Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 09, 1880, Image 3

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" Lancasterlan Window-gardening Old
Houses and Inns Habit and People
The Tobacco Mart."
"O. F. A." writes from tins city te the
Bosten Eteniny Trarucript, under date of
Feb. 2. as fellows :
One of the things which strikes a
straDger most pleasantly in Lancaster is
the window-gardening se prevalent
here. The whole community is fend
of llewers, and en some streets it is a
rare exception te find a window en the
first fleer net filled with flowers. Especi
ally is this the case amemj the poorer
people. And the plants thus cultivated
are net the common hardy sorts only, but
these demanding a geed deal of care in
in their cultivation. It would seem, some?
times, as if the humbler the circumstances
of the flower-owner, the greater luxuriance
of the flowers themselves. I often find
myself pausing before the windows in the
poorest neighborhoods which are fairly
ablaze with geraniums, callas, cyclamens,
and numerous ether blooms, or else a cool
delight of graceful ferns and rich begonias.
A people whose love of flowers is se in
tense as it appears te be here must cer
tainly have many ether excellent qualities.
One cannot wander far in any direction
in this old city without finding one or mere
leg houses. They abound in narrow alleys
in the heart of the city, or close te the strcet
Jine in localities removed from business
quarters, and are constructed of legs pre
viously squared by the axe, the inter
stices being filled with plaster. Occasion
ally one sees an old house cress-timbered
and with plaster-filling between, but these
are rarer. Of a later date, probably, but
still respectably antique, are the small one
. story dwellings of brick or stone which are
se numerous in certain neighborhoods and
en the elder streets. They are net im
piclurcsqne, these groups of houses, with
their low and broadly projecting caves and
mess-grown reefs.
A peculiar feature of the great majority
of houses in Lancaster and its vicinity is
the long, narrow balcony, which extends
along the rear of most dwellings in front of
the second and third stories. A house
without this balcony attached te the rear
building would hardly be considered com
plete here. As one takes a short cut
through an alley or side street, scores of
these balconies are te be seen, and the
pasier-by is perhaps faintly reminded of
some Italian city, where every dwelling
has its balcony or legria. Hut th.3 illusion
utterly disappears when one hears from
.sonic one of the Lancaster leggie, instead
of the liquid Italian tongue, the unmusical
guttural of the Pennsylvania Dutch.
Lancaster abounds in old hotels and tav
erns, the names of most of which show an
English origin. Fer instance, there arc
the .Maner Heuse and the Inn of the
Gelden Plew, the Cress Keys and the
Grape, the Black Herse, the Swan and the
Fountain Inn. The Lamb and the Leo Lee
pard are two mere of these old taverns
much frequented by farmers, but judi
ciously, considering the opposing nature
of the animals whose names they bear,
placed several squares apart. The Stevens
Heuse, named in honor of Lancaster's
great statesman, Thad Stevens, is by far
the most important hotel. It is a large,
four story building, extending ever a geed
deal of ground, at the corner of Prince
and King streets. It is, however, unfortu
nately placed en a sharp decline, and its
handsome proportions are nowhere seen
te the best advantage.
The pavement washing, te which allu
sion was made in a former letter, gees en
with scarcely abated ardor throughout the
winter. On ail days when snow has net
covered the sidewalks, which has but
rarely happened this winter, the scrubbing
has been indulged in unless the tempera
ture were such that the water froze as it
fell, and even then the desire for scouring
the pavements was net wholly te be re
strained in some quarters, I noticed.
I observed an odd figure in the street
the ether morning. It was that of a young
Amish boy of about fourteen. A long,
'snuff-colored coat fastened by hooks and
eyes, and with a deep cape, reached nearly
te his heels. His hair, cut straight across
his forehead, hung down en his shoulders,
while from beneath a preposterously broad bread
brimmed hat looked out an innocent,
sleepy German face. When the weather
is net se cold as te require him te wear an
overcoat, the male of the Amish persua
sion appears in a roundabout jacket with
out the faintest suspicion of skirts thereto.
A group of them in their short jackets and
heavy beards present an odd combination
of the juvenile and antique. An observer
se m learns te distingitsh the Amish men
from their Mennonite brethren. The for
mer wear long hair and beards, and, in the
days when it was all but universal for
mankind te shave the face, were known as
" beamy men. ' I he Mennonites, en the
contrary, wear neither beard nor mous
tache, and clip the hair quite short. It
used te be said the chief difference between,
the two faiths consisted in the fact that
the Amish fastened their coats with hooks
and eyes, while the Mennonites, or Men
nists, as they arc often called (pronounced
Mcn-ncests), used buttons. There are,
presumably, weightier matters of differ
ence than this, but this is the most clearly
apparent te an outsider. The Amish are
the strictest in their adherence te a pecu
liar costume, and I heard a story
a day or two since illustrative of
their rigor in such matters. Such
details of costume as suspenders are or
were considered as tee worldly for the at
tention of an Amish, and had been forbid
den. A young boy of the persuasion, iiutl
the wearing of trousers involved a constant
hitching up in order te keep them in place
contrived duringjthe absence of his parents
at meeting one Sunday te extemporize a
pair of suspenders for some bits of tow,
and for a time, let us hope, was happy.
