli,)i large and ' : :; ;3h;eice STOCK ' FOR MEN'S'WEArT; ""- 'Would ics'pecfully aitndunce'tb'iiis 'customers fcui vimj puMiic-tiuu iiu (Mrin'iuvvU'ni; rcglllUr ; .Kivxx:.ePEJfiTO .a .j.. .. ew- M0NDA,SEPTE3IBER 29th. .. LARGEST' ASSORTMENT,' '.',.., ' Hi. 1 ( lilt M 1 i,l M . t. LATEST TLS ..... , . . 1 .. , AXpp'lflCES AS l.Y AfjAXUQUSi: lX' r' ut VTItrSCITYAT h ..... I ur t j i i it. in.. JiL trElR TT A? TivT e. ' . . ,.' . '"""' -N6. 51 North OufifiTi Strfiftt. ''" '" "1 r 11; r- '$ flifci'AL NOTICE. .66 ,.68f. LI UMi J Jl Hktf ,.H.J t f MaasjnaH&Bre; .( i t i.M n . 1. !.pi.i tprnmem twt.'Bsm suitings. '''bt'ECIALlXDirCEMESTs' .,...,, .t.,.1. 1. j.. 11.,. ; ,1 'lel5tiyeis'6 Clrttlitng'iri 01 del- -to'tntlke'ieoin - tepft large SPUING STOCK new beiiijj inaim ifyjetureii, ml w:iue needing room.. ..We offer -ucli-iiiadcaiiil stj lisli "llotliiBff-'iei?'-.lBtbn-a:Dd''B6ys." . Mj l 1 M, -j.ii hi III tl ifii,i rili I ... ...i.l...r .V..1K.1 JiS ,t-,AT. LWER PRICES llitlt l.if" than ever heanl of bcteie, although Goods aie elfiff ttjl BWiy iUy: We " will Sell? for w einnst luie,tlvc lOOUl. j 1 U . i if itMUj 't, i II (llllll Mll Loek't"0nr Astonishingly Lew Price, iist:' " OVJ-3IJCOAT&! OVERCOATS! OVEnCOtVT&: .. ,. for $2.00,. ler $3w83,.for$5i.35,.feT $6.75.. ,, , OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS , ler$7.75. for$9.'J5,.fer$10.7ul. OA'ERCOATS'! OVERtOATS ! OVERCOATS! ' for $I2,'$14, $16 ahd $-20.' "" "'"" These arc heavr-iincd1 6vcrc6ats'.' cardldll made and splendidly trimmed.'" OVEKCQATS! OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS' ij. .1.11 ievtlM, ler $8.50, for $9.50, fer.S12. " OVERCUAMrS'.''OVEB'COA3?S ! OVERCOATS !' -- .i. . f0r $15 $is; for $20. 'tIicsc' arc 'Plaid-Baclc Overcoats, eiin.il te. custom-weTk." " ' .1. i. - ..i.ii i.i.. ... . . . ,..i - ' '" , .1IEAVV, MEN 'd -SUITS 1.. ; . . .... for .U0, $1,004 $...00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. ' ' "MEN'S SUITS-FOB FIXE DRBSS!-". fin" $12.00, $14.00,- $13jO0c41C00, $18.00. end 320X. '" "Tjevs' suits' axdotbrce-ats r. .. '."KttVsVSterrg nom $2:25' t!e 16M ' 1 1 t 4 111 11 rr.:n j.Boxs'.yiqiceATS v,ery low.. 1 i IMi "w'e's'eUerilfy 6u'r"dw'n-inUU6 hii"guaraht6 satisfaction'."" .".'""'-'""" .. . .7 . ' .Meney-returned' en-nil goedtj:teyb fe.und.ag rcpEeseatwI. ... .A ..... ...... ...,... ! .B".PteasB.cU, whcUiqry.ewisbtQ purchite' lernpt. , , ,, , i , .....in. .ii . ... j. -.ii.. 1 ..:, ,1, . ..i.,-; , 1 ,, i Is stocked, with the latest styles, wlifphwe, inaKe 10 measure urxne fewesi casn prices aim .griMrantee-a perfect IIU ... .1. ..;!.. , ...' su,ixsibQiwWfrnw$,vyi:ar(i.?. , . ., PATStTO WDEK.,n-9i.