But the period of his bliss was short.
When his elders returned from meeting,
the eye of the father was at once arrested by
the element of worldliness in his son's at
tire through the uncommon freedom from
bagginess of his pantaloons ; the use of
suspenders was revealed, and the unfortu
nate youth was commanded at once te re
move the offending tow strings and never
te venture te commit such a sin again.
I have spoken before of the quantity of
tobacco raised in Lancaster county. At
present the trade in that article is extremely
brisk, and would kindle te fever heat the
feelings of James I. were he here te witness
it. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, market
days, longbcferc the light, great Concstega
wagons rumble in from the country piled
high with tobacco, and as later in the day
one passes the huge tobacco warehouses in
various parts of this city, the street in front
is found te be filled with teams, the
owners of which are waiting for an oppor
tunity te dispose of their fragrant stock.
A pungent odor from the contents of the
wagons fills the air around. One breathes
tobacco. It mingles, tee, with the no less
penetrating aroma lrem the sauerkraut at
the neighboring beer saloons and restau
rants, and the combined perfumes float en
the breeze together a grateful species of
incense te the Lancastrians.
Arrest of Train Junipers.
On Saturday the Beading railroad police
made a raid en the train jumpeis all along
the line of the Lancaster aud Columbia
branch. Quite a number were captured,
taken before the nearest magistrate and
committed. One young fellow named
Demmy, of Lititz, tried te run away from
the officers, but was recaptured, and, it is
said, was badly kicked aud beaten. He
was taken before 'Squire Seltzer, of Eph
rata, and discharged en payment of a fine.
The officer who assaulted liim will proba
bly be prosecuted.
Anether Subscription fund Started In Lan
caster. " Subscriptions for the Herald Irish Re
lief Fund Received Here." Mr. Chas. H.
Barr, the Centre Square bookseller and sta sta
tiener,received this morning from the New
Yerk Herald a card bearing this inscription,
accompanied by a request that it be posted
in a conspicuous place, and it newliiigs in
the store window, where it can scarcely
fail te catch the eye of the passer-by. En
closed with it is a large subscription paper,
at the head of which is printed the follow
ing stirring appeal with a liberal display of
black letter :
Herald Irish Famine Fund.
Penular subscrintiens for the benefit of
the starving people et lreianu win ee re
ceived by the New Yerk Herald for any
amount, from twenty-five cents upwards.
The Herald will publish the name and
residence of every subscriber, and, when
desired, the place of his former residence
in Ireland, that the people relieved may
knew te whom they are indebted.
Over three hundred thousand people are
starving and appeal te the whole world
for aid. " Fer Ged's sake give us bread or
money," is their piteous cry.
Mr. Chas. II. Barr, of Lancaster, Pa., is
duly authorized te receive subscriptions te
the Herald Famine Fund, and has agreed
te turn ever te the cashier of the Herald
all subscriptions that may be entrusted
te him.
Persons who desire may hand their sub
scriptions te Mr. Barr, and they will be
duly credited. This fund, instituted by
the great New Yerk newspaper and
headed by its own subscription of $100,
000, is distinct from that in Mayer Mac
Gonigle'.s hands, which is the Citizens'
Irish Belief fund inaugurated in Philadel
phia. Se that the charitably disposed,
whose hearts have been touched by the
accounts of the piteous condition of the
famine-stricken people of Ireland, which
appear daily in the newspapers, may in a
literal sense " pay their money and take
their choice. "
S225 at Stake.
On Friday last Geerge Keller, of Yerk
county came te Lancaster, having in his
possession a geed marc and sleigh, which
he tried te sell te several dealers. He
filially found a customer in Isaac AV.
Masen, who purchased the team for 223
giving in payment a check or note pay
able in thirty days. Masen sold the sleigh
for $10, and was negotiating for the sale of
the marc, when Harry Gundakcr (who
had leaned Masen $100 some years age ai d
had net been repaid) made a levy en
the maie te satisfy his claim. In
the meantime Constable Leutz,
supposing the team te have been
stolen, arrested Keller. He seen learned,
however, that Keller belonged te a re
spectable family, his father being an ex
tensive farmer in Yerk county, and he was
released. The mare is still held te satisfy
Gundaker's claim, and if she belonged te
Keller when Masen purchased her she
will be sold. If it should happen, which
is net probable, that she belongs te
some one else, the owner may claim her
by writ of replevin. Meantime Gundakcr,
Keller and Masen arc all en the anxious
bench, awaiting further developments.
An Infant Terribly Injured.
A terrible accident happened about 5
o'clock Saturday evening, at the
residence of Jehn Green, 720 East
Orange street. At the hour named
Mrs. Green left the house en an errand,
leaving in the kitchen her two small chil
dren, one of them a baby and the ether
about five years old. Soen afterwards tcr
rible screams were heard in the house by
Mr. Geerge B. Moriew, who lives next
deer, and running into the house he
found the baby in flames from
head te feet. Throwing a carpet
ever the child he extinguished the
flames. The child's body was burned te
a crisp from the waist up, presenting a
horrible appearance. Dr! Gee. R. Welch
ans was sent for and applied the usual
remedies. The child was living this morn
ing, but suffering great pain and it is fear
ed it cannot recover.