$3p.upw!mls.- ::::: :::&$M&km .; v: jiSMilAXTMieRS ,4Xi?.'9TUiERS,' :'oe,!ife"'6s.;Mm ivm stV"' " "" S. iff 'Oe'riiei' ei Orafage,- Utituter,' Pa. 1 .ii.... i.i 11.1,1 .11 .... ,,..... ..I ' fllaustnau's Cerner.) . i".i. ' MtUa STORES. ri,KT?S?ES!"TKtJSSES!! TRUSSES .... ,.,, tiX. ... .1, . . .. ,...A ui ... ii. . in 1 .. """"Safest: Easiest and Besti' iii.ii.iiiH.i ui . 1 . ,, ,1,1 ' ''''jNI)ltEW',Q' FEET'S , 1 rtt.Ttf,lWnMwidinftl!iftalfif"i,.m. iXTnV Hnnhi. Jtr j.j a iii.. i.m. j, uvumcw.vwii.iviu. t.i. v 1 i..uranga.iM&va.ancasMr. ,,, 1,1.1. ...... apu-y.q III 111 II mil II MIT TT TtT II. (I.i. t J 1 Jii A . i.liH'UA 14 . tin Ul,l i Jl t J II ill! - 1 ' U.J k . I1 Mti t ll..1,lr,lM i mm m mKmam-- m . .. m ml" v'vuh! i:;ii!!iiii'iMiiii'iv i ,, ,r vfi ., , . , " .' ' ,T77i" -': ' O'" i.ii-ji tnit n: mill taJiie "DEKWiB:iBiMS3 ' Ji t n- iu ; V "i- CJ .rVj. tt jV. T i t iii 'li. r k n. lil '!. ui, r . li iil Ji.j uraiiu;,;wuet wri-iL'" .'''i1- "; v'li j" ' ev ' ill 'J-: "''"'' r"f""-'i.'",w'jl'ii.?.ii:..'v'jfiKif! ..' The .delicate and rare styles of. Underwear ,-weare,u(J"W shewjnr merit Woran(passmanetupe.vi .' j....; .:..-.. 4 ... . ylh w .,,... u , if ,VW rovf.ertmentKpfej.aj-trma wtforare sills ana.niceness, we intrednee . j,,.;; ;, .,.J,tll.irii., im - , ' - :TKE:,Getiisx:;Wfc:i.':ri and,liretty;tb4ngs line bjr.the.peaeajats, .made.. .Thoe who; irhorhayeJrejed. - irherhayeJrejed. - l.ilt.the.)C0itta8r?8 of . . . , '. ithey.hava found -' .J. in 1 i.i .in vnii j I'll., t linfv.! " '...'. x3-imiissssji . ii i.m miiiuV. 'I'fint in..", . Ai ' " 1 ' 11 1 (,l, Bemg-. surrnljr.'the patterns, embroidered by "hand, in'elegant swle's, and ready.farmamfj.tip.ir.Wecertojwlhavnew., - u ., -., .(J Me'dek'rice'are as-noticeable asthe.reftnedcharacteiibf tbdgoeds. Ae have, a-ftiil ntnnr nf . - - - rri.M j (.. wa-v - W4.tefe . iMt w4.ia5?fe1.M .. ' EittoerEmbreidererl ef'Plairi"infehtr'Dressesl and' all'therMiltlfel'.things ' " LTndeiiear'made te dr-der by our' own' werHaldie; whetfilesfrea1. .'' . . w ' .'' '!' ..-, .. llti ! -WAl.'jtU .-JOH-N" lb ..... . 1. ...., ..... ,.. it ORAiND'-DEPOTy -'"',' 'lhl 1.: . . .. 1. .....:. ( . .-,.i. ' i .. .. . ,r . ,.... . . PITrT.ATYrl'.Tp-FTTA , "."'. 1 1 1 QfWtWT - . ,.,., i.MJJJifJSmV AND ""ii 11117 - 1 lil IT 1 iHi'. '"'"" 1 i fdi ii'. QPENlMG;.:QE,:NiE-W;.;.G'0CIE!S , ,.., ,. .,, . .,, iiiH'.jj.. .!; .in. .j...; .' ... 1, ..) 1 dt.:ui; ...7 ... .1 i.. ....... 1 1 ,. . '" '""'' -" -. .mill .In ..! ..I . ..'