Just hew the accident happened is net
known, but it is supposed a coal of fire
was niked from the cook stove in the
kitchen where the children were, aud, fall
ing upon the babe's clothes, set them en
Disposing of Property te Defraud.
In October last Sheriff -Strinc made a
levy en the personal property of Samuel
Myers, of Mauhcim township, and adver
tised it for sale te satisfy claims of credi
tors. The court stayed the writ of execu
tion and the sheriff's levy remained a lien
en the property. Meantime, it is alleged,
Mr. Myers began te dispose of the prop
erty, consisting of cows, horses, and ether
farm stock and implements. This morning
the sherilf arrested him, but he was dis
charged en entering bail in the sum of
$2,000 for his appearance at court.
Slight Fire.
This morning the reef of the frame
building situated en the north side of the
Pennsylvania track, between the Duke
street bridge and the passenger depot,
known as the "old match factory," was
found te be en fire. The alarm was im
mediately given, and a little water which
was thrown en by the firemen prevented
any great damage. The building, which
was insured, is the property of Mr. Jehn
Keller. The fire is supposed te have been
caused by a locomotive spark.
The Pythias Entertainment.
On Saturday evening the entertainment
for the benefit of the Pythias club by Prof.
Lippett came oft' te a large audience in the
opera house. The $20 geld piece was drawn
by Henry Smcych and a large number of
ether handsome and valuable presents
were given away. The entertainment was
similar te these given heretofore by Prof.
Lippett and was equally as geed.
Car off the Track.
This morning a car leaded with iron ere
and attached te the second morning train
from Quarry ville, jumped the track a short
distance below West Willow. The train
was delayed about an hour and a half by
Supposed stolen Chickens.
This morning about 6 o'clock a man
named Jehn Amdt, who has figured before
in police circles, was caught en East King
street by Officer Helman, with three chick
ens in his possession, which are believed
te have been stolen. He was locked up.
Meeting of Bricklayers.
The meeting of bricklayers held at
Trewitz's saloon Saturday evening was
quite well attended and the utmost har
mony prevailed. The following resolu
tions proposed at a former meeting were
unanimously agreed te :
Resolved, That en and after the 15 of
March, 1880, the journeymen bricklayers
will demand for a day's wages (10 hours
work) the sum of $2.
Jieseked, further, That we de also pro pre
test against all trade work.
The only ether matter discussed was the
organization of a bricklayers' association.
The nreiect seemed te meet with favor
from all present, and en motion Jacob
Price, Henry Leenard and Geerge Snyder
were appointed a committee te report a
plan. The meeting adjourned te meet at
the call of the committee.
Balloon for St. Leuis.
A private letter received in this city an
nounces that Prof. Chas E. Wise, the
aeronaut, late of Lancaster,has received an
order for building a very large balloon for
a gentleman in St. Leuis, with wlirSli te
make an ascension from that citythe coming
season. The tragic fate of the veteran
aeronaut, Prof. Jehn Wise and his young
companion Burr, who ascended from St.
Leuis and were lest last summer, has net
in any degree checked the passion for bal
looning, or the belief that science will dis
cover means te makcajrial navigation as safe
aud expeditions as it is infinitely mere
charming than water navigation.
There is some talk of having an ascen
sion from Lititz en the. Fourth of July.
When shall we have another ascension
from Lancaster ?
Police Court.
This morning the mayor had four drunks
and six bums before him. The latter were
discharged, as were the three drunks.
Michael McKay, for being drunk, was sent
te jail for 15 days, where he will be com
pany for his wife, who was arrested en
Saturday, and sent te the same institution
for 10 days by Alderman Dennelly, of the
Seventh w ard.
Admitted te the liar.
In ceuit, en Saturday afternoon, David
Leche, formerly of Strasburg, but lately
of Columbia county, was admitted te
practice at our bar, en motion of I). G.
Eshleman, esq.
Sale of Land.
The Burlington and Missouri railroad,
through Rife 3t Kaufman, agents, sold
320 acres of land in Lancaster county,
Nebraska, te Chas. Moere, of this county,
for $2,170.
Ilrainard'i Musical World.
This choice musical publication lias been re
ceived for February, and contains, beside the
usual amount of interesting and instructive
reading matter, including the latest news and
notes from all parts of the country, a full-page
lithograph engraving of Mile. Marimen, the
successful prima denna of Mapleson's opera
company. The vocal and instrumental selec
tions given in this number are new and pretty.
Published monthly by S. Brainard's Sens,
Cleveland, Ohie.
" Our Goblins." -This evening William Gill's
excellent little company known as ' Our Gob
lins" will appear in the opera house. In llar
risburg they performed te a delighted audi
ence en Saturday evening, and our readers
who wish te visit tins opera house this evening
can rest assured that there is a treat in store
for them.
' Fate." Te-morrow evening Hartley Camp
bell's successful society comedy-drama of
"Fate" will be presented at Fulton opera
house by the Almayne comedy company. M r.
Campbell's plays are having a deservedly pop
ular run in a number of the theatres of the
country, and the company which will produce
" Kate "' here has just completed a successful
engagement in the West.
The son of Mr. F. Urweidcr, Lackawanna,
Pa., suffered with acute pains ever his whole
body, caused by Rheumatism, lie was rubbed
with St. Jacob's Oil, and cured in two days.
The seeds of sickness and et death
In a disordered mouth arc sewn ;
When bad the teeth or foul the breath.
Deth soul and body lese their tone,
Till SOZODONT'S brought into play,
And sweeps these dire defects away.
New Advertisements.
Important te Tobacco Growers.
Girl Wanted.
BSFTer further details see advertising
Twe Organs
Regulate first the stomach, second the liver ;
especially the lirst, se as te perform their func
tions perlectly and you will remove at least
nineteen twentieths et all the ills that man
kind is heir te, in this or any ether climate.
Hep Hitters is the only thing that will give
perfectly healthy natural action te these two
organs. l'2-2wd&w
llrewn's Household Panacea
Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the
world. Will most surely quicken the bleed
whether taken internally or applied externally,
and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN',
whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and it is warranted double the
strength of any similar preparation.
It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels,
Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL
CEA" should be in every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen
tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler et het water
(sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime,
will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle.
Fer sale at H. B. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere
North Queen street, Lancaster.
Much Sickness,
Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether
causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S
VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges,
although effectual in destroying worms, can
de no pesible injury te the most delicate child
This valuable combination has been success
fully used by physicians, and found te be ab
solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty
five cents a box. janl5-lvd&wTuTh&S
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
" 'Sellers' Liver Pills cured me of liver com
plaint of eight years' standing." Win. Evans,
Joliet, 111. Give them a trial.
Try Lecher's Ceugli Syrup.
A Mether's Grlet.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a
home, are her children, hence her grief when
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you are running a terrible
risk, if they have a Ceugli, Croup or whooping
Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de
net attend te it at once. Shiieh's Consump
tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10
cents 50 cents and $1. Fer lame Back, Side,
or Chest, use Shiieh's Pereus Plaster. Price
23 cents. Sold by D. HciLshu, Lancaster, and
M. L. Davis, Milfcrsvilie.
The Best I Ever Knew Of.
J. G. Starkcy, a prominent and influential
citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several
years, and have used every Remedy I could
hear of, without any relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiieh's Vitalizer advertised in our
paper, and was persuaded te try it. I am happy
te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price
75 ceiits. Sold by D. Ilcitshu, Lancaster, and
M. L. Davis, Millcrsvillc.
Shiieh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for
the mere successful treatment of tue com
plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents,
sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
Millcrsvillc. s-JG-eodD&eewW
And the Best Graded of American Electro-Plate en White Metal.
Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze.
Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing
Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs.
Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether
Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription
Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
One Bex of Six Bettles.
If you are suffering from a combination el
liver or kidney diseases, and constipation, de
net fail te use the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It
is a dry compound as easily prepared as a cup
of coffee, and in one package is as much medi
cine as can be bought in six dollar bottles of
ether kinds. 19-1 wd&w
Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders.
Kidney-Wert radically
Piles and nervous diseases.
"I Am All Played Out"
is a common complaint. If you feel se, get a
package of Kidney-Wert and take it and you
will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the
healthy action of the Kidneys, Bowels and
Liver, and thus restores the natural life and
strength te the weary body. Get a box and use
it at once. fO-lwd&w
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
"Strexetii, Acctiit.vcv, PuMTY." Ne doubt
some of our readers have noticed Dr. Brown
ing's advertisnicut In this paper, and wonder
what the words above quoted mean. It is ex
plained as follews: "Dr. Browning has dis
covered a sure and rapid cure for Coughs,
Colds, and all the attending complications, the
neglect te instantly check winch causes se
much misery te the human race. Beginning
at the end, the last word means he u-e? only
the jwrcst drugs, the next word means they
are accurately compounded, anil the first word
(strength) means that his C. & C. Cordial is
net adulterated, but contains all of a quantity
of medicine necessary te produce a certain
cure in all conditions resulting from a cold.
Fer sale by all druggists at 50c. per bottle.
Alse by the proprietor, at 1117 Arch street,
Philadelphia, Pa. 15-lwd&w
Pure Spices at. Lecher's Drug Stere.
Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sufferers for their neg
ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
He coughed ! he coughed His eyes ran ; he
looked redder in the face than a lobster. Hut
"Sellers' Cough Syrup" cured him.
Frem a Distinguished Physician.
Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic phy
sician, wrote te the Medical Recerd et Atlanta,
Ga., te the effect that after all ether means had
failed, he sent for the Kidney Cure (Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure), and te his astonishment
cured a serious case of Bright's Disease by ad
ministering it, and afterwards found it equally
beneficial in ether cases. He advised his broth
er physicians te use it in preference te any
thing else for kidney disorders. 12-2wd&w
Buixdle. In Harrisburg, en thctith and Sth
iust., David H. and Hessie Briudle, children of
Peter 11. and Mary Brindlcand grand-children
of the late Benjamin Rcinheld, of this city,
aged 8 and 5 ycar.- respectively.
The relatives and friends of the family are
.respectfully invited te attend the funeral to
morrow afternoon at 1:25 o'clock from the
Pennsylvania railroad depot. Interment at
the Lancaster cemetery.
These having tobacco te sell call at
Cor. East King Street and Centre Square.
29-tfcedR Office: Ne 10 West Orange St.