...... 'Ml ...1,1, IU .lit.'.' I '''"' -,i."ii .., ..,.r. ,i-.W!T!Zi:r. ! '. ..'. . t . ,.1. .. ' . n ... . t. .. ., ,, ,. -" in. 1....'. .' .-.. J....1 i .Ii.i'-i HI . . . .... ,. . -iw.il. j.. "' ! -J ''"' ' ''' ": ' - .. . . . 1 ..I .. . , . -i.i.i:. .. . I t 4 1 I ttnr llj ,i -PJ18 w w11.9i)cn,t,QHlay,w 'S'OVeTtlea In Bennota, Hats- r'ramei, 'Pltiines, Fancy AVhigs,elvete, Satins, Ac. ,.,., , l): (JJ e, . w? Iviu acn-te-day an elegant line of. .Black and. Colerod Silki.l,liigciL.Xfc!ttri.'Slylc3 et Silkand flutButteiw, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, SaUns,&Ci . 777m. ... - "" ...1.11 Tli) in tn. 1. II. .1.1,) ')lJ l.iliJI. Vt e will open telny new and lK'auUlul,llrte.nfdIfs'vnil .KUdrpn'?, ileMQ.In, and Cotten, Meiine Vests ler Ladies and Children InValf suei' Voelen apT. JkcT. cheaper than ever. , .... ft in ..tii.t.i; i.mui: 11.. rj.A i :r)." Ml.,),. .,... li.ii.. Mi.i ... "A.W(M eiW.t:l,y.vqw' LacesiJ:ti'6ltigs, sels in'all the best makes and at lowest prices 1, uiukcs unu ax lowest miccx., . ......Wc irill 0pen.aiuUllne.6t Crape VelK. Crape'BenfVetS'and Hate.' Crapi W tlW-'yii cvevytidng ,eUe that is new.deslrablcj and.cfreujj Jn ljJJMery.ania.TrInHiiiijg81 ..,.., tll , iUiand,emine.eurI3tQck.afc , !.... 142MS.14iI0ETS.-QTmM,:SlIBK!r. 1 iiiiiu 1 u 1 i if. 1 w 1 . . it .ij. ....if. it f ' , ' '- ,. rt 7 r i.iil 11 i.. Iiiii.ii,rii.-.Jit iiri ii; Jli t . i. .. ft -i- jia -n , TTTZ WATCHES, .....I ... 1 .;.. !,; - ' EDw;.r'AHM;.:. Jeweler,!:,';: I . I. J. Ill , 1 III . .1 I M. . 1.. f . . iiUviU Z9lnn.is Cemer,.. ,, 1 ii iii. 1 itun 1. i.i lit J i.i . .. I t , ' ll lllf iltil III 11 n. i m 1 u ,Ve,flffer.eijr jNitixuia, flic bepefi te ad thQRi p. lpakipg the .bestimjeef their maeufactHrCa,largenart.qtthogepa8w"esell',andb'uy'onIy'lrom Wrst-Cl'a.w Iteiiscs. Everv , ,, ,.,.,,.,' ''ui... 11. in. 1. .iii i.ii. ........ .1, im; ""j j. muil; sviiiMuwwiiiiuiwu .H4WAiu.siaiing ivs 3-Fbt-Clai9.)Vtcb,and.Gcneral Repairing-given special attention-. J- Al.tr 11. 1.. ...III. I.I .1. .!.. 1 2AHSrS COllNEfe. '- . - . VAJtltXAOES, .1 ... We have bqw.) -.iabteclca large let e( Slelgfis, ennsfcrtinaf OXT, PORTLAND AXD ALB AX.YS. . &..1V0 ELX. v ... 11 1, .1 '' ' '"'-"- tail i. ..;.; - , FOimTPASSENGER;SII3,;;!-: :.-MtUffi' ''OTHERS; anTc'K .7 1. . iii.iiiiii.ii. ...I ii, 1. 1 i 1.! ... ........ :r. m. - 11.:!, 'pqjg 430 & 432 North queen and '431 eWrKi , ... ....... .11.1,1.. , . i .. , and dealers In GAS FIXTURES AXD UOUflE FUKXISH1XG GOODS. Special attention given te PLJUMBIXG, GAS .ana .STEAM FITTIXG I nl.. II In- JUt -EVurf KfrAr Um.Ti iJmcI. t . .Il .. ...I... .1... n ..U.I.li.Ui. . (HI , ,, iL....1....!.1 . !.. . ..'