Lancaster, iec. 12, 1ST'..
Office : 10S West King Street.
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli-
able Companies. IIKRR & STAUFFER.
Heat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St.
Brick Dwelling. Ne. 315 Seuth Prince
street, containing 8 rooms, cistern and well of
water and well built. Terms easy. Inquire el
Real Estate Agt., Ne. 0 Court Avenue.
1114 East King Street, Lancaster, I'a.
Insurance Company of North America, 1'hil'a
Lycoming County Fire Ins. Ce., et Muncy, Pa.
Franklin Fire Insurance Ce., Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Ce.. Phif'a.
Continental Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk.
Hanover Fire Insurance Ce., New Yerk.
Queen England Fire Insurance Company.
Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Ce.
Liverpool, Londen and Glebe Fire Ins. Ce.
American Life Ins. Ce., of Phil'a. 17-lmdR
(Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy
Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse,
Contract and Receipt Beeks at
the Lewest Prices,
Intelligencer Office.
Everybody te advertise, free of charge,
in the Intelligences, who wants something
te de.
Foreman in a Tobacco Warehouse. Nene
but experienced persons need apply. Address
ltd "F,"This Office.
M A geed girl te de general housework
jiiusi. ueagoea cook,
Apply at
Wages $2.50 per week.
and wife, of Lancaster City, The under
signed Auditor appointed te pass upon excep
tions and distribute the moneys in hands of
accountant as well as moneys that are new in
court arising from sale et assigned real es
tate, will meet all parties interested
o'clock a. m.,in the Library Roem of the Court
Heuse, in the citv of Lancaster, where all per
sons Interested in said distribution may at
tend. GEO. M. KLINE,
j24-3tdeaw Auditor.
Tuesday Evening, Feb. 10, 1S80.
Almayne Comedy Company
In the Beautiful Society Drama, entitled
By the Dramatic Auther of the age,
Alse, author of Mv Partner ami The Gallev
Slave. The Beautiful English Actress, NARD
ALMAYNE, supported by a Streng Dramatic
Company of well-known "Metropolitan Faver
ites. POPULAR PRICES. Reserved Seats for
sale at the Opera Heuse Office. J7-:ltd
Saturday, February 11th, 1880.
JOHN T. FORD has the honor te announce
one appearance, as above, et the Realistic
American Comedian.
In his delightful portraiture of quaint charac
acter, "UNCLE DAN'L,1'
Supported by his own Excellent Company of
Comedians, in E. A. Lecke's new typical Amer
ican Comedy-Drama,
A Messenger Frem Jams Section.
ADMISSION, - - - 35, 50 & 7.1 Cts.
Reserved Seats new en sale
Heuse Office without extra char-
the Open
Monday Evening, February 9th, 1880.
Mr. Jehn I). Mishler commends the novelty
and excellence of the Musical
a story of a party of American travelers en the
Rhine, written by Sir. W. GILL, author of
" Rubes in the Weed," " Horrors," " Bumbles,"
'Magic Slipp-.T," etc., etc. Overwhelming
success everywhere. A curious blending of the
antique with the very modern.
late of Dates Opera Ce. llhiteofCelvilleFolIvCo.
late of Oates Opera Ce.
late of Colville Felly Ce.
New Scenery, Costumes anil Appointments
"There is no indecency in it, no display et
shapely limbs, and no filthy jokes." I'hiladcl
jihUi Inquirer, Jan. 27.
"The house was packed and the audience
laughed and applauded in such a manner as te
leave no doubt of the t.iverwithwhich thev re
garded the performance J'hilailelphia llulle
tin, Jan. 27.
"The quality of its mirth is unexceptionable.
Great credit is due all et the company for the
1.. 1 : l I r.. -i. . ..
JIU.ll L, illltl Kill 111 I1U Mill 1USIJ iiesfiiriL U1KU.U
jsticef the performance I'hiladelphia Ti
jun. zi.
Diagram for Reserved Scat at usual place.
This scientific remedy, prepared from choice
vegetable extracts, is the Best Bleed Purilier,
and stimulates every function te mere health
ful action, and is thus a benelit in all diseases.
In eliminating the impurities of the bleed,
the natural and necessary result is the cure et
Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis
eases, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether
Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau
tifying the complexion.
Dyspepsia, Weakness et the Stomach, Consti
pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are
cured by the Safe Jtittcrs, and it is unequalled
as an appetizer and for building up an en
feebled system.
It is a medicine which should be in every
family, and which, wherever used, ill save
the payment of many doctor's bills.
Convincing testimhuials furnished en appli
cation. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills ami
Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un
equalled in their respective fields of disease.
Warner's Safe Remedies arc sold by Drug
gists and Medicine Dealers generally through
out the country.
Send for Pamphlet ami Testimonials.
II. II. WARNER & Ce., Rochester, N. Y.
3 decU-Tu,Th&Sd&w-
JA . University of Dorpat, Russia, formerly
of Berlin, Germany, Ne. 21:; West King street.
Office hours from S te 10 a. ni., 1 te 2 p. in. and
CteSp. in. j2-j-2md
Pa., manufacture a Superior Quality of
Singleand Deuble Thick, Corrugated, Obscur
ed and Pictured Glass of Extra Thickness,
will net Stain or Rust. Fer sale by Lancaster
dealers gencrally. l'4-2wd
i late of the City of Lancaster, deceased.