. 1 . .1. in'fili rnsv LocHERflceucsHaYiurp: . All II 1...I . I 1 , . T t avl BA.B ifi.il vj;.; u n::il -.-or oiev ixi'y.l: vy "irvnr. I'.'i-iSj lir .vfrxi rni-iriei iuf,.je ).ii .e sio;;.nJdfiei9b r.l.li zeilL .r..:v)U .i ;,-,, h Ur:,'.,;i,i'0 l.r.or.eD'lo iiiiuuitu giW ;ii.e! i j'remembeViie'euiki j'remembeViie'euiki 'tfeasanis.' i". ,''.',''' u'y? J''"' .' r .. i .j.11.;. j. , ..Jin,' ... . .., ....... r ... .. . 1. . . - .w.ii.. Traa ' c r.Mji. t -t l fftusmhn j ...a ..MJummfrMu Trri rrri n.tt...i ..aiir ,.p-i.'jtlr J.'l.i.r.-iMijVk'jit!i,.li i.iin i.r . jj,-..'. ". in iiu . y it. i'. nul.'A 'j.ll "L 13th ST. ..' . . j 1'inl ii()IJ ' 1... ii ... ins,; I) TJilMMIXtt-VOVZHi. ..I'..'-' fasluncre geed and Tl6a; Sfca'tfd, Kid sWi'd LIstriThifd'Glrevcs. Cor- iOK.VO sue ourbeoon Bust CDE.ctinti30.etx. j Ak, yard, and ....... 1.. .;. i. .... .i: ,1 i ii.ll.il! ;3 ; 0.1, ?-..-. 1... 1 i. in i. In n Ifiln ..! iA'.l.'t ,Ji:WJ2LRY, dte. , 1.;.... 1 tuj ... .... u 1 1 1 -TW . r Htm Hilt- - I--!''-' - - -LancstjQr, Pa. madinthe suWbs'ef'i'ais, Up& btf'l)theJwisEJ!iaerder inthasmaU homes m the ,sdm'-v'fi8r,tts sHaWls are TTC,T"'i" 11T i!''i!wm7-)''k-"Yr',Tistir. W A W A ViAK UK T t L JLrJLi 1 -.JL JL- JL1JL.J. A. .. .!iUi '. IH 'li'UT -DEALER. IN, . .....;; . .1 .. ..I.; . 1 l' . i. ... I. 1. ..1. 1 1 iii.itij ' 1.1 1 . i.u.i 1 1 , 'II ....il .-....,. ;. iLh.l.f'-J .1. . ... n-K.' 1 , r iii t. . : iji,if, .;. , r,Ii ; of our long experience in buslhcss'.'by wl'dcii we are able 'j if1, '''-il ,ii . . ii 1 .'I.. ,)::,i Ksef thelrmoncyinflnydcpartmcntefonrliqslness. We money in any department of our business. '!' quality. ..I. .1 I. .... ... . i.tii ...i.ii i.i l . I J I, 1 1 1. .11 .!..: LAsTGASTERi PA. ,'" -Vr 1 . lit!, it. :...r. f. ! UAXUJfS..S: 1 inl li I ilj tU i.i 11.111 -i;;i -:bM" -Ms, KA'dtntnir:'hu Mi...-. Htll.iiV.i 4 Hi: 'xvsxcAi.xsraTBVXEWTsT e sty?f0J?.pi,n!psl?.HpTV?.r?S?ter ceun" CMckmng&Jen's CeleMfe3iKanes, Ot Bosten, Mass. Pianos can be seen, at my 8uelnref?iqa,,fljrpWS,3a N .,..J7. . 1 I. '.' ItT-TIWHjlln .-. ..1 !-.-! kiEXJ-lifcErLIJPS. ii:.'..T .ViLVttJJijVi'L.U" ' I ucuai-iiuuawuaw uj ' TlflLflfMUtAT. T1 I i..w ; ....., 1 nf! if. (V..iif.iii-ii,... . .id! (ijt ii.,. ivi.si.t.. ' '!" .C-r-! ...1 ..tin .;... ..i..a i.i..,!il.., ,: -i,..!iw... .) i.ii.. ,..tiiii. . .i.i. In. il ' !... k:.. . wij.ii... j I'.ij, j , ... ..: Ui !-if::i 1..,!! 1. ....! .. i.i.; ::i. J:nt .. ... ... .. ... , .1 1.. '. Ii tt-V33"t"g4.-l(T J