Letters et administration en said estate hav
ing been granted te the undersigned, all per
sons indebted te said decedent are requested
te make immediate settlement, and these hav
ing claims or demands against the estate et
said decedent te make known the samu te E.
K. Martin, attorney at law. Ne. :S1 North Duke
street, or MARY II. WHITESIDE,
feb7-3tdS&3tw Administratrix.
Nearly every Sewing Machine agent claims
te have the simplest machine. Frem the pri
vate books of Sewing Machine makers and at
tachment dealers, we learn the following
facts :
The American Machine has in parts
' Davis ' l.-il '
" Demestic " " 8S "
" Howe " " 214 "
" New Heme " " 1X5 "
" Remington " " i:U "
" Singer ' " 112 "
" Weed " " 122 '
" White " " 1st "
" Wheeler & Wilsen, Ne. 8, has 1M "
of Lancaster city, deceased. The under
signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the
balance remaining in the hands of Jehn J.
Smoker, Administrator, te and among these
legally entitled te the same, will sit for that
purpose en TUESDAY.the 17th of FEBRUARY,
1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem et
the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster,
where all persons interested in said distribu
tion may attend. M. BROSIUS,
jliKltdeaw Auditor.
late et Conestoga twp.. deceased. The
undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute
the balance remaining in the hands of Casper
Haley, executer et Henry K. Flinchbaugh, te
and among these legally entitled te the same,
will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY,
FEBRUARY 23, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the
Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city
of Lancaster, where all persons interested in
said distribution may attend.
febl-ltw Auditor.
Washington, Feb. 9. Fer the Middle
States, slightly colder partly cloudy or
clear weathcr,risingbaremeterand north te
west winds during the dav.
Large Steam Saw Mill Jturned.
Wiiiteilvll, Js". Y., Feb. 9. The large
steam saw mill at Fert Edwards, the prop
erty of Bradley & Underwood, was totally
destroyed by lire at 1 o'clock this morn
ing. Less, $ 30,000. The fire is believed
te have been incendiary.
Sixty Houses Hurncd.
Londen, Feb. 9. A Paris despatch
says sixty houses have been burned at
Ayacht, near Fax, and that the sufferers
by the fire arc in great distress.
The Dublin Theatre Royal Destroyed.
Dublin, Feb. 92:30 p. m. The The
atre Royal is burning and it is feared that
it will be completely destroyed.
3:30 v. m. The Theatre Koyal is com
pletely destroyed.
The fire is still burning and several ad
joining houses are threatened with de
struction. A police inspector and one
workmen were injured. The military are
keeping order and assisting the fire de
partment. There was te have been a day
perfermuuee of pantomime at the theatre
this afternoon, at which the Dnke and
Duchess of Marlborough were expected te
be present. The fire was occasioned by the
igniting of the curtainsjin their state box.
Proceedings in the Senate.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 9. The bill
te revive the court of commissioners of Al
abama claims, was taken up and Mr.
Davis (Illinois) addressed the Senate.
Proceedings of the Heuse.
Among the bills introduced te-day was
one by Mr. Kcllcy (I'a.), authorizing the
issue of new bends te holders of bends that
may become redeemable in 1881.
Mr. Bliss (New Yerk) offered a resolu
tion giving the use of the new Xatienal
Museum in the Smithsonian grounds,
Washington, te the national Democratic
convention. The resolution was referred.
The Relief Movement Already Having Effect.
Londen, Feb. 9. There are still de
plorable accounts of famine from some
districts in Ireland, but the relief already
afforded shows itself in the cessation
of alarm previously made manifest. Par
nell's attacks en the relief committees are
condemned by some of his own most
ardent admirers. The In'sltmn newspaper
strongly deprecates his language about the
Mansion Heuse fund.
Hew Yerk 'Longshoremen Again en it Strike
New Yerk, Feb. 9. Five hundred
'longshoremen, employed by steamship
lines along the East river, struck te-day en
account of a reduction of wages from 43 te
40 cents an hour. The reduction was
made suddenly, the men knowing nothing
of it until they came te work te-day. New
men arc new working at the new rates,
under protection of the police.
The Disease Manifesting Itself Altera Leng
Weissvekt, Pa., Feb. 9. Urban Beycr,
bitten by a deg last summer, is new down
with hydrophobia. His two daughters,
bitten at the same time, show no sign of
the disease.
lteyd Easily Heats Elliett.
Newcastle-en-Tyne, Feb. 9. The
match race between the scullers Elliett
and Boyd came of here te-day. Boyd wen
easily by four lengths.
Cattle Market.
Philadelphia, Feb. !). Cattle in active de
mand; receipts 1.000 head'; prime CJc; geed
7y,c; medium 67tiz; common 34c.
Sheep in fair tlemaml ; receipts 5,000 head;
prime 0(c ; goed5jXc; medium .".J4c;
common k.
Hogs linn ; receipts U.OOO head ; prime 7c;
goeil 7c ; common tijlc.
New Yerk Market.
New Yerk. February a. Fleur State and
Western linn and in moderate demand;
superfine state $1 7.".' 25 ; extra de
$5 255 .") ; choice de $." 705j:i!00; fancy de$f10
7 00; round hoop Ohie $. 503 00; cheicu
de $U 00i7 f0; superfine western $f 7j. 23;
common te geed extra de $. 2.'i.' 70 ; cTieice
dodo $j 7."7 7.; choice white wheat de $5 Ki
IJ 25; Southern steedy ; common te fair extra
$5 85( 35 ; geed te choice de $G 407 75.
Wheat Spring quiet and very linn; winter
Jlc better and moderately active ; Ne. 1
white March $1 47; Ne. 2 red, Feb., $1 47K;
de March $1 501 50.J6; de April $1 SI 01 51".
Cern dull and scarcely se lirm ; Mixed West
ern spot ."WgOle ; de future 52KM58'c.
Oats dull; state 4752ta; Western 47g51c
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, February 0. Fleur firmer
and very heavy ; superfine $1 505 00 ;
extra $5 25W5 75 ; Ohie and Indiana
family $U757 00; Penn'a family $fi507N";
St. Leuis family $7 00750 ; Minnesota Fam
ily Hi 257 00 ; patent and high grades
$7 258 25.
Ryu flour $5 00.
Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged.
Wheat lirm at an advance ; Ne. 2 Western
Itcd$14f; Penn'a de $1 10147; Amber $147.
Cern quiet ; steamer 5ti!5ic ; yellow 58c;
mixed 57c.
Oats steady ; Southern and Penn'a white
47lJc ; Western de 4ii48c ; de mixed ir,
Rye linn ; Western J0c ; Pa. 00c.
Previsions dull, weak ; intss perk $1." ; beef
hams $1 0017 00 ; India-mess beef $21 50 : I fa fa
cen smoked shoulders 'fi7rii salt de IJJe :
smoked lianisl10c; pickled hams SJa'.e.
Lard dull, weak; city kettle 7Sc; loose
butchers' 'QVc ; prime steam 7j7Je.
Butter stead y ; creamery extra ;23lc;
Bradford county ami New Yerk extra
252i!c ; Western reserve extra at 2:!g25c ;
de geed te choice I722c: rolls choice want
ed ; Penn'a extra 1U&20C ; western reserve
extra 18S21c.
Eggs steady ; Penn'a 18c ; Western 17c.
Cheese strongly held ; N. Y. factory 1415c;
western lull cream 1414c ; de for geed 13
14 ; de half-skims 1213c.
Petroleum dull ; Rchiied 7Jc.
Whisky lirm at $108.
stock Markets.
Philadelphia, Feb. 9
12:30 p. si.
Stocks dull.
PennaO's (third issue) W'i
Philadelphia & Erie 10
Reading 33.
Pennsylvania TrZ.
Lehigh Valley 52
United Ces. et N.J 150
Northern. Pacific :iiu
Preferred W1.
Northern Central 33 "
Lehigh Navigation 'M
Norriatewn 102 J
Central Transportation Ce. 4(H-I
Pitts., Titusvllle A Buffalo. WyA
Little Schuylkill....
... 52
Nbvv i ekh Feb. '.).
Stocks strong.
Meney 5C
N. Y. Central i314
Adams Express 10r,
Michigan Central 9V
Michigan Southern R4
Illinois Central 104
Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..112
Chicago & Reck Island. 14'JK
Pittsburgh & Fert-Wayne.. 115
Western Union Tel. Ce 104
Teledo & Wabash 49
New Jerser Central 81;
DR. GREENE is ready te cure all diseases
byexternal applications of medicine. During
18 months practice in Readintr. he has treated
ever l,G0O patients, many et them from ether
cities and towns in the United States, 70 et
them from Lancaster; hundreds are cured, ami ami
eo one has died under his charge, and
only three persons liave died during that
time who lmve been treated by him, anil
they died away from Reading and under their
fihysician's care. Over 1,150 deaths occurred
n Reading during his sojourn there. Having
taken up his residence in Lancaster, he will be
in his offices all day.
Call and see him and he will give you a list
of cases cured of all discuses of the body.
A. A. Mcllese. of Reading, Nev. 13, 1879, says:
Dr. Greene removed from my neck a tumor of
uiu size ei a nen s egg, in le davs, without cut
ting or causing me any pain or the less
or a drop et bleed. His certificate is en
dorsed by the autographs et Jesse G. Huwley,
proprietor of the Eagle; T. C. Zimmcnuan,
proprietor of The Times and Dispatch ; G. XT.
Grant, pestmaster: II. A. Tyson, mayor, and
ex-Mayer Evans, all of Reading.
Consultation free. Catarrh cured for 50
cents. Cure quick ter Catarrh sent te any ad
dress for 50 cents. 10 page pamphlet free.
Will seen commence a course et lectures en
(31 Years Experience),
13-GmdTu.ThSl Ne. 23(5 X. Queen St.
Cuticura Reselvent is the most powerful -Bleed
Purifier and Liver Stimulant ever com
pounded. In forty minutes after taking the
lirst dose it may be detected in the saliva,
bleed, sweat ami urine, showing that it has en
tered the bleed and been distributed through
out the entire system. In its i:iss:i.r tiirmi.h
the circulating fluids it meets with the corrupt
particles of matter which fester and maintain
disease, with which it chemically unites, de
stroying and gradually eliminating them from
the system.
Hence its power te forever expel Scrofulous,
Cancerous and Canker Humors, which un
checked till the body with foul corruptions,
and ret out the delicate machinery or life.
CCTicuitA. the great external remedy for all
Humors of the Scalp and Skin, Ulcers. Seres
ami Discharging Wounds, is the most sooth seeth
ing aud healing of outward applications. It
speedily destroysfungusandpui-asitlcgrewtiis,
restores the oil glands and tubes te a healthy
condition, and cures, when assisted by the
CcTicrRA Seap, Diseases et the Skin and Scalp
which have been the torture of a life time.
Great SiiflVrtng fr Sixteen Years. A Won
derful Cure by the Cuticura Remedies.
Messils. Weeks & Petter : Gentlemen. Cuti
cura Remedies have done me a power of geed.
1 have been afflicted with skin disease for six
teen years. Seme days it troubled me mere
than ethers, but at night the itching nearly
drove me wild.
I would scratch until the bleed would run
down my limbs.
I have had several physicians. Seme said
they could cure me. but ethers said net.
I will say that boron; I used the Cimcuu.v
Remedies I was inn fearful state,aud had given
up all hope of ever having any relief.
But, Hkea drewniiigmangraspingatastr.iw,
I thought I would try the Cvticuka Uemedies,
about which I had read se much.
They have perfumed a wonderful cure for
me, and of my own free will and accord I re
commend tlicm. Yours trulv,
C.8 W. Van Ifuren St., Chicago, 111., March 17,
In Three Years or Treatment.
Gentlemen. Please find no cents te pay for
small box of CnicntA and direct it te me. The
dollar box you sent me has done me mere ijnetl
than all the doctors in three vcars. The doc
tors have done me no geed. My leet and legs
are healing fast. It is indeed Cuticura.
Yours truly,
Moscow, Mixx., June 25, 1S7S.
Superior te Any.
Chas Denxin, Druggist,
First Place, cer. Court street.
Brooklyn, March 1, 1S7'.,
lean cheerfully speak of the healing quali
ties of your Cuticura Seap, and its perfume is
superiorte any of thestandurd soaps new in
The Cuticura Uemedies are prepared by
Weeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3U
Washington street, Bosten, and are for sale by
all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes,
50 cents ; lurge boxes, containing two and one
half tiincstheqiiantity et. small, $1. Reselvent,
$1 per bottle. Cuticum Seap, 25 cents per cake ;
by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes 73 cents.
By instantly affectin
the Nervous Svstem.thei
Ejr(jTJ5(JinHuence is at once felt u
tut; iuitiii'SL e-tiuuii ties
Hence Pain, which arises
from a disturbance et the
Nerve Forces, is cured in every instance as if
by magic. Alse, Palpitation of the Heart, In
flammation of the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys,
Irritation of the Stomach and Bowels, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia and Itilieus Celic.
50 Years Before the Public.
Pronounced by all te be the most pleasant
and efficacious remedy new in use for the
cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness
tickling sensation of the threat, wlioeping
cough, etc. Over a laillieu bottles sold within
the last few years. It gives relief wherever
used, and has the power te impart benefit that
cannot be had from the cough mixtures new
in use. Sold by all druggists at 2.1 cents pe.
SELLERS' LIVER PILLS arc also highly
highly recommended ler curing liver com
plaint, constipation, sick headaches, fever anu
ague and all diseases of the stomach and liver
Sold by all druggists at 2.1 cents per box.
el-ly w Pittsburgh, Pa.
WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the
17th Popular Monthly Drawing
At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis
ville, en
SATURDAY, FEB. 28th, 1880.
These Drawings, authorized by uct of the
Legislature of 1SC0, and sustained by all the
courts of Kentucky occur regularly en the last
lay of every month (Sundays excepted), and
are supervised by prominent citizens of the
The management call attention te the grand
opportunity presented of obtaining, for only
$2, any of the following prizes :
1 x Ju tB9JiAj
10 prizes $1,000 each 10.000
20 prizes 500each 10,000
100 prizes, $100 each 10,000
200 prizes 30 each 10,UX)
fXK) prizes 20 each 12,000
1000 prizes 10 each 10,000
9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700
9 prizes 200 each, " " 1.S0O
9 prizes 100 each, " " 900
1,900 prizes $112,400
Whole tlckels,$2; half tickets, $1; 27 tickets
$50; 55 tickets, $100.
All applications forclubratcssheuld be made
te the home office.
Full list of drawing- published In Louisville
Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and
mailed te all ticket-holders. Scud all orders
by money or bank draft In letter, or by ex
press. Orders of $3 and upward, by express,
can be sent at our expense. Address IS. M.
BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Building. Lou
isville, Ky., or at ItXJ Broadway. New Yerk.
East Lampeter township, deceased. Let
ters testamentary en said estate having been
granted te the undersigned, allpersens indebt
ed thereto arc requested te make immediate
settlement, and these haying claims or de
mands against the same will present them
without delay for settlement te the under
signed, residing in said township.
J23-Ctw JOEL L. LIGUTNER, Executer.
- Pf